#it's so hard to believe but everything was like 100x better and more insane!!!!!
kahootqueen69 · 1 year
I seriously cannot believe I've just woken up after seeing Ghost yesterday. What the fuck. How is this real.
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itgirl-111 · 7 months
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Why do I have to be so offensively attractive? Everything about me from top to toe is perfection. You've never seen a face as pretty and flawless as mine. No cause why do I have to look this hot? I'm fr the hottest girl on the planet. Everything about me from top to toe is pure perfection, my individual features are perfect and flawless but when they come together they are so harmonious? Like everything just fits my face so fucking perfectly like it's meant to be there. Every inch of my face and body is gorgeous and flawless. I am a walking masterpiece, I'm a work of art. Everyone is obsessed with me the first time they see me, I am so drop dead gorgeous that people literally double take and gasp once they lay their eyes on me. I mean, I'm always the center of attention because why wouldn't I be? I high key give off real main character vibes, it's like I straight up walked out of an anime. It's near impossible for someone to look this humanely beautiful but I do because I'm just too damn stunning. I literally take everyone's breath away. I am so offensively attractive, people find it difficult to not look at me, I swear all eyes turn only to me because I'm literally the most beautiful ever. It's only once in a blue moon that you'd get a chance to see a person as attractive as I am, Im once in a lifetime afterall. I get complimented every single day, I hear everyone call me beautiful more than my own name. I am too painfully attractive, it's indescribable. I'm the typa girl who you see once and never forget. I literally got everyone feeling some type of way they never felt before. I am literally so utterly mesmerizing. I got everyone simping for me fr. I'd be literally breathing and everyone would be down bad for me, Literally down bad. I got universal sex appeal, meaning everyone regardless of sexuality is down bad for me . I am so sexy people genuinely cannot get over it and everyday I just get 100x trillion times hotter. I am just sooo damn fine like I've got too pretty of a face and even more powerful vibe. I believe in my supremacy fr. Sometimes it's just so hard to grasp the fact that a person as attractive as I, is living on the same planet as everyone else, everyone is damn lucky to be born in the same generation as I am. It's ridiculous how many simps I have, like damn I really got everyone down bad for me huh. I am the pinnacle of God tier beauty and charisma.
There's something about my vibe which is just so uniquely mine, like my vibe and energy is so one of a kind, everyone can feel my vibe even before I walk into the room. I give off an expensive, powerful, hot girl vibe who straight up walked out of an anime I swear lol. My energy is way too magnetic and irresistible, it speaks volumes. My presence is literally out of this world. The way I carry myself, the way I talk, the way I do things, the way I think, the way I look, my energy, my mannerisms, my habits, all of it is way too unique to be replicated. Everyone wanna study me like their favourite subject. It's impossible to mistake me for another one, I stand out and outshine literally everyone with my beauty, charisma, and interesting personality. The fact that it comes to me so naturally and effortlessly? Even better. I've got such amazing wit and humour, I'm so personable that people genuinely love to be around me even though I may seem intimidating at first. I always know how to spark interesting and amazing conversations, I know when to speak and be quiet, I got that perfect balance between loud and quiet confidence. My intelligence and the way I keep learning new things so easily? Even hotter!. I am an ICON. My energy is actually so magnetic, I have that little something, that is just so insanely attractive and captivating that it cannot be described in words, only felt. I truly believe in my own supremacy.
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shu-ramyeonz · 2 years
so are we getting the titles thing
replying to this anon, sorry for anyone uncfomortable with being tagged KGVHJFUGHB i will bow down and teleport to ur house to worship you in return - btw ty for this question , it seems super interesting 😭😭 ive never done anything like this before idrk how this will work side note: these are only ppl ik, i obviously havent talked to EVERYONE on enhablr so im so sorry, also ill be making my moots list soon so expect to be tagged once more IM SORRY JASOFJJDID
@heeseongism - enhablr’s it girl: i have explain this before but the unnecessary hate for being funny AND pretty just proves that shes a celebrity atp
@jaylaxies - enhablr’s leader: yk the 4th gen leader things, i rlly dont think ur on enhablr if u dont know aria, shes honestly the ariana grande of this app ( OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED THERES ARIA IN ARIANA, praise my play on words pls ) anyways she literally is our president KEOSIDUSJ and shes so humble despite being one of the biggest blogs give this woman an award
@hee-pster - enhablr’s first love: not just cuz she was one of my first friends but she just gives off those vibes , plus her smuts are unforgettable like ur first love, also she cant be replaced ( no matter how many rebounds u try to find THERE IS ONLY ONE JAN ) shes so unique and also so mature too UGH CMON everyones ideal type srsly
@svnoohe4rts - enhablr’s sunshine: shes honestly so cute and KOSJDONS idk i love her sm , shes just super silly and easy going i feel like if she walked past me id melt into the floor, she just makes everyones day
@aminatalks - enhablr’s baby: idk dont ask me, this is a genereliazed statement but everyone honestly just loves amina cmon now, shes so precious everyone here TREASURES this woman and im ready to defend her 24/7
@end-hyphen - enhablr’s older sister: i was gonna go for enhablr’s best friend, i think that fits too - but little sister fits better because she’s always there to listen and she’s superrrrrr supportive, the no.1 hype girl honestly, she’s just super funny and chill and someone ppl feel safe w
@donghoonie-3 - enhablr’s icon: she just inspires so many people, and makes everyone day honestly, everything she says makes me laugh but also dont be distracted bcuz she has the most sexy asf hard thoughts?? then somehow shes the sweetest funniest person after?? duality indeed
@forjongseong - enhablr’s girlboss: she has NOOOOOO misses on any of her posts/comments/interactions, super interesting to talk too and also she’s so mature while also being so friendly? she’s just the type of girl id envy if i saw her cuz she has such an amazing personality and she is the sweetest person on this app, HER AND ONLY HER END OF CONVO
@thots4hee - enhablr’s angel: once again dont be fooled bcuz when she gets horny she gets WHOREEEEEENYYYYY, but aside from that she’s so funny and sweet and she talks in the most precious way i need to put her in my pocket fr
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@hyunjinsr - enhablr’s happy virus : honestly she just has an adorable smile and she’s so wholesome to talk to, i feel like knowing/seeing her happy just makes me happy too and she adds sm positivity to the dashboard its INSANE how a person can make my day
@criceofpain - enhablr’s happy pill: this one is different bcuz she’s so funny to me, specially when she talks in filo and she just swears like 100x million times, she also writes smuts that make me wanna drown myself bcuz its THAT GOOD,
@vivvys - enhablr’s sassy/duality queen: i dont think ppl understand, viv is so so insanely funny, shes up there when it comes to people who have made me laugh, LIKE A LAUGH NOT JUST A “hehe thats funni” a real “BWGAHSHSKASHA” ykwim? but then i see her defend herself and her friends and speak out on what she believes in and it’s like okay she will not take y’alls disrespect, she’s also the coolest person ever, like i idolize her honestly
@jojayke - enhablr’s little brother: WE HAVENT TALKED ONCE LMFAO, but i do follow his blog and support on the sidelines thru anons, but anyway i feel like ely is just such an amazinggggggggg writer that its like seeing ur little brother grow up to be such a talented and creative person? how honestly pls step up to the mic and teach us how 🎤🎤
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
so i technically watched all but the last 20 minutes of kp like, four days ago, and then J and I had to stop because it was too insane and we ran out of energy, and then we just finished today. uh. thoughts?
J called it 'the puella madoka magica of BL' at one point and we both also repeatedly compared it to 365 Days, the insane terrible trilogy about a woman who gets kidnapped by a mafia guy and then marries him. EXCEPT actually 365 Days is better because she breaks up with the first mafia guy when he gets even more abusive than before and gets herself a nice boyfriend who treats her right. still in the mafia but we can't have it all. (this is partly a joke. I am not saying the 365 days books are good. this is about the specific plot point) but anyway. the 'oh this is x genre-oh no wait this is horrifying' of it all
i knew kinn and porsche had to end up together because. title :((( but god i was rooting SO hard for it to not happen somehow. PVP is still the realest they all have better chemistry. ending of the heart is that vegas and porsche and pete all like fake their deaths in an explosion or something and move to another country with chay and macau. they can get a house together and vegas can make a proper kink room instead of draping his bedroom with aesthetic chains and porsche can open a bar because by god it might not be the healthiest job for him but it's 100x better than the mafia
the way they spend the whole time showing how horrific the mafia is like not even on a 'killing and shaking down people and various other crimes etc' level but on a 'loyalty in this environment only gets you killed and everyone is super dysfunctional and relationships cannot flourish in this environment' level and then the end is. yaaaay everyone's happy in the mafia! porsche is the head of a mafia family now! yaaaaaay
i do not for a single millisecond believe anything that comes out of korn's mouth. genuinely one of the most rancid skin-crawling assholes i've seen in a while and he lives. the fuck
relatedly i actually wound up feeling really bad for gun in the last ep, like... he's a fucked up dude and abusive but he has SUCH glaring emotional problems (in a way that reminded me in places of vegas) and the way he reacts to korn is soso. 'dealing with bitch who's gaslighted you before', which made him way more sympathetic than korn. (I do not for a minute believe the whole 'oh uh he raped porche's mom and that made her take magic pills that conveniently made her into a docile doll for korn to keep as an atticwife')
*takes porsche by the shoulder and points* honey that's you in five years. get the fuck out of here
but like wow!! the way even her sons just treat her as an object to have feelings at instead of a damaged person and the series literally ends with a focus on her dead-eyed face as she's hugged without her consent! awful! also feels thematic!
love how porsche gives chay a speech about how he totally loves him and is going to be there for him and then proceeds to risk his life recklessly and stay in the mafia, both things chay Specifically Asked Him Not To Do
moment of positivity; despite everything, the after-credits scene of vegas having survived and getting to cuddle with his two favorite people was so healing
but like.... porsche ends the series in a job he once swore he'd rather die than do, with a guy who after one time never apologizes for any of his shitty actions, surrounded by Kinn's friends instead of his own. but uh kinn made him a drink i'm sure that makes up for everything
Really wish we had a bit more closure for kim and chay - it kind of felt like they needed more scenes the whole way along and then it kind of closes out with a big ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ mostly I really wanted them to properly confront each other, but I would have settled for an indication that chay was going to continue to block him (probably healthy) or maybe be open to talking again (unwise for him probably, but i Do want the best for my dead-eyed boy so i'm conflicted)
so overall like. I really enjoyed the bits of porsche and pete and vegas interacting along the way, and how vegas and pete got to close the series (though I still think they should fake their deaths). the swerve from slightly more normal crime/family drama to EXTREME GOTHIC was. A Lot. justice for porsche's sexy lamp mom whose name i cannot remember i'm sorry ma'am. #freeporsche. overall i think i'm going to be digesting this for a bit and then probably move on, but I'm glad I watched it
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zeddfrost · 7 years
The state of this (The) Emma Frost Fan(dom)
Hmmm, so it’s been a little over five months since the ignominy that was Inhumans vs. X-Men # 6 was heaped upon us, Emma Frost fans.  If you need a refresher...here is my extended reflection on what I’ve since called the ‘Charles Soule’-ing of Emma Frost:
Got that? It’s like a a goddamned Foreigner song.  Someone really needs to show Soule what ‘love’ is.  
Fast forward a few months later during C2E2, a bevy of editors and Marvel big-wigs showcased this now released cover of Emma on X-Men Blue # 8...
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...featuring a new costume that thankfully retcons that horrendous Judge Dredd number from IvX #6 out of existence while bringing Emma back to the color we all know and love for her.   The bigwigs also give us  assurances that Emma would be inhabiting more of a gray zone in this arc, one where she isn’t fully a hero or a villain.  
I was quite skeptical.  And OH BOY, would I have won big at the ‘y’all are gonna continue to ass-rape Emma’s characterization’ sweepstakes had such a thing existed. (Perhaps, it’s a weekly event in the Soule/Ketchum household?)    
So just how bad did it get?  Well...I guess it’s fine that we didn’t get any lower than we’ve been.  But it’s still super nasty when you have to tread water in a toxic, stinky sewer of character assassination hell.  
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Emma’s appearances in X-Men Blue were bound and determined to continue down the rancid, unacceptable and utterly out of character, character- assassinating path began by Soule and Ketchum in IvX.  Emma here is presented as a heady misogynistic brew of Glenn Close from Fatal Attractions, the crazy ex-girlfriend, and a screeching harpy who just can’t seem to get over that one true love of her life.  As evidence and proof, I give you the following gems: 
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How she finds the time to rule New Tian AND come up with ways to brainwash young Scott is beyond me. Absolutely nothing new is developed here, nor are we given anything but the most superficial glimpses into Emma’s psyche and why she is acting in this way.  The X-office is seemingly committed to wholly undermining Emma’s character development, all for the worst, worst reasons and for very little gain or story purpose.  This could have been any villain at all.  It didn’t have to be Emma.  
Well, at least she looks damned good while she’s being dragged through the mud:  
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Though, surprisingly enough, everything didn’t suck for us Emma Frost fans in the last few months.  Mama Frost shines exquisitely in the non X-Men Secret Empire books in which she’s featured...even prompting a mention in one of those nifty comic book ‘journalism’ articles:
The attention and praise is well-deserved.  Here, we see Emma in her true element; a power player who looks out for mutants’ (writ large) interest in a strategic way.  
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In Secret Empire: United (above), we see her appeasing Stevevil and Hydra all the while secretly undermining them by keeping a shard of the cosmic cube in her possession secret. As we’ve seen before, particularly during Osborn’s Dark Reign and the Utopia storyarc, Emma is at her best when she’s working within and with the short list of bad options she’s been given.  She made the only good deal she could to secure mutants’ safety and freedom, all the while working behind the scenes to ensure, as she so confidently and deliciously says, that...
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A good story could have been told here, about the possibilities and limits of ‘resistance’ as exemplified by younger (and in my opinion far more irritating and annoying) teams like the O5 X-Men and the Champions versus the far more sobered, experienced and politically realistic approaches to tyranny that Emma Frost and say Black Widow exemplify.  More direct and IN YOUR FACE forms of resistance might be more satisfying and ‘hip’...but in the end these may just be useless and ultimately counterproductive when faced with such an all-encompassing and powerful foe like Hydra and Captain America.  In these instances, a far more subtler approach might be needed in order to gain victory.  But of course why would this kind of story be told?  NO THE POINT IS TO TORPEDO EMMA FROST AT ALL COSTS.   
It’s so extremely odd and sloppy that these two Emmas, the one appearing in the X-Books and the one who’s been positioned as a key player in Secret Empire, feel and read like two entirely different characters.  
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In the X-Books, she’s depicted as an insane ex-girlfriend, seemingly not caring about anything but resurrecting her lost love in as creepy a manner as possible.  In the X-Books, all her actions (even creating New Tian?) are presented as being in the service of one ridiculous, pointless mission: bring back Scott.  In her appearances in Secret Empire and it’s related tie-ins (Brave New World, Captain America), she’s depicted as the Emma we’ve always known and love: strategic, cunning, always in control, and using all of her devious ways in the service of mutant kind.  One wonders where she even finds the time to worry about Scott when she has all this Machiavellian politicking to do.  
I’ve created a head-canon to explain this: perhaps, using her shard of the cube, Emma created another version of herself to keep the stupid O5 brats and Hydra distracted while she pursues her true goal of outmaneuvering Hydra.  She may have even transported Charles Soule and Daniel Ketchum in the MU to masquerade as her, since it seems to be just the two of them who really wants this depiction of Emma as an unhinged, jilted ex-lover to exist and continue. 
I’d like to be hopeful and believe that the brief glimpses of greatness we saw for Emma in Secret Empire will continue.  But, alas, with the event ending, I very much doubt that will be the case.  What does it say when other editorial departments write your own character 100x better than you...and with so little page count to work with to boot? It says you’re committed to a very particular and wrong-headed treatment of a character, so much so that the story-telling and franchise you’ve been entrusted with is suffering.  The X-Office is committed to this misogynistic, utterly misguided treatment of Emma, good story telling be damned; one that will continue with what I’m sure will be a ‘boost Jean Grey at all costs!’ appearance in Jean Grey # 8.  My only hope now is that these ResurrXion books tank like hell, forcing, hopefully, a course correction for what is now Marvel’s wayward X-Office.  I’m so glad that the Claremont die-hards have this last few months of being given a nostalgia blow-job...but please for the love of god, let this ass-rape of those of us with tastes that develop with time stop.  
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... F is For Family (S02E04) Night Shift Airdate: May 30, 2017 @Netflix @GaumontTV Ratings: Privatized @BillBurr @mikepriceinla Score: 8.75/10 @FYeahBill @FIFFNetflix TVTime/FB/Twitter/IG/Tumblr/Path/Pin: @SpotlightSaga **********SPOILERS BELOW********** 'Is my house clean?' No seriously, I'm gonna look up and you take a look in. I need to know... Can't go trouncing about town, especially the notorious 'Cocaine Cowboy City' of Miami with powder around the edges of my nostrils. I wouldn't think anyone, in any decade of existence, would want an onlooker seeing them trading coke for anything right out in the open... Whether that's in a record store, yes they still exist & I'm sure they would love a visit, or a street corner... I'd suggest visiting the record store over the street corner. Just as walking, talking, 'Teenage Turmoil', 'Trepidation Tornado' (Yeah, I'm also a sucker for wordplay), Kevin Murphy (Justin Long) is looking to make it big in what he sees as almost a dream world of sorts as a bonafide rockstar, he spots his well connected, high rolling neighbor, who is very much a part of that dream world, bribing an aggressively apprehensive DJ to play a pop record with a picture of a 'Teen Heartthrob' holding an adorable puppy on the front... But hey this is where they are in their lives. Pretty sure I've been lower. Vic (Sam Rockwell), along with the rest of the cast, has so much more room to breathe now that the series has been extended from 6-Episodes to the nicely rounded off number of 10 entries for S2. However, this means that Vic can no longer simply be that hurricane of a character, representing the perfect storm of carefree 1970's hedonism and indulgence. Suddenly, there are consequences for his actions and we are peaking into a long, dark tunnel where Vic is on the verge of an 'existential crisis'. No, there are no immediate repercussions for any of Vic's self destructive behaviors quite yet anyway, but the forlorn fates are written all over his face. Right now he's much closer to what we would refer to the point of 'existential dread' than we would call a full blown 'existential crisis'. The writers are smart though, they're giving you a peak of his cards without letting you see his full hand and that will surely create a helluva payoff when it it's finally time to pay the piper. That's a stark difference from a character that was once a quick, in & out, 2-D slice of animated comic relief. When it comes to television, cinema, film, real life, whatever... 'Existential' and 'Crisis' are literally my two favorite words in the English language, not only because they are so beautiful when paired together, but more so the fact that it's one thing Im actually good at. I know that's a really weird thing to be proud of, excited to dive into, or even claim to be 'good at'... But with all the LSD & DMT I've consumed in my life, I believe I've had more self-induced existential crisis and egodeath(s) than most of the worlds population. It's not just hallucinogenics and weird dissociatives, or even a finely tuned education in psychology & sociology that have made me an expert and lover of all things 'existential', it's also real life experience in all things crisis... Inner, outer, dramatic, and otherwise... I've always been dramatic, I got it from my mother, and her adoptive Mother... They are whatever is slightly above the 'every southern woman' version of Bette Davis & Joan Crawford. Everything is a spectacle, darling. Anxiety attacks are full on broadway performances, complete with Tony Awards, a nice Southern 'Wink', and a long list of 'Thank You's at the end... Oh and trips to the mall that start out sweet & fruitful and end in sheer terror. My Step-Father is more like the American Cherokee version of a cross between Tim Allen & Jim Gaffigan, if that makes sense. He has a traditional, signature style of humor that is both clean & observational and masculine & sometimes surprisingly crass, mainly due to his dual nature and long hard road from the cesspool of a nasty rock bottom to the heights of being a pillar of his community. There was a time in my life where these attributes all made me angry, just like Kevin. At that rebellious teenage age, if someone says go, you stop and if they say stop, you go. If a parental figure or an adult influence that we look up to makes a mistake, as a young adult many times we hold them to it unfairly... As if they're supposed to be perfect because they are the adult. As kids, we want to meet them halfway with unrealistic expectations. Essentially that's because adults meet their children and particularly teenagers with unrealistic expectations, themselves. Can't expect a toddler not to touch a hot stove, can't expect a little kid not to pick their nose (or worse), can't expect a teenager not to do usual teenager stuff, and we can't expect our parents to always remember all of that in times of stress. Looking back now (and let's hope Kevin moves forward to this place soon), I know that I learned the most from watching my parents make mistakes and subsequently finding a way to fix it, by any means necessary. Kevin is already sick over his issues with his dad, so he's practically ready to give up when he sees Vic forking over line after line until DJ Howlin' Hank (Josh Adam Meyers) would say he loves any record Vic gave him to play (yes, that includes records with vinyl covers that feature kids holding puppies that look like they "fell out of Donnie Osmond's pussy"). When one reaches the epiphany that hard work, talent, and actually being cool isn't what gets them to top, a breakdown of some sort is to be expected. Personally I've had this specific epiphany more than once (complete with influential dramatic Hollywood Breakdown), so a nice soul searching, ego shattering session of smoking weed (or simply insert alternative mind expansion drug here) his friends refer to as 'Oregon Gold dipped in Columbia River Salmon Piss' out of a baby doll made into a pipe is just what Kevin needs to push him to a point where he's ready to face this new, harsher, cruel world to get their band's ultimate goal achieved... Being played on the radio, preferably by DJ Howlin' Hank... Because, you know, at least they are 100% sure what it takes to make 'Hank Howl' (thanks, Vic)! So off the clueless teenage trio goes to score some blow. This should be good. Kevin has currently written off his father, Frank (Bill Burr), for his inability to accept a certain kind of defeat... Or better yet, I should say... Face his humility for a greater good and 'bite the bullet' at the unemployment office. He sees his father's stubborn pride as a weakness, when really like any human attribute, it's technically both a positive and a negative. The fact that Frank is lying to Sue (Laura Dern) about it, makes it all 100x worse, though... Creating a mountain blocking any possible view to see the silver lining. Frank taking a humiliating, lower paid job, just to avoid a handout is silly and ultimately a bit insane, but at least Frank is trying to do something instead of curling up into a corner & folding. Still, the whole ironic arrangement is not lost on us. Don't think for a moment that we won't be on the lookout for bumper stickers being sold at 'Hot Topic or 'Urban Outfitters' that say "Ask me about my Loser Husband's shit job!" Frank's insecurities and paranoia are officially at an all time high. His new boss Smoky (Michael Kenneth Williams) shows Frank the restrictive ropes of the world of vending machines, its many perks, and how to "Shove it. Slam it. Twist the lock. Stick the key inside your sock." Why can't the key just be on the key ring? Simple. "Because the rhyme came first, system came later." Frank is killing it, but an accident with the lock on the back door (see how important those rhymes are), ends up with the bag of change they've been collecting falling out of the back of the truck and finding it's way all over the dirty urban street. Frank goes into survival mode, scouring the street like a hardworking crackhead to recover the change. As this is happening, Kevin is out looking to score $10 worth of coke in the same seedy downtown neighborhood. Last time I checked $10 won't get you a bag of coke, and I live in a city where cocaine is easier to get than the attention of a bartender, and cheaper to get than a simple single liquor cocktail. These three young clowns mistake a pimp for a drug dealer and one of the funniest scenes of the series commences when the 'white' they are all so ready to score turns out to be an obese, Caucasian, $10 prostitute that has difficulties keeping one of her titties inside of her blouse. As the trio scrambles to escape the low rent hooker who offers to 'fuck them all if they have a sandwich bag', they end up passing Frank digging for nickels on the side of the street. Ok, ok... This is obviously the worst possible scenario for Kevin, but his frustrations lead him to march into the radio station with his band's demo tape in hand, demanding to be heard. Fuck the system, right? Everything might be going to shit for the characters in the Netflix Original 'F is For Family', but when you are down on your luck and you don't even know why you're stuck in a meaningless, chaotic existence... Suddenly an existential crisis becomes your best friend. Frank's embarrassing dedication to picking up the change in the street leads him to secure the job of no one's dreams, Sue has a sudden idea for a product invention when going through the mundane process of drying out her lettuce while making dinner salads, and Kevin's frustration & desperation pay off after the boys tune in to hear Vic use a two syllable taste of their song to introduce the weather segment. To three young boys with a pipe dream that's like the equivalent of being featured on MTV's 'Total Request Live' in 1999. Recently I've watched a friend go through a horrible incident and face their mortality. Suddenly that person is trapped in an existential nightmare... 'What's any of this worth if it really doesn't lead to anything, if we are all biding our time on this earth until the Grim Reaper comes-a-knocking anyway?' And that's just the base of it. We've all got our existential and emotional baggage to deal with, but it's the unexpected moments when you're at your lowest point that suddenly remind us that even tho we might all just be going through the motions and repeating history over and over, sudden sparks of light can suddenly reignite your passion for life... Its as all as easy as that, or as difficult as that, whichever way you want to look at it. Like Frank said in the beginning of FIFF's 'Night Shift', "I woulda killed myself, but I don't want to haunt my own house." **********Written By: Kevin Cage********** Special Thx: TVTime, Bill Burr, Michael Price, Jerry Wilson, Kat Holiday, Chad Rigsby... Dedicated to: Denver G. Pratt http:://www.tvtime.com http://www.spotlightsaga.com http://www.facebook.com/SpotlightSaga http://www.facebook.com/groups/ArtsEntertainment
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