#my script is green to prevent eye strain
jesncin · 1 year
Hewwo~ I love the comics you guys make! Can I ask about what your writing process is like? Do you follow some sort of 3-act structure template, or have some other fun tools? Where do you get your ideas from? Sorry if that's a lot to ask! I want to be a strong writer like you guys!
Hello there! :> thank you for the kind words!!
If I had to describe my writing process it would be working "general to specific". So I would have a general idea for a story, work out the big events, then flesh out the details down to dialogue and character acting (I like to have that figured out in the script early so once I sketch/thumbnail the comic I'm not mentally overworked).
Elevator pitch -> Outline -> Story Breakdown -> Script
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Throughout the process I'm always keeping in mind what the theme of the story is, making sure it's not lost in the process. The 3 act structure comes naturally from feeling the story out, but it's good to revisit sometimes if you feel like your story is missing a beat or needs rearranging. I usually check out Blake Snyder's beat sheet when I feel something's lacking but I don't treat it like strict rules to follow- more like a guideline.
For where I get my ideas from, lately it's a mix of lived experience that I want to see more of in fiction or a twist on existing stories. "Princess Kaguya x Little Prince but about a trans masc Indonesian boy going through culture shock" or "Martian Manhunter but his evil twin brother is misunderstood and not evil". Stuff that would be fun to write and gets me excited just thinking about them.
I hope that was helpful! And good luck on your writing!!
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He’s in Charge; Chapter Eight
Pairing: Henry/Bertrum
Warnings: Slight body horror, mentions of homophobia
A/N: Hoo boy, took me an awful long time to get this out, didn’t it? Ah well, technical difficulties happen. In this chapter, we get a little insight into just what goes on inside the head of voice actresses- and what’s been happening behind closed doors at Joey Drew Studios.
Chapter word count: 2,331
{First part} {Previous part} {Next part}
Chapter Eight; Inner Demon
Once the studio was back to running normally again, it was already Thursday. Joey had evidently returned to work against doctor's orders, but he, like everyone else, was anxious to get back to work. Joey summoned Henry to his upstairs office almost immediately that morning.
As he stepped into the cramped room, Henry's heart was solidly lodged in his throat. He forced a neutral look onto his face, though. Joey sat behind his desk with a pen in his hand, scribbling notes on… something, Henry couldn't tell what. With his other hand, one wrapped completely in thick bandages, he gestured to the chair across from him.
Sitting down only gave the animator a better perspective on the extent of his injuries; Half of his face was an odd purple-yellow, the bruises trying their best to heal. From his eye down to his jaw on the right side, his skin had been dyed that almost sickly color. A gash across his cheek on the opposite side was still healing, but he obviously hadn't bothered dressing it. What really shocked- and to some degree, worried- him was the wheelchair Joey had been placed in. That, for the most part, was probably what was making him look so angry. 
“G'morning, Joey.” Henry tried hesitantly. 
“I hope you've enjoyed your time off, we're all going to have to make up for it around here.” Joey practically ignored his greeting, speaking through a scowl. Henry was able to see where he was missing a bottom tooth as he did. “You've got to start on the storyboard for the next short, the writers already have the script downstairs. That's all, just get going. Please.” The please he added as an afterthought.
Henry nodded, already standing from his seat. “Right away, I'll get that going.” He made his way to the door. 
“And Henry?” Joey stopped him just as he was about to close the door. Henry poked his head back in. “For the love of God… Stop seeing Bertie. He's dangerous. He'll end up hurting you, look at what he did to me.”
“If you say so, Mister Drew.” Henry accepted what he said, then shut the door. As he made his way to the writing department, he shook his head. Bertrum would never hurt him, that he was sure of.
Saturday night, Henry stayed at Bertrum's house again. Bertrum had offered to visit with Henry instead, but the animator knew his run-down apartment would be nothing compared to where Bertrum lived. He made his way back home Sunday afternoon to take care of some housekeeping, and to make sure he had enough clean clothing for the upcoming week. 
When he got to his desk that Monday, almost exactly on time, Joey was already waiting for him. He'd parked his wheelchair right in front of Henry's chair, preventing him from getting to it. Henry stopped at the end of the hall, on edge.
“Good morning, Joey.” He greeted.
Joey slowly rolled the chair up to him, pushing him back against the wall and glaring. His bruises had already started to clear, but the gash on his cheek wasn't healing as well. “You. You need to stay away from Bertrum. Do you know what I'll do if you don't?”
“Dock my pay? Fire me? Out me? Honestly, Joey… your threats are… getting a little old.” Henry voiced. Of course he was still terrified of Joey, he didn’t want to show it. 
“You're distracting each other. Work isn't going as fast, and that's costing us some serious cash. Do you really want this whole place to go under because of you and your little game? Because you wanted to have a little ‘harmless’ fun?”
Henry took a moment to calculate his response. “Do you really expect me to believe that? If things are really so bad, you wouldn't be-”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Henry could see the shade of his boss's face change. His jaw clenched and the inside of his eyes caught fire. Before Henry even realized what was happening, Joey was up on his feet, wincing as he slammed his hands into the wall, one on either side of the animator's head. The man towered over him. “You have a job to do, Stein! And I'll be damned, if you won't do it, I'll make every aspect of your existence a living hell!” Joey roared, spit flying into Henry's face as he flinched. He hadn't even noticed the whites of Joey’s eyes beginning to darken. “I'm in charge here! What I say goes, no questions! No what if's! No maybe’s! This is my studio! My company! My animations! Behind the scenes, I own you! Do you understand me?! You and your work belong to-” 
Joey was suddenly interrupted by his own ragged, shuddering cough. He backed away, falling into his wheelchair as his body continued to seize. He pushed a hand over his mouth to muffle himself and the longer it went on, Henry realized he'd begun spitting up a thick black sludge. It seeped between his fingers and started to drip from his nose, also pooling in the corners of his eyes. 
All Henry could do was stare, horrified. “Joey-” 
“Leave!” Joey's strained voice commanded, prompting Henry to do so. He practically ran from the hall, past the exit and down the stairs to the music department. Only then, at the foot of them, did he stop for a moment. 
The first person to catch his eye was a violinist- he recalled her name being Ellie- standing by the door to the music hall, who waved. She made her way over to him with her instrument in her hand, frowning. “You look like you've seen a ghost, mister. You alright?”
Henry hadn't realized he'd gotten so pale.  He swallowed and nodded. “I'll be fine, thank you, Ellie.” 
The curly chestnut hair resting on her shoulders moved as she shrugged. “If you say so. What brings you down here? Mister Lawrence and Mister Fain are in their office if you need ‘em.”
Henry figured that would be as good an excuse as any to be away from his desk for a few more minutes. “Are they? Thanks.”
“No problem!” She waved again as he moved off down the hall.
As he did, through the huge glass window in Sammy and Jack's office, Henry could see the music director pacing back and forth, clearly ranting about something. When he got up to it, he knocked on the glass. Sammy froze, glancing at him. Henry shifted to push the door open, taking a step inside. “Hey, how are things down here?”
“Could be better.” Sammy and Jack spoke in unison, throwing each other a look. Both groaned, Jack lifting his hat enough to push his hand through his frizzy hair.
“These demands are getting ridiculous! How are we supposed to have a full score in two months?! He’s fired half my orchestra! Without even consulting me, I might add.” Sammy explained. 
Jack turned to him, dark marks evident under his eyes. “I just don't understand the logic here. Does he know how writing music works?”
Henry crossed his arms and shook his head. “I'm not sure he knows how any of this works.”
“Amen to that.” Sammy scoffed.
“Is there anything I can do to help you guys?” The animator offered.
At first, Sammy shook his head. “You have your own assignments to worry about, I'm sure.”
“Actually…” Jack perked up. “You used to play piano, right? Think you could do one of these songs?”
“Well, I still sort of remember how to play… Can I see the keys?” Henry asked, looking to Sammy.
Sammy, knowing which one Jack referred to, picked a few papers out of the stacks on his desk. He held them out. “Here, it's fairly simple. We're still trying to teach one of the two bassoonists left to play piano, I'd appreciate your help.”
Henry took the papers, looking over them. “Hm… I'll take some time to practice on my lunch hour, if that's okay with you two, but it does look pretty easy.”
“Perfect.” Jack and Sammy spoke in unison again, glaring at each other with mock annoyance. 
“I'll see you then, Henry. Thank you for this.” Sammy clapped him on the shoulder, only briefly. 
“Yeah, of course! See you guys later.”
“Bye, Henry!” Jack raised a hand as a send off, his back already to Henry as he continued his work. 
Henry pulled the door closed behind him, figuring it had been long enough for Joey to compose himself. He was almost back to the stairs when a man walking out of the department “lounge” caught his attention. He recognized the man as a trombone player, but also one of their voice actors. “Oh, hi. Harry, right?” Henry asked.
“Nah, Harrison, actually. Mistah Drew insists on Harry.” Harrison spoke with the twinge of an accent Henry couldn't quite place. 
“Right, sorry. Is something wrong?” 
“Nah, Miss Susie was lookin’ for yah. C'mon.” Harrison gestured for Henry to follow him and disappeared back into the lounge. 
The room itself wasn't so much of a lounge, more like a small room with a beat up pool table and some crates stacked up in it. Leaning over said pool table lining up her shot was Susie, aiming a green ball towards a corner pocket. Two other musicians stood to the side, watching and talking quietly. Henry couldn’t for the life of him remember their names, though.
“Uhm… Susie?” Henry tried to get her attention. 
She took her shot, which she’d evidently calculated perfectly. Then she stood up, turning to him. She offered a small smile. “Hi, Henry.” She moved to the other side of the room, away from the pool table, and Henry followed. “Look…” She made her voice soft, though the others weren't paying attention to them anyway. “I'm… sorry about the other day. The way I reacted to you… wasn't the best. I wasn't expecting it, especially from you.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Henry raised a brow. 
“Well, look at you!” She indicated him as a whole with one hand. “You're adorable, I would think you'd have girls all over you, I never would've thought that's not the team you play for. But regardless of that, I'm sorry for how I acted. After what Joey did to you for it… I feel awful for letting it slip to him.”
Henry bit his lip. “Oh. You're the reason he knows…?”
“I am, and I'm so, so sorry. I had no idea he'd threaten you like he did, I…” Susie trailed off, unsure of what else to say.
“I guess it's… fine. All Joey wants is to blackmail me with it, I don't think he's really going to out me.  Or, at least, I hope.”
“I hope, too. So… are we okay? You don't… hate me?”
Henry shook his head. “I don't think I'm able to hate anyone, really.”
“Oh, good.” Susie opened her arms for a hug and Henry accepted, though neither made it a very strong one. “I'll see you around, Henry.”
“Yeah, see you later, Miss Campbell.” He gave her a small smile and wave, exiting the room and going back to the stairs. Thankfully, that time, he was able to do so uninterrupted.
The hall to his desk was another story, though. He had nearly made it back to his workspace when he spotted a sandwich board, the letters “floor is wet” crudely painted on it. The sign wasn’t exactly blocking the space, it was plenty small to move past easily, but it brought a small smile to his face. As he came around the corner, he spoke. “Hi, Wally.”
The janitor paused to wave and grin, mop  still held in his other hand. “Mornin’! Say, did ya spill?” He indicated the spots he’d mopped already with a tilt of his head. “Was pretty hard gettin’ the stuff up, is it a new brand?”
“Of ink?” Henry questioned, and Wally nodded. “No, it…” He glanced around, making sure no one else was within earshot. His voice dropped low. “It was Joey. I… I don’t really know what happened, he was talking to me and he started to get upset… and then he started to cough, and… This black gunk started coming out of his mouth.”
“Ya tellin’ me tha’ crazy bastard was coughin’ up tar? It looked like tar, there was a lot of it.” Wally matched his volume.
“I’m not sure what it really is, it started happening and he told me to leave, so I did. I wasn’t even sure he’d be gone by the time I got back here.”
“Huh. Y’know, he stays hea’ pretty late at night, I got the feelin’ he was up ta somethin’.”
“You don’t think he’s just sick?”
“Not a chance. Listen, Henry,” The janitor reached over to put a hand on his shoulder. “Stuff’s goin’ on hea’ tha’ you’ve got no idea about. Really, I shouldn’t even know, but I do! I got keys ta everywhea’, so Drew can’t keep secrets from me!”
Henry’s expression became concerned at the statement. “You know what Joey’s done lately, you really should be careful snooping around like that.”
Wally waved a dismissive hand. “Pff, I’m not snoopin’, I’m cleanin’! Drew wants this place spotless, I gotta get everywhea’!”
“Well… if you say so…” Henry still didn’t sound convinced. 
“I do! Hey, I’m gonna get outta hea’ and let ya do ya work, looks like Drew left somethin’ on ya desk.” As he spoke, Wally stuck his mop back into a water bucket on wheels, starting to move off. “Lata, Henry!”
Henry gave a small wave to his back, then shifted his attention to his desk, where a thick packet awaited him. He could see already that they were his sketches- some he’d never given to Joey, he noted- and they were covered in red chicken scratch. He sighed, taking his seat.
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lusciousharry · 5 years
Loving Death - Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
AU ignoring the Epilogue of Deathly Hallows. 
Summary: Draco and Harry are married, and have been for 8 years. Draco gets attacked, putting him into a seemingly irreversible coma. Harry deals with some major demons in his quest to heal him. 
     "Irreversible," that was the word that stuck in Harry's mind. He could hear the Healer saying something else, but he couldn't quite make out the words over a buzzing in his ears that drowned out any coherent speech. Hermione's hand clasped around his shoulders steadying him, as if he would fall out of the sofa he'd been in for a week now, and to be honest, Harry couldn't be sure that he wouldn't.      The attack had been swift. So quick that Harry, turning to ask something of Draco, had no time to react to the wizard with his wand drawn, to react to the wisp of blue light that escaped from the tip, and slammed into Draco's back, throwing him to the ground with a thud that still made Harry sick, just thinking about it. Harry's wand was out in nanoseconds, the wizard bound by invisible chains before he even had time to process what had happened. But even all of his training, years spent as the best Auror at the Ministry, couldn't save his husband.      Harry had replayed the scene over and over in his head for the past seven days, trying to find something he could have done, some way he could have stopped the attack. Some way he could have prevented being in this hospital room, listening to the Healer announce that his husband might never wake up. "Harry!" a sharp whisper came from his side. He must have missed something important, as Hermione was shaking him. He blinked a few times, the room coming back into focus. He noticed the Healer staring at him with a concerned look. "Mr. Potter, did you hear me?" Harry could only shake his head, words weren't exactly flowing from his lips since the attack.      "I assure you, we will do everything in our power to heal your husband, but please understand that this magic is ancient and unlike anything we've seen before. There is hope for him, but it will be a long and difficult road, if we ever make any progress at all." At those words, Harry could feel the tears welling in his eyes, tears that he'd been fighting for so long. He buried his head in his hands, feeling Hermione pull him closer to her on the sofa opposite the bed where the love of his life lay broken, perhaps beyond repair. The war had ended 12 years ago.Harry had been able to fool himself into believing the old prejudices had faded. Idiot he thought to himself as his body rocked with sobs. He knew he had to pull it together, he was no use to Draco like this, but he just couldn't. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     He and Draco had grown so close a few years after the war, becoming incredibly good friends. Ron had even started getting along with him, something that, even as the years passed, still amazed Harry. He and Ginny had tried the dating thing after the war, but as they came to realize, they were just two different people. Ginny had desired the quiet life, away from the reporters that followed Harry's movement. Seeing his face splashed across nearly every issue of the Daily Prophet for over a year put a huge strain on their relationship. For his part, Harry didn't relish in the attention, but he could never seem to make Ginny understand that. His career as an Auror meant that he was constantly nabbing dark wizards, and the press loved it. Headlines like The-Boy-Who-Lived­ Does it Again! and there would be Harry's picture, trying his best to avoid the camera. Ginny could never cope with that, and it had driven a wedge between them that they never could over come.      A few months after they officially ended things, an event shouted out for the world to read in the Prophet with the headline Harry Potter, The Boy who Loved, Faces Heartbreak...AGAIN!, Harry had received an owl. It was a distinguished looking thing, so grey it was almost silver. It tapped on the window twice, with an envelope in its beak. He took it, and tossed a pellet to the owl, grabbing it from a bowl he kept for his own, Atheria. It took flight with a contented hoot, and Harry shut the window.      Harry turned the letter over, and in flowing script in emerald green ink, was simply the word Potter. He had an inkling of an idea as to whom the letter was from. As he strode over to the armchair in the corner, Harry slid his finger under the wax seal holding the envelope together. Bringing himself down with a groan, he read the letter.      Potter,      I heard of the recent breakup between you and the female Weasley, far be it from me to pass up a joke about the Ginger Horrors, I do offer my apologies. After everything you've been through in your life, you deserve a bit of happiness. Apparently not everyone is content with being the Savior of the Wizarding world. Prick, Harry thought to himself.      With that being said, I would appreciate if you would consider dinner with me at the Leaky Cauldron on the 23rd. There is rather delicate matter that I would like to discuss with you, if you are willing. I shall be waiting at 7 pm.       Draco Malfoy. Harry couldn't begin to fathom what Malfoy wanted to meet with him about, though he suspected that it might have to do with the recent uptick in attacks on former Death Eaters. What he expected Harry to do about it was another matter entirely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Looking back, Harry would pinpoint that as the start of their relationship, though officially it was 6 months later. As suspected Draco wanted to talk to Harry about threats made against him and his family. During their initial encounter Harry had remarked on how much Draco had changed since the war and Hogwarts. His usual smugness gone, Harry had felt a genuine sense of desperation in his voice. Harry, being one to never say no to someone in need, began monitoring the Malfoy home, and having regular meetings with Draco. The entire thing culminated when Harry made an arrest of two wizards attempting to breach the security of Malfoy Manor, armed not only with their wands, but enchanted daggers and a strange, twisted horn that made him sick just by looking at it.      That night Harry and Draco decided to celebrate, with Draco ordering bottle after bottle of expensive wine and champagne to the room he'd been occupying at the Cauldron. The more drunk the pair got, the more the uncomfortable truth began to spill from their lips. Harry admitted that he had begun feeling...something for Draco, but he couldn't explain it. Draco replied with a sly smile that he knew exactly what he was feeling, and he was more than welcome to give himself over to the desire.      So he did.      They met regularly after that, alternating between each other's homes, until they realized, Draco long before Harry, that they didn't want to go home when their encounters were over. And as the days passed into months which melted into years, the two realized that they had found the happiness they'd been searching for, for longer than they cared to admit.
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tigy-the-gaymer · 4 years
Nothing Beats Eating Beets
Beets! Delightful in shading and profoundly nutritious, these root vegetables contain cancer prevention agents and are stuffed with uber medical advantages. From the Swiss chard and spinach families, these low calorie vegetables contain zero cholesterol, and have almost no fat. Beets are an incredible adaptable vegetable as well, and can be cooked, squeezed, slashed, ground, destroyed, bubbled, steamed, and broiled, and make for some flavorful plans.
Malady Inhibitor: Beets help with an assortment of sicknesses and conditions, including assurance against coronary supply route illness and stroke, bringing down cholesterol, bringing down homocysteine levels (a marker for cell demise), and help with platelets to cluster and forestall plaquing along blood vessel dividers. Do you have a heart condition or experience expanding in joints? Than beets are only for you! Considering taking a mitigating? Have a go at eating beets as opposed to popping a pill, as beets lower aggravation by restraining both COX-1 and COX-2; compounds which encourage cells to create irritation. Examination likewise shows that beetroot can help individuals who experience: Acidosis (beets are basic), Anemia, Atherosclerosis, circulatory strain, dandruff (blend a little apple juice vinegar with some beet squeeze and back rub into scalp and leave on for 60 minutes, and flush), ulcers (blend in with nectar and drink a couple of times each week), gallbladder and liver purge, body detoxification, and varicose veins.
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Supplement Dense: Are beet greens eatable? Truly, they are, and they contain lutein and zeaxanthin, both extraordinary for eye wellbeing and vision. Beets are a force place of fiber and gelatin Uber Like App Script, and help with stomach related and colon wellbeing (extraordinary for blockage and the runs), and are a probable reducer of malignant growths because of its substance of betalain, carotenoids, flavonoids, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, nutrient C, iron, folate (incredible for DNA union and pregnant mothers), potassium, and Vitamin B complex. Beet leaves have an unpleasant taste, yet are unimaginably supplement thick with chlorophyll, and have a higher dietary benefit than the beet roots themselves.
Step by step instructions to Enjoy Eating Beets: Choose beet roots that are firm, smooth, and ones with rounder bottoms, as they are better in taste than beet bottoms that are level. Beets save for three to four days in the cooler when appended with its related, supplement thick greens and can save for around fourteen days without its greens connected. Try not to wash beets until you are prepared to cook or eat them. To appreciate the full kind of beets and to assimilate the majority of its sublime decency of supplements, eat them new or juice them. While squeezing, include a little cut of lemon with its strip unblemished to more readily assimilate its supplements. While steaming beets, cut most of greens two crawls from its root and cut the beetroot into quarters, with its skin unblemished, and steam for 15 minutes to a quick bubble or dish for an hour or less, as any additional time in warmth will denature its supplements. Should your hands stain from beet juice, use lemon juice to expel recolors on your hands.
Solid Recipes: Beets are the fundamental element of borscht, a well known Eastern European soup. Its greens can be utilized in serving of mixed greens, much like spinach and Swiss chard. Take a stab at utilizing beets as an enhancement, grinding or slashing them into plates of mixed greens, or my top choice, marinating steamed beats in lemon juice, olive oil, and a grouping of new herbs.
Beetroots are a magnificent expansion to the vast majority's weight control plans. They can be arranged and cooked in a few distinct manners, are supplement thick, and are incredible regular detoxifiers and mitigating nourishments that can help the body in different solid manners.
Dr. Chad Laurence is a Doctor of Chiropractic, and is one of under 600 specialists' worldwide to be perceived as a recognized individual of Chiropractic Biophysics. His training centers around auxiliary revision of the spine, sustenance, rub treatment, family care, just as help after close to home injury and car collisions. He is a noticeable speaker and author, and he has been casted a ballot Best Chiropractor of Delaware by various distributions.
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therisinggear · 4 years
Knight’s Vipers 2
A Knight’s Vipers 2: Family Ties that Bind
By: RisingGear
The city of Blacklight, or as it is famously Nicknamed the “City Of The Damned” was once one of the many Ghost-towns that dot Remnant's landscape. Over time the Outcasts of civilization from all over the world found this place and made the place their own. With no enforced laws and ruled by Gangs of former Huntsmen and other lowlifes, the only rule people follow is survival of the fittest. 
A hooded woman walks throughout an alleyway seemingly unaware that she is being watched by a tall blonde man in white armor perched atop an abandoned building. “Target acquired, time to finally put an end to this!” Then a drop of rain hits him on the head, much to his dread. He immediately pulls his scroll to call two people named Nora and Rin. “Guy’s it’s Jaune we need to abort the mission. The target is now more of a threat and the plan has been compromised!”
Before anyone can respond Jaune has to dodge a dark green laser coming down from the sky. Jaune had to jump off the building just before blowing up in an instinct. *BOOM!*  His scroll’s screen glitches and a Gear icon pops up. “You are not that pathetic kid anymore, Jaune!~” A voice of a woman he hasn't heard in years. Someone he believed died years ago. 
“Not possible… I-It can’t be?!” A speechless Jaune mumbles to himself just before an invisible force. A Woman in a Black and Silver version of the armor of the long thought dead Pyrrha Nikos floats off the ground above him. A shocked and horrified Jaune can’t believe who he sees after eighteen years. “I thought you were dead? Pyrrha?!”            
In his mind, he has a brief flashback of her Smiling face, then to the snarling face of the grown woman before him. Her messy red hair now has black mixed in now. Dark bags under her glowing green eyes showing she hardly sleeps. “My original self must have thought very highly of you if you are the only fragment of her left. The old me might have forgiven you for getting my mind erased. I, however…”  She uses her magnetic abilities to slam him through another building and ripping the I-beam supports out. “Did you even try to look for the original Pyrrha before you abandoned Her!?” Her voice is cold and bitter, nothing like the warm friendly girl she used to be.  
Her eyes slowly turn yellow and her hair begins to darken as her powers grow more violent. The steel I-Beams begin to glow a red hot while still suspended in Pyrrha’s electromagnetic grip. “Did you know that Electromagnetic waves can vibrate the atoms in the metal, generating enough heat to melt steel.” The melted I-Beams form into a huge ball of white-hot metal. Any scrap of metal around them gets pulled into the glowing ball making it expand in size. From cars to beer cans, nothing escaped it.      
Jaune projects his aura into two pillars to try holding the building up. The strain is enough to make his nose bleed. “Please, You don’t understand! We did everything we…”     
A red hot spear is shot out of the liquid metal like a bullet. Jaune can feel the heat coming off after it broke through his shield. “I don’t want any of your excuses!” The ball of metal begins to forge countless Spears swords and Shields that orbit her and form a halo of weapons. Like an Angel of War.   
“SEVEN!!” The hooded woman Jaune was tracking down rides in on a stream of water. Just hearing her voice causes Pyrrha to Immediately stop and stop using her magnetism to stop levitating off the ground. Now Kneeling at her feet submissively the Woman. “Way to go off script!”       
“Please forgive me Madam Aqua!” Fear now dripping off her words, then This Aqua kicks her in the teeth for her disobedience. Instead of retaliating Pyrrha just let it happen without a fight. “We are going to talk about going against the plan!” She activates an ear piece While looking up at the sky. “Four Your on Honey?” Aqua then looks right at jaune with hate in her eyes. “This is only the beginning Arc, The Slayer Seven will have their revenge!” Tears run down her face despite her smile, easy to not notice due to the rain.“But more importantly, Madam Basilisk will be avenged!”    
Miles out of view in the sky above them a customized Female looking Atlas knight aims a large cannon at the building Jaune is currently preventing from falling to the ground on top of him. A bright green glow can be seen from the ground. ”By the way, Arc How’s the family?” That last line was enough to send a chill up Jaune’s spine. “I am dying to how much your children have grown in the last eighteen years. Morgana was only weeks pregnant when she came to rescue you because you were too pathetic to save yourself!” Aqua rests her hand on Pyrrha’s head. “Seven here especially wants to say hello to your wife and kids.”
A massive beam of charged energy is fired right down, parting the clouds and lighting up the night sky a shade of green.   
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/the-enterprise-of-running-a-blog-in-dubai-and-the-gcc/
The enterprise of running a blog in Dubai and the GCC
“In ten years, running a blog will be higher than television, magazines, and billboards,” says social media blogger and influencer Hamid Fadaei.
Even as which could look like a massive assertion to make for someone who is 28, the Iranian-born model, athlete and photographer are probably making two times as a good deal money as a television presenter, reporter or version. In truth, a few influencers earn as plenty as $10,000 in keeping with social media put up.
But Fadaei, who has 320,000 Instagram followers, isn’t nearly as big as some. Mega-blogger turned businesswoman Huda Kattan has 19 million fans on Instagram, Whilst almost 6 million humans observe beauty mogul Joelle Mardinian.
A survey in 2016 by marketplace research company YouGov located seventy-one percentage of UAE residents elderly 18-40 seek advice from social influencers and bloggers earlier than purchasing beauty, style and food products or earlier than booking offerings. It confirmed 68 percentage of residents appearance to online evaluations before deciding wherein to eat out, While sixty-three percentage said they check with influencers’ tips earlier than shopping for style and splendor merchandise.
With internet penetration in the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia notably rising from 2013 to 2016, according to a current Media Use in the Middle East survey by means of Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q) and Doha Movie Institute (DFI), the possibility for bloggers and influencers to develop is larger than ever. internet utilization among GCC nationals has by no means been higher: ninety-three percentage among 18 to 24-yr-olds; eighty-five percentage of 25 to 34-year-olds; 72 percent of 35 to 44-12 months-olds; and 39 percent of respondents forty-five years and older.
Every other cause Fadaei is having a bet on blogging is because phone possession follows internet penetration in the GCC, in which 9 out of 10 nationals use at least one smartphone.
“humans like to see the entirety on their phones because it’s so easy and it’ll take you seconds to locate anything,” says Fadaei, who often collaborates with fellow Iranian blogger Elnaz Golrokh.
“I assume in 10 years’ time, running a blog will be higher than tv. You’ve got tv in your cell phone proper now. You have Instagram stay. It’s live Television, without any difference. You’ve got a camera and anyone can see it and it’s so smooth to use and get admission to. You may do it through your cellphone without spending any cash, without the use of any studio, without having any finances, any lighting fixtures; simply your phone. So smooth and so reasonably-priced, but the sort of big platform,” he says.
No matter sharing an ardor for social media, the duo perceive it as a gateway in place of a profession, calling it a “door to a number of possibilities”.
“I’m a makeup artist. That’s my primary career,” says Golrokh, whose Instagram account has nearly 1,000,000 followers. “I have a number of clients and I work in a beauty salon in Dubai Marina. I began running a blog about makeup years in the past. however, of direction, I have other jobs. [Blogging] is not my handiest supply of earnings.”
In the subsequent six months, the blogger and beauty influencer expects to launch her personal fake eyelash and lipstick strains, Whilst Fadaei plans to increase his already present girls’ garb emblem in Iran to Dubai. Although he concurs it’s far tough to make blogging his predominant profession, he says it gave him perception into advertising and has helped amplify his modeling, pictures, and retail careers.
“You could advertise yourself via blogging; make yourself a brand. You may apprehend how loads of the huge manufacturer’s paintings. through running a blog, you are a pupil and you discover ways to marketplace yourself each day. It’s no longer just running a blog. It’s a large commercial enterprise,” he says.
Blog For enterprise Boom: Enroll inside the right commercial enterprise Workshops in the starting, blogs were just private areas-an area to explicit yourself, a virtual diary, a random accounting of your mind and your day by day sports. In those days, Blog websites were taken into consideration amateurish, mundane and irrelevant, if not clearly silly. however, it’s far this attention at the average, the normal and the every day that non-public blogs quickly became multiplied as most important influencers of the instant. through being unbiased of any group and by way of answering handiest to one’s self, bloggers have ended up a depended on and authoritative voice in a sea of scripted and backed critiques.
From being the alternative, blogs have now long gone mainstream and have cast strong ties with the status quo. In fact, there are a whole lot of strength bloggers today who have more sponsored posts than non-subsidized ones. Blog writers with a loyal following can now be greater influential than the maximum offered journalists and media personalities. In the enterprise, it has been confirmed that the proper Weblog strategy leads to fast growth and profitability. This is why business workshops which might be maximum famous are the ones that cope with the beneficial connection between business and blogging.
The right commercial enterprise running a blog workshop can provide you with equipment and insights on how to make full use of running a blog as an important issue of your general marketing strategy. To make your commercial enterprise develop on-line, you want to launch a powerful presence with a view to putting your emblem on the pinnacle of the competition. This begins with having the right commercial enterprise Weblog websites so one can set up you as an authority in your discipline and will offer you a loyal following composed of your goal market.
Running a blog workshops which can be maximum in the call for are those which could provide enterprise owners a frank, brutal evaluation of their existing internet marketing strategies. business leaders locate it beneficial that their “suicidal mistakes” are talked about to them so they might prevent making them and start searching for extra effective solutions. From the right multimedia content production technique to the right promotional style, you’ll discover the proper way to make sure the content you put up out there may be applicable and of pinnacle-notch first-class, that it gets the eye of the proper human beings, and that it evokes the proper reaction out of your target market.
Find the right mentor that assist you to shape the proper content material and running a blog approach so that it will in shape the specific desires of your commercial enterprise. Learn blogging and business phrases, and experience greater visibility, extra website visitors and greater income, marking your achievement both as a blogger and a business chief.
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