#which is not true. i do not have to do thaz
tardis--dreams · 2 years
Me: I will finish my Bachelor degree by October :)
My professor: no ♡
#really feeling defeated and desperate atm#i want this to be over so bad and I planned on writing it in September and October and the prof said he'd supervise it#but today he informed me i 'had' to attend a research seminar in order to write it#which is not true. i do not have to do thaz#it's not part of our module handbook and in fact if it were i would have finished a while ago because that's literally what i WANTED#but alas it's not part of my degree so i didn't know that the option existed. so anyway apparently in order to write it with HIM#i have to attend this seminar so this will be next semester (he was like 'you could have done it this semester' and i was just#'no? i didn't even know about that?' and he didn't sound judgy or anything but it still annoys me)#so i told him i wanted to finish it at least by the end of this Year (not the end of next Semester)#so he said i could be one of the first presenters so i could start writing by November#(because we have to present our ideas and research questions and data and everything. again. cool concept. not obligatory for me tho.#but now it is because i can't get another supervisor. I'm just so sick of everything. why can't things go smoothly just for once#(I'm the one who got myself into this mess. could've finished 2 yrs ago but spent 2 yrs doing nothing so i shouldn't complain#but it's just making me more desperate and i also have been considering telling my mom the truth even though she'll judge me so bad#it's just getting more and more uncomfortable living with her thinking I'm basically done with my degree#3 additional months of pretending just feel too much. i already feel sick because of this all the time anyway#maybe i should come clean and endure her disappointment and judgement so i can at least breathe without the weight of this lie on my chest#the entire time.#anyway. not having a great time rn haha. sorry for the rambling.#shut up amy
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jiminieloved · 4 years
Jimin bought an apartment in 2018, however, that apartment can't be used. He bought an ap in and old building for a lower price and now it's being renovated and then the price will soar, so that was a smart move. Now, why I think that they are living together. His family is in Busan, so he is not with them. JK and him are always taking the same car when coming back from the schedules which *probably* means they are going to the same place. Also, during the break, her said that he only saw cont.
Hobi and JK (who live im the same building), and Hobi said that to. So he's either living with JK or Hobi. Hobi used to be his roomate, so it is not impossible that he's living with him, but he strikes me as a person who likes his own space. As soes JK, but to me personaly, it is more plausible that he is living with JK, given that they are attached by the hip, they have similar habits and mimic each other's actions, which is something you do when you spend a looot of time with someone. 
Also Jimin seems to know a lot about JK's habits (like how long it takes for him to take a shower), and there were some suspicious room sharing moments - Hobi's birthday V live where Jimin is wearing JK's old shirt (from 2014 or 15, it's literally the same shirt and it is visibly worn down, goood that is so cute, it is too small for JK now), and Jimin says something along the lines of - I turned on the alarm right? - to JK (check out the vlive), which is quite suss because how would JK now unless he was sleeping next to him? Also when he came back for him and it almost looked like he needed JK to get into his own room? And then the infamous live where JK was "mad" at him and his hoody was on the chair and it looked like he really wanted the others to leave, and so did JK (bonus, someone at the door telling JK - he is really thick-headed, reffering to Tae xD - just in the context of this situation ofc, and then JK's underware under Jimin's hoodie?). 
JK spooning Jimin in that Run?.. But then, these are all speculations. To me, the most telling thing is the car, the fact thaz he only saw JK and Hobi during the vacation, the fact that he wrote in the birthday photo's caption - it was good to see you after not seeing you for a few days, implying that he had seen him before Paris, then celebrating JK's birthday before going ro Hawaii tomorrow morning. He could have gone home after, but from what I remember it was already around 9 pm, so to me it seems as if he picked up the Cake and went, well, home, haha. Picked up the clothes he needed and went to Hawaii tomorrow. Also, in the vlive he said, I went straight to Jungkookie, he didn't say Jungkook's hause or something. 
Aaand one more thing that crossed my mind was. If you're a millionaire and you need a place to live - why buy an apartment in a rundown bulding and wait for it for 2 years or god knows how much? Sure, it will be much more valuable in the future, but if you're not planning on selling... What does it matter? If it is a place for you to live in, then you wouldn't want to wait for a few years and the selling value wouldn't matter as much, would it? Ofc it is always important to make a good investment but this is a very good investment for just a home. Whew That's all 😅
Okay I want to break this down point by point because there are a lot of stuff you bring up here. I was going to do it in a masterpost about this theory, but I’ve decided to wait a while and do a whole lot more research before I attempt to make any theories of my own about that. But I do have some thoughts about what you said I want to address. 
Jimin bought an apartment in 2018, however, that apartment can't be used. He bought an ap in and old building for a lower price and now it's being renovated and then the price will soar, so that was a smart move.
Yep, he bought his apartment as a real estate investment, not as a place to live. 
JK and him are always taking the same car when coming back from the schedules which *probably* means they are going to the same place.
They do often take cars from schedules together, but I don’t think they always do? I need to do more research before I can confirm or deny this, to be honest.
So he's either living with JK or Hobi. Hobi used to be his roomate, so it is not impossible that he's living with him, but he strikes me as a person who likes his own space.
Hmmm... I don’t know. I remember seeing a video somewhere where Jimin talked about how much he loved being roommates with Hobi, and how he never wanted to live alone and how Hobi was always his roommate because of that. It’s not to say things haven’t changed since he said this, but I do think Hobi enjoyed not living alone, or at least didn’t mind living with Jimin enough to stay roommates with him for all these years. 
there were some suspicious room sharing moments - Hobi's birthday V live where Jimin is wearing JK's old shirt (from 2014 or 15, it's literally the same shirt and it is visibly worn down, goood that is so cute, it is too small for JK now), and Jimin says something along the lines of - I turned on the alarm right? - to JK (check out the vlive), which is quite suss because how would JK now unless he was sleeping next to him? Also when he came back for him and it almost looked like he needed JK to get into his own room? And then the infamous live where JK was "mad" at him and his hoody was on the chair and it looked like he really wanted the others to leave, and so did JK (bonus, someone at the door telling JK - he is really thick-headed, reffering to Tae xD - just in the context of this situation ofc, and then JK's underware under Jimin's hoodie?).
I see your points, but I don’t necessarily know if them sharing a hotel room (which I do think they do, often) means they must also live together.
To me, the most telling thing is the car, the fact thaz he only saw JK and Hobi during the vacation, the fact that he wrote in the birthday photo's caption - it was good to see you after not seeing you for a few days, implying that he had seen him before Paris, then celebrating JK's birthday before going ro Hawaii tomorrow morning. He could have gone home after, but from what I remember it was already around 9 pm, so to me it seems as if he picked up the Cake and went, well, home, haha. Picked up the clothes he needed and went to Hawaii tomorrow. Also, in the vlive he said, I went straight to Jungkookie, he didn't say Jungkook's hause or something.
This is definitely the most compelling thing to me that might suggest he at least stays over at Jungkook’s apartment enough for it to be considered the norm. I’m with you 100% with this being kind of suspicious. 
Aaand one more thing that crossed my mind was. If you're a millionaire and you need a place to live - why buy an apartment in a rundown bulding and wait for it for 2 years or god knows how much? Sure, it will be much more valuable in the future, but if you're not planning on selling... What does it matter? If it is a place for you to live in, then you wouldn't want to wait for a few years and the selling value wouldn't matter as much, would it? Ofc it is always important to make a good investment but this is a very good investment for just a home. 
I don’t think that he bought the real estate for living in; I think he bought it as a financial investment. I think his real estate purchase is not really worth bringing up as an argument besides to state that he has bought property, but it isn’t livable (at least from a millionare’s perspective) X).
Anyway, you did bring up a lot of good points, and I will definitely address this stuff in depth if I ever do make a theory post on this topic. Thanks for lending your thoughts! I enjoyed reading your ideas. 
A different anon: (I think)
About KM living together, before the news left the apartment, they and JH usually traveled together in the same car, but after the discovery of the property, people started to notice and speculate that KM lived together, after a while, KM started to travel in separate cars when they are in Korea. It is rare to see them in the same car now. Well, that's what I noticed at the time, maybe it's just a coincidence.
Wow. That’s certainly an interesting piece to the puzzle if it’s true. Do you have sources or examples?
As I said, at this point in time I don’t have nearly enough information to confirm or deny this info, but I did enjoy reading your perspectives. 
Have a good day/night!
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kittymochi-art · 6 years
I made a Todomomo Halloween oneshot! Enjoy~
It was Mina’s idea. The spooky season is upon them, and while Halloween falls on a Wednesday, Mina still wants to throw a costume party on Sunday since that’s the only free day the class has. This is why the girls of class 1-A are diligently decorating the common room in preparation of the party in a few days. They are currently debating about costumes. “No, no, no!!! Halloween is the one time you have to go all out! You have to show the goods!” Mina says while wiggling an eyebrow. “If that’s the case, shouldn’t Yaomomo-chan just wear her hero outfit, kero?” Tsuyu points out. Mina lets out an exasperated sigh. “You have to wear something else on Halloween. Am I the only one who’s going to dress up appropriately?” Momo takes Mina’s words to heart. She does have a point. Halloween is the one day you get to dress up as anything you want! After many failed costume changes, Momo finally chooses one. She ends up with a simple witch costume. The dress is long and doesn’t show any skin. Why did I even try on that ‘sexy All Might’ costume... she mentally sighs. At least the witch costume comes with a cute floppy hat and broomstick. She thinks she made the right choice until she gets back to the dorm and sees everyone else’s costume choices. With the party only a day away now, Momo is starting to doubt her costume choice. She’s sitting on the couch in the now very decorated common room thinking out loud. “Is my costume too boring? All the other girls’ costumes are so fun and vibrant... Is a witch too plain? What if I don’t fit in with the rest of the girls..? Should I just not dress up at all?” Momo mumbles to herself in true Midoriya fashion. “Yaoyorozu, what are you mumbling about?” A familiar deep voice asks from behind the couch. Momo’s head snaps up and is met with mismatched eyes staring at her curiously. He’s wearing a black turtleneck that is very similar to the cream one she is currently wearing..! For some reason, her cheeks begin to flush. She starts remembering last week when Ojirou mentioned how confidently he spoke of her during her match against class 1-B despite her losing... Does Shouto really think of her so highly? Momo shakes her head suddenly to erase these thoughts and is brought back to the present. “Todoroki-san! Good evening. Will you be dressing up for the costume party tomorrow?” she asks while deflecting his question. He looks up while he ponders her question before answering. “I guess. Everyone else will be dressed up, right?” “Yes that’s right! What kind of costume will you be wearing?” Shouto leans down to rest his elbows on the back of the couch. “Whatever Midoriya picks out for me. What about you?” “I- I still need to pick one out!” Momo says while suddenly standing up. She still has time to return her costume and pick out a better one. If what Ojirou said about Shouto praising her is true, she can’t wear something so underwhelming. Momo dashes back to the costume store and goes to a costume she was too afraid to try on at first, but kept eyeing it the first time she was here. It’s perfect. The next day is finally the day of the Halloween costume party! The girls are already in their costumes setting up the common room except for one. Momo decides to put it on later. Maybe then she’ll have the confidence to put it on. “YAOMOMO!!! Why aren’t you dressed?” A pair of fluffy white paws bombard Momo from behind. “Ashido-san! I want to wait until everyone is here and enjoying themselves.” “Oh don’t worry, everyone will definitely be enjoying themselves,” Mina winks as she heads to the punch bowl station. Momo looks away and misses the part when Mina spikes the punch. Tonight will definitely be interesting. More classmates start coming dressed in costumes. It’s soon very lively. The common room is dimly lit with orange lights and spooky music that people have already begun to dance to. Everyone’s dancing among themselves when Momo decides to slip away and change into her costume. She makes it back to her room and changes. Before she leaves, she rests her head against the door to try and wait until her heartbeat steadies. The anticipation and anxiety she feels right now are overwhelming. This should be no different than wearing her hero costume. Everyone else is dressed up, Momo! It should be fine. After plenty of internal struggle, Momo finally gathers the courage to go back to the party. She lies in wait around the corner mentally preparing herself again when she hears footsteps coming from behind her. She turns her head around and is met with none other than the strongest in her class. They bump into each other a lot, now that she thinks about it. “Ah, Yaoyorozu.” “T-Todoroki-san! Are you just now getting to the party?” She eyes his outfit and notices he’s dressed as a vampire. His hair is even slicked back to one side which makes him look quite dashing. He also has fangs and a long black cape draped over his shoulders. “Yeah. I couldn’t figure out how I should do my hair so I called my sister and asked. Plus these fangs were annoying to put in.” Momo chuckles. Seeing him obviously annoyed about his costume makes her forget her anxiety about wearing her costume to the party. That is, until he speaks up again. “Your costume looks good,” he compliments. She’s forcefully brought back to reality and her heartbeat quickens. “Ashido-san said you have to go all-out for Halloween, so I did my best...” Momo nervously plays with her hair which is out of its normal spiky ponytail. It’s draped over her shoulders in silky waves. She decided on a black bunny girl outfit. It’s a low cut one piece with white wrist cuffs and a white collar adorned with a black bow-tie. She has the classic black bunny ear headband, black tights, and of course, the white bunny tail. She suddenly feels very self-conscious and starts to second guess herself. As if Shouto could read her thoughts, he grabs her by the wrist and tilts his head towards the party. “Come on, we should get going.” Momo lets herself be lead by him and focuses on his hand around his wrist. Although it’s his right hand, it surprisingly feels warm. Then he lets go all too soon and her wrist begins to feel cold. They stand there for a while to take in the atmosphere. Halloween music is playing and almost everyone seems to have a red solo cup of punch in their hands. It’s very lively, and very loud. Momo is so distracted by everything going on around her that she doesn’t notice notice Shouto lean his head closer to her. He has his hand to the side of his mouth so he can tell her something since it’s so loud. “I’m going to get punch, you want some?” he has to practically yell. Momo is startled by his sudden close proximity and doesn’t even hear what he says. “I’m okay!” He excuses himself and heads to the table with the punch bowls. Now that he’s gone and Momo can concentrate better, she notices the sloppiness of the crowd. Everyone seems to be rowdier than usual. Some people are even struggling to walk properly. How strange. That’s when she hears a loud voice behind her. “DAMN YAOMOMO! YOU LOOK HOT!!!” a familiar pair of fluffy white paws make their way to where Momo is standing. Mina is dressed as some sort of dog. A werewolf maybe? A very anthropomorphic werewolf. She also has a red solo cup in her hand. “Your punch seems very popular, Ashido-san.” Mina giggles and rests on Momo’s shoulder. “Thaz right! I spiked it. Now issa true party! WOOHOO!” She slurs some of her words and staggers into the crowd of dancing students. Wait, the punch is spiked? But Todoroki-san- Momo’s thoughts are interrupted when she hears a familiar voice below her. A shiver is set down her spine when she notices the drool coming from the sour grape’s mouth. “Am I dreaming..? No one pinch me if this is a dream! Yaoyor-bunny in the flesh! Here I co- OW!” Mineta is suddenly picked up by the collar of his pimp costume and flung across the room. Smoke is coming off Momo’s savior’s left hand. His eyes are angry, but glossed over at the same time. In his other hand is an almost empty solo cup. Oh no. Shouto turns to the direction he threw the scum, and fire is starting to form in his hand. Momo wraps her arms around his left arm to stop him. “Todoroki-san, stop!” The flames disappear immediately when he realizes Momo is latching onto him. His eyes look frantic as he looks down at his arm now occupied by Momo. “Did I burn you?” he asks with a worried expression. Momo can smell the liquor from his breath. She shakes her head and realizes their position. They’re right at eye level since she’s a taller girl, and she frantically releases his arm when she notices how close their faces are. Luckily the room is dim so she hopes he can’t see how red her face is. His angry expression returns and he searches the crowd for the nasty little gremlin. “That bastard will pay,” he snarls. “I’m fine, really! We should find some water for you-“ A group of students walk by and whistle at Momo’s costume and attempt to catcall her. Shouto turns his glare at them and they immediately escape into the crowd. He tries to take a step forward but finds he can’t walk straight. Momo steadies him and leads him to a wall for him to rest on. “Okay, you stay here. I’m going to find you some water to sober you up.” She says and tries to walk away but is forced back by Shouto’s hand. “Wait.” He begins taking off his cape and drapes it over her shoulders and secures the knot. Now that she can see his face up close properly, he looks quite flush. Must be from the alcohol. “What are you doing?” she asks, obviously confused. “You looked cold...” he says while averting her gaze. She didn’t feel cold at all, actually. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. He tied the cape so you can’t even see her costume anymore, and the amount of dancing bodies in the common room makes it quite warm. Momo doesn’t even realize he’s still holding onto her hand until she tries to leave again. Shouto says something that Momo can’t quite hear.
“Pardon?” she asks, leaning in a bit closer to hear him.
“Your costume is dangerous...” he mumbles. Momo can tell the alcohol is making him delirious.
“Dangerous? What do you mean, Todoroki-san? If anything, I think everyone else’s costumes are much more creative...”
“...Have more confidence in yourself, Yaoyorozu.”
He looks at her with an expression she’s never seen on him before. It must be because he’s intoxicated because his face is still flush and he’s looking at her with such a yearning gaze. His expression makes Momo feel self-conscious and she can feel her own face becoming warm. Drunk people are often very honest, she recalls. Shouto gently places his free hand on her cheek and leans in closer to her face. Her breath catches in her throat and she can’t move. Time freezes for what seems like hours, until their faces are mere centimeters apart.
Shouto closes the distance and pecks her lips with a kiss.
It only lasts a couple seconds, but Momo thinks Shouto is right. Maybe her costume is dangerous.
The Halloween party was definitely unforgettable, except for a half-and-half vampire.
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nerdylittleshit · 7 years
Thoughts about Spn 12x13
So... Considering this was a Bucklemming episode, it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Of course the last three, maybe four episodes have been among the best of this season, so let us not compare them too much. Like most motw-episodes this one brought the plot along, while also fixing some lose ends and might foretelling how the season might end for some characters.
So, let’s start this.
To me her parts were the most intersting of the episode. There is still so much we don’t know about her and I’m glad the show made her the complex character she is now. Her relationship with Mr. Ketch is kinda creepy. He certainly was flirting with her, but I think his interest in her is because he sees her as the perfect killer. Just the way he is. Like I said, creepy. And his little speech that this is the real her, that the ruthless huntress he has witnessed is the best version of her, was the most interesting to me. A killer, nothing more. Not a mom, no matter how hard she pretends. Which brings us again to season 6 and Dean’s time with Lisa and Ben. Because in the end he leaves them because he thinks he is a killer, nothing more. Not a father.
Dean: [...]What I'm good at... is slicing throats. I ain't a father. I'm a killer. And there's no changing that. I know that now.
Mr. Ketch: [...] But when you hunt, Mary. You're one of the best I've ever seen. You might play at being the good mummy. But when you're in the thick of it, nothing but a blade in your hand and blood in the air. That's the real you. The best you. And I think you know, and I think that scares the hell out of you.
As season 12 so far has been a subversion of season 6 Mary’s story might end different. It already did in the way she told her sons on her own that she worked together with the British MoL. And I’m really glad she did this, instead of seeing yet another Winchester keeping secrets until everything is too late. Does it hurt her sons? Of course. And they have very good reasons not to trust the MoL. And to be upset about Mary lying to them. But her coming clean to them is the best she could do.
Apart from the obvious parallel that I already mentioned Mary has been tied to Dean in other ways as well. Both enjoy some magic fingers and pay-per-view. And both are exellent liars. Which is the reason Dean could look right through her lying. And I’m pretty sure it will lead to some serious trust issues. I also wonder if all those Mary-Dean-parallels that we had all over the season serve as a way to foretell Dean’s arc? So far it was brought up to show us how much they have in common, that Dean is a lot like his mother, and again as a subversion of Dean wanting to be so desperately like his father. But maybe whatever will happen to Mary gives us clues to what will happen to Dean as well. We will see.
And two more things regarding the British MoL: Mr. Ketch sees them as his family. And while telling Mary she should keep her distance to her sons (because it makes her weak) he might offer her that they can become her family as well. With all the different families we have seen this season (and yet alone in this episode) the MoL might be the most interesting. Because honestly? So far I wouldn’t have seen them as a family. They don’t act like one. But it is something we should keep in mind for the future. Second: Will Lady Toni ever come back? Mr. Ketch and Mick are fun to watch, but I kinda miss her. And I still think there is a reason they showed her son. So. I keep waiting.
The MacLeods
And the winner for most dysfuntional family is.... surprisingly not the Winchester. I think once Dabb took over he looked at all the lose ends of past seasons and decided to fix at least this one. Because if Doctor Who taught us one thing it is thaz you can’t just change the past without consequences in the present. Or so I think. Anyway, Gavin’s trip to the 21st century resulted in the creation of a ghost and the painfull death of some teachers. Speking of, the teaser was one of the most scariest in a long time. Also, I headcanon the two lady teahers from the girls only school were girlfriends.
Gavin as a character was kind of underused. He was brought back to blackmail Crowley and now sent back to punish him. He had no real agency of his own, though I think his decision to sacrifice himself can be seen as such. He was a good man, certainly not like his grandmother or his father. Rowena even said so: “Fergus, he's not like us. He believes in things. Let him do what he believes is right.” I think both Rowena and Crowley cared about him in some ways, knowing that at least someone good came out of their family. And before the reveal Rowena wanted to bring back Gavin to his time (and his death) I thought she had learned her lesson that sometimes of you love someone you need to let them go and make their own decision. Maybe part of her did it out of that reason. And at least Sam and Dean might see it like this. I did wonder why Rowena was interested in her grandson in the first place when so far she had shown no real interest in her family/her son. Sam and Dean couldn’t know she was interested in him because of her revenge for Oskar, or otherwise they wouldn’t have brought them together. I think it is fair to assume Dean does indeed remember the conversation he had with Rowena in 12x11 and thought that after her reveal that she no longer cares about power she might take interest in her family. Either way, I think we will see some growth/development with Rowena; I don’t think everything about her grandson was faked.
So, let’s talk about Gavin and Fiona. In true Bucklemming fashion it wasn’t obviously enough to let Fiano die heartbroken on a sinking ship, no she needed to be raped first. Seriously, why do they have to include rape/sexual assault in almost all their episodes? I also wonder if Fiona killed herself because of that before the ship sunk or she died along with everyone else. The reason why she was after teachers especially was a bit clumsy. Anyway. I feel like Gavin’s story here might be a bit foretelling of what is yet to come. He is a man out of time, someone who should be technically dead and who doesn’t fit in in his new time. Upon learning of the consequences of his time travel (the rape of his fiancee, the deaths of innocents) he decides to fix everything in going back in time, sacrificing himself, and to be untited with the one he loved in eternity. I wonder if we see the same happening to Mary as well. Just as Gavin she should be dead and doesn’t fit in her new time. We don’t know of the consequences of her coming back. She still died in 1983, so the past wasn’t changed. But the present/future might still do. And we already saw her almost sacrificing herself in 12x09. Furthermore her spouse is dead, and her dying would mean she would be reunited with him. And with Crowley and Rowena we had family members who had to accept Gavin’s decision to sacrifice himself, just as Sam and Dean might have to do. Of course during Gavin’s return to his time the focus was on Dean, so it might be foretelling for him as well, and this is where all the Dean-Mary-parallels are aiming at. I still hope they find a better way than to kill Mary again. So far the season subverted the shows past way of dealing with this issues, so I hope they do it again.
Some other things:
We saw that Fiona was tied to the locket and that the locket travelled with the teachers to their school. But it needed to come back to the museum in order to find new victims? Except for one they all died not at the museum, but the locket needed to return there everytime for new victims. This doesn’t make sense. Bucklemming *sigh*
Dean remembered the year and town Gavin disappeared. One point for smart!Dean, or as I like to call him canon!Dean.
Also another experience point for witch!Sam.
And at last: the victims were all alive again? Does this mean everyones memory of their murders was rewritten as well? How come the Winchesters still remember? *sigh*
I like that they mentioned Cas, but also how come two angels and one demon could find Kelly but not Cas? He is a smart bean.
So Kelly needs protection. I actually thought her super powerfull child would protect her, because this is kind of a common trope. Also the line that once the child arrives her life will be over makes me more than ever believe that Kelly won’t survive this season.
Dagon seems pretty cool so far. I hope her power to explode angels won’t come up again (#protectCas2k17). Also gives a new light why Ramiel wanted to kill Cas with the spear instead of just exploding him. Anyway, I wonder why Dagon is so interested in nephilims. Was she one as well? Or made one? There has been some speculation if the princes of hell were fallen angels once. Ramiel at least sounded like an angelic name. Also according to the Wikipedia Ramiel is a fallen Watcher and leader of 200 angels that are turned into fallen Angels due to their taking wives, mating with human women, and teaching forbidden knowledge. So the princes could have a history with nephilims. She tells Kelly that her son could save them all. But who? The demons? And from what? The fact that Lucifer seems to be communicating with her is troubling.
With Dagon we also bring back the theme of stories who became stories: she tells Kelly that names like angel or demon are just labels and she shouldn’t believe everything she heard in sunday school. She paints angels and the Winchesters as the bad guys, but Lucifer and demons as the ones she can trust. Of course with the British MoL we already brought back the topic of a black-and-white-moral, dividing the world in good and bad and how dangerous this can be. Not everything is always as it appears.
And speaking of Lucifer. So there is a reason why he is not in the cage. And why his grace went down the vents. We were meant to be suspicious of this. Still, this is the most stupid Crowley could have done. I mean seriously? This just waits to fail spectecular. The cage is the safest prison for Lucifer. Having him in hell just to have his revenge on him? Crowley should be smarter than this.
I thought Lucifer might use the info Crowley has a son against him, but with Gavin dead again it is useless. Still, Lucifer knows that eventually Crowley at times gives a damn. also, petition for a sitcom with both Crowley and Lucifer raising their kids as single dads.
I like the fact they brought back Mark Pellegrino, because I like his version of Lucifer the best (though Misha comes real close). I also like that the show gave us an explanation why he was back in his old vessel. And the fact that they fixed the vessel means he will stay in it without wasting it. Works for me.
Finally, that song in the end montage (”Play with fire” by the Rolling Stones) was utterly familiar to me and here is why: they used it before in 6x22 (”The man who knew too much”). Another call back to season 6. I’m pretty sure smarter people than me have already worked out all the parallels between 6x22 and 12x13, so I won’t do it here.
Until next week, and if I have seen right the alpha!vampire (season 6, yet again).
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skullerina · 7 years
We’re starting off badly – stressed out, I haven’t slept in 24 hours and I’m snacking on tortilla chips, nuts and cookies. Hello to on-coming breakout. Also, the Ersatzverkeer is messing with me. As per the norm. There’s the impending doom of missing my next train/bus, the cold air in the drafty Bahnhof and the combination between overtiredness and (probably) too much sugar keeping me up. What a fabulous start to a birthday.
Yes, 19. I don’t really believe it either. A part of me feels so much older and mature than I truly am, which also sounds silly and rather proud. While another whiny, unhappy and incontent little voice moans about getting older, the responsibility it comes with and my stumble into adulthood. I was told the other day that I was very serious for a (almost) 19-year-old. I was told that, since I am so young and in Berlin, that it is time for me to experiment with drugs and experience the true clubbing scene! Uuh… thanks? But no thanks.
But back to the main part of this story: my travels.
After getting something more substantial to eat (a fresh breadzel filled with Frischkäse) and finally figuring out which train I should take next, things started to look up. Talking to a few people, I found out I wasn’t the only one the DB had screwed with, I wasn’t the only one with a ticket that didn’t match the travel plan *exhales a large breath of relief*  Thankfully I wasn’t told to pay another 70€ or get off at the next stop and thankfully I got a 20 minute nap on the next train.
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The Large Cuckoo Clock and the RE train going over Höllental Valley near the Hirschsprung – look it up. You’re welcome.
  I cannot explain the feeling I experienced in seeing the beauty of the Southern German countryside, of the computer screen infront of me indicating the time of my arrival in Sankt Georgen and that time diminishing kilometer by kiometer. I cannot describe the peace I felt – knowing that I would soon be arriving and seeing my wonderful Grandparents (and that I didn’t get lost) – that even though I had been awake for over 24 hours – my heart would leap for joy when seeing them.
Arriving at the station, I was greeted by my Grandparent’s with “Happy Bithday” wishes and “Lovely to see you’s” and photos were taken (although I probably look like I was just raised from the dead in these pictures.) Arriving at home, we sat down to a fry-up breakfast by my grandpa and I was sent to shower and get into a cozy, warm bed for an hour nap which was over as soon as my head hit the pillow, but thankfully left me feeling revitalized and energized (I like thaz word ‘revitalized‘ it sounds so fancy and spa-like)
We headed to our favourite Chinese restuarant in St. Georgen where the owners know my grandparents and have sent back gifts for my brother and I everytime my Grandparents eat there. I ate way too much! But you know… it was a buffet… it tasted so good… and you have to try everything (or almsost everything) at a buffet. It’s a general rule, remember that kids… 
I was given a bottle of Plum Wine (Pflaumen Chiew) as a birthday gift from the owner. *wiggles eyebrows*
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Plaumen Chiew for my biffday
  We didn’t do very much sightseeing due to the cold and windy weather, but it was amazing spending time with my grandparents, driving around the Schwarzweld and devouring homemade Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte  (the Black Forest Cake) – the be all and end all of cake!
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What better than to eat Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte in Schwarzweld!?
  Along with all my lovely birthday gifts and goodies, I got some treats from South Africa – 2 large packets of rusks (drools) black and Rooibos tea and some more Bakers biscuits because you know… I need to live.
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I cannot deny that my time spent with my Grandparents was absolutely fantastic but too short! Anyone willing to sponsor me so that I can regularly fly over my family? I’m willing to repay you in meals and my awesome personality… (holding fingers that someone besides my mom agrees)
So anyway I’m sorry this post is so delayed, but I hope you enjoyed it! In the time that I was supposed to finish this and send it off, I was binge watching a channel starring food and 4 quirky, wonderful British men: SortedFood. I’m in love – obsessed even – and have proceeded to follow them on Instagram. Oh dear. I also decided that it was time to use some of my birthday money and buy some Air plants, because again – obsessed.
There’s only one store I know so far that sells them – Schee  (another shop that I walk into and want to buy everything… so dangerous) I decided to buy three – one of every size and I am happy with my purchase and love my weird air babies.
Let me know what type of plant/s interests you and what other indoor plants I should get for when I have my own apartment – my goal is to live in jungle/overgrown vegetation style! Stay slayin’ peeps!
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Triberg Waterfall
Trains, Travels and Torte in St. Georgen (I would put grandparents in here too but it doesn't start with 'T') We’re starting off badly – stressed out, I haven’t slept in 24 hours and I’m snacking on tortilla chips, nuts and cookies.
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