#it's my gifset and i get to choose the rarepair content !
bericas · 7 months
gifset commissions for e-sims for gaza
Hello! I am officially opening up a commission form to raise donations for Palestine. While I may change where these donations will go per round, for this first round, all proceeds will go to buying e-sims for Gaza through @/connectinghumanity_ on Instagram.
As this is an urgent situation, I will only be taking requests for gifsets from Teen Wolf (to be posted on bericas) or Yellowjackets (to be posted on yellowjackets-1996), as these are the shows I know the best and will be able to gif quickest. 
How the commission process will work:
I hope to have multiple rounds; each round will only have 4 slots, with a minimum donation amount of 10 dollars per slot
As this is a fundraiser, I will not be limiting how many can be submitted a person, but each request you submit will have to be submitted separately and paid for separately
The commission form is set to automatically close after it receives 4 submissions; if this includes a submission I choose not to accept, I’ll delete it so the form reopens and I’ll post that a slot has been reopened 
I ran a poll to decide how donating the money would work; the results of this poll is that I will collect the proceeds and then post proof of donation. This process will go something like this:
No money will be sent to me until you receive proof I’ve started giffing your request
This proof will be a screenshot of the first completed gif
After receiving this, you’ll donate a minimum of 10 dollars to my ko-fi
For this first round, for transparency and proof of legitimacy, I’ll be buying an e-sim for every two donations received and posting proof. This is because the app I’m familiar is with Holafly, where the cheapest option is $19. Going forward, I plan to donate it at once, after all 4 gifsets are completed.
Click anywhere in this sentence for a link to the commission form!
Please reblog this post to help spread the word!! Thank you!!
To make this post less overwhelming on the dash, rules for requests are below the cut!
Again, as this is a fundraiser, please keep requests as simple as possible, meaning only using footage from the source material 
(ex–a rarepair with little/no screentime will be accepted if I can make use of the canon footage; a request for an au that can use canon footage may be accepted if I think I can get it done quickly enough; any using outside footage will not be accepted)
For Teen Wolf requests: I won't gif Kate Argent in general, I won't gif St*rek in general, and I won’t gif any “taboo” topics like age gaps or incest. I also won’t gif any anti-Scott content, any anti-Deaton content, or really generally anything I think has racist connotations, which should be obvious
For clarity: I will gif Derek and the teens (excluding just Derek and Stiles) as long as it’s clearly platonic/”familial” in nature! 
For Yellowjackets request: again, I won’t gif “taboo” topics like age gaps or incest, but I will gif things that are clearly platonic or familial in nature
(ex–I won’t gif a romantic request for Ben/Travis, but I will gif one with platonic/familial/generally non-romantic themes)
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39oa · 11 months
Talk Hockey To Me
tagged by beloved @txstars T__T <3 thank uuu as always
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
it's hard to pinpoint one moment because i honestly genuinely believe that it's the best sport in the world just in terms of pure mechanics and objective viewing enjoyment and live crowd atmosphere so it's easy to get hooked once you actually watch it... i've been on and off with hockey fandom itself and took a few years away from tumblr until recently but i'd say it was a mix of just watching games + discovering fandom spaces on tumblr/reading fic on ao3 + having a decent home team at the time + canadian tax etc.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
ngl i think most of the people i first met in hockey fandom eventually moved onto bts (or k-pop in general) lmfaooo but i met @regularseason when i was in 11th grade making connor mcdavid gifsets and now i am somehow 25 years old. we have seen so much on this vast internet together ❤️ 
3. The jersey you would most like to own
MOOTERUS BROS RISE UP ☝️🐮  absolutely my favorite jersey of all time i genuinely don't think any other design comes close. i also really love the stars rr 2.0 but i finally bit the bullet and bought it so that's out... another top contender would be sabres goathead 🐐 and maybe mighty ducks era pkariya, also i think the sharks rr 2.0 with the spin on the seals logo is sooo cute and i love the og sharks logo designed by terry smith as well... specifically the classic late 90s teal jersey. and my fav regular home jersey of current teams is the kraken :')
i have way too many opinions on jerseys honestly. if i could pick some from my warmup jersey database then i lovelovelove the habs 2023 bhm and pride designs (i have apparel for both of these...), the leafs indigenous celebration design, and the kraken women in hockey design. gorgeous girls!!!!!
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
:saluting_face: there is only one guy for me... jr21! (real talk like a big part of why i got into the stars and came back to sports tumblr was because of him despite having 0 geographical ties to texas LOL. admittedly there was some superficiality involved at first in seeing an asian guy achieve top-line star status against the restrictive pains of bones hockey but then i was like oh your game is actually efficient and understated as hell? and it kind of spiraled out from there. my favorite deceptively abnormal "boring" guy!!!)
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
i will echo 2124 💚 but i am part of the problem for having 4 partial aus in one doc and not actually writing anything of substance for them... otherwise there are a ton of rarepairs i could argue in favor of but i feel like i'd sound insane. where is the otter/woll boston goaliefic... where is mitch/nrob with robo being vaguely horrified but trying to be supportive of his brother's poor decision making skills. where is my sabresfic and kidsline shenanigans in general......... also if we're going back to the stars then 2141 honestly have so much untapped potential wrt Why Are You Both So Weird Can You Please [Redacted] About It. but you get the gist i'm sure!!!
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
my memory does NOT go that far back. whatever is the most embarrassing thing to have ever happened to some guy i hate is good enough for me
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
immediately the first thing that came to mind is that i still think zoe's 2129 primer is one of the most fantastic and comprehensive labors of love this fandom has ever seen... truly one of the major backbones of starsblr. honestly despite hockey fandom not being quite what it used to be on here i think there are sooo so many great creators making stars content and i am immensely grateful to all the gifmakers + artists + writers who constantly feed me no matter what time of year it is!!! i'm kind of shy but you know who you are... TT__TT
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
\o/ i desperately do not like any of the things i make and i am already grateful to the people who have looked at my measly creations before so thank you!
tagging @regularseason @iamidentical @pupuhintz @slagkovsky @supersoftsports... apologies if you've already been tagged and no pressure as always but pls feel free to if you'd like ❤️
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neomachine · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
roz/lilith + classic rock "in college, i dropped out of pre-law because it interfered with bruce springsteen’s touring schedule."
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mmtions · 2 years
I love Buck and Eddie, I think there could have been so much potential with them two as a romantic pairing but honestly im losing hope. With the way the show has been going and the way Buck and Eddie have been written, individually and as a pair, do you really think there is still a realistic way to have them actually get together?? And i would love your opinion on this because you are an incredible writer yourself and ive been following your works from your Flash days
Hi anon! Thank you for messaging and for your kind words, and following since the Flash days! Guess we're both suckers for best friends in love, huh?
So if you're looking for more of a proof-based answer, @kitkatpancakestack talked more about some s5 choices that is very interesting and I think there's some amazing meta going around like @matan4il who I think has gone through like every 5b episode analysing.
Unfortunately, my answer is probably not the one you're looking for. Because it just... doesn't bother me if Buddie go canon or not?
So I'm putting the rest of this under read more to save other people's dash. And I should clarify that yes, I will be popping champagne like everyone at any and all 'canon' moments we get. I was screaming with the rest of y'all at Buck being in the room, and fixing the walls, and taking Eddie to the ranch. That's great content! That's fun! I love those goobers so much!! And I am also not saying I don't care about Buddie at all because, uh, my AO3 word count would disagree.
But what I mean by not caring is: what is canon and what is not does not affect my enjoyment, and I think it's a lot more fun to interact in fandom with that viewpoint.
Now, one caveat here is that I am a fandom elder (in my mid-twenties lmao). I've shipped a lot of ships, from canon to rarepairs to both-of-them-literally-died-in-canon (pour one out for the spn homies). I've shipped m/f, f/f, and m/m ships. I didn't get into Buddie because I thought they were a ship guaranteed to go canon. (I got into Buddie because this insanely gorgeous man was all over my dash apparently leaving whatever the 118 was and I needed to know more. Then I read some fic, and then I watched the show, and then I realised I was gone for about 8k into writing the PTA fic.)
I treat fandom like I treat literature. (No, I'm not saying they're the same, go away if you're about to quote classic greek at me.) What I mean by that is: the skill of literary analysis does not hinge on whether the curtains are blue. I don't give a damn what the author meant by choosing blue curtains. What matters is my skill in linking the blue of the curtains to a pattern or motif I've seen in the text, and my skill in explaining it to other people.
It's the same with fandom. I love the show - the found family, the humour, the characters, the drama - but when the episode ends, it's fanfictions and gifsets and fandom analysis I turn to. It's about the transformation. I mean, if I read one fic where it's Buck pining, or another where it's Eddie, or another where they're astronauts or cowboys or strippers or married in vegas or bake-off contestants, or they get together in the early hours of the morning or they get together after a harrowing emergency - one doesn't negate the other, you know? The skill is how the creators have transformed it. The gifmakers who made links between like, 1x04 and 5x17 and made it gorgeous to look at. Video creators, podfic makers, readers who comment and bookmark and make rec lists. Fanartists!! That's the fandom for me, and the show is the source from which we decide if the curtains are blue.
Now, truly I'm not saying this to condescend to you. I get where you're coming from, and I've been there. But I found that I take much more pleasure in my fandom experience by ignoring actors and interviews and twitter nonsense. If this is stressing you out (again, I have been there, I know it can be genuinely stressful when you care about these characters so much) you need to make a decision whether you're going to take a completely insulated approach (join me! who is ryan guzman? I don't know and now neither do you!) or you're going to lean into looking for proof in all the small moments. That's up to you.
Your fandom experience is yours to curate. If naysayers are stressing you out, block them. Read more fic, reblog more gifsets, spread more art! But I can't be the one to reassure you. If you're not enjoying the fandom, then - and I mean this with real love - take a step away.
If you think the curtains are blue, they're blue. If you wan to go out to bat to prove the curtains are blue, that's okay too, if you enjoy that! If you're constantly worrying that an executive producer is going to declare they're green, I would really recommend you come join the blue curtain club where we sew our own.
Canon is the source, and we choose what to take from it. And that's unfortunately all the reassurance I have for you, my love.
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likecastle · 4 years
With all due respect, whenever I read posts about fandom racism, I can't help but think that while it's interesting, telling people that they should do some soul-searching instead of having fun is just not gonna be efficient. What exactly prevents you to just enjoy your corner of fandom whether white fans join in or not, and block the hate if you get some? (genuine question here) A lot of people have rarepairs or are in tiny fandoms and occasionally have to deal with drama, after all.
What prevents me from ‘just enjoying my corner of fandom’ is that I’m not comfortable looking the other way when people in my community say they feel unsafe or unwelcome. I am a white fan, and the assumption that I’m not white because I’ve reblogged some posts about fandom racism is telling, I think. But as a white fan, if I’m not listening to what people of color in this fandom have to say about their experiences, I’m failing them and I’m failing the fan community at large. Besides being concerned about the harm that’s being done to individual people, making any environment safe and welcoming for everyone only enriches it and makes it stronger. 
Comparing racism to fandom drama also misses the point. This isn’t a question of whether I ship Yennalt or Geraskier or Geraskefer or all or none of the above. Which characters we like -- or in the case of The Witcher, which version of the characters we like -- is certainly a matter of taste and of course we all have to accept that some people love things that are not of interest to us, and we love things that are not of interest to others. But feeling like you’re on the fringes of a fandom because you ship a rarepair or because you have a very specific headcanon others don’t share isn’t the same thing as getting harassed because of who you are, or being exposed to harmful discourse about people like you. That’s not just being in the minority, it’s being marginalized -- pushed out of the group not because of what you like, but because of who you are. Fans of color deserve to be accepted for who they are, and shouldn’t have to spend their time weathering personal attacks, as if that’s just the price they have to pay for existing in this space.
And, it’s worth pointing out, the idea that certain characters are people of color isn’t some fringe headcanon, either. The Netflix show is the version of the franchise that most people are familiar with at this point, not some small corner of the fandom. It’s OK if you love the version of Yennefer from the games, or if you’re attached to the version of Triss in the books, but that doesn’t change the fact that characters of color are part of the canon now. You don’t have to like the show, or how it handled certain characters. One of the beautiful things about a fandom with as many different iterations as The Witcher is that we can all pick and choose which bits of canon we want to adopt and which we want to discard. But if the fandom is consistently whitewashing characters of color, especially in contexts where nearly every other aspect of the show canon is retained, that ceases to be a matter of personal preference and becomes indicative of underlying biases that do real and palpable harm. 
And, yes, we’re all here to have fun, but what I hear when people of color talk about fandom racism is that they’re not able to enjoy the content in the same way I do because of the unconscious bias, explicit prejudice, and outright harassment they face. Staying silent about that puts my own comfort and enjoyment above theirs, and, frankly, it’s the same as condoning it. Racism isn’t just a problem for people of color to deal with, and as a white person, I’m not going to make anything better by looking the other way. That just sends the message that I believe it’s not my problem, but in reality it’s everyone’s problem, because not only does it do active harm to people of color, it weakens the fan community as a whole and makes it less rich and less interesting because we lose important perspectives and valuable voices.
If we really love a show and its fandom, we have a responsibility to take a hard look at the dynamics in the show itself, as well as the dynamics of the creative community that springs up around it. We owe it to one another to ask hard questions about the art we love and the fanart it inspires -- not because we don’t want people to enjoy it, but because we do. Being critical doesn’t mean I don’t love the franchise or the people in the fandom. It doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. But there’s no way to just enjoy something in a vacuum, and we owe it to one another to consider how our own experiences are interconnected, and what impact our behavior has on one another. This is especially true because, as others have said more eloquently than me, the biases that inform what we do or don’t like are not always conscious, and recognizing that our assumptions and unwitting behavior can have harmful effects -- and then trying to do better -- is a way of caring for one another, and for the long-term health of our community.
To suggest that fans of color who face harassment or discrimination should just ‘block the hate’ they get also ignores the very real toll that takes on someone emotionally and psychologically. I can’t in good conscience expect people to just rise above, when I have a chance to help, even if only in some small way, dismantle the behaviors that are hurting them. Once again, why would I prioritize my own comfort over someone else’s safety? If I care about the people whose fics I read and whose art and gifsets I reblog, who write insightful meta and delightful shitposts, why wouldn’t I do whatever I can to make sure they stick around and keep making more of the things I love? And even if their thing is not exactly my cup of tea, isn’t my fandom experience made richer because they’re part of it? Isn’t the chance that someone else might feel really seen and understood by their work worth the small amount of effort it takes me to stick up for them and make sure I’m not part of the reason they leave?
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kakooshi · 4 years
I was tagged by @tatakaeeren! Thank you so much, you always deliver with your beautiful edits (T▽T) ♡ 
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I don’t have much to offer because I’m more of a shitposter than a content creator, but here are the works I can say I’m proud of. Most of them will be recent since I’m still a beginner.
1. Kakashi caressing Obito’s face: The first manip I ever made as a contribution for Kakaobi Week 2020. It’s not perfect but somehow I broke the hearts of people who thought it was real :^D Kakaobi is one of those ships that’s not quite a rarepair but not quite popular either (at least in the West). I was bitter that neither Kakashi nor Obito touched the scars they got from saving each other as children, so this edit was born! 
2. Naruto’s Kakaplushie: I dislike fillers as much as the next person, but I’ve found that they’re a bounty for gifsets lol. I wasn’t surprised most Naruto fans didn’t know about Naruto owning a Kakashi plushie that he probably made himself since it was shown right after the credits of a filler! You never know what you’re gonna get!
3. Zuko and Katara’s denial parallels: I noticed that Zuko and Katara were the only characters who denied being in a relationship (with Jin and Jet respectively in Book 2). I thought it was the perfect setup for them denying June’s assumption that they were together. It also would’ve been a nice execution of the “third time’s the charm” trope ugh, my 10-year old ass still hasn’t gone over them T_T
4. Win and Save!: Midoriya and Bakugou got me into creating gifs :D I remember freaking out over Bakugou’s concerned face towards Midoriya in the final trailer of the 2nd BNHA movie and immediately started looking up photoshop tutorials (I was trembling) because I just had to make an edit of it. I didn’t change the colors but I like how it turned out.
5. Eren “No-nonsense” Jaeger: This is just a manga cap compilation I made for the Eren Appreciation Event 2018 featuring Eren playing it straight with everyone XD I just love how highly perceptive he is of other people and how he’s not afraid of voicing his honest opinions to them, especially when they’re bullshitting him. King shit.
Bonus: Ereri secret relationship fic, Ereri 3dmg flying date fic, Mikasa manga cap edit ch. 104, [Shitposts incoming XD] Who’s the father, Historia?, Levi has a knife.
Tagging: @roxi4 @yuuki-ko @nicoliputski @lampurple @yushiiechii @oekakiuma @nadiaaisyah @kcokaine @rirururu @commandererwin @verratenduo @chibinico and anyone who wants to do this! I’d love to see your stuff ;D This is optional though, so it’s okay if you don’t want to! <3
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