cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
Heads up to everyone that I’ll be dropping Shinjiro. Hopefully it’s just a temporary thing but I’ve got some health issues that are gonna reqire surgery and it may be a month or two before I’m able to come back. I already sent in my drop to the ml, but feel free to unfollow me now if you happen to see this first. 
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 I had a ton of fun while I was here and I wish everyone the best! Sorry to everyone I was threading with; you’re all cinammon rolls too precious for this world. /o/
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
🍣  - Wait, she thought he was sneaking around? Great. Just great. Shinjiro had always wanted a reputation as a stalker.  ❝No, you’ve got it wrong! I was just taking a walk and then when I turned around, you were staring at me!❞ Then again, he did have a prophecy thing to do... and this chick seemed nice enough...
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❝I ain’t singing, but I guess I can come over there or whatever,❞ he huffed as he took his typical long strides over to the second peppiest chick he’d ever met. ❝And uh... I really wasn’t sneaking around. I just heard you singing and it sounded pretty good, so I didn’t wanna interrupt,❞ he crossed his arms and tucked his hands in the bends of his elbows. It was the middle of summer, and Shinjiro was probably the only person in the world that was actually cold.
She’d been reminiscing a little on her morning walk. She’d thought about the studio in Osaka and singing and singing until she finally had a hit come out of it. 
Before she’d known it, she was singing again. Not her fault, really. Matryoshka is damn catchy and her parts in the duet? Preeeetty spectacular.
This is when a familiar situation appears; a stick breaks, she turns around, and finds a weirdo hiding behind a tree. He’s all red but he talks like she’s the one peepin’ on him. She laughs a little.
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“Well I think I’m looking at the second guy this week who’s snuck up on me while I was singing. Which I don’t get? I’m cute and I’m pretty friendly, I think. Why do people think they have to hide or whatever? Like, just come over here and sing with me, just do it.” 
She sighs, but then immediately looks back up at him.
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“Y’know what, come over here! We’re gonna prove a point!”
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
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I’ll be working through my drafts tonight, and hopefully I’ll get through them all before long. I’ll also get to work on updating my threads page.~ Just gonna throw up a quick reference list!
megpoid-in-green florvecori (starter) oneflashbastard ebeesu fatesresignation cetrasguard scalecape
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
🍣  -  Shinjiro didn’t really know what he was expecting in the wake of his small panic attack, but it certainly wasn’t a slap in the face. Sure, in hindsight it was probably a good thing, but still!
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❝What the hell, asshole?❞ He figured it was meant more to snap him out of it more than hurt, but he couldn’t resist the urge to soothe his cheek with his hand.  ❝You wanna get hit too?❞ The last person to hit him wasn’t even an actual human, and Shinji was pretty sure that this shrimpy guy didn’t want too get on his bad side.-
He stopped glaring and cast his gaze to the side, stuffing his hands in his pockets at the same time.  ❝Tch. Whatever. You’re lucky I don’t have any of my weapons on me, otherwise I’d beat the crap outta you.❞
☠⊢Hates Jokes
  What was going—clearly this man was peeved by something, judging by his rash behavior and hurried movements, lips in a tizzy as he voiced wordless opinions to the sky. Instinctively, Nicolas brought a large hand across the stranger’s face in quiet displeasure, hoping to shake the individual of such thoughts before he lured a hungry mythical creature to them by the sheer volume of his voice—which he assumed to be quiet loud, considering he could practically see his brain nearly jut from his head.
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  Needless to say, he was angry—Nicolas could tell, unfortunately—but in his opionion there was no reason to act so uncivilly in an unknown world with potential threats around every corner. Of course, if the man insisted to continue, then he could offer to shake him unapologetically next. How truly, truly bothersome.
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
🍣 - He wasn"t stupid, so he knew she didn’t believe him. He loosed a sigh and turned his face from her. No sense trying to argue anymore; even if there was still some chance to salvage his manly pride, he just had to wait for the moment to appear.
This girl was so bubbly and happy, yet somehow it wasn’t off-putting. He usually hated people like that. They always rambled on and on… at least Pink-hair hadn’t done so. Not yet, anyway.
Then again, the hug was a step or three in the wrong direction. Physical contact and Shinjiro didn’t exactly mix well, unless fists were involved. And with girls? Hell, half of them ran screaming if he so much as looked at them. He was unaccustomed to affection, to say the least, and therefore it wasn’t his fault when he felt his face heat up. 
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❝I’m not cute, idiot! Don’t go getting the wrong idea just ‘cuz I gave you a dumb thing,❞ when she asked for his opinion, it wass no wonder he couldn’t exactly bring himself to look at her.
❝It uh… looks like a flower,❞ hesitantly, he glanced down at her. It must have been Shinjiro’s lucky day; he had the pleasure of catching that wink. So much for manly pride. His face only felt warmer after that. What was with this girl? Was she doing it on purpose or something? ❝It’s not bad, I guess,❞ he cleared his throat as if that might help with his embarrassment, then resigned himself to just face her like a man. He donned his typical pose; hands in his pockets and back slightly hunched. Maybe a little bit of normalcy would do the trick. Then again, it was probably too late, but Shinjiro refused to accept it. No way was some adorable girl with shiny hair, a nice smile, and a good taste in flowers going to make him look like some sissy!
❝Probably just gonna fall out if you leave it like that though.❞ He’d go back to being a tough guy after he fixed the flower in her hair. If she actually let his approaching hands that close, anyway.
☠⊢At A Glance
His attempt to hide his embarrassment was just too cute for Kofuku to handle. But also familiar. Kofuku nods at his response however she did not believe a single word. With curled lips, she muses holding a playful smirk.
❝I see. You were protecting the flower.❞
Did Kofuku hit the jackpot with this guy? He was just too adorable. But to be fair, Kofuku has a weakness for most cute guys. Though, something about him seemed familiar. 
❝Don’t mention it. I’m happy to share!❞
Was that a smile she saw? Kofuku perks up to catch a second glimpse however it was too late. Hopefully, she’ll get to see a clear smile from the male again. 
❝Huh? Oh. Alright~❞
She waits till he turns his back to fan her face to keep herself from squealing at how adorable he was. When he turned back, the pink haired girl smiled  normally to not alert the male.
But the act was hard to keep up when he held his hand out with revealing a beautiful flower. A bright smile radiated from her and cheeks turned bright red in happiness. 
                 ❝Oh my gosh!!❞
Kofuku takes the flower gently and holds close smiling hard. Without warning, she spreads her arms and hugs the male tightly.
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❝You are so cute! Thank you!!❞
After a tight hug, she lets go and steps back to put the flower in her hair. When she’s done, she looks up to him and winks playfully. 
❝How does it look?❞
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
🍣  - Great. Just his luck. Of course it was a girl, who else would be in such a flowery place? As she skipped closer, his muscles relaxed and he took a more casual stance. He’d straightened out by the time she had stopped in front of him, and he’d also cast his gaze to the side. She was way too cute to look at for too long.
❝I wasn’t gonna pick it. I just... thought I saw a bug on it, so I was trying to kill it,❞ yeah, yeah that might work. Although... she was right, it did smell a lot like lavender. That was probably why he was drawn to it, and it’d be a shame to pick if the scent didn’t last long. 
He looked back at her when she spoke again, surprised to see himself faced with another flower. That one was actually nicer than the one he’d found and he couldn’t resist accepting the gift.  ❝Thanks... I guess,❞ cold as his voice may have sounded, the small smile on his face as he tucked the flower into a pocket on the inside of his jacket gave away just how grateful he really was. 
❝Hang on,❞ he told her as he turned back to the patch he’d been hovering over earlier. It didn’t take him long to spot what he was looking for, and when he faced the girl again, a small flower was outstretched toward her. It was a shade or two lighter than her hair, and the colour went well with her uniform too.  
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❝Here. I don’t take stuff from people without giving something back.❞
☠⊢At A Glance
Back at home the one who watched over the small garden was Daikoku, however Kofuku also enjoyed gardening and cooking just as much as her Shinki.
To find more flowers to take home, the pink haired Goddess began to search again. this time in a different place than she usually goes to. Humming happily to herself, she picked familiar and new flowers. 
But to her surprise she found something a lot more interesting than a flower. Her violet eyes widen in awe and lips pursed into a smile at the sight of a male plucking a flower. How cute! It didn’t take long for him to notice her presence but instead of being scared, she skipped to him happily with a large smile on her face. 
         ❝That one there smells like lavender. But the smell doesn’t last long after               it’s been  plucked.❞
Kofuku digs through the basket she carries her flowers in and pulls out a similar one but a different color. Slightly darker.
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         - - -❝See?❞
The pink haired girl holds out the flower as a peace offering. Hopefully, the male is not some type of killer.
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
☠⊢At A Glance
🍣  -  So... living underwater was... cool. At least he was able to breathe, and the view was almost decent. Surprisingly enough, there sure were a lot of plants around. Maybe he could use some of them for his cooking. Shinjiro took a quick look around and...
No one coming. Good. 
He approached the little patch of flowers and crouched down, eyeing them all with intensity. Actually... he wasn’t really sure if he recognized them. They looked pretty similar to the kinds of plants he’d seen back in Iwatodai, but... different. Probably wasn’t the best idea to try to eat stuff from freaky magic land without knowing what it was. The flowers were really pretty, at least. And they smelled nice, too. Maybe he could pick a couple and use them to decorate his hut. There were plenty around, and he doubted anyone would miss a few little flowers...
Just as he reached to pluck one from the ground, Shinjiro noticed someone nearby.
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❝Who’s there? Come out before you piss me off!❞
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
🍣  - Accidental though it was, Shinjiro had to choke back a laugh when the old guy got hit right in the face. Well, even if he didn’t have much else, at least he still had great aim. But wait a minute... were his eyes... yellow?  Like, the part that was supposed to be white? Shit, was he a Shadow?
But he’d never heard one talk before, so that would be crazy. And he couldn’t be a persona either, since everyone had their powers taken away. So that left... Cosplayer. Another one. He immediately stuffed his hands in his pockets with a disappointed sigh. What the hell was with this place that made everyone want to look like a weirdo?
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❝Yeah, well screw you, asshole,❞ Whatever he was, rude was a good word for it.  ❝You’re lucky it’s the middle of the night and I’m not a moron that goes around wearing sunglasses to pretend to be cool. Who are you even supposed to be? Some video game character?❞
☠⊢Shook Up The World
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
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🍣  -  ❝Yeah, and they didn’t even let me keep my axe... Damn,  I hate those chicks,❞ Seriously, this was supposed to be funny to them? I wouldn’t be funny anymore if Castor went out of control and he didn’t have any suppressants.  ❝Oh yeah, you mean those prophecy things, right? Sounds stupid to me. Why should we bother when we can just figure out where they stashed our stuff?❞
☠⊢Hates Jokes
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      “I’m afraid they’ve taken all our weapons and personal belongings upon arriving here…Though I’m certain you’ve gathered as much.” Now what else could she say, really? She can only give him a sympathetic look, seeing him reach for his pockets to find nothing. “We are tasked to do certain things to get them back, however.” 
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
🍣  - There had to be something productive to do around here. Maybe he should try to get a job or make some friends. Ha! Make some friends- as if. Shinjiro didn’t need friends, and he definitely didn’t want any either. Screw that noise. Speaking of noise… was that someone singing? Who the heck was happy enough in this shithole that they’d just burst out in song?
Wondering more and more about this presumed moron, Shinjiro casually walked closer. He carefully peered around his hastily chosen cover and was unsurprised to see a girl. What had surprised him was her hair. Sure he’d seen some brightly coloured hair in his day, but shit. That was green, if he’d ever seen it.
Of course he wasn’t the most subtle person to have ever lived, so the chick caught him. Yep, just great.
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❝What the hell’re you looking at?❞
He wasn’t blushing at all. No, Shinjiro was perfectly composed. Hands buried deep in the pockets of his trench coat  as he shot the girl a harsh glare. He wasn’t suddenly feeling nervous, either. Crap, there’s never a book to hide my face when I freakin’ need one!
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
☠⊢Shook Up The World
🍣  - Think of it this way. It could be worse. Castor hasn’t acted up. There aren’t any Shadows or the Dark Hour... His steps slowed to a stop as did his thoughts. Of course that was a lie, things really couldn’t be worse. He was totally empty handed, broke, and had no way to defend himself other than his own strength. Just great. Shinjiro scoffed and began his walk again, although he didn’t get very far before...
❝What the hell..?❞
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He lifted his foot just in time to avoid stepping on something and bent down to pick up a pair of sunglasses. It was the middle of the night, though. Whoever left these behind was obviously long gone. As he straightened up again, the teen was starting to doubt that. There was only one guy hanging around, and if he didn’t look like he was searching for something, Shinjiro was actually a girl. Great. As if he wanted to go around doing people favours and giving them the impression that he was a nice guy.
❝Hey, geezer,❞ he called out before tossing the sunglasses in the stranger’s direction.  ❝Looking for these?❞
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
☠⊢Just Got Wicked
🍣 -  He’d only been in the crummy Kingdom or whatever for a day, and Shinjiro already hated it. Honestly, even being stuck in Tartarus sounded better than here. And it wasn’t because he didn’t have any contact with the guys back at the dorm, Ila-something was just that bad. Heck, this place didn’t look like Iwatodai, let alone Japan. Hell, what did those witches say? To relieve boredom? Tch. Yeah right.
With a little luck, maybe someone around here would be able to give him a straight answer. That lady... she seems nice. Even if she doesn’t know something, she probably won’t be a jerk about it. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he approached her. 
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❝Hey you. Do you know what’s actually going on? This is some kind of bad joke, right?❞
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
🍣 -  If anyone wants a random starter with hardcore kuudere Shinji, give this post a like!
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I’m not putting a cap on this just because 1.) it’s a small group and 2.) I’m curious to see who even wants this jerk in their life!
They’ll likely be around 2 paragraphs long, but keep in mind that random is a thing here. If you want something longer or shorter, give this a reply and I’ll do my best! If you want to plot/get some development ideas rolling, shoot me an ask! Don’t be shy, I promise I don’t bite. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
And now that we’re done w/ that!
Things might get a lil confusing since we have a Nicolas but he’s my mun faceclaim--  Maybe I’ll go back to Uta idk ANYWAY
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Heyo! Uh... I’m Zei (he/him), 18 & lame, as they say in Fra...Florida. I dunno who here is in Citta, but I’m probably only known for playing Harley Quinn over there. What else should I say? I’m video game trash, and my fREAKING LAPTOP KEYBOARD IS BROKEN. ahem. I have the weirdest sleeping pattern, so I can’t really estimate when I’ll be around just... I’ll be around.
I’m currently really getting into Soccer Spirits on mobile and I’m re-playing Diablo 3. Hoping to get Persona Q eventually, but my main DS game is the slow-as-heck paced playthrough of Pokemans OR I’m doing. My ooc contacts are on my app, and my rules page is a lil long because I’m wordy but... yeah I think that’s it? I’m super excited to be here, and I can’t wait to interact with you all!
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
☠⊢Hates Jokes
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❝Where the hell am I? What was with those weird cosplayer girls, anyway? Witches? Pfft. Whatever,❞ he scoffed as he reached for his cell phone. Maybe Fuuka could help him get back to the-- wait. Where was his phone? Or his evoker? Or his freaking snacks?!
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
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shinji makin you breakfast for all your shinji makin breakfast needs
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cookingsenpai-blog ¡ 9 years
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by 何某
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