#it's kinda funny bc they love bugs and animals and nature and science but for some reason just spiders are horrifying 2 them
cyanidas · 1 year
Let's play a game of how much Lumian lore you can dump on me so I can compile a complete post and use it for world building for a Lumian character of mine (pls give me the knowledge I crave it)
Oh god. Ok you're on
I'll do my best 😵‍💫 if you're looking for anything else / more specific, lmk!
Keep in mind my bs can and will differ from everyone else because everyone is either normal about them or is also weird about them but this time with tails instead, and also in a fundamentally unique way from my shit. And I have a LOT.
Some world setup, because it matters to me; KirinDave as a concept is like 3 characters - Kirin (Craftia), Quetzal (Earth), and Chimera (Twilight). There's other deific rulers of other places but they don't matter rn. Kirin is the god of the Heart, Chimera the Mind, and Quetzal the Form. The 3 have their own backstory but I'll skip it for now.
Quetz came in contact with their people, the humans, in early historic times they were completely terrified of them. Out of shame, Quetz invented different religions to interact with them in a way they could better understand, and chose forms that were more pleasing and comprehensible. Under these guises, these personas, Quetzal fell in love with several humans and they just kinda sired a bunch of demigod children as a result.
Kinda messed up but I'm choosing to cover it up and say the humans they loved knew what they were getting into when they agreed to have sex with a god, including the whole polyamory thing. For all intents and purposes everyone was cool with it except general society who took one look at these "horrific hybrid" half-human half-animalish demigod kids and freaked out, killing nearly half of them and their parents in the process.
This didn't happen like, all at once, just over time for a while until Quetz couldn't take it anymore and decided to relocate the remaining humans, their children, and a good chunk of people who were supportive and capable of running a society successfully, and had an arsenal of angels help relocate them to a planet so far away, Quetzal's Siblings couldn't detect them easily. They kept this planet so secret that they would've loved to take this secret to the ends of the universe and with their deaths if they could've, but you see...
In no time at all, this society came together and grew into one species; The Lumians.
Lumians did not retain their Origin story and have no idea where they came from. The Guardian Angels cleared their ancestor's minds of Earth, and they simply began anew, knowing only their relationships and skills. Lumians became a race of highly scientifically progressed people whose genetics are influenced by the "throw a dart at a board to see what animal you land on" genes of their demigod ancestors, and the naturally adaptive influence of being descended from the god of Life itself.
They were born and raised on a harsh planet with a huge sun and massive insectoid monsters, so they naturally thrived in caves and darker biomes, where they quickly evolved to glow. Soon, their bodies rapidly changed to include pointed ears with sharper hearing to better listen for specific bugs, sharper teeth to cleave through incredibly tough bug meat, stronger/bigger bodies and longer lifespans to survive with, and colored blood/glow for attraction reasons bc blood color is pretty meaningless to their society and it has little to no effect on their bodies or survival.
Lumians have a superiority complex to humans, and assume that they're the result of ancient Lumians who colonized Earth and "devolved". This is a point of contention in their society and anywhere else in space that Lumians interact with humans. Funny enough, despite being smart with technology and science and weaponry, Lumian society valued art and creativity so poorly that entertainment is virtually nonexistent here. They get their kicks by starting and joining wars across space, and partaking in what human culture they can capture from lightyears away.
Their buildings and cities are very sterile-looking, and what color they do intentionally use are organized in mathematical and artificial/generated ways. Idk how to explain it because I haven't looked for architecture that displays this, but think of pretentious billionaire houses. That's kinda what we're working with. Lumians also don't have a class system, so even a lowly outback-type reclusive farmer or woodsman with a small 2x2 home has access to the same rights, funding, and technology as everyone else.
Their planet, Lumina, has a large variety of biomes with jungles, swamps, deserts, temperate zones, rocky barrens, and so on. They only have one ocean, and it's about the size of South America, and in their southern hemisphere. Everywhere else are lakes, rivers, and an incredible amount of underground pocket water and plants that retain a lot of water (like "cut the root open and drink it like a straw" amounts). They do have some mammal-like creatures, but they are usually very tiny and serve as pets.
Some dogs came with their ancestors on the trip and they've also evolved! Due to the strange food they've fed on, they've gotten sleek coats, bigger and tougher teeth, pointy tongues, bigger/wider ears, and very unusual colors and eyes. I'll have to draw them later!
They have similar careers to us, but their society celebrates joining the armada, to an even bigger extent than the US. To them, it's THE job to have, the most noble position to take, you basically become a hero to your family and town. For all interns and purposes, they absolutely are a military state. The leader of the armada is Xephos's dad and he is basically a rockstar and democratically elected emperor of the planet. Matching that, their language is also monolith, but has distinct accents and dialects. I've written the alphabet somewhere on this blog in the past. They do have actual leaders of society that lead certain areas, very much like our countries do, but they all take a backseat to Xeph's father in the end. Everyone in general follows along with him in a similar fashion to how certain white people obsess over the royal British family.
Religion can be niche and taboo depending on the region, and magic is a marginal subculture in general. Lumians don't care a whole lot about bloodlines, lineages, family cultures, so on; everyone is motivated to become independent of themselves, and visiting family is socially accepted to be a rarity. Sometimes their bodies can have more animal-like features, like colored patterns, patches of floof, different shaped pupils or more "wild" irises, sharper nails, maybe even a tail who knows - but these physical differences are as rare as unique physical differences on Earth (i imagine white and black blood could even be possible if the Lumian were albino/melanistic). They have their own spaceships, news, radio, television, school systems, so on so forth. They just don't have a lot of variety in life and it kinda sucks. they suck lmao
Quetzal's secret is now as thinly veiled as tissue paper, thanks to the Lumians' exploration and interaction with Earth and Craftia. Humanoids are very distinctly localized to our solar system, and at least two of the deities are needed to create a living/sentient creature, so a humanoid race existing outside the solar system is definitely a huge cause for suspicion.
also Xeph's dad is planning a secret invasion of Earth and enslavement of humanity and he's overall a horrible person, but only in secret. to the public he's just the bee's fuckin knees.
I hope u like ;w; search my blog for other Lumian stuff, bc I've posted quite a bit about them! ALSO TAG ME IN ANY OCs.....I LIVE FOR THAT SHIT DUDE
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loverdude · 2 years
Last week when I got home one night there was a black widow on our apartment door and it was a whole thing and then just now when I got home there was a giant wolf spider on the door why does this keep happening to me HGSLDKJFKHGSDFJDHGKJ
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obeetlebeetle · 6 years
Do all the dnd asks!
1. A favorite character you have played.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
o my god.. this is so hard, my group makes really good characters! for each of them:zach - nickels!! trauma child kenku weirdo who sold their soul to talk.. who grew up to be an angry pirate who adopted a child on impulse.ari - lael, obviously. they have a half-elf complex, a good chunk of their personality is being the kid that catches lizards, and they have a robot arm.lemon - honestly? jj devinyl. i mean, john mulaney as a tiefling cleric who loves his wife and is also going completely insane? yeah.bree - i.. love layla. she’s a good-aligned cleric to an evil god and her and kellan are the cutest couple in dnd tbh.connor - guardian is a robot.
3. Your favorite side quest.
o fuck!! y’all.. it’s bufo. it’s the fact that my talking toad npc was so lovable that they unlocked the quest in which his mother hunts him down and tries to kill him so that she can live forever. they killed her ofc and bufo was untransformed into a handsome.. halfling.
4. Your current campaign.
i’m running a murder mystery set aboard an airship! with strong cosmic horror elements! and i’m playing in a large-scale epic about spies caught up in the very start of a continent-wide war.
5. Favorite NPC.
also a very hard question. on one hand, jean is my actual boyfriend and also a literal angel assassin. on the other hand, nika is a child god trapped in an amulet whose super god power makes people trip which is so fucking funny. back around to the first hand, which is now the third, aengus is so well-done as a villain that he’s almost scared me in my real-life actual heart and yet he’s an a huge loser with breakup trauma, which is objectively also so fucking funny. on my fourth hand, fela is my most important npc who i’m probably in love with and she’s been in every one of my campaigns. on my FIFTH hand--
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
that time nasuada beat lumley up in her own dumb-ass head, and lumley’s response was to find this super hot.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
getting together and spending time with my friends! or maybe that it lets me be creative without the stress writing gives me.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
fav enemy is def aengus!! like wow he’s fucking terrifying!! and i hate yin&yang the most, they were so creepy and cruel and they were never really punished.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
i dm once a week these days, and i play sporadically. thesis year has been hard on me! but ideally i would love to dm twice a week and play in one or two steady campaigns, or dm once a week with regular one-shot sessions!
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
o.. there’s a lot?? my favorite is “honeyclaw pissed on lenthol” bc our barbarian thought it would be a good idea to climb into the robot piloted by the “big bad” (or so we thought at the time), and then to sell her bluff that she was looking for the bathroom, she just...... pissed herself >:(
13. Introduce your current party.
as a dm: lael (half-elf magitechnician who bases their mad science off of cool bugs); guardian (robot paladin on his third life, basically robocop with light existential crises); senhora (brash and kind-hearted by turns, an elf who [REDACTED] before becoming a ranger and bonding w a wolf); jj devinyl (a tiefling cleric who does stand-up comedy and loves his wife); and percy (an android with identity issues, driven by curiosity, and love for magic, and literally no qualms about threatening to kill her friends).
as a player:rowan (the last prince of a lost kingdom and also the saddest, gayest boy in town); ko&kokumo (my elf boy whose soul split in two after leaving his warlock patron, driven by nosiness and romance respectively); honeyclaw (a tabaxi pro-wrestler who deserted her life as a child soldier, pissed on lenthol); peitho (the surprisingly wholesome god of sex, was kinda into the tactics of being a spy before he got distracted by p*ssy); and lumley (the dumbest baby lesbian ever o my god, she’s the daughter of a powerful river goddess and she still can’t get a date).
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
that would take me one million years.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
yeah!! traditionally we take a halfway break at 9 and all go get snacks together, it’s great.
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
i prefer in person, but we play online a lot, and we’ll have to be only online once we graduate.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
we round up score mods from odds and we don’t pay attention to like.. most of the little rules. it’s more abt the storytelling. (which is why we may switch to a different system if i can seduce them away.)
18. Does your party keep any pets?
o yeah, i think almost every group has had an animal companion. and if not, zach always plays a furry.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
a lot of us roll specific sets for each character! 
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
i got into dnd in high school bc i liked a boy who watched community, and then i watched community, and the dnd episode fucking rocked. never got past making characters and one botched attempt at a session. then in my first year of college, i joined the dnd club and i’ve been playing since! so like, three years and some change.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
ya lol i play very much how my character would act and tho that usually goes well for me.. ko wanted to break his pact with aengus despite the Consequences and i didn’t. but overall i think the outcome has been a lot of fun!
22. What color was your first dragon?
silver! just introduced them, actually!
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
all original, baby.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
a ton. as a dm i write........ a lot. i want to have a lot of vivid characters, solid plots, and a huge interwoven world. so my docs are always huge and take me months to finish. 
as a player i do less bc players just inherently have far less to do. but i still try put a ton into really developing my character so i can play them more naturally.
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
in my first campaign, i used a lot of weird memory spells to keep characters from remembering the big bad, because him being unremembered was a HUGE plot point for me. i had two different groups playing in the city at the same time, and one of them.... had this dragonborn who just liked to talk to plants and who hated nobles, and who fucking cast MAGIC MOUTH on their FANNY PACK to record that big bad so that it COULDN’T BE FORGOTTEN. MAGIC MOUTH. THAT’S THE SPELL THAT BROKE ME.
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
i’ve really liked a couple, but i know i haven’t topped the finale for my first campaign. after finally the groups finally came together and killed Shargaas, the city began to crumble around them, and they all watched me set a ten-minute timer for them to figure out how to get away with their lives.
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
o yea, i adore MFOV particularly.
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
o there are always a couple kicking around.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
we don’t really.. do... that second thing....
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
o fuck. uh probably wizard. and i love................. half-elves.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
i really like long-distance damage dealers.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
i always start with a concept and then i just write an entire novel ell em ay oh.
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
like, 70% rp, 30% jokes,
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