#(because we have to present our ideas and research questions and data and everything. again. cool concept. not obligatory for me tho.
the-orangeauthor · 2 years
hey sunshine! how are you doing?
I hope you're good <3
since you have already graduated uni, I was wondering if you could help me with a little (big) problem I have that's making me stressed
(it's okay if you can't/don't have time/don't feel comfortable with sharing!!!!)
So, next year im in fourth year (if everything hopefully goes right🤞🏻) and that means I have to write a thesis, here called End of Grade Project or TFG. And although is entirely a thing for fourth year, my profs have already advised us that we should start thinking about topics and themes to write our thesis about
if you've done a thesis, how did you choose the topic you wanted to write about?
also if you have tips to spare, i'd love to know them, cause it's making me pretty anxious and rationally I know it's not a problem for Present Me, but I get nervous nonetheless
a million thank you's<33333333333333
(and, in case you can't help me, which is again totally valid, use this ask to tell me about your day, your writing or whatever interest you have atm, I'd love to read about those as well, haha)
Good evening my sweet cup of coffee, it has been a very long week but I am back to answer this for you ❤️
I have a link here to a post I made recently briefly covering how I did my thesis but I can go into more depth for you!!
You do a degree in psychology right? I don’t know how that would differ from mine but I asked around and here’s how it works:
Because I did a biomed degree we also had lab based thesis options which is what I went for as the practical experience was great for my masters application. I had quiet a few friends go for essay only projects and here what they did to prepare:
Read - every time, always, look at new research in your field, new studies, explore areas that you covered in lectures that caught your eye and see if there’s still more to discover - there always is
Personal experience - as with most science degrees / healthcare related degrees there’s always some kind of personal element you can link there, my friend wanted to research MS since someone in her family had it etc
Are you planning on further study in a specific field? I knew I wanted to do research in immunology so I went for the project most closely related to it so I could use that as an opportunity to research it more
Brainstorm - if you have several or few ideas make a brainstorm and just write what you know / don’t about each one, you may find that one of these topics leaves you with interesting questions you might want to pursue
Speak to your professors!!! Your professors are experts in their fields, talk to them about ideas that you’ve come up with, if they think there’s enough research out there for you to get good info for your project etc
Speak to your friends - you’ve all studied the same thing for years now, bounce ideas off of each other
Your notes - go back and look at what you’ve learnt. Where are the question marks in the research? Which of these experiments should have had more variables? How would a new demographic change the results you have?
Read read read read read read read read - you don’t have to read the whole article, the opening abstract will be enough to start sparking some ideas
Remember, your thesis isn’t about the results and data you gain, it’s about showing the professors that you are capable of evaluating large sums of information, selecting what is relevant, and drawing logical conclusions from what you’ve read.
Have fun with it, it’s a big project and you’re going to spend a lot of time on it. Make sure your final topic is interesting to you (absolutely does not matter if everyone else thinks it’s boring, this is for you) and make sure you understand at least a few foundational concepts for it. You’re already thinking about it pretty early on so you have plenty of time to bounce around ideas, and never be afraid to run it past your professors for advice, it’s what they get paid for!!
I hope you’ve had a lovely week ❤️❤️❤️
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
Me: I will finish my Bachelor degree by October :)
My professor: no ♡
#really feeling defeated and desperate atm#i want this to be over so bad and I planned on writing it in September and October and the prof said he'd supervise it#but today he informed me i 'had' to attend a research seminar in order to write it#which is not true. i do not have to do thaz#it's not part of our module handbook and in fact if it were i would have finished a while ago because that's literally what i WANTED#but alas it's not part of my degree so i didn't know that the option existed. so anyway apparently in order to write it with HIM#i have to attend this seminar so this will be next semester (he was like 'you could have done it this semester' and i was just#'no? i didn't even know about that?' and he didn't sound judgy or anything but it still annoys me)#so i told him i wanted to finish it at least by the end of this Year (not the end of next Semester)#so he said i could be one of the first presenters so i could start writing by November#(because we have to present our ideas and research questions and data and everything. again. cool concept. not obligatory for me tho.#but now it is because i can't get another supervisor. I'm just so sick of everything. why can't things go smoothly just for once#(I'm the one who got myself into this mess. could've finished 2 yrs ago but spent 2 yrs doing nothing so i shouldn't complain#but it's just making me more desperate and i also have been considering telling my mom the truth even though she'll judge me so bad#it's just getting more and more uncomfortable living with her thinking I'm basically done with my degree#3 additional months of pretending just feel too much. i already feel sick because of this all the time anyway#maybe i should come clean and endure her disappointment and judgement so i can at least breathe without the weight of this lie on my chest#the entire time.#anyway. not having a great time rn haha. sorry for the rambling.#shut up amy
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pinktwingirl · 3 years
Rats, Squirrels, and Unlikely Friends
A quick oneshot in which Squirrel Girl travels to the DC universe and meets Ratcatcher II. Enjoy! :) @oh-its-jennyyy
Doreen knew she wasn’t supposed to be doing this. Stark Industries’ prototype wormhole generator was strictly off-limits to anyone but authorized staff, and that certainly did not include Doreen. She was a new hire, fresh out of college. She didn’t belong in top-secret labs, tampering with cutting-edge technology that could alter the fabric of space and time as we knew it. And yet, there she was, hacking into the “supposedly” un-hackable security system to check it out when no one was working on it. (She was slightly more skilled in the firewall breaching and data encryption area than her supervisors were aware.)
Every cell in her body screamed at her to stop. God, what was she thinking?! If anyone caught a glimpse of her doing this, she’d be fired on the spot. But whether it was her unending curiosity or her stubbornness to blame, she kept going. She just couldn’t help it; the whole concept of wormholes and interdimensional travel was so cool! She only wanted to see what the thing could do and how far they’d come... and hey, maybe if there were any areas for improvements that she could offer ideas on-
The device, a tall, silver arch, suddenly illuminated in a bright white haze, with its center forming some sort of black void. She must have somehow turned it on by accident.
“Ohhhh shit...” she grumbled.  
Frantically scrambling around to find an off-switch, Doreen quickly realized that there wasn’t one. In fact, there were no buttons or cord connectors on the device at all. Was it motion activated? Voice activated? Maybe thermally activated from body heat?
There was no time to find out. Before she could move or do anything, she felt her body pulled into the void, and everything went dark.
It took Doreen a while to fully process her surroundings when she regained consciousness. A bright light, that she assumed was the sun – or, at least, a sun, given that she was in a new universe – was shining in her eyes, and she had to blink a few times for her vision to adjust. She could feel hard gravel pressing on her protesting back, which begged her to sit up. When she did, she came face-to-face with a young woman posed in a defensive stance, ready to strike.  
Doreen took a moment to size up her potential assailant. The woman had a small stature, much like her, with short, dark hair, a dirty black coat, and, most bafflingly of all, a rat sitting on her shoulder, which didn’t seem to bother her in the slightest.  
“Who are you?” the woman demanded. She certainly had a bit of an accent, although Doreen couldn’t quite place what it was. Not that it would really matter, though; countries could be entirely different in this world, assuming that this even was another Earth in the first place.
Well, at least people in this universe could still speak English. That would make communication easy.
“Umm...” Doreen got out. “Would you believe me if I said I was from another universe?”
Before the woman could respond, they both jumped when they heard loud squeaking behind them. Doreen was shocked to see her three faithful companions, Monkey Joe, Tippy-Toe, and Mr. Liebermann, bounding to her side.
“Wh-? What are you three doing here?! Did you follow me?” Tippy-Toe nodded and gave an enthusiastic chirp as Doreen stroked her back. “Oh, you silly squirrels... You know you’re not supposed to come to work with me...”
The dark-haired woman, much to Doreen’s surprise, was looking at her not with disgust or judgment, but instead wide-eyed wonder and fascination.
“Are these your... friends?”
“Huh? Oh! I guess it would be rude to skip introductions. These are my pet squirrels, Monkey Joe, Tippy-Toe, and Mr. Liebermann.” Doreen stuck out her hand. “I’m Doreen Green.”
Reaching her hand out as well, the dark-haired woman tentatively shook it, apparently having decided that Doreen wasn’t a threat. “Cleo Cazo. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too! So, um... yeah... I guess you’re... wondering where I came from?”  
Cleo nodded.
“Well, so... the company I work for kind of built a wormhole generator that could transport people to alternate universes. And... I guess this place is one of them. Although, I actually wasn’t supposed to be messing with it. This was all a huge accident.” After a moment, she gave Cleo a sheepish grin. “I guess that must all be hard for you to believe, though...”
The rat on Cleo’s shoulder squeaked something into her ear, and she smiled. “No, it’s okay. Sebastian says you are telling the truth. He can sense that you are an honest and kind person!” The rat suddenly scurried to a patch of grass nearby to chew a dandelion off its stem and present it to Doreen. “Aww, look! He is offering you a flower as a token of his goodwill!”
Doreen giggled as she took the flower and put it in her hair. “Thank you, Sebastian! Would you like an almond?” Sebastian squeaked happily as she reached into her pocket and handed him his gift.
As Doreen stood up, Cleo was surprised to see a long, bushy tail extending from her backside. “Forgive me if this is a rude question, but... do all people in your universe have tails?”
“Oh, no. I’m actually the only one. I was born with altered DNA that made me part squirrel. They call me a mutant because of that. Do you have mutants here?”
Cleo shook her head. “I do not think so. I have heard of people born with altered DNA, but I have never heard the word ‘mutant’ used to describe them. Your powers are so cool, though! I wish I were part rat. But I don’t have any rat blood in me. I just communicate with them and tell them what to do.”
“That’s still pretty impressive! How do you do it?”
Cleo showed Doreen her rat-guiding light. “With this. My papa taught me how. He was the original Ratcatcher. When he passed away, I became his successor: Ratcatcher II.”
“That’s amazing!” Doreen smiled at Sebastian. “Do you mind if I pet him?”
“Not at all! Can I pet your squirrels?”
The girls swapped rodents, with Cleo stroking Monkey Joe, Tippy-Toe, and Mr. Liebermann and Doreen scratching the head of a very happy Sebastian. After a moment of silent contemplation, Doreen spoke up again.  
“I’ve never... met anybody like me. I mean... someone who talks to small rodents. It’s a really underrated ability!”
“I know, right? Everyone always thinks I am weird or gross.”
“You know, I never got why people hate rats so much. They’re so cute and fluffy! I mean, sure, they eat garbage, but it’s not their fault! They don’t have anything else to eat! What else are they supposed to do?”
“That’s what I keep saying!”
“So... are countries still the same in this universe? Is this the U.S.?”
“Yes, we have a United States. And a Portugal. That’s where I am from. Does your universe have a Portugal?”
“Yep! It sounds like we have all the same countries! That’s a relief.”
“But this is not American soil. We are in the Hispanic nation of Corto Maltese.”
“Oh... I guess it’s a good thing I ran into you, then, instead of the natives. I don’t speak a lick of Spanish.”
“Neither do I. I don’t live here.”
“Then what are you doing here?”
Cleo pointed to what looked like the ruins of a tall building off in the distance. “Cleaning up that. The ruins of Jotunheim.”
“Jotunheim? You mean, like, the place where frost giants live?”
“What are ‘frost giants?’”
“Oh... you... don’t have those here? I have a friend who’s a frost giant, so I thought that’s what you were talking about.”
“Jotunheim was once a research laboratory. They used a giant alien starfish to conduct experiments with the creature’s mind control abilities. Many people died in the process, and the American government was behind all of it.”
“That’s horrible!”
“The government sent me with a team to cover it up. But when the monster got loose, we destroyed it instead. Now, we have to clean up the damage in the city. It is not as glamorous as saving the world, but no job is too menial for the Suicide Squad.”
“The ‘Suicide Squad?’ That’s what you guys call yourselves? That’s a pretty bleak name. See, I’m part of a team called The Avengers. Now, that’s a much better name."
“Well, it’s only a nickname. Our official codename is Task Force X.”
“You know, why does the letter X always make everything sound, like, ten times cooler? Like, ‘Task Force Y’ or ‘Task Force W’ just wouldn’t sound right, would it?”
Cleo giggled. “I guess not.” She handed the squirrels back to Doreen as Sebastian happily bounded back to her side.
“Well, this has been a real treat, but I should probably get back now,” Doreen laughed. “I don’t want to get-” She froze as she looked behind her, realizing that there was no wormhole device. “Oh... I... I don’t know how to get back... Oh no, this is bad...”
Cleo put a hand on her shoulder before she could start to panic. “Don’t worry! I’m sure my friends can help you figure something out! Let’s get you back to my teammates.”
The two walked down several blocks, where a tall man with heavy-duty armor and a walking shark were waiting for them. Cleo grinned at Doreen.
“Is seeing a giant shark with legs strange in your world?”
“Well, I’m friends with a talking tree and racoon, so, not really, to be honest.”
The tall man gave Doreen a weird look. She wasn’t sure if it was because of her tail or her last rather bizarre-sounding remark. Maybe both.  
“Who is this?” he asked.
Doreen cheerfully stuck out her hand. “My name’s Doreen Green, also known as Squirrel Girl! I’m from another universe!” She paused. “It’s kind of a long story. I also need help getting back home now.”
The tall man tentatively shook her hand. “Robert DuBois. Or Bloodsport. I guess we can get you down to the science people if you really want to come with us.”
Doreen took a moment to peer at him. “You know, it’s weird... You look just like this guy one of my friends used to know. Would you happen to be related to a guy called Heimdall at all? Guardian of Asgard? Watchman of the Gods? Is that ringing any bells?”
After staring blankly at her for a moment, Bloodsport turned to Cleo. “Is this girl on drugs?”
“Excuse me! I most certainly am not!” Doreen protested. “It’s strictly against company protocol to be under the influence of any substances during work hours! And I’m technically still working!”
The shark suddenly pointed at the squirrels. “Nom nom!”
Cleo sighed. “No, Nanaue, that’s not nom nom. Squirrels are friends. Just like rats.” She patted the shark’s back as he gave a dejected slump. “We’ll get you food when you get back.”
Out of nowhere, Doreen suddenly felt a tingling sensation in her body. Moving of their own will, her legs suddenly starting stumbling backwards. Her squirrels instantly jumped on her shoulder, ready to protect their human from any harm.
“Hey, where are you going?” Bloodsport called.
“I...” Doreen got out. “I think the device is pulling me back!”
“You’re leaving now?!” Cleo shouted.
“I can’t stop it!” Doreen grabbed onto Cleo’s hand in a last-ditch moment of desperation. “Cleo! Take good care of Sebastian! And don’t ever let anyone underestimate you! Trust me, I learned the hard way! People think we’re weak because they don’t understand us... But you’re stronger than you th-”
Before she could finish, she was gone.
Doreen collapsed on the ground, her heart racing at the familiar tile patterns. She knew this laboratory! She knew this building! She was back!
Her excitement quickly faded when she realized that return would mean consequences. Yep, she was definitely fired...
Except... there was still no one in the lab. No one had come back. Doreen checked the time. 2:15. She’d only been gone for 5 minutes! She looked around in awe at the silent room. All she would have to do now was sneak out. Had she really gotten away with it?
Slipping out the door and quietly returning to her workstation, she did her best to ignore her coworker’s questions about why she took a fairly lengthy bathroom break and whether she knew what they were supposed to be doing, instead giving them quick, uninvolved answers. Her mind was on Cleo and that strange, strange universe. It was so different, and yet... so similar to hers. The multiverse was certainly big and daunting, but no matter what people found in it in the future, no matter what research lied ahead, she knew it would always give her one source of comfort:
She’d found a friend that was just like her.
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just-anka · 4 years
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I realised I haven’t really regularly posted here since like... I don’t even know, September? It’s been a while, anyway. A lot happened, and I now feel like actually writing a post for the first time in a while, so here goes haha. The first bullet point is entirely work waffle so feel free to skip. Apologies in advance for the fact that this post will probably reach novel length by the time I’m done. 
• I took a week off in late September before Ben started his new job so we could go to the mountains for a bit, and it was a much-needed little break from work. And pretty much right after I got back, work got completely mental - nothing bad as such, just one thing after the other, loads of deadlines, so many important things. First I was finishing up data for a paper (first authorship was being debated which is partially why I threw myself into the job so much, but it looks like it’ll be the PhD student before me’s now, which is how it should be tbh, it’s much more hers than it is mine), then the date for my first committee meeting was set and I suddenly had only two weeks to prepare (did not think it was going to be that short notice, whoops, had a very stressful two weeks but all went well - for us, this meeting means presenting our research plan and preliminary data to a committee of four professors so they can give you input, it’s not suuuper formal but still pretty stressful), then I had to write the report for that (I love writing so that one was okay), then there was suddenly a lot to do for a really important cooperation with a company (big money responsibility which stressed me the fuck out), and then, just as I thought I was pretty much done for the year, I realised I needed my lab book up to date for my end of year meeting with my PI (which wouldn’t be such a big deal, except I didn’t have a lab book at the time. Never got around to starting one. So nine months of lab book were written within another very stressful week). Whew. Even writing this out makes me feel like that was a lot haha. 
• After the end of year discussion, I really was done for the year - I officially worked until the 23rd but there was not that much actual work happening, and with the pressure off after months, I properly crashed for a few days. Ben left for England on the weekend after to see his family for christmas etc, and I spent most of that weekend sleeping and doing very little. It was needed. Then my mum came to visit me for the holidays and we had four really lovely days together, also involving a lot of chilling (the only actual thing we did was that magical winter hike that I posted some pictures of the other day). 
• And now I’m skiing! I was planning to go to England as well for NYE to see Ben’s family, but with the corona situation escalating again lately I decided it was too risky for just a few days. So I made a last-minute plan to go skiing by myself instead, because all that involves is a 2 hour train journey. I’m actually staying in a hotel too, which I’ve never done by myself before, I’m usually a dorm in a hostel type of person, but well. Covid has changed a lot of things :D trying to stay safe and away from people, which is of course not entirely possible in a ski resort, but it’s going okay. The skiing itself is great, it’s really nice having some time to go at my own pace and a few days in a row. Today was day 4 and I’ve really found my groove again (more on that later). There’s not much snow though so not many off-pisteing opportunities :/ I’m staying until Monday and then it’s back to work on Wednesday. 
• Speaking of skiing, we’ve got season passes this year, my first season and Ben’s second. We’ve just been doing on the weekends so far - since the 21st of November I just realised while looking back in my calendar! That’s one hell of an early season start haha. We did just one day three weekends and then one full weekend right before Ben left. The first few days were bloody hard. For context, I learned to ski before I learned to walk and loved it as a child, then stopped for a few years because I felt like I wasn’t progressing anymore and was getting bored with it, basically. Then last January I went to France with Ben and his skiing friends and got introduced to freeriding and the idea of ski touring, and now I’m back to loving it haha. I’d ideally like to not have to resort ski anymore at one point (meaning touring) because I know it’s terrible from an environmental standpoint but... idk. It’s currently my only option, and I love it a lot, so I guess it feels okay? Anyway, since I learned to ski so early, it’s the one sport that I’ve always been pretty good at and like, never get scared, at least not on piste. Until this year. The first three individual days were just all kind of horrible, the conditions weren’t ideal with very hard surface and tons of ice and pretty busy slopes, and only steep terrain open as well (Engelberg, our “home” resort - we have a season pass that encompasses a bunch of resorts so we’re not limited to one - is literally dead flat beginner’s slopes, which weren’t open in the beginning, or red runs that should be black and black lol). Pairing loads of ice with my old skis which barely have an edge anymore was... not ideal. I was so scared constantly and it made me like I lost all my ability etc etc. But yeah, turns out I just needed a few days and some easier conditions to get back into it, and now ice and steep stuff and everything is fine again. Who would’ve thought. (a sensible person, probably). 
• But then, the full weekend we skied in December was awesome! Saturday already felt much better and then it snowed a bunch over night and Sunday we spent all day powder skiing, basically. I learned SO much and just had an absolute ball! Definitely one of the best days skiing I’ve had, and one of the best days recently in general. 
• Plus that whole weekend was just lovely, car camping in a campsite full of huge campervans was pretty fun :D I love the looks we get when people see the car and clearly wonder where we sleep. And we’ve got our setup perfected for winter now so both the nights were toasty. Friday night we had dinner in “bed” watching a movie, and Saturday night we sat in the little kitchen (the campsite has it open for everyone, but everyone else there has a camper, so it doesn’t seem to be used much) drinking tea and playing cards and ahh. Camping in the mountains. My ideal life eh? (though the weekend before this wonderful one, we got snowed in because it dumped over a metre over night completely unexpectedly and that was stressful as hell, but I think that’s a story for another day, if ever, I’m kind of trying to forget that day :’D) 
• Yesterday I also finally took the plunge and ordered new skis. Been debating for ages which ones to get but I’ve finally decided and I’m now very excited! 
• Ok this post so far reads as “work and skiing” which is pretty much what November and December were and probably what January is going to be too haha. Ben and I want to ski another week together end of January as well, and there’s some big exciting work things coming up as well. 
• Even though I have to admit, now that I’m on a break, I’ve spent a lot of time dreading work and questioning my career choices and all of that lark... sigh. I love my job most of the time, but I kind of hate having a job? If that makes sense? Sometimes (okay a lot of the time) I just wish I had more time for other things that I care about. But I also now I’m lucky to have that job, especially this year, and lucky to have a job I don’t hate, and get to do a lot of fun stuff on the side, even if it often means little sleep and downtime. 
• Speaking of things I care about, I was on a proper roll with writing for a few days before and after Christmas. It’s ebbed off again a bit, but it was still pretty cool, and my totally-useless-all-cheese-project is now 33,000+ words long and like, half-way there story wise. Had a lot of fun with that. 
• Lastly, Ben is still in England, and he’s coming back next Sunday, and I can’t wait! I miss him so much when we’re not together it’s actually silly. Although it’s less stressful this time than the last few times because... we live together, his work just offered him an unlimited contract from January, and I’m stuck here for another 2-3 years, so it looks like we’ll actually get to be in the same place for now. Which is all I wished for last year, and I’m so damn grateful - that stability really is the best thing 2020 has brought for me. And, as he said, even though we were apart for the start of the new year, it will hopefully bring more time together than any previous year ♡
• Okay I think this is long enough now, if you actually made it until here you’re a hero and I will try and post a bit more regularly again now to avoid this size of mind dump :’D I hope you all got into the new year alright, it feels very strange to me that it’s 2021 because I actually slept through midnight on new year’s for the first time since I was tiny haha but I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way! 
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Harvard Lends a Hand in the Effort to 'Islamicize' Science
Harvard once again showing it is down with the jihad. Money might not buy love, but it sure buys a lot of submission to Islamic sharia at Harvard and other big U.S. universities.
Our last check-in with saw Harvard University hire a PLO negotiator who helped establish a fund to pay families of Palestinian jihadists, prior to that Harvard was paying to advance sharia and sway U.S. policy, and prior to that Harvard ‘Islamic law’ librarian was arrested for attempted child sexual assault. Who knows what we missed in between.
The latest below.
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Harvard Lends a Hand in the Effort to 'Islamicize' Science
By Majid Mohammadi
A few days ago, an email from Zahra Takhshid (granddaughter of Mohammad Yazdi, former head of the Islamic Republic's judiciary) was sent to some people, and I was one of the recipients.  In this e-mail, a plan for the Islamization of information technologies in the field of law, especially sharia, was proposed.  This is apparently the research project of Takhshid as one of the lecturers at Harvard Law School.  Harvard University, which once trained members of the U.S. Supreme Court, is at one of its lowest points today, where the Islamicization of the internet and information technology has been promoted by the granddaughter of one of the founders of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Harvard University has an Islamic law program at its law school that spends millions of dollars a year rereading and trying to modernize sharia.  It is within this framework that people like Zahra Takhshid are hired — not to reinvent the wheel (it could be useful and teach them something), but to invent something that is supposed to work like the wheel but is not a wheel.  The ideologues want to reinvent sharia as a system of law to legitimize their totalitarian power and wealth.  Basically, the plan to Islamize science has been a political plan from the beginning to gain power by eliminating the empiricist and rationalist approaches to science.
During its work, Harvard Law School's Islamic Law Program has not provided a single report on the inconsistency of sharia or its interpretations with human rights; the brutality enshrined in Islamic sharia rulings in the judicial realm; and the record of the Taliban, ISIS, and the Islamic Republic of Iran in judicial affairs, as if these phenomena do not exist.  Despite the New Left (Adorno, Foucault, and Gramsci) claiming a critical approach to society and politics, this approach has been completely ignored in the humanities and social sciences, as any criticism would ultimately offend a group and disrupt the political coalition of the left.  The thin-skinned ruling Islamists in Iran would also be hurt.  The record of such centers, which work on the basis of identity politics, shows what a failure this ideology has delivered in the field of research and education.
The idea of a quantum internet project focuses solely on injecting Islamic teachings into it.  The advertisement for student recruitment for this delusional project speaks of "Islamic digital humanities/data science space" that exists only in a fantasy world unless we study the filtering, censorship, and hacking of Islamists in this category.  The author, like the students of Shi'i seminaries, calls "use of a data science/digital humanities tool, method, or a data set to answer novel questions in the fields of Islamic law or history" (in fact, using digital tools to search for Islamic legal texts, jurists' fatwas, and religious books) and cataloguing them as "Islamic digital humanities."  This naming happened after buying thousands of computers for seminaries in Iran.
Another discussion of this educational project is "principles of Artificial Intelligence in Islam," which should probably be found in the works of Shi'ite imams (1100 to 1300 years ago) by digging in religious texts.  Since the 1950s, Islamists have sought to find all the achievements of modern civilization in Islam.  This effort has not only not pushed religion and knowledge forward, but has sparked a wave of religious totalitarianism around the world.  Islamists have extracted all the principles of the world of technology, art, literature, and science from Islam in the last sixty years and have increased their power and wealth.  When you believe that in one book, all the knowledge of the world is hidden, you start digging and digging to extract everything from it, and the Harvard donors and the oil revenues of the Iranian people will provide for it.
The author of the plan for this class claims she wants to extract the moral and legal principles of artificial intelligence from Islam, as Munir al-Din Hosseini did at the Academy of Islamic Sciences and Mesbah Yazdi at Baqir al-Uloom Institute in Iran (they both failed).  The Islamists' preconceived notion is that Islam is a moral school (assuming that religion and morality are the same) and human intellect and experience are unable to regulate these areas.  If this is taken seriously, eventually, Takhshid and her comrades will set up an Ifta Council and later a Guardian Council in Harvard to extract all principles and policies from the Quran and hadith, because the non-jurist has no authority to work in these areas and cannot attach the terms of Islam to his interpretations.
In the last six decades, Islamists have not proposed any educational or research program without Islamization at the core.  They think this is an alternative plan, the importance and fruitfulness of which Western societies and educational environments have not realized.  The research project that has been a waste of resources in universities in Iran has been brought to Western universities today and has found a place to be presented under the ideology of identity politics.  Today's generation in these universities is oblivious to the fact that this plan was copied from the Marxist (ideological) plan of science, which itself has caused scandals for a hundred years.
Islamists have been successful in packaging and promoting their snake oil.  Munir al-Din Hosseini, who wanted to create Islamic electronics and chemistry in addition to Islamic sociology and psychology, named his institute "the Academy."  This name does not fit much in the Islamists' anti-Westernism and avoidance of Western concepts, but it gives legitimacy to his institution in the eyes of the Muslim masses.  Mesbah called the activity of Islamization of sciences under his supervision "cooperation between the seminary and the university," which no one has a problem with, but the type of activity had no legitimacy.  Zahra Takhshid at Harvard also calls her activity the "Islamic Law Lab."  In fact, there is no laboratory, but the classroom is called a laboratory to gain more attention and give it experimental value.
Before the domination of the ideology and discourse of identity politics in the academic space (modernist discourse), Muslims, like other religious scholars, followed the scientific method and had positive achievements, such as Abd ul-Salam (a Pakistani scientist) in the field of physics.  Identity-oriented science has seriously damaged both Western universities and Muslim participation in the world's educational and research institutions.
For forty-two years, the Iranian people have been paying the price for Islamicizing everything from politics, art, science, and academia to architecture, family, city squares, and even mountains and deserts by daily suppressing their rights and wasting their financial and institutional resources.  Harvard executives still do not have a grasp of it.  They have not been commanded that science cannot be ideologized or mixed with religion or identity.
The whole Islamization project has been a big business for devouring Muslims' wealth and prestige in the Middle East.  Unfortunately, today, Harvard financiers and executives have fallen to a level of followers and imitators of the Shi'ite clergy in Iran who sell Islam for their own interests.
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Rapsblüte no Yoru (Princess Tutu epilogue skit) and my thoughts
Or: Why a bitch is still salty after 9 years
So, as previously mentioned on this blog, there was a skit presented at a Princess Tutu convention in 2004 by series creator Ikuko Itoh and chief director Junichi Sato called “Rapsblüte no Yoru.” It takes place about a year after the anime’s ending and serves to wrap up some loose ends about the characters and their feelings - particularly Ahiru and Mytho.
So I’ve talked about it before, but now more time has passed, so I thought I’d let the raging monster out of its slumber to REALLY address the epilogue and my own uncensored thoughts and feelings about it. Half of this ended up reading like a rant, really, but I just had to get it all out there. 
Here is the skit, as recited by Japanese blogger Goma and translated by LiveJournal user csakuras, along with my reactions and thoughts, which are indicated by the blockquotes.
"Quaack.." Ahiru seems to be swimming on the river during a night with a beautiful moon It's been a while since then, and every day I'm happy. It's fun talking with my bird friends, and Madam Pelican is a little noisy, but...it's fun. And besides......whenever I look up, Fakir is always there.
So Ahiru has returned to life as a bird and has settled in well. Good for her.
Ahiru: "I've come all the way to Gold Crown Academy....somehow I feel like dancing." Saying that, Ahiru climbs onto the bank and is surprised to find the whole surface covered with rape blossoms. Ahiru: "Gwak!!" Autor: "Oh? What's this?" It seems he stepped on Ahiru.. Ahiru: "Gwakgwak!!" Ahiru protests. Autor: "Oh it's you, Ahiru-kun...isn't Fakir with you?" Autor backs away as Ahiru tries to talk to him. Autor: "Sorry, but could you not get so close? I'll start sneezing from my bird allergies." (The mystery of his dislike of birds is solved.) Ahiru: "Charon-san and Raetsel-san had a child so Fakir went to the celebration."
The idea of this seems to negate all of Raetsel’s development, but okay then.
Autor: "I see....by the way, did you come to see the Night of Rapsblüte too?" Ahiru: "Rap..Rapsblüte?" Ahiru asks curiously. Ahiru: "Rapsblüte are rape blossoms, right?" Here, Autor goes Hnph! with his nose as if making fun of her. Autor: "The Night of Rapsblüte is when once every 50 years, all the rape blossoms bloom simultaneously on a night of the full moon. According to what I've researched in the library, in the records of a student from 50 years ago, there is an eye-witness account." Ahiru heaves a sigh (lol) Autor: "And tonight, the weather, the date, everything matches with the past data!" Autor is full of confidence. "Besides that, you're in the music department so maybe you should be studying piano instead..." Ahiru mutters. Autor: "Did you say something?" Ahiru: "Huh? Autor can understand me." Hnph, he laughs at her with his nose again. Autor: "Anything can happen tonight and it wouldn't be strange." Ahiru: "The moon is so pretty..." (Here, a man wearing a mask of the moon appears from behind..it's a great hit in the assembly) Autor: "What's that? An onion?" Ahiru: "!!" Uzura: "Ho~ Ahiru zura~" *Tototon* (her drum) Ahiru: "Uzura-chan!!" Ahiru: "Uzura-chan! Where were you?" Uzura: "I've been wandering the interval of time with the old man zura."
WHAT does that even mean?! What is the interval of time?! Considering Uzura’s previous life as Edel, it’s surprising that Uzura chooses to stick with Drosselmeyer. He’s the one who put her Ahiru and Fakir through so much trouble, after all. Then again, Uzura is a child and probably has no memory or idea of the role Drosselmeyer played and the evil things he did. Uzura also isn’t human, so maybe human morals don’t bother her as much.
Ahiru: "By the old man do you mean Drosselmyer-san? Then where's Drosselmyer-san?" "Drosselmyer?!!" <--(Autor's switch is on) Uzura: "The old man is busy with updating the site zura, sorry he's so irresponsible zura." (Here, Director Satou is rolling with laughter.) Autor: "Why didn't you bring him with you?!" Clearly, his Drosselmyer otaku switch is on lol
I hate you, Autor. I try not to but I do.
Uzura: "One more is coming zura." Autor: "One more?" Mytho: ".......Tutu." Ahiru: "Mytho!!" (I can never forget Ahiru's sad voice here)
Ah, and here it is. The agony.
You know, I could possibly stomach the whole damn ending of the show if the epilogue doesn’t go on to make it entirely clear how heartbroken Ahiru still is. I mean, if Ahiru is actually happy, there’s nothing more you can want for her. But this here kind of ruins it. Like, why?! How am I supposed to be content with her situation when she’s sad at the mere sight of Mytho?!
Mytho: "It's been a while...." Uzura: "He was dancing on the balcony so I brought him zura." (....At your own pace as usual, Prince.) Autor: "Prince Siegfried from the story!! Myu...Mytho-san." (He sounds as emotional as if he were meeting Drosselmyer.) Mytho: "Are you Fakir's friend...?" Autor: "I'm Autor!" Mytho: "You were the one who helped Fakir? Thank you..." (How does he know..)
How DOES he know? Well, there was a tiny time skip between the defeat of the Raven and Mytho and Rue’s departure to the story. Perhaps things were explained a little during then.
Autor: "No! It was an honor." (only dimly remember) Mytho: "If I remember correctly, during our ballet lessons you were asked by Neko-sensei to accompany us on piano." Autor: "Yes, I was asked to accompany you on piano by Neko-sensei 11 times, and I passed by you with Neko-sensei in the hall 27 times." (Jeez, Autor's in high spirits (lol)) Mytho: "Fakir sometimes sees cows and alligators flying in the sky, so I'm worried. Could you take care of Fakir?"
 Mytho seems to naturally be a little bit of an airhead. It’s funny to see that qualities of him that we saw in the anime can be attributed not to his lack of a heart and common sense, but just to how his personality really is. Cute.
Autor: "Yes!! Mytho-san, please leave him to me." (He's been left to him without having a say, Fakir's in a pinch (lol)) Ahiru: "Mytho? How is Rue-chan?" Mytho: "Rue is doing well." Mytho: "It seems Rue is good at singing too and she's a popular princess among the people." Autor: "Rue-san?"
So Rue is a true lady of the arts, not good only at dancing but at singing too. Interesting that she’s so popular, considering that she honestly doesn’t seem to be the most sociable person. Polite, but not going out of her way to be friendly. Perhaps her time in the story with Mytho has defrosted her even more. What is the new Rue like, I wonder?
Uzura: "Mytho is rabu-rabu with Rue zura~" Autor: "Could you be quiet for a while..." His voice is lacking energy and sounds like he might cry (He knows they're rivals in love..is that okay?)
WHY is Autor so torn up over Rue still?! He never even really spent time with her. Foolish kids, I tell you. She was hardly more than a pretty face to him.
Ahiru: "Thank goodness... Mytho. "The Concluding Volume of The Prince and the Raven" got published. It's not a story without an end anymore." Ahiru: "And also, soon Fakir's going to dance an all-male version of La Sylphide with Matthew Bourne-sensei's choreography!"
Soooo this part is confusing. The concluding volume… So The Prince and the Raven was a story published in installments? The show made it look like it was just a single novel. Unless they mean that they simply published an official ending… But if the story was given an ending, wouldn’t that affect the storybook world? And who wrote the ending and got it published, Fakir? A couple of questions that remain here.
Mytho: "Fakir....I always feel like I'm connected with Fakir..the more my country becomes peaceful, I can feel him close by." (It's...mostly dim recollection. Just the nuance of it.)
Yeah, don’t act like you didn’t just up and leave him AND Ahiru once your business was finished, Mytho. Anyways, skipping the salt, does this mean that Fakir’s conclusion to the novel made things more peaceful in the story world? That’s what it sounds like to me.
Actually, isn’t it kind of scary that Fakir can still wield influence over Mytho’s world? What if he got pissed off at him? yikes
Ahiru: "Mytho...." "You should meet Fakir! He's coming back tomorrow..so then.." Mytho: "I can't..I can only come here because the interval of time is connected tonight..see, the moon is already sinking this much." (The man playing the moon sinks down (lol) The assembly bursts into laughter again) "I see..."
WHAT is with this ‘interval of time’ nonsense again! Someone explain it to me!
Also, fuck Fakir, apparently.
Mytho: "Princess Tutu.....thanks to you, I can be like this. Thank you." Ahiru: "I wanted to see you smile, so my wish is already granted." (only dimly remember)
“Thank you, Tutu, for risking your life to save mine and restore my happiness and holding your tongue about your feelings for me so I could do nothing for you in return and leave hours later.”
No, I’m not salty. Anyways, the abrupt ending to the show without much dialogue was due to time constraints, not necessarily a true display of Mytho’s character, which I guess this epilogue was partly written to fix. It does seem pretty heartless when you watch the anime, though.
Mytho: "Princess Tutu, I wanted to be with you longer. I wanted to talk with you like this longer....to me, you are the light....because you are someone very special..." (?? Mytho/Ahiru?)
See, this is why I just can’t do it. Like, Mytho, are you fucking kidding?! You leave her alone as a duck and now you want to sweet-talk her?!
But actually, all bitterness aside, this is really sad. They obviously care for each other, but because of circumstances and plot, never once did they have the time to really just… talk.
And he still sees her as the light. I saw some people kind of making fun of this, but of COURSE he does. There was a considerable period of time when she was the only person vouching for him, keeping him safe, acting as his voice… and ultimately saving him in every way. He can only be a real person again because of her, and she never faltered in her mission. That’s INCREDIBLE. Of course he would hold her in high regard.
Mytho: "But, I have to protect Rue. Rue needs me...." (I'm sorry, it's completely out of memory...because I was so overwhelmed..(lol) I should take my reeling in moderation)
And here’s the dagger. After talking about how highly he thinks of Ahiru/Tutu… he backtracks by saying Rue needs him.
And you know why this is REALLY fucking sad? He doesn’t say that “But, I really enjoy being with Rue” or “But, I love Rue.”
He says he has to PROTECT Rue. Rue NEEDS him.
I don’t think I need to dive too deep into the implications of his wording to spell out why this is upsetting, but I’ll sum it up quick. Instead of saying he likes being with Rue, he says Rue needs me. That’s the first thing that comes to mind.
And if it means what I think it means, that’s just fucking harsh. That’s not fair for Rue. That’s not fair for Ahiru. That’s not fair for Mytho.
I mean, we all know the prince has a savior-complex, but the implication that he chose Rue because he feels a sense of duty to protect her instead of romantic affection is kind of… tragic. That’s not a happy ending at all, really. Does Rue have any idea?
I think this is why I have an issue with Ruetho, because no matter what you can’t escape the fact that Mytho will always view her through the lens of what she suffered. It’s just in his personality as a heroic, selfless prince. Doesn’t Rue deserve someone who sees her as… more than someone to protect?
Whatever, can’t be changed now.
Mytho: "Tutu...you have done so much for me, but I couldn't do anything for you." "Is there something I can do for you, Tutu?"
WHAT on Earth could he possibly expect to be able to do for her?! I mean, short of turning her human again, but I’m guessing that’s out of the scope of his abilities. Don’t be so bait-y.
Ahiru: "......Mytho! I.........." "No, nevermind..." (Ahiru sounds incredibly sad)
What was she going to say? You know what, probably doesn’t matter anyway. We know what she wants… she can’t have it, though.
Mytho: "It's almost time..." "See you again....Tutu...." (Jeez..I don't remember any of it) Ahiru: "Can we meet again?" Mytho: "Surely we will meet again..." Mytho (or is it Yanagi-san? lol): "We can meet again, when Sakurai-kun is here." (The assembly explodes with laughter)
No no no
No, do NOT meet again. This is just asking for trouble. Ahiru clearly isn’t over Mytho, and Mytho… clearly does not have his priorities straightened out. If they keep meeting like this…
Well, as the anime shows, it wouldn’t be the first time they put themselves through the wringer for love. Mytho recites something in German. "Waaao!!" <--(Uzura)
What did he say? I’m curious.
Here, Mytho says his never-ending feelings for Tutu (if someone remembers this part please tell me~) And at the end, Mytho: ".......Ahiru."
 ……..Yeahhh, probably not a good idea to meet again.
Like, I get that this epilogue is to ‘tie up loose ends’ including the torched remnants of Mythiru that were dropped so abruptly at the end, but...
Why, oh why, Mytho, did you choose Rue if you’re still hung up on Tutu?
Additionally, we see that Mytho DOES now know that Tutu is Ahiru. That’s bittersweet too, but in more of a good way. He finally knows that the little passionate goofball was the princess all along. I wonder who told him, or how he found out. Did he just figure it out on his own? Like, the duck that was once Princess Tutu must be Ahiru because Ahiru = duck? Maybe Uzura told him? I doubt Fakir would’ve, simply because once she was back to being a duck again permanently, there was really no reason to tell Mytho. Couldn’t much matter anymore, right?
Ahiru: "I get the feeling I heard Mytho's voice at the end." I am a duck....I can't wear toe shoes, I can't dance.. (I'm sorry, I don't remember) But inside my chest there is a sparkling gem that will never be broken. The end.
And that’s it.
Sooo a lot of conflicted feelings coming at me from this, if you couldn’t tell. I guess first is the question of whether or not this could be considered canon.
Honestly? I think so. Both Ikuko Itoh and Junichi Sato, the people behind Princess Tutu, worked on this and presented it. They even had some of the Japanese VAs present to act it out. Additionally, as I’d mentioned previously, it addresses some questions that were left open due to the somewhat rushed ending of the anime’s finale. And nothing presented in this skit goes against the show’s canon or really comes out of left field (aside Charon and Raetsel man tf). It’s short and sweet.
Moving on, the first time I read this I was really happy, simply because it makes it clear that YES, Mytho does return Ahiru’s feelings. Which I guess was clear in the anime too, but this skit makes it undeniable. It’s nice to feel validated.
But as time goes on and I’ve had the chance to chew over and really digest it… It’s kind of a really crappy situation for our heroine and hero. Like, so they are in love, and they want to continue seeing each other… but Mytho is SUPPOSED to be spoken for with Rue, and Ahiru is a duck. Not to mention that Ahiru is Rue’s FRIEND. C’mon girl, chicks before dicks. Of course, they could still interact platonically, but the confession from Mytho in this skit kind of shot that possibility dead. And what about Fakir in this mess? Granted, Fakir isn’t stupid – he’s known that Ahiru loves Mytho from the beginning, and it’s not exactly like he can be in a relationship with a duck. But still.
Maybe I’m just looking too far into things, but with a piece this short and direct, I don’t know how deep you can really dive.
Anyways, my final thoughts are: Mythiru is canon but in the most tragic way possible, Rue deserves better, annnnnnd I’m still left unsatisfied.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
Decryption_Error: “Catastrophic Failure”
Summary: Y/N does everything she can to help Elliot one last time.
Warnings: Angst, Discussion of DID and Mental Health
A/N: * = dialogue taken directly and/or paraphrased from the show; ** = researched tech stuff (not my thoughts/ideas)
Word Count: 6767
Decryption_Error: All Chapters
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I blinked away a drugged sleep as my phone blared. I thought I had silenced it, but then again, my overreliance on my anxiety meds was making everything muddled.
Elliot 🖤
I had to be dreaming.
I hadn’t heard from Elliot since he walked away from me on Coney Island a week ago.
I had to be dreaming, but I could still hear the warble of my ringtone and I could feel the vibrations of my phone as I stared at his name.
I touched my thumb stupidly to the green icon and slid it to answer, expecting no one to be on the other end.
“I need you to come out to your parents’ house. There’s not a lot … not a lot of time. Please.”  
“Elliot?” I questioned, my pulse quickening at the edge of desperation in his voice. “Please tell me this is really you.”
A harsh, shuffling sound made me pull the phone slightly away from my ear, then the line went dead.
I lowered my phone to stare at the screen as it went black, but the persistent hammering of my heart reminded me that really did happen and I needed to move … fast.
I fumbled my way through the dark and into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face to clear my head. I brushed my teeth as I walked into the closet and pulled on my still-sandy jeans and jostled into my also-still-sandy sweater from the night not-Elliot walked away from me. I yanked my sweater down as it caught on my toothbrush before I rushed back into the bathroom to rinse.
I stumbled as I slid into my sneakers, but when a small pile of sand fell out of the tread, I stared at it, remembering the story Elliot told me about a day he and his father played hooky and went to the beach. When he got home, his sneakers were full of sand and he dumped them on his bedroom floor. His mother was furious, but his father wasn’t. Elliot had said he often thought about that moment, about how difficult it would be to take enough sand away from that beach, shoe-full by shoe-full to make a difference in the landscape.*
“Is that what you really want, El?” I asked as his fingers ran through my hair while I laid with my head in his lap, looking up and watching his chin move as he spoke. “To change the world?”
“I don’t know. It takes so long to make any real change. What if I don’t have the stomach for it?”*
“Well,” I said slowly, smiling as I reached up to angle his face so he looked down at me, his own mouth mirroring my soft smile as he waited for me to continue. “It didn’t take you all that long to change my life.”
“Has it been a good change?” he asked as his smile grew to a grin.
“The best change,” I answered as my happy grin paralleled Elliot’s, our exchange of mirrored smiles offering the perfect evidence for how we had changed each other’s lives for the best.
I gasped for a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding as that memory assaulted me.  
“Fuck!” I yelled into the void of my closet as I pushed away the sweetness of the memory and forced my mind back to the agony of the present.
I adjusted my shoes, and tore out of the bedroom, only slowing my pace as I passed the guest room. I offered a prayer to anything listening that my parents stayed fast asleep.
After Elliot was fired and I didn’t answer my dad’s phone calls, he came to my apartment. I had managed to keep myself together for the rest of the work week, but the second I saw my dad, the dam inside of me broke.
I clung to him as he cradled me on the sofa, reduced to an inconsolable child as the heartbreak of losing Elliot flooded through me.
Mom and Dad cancelled their Memorial Day plans, even though it was going to be the first once since they had officially moved into the Greenwich house. Kath decided to host Josh’s family at their place, and Erin, Ryan, and Charlie decided to fly down to Palm Beach for the weekend. Each of my siblings did their best to cajole me into joining them, but they all knew I wasn’t going to.
Mom then made a very loud proclamation to anyone who would listen that she and my dad would stay with me in the city until I was “feeling more like myself.”
I didn’t have the strength to fight her, and although I was hesitant to admit it, having my parents to take care of me as my world fell apart helped.
After grabbing my bag, I shut the door to my apartment as quietly as I could, and as I waited for the elevator, I glanced at my phone to check the time.
2:07 am
I tried not to think that exactly one year ago, Elliot was asleep in my bed after we had a picnic and had gotten high, both of us basking in feelings that came at the beginning of a relationship, both of our hearts identical twins of hope for the possibility of an “us.”
I fumbled with the door to my SUV and settled in, slapping my cheeks to shake off the remnants of my meds. As a final thought, I checked my call history just to make sure everything still had really happened.
Elliot 🖤 1:54 am
I put the car in reverse, and quickly made my way out of the city.
* * * * *
I was rigid with fear as I finally pulled into my parents’ house, my stomach in knots and my head aching from clenching my jaw for the entire drive.
Considering Elliot’s phone call, I was unsurprised that the front door was unlocked.
Opening it slowly, I stepped into the pitch-black entryway, my eyes scanning the dark for any movement. I moved to check the alarm system, but it had already been disabled.
As my eyes adjusted, I looked to the staircase but changed my mind and made my way to my dad’s office—the office where Elliot and I had stopped the hackers over the Fourth of July weekend.
There was a light coming from Dad’s office, the familiar muted wash of a computer screen’s glow.
I pushed into the room with caution, my gaze settling on Elliot as he was seated at my dad’s computer, his fingers working at a pace that would’ve been deemed brutal for anyone else.
He never took his eyes off the screen, nor did his fingers falter as he replied, “No.”
“Why would you call me?”
“I didn’t,” not-Elliot said as he finally stopped typing and raised his eyes to mine, his cheek bright red with what would surely be a nasty bruise in a few hours.
“You hurt him?”
“He was getting in our way.”
“Our? As in you and Mr. Robot? So you’re a team now?”
Anger spurned my body into motion. I rushed to the desk and kicked the chair so it rolled him away from the computer.
He didn’t fight me.
I glared at him, but he wouldn’t meet my eyes. I turned away to look at the monitor, my eyes narrowing in concentration as I worked to figure out what he was running.
My mouth dropped open when I realized I was looking at Dream Market, one of the largest data dump markets on the Dark Web. It had only been running for a little over a year and was only accessible with anonymity software, but it was the place to go if you wanted data … or drugs. **
He had used Tor to access Dream Market. Tor was an acronym derived from The Onion Project, which used onion routers to effectively encrypt user traffic that passed IP addresses through a complex of Tor nodes. Those “onion layers” protected any user's anonymity by providing access to similarly protected websites, thus a virtual, back-alley marketplace was born. **
“You dumped Precision Machining’s data. You—you put it up for sale.”
“Only the board members’ data.”
“Why? Why?!” I asked as I bent over the keyboard, too far out of my skillset to even know how to start retrieving the stolen information.
“This can all go away, sweetheart.”
I froze at the switched intonation which meant I was now dealing with Mr. Robot. I stepped back and looked over at him, Elliot’s entire demeanor changed from focused on the hack and disconnected in his interaction with me, to disconnected from the hack and very, very focused on me.
“This can all go away if I leave Elliot alone.”
“Elliot does like a girl with a brain,” Mr. Robot said as he put his hands on top of his head and leaned back in my dad’s chair.
“What happened to … the other one? The hacker?”
Mr. Robot laughed as he leaned farther back in the chair, confident in his knowledge that he had total control of this situation.
“I’m the only one Elliot really needs. Problem was he lost sight of our plan, thanks to you.”
Mr. Robot leaned forward, shifting his feet before he stood up, slowly. His movements were more relaxed, more confident than Elliot’s; the way he walked with purpose and the fact that he never dropped his gaze made me understand why he was Elliot’s protector.  
“Elliot needs to keep busy. It’s good for him. And the shit you had him doing at his cushy Wall Street job wasn’t cutting it. Not to mention all the lovey-dovey crap—'let’s talk about our feeelings’ all the fucking time. Jesus Christ.
“It was only a matter of time before he needed a … a challenge. You see, sometimes he dreams about saving the world. Saving everyone from an invisible hand, one that brands them with an employee badge. One that forces them to work for people like your old man. People who control us every day without us knowing it. Except that Elliot does know it because I never let him forget it.”*
I listened, unsurprised by Mr. Robot’s words. I knew Elliot thought about those things. I knew he struggled to reconcile being normal with being complacent. But I also knew now that Elliot was angry about something that had nothing to do with the injustices of the world, something that Mr. Robot was working his ass off to keep from him.
“That’s not what this is about and you know it. This,” I said gesturing to the screen, “is an illusion. It’s something you’ve come up with to stop him from getting too close to the secret you’ve worked so hard to protect. Aren’t you tired, Mr. Robot? Aren’t you tired of hurting him for the sake of protecting him? Of keeping Elliot from a truth he needs to know in order to move on—”
“There is no moving on because there is no hard reset that can be done if Elliot remembers!” Mr. Robot growled as he stepped toward me, his face inches from mine.
I stumbled back, my hip bumping against the desk.
“If he remembers, if he learns the truth, it will break him.”
I will never forget the way Mr. Robot’s eyes, the same yet not at all the same as Elliot’s, flashed with pain as I said, “Maybe you’re too scared he won’t need you anymore if he learns the truth. Maybe it’s you that can’t handle the possibility of it healing him instead of breaking him.”
“You know nothing about Elliot, nothing about us! You were just our playground, little girl,” Mr. Robot spat as he grabbed my arm and twisted me toward the computer screen. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed my head close to the monitor.
“Everything a hacker would need to take down the company your father built is right there, waiting for the highest bidder,” he said with a final shove of my head before he let me go.  
I held myself up with shaky arms, tears stinging at my eyes as I realized this was his ultimatum. There was no reasoning with Mr. Robot because he only had one source of hunger; he desired nothing other than to protect Elliot, even if that meant sacrificing the thing that had made him the happiest he had been in his adult life.
I finally accepted that I didn’t have the strength to fight Mr. Robot. If he was already able to use the only other part of Elliot I got close to against me, it was two against one. It would tear Elliot apart to keep him—if I fought for him, I would be the one breaking him.
“If—” my voice faltered, choked by the sob of despair that had built within me as I realized what I had to do.
“If I swear to—to delete Elliot from my life, will you give him back control? Will you take back the hack?”
Before Mr. Robot could answer, the sound of sirens infiltrated my dad’s office. My head whipped toward the door and I could see lights flashing through the house as the police pulled into the driveway.
“You called the police?” Mr. Robot asked, panic evident in his normally confident tone.
He moved to the office door and peered out into the house, the sound of footsteps pounding across the porch causing his mouth to drop open as he drew in deeper breaths.
I shook my head.
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“Well someone sure as fuck did!”
“Maybe my dad heard me leave. Maybe—”
“Maybe I don’t give a fuck! Now listen to me,” Mr. Robot said, his teeth bared as he walked back to stand in front of me. “If I go to jail, Elliot goes to jail. Is that what you want?”
“Get him out of this and I’ll make sure the hack is reversed.”
“How am I supposed to help him if you won’t let me see him again?”
“Do you really want me to bring him back now? Into this mess?!”
“Promise I’ll see him again? Please.”
“You don’t have the power to bargain!”
“Let me at least say goodbye and I’ll make sure he stays out of jail. Money talks, in case you’re too high on your fucking horse to remember that!”
Mr. Robot’s eyes bore into mine as he decided whether to trust me or to take his luck with the penal system.
I pressed, “And you still have to reverse the hack—I can’t help Elliot stay out of jail if that data gets sold.”
The front door splintered and my foot jumped to the powerstrip under my dad’s desk. I paused near the button, waiting for Mr. Robot’s answer before plunging us into darkness.
“Fine—I undo the hack, you get to say goodbye, then you stay the fuck out of his life. Or else we do this alllll over again, princess.”
I nodded my agreement to his terms.
Mr. Robot jumped back from the doorway as a crunch of noise indicated the front door had been flung open.
A rush of movement flooded into the house.
“Put your hands on your head and don’t move!” I ordered as I kicked off the powerstrip under dad’s desk before rushing out of the office, my hands on my head as I stood in front of the door.
“He’s unarmed! He’s not a threat! He’s not a threat!” I repeated as an officer moved toward me and pulled me away from the office door, ushering me outside to safety.
The other two policemen entered Dad’s office and instructed Mr. Robot to get down on his knees.
As soon as my feet touched the sidewalk, I saw my dad pull in behind one of the cruisers. He leapt out of the car, not even bothering to cut the ignition.
I was bubbling with anger as I shook off the policeman’s grasp and crossed the lawn.
“How could you?!” I yelled before my mouth went dry and I felt a churning in my gut. As I was forced to quell my anger or end up being sick on our front lawn, I looked at my dad’s face; it was so filled with worry that for the first time in my life, he looked every bit his age.
He never stopped moving toward me and grabbed me in a fierce hug when he finally reached me. He tried to shield me from watching who he knew as Elliot being escorted into the police cruiser, but I pushed out of his grasp, needing to know that Mr. Robot hadn’t abandoned the person we both loved at a time when he really did need his protector.
There was nothing in his demeanor that signaled a return to Elliot as Mr. Robot calmly slid into the backseat of the cruiser, his hands cuffed, his face a stoical mask.
“You need to tell the police why he broke into our home, Y/N,” my dad said from somewhere behind me.
“Absolutely not.”
“I love you, Y/N, but you are not thinking clearly!” my dad reprimanded, uncharacteristically raising his voice.
“Of course I am!”
“It’s been him all along. All the hacks—I know it has.”
“That wasn’t him—not entirely.”
“What? Like a hacking ring?”
I laughed, a crazy tittering that felt so out of place on our pristine lawn in front of our huge house. My father had no idea how right he was.
I turned to him to explain, “The person who broke in tonight wasn’t the Elliot you’ve met. He has Dissociative Identity Disorder but he doesn’t know he has it. It’s complicated.”
My father’s face didn’t lose its sternness as he considered what I just told him.
“I know you love him, sweetheart, but—”
“He needs help, Dad,” I begged. “He needs us to be the family he doesn’t have.”  
As an officer approached and began asking a series of questions, my mind wondered back to all the quiet dreams I had about a future with Elliot, many of those dreams beginning in this house over the Fourth of July. Now, I felt like my whole world had gone grey; there was no bright goodness to be found in white, no rift of black to clearly signal evil, and no limitless possibilities held within all the bright colors between. Everything was just … grey.
“At this time, are you aware of any reason the subject in custody may have broken into your home?”
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my father.
“… No. No, officer. I am not.”
I leaned into him, welcoming his strong arm as it wrapped protectively around my shoulders.  
* * * * *
A few hours later, our family lawyer, Thea, met us at the Greenwich Police Department. My dad filled her in as we sat in the waiting area, but I could tell by the frown on her face that Elliot’s case had the potential to be difficult.
“Connecticut has pretty strict laws on burglary—”
“He wasn’t stealing.”
Thea knew better than to ask anything else.
“It’s very helpful you aren’t filing additional charges. If I can swing it, I’d like to get the burglary charge changed to trespassing, then plead out at arraignment. That’s only if I can’t get it dismissed.”
I took a deep breath and spoke slowly, scared that somehow Mr. Robot would hear me.
“The charge can’t be dismissed because Elliot needs court-mandated therapy. He … he won’t go otherwise.”
“Does he have a documented mental illness?”
“Not documented, no. I was thinking … what if you could get him ordered to therapy for anger management?”
“Did he destroy any property at the house?”
“What if he intended to, but was interrupted? There’s … the possibility of establishing a pattern of behavior.”
Thea thought for a moment, then put her hand up when she saw me open my mouth again.
“I don’t want to know anything else until I talk to Mr. Alderson. Based on the police report and your cooperation, I have enough now to try to downgrade to a trespassing charge. We aren’t in the city, so I don’t know anything about the judge on the docket. I’m going to make a few calls and see if I can find anything out.
“Elliot should be out of booking by now and in a holding room.”  
“Can I see him?”
“Not until I do.”
“Charles Y/L/N?” interrupted a policeman who introduced himself as Captain Neiley. “The Chief told me to make sure you had anything you needed—Tony gave him a call early this morning.”
“Thank you,” Dad replied earnestly, shaking the Captain’s hand.
Because of my father’s connections, I soon found myself peering into a small, concrete room from behind the glass of a very small window, much smaller than the ones on television, as Elliot, or rather Mr. Robot, interacted with Thea.
I could tell it was not going well by the twist of Thea’s mouth and by the way Mr. Robot refused to look in her direction, much less sit down and talk to her. He was distrustful, and clearly, angry.
I looked around for an officer and when I found one, I asked her if she could get my attorney out. She nodded and unlocked the door, signaling for Thea.
“You shouldn’t be here right now, Y/N.”
“He’ll talk, but not to you … not yet. I need to tell him it’s safe.”
Thea sighed and bowed her head. She shrugged her shoulders as she looked back up and answered, “Go ahead. But anything he says to you is not going to help—he needs to talk to me.”
The officer opened the door again and when I walked into the room, I saw that Mr. Robot had finally sat down. As he looked at me, a war started to take place behind his eyes. He was silent for a long, long time and I just stood by the door with my back pressed against it, waiting to see if Mr. Robot would let go.
Finally, I saw it—the same subtle fluttering of his eyes as the night in my apartment.
“Y/N?” Elliot asked, both his voice and his eyes raw with vulnerability.
“Elliot,” I stated, unable to hold back my tears at finally seeing him again.  
“I’m here to help, El,” I choked out, “but you—all of you--have to let me help you.”
Elliot’s eyes filled with pools of tears before he shifted, his gaze on the steel of the table and his hands cradling his head.
“I can’t remember … only fragments and—” he looked up suddenly, his face turning to stare into the empty corner of the room where Mr. Robot had been standing before he sat down.
“He’s here, isn’t he?”
Elliot’s head whipped back in my direction, his eyes widening, his mouth falling open in horror.
“I know about Mr. Robot. It’s okay, Elliot. I’ve met him.”
“No—nobody knows about him.”
“He protects you.”
“Can you see him, too?”
“No, El. I can’t. I just know … it’s hard to explain, but I know you sometimes see him. It’s rare, but sometimes that’s just what happens with people like you.”
“In my mind,” Elliot groaned. “He’s only supposed to be in my mind.”
“I know. I know. I’m sorry things have gotten this bad.”
“Oh god,” he moaned, his hands pulling hard at his hair as he rocked back in his seat. “I’m crazy—I’m a fucking schizo and you’re committing me.”  
“Tell him what happened tonight,” I said, my eyes flicking to the corner to indicate I wanted Mr. Robot to talk to Elliot.
Elliot looked to the corner again. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the room was silent. Whatever happened between Elliot and Mr. Robot did, indeed, only happen in his mind.
As I waited, I thought back to my research on DID, and I knew Elliot was in an extremely vulnerable state. I also knew what it meant to have his alters interact with me—I needed to be very careful not to break Mr. Robot’s trust since we had made a deal.
After a few minutes passed, Elliot sprang out of his chair and leapt toward the wall, his fist slamming into the concrete with a sick thud.
Elliot left his fist against the wall and leaned into it, tears streaming down his face as he broke down.
I rushed to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, molding my body to his and pressing into his back.
“It’s okay, Elliot. It’s okay. I’m here,” I soothed, my own tears flowing in a fresh wave because of his pain.
His hand fell away from the wall and he brought it to rest over my arms.  
I pulled him away from the wall and turned him to face me, his legs buckling and both of us sliding to the floor. I pulled him to me, so much like that night in my closet during the Fourth of July.
“I’m here. I’m here, Elliot. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so fucking sorry,” he said, his voice muffled as he pressed his face into my neck, his tears wet and smearing into my skin.
“He didn’t give me a choice—I had to do the ha—”
“You can’t talk about any of that right now. Not until you talk to the lawyer.”
“I hurt you—your father, your family,” Elliot said, his voice a dull rasp as he finally looked up at me, his cheeks a wet mess. I shifted to my knees so I could cradle his face in my hands; I wiped at his tears, careful to avoid the bruise on his cheek that had changed from red to an ugly burgundy, smoothed his brows, and swiped at his nose with the sleeve of my sweater.
As I touched him, he hiccupped, his breath evening out as he pulled himself together.
I kissed his forehead, then the tip of his nose.
“Listen,” I said, holding his face in my hands and pushing his chin up with my thumbs. “I need you to talk to Thea, our lawyer. She’s going to help us.”
“Us,” Elliot whispered, a single tear falling from the corner of his eye and sliding down the side of my thumb.
“For now, but Mr. Robot wants me to let you go.”
Elliot frowned and leaned back, his head resting on the wall as I let my hands fall away from his face. A part of him clearly still hoped I could be in this with him, but we both knew I couldn’t be.
“I’m so tired of fighting him, Y/N. He’s … persistent.”
“Yeah. So I noticed,” I said with a quick upturn of my lips, watching as Elliot’s eyes continued to look at the ceiling.
“You need to be the one to talk to Thea. Mr. Robot needs to let you stay in control. Will you, and I mean YOU, I said waving in the direction of Mr. Robot but keeping my eyes trained on Elliot’s face, stay buried so he can get out of this mess?”  
Elliot looked over and up at Mr. Robot with a ferocity I hadn’t seen before.
His eyes returned to mine and he nodded.
“There’s something else.”
Elliot’s brows contracted as he looked at my face.
I moved close to him, slowly wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug. I turned toward his ear, whispering, “The data dump on the Dark Web—can you make it disappear?”
Elliot pulled me into the hug, his mouth nestling in next to my ear as he reached up to grasp my hair, burying his face in it.
“I built a security during the hack. If a password wasn’t entered every 45 minutes, the data would disappear from the Market. It’s gone now.”
I squeezed him and he tightened his grip as he inhaled, trying to lose himself in the scent of me.  
“Just like that night I needed to find you. Coney Island. You left your computer logged on.”
“Yes,” he answered, his confirmation a low, comforting rumble.  
“Can you—will you stay with me until this is all over?”
“Thea has to talk to you alone, but I’ll be right outside. I’ll go every step of the way that I can with you—as long as Mr. Robot lets me.”
Elliot swallowed thickly, and I pulled away from him. We looked into each other’s eyes until the door opened, then he cast his gaze to the floor.
“Ready to talk, Mr. Alderson?”
* * * * *
Over an hour later, I almost jumped out of my skin when Thea finally emerged from the holding room.
Dad had insisted I eat something, but since I refused to leave, he ran out and got breakfast. I ate enough to make him satisfied, but just as I rounded the corner to throw away our trash, I heard the door open.
I rushed back and caught the door, needing to see Elliot again.
“You’re right, Y/N,” Thea said quietly. “Elliot doesn’t belong in prison, but he needs, at a minimum, a few months of court-mandated therapy. He … destroyed some servers at CIStech?”
My dad frowned, remembering the incident that brought Elliot and I together.
“It was never a romantic story to begin with, Dad,” I said as I rolled my eyes.
I turned my attention back to Thea and asked what that had to do with anything.
“You took care of that one, huh?”
“I did.”
Thea looked at me for a long moment, then began, “There is no way for the DA to prove that Elliot had the intent of committing a criminal act while on your property unless you or your dad have something—”
“We don’t.”
My father shook his head no, and Thea’s mouth quirked up at the corner, “Of course not.”
“How long will this take?”
“I’m taking my offer to the DA now. If they agree to it, the judge may rule at arraignment and this whole thing could be over today.”
“Thank you, Thea. Can I say goodbye?”
“Be quick because Elliot is going to be moved to a holding room outside of the court, soon. I’ll see you over there.”
“Thank you,” I said again before pulling the door open.
Before the door even shut, Elliot stood and began pacing, his voice raspy with overuse as he started talking.
“I have to give you up. He’s not going to leave me alone until I do. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for everything I did. I’m sorry for letting him do this to you. I’m sorry—"
“Elliot, slow down,” I said as I crossed the room and intercepted his pacing. He stopped with a start in front of me and stuffed his hands in his hoodie’s pockets.
I reached out and lightly squeezed his shoulders, moving my hands down his biceps, and over his forearms. I felt him relax under my repetitive touches, and when it was clear he wasn’t about to climb the wall, I stepped closer and slid my hands into his hoodie’s pockets.
“How’s your hand?” I asked, feeling the swollen knuckles of his right hand in comparison to the unaffected left.
“That’s how this whole thing started,” Elliot said, pulling both of our hands out of his pockets. His shook as he held onto mine. “You took such good care of me.”
“I kept you prisoner in my apartment.”
“And here we are now,” Elliot said with a small smile.
My heart ached at how easy this was with him … how easy it was when it was just him.
“I hate this,” Elliot said in agony as he searched my face, surely sensing that I was on the verge of falling apart again.
I looked into his big grey eyes and let myself get lost, swept back into the love I felt for him, knowing this could be the last time I ever saw him.
“I’m sorry, too. I’m sorry for whatever happened that made you need Mr. Robot. You need to figure out what’s at the root of all of this, why you keep forgetting, and I’m not the one who can do that for you. But you know what? I am going to make sure you have a real chance at getting professional help.”
“I know,” Elliot said, lowering his eyes but still holding on to my hands.
“Know what else? I love you.”
Elliot’s eyes snapped back up to mine, and again, I saw a fierce determination unlike anything I’d ever seen in his eyes before.
“I’m gonna be happy with you someday, Y/N. I’m gonna love you like you love me.”
I held his gaze as I shook off the grip of his hands to reach up and cradle his face.
“You have to love yourself first, Elliot. Mr. Robot is never going to let go of his control as long as you need him to…meet whatever need it is you need met.”
“I’m never going to forget you loved me first—never.”
As if all the pieces of my heart weren’t already broken, I knew that wasn’t true. Mr. Robot was going to delete me. Elliot was never going to remember that someone loved him first. All I could hope for was that Mr. Robot was listening right now, a part of him feeling compassionate enough to allow Elliot to one day restore a previous version of himself, this version.
“Will you wait for me? I know I don’t have a right to ask, but have I earned the right to hope that you will?”
Before I could answer him, an officer opened the door and said it was time to move to the courthouse.
I melted into Elliot’s arms, and he hugged me. I felt determination radiate from him.
He’s so much stronger than Mr. Robot thinks.
I pulled back, knowing the officer was waiting, and I reached up to cup his face one more time. I memorized his face until my eyes filled with tears and he became a blur. I blinked away those tears and I tried to absorb the love that so clearly emanated from his beautiful eyes.
I leaned in to kiss Elliot, and he pressed his entire body into mine, molding his lips against mine as if our mouths had been designed from conception just to connect like this in this single moment.
I knew he could taste the salt of my tears as I broke the kiss and managed to look at him one last time before my vision blurred again and I rushed out the door. I only just made it to the bathroom in time to throw up everything I ate, and as I knelt on the worn, green and white bathroom floor, surrounded by the smell of bleach that tried its best to cover up the stench of urine and failed, my grief finally pulled me under and I let myself drown. Then, for the second time in less than a week, I felt my father’s arms tighten around me as I fell apart.
November 2014
Mr. Robot whispered to Elliot as he worked, reassuring him this was for the best. Seeing Darlene on Halloween for the first time in over five months reopened a chasm of loneliness Elliot hadn’t felt since—
“You’re really fucking this up, kiddo,” Mr. Robot said from where he was leaning against the wall. “This is what happens when you don’t stick to the plan. You’ve got to get that job at Allsafe with Angela.”
“I know. For fuck’s sake, I know,” Elliot growled as his fingers flew over the keyboard.
His hand reached to click the mouse as he dragged all of the pictures on his phone onto the CD sitting in his drive.
“No, son,” Mr. Robot said as Elliot popped the disk out of the drive. “You’re not done yet.”
Elliot looked at him, his brows drawn in confusion.
“Why can’t you just tell me why we have to keep doing this?”
“You’re not ready to know, Elliot. You created me to be your protector; you have to trust me to do what’s best to keep you safe. So … be a part of this, or I can do it myself. Either way, everything, except Angela, has got to go.”
As Elliot pushed the CD that would hold all of his memories back into the drive, Master Mind watched.
And more importantly, Master Mind waited.
He knew he had one chance at this, exactly one chance to take control and to fix everything Mr. Robot had done. He had one chance to make the world a place where Elliot could finally be happy without condition. He had one chance to restore Elliot’s previous version, effectively recovering all the data Mr. Robot had been deleting over the past few months.
“Alright, kiddo,” Mr. Robot said as Elliot tucked the unlabeled CD into the otherwise empty black binder and tossed it to the floor, kicking it under his bookshelf. “It’s time.
Elliot took a deep breath as he prepared to relinquish control to Mr. Robot, trusting in his protector, but just before Mr. Robot could take over, Master Mind seized his chance.
Elliot’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening, but it was too late; as Master Mind took complete control for the first time, Elliot slipped into a black void.
* * * * *
Elliot Alderson sat in the waiting room of the third cybersecurity firm he had interviewed with. This one, though, seemed different. He liked that it didn’t hide who it was.
“CIStech: Always Vigilant” read the sign on the glass door he had pushed open only a few minutes ago.
Yes, Elliot decided he definitely liked this company, so far. Being vigilant was smart. Too many people were happy to live without awareness, happy to live in their bubbles of the naïve just so they could feel good until someone told them what else they neededto have to keep feeling good.*
Elliot cleared his throat as he heard his name announced over the intercom at the secretary’s desk.
“Jayne? Bring in Mr. Alderson, please.”
He was drawn to that voice on the intercom. He liked it—confident, but kind.
Elliot shifted in his seat, ready to stand.
He took a deep breath as he followed the secretary into what was clearly meant to be a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. Instead of a large panel of interviewers, it was just three people. Instead of interviewing in a board room, it was in an office with a round table.
Like equals, Elliot thought. Except they’ve got the power to decide what happens next in my life.
“Mr. Alderson,” a man began, extending his hand. “I’m Colin Greene, Supervisor.
Fuck. They’re hand-shakers.
Elliot followed protocol, reminding himself that his was how to play the game. He shook the second Supervisor’s hand, and then—
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N, Senior Manager.”
Elliot stared at Y/N, finally remembering that she was waiting for him to shake her hand, but Elliot felt afraid to touch her.
What if I touch her and she disappears? Like some kind of dream?
Elliot almost laughed out loud at that thought, but something pulsed inside of him, something that made him long to touch this stranger who seemed so familiar to him, who seemed like someone so much more important than a Supervisor at a mediocre cybersecurity firm.
A surge of excitement coursed through Elliot as he extended his hand, not knowing what was going to happen next. As his eyes locked onto the stranger’s, he watched as a sweet smile pulled at her lips, a smile that made him feel safe.
And for a reason he couldn’t explain, made him feel loved.
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GIF Credit: @s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r
A/N 2.0: Thank you, thank you, thank you for going on this journey with me. Your comments, likes, and reblogs kept me moving along even when I wanted nothing more than to throw my computer out of the window and give up. I put a lot into this story, and it is the longest thing I’ve ever written. I would love to know how you felt about the story or if you have anything you want to ask/discuss, so hit me up with a comment or an ask.
I love Elliot, and I am so glad you do, too. Thank you for indulging me, as always. -xMx ❤️
Tags: @sherlollydramoine​ @rami-malek-trash​ @teamwolf2411 @limabein​ @txmel​ @alottanothing​ @ouatlovr @backoftheroomandnotbelonging​ @moon-stars-soul​ @free-rami @ramimedley​ @hopplessdreamer​ @sweet-charmie @polarcrystall​ @hah0106​ @clumsybookworm18​ @diasimar​ @ramisgirl512​ @aboutthatmelancholystorm​
And a special thank you tag to my cheerleader who gives me the best comments with so many pterodactyl screeches that my heart soars every time I read them. Thank you @alottanothing​! 
A/N 3.0: All of my research on DID indicates that while there are many commonalities, every system is pretty unique. For example, while many folks who have DID may have a “protector” figure, their protector will function uniquely for the needs of their system. The way I treated DID in this particular fic is a combination of my informal research and just taking what Sam Esmail gave us and working within his parameters. It’s actually super uncommon for alters to manifest and be “seen,” but I stuck with that idea because it was Sam’s and was so integral to the show. I am a singleton, so I am not an expert, nor do I claim to be an authority of any kind when it comes to the incredible complexities of being a system. 
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aatgeog2260 · 3 years
Human Geography Researcher Potential!
It is wild to think that this is the last blog post in this class! When I chose this class for this semester I wasn’t really excited about it - it was just another required course. I’m happy to say that I really appreciated this course and learned so many things as well as met some more people in geography!
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These three things I know for certain about human geography research:
1. Human geography research is not just one thing. It is interconnected with so many other types of geography like the ones presented in our last class and more! My favourite part of this course was attending that final class and watching all of the videos about different subtopics under human geography that students in this class created. It helped identify connections and relations as well as how these are relevant in the real world. When combined together, they form this incredible subject of geography. 
2. It is essential! Human geography research provides patterns and connections between people and places which is vital for living today. It helps us understand the world better which can aid the development of moving forward in a positive direction while respecting the past. In the summary of chapter one in the textbook, it states that “human geographers are bringing new and effective approaches to the fundamental questions of societal structures and individual experiences (Hay 2016 p. 26). Human geography will continue to help find answers to these questions about the world we live in.
3. It is a delicate process. All research is a delicate and complex process as there are numerous things to consider and be aware of, but because human geography deals with real people, their lives, culture, religion, families, etc., I know that we need to be so careful to respect and acknowledge others and who they are. Chapter three of the textbook includes a poem by Barabara Nicholson, titled Something There Is… that highlights the necessity of consent and privacy in research. Just because someone is classified as a researcher does not give them the right to invade a person's life (Hay 2016 p. 48). Below is a sketch I did after I read the poem for the first time: (I am not an artist but it was something I did afterwards to reflect upon the reading)
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In general, it’s a researcher looking through a magnifying glass at these people who feel exposed from the “research”. 
These three things I am still confused by:
1. Analyzing surveys. This was one of the larger lectures we had live in class and I think I was having a hard time keeping up after we had so many lectures online in which I would pause, rewind and go back. It was my fault that I never went back to the recording to review so I’d still like to clarify this content. I know that if I were to be asked about each data type: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio, I would not be able to explain them all clearly (Hooykaas 2021 Week 5). 
2. The following phrase was used in the week 6 lecture: “Testimony by itself is a relatively weak form of evidence” (Hooykaas 2021 Week 6). I’m unclear with how or why this is. When we watched documentaries in this course I thought this involved testimony and it was used in research. Maybe they are classified more as a case study. So I wonder, what are the differences between a case study and a testimony? Or is a testimony involved within a case study? For example, in week 3 we watched the documentary Surviving in the Siberian Wilderness for 70 years produced by VICE. I believe that this was a case study, but within it, Agafia Lykovs shares her story. Is the research incomplete unless you unpack and verify this testimony? 
3. I am a little confused with the concept of triangulation. The week 6 lecture provided this image: 
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I am not sure if triangulation means having one of these sections, for example, researchers but having multiple of them, or if it is putting these sections together, for example, both multiple researchers along with multiple theories (Hooykaas 2016 Week 6). I have a feeling it would be the second option, simply because if you have multiple researchers then most likely you would get multiple theories and methods, however, I would like to clarify in order to understand it better.
These three things I know for certain about me as a human geographic researcher:
I created a word-cloud of things I’ve felt I’ve gained from this course and things that I enjoyed to help me come up with this section of the blog:
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1. There is potential! I remember writing my first blog post in this class and describing how I used to really dislike geography and didn’t want anything to do with it. After this class, I know that I have the potential to become a researcher and possibly find it enjoyable! I surprised myself when I enjoyed working on the DSP. It was fun coding information with all of the colours and although it was challenging to go through the information, condense, review, condense some more, etc., it felt so rewarding to show that final product to others and to think that other people could learn valuable information useful in the world based on what you provided to them! I think if I ever did become a researcher I would enjoy participatory action research since it allows people in the community to become “co-researchers and decision-makers in their own right” (Hay 2016 p. 350). This is really important to avoid that idea of invasion of privacy.
2. I learned more about my interests. I used to think the biggest goal in geography was being able to sing this song called Nations of the World: 
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I thought research in geography was only about analyzing piles of data and I didn’t realize you could bring creative outlooks to it. I enjoyed the poem we read in the textbook, the documentaries we watched, the opportunity of interviewing for the DSP, the creativity with the final DSP videos, etc. I am intrigued by those forms of media to learn more about and analyze/reflect on geographical concepts.
3. I have more appreciation for geography and others. The topics of critical reflexivity and ethical considerations apply to research in human geography of course but it also floods into all aspects of life. It helps consider other people’s backgrounds, lives, privileges or no privileges, and just creates better communication and respectful relationships between people (Hooykaas 2021 Week 2). It’s also worth thinking about whether you’re an insider or an outsider before you interact with different groups so that you can build a good rapport with trust (Hay 2016 p. 40). 
These three areas I need to spend time developing/learning in order to feel more confident in my skills:
1. Patience. When working on the DSP, after my group and I had found our resources, I just wanted to dive in and write the script! Then we learned about coding in the week 8 lecture and my group members expressed how they would feel better going through the information quite a few times before writing anything. Of course, this worked extremely well even if it was time-consuming! In the future, I would like to make sure I take the process only one step at a time and make sure I hit every part of the research process in order to create a robust and accurate end result. Once again, this applies not only to human geography research but also the real world. Chapter 18 in the textbooks states that “Being in the world requires us to categorize, sort, prioritize, and interpret social data in all of our interactions”  (Hay 2016 p. 391). There is always room for improvement here so that misinterpretations and miscommunication can be avoided.
2. During the research with the DSP, I had a challenging time determining when my group should move forward and how much research we should gather especially with the course deadlines in mind. I know that you can move forward when you reach a “point of saturation” and concepts begin to be repetitive, however, because I am detail-oriented, I was not great with grouping similar ideas if one tiny thing distinguished them (Hooykaas 2021 Week 9). I would like this to improve so that I have a clearer sense of when enough is enough.
3. I would like to clarify and learn more about the list of three things that still confuse me. It’s good to identify what confuses you and what you are unsure of but it’s even better to then go and clarify those things and understand them so that you develop your understanding and skills even more. I want to fill in those gaps of information so that everything makes a bit more sense.
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Final Remark
Overall, I am really glad that I took this class and hope everyone has a great end of the semester! It was nice interacting with everyone through these blogs!
Hay, I. (2016). Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography. Fourth ed., Oxford.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 2: Philosophy, Power, Politics and Research Design.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 3: Cross-Cultural Research: Ethics, Methods, and Relationships.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 5: Literature Review.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 6: Data Collection - Interviews, Oral Histories, Focus Groups.
Hooykaas, A. (2021). Week 9: Writing Qualitative Geographies, Constructing Geographical Knowledge Data Analysis, Writing, and Re-Evaluating Research Aims Presenting Findings.
Nicholson, Barbara. (2000). Something There Is....
Vice (April 2013). Surviving in the Siberian Wilderness for 70 Years. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt2AYafET68 
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wolfliving · 3 years
ThingsCon April 2021
Welcome to ThingsCon.
Let us share our latest news; updates on events in April and May, a newboard member, and we have landed a theme for 2021!
Our theme for 2021
Why a theme? We primarily want to put forward a yearly theme to set the tone, a general message we're after. This theme can be pulled through various events and eventually set the scene for the yearly ThingsCon RIOT publication we will launch in December again.
2021: EVERY____
The COVID pandemic cut short what we once called 'regular' life. Everyone and everything moved online or was somehow pushed into the digital realm. Our physical and digital realities are blurring more than ever. For the coming year, it will be interesting to see how this sudden change impacts our work and day-to-day lives. What will stick? What will fade away? Will connected technology have a new place in society, or are we all fed up with our screens and longing for a more tangible world again? To capture these questions, this year's Thingscon theme is EVERY_____. Throughout the coming months, we want to facilitate debate and reflection on how the world around us has rapidly 'upgraded' or 'iterated' upon itself to support novel ways of living, working, and learning. EVERY_one Everyone has been impacted by the pandemic. Individuals, societies, organizations. For some of these, the impact was positive, for others it posed a large challenge. The world is in constant flux and ongoing change, but what will be the lasting impact of this sudden change? EVERY_body Social relationships have been impacted quite substantially, which also opened up new spaces for design to flourish. For example, digital interactions between age groups were pushed ahead - often neglecting ethical concerns. Perhaps this stimulated awareness regarding personal agency in the digital space, but at the same time, it caused a novel appreciation of that same space. EVERY_where Connected things are everywhere, but we should be aware of difference between different contexts. The pandemic has for sure redefined how we interact and use public space, but we should remain critical if this hasn't led to technological opportunism. At the same time, the boundaries between home, learning, work, and social 'spaces' are blurring which should make us wonder how the relationship between physical space and performed activity has changed. EVERY_thing Our home environments have changed quite substantially. Homeschooling, working from home, consuming culture from home ... these new activitiesin the home called for new things in the home as well. Think about webcams, greenscreens, projectors, tablets, notification systems. Will these new 'things' remain, or will we see a spike in ring light sales on the second-hand market soon? Or will we even get more things we use connected which define our new identity?
We would love to get your feedback and critical thoughts on the theme, or ideas for which activities we should be organising. Get in touch via
, or via our slack community (
join our Slack
) - we look forward to discussing further!
Podcast & State of the Responsible IoT Report 2020
At GoodThingsFest we presented our 2020 Report on the State of the Responsible IoT (RIOT report 2020). You can read and download it, but you can also dive into interviews with all authors via the first series of our new ThingsCon Stories podcast. We are busy planning a new series some don’t forget to subscribe!.
Good things fest aftermovie!
With GoodThingsFest we believe we brought quite a unique experience to the Thingscon community. Relive the feeling, or have a look what you missed!
New York’s new NYC IoT Strategy
The New York City CTO team recently reached out to Peter Bihr for some feedback on the new NYC IoT Strategy. And the strategy is now publicly available. Read more on the NYC IoT Strategy here, and read the reflections of Peter Bihr on his blog.
Events coming up!
We have planned a couple of events in April and May. The first ones coming up we will organize sessions in partnership with IoT Rotterdam and IoT Eindhoven in April and May. These will both be online, so participate from the comfort of your home (studio):
April 9; IoT Rotterdam 2021 which will run from 6 to 9 April mainly online; themed “Truth or Data?”, Pieter en Iskander will run a masterclass on Friday 9 April on designing responsible IoT. More info on IoT Rotterdam via this website. The masterclass is fully booked but we might have a couple of spots if you reach out
April 22, May 6, May 20, IoT Eindhoven (Lorna Goulden) will organize another iteration of the sessions we did in 2020. Supported by Iskander, more details via IoT Eindhoven Meetup-page.
Community news
There are lots of things happening in our ThingsCon community. Here are some highlights:
We mentioned the masterclass at IoT Rotterdam. The event is organized as part of IoT Day 9 April, initiated by Rob van Kranenburg. There are events all over the world. Check out the website.
One of the events is organized is on digital identities on the Internet of Trust with oa Lorna Goulden, organized by TWINDS.
The Transparent Charging Station as designed by The Incredible Machine and also presented at ThingsCon before is getting developed further, in close collaboration with research at TU Delft and AMS-institute. A short documentary was launched last month on the design process.
How creepy is that smart speaker, that fitness tracker, those wireless headphones? Mozilla created a guide to help you shop for safe, secure connected products. For this *Privacy Not Included research they are looking for an associate researcher.
End of June the conference Media Architecture Biennale will take place. Iskander is organizing a workshop together with some ThingsCon friends (and fellow) Iohanna, Maria Luce, Gijs. Topic: Subversive Citizen Manual for the More-Than-Human City. Submit a short proposal before half of May via this website: subvercity.org.
We are always happy to share news from our community. Let us know if you want us to share your announcement, we plan to send out this newsletter monthly.
Changes in the board
Looking for more!
We are very happy to welcome Lorna Goulden to the board of the Dutch Foundation. She is a very experienced professional working in IoT and has been involved in several organizing activities at conferences and Salons. Welcome, Lorna!
Speaking on active members; we are always happy with the returning organizers of workshops, speakers, participants in co-design sessions, etc. Many people in our community have an extensive track record of hosted activities for and with the Thingscon community. A role we currently lacking in our core team is someone skilled in communication and marketing. If you're passionate about Thingscon and this sounds like something you could contribute - get in touch! Furthermore, if you are a student and looking for an internship, we would be very happy to have a look at what's possible.
Get in touch!
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sciencespies · 4 years
The Wings of Insects Might Have Evolved From The Legs of Crustaceans
The Wings of Insects Might Have Evolved From The Legs of Crustaceans
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The first wings on Earth might have evolved from the scuttling legs of an ancient, flightless crustacean.
Today, modern crabs, lobster, shrimp, and crayfish are sometimes called the bugs of the sea, and as part of the arthropod family – marked by strong body armour and segmented joints – the name does make some sense.
Scientists currently believe the first insects emerged roughly 480 million years ago, evolving from aquatic forms of crustaceans. As terrestrial ecosystems became more complex, around 80 million years later, wings would allow them to take to the air.
If they’re right, that means the earliest insects were buzzing around our planet long before birds, bats, and pterosaurs – so where did they get that ability?
It’s a simple question that’s been bugging experts for centuries. A century-old hypothesis suggests insect wings are an evolutionary novelty, springing up de novo from random buds of tissue during development.
A more recent view is that they arose from existing structures already present in ancient crustaceans, slowly morphing over time into something more useful out of water.
The gills of these ancient crustaceans are one of the top appendage candidates because they possess both joints and muscles. In some crustacean larvae, they even look like mini wings.
But two new papers on a distant relative of winged insects suggest their legs are a better match.
Knocking out certain genes on the shrimp-like Parhyale hawaiensis, the first study shows a gene network similar to that of the insect wing operates both in the crustacean’s body armour and the segment of leg closest to its body. This suggests both have somehow squeezed through the body wall and back out again to form wings.
The second study found something similar. Knocking out certain genes, researchers compared how the six leg segments on a fruit fly and other insects line up with the seven or eight leg segments found on P. hawaiensis.
In the end, the first six segments of the crustacean’s leg, from the ‘toe’ towards the body, neatly matched the first six segments found on insect legs. But this poses the question – where did segments seven and eight in crustaceans go in insects?
The authors found their answer in a paper written in 1893. It suggested these proximal ‘lobes’ on the crustacean’s leg had merged into the insect’s body wall. Since then, it’s been noticed that in many insect embryos, the leg segment nearest to the body actually fuses to the body wall during development.
“But I still didn’t have the wing part of the story,” explains molecular biologist Heather Bruce from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. 
“So I kept reading and reading, and I came across this 1980s theory that not only did insects incorporate their proximal leg region into the body wall, but the little lobes on the leg later moved up onto the back and formed the wings.” 
Using genomic and embryonic data, Bruce and her colleagues found evidence to support this.
First, they say, the proximal leg lobes become integrated into the body wall. Then, once there, the nearest segment moves “up onto the back, to later form insect wings“.
“The complementary leg- and wing-gene perspectives lead these groups to agree on the answers to several key questions about the crustacean–winged insect transformation,” write two independent experts in a review of the two studies for Nature Ecology and Evolution.
“They agree that the lateral body wall of insects is homologous to the proximal-most leg segment of Parhyale. They also agree that the wing incorporates body wall components that are derived from crustacean legs.”
The studies do not, however, agree on everything. The first study supports what’s known as a “dual origin” hypothesis, which contends the most proximal leg segments and body wall both contributed to wing development. Or, as the authors put it, “novelty through a merger of two distinct tissues“.
The second paper proposes a more gradual and complex transformation that mainly concerns the leg segments. According to their findings, the two most proximal leg segments first merged into the insect’s body wall, and then only the nearest leg segment squeezed out the back to form wings.
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(Bruce & Patel, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2020)
The difference is subtle, and further research is needed to show which – if either – is more correct. But the similarities between the studies provide a compelling solution to the question of which of the earlier theories on insect wing evolution are right.
Bruce has contended for several years that ancestral crustaceans once held eight leg segments. In today’s Parhyale, she argues, one of these has been incorporated into the body wall, whereas in fruit flies, one has been incorporated into the body wall and the other into its wing later on.
This gives insect wings the mere appearance of “dual origin”, where the body wall and leg blend to form wings, when in fact, the authors say, the insect body wall itself is derived from the most proximal leg segments.
“While wings are an outgrowth of what is now the insect body wall, they owe their origin to the leg segment of an ancestral arthropod,” the authors conclude.
It’s a neat idea that helps bring together many competing hypotheses, but in all probability, it won’t end the mystery. In the past 10 years alone, we have come to learn so much more about insect evolution.
Before genomic research, we didn’t even realise crustaceans and insects were so closely related in the arthropod family, which is why many people thought insect wings had sprouted out of nowhere.
The gills, segmented legs, and body armour of crustaceans have now given us direct targets to study.
“People get very excited by the idea that something like insect wings may have been a novel innovation of evolution,” Patel says. 
“But one of the stories that is emerging from genomic comparisons is that nothing is brand-new; everything came from somewhere. And you can, in fact, figure out from where.”
Agreeing on where is another matter.
“Although the origin of insect wings remains mysterious, the research of both groups reveals exciting paths forward toward finally solving this mystery,” concludes the Nature review.
The first and second paper were both published in Nature Ecology and Evolution.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What do you like to drink in the morning? I’m not really a drinks person and I’m fine having all my meals with just water. I like coffee, but I usually drink it in the afternoon or at night. What color is your favorite hoodie? Don’t have one. My favorite sweater is gray though. Do you have a string of lights in your room? No. I remember wanting those as a teenager but I figured it was such a waste of electricity just to make my room look a little cuter, so that turned me off from the idea lol. Do you know what you are going to do today? Yeah, well today I was going to finally register for a social security number online, but given that I’m from the Philippines and the government only gives their 15% in everything they do, the website is absolute garbage and I can’t get past the first step of the process. Not surprising anymore. Other than that, I don’t have anything else to do. Does your heart hurt? My heart is missing so many people at the moment, but it’s not really hurting.
Who is not in your life that you wish was? I wish that my late maternal grandfather was still alive, if he counts. Who hurt you last? Probably Gabie. She doesn’t have a good hold of her emotions when she’s mad and tends to spit out hurtful things without thinking if it would affect me. I plan to have a talk with her about it once we can see each other again because it’s beginning to suck. Can you see the moon out your window right now? Continuing this survey four hours later, except now I’m tipsy as fuck haaaaaa. I dunno, I probably won’t be able to. It’s been raining all day and evening so I might only see clouds if I look out.
What makes you feel inspired? Seeing other people with insanely good work ethic. Are you mad at a friend right now? Nope, no reason to be. Do you have a friend who hurt you and doesn't care? I mean I’m pretty sensitive, so yeah I’ve had some friends say stuff to me that they probably didn’t think anything of, but hurt me in actuality. Is your room clean? Sure, it’s not too cluttered at the moment or anything like that. Can you see the sunrise from your window? No, it doesn’t happen on my side of the house. If you were a writer, would you have a pen name or use your real name? I’d use my real name. Idk, I’ve always found pen names to be a tad bit confusing. Did you go to Goodwill yesterday? I didn’t, and I don’t, because we don’t have whatever that is here. What is your friend's cat's name? I don’t have friends who have cats.  Do you celebrate your pet's birthdays? Continuing this survey 15 hours later because I was too dizzy to continue typing, lmao. I typically buy him a dog-friendly cupcake from the pet supply store at the mall near my school, and I serve him more food than usual for lunch and dinner. March is a busy month for me with school and stuff, so I haven’t gotten the chance to throw him a party. :( As a kid, did you celebrate your dolls' birthdays? (if you're a girl) I never liked playing with dolls. But no, I didn’t celebrate the ‘birthdays’ of my other toys. None of them lasted that long with me anyway haha. Are you wearing a hoodie right now? Nope. It’s chilly right now, but it’s not wear-a-hoodie cold. Did you ignore the last facebook post that bothered you, or did you comment? I had to ignore it because it was from my grand-aunt, and old people like to throw fits when you call them out so it was going to be a waste of my time if I commented. Do you need to go to the pharmacy today? No, no need for meds anymore yaaaaaay. Are you realizing that one of your friends isn't a real friend? Not at the moment. I’m happy with the circle I currently have. What was the name of one of your stuffed animals as a kid? I didn’t like stuffed animals either. This is more of my sister’s turf. Do you have a car? If so, did you give it a name? I do have a car but I’ve never given it a name. With my dad having plans to sell it soon, I’d rather it stay nameless for the remaining time it has with me so that I don’t get any more attached to it. If you were a famous singer, what would you want your hit song to be about? I’d want it to have an important message so I’ll probably write something about the bullshit that the government keeps pulling on us.
Did you skip church last week? No, unfortunately my mom makes us watch YouTube recordings of masses from a certain church. I usually hold up one of our couch pillows so that I don’t have to see the TV screen, but nevertheless I’m part of the audience and 30-45 minutes of my time are always wasted every Sunday. Do you have any big regrets? Just one big one. If you had to re-design an alien, instead of making them green with slanty-eyes and an egg-shaped head, what would you make it look like? I’m not creative enough for this question, so pass Do you have anyone who loves you, besides God? Do you have anyone who cares about you, besides God? Do you have anyone who you can go to for support? Yes, there’s a number of people I can think of. Do you normally write in cursive or print? Print, I write faster that way. Does your heart ache for something? Right now I’m kinda wanting pizza actually lol. Do you fit the millennial stereotype? I’m not even a millennial, dude. Would you want your first child to be a boy or a girl? Girl. I don’t want sons. If you were to write an article for a magazine, what would it be about? I’m in the mood to write an opinion piece about, again, the government. Do you have a blog? I have this Tumblr but it’s really more of a journal than anything else, so no, I wouldn’t say that I have an active blog. I did have several classes where our projects required us to make blogs and I never deleted those, so those blogs are still up albeit untouched for years now. If you were to start a blog, what would your first post be about? I can see myself starting a food review blog where I journal all the restaurants I dine in. Do you think you are good at writing poetry? I absolutely suck at it and hate when I’m required to make poems. Have you ever tried a science experiment that didn't work? I don’t think so. Have you ever had a teacher who looked like an alien? I dunno what an alien is supposed to look like but I also haven’t had a teacher who I thought looked weird. Do you take gummy vitamins? Not since I was 14 or 15. Are your feet wide? No. At least I don’t think they are lol. If you could do research right now for an essay, what topic would you choose to right about? Welp today is our Independence Day, so keeping in line with the timing it’d be nice to do a paper on something about Philippine history. What are your strongest attribute? Personally, I like the fact that I’m detail-oriented. That trait has been responsible for presentable Powerpoints, has saved otherwise careless co-workers, and has made sure that all research, written articles, etc. are free from critical errors, be it in data or grammar. Have you ever been tempted to commit a crime? Of course. I think we’ve all been tempted to do something like that at least once. Have you ever started writing a suicide letter? I’ve written a couple ones throughout the years. ...and then realized you wanted to live? No. Do you know anyone who had to evacuate for the latest hurricane? Not the last typhoon, no. But my friends in Marikina have had to evacuate for past calamities many times because they live right beside a river, and one that easily overflows at that. Do you write letters to friends? Only for special occasions, like for Christmas, retreats, if they were graduating, etc. Do you like to write letters? I do but it can get so tiring, especially because I prefer handwriting my letters. I used to write 40+ handwritten letters, one for each of my classmates, every year when we would go on retreat. The practice was super tiring though so now I typically just write letters for Gab. As a kid, did you find diagramming sentences fun? The what sentences??? I’ve no clue what you’re talking about. Whatever those are, I’m positive we never did that in school. What is your dream? Money. Where would you travel if you could? I’d go absolutely everywhere, but I’d start by finishing off Asia first. When it comes to traveling, I’ve always imagined myself taking my sweet time going local first before venturing out to farther countries. That being said, I’d love to go to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Brunei. Do you feel all alone in the world? No. Do you own a piece of jewelry with an owl on it? Haaaaaaaaa, no. That’s such a Tumblr-in-2010 trademark. I did have owl stuff before, though. If you have a class ring, what color is the stone? Not a thing here. Does looking at the starry sky make you feel peaceful? It does. But if I’m really hellbent on feeling peaceful, I’d rather look at either a skyline at night OR into the sea during the day. Do you have a pen pal? If not, would you ever want to have one? No and no. Like I said, I’m pretty much retired from handwritten letters after writing 40+ of them every single year for around a decade lol. Do you drink hot chocolate? Only La Creperie’s San Gines hot chocolate. Sometimes I’ll drink hot chocolate at hotels too. Do you like apple cider hot or cold? I don’t drink that. Are you hurt by something a friend did to you recently? No, none of them have done or said something hurtful to me lately. Are you under 30? Yeup. Have you made a "30 Things to Do Before I'm 30" list? No. I don’t like keeping myself under a deadline. Do you paint rocks and hide them in your town? I’ve never done that before. Do you have a secret crush? Nope, am very vocal about my crush heh. What was the name of your first crush? Andi. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Yes, groan. Do you like parodies? Not always. Some of them can be a little too cheesy for my liking. Are you a Taylor Swift fan? Not a chance. Have you ever kissed a picture? I probably have. Do you use window clings (stickers for your window)? No. Do you decorate for fall? We don’t have fall. What do you want to be for Halloween this year? Not really sure yet...I don’t even know if we’re getting Halloween this year. Has suicide crossed your mind a lot lately? [trigger warning] Not these days, and I’m really thankful for that. I’ve self-harmed twice during the course of the quarantine and while that’s disappointing at least I haven’t thought about being dead, and that’s what matters to me. Do you have supernatural abilities? ............No. Do you get enough hugs? Definitely not these days. I haven’t been hugged since March. I think I might cry when I get my first one. What labels do people try to put on you? I don’t know. You’d have to ask others because this isn’t the sort of thing people say to your face lol. Who do YOU (or rather, who does God) say you are? Are you happy? I’m not happy with the Jesus questions on here lmao but kidding aside, I wouldn’t say that I 100% am. I just feel like I’ve only been floating or existing recently, but not fully happy. Have you asked yourself recently, Why am I here? I hate questions like that, so no. What family member did you get your hair color from? Everyone of them. Filipinos have the same features. Have you ever found a secret compartment? No. If you designed a house, would you give it a secret room? I’ve seen some interesting ones on the internet that make me want a secret room of my own, but I think it’ll stay as a fantasy. Do you read horror stories? When I come across them, sure. I don’t actively look for them though. Do you ever comfort eat? Yeah, I did it a lot before quarantine. Yabu’s a great example of me comfort eating haha. Does stretching feel good? Yesssss. Do you have your wedding planned in your head already? I have scenarios that play in my head but I don’t have the specifics – color scheme, flowers, centerpieces, location, etc – mapped out yet. Would you ever adopt a child? Not my first choice. Are you ok today? I’d say so, yeah. It’s not hot today so that’s already good enough of a day for me lmao. Was the last book you read good? It was okay. It holds a great life story with okay writing. Wrestlers write autobiographies ALL THE TIME which means that not all of them will be a home run, and AJ’s was neither earth-shattering nor bad. I definitely didn’t appreciate the unintended-but-casual sexism/misogyny in it or the extreme hyperboles, but it’s AJ and I love her work nonetheless.
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waltzofthewifi · 4 years
Kota Chapter 38: Fateful Meetings
Table of Contents | Beginning
Alya bumped Marinette's shoulder with her elbow to let her know she was teasing.
It was a beautiful day, and the two girls were walking back to Marinette's place after getting ice cream at Andre's. Alya had teased Marinette that her ice cream hadn't changed even with all the time she was spending with Luka.
"Luka's nice," Marinette admitted. "But it feels like a one-way relationship. He helps me so much, but I don't feel like I help him."
"Unlike a certain someone," Alya teased. "Just being around you makes Adrien feel better."
"You think so?" Marinette asked.
"Uh huh."
Alya's focus drifted past Marinette and to a crowded cafe on the other side of the street. Marinette glanced at it, but didn't see anything interesting.
"Hey, I'll meet you later, okay?" Alya asked. "I have to go."
"Okay," Marinette said. She watched Alya hurry to the cafe, but could not figure out what she was after.
Oh well. Alya just did that sometimes.
Marinette continued back to her place, crossing in front of an ice cream parlor with outdoor seating, empty except for one customer.
Marinette startled, and turned to that one customer. She was watching her from behind sunglasses, and quirked an eyebrow when Marinette didn't move.
She approached the woman warily. The stranger watched her, and when Marinette got to the table she gestured for her to take a seat.
The woman took off her sunglasses, revealing stormy gray eyes. "Seems you need some advice, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
Fu was sitting in the corner of the loud and crowded cafe, looking completely occupied with a book. Alya knew heavy readers hated being interrupted when they were reading, but she needed to know something.
There was a chance Fu wouldn't recognize her, but Alya figured she could brush that off easily.
Alya approached the table, clearing her throat. Fu glanced up from the book, smiling when he saw her.
"Ms Cesaire," he greeted. "Surprised to see you here."
"I was surprised to see you too," Alya said, sitting in the chair opposite of him. "But I was hoping I could ask you a few questions?"
"I don't see why not," Fu said. "The noise should hide our conversation satisfactorily. What do you want to know about?"
"A while ago, I had a weird dream," Alya said. "When I talked to Trixx, they agreed that it could be a memory of one of the previous fox heroes - the one before me."
Alya couldn't name what shifted in Fu's expression, but he definitely reacted.
"You want to know about her?" Fu asked. "She was - interesting, to say the least.
"Her name was Kesiah, and she was a natural choice for the fox miraculous. She was born a shapeshifter, but never used it for bad or even selfish reasons. She was dedicated to helping others, though there wasn't much she could do at her hometown at her age. Kes was born to be a hero. Or at least that's what I thought.
"Not everyone agreed. Most shapeshifters gain their abilities genetically, and often from less-than-ideal sources. Kes was a demigod - a daughter of Loki. Some of the guardians judged her for that, said that she was a liar like her father. Plus, she was the niece of the current ladybug holder, so a lot of people believed that to be the only reason she was given a miraculous. Despite that, she did her best. For a while.
"Something must have happened, because when the temple was attacked, I learned Kes had sided with the intruders. One of the other guardians managed to retrieve the fox miraculous and passed the miracle box to me to protect. As far as I know, I was the only survivor. Kes must have died, and probably on the wrong side."
"I don't think so," Alya said. "The dream I had - I think Kes realized her mistakes. She died trying to retrieve the miraculous from whoever you were fighting against."
Fu was quiet for a moment before speaking. "I wouldn't be surprised. Realizing you're wrong about something, and fixing it, it takes a lot of strength - but Kes was strong. The two of you would have gotten along well."
Alya nodded. "I wish I could've met her. It's a shame she died so young."
"It is," Fu agreed. "What happened then was... it was a tragedy. One I hoped to avoid by not bringing out the miraculouses again. But the fail-safes that the ladybug and black cat miraculouses have are necessary for battling Hawkmoth. Looking back, I have to wonder if I should have been more willing to hand out the miraculous."
"Who were the invaders?" Alya asked. "That destroyed the temple?
"They called themselves The Circle," Fu said. "They believed that the process for choosing miraculous users was unfair. Which it was, in a way. There was never a time in history where the guardians could fairly appraise every person on the planet within the acceptable age and decide who was the best fit. If we knew someone who fit, that's who received the miraculous. But they didn't like that.
"They managed to get a member, Agnes, into the temple. She convinced other members to join her side, and murdered several miraculous holders. She also died in the invasion, and her miraculous - the tiger - was recovered.
"Only a few miraculouses were recovered - most of the boxes were scattered, the butterfly lost, and the peacock was successfully taken by The Circle, but not before being damaged. Ladybug suspects that this damage is why we see so few sentimonsters compared to akumas."
"So would the peacock holder be a member of The Circle?" Alya questioned.
Fu shook his head. "The Circle no longer exists. But she might be a descendant of a member. However, there are no records of who was a member, so we can't trace her that way."
That had been exactly what Alya was thinking, and she couldn't help but deflate.
"Do you have any idea on how to trace Mayura or Hawkmoth?" Alya asked.
"If I did, I would have told Ladybug," Fu answered. "She informed me of her plan, and it is solid. But there's not much I can do to help."
"There has to be a way to figure out their identities," Alya said. "We'll find a way, I'm sure of it."
Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse and bowed her head. "Lady Athena."
The woman - Athena - inclined her head in response. "Tikki. It has been a while since you've been active. You found yourself an impressive Ladybug."
Marinette blushed.
"I have," Tikki affirmed. "She's intelligent, creative, everything I could ask for."
"I agree." It didn't sound like a compliment, just a fact. "Marinette, do you know who I am?"
"You're Athena," Marinette answered. "Goddess of wisdom."
"Greek goddess of wisdom," Athena corrected. " I am also the goddess of strategic warfare, weaving, courage, and mathematics, but I'm here now to discuss strategy."
"Do you know how to figure out Hawkmoth's identity?" Marinette asked. "Or who he is?"
"Yes," Athena agreed. "I'm not going to just tell you, but I can help your thought process along. Tell me, what do you know about him?"
"Not much," Marinette admitted. "He managed to find the butterfly miraculous, which was believed to have been lost over a century ago. He misuses it to create akumas, and his goal is to retrieve the ladybug and black cat miraculouses, presumably to make a wish. He only appears in public on occasion, and he has an ally in Mayura, who might have inherited the peacock miraculous, but we have no way of knowing that for sure, or knowing who might have had the peacock miraculous before her. Most of what we know we've gained from the akuma attacks, or his few appearances in public."
"Where do you think your most substantial amount of data comes from?" Athena asked. "Data, of course, not necessarily meaning knowledge, just instances you can study."
"From the akumas themselves," Marinette answered.
"And is there a pattern in the akumas?" Athena questioned.
"There is," Marinette said. "Miraculous magic attracts miraculous magic, so the akumas and the butterfly miraculous itself are naturally attracted to my school, and my class specifically."
"And is this a big enough pattern that Hawkmoth should recognize it?" Athena questioned.
"I - would think so," Marinette said. "However, nothing he's done seems to imply that he suspects a miraculous at my school."
"Is the miraculous the only potential reason the akumas could be attracted to a specific area?"
"No," Marinette replied. "The butterfly miraculous interacts with its holder's emotions, so those close to Hawkmoth or his family would attract the akumas. But there's no other cluster of akumas to signal who that would be."
"So there's a cluster of akumas," Athena said. "You believe it's caused by the miraculous present at your school. He presumably doesn't. Is there another explanation he might believe?"
Marinette frowned. "I guess - if he has family at the school, then he would just think that that's the reason. And since there's not a class that attracts akumas like mine, that would suggest that he's related to someone in my class!"
"It would," Athena agreed.
"So that narrows the suspects incredibly," Marinette said. "Especially once we remove those who have been akumatized-"
"Why?" Athena asked.
"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.
"Is there absolutely no chance that Hawkmoth akumatized himself?" Athena questioned.
"The butterfly miraculous is not supposed to work that way," Marinette said. "But there is probably a loophole. Especially if Hawkmoth was worried about his identity - he might especially have been akumatized early on, or after Heroes Day - or there was one suspect that was akumatized as soon as we had reason to suspect him. So no, I shouldn't cross out the relatives that have been akumatized. But we do know that Hawkmoth has a range, so I can cross out suspects that were definitively out of town when an akuma attack happened. But I still have no way to narrow it down to only one person."
"You do not," Athena agreed. "What about your allies?"
"Alya and Alix have tried," Marinette said. "I don't think anyone can do a better job than them at research."
"Maybe look beyond simple research?" Athena suggested.
"You're right," Marinette said. "If there was some magic that could help - wait, Lacy is really good with reading expressions and voice, and since everyone's voice and expressions are slightly different, maybe if we narrow it down enough, it could be enough."
"No," Athena said. "By herself, Lacy Hatzi is not powerful to recognize someone by voice or expressions alone, especially through the magical protections."
Marinette slumped. "Then wha - wait, by herself?"
"That's what I said," Athena agreed.
"Are you implying that there's some kind of boost she could use?" Marinette asked.
"Am I?" Athena replied. "Do you have a power booster?"
"No, only the butterfly miraculous can - oh. I know what to do."
Next Chapter
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davetheshady · 5 years
how time travel works in the MCU
endgame spoilers!
SO i’ve been seeing a lot of people expressing confusion about wtf was going on in endgame, and since this is, like, my jam, allow me to illustrate the MCU’s apparent theory of time travel. (this isn’t officially confirmed or anything (ETA: it kind of is!) – just me elaborating on what other fans have said as well, which appears to be internally consistent in the movie.)
Avengers: Endgame uses a different mechanism than most time travel media (which Rhodey and Scott helpfully list for us, lol): it is impossible to change the past of your personal timeline in the MCU. 
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(fig. 1: a blurry and not-to-scale timeline for the MCU with data points for 1970, 2012, 2013, 2014, and Endgame)
their “time travel” is more like “time and dimension travel”: as soon as they use the quantum realm to go to an earlier date, it splits off* an identical parallel universe (or leg of the trousers of time). we simultaneously have canon and officially-licensed canon-divergence AUs. time travelers can never affect their own pasts; they can only change things in an AU for another version of themselves.
* or maybe this universe which was completely identical up to the point where they are visiting time travelers always existed and they just arrived, who knows ~wibbley wobbley~
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(fig. 2: equally blurry and not-to-scale timelines plural: the MCU timeline and four AU timelines, splitting off from 1970, 2012, 2013, and 2014.)
note: i’m just guessing about the number of relevant AU timelines, because I’ve only seen the movie once. the avengers’ initial plan has teams going to NYC in 2012 during The Avengers, to Asgard in 2013 during Thor 2: Electric Boogaloo, and to the planets Morag and Vormir (sp?) in 2014 during Guardians of the Galaxy. Team 2012 messes up and tries again by going to New Jersey in 1970.
hence the Ancient One’s concern about Bruce taking the time stone: up to that point, things were on track to proceed exactly like the MCU timeline. now that’s off the table. if bruce doesn’t return the time stone, the events of doctor strange can’t happen and dormammu will destroy this 2012!AU timeline. the MCU timeline will be unaffected, but it still sucks for everyone in the 2012!AU. (i don’t think it’s necessary in each AU for events to go EXACTLY like the MCU timeline, but considering the MCU timeline consists of our heroes defeating challenges and saving the world/galaxy by the skin of their teeth, not changing too much is a good idea.)
however! there are definite changes keeping these AUs separate from the MCU timeline. 2012!AU Steve has been told by a suspicious double that Bucky is alive, and will probably get Hail HYDRA’d by Strike. it’s entirely possible that events in 2013!Asgard will happen completely differently due to Frigga’s knowledge of shit going down. And 2014!AU Thanos hops on over to the MCU timeline and attacks, ultimately resulting in the 2014!AU losing him, his followers, and Gamora.
essentially, we now know there are multiple copies of all the characters, but not clones or evil-bearded-mirror counterparts, because they share the same experiences... up to a certain point. 2014!AU Gamora is in the MCU timeline now, but she doesn’t have any of MCU Gamora’s experiences from the time of GotG to her death in Infinity War. However, she and MCU Nebula would still share their horrible childhood. If 2012!AU Loki pops up in the MCU timeline, he and MCU Thor would have had the same interactions all the way through The Avengers. (I personally find this delightful, because it’s a time travel crossover between canon-divergence AUs complete with character doubles and that’s like... all of my favorite things together.)
as for MCU Steve: he was hanging out in one of the AUs with Peggy (with whom he would have shared exactly the same version of the past in the 40s) for a whole bunch of decades. the movie vaguely implies that this really did happen in the MCU timeline by having him appear on a park bench instead of using their quantum realm tech, but this would require:
steve ‘civil war’ rogers just chilling for decades as Bucky runs around as the Winter Soldier and HYDRA infiltrates SHIELD, not to mention refraining from weighing in on countless other issues he cares deeply about
peggy ‘fight me’ carter, AN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVE, not noticing her husband’s extreme lack of chill re 1. and cottoning on
us to forget literally the whole rest of the movie
so this, frankly, is nonsense. also, the obvious place to meet up with peggy was in his trip to 1970, but unless someone on her street had an old-ass car, they’re definitely dancing together in the 40s/50s; this means he didn’t just go back and stay, but went back to the 1970 AU, dropped off the tesseract and stole more of hank pym’s research, and then made yet another trip to the 40s/50s. 
using this AU theory, MCU Steve was only present in the MCU timeline as a Capsicle between the 40s and the 2010s and you don’t have to worry about the canonicity of Agents of Carter. Endgame-era MCU Steve went to a 1940s AU, where he and Peggy almost certainly made beautiful Nazi punching as they cleared HYDRA out of SHIELD. stuff like that would make events unspool differently than Steve was familiar with from the MCU timeline, making his knowledge of his future less and less relevant, so he wouldn’t have too much of an advantage. (as a side note, I think there’s a practical aspect to him hanging around: it means he has plenty of time to observe the consequences of the MCU Avengers interfering and make sure there’s no, like, universal catastrophes. hell yeah longitudinal studies of scientific data.) 
we already know from 2014!AU Thanos’ appearance in the MCU timeline that you don’t need to use the MCU portal to hop between timelines [ETA: whoops, i misremembered that part.] Steve knew where he was returning to, so between his MCU tech and everything he potentially could have stolen from hank pym over the years (or, you know, everything he was given by 1940!AU hank and janet van dyne, whom he could have just worked with) he had the ability to stroll back to the MCU timeline for the very end of endgame in a sufficiently dramatic fashion to troll everyone. or maybe he DID use that portal, but was the size of an ant just to be a dick. steve rogers: man out of time.
[ETA: as per this post: bruce DID detect him in the portal, so he definitely quantum leaped back instead of taking the slow path.] 
[ETA: as per the Russos themselves: “If Cap were to go back into the past and live there, he would create a branched reality. The question then becomes, how is he back in this reality to give the shield away?” source )
anyway, unlike other kinds of time travel, AU theory lacks issues like erasing your own personal history or stepping on bugs and causing fascism. but i think it DOES have some serious consequences:
- if you visit/create an AU, the people from the AU can now come and dick around in YOUR timeline (c.f. 2014!AU Thanos and the entire end of the movie). they got rid of 2014!AU Thanos, but that leaves at least three other Thanoi who they HAVEN’T defeated, plus multiple versions of every other baddie they’ve ever fought. 
- having so many similar-but-not-identical timelines clustered together might have bad long-term consequences on reality, like events bleeding through
- HOW are these AUs created and/or maintained? if there’s a finite amount of energy for them, connecting to too many might cause some to collapse
- headaches
it’s possible we will see some negative consequences in future MCU movies, if only to eliminate “time travel through the quantum realm” as a solution to every single one of their problems.  
(@autumn-drifts​ also pointed out that the MCU Avengers are doing all their time travel shenanigans after the MCU infinity stones have been destroyed, so potentially the time stone (and maybe others) play a role in PREVENTING time travel, which is why we haven’t seen it before.)
(ETA: the energy from the infinity stones Thanos destroyed had to go SOMEWHERE; maybe that’s what creates the AUs?)
speaking of the time stone: this maaaaaay have a completely different set of rules. it’s possible that using it also spawns a whole bunch of AUs, which is why the Ancient One chewed out Dr Strange about playing with it. (do you want 20 different AUs whose only difference is Dr Strange’s fucked-up apple in the magic library? because this is how you get 20 different AUs whose only difference is Dr Strange’s fucked-up apple in the magic library.)
but it’s also possible the time stone is the only thing that have an effect on your personal timeline. i don’t think we ever see it used to jump directly from one point of time to another, so who knows if it CAN. but it can definitely rewind (MCU Thanos undoing Wanda’s decision to kill Vision and stealing the mind stone in Infinity War) and/or create time loops (the end of Doctor Strange).
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(fig. 3: blurry timeline of the MCU showing a whole bunch of loops in Doctor Strange from his trap, labelled “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain”, and a single loop in Infinity War labelled “Wanda kills Vision” and “Thanos unkills Vision”)
i’ve drawn them as loops because those events definitely happen, so they’re part of a timeline that everyone(?) experiences, but they all circle back to one particular point from whence only one line of events continues. you don’t have a million different versions of Dr Strange getting creatively killed by Dormammu, you have one Dr Strange getting creatively killed by Dormammu a million times; both he and Dormammu remember all of them.
one final observation: we still haven’t seen proper time travel forward through time. we know from Infinity War that the time stone can let you look at all the potential futures and use that knowledge to aim in your chosen direction, but it can’t show you “the” future. (and as to whether that’s looking at events playing forward then rewinding back to the save point, or just scoping out all the relevant AUs, I have no idea.) Scott technically skips five years forward from the snappening to Endgame, but he was pulled there by a rat activating the tech during Endgame, as opposed to him selecting a point five years in the future and choosing to go there. (we also don’t know when Steve left his 1940!AU timeline, but he was returning to the point in the MCU immediately after he left, not going farther forward than he had already been.) so it will be interesting to see how/if time travel into THE FUTURE! happens and what delightful problems it can cause.
in conclusion:
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thaumaturtles · 5 years
The other day, I was doing some.......
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...... studying.......
When I came across an advertisement. This isn’t at all an unusual experience; I’ve been on the internet for a decade and change and I’ve come to accept that ads are a part of the experience. This was an ad I’d seen many times before, too. I’m so accustomed to seeing it that my eyes often skip right over it. However, I’ve been reading a lot of articles about Enlightenment, lately, and I’ve been trying to put that into practice in my everyday life. I’ve been attempting, to varying degrees of success, to become more aware of myself and my environment, to probe onward into my mind’s own blind spots. In short, I’m trying to blitz my chakras. (Don’t worry, am Indian, can reclaim.)
And so, for perhaps the first time, I took a moment to truly see the ad in front of me. To stop and smell the dogshit hiding behind the roses. And, goodness, was it a sight to behold. Ladies, gentlemen, and all who fall betwixt, I present to you, THIS:
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Take a moment, if necessary, to take it all in.
Have you collected yourself? Good. You’re holding up the rest of the class.
I don’t know how I’ve managed to let this pass without mental comment on more than one occasion. How did I look at this image, think “angel reading? yeah, sure, that’s a thing that exists” and then shuffle along? The only explanation I can muster is Divine intervention, which would ironically lend this product some legitimacy. I need to understand. What does Angel Reading mean? How could such a process be personalized, and, furthermore, how could it take place over the Internet? Who is this “Celeste”? What is she after? Why does she look vaguely disappointed in me? Can she see my soul? What is an “Angelic Medium”?????
Clearly, if I want answers, I’m going to have to dive in. I place my Crocodile Dundee hat on my head with no small measure of trepidation, though I must confess a moiety of excitement deep within. As I hike up my Adventurin’ Shorts and stuff a few hundred metres of rope into my backpack, I consider the long road ahead. And then, with my cosplay explorer’s outfit put on to my approval, I sit down at my computer. I’m really not sure why I felt the need to do all that when I’m just gonna be here at home.
I steel my will, and I click.
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This loading screen appears, and I’d like to mention that the URL for this page is perhaps longer than any URL I’ve ever seen before in my 16 years.
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Okay, let’s just take a moment to get our bearings here and-
And only twenty-seven minutes left! Sakes alive, I clicked this link just in time! Imagine If I’d wasted more time farting around and dressing up like Indiana Jones!
Although, weirdly enough, whenever I refresh the page, the timer restarts, and it always restarts at 27 minutes and 50ish seconds, which is a random-enough number to seem legitimate.
Hmm. Odd.
I wonder if maybe the countdown isn’t actually real and is just there to pressure you into typing your info more quickly so you don’t notice how fishy this whole opera-
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OK, gotta think quickly here. Gosh, they’re asking some personal questions right off the bat, but I can’t let them know it’s me; they might recognize me from tumblr. If this sting operation’s gonna go forth I gotta lie my ass off. My name? Uh, uh.. My name is Dyl-Dy- Uhhhh, shit, okay, it’s Dylan-NO, Dylllllllll...... Delilah? Delilah. Like from the Bible. Yeah, that’s fitting, especially since I’m swindling these fools. Soon, Celeste, your hair will be mine.
They’re asking for my date of birth, which I’m hesitant to put because my 16th birthday party was kind of a big deal and Celeste might’ve heard about it, in which case she’ll know it’s me AND things will be super awkward cause I didn’t invite her to the party.
I put 4/13/1969 obviously
They’re also asking for my e-mail address, which I can’t give out because it has my full name, address, and social security number in it, so let’s just pull this ripcord real quick and parachute out of this nightmare zone, and over to a quick, free, secure e-mail client. That is, protonmail.com, which is not my usual e-mail server and will thus throw Celeste’s goons even farther off my trail
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Wow, that was a surprisingly quick and painless process! I might just have to use protonmail in the future
So anyway here’s my info, sent in right under the wire, with a mere 24.3 minutes left! God that was close. Picture that classic scene in Indiana Jones where he slides under the door and then reaches back in to get his hat, only it’s an out-of-shape teen and also the door hasn’t even started closing yet.
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I went with my actual country because, c’mon, there’re a lot of people in Jamaica. Statistically speaking, how likely is it they’d find me through that?
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You know I didn’t. You know I fucking didn’t. Why are you asking.
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Also, here’s a quick rundown of what Celeste is actually offering in case anyone was curious. It does somewhat tickle me that she claims she’ll “get to work immediately” as soon as anyone clicks the link and subscribes, as though the process isn’t completely automated. It evokes a clear image of Celeste, in full angelic garb, sitting at a computer screen and answering calls while also typing into three discrete keyboards simultaneously.
The idea that she could personally take the order of every individual who clicks this ad betrays either a complete lack of confidence in the desirability of her product, or an incredible amount of confidence in her own ability to multitask.
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Who is “she”? Celeste? That doesn’t make much sense in the context here. Peter’s Guardian Angel? But earlier Celeste made it sound like all angels use he/him! Also, what does “bring her back” mean if it’s the angel? Can angels leave and later be found again? I feel like if you find your guardian angel once, that should be it forever, but apparently they can leave and you have to ensnare them again?????
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Hooray! A link from an unknown source to an unknown destination! I sure can’t wait to click it all day long!
The things I do in the name of science, I swear to God Celeste.
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It took a minute but here it is. Sidenote: I rather enjoy the irony of an inbox which consists of three e-mails about encryption and ways to curate a safe internet experience, and one which is an automated link from a bullshit ad for a product that doesn’t exist. There’s a subtle poetry to this image. I almost want to frame it, and then sell it for an exorbitant amount of money.
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Here’s the e-mail, folx. If ever you needed proof that this was a scam, look no further.
Who on this good green earth would think beginning such a missive with, “Thank you for your trust,” would be a good way to garner MORE goodwill? When I go to my local grocer and I purchase a party-sized bag of Tostitos to eat by myself over the course of a day and a half because I’m in control of my body, goddammit, the bag doesn’t say, “Thank you for believing in us! We promise we won’t give you dysentery!
Like, what the fuck? “Thank you for your trust.” Your product should be able to stand on its own two feet and proudly proclaim, “I’m gonna give you a fucking angel reading or die trying!”
That initial line has honestly made me more scared than ever for this process. I’m confident I’m going to click that link and it’s going to auto-download a terabyte of obscure Norwegian pornography to my hard drive. I did just update my computer this morning, however, and all my data are backed up, so I feel somewhat more secure than I might otherwise.
Did I really just say “data are”? I know it’s grammatically correct and all, but it’s still jarring to hear. Messes with my mental flow. And wouldn’t the proper, descriptivist thing to do be to use “data is” to avoid confusion? Using “data are” feels clunky, is more difficult to say, and makes me look a bit snobbish. I’d delete it but that would require hitting the backspace button on my computer and I’m frankly quite lazy about that sort of thing. What was I talking about again? Oh, right. I have to click the link.
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 Again with the “thank you for your trust” bullshit! Whatever, I’m going to let it pass. They’re clearly going for a friendly, approachable persona here, even if they’re doing it in the most threatening, ass-backwards way possible.
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This next email took a seemingly endless eight minutes to arrive, during which time I meditated, raised a bonsai tree to adulthood, watched Marley & Me, grappled with intense feelings of loneliness, and worked on some of my homework.
Or maybe I just played games on my phone. You decide!
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Okay, not quite what “hereby” means, but sure. It’s a common mistake, likely exacerbated by the presence of the word “here” within “hereby.” Sort of a “wherefore does not mean where” situation I suppose.
Anyway, I’m submitting to the mortifying ordeal of clicking the link yet again.
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Christ get a load of this shit. How fitting that the Angelic stone for someone born on 4/13 would be Jade. My archangel is Megatron apparently??? His info claims he’s some sort of scribe. My major planet is Neptune, and my secondary planet is.... the sun? Is anyone going to tell Celeste what stars are or do I have to do everything myself around here? I do like that ram up in the top left though. I’m naming you Ram Elliot.
Now for the pièce de résistance. Meet Mahasiah. Mahasiah is not my guardian angel; Mahasiah is the guardian angel for anyone born between April 10th-14th. My guardian angel is Yerathel, apparently. A few things I learned while researching this: both Mahasia and Yerathel have “feminine energies” (???) and both have Fire as their associated classical element. Also, Yerathel rules over Intelligence, which is one thing I actually somewhat like about myself. This is actually kind of neat to learn about!
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I mean come on. That’s pretty fuckin cool. His name means “He Who Punishes Evildoers” which is beyond epic, and his associated gem is Smoky Quartz, aka the only Steven Universe character.
You know, maybe this whole Angel Reading business isn’t a scam after all. Maybe it’s a perfectly safe process and I’ll be totally fine, what am I worrying about? At the very least, it couldn’t hurt to explore her site a bit more..... for research’s sake.
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yeah baby tell me more
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certainly, miss celeste, anything for you
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wait, aren’t I already in a relationshi-
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holy shit! I want accurate readings!
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Oh god oh no okay i’ll do whatever you want celeste please don’t leave me i need my tarots
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Well, okay, even in my currently addled state I can still see that “Duo-Telepathy” is complete bullshi-
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Amazingly, my info was pre-filled in. Almost like this site is linked to Celeste’s in some way, or perhaps even run by the same group of scammeUPSTANDING CITIZENS IS WHAT I MEANT TO SAY
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Ooh, another e-transmission from my good friend Celeste! Oh, how I’ve missed her! And apparently large and surprising discoveries have been made concerning me! She’s presenting me a Guide? I sure hope I’ll be able to open it, hassle-free, with no additional purchases/information required!
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bro i’m shitting my drawers rn
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I have no fucking clue what that means but you said FREE so i’m in!
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oh my god there’s still so much left. just shut the fuck up and take my money you fools
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....i think
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Okay, I know the original thing said FREE and I should be “mad” or watever, but look at that bargain! that’s more than half off! It might as well be free! I’d be stupid NOT to buy it!
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I’ve invented a lot of secondary information for Delilah. The phone number is merely (559) YOU-SUCK, as a subtle way of establishing the power dynamic at play here. I’m sure Celeste will appreciate it.
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Hmmmmm.............. It would seem my method of “just input numbers randomly” won’t work here. Such a shame. Credit card fraud used to be so easy. I’ll have to put that on the backburner, though, because look what just appeared in my inbox!
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You can see where this is going.
I’ll take my leave now, this post is getting long enough as is, but I do feel it’s important to note that doing a quick bit of research shows that Celeste & co. are famous for emotional manipulation, as well as getting people addicted to their products and forcing a sort of dependency upon them. It’s important to do your research, and remember basic internet safety tips like don’t click popups or check if a site is legit before downloading from them. It’s incredibly easy to get trapped down this sort of rabbit hole, where you wind up buying more and more of their products like you’re stockpiling for the Rapture. Not me, though, I’m obviously fine and can quit anytime I like. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go try a bunch of credit card numbers until one works.
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faresramettas · 6 years
160219: skam italia x gay center event (part 1)
it’s going to be really hard for me to recap everything that happened yesterday, so i’m going to split this in two parts: one dedicated to the conference and one to the moment when we actually met them and took pictures etc. i’m sure all the things i’m going to report were already said yesterday in tweets and stuff but i wanted to have a place to write them all down cause my memory is so bad. warning: this got long.
the conference 
first of all, kudos to the gay center’s staff. so many people came they couldn’t fit them all in the conference room, so they decided to have a second shorter session so that no one would go home disappointed. they also said that afterwards we’d be able to take selfies and meet pietro, rocco and federico
spoiler alert: pietro, rocco and federico are literal angels. so sweet, funny, honest, humble, intelligent and well-spoken. ludovico bessegato is confident, smart and a savage. he dragged the whole fandom and yet we still love him cause he’s a genius
as soon as ludovico stepped on stage he made it clear that this was not an event about skam only and to please respect that. he said that they wouldn’t talk about season 3 and not to ask about it, and that’s why no info came out
the conference started with a presentation of the gay center. their representative introduced the work they do with the gay help line and talked about really heartbreaking cases of lgbt youth (12 and 14 year olds) who called to report violence from their own families. it was really hard to hear. they showed statistics of discrimination in italy and other data. their point was that skam s2 shows a positive reality where martino is able to come out to his friends and live his truth and his love, but unfortunately we have to be aware that these terrible realities exist too, especially in this country
the skam section started with a question to ludovico about his choice to include the voice messages in the first scene of s2. we watched that scene. he said he knew he wanted to do it from the start but recording and adding the voice messages was the last thing they did, one week before the release of the first clip. he came to the gay center in rome and met the young people and recorded the messages with them (i’m sorry, i’m not sure this is accurate) and he was moved to tears. that’s when he realized how important what they were doing with this season was. he said it was important for him, before showing the easiness of two people who can be together without external hardships, to start the season with the voice messages, as a reminder that these realities also exist
the host asked what was the most important thing for him, what he felt more responsible showing, and ludovico said for him it was the reaction of a group of heterosexual friends to one of their friends coming out. without dramatizing it or simplifying it too much. so the coming out with gio was the hardest scene cause there was a lot of weight on it. giovanni also had to be worthy of the moment. i loved this part: he said for him it was fundamental that giovanni touched martino right after his coming out, because it shows that nothing has changed between them, that they can still have a physical friendship, because so many times this doesn’t happen, straight friends pull back from/become less physical with their gay friends. their friendship not only hasn’t changed but is made more precious now
ludovico researched stuff like the gay street and grindr by experimenting them himself. he went to the gay street in rome and had a mission to get hit on (and he was lmao) and who did he meet that night? ROCCO, who went to the audition the morning after! incredible, he said he didn’t know rocco’s sexual orientation or anything but because he had seen him at the gay street he knew he could help give his input to the series, and of course pietro was precious as well to help with the representation
we watched the coming out scene and it was federico’s turn for questions (you could hear he had a cold, bb), the host asked him about how he felt/prepared for it and he said he felt a lot of pressure but he basically let martino lead him, he trusted his character that he had worked so hard on day after day and he also leaned on ludovico tersigni and bessegato. he hopes as many people as possible can relate to that scene, see themselves in it and live it
federico said the series enlighted him and made him reflect on lgbt themes and problems. he was never one to use homophobic slurs to follow the logic of the “pack” but it’s a thing, when you’re 15 or 16 you think you have to conform to what your friends say and do even if it’s harmful but this is why we have to spread awareness (”bisogna evitare il grigiume dell’uniformità” - we have to avoid the greyness of uniformity, he’s such a poet)
special mention to federico’s beautiful sweater, apparently he bought it in oslo, that sweater made his shoulders look even broader and it’s my new religion 
we watched the milan uramaki/wedding proposal scene and BITCH I HAD NEVER REWATCHED THAT PART CAUSE IT HURTS i swear we were all holding our breaths. that’s when the host asked rocco about gay marriage and he said italy is very late but at least we have civil unions now and it’s been hard fought for. it’s important to talk about gay marriage not so much for younger gens but for older generations. discriminations are always present so you can’t relax even when you reach a goal, you have to fight for the next one
when asked how he pictures his wedding, rocco said marriage is very far in the future for him, but whoever it’s going to be with his wedding is going to be very normal (”everyone naked is not a bad idea tho”) and y’all already know this part, he said he’s a person who’s experimented a lot and he HATES LABELS, for himself and for others (so maybe don’t call him pan king, u know what i’m saying). he’s experimented a lot and tried to figure out what he likes and he likes a little bit of everything (ME PIACE NPO DE TUTTO. i was there. i was there when he said that. iconic) he understands the need for labels cause they can help you identify yourself and give a sense of belonging but there’s also the risk that they can be too limiting
we watched fili’s speech and fede blew a kiss to pietro??? my heart
EMMA STA A ROSICA’ - cit pietro turano (emma is jealous af)
at this point besse DRAGGED US TO HELL AND BACK he said the fandom gets mad at emma and when characters say things that are wrong but it’s hypocritical (cause it’s a realistic show, no?)
he dragged the tumblr sjw politically correctness of fandom and something about how we all say we accept and love everyone but then WE are the first who feel the need to put labels on people and people in boxes. he said IT’S COOL TO HAVE NOORA’S QUOTE IN YOUR BIOS BUT DO ANY OF YOU ACTUALLY STICK TO ITS MEANING? YOU’RE THE FIRST WHO AREN’T KIND smth like that i swear i was a bit stunned
he also really didn’t like how everyone spoiled scenes and clips, ruining the experience for everyone while also creating false expectations, cause we expect things to happen and get mad if they don’t (ngl as a person who hasn’t watched the og i was like yeah tell em). idk, basically at the end of the speech all i got is that he’s an emma apologist
pietro said so many amazing things, like that when we have that moment of awareness, when we realize we are victims of behavioral schemes, prejudices and stereotypes deeply rooted in society, that’s when we can change the world. idk he’s seriously such a well-spoken smart person and he’s only 22
he also said in a video i have posted here that positive lgbt representations in tv shows/films are SO important for young people cause they need to see that there’s a positive reality out there for them too, that gay characters aren’t only the psychos, the ones who kill themselves or suffer
host dragged ludo for not including a beyonce song in the gay season but he said we can expect satisfactions from fili in s3
fede took the gay test and ludo told him the answers to get the totally hetero results, but when ludo took the test his result was Not totally hetero
rocco knows he looks like edward cullen, actually it was his first girlfriend when he was like 14 and before twilight was a thing that told him that he looked like cedric diggory aka rob pattinson. when twilight happened it all went downhill. the vampire outfit in the halloween clip was Not Casual. actually they had a line when someone told nico he looked like edward but it didn’t make the cut
fede said the hardest scenes, not because he couldn’t get in character but because of the expectations and pressures were the ones with mamma rametta (<333) and the coming out with gio. but the scene he hated the most was the i wanna be yours scene cause he said he went cross-eyed (è venuta di merda - it came out like shit)
host asked who’s top and bottom and they all laughed about it don’t worry (although i know someone asked again in the second session? and they said they switch idk, whatever)
at the end there was not a lot of time for questions but as soon as the host asked if we had any i IMMEDIATELY shot my hand up cause i thought i would regret it if i didn’t ask. so i stood up and pietro came to give me the mic (<33333333) and I WAS SO NERVOUS but i thanked them for all their work and then i asked rocco how he felt representing a character that’s not only lgbt but suffers from a mi, that he did a WONDERFUL job doing it because he helped so many people who suffer from bpd/mi to identify with niccolò (i accidentally said multiple personality disorder instead of borderline and i am so embarrassed but i swear. i couldn’t. think. i apologized too) if he felt he had more responsibility and if he could talk about the milan scene. he said he did feel a double responsibility and an additional pressure because henrik holm already did a splendid job, but he dealt with it like any other role, worked on the character like any other and tried to do it justice. he didn’t treat it differently. the milan scene was hard cause it was the very last one they did but they also had so much fun. he told us about bessegato pranking him and making him yell TABBBBASCOOOOO when he was running around naked in milan
i feel like i should mention that in the second session rocco said federico is a really good kisser (”bacia da dio” literally means “kisses like a god”)
that’s all i have and sorry this was so long. the conference was truly incredible. but meeting them afterwards was even more so and that’ll be part 2
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silyabeeodess · 5 years
FusionFall Writing Prompts: Oct. 2019, Prompt #2:
Dexter and Mandark are getting help from… Albedo?  That doesn’t bode well… But a new upgrade to your Spinal-ARCH sounds amazing.  If you help with testing, you’ll be one of the first to try the device’s improved ability to mimic certain alien species.  Will it be worth it?
I have ideas for both prompts this month, but I’m starting with this one since it’s the longer of the two and there’s some ideas I’m eager to explore in it.  Should be divided into four or five parts total, depending on whether or not I’ll keep the middle ones shorter.  Enjoy!
It wasn't normal.  The summons had been sent out to nearly every research participant shared between Dexlabs and Mandark Industries—and the rivaling boy geniuses that ran each company may very well have called everyone to Tech Square if it wasn't for the war keeping so many of them busy. Summoning this many research participants at once meant only one of two things: A disaster or a breakthrough.
Silya's muscles tensed as her Spinal-ARCH reconnected. For not the first time she was glad that she had missed most of the device's initial testing phases, before a salve had been developed to numb the flesh as it attached itself to a person's back—adhesive plates of a strong, but flexible alien alloy pressing against skin and thin needles piercing through it to reach bone.  It wasn't quite as painful as it sounded, but she released a habitual, baited breath all the same.  Then she stretched to make sure it had locked on properly, rolling her shoulders and shrugging on a plain tank.
Outside of routine inspections and repairs, she wasn't used to taking the device off.  She probably should have more often than she did, but once it was on it was comfortable enough to forget about easily.  Her Spinal-ARCH may as well have been a part of her own body. A sidelong glance at the other young women in the locker room—curled lips, terse shoulders, and faint shudders all reflecting a distinct unfamiliarity—hinted that the lax sense of protocol was mutually shared.
Every research participant's Spinel-ARCH had been updated: Increased data, improved storage, and a new program developed to better filter Imaginary Energy.  It had been a long while since the last large update and Spinel-ARCHs were already widely distributed among Fusion Fighters as a part of their standard gear.  After a day with them off as the alterations were made, everyone was curious about the two-week long tests that awaited them.  
Which would begin immediately.  Walls of blue-tinted steel surrounded the research participants from every angle as they followed one another out of the locker rooms and into a wide gymnasium. A fenced walkway two stories above wrapped around its perimeter.  There, Dexter looked over the crowd with Computress at his side and a tablet in hand. A few minutes passed as the last stragglers entered, then the boy-genius waved them all to attention:
“Greetings, everyone! Thank you for coming on such short notice,” he began, examining data as he spoke, “By now, you all should have received and reattached your Spinal-ARCHs.  I will be brief: This latest update to the device should allow you take on full transformations of certain alien species.”
After he typed some control onto the tablet, two tiny drones hovered close to the wall to project a sequence of holographic models that were recognizable to almost everyone present, nicknames given by a certain hero reciting in their minds: Big Chill, Way Bad, Ghostfreak, Ampfibian—alien forms all somewhat altered to better fit a humanoid frame.  An excited murmur fell over the crowd.  
Dexter noticeably stood a little straighter as he continued, “You will note that these are not perfect transformations.  As these forms will encase around your physical bodies, they will mimic your physical limits.  However, I am pleased to announce that—in each form—you may experience different enhancements through the manipulation of imaginary energy.  Testing these enhancements will be the primary objective for this week’s experiments. Today, you are free to explore each of the transformations for yourselves as my scientists and I monitor your progress.”
The quiet chatter between the research participants increased.  Silya looked away from the holograms still flashing through the different alien forms to her own hands.  Nearly every Fusion Fighter wanted to explore the limits of their imaginary energy: She was no different.  There were a few, rare full transformations in the Spinal-ARCHS datalogs, but for the most part transformations were restricted to minor extensions from their bodies—tentacles that lacked complete coordination or wings that couldn’t actually support them because they simply weren’t strong enough.  If Dexter and Mandark had really found a way to expand on their current abilities…
All of a sudden, Computress tapped Dexter on the shoulder, giving him a slight, reprimanding look.  The redhead blinked at the android before his proud expression somewhat hardened.  He raised a hand to silence the crowd once more. “I feel I should mention,” he frowned, “that this update is—in part—thanks to the cooperation of the Galvan scientist Albedo, whose specialization in alien technology benefited our research for these new transformations.  Given his history with Ben Tennyson, however, I understand should anyone have their reservations.  You may leave the experiments at any time with your Spinal-ARCH redacted to its previous update, but if you do so now please exit outside before we begin momentarily.”
Saying that some of them had ‘reservations’ was putting it lightly.  The very mention of the false Ben’s name sent many into a bewildered, bitter chatter of suspicion.  Even most those who weren’t major fans of the teenage hero had heard of the Galvan: He was slated along with all the other large reports of villains who had sided with the Fusion Fighters for one reason or another.  Some even had the displeasure of meeting him in-person. Why Dexter or Mandark would team up with him was beyond them.
However, for all of their wariness against Albedo, they did trust Dexter.  There was no telling what was happening over at Mandark Industries—where Mandark’s own group of lab rats was likely receiving the same kind of speech—but only a handful of people squirmed through the crowd to exit the gym from the right.  As the doors opened, they could see a small group of Dexbots waiting for them. Luckily for Dexter, their numbers were shockingly about the same.  
Silya was surprised that she herself stayed rooted were she stood, her fists gripped tightly to her sides. The more reserved, rational side of her mind cursed her, but she wanted this.  She became a research participant at Dexlabs for two reasons: The pay was great and the potential to explore groundbreaking territory all too tempting. It came with big risks, but just as big rewards.  For her own ambitions, she hopes one of those rewards would include gaining better mastery over her own imaginary energy.
Whatever their reasons—loyalty, curiosity, insanity—the bulk of the research participants stayed behind. Most all of them weren’t new to questionable or unorthodox tests: Their bosses had already weeded out anyone who would shrink back at their mad science several times over.  Some of them had handled prototype explosives, dipped in vats of fusion matter, and travelled through time.  They weren’t the sort anyone could chase away easily.
Dexter knew that all too well, and once again grinned at those who remained.  He pressed a few more controls on his tablet and the gymnasium slowly began to alter while the group watched on, unphased.  On the left side of the gym, platforms and poles rose from the floor in a kind of miniature obstacle course; targets popped out from behind hidden panels along the wall; the sliding door to the storage closet unlocked, giving them access to everything contained within.
“Take each of the transformations slowly,” he instructed, “and take note of any physical changes that may occur.  Each of you will need to submit a full report of your experiences before you leave the lab. You may use any of the equipment, but should you experience any pain or discomfort at any point, speak to one of the Dexbots present immediately.”
With that, the research participants split up.  Silya glanced at the still-looping hologram footage.  The Big Chill form was the closest to her usual transformations: All types of wings—while difficult for those without experience to summon—were popular among most Fusion Fighters.  To this day no one could actually fly with them, but they could give a bit of a lift and added protection when one had to jump from extreme heights.
A faint tingle dully thrummed along the slope of her back as the Spinal-ARCH activated, already hijacking messages from her brain to her spine and throughout her nerve fibers. She envisioned a set of wings fluttering gently behind her; softer than what she was used to, lighter, moth-like. Sure enough, they emerged from a split-second spectacle of light as her imaginary energy concentrated into a solid form—fitted on top of her clothes and the device, but mentally cabled to her nervous system like any other part of her body.  If it weren’t for the way they fit over the fabric, it’d be impossible to tell that they weren’t a true part of her.  
She was surprised by how dense the wings felt though, especially compared to what she was used to. The lack of true substance was what made their instability so frustratingly obvious her.  For the moment, Silya tried to brush it from her mind: She wanted to complete the transformation before anything.
It took a few minutes. She watched in fascination as her imaginary energy continued to materialize, black and blue plates shifting over her like a thin, flexible suit of armor. They ran over her arms, her legs, her torso until they lastly began to fit along the more subtle angles of her face.  She held her breath—this part was new, and she had to clasp onto the vision of a helmet to keep her concentration from breaking.  A strange filter that barely stained everything a faint green settled over her eyes as the ‘mask’ finished constructing itself.
To ensure a complete, stable transformation it was often better for Fusion Fighters to watch them take shape whenever they experimented with something new.  Fortunately, the gym had a series of wide mirrors along part of one wall, where a crowd had already gathered.  Not everyone went ahead with the full transformations, but nearly everyone who had was over there.  Silya jogged the short distance to them, brushing shoulders to reach an empty frame, and stared at her own reflection.  The sight of the apparition before her was jarring, but besides a few mistakes—which quickly patched over themselves to match each of her mental corrections—it seemed perfect.  There she was, a strange, human copy of the Necrofriggian race; shorter, with a more feminine waist and eyes dipped closer to their true peridot color instead of the bold lime or malachite the species was better known for.
Her heart leapt. There were a few other ‘whole’ transformations within the datalogs, but most of them seemed off in some way or another to her so she rarely used them.  This was the sort of big step she wanted to take…
Again though, she noticed something strange.  In her excitement, her wings gave an instinctual flap.  Silya felt her body actually rock in place at the motion, not expecting the subtle force behind it.  Reaching back across her shoulder, her fingertips gently traced the edge of one wing.  She actually felt as though there were nerves under it, twitching at the new sensation. It did feel more real than any of her past attempts, but she couldn’t pinpoint exactly how that was the case.
Startled shouts rose over the casual ambience of the gym.  Although at different phases, around a third of the research participants who had activated their Spinal-ARCHs also started out with the Big Chill transformation. One of the other girls who had only summoned her wings thus far tested them out with a few, powerful flaps—and was apparently just as unprepared for the force behind them.  It threw her body forward and the people around her moved away to avoid a near collision.  She stumbled, but caught herself.
Or rather, her wings did.  Clumsily, yes, but they clearly pulled her back, dragging her a few centimeters with her toes lightly grazing the floor.  Those nearby looked at her in astonishment, the girl hardly able to make sense of what happened herself.
It took seconds for the others to begin to test out the strengths of their wings.  Silya gently moved her own and smiled along to the excited chatter that picked up once again as each person made little discoveries to their new transformations. The awkward, uncoordinated handling could easily be blamed on a lack of practice, but they did feel like they truly were a part of her—the product of a second skin.  She looked up to where Dexter still stood watching them over the walkway railing to find the boy-genius practically grinning from ear to ear with pride. Enhancements… she shook her head, That’s the understatement of the year.
It was times like these when she loved her employer’s mad science.
Silya didn’t even bother touching the equipment for now.  She just found a relatively empty, little corner of the gym to continue practicing her dexterity with her new ‘body.’  She only wished she could practice longer with it, but she didn’t want to risk straining the device or herself yet and she’d need to make time to test out the other forms before the day’s experiments ended.  Guess the third scientist’s the charm—even if Albedo’s a crook.  
All-in-all, things were looking up.  
Continue: https://silyabeeodess.tumblr.com/post/188177587074/fusionfall-writing-prompts-oct-2019-prompt-2
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