#it's my day and thus i draw one of my favorite grapes
aueua · 1 year
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ain't any disgrace in / being ace!
happy IAD!!
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charlottemadison42 · 4 years
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A new short story on AO3, 2.3k words, rated G, dedicated to the very dear @musegnome!
Crowley got a new watch at least once a year.
He liked them sharp and cutting-edge, bespoke and exclusive and expensive. By the time anyone else heard of the craftsman or the brand, he was ready to cast it off and find something better. From the first decorative clunkers of the early 1500's to the quartz revolution, he was always up to speed on the best of the best. Connoisseurs in Geneva and Tokyo and Dubai kept a lookout on his behalf these days. When they called, doubtless raving about a new mechanism or a new maker, he always picked up.
He didn't think about why he liked watches. If anyone had ever asked Crowley (nobody did) he'd have shrugged. His corvid instinct to collect shiny status markers was reason enough.
(And if every skip of the second hand offered proof of his progress away from the fourteenth century -- one step farther from Golgotha, farther from the flood, farther from the Fall -- that thought was seldom admitted entry to the fortress of his mind. Crowley looked forward, not back.)
Aziraphale had owned a total of four watches in his life thus far.
He liked the kind of timepiece that required winding by hand, with a little key, although he often forgot to. Luckily when he needed to know the exact time, his watch obliged him anyway.
It was conceivable that Aziraphale enjoyed the sensation of suddenly remembering, "Oh! I forgot to wind my pocketwatch!" because he delighted in having some small duty to do, a simple task at which he could not fail, a way he could help the world tick along.
For -- what was a mechanical pocketwatch, if not an elegant dynamic sculpture of the universe as humans experienced it? Aziraphale waxed philosophical about such things in the comfort of his favorite reading chair, while he smoothed the shiny etched surface with his thumb til he knew every groove. He meditated often and fondly about his watch as a Metaphor for Things.
(But the angel never asked where it might be leading him. Aziraphale looked over his shoulder at history with a loving melancholy sigh, watchfully guarding over the sum of human experience. But he did not look ahead. He hated endings.)
Warlock Dowling went through an especially rambunctious phase at age six. He was old enough that his parents' neglect was starting to emerge from the background of his young reality into a Phenomenon that he Noticed. And the more Warlock Noticed it, the more he Did Not Like it, and he took it out on everyone within reach.
Nanny Ashtoreth's attempts to dress him resulted in arching and kicking and flailing fists. Brother Francis's nature walks ended with tantrums in the dirt. Warlock began to enjoy ruining things when he learned that he could: tearing up his own drawings, ripping leaves off the tulips and ferns, pouring grape juice on white linens, breaking toys. It made him feel powerful.
"Hell could learn a thing or two from this one," Crowley muttered.
"I expect they're going to, since he'll be running the show if we fail to do something about this," Aziraphale snapped in reply.
Neither angel nor demon had been prepared for the inexhaustible physical frenzy of an outraged six-year-old Antichrist.
But when Warlock finally smashed Aziraphale's pocketwatch on a paving stone in a fit of rage, the poor child broke through something else, too.
Warlock stared at the pieces of glass and the crushed face on the ground, at the minute hand all bent out of shape. He looked up at Brother Francis. He looked at Nanny, running across the lawn toward them.
And he started bawling. ...
[Click through to read more or finish on AO3]
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Warlock knew that watch was special. He knew it was very old and delicate. In fact, the watch was the reason he'd learned the definitions of "fragile" and "breakable" and "irreplaceable." Once he had command of those words, he'd been allowed to hold it while seated on Brother Francis's lap. He'd even learned how to wind it, awestruck by the action and the shine. He always included the watch when he drew pictures of Brother Francis, attached by a chain of lumpy circles to the pocket of his baggy trousers.
Now the fragile breakable irreplaceable thing lay in pieces on the garden path.
Aziraphale was terrible at hiding his feelings. He was shocked and saddened, and it showed all over his face, though he did his best to suppress it. Every time Warlock looked up at him, the child cried harder.
Aziraphale was rapidly realizing that if he miracled his watch back together, even discreetly, Warlock was old enough that he would notice its reappearance. Warlock noticed everything. So the watch would have to stay at home, unworn, for several years at least -- perhaps until the end of the world. It had survived the Blitz, the trenches, the Seven Years' War, the Crimean War, and a number of unfortunate dining mishaps (though it was perhaps helped along by a few frivolous miracles). Aziraphale had not gone without it since he purchased it from the watchmaker himself back in 1689, in a dim workshop on the outskirts of Zürich. The angel felt some epoch ending. Endings made him sad. Especially these days, when they reminded him of The End.
But Crowley was there; of course Crowley was there. She scooped Warlock up in her arms even though he was getting big for that. She held him tight as he sobbed.
"Here's a how-de-do," she groaned, assessing the situation.
Aziraphale had been crouched over the ruined watch for so long now that his knees were stiff. He stood up and sighed heavily. "I suppose it's...it's only a watch," he said, dispirited. "I shouldn't grow so attached to worldly goods. ...And it's an opportunity to teach compassion, model forgiveness, and discuss respect for others' things, as well." He was letting the accent slip in his sadness, but Warlock was as far from paying attention as he could be.
"He's six! He can't track all that!" huffed Crowley.
"Well he's certainly tracking the bit about crushing the world under his heel!"
"Nnnnnrrrrrrgh," Crowley snarled in frustration. She was caught between her mandate to teach Warlock to be fantastically evil and her fear that succeeding would bring about the end of the world.
In the end, though, Warlock surprised them both by doing something entirely human, entirely his own. He cried himself out for several minutes on the lawn, and once he could speak again, he asked Aziraphale:
"Brother Francis, why did I do that?"
Then he looked to his Nanny, silently repeating the question to her with his bleary eyes.
Crowley and Aziraphale looked at one another, blinking.
"Um," said Crowley.
"...Why d'you think ye did, me lad?" asked Aziraphale, retreating from his hurt feelings into his ridiculous bucktoothed persona.
Warlock sniffed. "I don't know. I din't think it would feel like that." He squatted and poked the exposed paper of the clock face.
Crowley knelt down next to him. "Can you put it back together?" she asked.
"So what do you think you should do now?"
"That's not even...nngh." Crowley looked helplessly to the angel. But they were both at a loss.
"Can we go inside?" Warlock finally pleaded.
And so they did. As Nanny and Warlock walked away, Crowley restored the pocketwatch with a snap of her fingers without even looking back. It was good as new once again.
But Aziraphale knew that its time had come. He picked it up, enjoying the way it fit just so in his palm -- the comfort of a handful of crystallized time -- and then he clicked it shut and sent it back home to the bookshop, where it would have to stay for now.
That evening, just before supper, Warlock showed up on the porch of the greenhouse with Nanny in tow. His little face was wrinkled up in concern and contrition and other Very Grown-Up Feelings as he presented Brother Francis with a card. It featured a colored pencil drawing of all three of them holding hands, and yellow triangles on the ground to represent the afternoon's event. The unsteady lettering inside read "soRRY for yuor wAtch From wARLock."
"I made you this," said Warlock, and he handed over the most awkward little handcrafted project. It was roughly disc-shaped, and it featured play-doh, pipe cleaners, and glitter glue. The face was sharpied directly onto the half-dried crumbling clay, and the chain was made of taped rings of construction paper.
It plucked every heartstring the angel had. He melted on the spot.
Crowley rolled her eyes as Aziraphale poured out fond words of thanks for his new watch and forgiveness for the old one, embracing Warlock between tearful phrases. But Crowley also had her least cruel smirk on, the one that was very nearly affectionate.
Before they left, Crowley also noted in a low voice that there had been no more trouble with kicking and screaming and tearing up houseplants today. Warlock had been upset twice, but had managed to calm himself down without help both times.
After she took Warlock away, Aziraphale tried to miracle protection over his new handmade treasure so that the play-doh wouldn't crumble and the paper wouldn't crush -- only to find that Crowley had already done so.
Two nights later, on a crosstown bus bound for Soho, Aziraphale noticed that the lanky redheaded passenger in front of him happened to leave behind a small shopping bag when he disembarked. Aziraphale folded up his newspaper and slipped into the empty seat to take a closer look. Inside was a wooden box wrapped in plain black paper. It was marked "AZ" in black ink that was only detectable by its slightly more reflective shine.
Aziraphale opened it right there, and of course, of course it was a new pocketwatch. From Crowley. Crowley knew watches. And Crowley knew Aziraphale.
It was hard to date this one exactly, but he estimated the 1820's, and English-made; it was thin and modern and elegant, much lighter than the other. It was in excellent condition, although pleasantly worn with time. He spent the rest of the bus ride home admiring it, listening to it, growing familiar with the new face, wondering who it might have belonged to before. When he reached his stop, he slipped it into the waistcoat pocket meant for the purpose, and he felt like a new angel.
Gifts. How strange. A gift from Warlock, and a gift from Crowley. Gifts of time, restored.
Perhaps there was still time enough before the end of the world. Perhaps there might be time, after.
Aziraphale set the new pocketwatch down on his desk back at the bookshop, right next to his old favorite of several hundred years and his handcrafted masterpiece from Warlock. He had never thought to own more than one pocketwatch at a time. Now he had three.
He picked up the telephone to call the responsible party and offer sincerest thanks, but after some dithering, he decided not to. Crowley hated thanks. Crowley could even be endangered by thanks, if the two of them weren't careful.
Perhaps, instead, Brother Francis could show the new timepiece to Warlock and Nanny in the morning. He could explain how precious this watch was, since it was a gift from a friend. He could say that breaking something irreplaceable was sad, but it was not the end, not as long as the world spun on. He could talk about the way new things follow old ones -- and though the new things might be different, they could be lovely too. New things were worth holding out hope for, and worth learning to treasure, given time.
And after explaining all of that to Warlock, he could give Crowley a wink.
Which would communicate his thanks for the gift far better than any phone call.
Over the next few years, Crowley found himself browsing for new wristwatches more and more often in his spare time. He bought them at a faster clip, too -- three in the year Warlock turned seven, six the year after that. Each was sturdier than the last, made to withstand impacts and temperatures and pressure that no watch was likely to encounter in the wild. But Crowley could feel the world running down, he could see the future he looked forward to contracting into nothing, and he burned with protective instincts as everything in him rebelled.
Meanwhile, Aziraphale spent more and more time with his books, especially history and memoirs. As he looked back over the story of humanity that he loved, the story he'd spent so much time recording and remembering, he felt it all spinning up to something awful indeed: The End. When Warlock turned nine, Aziraphale turned to his books of prophecy, feeling no small amount of distress. Looking ahead was painful for him, especially now. The future was unsafe, it was wild, it was ineffable, and unfortunately it looked to be very very short. Aziraphale did not forget to wind his pocketwatch anymore. It was a tool now more than a treasure, as The End drew near. It seemed important to remember what time it was, these days.
As it happened, Aziraphale almost didn't notice when his fourth watch joined the collection.
In his defense, it was rather a busy day.
And since the new pocketwatch was identical to the one that Crowley had given him, down to the last molecule, it was unsurprising that making the connection took the angel a little time.
But some weeks after the End of All Things didn’t quite, Aziraphale realized that the watch in his waistcoat pocket was a gift as well. And this time it wasn't from Crowley.
When the thought occurred to him, sitting in his favorite chair in his restored bookshop, Aziraphale gasped faintly and set aside his well-worn copy of Now We Are Six. He had been revisiting children's literature lately for some reason. The Just William books had set him on a roll.
"Crowley, dear," he said.
"Nnnnghm?" Crowley hummed from the couch, where he sprawled limbless and relaxed as a squashed spider might if it were sort of into being squashed.
"We really ought to go and visit Tadfield sometime soon, don't you think?"
"I have a great deal to thank Adam for, after all. And we should check in on everyone."
Aziraphale palmed the fourth watch he had ever owned and ran his thumb over the back. "Do you think a wristwatch would be an appropriate belated birthday gift for someone Adam's age?" he asked absently.
Crowley windmilled himself up off the couch and sauntered over to give Aziraphale a peck on the cheek. "Hell if I know. Prob'ly. Maybe. More tea?"
"Yes, it's about that time, isn't it? Thank you, darling. Ever so."
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 015: Some Antics on a Boat
Previously on BnHA: Field trip from hell. Ride of the Valkyries played while about 200 villains appeared out of nowhere and tried to murder our beloved superpowered children and split them all up, thus setting the stage for lots of mayhem.
Today on BnHA: We meet the U.A. principal. Deku hangs out with Tsuyu and Mineta on a boat. Mineta gets a lot of focus, and I was prepared for it to be the worst thing ever, but it mostly isn’t, except for about once every four pages or so, when it kinda is.
(ETA: Yeah so he officially took it Too Far in chapter 17 and as of that chapter is now in fact dead to me. But I’m not gonna bother changing the recap, so you can all come along on that journey with me if you are so inclined.)
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 19 23 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
I really have to hunt down these color pages one of these days. I tried a brief google search the other day but it brought up too many pages I hadn’t seen yet, and I didn’t want to spoil myself by accident. guess I’ll have to be patient
son of a bitch All Might is in the break room all the way back at fucking U.A.??
here I thought there was a break room hidden somewhere in USJ. I mean, you’d think they would have one; rescue training has got to be tiring
he says he should be fine in another ten minutes. then he says he’s going now
but he immediately coughs up blood orz
HEY IT’S THIS PANDA WITH A SCAR!! I KNOW THIS GUY! well I don’t know him but I’ve seen him before!
holy fucking SHIT he’s the fucking principal??
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what the fuck kind of I’ll-fuck-your-shit-up powers is he fucking hiding behind that cuddly face then
because I know it’s just an assumption, but surely the principal of U.A. has to be a stone-cold badass, right?
I can’t believe this fucking little gerbil knows Deku’s secret
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now he’s fucking plugging the fucking superhero vitamin shoppe I can’t
and he’s holding up a tablet with a yahoo news article about All Might saving everyone and their fucking dog earlier that morning
that’s a nice little plug for you, tumblr. yahoo still owns this shit, right?
so this fucking rat praises All Might for being his good heroic self, but then gently tells him off and reminds him to take it easy
I’m glad he’s reminding All Might to take better care of himself, but...
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you would fucking think so! and yet!!
oh my god now this guy is sitting down to have tea with him. he’s never going to make it to USJ at this rate
I have to assume the principal isn’t secretly evil, since if he was, he could take down All Might all too easily since he knows all of his fucking secrets. but he sure does have the worst fucking timing, jesus
though again, we still don’t know how much danger All Might would actually be in if he did go to USJ. those villains seemed pretty damn confident. maybe he should just stay here and enjoy some tea
he calls him “Sensei”... not sure if that’s just because the principal outranks him, or if he actually was his teacher at some point. it’s probably the former, but. hmm
and now we’re back at USJ! Thirteen and Iida are on the run along with Still Too Many Arms and The Bulky Guy with Slightly Racist Lips. (do you guys think they’re racist? idk I just think it’s 2018 and there are other ways to draw POC, Japan)
anyway, they’re fighting Dr. Neck who at this point really needs a new name because he’s still a shadowy blob and now he’s looking more like an octopus but Dr. Octopus is already taken, so
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for now I’m just gonna call him Not Today, Satan. you know. cuz of all the Swirling Evil
Thirteen is sending Iida back to U.A. to let them know what’s going on since the communications and alarms are down! good thinking to send the guy with super speed. I just hope he has the stamina. they never really mentioned anything about that but I’ll assume he’s good to run however many miles back to the U.A. campus
that is, assuming he’s fast enough to dodge Not Today, Satan. but I have faith
Iida’s trying to argue that he should stay, but clearly this is the most useful thing he can do at the moment, especially considering that he’s the only one who can do it! just go, Iida.
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lmao and I was actually thinking the same as NTS here:
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oh, just, everyone. in shounen manga, ever, since the beginning of time. but I’m so fucking happy you pointed that out lmao
back on the boat, Mineta is still freaking out very unhelpfully. he thinks they should all just hide somewhere until the grown-up heroes come to save them
meanwhile, Deku is being smart and useful and brings up a very good point that hadn’t even occurred to me:
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basically, he deduces that the bad guys don’t know what the kids’ quirks are. so they have the element of surprise on their side, AND the bonus advantage of the villains underestimating them
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I’m super impressed with this kid’s leadership and planning skills right now. I know he’s already showed them off, but I’m still mad about him not utilizing Ochako’s powers properly the last time lol. but this time he seems to be off to a great start
also, what a contrast from his first time facing a group of intimidating “villains” back during the entrance exam! he’s come such a long way so quickly
Tsuyu starts listing all of her gross frog abilities (sorry, I love her, but “I can spit out my stomach” is not something I ever needed or wanted to know and now I kind of want to spit out my eyes from the mental image).
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so gross
Mineta becomes derangedly fixated on her usage of the word “secrete” and just. why
I actually kind of wish they weren’t loudly explaining all of their strengths and weaknesses to each other within possible earshot of the baddies (some of whom could possess super-hearing for all they know), especially barely three pages after Not Today, Satan chewed out their friends for doing the same exact fucking thing. but whatever
now Mineta’s doing something. what’s your power then, Mineta. something to do with grapes I’m guessing??
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how did this kid make it past the entrance exam
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sob now Mineta is crying
this is quality fucking comedy
oh shit the villains are getting tired of waiting
um this unsettling man with a grasshopper face just fucking broke the boat in half
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so Mineta shoots out a bunch of panic grapes for absolutely no reason
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literally Lambo and his grenade trigger-response
I confess, I really think Mineta is cute and somewhat hilarious when he’s not being a perverted shithead
(ETA: I was young and naive and I didn’t expect him to actually go and start feeling people up holy shit)
Deku berates him at first but then realizes that the bad guys are avoiding the grapes out of an abundance of caution!
Mineta freaks out again, and I was this close to writing down a paragraph about how I really empathize with him, since he’s just a kid and only like four days into high school, and all of a sudden he’s just thrust into this situation where he might fucking die (and probably die horribly at that). this close. but then he has to ruin it with a line about how much he wishes he could have sexually assaulted Momo before he kicked it
so that’s... great
but Deku saves the moment by quoting All Might while simultaneously doing That Thing I Fucking Love where someone tries to be brave and determined even though they’re also clearly scared. look he is trembling
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Deku my son you are a constant delight and a gift to the world
oh my god
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sure, just casually mention Kacchan as your inspiration for whatever heroic and probably very stupid thing you’re about to do next. go ahead, do that. don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine
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...that is very Kacchan-like. like, the face and everything. he knows his shit
also, what exactly is he planning to do?
so he’s thinking that he can’t take out all of them no matter how extreme he goes. and then he says something about not sacrificing his whole arm, so is he gonna pull another stunt like he did with the baseball and his index finger?
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lkshdgk it’s not supposed to do that fuckk
Mineta is inspired, somehow, but doesn’t know how the fuck to direct it so he just throws more grapes
but now the grapes are actually coming in handy!!
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looks like team rocket’s blasting off againnnn... *ping*
yay! and Deku’s not crying even though his hand is mangled! such a brave strong boy.
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and then shawarma after
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interesting that he thinks this is somehow “the right balance”
(ETA: hey Horikoshi, psa, literally committing sexual battery is not “balance” in any way, shape, of form. jesus christ. I love Japan for the most part, but the rampant misogyny there is completely ridiculous and I really need them to get their shit together already. #metoo needs to get the fuck underway there like yesterday.)
one thing I DO like though is that Horikoshi actually gives a very thoughtful and detailed explanation for exactly how he passed the exam! thank you for that! now I can stop wondering. I still have no clue about the invisible girl though lol
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Summary: As Queen of Lucis, there is never a dull moment in your schedule. Especially when you have so many men wanting to take you and your time.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Noctis/Prompto/Reader/Ignis/Gladiolus, Reader/Ravus, Reader/Cor
Alas, my fic spam of mostly COMMUNITY LOVING has now drawn to a close~! I do hope you enjoyed this week of updates, as it was an immense pleasure to prepare them for your all to read, especially this one-shot! It was pure joy to work with a different style for this fic, all while I am feeling intense vapors from all the new content coming out from the Royal Edition (which I hope to finally play soon ; u ;)!
Thank you all for reading and as always, I hope you enjoy this fic!
The life of a Queen.
To co-rule all of Lucis alongside King Noctis imposed a great deal of responsibility on your shoulders, whether in the upkeep of your proper yet friendly decorum while out in public, or attending the many galas and parties to establish and spread goodwill between your kingdom and others.
Still, as busy as you were, your husband and his devoted Kingsglaive made sure that you were not too boggled down by schedule or deadlines, and that you had enough free time for leisure.
This was especially taken into consideration with your itinerary for your trip to Altissia, as was handed to you the afternoon. You were to be escorted to Galdin Quay and sail away for Accordo, where you would meet up with Noctis, who had been away on a tour through all the kingdoms of Eos to renew and negotiate peace treaties. With him, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladiolus away, the Citadel had been awfully quiet, even if you were still kept company the likes of Cor, Monica, and the rest of the Crownsguard.
A joyous excitement welled within you as you looked over your itinerary, all while standing before your desk with your hands pressed onto its smooth wooden surface.
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM: Wake up and prepare for the day
With the memories spent journeying with Noctis to fulfill his destiny, you held a soft spot for The Leville, always requesting to stay at one of their suites during any visit to Altissia. Your husband was always happy to oblige for the same reasons, in addition to the spectacular view of the city from your room's balcony.
The city was always so peaceful and calm at the break of dawn, making an early rise all the more worth it, a favorite pastime of yours while in Altissia. Even Noctis was willing to spare the extra hours of sleep.
Though, not so much to gaze at the gorgeous city view, but rather to creep up behind you during your admiration, his stubbled cheek nuzzling against your bare neck while his fingers slipped beneath your sleeping clothes.
There was ever the risk of scandal, but with your love and devotion for one another--intensified especially after time spent apart--neither of you were be able to resist from being intimate upon the balcony. Your hands gripping onto the railing, your moans and cries came out muffled with Noctis's fingers tucked into your mouth, his other hand latched onto your hip while he pounded his cock into you from behind at a ravenous rhythm. His lips grazed and nibbled around your shoulder blades, all while teasingly reminding you to not allow your formal decorum to falter.
Considering the notably long time span from waking up to breakfast, you had a feeling that this segment of your schedule took your usual morning routine with Noctis in mind.
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Breakfast--curated by Ignis
Though the Leville never failed to go all out with pampering you thoroughly during your stay, you were certain that your texts to Ignis about yearning for his cooking had a role in this portion of your itinerary.
Within the elegant decor of your suite, a feast of all your favorite breakfast dishes was brought and set upon your table, delivered by Gladiolus and Prompto with Ignis in tow. Each dish set before you was plated exquisitely, looking as delectable as it tasted.
However, you would not be able to enjoy your meal just yet, as you and Noctis--now clean-shaven for the sake of being more presentable--would receive a scolding from Ignis for your morning exhibitionism, which happened to be captured on camera by a grinning and nosy Prompto, who set before you a fruit platter along with photos of you bent over the balcony railing.
While Noctis absent-mindedly nodded along and even rolled his eyes over the admonishment sent his way as he lazily ate his food, you were left to be splayed over Ignis's lap while he remained seated by the breakfast table, his hand showing nothing but merciless discipline as he spanked your bare ass.
Queen or not, he would never allow your gentility to be degraded.
At least, in the public eye. Once it was just you and him--and the others, of course--much like now, he was fond of watching you act out at your most shameless and wanton behavior.
For Noctis, it was a deliciously amusing sight to watch you handle yet another round of discipline from Ignis.
For Prompto, it was a photo opportunity to add to his ever growing collection of all your discreetly lewd escapades as Queen of Lucis, meant for the viewing eyes of only him, his friends, and a few select others.
For Gladiolus, it was the chance to--after wolfing down his eggs, bacon, and ham--finally have you in his arms again. And show Ignis what a proper spanking sounds like once he lifted you off of his friend's lap to transfer you over to his, the rapid and harsh sounds of his hand smacking against your ass and your sobs of pleasure echoing throughout the room.
You would enjoy breakfast soon enough, albeit while you sat upon Noctis's lap as his fingers soothingly rubbed over your lower back, all while Prompto eagerly fed you.
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Get ready for the day and head for the First Secretary Estate to briefly meet with Camelia Claustra
Every harsh punishment would always be followed up by attentive, loving affection.
Thus was why your bath following breakfast would be handled by Ignis and Gladiolus, even if Noctis was noticeably grumpy that he would not get to join you in the tub.
There were never any qualms to such an arrangement on your end, especially when you had Ignis massaging your scalp while he lathered your hair and left kisses along the back of your neck, all while Gladiolus took great pleasure in gently scrubbing your body clean--though not as much as in sneakily fondling your breasts and toying with the entrance of your core.
As indulgent as this moment between the three of you was, both Ignis and Gladiolus would still make sure that you remained on time for your itinerary, with drying you off, as well as helping and watching you dress.
Having already showered and changed into his Kingly Raiment, at last, Noctis was at your side once again, his arm linked with yours before escorting you down to The Leville's lobby, your faithful Kingsglaive following close-by.
Upon the last step, you were all greeted by your appointed Altissian host for whenever you were in town, Salve. An older gentleman in his early 50s, wisps of dark stubble along his square jaw, the green shade of his wavy locks--kept up in a short and low ponytail--reminded you of wine grapes, which was fitting by how well he looked to have aged. Though he carried himself in a lighthearted and jovial manner, he still maintained a sense of elegance and status, even with allusions to an enticing mysteriousness to his character.
Still, Salve was always nothing but sweet towards you, his expression always brightening up whenever he saw you were around. Though he was all smiles while bidding you a good day, Noctis, Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus exuded nothing less than protective, dominating auras in response, with each taking half a step closer towards you, maintaining this barrier of the sorts upon departing from The Leville to Secretary Claustra's estate.
Even well into her elderly years, she still exuded a powerful, no-nonsense demeanor, albeit one that waned as soon as you were near, her arms opening for a welcoming embrace. With a special photo to commemorate your and Noctis's meeting with her taken by Prompto, your husband was to spend most of the afternoon in discussion of peace policies and other important royal affairs with her and the rest of Accordo's council.
It was unfortunately time to part once more, with one last kiss exchanged between you and your husband before he disappeared into the meeting room, flanked by both Ignis and Gladiolus. However, you knew he was more than eager to make up for lost time, or so he purred into your ear while giving your ass a teasing pinch.
There was still so much in your itinerary to enjoy, and you couldn't wait.
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Go around Altissia for some sightseeing and candid photoshoots with Prompto
You were a queen of the people, as your Lucians so lovingly referred to you.
As you were not born of royalty, your common upbringing helped established a relatable and personal connection between you and your people, strengthened by the numerous pictures that Prompto would take of your daily life every now and then to post and share online through the official social networks of the kingdom. During trips much like this one, he was akin to your shadow, following after every step to take pictures of you, both candid and posed.
Meeting with awed Altissians, admiring the splendor of the floating city, enjoying local delicacies, strolling through the gorgeous streets--Prompto made sure to capture every moment with impeccable skill.
While he alternated between candid photos and others, you anticipated what kind of photos were about to be taken. If his trusty Lokton camera was drawn out, you were ready to hear him chirp out some directions on how he would like for you to pose.
However, if Prompto was drawing out his phone, you knew what was to soon follow.
When he wasn't taking pictures on his camera for the public to behold, he was always thrilled and ready to use his phone to document every flash of your panties whenever you walked ahead of him up a stairway, all for the private and personal enjoyment of himself and the others.
Playing photographer for you meant taking the reins from you as ruler, a mischievous smile on his full and pouty lips while he admired the sight of you kneeling before him, his cock sheathed fully in your mouth with an adoring look on your face after he guided you to an empty alleyway. Pictures, videos--he knew the best angles to capture and present your wanton lustfulness, especially while he recorded you flashing your breasts, lifting up your skirt, and doing your best to conceal your squeals while he drilled his cock into you from behind as you remained on your hands and knees, all meant to frustrate the others during their royal affairs after he sent these lewd visuals over text.
For all the many photos he took of you, one particular and favored theme of his never ceased to arouse him, namely you looking so gorgeously flustered while he had you smile towards the camera, your elegant appearance in disarray by his doing and his cum dripping out from your core, down your inner thighs.
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch at the Square-Enix Cafe with Gladiolus
As king, Noctis had little time for leisure, even during vacations. Though you knew it was about time for him to break for lunch, he and Ignis would be joining Salve, Claudia and the rest of Accordo's governing power at Maagho's.
Though you would not get to join your husband for an afternoon meal, you still had the presence of a lover by your side.
While Prompto desperately wanted to enjoy the moogle and chocobo-themed treats with you, he had to go join Noctis for lunch and make sure his lunch meeting was covered for pictures. However, right outside the entrance of the festive little restaurant, he swapped out with Gladiolus--who was already there to greet you both--to keep watch over you.
Together, seated at the furthest table in the cafe space, the both of you enjoyed your meal together, with him asking about what you and Prompto got up to--especially with all your escapades detailed in the group chat--while you inquired how Noctis's meetings had been going along.
When it came time for dessert, Gladiolus did not have much interest in the cutesy, novelty treats. However, he was happily content with watching you enjoy the adorably plated confections.
Especially while watching you squirm and attempt to maintain your composure as he eased two of his thick, long fingers into your slippery core.
Your pictures with Prompto left him envious.
Switching between slow yet deep, and quick and fluid strokes left you flushed and breathless, the hold on your fork shaky while you tried to savor each bite.
By the time the check came, your dessert was finished, as was Gladiolus's while he licked his fingers clean, a proud and satisfied look on his face.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Return to the First Secretary Estate for a private meeting with King Ravus--as per his request
Noctis was not the only royal visiting Altissia for peace negotiations.
Nor was he alone in wishing to spend a great deal of time with you.
Having finished with his share of meetings and negotiation talks, Ravus patiently waited for you in one of the many gorgeous living rooms at the First Secretary's Estate. Though neither bore true and earnest ill will toward each other, the air turned competitive between him and Gladiolus--moreso a matter of pride and possession if anything--once the two of you returned from lunch.
Still, by your assurance that all would be well, Gladiolus took his leave.
But not before planting a deep kiss on your mouth, making sure to stare defiantly into Ravus's eyes once the two of you parted, leaving you completely alone with the ruler of Tenebrae.
Though Ravus proudly abided to and carried out the responsibilities bestowed to him as king, he had grown weary over the early day and the near endless discussion of international policies and whatnot.
However with you, Queen of the Kingdom of Lucis, right before him, he was more than willing to spare a couple more hours in meetings, albeit with his lips claiming yours in a fierce, open-mouthed kiss while his hands--both metal and flesh--made quick work of your clothing, being mindful to not tear your attire apart in his desperation for you.
Distance made his heart grow fonder and his lust more rampant.
Though the fantasy of having you writhe upon his lap while he was seated upon the throne back in Tenebrae had yet to be realized for now, Ravus was more than pleased with having you ride his cock from his place on the couch instead. Clutching your hips, burying and nuzzling his face against your chest, there would be no relenting on his end while he sought to make up a great deal of lost time since your last intimate encounter.
And by how sweet your voice sounded while moaning out his name, how fulfilling it felt to have you cling to his shoulders, how exquisitely warm and tight you squeezed around his cock, he already knew that his addiction to you would only worsen once it was time for you to part.
Which occurred quicker than anticipated.
You heard the call of your name and your head flew back in surprise.
Ravus only smirked, his gaze half-lidded while he peeked around your body to see none other than Noctis standing in the doorway, his expression amused yet jealous at what was being presented to him.
Words were exchanged, the energy between the two reminiscent of earlier with Gladiolus and Ravus.
Noctis approached you both, his tone accusatory yet light as he remarked on Tenebrae infringing on its peace treaty with Lucis, to which Ravus only chuckled and mused that a king must always seize whatever opportunity would bring forth greater prosperity.
Albeit in this case, rather than for the sake of his people, for himself.
Were they in their foolhardy early adulthood, they would have settled this back and forth over the steel of their blades.
However, weapons were not needed with you serving as a mediator between them both, the most ideal for two kings who carried themselves pridefully.
No documents, no mulling over negotiations.
Rather you were subject to having both your husband and your paramour pound away at you simultaneously, the long and wide girths of their cocks pumping in and out of you with ferocious tenacity. You were left to continue clinging onto Ravus for support, shuddering as he continued to seize your waist and keep you still while he hammered his dick inside you. Your neck was meant to be marked by Noctis while he pushed into your ass, his means of further expressing his claim on you beyond wedding rings and formal titles.
Though Lucis and Tenebrae would continue to maintain friendly relations, their kings still had much of their pride to truly be soothed to peace by you, a task you were ready to uphold.
While your itinerary would continue on as scheduled, Noctis and Ravus ended up being rather late for their next scheduled meeting.
Schedule change 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Special Altissian spa treatment, courtesy of Salve
After some time spent in the powder room to fix and freshen up your appearance, you were supposed to have another hour of leisure to yourself. However, by the time constraints of your visit, it was Salve who urged and pushed for you to have you spend your hour at one of Altissia's glorious spas. Since hearing that you never tried one of the local massage treatments, he was left utterly aghast and had been insistent on having you experience it for yourself.
When Salve popped into the room to pick you up, he was met by both Gladiolus and Ravus, the latter of whom was about to attend yet another meeting. The two locked eyes, and you noticed that the king tensed and his eyes narrowed, both he and Gladiolus drawing closer towards you in response.
You gaped, asking what was wrong, but Salve only laughed in response, going on how admirable it was to see the Shield in action, along with the king of Tenebrae being so considerate of his ally nation.
However, with his height and stature matching theirs, he was not intimidated in the slightest. He was even so bold as to reach for your hand and draw you towards him, waving at the two goodbye before they could say much. As sudden as his actions were, you complied, finding his over the top nature charming, if not thrilling.
Following after Salve, you turned back towards Ravus and Gladiolus, smiling reassuringly as you remarked that you would see them later.
Voluptas, the spa that you were guided to, wasn't too far from the First Secretary's Estate, the location taken into consideration as he noted with a hum when he was tasked with preparing your trip itinerary. Truly, the building itself could have been a masterpiece on its own, if not a museum to house all of the breathtaking art pieces that Altissia was known for. With naturally chilled and heated baths encased in gorgeously decorated rooms, a whole row of saunas that each presented different steaming styles from all across Eos, and more, this spa was among the best in the world for good reason.
You already anticipated making another trip to Voluptas during your next visit, wishing to explore and try out every single one of the amenities and services provided. However, in the meantime, you were laid upon a massage table, your clothes already discarded and a soft and fluffy towel covering your naked backside.
While Voluptas was known for staffing some of the best in the world, you would not be treated by any of them for your massage. Instead, it was Salve who was eager to tend to your body, his voice prideful as he proclaimed to be even better than any of the well-seasoned masseuses working at the spa.
It was quite the claim to make, surely.
However, upon the initial touch of Salve's warm hands pressing against your back, the flats of his large palms kneading lavender-scented massage oil onto your skin, he had every reason to proclaim such skill.
His touch soothing but never too light to barely be felt. He was able to pinpoint knots and other tender spots without you even needing to speak, working and tending to them with ease. You even heard him chuckle ever so deliciously low with every mewl he managed to illicit out of you.
It was hard to not melt beneath his fingers.
Nor to succumb.
There may as well have been no reason to wear a towel for modesty's sake, with his hands groping your ass or--when he had you flip over to lay on your back--squeezing your breasts and dipping between your thighs. Your body felt hot, your senses left in a frenzy by his touch.
Strange that he, only one man, could reduce you to such a state when you were regularly loved and ravished daily by your husband and his close friends.
However, for as much of the boundary he was overstepping, never once did his fingers ease inside you, nor did the erection that was bulging prominently through his pants. Though it frustrated you and left you yearning to be fucked, his mindfulness was for the better.
Especially when your eyes peeked open while he was massaging your breasts. Though the lighting was dim, you could still make out his features.
Namely how Salve's hair looked to be a familiar shade of wine red instead, all while the grin on his lips was far too reminiscent of a ghost from the past.
However, with just one blink, his hair was back to its normal color, his lips quirked in a gentle smile instead.
It wasn't long before he finished, your massage now complete, your body now relaxed, yet your mind more confused than it had ever been in the longest time.
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Be escorted by Ignis to Vivienne Westwood's shop and be fitted for a custom made gown
It was common to be dazed yet tranquil after a relaxing session at the spa.
However, upon being lead out of Voluptas by an all-too pleased Salve, you were face to face with Ignis, who was waiting for you right at the building's entrance. Having hurried over as soon as Gladiolus got a hold of him--all while swapping places with being at Noctis's side during the meeting--he could not help but feel on edge to see you appear so friendly and close with your Altissian host.
It did not help that Salve had a few teasing quips--something to the effect of an old hound remaining ever so faithful to his masters.
You were startled by his remarks, for he never went on the snarkier side.
But Ignis was not fazed, rather he was calm, especially when he quickly took his place beside you, a protective hand wrapping around your waist.
There was clear tension between the two, two strangers who somehow already had a grudge towards one another. However things would have escalated, they did not in a violent way, for Ignis briskly offered a curt word of thanks to your host for the little excursion before remarking that the two of you best make your leave for Vivienne Westwood's fashion house, proceeding to immediately lead you away before more could be said.
Salve only smirked, noticing how Ignis's arm tightened around your waist.
Some things never changed.
As for you and Ignis, it wasn't too far of a trek to Vivienne Westwood's workshop. You could tell that Ignis had much he wanted to ask about your meeting with Salve, but there was no time to be spared for a private conversation. Before long, you arrived at last to the chic and stylish fashion house, whereupon you were greeted by the legendary designer herself and her team of protégés.
Measurements and modeling quickly went underway, as your gown was to debuted at an upcoming gala in Insomnia.
Having been so perplexed earlier, Ignis found himself put to ease while watching you look so lovely while you were fitted for your new attire. Though, never to slack in his duties, he took some notes on special sewing techniques, especially since he was quite interested in creating some clothing for you.
However, the more you were changed in and out of gorgeous dress pieces, your skin exposed and your physique emphasized, the more he found himself growing inwardly flustered and aroused.
Truly you were his queen, and there was nothing else that quite stoked his lust for you than watching you dress and carry yourself as one.
Towards the end of your visit, Vivienne and her team went to prepare all the finished dresses she wished for you to take.
At this time, you were in the center of one of the workshop's large fitting rooms, fumbling with the zipper of the gown slip you were wearing, in need to change out of it.
You did not need to even call for his name for him to stand right behind you, his voice low and calm as he asked if you would like assistance. Though, for as much as he lived to serve you, there was considerable delay in actually helping you slip out of your dress, considering how he proceeded to hike it up to your waist while tugging you towards him, the full and erect girth of his cock pressing against your backside.
Ignis murmured his apology for his hastiness against your ear, grunting and panting his words while he cradled your hips in his hands, pumping his cock into your core with uncontained desire. Before the both of you was a full-sized mirror, the reflection of your displayed love making inciting conflict within him. He did, after all, punish you with a spanking earlier in the day for behaving so lewdly with Noctis.
And yet, here was Ignis, doing the same thing in the late afternoon, with a staff of innocent ladies just outside the room.
Somehow, the contradiction only drove him on to fuck you even harder, to ruin and mar the exquisite perfection of his beloved queen in his own special way.
Ignis looked forward to doing this all over again during the next gala.
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Return to The Leville and get ready for dinner with Noctis and the others
With your dresses packed and secured in Ignis's arms, the both of you bid your goodbyes to Vivienne Westwood and her staff before making your way back to The Leville. Dusk had fallen, the orange glow of the setting sun cascading gorgeously over Altissia, which provided nothing short of a romantic and lively atmosphere as you and Ignis returned to the hotel.
As soon as you returned to your suite, you were almost knocked over by a bubbly Prompto, who feigned tears while nuzzling into your chest, bemoaning how awful it was to be away from you for most of the day. He was only dragged back by Gladiolus, who shook his head and tsked at him for not giving you the chance to have a breather after a long day out.
While Ignis went to put away your new clothes, you smiled towards the two, telling them that no harm was done, all while greeting them formally with a kiss. You were then met by two arms snaking around your waist while a chin rested on your shoulder. The soft teasing huff of "Where's mine?" fanned over your ear, bringing a smile to your lips.
You could never forget your husband.
Though the temptation to forgo your dinner plans--if only by an hour or so--to indulge in the passions of both your husband and your Kingsglaive was great, you knew it was better to freshen up and change into something a bit more formal than your dayclothes.
Still, reluctant to release you from his embrace, Noctis buried his face against the crook of your neck, rubbing his face against your skin out of adoration.
And then he caught the scent of lavender.
7:00 PM: Dinner at Suavitas
7:00 PM: Room Service
It didn't take much to piece things together.
Especially since Gladiolus saw you leave with Salve while Ignis watched you be escorted out alongside your Altissian host.
With four pairs of eyes on you--the same ones that could tell even the slightest hint of a mood change and whatnot with you--it wasn't likely that you could get away with a lie.
And they certainly would not allow for the same with the truth either.
The relationship you shared with your husband and the three men who lived to serve and protect you was as complex as it was simple. They were yours, you were theirs. While bouts of possession tended to be ongoing, there was no strife among the four—and even certain other individuals who you were enamored with. However, at the end of the day, at the end of this night, they would be sure to remind you of your commitment to them.
There was no better way to express this than by being pressed in the middle of pure and utter debauchery, with you being guided to ride up and down Gladiolus's thick, fat cock while Prompto took much glee in vigorously pounding into your ass. Your mouth was stuffed full with Ignis's dick while Noctis dragged the slick head of his erection over your cheek by means to show his claim on you. Even with all the opportunities each had with you throughout your excursion in Altissia, never were they going to tire of being able to call you theirs, ever eager to demonstrate such a claim in this way.
As long of an enjoyable day as you had already had, you knew your itinerary for the rest of the evening was only just beginning.
Having read all the way to the end of your planned schedule for your Altissia trip, your heart was thumping with glee.
And your lips parting open in pleasure.
Your hands moved up to the front edge of your desk, shuddering as you were made to lie on your front, just before a massive expanse of heat pressed against your back, grey, prickly stubble grazing over your neck.
"So then, is the itinerary to your liking, Your Majesty?"
Grunting against your ear, Cor squeezed your hips tighter while he continued to relentlessly hammer the sizeable girth of his cock in and out of you. Even as the queen he so dutifully served, his steely composure was prone to shattering whenever it came to you.
Perhaps it was in the sense that the only thing he would allow to utterly devastate you was himself.
That aside, knowing that he was demanding an answer--a quick one at that, else you risk earning a spank that rivaled Gladiolus's or Ignis's sturdy hands--you turned back to face him, your expression both enamored and eager for what was to come.
Both now and tomorrow.
"It's perfect."
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dartheames · 7 years
Ahh @biotic-ii tagged me, thank you so much!
One insecurity: My artwork, of course, mostly drawings. At least it is the thing that makes me go berserk almost every day.
Two fears: Drowning Crushing on a plane
Three turn-ons: Hands and forearms Watching a left-handed person do practically anything I ran out of options here please spare me I love women ok
Four life goals: Probably not die before like 40 Visit some countries I've been planning to go to Write a huge ass piece of fanfiction and actually finish it Do a cosplay
Five things I like: Coffee Tea Games (video and table top though I suck at everything) Spicy food My job
Six weaknesses: My favorite social anxiety mixed with superiority complex I cannot play as a hero Love Anders way too much for my own good Being ingnored makes me flip my shit in a second I say I hate the thing only to love it five minutes later Also I suck at geography and map reading
Seven things I love: Reading My cat My family Grapes English language Growing emotionally and intellectually When people like my writing and go thus far as to leave me a note
Tagging @motherofgriffins, @perseus-huntress and @thursdaysshepard <3
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Now that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge has opened in Disney’s Hollywood Studios, let’s talk about the delicious dishes and drinks being offered throughout the land. There are lots of fantastic options to choose from for all of the Star Wars foodies out there. Here are the details courtesy of Disney:
In creating Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Walt Disney Imagineering envisioned a land that immerses guests entirely in Star Wars storytelling, using all five of their senses. Thus, food and drink play important roles in deepening guests’ engagement, using taste and smell to play right alongside the wondrous sights and other sensations found within this new land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida. When guests take a bite of Fried Endorian Tip-yip or a swig of a strange-looking concoction, they feel all the more as if they’ve stepped onto the planet Batuu.
The Disney Parks food and beverage creative teams worked hand in hand with Walt Disney Imagineering to develop a diverse and distinctive menu for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. The wide array of delectable creations reinforces Walt Disney Imagineering’s commitment to immersive storytelling and attention to detail in every aspect of this Star Wars experience.
As a remote planet, Batuu is one of the lesser-populated worlds in the Star Wars galaxy, so the food available in Black Spire Outpost has a “farm to table” feel typically found in more rural communities. Food and drink throughout the land hint at an ancient culture, passed down to the current generation of Batuuan residents and are served in unique and exotic vessels.
Oga’s Cantina, for example, is the land’s main watering hole and serves as the heart of Black Spire Outpost. Here, guests gather to share their tales from around the galaxy as they enjoy exotic beverages such as the spicy Bloody Rancor, the foamy Fuzzy Tauntaun or the fruity Carbon Freeze.
Ronto Roasters, named for the large pack animals of Tatooine, draws attention from passersby with its large podracing engine firing up a barbecue pit. When hungry customers queue up to order, they encounter a former smelter droid, 8D-J8, carefully turning the spit of meats. The stall’s signature Ronto Wrap may remind guests of roasted pork and grilled sausage, while the Tatooine Sunset specialty drink may have them reminiscing about gourmet flavored iced tea and lemonade.
The Milk Stand will answer a question four decades in the making: What does Blue Milk taste like? This stall offers two local favorites – Blue Milk and Green Milk. Both provide a frozen blend of exotic tastes and fruity accents, with Green Milk delivering a bit more zing.
At Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo, Chef Strono “Cookie” Tuggs’ transport shuttle sits atop Docking Bay 7 as a mobile kitchen and restaurant, turning the hangar into Tuggs’ Grub. Tuggs’ journeys from system to system allow him to fill his pantry with exotic ingredients he uses to make new and unusual dishes, such as Smoked Kaadu Ribs, Fried Endorian Tip-yip and Batuu-bon for dessert.
The full food and beverage offerings available in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge include:
Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo
Bright Suns Morning: Three-cheese egg bite, pork sausage, purple potato hash, mini Mustafarian lava roll
Rising Moons Overnight Oats: Oats, dragon fruit, yogurt, seasonal fruit
Mustafarian Lava Roll: Sweet galactic delight
Kids’ Meals (for guests ages 3-9) Meals include choice of small low-fat milk or small Dasani
Bright Suns Youngling Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, purple potatoes, fresh fruit
Specialty Beverages
Moof Juice: Simply Fruit Punch® and Simply Orange® with pineapple, chipotle-pineapple
Sour Sarlacc: Minute Maid® limeade, raspberry, spicy mango
Fountain Drinks: Coca-Cola®, Diet Coke®, Coke Zero Sugar®, Sprite®, Powerade® Mountain Berry Blast, Minute Maid® Light Lemonade
Dasani® bottled water
Black Caf: Coffee
Smoked Kaadu Ribs: Sticky pork ribs, blueberry corn muffin, cabbage slaw
Fried Endorian Tip-yip: Crispy chicken, roasted vegetable potato mash, herb gravy
Yobshrimp Noodle Salad: Chilled shrimp, marinated noodles, vegetables
Roasted Endorian Tip-yip Salad: Marinated chicken, mixed greens, roasted seasonal vegetables, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, green curry ranch
Braised Shaak Roast: Beef pot roast, cavatelli pasta, wilted kale, mushrooms
Felucian Garden Spread: Plant-based “kefta,” herb hummus, tomato-cucumber relish, pita
Oi-oi Puff: Raspberry cream puff, passion fruit mousse
Batuu-bon: Chocolate cake, white chocolate mousse, coffee custard
Kids’ Meals (for guests ages 3-9) All meals include choice of small low-fat milk or small Dasani® water
Yobshrimp Noodle Salad: Chilled shrimp, noodle vegetables, sweet orange dressing
A Taste of Takodana: Black bean hummus, edible soil with nuts, chilled dipping vegetables, multi-grain crisps
Fried Endorian Tip-yip: Crispy chicken, macaroni & cheese, seasonal vegetables
Specialty Beverages
Moof Juice: Simply Fruit Punch® and Simply Orange® with Pineapple, chipotle-pineapple
Sour Sarlacc: Minute Maid® limeade, raspberry, spicy mango
Takodana Quencher: Bacardí dragon berry rum, blue curaçao, Simply Orange® with pineapple, kiwi
Gold Squadron Lager: Produced by Blue Point Brewery: golden lager with lavender and plum flavors
Fountain Drinks: Coca-Cola®, Diet Coke®, Coke Zero Sugar®, Sprite®, Powerade® Mountain Berry Blast, Minute Maid® Light Lemonade
Dasani® bottled water
Black Caf: Coffee
Oga’s Cantina
Morning Menu
Mustafarian Lava Roll: Sweet galactic delight
Rising Moons Overnight Oats: Oats, dragon fruit, yogurt, seasonal fruit
Concoctions with Alcohol
Spiran Caf: Peru Alto Mayo Organic Joffrey’s Coffee®, orange marmalade, rum, vanilla whipped cream, citrus zest
Bloody Rancor: Vodka, Chile liqueur, spicy Bloody Mary Mix, rancor bone
Concoctions Without Alcohol
Black Spire Brew: Cold Brew Joffrey’s Coffee®, honey, falernum, passion fruit, citrus
Moogan Tea: Gold Peak® Unsweetened Tea, chocolate milk, vanilla, cinnamon
Tarine Tea: Gold Peak® Unsweetened Tea, peach, huckleberry, mint
Blue Bantha: Blue Milk served chilled with Bantha-inspired vanilla-butter sugar cookie
Afternoon and Evening Menu
Batuu Bits: A light crisp snack mix from the galaxy
Concoctions with Alcohol
Fuzzy Tauntaun: Peach vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice with tangerine, pure cane sugar, and “buzz button tingling” foam
Jedi Mind Trick: Grapefruit and rose vodka, falernum, blue curaçao, white grape juice, lime juice, and grapefruit bitters
The Outer Rim: Silver tequila, açaí liqueur, lime juice, pure cane sugar, black salt, and exotic fruit purée
T-16 Skyhopper: Vodka, melon liqueur, kiwi, and half & half
Dagobah Slug Slinger: Reposado tequila, blue curaçao, citrus juices, ginger, herbs, and bitters
Jet Juice: Bourbon, chile liqueur, açaí liqueur, white grape juice, and lemon juice
Yub Nub: Pineapple rum, spiced rum, citrus juices, and passion fruit (souvenir vessel available)
Bespin Fizz: Rum, yuzu purée, pomegranate juice, white cranberry juice, and cloud swirl
Concoctions Without Alcohol
Cliff Dweller: Citrus juices, coconut, hibiscus-grenadine, and Seagram’s Ginger Ale
Hyperdrive (Punch It!): Powerade® Mountain Berry Blast, white cranberry juice, black cherry purée, Sprite®
Jabba Juice: Simply Orange® with pineapple, kiwi, cantaloupe, and blueberry popping pearls
Blurrgfire: Lemonade, pomegranate juice, and habanero-lime
Blue Bantha: Blue Milk served chilled with Bantha-inspired vanilla-butter sugar cookie
Carbon Freeze: Powerade® Lemon Lime, wild strawberry, blueberry, green apple popping pearls
Provision Without Alcohol
Oga’s Obsession: Lemonade, cotton candy flavor, blueberry popping pearls
Beers on Tap
Gold Squadron Lager
White Wampa Ale
Gamorrean Ale
Bad Motivator IPA
Oga’s Beer Flight served in Rancor Beer Flight Souvenir Board and glasses 
Cider on Tap
Spice Runner Hard Cider
Wine on Tap
Imperial Guard 
Ronto Roasters
Morning Menu
Ronto Morning Wrap: Whole oven baked omelet, grilled pork sausage, shredded cheese, peppercorn sauce wrapped in pita
Rising Moons Overnight Oats: Oats, Dragon Fruit, Yogurt, Seasonal Fruit 
Black Caf
All-Day Menu
Ronto Wrap: Roasted pork, grilled sausage, peppercorn sauce, tangy slaw wrapped in pita
Nuna Turkey Jerky: Choice of sweet or spicy
Specialty Beverages Without Alcohol
Tatooine Sunset: Gold Peak® unsweetened tea, Odwalla® lemonade, melon, blueberry flavors
Sour Sarlacc: Minute Maid® limeade, raspberry, spicy mango
Specialty Beverage with Alcohol
Coruscant Cooler: Bourbon, maraschino liqueur, sweet vermouth, cranberry, lime juice
Trandoshan Ale: Produced by Concrete Beach (Boston Beer) – Spiced Wheat Ale
Fountain Drinks
Coca-Cola®, Diet Coke®, Coke Zero Sugar®, Sprite®, Powerade® Mountain Berry Blast, Minute Maid® Light Lemonade
Milk Stand
Blue Milk: Plant-based blend of Coconut and Rice Milks
Green Milk: Plant-based blend of Coconut and Rice Milks 
Kat Saka’s Kettle
Outpost Popcorn Mix
A colorful blend of sweet and spicy flavors
Bottled beverages: Coca-Cola®, Diet Coke®, Sprite®, Dasani®
If you’re going to be at Disney’s Hollywood Studios during the opening weeks of Star Wars: Galaxy’s edge, I hope to see you there!
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If you are planning a vacation to Disney World, be sure to check out these valuable resources to help you save time and money:
Check out my UPDATED book 501 Ways to Make the Most of Your Walt Disney World Vacation for secret insider tips and tricks that you won’t find anywhere else!
View the latest Disney World discounts currently available!
Are you excited to check out Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge? Please leave a comment; we would love to hear from you!
Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Delicious Dishes From A Galaxy Far, Far Away #StarWarsGalaxysEdge #HollywoodStudios #WaltDisneyWorld #StarWars #Foodie Now that Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge has opened in Disney's Hollywood Studios, let's talk about the delicious dishes and drinks being offered throughout the land.
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mykatesingh-blog · 6 years
Many women have written their success stories in coming home and leaving high paying jobs, careers, and even being the main breadwinners. They all said it was worth it in the end and it all worked out. Most of them will say that there is no reason a person cannot return home and make it on one income. I believe this to be true. However, it will take sacrifice, making out budgets and updating them frequently until you have the one that works. This lifestyle will require cutting and trimming over and over until your family is living under one paycheck. It will require creativity and learning from other frugal and thrifty men and women that live on one paycheck, fixed incomes, and small budgets.
This can be turned into a game that is fun and imaginative. It can be very exciting to simplify life and save tons of money, it builds pride to learn to cut cost and work with little but multiply it like Jesus and the loaves and fishes. It is fun to see how well you can budget at the grocery store and still feed the family nourishing foods or to get a much needed item at a hugely reduced price by waiting on sales, using coupons, or finding it at the thrift store.
All this sounds dorky until you are deep in it. That .25 cent candle becomes a big prize, the bag of school clothes that a friend hands you because her child outgrew the clothes and they are in excellent condition can be like Christmas, that coupon that gets you half off your favorite laundry detergent is a reason to celebrate.
This year we filed for $33,000 for the year but we live like we make over $40,000. I feel very middle class on our working class budget. All I can really do is share how we do it and how I budget (since I’m responsible for the family and household funds). For some people in other states this would be plenty, however, we live in Northern California where houses sell for an average of 300K to 600K and everything is expensive. For a family of four, it is said that it cost anywhere from $58K to $148K to get by in the US.
Hum…wellll, we are way under that and yet we sleep well at night with nary a worry.
We live in a cute little blue cottage in the older parts of a small city. It is a nice neighborhood with a few oddities as any proper neighborhood should have to keep the balance. We can walk to the charming old historic downtown where we visit a large pet store to visit a huge ancient turtle that roams the store so slowly I mistook him for a statue the first time. We also love the little candy store and I’m finding more little coffee shops and stores that are charming and remind me of the bay area.
We can take drives through farmland, vast walnut orchards, and hike in the forest after wandering through old gold mining towns. All within 30 or so minutes of our house.
I spend my days at home alone with two vivacious boys and bored or lonely I am not. Some times irritated and counting backward from ten, yes, but my days are full. I enjoy children’s films and cartoons, drawing, happy music and I entertain myself with novels, spiritual food, learning to homestead, writing fiction, and improving myself.
I have cut cost in all our utilities and give myself a small grocery envelop monthly. If I want to spend money I visit the local Goodwill or a good thrift store. Mostly I make do with what I have because I have so much.
Most of my lawns in the front and backyard have been replaced with large gardens and flowers, and table grape vines grow up my old pergola frame. All my fruit and nut trees are in bloom right now making for a lovely view in the mornings.
My kitchen is a bakery once or twice a week where I bake Amish bread, wheat bread, cakes, muffins, cookies, and make tortillas often. I now cook all the foods from scratch that I once bought from the frozen food section of the Super Market. I do not skimp on organics and clean foods for my family by buying in bulk and shopping from the produce sections to save hundreds. I build up my pantries from sales and shopping at Winco’s bulk section along with produce in season. I have found local eggs and soon local goat milk from a ranch up the road. If my garden doesn’t produce enough I will travel to a large farm that has seasons where you can pick your own vegetable for pennies. This will supplement my canning.
I spend my days reading novels, washing dishes, sipping coffee as I look out at my back yard that is now a food forest in the making, and I keep entertained with my writing projects, learning to homeschool my eldest, and rearranging my furniture to make my rooms more interesting.
I have had many household projects and Bali spends his weekends working in the yards to build our little veggie and fruit farm. Our home was a fixer upper and HUD house, thus very cheap. It’s been a year and a half of hard work, learning how to install a free sink that Habitat for Humanity was throwing out because of a crack in the back of the cabinet, learning how to plant trees in the right season, hauling truckloads of free horse manure home, raising hens not so successfully, learning to can jams and spaghetti sauce and praying my family and the neighbors I shared with didn’t get botulism. It has been long nights, early mornings, and almost every weekend doing labor.
Our mortgage makes it all worth it, being it’s less than some pay for a studio apartment on the wrong side of town. Our cars are old Toyota’s but free. The only bills we have now are solar, garbage, and water…and yes, I caved tonight and added Netflix back to our table of entertainment. We love our movies.
When I spend the morning coloring with my boys and drinking espresso in my cute little cottage, when I am picking a basket full of winter greens for an afternoon soup, when I pick up a bag full of good books for all of us from the library up the street, when I swim with the boys at the health club a mile up the road, when I bake a plump, moist chocolate cake in the middle of the week…I feel like life is pretty delicious.
We live on a small allowance, but through years of downsizing and simplifying, cutting cost often, finding ways to save on utilities and groceries, learning sustainability, and using what we have, growing what we need or finding things inexpensively, we find life very affordable.
Have we sacrificed? Yes, we have sacrificed stress and fear, an unstable future, and living beyond our means. We have gained true wealth beyond our imaginings.
  Making the choice to come home. Many women have written their success stories in coming home and leaving high paying jobs, careers, and even being the main breadwinners.
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Holy cow my little nugget is one! Tomorrow marks one year since this happy - go - lucky little boy came into the world, weighing 8lbs and 3 oz. I can honestly say I have never felt a love like this, and I would do absolutely anything for that smile. So when it came to Cashton’s first birthday party I knew I wanted to find a unique, fun and colorful theme that kids of all ages would love. 
After scouring Pinterest here is what we came up with, Cashton is reeling in the “BIG ONE”. Here are some of the details from our day on the pond.
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We have a ton of construction in our neighborhood currently with the expansion of our development, thus I had to get creative when it came to prettying up the back yard.  Happy Sign Surprise in Charlotte rents these huge yard signs, which we used to cover the disaster that is happening behind my house. We also attached balloons to draw your attention away from the piles of mulch that are within an eye shot. 
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For the decor, I pulled from multiple places. I ordered plates, napkins, cups, favors and gone fishing signs from Oriental Trading Company. I was able to download the Thank You notes for the favors from Etsy and print to card stock right from my home, and our custom wood sign was made by me at an AR Workshop in Pineville.
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Pinterest provided lots of ideas for set up and food! Fish & chips net, pretzel fishing rods, “seaweed” grapes, veggie fish tray and “bait box” candy bar. 
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Our GORGEOUS two tiered, chocolate and vanilla cake was designed, baked and DELIVERED by Cakes by Carol Middleton. SO affordable and maybe my favorite detail from the party! Did I mention her 1st birthday cakes come with a mini smash cake?!? 
The cake topper was ordered from Etsy. 
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For the adult food, we stuck with the fish theme and catered sushi and mini burgers from Cowfish. We wanted all of the details to the party to flow from food to lighting! Simple nets that I ordered from Amazon were hung over our existing chandeliers. And of course we had  to have a monthly photo banner which you can find on Etsy in nearly any theme. 
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Finally, the icing on the cake was to find some type of entertainment for the kids. That’s where Oma (grandma) stepped in and ordered a petting zoo from A Zoo 2 You. They have 8 packages at different price points, so your sure to find something to fit your budget. They even have tents for the animals and kids if weather is an issue like it was the day of our party. 
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I know this looks over whelming but if you can get out ahead of it like I did and do a little at a time you’ll be just fine! Please feel free to message me with any questions! I’d love to point you in the right direction. 
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doodlewash · 7 years
Hello friends, I am Saswati Chakraborty, currently living in Detroit, Michigan. I was born in a Bengali family in Kolkata, India and grew up in an environment where education and art are of paramount importance. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest to see more of my watercolour painting and art tutorials at the links found below.
Background and Inspiration
From my childhood, I always felt an irresistible attraction towards brushes and, with time, I realized my love of watercolour painting. I mainly work in pure watercolours. I focus primarily on photorealistic, detailed, nature paintings.
Figure 1. Lost In Dark Woods. (Photo Reference: Jacobs ATV)
In my childhood days, I was introduced to the world of colors in terms of school projects where I had opportunity to paint with pastel colors and learn a few basics about primary and secondary colors.
Figure 2. Title: The Colourful Poppy (Photo Reference Wendy Sinclair)
In high school, I had explored sketching, lino, acrylics and, of course, watercolour painting. However, for my career, I followed the traditional path of education and pursued a Masters in Microbiology and Business Administration. The desire of chasing my dream to become an artist somehow took a back seat, and I got lost in academics and my career. It took a few more years for me to fully dedicate myself to following my destiny.
When I started painting after 15 years, I found that the basic process is still the same. However, the means of painting and medium have expanded a lot. For the first year, I struggled a lot to find my genre, hopping from one subject to another, not being able to find my own style. Eventually, I started focusing on the process and learning afresh.
Alwin Toffler rightly remarked; “To educate yourself you have to learn, unlearn, and relearn”.
Why Watercolour Painting?
Watercolour is the most simple and spontaneous medium to work with. I found it is a versatile and magical medium. There are many disheartening myths regarding watercolour painting and its challenges. However, once mastered with proper knowledge, techniques, planning and research, combined with patience, it can produce surprising results!
Why Photorealistic Paintings?
Figure 3. Zinnia Detailing with Winsor and Newton Kolinsky Sable Minitaure Brushes (Photo Reference: Morgue File)
In photorealistic paintings, the artist strives to paint the intricate details observed in a photograph in his paintings. He also tries to give the light and shadow effects exactly as shown in the photo. I love taking up challenges and paint intricate subjects like macro details of a flower or the detailed foliage in a landscape. I have seen excellent photorealistic paintings in watercolours, which highly inspired me to focus on the same.
My Approach
Talent is God-gifted, but it’s the perseverance that makes one stand out. Talent, aided with relevant knowledge, creative thinking and a systematic approach – that’s all it takes to create magic. It’s not so difficult after all, as long as you have hunger to learn and improve. When it is accompanied with a knack for perfection, anybody can create a masterpiece!
Figure 4. Title: Wild Flowers of Farmington (Photo Reference-Own Photo)
Over the years, I learnt, one needs to have a right plan to bring the image in mind onto a canvas. Generally, I follow a three-phase approach for my projects.
Planning – It is often essential to create good compositions and plan the color schemes.
Research At Each Stage – This enriches me with the knowledge of the right techniques and tricks to handle difficult stages of my painting.
Execution – The above two stages being conducted appropriately, gives me enough confidence to enjoy the watercolour painting process.
Learning Stages
I am self-taught and I am constantly learning new methods of improvement. To make photorealistic paintings, one needs to have the right knowledge of light and shadow, colour theories, basic knowledge of sketching, and techniques to produce the detailing on paper or canvas. I discovered the huge realm of You Tube online instructional videos and demonstrations.
Figure 5. Title: Sunkissed Irises (Photo Reference: Self)
Gradually, I learnt new processes, brush strokes, and was more attracted to realistic paintings with detailing. I will be happy to share with you a few significant factors, which helped me to increase my knowledge base and improve my watercolour painting style.
Watercolor Painting Tips
Understanding of Color Theories and their Properties
Use of Good Art Supplies (For e.g. Light-Fast Pigments, Good Brushes, professional quality watercolours)
Use of Good Watercolour Paper (Professional Grade)
Finding the right subject or Genre for painting
Using the right photo reference (if painting from a reference photo)
Knowledge of techniques like Glazing, Wet on Wet, Wet on Dry, Lifting.
Concept of Light and Shadow
Open to feedback or criticisms
Figure 6. Title: Pink Plumerias (Photo Reference: Wendy Sinclair)
At First, I was shy in sharing my art as I thought it was amateurish. Then I realized that in order to progress further, feedback (positive or negative) is mandatory. The feedback essentially helped me to develop my skills and to produce professional quality paintings.
Figure 7. Title: Dahlia Painting (Challenge Entry)(Photo Reference: LiveDan330.com)
The final breakthrough came when I joined social media groups and actively started taking part in the monthly art challenges. I was not sure whether I was prepared for it, but I started planning for them right from the beginning. They gave me the momentum and confidence, which I needed at that moment. After this, I did not have to look back and started my own official page on Facebook. I am grateful to the master artists, who endowed me with the skills and knowledge of watercolour painting techniques and for whom, today, I am capable of offering my own tutorials and demos.
Materials Used
I love to experiment with materials but my favorite professional brand of pigments are Daniel Smith Professional Watercolours, Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolours and Kokuyu Camlin Watercolours. I tend to use a limited palette technique.
Figure 8. Title: Blooming Holly Hocks in Watercolours and Watercolour Brush Pens (Photo Refernce: Self)
My palette ranges from warm to cool shades with a few earth colors, which I use very rarely (mostly for landscapes). I love to derive my colors and mix my colors mostly on paper rather than on a palette.
Watercolour Paper
I prefer St. Cuthbert’s Mill (Cold Pressed/Not) 140lbs mold-free papers when I am painting some photo-realistic works, which involve multiple washes and use of masking fluid. For Botanical works, I prefer Arches (Hot Pressed) 140 lbs papers. I also love Fabriano Artistico (Rough) 140lbs paper for landscapes.
Figure 9. A Botanical Study of Grape Leaf in Arches Hot Pressed Paper (140 lbs)Photo Reference (Self)
Brushes & Palettes
I love to continuously experiment with new watercolour brushes. I mostly do my Botanical works with pure kolinsky sable brushes for their flexibility and water holding capacity. For large washes, I love the hake brush and squirrel mop brush. I also use the Black Silver brushes or Grumbacher semi-synthetic brushes for practice washes.
Figure 10. Begonia Painting in Detail. Reference: Self Study
I use a ceramic palette with a large mixing well, and also love the Winsor & Newton travel size half–pan set which are good for a few botanical works. I’m a huge fan of masking fluid and masking tapes. As I do photorealistic paintings, I apply these in quantitative amounts to my paintings. I use a 0.5 mechanical pencil for my initial sketch in most of my works, and a kneaded putty rubber eraser, which helps to remove the extra graphite marks efficiently.
Figure 11. Light Initial Sketch of Protea Flower
Figure 12. Title: The Green and The Wood (Photo Reference: Self)
My Watercolour Painting Techniques
People often complain that their “Painting look Amateurish”! The right knowledge and the right technique can transform a painting from an ordinary one to an extraordinary one.
As I often demonstrate in my tutorials, I follow a few basic, simple techniques: (As shown through the steps of a Sunflower Painting)
1. Stretching of Paper
I always stretch my paper prior to painting, when I am working with 140lbs papers, and where the painting involves multiple washes and layering.
2. Sketching
I often draw from reference photos, where I take my reference image from groups like Photos for Artists on Facebook, or Paint my Photos, or my own Photos. If I am taking reference from photos of other artists, I never forget to give due attributions. I make a light sketch in the main watercolour paper initially
3. Finding Value Ranges
I often find it very helpful to study the value ranges (value sketch) of the elements in my painting. This helps me to decide the darkest darks and the lightest lights and decide the light and shadow sources properly.
Figure 14. Layering and Painting the Darkest Darks and Lightest Lights according to Value Ranges
4. Using the Colour Wheel and Shadows
This helps me to decide the shades for the shadows and the complementary colors. This is particularly helpful in cases, where I am making up a composition. I try to compare the values of each shade to get the reference color range for each subject, thus choosing my colors for them. I use a rough strip of paper where I make swatches and test my colors before I finally paint with them.
Figure 15. Colour Swatch of Green for Foliage
5. Painting in Layers (Wet on Wet Washes) and , Dry Brushing, and Stippling
I paint in layers and allow each layer to dry properly before painting the next layer. This is essential for wet on wet techniques. For botanical works, I tend to use the dry brushing technique a lot with stippling and hatching too.
Figure 16. The Final Layering of the Painting
6. Lifting and Glazing
I do not use white and black colour in my paintings and tend to derive my black colors, if required. For whites or highlights, I prefer saving the whites of the paper and for that, I use masking fluid for my highlights. I also use tissue papers for lifting out certain areas as needed. Sometimes in order to give a smooth feel, I do glazing at the final stage after the initial layers has completely dried out.
Figure 17. Finished Painting after Glazing (Photo Reference: Myoho Dane from Indulgy.com)
In this Sunflower watercolour painting, I used very basic colors from Daniel Smith professional watercolours. I used the Primatek set and the Basic Set colors where my greens have been mostly derived by mixing blues and yellows. I like to use transparent and light fast pigments and avoid fugitive colors like Alizarin Crimson. In this example, I did not use black color but for the dark center, I mixed French Ultramarine blue with Raw Umber mixed with dash of neutral tint to get the dark tone. To see more about my watercolour painting process, follow me on my official Facebook page.
My Final Words
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away. “ – David Viscott
Figure 18. (Photo Reference: Self)
Life is fun, when we do things that we are good at. To create good art, patience is the most important factor. The next most significant contributors are perseverance, dedication, and sincerity. As explained above, if properly planned, no painting is a difficult task.
6 Steps Towards A Great Watercolour Painting
Planning the work ahead and doing proper research for the painting.
Making a thumbnail painting and creating your own composition.
Finding the value ranges and making the colour swatches.
Mixing the colours according to the colour wheel.
Paint every day. Analyze it by standing at a distance, which helps to locate the flaws. Correct your mistakes with a fresh eye.
Complete the painting by adding the final touches.
Six years ago, I never imagined that I would reach this stage finally. However, I had the passion of creativity and reaching out to people through my work. Maybe that has pushed me to pursue my career in my favorite subject. I would like to say that if you have a dream or passion, live it, because you have just one life and life is short!!
In the end, I would like to thank Charlie O’Shields, who is kind enough to give me the opportunity to share my works and my processes with all of you out there!! I would also like to thank the photographers, especially Wendy Sinclair, for providing such beautiful reference images for my paintings.
Cheers! Happy Painting!
Saswati Chakraborty Misra Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Doodlewash
#Doodlewash GUEST ARTIST: "The Dynamic World of Watercolours..." by Saswati Chakraborty Hello friends, I am Saswati Chakraborty, currently living in Detroit, Michigan. I was born in a Bengali family in Kolkata, India and grew up in an environment where education and art are of paramount importance.
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planar-echoes · 8 years
The Seer’s Parable (Unknown Plane) By Rei Nakazawa (8/6/08)
The seer sat before me,
Wrapped gently in smoke and satin.
A small smile in purple-painted lips
Peeked out from under her silk veil.
Her crystal on the table before her
Swam in an inner light
That set my heart pattering.
"What is it you want to know?" she asked.
I swallowed the rock in my throat.
"Tell me, O seer, how will the world end?"
Her smile widened.
Her white, white teeth
Gleamed at me.
"That is a deep question, my dear,
As deep as Inkfathom, and just as cold.
The answer
Will surely not bring you any joy."
"I know," I replied,
"But know I must."
Even if I did not know why.
Her smile dazzled once more,
As if I had made light wit.
"You are not ready for my answer.
Perhaps there are other things
You wish to know?"
I nodded.
Her hands embraced the crystal.
The light within it
Swam and jumped
Writhed and stretched.
"Then ask."
"Tell me, seer:
Where did this world come from?"
"I see a void
Deeper than the night
That now enshrouds us.
It is all.
It is absolute.
It is limitless.
Nothing dies,
For nothing is born,
Nothing fears
For nothing thinks.
But such perfection
Cannot last.
Was she born of the void?
Or did she arrive
From some other place
Impossibly far?
She hungers,
Not for meat,
But for knowledge.
Her eyes
Ring round
Drink greedily
Of everything around her.
Her hands itch,
Constantly grasping
For what is out of reach,
For the unknown.
Her feet do not touch
Any ground
As she glides
Towards the next discovery
The next new being
The next satisfaction.
When she beheld
This perfect void,
She wept.
What was there to see?
What was there to do?
What was there to learn?
Except herself
And the black.
Her brow furrowed,
But only for a moment.
If she could not find
What she was looking for,
Perhaps she could make it herself.
She spoke words
In a language never created,
Wove magics
With her hands the loom,
Her essence the thread.
She made this world
In her own image.
From her hunger
Sprang the boggarts,
Her joy
Created the elves,
Her caution
The kithkin,
Her anger
The cinders,
Her despair,
The giants,
Her ambition,
The merrow,
Her mischief,
The fae
Her stoutness,
The treefolk.
She tried to wreathe
This world in light,
But the void,
Angered at the disruption
Of its blanket,
Fought back.
And even when it won,
She did not despair.
In fact, she rejoiced.
Her sired things altered
In such interesting ways,
That she had new purpose.
She walks among us unseen,
Learning from our imperfections,
Watching over her creations.
As all things sprang from her,
Is she watching
For the time
When all must return to her?"
"Tell me, seer:
What causes
The mighty quakes
That scare my children
And send me tumbling?"
"I see a juggernaut
Greater than giants
And far older still.
He sleeps beneath the earth
Among those whom once he slew.
He bears the marks of ages upon his skin,
Memories of dreams long dead
And best left buried.
Whenever cracks split the ground,
An old peak falls,
Or hills roll like water,
That is the demiurge
Muttering in his slumber.
But one day his sleep will end,
As any sleep but death must.
He shall rise
From his forgotten bed.
His is an ancient doom,
Never spoken of
But always known
If only in flashes
Of trembling fear.
And he will walk
The world that tried to forget him.
None shall ever pass
Where he walks.
His footprints are marks of grieving.
The greatest mountain
Is sand under his feet,
The eldest forest
A single blade of grass,
Bent and crushed under his heel.
All shall see his
The shadow of his coming,
Feel his stride,
Shaking their lives apart.
And know that death is upon them.
They will scream.
They will curse.
They will beg.
They will run.
Yet all these acts, and yet more,
Will cease in the same moment
Trod under his implacable step.
When he has reached his goal,
A trail of blood and silence
Stretching behind him,
He will say words
Never spoken before or since
That will be etched upon his skin.
Then he will lie upon that spot
And slumber once more.
As the dust that falls upon him
Grows into hills
And the wrenched fields
Claw slowly back to life,
He will sleep.
And one day,
When foolish folk once again flourish,
Their arrogance blinding them
To their own mortality,
The demiurge will again awake.
And begin his journey anew."
"Tell me, seer:
Why does our night
Stretch to everlasting?"
"I see a plain
Grass dyed red
Buzzing with flies
And scattered with remnants
Once housed within skin.
He dances amongst
The fleshy remnants.
He bathes himself
In gore,
Then licks it clean.
He laughs,
A bellowing, deathly din,
As he slices through the heavens
Making them bleed.
Yet he does more than laugh –
He revels.
The tearing of limbs
Is a thing of beauty to him,
Art writ across flesh.
Screams of torment
Are his favorite lullaby.
His pride beams
Beholding a misshapen thing
Of his own design
Gurgling its life
Out onto the soil.
Pray to always see his glare,
Brimming with hate
And the heat of bloodlust.
You do not want to see him smile.
Once upon a time,
He was alone,
A single soul
Screaming pitifully
In a sea of life.
It thrived
No matter how much he reaped.
Joy was an anathema to him,
Peace an obscenity.
Light shone upon all
Buffeting and blinding him.
He scoured the world
Searching for surcease,
The barest hint of flaw
In the gem,
As he knew there had to be.
He found it –
A tiny hole in the sky,
Oozing blackness.
He picked at it,
Scrabbled at it,
Yet even his strength
Could not widen it.
In his frustration,
He hacked at his own flesh,
Rending it, clawing it
Searching for comfort, victory
In his own pain.
Mortals shuddered at the sound
Of his ribs spreading,
His organs bursting.
Finally, he lay on the ground,
Panting from his exertions,
When his form
Began to knit together
In strange ways even he did not fathom.
When all limbs were joined anew,
And life returned to muscles,
There stood now
Two of him,
Where there had only been one,
United in purpose
And hate.
Roaring with unholy joy,
The two tore at each other,
Reveling in their agonies.
Then those four did the same
Those eight the same
Those sixteen the same
Until a damned army
Hurtled towards the sky.
They tore wide the hole
And chortled at the darkness
Now gushing forth.
The hole grew wider
A swallowing mouth
That consumed the sky
And all its light.
That, my dear,
Is why we live in darkness,
And why we
Live in fear
Of what lies within it."
"Tell me, seer:
With the gloom all about us.
Why do elves still hope?"
"I see a sun,
A great sphere of light
Brighter still than the moon,
Yet it sleeps.
Does it fear the depravity
That it would behold
Were it awake?
Is it bewitched?
Or is it merely ignorant
Of the suffering it causes
From its slumber?
Whatever the truth,
It has its worshippers.
It has its protectors.
She always runs.
There is always somewhere
She must be
With great haste.
She is all that mortals desire,
But do not deserve:
She blinds herself
With a cloth
Over her eyes
For she does not wish
To give herself
The gift of sight
Until all the world
Has something they wish to see.
She holds a shield
Not to guard herself
But that which she holds dear.
She holds a spear
Not to slay foes
But to warn them
Before they draw near,
And thus
Avoid bloodshed.
She is a living bastion,
A fortress that walks
To offer her walls
To those in need.
Some say
She hid the sun herself,
A desperate act
To save it
From its ultimate extinction.
Others claim
She seeks the sleeper,
A quest that spans
More generations of mortals
Than are capable
Of recording it.
Still other claim
There is no sun,
That she deceives
Those she most loves
Lest they wither
From the despair
Of the truth.
Of all
The children of Shadowmoor,
The elves are her favorite.
Their dawnglove
Is marked
With the barest hint
Of her touch.
The glowmoths
Are her tears
Fluttering on the wind.
As long as she runs,
As long as she fights,
The elves
Will always hope
Even in the midst
Of crushing night.
But should they ever
Forget her
Or should she ever fall,
Some say
It will not only
Be the doom of the elves
But the doom
Of us all."
"Tell me, seer:
Why must there be war?"
"I see a great chariot,
Hear the snap of the whip
As its flame
Arcs against the sky
Like a bloody smile,
The snorting of the rams,
Their heated breath
Scorching the ground.
Its driver,
Its master,
Sees the world
From behind the pommel
Of an upraised sword.
His enemies are legion,
For they ever shift
With the content of his troops.
He knows no loyalty
Except to himself
And those he claims
To know –
The better to find
A willing army.
Many peoples
Know him
By many names.
Yet the myths are the same:
His great coming,
Shining in his godhood;
The speeches,
The rallies,
His sugared tongue
Setting torch to the kindling
Of prejudice and fear;
The great war
Led under his crimson standard,
That scythes down
All that once
Stood tall
And proud;
The aftermath
Of wailing and pain
In which he
Never figures
At all.
He is a smith of war.
He stokes fervor
From glowing ember
To white flame,
Hammers hot
And pliable minds,
Forges soldiers
Out of the rough dross
Of peaceful life.
His conqueror's voice
Never meets silence.
It is answered
With shouts of rage,
Roars of approval,
A deadly din
That lifts his spirit.
You see, blood is his wine,
The clash of swords his song.
He does more than revel in it:
He feeds off it.
A great siege
Is a banquet to him,
A long and terrible battle
The most exquisite delicacy.
Each life crushed
Under the heel of war
Is a grape,
Its sweet juice
Trickling down
His throat.
He cares not
For the lands he conquers,
Nor the ones
Left burning and fallow.
He always knows
There is another land,
Another army,
Over the bloodstained horizon.
Without warfare,
Without all its aspects –
The fervor,
The pride,
The sacrifice,
The bloodshed –
He would cease to exist.
And that, my dear,
Is why we cannot even imagine
A world without war.
He won't let us."
"Tell me, seer:
Why can some not act
As one mind, one soul
As we kithkin do?"
"I see a scepter,
That has met many a brow
In a ringing impact.
The hand that holds it
So tightly
Wields it
With careless.
Yet oh so careful,
His eyes
See only
What other eyes value:
Lucky coin,
Trusted sword,
To him,
Nothing has worth
Unless it belongs
To someone else.
It is not the lust for wealth
That drives him
Simply the hunter's thrill,
And the moment
Of acquisition.
Nothing is truly your own.
It is his –
Whether you know it or not.
The scepter is a relic
Of a famed victim.
Once there was a king.
Whether of elves, kith, boggart,
Or something else entirely
Only the dead can say.
He had gold, jewels, silks,
All the riches of the world
At his command.
Until the day
The demigod came,
His power
Wafting off his skin
Like heat.
Struck with fear,
The king asked
What the demigod wanted.
The reply:
'Simply the most precious thing you own.
If I get it,
I will spare the rest of your wealth.
Will you give it willingly?'
The king pondered.
Was it his diamond,
As clear as a child's eyes?
Or his tapestry,
Woven from the rarest cloths?
Whatever it was,
Surely losing it was better
Than losing the rest.
The king agreed.
In the next moment,
His soul was sucked from his body
Into his scepter.
As the king fell dead,
The demigod took the scepter,
Its former owner's soul
Still screaming within,
And left.
The two keep counsel
To this day.
Do you see, my dear?
With such a threat,
Clutching hands
Grow tighter,
Suspicious eyes
Scheming minds
When those who have
Must constantly defend
Against not only those who have not,
But a demigod,
How can they unite
Against a more serious threat?
They cannot.
They can only die."
"Tell me, seer:
Why do we desire
To keep on living
Even if that life
Is empty and hopeless?"
"I see a great wolf
Fur black as a soul,
Fangs broken
By bone and steel.
It is an old beast,
Slashed by many winters,
It enters life's twilight
Crossed with puffed scars.
This battle,
Fought since the day
Of its birth,
Is nearing its end.
It howled
To the skies,
Screaming injustice.
Why, it demanded
To the powers beyond,
Must it give up its life,
A life that still blazed
Hot within its fur,
The outcome preordained?
Why must this struggle,
Its greatest struggle,
Be futile?
Why, it snarled,
Could it not have a chance?
What powers, great and terrible,
Heard it then?
What powers, light or dark,
Granted its wish,
Changed it,
Made it into the demiurge
That now stalks the land?
Not even I know that, my dear,
And it is better for me that way.
The Deity
Is no longer that wolf
In flesh,
But in heart...
That is a different story.
His hands
Crush tree trunks
With the slightest squeeze.
His voice
Shatters ears,
Brings knees to soil,
And summons a pack
Far mightier
Than ever he commanded
As an alpha.
His skin
Cuts swords,
And a single swing
Of his axe
Hews the legs of giants
In twain.
Yet in his deepest heart,
Where it pulses night after night,
Is fear.
He became what he is
To survive.
How long will that gift last?
Who may come
Mighty enough
To slay him?
Every challenger
No matter how slight
Is a deadly threat.
Every battle,
No matter what the stakes,
Is raw,
Strewn with gore,
And tainted with panic.
Thus is he
The fang and bloody claw
Of nature
The primal, savage urge
To survive
No matter what the cost,
No matter what the casualty.
And this urge
Infects us all today.
Do you fear the night, my dear?
Perhaps you should
Fear him more.
As he fears you."
"Tell me, seer:
Why does the moon
Wax and wane?"
"I see a single eye
A wet, iridescent orb
That cuts through untruth
And self deception.
It humbles the mighty,
Brings titans to their knees,
Quails the dead
And shudders spirits
To their nonexistent bones.
The eye is in the center of a great face,
Her lips curl
In something like loathing.
Her blade gleams
With an arrogant light
A pinprick of brightness
In the gloom of Shadowmoor.
Every sin
She sees.
Every scheme
She knows.
Every kept thought,
Every shameful secret,
Every dark desire
That we struggle to lock
So deep in our souls
That we refuse to say it exists...
She hears.
How does she regard us?
This watcher above?
It is impossible
For one so great
To truly understand
The ways of mortals.
Can a kithkin
Who lives amongst his own kind
Truly know
The thoughts of the raven
Or the dreams
Of the wolf?
It took eons of time,
By mortal minds
For this godhead
To begin to open her eye.
What she saw
Crawling upon this world,
Repulsed her.
Yet she could not tear
Her gaze away.
For reasons
Lesser beings
Will never understand,
She continued to watch.
Night after night
The world
Was her looking glass,
The sky
Her window.
Her eye
Weighed upon those below
As if their chests
Were being squeezed
By a vise.
'We beg of you!'
They cried to the eye above,
'We cannot bear your gaze
Any longer!'
They sank to their knees,
Their energy gone,
Humbled under
The oppressive presence
Of nothing but
A single eye.
Long moments passed
Perhaps an eternity.
Ever so slowly...
The eye began to shut.
The weight lifted
If only for a moment,
The mortals rejoiced.
And that, my dear,
Is why the moon changes.
It is the eye of the godhead,
Giving respite
From her judgment,
But only for a while,
For the impulses
Of such a being
Cannot long be denied."
"Tell me, seer:
What lies
Beyond death?"
"I see cold mist
Plucking at skin
And stabbing bone
With chill.
I see eyes,
Pits of gloom,
That draw in
The horrified gaze.
He takes not a breath,
And his every gesture
Crackles like ancient bones
Snapping under an iron boot.
His claws
Have caressed eyes,
Tongues, and veins,
All with loving care.
He is a ghost
That has never known life.
He passes through stone
As if it were water,
Flesh and soul
As if they were a baby's sigh.
He knows the true name
Of every being that is
Or ever will be,
And he hates them all.
Is it the warmth
Of blood and breath
That he despises so?
Or does he believe
That his bitter not-life
Is perfection itself?
The mists
That blanket our world
Are his eyes,
His fingers.
They probe, they search,
They seek
Dying souls
Souls that are weak
From age or youth,
Corruption or naïveté,
Despair or hope.
In the dead of their dreams
He finds them.
He tells them their true name,
And oh so gently
Holds them
In his chill embrace.
'Child,' he whispers,
'Let me relieve
All your burdens.'
Those who awaken
Are indelibly marked:
The lidded eyes,
The wandering mind,
The little jump
At the innocent touch.
They remember naught
But a shudder in their belly
And an ill-formed blot
In their thoughts.
He visits again
His icy hand
Sinking deeper
Drawing no blood –
Only cries and sobs
Muffled as though
Smothered under a pillow.
Each slumbereve,
He comes,
His words harsher,
His cut deeper,
Until he tears at entrail and sinew,
Sucks at marrow,
And plucks at the mouth,
Tooth by tooth.
Yet when his favored
Are found in their beds,
Their bodies are whole,
Their skin pure,
Except for the horror
Stamped forever on their faces.
Now, my dear,
That you know how one can die
Do you really wish to know
What comes after?"
I did not.
"I have asked many questions,"
I said.
"But my first still remains:
How will this world end?"
The seer smiled
That white smile.
"I can tell you that, my dear.
In fact,
I will tell you
So much more."
And her skin
Fell away.
Her wings,
Shimmering black,
Cast shadows across my eyes.
Her gown
Danced like leaves
Awash with wind.
Her haughty gaze
Struck me to my knees.
"Long have I waited
To impart my gifts
To one so curious,
So worthy."
"Please," I begged,
"Leave me be.
I thank you
For your praise,
But I cannot accept
Such wonder!"
I tried to run
But my palsied legs
Would not even twitch.
"Ah," she said,
"But you must.
All is preordained.
It all must pass
As I have seen,
Lest you rouse my anger."
I squeaked.
"Now, my dear,
I shall reveal all.
The end of your world.
The purpose of your existence,
All the greatness and horror
Of all creation
Will be yours
She spoke of mystery and portent,
Of occult and whispers,
Of such unfathomable things
That my mind
For pity.
It did not come.
Even now, I try to forget.
But I remember.
I remember!
And I must
Spread her word
Spread her truth
Or she shall impart
Even more upon me.
Laid open
To me.
Too much
If you could see
What lurks
Beyond the moonlight
You would
I beg of you
Those who read these words
Think as I think
Dream as I have dreamed.
You must understand
Must understand
Must join me
Join her.
It burns
My brain
Oh heavens
How it burns.
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