#it's nice to just think about dsalkfjasfsdaj
not-poignant · 1 year
hi pia i saw this old post of yours (https://not-poignant.tumblr.com/post/190676283907/top-5-fandoms-you-want-to-write-for-but-whatever) and i just wanna tell u that if you wrote anything at all for natsume or 3gatsu i would spontaneously combust. (oh btw i don’t want to make this seem like pressurising sorry, im just thrilled that my fave author is in two of my fave tiny fandoms.) have a nice day!
Hi anon!
Man I still think about whumping Natsume so much though, and like, they really did give him some amazing potential candidates for hurt/comfort but also crunchy and difficult relationships.
Natsume's such an awesome character to daydream about on that front! No really clear story has ever presented itself to me, so maybe it will be a oneshot if I ever get around to it, but this show is so great and it makes me so happy it exists. (Also a lot of its music absolutely goes off, I feel like it's an anime that way too many people sleep on to be honest!)
And oh my god don't get me started on Rei Kiriyama, though the people I ship him with are people that almost no one else ships him with, so it's like hmmMMMM (Shimada or Hayashida, so big age gap for a start, and most people are too busy shipping Shimada x Hayashida which is also plenty valid, lmao).
I remember going into the fandoms and you know AO3 actually comes through with a few decent whumpy m/m fics for Natsume! But there's pretty much nothing I liked in 3Gatsu.
*vibrates in maybe I'll get to write about it one day*
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