#it's one of my all time fav jiara moments
kiekiecarrera · 1 year
What is your favorite underrated Jiara moment?
I don't know if it's underrated, but "it's a no-brainer you're picking kie" makes me want to punch a wall because of the way it so unintentionally set up how much better JJ is for Kie. Like, the Pates made a huge deal of Pope going after her and talking to her and being like if it was up to me, I know what choice I would make. Like it was some kind of big sacrifice on his part to choose Kie over a girl he's barely ever interacted with and whose brother had beat the life out of him only days before. And then in the next scene, you have JJ just unequivocally saying they're not doing this without Kie, like there was never any choice for him. And I think it (unintentionally, lbr) set up the Jiara dynamic so perfectly, in the sense that it's never ever a question for them - their loyalties lie with each other, and there's never any doubt about it.
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cherienymphe · 2 years
What were your fav and least fav moments in season 3 <3
Ok so (spoilers below the cut)
Rafe. Literally Rafe. He was just so funny and such a little shit and one of my favorite things about the season
Riara!!! I loved their interactions so much and when he was like "I always liked you Kie" I went what is actually happening right now cause 😭
Jiara! They hurt so good tbh. The difficult and angsty scenes between them were needed imo. I knew it wasn't going to be smooth sailing and it was difficult watching the way her parents treated him and basically threw his own fears about him and kie in his face and my God the self sabotage was driving me insane and they kept highlighting the differences in their classes but they were cute
Cleo. Literally just Cleo but especially her and Pope. I was surprised by how much I loved them because it seemed like OBX was like yeah let's put the two leftover black characters together but unfortunately they were right and they were cute. Hashtag black love I guess 😭
Cleo and JJ. Not what you think. Cleo's genuine fascination with JJ was hilarious to watch. It was like every time he opened his mouth she'd look at him like he was the most bizarre and mind stumping creature she'd ever met. Also them being two sides of the same coin and equally chaotic was everything
Ward dying!!! I rejoiced so loud it was embarrassing
John B reuniting with his dad but the buck stops there (see least fave things for more)
Y'all gone hate me for this one but I was actually here for Sarah and Tooper? And I do not know why tbh. Can't even tell you. Definitely don't hate her and John B. I think I just enjoyed the drama of it all.
Rafe and Barry. Loved seeing the murder boyfriend together again.
Just the mere knowledge that Rafe was getting it in. Good for him. Good for Sophia.
Rafe and Rose fighting. That was very hilarious to me. "You missed"
Everyone looked great
That motorcycle thing JJ did that made my Kitty purr
Topper going off the deep end in a jealous rampage
Pope telling Rafe it's not over like yeah. I look forward to round 4
Kelce 😭 I actually missed him
Topper helping them steal the "cross" like what was he even doing there? It was so funny to me because you have the whole gang and then...topper 😭
Rafe almost choking his dad out. That was great. Also when he almost killed him. That was a moment
Friar Cameron
Least fave:
WARD. FUCKING WARD. I wanted him OUTTA THERE from day one. How he managed to be so self righteous while sucking so bad I do not know
The fact that Rafe didn't kill ward. That was highly disappointing but alas
Big John. Just a horrible father. Found myself wishing he'd stayed missing.
They were putting the boys THROUGH it my gawd. Idk if they were like yeah we tortured tf out of Sarah last season so this season let's make it even. I mean Pope finding out Rafe melted the cross? Almost going on a villain arc? JJ having no home and nowhere to go and being treated like shit by Kie's dad? John B almost dying? Being forced to be an accessory to murder? Getting cheated on while literally going through hell? My goodness
The show is TV MA so how tf you're going to show Sophia waking up in Rafe's bed half naked and show Rafe getting dressed but don't show us what went down in said bed. Why am I watching Sarah and John B about to do the so but I can't get a crumb for Rafe?
Really wanted to see Rafe give Sophia that tour. No I won't shutup about it
Kie's parents. It's amazing how I found myself thinking they'd grown on me because surely it's hard trying to be a parent to Kie with everything going on but then they just weren't listening to her at all and literally forcibly shipping her off was sooo. And then for them to be celebrating their discovery at the end like they didn't doubt her and JJ the whole time was so ugh
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homielander · 3 years
Bestie I followed you for Outer Banks so that one for the ask game
you- you followed me for outer banks? i am so sorry
the first character i ever fell in love with: pretty sure i started liking all of the pogues at about the same time? but i believe it was pope since he was introduced as the Nerd and i was immediately in love
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i really liked ward in the beginning! it was fairly apparent from the get-go that he would be the villain (i think it clicked for me in his third scene or something) yet he was still charming enough for me to appreciate him. but it quickly became clear how awful he was to his children and that made me :/ i can excuse murder but i draw the line at child abuse
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: can't think of any for this show
my ultimate favourite character™: jj maybank, light of my life and actual human disaster. but also pope, rafe, and kiara
prettiest character: i have thought ever since i first watched that both sarah and kiara look like the very two moxie girls dolls i had as a kid. they're so pretty
my most hated character: limbrey's brother. not relevant enough for me to remember his name. what an ass
my OTP: jjpope and jiara! 
my NOTP: i've seen a lot of people ship rafe and kie and like, aside from the fact that they've had a total of three scenes together... he’s also attempted to murder her in 2/3 scenes? what is wrong w y'all why do you hate her so much
favourite episode: oh my gosh. 2.10 was fantastic! it was so fun!! i loved all the boat shenanigans, i loved seeing cleo again, i loved that rafe and john b scene where rafe came off as a slasher film villain, i loved poor wheezie just wanting to play a game with her sister, so on and so forth. and i also adore 1.06 (where they go to the spooky mansion to extract the gold). it's scarier than so many horror movies and i love the moment of celebration that the pogues have at the end. it gives me... i think they call it serotonin?
saddest death: peterkin! listen i rewatched s1 after the second season came out and tbh, she was a little bit corrupt. but ultimately she had the best interests of the kids at heart and i was so sad when she died.
favourite season: definitely liked season 1 the most. god i honestly miss early quarantine so bad and obx1 was a huge part of that for me.
least favourite season: season 2. it was still a fun watch, don't get me wrong, but i think at times it prioritized high-thrill action sequences over authentic character moments. i read something about how obx is very unique in that it managed to capture a large male audience (around 50% of its viewers), and maybe that's why? however, i think the first season managed to be lowkey but also high stakes and i do believe they'll try to replicate a similar vibe for the third season. i just miss my kids chilling at the beach ya know?
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: can't think of anyone. the main cast is very likable
my 'you're a piece of trash, but you're still a fav' fav: RAFE CAMERON! it took me so long to accept that i liked him because i was so upset about peterkin, but they gave him so much depth in the second season and drew starkey delivered such an excellent performance. and when i rewatched the first season i ended up just feeling awful for him :( he needs jail but also therapy
my 'you're a beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this' fav: jj. kiara. pope. sarah. john b. they all deserve better i will protect them with my life
my 'this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it' ship: not going to lie i kind of fw rose and ward. it was just so unexpected to me that she ended up being more cold and calculating than ward himself and helped him rein it in when he was freaking out about another murder he'd committed. power couple that needs to stay far away from their three kids <3
my 'they're kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i'm not too invested' ship: jarah! to be honest their buildup was SO GOOD but everything after that first kiss fell flat for me which is disappointing. i feel like both of them lost a lot of personality after getting together. i still want to see them be happy and in love, but i would also really like for them to spend some time apart in season 3 (not necessarily broken up, just not on screen together)
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rudystree · 2 years
Yeah I skip through so many scene in obx2 like it just wasn’t interesting. In season one I like Kiara but in season 2 she was written so horribly most of the time but when she was with the pouges as a whole and they had their happy moments together I liked her again. Like pope is my favourite character and I feel like after this season they are going to write him off bc he got his storyline or they’ll make his whole thing about Cleo which no she an independent women she doesn’t need a man. I also don’t like jiara like maybe if they showed it in season one a bit but it seemed like they were each other’s least fav in the group at times but maybe it’s bc I’m in my early 20s so I don’t see the appeal
I know the target audience is younger than I am, but it seems to also be an issue of having way too many side plots. There’s too much going on with too many characters so not enough attention is given to explore anything in particular.
Like within the time span of a couple weeks Kiara had all these huge relationship developments, going from being Sarah’s worst enemy to her best friend overnight, flirting with John B to having a thing with Pope, turning him down but then not but then getting back together and then turning him down again, and now going to JJ? Maybe? While also having a complete falling out with her parents? Going through trauma and grief? Like it’s too much. I get it’s a teen drama, I get that they’re young, but it makes no sense and feels rushed. And all that applies to all the characters. I need a season for them to just chill the fuck out, take a step back, and process shit.
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