#i like wolf spiders bc they are one of the only spiders that carry their babies on their backs! :)
persephone-s-moon · 8 months
Since I have Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot with only a reasonable few hundred hours of gameplay under my belt, here's what I think The Lost Boys classes would be for bg3
(I'm doing bg3 and not dnd bc options are more limited (nice for me) and I do value what little sanity I have left.)
Class: Rogue Subclass: Arcane Trickster Notes: I feel like this one's obvious, but for those unfamiliar, the rogue class is known for stealth and deception, as well as thievery due to their lockpicking abilities. In general, rogue characters tend to be very conniving and typically hold their cards close to their chests. The Arcane Trickster sublcass adds some ✨magic✨ to the mix with a handful of spells and cantrips. Theoretically, this Could include some illusion spells. Perhaps for tricking someone into thinking their rice has turned into maggots. (Alternatively, Warlock with the sublcass of The Fiend or Wizard with the subclass of Illusion would also be fitting for David.)
Class: Paladin Sublcass: Oathbreaker Previous Subclass: Oath of Vengeance Notes: HEAR ME OUT. I like the thought of him with religious trauma. Paladins are inherintly religious warriors (very "I'm here to talk to you about MY savior" although you can't pick a specific god in bg3) with three possible oaths in game: Oath of the Ancients, Oath of Devotion, and Oath of Vengeance. Essentially "vow to fight against darkness", "be a knight in shining armor", and "take justice into your own hands" with a handful of tenets unique to each oath. Realistically, the lost boys could easily break ALL of those oaths in a heartbeat, but I ultimately decided on Oath of Vengence on account of one of the tenets: "No Mercy for the Wicked." I believe friendship counts as mercy, and The Lost Boys are FAR from saints. Also, it'd be poetic for him to die carrying out his old oath after Marko dies :)
Class: Barbarian Sublcass: Wild Magic Multiclass: Druid Subclass: Circle of the Moon Notes: I bet yall weren't expecting a multiclass! Anyway, Barbarians are heavy hitters that rely on instinct and rage to fight. They're one of the more physically strong classes, especially in comparison to spell casters and Rogues (RIP David). When Wild Magic Barbarians use their rage, they set off a random magical effect. Anything from accidentally shrinking your team members to accidentally turning into a very useless cat is on the table, and that sort of chaos felt right for Marko. A Druid is an elemental spellcaster with the ability to turn into animals, referred to as their "Wild Shape". Circle of the Moon Druids are able to turn into a giant badger, a giant spider, a dire wolf, a normal cat, a polar bear, and eventually gain the ability to turn into an owlbear. (It's considered a monstrosity and not an animal, but in more recent dnd media, The Rule of Cool has changed some general rules.)
Class: Ranger Sublcass: Gloom Stalker Notes: Rangers are skilled scouts and trackers with a deep connection to nature. I almost gave this class to either Paul or Marko, HOWEVER the Gloom Stalker subclass made me think of Dwayne. Gloom Stalkers are ambush-happy attackers with an affinity for darkness and can easily hide themselve in the shadows (if desired. Gods know The Lost Boys are NOT quiet and that includes Dwayne). Honestly, it's the closest one can get to being an Assassin without classing as a Rogue. And all I can think about is Dwayne faking his death near the end of the movie (which is something you can 100% do in bg3).
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Hiya :) You reblogged this post about things you'd like in your inbox but I couldn't pick one, so here's all of them!
•A compliment: I really like your profile pic :) did you draw it?
•A story: hmmm, this isn't really a story but i went on a school trip to Terschelling once, and I'd use up every free moment I had to go walking in the woods 5 minutes from the place we were staying :) We were in the dunes, and on my way to the forest I passed lots of snails :) The forest itself was lovely, unfortunately the weather made it look kinda sad, but on out last few days we had lovely sunny weather. There were like an endless amount of bunkers, but after a while you stop stumbling upon one every few steps you take.
Also I'd wake up at 4 am every day, bc I don't sleep well away from home, and as soon as it got light, I'd go to the forest. I think the only reason I stayed fairly calm during that trip was all the time I spent alone in the forest :) Anyways, I got lost once but somehow managed to remember the position of the sun around the time I left and found my way back that way :) I also at some point managed to accidentally walk to out next activity & I found the flattest rock I'd ever seen in that forest :) I gave it to a friend the next week bc he was crying and when people cry I instinctually want to give them rocks.
•Why you follow me: because you reblog fun stuff & i like you as a person :)
•A cute message: My cat meows in her sleep :) Also whatever life throws at you, my cat & I think you can survive it :)
•One thing you want to tell me: little fun fact for you, female wolf spiders carry their babies on their backs for a few weeks after birth & another one in case you already knew this one: there's a spider that breastfeeds (sort of, it's similar but not at all the same) (ant-mimic jumping spider, Toxeus magnus)
•One thing you want to know about me: Do you have a favourite card/board game?
Hi!! I'm so sorry for answering late, I honestly thought I'd answered it but I did not. Oops (this was so lovely to read, it made me smile a lot!)
I did draw my profile picture! I'm so happy with it :)
What a coincidence, I just went to Vlieland with school!! I spend a lot of time on the beach, it was amazing! I’m very happy for you that there was such a nice forest :)
Hehehe I like you as a person too and you’re very cool!! How much you know about bugs?? COOL
I do!! It is not my favourite as a game but I really love uno because it’s so much fun to play and you can get creative with the rules!
Thank you so much this really made my day :)
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mothdotz · 2 years
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Marinette Cheng
… is quite the busybody, jumping at any chance to experiment and make new things. Though his eagerness to create has gotten him recognized for their talents, it also leads to many unfinished (or destructive) products.
Normally you’d find him tinkering away at her latest invention, but as of a recent it seems that her creative spirit has died down. No one knows why.
( And at school, you’d typically find them in the laboratory, but just like her recent willingness to create, his visits have dwindled. )
Older versions:
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Equally important additions:
1. Gifted Kid Burnout, Baby!! (That’s possibly triggered by seeing your mentor get snatched into the shadow realm. Who knows? Marinette sure doesn’t).
2. Methinks that most of the headcanons from my old art-dump still applies here (though I have to double-check to be sure).
3. Mar’s inventions tend to (ironically) end in disaster.. but it’s the ingenuity that counts, right?
4. Yes, the suit design was inspired by Spider-Man.
5. I could spew more about Mar’s character but yknow. Mar tends to be a lone wolf in situations, not that they do it consciously! But it’s more like they’ve gotten used to having to solve problems on their own due to the people (and adults) that are in her life. While this is a great(ish) thing because of her classmates dependency on him, it also leads to Chat Noir feeling very frustrated in the midst of battle when Spots run off to do their own plan without consulting the other hero on it.
6. Mar’s creative soul is the one thing that gets her in trouble most of the time! He learns to not be afraid to step over boundaries, but that unwillingness to back down when they should can be terrible in a lot of situations. (Though, beware because Marinette’s personality may be due to change. I’m still figuring out how I want it to be).
7. Spots’/Red’s backpack (which I now realize is hardly visible) has wings giving Red the ability to fly. Spots’ backpack can also be taken apart and turn into almost any invention they want, having its only disadvantage being that they no longer have a means of transportation. The Fanny pack? I just thought it was funny… plus I think they would store candy and water in there to give to any shaken kids (or to anyone who needs it).
8. Yeah, Marinette wears a compression shirt under their hoodie + Carries around headphones in their bag bc overstimulation. (ADHD/Autism as always).
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loverdude · 2 years
Last week when I got home one night there was a black widow on our apartment door and it was a whole thing and then just now when I got home there was a giant wolf spider on the door why does this keep happening to me HGSLDKJFKHGSDFJDHGKJ
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k-liight · 4 years
so I had a really batshit crazy dream
it's been a while since I had a memorable dream but this one was really weird because it was was like a combination between The Wolf Among Us and Spies in Disguise XD" there was a couple fucked-up deaths too and maybe that's because I watched The Devil All the Time last night pfft (which was a great movie by the way, highly recommend if you're not faint of heart) 
so anyway, Bigby was the focus of the dream and for some reason Walter was his sidekick (though he didn't show up much), and everyone in TWAU that had a business office job was now working at an SiD-like agency. parts of the dream were in "game" style and others were in "movie" style, but during some of the "game" scenes I could "play" as other characters besides Bigby, like Snow White or Walter or even myself (which seems pretty obvious, but dreams are rarely obvious lmao). so like in SiD, somebody stole an assassin drone and was using it to cause a lot of damage, and it was more or less up to Bigby to catch the villain. and I, of course, had hidden feelings for Bigby, and I guess in my "character arc", one of my "missions" in the "game" was to eventually confess to him, not too soon bc he was dealing with shit but before somebody tries and succeeds to kill him because you never know lol. I don't remember much of the beginning stuff besides the exposition and bits of a fight scene in the cereal aisle at a Walmart or some shit, but at some point Snow and some guy that looked like Fred from Big Hero 6 were able to find the stolen drone's location-- it was in action and headed right toward the "agency". Snow and the other guy had to go into separate rooms for some reason, but apparently there was a control center in which one could literally self-destruct the drone once found. so Snow hit the self-destruct button, and we saw the drone explode from the cameras, but then we watched in horror as it fucking came back together and carried on like nothing happened. apparently the villain reprogrammed this thing to do that so it was basically indestructible. Snow tried to remotely destroy the drone two more times before the villain's voice boomed from some intercom saying that, specifically because she tried to destroy the drone, he sent it over to where that other guy was and straight-up fucking killed him. yeah. Snow was obviously horrified and I'm over there comforting her and ready to assure her that it wasn't her fault. I guess this guy was aiming to kill everyone at the agency anyway like Killian was, so Bigby was called over to investigate the damage and somehow figured out a plan to lure the villain into a trap. so timeskip to the final battle, everyone else besides me, Bigby, and Walter were evacuated-- for some reason Walter was in a superhero suit-- and while anticipating the villains arrival, he at some point mentioned something about "ordering pizza". at first Bigby was pissed because "you fucking ordered pizza now of all times??!?" but it turned out that was Walter's way of saying the villain was here without actually saying that the villain was here. we look and see a weird painting being drawn on one of the windows, and we somehow fly (??????) out the window, smashing it, to confront the villain. he looked like a weird moving spray-painting of one of the Crash Bandicoot villains (not N. Gin, but the other guy, whatever his name is), and it turned out this sonuvabitch was a shapeshifter who's true form was just a bunch of particles kinda like Sandman of Spider-man's Sinister Six. I specifically remember saying "there's only one way to defeat a shapeshifter: we gotta break their form", which apparently meant making the villain split himself off into different sections and isolating them. I don't remember exactly how we did it, but I think we somehow managed to trap pieces of the villain into glass compartments and we kept him split apart until it killed him. yay, the villain has been defeated! XD timeskip to about a day later, the stolen drone had been brought back to the agency's possession and locked away forever, and I remember thinking, "oh shit, did anyone permanently deactivate it??" so I go toward the hidden storage room where it was locked away for safekeeping so no one else could get their hands on it, and right as I'm about to go in, out comes Bigby who was way ahead of me. so, since he thankfully never fucking died, I used this opportunity to confess, and I don't remember exactly how I said it but I do remember snuggling up to his chest and his arms kinda hugging me...
and then
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and we all lived happily ever XD" except I absolutely would have also confessed to Walter and made a happy little polyship if my brain would have let me-- why you do dis to me brain!! >:( oh well, at least I got to dream about kissing Bigby X//3
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popcornaddict500 · 5 years
M6 x mc headcanons but, EVERYONE is a demon
(i thought of this. What if everyone had become a demon after the devil’s plans, and were living normal lives? See it as a wholesome twist on the reversed endings! The world is ovbiously not as fucked up, it’s just that all people are demons or monsters or creatures, or even hybrids. It’s fun, you’ll see. I’ll be putting my own designs as the m6′s demon forms, they’re gonna be different than in the reversed endings (in Julian’s and Nadia’s case). You can look however you want to, just imagine a demon form you like. I’ll keep that neutral.)
-He’s become a fox person, sporting a large, white, bushy tail and fox ears on his head. He has soft, white fur covering his neck and his lower arms and legs. His feet and hands are fox-like and he’s got claws. His eyes lack a white sclera, instead they’re entirely purple (like cat or dog eyes). Also, he’s got fangs. He’s become taller and bigger in stature, but to be fair, everyone has.
-Still travels with you a lot, meeting other people from far away, and seeing new demon species and creatures.
-Once, the two of you helped a person with the lower body of a spider to escape a pool of quicksand
-They thanked the two of you by giving you a shimmering gem
-Asra still loves to cuddle you, and you love it too. He’s so soft and fluffy.
-A lot of naps
-He tends to fall asleep anywhere
-Faust has become a smol dragon
-Asra loves it when you pet his ears and brush the fur on his tail
-He just melts
-Despite everything, despite everyone becoming a monster or demon they are still living normal lives, and he’s content with it. As long as he’s with you.
-His tongue also got a lot longer 😏
-If he gets excited or he has to laugh, he makes yowling noises and it’s so cute
-Still loves water, find him swimming in a lake with a waterfall in the forest. He’ll ask you to join him, definitely 😏
-He’s become a dragon-man sort of creature. He’s got large, black, leathery wings on his back, and a long tail. His arms and legs are a scaly black, with clawed feet. He’s got black, pointed ears and some small, smooth scales on his throat. He can breathe fire but doesn’t really do it often. His teeth got sharper too, though he’d never use them on you. (he still has his hair, not like his reversed ending)
-He’s known as the ‘dragon doctor’ and has a clinic next to your shop.
-He’s still as goofy and likes trouble as much as he used to, and with his new form he can find it much easier.
-Takes flights with you on his back quite often, travelling through the forest or just in the sky.
-He loves visiting other towns to find ‘the rowdiest places’
-These visits end with him being injured 95% of the time
-But it’s hella fun anyway. He’s a demon so he heals a lot quicker.
-He can be self concious at times, imagine being on a date with him like
-’’Don’t you think we stand out too much?’’ 
-’’Julian. Look around the restaurant. That lady has 18 arms, that man has eyes all over his body and that person has a squid for a head and tentacles for arms. I really don’t think we’re the strangest people here.’’
-Despite having clawed hands, he’s remarkably gentle with you. But, when needed, he can scare someone shitless.
-Not only his body is monster sized now if you know what i mean 😏 he has a knot-
-His sense of smell is a lot stronger, he loves your scent and will often spend a lot of time kissing and cuddling you with you enveloped in his wings.
-She’s become a beautiful creature, (she already was tho) with massive, butterfly wings resting down her back. The wings are a mixture of a shiny black and a deep purple, as well as magenta. She has two long antennea on her head and a long, thin tongue. She has 4 arms, with a bug-like structure to it. (kinda like doll arms, with segments yknow) She’s incredibly lightweight and very fast.
-Sometimes goes on flights with you, Chandra joins her. Chandra’s become a griffon, though a small one. 
-She can get to one side of the city to the other in less than 2 minutes
-Her different tongue is a guilty pleasure of hers, she loves kissing you like this
-She’s gained a weird love for flowers and often spends a lot of time in the garden
-Though she had to get used to her new arms, she’s discovered how useful 4 arms can be.
-She can walk on the walls and the ceiling for some reason
-Her servants are all demons and creatures too btw
-If you give her a bouquet of flowers she’ll love you so much
-Her wings are rather sensitive and it’s considered EXTREMELY rude for people to touch them without permission
-But of course she’s totally fine with it if you’re doing it 😏
-Gives great hugs 
-You can pick her up with one hand, she’s just so lightweight look out for stormy weather though
-He’s become a werewolf-like creature, though he doesn’t really change much on a full moon. He has two wolf ears on his head. He’s got fur covering his neck and upper collarbone, as well as his lower arms and legs. He’s got a bushy tail and fangs, he can see in the dark. Like Asra, his eyes lack a sclera and are cat or dog like.
-He is quieter, because his voice has roughened somewhat. 
-He enjoys being in your presence, though. You put him at ease.
-He’s always worried that you dislike him because of what he’s become, but you convince him that you still love him. After all, we’re all monsters.
-He’s even bigger than he used to be and can just carry you with no effort in the slightest
-Inanna is a GIGANTIC doggo
-Can be used as a horse (Inanna, not Muriel xd)
-Somehow, when you pet his hair, he just purrs. 
-Gets super embarassed about it despite liking your touch
-Takes you with him when he goes exploring
-She’s become a saber-tooth tiger creature. Her fangs are rather small (in saber standards) but visible, she’s got two fluffy ears on her head and a loooong fluffy tiger tail. Retractable claws on her hands and her feet. Feet look like cat paws but bigger.
-She loves cuddling, being a cat
-Honestly cuddling with her is heaven bc she SOFT
-She tends to get frisky after cuddling for a long while, sneaking her tail under your clothing 😏
-Pepi has become a winged cat with a detachable head
-Sleeps a LOT
-Can jump really damn high
-She can climb up walls like a pro
-If you kiss her she’ll want more, nuzzling into you and purring to get your attention
-’’Rawr!’’ ‘’Portia! You scared me!’’
-Dates are always so fun, she can always make you laugh even if it’s just from her tickling you with her tail
-Has a habit of falling asleep on top of you
-He’s become a satyr. He has horns as well as a goat tail and hooves. His ears are goat ears. Also his hair is long. His legs are covered with blonde fur.
-He likes vegetables a lot more than he did before
-If you pull on his tail he’ll shriek in surprise
-Bleats when angry
-He is horny af 24/7 (it’s in a satyr’s nature)
-He’s curious to see what grass tastes like
-Please stop him from doing this
-Will sometimes carry you on his back and just take you on a journey
-He won’t mind if you ride him differently either 😏
-Loves to kiss and snuggle
(if y’all want more of a specific character, by all means, ask away.)
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inusedai · 4 years
i wanna take a minute and write out a smol headcanon
abt inuyasha & his dumb bf bc i love them
so we all know how heart wrenhing cruel that scene was in chapter 15. vol. 146 when kagura uses kouga’s own comrades against him, as a dead army.  its hard to watch. it gives me all sorts of emotions.
but let me make it better for you by digging a bit deeper into this, more than is necessary, because thats what i do. i strip things apart, tear ‘em down and stitch them back together until i know every fibre of the material. its a blessing and a curse.  FIRST. this scene happened differently in the manga vs the anime. 
but i wanna talk about the manga scene.  because theres a few things i’d like to make note between inuyasha and kouga. esp. between the trio of him, kouga and kagome. i’m a firm believer that kouga only has a mild fascination / grown on crush, on kagome due to it bother inuyasha so damn bad.  its clear to anyone, that dude BREATHES just to annoy inuyasha sometimes.  and its likewise. the bluster, the barking and snarls and jabs and kicks -- its canine language. 
there are undertones, i think that are hidden there.  how many times have you seen dogs interact and u sit there like /nervous sweats ‘they’re gonna kill each other’. but like, all they do is rough house and mouth each other and snarl and bark a lot. but. ultimately. its not SUPER violent.  not to say ofc that dogs CAN’T get super violent with each other. and inuyash and kouga DO do that a lot. super violent. 
but listen.  in this scene.
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“It’s better this way, isn’t it.” Its not a question, InuYasha, time after time, uses crass, harsh and sometimes cruel behavior and words to portray what he’s feeling. thats what he grew up learning. how social interaction WAS for him. until he met kagome -- his life was something to be HUNTED and reviled. his education consisted of life threats, fight for your life and fear of being caught by something bigger and stronger. his fangs, his bark; was all he had. from child to adult. 
“I think we should let him die,” I’m going to come back to his. “--so we can take the leg fragments. so that wimpy wolf can’t do anything elsse to us.”
Ok, lemme rip it apart ; as i mentioned before, inuyasha isn’t dumb. he’s driven by instinct, because that was his teacher and coach. ‘i think we should let him die’. he just witnessed, was apart OF what happened to kouga. the first ACTUAL interaction that bled with anatomisty and hate between dog and wolf. inuyasha never had a pack, or family or anyone to protect. kouga grew up groomed for it. with it.  inuyasha KNOWS however, what pack life is. his instincts tell him. inuyasha knows that kouga would die for his pack and his family. and the horror and cruelty that took place, was grounds for him to die; as far as a leader, an alpha. he knew that. could feel it. it wasn’t sympathy or pity or any sort of human inflection.  it was animal law. 
kagome asks, “you mean abandon him.” inuyasha asnwers, “i mean we have no duty to save him.” humans have an extrodinary way of complicating the simple. inuyasha knows this. he sees it in kagome, and often the reason they fight is because he just doesn’t get human subtlies, let alone female subtilies. 
inuyasha was ready to put kouga out of his misery.  to end his suffering. and not for any human reason you can think of, or that i can an put into words. it wasn’t even an animal thing. not quite, because inuyasha IS half human. the capacity IS there.
it was a mercy. or what he thought could be a mercy. it was also a greed. one less pawn for naraku to use IN kouga. against him. against his pack. against kouga’s pack! 
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it was incentive too .... a burden he would carry with him. like each person naraku killed, related or him or not; each soul trapped in that spiders web that he couldn’t save. until he finally killed naraku, and he could let it go and hope his actions brought peace. having did what he could. shoulder what he could.  a brutal, merciful, and raw incentive. 
“so that wimpy wolf can’t do anything else to us” this too, is indicative. being able to FEEL and THINK in instincts that are so VERY hard to understand as a human, one can only speculate that the translations between the two, especially AS he’s learning, inuyasha telling kagome ‘how he feels’ when he knows its going to be seen as brutal, is often ( in my own personal opinion ) is often times, very masked. which, again, is another reason why they fight.  he barks what he thinks is an acceptable answer. she bristles he gets offended she gets MAD
he gets CONFUSED. bada bing --- i think that inuyasha meant by that statement, and EVERY undertone theretin the context of this scene, is that... this wasn’t something they should be witnessing.  none of them.  he doesn’t like kouga, but he is a friend to him. any way to slice it really. they’re friends. hostile, antagonistic, i hate u --friends. inuyasha isn’t cruel, he’s been the victim of cruelty. theres no way you can convince me, here there or anywhere, that inuyasah would have walked away from kouga and that bloodbath no matter how much they fought. and we all know kagome likely insisted. without knowing he’d be ok first.  which he was, because kagome used an arrow and saved kouga’s life. but... that might’ev made it harder on kouga. and inuyasha knew that too.
but inuyasha also knows kouga isn’t a quitter, and sometimes a good threat is enough to pick up the pulse. 
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elsaclack · 5 years
I wish you would write a fic in the Jake-can-feel-Amy’s-emotions universe that entails the warehouse raid and their first kiss that occurs after because I AM TRASH
i did have something posted once upon a time in the original iteration of this universe butttttt i rewrote/repurposed parts of it to this, bc i like this one better but the first one had good bones
also this is a reference to two one-shots i posted a million years ago from a soulmate au i…developed? created? something like that lmao. you don’t necessarily have to have read either one of them but here they are just in case you want to: one and two
in the event that you don’t want to read them, the only thing you need to know is that in this au, soulmates can feel each other’s emotions. prior to their first kiss as soulmates, only one can feel the other - after the first kiss, they can both feel each other. so. in this setting, jake could feel amy, but amy couldn’t feel jake, and then they kissed, and now amy can feel jake. clear as mud :-)
So here’s the thing: it’s two o’clock in the morning, Jake’s smells like trash, and he’s about two-and-a-half minutes away from completely losing his mind. It should be noted, of course, that his teetering on the precipice of madness is entirely unrelated to the ungodly hour and his ungodly stench (though, to be fair, neither are helping) except by the furthest, narrowest of circumstances - that is to say, he could be fresh out of the shower at nine in the morning and still feel the tendrils of panic squeezing ever tighter round his heart.
So, here’s the thing: he’s panicking, and panicking some more, because for all of his feelings of panic stifling each inhale, Amy’s poorly-restrained anxiety rears up tenfold from the deepest dredges of his chest. It’s just his luck, he supposes, that his soulmate is such an anxious person by nature; normally it’s nothing he can’t handle, but with his current state of mind and his inherent inability to regulate his own emotions, Amy’s pretty much on her own.
Except that isn’t entirely true, is it, because here’s the thing: he’s panicking, and she can feel it. She can exactly how piss-poor he truly is at managing his panic, so it’s really no wonder that she’s panicking, because she always seems more panicky when he seems panicky and now she can feel exactly how panicky he is and god, who thought of this whole sharing-emotions-with-your-soulmate bullshit?
He didn’t ask for this, for the record. He was perfectly happy keeping their connection a secret and carrying it all the way to his grave, probably. Amy kissed him, not the other way around, thank you very much.
(He was probably going to tell her soon, anyways, because it’s been eating away at him like a virus and he’s pretty sure there’s science to prove that being around your soulmate without telling them they’re your soulmate for as long as he has been around Amy has physical side-effects in addition to being, like, a massive bummer.)
It seems wherever she is (somewhere in the back of the precinct in this very floor, he’s pretty sure, like either the evidence lockup or the bathroom or something) she’s at least partially aware of the effect her anxiety is having on Jake - he can feel her familiar attempts at tamping it all down, probably the result of her doing a breathing exercise he’s coached her through in the past. It works, if only a little; he can feel his own head clearing, his racing thoughts slowing, until the blurriness to his vision sharpens and he can hear himself breathe over the blood pounding in his ears.
He’s not even fully aware of his own thankfulness until he feels Amy’s bewilderment - and of course she’s bewildered, why wouldn’t she be bewildered at his thankfulness invading her mind like alien baby chest-bursters.
His newly-cleared vision lands on a slightly crumpled post-it taped to the bottom of his computer monitor - get a grip tonto, it tells him in Rosa’s scrawl - and he inhales deeply through his nose, letting the words reverberate around his skull. Get a grip, get a grip, get a grip.
It’s probably more of a reflection on him than it is on her that, despite his somewhat-diminished sense of world-ending panic, he can’t quite get the unevolved caveman part of his brain to stop replaying their first kiss. It’s not his fault - Amy Santiago is a good kisser, even under all the duress and pressure of an undercover mission seconds away from going sideways. She’s a good kisser when she’s sporting a gruesome black eye, a good kisser when she’s out of breath, a good kisser when she’s falling, a good kisser at the bottom of one of the nastiest dumpsters Jake’s ever had the misfortune of smelling in his life. Even if nothing else ever happens and he spends the rest of his life replaying this one memory on a loop, he’ll get it tattooed to his forehead:
Amy Santiago is a good, good kisser.
But, the fact still remains: he never asked for this.
He definitely hoped for this, but he never asked for it.
He kind of asked for it.
It’s not his fault.
It was a natural reaction - anyone who was in his place would have done the same thing, dammit! She’s his partner and she was in danger - and, okay, maybe the only reason he knew that in the moment was because he felt her sudden spike of shock and fear more than he heard knuckles connecting with flesh and her responding gasp of pain in the room he’d just crept out of. But the fact still stands - he would have gone and thrown that jerk off of any of his fellow detectives.
He would have gotten just as much savage, feral pleasure at punching that perp’s lights out. He would have yanked any of his fellow detectives into a bone-crushing hug. Just as Amy would have pulled any of the other detectives into a panic undercover kiss upon hearing their other perps coming back toward them at the commotion.
Amy Santiago is a good kisser, even when she’s unwittingly establishing their soulmate connection and feeling every last ounce of his emotion flood her nervous system for the very first time.
(He tries not to think about the fact that she’d gasped into his mouth or that she’d gone stiff as a board in his arms for all of one-second - tries to chalk it up to the sound of their perps storming in somewhere behind them and wolf-whistling at their display, too distracted by them to notice their companion out cold on the floor at their feet.)
And he really tries not to think about his stupid, fumbling attempts at leading them out the back door into the alley behind the warehouse before the perps caught on - about how he’d misjudged the distance, sending them both toppling over the edge of the loading dock and straight into the open dumpster below.
(And the weight of her settling over them even as they’d both grunted on impact - how she’d pulled back for a second, eyes blown wide, before leaning back in - how he’s still not sure if the desperation he’d seen in her eyes was case-related or them-related.)
It was messy, and stupid, and so completely and utterly them - and the fact that they managed to make all of their arrests gives him hope that someday, they might be able to laugh about this.
Of course, the fact that she did not speak one word directly to him and studiously avoided his gaze the whole way back to the precinct gives him severe anxiety.
It’s two-o’clock in the morning and his connection to Amy is a living, breathing entity - what was a soothing glimmer as delicate as spider’s silk glows bright an overwhelming now, rearing up and glittering like ocean waves beneath a setting sun. She’s everywhere, she’s everything, and he’s certain now that he won’t be able to live without her, and maybe that’s not the best thing to be thinking at two o’clock in the morning when he smells like a dumpster and there are half-finished arrest reports strewn about his desk, but it doesn’t matter.
Because the hailstorm of emotions originating from Amy suddenly taper off into a quiet and firm kind of resolution - and Jake’s stomach bottoms out at the feeling. He can’t tell around his own stupid anxiety if she’s happy or sad or angry or anything other than calm - it’s the exact opposite of the way he feels, only more so when his phone buzzes with a new text.
Will you please meet me in the evidence lockup?
She doesn’t have to ask if he’s still at the precinct, he notes with a certain amount of trepidation as he pockets his phone and slowly stands from his desk. She’s only felt his emotions for a matter of hours, now, and already she can read them well enough to deduce that he’s been paralyzed at his desk since they got back.
It would be comforting, if he wasn’t so freaked out.
She’s tucked toward the back of the evidence lockup when he slowly edges inside, leaned back against the shelves, arms crossed loosely over her chest. She straightens a little when the door squeaks on its hinges; he winces, both at the sound and at the fact that her face is entirely unreadable. She’s pulled her hair up into a low, loose bun in the time that has passed since he last saw her - a move he recognizes from her previous panic attacks, a half-conscious effort to allow cool air to touch the back of her neck. He forces himself to keep moving toward her for as long as he can stand it - all in, he stops about five feet short from where she’s standing, hands jammed so deep in his pockets he’s at risk of ripping holes through the seams.
Amy stares at him for a long moment, the only sound in the room the quiet mechanical whir of the precinct’s computer servers against the wall to his left. He tries to hold her gaze, really - it proves to be too much, the way the blinking server lights reflect off the molten brown chocolate of her irises, seconds away from piercing the very foundation of his soul. He focuses instead of her hands - on the way her fingers twist around her grandmother’s ring, knotting together in a way that reminds him of the knots in his own stomach. He inhales through his nose, holds it for a beat, and slowly releases it through barely-parted lips.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice is soft, curious; not an ounce of accusation colors her words. His heart leaps unbidden at the sound of her voice and her eyes practically double in circumference. “Jake, I…” she trails, her fingers pressing briefly over her heart. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He rocks back on his heels, fighting his flight instinct urging him to shrug. “I don’t, um…I just, I didn’t want you to, y’know, feel…obligated.”
Her swell of affection is undeniable; he peers up at her through his lashes to find her gaze soft and a little bit sad.
Boldness sweeps through him.
“I mean, you were right about all of this - the choice part of it, I mean. I knew you were my soulmate the day I met you, but -”
He’s nearly knocked breathless at the sudden punch of disbelief from Amy. “Eight years?” she whispers, and he bites the inside of his cheek. “You’ve known for eight years?”
“Uh-huh,” he curls his fingers inside his pockets, twisting the fabric of his jacket between his nails. “I mean, it was rough at first - we weren’t exactly best friends, remember? And I thought I was wrong for a while, too, but I - I wasn’t. And, I dunno, I was starting to come around to the idea of telling you about it when -”
He stops, drops his chin, stares at the fraying seams of his sneakers. “When, what?” Amy prompts him after a moment.
“You were right that morning in the break room,” he says quietly. “When you were talking about, uh, the nature of free will. I didn’t realize how important it was to me until after we talked, but -”
“The morning my brother found his soulmate,” she interrupts suddenly, understanding washing through her. “Oh, Jake,” she says softly, “I was such an ass about it -”
“No, you were right,” he insists. “I had never really thought about it that way. It made me rethink a lot of things, actually. I realized I had been planning my whole life around - well, around you. But I didn’t even know you. It’s like you said, some cosmic force just decided that that’s how things were gonna be for me, and I never questioned it. But after we talked that morning, I realized that I wanted to want this. I wanted to want you. Not because someone else said I should, but because I chose to. And I - I wanted you to, uh, choose me. So…” he sucks in a deep breath, and Amy’s chin ticks up a degree. “You don’t have any obligation to me, Ames.” he says, pleasantly surprised to find his voice unwavering. “If this isn’t what you want, I…I get it. Really.” He tries to ignore the sharp ache in his chest as the words leave his lips, but based on the way her face crumbles he’s certain he’s done a terrible job. “Okay, eventually. I’ll get it eventually.” A half-smile quirks the corner of her mouth upward, and he feels himself steadying. “But if…if this is something you want…I’m yours. I want you. I choose you.”
It’s strange - up until now, he thought he’d felt every single one of Amy Santiago’s emotions. This one - this swelling, morphing mass of something - is entirely new to him, though. It’s bubbling up and folding in on itself, growing faster than he can comprehend, intensifying tenfold with each slow, tentative step Amy takes closer to him, and now her molten gaze has him pinned in place all the moisture in his mouth evaporating in an instant -
Her hands are warm and steady where they brush against his jaw and curl around the back of his neck, firm when they tug him down two inches, soft where they gently skate up into his hair. Her lips are pliant against his, coaxing and inviting, moving with him in perfect synchronization.
Amy Santiago is an excellent kisser.
But above everything else, Jake feels radiant acceptance swelling like a warm hug around his tripping heart. She wants him, too, it’s in her hands and her lips and her steady, steady heartbeat. He all but melts against her, releasing an involuntary hum as the tension leaks from his joints and his hands slide up the gentle slope of her spine. She lets out a little hum of her own when his fingers spread and flex over the space between her shoulder blades, and he tucks the sound away, fully intent on figuring out exactly how to make her do it again.
She pulls away first, pressing a hand to the side of his face when he momentarily strains to follow, and for a long moment they stand foreheads flush together, trying to catch their breaths. Her left arm flexes where it’s wrapped around his neck and he slowly curls his fingers around the curve of her waist, smiling at her quiet, breathless laugh.
“You really meant that, didn’t you?” she whispers.
He swallows thickly, reveling in the warmth of her skin seeping through his shirt, ignoring the now-distant ache in his chest at the thought of her not wanting this. “Yeah,” he breathes, and it’s the strangest thing - it’s like his conviction is echoing back to him.
She pulls away to look him in the eye, though her grip around his neck never falters; he bites back a smile at the feeling of her fingers curling into the material of his hoodie. “This is - it’s - a lot,” she mumbles, eyes briefly squeezing shut. “Like, a lot to process - is it usually this intense?”
“Never,” he says quickly. “I mean, like, sometimes if emotions were running high - like if you were really pissed off about something, or, like, having a panic attack - but that was before you could - I mean, that was when it was just me. I don’t - I don’t really know what happens now.”
She nods slowly, eyes darting down to his lips for the barest second before meeting his gaze again. “I…really want to find out,” she whispers.
It takes all of one nanosecond before the joy comes blazing in - a tsunami of it, all-encompassing and all-consuming. He yanks her back to him sharply, her responding laughter little more than a muffled buzz against his lips and a pleasant simmer in his belly. Fear and dread and panic are nothing more than distant memories now, and through it all Jake finds himself wondering why on earth he didn’t do this sooner.
“Jake -” he cuts her off with another kiss, earning yet another muffled laugh, pressing against her over and over again until he’s effectively smothering her. “Jake - Jake, let’s - Jake!”
He’s laughing when he pulls away, biting his lip, reaching up to touch the tendrils of hair fallen from her bun. “Sorry,” he mumbles, not sorry at all, “I’ve just been waiting for a really long time to do that -”
“I’m not saying we have to stop,” she says, “just - let’s go somewhere, anywhere else. I don’t even care where, just - together.”
“I smell like a dumpster, so -”
“Me too.”
“- shower? And then somewhere? I can pick you up at your apartment -”
“Or we could just…both go somewhere that has a shower.”
There’s mischief in her eyes and excitement in her veins and he can’t tamp down the grin on his face if he tried. “I think I know a place,” he says pseudo-thoughtfully, and this time it’s Amy pressing her lips to his to smother his laughter.
“Let’s go together,” she says when she pulls away too soon. “We can come back for the other car tomorrow, but let’s go together.”
“Yeah,” he says, an absurd hitch in his voice. “Together.”
She steps back and the loss of her heat against him is jarring until her fingers lace through his and gently squeeze; her affection and adoration is an undeniable hearth in his heart glowing in her eyes. “Together,” she whispers, chin briefly touching his shoulder.
There’s an urge somewhere deep to tack something stupid like ‘forever’ on the end, but he ignores it in favor of a broad, blinding grin.
(That hearth has grown to a wildfire still raging by morning, when he emerges from his bedroom dazed from sleep and everything else to find Amy padding around his kitchen, hair tousled, grin soft with the same affection he feels in her stuttering heart.)
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- ̗̀ ❝ i solemnly swear i am up to no good: marauders verse !!
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           *evil laughter* my dreaaaam has finally come trueeee!! my time to shine has come, and my harry potter knowledge will finally be appreciated? too much? probably but idc i’m excited ya’ll!!, but anyway let’s talk characters, my kids below the cut!!
alice fortescue..* 
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full name: alice minerva fortescue
blood status: pure-blood 
house & year : gryffindor ;; 7th year
wand: 10 ½ in. applewood wand with a dragon heartstring core ; unyielding
patronus: dolphin ;; the witch or wizard who casts this patronus is known to be adventurous, playful, and carefree ; incredibly unique individuals, quite often social and loved by most. inquisitive and full of life they understand the importance of not taking themselves too seriously.
boggart: spiders, she absolutely loathes them one of her worst fears is to end up in a place surrounded by them. ( she’s had dreams where she is covered in them and that’s driven her to have panic attacks. )
extra curriculars: chaser for the gryffindor quidditch team ;; dueling club, care of magical creatures club and astronomy club.
future aspirations: auror for the ministry of magic & member of the order of the phoenix
sunshine personified, miss alice is literally always putting a positive spin on everything. little witch looks for the best in everyone and would befriend a scorpion if people let her. however that’s the trick when it comes to alice, she may be soft and gooey on the outside but she’s a rock on the inside. underestimating her is probably the last thing anyone should ever do. she lives in diagon alley above florean fortescue’s which is the family business. her dad is the willy wonka of ice-cream ( u know eccentric genius type lmao. ) she has 3 older brothers, all part of the order and her mom is a healer at st.mungos. excluded from the sacred 28 bc they unconventional and v. vocal about their support for muggles and muggle borns. in fact alice loves muggle fairy-tales and she tried making a book club at hogwarts but she forgot when the meetings were lmao. ( i could go on i’ve played her so many times and i adore her so pls )
andromeda black... *
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full name: andromeda black
blood status: pure-blood
wand: 10 3/4 inch hawthorn wand with a unicorn hair core, unbending. 
house & year : slytherin ;; 6th year
patronus: owl ;; symbolizes a strong aura of wisdom, and individuals with it shine intellectually. They are not very social people, but they tend to be very admired for the impression their blatant knowledge of the world. Others tend to be comfortable going to these persons for advice, because they know they are trustworthy.
boggart: her sisters forgetting who she is, aka seeing a boggart version of bella or cissy who refuse to acknowledge her or ask her who she is will send her into a spiral. 
extra curriculars: 6th year prefect for slytherin house, slug club & transfigurations club
future aspirations: healer for st. mungos. wishes to remain neutral in the war to come. 
from the most ancient house of black, andromeda is the 2nd and middle child she has an older sister and a younger one. her sisters are her entire life, bella and cissy are her world so literally don’t breathe near them she will end you. tends to be an observer more than she is someone who carries out conversations. very much one of those ‘ one word ‘ sort of people, unless she’s with someone she trusts. she appears rigid and can intimidate those who don’t know her. however once you get past her tough exterior she is incredibly kind. respectful of everyone, and very much a believer of treat me the way you want to be treated. now while she isn’t exactly a fan of muggles or muggleborns she isn’t against them? ( tbh someone pick up ted we can plot stuffs. ) like she’s not okay with the cruelty that people of her status show them but she is also bound by tradition. she is very loyal to her family, respects her parents and most importantly wishes to make them proud so it’s like a constant struggle for her? because a lady should be demure and un-opinionated and those are things andromeda black won’t ever be.
james potter...*
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full name: james charlus potter
blood status: pure-blood
wand: 11" with a dragon heart string core, mahogany, pliable
house & year : gryffindor ;; 7th year
patronus: stag ;; the witch or wizard who casts this patronus is known to be noble and brave. strong temperament, came come across as intimidating in more than several instances. quick to defend those he cares about, a protector of formidable sorts. 
boggart: the deaths of the people he cares about in particular it would be his parents, sirius, remus, peter and while he’ll never admit it... lily.
extra curriculars: head boy and quidditch captain for the gryffindor team he is a chaser. part of the dueling club and transfigurations club. turned down slughorns invitation for the slug club bc he’s not a git.
future aspirations: in a perfect world he’d be a quidditch player, but they are at war so auror it is. has joined the member of the phoenix.
adored from the moment he was conceived, his parents are of the older generation and they struggled to have children so james is very much a miracle baby. that’s why he’s so spoiled, literally anything he could ever want he’s had. so he’s been the golden boy since birth practically... so why would hogwarts be different? he’s the epitome of ‘ cool ‘ along with his best friends the marauders, sirius, remus and peter. he is an unregistered animagus and can turn into a stag ( the same as his patronus ) a hot head, he will literally throw a punch and then remember he owns a wand it’s a problem. cares little to nothing about purity and will fight anyone who deems it important. arrogant, but very noble and he can inspire loyalty in more ways than one. but also he’s an idiot show off, as much as he’s a ‘ genius ‘ when it comes to classes he don’t know women... aka he doesn’t understand evans... he tryin tho lmao.
alecto carrow...*
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full name: alecto carrow
blood status: pure-blood
wand: 11 inch, blacktorn wand with a dragon heart string core, unyielding 
house & year : ravenclaw ;; 7th year
patronus: she can’t produce one, a patronus is light magic aka not stuff she believes in.
boggart: the death of her twin brother.
extra curriculars: dueling & slug club
future aspirations: hit witch and hopes to find her spot within voldemort’s rank as a death eater.
cruel, vindictive but smart. incredibly smart, she has a thirst for knowledge hint as to why she was sorted into ravenclaw house. ( bc not all death eaters were slytherins damn it ) independent and fierce, you’ve heard of an ‘ ice queen ‘ that’s alecto, always in control... emotions are for the weak minded. except where her brother is concerned, her twin brother is an extension of herself so as a true narcissist she has to love him because he is a part of her. she doesn’t have the best reputation around the castle and would probably kill your pet and hang it up in the great hall for everyone to see... simply because you spoke to her and she considers you unworthy. no conscience or apathy just pride and a lot of zeal for the pure blood supremacy cause. she is attracted to the dark arts, to pain and misery and she isn’t shy about letting anyone know that. 
remus lupin..*
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full name: remus john lupin
blood status: half - blood, werewolf.
wand: 10¼ inch cypress, with a unicorn hair core, pliable
house & year : gryffindor ;; 7th year
patronus: wolf ;; The wolf is a bit of a darker and mysterious soul, with the strength of a fighter. A person with this patronus has had a lot happen in their life, and do to that they wear a mask over their emotions. They do, however, have a very big heart that is full of both passion and fire. They have a lot of emotion within them that they are willing to give, but only once they completely trust you.
boggart: the full moon, for v. obvious reasons.
extra curriculars: 7th year prefect, dueling & charms club
future aspirations: outside of joining the order, he doesn’t let himself dream of a job because his kind aren’t hired anywhere... bc you know discrimination. 
he was attacked by fenrir greyback to take some kind of revenge, after his father insulted him. aka he suffers from lycanthrophy. this would have made it impossible for him to come to hogwarts but dumbledore disagreed. so precautions are set in place, the whomping willow, the shrieking shack will get it’s reputation because of remus. ( it’s a secret, so there aren’t many people who know. in fact it’s only james, sirius, peter and lily. )  this is where he was taken to transform once month, and turning is painful especially because he is separated from humans to bite so he’d bite and scratch at himself because of frustration. anyway that didn’t exactly matter much because he has friends, real friends. he didn’t have them until he came to hogwarts and he was terrified that they’d find out the truth... but you know once they did they all decided to become an animagus... and thus begin the adventures of the marauders. remus is a good student, he’s talented and well behaved sort of.... at least he behaves better than james and sirius. dumbledore made him a prefect in his 5th year and they think it’s so he’d exercise some control over his friends. spoiler: he doesn’t. 
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stilestilikeslydia · 7 years
A Totally Objective and Unemotional Recap of Teen Wolf Episode 6x12: Raw Talent
@wellsjahasghost hasn’t gotten a chance to watch the episode yet, so I told her I’d write her a recap, and....... yeah, this is about as far from objective as it gets.
friends, i really hated this episode, and this recap is almost entirely negative, so if you really liked the episode, you probably want to skip this post lol. if you're also bitter and want to enjoy 2.5k of someone else ranting, please read on!
The real title of this text post: 
Anya Discusses Plot Holes, #recycledplotlines, and Casual Racism in Episode 6x12
The show begins. The0 R@eken, sleeping in his car because he is homeless and friendless and irredeemable, is awoken multiple times, in multiple locations and at multiple times of day, by police officers rapping on his window and telling him to get up and leave. It takes me three minutes to figure out that it's him for sure because he's grown out his hair a bit to look more Boyish, Unkempt, and Vulnerable and I can no longer tell white boys on Teen Wolf apart. By the time I've reached 95% certainty that it is, in fact, the white boy who literally killed Scott and is still stanned by tw fans everywhere, he's waking up in the middle of the night to a spider crawling on his hand. He watches it, fascinated and unafraid, probably because he's like "yo this thing looks as evil as I am lolol." Then the spider burrows under his skin.
Cue The0 breaking into Deaton's vet office to stab the spider crawling around in his back with a scalpel and pull it out of him. Cue me gagging. Then the spider disappears in a puff of black smoke/gunpowder dust bc like... why not.
The police montage continues. And continues. I'm bored. Then - gasp! - the next police are nOt In fAcT CoPs bUt mEN wItH gUnS wHo wAnT To kiLL thE0. They shoot into his car repeatedly, and the scene ends.
(This would be a good cliffhanger if tw trailers didn't already show him appearing in future episodes smh.)
I refuse to watch the episode again, so I'm just going to say that I'm pretty sure the mcmartate scene is next. I'm not going to recap it fully because it was actually pretty good and this recap is not about Accuracy, it's about Salt. In short, the Scott laser scene happens but it turns out that the lasers were actually police flashlight beams (why were they in the woods?!?! who the heck knows. oh wait p@rrish exists, i forgot. maybe he told them about getting beat up by a hellhound wearing matching boxer briefs) and he was hallucinating. he's panicked enough to wolf out before he realizes it's a hallucination and the entire police department sees his eyes glowing red. great great great my son is hallucinating yET AGAIN, i really needed him to suffer more. also he pockets the Argent bullet shell case and mcmartate decides to talk to Chris Argent before they involve Papa Stilinski.
Mcmartate is a Good group. "Maybe this episode won't be so bad," I think.
idk what order the next scenes happen in, so i'm just going to tackle each subplot separately lol.
Mason and Liam are chatting in the boys' locker room before lacrosse practice about the supernatural evil threatening Beacon Hills, surrounded by tons of freshmen who could easily overhear them. Liam's giving an extra practice to the freshmen so they have a chance of making first line, even though Mason thinks this is foolish. Liam explains that Brett is helping him, which makes no sense, but I don't mind because this sequence happens:
M: Brett? Incredibly... HOT Brett, with the 8-pack abs?
L (sounding mildly disgruntled... iS SOMEONE JEALOUS R U SURE UR STRAIGHT KIDDO): Pretty sure it's just Brett.
M: He has an 8-PACK. Do y- do you know how hard it is for the human body to have an 8-pack??? *music swells dramatically and then cuts off* ...God.
Also, at the end, Liam tosses Mason over his shoulder and carries him out of the locker room because he was accidentally discouraging the freshmen.
This is the best scene in the episode.
Next, both Liam and Corey failing to do a decent job at playing lacrosse. This is ostensibly an extra practice for the freshmen, and yet Brett, Liam, and Corey are the only ones playing. Brett outclasses them both in looks, swagger, and skill. Liam has no control as usual and Brett tells him to get it together. Audience reaction: Writers are recycling Liam's s4 plotline bc they ran out of ideas for his character; Brett is so clearly superior to Corey that we don't understand why Mason and Corey didn't break up during the hiatus so Brason could happen. Also, guidance counselor watches Brett score on Corey and hears Corey reply, "Wait, I'm not actually invisible right now, am I?" Nice subtlety, Corey.
Liam is pissed bc #recycledplotlines and punches out a locker. Somehow stays there all day because by the time Mason and Corey go to find him, it's after dark??? And since it's summer, it must be like 9:30??? "We need to study for a history test" hOW IS THE SCHOOL STILL OPEN THIS LATE i will never understand.
Oh yeah I forgot, while Liam was still working through his anger issues on the lacrosse field, a bunch of spiders crawl into a freshman boy's helmet in the locker room, and when he puts it on, they invade his body and then start crawling out of his mouth. So when Mason and Corey go to find Liam, they notice a smeared blood trail on the locker room floor and follow it to the showers, where there is an..... unidentifiable bloody mass on the floor. I am disturbed.
After obliterating Liam and Corey, it is somehow magically nighttime and he's heading towards his car when the guidance counselor shows up, holding a lacrosse ball that rolled off the field. She compliments his abnormal skill level and tosses him the ball.... which turns out to be covered in wolfsbane. She claims it's "nothing personal,” but no one deserves that much power, and then tries to kill him. I think she stabs him??? I forget the details of their fight. Anyway, he manages to escape.
Scott and Malia:
They go looking for Chris at his... house? bunker? who knows. He has crates full of guns, surprising no one. They have #wittybanter and #chemistry, surprising no one. (i’m sorry i’m sorry i just feel like sc@lia is forced i’m sorry) Scott tells Malia it's okay to break into Chris's computer to find his calendar, and she is turned on by his rule-bending. All of the passwords she guesses involve her capitalizing the first word and adding spaces, because that's how passwords work. Scott picks up a bow and has a Revelation, immediately going to Chris's computer to type in ALLISON as the password. It's the second #recycledplotine of the night. Not to mention that as much as Chris loves his daughter, he is much too practical to have such an easily hackable password.
Questionable computer security aside, they show up in the middle of one of Chris's gun deals right after his fake military buyers pull out their guns, realizing that Chris knows they're fake military and is trying to find out who their boss is. Chris is annoyed with them for intervening and claims that he had an inside man that they just took out while trying to help him, which is yet another plot hole bc Chris shouldn't need to ask about bosses if he has an inside man. In the following chaos-ridden action scene, Scott drops the Argent shell casing. Chris says it's okay and they'll just find the actual bullet in the woods.
Best line of the episode: After Scott and Malia ask if the shell casing belongs to him, Chris says, "I haven't stamped a bullet since Allison died." Our hearts all break a little.
Anyway, despite their plans to go to the woods TOGETHER, Chris is mysteriously nowhere in sight so Scott and Malia can have ~time alone~. Malia shows concern for Scott's well-being. They smile at each other, and thanks to compulsive heterosexuality, this clearly means they've just caught feelings. I'm definitely not still bitter that the writers didn't bring back Kira and give Malia a girlfriend instead.
(in all honesty, however, i can admit that this scene was objectively cute, and it was great character development that already happened in s5 but again #recycledplotlines to see Malia actively caring about other people. I’m really happy for sc@lia shippers because I know you were all really excited about that scene.)
Chris comes back. They find a bullet in a tree thanks to its infared heat signature or smthg (idk i'm spaced out at this point). It's a silver bullet, meaning that the guidance counselor is just a wannabe Hunter, not the Genuine Article.
Lydia and Toast:
At the sheriff's station, Lydia??? hears some noise in her premonitions and decides to tell Toast and not her bf's dad for??? some completely valid reason i'm sure??? tbh i have no idea what the premise of this scene is, but Lydia realizes that the noise she keeps hearing is the key card reader from Eichen House. Apparently that means something bad is happening there so she tells Toast that they need to go check it out. Toast tells her that there's no way he's "letting her" go back there - because clearly he owns her and she can't make decisions for herself - and decides to go alone instead, because once again, that clearly makes so much more sense than telling the Sheriff. The whole scene is written to make it sound like Toast is the only one who cares about Lydia's well-being - because it's definitely not like she has a pack full of friends who care about her and a boyfriend who would do anything for her - and therefore is in charge of protecting her in a creepily possessive way. Aka, tw writers are still pandering to M@rrish fans even after Stydia is canon, and I don't know why I'm surprised.
So Toast goes to Eichen, meets Creepy Doctor who accidentally released Other Hellhound last week, and tells him to let him into the closed ward after hearing a woman begging for help. Doctor refuses. Toast shows him his glowing eyes as an... intimidation tactic??? Doctor complies but locks the door behind Toast after he enters.
Toast finds the woman in a communal-shower-type room (which???? okay), lying on the floor with an open electric cable sparking her body every few seconds, surrounded by a bunch of other apparently dead supernatural creatures. When Doctor arrives and Toast tells him to help, plot twist! Doctor is the one who put them there. (Oh, look, electricity........ I wonder who would be helpful....... in this........ situation........)
Doctor gets Toast locked up in room where Other Hellhound used to reside and turns down the temperature, telling Toast that he'll freeze him from the inside out or smthg.
Meanwhile, Lydia's just been hanging out at the sheriff station and waiting for Toast instead of registering for MIT because according to a reminder on her phone, this is the ~last day~ for her to do so and Lydia "IQ of 170" Martin OBVIOUSLY would have put off registration until the last minute. OF COURSE. She ignores the notification bc apparently college isn't important and steals one of the deputies' walkie talkies after she hears strange noises emitting from it. Her absurd attempts to sneak casually would have made Stiles Stilinski proud af.
However, her next move would NOT have made Stiles Stilinski proud af, as she hears the Doctor threatening Toast and immediately decides to go after him alone instead of
1) calling Scott so that Scott and Malia can come with her or
So. Naturally. She goes to Eichen alone, and every sound she hears, every sight she sees, is immensely triggering. For the first time, Teen Wolf actually somewhat addresses the fact that Lydia has PTSD after everything she's been through. This is a good thing. I would be happy with this development if, again, Lydia wasn't alone throughout the entire experience. Clearly, Teen Wolf writers have decided that Strong Female Characters must always face their fears alone if they want to remain Strong Female Characters. Clearly, having her friends there to ground her would have taken away from her character development. Clearly, it wouldn't have been amazing to see Lydia accept her friends' help when s1 Lydia Martin never would have shown weakness around others. Clearly, having a support network when you've faced immense trauma isn't important at all. CLEARLY.
(Clearly I didn't have to pause my TV at this point because I was so horrified and angry that the TW writers placed her in a situation where she was surrounded by a myriad of triggers, on the verge of a panic attack, and completely alone.)
Anyway, Lydia reaches a turning point where she is somehow able to push aside all of those horrible memories and find Toast, who's been slowly freezing to death while watching Doctor hold a gun with shaking hands. Doctor's been explaining that he hates guns and has always been opposed to violence, but his fear of supernatural creatures has led him to believe that eradicating them all is the only way to ensure normal humans' safety.
End scenes:
2.0: Suddenly realizing that freshman boy (I think his name is Aaron) is missing, they go running around the school looking for him and eventually find him in a classroom, magically unharmed. "What are you doing here?" they ask. "Just remembered we have a history test," he replies. I thought this boy was a freshman. smh.
McMarTate: Clearly not scarred from her experiences at all, Lydia rejoins Malia and Scott to discuss their discoveries. Cue "what is everyone afraid of?"/"us" scene combined with a montage of everyone looking away from Liam in slow motion at school the next day, apparently afraid of him. Which is definitely because they magically know he's a werewolf, and not because they don't want to catch the disease that gave him his awful haircut.
Brett: Brett pounces on the guidance counselor, who's looking for him in the woods, and they start fighting. It looks like he's going to win, but then he gets shot in the chest with an arrow and runs off.
The arrow was shot by Gerard.
He tells wannabe hunter/guidance counselor that she has potential.
Huzzah, what a great episode.
Bonus casual racism: Now that Kira's gone, wannabe hunter/guidance counselor (who still doesn't have a name...... oh hey, look, mORE CASUAL RACISM) is the only woman of color on the show... and she's a Black antagonist. This is clearly Not Problematic At All.
Of course, thanks to theories that will be discussed in this week's episode of stydiacast, it's possible that this casting decision is entirely legitimate.
HOWEVER, one other poc was introduced in this episode...... and Aaron, poor young freshman lacrosse player, is now possibly being possessed by spiders and will likely also be a Black antagonist, albeit one with no control over his actions.
Oh, hey, doesn't..... that...... sound..... familiar? It's.... almost like..... another problematic #recycledplotline. *looks at s5 Mason Hewitt*
Thanks, Teen Wolf.
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themeltedheadaches · 7 years
Autumn: What’s your favorite thing about Autumn?
the brisk turn in the air, crunchy leaves, drinking warm drinks, cuddling, the fashion!!!!, i can’t pick!!
Apples: What’s your favorite type of apple?
granny smith for life bro but lately i’ve been having fiji apples for breakfast and that’s chill
Apple Cider: What’s your favorite seasonal drink?
HONESTLY i love drinking hot apple cider through a cinnamon stick, it’s a family tradition but it’s more for around christmas. for fall i love coffee bean and tea leaf’s pecan latte but there are no cbtls around campus :( so i’ll settle for the bistro’s cinn-full latte :)
Apple picking: if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why?
rn, i’d really like to visit my brother in pittsburgh! i miss him :(
Big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
the cold holy fuck no contest at all
Bonfires: Do you prefer going out or staying in on a fall evening?
depends on the type of evening! if it’s a brisk kind of cold, i love to go out. but if it’s rainy and i’m sleepy and haven’t been having time to read much, i’m staying in, no question.
Boots: Favorite pair of shoes/boots you own?
i love my black booties! they’re lace-up with a really cool velcro buckle and spikes on the ankles, plus they’re wedges. they are My Party Shoes and YES i almost broke my neck in them last satruday and YES it took three people to get them off of me that night HOWEVER they are so worth it they’re adorable and i never used to wear them in high school??? why??? !!!!
Black friday: what is one thing, if anything, you would sell your soul to own?
honestly nothing lmao i can’t think of anything i want that badly…
Candles: What’s your favorite fall scent?
i love every fall scent tbh i’m such a sucker, but i LOVE the smell of campfires, and applecider, and that fake pumpkin-spicy smell, but my absolute favorite is the smell of cold rain on cement, how it’s kind of almost cinnamony at first and then it mellows out and smells so clean and cold and it makes your hands a little chilly and i just can’t stop smiling when i open my window and that smell drifts in!!! (and then my roommate yells at me lol)
Caramel Apples: Favorite Halloween candy?
uhhhh fucking kit kats (still salty about that one time @samfloras fuckin ATE ALL OF MY KIT KATS BUT W/E) or honestly peanutbutter m&ms!! OH SHIT NO fuckin crunch bars. yes. bless those things i only ever eat them around halloween.
Cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home?
probably my living room back home, i used to always curl up on the couch where there’s the most light with a book and a blanket and just exist knowing my family was somewhere close, and i could look out the window and see the world outside. by the time i left for college i slept out there more than i did in my own bed tbh. at college tho, i definitely feel happiest in the hall lounge (my hall is so codependent and cute i love us) b/c there’s always someone to talk to or cuddle with or just exist with, too. so it’s kind of the same deal as what i needed back home.
Chilly air: what’s your least favorite and favorite type of weather?
least favorite - humid heat
favorite type - brisk but with clear skies
corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities?
i’m fucking bomb at balancing trays in the dining hall and also blocking out how the foot tastes???
Fairs: Have you ever been to a state fair? How was it?
i Have Not :(
Flannel: How many blankets do you sleep with in the fall/winter?
as many as possible! but usually three-ish (one sheet, one blanket, and a comforter)!
Falling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you?
1) a hairbrush 
2) an umbrella 
3) jeans
Fuzzy Socks: How do you spend a night in in the fall?
quietly and with lots of tea and music and coziness, preferably
Halloween: Do you plan on going out for Halloween this year? And as what?
uhhh hell yeah my school has a pretty small party scene but apparently we go ham for halloween?? i have no idea yet, but probably a basic witch (aka dressing up witchy but also ~basic~ and carrying around starbucks??)
Haunted houses: what’s your scariest memory? (if you don’t have one/ don’t want to talk about it, what’s your biggest fear?)
my biggest fear is spiders or anything crawling inside me tbh
Hay rides: if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be?
Hot Chocolate: How do you make/order your hot chocolate?
honestly i love nestle’s hot chocolate mix even though it is Tasteless AF but hey 
Holding hands: do you believe in soulmates?
i believe there are people in our lives that we are meant to meet for some reason, but i don’t believe there is only One Person Out There who’s the Only Person You Need, bc that’s kind of :////
Hot tea: when was the last time you kissed someone (if you haven’t had your first kiss, who would you like that first someone to be?)
uhhhhhhh augustish i think???
Leaves: What’s your favorite color the leaves turn?
Mini pumpkins: How do you decorate for fall/Halloween?
as much as i can! i love cute candles and fake leaves and lights and spooky decorations 
Pumpkin: Do you carve a pumpkin for Halloween?
usually! my hall is gonna have a pumpkin-carving event bc of fucking course we are, probably someone’s gonna chop their hand of tho 
Pumpkin Spice: Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
absolutely not
Pumpkin Pie: What’s your favorite autumnal dessert?
pumpkin pie! 
Rain: How do you spend a rainy day in?
reading, listening to music, drinking a hot beverage and looking at the rain, splashing in puddles, cuddling up with a fantastic blanket, pointing at the windows and yelling “look at the rain” at whoever will pay attention to me
Sweaters: What’s your favorite sweater?
this one i just bought like last weekend!! it was a very hungover purchase tbh!! but it’s gray/white/maroon and it has a hood and it’s HUGE like 3 sizes too big and i wear it as a dress and it’s so cute and honestly it’s the softest thing ever on the inside 
Scarves: What’s your favorite album to listen to in the fall?
anything by the 1975, anything by wolf alice, anything by keaton henson, screentime by addie pray - i have The Chillest autumn playlist on spotify tbh
Scarves: if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
what i wore last saturday! the black booties i’m obsessed with + these high-waisted leggings from torrid that lace up the backs of the calves + this criss-crossy bralette + this sheer long-sleeved shimmery black shirt…… i looked fucking bomb thanks
Smelly candles: what’s your absolute favorite scent?
lavender bc it has so many tender memories attached to it, my grandmother’s perfume (bluegrass), the lotion my step-dad rubs my mom’s hands with every night - i could never pick between those tbh
Thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason?
i’m so thankful for my family (which of course includes friends) bc they’re everything good in me and my inspiration
The color orange: do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? what is it?
“somebody else” by the 1975, (for late cold tired nights) “email” by addie pray, (for studying in a coffeeshop), “10 am Gare du Nor” by keaton henson (for when it’s rainy and sad out and you’re feelin it), and “feel right” by esme patterson” (for brisk days and brisker walks)
Wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall?
the weather officially changing and seeing it on campus!! getting apple cider at the bistro!! family weekend!! going home for thanksgiving, letting everyone know how much they mean to me, finishing my damn scarf
Windy nights:if you could go to any concert whose would it be?
WOLF ALICE i’m SO MAD they played in LA over the summer AND I MISSED IT and now they’re playing in hollywood AT THE AMEOBA!!! AND I’M GOING TO MISS IT AGAIN!! AAAAAAA it’s not like they’re lowkey one of my favorite bands that NEVER are in the united states ever lmao !!! :(((((((
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tigresjumeaux · 7 years
As per the request of @my-insanity-is-irrelevant​, here goes nothing. Not even gonna reblog the ask meme post bc I’m literally answering every question rip
1. What is you middle name? Marie. #basic 2. How old are you? 19. 3. When is your birthday? May 31.  4. What is your zodiac sign? Gemini. I’m actually two people and they’re both snakes.  5. What is your favorite color? I honestly don’t have one, they all have their perks. I do tend to favor cooler and darker colors tho 6. What’s your lucky number? 7 and 9, but odd numbers tend to treat me nicely in general.  7. Do you have any pets? Three! A Boxer named Buster, and two 14 y/o cats named Asheley and Nadia. Here’s hoping for many more in the future. :’) 8. Where are you from? Born in Seattle, raised in the greater St. Louis area, and going to school in Muncie, IN.  9. How tall are you? 5′6″ 10. What shoe size are you? 8 in American women’s size. 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Oh lord. Probably like 15 because I refuse to get rid of any, but I only wear like 4. 12. What was your last dream about? Roller coasters and an ex being nasty. DJ Khaled was there.  13. What talents do you have? I’m fairly good at reading people, and also drawing. I’m also a quick learner, if that counts as a talent? 14. Are you psychic in any way? I wish. I have a weird force of karma that seems to follow the people who have hurt me around, but that could be coincidence. I’ve helped check other people’s energies (as well as my own) before, but my knowledge is limited and I don’t think I have the sense of self to pursue that right now. 15. Favorite song? At no point in my life have I had just one, but “Fury” by Muse and “Love is Mystical” by the Cold War Kids are up there right now.  16. Favorite movie? Wonder Woman was so, so good, y’all. I also like  17. Who would be your ideal partner? daisy ridley right now, my standards are both really low and really high. Just...someone I get along with and who gives a rat’s ass?  18. Do you want children? I think I might, yeah. Depends on who I end up with, but I like the idea of making small humans and showing them how the world works. Teaching others has always helped me figure shit out, anyway.  19. Do you want a church wedding? nooooo thank you 20. Are you religious? Not in the sense that I participate in organized religion, but I do believe in aspects of many different religions. I’m particularly fond of reincarnation. 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? I had to have my chin stitched up when I was like, 3. And also I had my tonsils out at 10.  22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nope, and I’d prefer to keep it that way.  23. Have you ever met any celebrities? I met Paramore the summer before my junior year, and I met Jensen, Jared, and Misha from SPN my senior year! 24. Baths or showers? Showers. 25. What color socks are you wearing? au naturale i’m barefoot bitches 26. Have you ever been famous? one time i did a drawing and it got 100 notes 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? noooooo maybe C-list at most 28. What type of music do you like? I’ll listen to just about anything, but I lean towards alt rock, metal, punk, some indie if it isn’t too hippie-ish. 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nah 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Like...7?  31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my stomach with my top half wrapped around a pillow or a blanket.  32. How big is your house? Two-story, four bedrooms. Parents raised three wild kiddos here 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? A smoothie or a sandwich when I’m actually up in time.  34. Have you ever fired a gun? No, but I’d like to at least try. 35. Have you ever tried archery? yes and i ain’t no katniss 36. Favorite clean word? Maverick (that’s one of many) 37. Favorite swear word? Fuck. it’s just so versatile 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 60 hours or so 39. Do you have any scars? On my heels, chin, thighs, hips, and over my wristbones. I’m clumsy, have pets, and have self-harmed. 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? An anon flirted w me on Tumblr but it was someone in my French class, lel. Wasn’t a secret for too long. 41. Are you a good liar? White lies, yes. Big lies, noooo. 42. Are you a good judge of character? Generally? 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Not a whole lot on my own, but I’ll pick up anything I hear regularly. 44. Do you have a strong accent? Not really? I just kinda talk and drop bits of different accents here and there. I don’t think I have that much of a St. Louis accent. 45. What is your favorite accent? I have a soft spot for slight Southern accents. Eastern European and Australian are also awesome.  46. What is your personality type? sad 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? A $120 jacket from Zumiez. It’s HUF brand but I bought it for the wolves on it tbh 48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes and it comes in handy w girlfriends 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie  50. Left or right handed? Right 51. Are you scared of spiders? I used to, but I’m getting better. They startle me but I’ve carried a wolf spider outside so 52. Favorite food? changes by the hour tbh tho chicken is always good 53. Favorite foreign food? Shepherd’s Pie.  54. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean, but disorganized. My room is cluttered but not like, dirty.  55. Most used phrase? "Oh my god.” 56. Most used word? like 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? depends. not usually over 45 minutes unless I’m getting Fancy.  58. Do you have much of an ego? Not really.  59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Yes. 60. Do you talk to yourself? More than anyone else. 61. Do you sing to yourself? Yes, especially when I can’t hear my own voice. 62. Are you a good singer? N o 63. Biggest Fear? Forgetting and being forgotten. 64. Are you a gossip? drama that don’t involve me is the best drama 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Goodwill Hunting aaaaaa 66. Do you like long or short hair? On myself, defs long. I love pulling it back too much for short.  67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Yep! I 68. Favorite school subject? English. Also psychology.  69. Extrovert or Introvert? Extrovert with trust issues, abandonment issues, and that shuts down a lot. and also clinical depression 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No, but I’ve been snorkeling! 71. What makes you nervous? Anything has the potential to make me nervous, tbh. But not knowing things is The Worst 72. Are you scared of the dark? Oh god yes 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? I do when it’s something small. Big mistakes are things you gotta figure out for yourself. 74. Are you ticklish? Less and less over time, tbh.  75. Have you ever started a rumor? Never on purpose. I’ve heard a few things I’ve said get distorted and spread but I try to Cut That Shit Out Quick 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I was a President of a few clubs in high school, captain of the swim team, and a manager for the track and cross country teams.  77. Have you ever drank underage? Whenever I can, tbh. Not even to get drunk, necessarily, it just tastes good 78. Have you ever done drugs? Only weed with a close friendo of mine. I also may have saved a few narcotics from my wisdom tooth removal for a rainy day 79. Who was your first real crush? My best friend in middle school. That was a doozy.  80. How many piercings do you have? I have doubles in my ears, so 4. I’d like triples and possibly a septum piercing.  81. Can you roll your Rs? Yep! Sometimes I do it by accident when speaking 82. How fast can you type? Not very tbh 83. How fast can you run? That depends on why I’m running. 84. What color is your hair? Dirty blonde. 85. What color are your eyes? Blue-gray. 86. What are you allergic to? Certain kinds of deodorant and also tumblr 87. Do you keep a journal? I mean I scribble down stream of consciousness shit when trying to Cope w things, but I don’t keep one regularly.  88. What do your parents do? Dad’s an engineer, mom’s the HR person for a whackass ad company w fun people 89. Do you like your age? I mean I’d rather be able to legally drink, but I’m a legal adult but it doesn’t feel Real yet so I guess it ain’t all bad 90. What makes you angry? When people are mean for literally no good reason. 91. Do you like your own name? it’s aiight. people trying to pronounce my last name is amusing 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? I like the name Oliver a lot for a guy? But really I guess it’d depend on my what my wife likes 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? dog 94. What are your strengths? I know people and can communicate pretty well, and I’m generally good at being pretty friendly. Also I can swim so if someone throws me in the water the joke is on them 95. What are your weaknesses? Can’t be left alone for long periods of time, relying on one person for everything, and ignoring myself and other friends, compulsive tendencies, and an overall obsessive personality. 96. How did you get your name? Named after my dad’s grandma, iirc. Except Claire instead of Clara.  97. Were your ancestors royalty? I’m sure someone was idk 98. Do you have any scars? didn’t I answer this already 99. Color of your bedspread? Black and white at home, orange and purple in my dorm. 100. Color of your room? Very dark forest green. I like it lots.
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insaniteas · 8 years
A Growing List of Female Fictional Characters That I Adore (Spoiler alert)
Tessa Gray Herondale Carstairs: she transformed into a freaking angel, literally.
Catarina Loss: even Magnus Bane looks up to her. Raised a Herondale baby by herself as her own, knowing the grave punishment of her actions.
Emma Carstairs: Braved through the death of her parents and didn’t give up on the hope of getting justice for them. Would do anything to protect the Blackthorns.
Clary Fairchild: Her world was flipped upside down at the revelation of what she really was. Her transition from being clueless to one of the most badass characters is truly admirable.
Livia Blackthorn: saber-wielding badass queen who looks out for her twin brother and is BASICALLY A REBELLION LEADER IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WHAHDUSHWHW. Rest in peace, Angel.
Cecily Herondale: She stayed strong for her parents at the time of her sister’s death and her brother’s abandonment. Did not stand for Will’s shit whenever he would act like she was still a child despite the fact that she single handedly slew her future father in law’s demonic worm form.
Cristina Mendoza-Rosales: she has one of the purest hearts, even Kieran saw that. She is brave and compassionate beyond words, despite the fact that she had been lied to several times by two people that she trusted greatly.
Charlotte Branwell: proved to all the men in the Clave that she is strong and absolutely fitting to head the London Institute. Became The FIRST female Consul.
Isabelle Lightwood: whip-carrying slay all day vibe 24/7. Supported Alec in his struggle to come out of the closet.
Helen Blackthorn: is being treated unfairly because of her faerie blood. Still compassionate and kind as ever.
Aline Penhallow: stood by her girlfriend's side, even during her exile to Wrangel Island. Married her, even. Suck on that, Clave.
Lily Chen: Headed the New York vampire clan at the loss of her dear friend Raphael Santiago. May act tough on the outside, but is actually very good with handling babies.
Maia Roberts: victim of racism, abused by her brother, lost her boyfriend, nearly her entire wolf pack. Came back like a bad-ass and is now the leader of the New York werewolf pack.
Ruby Daly: her transition from fearing her abilities to controlling them is empowering. Got hurt WAY TOO MANY TIMES MAN.
Vida Connor: "a charming young woman with a mouth that could give a sailor a heart attack."
June Iparis: the prodigy babe of the Republic. Graduated college at fifteen. Headstrong and selfless as fuck. Taught fighting tactics even when she was sick.
Kaede: skiz fight & flying queen. HIJACKED A COLONIES PLANE LIKE U GO GIRL.
Penelope Bunce: fought side by side with Simon in all of his missions. Hermione Granger of the Carry On universe ❤️
Adelina Amouteru: She had darkness inside of her and she feared it greatly. Despite her flaws, she held a deep, unbreakable love for her sister. Sacrificed her own life to bring her back to the living world.
Violetta Amouteru: The Gentle™ Sister. Loved Adelina despite the darkness inside of her. She loved her sister even if everyone saw her as a monster.
Kady Grant: SPACE HACKER PRINCESS. Went through a zombies-in-space shitstorm and defeated a whole-ass battle ship by teaming up with a slightly crazy AI.
Hanna Donnelly: Heimdall’s “spoiled rich kid” wHO CAN FREAKING KICK UR ASS.
Gemma Salvatore: Our dainty fauna princess. Friendly and filled with optimism. ALSO DESERVED BETTER
Maeve Corrigan: Brave and beautiful Beldish queen who didn’t need a man to rule (bc she’s 1000% lesbian for Lucent get it?)
Lucent: Fiercely loyal, sarcastic-ass bad bitch who can sweep you off of your feet (literally and figuratively).
Emika Chen: Our rainbow-haired, tattoo cladded bounty hunter princess who is also another bad-ass hacker. Can definitely dethrone Hideo from his own game.
Hamilton Jiménez: Phoenix Riders’ stealthy thief. Extremely witty and is a loyal teammate/friend.
Alice Ulapala: literally my favorite player in the whole series. She has such a pure heart and only killed when it meant that an innocent child’s life was at stake. SHE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER
Sarah Alopay: Cahokian princess. Although she obviously had the least training out of all the players, she could still kick their asses.
Etta Spencer: got shoved into some time traveling mess but handled herself gracefully. Stood against wrong principles, and believed in equality no matter which century she landed in.
Ella Malikova: Our little spider. Master of the art of giving nicknames. Tech savvy princess who saved the survivors of Heimdall station with her skills, fiercely loyal and protective when it comes to her family
Shari Chopra: also one of my favorite players in Endgame. Taught me that having people that you care for isn’t necessarily a weakness, but can be something you can draw strength from. She would walk through hell to protect her daughter.
Drusilla Blackthorn: was always overlooked by her family yet she does everything she can to help them in battle and at the same time heal their hearts from the loss of their sister.
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silvershadow1398 · 5 years
I’m loud
I’m obnoxious
I’m sarcastic
I’m cocky - not usually but i can be
I cry easily
I have a bad temper
For the most part, I don’t like people
I’m easy to get along with - i can BS it enough
I like to fight
I have more enemies than friends
I’ve smoked
I’ve smoked weed
I drink coffee
I clean my room daily
I cannot open up to others - not easily
I wish I can tell those close what is wrong with me but I can’t
I am extroverted
I am introverted
I don’t care most of the time
I am lazy
I am cynical
I am idealistic
I am realistic
I am a dreamer
About You
I am straight
I am bisexual
I am pansexual
I am demisexual
I am asexual
I am another sexuality that isn’t listed
I rather not reveal my sexuality on tumblr
I am cis
I am a transgender
I am non-binary
I am in the closet
I think I might be gay/lesbian
I like what I like
I love myself
I hate myself
My Appearance
I’m shorter than 5’5
I am taller than 5'10
I wear makeup
I wear little to no makeup
I wear a piece of jewelry at all times
I wear contacts
I wear glasses
I’ve had braces - invisalign
I have braces
I change my hair color often - no but it is currently dyed
I straighten my hair often
My ears are pierced
I have small feet
I have a shoe size larger than eight
I have freckles
My teeth are straight
My teeth are crooked
I have scar(s)
I’m in a relationship now
I’m in an open relationship
I’m single
I’m single but want to date
I’m crushin’
I’m in friends with benefits
I’ve missed an ex before
I’ve stalked an ex before over social media
An ex has stalked me
I’m always scared of being hurt
An ex has physically abused me at least once
I’ve been cheated on
I cheated on someone
I’ve been in a long-distance relationship before/are
A boyfriend/girlfriend made a promise to me that they didn’t keep
I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
I told someone I love them
I haven’t told someone I love them but want to
It’s hard for me to say I love you in a relationship
I’m afraid to say I love you because I know they will leave eventually
I’m afraid to say I love you because I’ve been hurt badly before
I hate the words I love you so I say other things to demonstrate my love
I’ve been in love more than two times
I’ve been in love more than once but won’t admit it
I believe in love at first sight
I believe in soul mates
I believe in an instant click
I believe lust is more important than love
My boyfriend/girlfriend is protective of me
My boyfriend/girlfriend is weird but I like that
My boyfriend/girlfriend may get on my nerves sometimes but I can never truly stay mad at them
I have no friends
I have a best friend - not sure
I’ve lost a best friend
I have at least ten friends
My best friends live miles away from me
I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend
I prefer skyping with my friends
I prefer calling my friends
I prefer texting my friends
I’ve beaten up a friend
A friend has physically abused me
A friend has mentally abused me
I’ve been in a toxic friendship before
I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend
I can trust at least five people with my life
My friends are crazy but I love them
I am protective of my friends
I’ve had friends leave me when they had boyfriends
I’m always the butt of my friends jokes
I feel like my friends only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me
My friends are under 18 - one, and they turn 18 in September
My friends are over 18
I’ve left the state/province - lmao currently VERY far away
Someone close to me has died
I’ve taken a taxi
I’ve taken a city bus
I’ve been in a subway
I’ve been on a train
I’ve been on a plane
I’ve ridden in a carriage
I’ve taken a school service (like school bus)
I’ve gone bungee jumping
I’ve had a road trip with friends
I’ve made a speech
I’ve been in some sort of club
I’ve won an award
I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight
I’ve been in a physical fight
I’ve stolen something - from school, not a store
I’ve snuck out before
I saw a shooting star
I wished on a shooting star
I listen to country
I listen to pop
I listen to edm
I listen to rock
I listen to indie
I listen to instrumental
I listen to movie scores
I listen to rap/hip hop
I listen to k-pop
I listen to oldies
I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I hate it
I hate the radio
I download music
I buy CD’s
I spend at least six hours a day watching television
I watch soap operas daily
I’m in love with Days Of Our Lives
I’ve seen and like The OC
I’ve seen and like One Tree Hill
I’ve seen and like America’s Next Top Model - seen but not like
I’ve seen and like Popular
I’ve seen and like House
I’ve seen and like 24
I’ve seen and like CSI
I’ve seen and like Everwood
I’ve seen and like Doctor Who
I’ve seen and like The Vampire Diaries
I’ve seen and like Teen Wolf
I’ve seen and like Family Guy
I’ve seen and like Gilmore Girls
I’ve seen and like Big Brother
I’ve seen and like MTV Reality Shows - seen but not like
I’ve seen and like Pretty Little Liars
I’ve seen and like Sherlock
I’ve seen and like Supernatural
I’ve seen and like How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen and like Sailor Moon
I’ve seen and like Grey’s Anatomy
I’ve seen and like something that everyone would hate
I’ve seen and dislike something that everyone would love - LOTS
Family Life
I get along with both of my parents
My biological parents are still together - i have no fucking clue lol
My mother abandoned me - LMFAO
My father abandoned me - LMFAO
I can’t help but be said that one of my parents left me
I have at least one brother
I have at least one sister
I have at least one step brother/sister
I have at least one half brother/sister
I have pets
I’ve been kicked out of the house
I’ve been grounded before
I’ve been scolded before
My parents have been verbally abusive - i personally think so...
I’ve ran away from my home
I’ve sworn at my parents
I’ve made my parents cry
My parents are very chill - for the most part
My parents are strict
My parents are disappointed in me
My parents want what is best for me
I feel like I am disappointing my parents
I am hiding something from my parents
I am close with my mom
I am close with my dad - not as much as my mom
I am close with a step-parent
I’ve lied to my parents
I’ve lied to my parents about where I am
I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing
I’ve lied to my parents so I’d be allowed out
I’ve lied to my parents about being single
I’ve lied to my parents about my sexuality - still am!!!
I’ve lied to my parents about school
I normally ask the other parent if one tells me no
I’ve walked out when I’ve been grounded
I’ve walked out in the middle of an argument
I’ve cut my hair in the past year
I’ve dyed my hair in the past year
I’ve been blonde
I’ve had black - natural color
I’ve been red
I’ve been light brown
I’ve been medium brown
I’ve been brown - dyed color
I’ve had streaks
I’ve had purple/pink
I’ve been blue/green
I’ve gotten my hair thinned
I use conditioner
I’ve used silk therapy
I’ve used hot oil treatments
I’ve curled my hair
I’ve straightened my hair
I’ve braided my hair
I’ve had\want dreadlocks
I am currently content
I am happy
I am currently sad
I am currently irritated
I am currently numb
I am angry
I am feeling suicidal
I think I’ve made someone angry
I think I’ve made someone upset
Someone is ignoring me
Someone is angry at me
I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life
I feel like I’m going to be losing someone in the next two months
I want to drink
I want to smoke
I want to drive
I want to cry
I’ve thrown something at a teacher
I’ve yelled at a teacher
I’ve been suspended
I’ve had an in-school suspension
I’ve been sent to the principal’s office
I should of had truancy
I should have been expelled
I should have been suspended
I’ve walked out of class
I’ve skipped an entire day of school
I’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class
I’ve failed a test
I’ve cheated on a test
I’ve helped someone else cheat on a test
I’ve failed Art
I’ve failed P.E
I’ve failed Math
I’ve failed Science - not the class, but failed a test within the class
I’ve failed another class
A teacher has called my parents - bc i was sick, not in trouble
A teacher has called my parents for a parent-teacher conference
I’ve been caught skipping
I’ve been on the honor roll
I’ve been on effort honor roll
I think nerds are cute
A stranger has complimented me before
I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door
The last shoes I wore were black
I own a pair of white flip flops
I have a personal xanga
I have a roleplay blog
I doodle on my notes during class sometimes - not usually but i have
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
Halloween is my favorite holiday
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I actually study for tests
I actually do big papers before the night it’s due
I cannot do a cartwheel
I can do a handstand underwater
I’m physically affectionate toward certain friends
I have not tried tomato soup with grilled cheese
I use AIM
I use Skype
I use Oovoo
I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one
I’ve never had the chicken pox
I hate leaving voicemails
I like stuffed crust pizza
I have a scanner
I was named after somebody or something
I have a unique name
I hate my name - middle name specifically
I do not have a tattoo
There’s a piece of jewelry that I wear daily
I shower at night
I shower during the day - preferred
I shower early morning - least favorite
I prefer the sunrise over the sunset
The walls in my room are a color other than white
I have a picture of myself kissing somebody
My friends like to carry me around
I’m constantly misplacing my chapstick
I wear gray eyeliner
I’m not afraid of snakes
I’m not afraid of spiders
I’m not afraid of insects
I don’t get sick easily
I get sick easily
I like green tea ice cream
My nails are naturally healthy and strong
I have a job
I hate my job
I am looking for a second job
I have my own car
I still live with my parents
When I was little, I loved string cheese
I have to pee right now - not yet...
When I’m trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish
I want a pet chinchilla
I love it when my car has a full tank of gas
We don’t have a desktop computer at my house
I don’t own a laptop
I want a laptop
My parents are from a country that isn’t the one we currently reside in
I dislike the wind
I dislike rain
I dislike snow
I’ve had 5+ piercings throughout my life
I’m the shortest adult in my family - not sure but i might be
I am the tallest adult in my family
I am the heaviest in my family
I am the thinnest in my family - not sure but i might be
I know someone is ignoring me
I almost always do my homework
My name ends in a vowel
I sing and dance obnoxiously when I’m home alone
I am obsessed with musicals
I am obsessed with horror
I am obsessed with action/drama
I am obsessed with romance
I like the way mango smells
I prefer silver over gold
I prefer white gold over silver
I already have plans for my future wedding
I fear I’ll end up being alone
My bathing suit is a two piece
I’ve taught somebody how to swim before
I cannot swim
The last highlighter I used was yellow
I know the first three ballet positions - LOL
I am a Taurus
I am a Cancer
I am a Libra
I am a Sagittarius
I find astrology interesting
I have masturbated before
I have wanted to push someone down the stairs
0 notes