#it's valid not to like it but IMO its phenomenal
short-serketing · 1 year
The people I've seen who're upset that Louis was made a pimp in the Interview With The Vampire TV adaption because they feel it is terribly out of character for our dear, brooding, gentleman vampire are sending me into orbit thanks to the propulsive force of my rolling eyes.
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Him being a brothel owner/manager is a change, yes, but the writers are clearly exchanging his canonical participation in one disgusting system of human exploitation (slavery) for another (prostitution).
Some people have likely forgotten things as the book originally came out in 1976 and they may have last read it anywhere from a year to forty seven years ago, and his slave owning ends fairly quickly into the first book, but the point still stands.
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oldbaton · 9 months
Thoughts on the Boy and the Heron?
I'm so sorry this took so long for me to respond to. Also I am not proofreading this.
I LOVED IT. I've seen in twice. Including with my mother. Which was emotional as you can imagine.
Easily his most ambitious film. It isn't Spirited Away or Howl, but it is a remarkable film imo. I know a lot of people were not an enthusiastic as I was. And that's ok. It is deeply, deeply entrenched in metaphor. And will likely land in the mid tier of the Ghibli legacy. But wow it was for me.
I'm still making sense of it. In a good way. There's a lot I still don't understand. It was admittedly a busy film. But it just. Hit me. I also liked that it took its time before introducing us to the fantastical world. I gasped out loud when the Heron appeared from the wall in the library.
Also. I LOVE birds. When I was a kid I wanted to be an ornithologist for a little bit. I post a lot of bird content on my instagram. So I was in heaven. The Parakeets made me clap like a baby with keys jangling in front of it. LOVED the spooky disturbing Heron. People are like it's creepy and I'm like ikr isn't it glorious?!?!
The other thing is. I truly connected with that boy. I felt seen by him. I never lost my mother thank god. But when I was a kid. I felt anger like he did. I would be comically well behaved and then act out in a giant burst. And then go back to being comically well behaved. But I was a very, very brave boy and I now understand that. My childhood anger felt validated by him.
I am still figuring it out like I said. But I think it is wonderful and phenomenal. And is now a personal favorite Ghibli film. I would also go so far to say that The Heron may be my favorite creature while Spirited Away remains my favorite film.
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viscountessevie · 1 year
Benophie anon here (the first one!) Thank you so much for responding to my ask, it was part rant, part setting the record straight on how benophies were initially feeling after the s3 announcement. Also re: trivias response to my ask: I totally understand why you may not like the book, imo it's probably the worst written book out of the series as a whole, if irc it's also the shortest book in the series, and is at least a 100 pages shorter than rmb, which might explain the pacing (the book has like 7 scenes total) It's also pretty obvious jq just wanted to get the Ben's story out of the way and move on to polin already. I checked the publishing dates for the series and there is only 7 months between tvwlm and aofag, all the other books are a year apart!! So it was definitely rushed. I think the reason I like the story so much is because it has the potential to be phenomenal. Forbidden love, the inter class pairing and yes even the no 5 shenanigans. These tropes and ideas just do it for me. Their story has the potential to be great and I will forever hate jq for not having the skill or patience to deliver on that potential. As for the workplace harassment complaints: idk man let me enjoy my fantasy book in peace✌ . That's the beauty of having eight books in this series! There's something for everyone. The show has a golden opportunity to take what is the foundation for a great story and make some excellent television out of it. I do think that the the reason they skipped over ben is the cinderella aspect of the story, you must remember how much backlash that trope was getting a year ago, the producers probably got scared and pushed the season which is... fair ig? I just hope they don't feel the need to overcorrect the book, the cinderella trope is only like the first 5 chapters anyway and then its a straight forward forbidden lovers trope. The masquerade episode could be one of the best episodes on the show if done properly. Again: the ingredients for the perfect cake are there, The producers just have to follow the instructions and not add any weird shit in there. Sorry for the long reply lol, but you did ask us to write you and essay. (Also I might add on to this essay in a couple hours, I'm definitely forgetting some stuff)
Previous Ask by Benophie Anon
[Part 2 of this ask is below when I answer it!]
Hii bestie, I know this ask has been sitting in my drafts for a while but I'm briefly back to clear out my old asks :)
Thank you for the essay - I really do love reading them and it's just very nice to know that yall are willing to read mine and give the same energy back 😍 I truly have some of the best anons/mutuals/followers ever so thank you yall!
I'm always here to let yall vent and set the record straight - as I always say this blog is a safe space for anyone who wants to make this a safe space and isn't a bigot. I've also sent along your reply to Triv. I had a good chuckle at "Idk man let me enjoy my fantasy book in peace" you're so valid. Do let me know if you do end up reading The Millionaire Marquess since it's similar to Benophie - maybe it's the book that hits the potential of what you're talking abt with AOFAG!
Also hearing about how short the book is and the publication dates,,, JQ REALLY fucked over Benophie for Book!Polin huh that really sucks and I'm sorry to Benophies out there (well the valid ones, the homophobic and racist weirdos can get out of here).
I definitely understand your frustration with books not hitting the potential you see in them. I had that with a book I reviewed recently, Unladylike Lessons In Love (yes I am indeed showering you with all the HR recs because everyone deserves to read outside JQ)
Don't let the execs and higher ups off the hook, anon cos it's NOT fair that they completely messed up the order of the books. Not to mention how they butchered TVWLM. I don't think these people even care abour elevating the books - they just slapped the series name on it for the in built fanbase which ofc the racist part of that fandom got weeded out REAL QUICK after Regé's casting. Now they're using the characters of colour as props to switch out every season to draw in their POC audience. Well they can't do that with the cracker season so good luck to them.
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I'm the same - I only enjoyed AOFAG BECAUSE of Luke T! I don't think I would have been as forgiving of Ben's privileged and lowkey creepy ass in the book if I had read the book first or if Ben was played by anyone else less charming.
I think they aged him down for the ignorance and navieté show version! Also to go with the Marina storyline. He needed to be young and dumb to be tricked by her I guess. Tbh your guess is as good as mine cos this show makes so many questionable choices.
Now at the heels of QC, S3 has a LOT stacked against it. But I don't think the execs or forerunners are gonna even bother trying to redeem her 🤡 so good luck getting the audience to root for her. They're just gonna She's All That it and call it a day tbh. It's going to be bland af and I won't be tuning in. I really am over Bton the show tbh. I'm only still discussing these things cos my blog is so tied to it and my friends are still in it lol. But as you and everyone who follows can see, I have been slowly moving away and expanding my tastes.
To end off, again thanks so much for all your asks! I really do hope S4 is Benophie and they do it justice! For you and my Benophie friends ❤
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nier automata was a weird game bc overall i think it was a good game but i absolutely hated the structure of it
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nedsseveredhead · 3 years
My roommate and I have now watched all the Jason/Friday the 13th movies and I am here to rate them all for you. Watch out for spoilers, and enjoy.
Friday the 13th A classic. Can’t go wrong. Definitely a slow burn, builds tension well. Cool set up for the franchise with the mom being the vengeful killer. 5/10
Friday the 13th II Lots of rehashing of the previous movie, but with our actual man of the hour. Kills feel a little lethargic, like Jason’s finding his footing. But major points for Burlap Sack Jason- it is a VERY good look for our boy. Also really loved the pretend to be his mom bit at the end, a cool little trick. 6/10.
Friday the 13th Part 3D Kinda weak imo. They put too much effort into the 3D gags that sort of made the whole thing fall flat. Had some fun kills though, and Jason gets his mask finally which is nice. 3/10
Friday the 13th IV: The Final Chapter Love this one Jason just goes absolutely Batshit I love the energy. He wakes up in the morgue and does not stop swingin till the end. Also baby Corey Feldman. Very fun movie, 8/10.
Friday the 13th V: A New Beginning I actually really like the change of formula. The subtle blue markings on the mask showing that its not Our Jason. I also liked the cast of ‘victims’ in this one more than the other movies- for once I wasn’t rooting for Jason and I was actually sad at more than one death. Fun movie! 8/10
Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives They made my boy a Frankenstein! Watching Jason learn about his new super strength was very fun. Also had that one girlboss at the very beginning who died with her boyfriend that was Very funny. Wasn’t too invested in the story, but it was good regardless! 5/10
Friday the 13th VII: The New Blood Unofficial Jason vs Carrie! This one had some brutal fucking kills, and also a lot of the cast looked like Nikelodeon stars??? Major whiplash there. Admittedly I wasn’t too into too into the psychic powers thing but it wasn’t too bad. Fun to watch- and the makeup for Jason was phenomenal! 6/10
Friday the 13th VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan BEST ONE OF THE MAIN FRANCHISE. Jason on a boat was menacing, the cast of victims were fun and interesting, the pay off of seeing the shitty dad get killed was Great. New fuckin York baybeeee bada bing bada boom! Jason was also reeeally cute in it, his body language and little head tilts. His death at the end was genuinely very sad to me. 10/10
Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday We didnt watch this one but I read ‘Jason's heart, which has grown into a demonic infant, crawls out of Randy's neck. Steven and Jessica pull Duke out of the basement as Jason's heart discovers Diana's body and slithers into her vaginal orifice, allowing him to be reborn.’ on the wikipedia entry and feel validated in that decision. 0/10 thats not my beautiful boy
Freddy Vs Jason Near fucking perfect movie. Fucking hilarious in every way. The only flaw is they tried too hard to make a plot. Im not here for plot. Im here to watch these two duke it out to the death. And by god when that happened, the panties hit the FLOOR, brother. 9/10
Jason X Was it well written? No. Did any of it make sense? No. Was it Jason Fucking Vorhees in Goddamn space? Absolutely yes. Fucking hilarious. Everyone who died told a little witty joke about it right before they did. Jason became a cyborg. It was so painfully 2000s. Excellent. My only problem was Uber Jason didn’t have enough Jason to him. His Mecha Mask dedinitely needed work, but it was a good time. Not my favorite, but funny. 4/10
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chell-min · 4 years
What are your favorite Danganronpa and Genshin Impact characters? Love your work~✨🌟
awww tysm!!! and for faves uuu i have so many... be prepared for a LIST. i’m probably gonna write more for genshin bc. brainrot.
danganronpa: (way too many faves, but i’ll try to pick a few)
- rantaro!! my man who only had 5 minutes of screentime... i simp very hard for him, i am in LOVE with his colour scheme, his clothes and his whole mystery survivor vibe. its so edgy. kodaka you wanted to give him more screentime so pls give more dr season 52 😩
- peko is my favourite girl. sword goth gf... yes please?? she’s so cool... so pretty... and the fact that she love fluffy animals and tries to soften her face when with others hhh Gently Holds 💖 💖
- kirumi... i’m sensing a theme here. i think i’m into calm goth girls. but yeah kirumi is just so elegant and her spiderweb design is so graceful... she’s just overall an incredibly comforting character to me i would wanna spend time w her
- ishimaru!! my fave when i first got into danganronpa. he’s adorable and was really trying very hard to lead and get along w the others. plus the whole keeping nothing but school uniforms in his closet and ironing them daily... he is a jock nerd dork
(other faves: celestia, leon, sayaka, hajime, tenko, maybe nagito?)
genshin impact:
- kaeya. everyone can see this coming from a mile away. the colour scheme. the stupidly impractical fur cape. the knee high boots. the 6th grader edgy wrist glove spikes. the eye patch. this man is so overdesigned and dramatic its sexy. also king bc i love his swordwork and the cryo element. and he’s probably gonna die
- xingqiu, bastard number 2. just... everything abt his personality and backstory. yea he’s super polite heroic chivalrous but also a little shitgoblin who likes to prank his friends. he’s a prodigy rich kid who’s just good at everything he tries. he’s like... what. 15? and he wrote a bestselling book in inazuma and revived a whole martial arts clan just for kicks. immaculate.
- razor BABY. this boy was the first non-starter character to come home to me on my first day and has been carrying the team ever since. all the good weapons artifacts level up materials just go straight to him. he probably smells bad but i would like to brush his hair. and his relationship with klee?? his sweet voicelines??? THE HASHBROWNS???? DUDE. he is the softest most valid boy on earth.
- zhongli. first 5 star i actively tried to roll for and i’m ashamed to say i considered whaling 4 him. he is a refined himbo... wearing a fancy suit and being so cultured but at the same time a broke dumbass. and oh the ANGST in this man... his lore is my favourite out of all the characters i really like having my heart ripped out of my chest. also eyeliner.
- keqing a whole QUEEN. i’ll be honest i didn’t like her at first bc of her design and the super repetitive purple colour scheme but her personality and backstory is amazing. the fact that she’s born into a noble family but worked blue collar jobs to better understand how to improve worker’s rights?? how she can go venturing into the forest for days with only her sword and a single hairpin bc she’s just that badass??? i want to draw her in a suit
- maybe weird but i also really like lumine. i play on jp voiceover, but i am smitten with her english voice! her va did a phenomenal job imo - and i also love her cute expressions! i just think her design is really ethereal and angelic and pretty... also FEMALE PROTAG POWER she is a princess and she deserves the world. and i am LIVING for how the fandom just collectively decided that aether is the nice twin and she’s the feral one
(other faves: hu tao, albedo, scaramouche, venti, amber)
yeah i am thinking abt them too much thank u 4 letting me vent abt them anon i can’t shut up
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fandomtrxsh19 · 4 years
I finished season 6 and here are my thoughts.
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New characters wise, there wasn’t many. Selina’s a good addition to the villains. I liked that she’s connected to Bloom. She’s coming and manipulative and pretty complex. Tbh, there wasn’t really much of Nex and Roy, besides kind of fighting over Aisha. But, I do think that these two boys have potential. I liked what we got to see of Thoren. I think his backstory with Sky is pretty cool and his relationship with Daphne is cute. Eldora, I half liked and half kinda disliked her. I really liked her wise, loving, grandma kind of personality. She helped the girls in lots of situations throughout the season that are important. What I didn’t like, is the times where she would try to be funny and act kind of clueless. I guess it wasn’t really what you would think a fairy godmother would act.
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The 2 transformations this season are Bloomix and Mythix. I really like the design and the aesthetic of Bloomix. The fantasy, fairy armor type aesthetic is something new and unique. Even though the way of getting it is kinda weird, I still like it. Mythix, on the other hand, I don’t exactly like. The designs are pretty basic and the 3D just looks weird and bad here. Compared to the 3D animation of the movies and some shots in season 5, the 3D animation looks unfinished. The 3D animation in the movies were very detailed and fluid in their own way and the 3D in season 5 looks good in some parts of it. But, for season 6, it looks like not a lot of effort was put into it, imo. Like, in one of the sneak oeaks of the next episode, the 3D animation isn’t even done.
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At some points of this season, characters got little things of development Musa and Riven had a calm conversation and broke up. Riven realized that he still needs to find his own inner strength before coming back, so her left. I think that this is the right choice to make on both Musa and Riven’s part. They realize that they still need to work on themselves and still stay as friends. This is something that has happened many times in real life. Stella, I feel like, regressed a little. She was mainly focused on her boutique and acted pretty selfish and childish at some points. BUT, I do think that she gained sone of the development she lost by learning from the whole “Queen for A Day” thing.
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Now, Daphne. I actually kinda liked her being “alive” again. She still keeps her mature, nurturing, and caring personality, and added some extra quirkyness and clumsiness to her. Ofc, a major stand out is Liz Gillies’ PHENOMENAL performance. You can tell that she’s putting so much love and of herself into this role and is having a blast.
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Overall, this is definitely one of the weaker seasons, for me. Some characters just didn’t seem like themselves at some points( ie Stella) But, I also liked its theme of fairy tales. The concept of the Legendarium is actually pretty cool. Personally, I give this a 6/10. Definitely one of the weaker seasons, but I still enjoyed it. These are all my opinions and if you feel something different, that’s totally valid.
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I’ve really enjoyed watching the seasons I haven’t watched and rewatching those I have. With this binge, I now feel more connected to the show and I now realize what makes this show great and different from other shows of it’s time. You learn so many things from this show and these characters that can be truly effective in life. Many of these characters are extremely relatable and interesting, and that’s amazing. With this, I’ve realized why I love this show so much and how much this show about a group of badass fairies means to me. So, yeah. I really enjoyed this and I don’t regret this at all......
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If any of you wanted to know my opinions on seasons 7 and 8, I thought both were average, but I still enjoyed them.
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
I'm new to the fandom, but haven't gotten the chance to watch the show yet. Bit weird I know. I've been spoilered for bits and pieces and read some fanfic. Why is so much of the fandom silverflint when flinthamilton is there and so beautiful? I don't want to watch the show and become confused between the ships (lol). Thoughts?
Since you said you've been spoiled a bit, this does contain some spoilers for the show. Nothing major, but I dont think theres a way to talk about this otherwise. ❤
OKAY. I'm gonna say this as politically as possible, lmao, since there is...a healthy dose of animosity between people who ship silverflint and people who don't - mainly because the interpretations of John Silver's character are so varied.
For the record, enemies to lovers is my least favorite shipping trope, and silverflint is probably the biggest notp I've ever had. Edit: And Flinthamilton hits my absolutely favorite shipping trope, which is friends to lovers. We state our personal biases out front like REAL scientists of literature, lmao.  That said I have a bunch of mutuals who ship it and I try my darndest to uhhhh at least support them in that to the extent I'm able.
So, imo, the biggest reason silverflint is so popular is that they're the two characters with the most screentime together. Silver and Flint are on screen together in some capacity in just about every episode from the first to the last, and their plotlines and character developments are deeply intertwined. No matter what their actual relationship was, no matter if they were canon or if there were any actual romantic feelings between them, they were bound to be a big ship, especially since one of them is canonically attracted to men. Conversely, Thomas only has about 40 minutes of screentime in the entire series and it is all in flashback from before the series begins. Now of course he also has a lot of what I'll call 'off-screen callbacks' - James' entire character arc depends on his love and belief in Thomas' ideals - but he and James only interact for a very brief period of time and we really dont get a whole lot about Thomas himself.
There are reasons people ship both, and reasons people might be drawn to silverflint over flintham which all comes down to personal preference, but I really do think the biggest reason is their screentime disparity.
That said...even though Silverflint isn't canon, and Flintham IS the show's endgame, that doesnt make one more valid than the other as a ship because that's categorically not what fandom is about. I don't think there's a confusion to be had there, because there's no such thing as 'this is the right ship and this is the wrong one.' I have ships I doggedly sail that aren't canon and that for some are their notps. And I would quite literally fight to the death over them given half a chance. That's fandom!!
I will say that the reason silverflint is my notp is because I personally feel like the relationship becomes incredibly unhealthy when you put a romantic spin on it - but for some people that's the attraction! Or they don't have the same set of personal experiences I have that lead me to those conclusions! Just as a lot of people have experiences that sour them to him, John Silver is a very personal and relatable character to a lot of people. And honestly, if that's true why wouldn't they want to have him get with James Flint who is not only very beautiful but also technically perfect in every way and has never done anything wrong in his life, ever?
And that's okay! Again it's fandom! Everybody is right! You get validation! And you get validation! Everybody gets validation!!
(Lmao that's wrong - there are some people who are wrong but they're mostly wrong because they try to insist their views are the only corect ones.)
Idk what to tell you. Do I personally wish there was more flintham and less silverflint? For sure, lol. But that's because, let's be real - there was ABSOLUTELY NO WORLD where I wasn't going to be a rabid flintham shipper, and also absolutely no world in which I was going to like John Silver as a character enough to want him near my kin, my sun, my only light, my absolute unit of a child James Flint-McGraw-Hamilton any longer than absolutely necessary. I'm aware of my bias. I stand by it, but I am aware of it, lol. BUT HERE'S THE GREAT THING ANON IF YOU JOIN ME IN SHIPPER HELL WE CAN FIX THAT. BE THE CHANGE I WANT TO SEE!!
My biggest advice is that, at its heart Black Sails is a show about stories and the personal bias inherent in them. Keep your mind open, and try not to let fandom influence your personal feelings towards what you find enjoyable. (Even me. If you end up shipping silverflint, I promise I will try very hard not to take offense lmao). Oh, and don't expect a happy ending for anyone. Black Sails is a tragedy, and in true tragedy form there are no happy endings for anyone except the british empire.
For the most part this is a great fandom and Black Sails itself is a show that I think everyone should watch - even if they aren't in it for the ships. While I have some major problems with it(particularly its treatment of its female characters) it's also hands down the best show I've ever seen in a lot of ways. It is full of not just the most pure and perfect mlm ship in Flintham but ALSO some great canon wlw ships, a dumb himbo who ruins everything, lots of POC - specifically a large number of really excellently portrayed black characters - and just...absolutely phenomenal writing. And it says gay rights with its fucking chest. And it contains the most heartbreakingly real portrayal of why revolutions fail and whose stories get told that like. I've ever, ever seen. I still cry when I think too hard about it please don't look at me.
(And, to that end uhhhh, here's some timestamps for violence against women in the first season. I've been meaning to add on for the other seasons but just haven't had time.)
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an-emo-on-emo-site · 4 years
time for a dumb critique of stranger things written by a dumb emo 13 year old
aight so since im a massive film/tv nerd lets talk about stranger things 
so basically the first season is nearly perfect imo. the cinematography is phenomenal and every. single. shot. serves the mood of the scene really well. the show has excellent writing that makes teens feel like actual people which a lot of other teen shows fail at, and it can be really funny without actually sacrificing the mood of the show as a whole or detracting from the severity of the situation. it can also be genuinely scary (the first watch through) without relying too much on gore to induce a cheaper “shock scare”. It maintains tension expertly throughout the whole show until the resolution and the ending cliffhanger is a perfect end. There really isnt much more i can say, the entire season is just chef’s kiss
while season 2 is still decent and succeeds in some of the aforementioned manners (cinematography and humour), there are quite a few g l a r i n g flaws in the show which kinda take it down quite a few pegs for me. Season one was almost a mystery show disguised as horror, and therefore was a lot more engaging because you wanted to solve the mystery just as much as the characters did. While you were still invested in the show and liked the characters, most of the enjoyment (for me at least) came from trying to figure out what happened to will. While Season 2 does have some of this carry over with the Mind Flayer infection, the mystery never really progresses, they just figure something out in the last hour of the show. Season 2 relies a lot more on the characters to carry the show and keep the audience engaged. While this does work a lot of the time, especially with the dynamics between Dustin and Steve (we stan), a lot of the enjoyment from the show was taken away (for me) when the mystery aspect was toned down. Additionally, there wasn't really any particularly scary threat for the majority of the season. In Season 1 we are aware of the existence of the Demogorgon throughout the show and we are consistently shown that it is a severe threat to the protagonists, but in Season 2 we only really have a threat at the very end (last two episodes), and even those are literally just tiny demogorgons. While they obviously can still be harmful, they’re much tamer considering how hyped up big boy demogorgon was in the first season. 
While the characters are a big reason why stranger things is such a well loved show, Season 2 kinda screwed a lot of them up. Joyce is still the distressed mother (while she has reason to be, she literally doesn't change at a l l after the first season), Mike is kinda just an edgier version of who he was last season, Will doesn't have any character at all (the mind flayer does take him over but thats a slow process in the beginning, he should be more prominent but he isn't and we therefore never get to connect with him like we did with the other characters in the first season), and Eleven...
well Eleven is a child. she has every reason to be disappointed or angry that she cant see mike but she behaves like a toddler. she   - throws tantrums  - breaks windows when she doesn't get what she wants
and yells “i hate you!” at her parental guardian who is just trying to keep her safe from murderous government officials. While her motivations are there and are valid, her behavior is extremely immature, and she definitely devolves after the first season.
whoo that was long. i still like the season but the characters don't really evolve or develop at all after the first season which kinda sucks considering the first season was so good and characters did develop during it, but for some reason they just abruptly stopped. Fortunately, the writing is still decent and the cinematography is still great so its still an enjoyable watch.
this is probably the worst season of the show (worst for stranger things is still pretty good though), but i still enjoyed watching it more than i enjoyed watching any other part of the show because i was laughing the entire time.
The writing in this season is either amazing or terrible. There are some parts to this show where they’re trying to write a joke but it fails so hard i start laughing. The best example I can think of this is the scene where Billy is trying to convince Mrs. Wheeler to get private lessons from him. He launches into a monologue of how he could “teach her” and starts listing strokes like the sensual man he is 
breaststroke” *proceeds to eye mrs. wheeler from head to toe*
and the joke made me cringe so hard i fell out of my chair laughing. This is just the example i thought of off the top of my head, but so many scenes have similar writing that makes me cringe hard.
the actor’s performances in this season are phenomenal. Every actor sells their lines so hard that I enjoy every. single. second of the show even when the writing is dumb. the only times when the writing is actually bothersome is in the serious scenes (like the infamous “new coke” scene which made me shake my head so fast my glasses flew off my head). Apart from those few instances, however, almost every second of the show is enjoyable. This season also fixes the problem with the second season and actually ups the ante this time with the mind flayer which is absolutely, positively, terrifying. The damn thing is literally made out of the melted corpses of the people it infected. This brings another problem into the show, however, which is
I should probably start out by saying that in general i don't really like over the top gore in media. A few months ago i tried to watch Kill Bill and got freaked out by the first scene. Regardless of my wimpiness, however, I think that the show begins to rely too much on gore to be scary. Some scenes have people feeling around in a cut open leg, some scenes have people literally melting into chunks of blood and flesh, some have scenes of a guy getting his head shoved into a fan and having his face ripped open. The show tries to put all this off as “horror” but in reality its just something that grosses me out a bit but then i move on. Some scenes have actual scary moments, (especially with the mind flayer in billy’s form), but a lot of the horror in the third season relies on either gore or jumpscares which are still really enjoyable to watch but aren't really scary as they’re intended to be.
I still loved watching season three, but i feel like it shouldn't be gone into as a horror show as the first two could have been. The first few episodes are like a corny teen dramedy with some scary elements, and the last few are literally just slasher 80s camp the whole way through and i'm living for it
anyway this was long winded and dumb. stranger things is a great show watch it just don't expect anything to top the first season
hell yeah abuse tumblr algorithm with hashtags
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thedesk2526 · 6 years
@dangerousgardenjellyfish replied to your post: Though you do bring up some valid points, I feel like a lot of your questions have been answered like 4 to 4 Volumes ago. Semblance is a way trained warriors can manifest their Aura into a unique ability. Aura works sort of like an Overshield from Halo, being able to block the damage, though not the pain, of a limited amount of hits, as well as a sort of charge for Semblances. 
As for how it's different from Magic, think of it this way:  If everyone had fire resistance, it wouldn’t be considered magic or unnatural or anythng, it’d just be considered normal, whereas if just one person had fire resistance, it’d be considered phenomenal. It’s the same principle here; Everyone has Aura, so it’s just the norm, but when someone has amazing powers like that independent of Aura (Though still bound to the person’s soul), it’s considered magic. 
As for how the Maiden powers work, how do you mean?  Do you mean what exact "powers" do they give the user? in that case, the ability to stop projectiles, control over at least wind, fire, ice, and lightning, and levitation, just off the top of my head. If not, how do you mean? Dust is elemntal crystals that can be refined into powder and ammo. As for inconsistent, yes, sometimes, but not as often as some make out. E.G: The Aura Flicker, it's just an animation effect, like full models instead of shadows in V2 on.
Uh, okay, I’m gonna take your comment in chunks, so to start off with: (under the cut)
“Semblance is a way trained warriors can manifest their Aura into a unique ability.”
Solid. What’s the limit? What can’t semblance be? 
“I feel like a lot of your questions have been answered like 4 to 4 volumes ago”
Not really. Here’s what the show says on Aura:
Pyrrha: “Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. [Pyrrha implies it’s responsible for people’s sixth sense] With practice, it can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals [but not Grimm].  By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting.”
Jaune: “It’s like a force field!”
Pyrrha: “Yes, if you want to look at it that way.”
And here’s what the WOR says on Aura:
Narrator: “Aura is primarily used as a defensive mechanism. Passively coating the wielder in a protective force field, it can protect a combatant from what would normally be a fatal blow. It does not, however, make the user invincible. As they receive more and more damage, their Aura reserve will deplete. If this happens, all the fighter will be left with is his resolve. Fortunately, when a fight turns gruesome, a warrior can also rely on their Aura in a different manner.” 
[Narrator goes on to talk about semblance]
Guess what? I can’t tell which one is correct! Is the show right, or is the WOR correct? Pyrrha implies it’s used for both attack and defense (not regarding semblance) and is also responsible for the sixth sense, but Narrator says it’s only used for defense.
Should I trust the definition that says Aura is greater, or the one that says Aura is lesser? That’s what I meant. I thought my questions had answers, but then the WORs came out, and confused me. A show shouldn’t contridict its own magic system.
So, it answer my questions, until it contridicted itself. 
And semblance, by the way, sorta tends to go back and forth on the “uses up aura” thing. v3, it didn’t, v4 it sometimes did, but Qrow’s semblance is always on, so he should always be running out of aura, like a bar that can only fill up fast enough to be spent (Qrow’s semblance is weird), but we don’t see that in the show.
Semblance is a way trained warriors can manifest their Aura into a unique ability. Aura works sort of like an Overshield from Halo, being able to block the damage, though not the pain, of a limited amount of hits, as well as a sort of charge for Semblances.
Since I already answered this, I’m going to go ahead and skip it. 
[Your metaphor about fire resistance].
I can’t say I understand how that applies to semblances vs Maiden powers, which is what I was commenting on. Do you mean, like, because they have two powers it’s weird? Because 90% of the time it’s impossible to tell that the Maidens aren’t using aura. So I don’t think I completely understand.
As for how the Maiden powers work, how do you mean?  Do you mean what exact "powers" do they give the user?
Yeah, what can and cannot Maidens do? Because it seems pointless to have a spring Maiden who can freeze things, and if we start fighting with no restrictions, RWBY is going to quickly become like Bleach.
Dust is elemental crystals that can be refined into powder and ammo.
Sorry, I still don’t understand. Is it just normal, like coal? Or is it special somehow? and why doesn’t it work in space? If it explodes so easily, how is it mined? Does it explode easily, or was this just early episode weirdness? How does it work with semblances? Does it work with all semblances, or just some? How hard is it to obtain? what types exist out there? How is it refined? Not all these questions need answers, but at least the ones regarding our characters abilities should be answered.
As for inconsistent, yes, sometimes, but not as often as some make out.
IMO, any inconsistencies are a problem (not like, “she said x in episode 3, but in episode 8 she said y instead” despite what my own ridiculous nitpicking seems to indicate, (hence why I title it “nitpicking”, lol) but more like “some characters are allowed to get away with things (according to the narrative, like actually bad things aren’t questioned or presented badly) while other characters are not” and things like that.) 
Plus, there’s the fact that Weiss’s entire character was eaten between volume 1 and 2, the fact that they kinda forgot some of Ruby’s traits, Blake’s bow secret went from a need-to-know basis to a “oh, we’re friends!” basis, Pyrrha’s crush on Jaune makes sense until her speech in v2, the whole scene with Raven that disappered, etc. I have a lot of things like that. It’s been a bit more obvious, but they tend to sweep things under the rug with a time-skip.
...Regardless, I understand many people like to talk about that, but I’m me, not everyone else. I accept all of RWBY’s animation flaws and inconsistencies, I only care about the writing. There aren’t as many problems as people say. RWBY is an okay show, but I don’t like Rooster Teeth at all so I pick on RWBY a lot. 
Anyway, I’m gonna tag this as rwde but I’ll untag it if you ask me to.
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thighpower · 7 years
The Home Netflix Series Is Underappreciated And Here’s Some Reasons Why
Ok, so you may be thinking: “Home was an OK film, but not exactly the best thing Dreamworks has made, why would I want to see a cash-in show based on it?” which is a perfectly valid thought to think. However, let me make a bold statement here: THIS SERIES IS BETTER THAN THE FILM WHICH IT IS BASED UPON.
I know, I know, I may sound crazy. But hear me out. We all know Dreamworks has produced a lot of netflix shows recently based on their film franchises, like the Puss In Boots and the King Julian series, and I have no opinion on those since I haven’t watched them, although I do watch Race to the Edge and I doubt they’re as good as that. However, it’s interesting that I chose to watch Home over these other shows, since I know the Shrek and the Madagascar franchises much better than the film Home. I think a large factor that helped this decision was the fact that:
this series is in 2D animation.
Yup, you heard- er.. read me, unlike most other series based on a 3D Dreamworks film, this series deviates from the film’s animation style and takes on not only a 2D style, but a style all of its own. It’s so colourful and vibrant and bouncy and all-round gosh darn gorgeous! You can really tell that the animators, like everyone else who works on the series, have put so much passion and effort into it and every other component aside, it’s an absolute joy to watch. I actually follow one of the storyboard artists here on tumblr and it’s from him that I found out season 3 is coming soon!!
Reason #2: the characters/diversity
The main characters are Tip, a young girl of colour, and Oh, a cute lil alien. There’s also Tip’s single mother Lucy who went from being a rather one-dimensional character in the film (her personality was just caring mother imo) to a fleshed-out, completely crazy and strong and lovable character in the series (she’s seriously completely insane sometimes and I love it. also they decided to give her pink hair and i have no idea why but i fully support that decision).
Tip is such a good protagonist not only for representation as a black girl, but her personality is also so unique. She’s imaginative and energetic and strong-willed, and also doesn’t fall into any gender stereotypes; she’s interested in both “girly” things and “boyish” things. The only “problem” with her that’s more of a personal thing is that she’s on the brisk of puberty and the show really wants you to know it. Almost every episode she has to say something about boys or crazy emotions etc., and tbh maybe that’s a good thing bc it’s realistic and stuff??? I’m not sure. I remember seeing on imdb once that a few people who work on this series also worked on Pubertina (which I swear was that Smosh animation), so I’m wondering if that’s where the inspiration came from lol. I also love how she’s animated; she’s a weird crazy child and they’re not afraid to use animation to their advantage by making her facial expressions as exaggerated as needed. Also the actress who voices her is absolutely PHENOMENAL and her characterisation of Tip is spot on. All of the actors are amazing tbh.
The secondary characters are also amazing and so much more fleshed out than their film counterparts, such as Kyle, and oh my gosh I LOVE Smek! A former villain now working at the local store is an hilarious plot line. There’s also new characters like Sharzod, whom I also love for their sass.
In terms of diversity, the background characters come in all shapes and sizes and colours, and that’s just the humans! Whilst there’s no explicitly LGBT+ characters or moments that I can recall, it is explained that there are seven Boov genders, and when Tip is informed of this, she makes sure to use the correct pronouns. This is so important, especially for children, as it introduces them to the idea or possibility of a gender spectrum outside of our binary. Also Boy George has a character in one episode so that’s pretty cool lol.
Reason #3: the music
I don’t even need to explain this part to you if you go find the full theme song and listen to it now. You’ll understand. The actress who voices Tip was actually on X Factor I believe, and they have definitely utilised her glorious talent well as there are several musical numbers within the series, all of which are bops. There is a season 1 album which I bought, but I wish they’d release a season 2 one as well!!
Reason #4: the humour
The tone of the show is definitely comedic, however there are also moments of drama and emotion. The comedy is absolutely hilarious in my opinion, but I’m not sure how to describe it. Sometimes it’s parody, but mainly it’s....idk...just crazy? I know I’ve used that word quite a bit in this post but I’m not sure how else to describe it. I think a reason why the humour works so well is because every single component of the series (the animation, the acting, the writing, the sound, etc) compliment each other wonderfully; they’re like different musical instruments that sound good on their own, but create a glorious symphony when combined.
In conclusion, there’s so much more I could say about this series, but I’d better stop myself before I write too much. I’m honestly surprised I love it so much because usually I don’t like shows that don’t have a main constant underlying plot, but this series still manages to pace itself so well and is an absolute pleasure to watch again and again. I implore you to check it out for yourself, and share it as much as possible! More people need to talk about this!!!!
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