#it's so cluttered and messy yuck
coffeecities · 1 year
the new tumblr look that copied twitter is so cluttered and ugly ew
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smallcatsims · 1 year
Would you ever consider typing out a mods list? Doesn’t have to be a full one at all. I love looking at your screenshots, especially the historical world! Thanks for sharing your gameplay either way:3
Maybe someday I would consider that, but my mods folder is so disorganized and messy I wouldn't know where to start. I was looking around in there just now and there's a fair bit of stuff I've never used or I have no idea what it is, lol. What I can do is link you to a bunch of resources that I used to put together my mods folder, and you can probably cobble together something similar enough if you wanted to. I will say also I have two Sims 2 folders, one for my historical gameplay and one for my modern stuff. That's the best way to do it, don't clutter up and confuse your modern mods folder if you have one. So, anyway, resources under the cut:
The Keep. This is an absolute treasure trove and must have for historical content. It's more focused on medieval content than the regency stuff I have, but a lot of it is good for lower class sims and some of it just works in general. A lot of my default replacements for various things are from here somewhere, including my default food. I use a lot of mods/content from the Sun and Moon sets to have functional farms/crafting. This is also where I got my mods for the gongs and my sims having to fetch water for baths/washing dishes. There are also medieval career replacements here. I used to use them but I'm slowly phasing in some career replacements I'm working on with some friends which are more 19th century/regency appropriate. I've released some of the ones I finished but many others are wip or include other people's work which I don't want to release early/without crediting them properly.
Almighty Hat. Brilliant creator who has all kinds of goodies. They make tons of furniture/recolors. My favorite content of theirs though is their default replacements. They replaced so many little things like the little shovels that sims use to clean litterboxes, or replacing the water balloons with pig bladders, etc. Definitely a must for any historical player.
Simbury. This creator is super nice and outrageously talented. Most of my regency specific stuff is made by her. Just.. gorgeous clothes, furniture, bonnets, etc. I cannot recommend her content enough. And she has a sims story on her blog, which is very good and I fully recommend as well.
y2sims. I use the new hair system and I have almost all of this person's hairstyles. Some of my hairs are from the Keep or Hat's website if I can't find them in the NHS textures, I'll just use the four pooklet colors that are in the NHS and try not to cringe too much at the shiny textures lol.
Default database. I've used this to find defaults for skins, eyes, clothes, etc. Especially for clothes, a lot of the defaults on the keep are medieval specific so this is a good place to find more regency-ish defaults. I also have some default face templates from here. I pick and choose depending on which templates I like. Some I just use the maxis template, some I use the hauntingly beautiful templates I made, and some I've taken from a set on the default database.
Cindy's site. This is still a fantastic list of some basic quality of life script mods that eliminate some annoying elements of the game. I personally use no hobby stalkers from MTS rather than the enthusiasm overhaul she lists here. My script mods aren't an exact copy of this but it's pretty similar. I think cyjon and simlogical are linked here. I use many of the same cyjon mods as cindy and I use the brothel mod by cyjon for my woohoo workers.
I'll also just link this guide as well. I don't use teen pregnancy/teen woohoo in my modern game because.. yuck. And it's not like teens are getting married in the modern age. But for my historical gameplay it was more common, so I do use this load order since I don't have inteen. RCC is specifically what allows my teens to get pregnant and I use a hack from MTS so they can wear any outfit, and I don't have to dl teen maternity.
I'll mention a couple of other things down here too. A lot of my build/buy stuff I've used is from the bespoke build set, georgian build set, and manor house sets on modthesims. I also have a fair bit of content from cashcraft, vitasims, and msbarrows on tsr. They're all excellent creators but I recommend getting it through the booty as tsr is not a user friendly or ethical website. In general you can also just google "sims 2 regency" or "sims 2 victorian" and find pinterest boards and lists of cc that are along similar lines and include a lot of the cc that I'm using. I'm also not a history expert and if you're very niche about for example, wanting your game to be set in 1803 and refusing to use anything that doesn't fit that year, it might be harder to find content rather than if you're a clueless lump like me and grabbing anything that looks antique-ish and any cute outfit even if the date is a little off. Regardless, I'm glad to see any new historical simmers and hope to see some of your content!
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aijustborn · 3 months
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blog-n-go · 8 months
Reduce The Clutter
Bloganuary writing promptWhere can you reduce clutter in your life?View all responses January Brings in a New Year! I am thinking of how to do everything different, better than I did last year. So, to reduce that messiness that uncomfortable feeling the yuck i’ll start with the lasting smile. #bloganuary.
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luuurien · 3 years
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Charli XCX - CRASH
(Dance Pop, Synthpop, Electropop)
CRASH is a sloppy, borderline unlistenable collection of dime-a-dozen pop that does nothing to flatter Charli XCX's artistry. It's boring, it's repetitive, it's devoid of anything worthwhile, and it's not only such a downgrade from her previous work but a complete failure in itself.
I didn't realize music could annoy me this much. Seriously, I don't think a project has aggravated me this much in a long time. Her final album  her contract with Asylum seems more like an easy out than a tended-to sendoff, it's both her most accessible album to date and her most mind-numbing batch of songs to date. She poorly rips off classic pop sounds and shabbily tries her hand at the new revival sound that has, for better or worse, taken over the entirety of mainstream pop. Nearly every song here is a complete failure on every front: it's poorly produced and lacks any of the depth and color of her past work, there's little if any shape to the song structures that run from verse to chorus to repeated verse without a care in the world, her voice doesn't work at all for these overly-polished instrumentals. There's seemingly no particular goal in mind when it comes to CRASH: it wants to be both a revival album and a copy of its peers, and neither road bodes well for her. Whether she's pulling from modern electropop or trying her hand at some classic 2-step and new jack swing, the production on CRASH is a major cause of the album's complete inability to pull you in. It's so dry and lifeless, there's no personality to anything here. And that's mainly because she's working with producers who have little personality: she gets UK's premier electronic bore Digital Farm Animals to make the most stock 2-step beat in years with Beg for You, Daniel Lopatin of Oneohtrix Point Never fame continues his hot streak of producing some of this year's worst pop with the reanimated corpse of new jack swing he shabbily constructs on the title track, a goofy electric guitar solo with absolutely zero purpose thrown in at the end to do nothing but make things even less interesting than they already were. Dopamine singlehandedly makes the album three times worse with his cheesy emulation of euro-house on the personality-devoid Used to Know Me, a prime example of how to not care a single bit about the adding excitement music you make. A.G. Cook, who's had a hand in Charli's best work for years now, only pops in for two songs he gets co-producer credit for: not that Charli's music can't succeed without him there for it, but when she embraced the style of turbulent electropop he helped pioneer it was leagues better than this. And her voice sounds worse than ever on the too clean for their own good instrumentals: her voice blares robotically in the chorus of New Shapes and her attempt at clean-cut balladry with Move Me are not to her benefit at all. CRASH goes from boring to irritating in the matter of a few listens, and that's mostly due to the fact that there's not a thing to note about the album across all 34 minutes. Her awkward pre-chorus on Move Me is so gated and shapeless it barely feels like a person is singing them, Good Ones is a decent bit of fun but only because it ups the drama a little bit and has the closest thing here to a dynamic song structure, there's just nothing special to say about CRASH. It's why the especially bad songs here, the messy and cluttered last half of Lightning and Yuck's stiff disco groove, the hilariously poor use of Rina Sawayama on Beg for You, there's at least one head-scratching aspect to every song here. It'd be easy to write CRASH off as another boring mainstream pop effort if it wasn't already obvious that Charli can do so much more than this: it's not like she hasn't done plain pop well before! Think 1999, or Unlock It, or claws or Boom Clap if we want to reach further back into her discography. It's boring because she didn't want to do something more interesting this time around, and CRASH absolutely falls apart as a result. Listening to CRASH in full one more time wouldn't reveal a single new thing about any of these songs: there's nothing to come back to unless you're interested in hearing the same tired chorus performed time and time again. There's not a second of CRASH that's worth coming back to, nothing fun or engrossing about it and leaving you absolutely drained in the exact opposite way good pop should make you feel. It's boring in a way that turns sour quickly, and it doesn't have even a drop of the longevity the rest of Charli's work possesses. I'm not surprised that the final song on CRASH asks us to not "think twice about it," because every song is ten times worse when you actually try and listen to it proper.
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mrskisaki · 4 years
Hi honey can I make a request (sfw) for um Marco and Thatch, the letters are B, Y, and X. (Idk if I did this right)
As long as I can understand the request then you did it perfectly! :) <3
Look at me, first post of the day and it’s only 7:17am. Time to go back to sleep!ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Sfw Alphabets (B,X,Y) for Marco and Thatch
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I know I can’t be the only one who noticed how much taller Thatch is compared to Marco and then when it zooms in, he’s almost the same height
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Being Marcos best friend would be peaceful, he would let you get away with more than everyone else in the crew; he wouldn’t lecture you as hard, gives you the best advice and open ear, and helps you clean up your messes that you’ve gotten yourself into by playing around with Ace but will tell you that you should’ve know that Ace would leave the mess for you to clean up. The friendship would start with Marco, he’s like the mother friend to everyone on board so it’s quite obvious that he would act the same towards you. He’s the first to check up on you and make sure that everything’s alright and that you’ve eaten and taken care of yourself.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Marco is a doctor and no matter how hard he tries, he does catch a cold every once in a while and when he does he doesn’t like to accept it and will over work himself to the brink of passing out. He’ll be a bit stubborn when someone tries to make him stay in bed, he insists that he’s fine enough to at least do a bit of paperwork. Just tell him that you’re going to go get it for him and walk out, by the time you come back, he’s knocked out.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Marco doesn’t like people who can’t act mature when needed to. There’s a time and place for everything, he himself even has his time of laughter and games but he most definitely knows when to act serious so when other people continuously acts like it’s a game when shit is hitting the fan and is severe, it pisses him off to no end and he will give you a hard lecture.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It would be amazing being Thatchs best friend, you get to give him cook you special meals and drinks, be one of the ones to eat first, and you always have him to bail you out of trouble with Marco when you fool around with Ace. Thatch acts more like the cool older brother when he’s your best friend; always there for you and always lets you have your fun without jumping down your throat for it. The friendship obviously started by Thatch, he feels as if it’s best to be friends with everyone so he introduces himself first. He’s the very first person who speaks to you when you join the crew and he also is the one who gives you the tour.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Thatch has an entire beauty+skin care routine and takes about 2 hours to do it and that’s not including his shower, he takes a shower everyday and it’s about 45-50 minutes long. He deep conditions his hair and beard and uses exfoliating and rejuvenating body wash. Doing his daily hair style takes about an hour it’s self, he always has one of those fruity face masks on while he does it. He cleans his nails and clips them as well, he does the same to his feet. He takes really good care of his hygiene.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Thatch wouldn’t like a messy person, he understands being unorganized sometimes and having a small mess but to the point where there’s garbage everywhere and it’s started to clutter up and smell? Yea no. Thatch can barley go into Ace’s cabin without cringing and he will gag. He’ll help you clean it before it gets to that point if you ask but if you don’t and it gets bad, he will refuse to go anywhere near your room.
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popatochisssp · 6 years
it's me again! Can you do Y, I, and W for swap paps?
Just did I over here, but the other two for Paps (Underswap Papyrus), no prob!
Y = Yuck(Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Did I mention that Paps is a literature nerd? He is. He’s a big literature nerd, so it follows that one of his biggest pet peeves is bad spelling and grammar.
Abbreviations and acronyms are fine, he’s not about to get his feathers all ruffled by an ‘LOL’ his s/o texts him or a sticky-note reminder to ‘clean the apt.’ but some stuff can really get to him.
Misuses of ‘there/they’re/their’ make him twitch a little and so does ‘your/you’re,’ the usual suspects that bug a grammar stickler.
He’s not a particularly high-strung guy, though, so it takes a lot to actually push Paps into snapping over something. It took years of walking past that stupid sign for the ‘LIBRARBY’ in Snowdin and hating how wrong it was before he lost his cool and ‘vandalized’ the sign.
Sky (Underswap Sans) never asked Paps why he just had a giant letter ‘B’ in his room one day. He’d heard all of his little brother’s complaints about it and figured this was just an inevitability.
As for Paps’ s/o…if they’re not a great speller, he may try to ever-so-gently correct them if they misspell or incorrectly use a word the same way for long enough, but he’ll try not to let it bother him too much as long as it’s an honest mistake.
He’s…considerably less forgiving if it’s something they’re doing on purpose because they know it bothers him, though. In that case, Paps’ s/o should expect a cold shoulder until they apologize for being a dick.
As for something he does that might bug his s/o… He’s pretty messy and he doesn’t put things back the way he should.
His room and eventually the whole house is going to end up looking like an office supply tornado came through–books and pencils and paper scattered all over the damn place–unless his brother or his s/o reminds him he needs to rein in his clutter.
They’ll also have to watch any food that could go stale like a hawk because Paps is the worst at making sure seals are airtight before closing things. Many a bag of cereal and loaf of bread have gotten hard and unpleasantly crunchy over this and it doesn’t really impact him because he’ll just eat it anyway. His s/o…will probably take more exception to it, but there’s not much to be done.
Getting Paps to properly close stuff is a battle that Sky’s been fighting for decades and he’d be the first to tell his brother’s s/o that it’s an unwinnable war.
W = Wild Card(Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
Paps is a huuuuuge whiner when he gets sick. He’s a textbook case of the ‘Man Cold’ sufferer, absolutely convinced he’s at death’s door over even the most minor of illnesses and determined to moan and whine about it all the way to the grave, which is obviously near.
It makes it pretty difficult and annoying for his s/o to take care of him because he’ll openly, shamelessly beg for them to help him, but…
Well, he’ll eat the soup they made him and take the medicine they brought, but he just doesn’t see how it will do any good against whatever monster-killing plague he’s caught. He’s clearly still going to die, but he’ll make sure his s/o gets at least half of his stuff when he kicks the bucket, can they just find his Last Will and Testament real quick? “thanks, hon, you’re a peach…“
The drama is exasperating enough to make even a saint of an s/o roll their eyes, but at least Paps is good at bed-rest and will probably get over The Plague quickly.
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e-dash-lace · 7 years
Get to Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @nonpareilprocrastinator​  and @leplusgrandlivredumonde so thank you so much <3
I have to tag 20 followers I want to get to know better so: @maggie-marcos​, @japanbenkyou​, @kocchiae​, @mothcub​, @curleystudies​, @mochibre​, @kirststudies​,
nicknames - Lecie, E-lace, E, Leece, Alice, Ellis
gender - Female
star sign - Leo
height - 5′4″
sexuality - I think I’m a heterosexual.  Honestly I don’t really know.  I’m not pressed.
hogwarts house - Slytherin (but a recent retake of the test put me in Gryffindor which is dumb)
favorite animal - dogs
average hours spent sleeping -  5.5-7 hours
dogs or cats - dogs.
number of blankets I sleep with - 2-5
dream trip - Japan.  I want to go back to Kyoto prefecture but I would also like to spend an ungodly amount of time sweating in Hiroshima again.  If I could, my dream trip would really be a full like month long tour of all of the Japanese prefectures.  My second dream trip would be a full tour of all 50 United States scattered over the period of a year in like two week spurts.  
dream job - Librarian work in Japanese literature or in an international publishing firm or something like that working with editing translations, etc
when I made this account -Like sometime in August or late July? I have no idea.
why I made this account - I like craved school in the middle of the summer and my personal tumblr is so messy that I am almost inclined to just wipe it off the face of the earth and start fresh.  It’s like cluttered with Simblr stuff and it’s just yuck.
# of followers - 214.  Shout out to my 200th follower for being the realest of the real also wow I’ve never had more than like 150 followers on anything. 
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