#it's not even in line with his mcu characterization either ppl just think bc he had one (1) empathy for Blurp that he doesn't like murder
adamwarlock · 10 months
Need to stop being personally offended every time a mcu fan headcanons that Adam isn't into pain/causing pain but. I can't get over it he's literally a sadomasochist the kink is baked into his character you can't just get rid of it. Let him be a freak!!!
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people don't want to admit it but the mcu tying it's live-action characters to singular actors and either requiring schedules be flexible towards the rat's whims or bend and warp the character writing around actor's availability has been a harmful practice to all parties involved
so many stories simply were not able to be adapted properly or at all because of this, entire character arcs or characterization get tossed out the window under the mentality that the characters live and die by the actors instead of letting multiple actors do interpretations and free up schedules and increase flexibility
not doing that led to characters effectively getting removed from the plot (with actors who gladly let their characters get backgrounded bc they hardly want to be there themselves and don't defend their characters), or solo projects giving another character majority screentime to appease one actor with all the power and bc the other actor simply doesn't care abt his character (remember how much Chris gladly let IM4 happen and how little he defends his own character and lets steve be walked over?), or create actors who think hanging out with their actor friends and goofing off together with cliche and bad character writing makes great film/TV if the character hold the special superhero prop weapon at the end (multiple examples of this lol)
or most obviously when their contracts end and go unrenewed, the actor=character mentality leads to characters getting written off in most character assassinating ways instead of biting the bullet and recasting instead of nuking any semblance of character just to create and ending for the actor and not the character (ppl don't want to admit this either, but evans doesn't care at all at how endgame destroyed steve or broke all logic for the characters and for the rules, he loves the ending and does not care abt the Steve from the solo projects at all. Chris prefers the avengers crossovers version of Steve and even made CA3 a crossover and prefers the 2-dimensional Mr. America Man characterization that exists in the Avengers stuff and does not understand why fans liked the non-crossovers more where he had deeper character with struggles and conflicts and human emotions and flaws
so ofc Chris now goes on interviews and say that his ending was a "perfect shiny thing" that he doesn't want to "tarnish", he's a fan of Whedon-esque Steve from the group movies, he thinks EG is a great ending and doesn't defend Steve's character at all bc he doesn't even understand Steve himself) many such cases among marvel actors! which is why tying characters to actors is bad bc these actors don't care for the characters if we are honest so having multiple actors for different projects and replace ones that leave would have led to better stories for the characters. But alas, live-action does not like replacing actors that frequently unless it's Broadway/plays, so the character writing suffers even more than it would've done regardless under the executive's ideas
I agree completely that the actor=character mentality has damaged the writing, but even working within the parameters of when the actors are available/in contract they could've done a better job. Certainly a better job of planning, so that you don't notice, ie. the glaring absence of characters from scenes they logically 100% should be in.
And I think it was a huge mistake, from conception, to have the actors playing Bucky and Steve contracted for different numbers of movies / time lengths. Because they're supposed to be a matched set, and by deliberately unnecessarily creating a situation where one will be around longer than another, they've just set themselves up to fail from the very beginning.
But I have to completely disagree on your assessment of Cevans' views about Steve / the different versions of him.
He's complained about scenes being cut, and about being forced to say stupid OOC lines in Avengers movies (and admitted he complained about it during filming), and about just playing the guy who reacts to things rather than getting to drive the story.
He's not defending the shitty ending of Steve because he thinks it was good (LOL just look at his performance in EG! he's been talking about the Steve/Bucky connection for years! He made Lightyear after, which is like a manifesto for why Steve's ending is shit! And then the first chance he got he reunited with Mackie and Stan! *and it was supposed to be w/ Scarjo as well but that fell through*)
The reason he's not criticising EG is because he is FINALLY FREE.
Whereas, if he admitted EG was shit (which he was contractually not allowed to, anyway) then that would mean admitting there is a reason for him to come back.
And he does not want to come back.
He does not want to be back in The Rat's clutches, any more than- well, any of the actors do, I imagine. So he'll toe the company's line because he's sick of people asking if he'll ever be back as Cap.
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