#it's the middle of the semester and my art style shows it lol
illustromic · 11 months
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Red Team Day 2 (catch me dramatizing regular interactions again lmao)
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Shugo Chara Jewel Joker Ch. 1 Review
I thought I'd go over my thoughts about the first chapter of the sequel.
So, can we first start off with how gorgeous this chapter cover is? Like I absolutely love how the same art style is still there but it seems more refined and...mature (I don't know how but it just does).
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I'll be completely honest that I'm not super thrilled about them adding on another love interest to the sequel. It makes sense, but, not super excited about it. The fact that he already appears to just be a younger version of Ikuto feels a bit lazy on Peach-Pit's end. Sorry if that's offensive but those were just my initial thoughts.
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I also really like that it's a sequel directly after the events of Shugo Chara Encore. I think exploring Amu's growth through middle school is such a great concept. The ~ cool and spicy ~ line still makes me smile every time.
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It's so good to see Rima, Yaya, and Kairi!! AAAH THEY ARE ALL SO PRECIOUS, especially Rima. I always have adored her.
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Also, Kairi and Yaya's dynamic is so cute. I think they balance each other out really well. I know some thought their "pairing", if you can even call it that, in Shugo Chara Encore random, but I think it actually works well. I'd love to see some of the chapters show how Kairi and Yaya are doing taking over the Seiyo Academy Elementary guardians, maybe even see who the new King, Queen, and Joker end up being.
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And then there's the adorable prince. I spent so much of middle and high school years going back and forth between him and Ikuto as my favorite. I started off liking Ikuto then went to Tadase then back to Ikuto haha. Now that I am 26 years old, I can acknowledge that the age gap between Amu and Ikuto is definitely valid in people considering it problematic, which I would have adamantly disagreed with at 16. Now that I am a therapist and have seen a lot (to say the least), my opinion has changed. I can't deny the appeal of that relationship in a fictional setting but also can't deny that the age gap is not something that can be overlooked. It would never fly in real life. I'll just leave it at that.
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I'm not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed when I first read this about her going to a new school. I was like NOOO I WANT TO SEE AMU WITH THE SAME CHARACTERS AND JUST SEE ALL THE RELATIONSHIPS DEVELOP MORE. Alas, though, I also can agree that the new school and new characters can be great for Amu's growth and journey. Plus, I mean, there's got to be an actual plot lol. So there's that.
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I also love how Tsukasa is downplaying all of this. Like it'll actually only take a week or two. Or a semester haha. Also weird how he's just shipping them off with little regard for their actual education or wants. Did Amu's parents actually say yes to this? Haha. It's those little things that I think about that I wonder if anyone else does.
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First appearance of the new mysterious cat boy. I wonder if they're making him (at least appearance wise) identical to Ikuto because Peach-Pit realized that Ikuto being with Amu is deemed problematic more so now or if it's just another distraction until Amu ends up with Ikuto ..or Tadase? I honestly have no clue what they'll end up doing. I also just wanted to say that if you all do ship Amuto or Amu with Ikuto, there is no judgment from me. I must acknowledge that it is inappropriate but at the same time, I also know the nostalgia and very cute story they have too. Their relationship is very sweet, but the age gap can't be overlooked. But anyway, still not thrilled about this new guy, sorry.
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Oh my gosh look how cute they are!!! Amu's uniform suits her so well, I 100% support her wearing that the rest of the series. Tadase also looks super cute too with that coat. He looks more grown up, aw.
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I don't know how all these children get to go to these academies that look more beautiful than some cathedrals. Also can't wait to see how this new cute villain guy contributes to this story. I wonder how he'll differ from the other villains like Nikaidou and Kairi's sister (why can't I remember her name?) or the Easter director guy. I think Nikaidou has been my favorite "villain" so far. I think he was the most developed one.
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I like the concept of the X not disappearing and having this cultish academy where everyone already has guardian characters. Where did the X egg go though? Did it just disappear? Am I stupid because I seriously don't know why it's not mentioned after this haha like where did it go? And whose was it? Can't wait to see why all the students are desensitized to this haha.
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Possible villain number 2. I like her character design. I kind of like how she's more passive aggressive toward Amu instead of how it was with Rima and Utau where it was full on aggression at the beginning. I don't think we've really seen Amu handle that dynamic and I'm curious how their relationship will develop. It's funny how Amu knows there's something off about her immediately. Amu definitely isn't naive like she can read that the girl doesn't have good intentions pretty quickly.
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Okay, this conversation that Amu has with Rima is so cute though. Whether I can fully ship Amuto or not, I have to say Rima giving Amu relationship advice (albeit, not good advice haha) is hilarious and we need to see more of this please.
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Gosh I love Amu's different faces. And that's she's a scaredy cat.
Can we just remember -
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And many, many more amazing Amu reactions from the anime.
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I'll close with, I still don't like new boy but I guess I can't say I permanently think that until he actually gets formally introduced. I hope he's distinctly different from Ikuto or else it just feels kind of pointless having him there.
Welp, that's my commentary! Sorry that was EXTREMELY long. It's also almost midnight where I live, like wow I sure can blab about this manga for a long time. Please comment or like if you at least somewhat enjoyed this little review. Or if you didn't like it. I'm open to suggestions haha, or light-hearted, respectful debates. I'm very new to being back on tumblr so if my formatting is horrendous I'm down for some advice. I also will be posting about the second chapter in the upcoming days so be looking out for that too! Excited to be back on here and see what you all think about the sequel :)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you have a pair of Beat headphones? I used to have a pair. I mean it’s still around in my closet, but it’s completely broken now with the cable all given out and the cushion for the left ear has been missing for a while. I just don’t have the heart to throw it out because it was my absolute favorite pair of headphones that gave me good memories during a particularly shitty time in high school.
How was your week? A little better. I’ve gotten into the groove at work so I’m no longer shy when it comes to asking questions and giving inputs, and I’ve gained a better grasp of the workplace’s dynamic so it’s also been easier to communicate with people. Heavy life stuff is still around and it won’t be leaving for a while, but they were easier to ignore this week.
Are any of your electronics not working properly at the moment? Not really, but my phone’s charger cable recently stopped working. I have a backup that I’m using at the moment and while it’s able to charge my phone, it’s starting to fray and I’m not feeling too good about the wires that I’m starting to see hahaha. I just don’t know how to take care of my cables, guys. Anyway, this question made me paranoid so I took a few minutes to wrap a shit ton of electrical tape on the frayed area so I think it’s all good for now.
Are you excited to pick out your wedding dress one day? I like thinking about my wedding but I truthfully dread the wedding gown part. I’ve never been able to decide what look and style suits me best and I’ve just never been good at determining things like that. I like to imagine that I’d leave that bit to whoever my maid of honor will be, because I’d definitely prize a second opinion more than my own.
When was the last time you felt relieved? Yesterday, 6 PM when I exited the last Google Meet for the day. It was a Friday night and it meant my work week was over :)) I mean I love what I do, but Friday nights will always hit differently.
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? I wouldn’t say it bothers me but covers are definitely a hit or miss for me, with way more misses than hits. Nothing wrong with acts putting their own spin on an already existing song, but I’m personally the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” type when it comes to music.
What brand of chapstick do you use? I don’t use any mainly because I’m bound to lose them within a week. Same goes for other care products.
Do you really think someone could be perfect? No. Everyone has their flaws and that should be okay to acknowledge.
When was the last time you cried? Wednesday, I think. It’s been three days! I’d count that as an achievement. But idk, my sadness comes in waves so I shouldn’t be celebrating too early. I’m sure I’ll feel a pang soon and be crying again over the weekend.
What’s a food that you like every once in awhile but not often? Cake. Too sweet and rich; I wouldn’t enjoy eating it every day. What letter is the song you’re listening to under? Not listening to music, but I have a YouTube video on.
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s would be the lesser evil, I guess. I would NOT want to live through Martial Law in the 70s...I originally wasn’t even going to go with 60s because I think the world was a bit chaotic at the time, but I think my country was mostly unaffected by the political/cultural things happening then so it’s whatever.
Are you the type of person that enjoys getting hugs? I don’t actively seek them out but it feels nice when someone likes me enough to extend their arms out to me for a hug. I haven’t been hugged for a while and I feel kinda empty.
Do your socks say anything on them? I think some of my socks have the brand name on them but that’s it.
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. AMC.
Have you found out who your true friends are? For now, yes.
Gray or Grey? I use both spellings for no particular context. I simply like changing it up lol.
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? LOL of course not. And I’m very picky when it comes to concerts that I choose to attend anyway, so I doubt I would’ve bought any tickets in the last six months even without Covid unless it was for Paramore or Beyoncé.
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? Nope, but everyone was hyping that movie up when it came out. It never really looked like my thing < Yeah pretty much. I feel like it’s such a teenage-y movie so I was never drawn to it. I also think it would be too triggering for my depression, so I’ve felt wary about checking both book and movie out.
Is there something you’d fall apart if you didn’t have? One of my biggest fears is to end up alone, so I always have to have some form of a support system to fall back into. I would be very lost if I didn’t have at least one person to rely on.
How many weddings have you been to? I can think of four off the top of my head. I was either a flower girl or a junior bridesmaid for all of those.
When you smile, are you confident? Most times I am; I like to smile. But sometimes I smile just to fake it and avoid any questions.
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? Yesss, all the time. I’ve always been all about following the rules and I’ve never seen the appeal in breaking them. That makes me sound boring but at least I’ve never gotten in serious trouble lol.
Was the weather beautiful today? For me it is, but only because I like the rain and cloudy weather. Others might find it bleak and sad, but I feel right at home.
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? Yeah, all year long.
Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? If I had my dream modern/brutalist home, grey would be soooo fucking perfect for the bedroom. 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? I’m open to it, but I don’t think it’ll be a good match for my black hair as both are darker shades as it is. If I could dye my hair I’d pick lighter colors like green or even go all the way to blonde.
Have you ever gone to a private school? Yeah, from kindergarten all the way to high school. Private schools here typically give a better quality of education and they don’t give off the for-lazy-spoiled-kids vibe that I always hear from private schools in other countries, which makes them the norm for middle and upper-middle class families.
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I have other favorite animated movies, but that doesn’t stop me from loving Finding Nemo. :) I would always tune in for the whole thing if it were on.
Does/Did your school have a uniform? I had to wear one in my first school, but I didn’t need one for college.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? No TV where I am. I think my parents are watching a movie on their TV, but it’s on Netflix rather than a channel.
Does your house have security cameras? It does not.
Does a popsicle sound good right now? Eh, I guess it sounds fine but I’d rather have a pint of ice cream. I think that fits better with the weather and the mood that I’m in today.
What’s your favorite exercise workout? My weight training class last year was a lot of fun. I always felt dead after every session haha but I definitely felt healthier. I wish the semester had gone on longer just for that one class.
What’s your favorite thing to do? Lol I love doing many different things < Same lmao this question is so vague??? My favorite thing to do these days is binge-watch Rhett and Link content, but I like doing so many other things too.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? I was with Gabie that day and we went to a local art museum, as well as to a restaurant that she had wanted to take me to.
Does your local Walmart have benches in them to rest? We don’t have Walmarts.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I never had stuffed animals. Well I was given a few of them as gifts, but I was never into them and they always ended up being owned by my sister.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? Not even think about it. Just show them that I couldn’t care less, lol.
Are you good at swimming? I can do a few strokes and am pretty good at treading, but I'm prone to panic-kicking when I can tell that the water is too deep.
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet is such a pain in the ass. Shouldn’t even have to be an issue in 2020 anymore.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? Cat-called, whistled at, winked at, lunged at. One good thing about this lockdown is that I haven’t had to deal with men as much as I used to. Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Well I only have one layer of bedsheet and it’s the one that covers up the mattress, so it’s tucked in by default. I have a blanket to cover me up when I’m cold.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? I find a few videos to watch as that tends to make me feel sleepy the quickest.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? I used to have a tumbler/water bottle in college but I forgot it at the gym one day and when I came back for it, somebody already stole it :( It was such a handy water bottle because it kept my water cold all day, so it sucks that I lost it. I’m planning to buy the same model again soon.
Are you afraid that one day you might get cancer? It doesn’t really run in my family save for one grand-aunt who had cancer, so I’m not too worried. But I’ve accepted the fact that it is at least a possibility.
Are you a fast or slow walker? I like being in the middle. Slow walkers are annoying so I try not to be one, and walking fast just reminds me of my mom and how quickly she walks at malls when she’s supposed to be spending time with her family lol.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? No. They all fit me just fine.
Does it bother you when people’s underwear hangs out? Eghhh, it really does. I know it shouldn’t but it really does. I just feel like it’s so invasive and it gives me a lot of secondhand embarassment.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? Not really. I like staying safe with my hair. The most daring thing I’ve done with it is get bangs tbh, and I don’t plan on going any further than that.
When’s your birthday? April 21st.
What age do you look forward to reaching? I don’t feel that way about any age. Whenever I reach ultimate satisfaction and security will be a good enough age for me.
Name a state that begins with the letter M. Minnesota.
What’s the first thing you do after a car accident? Think about how to tell my parents. D:
What do you use to get rid of bad breath? Brush my teeth, drink water.
What exercise do you hate the most? Pull-ups.
What do you do at a party? Drink, socialize, tell stories, eat allllllll the food ha.
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caffeinestudyingg · 5 years
Did an ask thing because I’m bored and using this account again
Name: Maggie
Age: 20
Fears: Feeling alone
3 things I love: Music, My family (both blood and chosen), sunshine
4 turns on: a fun laugh, the kind of passion that pulls you out of reality, someone that knows how to be quiet together, confidence 
4 turns off: Being quick to anger, disinterest in growth, uncleanliness, lack of awareness to the world around them
My best friend: Too many to choose from but lets go with Thomas from high school
Sexual orientation: Queer
My best first date: a walk up and down the little hipster-y road by my university. I was nervous, he bought me coffee, held my hand and kissed me while we leaned against his car and talked.
How tall am I: like five foot eight ish
What do I miss: going to school and seeing my friends and professors
Favorite color: Burgundy 
Do I have a crush: yes and she is lovely
Favorite quote: “Sur.Vive.” -my piano teacher every week
Favorite place: my piano professors office
Favorite food: pasta
Do I use sarcasm: much too frequently
What am I listening to right now: This Might Get Weird podcast
First thing I notice in new person: their energy (not in a super hippy dippy way but ya girl gets affected by the way people’s energy changes a room)
Shoe size: 9.5 I think
Eye color: blue
Hair color: Red
Favorite style of clothing: super casual but like yarn skein model sheik 
Meaning behind my URL: I have a caffein addiction and am trying to study
Favorite movie: Thelma and Louise
How I feel right now: tired, kind of lonely
Someone I love: My dog
My current relationship status: singlesinglesinglesingle
My relationship with my parents: My mom is like my favorite person
Tattoos and piercing I have: cartilage, industrial, lobes, nose twice, wine glass on my ankle, ghost light on my forearm, fortissimo on my wrist, Keith Haring crossed fingers on tricep
Tattoos and piercings I want: nothing picked out I just want more haha
The reason I joined Tumblr: a friend made me in middle school
Do I and my last ex hate each other? Definitely not
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 30 minutes give or take
Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? HA no
Where am I right now? sitting in bed
If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Thomas probably
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Ya girl can’t hear, its gotta be loud
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? yup
Am I excited for anything? learning new music
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Thomassss
How often do I wear a fake smile? Not often lately
When was the last time I hugged someone? Maybe last Tuesday in choir?
What is something I disliked about today? only being able to see my friends and profs through a screen
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Geena Davis probably
Do I have any strange phobias? Eyes
Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Video
What’s the weather like right now? its been rainy all day
What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I broke my arm once but I think I’ve hurt my wrist through over use recently and that might be worse
Favorite animal? Brown Bears
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Where does the Good Go? by Tegan and Sara
I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? The ability to pause/alter time
What is my current desktop picture? Mountains
Failed a class? Nope
Kissed a boy? Yeah
Kissed a girl? Yup
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? I don’t think so
Had job? several
Left the house without my wallet? Too frequently
Played on a sports team? for 9+ years
Smoked weed? nope
Drank alcohol? Yeeeaaaah
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? thought about it but don’t generally like making food rules anymore
Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Thats school baby
Watched TV for 5 hours straight? When I had the flu earlier this semester
Been outside my home country? Sadly no
Gotten my heart broken? Mildly
Broken a bone? My arm and several fingers
Been to prom? Twice
Been in airplane? Yeah
What concerts have I been to? So so so many
Had a crush on someone of the same sex? oh yeah lol
Learned another language? I’ve kind of tried
Wore make up? only sometimes
Lost my virginity before I was 18? nah
Dyed my hair? more than I should have 
Met someone famous? at Broadway stage doors
Been rejected by a crush? you betcha
How many kids do I want? Two maybe
Do I like my handwriting? I think so but its a little messy
Favorite Tv Show? Grey’s Anatomy
Where do I want to live when older? Montana
Play any musical instrument? Piano, French Horn a little, and Learning the upright bass
One of my scars, how did I get it? Ran into school bleachers
Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end: haven’t we all?
What I’m really bad at: time management
What do I like about myself: I have pretty good instincts and my gut is usually right
Something I fantasize about: living successfully and happily working in the arts with people I love
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Survey #245
“i fell asleep at the wheel again, crashed my car just to feel again.”
What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Ketchup. What do you have a habit of doing when engaging in a conversation with someone? Obsess over the appropriate amount of eye contact I make. What color is your mp3? Hot pink. Have you ever laid in a hammock? Yeup. Is there a song or lyrics currently super-glued in your head? "Popular Monster" by Falling In Reverse FUCK What can you go a day without doing? Uhhh a lot? I dunno... oh, drink water because I suck at that gah. I've gotten a lot better than I used to be tho. What can’t you go a day without doing? Touching some form of technology. Who do you spend most of your time with? Myself. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. What type of quality is a must-have in a friend? Treat others with kindness. Are you any good at reading someone's body language? I definitely think so. What type of art would you hang up in your room? Lol I have some of my own... but let's say it was a clean slate again. I'd put some macabre/gothic art of some sort up, probably. Of COURSE with meerkats making an appearance. What fruit is too sweet to you? Hm, I'm blanking. What was the last contest you have ever won: Uhhhh... I think the giveaway of two Silent Hill: Revelation things? That was forever ago. What was the worst hair cut you have ever had in your entire life: Looking back, the haircut I had before this one (short on the left, faded into still rather long on the right) I don't really like anymore. Looks fine in some pictures, but not most. What was the worst thing you have ever worn in your life: Oh I don't know. Probably some dance costume. Do you like any sort of animes: Yeah, a handful. I'd honestly like to watch more. Have you ever used someone for your own benefits: I don't think so. What is the worst cartoon you have ever seen: Oh boy, idk. There's some dumb ones, a lot that I've only seen peeks of. Do you like to type or write more: TYPE. Writing physically can easily make my carpal tunnel act up. I hated having to hand-write a few essays last semester... I had to stop frequently to roll my wrists and cringe and stuff. What color would you have your skin if you could change it: I'd like pale skin like I have, but I wish it was more flawless/porcelain-ish. SOOOOOO pretty ahahhhhhhhhahhhhhh Do you usually cook your own meals, or does someone cook for you: I usually have to throw something together in the microwave because Mom's barely home, but when she is home, she cooks. If someone cooks for you, do you always thank them for it: YES. YES. NOT SAYING ANYTHING IS SO FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL. What do you do during the day: Almost without question, SOMEthing on technology/usually computer. As for what I do on technology, boy, a lot a lot. I don't even feel like listing it all. When you are online what do you normally find yourself doing: ... Oh, lmao. Uhhh binging YouTube, writing on or just checking up on KM, dA browsing/cleaning my drowning inbox, Facebook, "working" at the SH and SotC wikis, playing games, roaming Tumblr, check my emails, uhhhhhhh,,,, What is the most hated item you own: I wouldn't... keep it if I hated it? Uhhhh yeah, I honestly don't know. What is your favorite item you own out of all the items you have: My iPod, really. I have over 1k songs on this old-ass nano that I've had since middle school. I guess my laptop is kinda tied, but idk. Like, I don't love this laptop itself, just that it allows me to go online at a decent speed lmao. I guess they're my favorites in different ways. So, do you think that you will get where you want in life currently: Not stopping pushing for it 'til I get it. Why is that so. May I ask: I'm "too" determined. It's been a struggle getting to even where I am, but FUCK, I'm getting there. Do you like Halloween: I can't fwu if you don't. Has a teacher ever flirted with you? Not to my recollection. Is it okay for friends to kiss each other, as friends? Personally, I think a simple peck is fine IF that's your thing and it's mutually understood that it's platonic. Ex., I know greeting kisses are normal in some cultures, and I see no reason to shame it so long you're not like making out. Is it okay for girls to hit boys? Fuck no. Unless you're like fighting off an assailant/defending yourself, NO gender hits ANYONE. Do you know a lot of attractive boys personally? I've never thought about it? I'm not gonna dig through all the people I know rn... What happens if you realized you had a crush on somebody? More than anything, I'd be scared of being hurt again, particularly if it's a guy. So I definitely wouldn't make the first move. Do you think you are attractive? No. Which two of your friends would have the cutest baby together? I don't know. How do you feel about your naked body? DON'T COME AT ME WITH THIS QUESTION GO AWAY Have you ever been called obnoxious? No. At least, not to my memory. Do you wish you had a bigger family? No, but a more close-knit one. Which friend would you kiss full on the mouth, no questions asked? Sara. If somebody smacks your butt, you automatically say: I wouldn't say shit, I'd turn around and smack them across the face. How often does your family life conflict with your social life? Pretty much never. Have you ever been emotionally abused? No, thankfully. Do small children like you? They seem to, I guess. If karma is really true, should you be worried? Not very. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis? None. Do you have anything hidden in your room? Yeah, some saved money. What do you wish you were doing right now instead of this? It'd be great to talk to Sara. If you had a baby, would you want to have it at home or in a hospital? Oh I'm going to the fucking hospital for that epidural fren. If I even wanted kids. What was the last thing you ordered online? Uhhh good question. Have you ever had a bad experience with anti-depressants? If so, what? Well, actually the entire time I was ON anti-depressants. Because I'm bipolar, anti-depressants actually ramp up the aggression of bipolarity symptoms. How, I don't recall the science of, but I trust every word that comes out of my psychiatrist's mouth for many reasons. That definitely happened. One also made me gain weight, and the worst instance was in middle school when I was briefly on one that made me SO fucking hyper and happy in the morning but I crashed into an absolute bitchy monster by mid-afternoon. Now a combination of mood stabilizers helps both my bipolarity and depression immensely and are the main reason I'm alive. Are you allergic to any plants? I mean, I'm allergic to pollen. Are you an outdoors person? If the weather is cool, I love it. Does your past bother you? Some parts of it. Do you take risks or play it safe? I tend to play it safe. What forms of art do you like the best? This is an absolutely impossible question. "Art" has such an incredible range of forms, and I enjoy like... all. I guess the one thing I don't particularly care for is abstract art. What forms of art do you want to try? HYPERREALISM IN DRAWING. I REALLY wanna be able to draw/paint/whatever and make it look so true to life, BUT I'd like to add fantasy aspects to what I'm making (for example, my characters). I'd love to do portraits, too. This isn't really a "type" of art, but one thing I desperately want in art is to actually develop my own recognizable style that isn't just a wobbly attempt at realism with shitty proportions. What’s your favorite planet? Saturn's dope. Has a medication ever made you itch? No. What’s your favorite rainy day activity? Cuddle with snacks and like binge a good TV show/YT videos, etc. BUT considering I'm single I'ma just take a nap if I'm actually tired and you can hear the rain on the window. Do you put creamer in your tea? I wonder how many times I'll tell surveys I hate tea lmao by the end of my life lmao. What do you think are some good names for twins? I don't care enough to think about this. What are three things that fascinate you? Animal behavior (particularly social), the paranormal, and genetics. Would you say you live more in the past, present, or future? Present, I think. Have you ever been a victim of a crime? Not me personally, no, but my family. We had our basketball hoop stolen from our front yard and I was mega tilted yo. Does injustice make you angry? More like it infuriates me. Do you have the bad habit of procrastinating? Very badly. Are you afraid of running into a certain person in public? I both am and am not afraid of running into Jason. I have a very strong feeling I'd start having a PTSD episode (by that I mean hyperventilating, crying a bit, and shaking at the very least), but simultaneously I just want him to know I'm sorry. Do you have anyone you avoid? No. Do you have the same dreams now that you did as a kid? No. Who’s your crush? I don't really know if I have one right now. My old friend Ian and I started talking, and he's a fucking hilarious dude with similar ethics to mine with great compassion, but I still don't know him well enough to say I like-like him. I'm honestly just happy to have an irl friend again that actually talks to me regularly. Do you trust the government? I believe in WAY too many conspiracy theories to even try to convince anyone I trust the government lmao. Who do you want to meet in Heaven? I don't know exactly what sort of afterlife I believe in (it's not the traditional Heaven though), but I do believe that souls can reunite. The first thing I want to see again is Teddy. Does your school take sports too seriously? Considering we're well-respected in the sports field to the degree we draw in a huge number of foreign athletes, guess you could say yes lmao. Most of the people I even slightly know here came for sports. If there are bruises on your body, how did you get them? There aren’t. Would you ever go back in time to do something over again, but differently? Yes. Where did you kiss the last person you kissed? The airport. Have you thought about your wedding in detail? Not great detail, no. Do you think you could ever really kill someone? In self-defense, I know I could. Do you like Papa John’s pizza? I couldn't even guess the last time I had it. I don't remember. Do you attend school? Yeah. Do you call it a crush, or do you just say you like someone? The latter. Where were you when the ball dropped? In my bed asleep lmao. Where are your siblings? Probably all at work. Waffles, pancakes, or french toast? French toast. Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? Not really, but I WILL wonder to myself if you believe in some of the bullshit just about every religion has somewhere. Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? YUP YUP YUP! Mainly irl tho. Have you ever painted your nails on only one hand, forgetting about the other one or getting side-tracked? No. Have you ever gone to one of those parties where everyone is falling around drunk everywhere? No. Been to one where everyone was high, though. Are you “the good guy”, or “the bad guy”, or somewhere in between? I'd hope the good guy. Do you ever erase the numbers off of surveys just because they annoy you? Ha ha yeah. Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now? Yes. Do you have siblings over the age of twenty-one? Yes, all but one. What do you hear right now? "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Proud as fuck because this song was a MASSIVE PTSD trigger at first and even made me cry, but despite it still making me kinda uncomfortable, I can listen to and enjoy it now. If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? The only three people whose opinions would matter there would be Sara, Girt, and Jason. Sara and Jason would fucking break me, while I think Girt would of course make me cry, but I just. Wouldn't be surprised to lose another irl friend. I'd be so fucking hurt by any. OH YEAH, what would I say? I think Sara would have me speechless. I'd probably just choke out, "I don't blame you," to Jason. Girt, my first instinct pondering this was "are you serious?" because he's such a joker while my stomach dropped. What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? I'd be happy for her, but still feel kinda sad that it wasn't me. What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead? If I like the person, I feel very comforted. It like... makes me feel small, safe, and permitted to just let my emotions loose, ex. be "allowed" to cry. What do you usually do right when you wake up? Check my phone to see the time. Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? I don't want to answer this. Do the math. Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? No. Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? No. Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? Yeah. Would you date someone three years older than you? Yeah. Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? Actually as of recently, the morning. It's a nice way to start the day clean and energized. Could you handle living with the last person you texted? I'd love to live with her. Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? It was assigned, but I loved it. Have you accomplished any goals you set for yourself this year so far? Not really? Well no, I think I'm being a less procrastinating student and also not fleeing so quickly from situations that invoke my anxiety. Are there still movie rental stores where you live or have they all gone out of business? SOBS Blockbuster come BACK we NEED u. What was the last thing to annoy you or make you upset? Eh, it was stupid and something that realistically isn't worth being annoyed by. I was SUPER bored and tired yesterday waiting for Mom to finish her field work while I waited in the library after classes, and I was so ready to go home, but she stayed longer than she thought she would. Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush/es assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? Actually, not really. He's way too motivated and drawn to people who push forward and get shit done, and just in general at least from how I "know" him as a fan I could only realistically see us as friends. But a fangirl can dream ok just let me dream. When looking for something to watch on TV do you tend to pick shows you know you like, or try new shows that look interesting even though you’ve never heard of them before? I'll answer hypothetically if I watched TV: probably something I know I like. Might get adventurous every now and again and try something new, though, especially if it's on a channel I like. How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? I haven't had to. I juuuuust slightly have enough room where I DID have them grow in. Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? Uhhh probably the deli, which I got and lasted for two hours my first work day lmao. Have you ever been fired from a job? No. What do people tell you your voice sounds like? I dunno, kinda deep for a girl and lacking an accent most of the time. What financial class are you? Lower. What poster is hanging closest to you? A huge Nightmare Before Christmas one. Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? Maybe if Ian did? Idk. It'd be a nice way to get to know more about each other, but I'd only agree to it after we talked a bit longer. Does your family keep tons of leftovers in the fridge? Not "a ton." Things we'll eat again though, yes. Favorite FRIENDS character? That is, if you like it. I haven't watched it. Are you thinking of getting another piercing? Where? Hell yes. Pretty sure next is collarbones if I could just lose a little bit more weight so they're more visible. Do you love when people remember little things about you? YES OMG!!!!!!!!!! Do you ‘bless’ strangers when they sneeze? Yes, I just think it's common good manner. Even though the reasoning behind it is whatever, it's a societal thing that I just go along with. How many phones have you gone through? Idk, not too many. Have you always lived in the house you currently reside in? No.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Do you usually take blame or blame others? I’m great at blaming myself for everything. Have you ever been to a McDonald’s in another state? Yeah. Have you ever seen 50 First Dates? Yeah, several times. Do you like or hate the smell of fish? Blech it smells awful and tastes even worse. Have you ever been to Sea World? Nooo. I have a real irrational fear of killer whales.   Do you know someone who suffers from short term memory loss? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? I’ve read most of his books. If so, which one is your favorite? The Fault in our Stars, Paper Towns, and Looking for Alaska. Are you a protective person? Of my loved ones.  Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Nope. Would you rather go to a beach or city for a vacation? Both are fun, but the beach is my place of real relaxation. Does your license plate number contain the number 8? I don’t have a car. Were you ever a ghost on Halloween? Yeah. Has someone ever held the door open for you? Most people hold the door open for me. Are you a fan of penguins? They’re cute.  Have you ever stayed up all night on a school night? I’ve had many late nights in college. One semester I legit stayed up all night studying for a final I had that morning. That was really, really stupid. Like I managed to do fine on the exam, but I was a zombie that whole day. What’s your favorite brand of chips? Doritos. Has anyone ever sang to you? Nah. Are you a good painter? No. Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? I don’t drive. Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? I read some of my poems to my cousin but that’s it. Do you like pineapple? No. Have you ever met your favorite author? Nope, I haven’t met any of them. Do you look more like your mom or dad? I got features from both, but I don’t look exactly like either one. It’s weird how some families you have no doubt at all that they’re related, they’re like actual clones, and then other families not as much. Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? My cousin who I was really close to when I was younger had a crush on some of the same guys I did in middle and high school. When was the last time someone called you babe or baby? *shrug* Do you have an older brother? Yes. Are you a fan of art? * Yeah. Lol, I wonder if there’s anyone out there who jst…hates art. HATES IT <<< Lol yeah that would be pretty crazy. Like, sure some people aren’t super in to art, but I’ve never heard of anyone hating it. There’s so many different paintings and styles. Did you get your mom or dad’s eyes? My mom’s. Have you ever seen the movie My Girl? No. Do you watch Teen Wolf on MTV? I never got into that show. When it was on, did you watch Cory In The House on Disney? I saw it here and there, but I wasn’t really into it. Do you have any blackheads? Possibly. Do you have any freckles? Yeah. Do you have a movie that you have to watch during the summer every year? No. I have tons of movies I like to watch during fall/Halloween and Christmastime, though. Do you think that life isn’t fair sometimes? Absolutely, but we’re not promised that it always will be. When was the last time someone bought you flowers? For my birthday a couple years ago. What was the last book you read? Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter. I keep saying I’m going to start a new book, but ahhh I don’t know what my deal is. How many books do you plan to read this summer? Summer is overrrr.  Does your house have a dishwasher? Yep. Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo? Probably. Do you like the name Carter? Sure. Have you ever had a secret admirer? No, unless it remained a secret ha. I highly, highly doubt it. How many different languages can you say goodbye in? Like 4. Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies Some, yeah. 
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imaginingit · 6 years
high school au!haechan
GUESS WHO’S BACK !! in case you’ve never met anyone that embodies SUCH a typical high schooler like hyuck before, here u go ! may or may not have done the quarterback and band geek trope . i regret nothing 
oh BOY
first of all 
let’s backtrack a little bit and talk about middle school!haechan too cause...,,, dude is a Mess 
was the sketchy one in seventh grade that sold like g-shocks and silly bands at the hill in front of the park every lunch recess 
had a power ranger lunchbox all the way up until he was like 13 lol when yukhei would be like.....hyung......What.
during the summer when the school staff are making up the lists for the classes everyone’s like 
“nO no way he’s in a class with renjun, renjun is the only person he’ll ever be afraid of i can’t have that dispute in my class”
“um. hyuck can’t be in the same class as jisung either...i once saw him try to feed jisung yellow snow saying it was lemon flavoured... poor boy believed him...”
“mark’s mother gifted me a box of chocolates last year with a note thanking me for my hard work and begging her son to be in a different class than hyuck. sorry, guys.”
the principal looks over all the lists and is like UM these are bullshit reasons, just put all of them together, how bad could it be???
ahem. BAD.
every science class starts with chenle and yukhei SCREAMING the bill nye theme song do u guys watch the vlives my GOD i thought chenle was hard to keep up with and nOW THERE’S LUCAS 
dodgeball during phys-ed is just haechan, yukhei and jeno absolutely slaughtering everyone
mark has his headphones in the entire time in art class and if one of the guys try to talk to him he just raises his finger and shushes them
jeno and jaemin flirt 
renjun, chenle and yukhei trying to win jisung over and then ending up just swearing at each other in mandarin 
has been the football captain since he was at the youngest age that was  eligible to even sign up,,,,, he’s that good 
always always makes mark walk home with him after practice 
so mark just sits on the bleachers with his bio textbook in his lap and glasses slipping down his nose, pages just flying left and right from the wind, bored out of his mind like fUCking hyuck i hate u i hate waiting two hours for practice to end just so you can show me your new pokemon cards at home ffs
everytime there’s practice before school, he’s always the last one to stay on the field, promising coach he just wants to try another long catch
SO because he’s always late this BITch just runs straight to first period with sweaty hair and practice clothes and athletic tape still on his fingers 
renjun: you disgust me.
jaemin: here’s my deodorant. and jeno’s. and jisung’s. here take all of ours take it please just take it oh my gO d
loves this sport more than absolutely anything honestly 
his entire bedroom is just full of patriots posters and banners 
his mom pranked him on his birthday telling him to open the box on his bed with pats tickets inside 
ran upstairs crying hysterically and fucking opened it to find a picture of his siblings going HA YOU THOUGHT 
resented them for the rest of his life 
but this boy also really loves music!!
always performs a ballad every year at the school talent show with jisung doing some sort of contemporary performance
his parents are both fans of old schoolers, like abba & elvis & beatles such, so he grew up with the beautiful combination of football on the tv and ‘mamma mia’ spinning on the record player in the kitchen 
during his final middle school year, he performed a version of his favourite park hyoshin song, and finished with the entire school in uproar, cheering and screaming HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK!!! YES!!!
and so he puts the mic back on the stand and runs down the stage to his teammates waiting in the crowd
so excited and and ready to jump into their arms
only to witness a couple of them standing there motionless and checking their wrists, as if waiting from the start for his performance to be over 
he sees the defensive tackle of his team, some dude that probably shaves twice a day and is beefed BEYOND belief 
“hey man, abt time you’re done, coach wants to run over some plays for next week’s game against yg tech, let’s go”
and that was it
the hoard of guys in letterman jackets pull him into their midst and before he could even complain, they mercilessly make their way to the gym as a group
with renjun, chenle, jaemin, jeno, mark and yukhei all just standing there like ... o ... ok ... we just wanted to congratulate u, hyuck...
donghyuck never brings that moment up ever and the dreamies don’t question (yes lucas is a dreamie square up)
from then on, they notice hyuck’s been humming less and isn’t even commenting about day6′s new releases or how renjun’s grandfather bought a brand new record player from the most expensive record store in their town 
donghyuck continues being the school’s star quarterback and having meetings with minor league scouts every week 
they know it’s a touchy topic and being as close as they are with each other, they don’t pry hyuck about it and knows he’s the type to hold it in but will bring it up when he has to 
but unlike what they all think, hyuck doesn’t explode in anger or spite 
he finally opens up on a regular friday night when mark’s sleeping over after finishing a hefty assignment 
and mark is surprised that he prods on this topic with, not anger or spite, but ,,,,, fear? 
“hey mark.......what if this is the only thing i can do?"
“what do you mean?”
“i don’t want to just be some brainless jock” 
mark is a little... stunned... he’s known him all his life and this is the first time hyuck has shown any sign of fear?? of anything???
mark just scootches in a little closer....”you’re not brainless, and this won’t be the only thing you’ll be good at, i promise”
BUT OF COURSE they never speak of it again hyuck’s just kinda like hahahahahha emotions what ahahahah sadness what ahahhahah
but graduation hits and before the dreamies (and yukhei hehe) know it, it’s time for high school
all the upperclassmen know him and think he’s a little shit but love him anyway, so embraced him and all his friends when they entered 
fascinated by how much wider the hallways are and how BIG  the school actually is 
tryouts for the football team are on like the second day 
was so excited!!!! to play with his close hyungs and co-captains jaehyun and youngho 
coach personally came up to him and was like .... boi it’s so rare for a freshman to be on the varsity team, hERE’S YOUR JERSEY NUMBER AND YOUR LOCKER AND YOUR EQUIPMENT AND YOUR OWN PERSONAL PRACTICE SCHEDULE I’LL WORK AROUND U IT’S OKAY 
is treated automatically like the superstar at the first official practice and honestly doesn’t ..,,know how to handle 
he’s only always been around his middle school friends, aka people he’s known all his life and who know he doesn’t like being smothered 
donghyuck knows he’s good but again, will anyone ever look him past the football?
mark sees all this new attention he’s getting and his heart silently breaks a bit knowing hyuck doesn’t truly want all of this
the football, yes !!! the clout, not really 
but hyuck is a freshman!! and knows he can’t speak up quite yet so he endures this superstar status already bestowed on him and forces his uncomfortable smile away 
it’s ok !! he tells himself
it’s good to be recognized for something you’re good at ..,, right ?
but as years pass and seniors graduate and championships continue to be won, hyuck slowly climbs up the popularity pyramid with it too
so by the first day of senior year, having just recently started getting close with the captain of the cheerleading squad and throwing the biggest party of the summer break as a last hurrah a few days prior, hyuck walks into the high school doors as the talk of the TOWN
all those stereotypical popular pretty boys you see on tv namely um troy bolton um austin ames um finn hudson um scott mccall um YES 
that’s literally him at this point 
loved by all students for being a social butterfly and not ??? an asshole ??? to those that aren’t as popular
teachers adore him cause he participates in class and always hands assignments in on time despite his student schedule and always gifts them little holiday baskets at the end of every semester
renjun had junior year chem with him and almost threw his paper out the window when he saw hyuck’s mark
“how are you this good ,,,,,,,, when you don’t even DO anything?!” 
point is, he’s at the top of his game
and this year, senior year, the stakes for the championship are higher than ever; with hyuck’s school topping the rankings for the east, they’ll likely be meeting with the champion team in the west for the finals, and coach claims he hasn’t seen a matchup this neck-and-neck in terms of stats, style of play, and pairing matchups in .,,,, years
so there’s absolutely no screwing around this year - losing is not an option
but overall, haechan believes he has his shit planned out: there were assignments, then exams, then playoffs, then the championships, followed by celebrations here and there, and then hopefully a scholarship, followed by graduation and then college, and then it’ll just be the flower road from there
what he really doesn’t factor in, though, is a certain captain of a certain school marching band, swooping in to save his ass for the first time of many,,,,many more to come 
it happens on a regular tuesday afternoon 
you two shared the same stupid humanities elective class during last period, and it didn’t dawn upon him that a rough copy of this useless visual presentation was due today that he did nOT even know was even assigned 
the teacher comes around with her pointy ass glasses and a clipboard decorated in purple flower stickers, visibly softening at an obviously panicked hyuck 
“hello, donghyuck, ready to show me the rough copy?” 
“well,,,,see i-i um ,,, i”
the teacher kind of urges him on, half in disbelief and half in pity at how scared he looks for the first time ever
he’s still trying to conjure up a plausible excuse, all the while LITERALLY WANTING TO HIT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD
ugh ur so stUPID, hyuck, he thinks, coach even ended practice early last night too and all u did was binge the last airbender for the 80th time AGAIn like a DUMBASS ugh 
so there’s a couple more awkward moments of silence 
“oh, ms kwon! i should have said something, haha we partnered up for this one! i have it on my laptop here!!”
his flushed face whips around and lands on you 
in your oversized knit sweater and cute skinny blue jeans ripped at the knee, round glasses threatening to fall from your nose 
and a surge washes over him he’s neve r ev  er felt before 
relief ?? ya, sure. we’ll call it that for now 
the teacher looks at you, then back at hyuck with an eyebrow cocked and you steal that moment to send him a nod and stern look in your eyes
he’s spluttering at this point 
“ye-yeah, sorry miss, just a little tired and f-frazzled i guess...”
the teacher kind of just gives herself a knowing smile, as sort of a “heh....alrighty then” but walks over to your desk nonetheless 
the entire class seems to buy it too, and go back to their white noise chatter 
hyuck lets out the loudest exhale before scrambling to his feet over to you just glaring at him with a knowing smile and your arms crossed across your chest
“i’m so soRRY I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT FOR ME YOU REALLY DIDN’T HAVE TO i’m s o sorry i had practice late last night and holy crap it just totally slipped by me and-”
he stops at the sight of you bursting into a fit of giggles and is even more ??? confused ?? hes so frazzled
you: “it’s ok, you idiot, i know you always get stuff in on time anyway” 
and he shuts right back up and turns BRIGHT RED bc who even is this person? who’s so cute n helpful 
you: “i’m y/n btw!! i’m captain of the marching band for ur team” 
and the lightbulb visibly clicks for hyuck 
“OOOOH so that’s why you look so familiar!!” 
so the two of you chat away about playoffs coming up and the championships the last few years and how it’s so strange neither of you have crossed paths in the pass when you’ve had so many connections
and you kind of just smile and nod at that 
because you fully know why 
lee donghyuck, captain and quarterback of the football team
lee donghyuck, school heartthrob and teachers’ favourite
lee donghyuck, the social butterfly and the amicable figure in every situation 
he had always been there, practicing on the field in front of you as you tried to pry your eyes off of him and run the trumpet section one more time,,.,,,,he was always there, but always so??? unreachable???
you couldn’t pretend you never laid eyes on him on freshman orientation day when he was being stopped by every person he walked by to be high fived and welcomed to the team
and thought wow . his skin? his aura? the way his smile lights up the whole goddamn room? 
and you’re in a lot of classes with jaemin and always see hyuck drop by a few minutes before class to sit and goof around before getting lovingly chastised by the teacher 
but never reached out to say hi or anything 
he was always too unreachable 
BUT OF COURSE you don’t say anything and instead just smile at the ground and shrug 
“guess that’s just the way we’re supposed to be, you know?” 
and just as he was about to ask what you meant by that, the bell rings and you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding 
like w Ow a whole 1 hour class w ur crush and he’s finally talking to you ???? TOO MUCH FOR ONE DAY 
you don’t even utter a goodbye  but just give him a bright, knowing smile, stuff your papers into your bag and leave for the day 
and even as the classmates pack up and the teacher is gone and hyuck knows he doesn’t have practice today but needs to get home bc he promised his mom he would help with her flat tire, he can’t find it in himself to stand up and leave 
he’s sitting there processing your words, and just,,,,you
“i’ve really been around y/n this whole time and didn’t even know it?” 
suddenly he just feels stricken with guilt and shame and remembers all the time the ball landed by the bleachers and you exCitedly running down the steps to toss it back clumsily 
he remembers always smiling back and saying “thanks”, but never quite meeting the eyes of the person 
he lets out a grumble and just plunks his head onto the wooden desk loudly 
chenle and jisung come bc they were all supposed to walk home together 
and just see a slumped hyuck bumping his head up and down on the table whispering “stupid, ,,,,, so stupid” over and over again
jisung: he did it oh my god it’s done it broke him football finally broke him HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING BROKE HIM 
so after fixing the tire and helping clean after dinner and finally lying in bed that night
he makes this silent promis e ??? to make it up to u somehow ?? 
you both wake up the next day, both w each other lingering in your minds, and both unsure of what to do to get rid of it 
though hyuck isn’t sure he wants to 
you both daze off during classes and stare at the back of the head of the person in front of you,,,,just,,, thinking 
and then it’s time for fifth period 
and you don’t think you’ve ever speedwalked so fast to a class before 
people start pouring in and as the second bells starts to ring you still don’t see his face and you decide getting your hopes up all day for no reason was just stupid 
the teacher is about to start the class before the door opens one last time and you see a visibly flustered hyuck shuffle in 
right into the seat next to you 
what you don’t know is two minutes prior to this, poor dude was in the bathroom rinsing his face and trying to do something, anytHING to get the blush off his cheeks but to no avail 
so the lesson today was about families and societies and you swear the next ten minutes felt like forty 
your eyelids start getting a little heavier before you hear the scratching of a pencil on paper 
he’s marked the side of your notebook with a little “hello ^-^” 
you try to conceal the beaming smile threatening to creep on ur face but you really can’t
you’re just a little whipped aren’t u
that entire class is then just spent doodling stupid things on each other’s notebooks and giggling and even had to have the teacher turn to you guys and give a stern look before realizing it was hyuck and just BEAMED 
by the time the class ended you were packing your stuff up to leave before he gRabs your hand 
“what the--?” 
he takes your thumb and places it on the fingerprint scanner before fiddling with something on it 
your mind immediately sprinted to the WORST IDEAS
“he’s hacking my instagram right now isn’t he he’s telling my family on facebook that i do drugs, isn’t he LEE DONGHYUCK GIVE ME MY PHONE”
so you start to fumble for it before he hands it back to you calmly,
“i’ll be expecting a text tonight”
and then he’s gone 
and that was the start of the cutest friendship ever ???? 
you guys talk about anything and everything, from the colour of your room to his sister’s favourite food to the one time you fell from your treehouse and had to get stitches to the time lucas got stuck in a slide on a children’s playground when they all decided to sneak out at like 11pm at night and had to call the fire department to come get him out 
and texts eventually turn into calls and calls eventually turn into being inseparable at school
the boys LOVE YOU and immediately pinned you on their side to torture hyuck together
and as time goes by, all the boys start noticing changes in hyuck and how he would never do anything with them without mentioning your name
like they’d be out having ice cream after studying at jisung’s and he’d absentmindedly mention that this lemon ice cream is the perfect colour of your room and that yellow is your favourite colour 
or that the disco ball in jaemin’s basement is exactly the one you have dangling on the rearview mirror in your car 
so WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE but the boys respect you enough to not tell you yet bc you deserve to have hyuck confess on his own
you guys hang out any chance you get and it isn’t till near spring formal that he comes over with some mcdonalds that you realize you’ve gotten so comfortable so fast 
so you both settle into the kitchen before he opens up the big mac, takes off one of the buns of the burger, to reveal ketchup dotted across the patty spelling “SF? :D” bc the patty was too small to spell the full words, “spring formal?” lol 
and you scoff and throw a fry at him bc of course you’d go with him 
and your heart’s just racing for the rest of the night
after dinner you head out to your backyard and lay a blanket on the grass to stare up at the stars 
hyuck knows a lot about astrology so you love just lying there and hearing him tell you about the lyra constellation and its myths 
you spend the night just giggling and laughing and shoving each other around before it starts to get really late and he knows he should be going 
but he can’t seem to move
and so he asks,
“hey, are you mad at me?”
and you’re a little,,,confused before you reply, “for spilling jisung’s apple juice on my laptop the other day? just a little, but i’ll forgive you if you pay for my spring formal ticket for me hehe”
he rolls his eyes and scoffs and says, “no you idiot”
you can’t think of why you’d be upset with him, considering it was just a regular night for you two
he explains, “you know.....for not really knowing you before this year”
your heart kind of sank bc you weren’t really expecting it but you also deep deep deep down seriously wished he would never bring this up 
it’s silence until you answer
“no, because i don’t blame you for it” 
“what do you mean”
“well...” you know it’s a tough thing to tell him but you know he’ll listen to your words
“you’ve just always been unreachable, you know? like i remember seeing you on freshmen orientation day and just thinking, you know, this guy is just something else,,,something i’ll never be. and over the years, i made my peace with that, bc that’s just the situation you were thrust in,,, you know, football and parties and stuff”
and hyuck’s heart sinks with each word because you really mentioned everything he was afraid of,,,,that he was only ever gonna be popular because of football,,,,and that he never really had a say before he was thrust into the social status he’s in now 
just as he’s about to clear his throat from emotions and get up to spout some stupid excuse on why his mom wants him home now even though she was probably already in bed, you continue
“but....now i know that’s not all that you are...you’re kind and smart and sweet and funny, and yeah you’re crazy good at football but you’re also crazy good at singing and science and fixing tires and vacuuming and playing with your little sister and making people laugh,,,that’s why you’re my friend now”
hyuck doesn’t realize how long he stares at you after you said that before you wave your hand in front of his face ((”uh dude.....”))
he feels tears welling up in his throat so he just lies back down and makes some nonchalant comment again, playing it all off like he usually does
“mhm okay yea enough with the sappiness i just wanted to know if the geeky band girl hates the quarterback captain like they typically do okay blah blah”
but you and him both know
you’re both concealing smiles as you lay there, staring at the stars 
he’s never heard anyone talk about him like that before 
and you’ve always known that he was still a little unsure of himself 
and maybe this just put this all to rest 
and as you both lay there with the sound of your own frantic heartbeats in your ears, you dwell on the fact that maybe it shouldn’t be beating that hard,,,,that fast,,,,
senior year is going by, and before you guys know it, championships are in three days  
your school wins the semi-finals in dramatic fashion, with the winning touchdown seconds before the final whistle 
and you couldn’t make it to that game bc of a huge assignment due the next day but hyuck makes sure to call you as soon as he grabbed his stuff from the locker room 
it was only a beat of silence before jungwoo just scoffed and shrugged, “someone’s WHIPPPEEEDDD” 
hyuck just blushes red and runs out in the midst of the entire locker room hollering and throwing sweaty towels at him 
bc he knows he doesn’t really have feelings for you, does he? 
these past few months have been amazing but it can’t be 
all he does know is 
how your hair smells like vanilla when you whip your head around to scold him for pinching your sides 
how your eyes crinkle when you laugh at some pun you read on reddit 
how your fingers get really bad circulation so they’re always cold and red and you have to make sure to wear sweaters during the winter to keep them warm
how you hate helping out the flutes cause they’re always screechy 
how you started playing the saxophone because your grandma did when she was in college 
how your eyes light up when someone mentions your favourite tv show character 
how you hate carrots but he always makes you eat them cause they’re good for you and you just sit there all pouty
how much he loves loves LOVES when you come over to just do nothing like sit on his windowsill and read or go through his old childhood pictures for the millionth time and giggle at every cute smiley one for the millionth time
he’s standing there in the middle of the field with his phone in his hand, dangling by his side, with you hollering through the receiver like “,,,,hello? bitch u called ME, HELLO?!!” 
and he just mumbles a “uh i gotta go sorry i’ll tell you about it tomorrow” 
and hangs up
cause fuck 
he’s in love isn’t he 
and he’s lying in bed again that night, knowing that he wants to tell you but he’s also so afraid, cause you’re his best best best (sorry mark) friend
and he’s never gotten so close to anyone so fast 
and he loves going to practice early with you so you guys can grab breakfast before 
and how he always makes sure to “accidentally” miss a toss and have it land on your head while you’re running a piece
so he tosses and turns all night 
before he comes to a decision
he knows the marching band always has practice on the bleachers every wednesday morning, coinciding with the team’s morning practice as well  
he rips his sheets off his tired body but surges up and runs to his computer, types in a few things onto the search engine and presses “print” 
it’s the next morning, and as you groggily heave yourself up from your bed, dreading having to deal with the flutes and their screeching sharps today, you also think abt hyuck and you wonder why he was acting so weird last night
but you brush it off as fatigue from a long and gruelling game 
it’s a beautiful day outside already at 7:00 in the morning, with just the slightest bit of chilliness and dew on the morning grass, and hyuck thinks it’s no accident that the sun decided to come out today too 
he holds the crinkly sheets of music in his hands, slightly shaking and profusely sweating, somehow nervous bc of someone he admires for the first time ??? in his life ???? 
he practically sprints to school, wanting to be there before you do
he spots the majority of the marching band already there and he sighs in relief when he doesn’t spot you
“hEy guys!” he runs up to the bleachers 
and he stops for a second before he realizes like ..... all these people look like deers in headlights bc ,, ,,,,,, the quarterback,,,,isn’t here with you?? aren’t you guys always stuck beside each other ????
“i’m s o sorry i don’t have a lot of time to explain and i know its confusing and this is gonna be such a rush but here !!!!” 
he hands out the sheet music to everyone there and makes them promise to not let you know about it 
everyone exchanges confusing looks ((one dude’s just like ‘fuck man it’s too early in the morning for secrets’)) but end up agreeing anyway and haechan doesn’t even have time to celebrate before he hears his teammates starting to make their way out of the practice room
he runs over to seungkwan, your best friend in band and someone who haechan knows won’t hold his word unless a bribe is involved
“okay look i know you’re y/n’s best friend but you have to promise me you won’t let her know about this okay?”
seungkwan props his clarinet on his shoulders, almost as if he was holding a baseball bat instead and does his best to puff his shoulders like “HMPH well what do i get out of this??”
“if you can establish a secret rehearsal time for tomorrow with the rest of the band where i can come and rehearse with you, i’ll set you up with our running back” bc god fucking knows vernon and seungkwan have been crushing on each other for years but have never had the guts to go NEAR each other and haechan is just sick of vernon’s endless daydreaming in the locker room 
seungkwan goes BRIGHT RED before clearing his throat and muttering “ugh fiNe” under his breath even tho he’s finally !!!!!! gonna talk to hansol !! agghhhhh!!!! 
haechan practically blows him a million kisses and runs off to the locker room before seungkwan asks
“HEY ummmm but uh why are you doing this?”
haechan sighs and feels he can’t even begin to explain himself without becoming a blubbering mess
so he just reassures him with a, “you’ll see”
hyuck doesn’t come to class that day even though you swore you saw him at practice 
he had cancelled breakfast w you earlier that morning and only waved to you once during practice, but again, you credit that to the finals being in 48 hours 
you shoot him a “cute bum where u from” text in hopes of getting his attention
“okay but no seriously WHERE ARE U I HATE MS KWON SO MUCH”
and no answer again 
you huff and give up and know he’ll message when he has to 
what you don’t know is he made sure to steer clear of you from now until the championships bc 1. he’s still not sure what he can do around you anymore now that he Knows how he Feels 
and 2. bc his hands are just glued to the sheet music, trying to rehearse as much as he can for this little surprise he has planned for you 
so all he does is just send you back a simple “not feeling well, just gonna rest up until the game” 
and your heart sinks bc you guys haven’t gone 48 hours without talking since like 8 months ago 
regardless, with championships coming up and endless school assignments piling up, you’re pretty well distracted 
but you do also silently curse yourself for imagining every quote in romeo and juliet to be hyuck and you 
and how every hour of those 48 hours seemed so excruciating and long and empty bc both of you were so busy 
so by the time it’s game day, you are restless and in so much yearning for a presence you never knew you needed this bad 
but you know, as soon as the game’s over, you can hopefully run into his arms and congratulate him 
ahem platonically ofc ahem, you try to convince yourself 
you get to the field and it’s already bustling with mascots and spectators and streamers and you can barely hear the sound of the band warming up above all the noise 
intros begin and you guys start playing the opening pieces as the banner rips and out runs 
and it’s like suddenly the earth just . stops 
looking at him running out, eyes blazed and all determined and strong made you feel so much all at once, you could feel your knees starting to buckle
and it didn’t really help when, mid run, he turns his head to you and gives a subtle smile and wink before heading to the center of the field 
you bite back a beaming smile of your own
for the next two hours, that’ll have to be enough 
and there wasn’t a single doubt in your body that they were gonna lose 
the game starts and the volume doesn’t dim for even a second 
you feel yourself sweating profusely through your blue and white uniform with each toss and whistle and tackle and you swear you’ve never been so nervous in your life 
it’s the final quarter and your school is down by just a touchdown and you swear you won’t be able to handle this anymore it’s toO MUCH
you glance up at the stands to see yukhei holding chenle’s head and screaming and jaemin with his head in his hands and jeno just closing his eyes ((”i can’t watch i can’t watch i can’t watch”)) and mark and jisung grabbing onto each other muttering things that look like praying ??? 
you even spot former alumni, youngho, taeyong and jaehyun, biting their nails and clasping their hands 
there’s barely a minute left and the ball is in our possession 
you hear hyuck echo a “HUT!! HUT HUT” before he tosses the ball in the air
it’s like time slows down as you see the running back catch it and dash for the end 
THE ENTIRE FIELD IS ON THEIR TOES as you watch your team’s defence tackle and hammer people out of vernon’s way 
he’s going and going and just before the horn blows for the end of the game, he crosses the line and 
the horn blows for the final second and once again, you guys have done it 
everyone from the stands pours down onto the field and before you can process it, mark and the boys are running up to you and dog-piling you, dragging you into the crowd with them
they did it!!! hyuck did it!!!! 
there are streamers and confetti everywhere but your eyes are just straining and stretching, looking for him 
it’s just loud, white noise for a second before you hear something behind you 
your band is in position and you see seungkwan counting them in for the opening beats
your heart starts to panic to remember if you forgot you had another piece to perform?????
the opening chords to a familiar classic starts playing and before you can even react 
there’s a voice in a mic 
and the sound of someone singing 
and it’s hyuck 
the band plays along with him and you’re just,,,,,perplexed and confused as to what he’s doing 
until you realize he’s looking straight at you
the swing beat starts to get everyone in the crowd singing and dancing 
but you’re frozen in your spot 
did he plan this?? what is he doing and how did you not know about it???? you feel hands behind you and eyes start to land on you as the boys push you forward and hyuck starts making his way onto the field to where you’re standing 
the crowd gets even louder and the music gets even happier as he’s dancing and grooving his way to you 
and then there he is, right in front of you 
his voice has you hypnotized and you’re absolutely sure this is a dream 
you guys move together to the beat, never taking eyes off one another and you just have an amazed expression on your face the entire time 
the songs comes to a beautiful climactic end and you still have no idea what’s going on
the lyrics still echo in your head
“hey, hey, baby....i want to know if you'll be mine...when i saw you walking down the street, i said that’s someone i’d like to meet,,,”
and the entire school is watching ((INCLUDING HYUCK’S PARENTS AND YOUR TEACHERS))) and your head is just spinning, spinning, spinning
he lowers the mic and just leans close and rests his forehead on yours and whispers his words to you
“i love you, and i’m so sorry it took so long but i really really do, i just hope i can make up for all the time lost,” 
his eyes are pouring emotions into yours and for some reason you want to cry 
his team just won a championship!!!! scouts are probably here, scribbling his name down for a scholarship right now!! and everyone on this field was just yelling and whooping his name a second ago!!! 
yet he’s standing here, so vulnerable and nervous in front of you 
so you grab his face and swallow your nerves
and tell him you love him, you’ve loved him for so long 
all you hear is just muted yelling and cheering and whooping around you before you swear you see a glisten in his eyes as he leans and swoops you in for a kiss 
the band is going off and playing some other 80s love tune and there is still confetti just flying all over the place and people running up to you and hugging you guys 
but his hand is still entangled in yours and he just winks 
bc in the midst of all the chaos and all the noise of being such a superstar, there you are 
and he’s sure that’s all he’ll need 
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
June 8, 2021
Okay so there’s this art studio at my uni which hosts classes and as of now I only have four semesters left to take advantage of it and like,,,,,,, I know that these classes do have a cost (from $12 to $250), but like,,, the experiences will cost even more once I’m no longer a student (the cost is double for the general population), and the classes actually seem like fun and it can just be another thing I can do for myself.  Like, I wanna take a pottery class bro!  And that in addition to the workout class(es) I want to do weekly!  And the clubs I want to be involved in!  Ballet!  Mentoring!  Body Combat!  Something theatre-related because if I go another six months without a performance I might explode or something.  Just, things for me.  Only me.  
One thing I miss a lot about campus is being able to take myself out on dates.  Specifically movie dates.  I think I did this twice during my freshman year, maybe?  Where I watched one of the free movies my uni was showing that week.  Really good movies too.  Waves, Parasite.  I would get my homework done early, head out for a few hours and enjoy myself.  I miss that a lot.  And I can’t wait to do it again.
So, yeah.  I want the art studio evening classes to be on my radar for this upcoming semester.  I want to try out the rock wall at the rec center.  I want to try lifting weights.  I want to try the little adventure trips hosted by the rec center, maybe even as early as this summer (probably not that soon lol, but it’s nice to dream innit?).  I only have two more years left, and there’s so much I want to do~
I think I just really like independence?  Or maybe it’s my inflated sense of self-security?  But back during the Summer of Glory and Doom I was doing all sorts of things just like, on my own.  Did I feel astoundingly lonely?  ...I mean, sometimes, yeah.  But I also felt so free.  And that felt so good.
You know, I talked about this in a previous post just a little bit ago, but I really do think I’m between interests.  Like, Critical Role has ended for the next couple of months, and I’m not really on top of the DSMP as much as I was a few months back...  I’m nearing the end of ST:TNG too.  I’d like to get back to sewing and reading again,, don’t know why I haven’t yet.  Honestly I feel so bad just sitting around doing, well, basically nothing.  I think it’d be cool to read outside but that region is infested by stupid cicadas, so Imma just chill in here for the next few weeks, I think.
Anyway, found out today that I’m to be neither the tryhard of my internship cohort nor the... well, the seemingly clueless one, so I’m happy with my position in the middle.  We have to take a “class” as part of the thing, and uh, personalities are showing through for sure.  No one’s really astoundingly attractive though, so.
Today I’m thankful for... tbh I’m thankful for the popcorn my mom bought.  I love popcorn, and I’ve been settling for Pop Secret but it is objectively worse than the microwave popcorn that my mom just got.  It takes less artificial?  Which like, I know, I probably don’t have the first clue as to what “less artificial” would even taste like, but idk it just tastes better?  Whatever, I don’t need to justify myself to you, I’m thankful for it and that’s final.
Oh also I just gotta say that I love reading back through some of these journals and finding absolutely golden lines omg.  The sentences that catch me completely off guard and make me smile or bust into a bit of laughter.  I encountered one last night lol.  They just come out of nowhere and make me appreciate the stream of consciousness style of writing sometimes.
ST:TNG EPISODE I JUST WATCHED EXPLAINED WHY THERE ARE SO MANY HUMANOID-LOOKIN RACES IN SPACE which like, as an explanation?  I didn’t hate it!  Actually kinda cool tbh.  I was wondering why so many of the intelligent races in space looked super super similar lol.  I mean, I don’t think evolution quite works that way, but I’m willing to suspend my disbelief.
last but not least it’s 1:30am and I’m actually feeling pretty tired so I’m going to take this as an opportunity to try to get to bed before 2 am which would be a record early time for me within the past few weeks (...months??).  Wish me luck!
Oh and, “Dream not of today~”
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delightfully-daisy · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
And she's been living on the highest shelf... Oh, and they come unstuck Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side
[TW: sexual assault mentions; eating disorder mentions]
Birthday: 14 January 1995
Hogwarts House (Primary): Ravenclaw
Hogwarts House (Secondary): Hufflepuff
Myers-Briggs: ESFJ
Enneagram: Type 3
Height:  5’4
Mother: Lilian Ophelia Marie Harcourt Canard
Father: Jacques Didier Canard
Mother’s Occupation: lawyer—business law
Father’s Occupation: stockbrocker
Family Finances: quite wealthy—combination of old money on both ends, as well as parents’ own ambitions and finances
Birth Order: middle child
Siblings: Nicolas Etienne Jeannot Canard (24); Andre Leon Charles Canard (19)
Other Close Family: Aunt Cecile on her dad’s side (who has a girlfriend and is like super cool and a movie producer); she has another aunt on that side who has two kids her and Nic’s ages but I don’t have my notebook on hand so I cant look up their names oh well; Lilian is an only child
Best Friend: Clarke
Other Friends: Annette Grant, Hermes Petros, Toulouse Bonfamille, Stanley Schell, Abby and Tabitha
Enemies: Tito? Lol she thinks so :C
Pets: a cat named Sabrina! Her family also has two dogs named Gigi and Fifi
Home Life During Childhood: her parents were both very busy, but she and her siblings were very close and her dad made a huge insistence on family time when they were together; to this day they have a designated week in late July and winter where they go on vacations together; she’s very close with Nic and her dad; Andre can be a bit of a brat; she clashed with her mother a bit growing up but she’s starting to understand her more
Town or City Name(s): Paris, France
What Did Her Bedroom Look Like: very nice and spacious, big windows with a nice view, she has a canopy bed, everything is in pastel colors, lots of whites and pinks—nothing too loud, everything soft like a Rococo painting, a big walk-in closet, a nicely lit vanity, the artwork in there is carefully selected, everything has its place
Any Sports or Clubs: did newspaper also probably a creative writing club; used to fence and do ballet, but quite around 13/14 years old
Favorite Toy or Game: loved paper dolls
Schooling: one last semester at Pride U; probably did some pretty expensive private school in Paris
Favorite Subject: Composition, Art History
Popular or Loner: Popular!
Important Experiences or Events: was sexually assaulted at 17, her then-boyfriend lied about it and harassed her for months after
Health Problems: undiagnosed anxiety, lowkey makes herself throw up after eating sometimes also
Culture: French
Religion and beliefs: Raised Catholic, she wants to believe in a benevolent God but does not really like the Catholic church; she wants to believe in the goodness of people
Bad Habits:  worries, limits her food intake a lot haha, has a tendency to keep her emotions inside before lashing out, cries a lot
Good Habits: uh, organized, keeps up with her fitness, ambitious, kind-hearted (in her own way), stylish
Best Characteristic: determined—once she sets her mind on something or someone, she will not quit
Worst Characteristic: scared—her number one limitation in life is that she is too scared to take chances/take risks/do anything without security
Worst Memory: the whole sexual assault thing and also the night she broke up with Tito
Best Memory: oh gosh, probably getting her bike back
Proud of: not much lol, uh maybe her fashion sense, she’s like really insecure though and attributes all her successes to other factors, poor bby
Embarrassed by: e v e r y t h I ng have you seen how much this girl blushes
Driving Style: she’s a fantastic driver—fast, daring, drives stick-shift in heels, cuts tight corners on her motorcycle, she’s fab, best driver of my characters (except maybe for Eva, but that’s cuz Eva has heightened reflexes lol); does have a tendency to speed, but doesn’t do it except on isolated roads
Strong Points: determined, hard working, kind-hearted, stylish
Temperament: gosh im not sure its like a mix of sanguine and melancholic
Attitude: outwardly, confident and determined; inwardly, really fuckin’ anxious and insecure about everything
Weakness: she’s so insecure and not good with criticism and she’s soft little flower it is easy to crush her
Fears: everything—not being good enough is the main one though
Phobias: see above lol
Secrets: not too open about the whole sexual assault thing for obvious reasons, also he like harassed her for months afterwards
Regrets: every romantic relationship she’s ever had because it makes her seem stupid and heartless and foolish
Feels Vulnerable When: uh always? When she’s being emotional, tbh, since she’s been told to restrict that
Pet Peeves: people who assume she’s dumb, people who assume she’s shallow
Conflicts: oh gosh where to begin—the fact that she wants the world to be this good, ideal place where she has the ability to help it, but the reality that class differences/prejudices in other areas are very real and very hard to overcome; her own desire to do more with her life, but knowing that rejecting her family’s values would not be good, and she really loves her family; navigating being a soft woman in a world that otherwise respects hard, sharp ones
Motivation: She wants to be successful and to make a change in the world.
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Graduate, get a good job somewhere in a big city.
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Rise to the top of her career, hopefully get married at one point.
Sexuality: bisexual
Exercise Routine: goes to spin class three times a week, does a barre class twice a week, weight training the other days, very committed exercise schedule
Day or Night Person — Day.
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert.
Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist, though she tries to be optimistic to other people.
Music: girly pop, MUSICALS—she’s a huge musical gal, sings in the shower all the time. Loves taylor swift, knows that its problematic to love taylor swift, but does so in that well #feminism way that’s also lowkey problematic ahaha. Her iTunes is mostly musicals and pop and some classical music too, she likes ballet music.
Books: classics and romance novels; also some trashy YA romance; went through a John Green phase in her high school years; her favourite book is The Bell Jar. She also reads those like “Oprah Book of the Month” club books and enjoys them. Gets most of her reading list from bestsellers lists.
Magazines: VOGUE aka the Bible; also Cosmo and Marie Claire and other high-fashion magazines; whatever the French equivalent of Time is, but also Time; started a subscription to the New Yorker whilst she was in NYC and keeps up with it
Foods: has a sweet tooth—loves chocolate. Chocolate-covered strawberries are her favorite. She thinks she can handle spicy, but she can’t really.
Drinks: Margaritas are her cocktail of choice; she loves champagne and lattes
Animals: cats! Also she loves swans and thinks its so romantic that they mate for life, but she won’t admit that lol
Sports: follows Formula One racing tbh and also fencing
Social Issues: Feminism! (she’s like lowkey a bit of a white feminist) Magick Rights! (lowkey also a bit of a problematic activist in everything; she’s trying though) Also involved in environmental issues!! (she works on a turtle fund thing with Stan)
Favorite Saying: “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn
Color: Pink!! Any and all shades! Also likes a nice rose-gold. Fond of pastel colors in decorating.
Clothing: Has a very classy, preppy style; lots of skirts and blazers; usually always in heels; most everything is designer and high-end; she takes pride in her style; she also dresses more on the conservative end, but does own a few sexier pieces
Jewelry: very classy, never overdoes herself with jewelry; simple pendants and studs
Games: played the Sims a lot, played racing games with her brothers, Mario Kart fan too
Websites: Instagram—also has a finsta bc she’s hip; tumblr; Pinterest
TV Shows: Downton Abbey, Sex and the City
Movies: The Devil Wears Prada!! (Also Titanic)
Greatest Want: To be successful and make a difference in the world
Greatest Need: To overcome her fears
Home: lives in Castle Suites in a very luxurious one-bedroom flat
Household furnishings: everything is impeccably decorated, lots of pastels and golds, there’s a big window in the living room (which has like white furniture and soft lights everywhere, big white rug on the floor, lots of throw pillows), her room has a big bed with lots of pillows and her closet is organized by type of clothes and colour
Favorite Possession: her car
Most Cherished Possession: her motorcycle
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: Tito (rip); asshole French boyfriend, Michel
Children: n/a
Relationship with Family:  huge Daddy’s girl, but Daddy is also very busy and not super around all the time and she doesn’t really confide in him; very close to older brother, Nic, sometimes they feel like they are the only people in the world they can trust; younger brother has a strained relationship bc he can be kinda douche but they love each other; relationship with mother is---complicated, they are very similar and often butt heads because of their differences though and Lilian thinks she knows what’s best etc etc and Daisy is just starting to see her mom in a new light
Car: BMW, she also has a motorcycle
Career: journalism student, editor-in-chief of campus magazine: Social
Dream Career: editor in chief of a fashion magazine that also has like a huge philanthropy side
Dream Life: said career, has not given much thought to the like actual life part of it, but ideally she’d like to be married to the love of her life and have two kids as well
Love Life: uh imma get back to you on that
Hobbies : reading, dancing (she loves dancing), driving, sketching fashions, cleaning (lol), amateur baker, used to be a fencer, writing (she used to write short stories but has not in a while)
Guilty Pleasure : those trashy Harlequin romance novels….
Sports or Clubs: Social, PrideU’s premier campus lifestyle magazine; probably involved in like journalism clubs
Talents or Skills : she’s a great dancer and a fantastic driver; also a good writer
Intelligence Level : she is great auditory learner, very sharp and quick to pick up what she listens too; writes the best out of my characters; reads a lot too; not great at sciences or math, but she tries her best and the hard work pays off; a fan of history, but only as it relates to cultural stuff (wars bore her); the most emotionally aware of others of my characters, can read people well
Finances: wealthy—parents are wealthy each from their individual families and from their own careers, pay for their children
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rbeatz · 7 years
rBeatz Exclusive Interview with dwilly
We here at rBeatz have had the pleasure of interviewing dwilly, who released his first single in 2017, Birds and the Bees, last week featuring one of our favorite new artists, Kyle Thornton.
David Wilson, aka “dwilly,” gave us some insights into the charismatic young producers life and story.
Where are you from and how has that shaped the musician you are today?
I’m originally from Greenville, South Carolina a southern town not too far from Atlanta and Charlotte. It’s pretty much the perfect place to live besides the fact that musical opportunities are sparse. People are huge into trap and hard rap down here so I believe that living close to ATL has definitely had a “harder 808ish” impact on my sound. People generally don’t listen to electronic music where I’m from so I really wasn’t exposed to it until I came up to Boston to study at Berklee College of Music.
 Where does the name dwilly come from?
“dwilly” is the alias derived from my name David Wilson. I was formally known as “D-Will”, but changing it to “dwilly” recently was a decision my crazy dope manager Noah and I thought would be better for my branding. It has a sense of “silliness” to the sound of it and I’m a silly ass mofo.
   What was the best studio moment when you recorded, ‘Birds and the Bees’ with Kyle Thornton?
Hitting the studio with Kyle was a blast. We’re both goofballs so in between moments of seriousness were pretty much joking around and laughing our asses off non-stop. My favorite moment was bringing Kyle out of the tracking room into the studio room and thinking of crazy moist harmonies for the chorus together. Most of the creation behind the track was very spontaneous. We definitely spent a good amount of time in the writing process to experiment and play around with ideas until we were satisfied.
Can you explain a bit how you made that bird synth sound on  ‘Birds and the Bees?’
Honestly, I had no intention of replicating the sound of a “bird” when I was designing that patch. The character of the sound is a result of both pitch envelope and basic filtering. My whole manifesto as a producer is designing my sounds from scratch with intentions to make my music both powerful and unique. It wasn’t until after I had designed the “drop” that I titled it “Birds and the Bees”. I had my buddy Demitrio Albano, a brilliant sound designer that works in NYC, send me some samples of outdoor bird nature and you can hear those ambiences throughout the track, especially in the intro. After finishing the skeleton of the track, I sent it over to writer and a good friend Jake Torrey out in LA where he quickly became inspired with the theme of the track to write the hook. Jake also recently wrote on Lupe Fiasco’s recent single “Wild Child”.
 What instruments did you play when you were younger?
My parents pushed me to learn as many instruments as possible. Fortunately, they realized my love for music at a young age and had me taking classical lessons when I was 5 with the amazing instructor Steve Griner. Later on when I was in middle school, I started taking drumset lessons as well. I was inspired by classic rock legend drummer Neil Peart (Rush) after my dad showed me his performance videos online. After being accepted into the Fine Arts Center high school in Greenville, I expanded my musical studies into orchestral percussion and jazz drums. There, I joined several student orchestras focusing on timpani and mallets. My percussion professor Gary Robinson helped me organize my audition for Berklee where I was accepted for my principal instrument as Orchestral Percussion. Now, I am graduating in May with a degree in Electronic Production and Design. I believe the best producers are performers as well. My piano and drum skills contribute to both my melodic and rhythmic process of producing records.
Are there an instruments that you currently wish you COULD play?
Saxophone. I’m always amazed at how much expression a monophonic (one voice) instrument is capable of achieving. Maybe one day I’ll have time to pick it up and figure it out. 
What do you like to do when you’re simply hanging out – aside from music?
You’ll find me either kicking it with my friends around Boston or watching Netflix in my underwear. Every activity I do in my free time is pretty impulsive since it’s rare when I not working on music in some way or the other. In the summer time, I spend a lot of time outside exploring the city on my longboard with my best friend Zach. Usually when l let off some steam on the weekends we’ll hit our local favorite bars/restaurants around the area.
Who are your musical influences?
Growing up on legendary artists like Michael Jackson and Rush rooted me in a strong respect and understanding for music and theory. But sonically, my influences come from current artists and producers like Porter Robinson, Skrillex, Disclosure, and Graves. Like most kids, I went through a variety of musical phases including classic rock, metal, and rap. Even classical composers like Bach and Beethoven contribute to how I choose to dictate melodies and phrasing. I love where Pop music is headed and how artists/labe ls are integrating more contemporary styles like electronic and hip hop into the charts. 
What DAW do you use and why? 
Ableton is more than my go-to-DAW, it’s like a family member to me lol. I use Protools as well but explicitly for recording. I find that sequencing and composing in Ableton is much faster and efficient than alternative DAW’s like Logic and even Protools because of the way that the workflow is designed. Ableton has an amazing capability to synchronize external devices within the workspace. Also, the way it handles automation allows me to create extremely precise and flexible paths for instrument and plugin values.
What is your favorite MIDI Controller right now?
I really enjoy using Ableton Push. It’s great for drum sequencing and creating loops. Using a surface pad such as Push is a luxury that most producers don’t have. Honestly, I don’t even use controllers in my production except when I need to hop on my Akai 49-key midi keyboard to play a quick loop or idea. Most of my composition is done internally within the software on my mouse and keyboard.
What is one of your favorite or go-to VST Plugin?
SERUM!!! I hopped on the bandwagon a couple semesters back during the earlier version and it has been the best decision I’ve made as a producer. It has so many capabilities such as FM modulation and the ability to design your own wavetables. It has a very “sharp” sound so I mainly use it for heavier synthesis in my tracks. For more “bread and butter” patches like bass or super-saws I tend to use Massive. It’s a classic reliable VST that always yields incredible results.
Do you have a key production tip for our young producers out there?
I’d say the biggest thing is to trust your ears. There’s a lot of great software to utilize these days and it’s easy to get distracted by fancy visuals. Also, use reference tracks in the mix-down process. It’s taken me years to get to the point where I am as a mixer and I still use references to ensure that my tracks are sounding commercial. Another important thing– send your music around to your fellow producers and friends and ask for feedback. Sometimes a non-musician’s opinion is more important than a musician’s because their impression on a song is often based on “how it makes them feel”.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date? 
Recently I got picked up by a student organization here at Berklee that sends artists to summer festivals. They are sending me to Outside Lands Festival where I will be performing my music to big crowds. That’s my biggest accomplishment so far.
What has been your top favorite venue to play and why?
I’ve played at several venues here in Boston, but my favorite place to play so far has been at this basement house party in Allston outside Boston. It’s a very intimate experience playing at house parties as opposed to playing in a club. All these kids were just crammed in this basement bouncing around and having a blast. It was an amazing experience just being able to party with people and see the crowd react to my music.
What is your favorite color?
What food do you eat the most?
I eat a lot of Kraft macaroni and cheese.
 What is your favorite social media platform and why?
My personal favorite is Snapchat. Like I can post the most savage things and I don’t have to worry about it really affecting my image as an artist or professional. **Knock on wood**
What is next for Dwilly?
More releases throughout this summer, and appearances at several shows in Boston and LA!
from rBeatz.com http://ift.tt/2oQkJKP
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artbyabiola · 8 years
HI GUYS!!!Happy new year! Hope your 2017 is off to a good start, and that you are still holding on strong to those resolutions!!!
It’s time to meet a new amazing artist! His name Is Mark Arceneaux and for once I did not find him through social media.
Being at many art shows in Houston, we get to meet a lot of people and fellow artists. Mark was a “show neighbour” for a while. It never failed, for whatever reason,  we always ended up being placed near each other and became friends over time. He is a nice, and fun guy and his work it’s beautifully strong and inspiring, and of course I couldn’t wait to share it with you all! Enjoy his voice and his work. You’re welcome! ;)
1. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Houston Texas
2. WHEN DID YOU START CREATING? I started drawing at a very young age, I’ll say around 5 or 6 years old.
3. SELF TAUGHT OR ART SCHOOL? To be honest a mixture of both, I went to Johnston middle school where I took an art class every day for three years, but only a semester in college.
4. HOW WOULD YOU CLASSIFY YOUR WORK? Vibrant, fresh, raw, unique, bold.
5. HAS YOUR STYLE CHANGED OVER TIME? Yes extremely, lol the first time I ever touched oil to my current oil paintings I definitely see the growth thank God lol
6. DRAWING OR PAINTING? WHICH ONE IS YOUR FAVOURITE? Painting is my new favorite due to the different colors and blending I can express myself better with painting.
7. HOW AS YOUR WORK BEEN RECEIVED AS A GAY BLACK MAN ?? “Exhale”…to be honest it never came up during small or large art events, but I never hide who I am nor do I put on a front I embrace myself and all that comes with my personality. I think that’s what is more important than who I decide to fall in love with.
8. WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR WORK TAKING YOU? Honestly, my biggest fear is to die a nobody forgotten like the others who came and went. I want my work to change all of that I want my work to be studied in the art books like all the great artistS who came before me.
9. PROUDEST ART ACHIEVEMENT? My first art event in New York and New jersey, I didn’t know anyone so I went there with a dollar and a dream. I sold one piece titled Shattered Dreams and once I came home I never looked back just kept creating
10 ANY ADVICE FOR YOUNG ARTISTS TRYING TO LEAVE THEIR MARK? To all young artist Be yourself, don’t jump into the “trends” movement. Embrace your weirdness and yourself. Also when you’re happy, sad, angry, depressed, broken whatever just paint and or draw, you never know who you might inspire. Last thing if you have a solo show or be apart of an art event make sure the entire room knows your name before you leave.
  Thank you Mark for your honesty, and for creating amazing work!
Ciao for now,
be art
ARTIST OF THE MONTH HI GUYS!!!Happy new year! Hope your 2017 is off to a good start, and that you are still holding on strong to those resolutions!!!
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