#it's ironic bc gumi is a lot more like a normal human than shinji
cookingsenpai-blog · 9 years
🍣  - There had to be something productive to do around here. Maybe he should try to get a job or make some friends. Ha! Make some friends- as if. Shinjiro didn’t need friends, and he definitely didn’t want any either. Screw that noise. Speaking of noise… was that someone singing? Who the heck was happy enough in this shithole that they’d just burst out in song?
Wondering more and more about this presumed moron, Shinjiro casually walked closer. He carefully peered around his hastily chosen cover and was unsurprised to see a girl. What had surprised him was her hair. Sure he’d seen some brightly coloured hair in his day, but shit. That was green, if he’d ever seen it.
Of course he wasn’t the most subtle person to have ever lived, so the chick caught him. Yep, just great.
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❝What the hell’re you looking at?❞
He wasn’t blushing at all. No, Shinjiro was perfectly composed. Hands buried deep in the pockets of his trench coat  as he shot the girl a harsh glare. He wasn’t suddenly feeling nervous, either. Crap, there’s never a book to hide my face when I freakin’ need one!
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