#i like spiders but it is startling
saccharinescorpion · 1 year
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i can not stress enough how little i knew about what was up with Miguel O'Hara and i can not stress enough how seeing this almost knocked me clean out of my seat
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squidkidcelebi · 5 months
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Yeah I'd take the cryptid over the Abandoned Mineshaft Cave Spider Spawner Area any day.
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eights-world · 1 year
You asked for prompts, and your... interests gave me an idea, so here it is: Ham treating Noir, possibly other Spider fam folk, to lunch or dinner or whatever in his dimension for the first time, and this exchange happens.
"So, how is it? Bet you've never had cartoon food made by cartoon animals before!"
"It's... not made of cartoon animals, is it?"
Leaving Ham's response and whether he's fucking with them or not in your capable, apparently cannibal-fixated hands~
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im like 60% sure this is referring to when i was talking about fic ideas?? and i MAY do smthh like that with this idea but for now we have this bc i thought this was funny
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pfhwrittes · 5 months
For a second I thought the cow incident was over the weekend and I was about to book a flight to the UK to tuck you into blankets and make you huge piles of food and treatos.
Also thing. So I have zero and I do mean zero filter on my mouth. Mum likes to say the shit I say is why she has so many grey hairs. Now this isn't to say I'm a jerk or anything close to that. More that I'm a sassy thing and it's amazing that I still have a job. Example, yesterday at work my supervisor and an educator were showing these two students we have proper body mechanics for lifting heavy surgical trays.
Educator "just remember to bend and lift with your knees."
Me walking behind them "pop it like you want that anaconda to get some hun."
Educator and Supervisor "MA'AM" and government name while laughing.
Me walking away as I shake my ass "am I wrong?"
Anyways somehow I still have a job and I'm not entirely sure how. One supervisor wanted to get me drug tested and like 3 weeks later I accidentally gave him nightmares.
Love you hope your week going fabulous ❤️
stigy oh my god i am trying so hard not to cackle at your lack of brain-to-mouth filter right now.
i am fully high-fiving you over saying weird shit at work and somehow still keeping a job. i was well known for saying some truly off the wall shit at my last job (never mean or malicious, just stuff that made people go "parker!" in a scandalised tone while also laughing).
like that time one of my favourite co-workers came to find me in the stockroom and i said "i wish i was getting fucked as hard by dickheads in charge outside of work as i am inside of work" and i made her think she'd gone into premature labour because she was laughing so hard. i am very pleased to tell you she didn't go into labour because i would NOT have handled that well let me tell ya.
lmao i can promise i haven't been getting up to (many) antics at the moment. i've been good! just a few harmless pranks on my mum and an accidental midnight spidering.
love you too! and i hope your week goes most excellently! 💜
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c0rpseductor · 28 days
my mom asked me to Get a spider and when i went to try to scoop it into a plastic container to take it outsidesies there was no spider in the location she specified. so I told her before she drove off to work that she might’ve imagined the spider or mistaken something else for the spider and she was like “Oh no. There was DEFINITELY a spider.” so now when she gets home from work she wants to use the front door and then do like a spot check of the area. for the spider. i fully understand she’s arachnophobic and can’t help it and i try not to be a jerk but man i don’t like spider hunt
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humanmorph · 4 months
I hope the spider living in the pipe under my washing machine isn't stupid enough to crawl in there. I would hate to wash it
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
I think it's absolutely hilarious when spiders are afraid of humans and will run away like "EW A HUMAN!!!"
Theres a biiiig orb weaver spider on the patio and it has a very beautiful web that I like to admire. Now I'll admit I am afraid of spiders and im trying to get better at not being afraid (mostly by thinking of them like I do the crabs, multi-legged little dumbasses (affectionate)). So I was admiring the spider itself yesterday and talking to it, then I went around the other side to look at it, well apparently I was talking to it's back, and when I came around it SCURRIED up the web so fucking fast that it made me think of how people react to seeing spiders sgdgdggdgd it really looked like it said "EW A HUMAN! SMASH IT!!! :0"
Glad to know it's mutual
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jaysworlds · 7 months
im sorry i do not understand how anyone hates bugs. i poked a spider today (it fell off the ceiling and stood in one place for a good long moment and i was concerned if it was okay) and it launched itself into the air, curled up like it was dead midair, and then uncurled when it hit the floor and ran under my feet
it was adorable. how can you hate that.
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jaynosurname · 4 months
The Tunic devs must think they’re really funny with the way they placed their enemies on the overworld.
Let’s just say, watch out for spiders, because they’ll scare the shit out of you when you least expect it.
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cantankerouscatfish · 5 months
my brother felt something crawling in his hair while he was in bed last night and was real distressed by it.
so earlier today, he was on speaker on the phone with our mum while talking about the whole thing, and he pulled the bed away from the corner to spray ant stuff along the wall/floor edge.
and while he told me all this, he spoke in his normal, flat voice. simply relaying events. but according to our mum, he started yelling frantically once he moved the bed. because there was a spiderling nest in the corner of the wall. and they went everywhere. so he sprayed the whole corner with the ant spray. she yelled at him to open a window. everything's fine now.
of the two of us, I am the one that likes spiders. he... does not.
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katherynefromphilly · 8 months
So I finally watched the Marvels and I really enjoyed it except for the part where it Abruptly Became A Disney Film there in the middle section.
The same exact thing happened to the Mandalorian, in the Jack Black episode. It went from Star Wars to “I feel like Elsa is going pop out of nowhere to sing Let It Go”. I would give good money to know if the same Disney Executive walked into the writer’s rooms of both shows and dropped that instruction on their respective tables.
Someone please send Disney/Marvel/Star Wars an essay on “tonal shift” and how and when to use it properly? I feel like it’s needed.
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james-p-sullivan · 9 months
that moment when you make a self diagnosis at 2AM that puts your entire life into perspective
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kandidandi · 1 year
I totally understand!! I do the same thing, lol
Well, used to
Since I wanna go to another continent, I've been researching more etc, so yeah— I don't forget it as much
Don't be sorry, it's totally fine-
Also yes, animals are stronger than most people would think
Especially their "laughs" janeic
They make so many weird noises, love 'em
Yep, scary ahwvfh
Birbs are scary
Although I got to feed one once-, still scary, I was afraid it would bite my hand off or smth JWBDJCU
Also the ask thingy, that's clever! I haven't thought about that—
Also, yeah, people approaching wild animals is- I can't understand it-
It's a wild animal-
Especially bears— b e a r s—
-Just some guy
nah man aint no way people just approach bears???? what the? thats even worse than a koala what T_T
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the-stray-liger · 1 year
Very Large brown hairy spider ran right across my keyboard while I was on a call and I need to congratulate myself for being so focused on my job that I barely registered it and didn't let out a mel blanc scream right into my customer's ear
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Me when I notice a spider normally: awww, hi cutie
Me when there’s MOVEMENT RIGHT BESIDE MY HEAD ON MY PILLOW IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT: AAH! Jesus FUCKING Christ. When did you get there and why my pillow? *catching breath* *I gently shake them onto the floor* *i then have to pick up my laptop from where it slid off of my startled ass*
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vimbry · 1 year
maybe it's because I was still pretty young when I played them (12 and 13 respectively), but no video game moment has managed to genuinely scare me more than the Not-Horror games pokemon platinum (the old chateau and its music), and okami (the sunken ship and its all of it).
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