#it's not part of our module handbook and in fact if it were i would have finished a while ago because that's literally what i WANTED
tardis--dreams · 2 years
Me: I will finish my Bachelor degree by October :)
My professor: no ♡
#really feeling defeated and desperate atm#i want this to be over so bad and I planned on writing it in September and October and the prof said he'd supervise it#but today he informed me i 'had' to attend a research seminar in order to write it#which is not true. i do not have to do thaz#it's not part of our module handbook and in fact if it were i would have finished a while ago because that's literally what i WANTED#but alas it's not part of my degree so i didn't know that the option existed. so anyway apparently in order to write it with HIM#i have to attend this seminar so this will be next semester (he was like 'you could have done it this semester' and i was just#'no? i didn't even know about that?' and he didn't sound judgy or anything but it still annoys me)#so i told him i wanted to finish it at least by the end of this Year (not the end of next Semester)#so he said i could be one of the first presenters so i could start writing by November#(because we have to present our ideas and research questions and data and everything. again. cool concept. not obligatory for me tho.#but now it is because i can't get another supervisor. I'm just so sick of everything. why can't things go smoothly just for once#(I'm the one who got myself into this mess. could've finished 2 yrs ago but spent 2 yrs doing nothing so i shouldn't complain#but it's just making me more desperate and i also have been considering telling my mom the truth even though she'll judge me so bad#it's just getting more and more uncomfortable living with her thinking I'm basically done with my degree#3 additional months of pretending just feel too much. i already feel sick because of this all the time anyway#maybe i should come clean and endure her disappointment and judgement so i can at least breathe without the weight of this lie on my chest#the entire time.#anyway. not having a great time rn haha. sorry for the rambling.#shut up amy
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Top Five Academic and Publishing Scandals of the last Decade
So, I’ve seen people do stuff like this, a round up of sorts and the 2010′s were an insane decade to be alive.
So, I thought I’d compile my personal favorite publishing and academic scandals
Note: This will concern only things that were actually published or a scandal to do with Academia. The Rose Christo incident with the infamous fanfic didn’t have the biography make it to print so it’s right here as a Dishonorable Mention. No sources, because this was a home-grown tumblr disaster (much like Dashcon). 
#5 That Book that Used Scammy Tactics to Become a Best Seller Before Anyone Ever Even Read It.
Remember that time when Handbook for Mortals used shady tactics to make it look like it was selling better in pre-sales than it actually was? I barely remembered it, but then as I was adding in our Dishonorable Mention, I suddenly had the thought of “remember that...” so here it is at #5 since this book was actually published, and it was allegedly terrible. It has 3 stars on Amazon, but with its past, I can’t even trust that.
I didn’t read it. I had, and still have, better things to do than to read subpar fantasy that tried to be the next Hunger Games/Harry Potter/Divergent. 
It turns out, if you have wealthy enough collaborators, or people who know how to game the system by which the NYT Bestsellers’ List operates, you too can buy and cheat your way onto that list with a terribly written book like these guys.
What’s even more ridiculous was there were already talks of a movie version and this unknown writer turned out to be, surprise, an actress too! And guess who’d be playing her own main character in the movie? The author! So, once this was unraveled as being a bulk-book-buying-cheat-tactic-to-get-on-the-NY Times-Bestseller-List, they lost their rank and were completely off the list. The movie is also toast, I think, since it would have come out in 2018. We’re now in 2020.
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#4: That time Bethesda Plagiarized Dungeons and Dragons.
That’s right folks. Bethesda, who cannot catch a break after their hilariously disastrous launch of their ongoing garbage fire, Fallout 76, were in trouble whenever they released a TTRPG module for an Elder Scrolls game that was suspiciously like a previously released Dungeons and Dragons adventure...because it was very much ripped off from the D&D book.  
There were articles highlighting just how they did this and how blatant it was. 
Some articles would do a side-by-side of huge chunks of the text and, yikes, that’s some obvious copy-pasting.
Suffice to say, they yanked this e-book down ASAP. (x) (xx) (xxx) (xxxx)
#3 That Time a Youtuber Turned Professional Games Media Editor Plagiarized for Most of His Career and Only Got Caught After He Plagiarized the Wrong Person on a Very Public Platform
So, yeah. There was a review last year for a game called Dead Cells (published by Motion Twin). On July 24, 2018 a smaller Youtube channel called Boomstick gaming would upload their review to the game. Then August 6th, IGN’s Nintendo editor would post “his” review up and Deadite from Boomstick Gaming, who was actually a fan of IGN, noticed a lot of eerie similarities between the reviews. He did a side-by-side video comparison (here) and it looks like a case of barely even changing the words around after copying someone else’s homework. As an English major, this is a clear-cut case of plagiarism. IGN agreed too, as did most of the internet. This reviewer had fans who still believe in him even after he’s been proven a plagiarist but, no accounting for taste am I right? And this would have been the end of it....had he just accepted his fate and just slunk off into the dark recesses of the internet. 
But, then he had to provoke both Jason Schrier of Kotaku AND the Internet in a now deleted non-apology video to “looking as hard as you’re able, you won’t find anything.”
Yeah. That didn’t end well for him. So, people went digging and found a shitton of evidence he was a serial plagiarist. No shock to me, because plagiarism is never something a plagiarist ever does just “once.” He’d ripped off his fellow IGN reviewers as well as forum posts and articles from other publications. He also plagiarized a resume template. Now, when you use one of those, you’re SUPPOSED to mimic the style, put place your own information, right? Well, he didn’t even do that.
Link to YongYea, a youtuber who covered the topic in depth. He has his videos on the topic in a playlist. (x)
#2 The Professor Who P-Hacked His Results to Pieces
Now if you don’t know or remember who Professor Brian Wansink is, he’s a former faculty member at Cornell who rose to fame with his papers on nutrition and people’s eating habits. I’m still not entirely sure how a guy whose degrees were not in nutrition OR psychology ended up being the face of this field that seemed to have a lot more to do with nutrition and psychology, but here we are. His degrees were, in fact, a B.S. in business administration from Wayne State College, an M.A. in  journalism and mass communication from Drake University, and a PhD in Marketing-Consumer behavior- from Stanford. In a move that one might call pure hubris or just complete and total social ignorance, he made a blog post that started to bring eyes on his work. Thanks to the efforts of other scientists (Like the Skeptical Scientist) and Heathers and Brown as well as the computer programs GRIM and GRIMMER, it was found the man who was cited over 200,000 times was a fraud. As of now 17 papers have been retracted and 15 have been corrected. He is no longer employed at all by Cornell, resigning a disgrace to his field and his former place of work.
The only reason he managed to get so big was he was able to make his so-called science digestible for the masses and able to give his works palatable titles. Ok, I’m done with the food puns. He was a superstar (even worked with the previous first lady on her health initiatives), which is why his fall is also meteoric. This is why you don’t torture your data into false positives, folks. Also, he’d target science journals that weren’t as prestigious and therefore wouldn’t have as rigorous a peer-editing process, allegedly. 
His actions have brought thousands of papers into jeopardy and destabilized his whole entire field because nothing he did was reproducible and that’s already a huge problem in science. 
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And.... now for the worst Academic Scandal of the 2010′s....
#1 The College Admission’s Scandal
Because despite Wasink’s damage to his field (because now there are literally thousands of papers who cited him in jeopardy), and two separate cases of Plagiarists on this list, I really can’t help but feel this has to be one of the biggest College/Academia scandals of ALL TIME. Sure, it’s old news now but I’m recapping it because that’s what this list is for. So, A bunch of wealthy people who wanted their children to go to prestigious universities wanted a guarantee that just buying a new wing for the library/science buildings/etc wouldn’t get them. You know, the normal way the super rich buy their children’s ways into schools. Instead, they went to this guy Singer whose group masqueraded as a charity (and that’s what got their asses nailed) and facilitated bribery, cheating, and deception. They caught one of these parents who’d gotten their children in with Singer’s plans for a different crime, and he offered to squeal on Singer and his plot for leniency with his other charges.
Singer’s plan usually involved bribing coaches to get these undeserving students recruited for sports teams (and therefore displacing an actual athlete who should have gotten their spot) as well as having people alter SAT scores and other deceptive actions. 
It’s unknown if, at this time, any of these children of the 34 charged parents, actually managed to graduate with degrees from any of these institutions. However, those that had any of these students have to now decide what to do with them since these admissions are now verifiably fraudulent. Some are going to whole-sale kick them out or “cancel their admission” and others aren’t speaking up, and one has already decided the student gets to stay. Because they might not have known what their parents did, and its possible for the ones whose parents DIDN’T have them fake athleticism to not know what their mom and dad did. Hell, even most of the fake athletes might not have known thanks to reports of photo shopping their faces onto uniformed bodies. I do not know if any of these children were in on what their parents did, thought I suspect some might have been, but that’s merely speculation on my part. At the end of the day, it’s up to each affected university to carry out what they wish to do next.
The fact they made donations to a fake charity (and therefore skirted the tax man) are the reason they’re REALLY in deep shit. You don’t deny the IRS its money or the IRS will come for your blood. Just ask the ghost of Al Capone. 
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So those are my top 5 Publishing and Academic Scandals of the past Decade. 
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blog-researchblog · 5 years
Finding My Future
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Section I
Learning About What I Want In Life
      In Scott Christ’s article “7 Powerful Questions To Find Out What You Want To Do With Your Life ”, he encourages his readers to ask themselves what they want in life. First, I looked at what I am passionate about. I have always been interested in watching and understanding sports, especially football. I love learning about the statistical side of sports, specifically how certain stats are created and their purpose. The more I understand the subject of sports statistics, the more I realize that I want to work professionally for a sports organization. Then, I focused on setting goals. For most of my life I haven’t known exactly what it is I will be doing for the foreseeable future, but by having a goal in mind I can structure my current goals towards what I need to accomplish over time to be qualified for the job I am looking for when I leave college. Lastly, I looked at the way I want to live my life. My goal for my lifestyle is to make enough money in my twenties and early thirties that I don’t have to worry about how much I have in my bank account. I want to save and invest my money to create a profitable future for myself. I want to focus on something that truly matters to me, and hopefully to others as well. Next, I used the Occupational Outlook Handbook as a way to learn more about the viability of sports analytics as a career.
Section II
Current Information On My Career
In the Occupational Outlook Handbook, It emphasizes that analytics can be used in numerous ways, connections in the field are important, and the profession is growing significantly. The description of this job involves creating mathematical models and projecting the performance of sports teams and players. The models can project more than just a team or players chances of success, but also can be used to project how the team would fare when built around a specific player or style of play. Also, it is important to know what questions to ask, as there is such a large pool of information to pull from, which makes knowing what you are looking for essential. One of the main points in the interview is to make connections with others in the field. The field is competitive and being on the minds of potential employers is important. Doing independent studies and unpaid experiences are valuable in getting one’s foot in the door when opportunities become available. One of the more hands-on and direct aspects of being a sports statistical analyst is being part of a sports team’s decision making, as well as helping them solve problems. The statistician profession is a growing field, with a projected growth of 27% from 2012 to 2022. In May of 2014, an estimated 26,970 new employees were hired. Entry level positions in this field usually require a Master’s degree, and the median salary is just under $80,000. This field is unique because connections are essential to entering the field, and what better way to make a connection than interview someone currently in the field?
Section III
Interview With an Insider
To learn more about the sports industry, I interviewed Jason La Canfora. He is currently a sports writer and analyst for CBS Sports. My specific field of interest is sports analytics, which is different in that it focuses on data and predictive modules, but learning about the sports media landscape from an NFL insider was a relevant and exciting opportunity nonetheless. Working in the media, he is quite busy, but he was able to answer all my questions via email. La Canfora has been writing since his high school days, where he wrote for his school newspaper. He also volunteered at his local newspapers and start-ups. Throughout the interview, it became clear to me that doing as much work early on was key to his success, and something that I could use as both motivation and guidance. To go from working for free in high school to working for well-established companies like The Washington Post and The Baltimore Sun, establishing his abilities was key. When asked how sports journalism has changed, he had a fascinating response, saying “New technology has eliminated the concept of a news cycle”. He also explained that due to technological advances, news can break at any time. “It's become more like a lifestyle than a job.” With that in mind, it makes sense why he considers the constantly changing NFL landscape to be the most challenging part of his job. But how was this information going to translate to my success? I asked what I could do to try to get on a similar path to his, and La Canfora recommended that I do everything possible to get my foot in the door, from freelance writing, to starting a podcast, to applying for internships. It became clear to me that being a good sports writer is not just about talent, but my ability to create as much of a resume as possible. Later on, I asked about what has surprised him about his career. He answered with how technology has changed breaking news. “The fact that anyone with a camera and a Twitter account these days could end up breaking a huge story or reporting something before the mainstream media is something I would have never guessed would be a thing when I got started in this business 25 years ago.” What also surprised him is how his work varies from day to day as soon as he gets in the studio, he has to do television hits(a short and specific segment for a show or series). From there, he has a number of different obligations, including live segments,  talking to producers, as well as writing in his sports column. He is constantly reading news to keep up with what is happening in the world of sports, especially breaking news. At the end of our interview, I asked what he expects to change in the field. He told me that he believes professional teams and leagues will use their own in-house media exclusively. This would mean that everything that is learned about a team would be monitored and edited before being released to the public, which could create even more questions from the public and the now outed national media outlets. Learning this information about sports journalism made me wonder; how might this affect sports analytics?
Section IV
What’s Happening in My Field?
In the article “Why is Data Analytics So Important in Sports?”, Molly Olsokfa talks about the advancements that have been made in sports analytics, and how teams are using analytics to try to improve their organizations as a whole. To start, Olsofka focuses on how sports teams are hiring entire departments of data analysts to try to gain an edge over their competition. These departments of analysts can focus on a number of groups, from players, to coaches, to trainers, and even ticket salesmen. Next, she also states that analytics can be used to try and reduce injuries via wearable technology. Lastly, Olsofka shows a chart of a professional team’s attendance record over 15 years, and how analytics can explain why the number of people in attendance may have changed, and what can be done to improve the results. The overall point of the article is to show that sports analytics is a new and important way for teams to gain an advantage across all aspects of their organization.
Trevor Miller
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
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Attention Flying Enthusiasts!
From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner
Date: Re: Soaring Like An Eagle… Dear Future Pilot,
I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…
My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.
Here’s the story:
I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.
We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!
One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.
Here’s What I’ve Accomplished:
At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!
I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.
I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.
I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,
Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !
I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)
I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.
I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.
And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)
And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….
” This Course Will Set A New Standard In The Field… “
“I’ve read numerous books on the subject of flight instruction, and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every respect.
This is the first course to provide the prospective or current student pilot a true “real world” perspective of what learning to fly is really all about.
The intuitive approach… combined with the crystal clear video explainations and difficult concepts, and literally the best illustrations and diagrams I have ever seen, serves to set this 2 DVD flight course apart from all others. This course will set a new standard in the field.
Michael Cruz Flight Instructor, L-39 type rating Everett, MA
Here’s the BIG problem:
Did you know that most student pilots spend thousands more than they need to and many times become frustrated with flight school owners and inexperienced flight instructors?
Do you know that many people will waste over $2000 when learning to fly because they were not properly guided by their flight instructor?
As a result many times students will not achieve their dream of learning to fly and getting their Private Pilot License because they ran out of money or just flat out got frustrated So what does this mean for you?
Get Your Pilot Training Done In 30 Days!
Well, luckily for you, getting your pilot’s license has become
a whole lot easier than it was when I got mine. There really is no excuse for not following your dream.
As such, I have spent 4 years to put together a comprehensive training course that will allow you to attain your pilot’s license in 30 days…
“The 30 Day Crash-Course To Attain Your Private Pilot License With The #1 Helicopter & Aircraft Flight Training System”
With the Private Pilot DVD Training Course, you get…
  Actual FAA & JAR exam study pack with 26,000 Q&As, private pilot syllabus tests plus free cheat sheets and study guides!
A complete helicopter and fixed wing private pilot course that consists of manuals, handbooks & groundschool training
  Comprehensive fixed-wing, flex-wing and helicopter pilot tutorial training manuals for JAA, FAA, JAR and CAA pilot training.
A ground school course with over 2000 illustrated pages of flight training manuals (you will be super-prepared before hitting the skies for your first time!)
With over 20 years in the aviation industry, I am a certified instructor who has taught hundreds if not thousands of people like you how to fly and how to get their pilot’s license.
That means I know
what it takes to prepare you for the rigorous tests the FAA, JAR or ATP flight school will put you through and I know what it takes for you to pass. Let me break it down for you:
This Complete Private Pilot Training Course is for you if…
You have always dreamed of learning how to fly but didn’t know where to begin (now you do)!
You want to test the waters and see what is involved with getting your pilot’s license before taking the plunge and spending thousands on overpriced flying schools!
You are determined to get your pilot’s license and want to make sure you have the best start possible!
You want to learn from a real, qualifed instructor with over 20 years experience!
You are currently in ATP flight school or a JAR or FAA private pilot license (PPL) student looking to get an edge.
The Complete Private Pilot Course Comes In 3 Modules Which Includes…
    Forget those expensive books and flight schools. Listen, no other private pilot course in the market is as comprehensive as this and this was one of the major reasons I created this course. These groundschool guides cover both helicopters and fixed-wing licences and it comes in an interactive CD format.
        For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school you will have full access to over $1000 worth of flight training manuals and handbooks. Compiled by professionals these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking your ground school training
        Ace your exam with this module! This is a behemoth of a package. Listen up, this module alone is worth $1297 if I sold each item individually. It contains over 3000 pages in all and it prepares you for every conceivable pilot exam you’ll ever take.
    This text will be replaced
You Will Be Guided “Step By Step” Through Your Private Pilot License Training
As a matter of fact, over the years I have seen many similarities with hundreds of students who were frustrated and looking for guidance.
So, I have put all my training materials, videos, checklists, handbooks, explanations and many flight training modules all together as I guide you step by step thru all the steps needed to obtain your private pilot license.
And here is exactly what you get inside the course…
For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school, you will have full access to:
Contains over 140 pages packed with essential flight training syllabus
Over 200 pages (17 Chapters) of a complete fixed-wing flight training handbook for pilots.
Complied by true professionals, these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking or consolidating your private pilot training.
These tutorials and guides have been prepared for:
Student pilots learning to fly
Pilots who are improving their qualifications
Flight instructors in the conduct of instruction for student pilots.
>> Click HERE To See All Topics for Private Pilot Handbook
>> Click HERE To See All Topics For Helicopter Training Manual
In preparing these handbooks, the objective was to provide progressive study material using basic terms and language aligned to pilot training at the elementary to the advanced level. A working knowledge of the information contained in  this manual will enable the student to receive maximum benefit from the air exercises.
But thats just for starters. Take a look at module 2 and 3 below…
Click To Get Instant Access Now
Module 2 : Private Pilot Groundschool Course “JAR & FAA Ground School Training”
This module is a fully up-to-date interactive JAR/UK and FAA/US PPL ground school interactive computer course.
(Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)
Interactive training groundschool course for JAR and FAA
Easy-to-learn course that allows you to study and revise at home “in your own time”
Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.
112 sub topics which can be printed and retained so that you can ‘tick off’ each component as it is studied
JAR & FAA UK/US Groundschool Private Pilot Training Course
This innovative, interactive and fully up to date, virtual online training programme contains the complete JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus.
Exciting 3D colour photos and diagrams to help  aid study and provide visual explanations
Simple to navigate menu that provides for quick cross referencing between subjects 
A “must-have” for aspiring pilots and anyone wanting to improve their general aviation knowledge.
Although predominantly aimed at fixed wing light aircraft such as the Cessna 152 this course will prove an asset to those seeking their microlight licence for both fixed and flexwing type aircraft.
It would also be a valuable resource for
single or multi-engine
aircraft, microlight, paramotor, paraglider, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, gyrocopter and balloon pilots wishing to improve their general aviation knowledge. 
What’s more, it contains the following tuition to help you pass your PPL Ground School exams:
Aviation Law
General Knowledge
Performance and Planning
Human Performance and Limitations
‘V’ Speed listing and overview
Classification of UK airspace
METAR/TAF abbreviations
Wind component tables
UK ATC frequencies
Conversion of units
Aircraft Checks
Jargon buster
Quite frankly, to buy the equivalent books would set you back hundreds of dollars, not to mention the bulk and weight of such books.
With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.
Once you know this stuff, you’ll be ready for the motherload of all resources I’ve talked about at the start of this letter…
Module 3 : EXAM GUIDES, Q&As, CHEAT SHEETS: “FAR/AIM, JAR, ATP Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Ground School, CFI Ground & Much More… “
This USX Global Aviation Pilot Ground School and JAR,JAA,FAA and ATP exam pack , test prep and all the references consists over 3000 pages in all.
Over 26,000 Questions and Answers Plus Test Questions
150+ exam guides to help you obtain your private pilot license easily and quickly.
Covers private pilots, commercial pilots, instructors & instruments ratings.
It is recommended by both the FAA & JAR to prepare for the Private Pilot Written Exam, the BiAnnual Flight Review, the FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam, the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam, and the Flight Instructor Knowledge Exam.
Included in this module are:
The latest Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
The latest Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
For Private Pilots:
Student Pilot Guide (FAA-H-8083-27A)
The latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Private Pilot Practical Test Standards
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25A)
Flight Training Handbook (AC 61-21A)
Pilot Controller Glossary
Medical Handbook for Pilots(AC67-2)
Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A)
Instrument Rating:
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15A)
Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-H-8261-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Commercial Pilot:
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Test Guide
Latest FAA Commercial Practical Test Standards
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Aeronautical Decision Making (AC 60-22)
Flight Instructor – Airplane:
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards
Aviation Instructor’s Handbook (FAA-H-8083-9A)
Stall and Spin Awareness Training (AC 61-67B)
Also Includes:
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Guides for the Recreational Pilot, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Questions for the Light Sport Pilot, Powered Parachute, Sport Pilot Instructor, ATP, and Flight Engineer
The Latest FAA Practical Test Standards for Private, Commercial, Instrument, ATP, CFI, CFII, Flight Engineer
and dozens of other FAA flight training publications!
This is a massive collection of feedback papers, test prep, exam annexes and essential reference materials containing more JAA ATPL/CPL, FAA exam questions and answers than any other package! You will find many of the questions contained in this package on the current real life exam papers!
As you can see nothing is left out here. You get INSTANT access to everything you need to fully prepare you for your first flight and virtually guarantee your success in learning to fly and getting your pilot’s license!
This is the “good stuff” that cuts right to the chase and shows you the complete path to attaining your private pilot license without the headaches and road blocks.
But thats not all. I’m not just giving you the four core modules.
I Don’t Need To Hear More… Download CompletePilot Course Right Away!
If you get in before I close the doors (which could be anytime), I’ll give you THREE special, time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with this even faster…
Time-Limited Bonus 1
: “Radio Telephony Course” ($79 Value)
The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.
It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.
 Here’s a small sample of what it covers..
Use of AIP and frequency selection
Microphone technique
Phonetic alphabet
Station/aeroplane/callsigns abbreviations
Transmission technique
Use of standard words and phrases
Listening out
Required ‘readback’ instructions
Use of phraseology
Radiotelephony examples
Click here to view all contents
There are more than 200 pages of current Radiotelephony information for the novice or experienced pilot. Approved by the CAA and containing the following concise chapters.
Click HERE To See FULL TOPICS for Radio Telephony Course
The stuff you’ll learn in these course will save you hundreds of dollars on “advice” that ends up not helping you at all.
Remember, I said three bonuses, not one. The second bonus is so unique that you’ll never find it anywhere else…
Time-Limited Bonus
2: “Seaplane, Gilder & Balloon Flying Handbooks” ($49 Value)
The seaplane, gilder and balloon flying handbooks retails for over $67 and it is included as a FREE Bonus if you order today. It is a fantastic education for recreational pilots.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll recieve..
Seaplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3)
Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)
Glider Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-13)
Guide To Thunderstorms (AC 00-24B)
If I sold these handbooks on their own, I’d charge $67 for them as a standalone product…and they’d still be a bargain.
And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning the Complete Private Pilot DVD Course, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all pilots. I wanted to sell this individually for $24.95 but to sweeten this deal, I’m going to give it to you!
Time-Limited Bonus 3
: “The Pilot’s Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge” ($24.95 Value)
Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.
This is also great for JAA, JAR pilots looking to broaden their flight knowledge.
 Subject Areas In This Book Includes..
Aircraft Structure
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Aircraft Systems
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Flight Manuals
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Click To Get Instant Access Now
“ But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Listen To What Others Are Saying… ”
My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.
But don’t just take my word for it…
listen to some of the testimonials below:
” Fresh, Thoughtful, Invaluable… “
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bruce on my private pilot test.
Bruce Hogan has not just the write stuff, but he’s a foremost expert at interactive education – a powerful and rare combination when it comes to aviation instruction.
This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.
Bruce’s private pilot course
is one of the best aviation investments you can make.
Graeme Beaver Reader’s Digest – Executive Editor CPA, Private Pilot Compton, CA
” A Must For Future Aviators! “
“Forget Jeppesen or Kings School, Bruce’s complete private pilot course will blow these courses away!
Clear, concise, and graphically superior to any other book on the market (and I have most of them). I am a commercial pilot working on my CFI and have found it even more useful the second time reading it. This ought to be the leading text for private pilots in the industry.
A must for a future Aviator!
Dr. Richard Ellis SAE S-7 Committee ATP Single & Multi Engine, CFI Single and Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane Lancashire, UK
“An Outstanding Resource!”
” I’ve had my hands on many textbooks on different subjects, but this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The full color photos and illustrations are very well done and relevant.
The PPL training content is thorough, but they also include little one page articles covering tidbits of aviation trivia and history that are entertaining. It’s the kind of book that you pick up to read a specific topic, but continue to read about other things that caught your eye along the way. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in getting a pilot’s license”!
John Rafferty Student Pilot, Career Firefighter Southside, AL
“Excellent Preparation For Pilots & Students…”
“I am a professional airline pilot, and log virtually all of my time in large, turbojet aircraft. I am also a current CFI, although I don’t frequently exercise my Instructor privileges in single engine aircraft.
Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.
It is very complete and provides easy to comprehend explanations (normally with useful diagrams, charts, or photographs) that make learning relatively painless. I highly recommend this course to any Private Pilot or Private Pilot candidate, or to any advanced pilot as a refresher of the basics.
Dr. Chris Kleinert Aviation Consultant Charleston, S
Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They represent professionals, amateurs, beginners and lifelong dreamers with the same passion and dreams that you have.
The only thing they did was to put their doubts aside… and give this course a try. For some of them, it cost several thousand dollars in personal lessons – and was worth every penny.
If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself just what it’s like to learn to fly faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and land that license that you’ve always dreamed of.
But I really don’t want you to trust me on that. In fact, I want you to be skeptical. That’s healthy. I’ll actually help you there, because I’m going to give you my personal promise…
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PrivatePilotDVD Course has proven itself to thousands of happy customers and I proudly stand behind my product. Safely order today with our Iron-Clad Guarantee.
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The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!
I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.
My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…
Private Pilot 2 DVD Training Course: The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need
JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials
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Grand Total Value:
But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…
Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.
In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.
I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?
I Couldn’t Make It Any Easier For You To Earn Your Wings & Start Flying …In Just 3 Easy Steps!
 Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.
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It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think. Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…
But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?
Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.
You should already know that ATP flight schools charge at least $39K (39 thousand!) for flight lessons and groundschool classes. It is *sheer lunacy* to be paying that kind of money!
But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::
Kings School – “Get-It-All” Private Pilot DVD Kit – $597
Gleim Private Pilot Kit With Online Groundschool – $249.95
Jeppesen GFD Private Pilot Kit – $311.95
And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this.
Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for
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Thats right. Your investment for the entire course is only $37. I’m only offering this for a limited time. And I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.
The regular price to the general public is $197 for the Complete Private Pilot Course. Your getting extreme value! This is the best $37 investment you’ll ever make into your dream. You won’t want to leave after you discover what’s inside waiting for you.
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Click To Get Instant Access Now
That’s another reason why I’m offering this discounted price. I’m looking to mentor new students. In fact, after the discount period ends, I’ll likely raise the price to $697 or even higher.
Let Your Dreams Take Flight…
I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.
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This is going to change everything for you.
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Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:
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I’ll ALSO understand that I will be entitled to the bonuses if I order right now. The 3 bonus I’ll be getting are the Radio Telephony course and the Seaplane, Gilder, Pilot Aeronautical Manual & Balloon Flying Handbooks which retails for a total of over $250.00
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On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37
Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.  [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)
See you in the skies, Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, Flying Enthusiast
I will be selling all the videos, modules, training aids and course materials independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead (I have a whole lot of them). Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!
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PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »
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“ The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.
Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!
Cindy Thelin New York, NY
Want To Learn How To Fly The Easy and Quick Way? This is THE Perfect Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…
By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.
Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…
So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37 Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.
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CompletePilot.com Bruce Hogan 4051 29th Ave. N St. Petersburg Florida 33713 United States
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bentonpena · 5 years
Python For Trading: An Introduction
Python For Trading: An Introduction http://bit.ly/2NxMZ1e
By: Vibhu Singh, Shagufta Tahsildar, and Rekhit Pachanekar
This article is a brief guide to Python, that covers everything you need to know about Python programming language. It covers a wide variety of topics rights from the basics leading to the use of Python for Trading. We are moving towards the world of automation and thus, there is always a demand for people with a programming language experience. When it comes to the world of algorithmic trading, it is necessary to learn a programming language in order to make your trading algorithms smarter as well as faster. It is true that you can outsource the coding part of your strategy to a competent programmer but it will be cumbersome later when you have to tweak your strategy according to the changing market scenario. Python, a programming language which was conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, has witnessed humongous growth, especially in the recent years due to its ease of use, extensive libraries, and elegant syntax. In this article we would cover the following:
Introduction to Python
Python vs. C++ vs. R
Applications of Python in Finance
Getting started with Python
Installation Guide for Python
Popular Python Libraries / Python Packages
How to import data to Python?
Creating, backtesting and evaluating a trading strategy in Python
Python Books and References
Why is it called Python?
One of the commonly asked questions is: How did a programming language land up with a name like ‘Python’?
Well, Guido, the creator of Python, needed a short, unique, and a slightly mysterious name and thus decided on “Python” while watching a comedy series called “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. If you are curious on knowing the history of Python as well as what is Python and its applications, you can always refer to the first chapter of the Python Handbook, which serves as your guide as you start your journey in Python. Before we understand the core concepts of Python and its application in finance as well as Python trading, let us understand the reason we should learn Python. Having knowledge of a popular programming language is the building block to becoming a professional algorithmic trader. With rapid advancements in technology every day - it is difficult for programmers to learn all the programming languages.
Which Programming Language Should I learn for Algorithmic Trading?
The answer to this question is that there is nothing like a “BEST” language for algorithmic trading. There are many important concepts taken into consideration in the entire trading process before choosing a programming language:
modularity, and
various other trading strategy parameters.
Each programming language has its own pros and cons and a balance between the pros and cons based on the requirements of the trading system will affect the choice of programming language an individual might prefer to learn. Every organization has a different programming language based on their business and culture.
What kind of trading system will you use?
Are you planning to design an execution based trading system?
Are you in need of a high-performance backtester?
Based on the answers to all these questions, one can decide on which programming language is the best for algorithmic trading. However, to answer the above questions let’s explore the various programming languages used for algorithmic trading with a brief understanding of the pros and cons of each.
Why Python for Trading?
Quant traders require a scripting language to build a prototype of the code. In that regard, Python has a huge significance in the overall trading process as it finds applications in prototyping quant models particularly in quant trading groups in banks and hedge funds. Preferred choice: Python trading has become a preferred choice recently as Python is open-source and all the packages are free for commercial use. Helpful: Most of the quant traders prefer Python trading as it helps them:
build their own data connectors,
execution mechanisms,
risk and order management,
walk forward analysis, and
optimize testing modules.
Developers: Algorithmic trading developers are often confused about whether to choose an open-source technology or a commercial/proprietary technology. Feasibility: Before deciding on this it is important to consider:
the activity of the community surrounding a particular programming language,
the ease of maintenance,
ease of installation,
documentation of the language, and
the maintenance costs.
Convenience: Python trading has gained traction in the quant finance community as it makes it easy to build intricate statistical models with ease due to the availability of sufficient scientific libraries like:
Pybacktest, and more.
First updates: First updates to python trading libraries are a regular occurrence in the developer community. Suggested read: What Makes Python Most Preferred Language For Algorithmic Traders
Python at present
In fact, according to the Developer Survey Results 2019 at StackOverflow, Python is the fastest-growing programming language.
It was also found that among the languages the people were most interested to learn,[1] Python was the most desired programming language.
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Benefits of Using Python in Algorithmic Trading
Out of the many benefits that Python programming language offers, following are the most notable:
Parallelization and huge computational power of Python give scalability to the portfolio.
Python makes it easier to write and evaluate algo trading structures because of its functional programming approach. The code can be easily extended to dynamic algorithms for trading.
Python can be used to develop some great trading platforms whereas using C or C++ is a hassle and time-consuming job.
Python trading is an ideal choice for people who want to become pioneers with dynamic algo trading platforms.
For individuals new to algorithmic trading, the Python code is easily readable and accessible.
It is comparatively easier to fix new modules to Python language and make it expansive.
The existing modules also make it easier for algo traders to share functionality amongst different programs by decomposing them into individual modules which can be applied to various trading architectures.
When using Python for trading it requires fewer lines of code due to the availability of extensive libraries.
Quant traders can skip various steps which other languages like C or C++ might require.
This also brings down the overall cost of maintaining the trading system.
With a wide range of scientific libraries in Python, algorithmic traders can perform any kind of data analysis at an execution speed that is comparable to compiled languages like C++.
Drawbacks of Using Python in Algorithmic Trading 
Just like every coin has two faces, there are some drawbacks of Python trading. In Python, every variable is considered as an object, so every variable will store unnecessary information like size, value and reference pointer. When storing millions of variables if memory management is not done effectively, it could lead to memory leaks and performance bottlenecks. However, for someone who is starting out in the field of programming, the pros of Python trading exceed the drawbacks making it a supreme choice of programming language for algorithmic trading platforms.
Algorithmic Trading - Python vs. C++
A compiled language like C++ is often an ideal programming language choice if the backtesting parameter dimensions are large. However, Python makes use of high-performance libraries like Pandas or NumPy for backtesting to maintain competitiveness with its compiled equivalents. Between the two, Python or C++, the language to be used for backtesting and research environments will be decided on the basis of the requirements of the algorithm and the available libraries. Choosing C++ or Python will depend on the trading frequency. Python language is ideal for 5-minute bars but when moving downtime sub-second time frames this might not be an ideal choice. If speed is a distinctive factor to compete with your competition then using C++ is a better choice than using Python for Trading. C++ is a complicated language, unlike Python which even beginners can easily read, write and learn. The following is the latest study by Stackoverflow that shows Python as among the Top 3 Popular programming languages.[2]
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Why use Python instead of R?
We have seen above that Python is preferred to C++ in most of the situations. But what about other programming languages, like R? Well, the answer is that you can use either based on your requirements but as a beginner Python is preferred as it is easier to grasp and has a cleaner syntax. Python already consists of a myriad of libraries, which consists of numerous modules which can be used directly in our program without the need of writing code for the function. Trading systems evolve with time and any programming language choices will evolve along with them. If you want to enjoy the best of both worlds in algorithmic trading i.e. benefits of a general-purpose programming language and powerful tools of the scientific stack - Python would most definitely satisfy all the criteria.
Applications of Python in Finance
Apart from its huge applications in the field of web and software development, today, Python finds applications in many fields.
Python and Machine Learning
One of the reasons why Python is being extensively used nowadays is due to its applications in the field of Machine Learning (ML). Machines are trained to learn from the historical data and act accordingly on some new data. Hence, it finds its use across various domains such as:
Medicine (to learn and predict diseases),
Marketing (to understand and predict user behaviour) and
Now even in Trading (to analyze and build strategies based on financial data).
Python and Finance
Today, finance professionals are enrolling for Python trading courses to stay relevant in today’s world of finance. Gone are the days when computer programmers and Finance professionals were in separate divisions. Companies are hiring computer engineers and train them in the world of finance as the world of algorithmic trading becomes the dominant way of trading in the world.
Python and the Markets
Already 70% of the US stock exchange order volume has been done with algorithmic trading. Thus, it makes sense for Equity traders and the like to acquaint themselves with any programming language to better their own trading strategy. But before we move into it, let’s understand the components which we will be installing and using before getting started with Python.
Getting started with Python
After going through the advantages of using Python, let’s understand how you can actually start using it. Let's talk about the various components of Python.
Components of Python
Anaconda – Anaconda is a distribution of Python, which means that it consists of all the tools and libraries required for the execution of our Python code. Downloading and installing libraries and tools individually can be a tedious task, which is why we install Anaconda as it consists of a majority of the Python packages which can be directly loaded to the IDE to use them.
Spyder IDE - IDE or Integrated Development Environment, is a software platform where we can write and execute our codes. It basically consists of a code editor, to write codes, a compiler or interpreter to convert our code into machine-readable language and a debugger to identify any bugs or errors in your code. Spyder IDE can be used to create multiple projects of Python.
Jupyter Notebook – Jupyter is an open-source application that allows us to create, write and implement codes in a more interactive format. It can be used to test small chunks of code, whereas we can use the Spyder IDE to implement bigger projects.
Conda – Conda is a package management system which can be used to install, run and update libraries.
Note: Spyder IDE and Jupyter Notebook are a part of the Anaconda distribution; hence they need not be installed separately.
Setup Python
Now that we're clear about the components of Python, let's understand how we will setup Python. The first step is definitely to have Python on your system to start using it. For that, we have provided a step by step guide on how to install and run Python on your system.
Installation Guide for Python
Let us now begin with the installation process of Anaconda. Follow the steps below to install and set up Anaconda on your Windows system:
Step 1
Visit the Anaconda website to download Anaconda. Click on the version you want to download according to your system specifications (64-bit or 32-bit).
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Step 2
Run the downloaded file and click “Next” and accept the agreement by clicking “I agree”.
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Step 3
In select installation type, choose “Just Me (Recommended)” and choose the location where you wish to save Anaconda and click on Next.
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Step 4 In Advanced Options, checkmark both the boxes and click on Install. Once it is installed, click “Finish”.
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Now, you have successfully installed Anaconda on your system and it is ready to run. You can open the Anaconda Navigator and find other tools like Jupyter Notebook and Spyder IDE.
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Once we have installed Anaconda, we will now move on to one of the most important components of the Python landscape, i.e. Python Libraries.
Note: Anaconda provides support for Linux as well as macOS. The installation details for the OS are provided on the official website in detail.
Libraries in Python
Libraries are a collection of reusable modules or functions which can be directly used in our code to perform a certain function without the necessity to write a code for the function. As mentioned earlier, Python has a huge collection of libraries which can be used for various functionalities like computing, machine learning, visualizations, etc. However, we will talk about the most relevant libraries required for coding trading strategies before actually getting started with Python. We will be required to:
import financial data,
perform numerical analysis,
build trading strategies,
plot graphs, and
perform backtesting on data.
For all these functions, here are a few most widely used libraries:
NumPy – NumPy or NumericalPy, is mostly used to perform numerical computing on arrays of data. The array is an element which contains a group of elements and we can perform different operations on it using the functions of NumPy.
Pandas – Pandas is mostly used with DataFrame, which is a tabular or a spreadsheet format where data is stored in rows and columns. Pandas can be used to import data from Excel and CSV files directly into the Python code and perform data analysis and manipulation of the tabular data.
Matplotlib – Matplotlib is used to plot 2D graphs like bar charts, scatter plots, histograms etc. It consists of various functions to modify the graph according to our requirements too.
TA-Lib – TA-Lib or Technical Analysis library is an open-source library and is extensively used to perform technical analysis on financial data using technical indicators such as RSI (Relative Strength Index), Bollinger bands, MACD etc. It not only works with Python but also with other programming languages such as C/C++, Java, Perl etc. Here are some of the functions available in  TA-Lib:
BBANDS - For Bollinger Bands,
AROONOSC - For Aroon Oscillator,
MACD - For Moving Average Convergence/Divergence,
RSI - For Relative Strength Index.
Read about more such functions here.
Zipline – Zipline is a Python library for trading applications that power the Quantopian service mentioned above. It is an event-driven system that supports both backtesting and live trading.
These are but a few of the libraries which you will be using as you start using Python to perfect your trading strategy. To know about the myriad number of libraries in more detail, you can browse through this blog on Popular Python Trading platforms.
How to import data to Python?
This is one of the most important questions which needs to be answered before getting started with Python trading, as without data there is nothing you can go ahead with. Financial data is available on various online websites. This data is also called as time-series data as it is indexed by time (the timescale can be monthly, weekly, daily, 5 minutely, minutely, etc.). Apart from that, we can directly upload data from Excel sheets too which are in CSV format, which stores tabular values and can be imported to other files and codes. Now, we will learn how to import both time-series data and data from CSV files through the examples given below.
Importing Time Series Data
Here’s an example on how to import time series data from Yahoo finance along with the explanation of the command in the comments:
Note: In Python, we can add comments by adding a ‘#’ symbol at the start of the line.
To fetch data from Yahoo finance, you need to first pip install yfinance.
!pip install yfinance
You can fetch data from Yahoo finance using the download method.
# Import yfinance import yfinance as yf # Get the data for stock Facebook from 2017-04-01 to 2019-04-30 data = yf.download('AAPL', start="2017-04-01", end="2019-04-30") # Print the first five rows of the data data.head()
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Now, let’s look at another example where we can import data from an existing CSV file:
# Import pandas import pandas as pd # Read data from csv file data = pd.read_csv('FB.csv') data.head()
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Creating a trading strategy and backtesting in Python
One of the simplest trading strategies involves Moving averages. But before we dive right into the coding part, we shall first discuss the mechanism on how to find different types of moving averages and then finally move on to one moving average trading strategy which is moving average convergence divergence, or in short, MACD. Let’s start with a basic understanding of moving averages.
What are Moving Averages?
Moving Average also called Rolling average, is the mean or average of the specified data for a  given set of consecutive periods. As new data becomes available, the mean of the data is computed by dropping the oldest value and adding the latest one. So, in essence, the mean or average is rolling along with the data, and hence the name ‘Moving Average’. An example of calculating the simple moving average is as follows: Let us assume a window of 10, ie n = 10
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In the financial market, the price of securities tends to fluctuate rapidly and as a result, when we plot the graph of the price series, it is very difficult to predict the trend or movement in the price of securities. In such cases moving average will be helpful as it smoothens out the fluctuations, enabling traders to predict movement easily. Slow Moving Averages: The moving averages with longer durations are known as slow-moving averages as they are slower to respond to a change in trend. This will generate smoother curves and contain lesser fluctuations. Fast Moving Averages: The moving averages with shorter durations are known as fast-moving averages and are faster to respond to a change in trend.
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Consider the chart shown above, it contains:
the closing price of a stock IBM (blue line),
the 10-day moving average (magnum line),
the 50-day moving average (red line) and
the 200-day moving average (green line).
It can be observed that the 200-day moving average is the smoothest and the 10-day moving average has the maximum number of fluctuations. Going further, you can see that the 10-day moving average line is a bit similar to the closing price graph. 
Types of Moving Averages
There are three most commonly used types of moving averages, the simple, weighted and the exponential moving average. The only noteworthy difference between the various moving averages is the weights assigned to data points in the moving average period. Let’s understand each one in further detail:
Simple Moving Average (SMA)
A simple moving average (SMA) is the average price of a security over a specific period of time. The simple moving average is the simplest type of moving average and calculated by adding the elements and dividing by the number of time periods. All elements in the SMA have the same weightage. If the moving average period is 10, then each element will have a 10% weightage in the SMA. The formula for the simple moving average is given below:
SMA = Sum of data points in the moving average period / Total number of periods
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
The logic of exponential moving average is that latest prices have more bearing on the future price than past prices. Thus, more weight is given to the current prices than to the historic prices. With the highest weight to the latest price, the weights reduce exponentially over the past prices. This makes the exponential moving average quicker to respond to short-term price fluctuations than a simple moving average. The formula for the exponential moving average is given below:
EMA = (Closing price - EMA*(previous day)) x multiplier  +  EMA*(previous day)
Weightage multiplier = 2 / (moving average period +1)
Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
The weighted moving average is the moving average resulting from the multiplication of each component with a predefined weight. The exponential moving average is a type of weighted moving average where the elements in the moving average period are assigned an exponentially increasing weightage. A linearly weighted moving average (LWMA), generally referred to as weighted moving average (WMA), is computed by assigning a linearly increasing weightage to the elements in the moving average period. Now that we have an understanding of moving average and their different types, let’s try to create a trading strategy using moving average.
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
Moving Average Convergence Divergence or MACD was developed by Gerald Appel in the late seventies. It is one of the simplest and effective trend-following momentum indicators. In MACD strategy, we use two series, MACD series which is the difference between the 26-day EMA and 12-day EMA and signal series which is the 9 day EMA of MACD series. We can trigger the trading signal using MACD series and signal series.
When the MACD line crosses above the signal line, then it is recommended to buy the underlying security.
When the MACD line crosses below the signal line, then a signal to sell is triggered.
Implementing the MACD strategy in Python
Import the necessary libraries and read the data
# Import pandas import pandas as pd # Import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('ggplot') # Read the data data = pd.read_csv('FB.csv', index_col=0) data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index, dayfirst=True) # Visualise the data plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) data['Close'].plot(figsize=(10,5)) plt.legend() plt.show()
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Calculate and plot the MACD series which is the difference 26-day EMA and 12-day EMA and signal series which is 9 day EMA of the MACD series.
# Calculate exponential moving average data['12d_EMA'] = data.Close.ewm(span=12).mean() data['26d_EMA'] = data.Close.ewm(span=26).mean() data[['Close','12d_EMA','26d_EMA']].plot(figsize=(10,5)) plt.show()
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# Calculate MACD data['MACD'] = data['26d_EMA'] - data['12d_EMA'] # Calculate Signal data['Signal'] = data.MACD.ewm(span=9).mean() data[['MACD','Signal']].plot(figsize=(10,5)) plt.show()
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Create a trading signal  When the value of MACD series is greater than signal series then buy, else sell.
# Import numpy import numpy as np # Define Signal data['trading_signal'] = np.where(data['MACD'] > data['Signal'], 1, -1)
Create and calculate the strategy return
# Calculate Returns data['returns'] = data.Close.pct_change() # Calculate Strategy Returns data['strategy_returns'] = data.returns * data.trading_signal.shift(1) # Calculate Cumulative Returns cumulative_returns = (data.strategy_returns + 1).cumprod()-1 # Plot Strategy Returns cumulative_returns.plot(figsize=(10,5)) plt.legend() plt.show()
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Evaluation of a trading strategy
So far, we have created a trading strategy as well as backtested it on historical data. But does this mean it is ready to be deployed in the live markets? Well, before we make our strategy live, we should understand its effectiveness, or in simpler words, the potential profitability of the strategy. While there are many ways to evaluate a trading strategy, we will focus on the following,
Annualised return,
Annualised volatility, and
Sharpe ratio.
Let’s understand them in detail as well as try to evaluate our own strategy based on these factors:
1. Annualised Return or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
To put it simply, CAGR is the rate of return of your investment which includes the compounding of your investment. Thus it can be used to compare two strategies and decide which one suits your needs. Calculating CAGR CAGR can be easily calculated with the following formula:
CAGR = [(Final value of investment /Initial value of investment)^(1/number of years)] - 1
For example, we invest in 2000 which grows to 4000 in the first year but drops to 3000 in the second year. Now, if we calculate the CAGR of the investment, it would be as follows:
CAGR = (3000/2000)^(½) - 1 = 0.22 = 22%
For our strategy, we will try to calculate the daily returns first and then calculate the CAGR. The code, as well as the output, is given below: In[]
# Total number of trading days in a year is 252 trading_days = 252 # Calculate CAGR by multiplying the average daily returns with number of trading days annual_returns = ((1 + data.returns.mean())**(trading_days) - 1)*100 'The CAGR is %.2f%%' % annual_returns
Out []:
'The CAGR is 30.01%'
2. Annualised Volatility
Before we define annualised volatility, let’s understand the meaning of volatility. A stock’s volatility is the variation in the stock price over a period of time.  For the strategy, we are using the following formula:
Annualised Volatility = square root (trading days) * square root (variance)
The code, as well as the output, is given below: In[]
# Calculate the annualised volatility annual_volatility = data.returns.std() * np.sqrt(trading_days) * 100 'The annualised volatility is %.2f%%' % annual_volatility
Out []:
'The annualised volatility is 30.01%'
3. Sharpe Ratio
Sharpe Ratio is basically used by investors to understand the risk taken in comparison to the risk-free investments, such as treasury bonds etc. The sharpe ratio can be calculated in the following manner:
Sharpe ratio = [r(x) - r(f)] / δ(x)
r(x) = annualised return of investment x r(f) = Annualised risk free rate δ(x) = Standard deviation of r(x)
The Sharpe Ratio should be high in case of similar or peers. The code, as well as the output, is given below: In[]
# Assume the annual risk-free rate is 6% risk_free_rate = 0.06 daily_risk_free_return = risk_free_rate/trading_days # Calculate the excess returns by subtracting the daily returns by daily risk-free return excess_daily_returns = data.returns - daily_risk_free_return # Calculate the sharpe ratio using the given formula sharpe_ratio = (excess_daily_returns.mean() / excess_daily_returns.std()) * np.sqrt(trading_days) 'The Sharpe ratio is %.2f' % sharpe_ratio
'The Sharpe ratio is 0.68'
Python Books and References
Python Basics: With Illustrations From The Financial Markets
A Byte of Python
A Beginner’s Python Tutorial
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition
Python for Data Analysis, By Wes McKinney
Python is widely used in the field of machine learning and now trading. In this article, we have covered all that would be required for getting started with Python. It is important to learn it so that you can code your own trading strategies and test them. Its extensive libraries and modules smoothen the process of creating machine learning algorithms without the need to write huge codes. To start learning Python and code different types of trading strategies, you can select the “Algorithmic Trading For Everyone” learning track on Quantra. Disclaimer: All data and information provided in this article are for informational purposes only. QuantInsti® makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information in this article and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.
Trading via QuantInsti http://bit.ly/2Zi7kP2 August 26, 2019 at 04:14AM
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emilyblogposts2020 · 4 years
Blog Part 2 for Applied Theatre: Rehearsal Log
Rehearsal Log
Week of 4th May: This week's focus is to really start focusing on designing my workshop. Before, I was exploring different possibilities and ideas for workshops whereas this week I really want to determine the workshop, I would like to do. 
After our lecture in the morning, I started to think about the task we got set for the week. This task was to start thinking about your workshop by coming up with a theme, aims, and objectives of the workshop. Also, I was starting to think about how you are going to introduce your workshop, what warm up you're going to do and what activity you’re going to do to get them ready for the main activity of the workshop. I also had a look at a resource which got shared with us, it was ‘Bigfoot Games Handbook’ (Bigfoot, 2013).  This book was interesting as it included possible games we could play in our workshops and the book had a clear structure which was easy to follow. Also, the main structure of the book was an actual structure for a possible workshop so each game mentioned in the book was in the section where that game can get played. As the book had multiple games which could be played in a workshop, I kept this book in mind for later after I decide what theme it will be. 
Due to the multiple themes I was interested in exploring for a possible workshop, it was quite difficult to narrow it down to one idea. However, luckily, I covered one of these ideas in my case study so that narrowed it down a little, but I still had a couple of ideas. After realising that I was interested in one idea more than the others I decided to go ahead with the idea I did for the lesson plan. This idea was a workshop based on helping students transition into secondary school. I understood that normally these sorts of workshops take place over a week but the task for the workshop was to create a one-hour workshop. So, of course I understood I could not do a workshop like that in just one hour, so I thought the workshop I would like to create would take place in the first week of secondary school and be like a check in to see how the students are getting on.  Once I decided on a theme, the aim, and objectives became easier to think about as in some way they should suit the theme and I thought that the obvious choice for the aim was to base it on a check in to see how they are getting on and to get students to reflect on their first week of secondary school. 
After deciding on a theme, the next step was to come up with creative activities to do within this workshop and come up with a reason why these activities would be useful in this workshop. The best way for me to do this was to do it section by section starting with the introduction and finishing with a group exploration task which gets them ready for the main activity. To help me find games I used the Bigfoot games handbook and also used the games I played before either in the module or in any other drama session. The game I decided to play for the introduction was the Name Game as I knew it from playing it before. For the warm up I decided to play two activities: Fruit Salad and the Penguin Song as they are both fun activities which warms the body up. Then for the group exploration task I decided to do two activities I found in Bigfoot games handbook and they were “Excuses” and “The Big Picture”. By the end of the week I finished working on the objective for the week and was ready to share my draft lesson plan with Helena for feedback. 
Week of 11th May: This week’s focus is to work on the feedback from Helena and to work on the last remaining sections of our lesson plan. 
Before working on the main activity I went through all the feedback I got from Helena, the main point was to rethink some of the activities and think about what you want the students to think about and what is the main focus for each activity. I started by re-structuring Fruit Salad so I thought after playing the original round of the game I would pause the play and open a discussion, I would ask them to share any new lessons and any concerns and I would allow them to choose the top three and they will replace the fruit. This means it relates back to the theme and the focus is more about the students. This way of structuring an activity in a workshop was repeated for each activity I would do in the possible workshop. Also, I decided to remove The Penguin Song because I could not justify it being played. Even though it is fun and gets students out of their heads because they all have to act stupid to each other and not worry (as everyone is doing the same thing) it is still  too young for students starting year 7 so I removed the game. Then I slightly changed the group exploration task by really highlighting the fact that I want the students to sit and observe what is going on and think to themselves what is going on in the image and how I can add to it to make it clearer. I also changed how I want them to enter the image. Somebody would first enter the image and create their own position then one at a time, students would join and complement each other’s images to make sure that they all relate to the scenario I gave them. Then after this we will check in with each other. 
When thinking about the main activity, I knew I wanted to do something which at its focus was ‘Image theatre’ and using the body to communicate. Augusto Boal’s Image Theatre has been one of the main interests to me in this module because the ideas are simple and easy to follow which makes it very inclusive and to work with the body means everyone is at the same level. Using the body rather than speech adds another meaning and opens up possibilities for creation. With this in mind I reread the Image theatre section of Boal’s book ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ (2008). Then I started to write down my idea for the main activity, I followed the same ideas Boal uses. This meant that within the activity  no spoken word should be shared between the actors and director and to get their idea across the director must use their body and facial expression and the actor must copy this. I thought that the activity would include the group being split into two and from each group one person will nominate themselves to be director. The director's job is to mould their group into an image of a scenario of their choice. A way for them to think about this is they are, “a sculptor and the others are made of clay” (Boal, 2008, p.112), they must mould them into statues. However, the scenario must be something to do with what they learnt about secondary school in their first week or a problem they have faced. Then after creating their images the groups can share their work to each other and they can share their feedback, anything they learnt and any solutions that can solve the problem. I really wanted to focus on the group to take control and make images which reflect how they feel and how this can lead to confidence. 
After creating the main activity, I thought about possible outcomes of the activities, I wrote things such as a ‘student may say they have never used their body in that way before’, ‘ I never directed before’, I feel more confident’, ‘ I never realise how I was truly feeling about secondary school’. These were just possible outcomes I thought may come out, but I realised when I was writing these down the list kept growing and that there were multiple outcomes to expect. Also, these are only possible outcomes so I do not know how people may react to this workshop until I do it in person. So, I recognised that as a facilitator I had to be ready for anything and I think writing down the possible outcomes made me slightly ready for any outcome which may occur.
Week of 18th May: Main goal to reflect on feedback and think about how I could make my lesson plan clearer. 
This week I really want to focus on the main activity and the group exploration task because at the moment they were too open and had no real structure. To help structure the activities I used a step-by-step structure recommended by Helena, this way it makes the activity look clearer on the plan and gives the activity a structure I can use in the actual workshop. A key practitioner I looked at to help develop my lesson plan was Chris Johnston, in his book ‘House of Games’ (1998) one chapter is called the ‘The Six Polarities’ one of these polarities in the ‘The Fixed and the Free’. In these polarities he talks about how we need to, “introduce some fixed elements to regulate the activities” (Johnston, 1998, p.25) because it could create madness. Johnston talks about having a good balance of fixed and free elements within workshops and how these can make a successful workshop. With this mind I decided to change my main activity slightly to add some more fixed elements but at its heart I still wanted it to be a self-directed task where the students take charge of their work.
I thought at the moment it was too open and students would not know where to start so I thought if I wrote down the possible scenarios on cards it would ease the stress of coming up with a scenario however it still means they can create any image that shows the scenarios they picked. To come up with these scenarios I researched possible scenarios which occur in the first week of school and I also thought about my own personal experience of starting secondary school. Also, to make the groups workable I followed the feedback from Helena and decreased the size of the groups this meant that now they would be split into 4 groups. 
After working on the main activity, I thought about the group exploration task because at the moment it was just two activities (the big picture and excuses) from Bigfoot’s games book and I only changed it slightly to suit the theme. Therefore, I changed it to make sure it was not just copying Bigfoot’s work. I did this by combining the activities so keeping the basis of excuses so four people would leave the room and the other were given a scenario they had to create and then the students would return and discuss what they think the image is about. I used the same structure as the main activity step-by-step and I also added in details about how I would facilitate and the main objectives for this task. Some included working on developing skills, having fun, and working as a team. I did find that this task had similarities to the main task but in my opinion this task would be more led by me than the main task which is more led by them. 
Week of 25th May: Main goal to finish off my lesson plan and start my presentation.
This week started by me going over my introduction, warm up and reflection sections as I needed to add more detail to them, especially focusing on how I would facilitate the tasks. For the introduction, I added in how I would start the workshop by introducing myself and giving a brief explanation of what we are going to work on in this workshop. I also added that I would start the workshop with a discussion with a focus on them sharing their thoughts about how they feel their first week of secondary school went. Finally, I added on to the activity in this section by giving detail on what skills I would like them to focus on in the task and how I will add a check in at the end of the task. Then I repeated this process with warm up luckily I made all the main changes after receiving feedback on it so all I had to do was add more detail into how I would facilitate and add in how I would check in with the group to see how they all are after doing the activity. After working on these two sections, I went over the work I did for the last section which focuses on reflection and cooling down. I already removed the Conscience Alley as it would take too long and can be quite boring but I still wanted to include a small discussion because this way I can get a chance to hear how the students felt when the workshop went. With this in mind I decided to add this in at the end after playing a game of Zip Zap Boing. On my lesson plan I wrote down the rules of zip zap boing and the objectives of the game. The main one being to have fun. I chose this game as I wanted to end the workshop by having fun and leave the workshop feeling positive. 
Once I did this, I checked over my work by reading over my lesson plan and making sure it made sense, I even got my parents to look over it and make sure it made sense. Then I started to work on my presentation. While working on the presentation, I thought about key things such as not over filling the slides, sticking to the point, and putting enough detail in. I normally struggle with presentations because when I speak I go off topic so to help me not do this I wrote down key sentences on cue cards which would hopefully keep me on topic. When doing the presentation slides, I made sure that the only key points were on them because I did not want to over fill the slides as it would make them too hard to read. Before submitting my presentation, I made sure I rehearsed multiple times first to check that I did it in the time limit, secondly to make sure I knew what I wanted to say and thirdly to feel ready. When I come to do it for real, I hope to be ready.
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callmemoprah · 6 years
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Source: http://mobimatic.io/2018/10/03/why-most-people-are-discussing-essay-proposition-style-the-basic-simple-truth-uncovered/
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zippdementia · 6 years
Part 47 Alignment May Vary: The Long Journey to Rhest and the Razorfiend
This is the ongoing adventure in the 5e conversion of classic 3.5 adventure The Red Hand of Doom! Not only does this detail the adventures of my three players but it also give detailed suggestions on how to run a 5e conversion of this campaign (for a group of three characters starting at level eight).
Tools I reference a lot: The 3.5 Red Handbook of Doom, The beastiary Revenge of the Horde, secondary beastiary Tome of Beasts.
My party is about to continue the Red Hand of Doom campaign as an evil party. Despite this their goals have not changed, though they come from different motivations. Nysyries has had her body possessed by the soul of the Dragonlord Nazragul. Tyrion will do anything for revenge. And Traki is holding fast to his last remembered goal: Defeat the Red Hand, at any cost.
There is a fair amount of story to this post, so if you just want to figure out how to run the next major encounter, skp ahead to the end, where I talk about the Razorfiend. If not, get ready and strap in: this is gonna be a long one! But a good one!
Nazragul told the players last time that they are not powerful enough to reveal their evil nature and try to take on the world. They need to build back the power of the Dragonlord’s army and they need to kill the one “with the power to move the stars,” who leads the horde. The best way to do this, Nazragul determines, is to continue to attack the horde and set up the people of Brindol for a massive battle between the two armies. When that battle occurs, the Soul Jar will be present, and the souls of the dead will fill the fresh corpses and rise again. Then the Dragonlord will have his army and his champions can strike at the leader of the horde, removing him from power and paving the way for the ascendancy of the dead.
What is the soul jar? Last post I mentioned that evil needs a little set dressing:
There is another occupant of the temple room. Lady Dagger lives still, if you can call it living. Her bloated body squirms with each rattling breath she takes and the souls of the dead move under her skin, pushing underneath it like unseen worms. Of course, one body cannot be expected to hold an army, so Nysyries under the tutelage of her new master has fused it with the body of the dead Ettin, until Lady Dagger’s flesh disappears into the dead giant’s body, so it appears that a large fleshy sac four times her size sprouts from between her shoulder blades. Occasionally she mumbles something in between her choked breaths but the words are unintelligible and her eyes do not focus on anything, pressed as they are to bursting against her eyelids.
“The Soul Jar,” another voice says from the shadows near to where Traki stands. Traki immediately turns and puts a fist through the shadows and there is a muffled cry and then a whooshing sound like wind being sucked from a room.
“Well that wasn’t very civilized,” the voice says again, this time from a shadow further away from Traki.
The figure that emerges from the shadows is definitely not alive. The shade is translucent and clearly a ghost of some old dwarf. The dwarf wears and constantly adjusts a set of spectacles. His beard and hair are shockingly white, even in the afterlife, and splay out around him like a mane. His manner is polite, congenial even, if a little matter-of-fact.
He introduces himself as “The Professor” and says that he met his end far from here, halfway across the Moonsea in fact. His soul was owed to the God of Hate and Pain, Erythnul, and as penance he is now being made to serve as an adviser to Nazragul and his Champions. Traki’s player points out he is the Navi (Ocarina of Time) of this campaign. He is essentially the support branch for the evil party, as for now Nazragul is not at full power and his essence grows weaker the further they stray from Maaken. Much like The Lady of the Wood, Nazragul’s full soul doesn’t travel with Nysyries, but only a piece of it. This piece allows them to contact the Professor anywhere and ask advice or “What Would Nazragul Do?”
Anyone who has been reading since day one (has anyone been reading since day one?) may recognize the Professor from our very first post. His death was wrapped up in the events which triggered the entire campaign. He was seen again once after, but only briefly before he fled before a great power. That power was Erythnul, chasing his soul towards his realms in the Pits of Eternity.
At risk of sounding more clever than I am, I had always intended for the Professor to play a role later in the game. When Shando, who was his best connection to the adventures, died on board the Red Hand ship, I put him in the sidelines for a long time. The Dark Figure chasing The Professor later grew into the idea for Abenthy’s father, but there was so much going on during the Tomb of Haggemoth that I left that unconnected to the Professor. It wasn’t until this session that I saw my opening and fit him in, retconing that the Dark Figure was Erythnul.
The Professor now lays out that the next steps have to be to return to Drellin’s Ferry and from there determine whether to go north by river or east by road to reach the Ruined Kingdom of Rhest. And so the party heads back to Drellin’s Ferry, Traki only making a quick stop at a cabin in the forest to say hello to a woman who once gave him honey cake.
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Decision Point: Heading North
We are back on book at this point! Chapter Two of The Red Hand of Doom starts with the mission to go to Rhest and then suggests three ways of getting there. I’ve broken them down as such:
Take the River north from Drellin’s Ferry up the water way to the Lake of Rhest. This is the fastest way to travel and the book sets it up as fairly dangerous. The benefit is that you get to avoid the horde but you have to contend with monsters in the Wytchwood. I suggest no less than two encounters during this journey, if your players choose it. If you haven’t done the Forest Giant sideplot, this is also a good chance to work that in, as they might well see the giant along the riverbank or, heck, even bump into him (literally) as he is bathing in the river one morning.
Take the road east than north. This is an interesting choice. Whether it is safe or not depends heavily on what the horde’s position currently is in relation to the players. Is the horde behind the players, pushing them forward? Is it in front of them, meaning they are going to run into its rear guard and stragglers? Or are the players traveling with the evacuees from Drellin’s Ferry, their progress slow and stunted and constantly in danger of being overtaken by the horde? The campaign module gives a lot of little battle skirmishes and scenarios to use here, and I suggest you look at least at one of them (more, if you are hampered by refugees). Also, this path takes you through the blockades hemming in Rhest, so be prepared to run those encounters.
Cut cross country in a more or less straight line through the Wytchwood. This is officially pointed out by the campaign as the “dumb” way and most parties should understand why. Getting lost in the Wytchwood, if they decide to go this route, should be an adventure all its own, with lots of random battles and probably some harder encounters (witches, hags, hydras, etc.) or you can turn it into the river path, if they come to an abandoned raft at river’s edge.
I said there were three paths, but the book also notes that players don’t have to go to Rhest at all. I call bullshit on this, though. If your players don’t want to go to Rhest then you have to seriously push them in that direction. It’s where the next chapter of the adventure takes place and while Red Hand of Doom tried to be an early attempt at an open-world adventure, it didn’t really succeed at it. Rhest is where the players need to go next, both in terms of challenge and in terms of story.
My group chooses the river path. Before they can get started on it, though, they have one more encounter in Drellin’s Ferry:
You reach Drellin’s Ferry around nightfall. The town is abandoned, leaving you the odd feeling like you are walking through a dream. The night sky is lit up with red dots of light coming from the nearby Wytchwood, which burns with the fury of the Red Hand’s passage. They are close. They will probably arrive in the middle of the night.
Tyrion stops as his eyes fall upon Serah’s house, up on the hill. He stares for a moment, then decidedly avoids looking at it for the rest of their time here.
“Can we go now?” he asks.
“Friends!” Another voice interrupts Tyrion’s grumble. Avarnthal the Druid, who has stayed behind to protect his sacred grove, approaches at a brisk pace, his eyes full of joyful disbelief.
“I thought you slain!” he exclaims. “Everyone else has left, even the old ferryman who swore he would stay. His tune changed when he saw the fires, however. How fared your quest? Where is Serah and Soranna?”
The group is silent in response to this question. Eventually Tyrion places a hand on the druid’s shoulder. “We shall not speak more of it,” he says.
The druid bows his head sadly. “I am sorry.”
That the druid stayed behind provides us with an interesting roleplaying scenario. Nysyries needs to feed the Lady of the Wood again and Avarnthal is a Half Elf which makes him close enough to human to meet her needs. In addition, he is powerful and Nysyries senses that days could pass, maybe weeks, before she would need to feed again if she takes his soul.
It is not an easy decision, which I’m pleased to see. Nysyries cares about this druid. He has been an ally to them since they arrived at Drellin’s Ferry, if a little quiet. There is something sad and powerful and noble about him staying behind to defend his grove. And he is one of the brotherhood of druids of which she is a part. In short, Nysyries does not wish to kill him. But if she does not, then they will need to travel the roadway to Rhest so that she may feed on farmers and villagers as best they can without arousing suspicion, and she does not like those odds.
After many moments of deliberation amongst the party, Nysyries makes her decision and charms the Elf. He is a harder one to snag. Though he still rolls at disadvantage, for he trusts Nysyries, he nearly matches her DC (15) for the spell and struggles against her while she takes his life.
The very trees and grass give up their life in order to keep Avarnathal alive. Around him and Nysyries a circle of dead grass and flowers slowly forms as the greenery gives its energy to the dying druid. Eventually, Nysyries power overcomes his own and the man crumples into her arms, his soul ripped from him.
“We have to bury him,” Nysyries states, and the party heads to Avarnathal’s grove. But as they enter with the body, the grove itself begins to wither and die, tied as it was to Avarnathal’s lifeforce. They bury him next to its biggest tree, nonetheless, though Nysyries is disquieted the entire time by the thought that, with his power, perhaps he could have staved off the horde from this one grove, this one small corner of the vale.
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Random Encounters
The next part of the adventure will be determined by what path your players choose, as described above. Mine go the river path with a nice touch: they have Nysyries turn into a Pleiosaur (remember, she’s from Chult) and pull the raft for half the day, then rest while the others paddle. This cuts some time off the journey and keeps everyone from being too exhausted.
Use any chance you get to describe the horde’s passage during this next section, whatever path your players chose to go. For my game, the first night sees this the most, as the players camp out along the shore and hear the not-so-distant sounds of Drellin being razed. It’s a cool moment: Tyrion, who is having trouble sleeping, awakens to find Traki sitting cross legged, eyes open but unseeing, listening to the sound. “It reminds me of this one time on the island,” Traki tells the bard when he hears him stir. “One of the giant lizard monsters found its way into a lizardmen camp and... well, it’s a story for another time, perhaps.”
The next evening gives us more roleplaying opportunities: as the group rows past the spot where Nysyries washed up on shore after the destruction of the Skull Gorge bridge (the event which led to her portentous meeting with the Lady of the Wood) she casually wonders out loud what happened to “That Twist Tusk Giant I met.” 
Traki perks up: “You met a Twist Tusk?”
"Oh geez, that’s right, I never got a chance to tell you the full story. Yes, there’s a Twist Tusk around here.”
“I have their bracelet,” Traki says, recalling the giant gauntlet he took from under Vraath Keep. “Perhaps if we returned it, the clans would aid us.”
“He said he was the last one. And we already have his aid, as a servant of the Lady of the Wood.”
“Still, it seems right to return it.”
Nysyries sighs. “Alrite. We spend an hour looking. No more! Nightfall is coming and I don’t want to get lost in the woods at night. We need to be back at the boats and make camp by dark.”
“Sorry,” Tyrion tells me. “We’re going on another tangent.”
They are, but it’s actually pretty awesome. The bracelet was an unfinished quest that I didn’t think we’d actually ever get to again, now that Chapter 1 is over. It’s cool that not only have my players remembered it but that they are enjoying the world enough to want to pursue it. They move to the shore and quickly Traki picks up on the giant’s trail, leading them deeper into the woods to follow and find him. However, as they go, they enter a place where the path is heavily overgrown with vines and moss and thick growths of weeds. They push through and it is then that this mass of woody material attacks them in the form of a shambling mound.
This battle is fun. The mound is hard enough hitting to be a threat and Tyrion focuses on fire to fight it (which it is actually resistant to) giving it lots of chances to retaliate. The players do win through, though Nysyries spends a good chunk of the battle engulfed by the creature, wrapped inside its leafy innards where she is almost crushed to death. The best moment comes from Traki, who true to character uses his new GLOVES OF SUPPLEX to bury his fists inside the creature and pile drive him into the ground for massive damage. From there, Tyrion finishes the job with his axe, pulling Nysyries free from the corpse of the mound. A fun fight, but not an easy one.
Also, this is a good time to mention that the party used the Forge Stones I mentioned last post to get some cool treasure, all of it downloaded from the DMs guild: 50 New Magic Items. The two most relevant to the adventure right now are the Spy Fly (a mechanical fly that can scout ahead for the party) and the Chaos Breastplate, which Tyrion takes.
The Breastplate gives a +2 to AC and can, as a reaction to a hit, be used to cast a Wild Magic spell at random. If Tyrion doesn’t activate this enough, then I can decree that it activates on a hit. Tyrion tries it out during this battle and turns permanently blue.
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Wrapping up the Twist Tusk Plot
A little ways beyond the battle site, Traki discovers thick splashes of blood on the trees around them and hears ragged, heavy breathing coming from up the trail. He leads the others forward and they find the injured Twist Tusk giant, Warklegnaw, lying in a clearing caused by his pained thrashing. He has been pierced by many arrows and weapons that belonged to the Horde and is slowly dying. This is the first time Tyrion has seen the giant:
The great man shaped creature ahead of you has skin like thick tree bark, but that skin is also splotchy with painful red ulcers which crack with his movements and spill a white pus down his skin.
There is a quick debate here as to whether the players wish to try and take the giant’s body for the soul jar... maybe they can fill it with the souls of the undead? But this is shot down when they consult the Professor, who tells them that the Soul Jar must be nearby to release its souls into bodies and it only works on very fresh corpses, as it can heal fresh wounds and let the body live again, albeit with a different inhabitant. “No point in filling the dead with the dead,” the Professor says. “The armies need to be alive once more, not dead again.”
We make a 30% percentage die roll to see if he remembers Nysyries, and it turns out he does. This time, she can do more for him, however. Tyrion heals the giant’s health with cure wounds and Nysyries recognizes now the disease afflicting him: Red Ache, which was carried over to humans ages ago from goblins when humans ate infected goblin flesh, but which is exceedingly rare in giants. She casts Lesser Restoration and ends the disease for the poor creature. Most importantly, though, Traki shows the giant the spiked bracelets he brought from Vraath’s Keep, and the sight of them brings quite the reaction:
The giant’s eyes become huge, impossibly wide, and fill with streams of water as he sees the gauntlets. “My brother’s gauntlets!” he exclaims. “I swore an oath long ago that I would not return to my people until I had recovered them. Now my oath is fulfilled and I can go home!”
The party quickly realizes that this may be better for them than what even the soul jar could accomplish. They implore Warklegnaw to go back to his tribe and get them to march their forces towards Brindol, harrying the horde as they go, preparing to defend the city during the inevitable battle, the one that will create enough bodies for the Soul Jar to build an army from. They’ve done a good deed here today. Again, evil goals are the key. Not every action they take to get there needs to be evil—in fact, if they were, it would most likely blow their cover and ruin their ultimate goal.
There is one more random encounter tonite, a fairly easy batle with a pair of Owlbears, which I only mention for three reasons:
Tyrion uses hypnotic pattern to start a rave, which one of the Owlbears falls prey to, disco dancing in the middle of combat while myself and Tyrion’s player literally beat-raps in the background. It’s pretty glorious.
Traki spends the entire combat (unsuccesfully) trying to supplex an Owlbear while it mauls his face. When Tyrion finally kills it and the strength goes out of the bear, Traki thinks he has succeeded and supplexes the bear with Tyrion still attached to it by his axe, building onto an ongoing joke about Traki, that due to his blindness he often thinks he has defeated enemies with one shot or on his own when really they have been beaten down heavily by the other players first.
Nysyreies tries out her Displacer Beast form for the first time, jumping on the back of one of the Owlbears and taking it down almost singlehandedly. It’s a good playtest of the power and it is appropriately powerful for using up both of her daily transforms in a single action. It is not overpowered, mostly because the Displacer Beast has such a low AC, but it is most certainly a house rule for our specific game and circumstances and I don’t recommend copying it if you worry about balance issues.
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Wizard’s Mansion
The next big event in the campaign is encountering the Razorspawn. Getting to this fight can be as dramatic or as sudden and surprising as you wish, once the players reach the Blackfens. I indirectly let the players choose: if they had traveled up the road to Rhest, I would have let the Razorspawn seem like a random encounter and then let the adventure grow out of that as described in the campaign. But since they choose the quicker river route I go with something a little more elongated, an idea taken from a comment in one of the Red Hand Guidebooks on Giant in the Playground (I can’t remember which one, sadly).
While cruising up the river, the party suddenly enters a vast fog and loses sight of the shoreline. Traki immediately starts to panic. Remember, he was shipwrecked on the isle of Rori Rama for an unknown number of years (it keeps changing, perhaps hinting that he himself doesn’t know... anywhere from 5 years to 100). Desperately the elf tries to direct the boat back towards dry land, relying on Nysyries and Tyrion to actually see the shoreline but the two keep repeating that they do not see anything.
Until suddenly they bump up against land. Traki is out of the boat like a fish out of a hot pan, landing gracefully on the earth but immediately realizing something is wrong:
The ground’s texture was not right, not for a fen. What should have been soft earth that burped and belched under his boots with every step was instead hard and stony. He pulled off one of his grappling gloves and knelt down to touch it. It was unmistakably a path: smooth by design.
"It goes up a hill,” Nysyries said, seeing that Traki had noticed the path.
“Then so do we,” he answered and the three began walking.
It was not long before they came to a great mansion, which rose from the fog like a beacon. Its front doors were massive: nearly fifteen feet tall and ten wide, yet the knocker that adorned them (carved into the shape of a lion’s head) was built to a size for normal hands, not giant ones. They use it and suddenly the lion roars and the the door knocker begins to speak in a gravelly voice with all the gravitas of a used car salesman:
“Hey hey, how ya’ll doin? And what are ya doin’ here? Names Knick Knack. Have you considered picking up a copy of my memoirs? The writing desk is writing em down for me as I come up with it. It’s going to be released just as soon as I die, so I can be the most up to date on it. It’s called “All Knocked Up.” Gonna be great, gonna be great. You should buy a copy. Once I’m dead.”
Everything in the wizard’s mansion is improvised. I had some general ideas: I know what happened here is that the Mad Wizard found a mysterious egg out on the fens and brought it back to his laboratory to study. While he was running his tests the egg hatched and what came out of it attacked him with spiny wings, sharp teeth, and acidic breath. It chased him throughout his mansion while the Mad Wizard used most every wand, ring, and item of power he had to fight back. His final downfall came when he was using a wand of blasting and the creature breathed acid on it, damaging the wand mid use. It exploded, killing him and hurting the creature badly. His mansion was also damaged in the process, though Knick Knack can’t tell really any of this: he’s just a door knocker.
He’s also just meant to be literally a two or three line character but the players start interacting with him and he becomes a solid source of comedy in just a few more lines. When they start debating whether they can take him with them I push for it and Tyrion cuts him out of the door frame with Knick Knack giving running commentary the whole time (”Don’t worry about that, y’all, the Mad Wizard hates bards, but if we just tell him it was an accident, he’ll probably be alrite with this”) and they attach him to Nysyries’ shield (”Wow! I’ve never seen anything like this before, it’s an arm-door!”) and continue on their way (”Let me give you a tour of the mansion!”)
Knick Knack serves as a guide for their journey through the mansion which is a nice easy way for me to give backstory and direction and keep the party moving. I want this place to feel strange and funky, so I describe things like impossibly large rooms, or stairs that always count out to 13 though CLEARLY having more, or straight up impossible rooms, like the master’s 12 bedrooms, each one with a different crazed conceit. They miss going inside the one labeled MAD, which would land them in a Being John Malkovitch kind of situation, but SKY dumps them into a literal free-fall (Knick Knack loves it) until they exit and BARD puts them into an inn where a number of bards are being stripped naked and tortured for being idiots (the Mad Wizard lost an argument over history with a bard once who then mocked him with a song while in his cups... it didn’t end well for the bard but the Mad Wizard has hated bards ever since).
Probably the pinnacle moment comes when the party needs to get to the laboratory and Knick Knack tells them (”Alrite, this is really cool guys, wait for this”) that they must throw themselves down the staircase to get there. When they all hesitate, Traki shoves Tyrion down the stairs and the halfing tumbles down, snapping his neck at the bottom.
There is a moment of silent “holy shit” after this. My party is never entirely sure when I’m being humorous or when I’m being suddenly deadly serious. They don’t think this is one of the serious moments, but still... Tyrion isn’t moving. 
Eventually Traki decides to leap down the stairs. He sails through the air, but he lands short, trips, and smashes his feet to a bloody pulp on the staircase, becoming unconscious.
Nysyries is not liking this at all. “We’re gonna die to a staircase, guys!” she says, before deciding to try something else: she sets her now Knick-Knacked shield down on the stair and tries to ride it down like a sled. But she fails her acrobatics roll, flies off and looks be about to break her neck...
... but instead comes stumbling down off the stairs into a dungeon-esque laboratory, stumbling to a halt next to Tyrion and Traki. The shield comes sailing down behind her (”Whoeeeeee!”)
The rest of the mansion is progressed through fairly quickly. They find the remnants of the egg, hatched open, and Nysyries recognizes it as dragon in nature, though she’s never seen one of this kind. It smells sulfury, acidic, altogether wrong. They follow a trail of destruction from this room to the next door, which Knick Knack says is the “Changing Door,” it leads to a different room every time you open it. They do open it and there is a loud crackle and pop (”That’s not supposed to happen”). It turns out the door and its magical energies were damaged by the fight with the Mad Wizard and whatever got him and this is a very bad thing because doors like this were meant to keep the house changing enough that its crazy magic could function in the physical realm. Now, with the door opening not to any room but only to one, the rules of physics start invading the house and the whole mess begins to collapse in on itself. 
Now faced with a time limit, the (evil) heroes rush through the next few rooms, passing through a kitchen gone crazy with flying knives (Nysyries takes one in the chest) and boiling water. They end up in the bloody disaster of the art room where the Mad Wizard met his end, his body now spread like a thick butter all over the room. One arm even dangles from a mass of bone and blood stuck to the ceiling. They quickly gather up a few of his remaining magical items and then open the next door, which sucks them through a portal and deposits them roughly out into the open air, far from the lake where the mansion was located. They now find themselves on a grassy knoll straight outta the campaign book, the site of the next big encounter in the module.
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Encounter: Spawn of Tiamet
Battle difficulty meant to be: medium to hard (but see my special note below)
Players are supposed to walk away feeling: scared, like there is something really bad brewing out there on the swamps that can’t be left alone.
Rebuild: For the Razorfiend I need them to hit hard if I am going to impress upon the players why these things are a bad bad thing to have running around en mass. But I don’t want them to outclass the upcoming fights at the sunken city of Rhest. So I aim for a CR 6 creature and I add a second one to the fight to up the difficulty (though this one enters a couple of rounds late and is injured from its fight with the mad mage, starting with 40 hitpoints less and missing a wing and thus one of its wing attacks).
The restated Razorfiend is based heavily off of the Wyvern with a few thematic changes and to make it more of a hit-and-run specialist. I almost end up with a CR 7 creature, due to its heavy attack bonuses and decent damage (especially its critical threat range), but compared to an actual dragon, its AC is far lower, it has no saves, it cannot fly, and its acid breath is far inferior.  Stats are linked here.
Tactics: The Razorfiend does best when it darts in and out of combat using its bonus disengage to avoid attacks of opportunity and its speed to run outside of player range. The tall grasses in this area can give it obscuring cover as well and it will retreat there if possible to make tracking it harder (I suggest disadvantage to non-area effect ranged attacks).
How does it go: it starts off very hard for my players. With a single ambush attack, the first Razorfiend manages to hit Traki even while he is dodging and do enough damage to lay him out flat in one attack. Its follow up acid breath is less effective: Traki (once revived by Tyrion) is a dodging fiend, Tyrion has armor of Agathys, and Nysyries is a black dragonborn with resistance to acid. From here, Traki closes with it (he has the movement speed) and the rest of the battle slowly turns in the party’s favor. There are a couple more dramatic moments, like when the injured Razorfiend joins the fray by leaping unexpectedly upon Nysyries, but Nysyries turns into a Giant Boa Constrictor and holds it in place until Tyrion can reach it and chop it into pieces with his axe. Meanwhile, Traki has the biggest moment of all. After succeeding on a tricky grapple maneuver he leaps astride the healthier Razorfiend and proceeds to critically injure it with three awesome blows. After this, the battle is won and ultimately it wasn’t that bad for them. In addition, they level up to level 9, meaning they get their proficiency bump and the game shifts into a higher level. I’m really pleased by this, because it means I don’t have to limit the difficulty of the upcoming Rhest mission, which is partially fun I feel because it has the potential to be so dangerous. And I’m even more looking forward to what comes after that, in the next chapter.
Special Loot: I gave the loot for this battle early, in the wizard’s mansion. I don’t use the suggested items as they don’t really seem that interesting, so instead I roll on some hoard tables in the DMs guide and they end up with a wand of enemy detection, a ring of the ram, a pearl of power, and one of my newfound favorites: the marvelous pigments. If you do decide to go with the treasure as listed, I suggest simply toning down the ring and rapier to +1 magic items, not +2.
Overall, I recommend this conversion. Despite them defeating the Razorfiends I think the beasts are nasty enough within their CR restriction and could pose quite a threat to even a strong party under the right circumstances. The thought of a pack of three or four of them roaming around hunting... that’s a bit chilling. If your party is not as strong, you can always limit this combat to one Razorfiend, or even just the injured one.
As a special note, I also recommend you don’t allow your party to be defeated here. I’m not usually in favor of deus ex machinas which save a party, but this is a really awkward moment for a team to perish, as they are far from civilization, this is the threat that is supposed to loom over them as they head for Rhest, and the hook of the soon-to-arrive elves is set up to be seen this way. If they do fall in battle here, either have the elves fly down early and drive the creatures off, or to collect them and revive them later at Starsong Hill to interrogate them. Of course, in either case, the Razorfiends live to fight another day.
Next time will be a much shorter post, as we delve into the Elfin city of Starsong and how to run events from there. I’ll also stat out my version of Trellara for anyone who wishes to add her to their party.
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alanafsmith · 7 years
From rape law to war crimes: The hardest part of ‘hard subjects’ is teaching them
Academics and students grapple with trigger warnings and ‘cold calling’
Law is not, and never has been, “about pink happy stuff”, as one law student put it to us. Undergrads, even part way through their degree, will know that studying law can be a rollercoaster ride through the world’s most terrible crimes: from child abuse, discrimination and sexual violence to war crimes and human rights violations.
I recall frank discussions about them all when I was at university; my criminology tutor even asked the class whether anyone had ever been assaulted (and, later on, if anyone had ever been burgled).
That was in my final year in 2014/15. But that was also just moments before, or perhaps at the beginning of, the emergence of what has been termed “the age of trauma”, though others might call it the age of self-entitled, easily-offended millennial snowflakes.
This age of trauma is having real consequences on teaching law: Jeannie Suk Gersen, who teaches crime at top-three global ranking Harvard Law School, reveals some tutors have resorted to taking so-called ‘hard subjects’ out of their classrooms for fear of the harmful effects these discussions may have.
The most archetypal of all hard subjects is rape law and sexual violence.
Ironically, that these topics are actually on Harvard law syllabuses at all is quite a recent development. It’s down to feminist academics such as Susan Estrich, who worked successfully in the 1980s and 1990s to give these subjects more academic exposure. Having been raped before law school, Estrich recounted her frustration in the mid-1970s at not being taught rape law in law school while spending “an eternity” on homicide. Quoting Estrich, Gersen’s paper continues:
“No one would ever suggest that we should skip homicide in those years when we have students who have been touched by it, or skip insanity because some of our students have fought mental illness, or never mention drunk driving because we’re all probably too familiar with that.”
Gersen advocated teaching rape law in a way that squarely confronted hard questions, just like you’d squarely confront torture in human rights classes and warfare in international law. “What I have been fighting for, over these years, is not to give rape special treatment because it happened to me and to so many others, but rather to stop treating it specially,” Estrich said.
So is all this hard work to get rape law onto the syllabus about to be undone?
On the whole, students don’t anticipate being fully sheltered from difficult topics like sexual violence which will no doubt rear their head during a career in legal practice and, well, life. As one told us: “I do agree that students should certainly have the expectation of learning about such topics, as it would be quite foolish not to.”
But what they’re perhaps less prepared for is the pervasive, even omnipresent, nature of these hard topics. While undergraduates may expect discussions about murder in a homicide lecture, in the words of student Giorgia Litwin, the face of the Oxford Law School trigger warnings debate which we will come on to imminently, “when you’re going to a lecture on economic loss, you wouldn’t generally anticipate half of it being dedicated to the Hillsborough tragedy”.
I certainly remember feeling more emotionally challenged in law of evidence and medical law lectures and seminars — where hard topics provide the linchpin to lessons on witness competency, the admissibility of evidence, abortion, euthanasia and more — than I ever did in first-year crime.
These gruelling topics do appear to be seeping more and more into the core of law degree syllabuses. No wonder then, in this age of trauma, that talk has returned to the ever-polarising trigger warnings.
The ‘triggered’ concept has made it to meme culture. Image via Youtube
In May of last year an Oxford law student revealed that aspiring lawyers there are warned before lectures on sexual offences that content could be distressing. This riled Pump Court Chambers’ Matthew Scott, who used his popular Twitter account to throw scorn at “delicate Oxford flowers”.
Litwin hit back, stating these trigger warnings allow “people to make a choice for themselves about what they’re comfortable with and where they want to deal with it”.
Trigger warnings are controversial. There are fears they may be: impractical (given the number of hard topics and their frequency), exploited (by students who use them to miss lectures), unreliable (as teachers cannot gauge for definite what someone may be triggered by), and counter-productive (as they may cause more anxiety and pain than the lecture content would have done).
Gersen, for one, is not sold on the value of trigger warnings. “As one former student of mine, Clara Spera, put it: ‘Entering law school is the trigger warning’”, she firmly concludes.
It’s a view we anticipate will be shared by many of our readers. One law student tells Legal Cheek:
“What do these students expect when enrolling? Talking about grandma’s cupcake recipe? It’s obvious the harsher stuff like murder, rape and GBH will be in there… Lord Denning, whom so many of us admire, fought bravely in the trenches in the First World War. Doubt he needed a trigger warning when doing criminal law lectures.”
Others take an opposing stance. Olivia Potts, a former criminal barrister, is one of them. She tweeted:
Oh for the last fucking time: trigger warnings for law students are so they can MENTALLY EQUIP themselves if they’ve undergone trauma.
— Livvy Potts (@_Poots_) October 19, 2017
It doesn’t mean if you studied law in 1974 you were a better or hardier lawyer. It doesn’t mean that modern law students can’t cope. JESUS.
— Livvy Potts (@_Poots_) October 19, 2017
There are also concerns about how, exactly, these hard topics are taught.
Teaching style is unique. We all have or have had the professor who loved group discussions; the professor who spoke for 45 minutes at a time and would tut at raised hands; the professor who preferred small group work with a feedback-giving session at the end; and the professor whose mantra is directing questions at students even if they don’t have an immediate answer to offer.
The latter is what’s known as a Socratic professor, though many more will know them as a ‘cold caller’. Gersen is one of these; she makes it her aim to call on 30 to 40 students per lecture (a prospect that likely makes some students shudder). But if there are subjects which may upset particular students, on which students may have too personal an experience, then perhaps teachers should avoid this teaching style.
Gersen, for one, is having none of that. She sticks by her more forceful method because she believes relying on voluntary contributions in class produces an uneven distribution of participation, “skewed male and white, and away from women and minorities”.
Gersen believes in continuing with her Socratic ways, alongside other methods of teaching like pre-reading and group exercises, even in lessons on hard subjects. She thinks suspending one’s usual style of teaching is not a good idea “unless one wishes to convey a kind of exceptionalism about the topic” — which would be an unwanted head-butt to Estrich’s “stop treating [rape] specially” plea.
This is a view shared by Steven Vaughan, a senior lecturer at UCL. Writing on Limits of Lawyers, he said:
“What happens when we shy away and don’t have those conversations [about hard topics]? We make those topics ‘special’, but not in a good way. We foreclose debate, we stifle voices, we reduce the perceived relative importance of the subjects we find ‘hard’.”
But isn’t rape, well, ‘special’? For one, it’s a uniquely private offence, legal historians citing rape alongside witchcraft as one the most difficult crimes to grapple with from a law of evidence perspective. Then, the average age of a rape victim in both sexes is between 15 and 19, meaning university students may have very recent experiences of the trauma. Even Gersen admits “many feel that rape is different” in a teaching context.
Legal Cheek has spoken to two lecturers, Clare McGlynn, a professor at Durham University, and Tanya Palmer, from the University of Sussex, who both argue sexual violence is a topic to be dealt with on its own merits.
“Of course, there are many areas of law where people may have personal experience that affects their learning and understanding of a subject”, McGlynn tells Legal Cheek. But the prevalence of rape and sexual violence, and the particular shame and trauma that accompanies it, leads her to conclude “there are good grounds” for treating it differently to teaching the Unfair Contract Terms Act or the preliminary reference procedure in EU law.
Palmer adds:
“Law — particularly criminal law — covers many unpleasant topics. However, when it comes to sexual offences, there is a high chance that some students will have direct personal (and often recent) experience of the crimes studied. For those that do, it’s also likely that their experience will have been questioned, disbelieved, or trivialised by others, or even by themselves. So, participating in a class debate about whether a given set of facts ‘counts’ as sexual assault can be particularly challenging.”
In realising rape is ‘different’, McGlynn — whose specialisms include violence against women, gender equality and the law of ‘revenge porn’ — takes steps to introduce a variety of teaching methods into her classes to ensure they are taught in as inclusive and participatory an environment as possible. Palmer tells us she provides details of relevant support services in her module handbooks, online and at the end of her lecture slides.
Other initiatives include one at the University of Gloucestershire where students wary of voicing an opinion out loud are able to file answers electronically which can then be cited anonymously in discussions. The advent of ‘law mums’ and ‘law dads’ at some institutes gives students a formal link to aspiring lawyers one year ahead, who can be used as a support — and a heads-up — for younger students.
This extra layer of sensitivity may make Estrich shudder, but maybe it’s going to have to be accepted within legal education in this ‘age of trauma’. The multiplicity and subjectivity of hard topics on syllabuses means that even if enrolling on a law degree is a trigger warning in itself, it’s a warning that may prove ineffective even for those who take heed of it.
The post From rape law to war crimes: The hardest part of ‘hard subjects’ is teaching them appeared first on Legal Cheek.
from All About Law https://www.legalcheek.com/2017/11/from-rape-law-to-war-crimes-the-hardest-part-of-hard-subjects-is-teaching-them/
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Game Development: Session 01 (12/09/2017)
Late in my attendance by twenty minutes, I missed the first portion of the lecture, which seems to have been a general introduction by the tutor in regards to himself and his experience/credentials, as by the time I arrived the first page of the module handbook was on the projector screen.
Taking only a fleeting glance at the second and third assessments, it’s clear that the tutor is keeping us focused on a single assignment at a time. Though the first is only formative, that is a very positive thing in my opinion, as I have struggled with Blueprint in the previous year, and a “refresher” of sorts that allows us to get up to speed and show the tutor where each individual is up to should help in the long run.
Interestingly, part of the lecture consisted of the history of computers, from human computers to mechanical and eventually electronic. It went on to define the difference between hardware and software, the importance of transistors (leading to why binary is the language of computers), how programs are just a set of instructions, and even the fact that computers are relatively stupid, only capable of carrying out orders that a human gives them. They can “crunch numbers” at a much faster speed than a person’s mind could possibly comprehend, nothing can compare to the sheer complexity of the brain. To summarise, the fundamentals were completely covered by the tutor.
Following a room-wide task of writing in pseudo-code a set of instructions of how to make a player character drink from a bottle, another activity was set for groups of three to - again, write in pseudo-code - how to open a door, a “Hack and Slash” combat system, and a fish in an aquarium (an AI-related task)
As there were three tasks and three students, I felt it economical for each to pick one to complete. The “Hack and Slash” system was picked up by a student that was familiar with that genre of video game, and the AI system luckily enough went to a student that actually owned fish. Meanwhile, I began by working on how to open a door. Though it was clearly the easiest and most straight-forward of the three, it enabled me to assist the other two, as I am used to utilising pseudo-code for my designs.
Confident as I was breezing through a simple flow chart, given time and listening to the tutor helped in noticing redundancies within what I had written. Helping my fellow students also encouraged me to scrutinise my approach, and I fully intend on attempting to prototype these systems within UDK 4, if time allows.
Finishing off the session, our first assignment was set. Four problems to solve, and each student must pick one. The problems are:
- How to cross a gap too wide to jump?
- How to open a locked door, and where does it lead to?
- What happens when a lever, found in the “middle of nowhere” is pulled?
- How to reach the ledge of a very tall tower, and what is inside
In addition to this, we are required to choose a player-avatar relationship that is either first person, third person, or a 2.5D side-scroller.
Being a “refresher” of sorts, I’m currently leaning towards the “gap” problem in a 2.5D side-scrolling perspective. The method would utilise a catapult, with the player having to push said catapult to an optimal distance from the ledge. This can also be built upon by adding a “power gauge” that would see the player attempt to get the correct distance/trajectory by holding down an additional action button. Again though, only if time permits it, as this is a formative assignment only.
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Attention Flying Enthusiasts!
From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner
Date: Re: Soaring Like An Eagle… Dear Future Pilot,
I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…
My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.
Here’s the story:
I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.
We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!
One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.
Here’s What I’ve Accomplished:
At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!
I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.
I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.
I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,
Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !
I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)
I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.
I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.
And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)
And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….
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    This text will be replaced
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My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.
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This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.
Bruce’s private pilot course
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Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.
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The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!
I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.
My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…
Private Pilot 2 DVD Training Course: The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need
JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials
Flight Training Manual & Pilot’s Handbook $97 26,000 Q&As, Study Guides, Test Prep and Cheat Sheets For Private Pilots, Instructors, Instrument Rating, Commerical Pilots & More $127
Bonus 1: Radio Telephony Course
Bonus 2: Seaplane, Gilder, Balloon Handbooks
Bonus 3: Pilot’s Aeronautical Handbook $24
Grand Total Value:
But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…
Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.
In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.
I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?
I Couldn’t Make It Any Easier For You To Earn Your Wings & Start Flying …In Just 3 Easy Steps!
 Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.
  Go through all the 3 modules in the course and begin applying the concepts and lesson plans with your own personal one-on-one flight trainer.
  Attain your JAR/FAA license faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of…
It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think. Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…
But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?
Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.
You should already know that ATP flight schools charge at least $39K (39 thousand!) for flight lessons and groundschool classes. It is *sheer lunacy* to be paying that kind of money!
But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::
Kings School – “Get-It-All” Private Pilot DVD Kit – $597
Gleim Private Pilot Kit With Online Groundschool – $249.95
Jeppesen GFD Private Pilot Kit – $311.95
And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this.
Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for
NOT $673…
NOT $397…
NOT $297…
NOT $197…
NOT even $97…
Just A Measly ONE-TIME *$37* If You Act Now!
(This is a time-sensitive discount. I’m offering this for a limited time before it closes forever!)
Thats right. Your investment for the entire course is only $37. I’m only offering this for a limited time. And I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.
The regular price to the general public is $197 for the Complete Private Pilot Course. Your getting extreme value! This is the best $37 investment you’ll ever make into your dream. You won’t want to leave after you discover what’s inside waiting for you.
These systems will be sold independently to the public for $47 to $97 each , but you get it at a *DEEP* discount when you lock in your order today.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
That’s another reason why I’m offering this discounted price. I’m looking to mentor new students. In fact, after the discount period ends, I’ll likely raise the price to $697 or even higher.
Let Your Dreams Take Flight…
I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.
I can teach you everything you need to know quickly in a step-by-step system so you can start flying in the next month or less…
This is going to change everything for you.
That means
no more paying for expensive lessons and no more attending pricey flight schools. No matter where you are in your path to a pilot, this is what you need to leap to the next level of success.
Here’s How To Get Started Flying Today!
Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:
I’m ready and eager to start downloading CompletePilot course. By taking action today, I understand that:
You will grant me instant access. Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will give me immediate access to ALL your CompletePilot™ training modules, including groundschool courses, plus a total of over 350+ digital pages of illustrated flight manuals, handbooks, study guides and 3000 pages of JAA/FAA exam cheat sheets.
I’ll ALSO understand that I will be entitled to the bonuses if I order right now. The 3 bonus I’ll be getting are the Radio Telephony course and the Seaplane, Gilder, Pilot Aeronautical Manual & Balloon Flying Handbooks which retails for a total of over $250.00
By taking quick action today, I only pay a low investment of just $37. There are no renewals, no recurring fees, no other charges. So I don’t have to worry about my membership ever running out. I’m in for life! 
In addition, I understand that I will forfeit this introductory price and the bonuses if I do not purchase it now.
Plus there’s absolutely zero-risk to me because this is backed by a full 60 days 100% money-back guarantee
On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37
Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.  [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)
See you in the skies, Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, Flying Enthusiast
I will be selling all the videos, modules, training aids and course materials independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead (I have a whole lot of them). Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!
P.S. Remember…you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your package. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.
PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »
” Worth Every Cent. Best Course I’ve Ever Seen. “
“ The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.
Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!
Cindy Thelin New York, NY
Want To Learn How To Fly The Easy and Quick Way? This is THE Perfect Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…
By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.
Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…
So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37 Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.
 [ Click Here To Order Now ]
CompletePilot.com Bruce Hogan 4051 29th Ave. N St. Petersburg Florida 33713 United States
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Attention Flying Enthusiasts!
From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner
Date: Re: Soaring Like An Eagle… Dear Future Pilot,
I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…
My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.
Here’s the story:
I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.
We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!
One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.
Here’s What I’ve Accomplished:
At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!
I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.
I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.
I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,
Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !
I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)
I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.
I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.
And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)
And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….
” This Course Will Set A New Standard In The Field… “
“I’ve read numerous books on the subject of flight instruction, and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every respect.
This is the first course to provide the prospective or current student pilot a true “real world” perspective of what learning to fly is really all about.
The intuitive approach… combined with the crystal clear video explainations and difficult concepts, and literally the best illustrations and diagrams I have ever seen, serves to set this 2 DVD flight course apart from all others. This course will set a new standard in the field.
Michael Cruz Flight Instructor, L-39 type rating Everett, MA
Here’s the BIG problem:
Did you know that most student pilots spend thousands more than they need to and many times become frustrated with flight school owners and inexperienced flight instructors?
Do you know that many people will waste over $2000 when learning to fly because they were not properly guided by their flight instructor?
As a result many times students will not achieve their dream of learning to fly and getting their Private Pilot License because they ran out of money or just flat out got frustrated So what does this mean for you?
Get Your Pilot Training Done In 30 Days!
Well, luckily for you, getting your pilot’s license has become
a whole lot easier than it was when I got mine. There really is no excuse for not following your dream.
As such, I have spent 4 years to put together a comprehensive training course that will allow you to attain your pilot’s license in 30 days…
“The 30 Day Crash-Course To Attain Your Private Pilot License With The #1 Helicopter & Aircraft Flight Training System”
With the Private Pilot DVD Training Course, you get…
  Actual FAA & JAR exam study pack with 26,000 Q&As, private pilot syllabus tests plus free cheat sheets and study guides!
A complete helicopter and fixed wing private pilot course that consists of manuals, handbooks & groundschool training
  Comprehensive fixed-wing, flex-wing and helicopter pilot tutorial training manuals for JAA, FAA, JAR and CAA pilot training.
A ground school course with over 2000 illustrated pages of flight training manuals (you will be super-prepared before hitting the skies for your first time!)
With over 20 years in the aviation industry, I am a certified instructor who has taught hundreds if not thousands of people like you how to fly and how to get their pilot’s license.
That means I know
what it takes to prepare you for the rigorous tests the FAA, JAR or ATP flight school will put you through and I know what it takes for you to pass. Let me break it down for you:
This Complete Private Pilot Training Course is for you if…
You have always dreamed of learning how to fly but didn’t know where to begin (now you do)!
You want to test the waters and see what is involved with getting your pilot’s license before taking the plunge and spending thousands on overpriced flying schools!
You are determined to get your pilot’s license and want to make sure you have the best start possible!
You want to learn from a real, qualifed instructor with over 20 years experience!
You are currently in ATP flight school or a JAR or FAA private pilot license (PPL) student looking to get an edge.
The Complete Private Pilot Course Comes In 3 Modules Which Includes…
    Forget those expensive books and flight schools. Listen, no other private pilot course in the market is as comprehensive as this and this was one of the major reasons I created this course. These groundschool guides cover both helicopters and fixed-wing licences and it comes in an interactive CD format.
        For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school you will have full access to over $1000 worth of flight training manuals and handbooks. Compiled by professionals these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking your ground school training
        Ace your exam with this module! This is a behemoth of a package. Listen up, this module alone is worth $1297 if I sold each item individually. It contains over 3000 pages in all and it prepares you for every conceivable pilot exam you’ll ever take.
    This text will be replaced
You Will Be Guided “Step By Step” Through Your Private Pilot License Training
As a matter of fact, over the years I have seen many similarities with hundreds of students who were frustrated and looking for guidance.
So, I have put all my training materials, videos, checklists, handbooks, explanations and many flight training modules all together as I guide you step by step thru all the steps needed to obtain your private pilot license.
And here is exactly what you get inside the course…
For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school, you will have full access to:
Contains over 140 pages packed with essential flight training syllabus
Over 200 pages (17 Chapters) of a complete fixed-wing flight training handbook for pilots.
Complied by true professionals, these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking or consolidating your private pilot training.
These tutorials and guides have been prepared for:
Student pilots learning to fly
Pilots who are improving their qualifications
Flight instructors in the conduct of instruction for student pilots.
>> Click HERE To See All Topics for Private Pilot Handbook
>> Click HERE To See All Topics For Helicopter Training Manual
In preparing these handbooks, the objective was to provide progressive study material using basic terms and language aligned to pilot training at the elementary to the advanced level. A working knowledge of the information contained in  this manual will enable the student to receive maximum benefit from the air exercises.
But thats just for starters. Take a look at module 2 and 3 below…
Click To Get Instant Access Now
Module 2 : Private Pilot Groundschool Course “JAR & FAA Ground School Training”
This module is a fully up-to-date interactive JAR/UK and FAA/US PPL ground school interactive computer course.
(Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)
Interactive training groundschool course for JAR and FAA
Easy-to-learn course that allows you to study and revise at home “in your own time”
Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.
112 sub topics which can be printed and retained so that you can ‘tick off’ each component as it is studied
JAR & FAA UK/US Groundschool Private Pilot Training Course
This innovative, interactive and fully up to date, virtual online training programme contains the complete JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus.
Exciting 3D colour photos and diagrams to help  aid study and provide visual explanations
Simple to navigate menu that provides for quick cross referencing between subjects 
A “must-have” for aspiring pilots and anyone wanting to improve their general aviation knowledge.
Although predominantly aimed at fixed wing light aircraft such as the Cessna 152 this course will prove an asset to those seeking their microlight licence for both fixed and flexwing type aircraft.
It would also be a valuable resource for
single or multi-engine
aircraft, microlight, paramotor, paraglider, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, gyrocopter and balloon pilots wishing to improve their general aviation knowledge. 
What’s more, it contains the following tuition to help you pass your PPL Ground School exams:
Aviation Law
General Knowledge
Performance and Planning
Human Performance and Limitations
‘V’ Speed listing and overview
Classification of UK airspace
METAR/TAF abbreviations
Wind component tables
UK ATC frequencies
Conversion of units
Aircraft Checks
Jargon buster
Quite frankly, to buy the equivalent books would set you back hundreds of dollars, not to mention the bulk and weight of such books.
With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.
Once you know this stuff, you’ll be ready for the motherload of all resources I’ve talked about at the start of this letter…
Module 3 : EXAM GUIDES, Q&As, CHEAT SHEETS: “FAR/AIM, JAR, ATP Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Ground School, CFI Ground & Much More… “
This USX Global Aviation Pilot Ground School and JAR,JAA,FAA and ATP exam pack , test prep and all the references consists over 3000 pages in all.
Over 26,000 Questions and Answers Plus Test Questions
150+ exam guides to help you obtain your private pilot license easily and quickly.
Covers private pilots, commercial pilots, instructors & instruments ratings.
It is recommended by both the FAA & JAR to prepare for the Private Pilot Written Exam, the BiAnnual Flight Review, the FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam, the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam, and the Flight Instructor Knowledge Exam.
Included in this module are:
The latest Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
The latest Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
For Private Pilots:
Student Pilot Guide (FAA-H-8083-27A)
The latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Private Pilot Practical Test Standards
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25A)
Flight Training Handbook (AC 61-21A)
Pilot Controller Glossary
Medical Handbook for Pilots(AC67-2)
Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A)
Instrument Rating:
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15A)
Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-H-8261-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Commercial Pilot:
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Test Guide
Latest FAA Commercial Practical Test Standards
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Aeronautical Decision Making (AC 60-22)
Flight Instructor – Airplane:
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards
Aviation Instructor’s Handbook (FAA-H-8083-9A)
Stall and Spin Awareness Training (AC 61-67B)
Also Includes:
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Guides for the Recreational Pilot, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Questions for the Light Sport Pilot, Powered Parachute, Sport Pilot Instructor, ATP, and Flight Engineer
The Latest FAA Practical Test Standards for Private, Commercial, Instrument, ATP, CFI, CFII, Flight Engineer
and dozens of other FAA flight training publications!
This is a massive collection of feedback papers, test prep, exam annexes and essential reference materials containing more JAA ATPL/CPL, FAA exam questions and answers than any other package! You will find many of the questions contained in this package on the current real life exam papers!
As you can see nothing is left out here. You get INSTANT access to everything you need to fully prepare you for your first flight and virtually guarantee your success in learning to fly and getting your pilot’s license!
This is the “good stuff” that cuts right to the chase and shows you the complete path to attaining your private pilot license without the headaches and road blocks.
But thats not all. I’m not just giving you the four core modules.
I Don’t Need To Hear More… Download CompletePilot Course Right Away!
If you get in before I close the doors (which could be anytime), I’ll give you THREE special, time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with this even faster…
Time-Limited Bonus 1
: “Radio Telephony Course” ($79 Value)
The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.
It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.
 Here’s a small sample of what it covers..
Use of AIP and frequency selection
Microphone technique
Phonetic alphabet
Station/aeroplane/callsigns abbreviations
Transmission technique
Use of standard words and phrases
Listening out
Required ‘readback’ instructions
Use of phraseology
Radiotelephony examples
Click here to view all contents
There are more than 200 pages of current Radiotelephony information for the novice or experienced pilot. Approved by the CAA and containing the following concise chapters.
Click HERE To See FULL TOPICS for Radio Telephony Course
The stuff you’ll learn in these course will save you hundreds of dollars on “advice” that ends up not helping you at all.
Remember, I said three bonuses, not one. The second bonus is so unique that you’ll never find it anywhere else…
Time-Limited Bonus
2: “Seaplane, Gilder & Balloon Flying Handbooks” ($49 Value)
The seaplane, gilder and balloon flying handbooks retails for over $67 and it is included as a FREE Bonus if you order today. It is a fantastic education for recreational pilots.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll recieve..
Seaplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3)
Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)
Glider Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-13)
Guide To Thunderstorms (AC 00-24B)
If I sold these handbooks on their own, I’d charge $67 for them as a standalone product…and they’d still be a bargain.
And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning the Complete Private Pilot DVD Course, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all pilots. I wanted to sell this individually for $24.95 but to sweeten this deal, I’m going to give it to you!
Time-Limited Bonus 3
: “The Pilot’s Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge” ($24.95 Value)
Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.
This is also great for JAA, JAR pilots looking to broaden their flight knowledge.
 Subject Areas In This Book Includes..
Aircraft Structure
Principals of Flight
Aerodynamics of Flight
Flight Controls
Aircraft Systems
Flight Instruments
Flight Manuals
Weight And Balance
Aircraft Performance
Weather Theory
Weather Reports
Airport Operations
Aeromedical Factors
Aeronautical Decision Making
Click To Get Instant Access Now
“ But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Listen To What Others Are Saying… ”
My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.
But don’t just take my word for it…
listen to some of the testimonials below:
” Fresh, Thoughtful, Invaluable… “
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bruce on my private pilot test.
Bruce Hogan has not just the write stuff, but he’s a foremost expert at interactive education – a powerful and rare combination when it comes to aviation instruction.
This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.
Bruce’s private pilot course
is one of the best aviation investments you can make.
Graeme Beaver Reader’s Digest – Executive Editor CPA, Private Pilot Compton, CA
” A Must For Future Aviators! “
“Forget Jeppesen or Kings School, Bruce’s complete private pilot course will blow these courses away!
Clear, concise, and graphically superior to any other book on the market (and I have most of them). I am a commercial pilot working on my CFI and have found it even more useful the second time reading it. This ought to be the leading text for private pilots in the industry.
A must for a future Aviator!
Dr. Richard Ellis SAE S-7 Committee ATP Single & Multi Engine, CFI Single and Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane Lancashire, UK
“An Outstanding Resource!”
” I’ve had my hands on many textbooks on different subjects, but this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The full color photos and illustrations are very well done and relevant.
The PPL training content is thorough, but they also include little one page articles covering tidbits of aviation trivia and history that are entertaining. It’s the kind of book that you pick up to read a specific topic, but continue to read about other things that caught your eye along the way. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in getting a pilot’s license”!
John Rafferty Student Pilot, Career Firefighter Southside, AL
“Excellent Preparation For Pilots & Students…”
“I am a professional airline pilot, and log virtually all of my time in large, turbojet aircraft. I am also a current CFI, although I don’t frequently exercise my Instructor privileges in single engine aircraft.
Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.
It is very complete and provides easy to comprehend explanations (normally with useful diagrams, charts, or photographs) that make learning relatively painless. I highly recommend this course to any Private Pilot or Private Pilot candidate, or to any advanced pilot as a refresher of the basics.
Dr. Chris Kleinert Aviation Consultant Charleston, S
Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They represent professionals, amateurs, beginners and lifelong dreamers with the same passion and dreams that you have.
The only thing they did was to put their doubts aside… and give this course a try. For some of them, it cost several thousand dollars in personal lessons – and was worth every penny.
If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself just what it’s like to learn to fly faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and land that license that you’ve always dreamed of.
But I really don’t want you to trust me on that. In fact, I want you to be skeptical. That’s healthy. I’ll actually help you there, because I’m going to give you my personal promise…
My 60 Days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
PrivatePilotDVD Course has proven itself to thousands of happy customers and I proudly stand behind my product. Safely order today with our Iron-Clad Guarantee.
If, for any reason within 60 days (8 weeks) of purchase of this course you feel that the product is not for you, simply let me know and I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked.
As you can see, you have nothing to risk here.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!
I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.
My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…
Private Pilot 2 DVD Training Course: The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need
JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials
Flight Training Manual & Pilot’s Handbook $97 26,000 Q&As, Study Guides, Test Prep and Cheat Sheets For Private Pilots, Instructors, Instrument Rating, Commerical Pilots & More $127
Bonus 1: Radio Telephony Course
Bonus 2: Seaplane, Gilder, Balloon Handbooks
Bonus 3: Pilot’s Aeronautical Handbook $24
Grand Total Value:
But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…
Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.
In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.
I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?
I Couldn’t Make It Any Easier For You To Earn Your Wings & Start Flying …In Just 3 Easy Steps!
 Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.
  Go through all the 3 modules in the course and begin applying the concepts and lesson plans with your own personal one-on-one flight trainer.
  Attain your JAR/FAA license faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of…
It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think. Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…
But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?
Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.
You should already know that ATP flight schools charge at least $39K (39 thousand!) for flight lessons and groundschool classes. It is *sheer lunacy* to be paying that kind of money!
But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::
Kings School – “Get-It-All” Private Pilot DVD Kit – $597
Gleim Private Pilot Kit With Online Groundschool – $249.95
Jeppesen GFD Private Pilot Kit – $311.95
And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this.
Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for
NOT $673…
NOT $397…
NOT $297…
NOT $197…
NOT even $97…
Just A Measly ONE-TIME *$37* If You Act Now!
(This is a time-sensitive discount. I’m offering this for a limited time before it closes forever!)
Thats right. Your investment for the entire course is only $37. I’m only offering this for a limited time. And I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.
The regular price to the general public is $197 for the Complete Private Pilot Course. Your getting extreme value! This is the best $37 investment you’ll ever make into your dream. You won’t want to leave after you discover what’s inside waiting for you.
These systems will be sold independently to the public for $47 to $97 each , but you get it at a *DEEP* discount when you lock in your order today.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
That’s another reason why I’m offering this discounted price. I’m looking to mentor new students. In fact, after the discount period ends, I’ll likely raise the price to $697 or even higher.
Let Your Dreams Take Flight…
I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.
I can teach you everything you need to know quickly in a step-by-step system so you can start flying in the next month or less…
This is going to change everything for you.
That means
no more paying for expensive lessons and no more attending pricey flight schools. No matter where you are in your path to a pilot, this is what you need to leap to the next level of success.
Here’s How To Get Started Flying Today!
Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:
I’m ready and eager to start downloading CompletePilot course. By taking action today, I understand that:
You will grant me instant access. Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will give me immediate access to ALL your CompletePilot™ training modules, including groundschool courses, plus a total of over 350+ digital pages of illustrated flight manuals, handbooks, study guides and 3000 pages of JAA/FAA exam cheat sheets.
I’ll ALSO understand that I will be entitled to the bonuses if I order right now. The 3 bonus I’ll be getting are the Radio Telephony course and the Seaplane, Gilder, Pilot Aeronautical Manual & Balloon Flying Handbooks which retails for a total of over $250.00
By taking quick action today, I only pay a low investment of just $37. There are no renewals, no recurring fees, no other charges. So I don’t have to worry about my membership ever running out. I’m in for life! 
In addition, I understand that I will forfeit this introductory price and the bonuses if I do not purchase it now.
Plus there’s absolutely zero-risk to me because this is backed by a full 60 days 100% money-back guarantee
On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37
Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.  [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)
See you in the skies, Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, Flying Enthusiast
I will be selling all the videos, modules, training aids and course materials independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead (I have a whole lot of them). Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!
P.S. Remember…you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your package. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.
PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »
” Worth Every Cent. Best Course I’ve Ever Seen. “
“ The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.
Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!
Cindy Thelin New York, NY
Want To Learn How To Fly The Easy and Quick Way? This is THE Perfect Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…
By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.
Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…
So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37 Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.
 [ Click Here To Order Now ]
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Attention Flying Enthusiasts!
From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner
Date: Re: Soaring Like An Eagle… Dear Future Pilot,
I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…
My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.
Here’s the story:
I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.
We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!
One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.
Here’s What I’ve Accomplished:
At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!
I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.
I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.
I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,
Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !
I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)
I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.
I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.
And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)
And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….
” This Course Will Set A New Standard In The Field… “
“I’ve read numerous books on the subject of flight instruction, and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every respect.
This is the first course to provide the prospective or current student pilot a true “real world” perspective of what learning to fly is really all about.
The intuitive approach… combined with the crystal clear video explainations and difficult concepts, and literally the best illustrations and diagrams I have ever seen, serves to set this 2 DVD flight course apart from all others. This course will set a new standard in the field.
Michael Cruz Flight Instructor, L-39 type rating Everett, MA
Here’s the BIG problem:
Did you know that most student pilots spend thousands more than they need to and many times become frustrated with flight school owners and inexperienced flight instructors?
Do you know that many people will waste over $2000 when learning to fly because they were not properly guided by their flight instructor?
As a result many times students will not achieve their dream of learning to fly and getting their Private Pilot License because they ran out of money or just flat out got frustrated So what does this mean for you?
Get Your Pilot Training Done In 30 Days!
Well, luckily for you, getting your pilot’s license has become
a whole lot easier than it was when I got mine. There really is no excuse for not following your dream.
As such, I have spent 4 years to put together a comprehensive training course that will allow you to attain your pilot’s license in 30 days…
“The 30 Day Crash-Course To Attain Your Private Pilot License With The #1 Helicopter & Aircraft Flight Training System”
With the Private Pilot DVD Training Course, you get…
  Actual FAA & JAR exam study pack with 26,000 Q&As, private pilot syllabus tests plus free cheat sheets and study guides!
A complete helicopter and fixed wing private pilot course that consists of manuals, handbooks & groundschool training
  Comprehensive fixed-wing, flex-wing and helicopter pilot tutorial training manuals for JAA, FAA, JAR and CAA pilot training.
A ground school course with over 2000 illustrated pages of flight training manuals (you will be super-prepared before hitting the skies for your first time!)
With over 20 years in the aviation industry, I am a certified instructor who has taught hundreds if not thousands of people like you how to fly and how to get their pilot’s license.
That means I know
what it takes to prepare you for the rigorous tests the FAA, JAR or ATP flight school will put you through and I know what it takes for you to pass. Let me break it down for you:
This Complete Private Pilot Training Course is for you if…
You have always dreamed of learning how to fly but didn’t know where to begin (now you do)!
You want to test the waters and see what is involved with getting your pilot’s license before taking the plunge and spending thousands on overpriced flying schools!
You are determined to get your pilot’s license and want to make sure you have the best start possible!
You want to learn from a real, qualifed instructor with over 20 years experience!
You are currently in ATP flight school or a JAR or FAA private pilot license (PPL) student looking to get an edge.
The Complete Private Pilot Course Comes In 3 Modules Which Includes…
    Forget those expensive books and flight schools. Listen, no other private pilot course in the market is as comprehensive as this and this was one of the major reasons I created this course. These groundschool guides cover both helicopters and fixed-wing licences and it comes in an interactive CD format.
        For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school you will have full access to over $1000 worth of flight training manuals and handbooks. Compiled by professionals these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking your ground school training
        Ace your exam with this module! This is a behemoth of a package. Listen up, this module alone is worth $1297 if I sold each item individually. It contains over 3000 pages in all and it prepares you for every conceivable pilot exam you’ll ever take.
    This text will be replaced
You Will Be Guided “Step By Step” Through Your Private Pilot License Training
As a matter of fact, over the years I have seen many similarities with hundreds of students who were frustrated and looking for guidance.
So, I have put all my training materials, videos, checklists, handbooks, explanations and many flight training modules all together as I guide you step by step thru all the steps needed to obtain your private pilot license.
And here is exactly what you get inside the course…
For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school, you will have full access to:
Contains over 140 pages packed with essential flight training syllabus
Over 200 pages (17 Chapters) of a complete fixed-wing flight training handbook for pilots.
Complied by true professionals, these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking or consolidating your private pilot training.
These tutorials and guides have been prepared for:
Student pilots learning to fly
Pilots who are improving their qualifications
Flight instructors in the conduct of instruction for student pilots.
>> Click HERE To See All Topics for Private Pilot Handbook
>> Click HERE To See All Topics For Helicopter Training Manual
In preparing these handbooks, the objective was to provide progressive study material using basic terms and language aligned to pilot training at the elementary to the advanced level. A working knowledge of the information contained in  this manual will enable the student to receive maximum benefit from the air exercises.
But thats just for starters. Take a look at module 2 and 3 below…
Click To Get Instant Access Now
Module 2 : Private Pilot Groundschool Course “JAR & FAA Ground School Training”
This module is a fully up-to-date interactive JAR/UK and FAA/US PPL ground school interactive computer course.
(Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)
Interactive training groundschool course for JAR and FAA
Easy-to-learn course that allows you to study and revise at home “in your own time”
Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.
112 sub topics which can be printed and retained so that you can ‘tick off’ each component as it is studied
JAR & FAA UK/US Groundschool Private Pilot Training Course
This innovative, interactive and fully up to date, virtual online training programme contains the complete JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus.
Exciting 3D colour photos and diagrams to help  aid study and provide visual explanations
Simple to navigate menu that provides for quick cross referencing between subjects 
A “must-have” for aspiring pilots and anyone wanting to improve their general aviation knowledge.
Although predominantly aimed at fixed wing light aircraft such as the Cessna 152 this course will prove an asset to those seeking their microlight licence for both fixed and flexwing type aircraft.
It would also be a valuable resource for
single or multi-engine
aircraft, microlight, paramotor, paraglider, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, gyrocopter and balloon pilots wishing to improve their general aviation knowledge. 
What’s more, it contains the following tuition to help you pass your PPL Ground School exams:
Aviation Law
General Knowledge
Performance and Planning
Human Performance and Limitations
‘V’ Speed listing and overview
Classification of UK airspace
METAR/TAF abbreviations
Wind component tables
UK ATC frequencies
Conversion of units
Aircraft Checks
Jargon buster
Quite frankly, to buy the equivalent books would set you back hundreds of dollars, not to mention the bulk and weight of such books.
With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.
Once you know this stuff, you’ll be ready for the motherload of all resources I’ve talked about at the start of this letter…
Module 3 : EXAM GUIDES, Q&As, CHEAT SHEETS: “FAR/AIM, JAR, ATP Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Ground School, CFI Ground & Much More… “
This USX Global Aviation Pilot Ground School and JAR,JAA,FAA and ATP exam pack , test prep and all the references consists over 3000 pages in all.
Over 26,000 Questions and Answers Plus Test Questions
150+ exam guides to help you obtain your private pilot license easily and quickly.
Covers private pilots, commercial pilots, instructors & instruments ratings.
It is recommended by both the FAA & JAR to prepare for the Private Pilot Written Exam, the BiAnnual Flight Review, the FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam, the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam, and the Flight Instructor Knowledge Exam.
Included in this module are:
The latest Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
The latest Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
For Private Pilots:
Student Pilot Guide (FAA-H-8083-27A)
The latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Private Pilot Practical Test Standards
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25A)
Flight Training Handbook (AC 61-21A)
Pilot Controller Glossary
Medical Handbook for Pilots(AC67-2)
Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A)
Instrument Rating:
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15A)
Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-H-8261-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Commercial Pilot:
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Test Guide
Latest FAA Commercial Practical Test Standards
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Aeronautical Decision Making (AC 60-22)
Flight Instructor – Airplane:
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards
Aviation Instructor’s Handbook (FAA-H-8083-9A)
Stall and Spin Awareness Training (AC 61-67B)
Also Includes:
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Guides for the Recreational Pilot, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Questions for the Light Sport Pilot, Powered Parachute, Sport Pilot Instructor, ATP, and Flight Engineer
The Latest FAA Practical Test Standards for Private, Commercial, Instrument, ATP, CFI, CFII, Flight Engineer
and dozens of other FAA flight training publications!
This is a massive collection of feedback papers, test prep, exam annexes and essential reference materials containing more JAA ATPL/CPL, FAA exam questions and answers than any other package! You will find many of the questions contained in this package on the current real life exam papers!
As you can see nothing is left out here. You get INSTANT access to everything you need to fully prepare you for your first flight and virtually guarantee your success in learning to fly and getting your pilot’s license!
This is the “good stuff” that cuts right to the chase and shows you the complete path to attaining your private pilot license without the headaches and road blocks.
But thats not all. I’m not just giving you the four core modules.
I Don’t Need To Hear More… Download CompletePilot Course Right Away!
If you get in before I close the doors (which could be anytime), I’ll give you THREE special, time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with this even faster…
Time-Limited Bonus 1
: “Radio Telephony Course” ($79 Value)
The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.
It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.
 Here’s a small sample of what it covers..
Use of AIP and frequency selection
Microphone technique
Phonetic alphabet
Station/aeroplane/callsigns abbreviations
Transmission technique
Use of standard words and phrases
Listening out
Required ‘readback’ instructions
Use of phraseology
Radiotelephony examples
Click here to view all contents
There are more than 200 pages of current Radiotelephony information for the novice or experienced pilot. Approved by the CAA and containing the following concise chapters.
Click HERE To See FULL TOPICS for Radio Telephony Course
The stuff you’ll learn in these course will save you hundreds of dollars on “advice” that ends up not helping you at all.
Remember, I said three bonuses, not one. The second bonus is so unique that you’ll never find it anywhere else…
Time-Limited Bonus
2: “Seaplane, Gilder & Balloon Flying Handbooks” ($49 Value)
The seaplane, gilder and balloon flying handbooks retails for over $67 and it is included as a FREE Bonus if you order today. It is a fantastic education for recreational pilots.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll recieve..
Seaplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3)
Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)
Glider Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-13)
Guide To Thunderstorms (AC 00-24B)
If I sold these handbooks on their own, I’d charge $67 for them as a standalone product…and they’d still be a bargain.
And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning the Complete Private Pilot DVD Course, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all pilots. I wanted to sell this individually for $24.95 but to sweeten this deal, I’m going to give it to you!
Time-Limited Bonus 3
: “The Pilot’s Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge” ($24.95 Value)
Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.
This is also great for JAA, JAR pilots looking to broaden their flight knowledge.
 Subject Areas In This Book Includes..
Aircraft Structure
Principals of Flight
Aerodynamics of Flight
Flight Controls
Aircraft Systems
Flight Instruments
Flight Manuals
Weight And Balance
Aircraft Performance
Weather Theory
Weather Reports
Airport Operations
Aeromedical Factors
Aeronautical Decision Making
Click To Get Instant Access Now
“ But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Listen To What Others Are Saying… ”
My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.
But don’t just take my word for it…
listen to some of the testimonials below:
” Fresh, Thoughtful, Invaluable… “
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bruce on my private pilot test.
Bruce Hogan has not just the write stuff, but he’s a foremost expert at interactive education – a powerful and rare combination when it comes to aviation instruction.
This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.
Bruce’s private pilot course
is one of the best aviation investments you can make.
Graeme Beaver Reader’s Digest – Executive Editor CPA, Private Pilot Compton, CA
” A Must For Future Aviators! “
“Forget Jeppesen or Kings School, Bruce’s complete private pilot course will blow these courses away!
Clear, concise, and graphically superior to any other book on the market (and I have most of them). I am a commercial pilot working on my CFI and have found it even more useful the second time reading it. This ought to be the leading text for private pilots in the industry.
A must for a future Aviator!
Dr. Richard Ellis SAE S-7 Committee ATP Single & Multi Engine, CFI Single and Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane Lancashire, UK
“An Outstanding Resource!”
” I’ve had my hands on many textbooks on different subjects, but this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The full color photos and illustrations are very well done and relevant.
The PPL training content is thorough, but they also include little one page articles covering tidbits of aviation trivia and history that are entertaining. It’s the kind of book that you pick up to read a specific topic, but continue to read about other things that caught your eye along the way. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in getting a pilot’s license”!
John Rafferty Student Pilot, Career Firefighter Southside, AL
“Excellent Preparation For Pilots & Students…”
“I am a professional airline pilot, and log virtually all of my time in large, turbojet aircraft. I am also a current CFI, although I don’t frequently exercise my Instructor privileges in single engine aircraft.
Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.
It is very complete and provides easy to comprehend explanations (normally with useful diagrams, charts, or photographs) that make learning relatively painless. I highly recommend this course to any Private Pilot or Private Pilot candidate, or to any advanced pilot as a refresher of the basics.
Dr. Chris Kleinert Aviation Consultant Charleston, S
Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They represent professionals, amateurs, beginners and lifelong dreamers with the same passion and dreams that you have.
The only thing they did was to put their doubts aside… and give this course a try. For some of them, it cost several thousand dollars in personal lessons – and was worth every penny.
If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself just what it’s like to learn to fly faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and land that license that you’ve always dreamed of.
But I really don’t want you to trust me on that. In fact, I want you to be skeptical. That’s healthy. I’ll actually help you there, because I’m going to give you my personal promise…
My 60 Days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
PrivatePilotDVD Course has proven itself to thousands of happy customers and I proudly stand behind my product. Safely order today with our Iron-Clad Guarantee.
If, for any reason within 60 days (8 weeks) of purchase of this course you feel that the product is not for you, simply let me know and I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked.
As you can see, you have nothing to risk here.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!
I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.
My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…
Private Pilot 2 DVD Training Course: The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need
JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials
Flight Training Manual & Pilot’s Handbook $97 26,000 Q&As, Study Guides, Test Prep and Cheat Sheets For Private Pilots, Instructors, Instrument Rating, Commerical Pilots & More $127
Bonus 1: Radio Telephony Course
Bonus 2: Seaplane, Gilder, Balloon Handbooks
Bonus 3: Pilot’s Aeronautical Handbook $24
Grand Total Value:
But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…
Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.
In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.
I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?
I Couldn’t Make It Any Easier For You To Earn Your Wings & Start Flying …In Just 3 Easy Steps!
 Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.
  Go through all the 3 modules in the course and begin applying the concepts and lesson plans with your own personal one-on-one flight trainer.
  Attain your JAR/FAA license faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of…
It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think. Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…
But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?
Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.
You should already know that ATP flight schools charge at least $39K (39 thousand!) for flight lessons and groundschool classes. It is *sheer lunacy* to be paying that kind of money!
But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::
Kings School – “Get-It-All” Private Pilot DVD Kit – $597
Gleim Private Pilot Kit With Online Groundschool – $249.95
Jeppesen GFD Private Pilot Kit – $311.95
And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this.
Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for
NOT $673…
NOT $397…
NOT $297…
NOT $197…
NOT even $97…
Just A Measly ONE-TIME *$37* If You Act Now!
(This is a time-sensitive discount. I’m offering this for a limited time before it closes forever!)
Thats right. Your investment for the entire course is only $37. I’m only offering this for a limited time. And I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.
The regular price to the general public is $197 for the Complete Private Pilot Course. Your getting extreme value! This is the best $37 investment you’ll ever make into your dream. You won’t want to leave after you discover what’s inside waiting for you.
These systems will be sold independently to the public for $47 to $97 each , but you get it at a *DEEP* discount when you lock in your order today.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
That’s another reason why I’m offering this discounted price. I’m looking to mentor new students. In fact, after the discount period ends, I’ll likely raise the price to $697 or even higher.
Let Your Dreams Take Flight…
I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.
I can teach you everything you need to know quickly in a step-by-step system so you can start flying in the next month or less…
This is going to change everything for you.
That means
no more paying for expensive lessons and no more attending pricey flight schools. No matter where you are in your path to a pilot, this is what you need to leap to the next level of success.
Here’s How To Get Started Flying Today!
Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:
I’m ready and eager to start downloading CompletePilot course. By taking action today, I understand that:
You will grant me instant access. Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will give me immediate access to ALL your CompletePilot™ training modules, including groundschool courses, plus a total of over 350+ digital pages of illustrated flight manuals, handbooks, study guides and 3000 pages of JAA/FAA exam cheat sheets.
I’ll ALSO understand that I will be entitled to the bonuses if I order right now. The 3 bonus I’ll be getting are the Radio Telephony course and the Seaplane, Gilder, Pilot Aeronautical Manual & Balloon Flying Handbooks which retails for a total of over $250.00
By taking quick action today, I only pay a low investment of just $37. There are no renewals, no recurring fees, no other charges. So I don’t have to worry about my membership ever running out. I’m in for life! 
In addition, I understand that I will forfeit this introductory price and the bonuses if I do not purchase it now.
Plus there’s absolutely zero-risk to me because this is backed by a full 60 days 100% money-back guarantee
On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37
Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.  [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)
See you in the skies, Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, Flying Enthusiast
I will be selling all the videos, modules, training aids and course materials independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead (I have a whole lot of them). Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!
P.S. Remember…you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your package. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.
PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »
” Worth Every Cent. Best Course I’ve Ever Seen. “
“ The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.
Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!
Cindy Thelin New York, NY
Want To Learn How To Fly The Easy and Quick Way? This is THE Perfect Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…
By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.
Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…
So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37 Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.
 [ Click Here To Order Now ]
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Attention Flying Enthusiasts!
From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner
Date: Re: Soaring Like An Eagle… Dear Future Pilot,
I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…
My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.
Here’s the story:
I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.
We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!
One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.
Here’s What I’ve Accomplished:
At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!
I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.
I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.
I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,
Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !
I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)
I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.
I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.
And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)
And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….
” This Course Will Set A New Standard In The Field… “
“I’ve read numerous books on the subject of flight instruction, and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every respect.
This is the first course to provide the prospective or current student pilot a true “real world” perspective of what learning to fly is really all about.
The intuitive approach… combined with the crystal clear video explainations and difficult concepts, and literally the best illustrations and diagrams I have ever seen, serves to set this 2 DVD flight course apart from all others. This course will set a new standard in the field.
Michael Cruz Flight Instructor, L-39 type rating Everett, MA
Here’s the BIG problem:
Did you know that most student pilots spend thousands more than they need to and many times become frustrated with flight school owners and inexperienced flight instructors?
Do you know that many people will waste over $2000 when learning to fly because they were not properly guided by their flight instructor?
As a result many times students will not achieve their dream of learning to fly and getting their Private Pilot License because they ran out of money or just flat out got frustrated So what does this mean for you?
Get Your Pilot Training Done In 30 Days!
Well, luckily for you, getting your pilot’s license has become
a whole lot easier than it was when I got mine. There really is no excuse for not following your dream.
As such, I have spent 4 years to put together a comprehensive training course that will allow you to attain your pilot’s license in 30 days…
“The 30 Day Crash-Course To Attain Your Private Pilot License With The #1 Helicopter & Aircraft Flight Training System”
With the Private Pilot DVD Training Course, you get…
  Actual FAA & JAR exam study pack with 26,000 Q&As, private pilot syllabus tests plus free cheat sheets and study guides!
A complete helicopter and fixed wing private pilot course that consists of manuals, handbooks & groundschool training
  Comprehensive fixed-wing, flex-wing and helicopter pilot tutorial training manuals for JAA, FAA, JAR and CAA pilot training.
A ground school course with over 2000 illustrated pages of flight training manuals (you will be super-prepared before hitting the skies for your first time!)
With over 20 years in the aviation industry, I am a certified instructor who has taught hundreds if not thousands of people like you how to fly and how to get their pilot’s license.
That means I know
what it takes to prepare you for the rigorous tests the FAA, JAR or ATP flight school will put you through and I know what it takes for you to pass. Let me break it down for you:
This Complete Private Pilot Training Course is for you if…
You have always dreamed of learning how to fly but didn’t know where to begin (now you do)!
You want to test the waters and see what is involved with getting your pilot’s license before taking the plunge and spending thousands on overpriced flying schools!
You are determined to get your pilot’s license and want to make sure you have the best start possible!
You want to learn from a real, qualifed instructor with over 20 years experience!
You are currently in ATP flight school or a JAR or FAA private pilot license (PPL) student looking to get an edge.
The Complete Private Pilot Course Comes In 3 Modules Which Includes…
    Forget those expensive books and flight schools. Listen, no other private pilot course in the market is as comprehensive as this and this was one of the major reasons I created this course. These groundschool guides cover both helicopters and fixed-wing licences and it comes in an interactive CD format.
        For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school you will have full access to over $1000 worth of flight training manuals and handbooks. Compiled by professionals these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking your ground school training
        Ace your exam with this module! This is a behemoth of a package. Listen up, this module alone is worth $1297 if I sold each item individually. It contains over 3000 pages in all and it prepares you for every conceivable pilot exam you’ll ever take.
    This text will be replaced
You Will Be Guided “Step By Step” Through Your Private Pilot License Training
As a matter of fact, over the years I have seen many similarities with hundreds of students who were frustrated and looking for guidance.
So, I have put all my training materials, videos, checklists, handbooks, explanations and many flight training modules all together as I guide you step by step thru all the steps needed to obtain your private pilot license.
And here is exactly what you get inside the course…
For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school, you will have full access to:
Contains over 140 pages packed with essential flight training syllabus
Over 200 pages (17 Chapters) of a complete fixed-wing flight training handbook for pilots.
Complied by true professionals, these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking or consolidating your private pilot training.
These tutorials and guides have been prepared for:
Student pilots learning to fly
Pilots who are improving their qualifications
Flight instructors in the conduct of instruction for student pilots.
>> Click HERE To See All Topics for Private Pilot Handbook
>> Click HERE To See All Topics For Helicopter Training Manual
In preparing these handbooks, the objective was to provide progressive study material using basic terms and language aligned to pilot training at the elementary to the advanced level. A working knowledge of the information contained in  this manual will enable the student to receive maximum benefit from the air exercises.
But thats just for starters. Take a look at module 2 and 3 below…
Click To Get Instant Access Now
Module 2 : Private Pilot Groundschool Course “JAR & FAA Ground School Training”
This module is a fully up-to-date interactive JAR/UK and FAA/US PPL ground school interactive computer course.
(Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)
Interactive training groundschool course for JAR and FAA
Easy-to-learn course that allows you to study and revise at home “in your own time”
Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.
112 sub topics which can be printed and retained so that you can ‘tick off’ each component as it is studied
JAR & FAA UK/US Groundschool Private Pilot Training Course
This innovative, interactive and fully up to date, virtual online training programme contains the complete JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus.
Exciting 3D colour photos and diagrams to help  aid study and provide visual explanations
Simple to navigate menu that provides for quick cross referencing between subjects 
A “must-have” for aspiring pilots and anyone wanting to improve their general aviation knowledge.
Although predominantly aimed at fixed wing light aircraft such as the Cessna 152 this course will prove an asset to those seeking their microlight licence for both fixed and flexwing type aircraft.
It would also be a valuable resource for
single or multi-engine
aircraft, microlight, paramotor, paraglider, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, gyrocopter and balloon pilots wishing to improve their general aviation knowledge. 
What’s more, it contains the following tuition to help you pass your PPL Ground School exams:
Aviation Law
General Knowledge
Performance and Planning
Human Performance and Limitations
‘V’ Speed listing and overview
Classification of UK airspace
METAR/TAF abbreviations
Wind component tables
UK ATC frequencies
Conversion of units
Aircraft Checks
Jargon buster
Quite frankly, to buy the equivalent books would set you back hundreds of dollars, not to mention the bulk and weight of such books.
With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.
Once you know this stuff, you’ll be ready for the motherload of all resources I’ve talked about at the start of this letter…
Module 3 : EXAM GUIDES, Q&As, CHEAT SHEETS: “FAR/AIM, JAR, ATP Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Ground School, CFI Ground & Much More… “
This USX Global Aviation Pilot Ground School and JAR,JAA,FAA and ATP exam pack , test prep and all the references consists over 3000 pages in all.
Over 26,000 Questions and Answers Plus Test Questions
150+ exam guides to help you obtain your private pilot license easily and quickly.
Covers private pilots, commercial pilots, instructors & instruments ratings.
It is recommended by both the FAA & JAR to prepare for the Private Pilot Written Exam, the BiAnnual Flight Review, the FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam, the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam, and the Flight Instructor Knowledge Exam.
Included in this module are:
The latest Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
The latest Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
For Private Pilots:
Student Pilot Guide (FAA-H-8083-27A)
The latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Private Pilot Practical Test Standards
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25A)
Flight Training Handbook (AC 61-21A)
Pilot Controller Glossary
Medical Handbook for Pilots(AC67-2)
Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A)
Instrument Rating:
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15A)
Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-H-8261-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Commercial Pilot:
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Test Guide
Latest FAA Commercial Practical Test Standards
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Aeronautical Decision Making (AC 60-22)
Flight Instructor – Airplane:
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards
Aviation Instructor’s Handbook (FAA-H-8083-9A)
Stall and Spin Awareness Training (AC 61-67B)
Also Includes:
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Guides for the Recreational Pilot, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Questions for the Light Sport Pilot, Powered Parachute, Sport Pilot Instructor, ATP, and Flight Engineer
The Latest FAA Practical Test Standards for Private, Commercial, Instrument, ATP, CFI, CFII, Flight Engineer
and dozens of other FAA flight training publications!
This is a massive collection of feedback papers, test prep, exam annexes and essential reference materials containing more JAA ATPL/CPL, FAA exam questions and answers than any other package! You will find many of the questions contained in this package on the current real life exam papers!
As you can see nothing is left out here. You get INSTANT access to everything you need to fully prepare you for your first flight and virtually guarantee your success in learning to fly and getting your pilot’s license!
This is the “good stuff” that cuts right to the chase and shows you the complete path to attaining your private pilot license without the headaches and road blocks.
But thats not all. I’m not just giving you the four core modules.
I Don’t Need To Hear More… Download CompletePilot Course Right Away!
If you get in before I close the doors (which could be anytime), I’ll give you THREE special, time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with this even faster…
Time-Limited Bonus 1
: “Radio Telephony Course” ($79 Value)
The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.
It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.
 Here’s a small sample of what it covers..
Use of AIP and frequency selection
Microphone technique
Phonetic alphabet
Station/aeroplane/callsigns abbreviations
Transmission technique
Use of standard words and phrases
Listening out
Required ‘readback’ instructions
Use of phraseology
Radiotelephony examples
Click here to view all contents
There are more than 200 pages of current Radiotelephony information for the novice or experienced pilot. Approved by the CAA and containing the following concise chapters.
Click HERE To See FULL TOPICS for Radio Telephony Course
The stuff you’ll learn in these course will save you hundreds of dollars on “advice” that ends up not helping you at all.
Remember, I said three bonuses, not one. The second bonus is so unique that you’ll never find it anywhere else…
Time-Limited Bonus
2: “Seaplane, Gilder & Balloon Flying Handbooks” ($49 Value)
The seaplane, gilder and balloon flying handbooks retails for over $67 and it is included as a FREE Bonus if you order today. It is a fantastic education for recreational pilots.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll recieve..
Seaplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3)
Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)
Glider Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-13)
Guide To Thunderstorms (AC 00-24B)
If I sold these handbooks on their own, I’d charge $67 for them as a standalone product…and they’d still be a bargain.
And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning the Complete Private Pilot DVD Course, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all pilots. I wanted to sell this individually for $24.95 but to sweeten this deal, I’m going to give it to you!
Time-Limited Bonus 3
: “The Pilot’s Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge” ($24.95 Value)
Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.
This is also great for JAA, JAR pilots looking to broaden their flight knowledge.
 Subject Areas In This Book Includes..
Aircraft Structure
Principals of Flight
Aerodynamics of Flight
Flight Controls
Aircraft Systems
Flight Instruments
Flight Manuals
Weight And Balance
Aircraft Performance
Weather Theory
Weather Reports
Airport Operations
Aeromedical Factors
Aeronautical Decision Making
Click To Get Instant Access Now
“ But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Listen To What Others Are Saying… ”
My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.
But don’t just take my word for it…
listen to some of the testimonials below:
” Fresh, Thoughtful, Invaluable… “
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bruce on my private pilot test.
Bruce Hogan has not just the write stuff, but he’s a foremost expert at interactive education – a powerful and rare combination when it comes to aviation instruction.
This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.
Bruce’s private pilot course
is one of the best aviation investments you can make.
Graeme Beaver Reader’s Digest – Executive Editor CPA, Private Pilot Compton, CA
” A Must For Future Aviators! “
“Forget Jeppesen or Kings School, Bruce’s complete private pilot course will blow these courses away!
Clear, concise, and graphically superior to any other book on the market (and I have most of them). I am a commercial pilot working on my CFI and have found it even more useful the second time reading it. This ought to be the leading text for private pilots in the industry.
A must for a future Aviator!
Dr. Richard Ellis SAE S-7 Committee ATP Single & Multi Engine, CFI Single and Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane Lancashire, UK
“An Outstanding Resource!”
” I’ve had my hands on many textbooks on different subjects, but this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The full color photos and illustrations are very well done and relevant.
The PPL training content is thorough, but they also include little one page articles covering tidbits of aviation trivia and history that are entertaining. It’s the kind of book that you pick up to read a specific topic, but continue to read about other things that caught your eye along the way. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in getting a pilot’s license”!
John Rafferty Student Pilot, Career Firefighter Southside, AL
“Excellent Preparation For Pilots & Students…”
“I am a professional airline pilot, and log virtually all of my time in large, turbojet aircraft. I am also a current CFI, although I don’t frequently exercise my Instructor privileges in single engine aircraft.
Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.
It is very complete and provides easy to comprehend explanations (normally with useful diagrams, charts, or photographs) that make learning relatively painless. I highly recommend this course to any Private Pilot or Private Pilot candidate, or to any advanced pilot as a refresher of the basics.
Dr. Chris Kleinert Aviation Consultant Charleston, S
Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They represent professionals, amateurs, beginners and lifelong dreamers with the same passion and dreams that you have.
The only thing they did was to put their doubts aside… and give this course a try. For some of them, it cost several thousand dollars in personal lessons – and was worth every penny.
If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself just what it’s like to learn to fly faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and land that license that you’ve always dreamed of.
But I really don’t want you to trust me on that. In fact, I want you to be skeptical. That’s healthy. I’ll actually help you there, because I’m going to give you my personal promise…
My 60 Days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
PrivatePilotDVD Course has proven itself to thousands of happy customers and I proudly stand behind my product. Safely order today with our Iron-Clad Guarantee.
If, for any reason within 60 days (8 weeks) of purchase of this course you feel that the product is not for you, simply let me know and I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked.
As you can see, you have nothing to risk here.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!
I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.
My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…
Private Pilot 2 DVD Training Course: The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need
JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials
Flight Training Manual & Pilot’s Handbook $97 26,000 Q&As, Study Guides, Test Prep and Cheat Sheets For Private Pilots, Instructors, Instrument Rating, Commerical Pilots & More $127
Bonus 1: Radio Telephony Course
Bonus 2: Seaplane, Gilder, Balloon Handbooks
Bonus 3: Pilot’s Aeronautical Handbook $24
Grand Total Value:
But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…
Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.
In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.
I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?
I Couldn’t Make It Any Easier For You To Earn Your Wings & Start Flying …In Just 3 Easy Steps!
 Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.
  Go through all the 3 modules in the course and begin applying the concepts and lesson plans with your own personal one-on-one flight trainer.
  Attain your JAR/FAA license faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of…
It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think. Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…
But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?
Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.
You should already know that ATP flight schools charge at least $39K (39 thousand!) for flight lessons and groundschool classes. It is *sheer lunacy* to be paying that kind of money!
But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::
Kings School – “Get-It-All” Private Pilot DVD Kit – $597
Gleim Private Pilot Kit With Online Groundschool – $249.95
Jeppesen GFD Private Pilot Kit – $311.95
And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this.
Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for
NOT $673…
NOT $397…
NOT $297…
NOT $197…
NOT even $97…
Just A Measly ONE-TIME *$37* If You Act Now!
(This is a time-sensitive discount. I’m offering this for a limited time before it closes forever!)
Thats right. Your investment for the entire course is only $37. I’m only offering this for a limited time. And I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.
The regular price to the general public is $197 for the Complete Private Pilot Course. Your getting extreme value! This is the best $37 investment you’ll ever make into your dream. You won’t want to leave after you discover what’s inside waiting for you.
These systems will be sold independently to the public for $47 to $97 each , but you get it at a *DEEP* discount when you lock in your order today.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
That’s another reason why I’m offering this discounted price. I’m looking to mentor new students. In fact, after the discount period ends, I’ll likely raise the price to $697 or even higher.
Let Your Dreams Take Flight…
I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.
I can teach you everything you need to know quickly in a step-by-step system so you can start flying in the next month or less…
This is going to change everything for you.
That means
no more paying for expensive lessons and no more attending pricey flight schools. No matter where you are in your path to a pilot, this is what you need to leap to the next level of success.
Here’s How To Get Started Flying Today!
Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:
I’m ready and eager to start downloading CompletePilot course. By taking action today, I understand that:
You will grant me instant access. Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will give me immediate access to ALL your CompletePilot™ training modules, including groundschool courses, plus a total of over 350+ digital pages of illustrated flight manuals, handbooks, study guides and 3000 pages of JAA/FAA exam cheat sheets.
I’ll ALSO understand that I will be entitled to the bonuses if I order right now. The 3 bonus I’ll be getting are the Radio Telephony course and the Seaplane, Gilder, Pilot Aeronautical Manual & Balloon Flying Handbooks which retails for a total of over $250.00
By taking quick action today, I only pay a low investment of just $37. There are no renewals, no recurring fees, no other charges. So I don’t have to worry about my membership ever running out. I’m in for life! 
In addition, I understand that I will forfeit this introductory price and the bonuses if I do not purchase it now.
Plus there’s absolutely zero-risk to me because this is backed by a full 60 days 100% money-back guarantee
On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37
Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.  [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)
See you in the skies, Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, Flying Enthusiast
I will be selling all the videos, modules, training aids and course materials independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead (I have a whole lot of them). Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!
P.S. Remember…you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your package. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.
PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »
” Worth Every Cent. Best Course I’ve Ever Seen. “
“ The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.
Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!
Cindy Thelin New York, NY
Want To Learn How To Fly The Easy and Quick Way? This is THE Perfect Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…
By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.
Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…
So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37 Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.
 [ Click Here To Order Now ]
CompletePilot.com Bruce Hogan 4051 29th Ave. N St. Petersburg Florida 33713 United States
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Attention Flying Enthusiasts!
From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner
Date: Re: Soaring Like An Eagle… Dear Future Pilot,
I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…
My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.
Here’s the story:
I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.
We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!
One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.
Here’s What I’ve Accomplished:
At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!
I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.
I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.
I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,
Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !
I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)
I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.
I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.
And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)
And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….
” This Course Will Set A New Standard In The Field… “
“I’ve read numerous books on the subject of flight instruction, and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every respect.
This is the first course to provide the prospective or current student pilot a true “real world” perspective of what learning to fly is really all about.
The intuitive approach… combined with the crystal clear video explainations and difficult concepts, and literally the best illustrations and diagrams I have ever seen, serves to set this 2 DVD flight course apart from all others. This course will set a new standard in the field.
Michael Cruz Flight Instructor, L-39 type rating Everett, MA
Here’s the BIG problem:
Did you know that most student pilots spend thousands more than they need to and many times become frustrated with flight school owners and inexperienced flight instructors?
Do you know that many people will waste over $2000 when learning to fly because they were not properly guided by their flight instructor?
As a result many times students will not achieve their dream of learning to fly and getting their Private Pilot License because they ran out of money or just flat out got frustrated So what does this mean for you?
Get Your Pilot Training Done In 30 Days!
Well, luckily for you, getting your pilot’s license has become
a whole lot easier than it was when I got mine. There really is no excuse for not following your dream.
As such, I have spent 4 years to put together a comprehensive training course that will allow you to attain your pilot’s license in 30 days…
“The 30 Day Crash-Course To Attain Your Private Pilot License With The #1 Helicopter & Aircraft Flight Training System”
With the Private Pilot DVD Training Course, you get…
  Actual FAA & JAR exam study pack with 26,000 Q&As, private pilot syllabus tests plus free cheat sheets and study guides!
A complete helicopter and fixed wing private pilot course that consists of manuals, handbooks & groundschool training
  Comprehensive fixed-wing, flex-wing and helicopter pilot tutorial training manuals for JAA, FAA, JAR and CAA pilot training.
A ground school course with over 2000 illustrated pages of flight training manuals (you will be super-prepared before hitting the skies for your first time!)
With over 20 years in the aviation industry, I am a certified instructor who has taught hundreds if not thousands of people like you how to fly and how to get their pilot’s license.
That means I know
what it takes to prepare you for the rigorous tests the FAA, JAR or ATP flight school will put you through and I know what it takes for you to pass. Let me break it down for you:
This Complete Private Pilot Training Course is for you if…
You have always dreamed of learning how to fly but didn’t know where to begin (now you do)!
You want to test the waters and see what is involved with getting your pilot’s license before taking the plunge and spending thousands on overpriced flying schools!
You are determined to get your pilot’s license and want to make sure you have the best start possible!
You want to learn from a real, qualifed instructor with over 20 years experience!
You are currently in ATP flight school or a JAR or FAA private pilot license (PPL) student looking to get an edge.
The Complete Private Pilot Course Comes In 3 Modules Which Includes…
    Forget those expensive books and flight schools. Listen, no other private pilot course in the market is as comprehensive as this and this was one of the major reasons I created this course. These groundschool guides cover both helicopters and fixed-wing licences and it comes in an interactive CD format.
        For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school you will have full access to over $1000 worth of flight training manuals and handbooks. Compiled by professionals these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking your ground school training
        Ace your exam with this module! This is a behemoth of a package. Listen up, this module alone is worth $1297 if I sold each item individually. It contains over 3000 pages in all and it prepares you for every conceivable pilot exam you’ll ever take.
    This text will be replaced
You Will Be Guided “Step By Step” Through Your Private Pilot License Training
As a matter of fact, over the years I have seen many similarities with hundreds of students who were frustrated and looking for guidance.
So, I have put all my training materials, videos, checklists, handbooks, explanations and many flight training modules all together as I guide you step by step thru all the steps needed to obtain your private pilot license.
And here is exactly what you get inside the course…
For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school, you will have full access to:
Contains over 140 pages packed with essential flight training syllabus
Over 200 pages (17 Chapters) of a complete fixed-wing flight training handbook for pilots.
Complied by true professionals, these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking or consolidating your private pilot training.
These tutorials and guides have been prepared for:
Student pilots learning to fly
Pilots who are improving their qualifications
Flight instructors in the conduct of instruction for student pilots.
>> Click HERE To See All Topics for Private Pilot Handbook
>> Click HERE To See All Topics For Helicopter Training Manual
In preparing these handbooks, the objective was to provide progressive study material using basic terms and language aligned to pilot training at the elementary to the advanced level. A working knowledge of the information contained in  this manual will enable the student to receive maximum benefit from the air exercises.
But thats just for starters. Take a look at module 2 and 3 below…
Click To Get Instant Access Now
Module 2 : Private Pilot Groundschool Course “JAR & FAA Ground School Training”
This module is a fully up-to-date interactive JAR/UK and FAA/US PPL ground school interactive computer course.
(Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)
Interactive training groundschool course for JAR and FAA
Easy-to-learn course that allows you to study and revise at home “in your own time”
Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.
112 sub topics which can be printed and retained so that you can ‘tick off’ each component as it is studied
JAR & FAA UK/US Groundschool Private Pilot Training Course
This innovative, interactive and fully up to date, virtual online training programme contains the complete JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus.
Exciting 3D colour photos and diagrams to help  aid study and provide visual explanations
Simple to navigate menu that provides for quick cross referencing between subjects 
A “must-have” for aspiring pilots and anyone wanting to improve their general aviation knowledge.
Although predominantly aimed at fixed wing light aircraft such as the Cessna 152 this course will prove an asset to those seeking their microlight licence for both fixed and flexwing type aircraft.
It would also be a valuable resource for
single or multi-engine
aircraft, microlight, paramotor, paraglider, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, gyrocopter and balloon pilots wishing to improve their general aviation knowledge. 
What’s more, it contains the following tuition to help you pass your PPL Ground School exams:
Aviation Law
General Knowledge
Performance and Planning
Human Performance and Limitations
‘V’ Speed listing and overview
Classification of UK airspace
METAR/TAF abbreviations
Wind component tables
UK ATC frequencies
Conversion of units
Aircraft Checks
Jargon buster
Quite frankly, to buy the equivalent books would set you back hundreds of dollars, not to mention the bulk and weight of such books.
With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.
Once you know this stuff, you’ll be ready for the motherload of all resources I’ve talked about at the start of this letter…
Module 3 : EXAM GUIDES, Q&As, CHEAT SHEETS: “FAR/AIM, JAR, ATP Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Ground School, CFI Ground & Much More… “
This USX Global Aviation Pilot Ground School and JAR,JAA,FAA and ATP exam pack , test prep and all the references consists over 3000 pages in all.
Over 26,000 Questions and Answers Plus Test Questions
150+ exam guides to help you obtain your private pilot license easily and quickly.
Covers private pilots, commercial pilots, instructors & instruments ratings.
It is recommended by both the FAA & JAR to prepare for the Private Pilot Written Exam, the BiAnnual Flight Review, the FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam, the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam, and the Flight Instructor Knowledge Exam.
Included in this module are:
The latest Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
The latest Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
For Private Pilots:
Student Pilot Guide (FAA-H-8083-27A)
The latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Private Pilot Practical Test Standards
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25A)
Flight Training Handbook (AC 61-21A)
Pilot Controller Glossary
Medical Handbook for Pilots(AC67-2)
Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A)
Instrument Rating:
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15A)
Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-H-8261-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Commercial Pilot:
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Test Guide
Latest FAA Commercial Practical Test Standards
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Aeronautical Decision Making (AC 60-22)
Flight Instructor – Airplane:
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards
Aviation Instructor’s Handbook (FAA-H-8083-9A)
Stall and Spin Awareness Training (AC 61-67B)
Also Includes:
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Guides for the Recreational Pilot, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Questions for the Light Sport Pilot, Powered Parachute, Sport Pilot Instructor, ATP, and Flight Engineer
The Latest FAA Practical Test Standards for Private, Commercial, Instrument, ATP, CFI, CFII, Flight Engineer
and dozens of other FAA flight training publications!
This is a massive collection of feedback papers, test prep, exam annexes and essential reference materials containing more JAA ATPL/CPL, FAA exam questions and answers than any other package! You will find many of the questions contained in this package on the current real life exam papers!
As you can see nothing is left out here. You get INSTANT access to everything you need to fully prepare you for your first flight and virtually guarantee your success in learning to fly and getting your pilot’s license!
This is the “good stuff” that cuts right to the chase and shows you the complete path to attaining your private pilot license without the headaches and road blocks.
But thats not all. I’m not just giving you the four core modules.
I Don’t Need To Hear More… Download CompletePilot Course Right Away!
If you get in before I close the doors (which could be anytime), I’ll give you THREE special, time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with this even faster…
Time-Limited Bonus 1
: “Radio Telephony Course” ($79 Value)
The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.
It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.
 Here’s a small sample of what it covers..
Use of AIP and frequency selection
Microphone technique
Phonetic alphabet
Station/aeroplane/callsigns abbreviations
Transmission technique
Use of standard words and phrases
Listening out
Required ‘readback’ instructions
Use of phraseology
Radiotelephony examples
Click here to view all contents
There are more than 200 pages of current Radiotelephony information for the novice or experienced pilot. Approved by the CAA and containing the following concise chapters.
Click HERE To See FULL TOPICS for Radio Telephony Course
The stuff you’ll learn in these course will save you hundreds of dollars on “advice” that ends up not helping you at all.
Remember, I said three bonuses, not one. The second bonus is so unique that you’ll never find it anywhere else…
Time-Limited Bonus
2: “Seaplane, Gilder & Balloon Flying Handbooks” ($49 Value)
The seaplane, gilder and balloon flying handbooks retails for over $67 and it is included as a FREE Bonus if you order today. It is a fantastic education for recreational pilots.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll recieve..
Seaplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3)
Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)
Glider Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-13)
Guide To Thunderstorms (AC 00-24B)
If I sold these handbooks on their own, I’d charge $67 for them as a standalone product…and they’d still be a bargain.
And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning the Complete Private Pilot DVD Course, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all pilots. I wanted to sell this individually for $24.95 but to sweeten this deal, I’m going to give it to you!
Time-Limited Bonus 3
: “The Pilot’s Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge” ($24.95 Value)
Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.
This is also great for JAA, JAR pilots looking to broaden their flight knowledge.
 Subject Areas In This Book Includes..
Aircraft Structure
Principals of Flight
Aerodynamics of Flight
Flight Controls
Aircraft Systems
Flight Instruments
Flight Manuals
Weight And Balance
Aircraft Performance
Weather Theory
Weather Reports
Airport Operations
Aeromedical Factors
Aeronautical Decision Making
Click To Get Instant Access Now
“ But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Listen To What Others Are Saying… ”
My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.
But don’t just take my word for it…
listen to some of the testimonials below:
” Fresh, Thoughtful, Invaluable… “
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bruce on my private pilot test.
Bruce Hogan has not just the write stuff, but he’s a foremost expert at interactive education – a powerful and rare combination when it comes to aviation instruction.
This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.
Bruce’s private pilot course
is one of the best aviation investments you can make.
Graeme Beaver Reader’s Digest – Executive Editor CPA, Private Pilot Compton, CA
” A Must For Future Aviators! “
“Forget Jeppesen or Kings School, Bruce’s complete private pilot course will blow these courses away!
Clear, concise, and graphically superior to any other book on the market (and I have most of them). I am a commercial pilot working on my CFI and have found it even more useful the second time reading it. This ought to be the leading text for private pilots in the industry.
A must for a future Aviator!
Dr. Richard Ellis SAE S-7 Committee ATP Single & Multi Engine, CFI Single and Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane Lancashire, UK
“An Outstanding Resource!”
” I’ve had my hands on many textbooks on different subjects, but this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The full color photos and illustrations are very well done and relevant.
The PPL training content is thorough, but they also include little one page articles covering tidbits of aviation trivia and history that are entertaining. It’s the kind of book that you pick up to read a specific topic, but continue to read about other things that caught your eye along the way. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in getting a pilot’s license”!
John Rafferty Student Pilot, Career Firefighter Southside, AL
“Excellent Preparation For Pilots & Students…”
“I am a professional airline pilot, and log virtually all of my time in large, turbojet aircraft. I am also a current CFI, although I don’t frequently exercise my Instructor privileges in single engine aircraft.
Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.
It is very complete and provides easy to comprehend explanations (normally with useful diagrams, charts, or photographs) that make learning relatively painless. I highly recommend this course to any Private Pilot or Private Pilot candidate, or to any advanced pilot as a refresher of the basics.
Dr. Chris Kleinert Aviation Consultant Charleston, S
Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They represent professionals, amateurs, beginners and lifelong dreamers with the same passion and dreams that you have.
The only thing they did was to put their doubts aside… and give this course a try. For some of them, it cost several thousand dollars in personal lessons – and was worth every penny.
If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself just what it’s like to learn to fly faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and land that license that you’ve always dreamed of.
But I really don’t want you to trust me on that. In fact, I want you to be skeptical. That’s healthy. I’ll actually help you there, because I’m going to give you my personal promise…
My 60 Days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
PrivatePilotDVD Course has proven itself to thousands of happy customers and I proudly stand behind my product. Safely order today with our Iron-Clad Guarantee.
If, for any reason within 60 days (8 weeks) of purchase of this course you feel that the product is not for you, simply let me know and I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked.
As you can see, you have nothing to risk here.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!
I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.
My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…
Private Pilot 2 DVD Training Course: The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need
JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials
Flight Training Manual & Pilot’s Handbook $97 26,000 Q&As, Study Guides, Test Prep and Cheat Sheets For Private Pilots, Instructors, Instrument Rating, Commerical Pilots & More $127
Bonus 1: Radio Telephony Course
Bonus 2: Seaplane, Gilder, Balloon Handbooks
Bonus 3: Pilot’s Aeronautical Handbook $24
Grand Total Value:
But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…
Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.
In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.
I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?
I Couldn’t Make It Any Easier For You To Earn Your Wings & Start Flying …In Just 3 Easy Steps!
 Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.
  Go through all the 3 modules in the course and begin applying the concepts and lesson plans with your own personal one-on-one flight trainer.
  Attain your JAR/FAA license faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of…
It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think. Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…
But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?
Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.
You should already know that ATP flight schools charge at least $39K (39 thousand!) for flight lessons and groundschool classes. It is *sheer lunacy* to be paying that kind of money!
But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::
Kings School – “Get-It-All” Private Pilot DVD Kit – $597
Gleim Private Pilot Kit With Online Groundschool – $249.95
Jeppesen GFD Private Pilot Kit – $311.95
And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this.
Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for
NOT $673…
NOT $397…
NOT $297…
NOT $197…
NOT even $97…
Just A Measly ONE-TIME *$37* If You Act Now!
(This is a time-sensitive discount. I’m offering this for a limited time before it closes forever!)
Thats right. Your investment for the entire course is only $37. I’m only offering this for a limited time. And I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.
The regular price to the general public is $197 for the Complete Private Pilot Course. Your getting extreme value! This is the best $37 investment you’ll ever make into your dream. You won’t want to leave after you discover what’s inside waiting for you.
These systems will be sold independently to the public for $47 to $97 each , but you get it at a *DEEP* discount when you lock in your order today.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
That’s another reason why I’m offering this discounted price. I’m looking to mentor new students. In fact, after the discount period ends, I’ll likely raise the price to $697 or even higher.
Let Your Dreams Take Flight…
I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.
I can teach you everything you need to know quickly in a step-by-step system so you can start flying in the next month or less…
This is going to change everything for you.
That means
no more paying for expensive lessons and no more attending pricey flight schools. No matter where you are in your path to a pilot, this is what you need to leap to the next level of success.
Here’s How To Get Started Flying Today!
Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:
I’m ready and eager to start downloading CompletePilot course. By taking action today, I understand that:
You will grant me instant access. Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will give me immediate access to ALL your CompletePilot™ training modules, including groundschool courses, plus a total of over 350+ digital pages of illustrated flight manuals, handbooks, study guides and 3000 pages of JAA/FAA exam cheat sheets.
I’ll ALSO understand that I will be entitled to the bonuses if I order right now. The 3 bonus I’ll be getting are the Radio Telephony course and the Seaplane, Gilder, Pilot Aeronautical Manual & Balloon Flying Handbooks which retails for a total of over $250.00
By taking quick action today, I only pay a low investment of just $37. There are no renewals, no recurring fees, no other charges. So I don’t have to worry about my membership ever running out. I’m in for life! 
In addition, I understand that I will forfeit this introductory price and the bonuses if I do not purchase it now.
Plus there’s absolutely zero-risk to me because this is backed by a full 60 days 100% money-back guarantee
On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37
Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.  [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)
See you in the skies, Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, Flying Enthusiast
I will be selling all the videos, modules, training aids and course materials independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead (I have a whole lot of them). Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!
P.S. Remember…you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your package. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.
PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »
” Worth Every Cent. Best Course I’ve Ever Seen. “
“ The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.
Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!
Cindy Thelin New York, NY
Want To Learn How To Fly The Easy and Quick Way? This is THE Perfect Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…
By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.
Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…
So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37 Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.
 [ Click Here To Order Now ]
CompletePilot.com Bruce Hogan 4051 29th Ave. N St. Petersburg Florida 33713 United States
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allenmendezsr · 5 years
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Attention Flying Enthusiasts!
From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner
Date: Re: Soaring Like An Eagle… Dear Future Pilot,
I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…
My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.
Here’s the story:
I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.
We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!
One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.
Here’s What I’ve Accomplished:
At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!
I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.
I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.
I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,
Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !
I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)
I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.
I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.
And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)
And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….
” This Course Will Set A New Standard In The Field… “
“I’ve read numerous books on the subject of flight instruction, and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every respect.
This is the first course to provide the prospective or current student pilot a true “real world” perspective of what learning to fly is really all about.
The intuitive approach… combined with the crystal clear video explainations and difficult concepts, and literally the best illustrations and diagrams I have ever seen, serves to set this 2 DVD flight course apart from all others. This course will set a new standard in the field.
Michael Cruz Flight Instructor, L-39 type rating Everett, MA
Here’s the BIG problem:
Did you know that most student pilots spend thousands more than they need to and many times become frustrated with flight school owners and inexperienced flight instructors?
Do you know that many people will waste over $2000 when learning to fly because they were not properly guided by their flight instructor?
As a result many times students will not achieve their dream of learning to fly and getting their Private Pilot License because they ran out of money or just flat out got frustrated So what does this mean for you?
Get Your Pilot Training Done In 30 Days!
Well, luckily for you, getting your pilot’s license has become
a whole lot easier than it was when I got mine. There really is no excuse for not following your dream.
As such, I have spent 4 years to put together a comprehensive training course that will allow you to attain your pilot’s license in 30 days…
“The 30 Day Crash-Course To Attain Your Private Pilot License With The #1 Helicopter & Aircraft Flight Training System”
With the Private Pilot DVD Training Course, you get…
  Actual FAA & JAR exam study pack with 26,000 Q&As, private pilot syllabus tests plus free cheat sheets and study guides!
A complete helicopter and fixed wing private pilot course that consists of manuals, handbooks & groundschool training
  Comprehensive fixed-wing, flex-wing and helicopter pilot tutorial training manuals for JAA, FAA, JAR and CAA pilot training.
A ground school course with over 2000 illustrated pages of flight training manuals (you will be super-prepared before hitting the skies for your first time!)
With over 20 years in the aviation industry, I am a certified instructor who has taught hundreds if not thousands of people like you how to fly and how to get their pilot’s license.
That means I know
what it takes to prepare you for the rigorous tests the FAA, JAR or ATP flight school will put you through and I know what it takes for you to pass. Let me break it down for you:
This Complete Private Pilot Training Course is for you if…
You have always dreamed of learning how to fly but didn’t know where to begin (now you do)!
You want to test the waters and see what is involved with getting your pilot’s license before taking the plunge and spending thousands on overpriced flying schools!
You are determined to get your pilot’s license and want to make sure you have the best start possible!
You want to learn from a real, qualifed instructor with over 20 years experience!
You are currently in ATP flight school or a JAR or FAA private pilot license (PPL) student looking to get an edge.
The Complete Private Pilot Course Comes In 3 Modules Which Includes…
    Forget those expensive books and flight schools. Listen, no other private pilot course in the market is as comprehensive as this and this was one of the major reasons I created this course. These groundschool guides cover both helicopters and fixed-wing licences and it comes in an interactive CD format.
        For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school you will have full access to over $1000 worth of flight training manuals and handbooks. Compiled by professionals these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking your ground school training
        Ace your exam with this module! This is a behemoth of a package. Listen up, this module alone is worth $1297 if I sold each item individually. It contains over 3000 pages in all and it prepares you for every conceivable pilot exam you’ll ever take.
    This text will be replaced
You Will Be Guided “Step By Step” Through Your Private Pilot License Training
As a matter of fact, over the years I have seen many similarities with hundreds of students who were frustrated and looking for guidance.
So, I have put all my training materials, videos, checklists, handbooks, explanations and many flight training modules all together as I guide you step by step thru all the steps needed to obtain your private pilot license.
And here is exactly what you get inside the course…
For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school, you will have full access to:
Contains over 140 pages packed with essential flight training syllabus
Over 200 pages (17 Chapters) of a complete fixed-wing flight training handbook for pilots.
Complied by true professionals, these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking or consolidating your private pilot training.
These tutorials and guides have been prepared for:
Student pilots learning to fly
Pilots who are improving their qualifications
Flight instructors in the conduct of instruction for student pilots.
>> Click HERE To See All Topics for Private Pilot Handbook
>> Click HERE To See All Topics For Helicopter Training Manual
In preparing these handbooks, the objective was to provide progressive study material using basic terms and language aligned to pilot training at the elementary to the advanced level. A working knowledge of the information contained in  this manual will enable the student to receive maximum benefit from the air exercises.
But thats just for starters. Take a look at module 2 and 3 below…
Click To Get Instant Access Now
Module 2 : Private Pilot Groundschool Course “JAR & FAA Ground School Training”
This module is a fully up-to-date interactive JAR/UK and FAA/US PPL ground school interactive computer course.
(Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)
Interactive training groundschool course for JAR and FAA
Easy-to-learn course that allows you to study and revise at home “in your own time”
Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.
112 sub topics which can be printed and retained so that you can ‘tick off’ each component as it is studied
JAR & FAA UK/US Groundschool Private Pilot Training Course
This innovative, interactive and fully up to date, virtual online training programme contains the complete JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus.
Exciting 3D colour photos and diagrams to help  aid study and provide visual explanations
Simple to navigate menu that provides for quick cross referencing between subjects 
A “must-have” for aspiring pilots and anyone wanting to improve their general aviation knowledge.
Although predominantly aimed at fixed wing light aircraft such as the Cessna 152 this course will prove an asset to those seeking their microlight licence for both fixed and flexwing type aircraft.
It would also be a valuable resource for
single or multi-engine
aircraft, microlight, paramotor, paraglider, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, gyrocopter and balloon pilots wishing to improve their general aviation knowledge. 
What’s more, it contains the following tuition to help you pass your PPL Ground School exams:
Aviation Law
General Knowledge
Performance and Planning
Human Performance and Limitations
‘V’ Speed listing and overview
Classification of UK airspace
METAR/TAF abbreviations
Wind component tables
UK ATC frequencies
Conversion of units
Aircraft Checks
Jargon buster
Quite frankly, to buy the equivalent books would set you back hundreds of dollars, not to mention the bulk and weight of such books.
With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.
Once you know this stuff, you’ll be ready for the motherload of all resources I’ve talked about at the start of this letter…
Module 3 : EXAM GUIDES, Q&As, CHEAT SHEETS: “FAR/AIM, JAR, ATP Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot Ground School, CFI Ground & Much More… “
This USX Global Aviation Pilot Ground School and JAR,JAA,FAA and ATP exam pack , test prep and all the references consists over 3000 pages in all.
Over 26,000 Questions and Answers Plus Test Questions
150+ exam guides to help you obtain your private pilot license easily and quickly.
Covers private pilots, commercial pilots, instructors & instruments ratings.
It is recommended by both the FAA & JAR to prepare for the Private Pilot Written Exam, the BiAnnual Flight Review, the FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam, the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam, and the Flight Instructor Knowledge Exam.
Included in this module are:
The latest Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)
The latest Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
For Private Pilots:
Student Pilot Guide (FAA-H-8083-27A)
The latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Private Pilot Practical Test Standards
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (FAA-H-8083-25A)
Flight Training Handbook (AC 61-21A)
Pilot Controller Glossary
Medical Handbook for Pilots(AC67-2)
Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A)
Instrument Rating:
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Questions, Figures, and Answers
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Knowledge Test Guide
the latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Instrument Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-15A)
Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-H-8261-1A)
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
The latest FAA Instrument Rating Practical Test Standards
Commercial Pilot:
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Commercial Pilot Test Guide
Latest FAA Commercial Practical Test Standards
Aviation Weather Services (AC00-45F)
Aviation Weather (AC00-6A)
Aeronautical Decision Making (AC 60-22)
Flight Instructor – Airplane:
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Knowledge Test Questions, Figures & Answers
Latest FAA Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards
Aviation Instructor’s Handbook (FAA-H-8083-9A)
Stall and Spin Awareness Training (AC 61-67B)
Also Includes:
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Guides for the Recreational Pilot, Airline Transport Pilot, Flight Engineer
Latest FAA Knowledge Test Questions for the Light Sport Pilot, Powered Parachute, Sport Pilot Instructor, ATP, and Flight Engineer
The Latest FAA Practical Test Standards for Private, Commercial, Instrument, ATP, CFI, CFII, Flight Engineer
and dozens of other FAA flight training publications!
This is a massive collection of feedback papers, test prep, exam annexes and essential reference materials containing more JAA ATPL/CPL, FAA exam questions and answers than any other package! You will find many of the questions contained in this package on the current real life exam papers!
As you can see nothing is left out here. You get INSTANT access to everything you need to fully prepare you for your first flight and virtually guarantee your success in learning to fly and getting your pilot’s license!
This is the “good stuff” that cuts right to the chase and shows you the complete path to attaining your private pilot license without the headaches and road blocks.
But thats not all. I’m not just giving you the four core modules.
I Don’t Need To Hear More… Download CompletePilot Course Right Away!
If you get in before I close the doors (which could be anytime), I’ll give you THREE special, time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with this even faster…
Time-Limited Bonus 1
: “Radio Telephony Course” ($79 Value)
The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.
It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.
 Here’s a small sample of what it covers..
Use of AIP and frequency selection
Microphone technique
Phonetic alphabet
Station/aeroplane/callsigns abbreviations
Transmission technique
Use of standard words and phrases
Listening out
Required ‘readback’ instructions
Use of phraseology
Radiotelephony examples
Click here to view all contents
There are more than 200 pages of current Radiotelephony information for the novice or experienced pilot. Approved by the CAA and containing the following concise chapters.
Click HERE To See FULL TOPICS for Radio Telephony Course
The stuff you’ll learn in these course will save you hundreds of dollars on “advice” that ends up not helping you at all.
Remember, I said three bonuses, not one. The second bonus is so unique that you’ll never find it anywhere else…
Time-Limited Bonus
2: “Seaplane, Gilder & Balloon Flying Handbooks” ($49 Value)
The seaplane, gilder and balloon flying handbooks retails for over $67 and it is included as a FREE Bonus if you order today. It is a fantastic education for recreational pilots.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll recieve..
Seaplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3)
Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)
Glider Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-13)
Guide To Thunderstorms (AC 00-24B)
If I sold these handbooks on their own, I’d charge $67 for them as a standalone product…and they’d still be a bargain.
And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning the Complete Private Pilot DVD Course, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all pilots. I wanted to sell this individually for $24.95 but to sweeten this deal, I’m going to give it to you!
Time-Limited Bonus 3
: “The Pilot’s Handbook Of Aeronautical Knowledge” ($24.95 Value)
Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.
This is also great for JAA, JAR pilots looking to broaden their flight knowledge.
 Subject Areas In This Book Includes..
Aircraft Structure
Principals of Flight
Aerodynamics of Flight
Flight Controls
Aircraft Systems
Flight Instruments
Flight Manuals
Weight And Balance
Aircraft Performance
Weather Theory
Weather Reports
Airport Operations
Aeromedical Factors
Aeronautical Decision Making
Click To Get Instant Access Now
“ But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. Listen To What Others Are Saying… ”
My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.
But don’t just take my word for it…
listen to some of the testimonials below:
” Fresh, Thoughtful, Invaluable… “
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bruce on my private pilot test.
Bruce Hogan has not just the write stuff, but he’s a foremost expert at interactive education – a powerful and rare combination when it comes to aviation instruction.
This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.
Bruce’s private pilot course
is one of the best aviation investments you can make.
Graeme Beaver Reader’s Digest – Executive Editor CPA, Private Pilot Compton, CA
” A Must For Future Aviators! “
“Forget Jeppesen or Kings School, Bruce’s complete private pilot course will blow these courses away!
Clear, concise, and graphically superior to any other book on the market (and I have most of them). I am a commercial pilot working on my CFI and have found it even more useful the second time reading it. This ought to be the leading text for private pilots in the industry.
A must for a future Aviator!
Dr. Richard Ellis SAE S-7 Committee ATP Single & Multi Engine, CFI Single and Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane Lancashire, UK
“An Outstanding Resource!”
” I’ve had my hands on many textbooks on different subjects, but this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The full color photos and illustrations are very well done and relevant.
The PPL training content is thorough, but they also include little one page articles covering tidbits of aviation trivia and history that are entertaining. It’s the kind of book that you pick up to read a specific topic, but continue to read about other things that caught your eye along the way. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in getting a pilot’s license”!
John Rafferty Student Pilot, Career Firefighter Southside, AL
“Excellent Preparation For Pilots & Students…”
“I am a professional airline pilot, and log virtually all of my time in large, turbojet aircraft. I am also a current CFI, although I don’t frequently exercise my Instructor privileges in single engine aircraft.
Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.
It is very complete and provides easy to comprehend explanations (normally with useful diagrams, charts, or photographs) that make learning relatively painless. I highly recommend this course to any Private Pilot or Private Pilot candidate, or to any advanced pilot as a refresher of the basics.
Dr. Chris Kleinert Aviation Consultant Charleston, S
Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They represent professionals, amateurs, beginners and lifelong dreamers with the same passion and dreams that you have.
The only thing they did was to put their doubts aside… and give this course a try. For some of them, it cost several thousand dollars in personal lessons – and was worth every penny.
If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself just what it’s like to learn to fly faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and land that license that you’ve always dreamed of.
But I really don’t want you to trust me on that. In fact, I want you to be skeptical. That’s healthy. I’ll actually help you there, because I’m going to give you my personal promise…
My 60 Days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
PrivatePilotDVD Course has proven itself to thousands of happy customers and I proudly stand behind my product. Safely order today with our Iron-Clad Guarantee.
If, for any reason within 60 days (8 weeks) of purchase of this course you feel that the product is not for you, simply let me know and I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked.
As you can see, you have nothing to risk here.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!
I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.
My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!
Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…
Private Pilot 2 DVD Training Course: The Only Resource You’ll Ever Need
JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials
Flight Training Manual & Pilot’s Handbook $97 26,000 Q&As, Study Guides, Test Prep and Cheat Sheets For Private Pilots, Instructors, Instrument Rating, Commerical Pilots & More $127
Bonus 1: Radio Telephony Course
Bonus 2: Seaplane, Gilder, Balloon Handbooks
Bonus 3: Pilot’s Aeronautical Handbook $24
Grand Total Value:
But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…
Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.
In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.
I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?
I Couldn’t Make It Any Easier For You To Earn Your Wings & Start Flying …In Just 3 Easy Steps!
 Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.
  Go through all the 3 modules in the course and begin applying the concepts and lesson plans with your own personal one-on-one flight trainer.
  Attain your JAR/FAA license faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of…
It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think. Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…
But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?
Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.
You should already know that ATP flight schools charge at least $39K (39 thousand!) for flight lessons and groundschool classes. It is *sheer lunacy* to be paying that kind of money!
But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::
Kings School – “Get-It-All” Private Pilot DVD Kit – $597
Gleim Private Pilot Kit With Online Groundschool – $249.95
Jeppesen GFD Private Pilot Kit – $311.95
And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this.
Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for
NOT $673…
NOT $397…
NOT $297…
NOT $197…
NOT even $97…
Just A Measly ONE-TIME *$37* If You Act Now!
(This is a time-sensitive discount. I’m offering this for a limited time before it closes forever!)
Thats right. Your investment for the entire course is only $37. I’m only offering this for a limited time. And I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.
The regular price to the general public is $197 for the Complete Private Pilot Course. Your getting extreme value! This is the best $37 investment you’ll ever make into your dream. You won’t want to leave after you discover what’s inside waiting for you.
These systems will be sold independently to the public for $47 to $97 each , but you get it at a *DEEP* discount when you lock in your order today.
Click To Get Instant Access Now
That’s another reason why I’m offering this discounted price. I’m looking to mentor new students. In fact, after the discount period ends, I’ll likely raise the price to $697 or even higher.
Let Your Dreams Take Flight…
I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.
I can teach you everything you need to know quickly in a step-by-step system so you can start flying in the next month or less…
This is going to change everything for you.
That means
no more paying for expensive lessons and no more attending pricey flight schools. No matter where you are in your path to a pilot, this is what you need to leap to the next level of success.
Here’s How To Get Started Flying Today!
Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:
I’m ready and eager to start downloading CompletePilot course. By taking action today, I understand that:
You will grant me instant access. Once my enrollment is successfully processed, you will give me immediate access to ALL your CompletePilot™ training modules, including groundschool courses, plus a total of over 350+ digital pages of illustrated flight manuals, handbooks, study guides and 3000 pages of JAA/FAA exam cheat sheets.
I’ll ALSO understand that I will be entitled to the bonuses if I order right now. The 3 bonus I’ll be getting are the Radio Telephony course and the Seaplane, Gilder, Pilot Aeronautical Manual & Balloon Flying Handbooks which retails for a total of over $250.00
By taking quick action today, I only pay a low investment of just $37. There are no renewals, no recurring fees, no other charges. So I don’t have to worry about my membership ever running out. I’m in for life! 
In addition, I understand that I will forfeit this introductory price and the bonuses if I do not purchase it now.
Plus there’s absolutely zero-risk to me because this is backed by a full 60 days 100% money-back guarantee
On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37
Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.  [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)
See you in the skies, Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan, Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, Flying Enthusiast
I will be selling all the videos, modules, training aids and course materials independently in the future for $47-$97 EACH in the weeks and months ahead (I have a whole lot of them). Lock yourself in for a deep discount now!
P.S. Remember…you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your package. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.
PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »
” Worth Every Cent. Best Course I’ve Ever Seen. “
“ The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.
Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!
Cindy Thelin New York, NY
Want To Learn How To Fly The Easy and Quick Way? This is THE Perfect Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…
By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.
Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…
So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $197 Today: $37 Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption.
 [ Click Here To Order Now ]
CompletePilot.com Bruce Hogan 4051 29th Ave. N St. Petersburg Florida 33713 United States
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