#it's only cuz it's boyd holbrook
crazyfreckledginger · 2 years
i think your blog is the funniest thing i have come across in years. cap hatfield is my great great grandfather. imagine being pregnant with caps child when he gets shot. oh my god. is that how my grandfather was born. wow. family history i didnt know. have fun i guess.
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You're his what 👁👄👁
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Hi! Do you have a favorite ship for each Boyd character?
I am sorry this one took me so long!! Couldn’t be helped - I’m such a multi-shipper in general, and it was so tough narrowing these down! (And I still cheated a bit!😅 But here we go!!)
Steve Murphy: Oh man, it’s gotta be Javi. They’re coworkers with baggage!! There’s so many trust issues and the occasional bad blood but it’s clear this is also the most intimate relationship in both of their lives. These are lonely, obsessed workaholics who can only really take solace in each other. Plus, Holbrook staring longingly at Pedro Pascal will never get old. But I gotta give an honorable mention to Steve/Pacho Herrera. I mean - sexy, openly gay narco kidnaps DEA agent, proceeds to greet him soaking wet and shirtless, fresh off a swim. He made him a cocktail! Steve said they were good!!! How long did you stay there after, Steve?? Be honest with us!!
Donald Pierce: I am a HUGE multi-shipper for Pierce. I don’t think I’ve seen a Pierce ship that I don’t like! I like them all! But my all-time favorite has gotta be Gabby/Pierce. There really is an entire story with those two we only get little glimpses of – she calls him her boyfriend (although it’s unclear how honest she’s being in that scene), but more than that, they were *friends*! They were both comic book nerds! She managed to steal 20k in cash from him! They were probably so close at one point, and it implies *so much* about what Pierce is probably like in his private life, with people he trusts, because I cannot see Gabriela Lopez being good friends with somebody who exclusively acts like an overly masc mercenary asshole. Never gonna get over how the original script calls for Pierce to leeringly describe Gabby’s “long legs” and “long hair” to Logan, but Holbrook notably nixes that bit. There’s respect there! There’s love! There’s betrayal! It’s so good!!
Cap Hatfield: Aww so a friend of mine turned me onto Nancy/Cap! It really is interesting how this loyal little murder bunny decides to straight up tackle his beloved uncle for whipping her, and I do adore the idea of them getting together in some capacity later. I bet stone butch, maybe virginal, Cap would have a hell of an interesting time following the commands of a woman who absolutely knows what she wants.
Clement Mansell: Oh, Raylan/Clement for sure. Clement has a massive daddy kink and a need to prove himself to male authority figures in his life! Sweety/Clement has some similar potential, as Clement does really respect Sweety and wants to impress him, but ultimately Sweety is just not capable of handling Clement in the way he needs. Clement’s a brat that secretly yearns for someone to be able to just put him on his back and show him his place, and that’s Raylan!
The Corinthian: Oof, this one is so hard. I wanna ship this pansexual icon with all the characters!! Dream(both Morph and Danny)/Corinthian, Gault/Corinthian and Hob/Corinthian all really intrigue me for different reasons, but for some reason I keep gravitating back to Calliope/Corinthian and Rose/Corinthian, cuz I think Corinthian deserves a better god to worship than Dream!! I honestly can’t decide which one I ship more between those, *but* I’ll probably go with Rose/Corinthian just because of the sexy threesome potential if you add in Carl or the Good Doctor. (Rose and GD both topping Corinthian together?? GD sexily teaching baby dom Rose a thing or two??)
Eli Klaber: Oh Klaber/Voller for sure. Klaber is absolutely unhealthily obsessed with his boss, and there’s so much good fucked up potential there, especially how Holbrook describes Klaber as almost being suckered in by Voller offering him unconditional love for the first time in his life.
Ty Shaw: I’m in two camps here. For the sweet stuff, Sancholo/Ty is the way to go. They’re grieving together! They both played up how much they *totes hate each other*, but Sancholo was in on the whole bit with Ty the entire time! Sancholo probably had a puppy crush on Abby’s older brother when they were younger. It’s cute! Now, that’s all well and good, but god, in the fucked-up and dark column, Abby/Ty??? LOOK, the Shaw’s are welcoming and kind, but that family was also dysfunctional as hell. The mom didn’t really seem like she was parenting much - Ty and Abby seemed like they were almost the “mom and dad” of the household, and I love them developing this intense and unhealthy attachment/codependency.
Quinn McKenna: Nebraska!! No question. All those *looks* Nebraska was shooting his way?? Adoring and soft but hungry at the same time?? Nebraska thought he was cute and precious, and I love that Quinn pretty quickly starts getting attached to him, too. That conversation they had by the pool…! But you know, Predator/Quinn is spicy too 😌
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irishvampireboy · 1 year
Big agree re gone girl. At best it's meh; at worst, I actively dislike it. At minimum it's wildly overrated. And everyone's always like "she's such a girlboss, yeah girl, get your revenge!!" Iike ok but she AND he both ended that movie unhappy. Trapped together and hating each other behind closed doors. But yeah wow what a total girlboss. (????) Idk i just don't think it's nearly as good as a movie as everyone makes it out to be.
Oh my god YES!!! THANK YOU! it's that EXACTLY!!! like i remember everyone loving it and saying that exact thing, like she's such a badass and a boss and i was watching it and got to the end and was like .... that's it?
And i didn't like the whole, "that's marriage" after Nick was giving her amazing reasons for them....to not be together. Like, saying they made each other horrible and how all they did was hurt each other and pretend to be people they weren't. And that's all she had to say. Like, call me an old fashioned Romantic but um...no? That's not marriage??
Like i really didn't wanna root for Nick in that movie, and i only half was cuz i got bored very quickly. But like... he wanted to leave... just let him go. Girl... you're mad that he "made" you do all this stuff. Or just that you DID all that stuff just to please him. But he didn't MAKE her. She just did it so he would like her? That's not his fucking fault.
So I'm just... im with you 100%. I think i actively disklike it as well. The ending was very lack luster and idk.... there's another word for it i can't quite think of but it just.... irked me? Idk.
I wasn't watching for the main people anyway, lowkey was just watching it for Boyd Holbrook and he was there for maybe a minute total. At least his bit was interesting. 🤣🤣🤣 him, the girl he was with, and the cat, were the best bits of that movie! I did like the sister too i guess.
I'm rambling now but yeah.. not a fan. I was expecting something MUCH better than that. Disappointment. Smh.
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houseofdax · 4 years
RULES  :  TAG NINE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO GET TO KNOW BETTER (or however many you wanna)
relationship status.  Happily taken.  
favorite color.  I’m a simple dude.  I like fall colors.  Neutrals and blues are kinda my go-to.  Orange is always a fave for sentimental reasons.  Halloween and Thanksgiving, fall leaves, pumpkins, butternut squash, candy corn, sunsets and sunrises, cracklin’ fires to stay warm by, carrot-cake, all of the stuff that my best childhood memories revolved around.  Orange is just comforting to me.
lipstick or chapstick.  chapstick
last song i listened to. *smirks listening to it now* - “Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See” by Busta Rhymes  [Diesel’s playlist, baby. ;)]
last movie i watched. “Halloweentown” [LMFAO!  Classic. Phil was having a bad day so we watched it to cheer him up. XD]
top three tv shows.  Oof.  Just three, huh?  Ouch. Of all time or like… currently? *has to really think about this* … Sons of Anarchy.  Shameless.  …annnd God.  I’m gonna go with the more recent and say probably a tie between Narcos and The Mandalorian, honestly.  [Don’t make me choose between the mustache boyfriends, dammit!  XD]
top three characters.  AH-HAHA!!!... *drops and laughs* I beg your pardon!?  You wanna say that again, son!?  Nahhh.  Nah, nah see-… if you’d said top three characters that Emmy Rossum’s played or top three of Eleanor Tomlinson’s characters, then maybe we could get somewhere. Otherwise, I’m fucked. XD
top three ships.  Again!?  Alright, I’m just goin’ with what we’re writing, cuz honestly, they’re my favorite and I can’t fathom putting another above them.  1) Matt x Izzie, 2) Wade x Liv 3) Zephyr x Delilah… but tbh, Vicar x Lola have always been tied for #1 with me.  So… WAKE DA FUCK UP, VIC!  Bastard. *pounds on his proverbial bedroom door to get him up*
books i’m currently reading.  My own?  Currently working on a feeble attempt at writing my own saga of novels as a side project, but have yet to make much headway.  Other than that, nada.  Haven’t had time for it.
Tagged by: @affaridicuore - Thank you, angel. ;)
Tagging: @absurdthirst; @ama-ssiempre; @cheesybadgers; @deafmandalorian;  @holbrook-boyd; @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook; @ithinkwehitametaphor; @keyandbeemagician; @maydearalexa;  @sleepwithacommunist; @vulnerablesnowman; @woman-with-no-name 
[Ooc: Lemme know if any of you would rather not be tagged.  I know some of you don’t follow me, so I don’t wanna pester anyone that’d prefer to only be tagged by mutuals.  Thanks!  -Dax]
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smokeybrand · 7 years
Smokey brand Movie Review: SniktBub
I never got around to writing a proper review of this film before, when it was in theaters, so now that it’s out on the DVDs, I’m a do right by this outstanding film. It was OUTSTANDING. Like, too dope for words. As a swan song for one of the most recognizable superheroes of all time, this films doubles as an emotional conclusion to a character arc that spanned seventeen years as well as a character study in redemption. It’s easily the best X-Film I have ever seen in my life, and I thought Days was top five all time film, ever.  
The Okay
The inclusion of this film makes the timeline wonky. I imagine they could have a soft reboot a la Days again down the line to incorporate this into the lineage. Personally, I believe it falls in the original timeline, where Wolvie killed Jean, and kind of box ends that bleak ass arc. Most would say otherwise, I think Mangold said it’s in it’s own little world, but, to me, it only makes sense in that little bubble of torment after United.
I feel like Xander Rice was a little meh. He was easily the weakest character in the entire film and it showed. I was really hoping for Mr. Sinister, even if that didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I guess Rice fit the roll, albeit a little flaccidly. He wasn’t in the film enough to detract from the dope.
X-24 seemed a little tacked on, I think. I liked the juxtaposition of Old/New, facing who you were as who you are now, but that whole arc was a little on the nose. Again, didn’t detract from the shine but it was just enough to knock it from Dark Knight awesome.
The Good
The Script here was stupendous. I was mad surprised by how coherent it was. The dialogue, the character development, the stakes, the pay-off; all of it was too dope for words. I was saddened that it took three films to give Wolverine his proper due.
That hard R rating did wonders for this film’s presentation. There’s no way PG-13 could have been used considering all of the rawness found in this movie.
That nihilistic tone was crushing. Goddamn, was this film bleak! It was a nice change of pace considering the last two Wolvie films were comic book shenanigans.
The performances in this thing were goddamn brilliant. All of them. Even the supporting characters. Like, the kids from Gen X (I’m calling them Gen X cuz I feel like it!) were outstanding. To get such quality performances out of so many young kids was brilliant.
The Better
Fox got the f*ck out of the way and let Mangold direct the movie he and Jackman wanted to make. After the debacle with Fan4Stic, the under performing Apocalypse,  and the recent troubles Sony had with Spider-Man, it looks like at least one of the studios with Marvel characters on loan has learned their lesson. Stop meddling. Let the people who make films, do their jobs. It works over at Marvel Studios. It worked for Deadpool. It worked for Logan. Trust in your guys and they will reward you with goddamn brilliance.
Mangold’s direction was almost impeccable. Goddamn, did he tell a story. I teared up at the end a little bit. Not because of Wolvie dying but because of the journey I had been on with this character. 17 years of my life, man. I went from a sophomore in high school, to a 33 year old man with this character. High Jackman IS Wolverine. To send him off with such skill, such reverence, such CARE? Goddamn outstanding.
Sir Patrick Stewart. ‘Nuff said.
Boyd Holbrook was disgustingly charismatic as Donald Pierce. I wasn’t a fan of The Reavers as the main antagonists but Holbrook sold me with his gnarly, down home, viciousness.
The Best
This movie was goddamn beautiful. The way it was shot, the framing, the themes explored, the pacing, the cinematography; all of it, goddamn outstanding!
Dat Family Dynamic, Tho! Goddamn, if that’s not what Wolverine wanted, NEEDED, only to have it taken away? Dude. The feels…
Hugh Jackman. Breh, he was actually able to ACT as Wolverine and it was goddamn brilliant. I felt bad that this was the ONLY film that Fox allowed him some sort of emotional levity outside of growling and stabbing. It’s amazing it took them 17 years to let High Jackman act. There were glimpses in The Wolverine but this outing was just a tour de force.
Dafne Keene. Ol’ girl got talent. Her potential is ridiculous. To be that young and literally STEAL scenes away from Sir Patrick Stewart and High Jackman is a real feat. I hope they give her the opportunity to BE Laura for a good while. Not Hugh Jackman long, but another movie or two to show her growth as a character. Make her the lead of her franchise at, like 14! First Legacy character to make it to film!
Goddamn, was this movie great! I loved it. I loved almost everything about it. It’s literally up there with The Dark Knight; One of those rare instances where a cape-film transcends it’s genre and becomes a damn good movie, in general. It was the best send-off for a character I grew up with while potentially ushering a whole new generation. The villains were a little weak but overall, outstanding film. This is NOT a superhero film. This is NOT and X-Men film. This is a movie about family, finding acceptance, reflection and regret, and love. It’s a ridiculously grounded take on the back end of the human experience, in the face of the beginning, told with so much renown and dedication that it’s heartbreaking to think this is the end. What could have been if so much care was taken with everything involving this character from the beginning. This is a character study of how a good man dies the hero’s death and that sh*t is tragic but beautiful. Buy it. Rent it. Watch it. Experience it. You’re doing yourself a disservice by not.
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I want your ranking on every Boyd movie/show you've watched pleas (I tried getting into narcos and couldn't for the life of me)
Awww I’m sorry you couldn’t get into Narcos!! I’m actually a big fan of Narcos, but I totally get it’s not for everyone (helps I’m a massive Pascal slut too!)
Here’s how I’d personally rank the Boyd media I’ve seen!!
Vengeance (this one is actually my all-time favorite movie! I just love it so much and can always rewatch it. Adore everything about it, and Holbrook is ofc great!)
Sandman (ahhh so fun! Rose, Calliope, and Corinthian are some of my favorite characters, and just the entire show is such a delight)
Logan (sad but GORGEOUS, and Donald Pierce is my absolute favorite Holbrook character)
Narcos (I love the magical realism documentary style this was done in, and I love Pascal and Holbrook’s chemistry!)
Gone Girl (genuinely good film, even if Holbrook is only there for like, two scenes)
In the Shadow of the Moon (fucked up and dark, Holbrook getting progressively grosser and crazier was hot)
The Predator (not a good movie, but did a server rewatch recently with Quinn McKenna autism HC in mind and had a really good time! Him and Nebraska are so gay for each other too, it’s great)
Justified: City Primeval (I’ll be honest, haven’t seen the entirety of this all the way through, and that’s partially cuz it just didn’t hook me. But Holbrook turns in a very watchable performance)
The Host (Kyle O’Shea is actually a really fun character! This movie is not as bad as I had remembered either)
Dial of Destiny (I watched this drunk and almost fell asleep in theaters. Bad movie. Holbrook was fun)
The Cursed (Holbrook seems afraid that if he emotes too much he’ll lose whatever tentative control he has over his terrible British accent. Also, pretty cool werewolf concept, really good horror cinematography, but… that’s it)
Beckett (JDW’s character telling Holbrook’s character he doesn’t deserve his pretty face is the only redeemable moment in this movie. Well. That and JDW is *very* pretty and goes through a million gorgeously acted panic attacks. This movie didn’t deserve the actors it got)
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
85 Questions Tag Game
Tagging by the beautiful @rafaelina-casillas I’ve been wanting to do this so many times but I kept forgetting lol!
drink: Water and Coke before that
phone call: my fav indian restaurant! 😂😂
text message: my dad
song you listened to: Welcome To The Party by Diplo
time you cried: today
dated someone twice: lol
kissed someone and regretted it: lol
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: physically no, mentally, yes
been depressed: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
gotten drunk and thrown up: no
fave colours: black, white, crimson red, navy blue
in the last year have you…
made new friends: yes
fallen out of love: no
laughed until you cried: yes
found out someone was talking about you: no
met someone who changed you: Yes, my mutuals and followers
found out who your friends are: Kinda yes
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: I don’t want nor have facebook
do you have any pets: A sheep and a goat
do you want to change your name: I’ve never really thought about it but I like my name!
what did you do for your last birthday: Trampoline park
what time did you wake up today: 9:30
what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping or writing the plot for one of my series
what is something you can’t wait for: VENOM and Shazam
what are you listening to right now: Netflix
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes, what an asshole!
something that gets on your nerves: life lol, jk jk, I have to many things that annoy me! 
most visited website: Tumblr, Wattpad and Youtube
hair color: dark brown
long or short hair: long on me, short on guys
do you have a crush on someone: only fictional
what do you like about yourself: This is a very tough question that my brain doesn’t want to answer right now.
want any piercings?: no
blood type: No idea
nicknames: Clasy
relationship status: lololol like anyone would be remotely interested in me!
zodiac: Libra
pronouns: she
fave tv shows: SOA, Friends, Jane The Virgin, TVD
tattoos: on me? none
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: yes, for my wisdom teeth
piercings: no
sport: Nah fool, I don’t have any spare time
vacation: Everywhere
trainers: what? xD
more general
eating: nothing now, but I was eating pasta and then chocolate
drinking: water
i’m about to watch: Dashie playing a horror game
waiting for: love lol
want: my life to get better cuz omg! 
get married: I don’t know
career: Engineering in Product Design for Dyson or Samsung
which is better
hugs or kisses: both
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older not too much tho
nice arms or stomach: both!
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
have you ever
kissed a stranger: no
drunk hard liquor: yes
lost glasses: no
turned someone down: yes
sex on first date: ew
broken someone’s heart: i guess?
had your heart broken: too many times
been arrested: nearly
cried when someone died: yes, but only because my cousin made me cry because she was crying
fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in
yourself: ummmmm, nooo
miracles: nope
love at first sight: no, I don’t believe in true love altogether
santa claus: I never have actually!
kiss on a first date: depends on the situation
angels: no
best friend’s name: i think I have two? one in school and one out of school, but I don’t know if they feel the same way about it.
eye color: dark brown
fave movie: Tomb Raider, Logan, The Spy Who Dumped Me, The Dark Knight (the ones with Bane and the Joker, I never remember the names lmao), those animated movies with Damian Wayne, like Son Of Batman, I’m drawing a blank. And The Transformers Saga. There are a lot more but I can’t be bothered to list all of them lol.
fave actors: Boyd Holbrook! 💝😚 Tom Hardy, Michael Pena, Tom Holland, Anthony Mackie, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth together.
Tagging: @pythiaaa @asanotheronebitesthedust @jaybeartodd @an-all-write-life and anyone else that wants to do it!
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