#it's possible i'm having a lot of fun with Elijah in this chapter you guys
galvanizedfriend · 26 days
Klaroline WIP Wednesday
This is my humble contribution to this wip Weds! It's a tiny little snippert from the next chapter of Speed Dating, which has been sitting untouched for way too long. Genuinely hoping this might give me the will to keep going because I am this 🤏 close to the finish line (before editing starts and the finish line gets away from me again but shhhh, we're not going there yet).
She doesn't see Elijah again for the next two days. Whatever he's in town for, he either glides around the apartment like a ghost or their schedules are totally at odds. If not for the extravagantly fancy woolen overcoat by the door and what she has quickly learned is a very particular brand of moodiness for Klaus, she would've thought he'd already left.
It's probably for the best, considering the horror of that first meeting, but curiosity is an unscratchable itch. Elijah has intrigued her for years, more so than any of Klaus’ other siblings. Putting a face - well, a little more than a face, really - to the person is a given, but she can't help the desire to dig deeper. It’s in her nature to be nosy. About him, about Klaus, about the whole family. 
Despite the fact she's lived with one and been friends with another for years, the Mikaelsons remain a mystery to her. The more she knows, the more confusing it gets. Nothing about them seems to make much sense, and Caroline hasn't even decided if that's a super-rich, children of the 1% thing, or if the Mikaelsons are especially wacky even among their peers.
After two days, though, she's just about lost hope of bumping into Elijah again. She doubts he'll be staying for much longer, especially with Klaus' cordial show of hospitality. Not that Elijah seemed bothered - being rude to siblings for no apparent reason seems to be one of those things that are normal by Mikaelson standard. It's just how they operate.
She's just back from a shift at the hospital, idly scrolling through her Instagram while she waits for the microwave to deliver her sad leftover dinner. Bitterly, she realizes it has been months since she last updated her feed. Her last photo is with Tyler, for crying out loud. Should she even keep it there? What's the etiquette for when you break up with someone for no earth-shattering reasons, the relationship just fizzling out and running its course? Is it rude to delete all evidence of him from her social media records? Is it expected? Will he be upset? Has he deleted her from his social media? 
In fact, now that she thinks about it... Is Tyler even seeing anyone?
"Huh," she mumbles to herself, fully internalizing in that second how truly messy her life has become that she hasn't even cyber-stalked her ex to know what he's been up to since they broke up. That's a whole new level of rock bottom unlocked, right there.
"Miss Forbes?"
Caroline nearly drops her phone when she looks up to find Elijah standing by the kitchen door. She swears to God the man is unnaturally feline; she didn't even hear him approach.
Unlike in their first encounter, he's now fully clothed and, unsurprisingly, he looks just as good as he did without a stitch on. Maybe better. His suit looks as though it was sewn directly onto his body by an Italian master tailor. The range of that man.
"Hey!" She cringes at her high pitch, standing up straight. 
His smile is affable as he steps further into the kitchen. "Do I interrupt?"
"What? No. I was just scrolling."
Caroline feels suddenly very self-conscious of just how crazy frumpy she must look standing in front of Elijah. The man is a poster boy for wellness and prosperity, while she is... Well. Not.
Suffice to say she's wearing a Timberwolves t-shirt from her long-gone cheerleading days in high school with at least five visible holes on it.
"I've been meaning to apologize for that horrid incident the other day," he starts. Caroline wouldn’t have brought the incident up, assuming he would rather forget it ever happened, but if it causes him any measure of discomfort to have been butt naked in front of a complete stranger, he does not show, which - now that she thinks about, is something else that feels very Mikaelson-esque. They do all seem to be incredibly comfy in their own skins. "Niklaus warned me that you would be home soon, but my despair for a proper shower was stronger than caution. I should've been more careful."
"You don't have to apologize. It's fine. It was nothing." That would've been a good place to stop. A very mature and dignified let's leave it at that and never mention it again. But her stupid mouth just keeps going. "I see naked people all the time at the hospital. It's totally unremarkable." Elijah's eyebrows inch upwards into a mildly curious expression. "I don't mean that you are unremarkable!" she corrects, and then, getting immediately horrified at the implications, adds, "You're not - I mean, you're ok, you're - obviously. Not that I was looking, I wasn’t - I just mean - You know what? I'm just gonna shut up now." She snaps her lips sealed, half-wishing that a hole would open underneath her feet and suck her into the magma of the earth.
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choicesfanaf · 3 years
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The Meeting of a Lifetime AU
Part 13: The Pre-Wedding Rituals
Pairing: Ethan x f!MC (Dr. Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Elijah Greene, Bryce Lahela, Rafael Aveiro, Tobias Carrick, Naveen Banerji, Alan Ramsey, Sienna Trinh, Aurora Emery, Jackie Varma, Harper Emery, Kyra Santana, Mridula Patel (OC), Ruby Ramsey (OC), Uma Kulkarni (OC), Sahil Kulkarni (OC), Greg Barnett (OC), Edward Walter (OC), Apoorva Sharma (OC)
Word Count: 1458 words
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan and Aru hold a ceremony to conduct certain pre-wedding rituals according to Aru's traditions.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @nooruleman, @izzyourresidentlawyer, @jooous, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @sophxwithers, @red-rookie
@nooruleman: Noorie, I am extremely thankful for your help, support and motivation. It was only because of you that I decided to write this series. You are a literal sweetheart. Thanks a lot for your help!
I sincerely apologise if this turns out to be messy or not up to your expectations.
A day before their wedding, Aru and Ethan had a pre-wedding ceremony according to her traditions, known as Haldi. This ritual consisted of the bride and groom's family members and loved ones applying turmeric paste on them using mango leaves.
For the ceremony, Aru invited all of her friends from Edenbrook, as well as Mridula, Sahil and her good friend, Apoorva. She wanted everyone she knew to celebrate her happiness along with her. Ethan brought Alan, Naveen, Jenner and two of his closest friends from college along with him.
The day started with Naveen and Sahil explaining everything about the ritual to their guests so that they knew how and what to do as well as arranging some delicious Indian and Continental food and snacks for their guests.
The ceremony started as soon as Aru and Ethan arrived, both coordinating in yellow outfits, dancing to some famous Bollywood songs, which were being played by a DJ.
Naveen was the first person to smother the turmeric paste on the couple, who was applying it almost everywhere. He was doing it so excitedly as he was very happy to see Ethan finally getting married to Aru and respecting her culture as well as letting her plan her wedding the way she wanted to.
After Naveen was done teasing and blessing the couple with a long and peaceful life, Alan came forward to apply the paste and told the couple to always take care of and understand each other, which they promised they would.
"Ethan, big man, before I apply the paste, I just want to remind you how lucky you are to have a chance to marry the love of your life. So, please don't do anything that will make you lose your chance, okay? And didi, don't forget, I'm saying the same thing to you. I'm equally protective of both of you."
"Don't worry, young man, I'll take good care of your sister. And I know very well that she is strong enough to see that if anything happens to her, she will take good care of it all by herself."
"Sahil, don't worry about your big man, I know to not do anything that invokes his bad side and to stay away from it."
"That's comforting to hear, so I wish you all the happiness in the world, you guys. Always stay happy and healthy and take care of the little angels."
"Thanks a lot, Sahil. Your approval means a lot to both of us."
"You know, I started trusting Ethan from the moment I met him. The way he spoke about you and looked at you, I knew he was the one for you. I'm really glad fate gave you two another chance and you guys took it."
"I know, I thank God for it every day."
"And every day when I look at her, I forget how difficult my life was before her."
"Oh, Ethan", Aru said, on the verge of tearing up.
"Okay, you lovebirds! Dry up your tears! Enough with the sappiness and bring on the happiness. You are getting married tomorrow! You guys must be really excited!"
"We are! It seems like I've been waiting for this day to come ever since Aru returned into my life."
"Who knew Ethan would be such a softie, hey!", exclaimed Bryce as he and her friends joined Sahil to tease the couple.
"You know what, Aru has turned him into one!", teased Elijah.
"That's true, Elijah, you should have seen him before her. He was extremely grumpy back then", pitched in Harper.
"Harper, you'll have to tell us some stories of Ethan before Aru waltzed into his life", mentioned Tobias, "cause I knew how grumpy and annoyed he used to be at all times."
"Yeah, definitely. You'll love to hear them."
"Did you know, he was so grumpy that we, along with Tobias, had nicknamed him Major Grumpy Pants back then."
"Aru, meet my friends, Greg and Edward."
"Thanks for the nickname, Greg, now that's what he is going to be saved as in my phone."
"Even we have some good stories about Ethan's grumpiness that we would like to share someday."
"Sure, you all are welcome to."
"Well, Aru, it seems like you have cast a spell on our Ethan."
"So has Ethan on Aru. Just look at them!"
"I hope that this spell never wears out and may you live happily now that you have gotten another chance."
"Hey, Ethan, why didn't you invite us for your bachelor party?"
"I did, but you said that you both were extremely busy that week and would love to catch up later."
"Greg, did you say that? Cause I don't remember saying so."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Relax, Ethan, they are joking around", Aru said, as Greg and Edward started cracking up.
"Never change, Major, never change."
"Okay, guys, now let's get done and get going so we don't block others from meeting the couple. We'll have plenty of time to talk to them later", chimed in Sienna.
"But before you leave, let me give you something", Aru said, as she applied the paste on her friends.
"Why did you do that? It's your Haldi, not ours", said Bryce.
"Meathead, the bride and groom apply the paste to their unmarried friends so that they can find a partner soon", explained Jackie.
"Enjoy this new chapter in your life, you guys. May you be blessed with happiness and joy all the time."
"Aww, you guys, you are going to make me cry, you all are too sweet", Aru said.
After the group was done, Mridula and Apoorva came in to meet and greet the couple.
She pretended to be happy for the couple, but she couldn't stop thinking about how she missed her chance to be with Aru and how much she regretted letting her go.
"Is everything going well, Mri?", asked Aru.
"Yeah, everything is going good, there are no major mishaps or issues as of now."
"That's great, Mri. We are very glad that you are our wedding planner. All of this was a part of our imagination and we could turn it into reality all thanks to you", Ethan replied.
"Oh, you don't need to thank me, I am glad to have met Aru after this long. It's been a pleasure doing all this. I've always dreamed of planning Aru's wedding and I'm extremely glad I got a chance to do so."
"You don't know how happy I am to hear this. You are seriously the best wedding planner out there."
"Aww, Aru. Well, can I?"
"Yeah, go on, it's literally our Haldi. You have a right to apply the paste on us today."
"She's right, Mri. Go on. You don't need to ask us today."
"Alright, then, may you all be blessed with good life and be together forever", Mri said while lathering them up with the paste.
"You too, Mri", Aru said as she applied the paste on her face.
"Hi, Apu! I'm delighted that you could come for my Haldi. It's been ages since I met you."
"I know. We need to catch up as soon as possible. I want to know everything that has happened since the last time we met."
"Yeah, we will need an entire day for that."
"Well, that's what makes it interesting. So, congratulations on your engagement, Aru! I would have never thought that you would get married to the guy who you so deeply admired."
"Just like Ethan, who never thought that he would get married to one of his interns", joked Greg.
After everyone was done wishing and blessing the radiant couple, they went on to take a ceremonial bath, while the others had fun applying the paste on each other and enjoyed the party.
When Aru and Ethan came back, Naveen and Alan told them, "So, children, you will not be allowed to meet each other until tomorrow, okay? Will you be able to do that?"
"Definitely", they said together.
"Also, the bride and the groom meeting before their wedding is considered to be inauspicious, so we will not be doing it."
"Since when did you two become superstitious?"
"Ever since we realised that we couldn't take any more chances."
"That makes a lot of sense."
"So, you both can go and take your beauty rest while all of us will help clean up."
"Thanks a lot for everything you have done for us and the girls. We can't ever thank you enough."
"Dear, you don't need to thank me. I'm just returning the favour from every time you both have helped me", replied Naveen.
"And I'm just doing my job as a good father, Aru, you don't need to thank me at all."
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borathae · 2 years
(I mean this in the most respectful, gender confirming way) Bitch shut the actual fuck up.
First of all….second of all….
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
When I tell you you can’t just drop something so….so…..so….this on me, out of fucking NO WHERE‼️‼️
Let’s start off by saying this. I am a dom. Full dom. I will and would never sub for anyone ever and honestly I’m happy about that. But this fucking fic????? Excuse me??? Yoongi??? Jungkook??? Oh my fucking god???
I have so much shit I need to sort through to realize what the actual fucking shit just happened.
Yoongi admitting mid scene that he was punishing jungkook for reader because he cares for her………..………..
Jungkook thinking about the difference between human touch and vampire touch………….…………….
Yoongi being die heard in love with reader………………
I must truly collect my bearings bc I’m on a spiral.
The intimacy of this chapter. Yoongi just fucking reader, just like that (because let’s be honest he couldn’t control himself.) I would like to think that he somewhat provoked the argument into a sexual one because he was desperate. Like, literally any argument like that would not have went in the sexual direction unless someone wanted to get fucked, and MC was not focusing on getting fucked right then 😭 but ig who knows, creators are mysterious beings 🤷🏽‍♀️.
I also wanted to add some namjoon commentary as well bc why the hell not, I’ve been pondering aight?
Namjoon can control the minds of other vampires, right? Aight.
Now, due to my scrupulous vampire diaries fan heart since the early 2000’s, we all know that namjoon is either a creator as well, or extremely old. Now. All I have to say is………this will be quite interesting.
Were Namjoon and Yoongi always together since the beginning and that’s why yoongi was there? Because they have just always been beside each other? Was MC’s attempted death in early chapters his last straw, or was yoongi counting on it and decided to finally put a very long term plan into action? Very interesting indeed.
Namjoon is quite the enigma, and honestly……..I wouldn’t mind knowing more……👀 Namjoon, he reminds me a lot of Niklaus and yoongi reminds me of a mixture of Elijah and Rebekah (original vampires from vampire diaries.)
Perhaps Yoongi and Namjoon will have a run in and Yoongi will be exemptly humbled by the reminder that Namjoon is possibly older, if not that, more powerful? Yoongi boasts enough about how he could end whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted. So if that’s true, I’m assuming Namjoon must be somewhat more powerful/as powerful as yoongi for him to be so worried about MC at first when Namjoon didn’t think she was dead. But I’m literally playing a guessing game here, so the truth is I could be completely wrong 💀😭
I wanted to save the best for last—
Jungkook’s happiness.
First of all, I’d fist him any day of the week all days of the week for the rest of his life.
And the rest of someone’s life for a vampire is a very long time.
He was so sweet and so desperate those last few chapters for MC’s forgiveness and touch😭, even the moments leading up to that ending intimate scene, and then when MC was touching him??? And he kissed her neck without any little to no urge??? AHAHAHSHSHSHSHSH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! That was my favorite part most definitely.
It’s so much to process in so little time.
These are all good thoughts, and this chapter ruined me. Let’s realize I’ve done all stages of grief and confusion throughout this entire ask, and at this point I am at my highest stage of literally flying rn bc this chapter was a masterpiece of many.
You’ve done it again, dear writer borathae. You’ve done it again.
🙆🏽‍♀️ anon
HAHAHHAHA we love a good moment of "bitch" AHHAHAH please don't worry, I see nicknames such as bitch/slut/whore as afffectionate, so if I ever call you guys that just know that I mean it with big hearteyes and lots of love 💜
Honestly though, switching is so much fun so I'm very happy that you like it! 😏
Jungkook thinking about the difference between human touch and vampire touch
Yoongi being die heard in love with reader
Yoongi would call you ridiculous if he heard that HAHAH what a cutie
I would like to think that he somewhat provoked the argument into a sexual one because he was desperate. Like, literally any argument like that would not have went in the sexual direction unless someone wanted to get fucked
JFDJFJDSJ DEFINITELY I feel like Yoongi doesn't want OC to be so angry with him. I can tell you confidentally that Yoongi means no harm in keeping Tae locked up or denying her the conversation with him. He has his very good reasons for doing so and he may not tell said reasons but he does. But one thing is for sure that he doesn't want OC to be angry with him, so obviously he is going to try everything to make her forget about it. And he sucks in affection & also thinks that this concept is stupid, so obviously he is going to try the one method which he knows he is good in. Sex.
also sidenote there may also be the most simplest of reasons that I am a mere whore for angry, rough sex and I was the one who wanted the argument to go that way as I wanted to get railed against a fighting cage by yoongi. But one hasn't recieved such information from me.
Now, as far as your Namjoon commentary is concerned
I can confidentally tell you that Namjoon is the second oldest vampire after Yoongi. So he is definitely very old and also they have known each other for a long time. I wouldn't say that they were always together (I will remind you that Yoongs said something along the line of "I spent half of my life chained up and literally digesting myself so I have zero mercy for those fuckers in my cellar" so keep that in mind), but they still knew of each other's existence for a very long time. Also very interesting that he reminds you of Klaus 👀 but I feel like only early seasons Klaus vibes, because my man has the best redemption arch ever I SAID WHAT I SAID
Also I can definitely see that Yoongs reminds you of Elijah. I feel like it is the honour and redemption thing and the "always trying to prevent evil" thing while in reality he may also have a few bodies hiding in his dark past. So I can definitely see why you think of Elijah with Yoongi HFHASDH
Now about Jungkook.
First of all, I’d fist him any day of the week all days of the week for the rest of his life.
SAME OMFG like he was so into it and I am going insane FASDJFJ also can we talk about the fact that Kook begged Yoongi to try fisting him but Yoongs ' hands were just too big for it? I AM GOING INSANE WHAT ARE THOSE TWO UP TO DURING THEIR PRACTICE SESSIONS fnadnsfn
Honestly that message was so awesome! I really love reading your theories about Namjoon. Gosh, I am so obessed my sweets 🥺💜💗
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