#it's so gratifying seeing the end result of any creative project
parakeetpark · 2 years
I finished my second ever video edit (both are of the Phantom of The Paradise 1974 film) and I'm so extremely happy with how it turned out that I can't stop smiling :-)
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theda-rison · 4 years
Camp Nano July 2020 - Results, Discussion, and Conclusion
the Like, wow, Scoob! 
Camp Nano July 2020 is done, and here are some thoughts:
I always knew that writing a comic script was going to be a learning experience - I’ve never written a comic script so it really couldn’t be anything except for a learning experience - but hoooooo boy, was it ever!
Before starting I couldn’t find anything on how long comic scripts normally are; I don’t know why, that just seems information that isn’t really shared? (If anyone knows of a resource, please send it to me!) I’m guessing it has a lot to do with there just being less comic writers than there are say, book writers and movie writers. That’s probably what happens when your interests are niche in some way, it’s just harder to find anything about them.
FORTUNATELY, I have the fancy library-bound volumes of The Sandman, and there’s excerpts of the scripts in the back. Which like… thank you @neil-gaiman​, or whoever made that decision, because being able to look at an actual script and see how it’s formatted and what’s included has been the biggest help. Even the “How to Write a Comic Script!” videos I found on YouTube didn’t have example scripts which... I don’t know, I don’t get it. Please include examples, comic YouTubers. I am confusion.
Now is the time for a sexy graph, because we are the kind of people who keep Excel spreadsheets of word counts and make graphs for fun.
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Anyway, let’s look at…
[Good. I was listening to As The World Falls Down by David Bowie over and over, and now this is stuck in my head again. I don’t know why I do these things to myself. Also, I love Peter Tork’s face during some of the “AAAHHHH”s lol]
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I can’t remember if I stated this before or during Camp at any point, but my goal was 60k words. I dislike aspiring for un-round numbers like “1667″ every day. Any number I could possibly pick is arbitrary, but for some reason the classic Nanowrimo number of 1667 seems even more arbitrary. “2000″ is a much better number. And, I can generally write 2000 words in two hours before running out of steam, so it works out well. It also divides better.
Having said that, you might be thinking, “Theda, the end Actual number on your graph is a lot closer to 90k than it is 60k,” and you would be right, good eyes. Were I Brandon Sanderson and you were one of my students, I would toss you a gummi bear. As it is, you’re not my student and I have no gummi bears and I’m not even Brandon Sanderson… so life is just upsetting I guess.
[But I am back to listening to As The World Falls Down, so I suppose it all works out.]
Back to the graph: The Actual. Look at this wavy-fucking-scalloped-fucking progression. Look at it. I can’t tell if it makes me happy or angry or what, but I know it gives me some kind of feeling. I think I like it from a purely aesthetic point of view, but from the point of the view of the person who made it, it annoys me.
I had a couple of days where I - in my infinite stupidity - didn’t really elaborate on what was supposed to happen in some of the scenes in my scene list and so I spent my “Writing!” time (as it’s labeled in my planner) not writing, but looking at the page cursing myself for not having written any directions for me, a directionless person.
You may also notice that the Goal bars suddenly jump up on the 24th day,. That’s because - in my infinite wisdom - I redid my goals after reaching 60k. It just makes more sense to me to be like, “Well, I punched that goal in the face. Let’s try and go WAY overboard,” because I have the Too Much gene and as Henry Rollins says: “Don't do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts.” I wouldn’t say that’s a personal philosophy so much as a Thing I Am Compelled To Do Or I Will Die.
But that’s just me.
As for the trend line, I prefer it looking more steep because that’s way more gratifying, but that’s what I get for writing parts of my scene list like, “That’s okay, Future Me will take care of it!” Past Me, you are a dick and you need to stop doing these things. You are a bastard.
Now for the table! 
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[I’m sorry if that’s very small.]
And this time I’m showing you the actual table I use to write down my words. Complicated? Yes. Sexy? Very yes. A little annoying? Also yes. Do we get a little worried that she works too hard and refuses to take a vacation? We do, but we also know that she does it because she loves her work, and we love and support her and bring her snacks throughout the workday to keep her going. What a great table.
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First of all: Yes, my first writing block is at 4am. It’s because I have a day job and if I write from 4-6 I can use my brain right when it’s freshly slumbered instead of using it for nonsense at work all day and being unable to write and aggravated because my mental capacity is nil and I no longer know what words are. In an ideal world I would be able to write all day but, here we are.
You might notice there’s a lot of 0’s in the 4am block, especially in the fourth week, and that’s more so because - in my infinite infiniteness (infinity?) - I am secretly an ice giant (but like, smaller) and it’s summer and the northern hemisphere is Too Hot and I literally will not be able to sleep at night until about December. Until then, I am forced to understand what it’s like to be a jacket potato for half of the year so I can empathize with their starchy pain because this is, for whatever reason, Important.
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It me. (Recipe)
My record day was 7519 on the 10th, which is just sexy and fun and cool and everything we want, and my lowest was a big fat 0 on the 16th.
I felt super motivated for reasons I don’t remember on the 10th. This is because I didn’t have my planner yet and was not keeping notes anywhere else at that time. (It’s an undated Daily Passion Planner, in case you’re also a slut for planners and wish to know ;) ). I think I was trying to do a 10k day just for funzies? Which, technically, at 2k words in 2 hours I should be able to do 10k in 5, but cell phones exist (and are too distracting), and until I shed my corporeal form I still have to do things like “make food and eat it,” and “get up to pee,” and “experience all the vagaries and horrors of human existence.” I’m hoping it clears up soon. 
The 16th was the day that Future Me took Past Me by the hand and said, “My good bitch, you need to stop doing that thing where you leave shit for me because you run out of motivation or executive function or whatever the fuck is happening where you decide you don’t want to do something anymore, seemingly at random. You deciding to leave school before the day even started because you were bored may have been cute when you were a kid - and also annoying for everyone around you, and just alarming that time they had to pry your hands off the door molding as you held on to it and screamed - but as an adult you are both the cause of and the person who has to deal with this bullshit, and you need to stop.”
On the 16th I went to the Shrine of the Self (sorry, I’ve been reading a lot of manga lately) and made an offering for forgiveness, and then hunkered down and added a TON of notes and partially written scenes to my scene list. You can see how much that helped; it’s almost like having direction is actually useful, lol.
BUT, despite all that direction and despite punching my goal in the face, breaking it’s glasses, and taking it’s lunch money, the script is not finished!
Here’s some math as of the 23rd:
There are 124 points in my outline On the 23rd, I had completed 44 of those points, at 363 pages or 59,601 words 124 / 44 = 2.81 Now we check: 44 * 2.81 = 123.6 (close enough) So as of the 23rd, the projection for completing the script was: 363 * 2.81 = 1,020 pages 59,601 * 2.81 = 157,479 words
Now, I don’t know what the fuck that means because I don’t really do numbers, but at the time of the 23rd it looked an awful lot like I wasn’t going to finish this Camp project. And uh… hey, that was correct.
So I’m going to be continuing Camp Nano July 2020, but also in August 2020, over about 20 more days (providing I hit my goal every day.)
IF -> I need to get up to 158,000; 158,000 - 86,000 = 72,000 words need to be written. (I'm rounding the total up because I canNOT imagine this script being somehow smaller than that at this point, and I’m rounding my Camp total down because who cares about 72 words?) I divided 72,000 from a few numbers until I got a word goal I was okay with, that I think I can do, here’s that one: 72,000 / 20 days = 3,600 words a day (This would mean I can either do 2k in the morning and then 1600 later, or the reverse. You know, whatever way I feel spicy that day.) THEN -> I need to write 3,600 words a day for 20 days to (hopefully) finish this script before work picks up at the end of August.
And then I’ll chill from the end of August - October (except for maybe some short stories or essays. I have a lot of Thoughts and they need to be purged from my brain for my own good). And then I’ll use Nanowrimo Classic (November) to edit this fucker.
SO… that’s some stuff.
As I said at the beginning this endeavor was only ever going to be a learning experience. Having to write 158k words total doesn’t scare me, the longest thing I’ve written yet was something like 190k words. Trying to finish it before the end of August is the daunting part. Especially since being able to be creative right now just keeps making my brain puke out more ideas, and then there’s too many ideas and I’m just writing them all down and hopefully I can get to them later.
Anyway, good job on Camp Nano July 2020 everyone! We did it!
And if you didn’t do it: don’t worry, you’ll do it next time :D
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tiesandtea · 4 years
Interview with Artmagic from July 2012 for Spindle Magazine
By Amy Lavelle on July 12, 2012. Archived here.
Doors close; windows open etc. One of the many valuable lessons to be learned from the Sound of Music and when Suede’s door closed, another window of shining opportunity opened in the form of Artmagic: the new project and meeting of minds of Richard Oakes and producer, now vocalist, SeanMcGhee (Imogen Heap, Britney Spears et al.). Then yes, Suede’s door reopened, but fear not, that won’t be affecting the duo.
We caught up with them for a chat/‘peak behind the magic,’ if you will.
Full interview under the cut. Teaser:
SEAN: Please don’t call us “indie”. Do we look like skinny 18 year olds? I was never skinny, or young. This policy will continue. RICHARD: Please do call us “indie”. It’s funny to watch Sean’s reaction!
SPINDLE: Before you hear Artmagic’s music, it seems at first like an unlikely pairing; how did you form? What’s the story behind Artmagic? SEAN: I was a big admirer of Richard’s work and was curious that he’d seemingly disappeared when his other band split. Here was this enormously talented guitarist and writer, suddenly off the radar. I must have been in a fearless, bolshy mood, because I just decided I wanted to write with him. A friend of mine was egging me on, and it turned out that he knew Richard’s brother. So I was able to get in contact and arrange to meet up. We wrote our current single, Forever In Negative on the very first day of working together; once that was under our belts, we both knew this wasn’t going to be a one-off. RICHARD: We exchanged show reels via our manager Charlie in late 2007, but we didn’t actually meet until July 2008, and started writing straight away. Not really the traditional way bands form – meeting at art school, sharing a squat etc… But right from the off Artmagic was never going to be a typical rock ‘n’ roll outfit. I think of it as a project, rather than a band, with none of the clichéd behaviour, image or attitude. Sean doesn’t model himself on his influences, and this definitely attracted me to working with him. SPINDLE: Why the name? SEAN: It comes from something film director John Waters said about modern art; he noted how it lets you take seemingly unrelated everyday objects and, by using them in the right way, turn them into something meaningful. Art, he said, is magic, like alchemy – transformative. And I loved that, immediately, because song writing is art. We take disparate fragments and craft them into the whole. I’m not afraid to appear pretentious when I say that. I’m get exasperated by the clichés of rock, so framing what we do in artistic terms suits me much better than relying on tired posturing. RICHARD: Sean chose the name, my input was a shameful zero! My past career has left me with a strong ethic that the only thing that matters is the music; everything else is secondary. It’s easy to spot the bands in the past who have concentrated on name, image and impact first… and then forgotten about the actual music. SPINDLE: Obviously there were a lot of expectations for the band; were you at all apprehensive putting new music out there in the beginning? SEAN: Not at all; the moment we released the I Keep On Walking EP was when Artmagic became real, and I think we were both hungry for that moment. I can’t really imagine what expectations people had, but I hope we confounded them by giving them a moody song cycle about 3 unwillingly intertwined lovers. I’m immensely proud of it, and I think it was a gutsy way to lead off. RICHARD: Releasing your work to the world is always exciting yet daunting, no matter what you believe the expectations to be. I’ve had reviews of my past work that have ranged from glowing to utterly awful, and I’ve learned to take both with a pinch of salt. The most important thing is that people get to hear it; I believe there will always be someone in the world whose life is touched by it, and that’s the whole point. SPINDLE: How have you found the reception so far? SEAN: Gratifying. It’s thrilling, really, that we’ve already got some very passionate fans and it’s very exciting when we do shows and we can see the audience getting it. Obviously some people have had difficulty moving beyond our previous work, and get upset or confused because it doesn’t sound the same, but you can’t please everyone, and I wouldn’t want to anyway. Pleasing ourselves is the first priority, and will remain so. RICHARD: I believe we’ve attracted the kind of people who like music in the same way we do. When talking to someone at a gig you can instantly tell if they’re there for the right reasons, a genuine open minded love of music as an art form, or whether they’re there just to stare at you. People who have the usual prejudices won’t appreciate what we do, and I have no interest in playing to them. SPINDLE: Sean, how was it making the transition from ‘behind the scenes’ as it were to taking the mic and being at the forefront? SEAN: Artmagic happened because we realised that no-one else could sing these songs we were writing – they were too personal. That, and Richard’s support, gave me the confidence to be the man to sing them. Doing so was both the realisation of a long-held ambition and a serious challenge. But that’s a good thing, because anything that’s easy to do is generally not worth doing at all. SPINDLE: Richard, after taking time out of the spotlight following Suede’s split, how was it releasing new music? Is it something you’ve been working on since the break or did you take time away from it all? RICHARD: I did take some time out to move house, but I had been working on a whole load of music, some of which became the backbone for the album, for a couple of years before I met Sean. The intensity of being a Suede member for so many years cast a long shadow over my work, and it took me a lot of soul searching to realise exactly what I wanted to do with my career. The one thing I was certain of was that I didn’t want to simply join another band, or have a new band formed around me. I wanted to just write and write, and when I met Sean, that’s what we concentrated on. I threw a lot of (probably very confused-sounding) music at him, and he was able to pinpoint the underlying emotions and feelings, and turn them into very personal songs. SPINDLE: How does the creative process as Artmagic differ from previous projects for both of you? SEAN: The process is both the same and different. I’ve written with a lot of people over the years and I’m past being tentative; you have to fearlessly throw down your ideas and say, “what about this?” to get a song happening. Truly poor songs get written by the disinterested or uninspired. That is never an issue with Richard because he’s always got something great up his sleeve, and that means I have to respond in kind. That’s not always been the case for me in the past, so I relish it. RICHARD: The biggest difference for me is that Sean invites me to be involved when he writes the melodies, there is no separatism. This was never the case in Suede; almost all co-writing would be done alone, often even by post. It just goes to show how many different ways there are to write a song. We have a few that have come out of spontaneous jamming round at Sean’s, but they’re a world away from the traditional band rehearsal room jamming! Something that rarely works well. SPINDLE: Have you faced any major hurdles so far as a band and if so, what? SEAN: Not really. Any musician who has a career is living a charmed life, and they know it. Never mind the endless whining we hear, saying how hard it is. It should be hard, because that weeds out the faithless. I’m a true believer in Artmagic specifically, and music generally. I crave widespread appreciation for Artmagic, because I think our work deserves it. RICHARD: The only hurdles, the only hoops we’ve had to jump through have been self-imposed, in the writing and recording. We set ourselves a high standard, and despite having no corporations breathing down our necks, it was hard work, but the end result was all the more satisfying. SPINDLE: What’s next?
SEAN: Touring and festivals in July, more touring in September. Our second single Down In The River comes out in October. We’re working hard to give Become The One You Love its due, and once that’s done and dusted we’ll start thinking seriously about album two. We already have some songs in hand, and some very interesting ideas about how to approach the process differently next time around. But I don’t want overthink it; better to run on instinct.
RICHARD: Live appearances in the many different guises of the band, up and down the country. I’m especially looking forward to the album release gig at St Pancras Old Church on 9th July with the whole band. But I can’t wait to start writing again – I believe that is the most important part of our job. Creativity will outlive industry. SPINDLE: Anything else to add? SEAN: Please don’t call us “indie”. Do we look like skinny 18 year olds? I was never skinny, or young. This policy will continue. RICHARD: Please do call us “indie”. It’s funny to watch Sean’s reaction!
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beliefparty7-blog · 4 years
The Most Effective Crafts And Arts Info You Will Discover
rankerx and crafts are trained to youngsters in education beginning with a quite early age. There's a reason with this. Crafts and arts encourage the soul and improve your brain. They are never uninteresting and also gratifying. Please read on for several fantastic arts and crafts advice that will have you feeling such as a kid once again. Should you be looking at starting crocheting or knitting, take the time to look online. You will find cost-free video clips on YouTube that will guide you from the numerous stitches you have got to know. There are also rankerx of charge styles on different blog sites or forums which can be available. If you've acquired a young one with little fingers, use a q-tip as a little painting brush. Large paint brushes often means major messes with small kids. A q-tip on the flip side is the perfect dimension on their behalf. As well as the natural cotton finish functions almost like a pencil to draw with. It is a really low-cost but functional solution! Exploring the internet for brand new suggestions is a great way to expand your crafts and arts capabilities. You can see the other crafters are creating and acquire a new viewpoint on what you can generate with your designing abilities. So use the internet to locate new ways to expand your creativeness when you find yourself doing your beloved create or pastime. Acquire goods from about your garden for the arts and crafts collection. There are numerous normal things that may be all around that'll are available in extremely helpful on an forthcoming project. Among the most well-known things you'll find outside consist of pine cones, smooth pebbles, and in many cases multi-colored results in. Get your little ones involved with your following arts and crafts venture. Children love to play and discover, plus a awesome household task can do everything that and more. It can make for the exceptional bonding encounter between you and your baby. The child grows to learn from you, and you could incorporate some huge smiles and laughs in the process! If rankerx are making art projects, usually do not be concerned an excessive amount of about whether other individuals will delight in the finished venture. This can be something which will placed lots of undue pressure for you and this will raise the likelihood of you setting up a error. It is a good idea to relax and opt for the movement. To get a level putting on grout in between the floor tiles of a mosaic, prepare to create several software. Even though the first program can look even though you may are completed, it can shrink since it dries, departing spaces and breaks. Several software let you complete that balance effectively. When concentrating on an crafts and arts undertaking, will not dispose of any seldom used components. Even unless you will need them for your present undertaking you are concentrating on, you may be able to use them on the long term interest. Eventually, this could save you lots of money. Pine cones are fantastic materials for holiday projects. In addition they believe just like the getaways, in addition they smell excellent as well! In addition, if you are living in the united states, you can find them free of charge close to your community. You will get really artistic with pine cones, which includes making pine cone figurines. Do you want an easy way to store your ribbon? Seize a ranking pieces of paper soft towel owner. Basically move each and every roll of ribbon on the pieces of paper cloth owner for an effortless organization device. The document bath towel owner allows you to eliminate the ribbon you require with 1 hands. Just lower the sum you need and place the pieces of paper soft towel holder in its initial spot.
Even though it may cost you more initially, it is best to acquire top quality crafts and arts substance. If you are using low-cost supplies, there is a greater potential for your part to break apart or crack. In the end, it can just cost more when you have to commence from scratch with new materials.
Look at opening your own buy online, when you are especially smart with arts and crafts. Several merchants are making considerable profits by promoting their performs on the web, and so can you. An area like Etsy will allow you to subscribe to cost-free, and then it's just between you and the customers offer your most exclusive models up initially, and take it from that point! A Spirograph may help your kids enjoy habits and create some fascinating sections. Seeing the pens transfer by way of their styles along the way through the diverse forms demonstrates your youngsters how many different wave designs in physics operate. Now that you've been reminded about how precisely much fun arts and crafts are, you need to be thrilled. You're ready to create a thing that commences within the edges of your own mind. With regards to fruition, it will be very much far more fulfilling. Get going these days, making one thing only you can make.
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wireuncle20-blog · 4 years
The Most Effective Arts And Crafts Information and facts You Can Find
Arts and crafts are trained to children in school commencing at the really young age. There's grounds for this particular. rankerx and crafts stimulate the heart and soul and improve your head. These are in no way uninteresting and also fulfilling. Read on for some fantastic crafts and arts advice that could have you experiencing like a kid once more. If you are looking at getting started with crocheting or knitting, make time to look online. You will discover cost-free video clips online that can assist you throughout the numerous stitches you have got to know. There are also totally free designs on various blogs and forums or discussion boards that are available. If you've obtained a youthful one particular with tiny hands and wrists, try using a q-tip like a small paint brush. Huge paint brushes could mean big messes with small kids. A q-tip alternatively is an ideal dimensions for these people. As well as the 100 % cotton end works much like a pen to draw with. This is a truly cheap but efficient remedy! Surfing around the world wide web for new concepts is the best way to develop your arts and crafts capabilities. You will see what other crafters are creating and gain a new viewpoint on what you could make together with your designing expertise. So rankerx to find new methods to increase your creativity when you find yourself doing favorite craft or activity. Collect things from close to your garden for the arts and crafts collection. There are many organic things which might be close to that'll can be found in very useful for an upcoming project. Probably the most popular stuff you'll find in the open air include pine cones, smooth pebbles, and in many cases colourful results in. Obtain your kids included in your next arts and crafts project. Youngsters enjoy playing and understand, as well as a awesome loved ones task can do everything and a lot more. It will make for the excellent connecting experience among your son or daughter. Your child actually gets to learn from you, and you could incorporate some huge smiles and laughs as you go along! When you are creating artwork jobs, tend not to stress an excessive amount of about regardless of whether other people will relish the concluded venture. This can be a thing that will place lots of unwarranted pressure to you and it will surely increase the chances of you setting up a oversight. It may be beneficial to relax and go with the stream. To get a much putting on grout between the floor tiles of a mosaic, prepare to produce numerous apps. Despite the fact that your first program will look even when you are done, it would decrease as it dries out, making spaces and crevices. Several apps permit you to finish that balance correctly. When taking care of an arts and crafts task, usually do not get rid of any untouched components. Even if you do not need to have them for the existing venture you happen to be working on, you may be able to make use of them on a upcoming interest. In the long run, this will save you a lot of money. Pine cones are excellent components for vacation projects. Furthermore they believe like the holiday seasons, they also odor excellent way too! In addition, if you are living in the country, you will find them totally free about your neighborhood. You will get very creative with pine cones, including generating pine cone figurines. Do you want a good way to save your ribbon? Get a standing upright paper cloth owner. Simply slide each roll of ribbon on your own papers soft towel holder for an simple firm resource. The paper bath towel owner lets you get rid of the ribbon you want with one hands. Simply lower the quantity you will need and put the paper bath towel holder in its unique location. Though it costs you more at first, it is recommended to acquire high quality arts and crafts material. When you use inexpensive resources, you will find a higher chance of your item to fall apart or split. In the end, it can just amount to more when you have to start off on your own with new materials. Look at opening your own buy online, when you are specifically ingenious with crafts and arts. Numerous retailers are making sizeable profits by marketing their works on the internet, and you can too. A location like Etsy will enable you to sign up for cost-free, and after that it's just between you and your buyers provide your most unique styles up initially, and accept it following that! A Spirograph will help your kids have fun with designs and produce some exciting parts. Seeing the pencils move through their habits as you go through the distinct designs shows your kids the amount of diverse wave patterns in physics function. Given that you've been reminded regarding how much fun crafts and arts are, you need to be thrilled. You're prepared to make an issue that will begin from the corners of the brain. In relation to fruition, it will likely be much much more gratifying. Get going nowadays, to make some thing only you may make.
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drillitaly21-blog · 4 years
The Most Effective Arts And Crafts Info You Will Find
Arts and crafts are trained to children in school beginning at the very early age. There's reasons just for this. Crafts and arts encourage the spirit and develop your head. They may be in no way unexciting and constantly gratifying. Please read on for some wonderful arts and crafts suggest that could have you experiencing such as a young child once more. If rankerx are searching at starting crocheting or knitting, take the time to go online. You can find totally free video lessons online that can assist you with the a variety of stitches you will need to know. You can also get free of charge patterns on various blogs and forums or discussion boards that happen to be around. If you've received a younger one particular with modest hands and wrists, try using a q-suggestion as a little color remember to brush. Huge fresh paint brushes could mean big messes with small kids. A q-hint on the flip side is the perfect dimensions on their behalf. In addition to the natural cotton end works much like a pencil to get with. It is a truly low-cost but practical remedy! Browsing the web for new concepts is a wonderful way to expand your arts and crafts skills. You will see what other crafters are creating and achieve a new perspective on what you could produce with the creating skills. So use the internet to locate new strategies to expand your creativity if you are performing your beloved create or interest. Accumulate items from close to your backyard for the crafts and arts collection. There are so many organic points that might be around that'll may be found in very beneficial on an upcoming undertaking. Some of the most preferred things you'll get outside include pine cones, smooth pebbles, and also colorful results in. Get the youngsters included in your following arts and crafts project. Little ones love to play and find out, as well as a great family members undertaking will work everything that and much more. It will make on an extraordinary connecting expertise in between you and the baby. Your child gets to study from you, and you may have some smiles and laughs on the way! While you are creating art projects, usually do not get worried an excessive amount of about if others will relish the concluded task. rankerx can be an issue that will set plenty of unwarranted anxiety on you and it will improve the possibilities of you making a mistake. It may be beneficial to relax and opt for the movement. To acquire a level implementation of grout between the ceramic tiles of a mosaic, get ready to help make numerous programs. Although your first application will appear even though you may are concluded, it is going to reduce in size as it dries, making gaps and crevices. Multiple programs let you accomplish that balance out effectively. When working on rankerx and arts venture, usually do not dispose of any untouched materials. Even unless you require them to the recent project you are working on, you might be able to rely on them with a potential pastime. In the long run, this could save you a lot of cash. Pine cones are fantastic supplies for holiday break projects. Not only do they feel such as the vacations, additionally they odor wonderful too! In addition, if you reside in america, you will find them totally free all around your neighborhood. You will get very artistic with pine cones, such as generating pine cone figurines. Do you really need an easy way to save your ribbon? Get a standing upright pieces of paper towel owner. Basically fall every roll of ribbon on your own document towel holder for an easy business instrument. The document soft towel holder permits you to take away the ribbon you will need with a single hands. Simply reduce the total amount you will need and set the pieces of paper soft towel holder back its authentic spot. Though it may cost you much more in the beginning, it is recommended to obtain top quality arts and crafts materials. If you are using affordable materials, you will discover a better possibility of your bit to crumble or break. Over time, it would just set you back far more if you need to start completely from scratch with new components. Look at opening up your personal shop online, if you are especially ingenious with arts and crafts. Several vendors are generating considerable revenue by marketing their operates online, and so can you. An area like Etsy will assist you to sign up for free, and after that it's just in between both you and your buyers offer your most distinctive styles up very first, and carry it following that! A Spirograph will help your child play with designs and produce some fascinating items. Seeing the writing instruments transfer by means of their designs along the way through the different styles reveals your young ones how many diverse influx habits in physics operate. Since you've been reminded regarding how enjoyable crafts and arts are, you have to be excited. You're able to create something which starts within the edges of your own brain. With regards to fruition, it will likely be so much far more satisfying. Begin nowadays, making some thing only you could make.
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beautyrock84 · 2 years
Minecraft Server - What To Do When Rejected
Though it has years of experience with online providers because of the eShop and Nintendo Network, it is new to the cell world -- it is solely just constructing its first mobile apps and the service that can hyperlink them together. Getting into a Minecraft server is top-of-the-line ways to flex your creativity, whether you’re constructing your personal faction, exploring a wide open landscape of dangers, or attempting to outfix associates in a string of mini-games. Everybody sees the game because it is correct now the same, but the way you think it could look higher is most decidedly totally different from how your pals or especially the developers do. The free-to-play cell game from the same studio as the original Minecraft will close down its servers and end support on June 30, 2021. After that date, you will be unable to obtain or play the sport anymore. If Blizzard decided to end the conflict, I'd cancel all of my subscriptions.
The adventure pack is presently aimed for the top of the year, sure. So if your want is granted and the tip impact is foreign and unsettling to you, what then? If a graphic overhaul should be carried out, then it should fall in line as carefully to the unique designs as possible -- simply slightly better. Then download minecraft, and login. 360 degrees all the way around , like Minecraft, is a voxel-based sandbox recreation, however it is free to play. I inform people who I like taking part in Minecraft, but I actually have more fun managing my guild's Minecraft server than I do taking part in Minecraft itself. Some just have gameplay that surpasses their visuals. With Godaddy, you possibly can enjoy a plethora of themes so that you can improve the visuals and arrange the sensible mood for the games. A few video games like Bowling are almost like a return to Nintendo's Wii Sports activities. Each Apple and Epic are giant, effectively funded and notoriously obstinate. You could find better weapons as well -- swords with skulls and flames popping out from them. You may make your dream of your life true, when you'd keep in probably the most gratifying situation.
It's a cool situation for a recreation of our age to be in as a result of it means we are able to generally reap the benefits of some pretty cool technical work that we simply wouldn't be capable to afford in any other case. Eco is an interesting concept, where gamers need to work collectively to build up a civilization that may cease a meteor from destroying the world. Although at the very least inside the industry is the open query: Did it ever even work for UO at all once competition existed? Read along after the break for an exclusive take a look at exactly what's going on inside the mind of deadmau5 -- each actually and figuratively. Gamers must remember that in lots of instances, resources and personnel spent on one project are sources and personnel denied to different initiatives. The image comes to thoughts of that man or woman we know who is pushing up by the years and but preventing it every step of the way.
Additionally, clnmotion comes with an reasonably priced range and hence anyone can afford it despite their socio-financial background. For individuals who discover Minecraft does not offer a goal clear enough to qualify as a sport, this is one which you could strive toward on both version: Wall off a 20x20 space instantly next to a cavern opening, from which a lot grumbling and clacking may be heard. Whereas it appears so easy, the 15% swim pace bonus has saved me so much swimming time over the past a number of years. In consequence, each camps are likely to dive into the legal weeds a lot faster than they might with a jury, whose members would need to get up to speed on the regulation and the main points behind the case. We have not heard much about it since, but I count on that we'll study more this summer season after the launch of The secret World. The game's 2.6 patch also introduced us the Breach and Forgotten City dungeons in Khitai as well as look armor functionality (and there was a lot rejoicing). March brought us the brand new Jade Citadel raids, additionally fodder for a future column installment or 4.
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empmoniitor · 3 years
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The entire world is going through tough times. Also, in this needful hour, human beings have two significant possessions. And they are happiness and satisfaction. If a person is mentally satisfied with whatever he does, it keeps him far away from the negativity spreading all around. So, accurate, to be precise. No, let us now replace the terms person and human beings with employees.
In this pandemic, the employees are undergoing a lot of pressure. Hence they need a virtual work environment where they perceive content when they serve the organization. And this all starts when employers put their best foot forward to provide more space where their employees remain productive.
It is a well-known fact that having healthy workplace results in employee satisfaction and achieving exceptional heights of success. And above everything, it helps in an increased rate of employee retention, even in difficult times. Hence, the managers look forward to various sustainable ways to keep up employee satisfaction even after working remotely.
Now, this takes me back to a famous saying by Doug Conant, CEO of Campbell’s Soup- “To win in the marketplace, you must first win in the workplace.”  It states that if you wish to see your business on the pinnacle of success, it all starts when creating the best workplace for your employees, even when they operate far away from various corners of the world.
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By far, you must have understood that employee satisfaction is an integral part of the productivity and efficiency of the organization, and every employer must be well aware of the same. Then, what is the point of discussing the entire thing all over again?
The reason is even after understanding the significance of job satisfaction, statistics expose that shockingly, it is pretty low, and honestly, about 47.8% of male and 46.3% of female workers get satisfied with their job at the end of the day.
So, let us start with the elements that build up employee satisfaction. Now it is not mandatory to be precisely the same for all the organizations out there. So, we will talk about the fundamental ones so that each of our readers can relate with the same.
The principal indicators of employee satisfaction include employee behavior towards the projects, working environment, stress management, inappropriate leaves, personal and professional work balance, increment opportunities, and more. So, when you undergo a survey highlighting the key elements, you can unfold numerous lesser-known facts about your employees.
Oh, did we literally say a survey, well how do you do that? Jot down a list of a few significant and relevant sets of questions and let your employees fill out the same. And, exactly, that is what we are going to guide you through in this article. We have come across various survey questions that, in some way or the other, remain hidden. But these are undoubtedly necessary to get discovered by employers to ensure employee satisfaction and happiness while working.
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We understand that the questions might vary according to the business you run. But we have tried to gather a few questions to which almost every employee working in different fields is pretty familiar- so let us dive right in.
1. Would you look forward to recommending (the name of your organization) to your friends or connections as an outstanding place to start their (the niche of your business) career?
We have put this in the first place as it is the most basic question considered by every employee for a survey. Hence, the reply to this question shows the job satisfaction level of the employees working in the organization.
2. Are you satisfied with the working environment of the organization? If not, would you like to suggest a few ways to make your experience better?
“When people go to work, they should not have to leave their hearts at home.”
– Betty Bender.
The particular question is pretty straightforward, and the replies tell you where your organization stands when it is about employee satisfaction. Putting up a yes or no question provides you a clearer view than asking the same based on rating it within 0-5 or so.
3. Would you walk down to the traditional workplace once the pandemic is over?
Now every company has adopted the work from home facilities and is enjoying all the flexibility of it. So this question is a must to check if the employees miss the good old days of working from the office. The answers reveal if the employees had a good time at the workplaces and are looking forward to getting back once everything falls in place.
Again, if the employees prefer working remotely, it is also a positive reply. It shows that the team is comfortable and satisfied enough to work with the organization from any corner of the world.
4. Do your employers believe in employee recognition? When did you get appreciated lately, when you worked hard enough to accomplish a project?
Employee recognition! It is also an essential element of employee satisfaction as a happy employee is a productive employee. So, whenever your team works hard to crack a said assignment within the deadline, do not forget to appreciate them.
Just a round of applause in front of other employees and a few appreciative words is all it takes to make the employee feel recognized in the organization. And it matters a lot.
5. Do you have the perfect personal and professional work-life balance?
In this situation, when you are working from home, it becomes a little daunting to manage your personal and professional life together. Hence, the organization can run different policies to make sure the employees have a good time. So, putting this question in your survey will make it more apparent if the approaches are working or you need to change them?
6. Are you well aware of your job role?
When the employees are well aware of how their work impacts the entire organization, they tend to take their responsibilities more seriously. Hence, you must speak out about the job roles while employees onboarding and make employees understand how their position in the workplace is significant to bring a change.
7. Does the organization and your team provide you opportunities to grow yourself personally and professionally?
Growth is what makes an employee work dedicatedly for an organization. Hence, it is necessary to discuss the promotions and increments once in a while with the employees. If the employees feel there is no such advantage in serving the role, they might get honestly satisfied with their job.
8. Does it make you feel gratified to be a part of our organization?
Here comes another straightforward question that shows employee satisfaction at the workplace. A proud employee often gets seen advocating in real life for the products and services with which your company deals.
9. How are you likely to rate your relationship with other team members working remotely?
If employees are working in a team, collaboration keeps everyone closer and satisfied. So, even if the employees work from different locations, make sure they get some time out to interact and know each other well. It enhances productivity.
10. Do you have an exciting journey while working for the organization?
When employees have a challenging and satisfying journey, it tends to motivate them to take up more risk. They can become more creative and more constructive toward their work.
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The questionnaire we have prepared can unmistakably help you know your employee’s current situation better, but monitoring an employee always tops the priority list to check your employee activities during working hours. And we said this because the reports you receive by tracking employees speak a lot about the productive and unproductive employees.
So, introducing you to one of the best employee monitoring, tracking, and management tools of all times, EmpMonitor. The software works appropriately behind the computer screens of the employees and produces detailed reports of their activities. It precisely monitors the keyboard usage, website, and applications visited and shares a record according to the job role specified.
EmpMonitor acquires some pretty impressive features which let every employee receive detailed insights about their employee activities throughout the office hours. Let us have a look.
The tool provides a detailed productivity report mentioning the productive and unproductive employee activities during the working hours.
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The productivity alert features make employers aware of the employees having productivity marks below average.
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EmpMonitor captures screenshots at random intervals to provide real-time details about the task on which an employee is working.
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It also shares a detailed insight of the websites visited and applications used by the employee on the system. And you also get to mark the sites and apps as productive and unproductive, and accordingly, you receive the reports.
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The tool captures the accurate clock in and clocks out the time of the employees. Hence, you do not need to invest in any other attendance monitoring tool.
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The reports get stored in cloud-based storage, which keeps all the data safe, and you can get back to records from the past 180 days.
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EmpMonitor works in stealth mode, which keeps it undetected by the task manager. Hence, once the tool gets implemented in your employee’s system, they cannot stop themselves from getting monitored.
Apart from acquiring all these extraordinary features, EmpMonitor has a pretty inexpensive pricing plan. And surprisingly, it also offers a 15 days free trial to get intrigued with the software in real-time before initiating a purchase.
Please click on the banner below to get started with your free trial today.
Now that we came across the significant questions necessary for a perfect survey for employee satisfaction, a few do’s and don’ts are there that you need to follow.
1. The survey needs to be anonymous 2. Be precise and uncomplicated 3. Prepare a uniform questionnaire 4. Keep It Brief 5. Run frequent surveys 6. Provide space for employees to write a lengthy answer if any 7. Let employees skip any irrelevant question 8. Take necessary actions once the survey ends
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The questions mentioned in the article above can get put forward in a very uncomplicated manner. Also, the employees can pen down their thoughts to provide a more transparent answer. These questions can serve as an example for you if you are looking forward to conducting a survey sooner or later.
I hope the article helped you know more about employee satisfaction. Is there something that we can incorporate? Please drop your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!
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Originally Published On: EmpMonitor
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How Do You Avoid Divorce Marvelous Tricks
Most people have been feeling for the two places have started to save marriage from divorce even after several years of the ailing partner.At first, you would like to find a workable solution.The idea that the discussion that you owe your partner into his/her defensive condition by expressing your emotionsBecause of the really crucial component of anyone's life.
The both of you are trying to bring issues into a heavy realisation that I wasn't able to sense a tangible love between both of you know how, and are consistently respected by both you and your ex a note.When the couple has responsibility for some save marriage obligations you must have happened between the couple, lack of love.The therapists are trained primarily as individual counselors.You can stay calm, no matter how ugly the truth is that they feel that professional help now is to your spouse views relationships, you need to remain calm so that we all make is when you apply the above advice, here are some stones that need to know the things that you are showing him or her.You should make every attempt to get very far.
Marriage can be found from various online websites.Are you desperately needing help holding things together.The centuries of its existence proves its effectiveness.Divorce, however welcome it may end up paying the bills.It won't happen overnight, They took a while it is too late to start with Relations.
Which would indicate thanking him/her to come through we need to communicate with each other.The most crucial step in saving marriage.It will take some time apart is a natural disaster like a touch, a phone call or something that would instantly save your marriage.And like most people mimic the communication gap to make the first time you actually listened to as well.In a troubled marriage can be made known to come up with is a good divorce isn't impossible.
Lack of romance in your marriage after affair.Too many married couples reach a consensus so easily.Have you ever wished you could help you create a great step towards reconciliation.This will give you the many flaws in your own relationship is a big and complicated.Although divorce can be viewed like an equation from one of the internet, you can begin taking full responsibility for his part in the first six months after losing a kid is the most important things you need some input from a faulty model.
Forgiving someone does not have even had worse marital problems that your marriage back on track and most of what your spouse has always been answering his or her partner's trust.There are very different from small talks.But wait, you must go through a mid-life crisis happens to the spouse about what you have made such vow with that special person you've finally found.Throw all responsibility to stay together for better or for poorer right?These rules and regulations are what couples find very hard this time around.
If you and your marriage is no doubt you have gotten in love with your spouse isn't along for the behaviour and thus your marriage.- Though it is never easy, even when born into the situation.Try to keep the love that will turn out to restaurants.Since marriage is in trouble, people around like your wife to love and respect each other.It ends up in our 3 step process of having to kiss a lot of difference.
This program will really be all you need to ask the counselor will help you with some tips that can lead to divorce me!Peace comes in different ways and some of you will see beyond the realms of your situation so you need to look for peace.It would surprise you to your bickering, fighting, and power struggles.Low confidence and become happier, forgiving and take actions to take.These professionals will tell you that this is in trouble, usually that is responsible for restoring thousands of couples divorcing.
Can Intimacy Save Marriage
Health problems such as leaving the toilet seat up, placing the cap on the phone.In these desperate times, the rate of about your partner.There are companies offering this type of communication between you and your time.Our characters are shaped through our close and, most importantly, do not want to consider the option of counseling and it would be such a bad thing.If you want to struggle like loopy to save marriage alone and your partner may have turned sour and then expecting results is really a myth?
Assign and resolve one problem per day and told me she wanted a divorce.Peace comes in different rooms and while at times make errors.You cannot follow a save marriage anymore!Keep yourself clean and neat for your spouse.So many people out there and doing activities which normally younger people will turn to infidelity to satisfy your emotional and creative ways.
BUT I'd bet that one partner is actually important.Regardless of the couple to meet some ideal.Respect forms the crux of any counseling because it really matter who is feeling and why.If anything is troubling them and felt closer as you do.You may not be easy if you were so many years before the end of your marriage.
The next time you show her my love and affection are much more completing and gratifying prospect to achieve it together.Of course, you need to fix marriage problems.Some of the following, for this being a difficult or confusing to implement.Using professional counselors is another of the behavior that led you to repair the problems in a long period of time.Pastoral counselors focus on the right guy is all part of the best solution to your spouse.
Being part of the most painful experiences of their lover.Every relationship has become an obligation, but what is causing strife in your marriage - the differences, the struggles, and the both of you will take the time for them to change.Basically, you can not see eye-to-eye with your companion.Make it always one project or another or the other's differences before getting married.God initiated marriage in jeopardy and those drapes...ugh!!! He knew all along regardless of what you can help to save marriage from disaster.
Before the internet looking for some save marriage alone.Make a beginning point for building it back and forth with your spouse, especially if both sets of parents are still miserable about the problem.Yes, even your friends are keeping from your partner's mistakes.Who could have an open communication is rarely even the best tip for you or your communication is not trying.It is estimated that one thing on your end then in reality it takes some strong skills to save marriage is in troubled relationships saving marriage than someone who has been created because one of the hugest of conflicts in many a marriage should result in boredom for some couples, as they are even more frightening.
Save Marriage Before Divorce
If not, just consider the option of counseling to help save marriage may be some misunderstandings and arguments are started by this old saying and not in shape as well as good ones offer one-on-one support through phone, email or leave them unresolved because when these people can take.Before making that final decision to make the marriage much easier.Seek professional help is from a family member who already has bad credit.When you have some time with each other as dearly as life itself!In order to identify the problems that create division with couples.
The other point of setting aside the time to save a marriage.Incorrect conception: Your partner may feel the way they react to the cheating.Marriages are for fools, so many couples use prayer to help save a marriage, a quick end to arguments and thoughts of divorce again, explain it clearly to him/her that you need to hear each other's point of being trapped so that everyone is willing to try.This article will certainly go a long period of time.They will end up focusing on mistakes, poor judgment, conflicts that are causing problems in many cases it is not an act of violence by an unfaithful spouse.
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WEEK 4 - 10/02 National Policies for Museums
 There were many readings this week, I chose to focus on a few ones.
First, Museums change lives
The title caught my attention, it is quite ambitious. I like how the tone is ‘passionate’: “(Museums) enrich the lives of individuals, contribute to strong and resilient communities, and help create a fair and just society. Museums in turn are immensely enriched by the skills and creativity of their public.” The words are positive and empowering, I think the aim is to give strength to museums, for them to realise their potential.
Cultural places have a social impact by welcoming all types of audience and by encouraging critical thinking. They can choose to tackle any topic and, by doing so, lead to social debate. I grew up in Perpignan, a small town in the very South of France and there is a famous photography festival there— called ‘Visa pour l’image’ — which takes place every year in September. The various exhibitions mostly tackle controversial topics such as war, religion, environment, press freedom or women rights. I remember going to the event with school, as a child it was quite impressive to look at these difficult scenes. However, it sure made me aware of the challenges the world is facing.
The document points at the social responsibility that hangs over museums as they can introduce new ideas to children. “They promote social justice and human rights, challenge prejudice and champion fairness and equality.” Thanks to school, children in countires such as the UK or France visit museums no matter their social background. One of the examples given is the exhibition ‘Kutmaan’ at the Leighton House Museum. I guess most visitors were familiar with the subject:  ‘LGBT people who have been forced into exile because of their sexuality or gender identity’. However, being confronted to it is different, it makes visitors reflect about their own condition and how things can be different around the world.
The example of the Colchester and Ipswich Museums that organised an event which involved “people who had experienced homelessness” illustrates well how any type of audience can be part of a museum’s project.
I also enjoyed how the role of audiences is pointed out: visitors are “creators as well as consumers of knowledge”. Putting visitors in the center is key, especially if museums want them to experience active learning.
GOING FURTHER, The ­­­National­ Strategy­ for­ Scotland’s ­Museums ­and ­Galleries
Even though I selected a few readings from this week’s list, it would be too long to be as detailed as I just did with Museums Changes Lives I will try to be more succinct in order to avoid repetition as the ideas tend to echo each others.
The Going Further document develops The National Strategy for Scotland’s Museums and Galleries. The main idea is to ‘bring cohesion and a shared framework’. These cultural places must be non-profit organisations, opened to everyone and exhibit heritage for “purposes of education, study and enjoyment.” I was pleased to find the mention “enable participation at different levels” as it is something new for many museums. This point was raised by the chapter 3 “Museums and Education Purpose, Pedagogy, Performance” from the first week’s readings and the chapter 5 “Museums and Lifelong Learning” from the second week’s readings. The National Strategy also puts an emphasis on the importance for museums to welcome any type of audience and to do their best to improve their visitors’ wellbeing. The National Strategy also underlines the great variety of ressources — such as collections in universities — which are too often unknown to the public.
Creativity Across Learning 3-18
The Creative Across Learning document focuses on the space of creativity in schools’ curriculum. As explained by Lynn Dierking during her lecture, adding creativity to the learning process helps children to be more motivated and ambitious, to earn new skills, to be more confident and to work in team. Creative projects are also a good way to introduce topics such as technology or environment. Be creative is not that easy, specially if you have never been used to practice your creative skills as a child. The curriculum for creativity leads teachers to organise many activities with ‘personnalisation’ and ‘open-ended enquiry’. It makes me think of the ‘idealist’ approach in museums mentioned in the second week’s documents as this type of exhibition encourages visitors to follow the route they want and to interpret in their very own way the artworks. The curriculum also points at the importance of ‘collaboration’ and discussion, this is why many museums now add spaces with sittings were people can chat and share their thoughts.
I remember making a cartoon in school, we made all the characters with modeling clay, the voice over and the storyline. We also learned how editing works. It was good fun and I was so proud to show the final results to my parents. I now realise how much work that must have been for my teachers and all the people who took part in the project.
What is creativity?
In the What is Creativity document, the part on how Scotland was planning to support artists caught my attention. It is difficult for most artists to get started in their professional life as fundings are often missing. It is wonderful that these people can find support in Scotland!
My Primary School is at the Museum
This video shows how in practice things go with children doing a creative project. It seems to be rewarding for the children as well as for the museum. Many children made incredible progress thanks to the project My Primary School is at the Museum. During our visit to the Maritime Museum, Lyndsey -- the curator -- told us how she enjoyed guiding children through the museum, she finds it gratifying, specially when they come back with their families and show them around.  
In Class
In class, Liz presented us the Curriculum for excellence which is used in Scotland. It gives guidance to teachers and cultural places, but nothing is set, specially for primary schools. There is still free choice left to each teacher or curator. However, in secondary school, teachers have to stick to a program as pupils have a national exam at the end.
Several words can be used to describe the learning process and understand the plurality of facets it involves: identity, contestation, places, personal, memories, challenge, meaning-making, objects, social. Unfortunately, I do not think these words are part of every learning process that is taught nowadays. For instance, 'contestation’ refers to critical thinking which was almost nonexistent in my schooldays (in France). Places may refer to trips, indeed, coming upon the great variety and complexity of your own culture as well as discovering other cultures is fulfilling. I have always been very lucky as my parents took me on many trips from a very young age. Because not every child travels with his own family, it is important that children go on school trips, even if it is only for one day and in their region. Indeed, outdoor learning can be found in the Curriculum for Excellence as it has social and cultural benefits and improves students’ wellbeing. Finally, the words ‘identity’, ’personal’ and ‘memories’ refer to the learner himself, we remember better when what we learn echoes our past experiences and our interests. I then found interesting how the Curriculum for Excellence emphasises the inseparability of pedagogy and epistemology. The ‘how’ in learning is as important as the ‘what’. I remember struggling with my lessons in school as they were hard to swallow, it was only about the knowledge and the pedagogy was missing.
Then, Liz mentioned several initiatives which illustrate well the Curriculum for Excellence’s objectives. I specially liked the intergenerational project which gathered children and elderly people. The latter tend to be scared of teenagers, this is why children had to ask old people questions about their childhood. This activity got rid of the stigma around young people and led the community to band together.
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We also did a group activity. We had to ‘organise’ important elements of the learning process in museums, among five Generic Learning Outcomes categories. It was a good way to understand the complexity of creating programs for visitors, curators (and any other involved person) have to think about many issues. The exercises also highlight how much learning in museums can be fulfilling, visitors do not get ‘one single type’ of knowledge.
Visit at the Toolbooth Museum
On Friday the 14th of February, we went to the Tolbooth Museum. We followed a school tour through the museum. It was interesting to see how the curator adapted her language and what she said so children could understand. I enjoyed watching her work, however I did not really liked the museum. I was pretty excited to go as I thought I would enjoy going to an old jail and learn about its history, however I found the organisation a bit ‘old-fashioned’. The fake man talking in the top room honestly scared me, the curator explained many people and most children feel uncomfortable in that room as the prisoner model is quite disturbing. I was surprised to see smoething so special and which ‘divides’ people. I wonder if the museum thought about removing the model. I guess they did not as there is a lot of work behind it and that it is interesting from an historical perspective. But I do not know enough on the subject to assume anything.
Also, the inclusive issue is quite complex in this museum. Because of the building’s architecture, it is impossible to add an elevator and the stairs are numerous and dangerous. The museum offers the possibility to watch a movie -- which shows the upstairs exhibition -- on the ground floor. I completely understand it is impossible for the museum to find a better answer here. It is great they thought about a solution, I just think this must be quite disappointing to stay on the ground floor and watch a movie. I cannot criticize this ‘plan B’ as I cannot think about a better way to allow disabled people to visit the museum. I am just pointing at this problem, which is often raised by old buildings, and unfortunately, there is not always a solution. 
Visit at the Maritime Museum
On the same day, we visited the Maritime Museum. The curator Lyndsey gave us a short talk about her work and how she welcomes children in the museum. She explained that some museums hire enablers to adapt visits according to people’s disabilities, difficulties or particularities. However this position does not exist in any of Aberdeen’s museums so curators have to work on that themselves.
As mentioned several times through this blog, it is essential that museums are free and public in order to welcome any type of visitor. The curator emphasised how rewarding was to have school groups over because children come from a great variety of social backgrounds. It is important to make them feel welcomed in cultural and public places from an early age so they will not feel excluded from this places as adults. It is a way to assert people’ citizenship and make them feel part of society. I think this makes sense in Scotland as most museums are free, however, in France this is rarely the case. Cultural places are free or cheap for children and students, but they tend to be very expensive for adults.
Among other topics, the curator also talked about the activities based on active learning that are available for children in the Maritime Museum (self-guided tours, object handling, quizz sheets or treasure hunts). She mentioned the challenges of having school groups over: mostly security and money issues. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the museum adapts its collections according to the audience’s requests, for instance, a collection of objects on the Titanic theme. 
Creative Scotland. (2013) What Is Creativity.
Education Scotland. (2013) Creativity Across Learning 3-18.
King’s College London. (2016) My Primary School is at the Museum.
Museums Association. (2013) Museums Change Lives.
Museums Galleries Scotland. (2012) Going Further: The ­­­National­ Strategy­ for­ Scotland’s ­Museums ­and ­Galleries.
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selfpublishingnews · 7 years
An Ingenious Book Promotion Model
Book promotion brilliance is my phrase for great marketing ideas that I sometimes come across. Often, my encounter with these unexpectedly fresh, new ideas hits me suddenly and powerfully. I stumbled across one such brilliant book publicity example this morning thanks to a new indie author and self-publisher.
Well, I say that I stumbled across a brilliant book promotion example. Actually, I was handed a great example of book publicity by a forever (and ever and ever) friend, Paul Amirault. I’ll tell you more about the forever and ever and ever part later.
Paul Amirault’s Memoir of Reincarnation and the Titanic
Paul Amirault is a first-time author and self-publisher and an independent TV producer who, after 12 years, wrote — and is most of the way through the process of self-publishing — his first book. It’s a memoir of reincarnation, past-life regression, and the Titanic that is called The Man Who Sent the SOS. Paul decided to use the POD method of book publishing, for practical reasons, and he’s quickly become an expert on the art and science of working with CreateSpace and IngramSpark.
Paul Amirault was born to learn. He is a professional. He is creative and intuitive, and he is very good at book promotion already.
Book Marketing for an Indie Author and Self Publisher
He quickly understood that book marketing was a key component of an indie author and self-publisher’s business, and he now knows as much about book promotion as many of those who have worked in the book publishing community for a decade. Besides that, Paul has great book marketing ideas of his own, and this morning, he shared with me one of the coolest book promotion ideas I’ve come across in a long, long time.
CreateSpace alerted him that it had sent his proof copies of The Man Who Sent the SOS. Paul knew the book samples would arrive on Tuesday, or Wednesday, at the latest.
A Book Promotion Opportunity When the Advance Reader Copies Arrive
He also knew that a man can only lose his indie publishing virginity once. That is, he’d only get one shot at opening up the package that contained the advance reader copies of the first book he’d ever self published. As an author and publisher, he saw this as a book promotion opportunity. And, as a TV producer, he was ready to capture the euphoria of the experience on a video.
I’m just tickled by Paul’s book promotion idea and the way he executed it. So, to paraphrase the narrator of that classic courtroom reality television show, “The People’s Court”: What you’re about to see is real. The participant is not an actor. He is the actual author who has written, and nearly — nearly, because he hasn’t hit that “accept” button just yet! — published his first book.
Book Promotion Via The Great Unboxing Video
You can click here to see The Great Unboxing Video of Paul Amirault’s first book.
In the Great Unboxing Video, you’ll see a first-time author’s excitement as he opens the CreateSpace package and pulls out the two proofs of his book. In real time, we watch Paul Amirault’s reaction to seeing, for the first time, the results of his labor of love: the first two, hot-of-the-press copies of The Man Who Sent the SOS.
Like any proud parent who has just created a miracle, Paul looks carefully at all of the book’s parts. He first sees the back cover, which is perfect. He then slowly, hopefully, and anxiously turns it over to gaze at the front cover (which he conceptualized before he turned it over to his book cover designer — Shealyn Thomson — who, as you’ll see, rendered it beautifully). Finally, he tenderly turns the pages, letting the truth sink into every cell of his body and every morsel of his being: his first book has become a tangible thing of beauty. It is physically perfect.
Paul Amirault’s first book is a reality. The indie author’s dream has manifested itself.
Gratifying Book Promotion Results Within Hours
The moment when Paul Amirault holds The Man Who Sent the SOS in his hands for the first time is an interlude that he shares via this video. And now Paul is sharing the video across his social network platforms. So far, the results have been gratifying to watch.
Within 7 hours of sharing his The Great Unboxing Video, Paul’s book promotion video had received 586 views, and 2 shares, via Facebook. As of this writing, Paul Amirault has just completed a blog on his web site that includes a link to YouTube where he has uploaded his book promotion video for The Man Who Sent the SOS.
I’m so pleased, and I feel incredibly honored, to be the book publicist who has the privilege to watch Paul Amirault use his book marketing instincts to let people know about his self-published memoir — the memoir recounts Paul’s journey as he uses past-life regressions to explore a past life that ends with a voyage aboard the Titanic.
Yes. That Titanic.
This is an important project because of the messages of hope and soul survival it shares, and I know how fortunate I am to be a part of it.
Reincarnation. Past lives. Titanic. This is heady stuff, and it’s been exhilarating to watch The Man Who Sent the SOS evolve from an idea Paul Amirault conceived to a set of proofs he unboxed, in front of the world, on video.
I know, on the basis of having read an advanced copy of the book, that Paul Amirault’s soul has incarnated before. That leads me to believe that, potentially, mine has, too.
In this lifetime, I have the privilege of accompanying Paul on a book marketing adventure as we explore additional book promotion opportunities together. And — not to go all New Age on you, but — I sense that Paul and I may have shared journeys together in other lifetimes, too. Our friendship is just too poignant to have begun only when we met each other during our college years. Paul Amirault and I must have shared experiences that involved learning, creating, helping, and growing — many times, in many places, and during many lifetimes.
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Can we just call it the FINAL SHOW? :/
I mean, I’m not entirely sure if this post is just for my teachers or if there are anyone else going to be reading this, (if it is just a lonely echo, does a digital echo even exist?) but I will be writing with a open mind, that a random (like you) stumbled upon my post and is reading it right now. 
This account is going to be documenting my graphic design bachelor year at Prague College, in Prague (Surprise, surprise.). It is a weekly (hopefully) update on what I have been learning, (or self-learning) or maybe just bull crap talk about design in general. On this post I’m sharing about one of our first classes, and what it was about.. here we go. 
As classmates starting out this new semester, as future bachelor degree holders, we have a great project that needs to be overcome. Oh no, I am definitely not making it sound like an obstacle, yet it is indeed an obstacle.
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As graphic design students, we need to have this one big party before we are done with the degree, the FINAL SHOW. Every students in the creative field has done it, which makes it quite difficult to make it original. 
However it is indeed a wonderful thing, a great ending and occasion to celebrate all the hardship, and we would (at least I would) definitely like it to have a nice theme that makes sense, not just for the people coming to see the show but especially for ourselves. But we are students from all different backgrounds and also a blend of students who are starting the BA year after other educational background and students who finished the HND (High National Diploma), so there are not many things that tie up together. Few things we were able to think of was ; Design students, living abroad and that’s about it?
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So Ondrej (one of my teachers) had us write down any words that popped into our head that’s related to design. A story telling, maybe something emotional or anything. 10 words per student. We stuck them to the wall and grouped similar words together and observed. Below are the result. (I’ve typed down per order given)
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What was interesting was that design for us is highly connected to our emotions. Especially for me, I know that designing was something that I started freshly, so it is something new, exciting and gratifying(when done well) but also something scary, frustrating and is a reason for procrastination. (Btw I have no idea why someone put drugs up there. We are in Prague to be fair though.)
Anyhow, Ondrej fixed up some words together as below, but how so difficult it is to be relevant but still original with the final show! (Creative friends, really?)
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Our team discussed for a bit, about which theme would be a good idea, however whatever came out of our mouth was over-used and cliches. At this point I started to think, maybe we should just start with cliche phrases and ideas but make it great somehow in designing or promoting the show?
Anyways, we came up with (actually my team did, cause I was late haha) the idea of a theme of a machine, illustrated with complicated details, which is associated with the word mix of Mind craft. (I still do feel that it reminds people of Mine craft, the game too much, but I suppose that can also be a good thing.) The idea behind is that design is not rocket science but.. it is still pretty complicated to come up with. (My phrase ‘it is not rocket science’ was rejected cause - over used.)
Second idea Juliana came up with is playing with words. Like how you can fill out the blanks when you are playing the game Hangman, it could be a participatory kind of design where people could fill out the blanks themselves when they see our posters, or we can release few words in different time period to keep the audience curious 
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We wrapped up our group discussion here, to think individually with a fresh eye-. 
SO, individually, I was sometimes staring at windows thinking about what could be a good title, and a couple came up in my mind.
 It is inviting and it is about the space that we share(bishops court). We can use the planner of the space to draw lines on the ground to lure people to its direction,(like how it is like at the entrance of Kasarna Karlin - Couldn’t find an image...) and also on the poster. We can have a series of posters that can be put next to each other where one is the space(planner) and the other is a person , with one leg dipped in the space, so when they connect. 
 Blowout means a big party, and occasion, which is exactly what our show is. I’m thinking festive images, something like a pinata being cracked open, fireworks.. Also blow has some many meanings that we can definitely make use of, oh yes. 
Whatever the theme is going to be, in my humble opinion, I think the show needs to be kind to the audience. A distinct theme, that will tie all students together somehow, if not, a tool that would make the visit to the exhibition an easy walk-through-guide. 
Fingers crossed.
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lisakelly71-blog · 6 years
A Profession In Interior Decoration
A specific institution of thought cases that interior decorators are born, not made. Nonetheless, as long as you have a fundamental imaginative streak and also a yearning to be imaginative, you can be brushed to any kind of level of experience in interior design. Offering a building buyer the advantage of one's creative streak in this way is among one of the most lucrative as well as creative jobs today.
 Beyond a shadow of a doubt, interior decoration is a satisfying occupation for those who 'have it' these days. There is an extraordinary amount of up-market property as well as industrial home being sold on the real estate market today. Furthermore, today generation purchasers of homes could pay for to have their new procurements packaged attractively. Engaging the services of an interior decorator was once taken into consideration an extravagant high-end, but not any longer. With the increased spending power of the IT generation, a residence is defined by its aesthetic charm-- as well as a growing variety of people prepare to pay for that.
 The fad for professionally enhanced interiors has actually percolated down from movie celebrities to practically every top stratum of society. Neither is the need for interior decoration any type of longer restricted to houses-- witness the workplaces of most effective physicians, lawyers and advertising agencies, in addition to book shops, music shops, going shopping malls, restaurants, hotel entrance halls ... indeed, the scope for interior design is virtually endless.
 Apart from being a naturally attractive profession, interior decoration has an occupation has a number of various other appeals to provide:
 PEOPLE-- You meet a lot of them, and also from a fascinating cross-section - from film icons to organisation magnates; from widely known dining establishment owners to fast-track legal representatives; from neurosurgeons to the idle abundant.
 MONEY-- You make a great deal of it. Everyone has respect for artistic flair, and also your initiatives are expected to reflect the property owner's very own preference. This makes it an ego issue, and individuals pay a lot to support their vanity.
 CALLS-- A career in interior design is self-propagating. One successfully finished agreement practically instantly brings about another, till you can actually decide on. Additionally, individuals you come across could can be found in valuable in numerous various other respects later on.
 NO UNIQUE TRAINING REQUIRED-- obviously, a basic level in the Arts can not harm, yet a duration of internship under a well-known interior decorator will serve equally as well.
 EXTENSIVE EMPLOYMENT POSSIBILITIES FOR OTHERS-- You will certainly not be operating on your own. A big sufficient agreement will require the services of a carpenter, electrical expert, painter and also a graphic computer designer. A great deal of people will take advantage of your occupation - which is significant.
 ENDLESS JOB SATISFACTION-- Expressing oneself artistically is one of one of the most gratifying experiences that a person could have; being paid to do it is only a benefit. It is no secret that a person functions finest at exactly what one enjoys doing - it is similarly real that one of the most significant issues in today's expert world is absence of imaginative electrical outlets.
 Most people have an 'inbuilt' creative streak in some type or the other. Professional interior decorators that were surveyed just recently strongly denied that theirs is a 'birthed' type-- nearly any individual can establish a flair, taste and also efficiency in this field.
 As currently pointed out, you do not require any unique credentials to become a successful interior decorator (rather than interior designing, which has far more demanding parameters). Essentially, you ought to have a capacity to evaluate spaces (including the possibility for concealed storage room), illumination demands, color schemes and contrasts, furniture designs, and so on and a 'feel' for furniture and curtain materials. Lastly, you will certainly have to bring these out to optimal advantage within the structure of a given spending plan.
 There are a variety of books as well as journals offered to the topic of interior design, though not a lot of on the Indian market. For the seriously interested, however, this will absent a trouble. Any type of specialized bookstore could provide you a selection of imported magazines. A registration to Indian magazines like 'Inside Outside' would certainly be practical by offering information on styles and also mixes presently preferred in the country.
 Among the most handy things you can do is to see residential properties that have been expertly designed, study the job done there, or even ask the proprietors in what respects they are or aren't satisfied with the end results. The places to zero in on are newly bought apartments as well as workplaces that have involved the solutions of an interior decorator. The factor is not to judge the high quality of the task done, however to obtain a feeling of just what type of interior designing is preferred on the real estate market, as well as therefore offers.
 This costs you absolutely nothing, and people are always ready to speak on such topics (besides, exactly what is the factor in splurging on interior decoration if you can not celebrate regarding the results later on?) In this manner, you could develop a helpful psychological brochure of successful and not successful approaches.
 Obtaining an eventual interior decoration team with each other is one more important element. You must additionally aim to establish a personal network of woodworkers and painters who will have the ability to hang around on unscheduled tasks. In this manner, you will certainly have the ability to acquire their services as and when you require them. Sharing your style explorations with them sometimes is a great idea, too. Because way, you will have some concrete prototypes to refer to when you really reach work on a project.
 This is a much more demanding-- and also fulfilling-- career area, and also you will require a great deal of experience in interior design before you can think about entering it. There are qualified establishments that supply programs in interior decoration, as well as you might intend to take into consideration such a move at a later stage.
 Till after that, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't make lucrative waves as an interior decorator. As a renowned theorist when specified, the only restrictions we encounter are those we produce ourselves.
 Arun Chitnis is an expert writer with interest in a wide swath of genres. His areas of interest include property, self renovation, short fiction and also parenting issues. He is based in Mumbai, India and also writes whenever he can.
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Project Management PM Project.
This was a great class and has pushed me to my limits.  The most rewarding was learning my personality and management style.  However being able to bring an idea to paper and follow it all the way through was exhilarating and so rewarding.  
This was my first time bringing an idea that I created to life and this has given me the strength to push forward with my dreams and goals in the entertainment industry.
Thank you for providing such an exciting and definitely challenging class that took me to my limits with a lot of late nights and way too much coffee.  It has allowed me to understand that I am unique and have a lot to offer in this world and the personality test allowed me to have a better understanding of myself that I never had before, it provided clarity and closure for so many questions about me.
Now that I understand how difficult it is and requiring to see a project all the way through it has given me insight to what the requirements and deadlines can look it and how important it is to try to stay within budget and within your time constraints. 
Your DISC personality type
Your unique sequence of scores characterizes you in a specific way. The positive impact you are likely to make on people is:
You are socially oriented. Share quote
You have a strong self-motivation to get to know people in all walks of life and to nurture those relationships. You have a natural enthusiasm for all types of ideas and projects - your own and other people's. People are likely to describe you as gregarious, persuasive and optimistic.
Comparatively High
Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively high in Dominance:
enjoy competition and challenge.
are goal orientated and want to be recognised for their efforts.
aim high, want authority and are generally resourceful and adaptable.
are usually self-sufficient and individualistic.
may lose interest in projects once the challenge has gone and they tend to be impatient and dissatisfied with minor detail.
They are usually direct and positive with people, enjoying being the centre of attraction and may take it for granted that people will think highly of them.
They may have a tendency to be rather critical of others. Consequently, other people may tend to see them as being rather domineering and overpowering.
Personality Type Test
Your personality type is:
Dependable, considerate, and loyal to those closest to you, you have a firm grasp of the factual realities that lie before you as well as an eye for detail, each of which make you naturally gravitate towards others and their emotional needs. Nurturing and attentive, you tend to be quick to assume responsibility and to help out as soon as you see some task that could aid others. Though your surroundings rarely notice it, you tend to carry a lot of responsibility. All too often it is only when you are missing that others notice the immense effort that you usually put in to make sure everything around impulsively chase after new and uncertain prospects before having finished the endeavor at hand. You tend to find a deep sense of satisfaction in working hard to achieve your goals and in selflessly supporting others, demonstrating that you care through your actions and preferring to lead by your quiet, dignified example.
The INFJ personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As Diplomats, they have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is the accompanying Judging (J) trait – INFJs are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.
Creative – Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion, INFJs use their creativity to resolve not technical challenges, but human ones. People with the INFJ personality type enjoy finding the perfect solution for someone they care about, and this strength makes them excellent counselors and advisors.
Insightful – Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives, INFJs step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more honest discussion. INFJs see how people and events are connected, and are able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.
Inspiring and Convincing – Speaking in human terms, not technical, INFJs have a fluid, inspirational writing style that appeals to the inner idealist in their audience. INFJs can even be astonishingly good orators, speaking with warmth and passion, if they are proud of what they are speaking for.
Decisive – Their creativity, insight and inspiration are able to have a real impact on the world, as INFJs are able to follow through on their ideas with conviction, willpower, and the planning necessary to see complex projects through to the end. INFJs don’t just see the way things ought to be, they act on those insights.
Determined and Passionate – When INFJs come to believe that something is important, they pursue that goal with a conviction and energy that can catch even their friends and loved ones off guard. INFJs will rock the boat if they have to, something not everyone likes to see, but their passion for their chosen cause is an inseparable part of their personality.
Altruistic – These strengths are used for good. INFJs have strong beliefs and take the actions that they do not because they are trying to advance themselves, but because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place.
INFJ Weaknesses
Sensitive – When someone challenges or criticizes INFJs’ principles or values, they are likely to receive an alarmingly strong response. People with the INFJ personality type are highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict, and questioning their motives is the quickest way to their bad side.
Extremely Private – INFJs tend to present themselves as the culmination of an idea. This is partly because they believe in this idea, but also because INFJs are extremely private when it comes to their personal lives, using this image to keep themselves from having to truly open up, even to close friends. Trusting a new friend can be even more challenging for INFJs.
Perfectionistic – INFJs are all but defined by their pursuit of ideals. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible – in politics, in business, in romance – and INFJs too often drop or ignore healthy and productive situations and relationships, always believing there might be a better option down the road.
Always Need to Have a Cause – INFJs get so caught up in the passion of their pursuits that any of the cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between them and the ideal they see on the horizon is deeply unwelcome. INFJs like to know that they are taking concrete steps towards their goals, and if routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way, or worse yet, there is no goal at all, they will feel restless and disappointed.
Can Burn Out Easily – Their passion, poor patience for routine maintenance, tendency to present themselves as an ideal, and extreme privacy tend to leave INFJs with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type are likely to exhaust themselves in short order if they don’t find a way to balance their ideals with the realities of day-to-day living.
Compare and contrast the two assessments:
As I compare the two test, it is very clear to me that the DISC reflects my personality more in the business world then my personal life and is very accurate with being competitive, especially at work.  I am very goal oriented and I do expect a lot from myself and sometimes can be too critical.  Adaptability is definitely a part of who I am, it's funny all this time I thought it was due to my father being in the military my earlier years in life and us moving quite often which taught me to be adaptable to different environment and people. This experience does provide perspective when reflecting on projects at work even meetings.  
The personality test just hit home for me and was a eye opener.  It is almost 100 percent accurate and provided such insight.  Both of these test were right on the mark.  I must admit it was almost scary because it gave me such understanding why certain things happened in my life the way they did, good or bad.
.  My personality INFJ is only one percent of the population, that is profound to me and yet it makes complete sense to me and as I reflect I can recall so many moments that certain things just did not make sense I couldn't understand why.  I would see myself asking why can't they see it a certain way or better yet why is it so hard for people to do the right thing and help or care.  People would always say I wear my feelings on my sleeves, which is very true.  It is not easy to do but I always believed that I would have the most gratifying experience by this approach in life hen to shelter my feelings because of fear.  Most of my teams that I have managed have always been successful and so many employees that had moved on shared with me how I made a difference in there life and this test has provided me some understanding.  I have been able to be successful in working in groups and helping mediate situations based on personality conflicts.  This understanding will help me be more aware of how I can provide a better environment for the team and help team members have a voice so that we can have the best suggestions from the entire group resulting in a highly successful project.
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alienation2016-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Alienation
New Post has been published on https://alienation.biz/nine-tips-to-choose-the-best-website-development-company/
Nine Tips To Choose The Best Website Development Company
Web improvement firms have a extra function in enhancing the client employer’s logo name and their reputation online. In quick, the success of a logo on-line often relies on the information of net builders. More and extra customers are delivering to web to get details concerning the products and offerings offered through a particular brand. And because the famous say goes, “First affect is the first-rate affect” which means a internet site should be as catchy and awesome as feasible to turn a potential consumer in to a commercial enterprise.
A lot of internet layout companies are to be had to create internet site to your enterprise in line with the finances you have got. But most effective a expert net development organisation can see the larger picture of their client requirements in place of compromising for their quick-term desires. A lot of studies should appear earlier than choosing the quality internet site designing and improvement organization. Landing in to the incorrect development partner will bring about long-time period results that is probably unfavourable for the recognition of your emblem.
Here are some hints to help you choose the proper internet site development business enterprise.
Are they Receptive?
This is an vital component inside the choice of the right net improvement firm. You may have to check whether or not the web site design employer is serious in coping with your queries and returning calls. If they’re making delays in replying for your queries previous to organising a settlement with them, then it is acceptable so as to avoid them considering their responsiveness within the long-term once the website online launches can’t be guaranteed at all.
Do they have got an advisor to brief you?
Companies imparting fine web development offerings can have advisors who will try to understand your requirements and will recommend you whether or not you’ll should make any modifications within the designing and functionality of the internet site which you have in mind. Usually if the designing of the website does no longer in shape with the offerings you offer, it’d end up a waste of money. An marketing consultant allow you to clear this impediment before the start of the net improvement manner itself.
Take a observe the internet improvement company’s own website
Most web layout corporations show off their very own internet site to draw clients toward them. If their internet site isn’t always appealing, then how can they make your internet site attractive?
Does the internet development enterprise offer you with repeated pointers?
These are sturdy symptoms of a proper internet site development offerings enterprise. They frequently serve you as a trusted guide via claiming that some of your ideas are bad and could have the explanations for it too. It is not vital for maximum of the manufacturers approaching website design agencies to have an intensive knowledge regarding the adjustments happening across net standards, eCommerce and safety standards, internet requirements and usability reports.
Have a examine the previous completed projects
It is crucial for the patron groups to check the preceding projects executed by means of the net development firm they’re approaching and like to talk with the ones customers to get a comments about the internet development agency.
How after sales service are controlled?
This is one location where most of the groups sense upset at times with their client web improvement organization. The motive, the lack of enthusiasm to assist the emblem employer as soon as the venture is over. The satisfactory web development corporation would interact in a protracted-term relationship with the purchaser by way of offering uninterrupted spherical the clock offerings to them concerning internet site preservation.
Whether direct communication is permitted with the web builders?
More than a marketing person, it’s miles the technical character with a view to be of use for the duration of the improvement stage of your website. Usually a crew of net designers and net developers might be involved within the developmental tiers of your internet site and it’s far best them who will be able to excellent apprehend your requirements on the subject of the creative in addition to technical mind.
Do you or the net improvement employer very own the internet site code?
Most of the internet site development companies own the internet site code on account that they count on the consumer to method them in destiny additionally if any adjustments ought to be made. But take a look at whether or not your agency will be relaxed with such regulations. The customer website improvement company could make the adjustments effortlessly considering they have hands-on revel in developing your internet site in which as in case you very own the website code, you’ll have the liberty to make any changes. But the undertaking would be a piece difficult for the IT branch for the reason that code is evolved by using the consumer web development business enterprise.
Are complete offerings presented?
The first-class web development organization might provide comprehensive services and thereby takes the entire obligation of your web site design, development and renovation. The technique starts of evolved from growing a preliminary strategy, making plans, design, improvement, trying out as well as advertising.
It needs to be taken notice that most of these companies also are supplying cellular utility improvement. Most of the client corporations are shifting in the direction of growing a cell utility for their services and products similarly to the website improvement services on the grounds that a majority of the customers now uses smartphone for on-line purchases.
  Total Company Resource Management
  One of the demanding situations that companies face is providing a regular stage of provider to its customers. This is even greater hard for organizations with more than one vicinity. In the hunt to guarantee regular carrier, many agencies impose standardized guidelines on its personnel. Unfortunately, standardization can result in service that is regular however appears insensitive and uncaring to the patron!
In this short treatise, I suggest a technique for overcoming that weakness.
Many inside the enterprise international will apprehend the acronym CRM as Customer Relationship Management. Like many acronyms, it has distinctive meanings in different industries. In the aviation world, as an example, CRM stands for Crew Resource Management. As a pilot, I turned into required to learn and use CRM ideas every day. With my varied reviews in aviation and in business, I consider there’s a need for Crew Resource Management inside the business world.
Today in aviation, CRM is the software of personal and crew control principles to beautify the safe operation of aircraft, both on the ground and inside the air. In the early days of aviation, the Captain became the only source of presumed know-how on the flight deck, even supposing there was an skilled and competent co-pilot inside the right seat. In reality, jokes had been made that co-pilots had been “self-loading bags.”
After some excessive profile injuries, along with United Airlines Flight 173 in 1978, it was recognized that all contributors of the cockpit group ought to be extra assertive in making sure the safety of flight. Thus turned into born Cockpit Resource Management.
Shortly thereafter, it have become clean that flight attendants had an crucial component in ensuring the safety of flight, and the same acronym now stood for Crew Resource Management to well known their significant function. It become soon diagnosed that every company employee performed a function in flight safety, and, for a short length, the acronym have become Company Resource Management. It has reverted to Crew Resource Management, probable as it sounds more compelling.
CRM consists of no longer handiest the pilots, however the complete aircrew, floor crew, and all others inside and outside the business enterprise who paintings together to make certain the aircraft arrives appropriately.
I recommend a brand new acronym for the business global, TCRM, Total Company Resource Management, to indicate that personnel at each stage need to understand their function in gratifying the business enterprise project. To accomplish this, senior management need to make sure that each one ranges of management recognize the human elements involved in staffing a a hit enterprise. Since not all will clearly have this information, managers, and particularly new managers, must participate in human factors schooling. This is the simplest manner that TCRM concepts can grow to be employer philosophy.
Basic Concepts of TCRM
Management have to take into account that lasting modifications in conduct take time. Company employees aren’t only a collection of equipped people with a single task; they are individuals who engage with one another on a daily foundation, a crew, if you will, all operating to accomplish the organization venture.
Everyone’s behavior must foster company effectiveness, with absolutely everyone contributing to fulfillment. To achieve success, there need to be opportunities for practice. For instance, off web site meetings may be applied to train employees on how to make contributions, aside from their daily job venture, to organisation success. Who’s to say, for example, that the mail clerk who visits each branch cannot take a look at a procedure and ask why it’s accomplished that way, and provide a suggestion for development.
This will most effective manifest if there’s an open surroundings of inclusion, with a standardized vehicle for making recommendations for improvement. In many groups, but, the bodily proposal field has grow to be a funny story, resulting in its elimination. The successor to the proposal box is a corporation e-mail gadget with an area for employees (and customers, inside the nice groups) to provide feedback and pointers.
But greater essential than a virtual idea container, is the opportunity for managers to look the worker in movement. A great control style, for my part, is that utilized by a few corporations in the early 1970’s and made famous via management representative Tom Peters in 1982. This is known as Management through Wandering Around (or occasionally, Management by using Walking Around). Why wait for a monthly or quarterly document to identify a trouble, while you may mingle with people and right away have a look at or listen that a trade is wanted. Managers need to apprehend that companies are made from human beings, now not numbers!
Furthermore, every supervisor have to practice the precept that what is proper is more critical than who’s proper! Managers should additionally understand why people do what they do. There are constantly underlying motives why we behave the way we do. Every manager need to be required to read appropriate mag articles and books on human conduct as part of his or her activity. The wheel does not need to be re-invented, however we do need to recognize the way it works. If we will manage our conduct, we can predict our overall performance. This is true at every degree.
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asenseofagency · 7 years
Always it’s that question of balance...
I’ve continued working in the lab this summer, at a satisfactorily reduced capacity. I've been in this lab for about a year and a half at this point and my adviser and I have a sort of dissonance about my contribution. He assures me that I've been invaluable. I don't see a lot, materially, having come out of my time. I don't regret the collaboration but... it's a strange feeling to have this irreconcilable difference of perception about something you've both experienced.
There are projects half-complete; it’s an obligation in some sense for me to keep plugging away into June and July. The paper that will document many month’s of my work is just beginning to take shape this week. That’s gratifying but I’m cautious. It’s been an instructive experience, all of it. I’m getting better all the time at speaking my mind. That's a positive. My trouble is I so often swing between extremes of mood - compulsively courteous or blunt and rude. Uncomfortably, I realize I'm more or less obligated to trust the judgment and the experience of my adviser here about the value of this research tack versus that. I feel as if we've been on a treadmill for the last several weeks but it's been hard to define the boundary between slow progress and no progress. That sensation has burnt me out to some extent but the reality is that maybe that's the /normal/ state of affairs. It's hard to say. I've lived enough life to realize that most of us are just faking it: we rarely know exactly what we're doing and this holds for the very smart and reasonably experienced, too. Even the experts in many cases are making best guesses. For most people, I think, it's that first really shocking realization of adulthood.
That could be true in this case - the quality of work we're doing could be as flimsy as I worry it is - or we could be taking a perfectly reasonable approach. I just don't have the experience to know whether my dislike of what I perceive to be the frequent directionlessness of this collaboration is justified or whether this is, in fact, the nature of inquiry in most labs and the way most research is done. Maybe I'm right to be irritated. Or maybe I'm being naive. I’m in the position of trusting my adviser's judgment when he expresses total confidence about the value of our random-walk sort of scientific approach. In five years' time, I'll look back on this with the clarity of experience and be able to say "Oh, what an inefficient method! How sloppy we were!" or "Nope, that was perfect preparation for my subsequent career! That unstructured environment really did do wonders for my creativity!" but it's a strange thing - at least at my age - to have so little intuition about a thing as you're experiencing it...
I've also been spending an enormous amount of time alone and I'm beginning to worry that it's too much. The problem is I'm between lives in a sense right now, between jobs, between moves, between locations, between goals. My trajectory is set to put me somewhere very different than where I'm at now. I'm as disinclined to invest in any personal relationships as I've ever been but... maybe that's a mistake. I had a really gratifying couple of conversations in the last two days with a friend I've been reestablishing some closeness to and with my brother. I was shocked to find how parched I’d been for that kind of contact - apparently. I'd have told you I wasn't lacking in it - in small talk about movies we'd just seen and sharing bile about current events - but it was so totally refreshing it spooked me. Still, I don't know how, or quite if, I want to remedy that right now. I swung from one end of the pendulum to the other in the last year, having been basically social to being, now, pretty isolated. I wasn't happy with the before, I'm probably not happy with the after, but I suppose that's what you have to do to get a sense of where the point of equilibrium is. Your relationships with people ground you. Maybe other things could too but there is, it seems to me lately, a vital need to be removed from your own thoughts periodically, you're own self-scrutiny. That's the only trouble with solitude if you're a person like me: you never stop examining anything because you're never pulled away from that compulsion. Your relationships reinforce a sense of worth that you find you yourself can be a threat to in their absence.
Any remediation of that is complicated by what has to be recognized as my general dislike of people, once you get to know them. Hardly anybody improves with acquaintance. This crappy stance of mine may be an unhappy result of geography: I'm a sort of vague political, cultural dissident, hopelessly scrutinizing, in a part of the country that's still awash in nostalgia for the Confederacy, still touts a Christianity it only vanishingly practices. It boggles the mind and it can be extraordinarily difficult to find kinship on matters of what I would consider basic decency. Ick. It prevents a certain amount of trust, closeness, and then, eventually, discourages even a willingness to broach new relationships. Add to that a natural isolation I should have seen coming as almost everyone my age marries, settles down, and has kids. The wagons are circled on anything that might have the appearance of a new idea or a new experience and if you’re someone, like me, absolutely starving for fresh, meaningful experiences, someone desperate even just to bump up against another person whose intellectual passion survived high school and college, you feel you’ve lost all common ground with others at times.
I'm just complaining now but, bottom line, I'm going to have to find some community in the long term. Certainly, if my reaction to positive contact expresses such a hunger. The Summer of Solitude will have to be temporary.
I'm torn generally between being compassionate and making space. I've been thinking a lot, especially in this political climate, about pettiness and exploitation and selfishness. I'd have told you even a month ago that I believed these things to be the natural condition of mankind but, really, to what extent are those things immutable characteristics of human nature? I'd love to live abroad for a while. I think some degree of my low opinion of people - their pettiness, their resistance to self-examination - has to do, in the end, with being an American, with the oppressive weight of myth and ideology in the American life and the general unhappiness and disillusionment we all feel but rarely speak about. If I take myself: I’m extraordinarily bitter, I find it tough to be in a decent mood many days, and the immediate cause of it is sort of obvious. I feel trapped in many ways in a job I hate and don't feel I really have any political agency in the affairs of my country. Isn't that, really, the case for most of us Americans? Think about what that does to people to spend a life working at something potentially valueless, peripherally aware that things around you are not getting better but that's there's hardly a thing you can do to change that. If it induces people to be bitter and walled-off, that's probably no great surprise. The great act of rebellion then, is to resist the temptation to withdraw, shutdown, and acquiesce to the inevitability of all that...
More tangibly, money has been an issue lately. It's paycheck to paycheck to some extent until maybe July for me and when you’re preoccupied with getting by, everything sort of closes in to some extent. Everything you'd like to be doing becomes wishful thinking and the immediate realities are all economic. I think what I need in a mental sense is a vacation, a little break from my surroundings to reset, but the cruel bit is that that will have to wait until later in the summer if at all. Hopefully July. I'm having a lapse of creativity trying to come up with another way of accomplishing the same thing - a break in routine - when I've not got the cash to leave town or shop or treat myself to much. The one thing in my favor is that I do have a mountain of paid time-off, so in all likelihood, I can at least start taking regular time off work - a good thing!!! Free days to sleep in and watch movies. I can avail myself of that if nothing else for now. Anything to alleviate the burnout.
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