#it's not cuz i love martian manhunter so much however-
jesncin · 1 year
Hewwo~ I love the comics you guys make! Can I ask about what your writing process is like? Do you follow some sort of 3-act structure template, or have some other fun tools? Where do you get your ideas from? Sorry if that's a lot to ask! I want to be a strong writer like you guys!
Hello there! :> thank you for the kind words!!
If I had to describe my writing process it would be working "general to specific". So I would have a general idea for a story, work out the big events, then flesh out the details down to dialogue and character acting (I like to have that figured out in the script early so once I sketch/thumbnail the comic I'm not mentally overworked).
Elevator pitch -> Outline -> Story Breakdown -> Script
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Throughout the process I'm always keeping in mind what the theme of the story is, making sure it's not lost in the process. The 3 act structure comes naturally from feeling the story out, but it's good to revisit sometimes if you feel like your story is missing a beat or needs rearranging. I usually check out Blake Snyder's beat sheet when I feel something's lacking but I don't treat it like strict rules to follow- more like a guideline.
For where I get my ideas from, lately it's a mix of lived experience that I want to see more of in fiction or a twist on existing stories. "Princess Kaguya x Little Prince but about a trans masc Indonesian boy going through culture shock" or "Martian Manhunter but his evil twin brother is misunderstood and not evil". Stuff that would be fun to write and gets me excited just thinking about them.
I hope that was helpful! And good luck on your writing!!
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