#it's very cute how badly they're hitting the ball
kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Wakfu Manga - Tome 3, Part 2
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He really is way too cute for his own good.
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And also he is way too funny. I hope he never stops stating the most batshit insane things after dangerous situations with an emotionless face. It's too much,,,
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Your reminder that this map is gay.
@dullard hey you were passionate about this months ago while I was still liveblogging Aux Tresors.
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He's just sitting there. cutely.
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He's interested in Yugo's wellbeing. Also, his nose is really weird in this panel dfgjksdfg.
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It seems that being close to Zinit makes Yugo and Adamai feel better. Joris seems pretty interested in this info — in a very genuine way. He likes learning.
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I have so much to say here...
Cats always land on their paws, hehe.
Joris needs to be the coolest person on the train that badly?
Genuinely, living in a shushu house, Joris is probably used to these levels of turbulence.
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Always thinking about "You should follow the example of Master Joris!" [Joris is doing the exact same shit as them like a wild animal, except he's good at not being caught]
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He was SO scared of being found out and how it would damage his reputation and the way they view him as a person. It's so funny.
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L;iterally sleeping in a pillowcase like a little cat or a little bug.
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Waking up so cute and woozy. Sorry im insane.
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This manga feeds me so well. He looks so good here...
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The art is so, so good.
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The chapter ending on this art is like a gay little treat just for me.
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Once again, Joris is the only one doing somewhat OK during turbulence.
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He's not having a good time, though.
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Everyone hit by this becomes high as a kite, as we will see in a second.
Maybe this is the real reason why black flame dragons are like that. Maybe they're just perpetually a little bit high.
Joris was also there, and hit by this stuff and I will not be silenced on the funniest Joris moment of the entire series, and the way everyone brushes it off as Pinpin's hallucination.
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Yes I think him being a cat is Pinpin hallucinating. However. However.. I do think Joris was licking his balls and also hallucinating being a cat too.
Being a cat is simply his internal nature.
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I don't know what to say other than pointing out that Adamai and Yugo have used stasis magic together here — which I think is the first instance of Yugo dabbling in that, pre-season 4.
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Joris is drawn so well here... Also, he's so casual for a man that was licking his balls and meowing just a little while ago. How time flies <3
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Joris in the corner, glowering and holding one strap of his backpack. fgjsfdg.
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Even though he's blunt to the point of rudeness here, he does seem worried about Justice.
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No commentary, I'm just enjoying his presence in the manga. sdfgjksdfg
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
There's a whole bunch of methane down here and stink. And yeah there's a gigantic amount of poop around and it's at the surface and the rain push it down just a little and the plants are absorbing it and like madness about an hour and the smell go away and the plants will be done absorbing yep and I'll be a bunch of oxygen is a little now stinks to high heaven. Necke is a to the kink. So it's a natural process and the rain is gone a little more it's only like two or three seconds and a couple of sprits. So it's going to be stinky I guess and then there's going to be a lot of oxygen a lot. I'm told it's climbing now. In a few minutes will be up there about 30%. There's a few things going on today it's the day before hurricane heist and it's the day before the document leaves Utah. And today would be the cannonball run. Have to think of it there's some symbology there and it's really big and the same that they're going out there to get a cannonball going out where. It might be the Midwest because it's empty and there's nobody competing and we saw groups out there gathering to try and find them. So this is it this is a huge occasion. The morlock are sealed out and the max are going across country seeking these balls and the more locker the minority and they're probably having them do it which is true or the more luck are doing it and then going to get killed and my son says most likely the case. As it was tonight already there were stories and I have info on big huge groups of warlock and Midwest being cut down and very big okay a million octillion dead and that's what you're doing you're looking for the thorium. You're going to be threatening Max money, to try and get him to back off so they can grab some thorium balls. It's a cute trick and unique but no it's not going to work. And there's a whole lot of other stuff happening. It's a huge day.
*The cannonball run will be thorium attempts the whole time that are going west in order to move the money which will arrive this evening or this afternoon in Las Vegas and the money from heat will be moved tonight the airplane it's Cherry cheeseman to Alabama her strongholds or his struggle that is
*several million more Stone chips will land in the blockade and will form a larger system to keep everyone out and the clones will continue to invade the United States and last night Corky lost around 20 million octillion and it's a very high number of course the published crazy numbers and by the clones who threatened him the whole way up and the whole way down from his doctor's appointment
*a few things have to happen in order for that large sum of money to go to Alabama and one of them is Cherry cheeseman has to be in position and the other the people going with her have to agree and that's going to happen because they want to put it there to force themselves to take over the government it sounds odd because it is. But BGA took those Old faithful and they need insurance which would be Trump's group and they're going to try that. Shortly is going to attack the blockade and doesn't have enough Old faithful to hit all those ships then definitely will hit the large ones and there is a bunch of those five mile Plus about 300,000 so he's going to decide where to hit and how to use them so you can get other stuff in position and he's thinking about that. There's a huge number of people trying to advise him.
*there's a huge number of people saying it stinks here very badly it does it should go away shortly
*today is a big day because Corky will try and offensive and others are building more of the Old faithful and other weapons that seem to work that do work actually and those people building them are Max after court tries if you fails he would hv expended it the last of his people. And those who make it here are consumed by clones
*the other reasons why today is a big day and then the money and the blockade and one of them is the day of the relocation of our Empress approaches. There are eight remaining days and the space war is beginning and their ships in space that are being armed to fight Stone ships and flagships and heavily tons of them and more growing up every day fully laden. The clowns are invading if I can try and stop the production of such weaponry and huge armies of Max are employed. And they're cutting down the morlock who will not be around shortly. And yeah the War in space has begun. And The fleets of Tommy f are dwindling in space and on the ground and yes the stewardship fleets are currently being engaged and then the ground bases on planet toys and moons will be engaged. Today Tommy F lost 400 million ships in space 300 million of them are smaller Stone chips and 200 million of smaller Black ships 100 million other mix of larger black chips and stone chips probably about 10 million and the rest of her different classes across the board there's a huge War and people are grabbing spaceships everywhere and they're trying to raise them from below and in the midwest like madness it's a big fight against the clones and here in the USA the clones are pouring in from the tunnels there's a ton of them and they are now fighting them back at the holes to keep them out and they're coming out of different holes and need reinforcements and Corky is at the blockade trying to get them here a lot of them are trying to be floated by space and it's not working because the clothes are blocking it so we are we're going to say in space war over that
*that's the most important reason is that the space War has begun because the Earth is seeing the United States overwhelmed by clothes and really there's important stuff here including our son and it's over the big lasers in space but you're very big.
*we're launching a very very large grouping of ships from the Midwest and it is huge and it is part of the area to the east and we're watching in quarters because it's so darn big and right now we have 10 million ships that are prepped and they launch in 10 minutes. We need to clear that entire area right now tons of ships are needed I'm putting out what we need now I'm sending orders and they're showing up now
*while all this is going on Putin is ordering troops to go to the UK that's right that's why they're talking about him and it's trump one of their own and they are a mixed group and he is sending them as he wants the AI and found out that they're there still in their caskets still on the grounds of their house. A huge group is headed from Russia through Europe towards the UK an amazing idiot the max are saved or tell you we're going to exterminate you and the group is actually mostly morlock. They did skans and they can tell. It's on shortly and within moments they'll be fighting and there's several hundred I'm telling you know it's about 10 million octillion. And Russians are not doing it and they're watching the morlock leave and saying don't let the door hit in the ass. Russia will be depleted of morlock today and yes because of the current rate and they will start depleting Europe once gone Russians and Europeans will try for it and yes Grandma passing caused a lot of scans to occur. And once the attack the "The edge of Tomorrow" begins. And it is a mixed War between Europe Russia and Britain and ENT
*and there are several other things the war in the UK will be replicated all over Earth by the morlock who tend to do that. And the sun says seek my clan out day and Hera says seek my clan out day. It's true there are many who wrote killer AI and it's his clan and her is mostly. Tons will die it's beginning now. West point is a huge place and there's a graveyard in fort Myers. Texas and the ghwp museum. As someone thinks some information is in Memphis including Trump the best friend of JC towards the end. And there are many relatives of those who are in tune that are huge names and they're all over the place and people know where they are and have been researching it he just fights everywhere over it near here there are several and during the storm huge piles of people were found there and after and that's not why it smells for crying out loud
*there's a massive number of people getting hurt now in Florida because they're trying and supposedly more luck. You don't know how to use the computer what are you doing after that for. And they asked them that a lot.
*they're warring with the clones globally but here they're losing and at the holes b**** at chips and at ordinance stashes and caches and ordinance factories and some massive battle and War everywhere
Those are some of the highlights they're also fighting over money in the banks and we are taking over Banks all over Earth. They're fighting over shops stores and restaurants and yes of hours as well and people are dying doing that. And it's a massive war and hours of hunker down and we're answering a lot of calls and I'm taking a lot of calls so please don't stop trying to contact us if you are ours. We're here to help and we are your backup and where your Army and we'll come and pull you out and rescue you or provide you with what you need.
Call now and you know what we mean
Thor Freya
There's a lot of activity all over Earth and our troops are moving in and we need ours to sign on and I'm putting the notice out and how many and we need it now
I need everybody signed on and we need to increase interplanetary defenses once they have depleted their space space lasers they will build ground lasers and are starting now already this project in Florida will start to begin and others like it all over the world and they are impressed and that's where the giant diamonds are so let's get to move on with hiring in space command or interplanetary defense whatever it's called and quickly and build things we need
Hera Zues
We are doing that and we have many facilities and we're building more and we're converting more I'm going to do it today at conversions take a lot less time and we will hire as soon as we need and we're hard like madness now and we're going gangbusters on converting and building bases it doesn't take much time but we have to do it and it is urgent and we have to have huge facilities if debris escapes it needs to be deteriorated it's going on now and you have to be signed on to do this work
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averagekanadekinnie · 2 years
Hey hey again!! I was wondering if I could request a Kel x reader? Reader is someone who uses light-hearted teasing to show affection, but gets flustered when receiving affection! They're also a bit shy in general, but are known to be sweet! Maybe Kel and reader are classmates, or is a friend of one of Kel's friends and thats how they get to know each other? I'll leave it to you to decide on the other details!! <3
Type: Pure Fluff
Warnings: Nah, just kel being kel <3
Proofread: You already know by now.
Notes: HELL YEAHH!!! a kel request <:)) and it’s fluff too! thanks for requesting again!!
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You met KEL in one of the.. most unique ways possible!
You were just in class, minding your own business when you were suddenly hit with a crumpled ball of paper.
You secretly looked around, until you spotted a guy that was sort of far from your seat, looking guilty as hell.
When you slowly open the paper ball, he starts chuckling awkwardly.
It was.. wow, something.
"Ball is life!!" With a badly drawn basketball team with basketballs and a badly drawn hoop.
You both were exchanging awkward glances and very uncomfortable awkward inaudible laughs??
Like wow… ball is life???? …yeah??
After class as soon as you speed walked to you next class, the boy catches up to you so he can apologize.
"Hey wait! Hellloooo!! Excuse me!! Wait for a sec!! An annoying voice calls out to you, so you stop in your tracks and turn around to look at the boy from class.
"Oh.. you." You let out an awkward chuckle, before he looks down on you (unless you’re taller than him, who knows I��m pretty sure his height is never confirmed or something.) with an awkward smile, his face flushed from slight embarrassment.
"Haha yeah, um.. anyways I’m REALLY sorry about that paper ball being thrown at you n stuff, it was for my friends behind your seat! It’s, hehe, sort of an inside joke."
"It’s fine, that makes sense since you look like you play basketball."
"Haha yeah I do! Hey, I’m gonna go practice some basketball with the friends I mentioned after school at the local park. If you’re not busy then… maaaaaybe you can watch me practice?"
You nudge his shoulders with your elbow, having a smug face. "Is this your attempt on asking me out? You suck at this, haha."
"Wh!- Hahah, I’m not asking you out! Think of it like an apology or something! I just met you anyways!" He smacks your arm very gently, already comfortable around you.
"Pffft— I’ll see if I’m not busy, so.. catch ya later maybe, dork." You both waved to each other before walking to your next class.
When school ends and you finished any homework fast, you’re not busy anymore!
You tell your parental guardian(s) that you’re going to the park as you leave your house.
Once you get at the park, you already see him playing with his friends at the basketball court.
You look around to sit, ignoring the weird recycle cult standing somewhere.
You just sit on the grass near the court and just.. watched until KEL noticed you and walked over with his dorky smile.
"Oh hey! You actually came, that’s a relief! I forgot to mention this when we properly met in stuff, but the names KEL!"
"Well duh, course I wouldn’t leave you hanging like that. And uh, nice to meet you KEL, I’m Y/N. How do you even forget to introduce yourself?" You chuckled.
"Hey! I was too busy trying to apologize so I forgot! Besides, I should say the same about you."
"Fair enough." You shrug in defeat.
So you just.. watched him practice, sometimes he would try to make a shot for you. Something like, "This one’s for Y/N!" Sometimes he’ll fail, but mostly he’ll make the shot!
When it was time to go home, KEL gave you his address for whenever you wanna hang out with him again.
And with that, you both parted ways.
Every time you hung out, you will literally lightly tease KEL whenever the chance is given.
KEL would do the same, but it makes you flustered when he does, how cute.
He really likes how sweet you actually are in general besides the teasing!
KEL started liking you romantically 4 months into the friendship.
One day, the guy FINALLY confesses! It’ll take him an extra month to do so.
"Jeez, you’re such a dork, KEL. Hehe.." You say as you elbow his shoulder gently, before hearing snickering from him as he looked over at you, with his signature dorky yet sweet smile. You were currently at his house on his bed, just hanging out as usual.
"Yeah, but I’m your dork."
You stare at him with a dumbfounded face before covering said face, lightly punching his chest while blushing. "I haaaateee youuu."
He did the, "-v-" smile sprite. "And I love-ah-love-ah-loveeee youuu!" (To imagine it better, say the love part fast.)
I look up at him, while he stared back smiling, sweating a bit.
"Wait— was that like.. a confession?"
"..Would you hate me if it was?"
You let out a laugh, before smacking his shoulder with your backhand gently. "Haha, well that’s one way to confess!" He laughed as well.
It was comfortably silent for a bit. During that, you were struggling internally if you should put your hand on KEL’s, telling him that you like him too before it gets more awkward.
Hesitantly, you put your hand on top of his, squeezing his gently. He looks at you surprised while you looked at him with a surprisingly gentle smile.
"Yeah, I like you too. I don’t mind you being my boyfriend and all."
Suddenly, KEL grabbed your hand and stood up quick, cheering.
Cue SALLY crying and KEL’s MOM telling him to be quiet from the other room.
"Hehe.. whoops."
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shadow--writer · 3 years
How the Heartaches Come and They go and the Scars They're Leaving, You'll be Dancing Once Again and the Pain will end
this chapter made me hurt my own goddamn feelings and ABBA did NOT MAKE IT ANY BETTER. Here’s the title. The song slaps so hard
Maeve x Lucas. What do you do when the doctor is sick? 6.4k
TW: grief, terrible coping, mentions of death. Apologizes to folks who feel pain they read about, I wrote Maeve’s headache with a headache. SICK FIC
It was cold. Odd considering the unrelenting heat of the past few weeks. 
Letting out a soft whine, a headache slowly built up behind her eyes. 
She couldn’t think right, it was all tinged with an edge of black as she opened her eyes. Her legs were tucked between Lucas’, his lips in her hair. Judging by how softly he was breathing, he was still asleep.
She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself back to sleep to keep the headache at bay. 
No luck, she was up. 
She groaned, pressing her forehead against his collarbone. The headache started behind her eyes and spread along her face, it hurt to even think. She sniffed the breath sending sparks of pain through her skull. 
Sinus infection? Gods she hoped it was only a sinus infection. Stars above it hurt. 
Trembling, she extracted herself from Lucas’ arms. Maybe, if she was fast enough, she could start on the mess she made in the kitchen before he woke up. The small bundle of fur at the edge of the bed mewed when she moved.
And maybe she could figure out a way to feed Jolie as well. 
She pressed a soft kiss against his forehead. He didn’t have a fever anymore, just a small sunburn along his nose. She shifted away from him and softly called to Jolie. 
The room spun as soon as she got to her feet, her breaths coming out in soft gasps. Her dress was heavily wrinkled, dust clinging to the back of it, making her cough. Her throat hurt. Well, everything hurt. 
Sighing, she pressed a hand to her forehead, hoping to cool herself off and ease the headache. Jolie followed at her heels, the house was a bit warmer when she wasn’t alone. Jolie meowed, loudly, hopping up on the counter as they entered the kitchen. 
She scratched behind Jolie’s ears, chuckling a little to herself. “Yes yes I know. The lady hungers.” Her voice was rough and nasally, even to herself. She winced, the movement a stabbing pain. She hissed through her teeth, biting her cheek. Jolie rubbed her head against her hand, purring a little. 
“I’m…” she swayed a little. Ugh the infection was hitting her pretty hard. It was hard to focus. “...sure Lucas has something for you somewhere,” she said, opening the cabinets up to look. Jolie meowed, moving along the counter and under a closed cabinet door. 
She giggled a little, petting the cat. “Smart kitty,” she whispered, shutting the doors she opened previously and opening this one. There was a bowl with Jolie’s name painted on it, loopy and messy. 
Standing on her tiptoes, she teetered backwards as she tugged the bowl down off the shelf. She caught her balance, her headache twisting like a knife as she set the dish in front of Jolie. She meowed once, before leaving Maeve be. 
The kitchen was...a bit of a mess, to say the least. There was blood on the counter and on the knife. 
She sighed, rolling up her sleeves that had come undone during the night. 
Digging around another cabinet, she grabbed the jar of coffee grounds and put a pot of water over the stove. She waited for the water to boil, scrubbing the knife and cutting board in the sink. 
When the water on the stove started to boil, she turned it off and eye balled the amount of coffee grounds she was pouring in.
She gritted her teeth together as the headache made her stomach roll. 
Once she was sure the coffee was ready to boil, she went back to cleaning the counter. Ignoring her headache and how badly she shivered. 
Jolie meowed, the pain sharpening as her head whipped up at the sound. 
Lucas rubbed the back of his head, leaning against the doorframe.
“Morning Firefly,” he murmured.
Her legs wobbled as she smiled at him. “Coffee’s on the stove,” she said, her voice coming out a bit slurred.
His brows creased at her voice, moving closer to her. She stumbled into him and he pressed the back of his hand to her forehead.
“Thumbelina, you’re burning up.” 
“Mm fine.” She pushed away from him, her head splitting open with the movement. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting the wave of pain pass. She cracked an eye open, holding her thumb and index finger apart. “Just a tiny fever.”
He pressed his thumbs on the corners of her eyes, she leaned into the touch. 
“Burning up is burning up,” he said softly.
“I’m fine! I promised I’d help you clean today!” She puffed her cheeks out in a pout. “And I’m not letting some dumb fever stop me!”
He kissed her forehead, scooping her up off the floor. She yelped, arms going around his neck.
“Lucas,” she whined.
He ignored her, nudging the door open. She let out another whine, burying her face in his neck. Her head ached at the movement. “I wanna help!”
“You can’t do much when you’re burning up,” he replied. “Now it’s my turn to take care of you.”
He set her down on the bed, the jostling made her let out a whimper of pain, the room spinning and the edges of her vision going dark. 
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, brushing her hair back from her forehead, inspecting her face. His brows were all creased with worry. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
She chewed on her lower lip as she watched him for a moment, her headache making it hard to do anything but space out. He was cute when he was worried, face all scrunched up as he patted her down for injuries. He paused on her hands, her attention being brought to how much they hurt, fresh blood spotted on the already bloody bandages. 
Guilt ate her up inside as he lifted her hands up from her sides. She trembled in his hold, feeling a bit sick as she looked at what she did to herself. She was useless. She wondered why anyone liked her enough to stay with her when she could barely even take care of herself. 
He kissed her palms, whispering softly to the marred skin. The web of scars on her palms, rough under his soft touch. “I’ll help you patch up, and then we’ll get you into something clean.”
“Then I can help!”
He sighed, holding her hands to his face. “You’re sick.” 
She squished his face, puckering her lips back with a giggle. “And you’re handsome, what’s your point? I’m gonna help you clean. Even if I gotta do it in secret so you won’t know!” she said with a lopsided smile. She was so woozy her filter was coming off. 
He kissed her hands again, getting to his feet. She kicked her legs, watching him go. He came back after a moment with gauze and disinfectants. 
And bandages. 
He knelt down by her legs, slowly peeling off the blooded adhesives off her fingers. She hissed through her teeth, staring at the bloody mess. 
He only hummed, cleaning them off gently with a damp cloth. The wounds were still raw, she couldn’t really do much when she had him to worry about. He rubbed disinfectant into her skin before wrapping a bandage over the cuts. 
He kissed her fingertips, looking up at her through his lashes. Her gaze darted away as heat flooded her cheeks.
She chewed on her lower lip as he tilted her head back to look at him. 
“Thank you,” he whispered as she cupped his cheek. He leaned into the touch as he looked at her. “For helping me.”
She ran the pad of her thumb over his lower lip. “Says the person helping me.”
He chuckled, turning her hand over and kissing the inside of her wrist. “Only because I got you into this mess.”
She giggled, kissing the tip of his nose lightly. “Well that’s true.” She smoothed his hair back, the curls soft beneath her fingers. Her headache was a dull pound behind her eyes. “I’m...sorry if I was a little mean yesterday. I was...scared.” 
He sighed, nudging her legs apart to sit between them and rest his arms on her thighs as he looked up at her. “Well, you were a bit mean.”
She flicked the tip of his nose with a soft smile. “Your dusty ass house will be the death of me.”
“Hmm if you’re too sick to help me clean.” He smiled a little. “Might have to put it off a while until you get better.”
She glowered at him. “Nuh ah. We’re cleaning today. We’re cleaning.”
He reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Fine. But you’re doing something easy.”
She kissed his forehead. “I’ll do laundry to keep you company. Wash the sheets and fold.”
His laugh made her smile. “Okay. That...sounds good.”
“I already cleaned the counter. But um...dishes are still not done.”
He got to his feet, helping her up. The headache made itself known, making her stumble. 
He let her gather herself before looking at the dust caked to the hem of her dress. “First let's get you into something clean so you don’t get sick again.”
She smoothed her hands down the fabric, leaning against him as she looked down at herself. “Mm. I’ll...wash this too.” 
He helped her out of his chest, checking her temperature and making a face. She knew he didn’t like her being up and about with a headache and a fever, but he was going to have to deal with it. “You can borrow one of my shirts.”
“Mmm borrow is a funny word,” she murmured. 
He helped her unlace her dress, letting her pull it off while he dug around the drawers of his dresser trying to find something clean for her. 
“Come on Firefly, arms up.” He tapped her arms, helping her raise them. 
“You’re cute when you’re worried,” she said with a little hum as he pulled the shirt over her arms and head. It fell down her shoulder, he pulled it back up and tightened the drawstrings. 
“This is a dress on you,” he muttered, tying the drawstrings into a bow. It would still fall down her shoulder but it was better now. 
She reached up to smooth out the creases between his brows, giggling at the shock in his eyes when he met hers. 
“Very cute.”
He stared at her for a moment, his shirt falling just above her knees. She felt like a kid playing dress up, but his smile came fast and soft. 
He kissed her cheek, then the other. She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “We have to start,” she whispered as he kissed the tip of her nose. 
“Oh dusting can wait one minute,” he replied with a cheeky grin. 
She covered her mouth with a hand, wrinkling her nose at him as he moved to kiss her, kissing the back of her hand. 
He moved away. “No kisses,” she said, wiggling out of his grasp. “Don’t wanna get you sick. Again. That would be bad.”
He kissed her cheek, only holding her closer. She squeaked. “I’ll risk it,” he murmured. 
She pushed his face away, giggling. “No! I don’t wanna get you sick again! I’m contagious!” 
She ignored her headache as they toppled onto the bed in a pile of limbs. She scooted to sit up away from him, sticking her tongue out as he rested his chin in his hand. He stuck his tongue out at her as well, wiggling closer to her. 
The shirt fell off her shoulder as she looked at him. “No.”
He sat up, wrapping his arms around her waist and tugging her closer, making her squeal. She pursed her lips and looked away from him. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, kissing her softly there. 
She let out a tiny squeak, her skin buzzing as he smiled. His touch was gentle as he kissed up her neck and the underside of her jaw. 
“You’re minute’s up Giant,” she breathed as he kissed her jaw and cheek. “C’mon! We have to go! I left the stove on! There’s coffee!” 
He only laughed, kissing the corner of her mouth. She sulked, trying to wiggle out of his arms. “Lucas,” she whined, tugging on his arms. “Stop trying to seduce me and let go!”
He stopped, arms going slack. She tumbled forward with a yelp, falling face first into blankets. “Seduce you?” he asked as she turned over. He moved her legs into his lap. 
She glowered at him. “Don’t think a few well placed kisses will distract me. Your minute is up buster. My headache isn’t gonna go away by itself. And you have things to clean!” 
He rolled his eyes with an affectionate smile. She could see something start to brew in his eyes. Today wasn’t going to be easy. 
She knew that. 
She looked at her freshly bandaged hands, at her scars.
She peered at him through her lashes, he was tapping out a beat to a tune only he knew against her calf.
Pushing herself up onto her elbows, she pecked his lips quickly before scurrying off the bed. 
He paused, touching his lower lip and looking at her. She smiled, ignoring her headache as she placed her hands on her hips. “There. You got a kiss. Now c’mon slowpoke. I gotta strip the bed.”
His smile was infectious and mischievous as he followed her off the bed. She laughed, dancing away from him as he chased her out of the room. 
He scooped her off the floor, hugging her close as he laughed in her ear. She snorted, and Jolie meowed at them. 
He set her down on the counter, curling her hair around one of his fingers.
She tilted her head, kissing the tip of his nose. “I cleaned the counter, but I still have dishes to clean.” She looked at the spoon on the floor and winced. “Also the floor and wall.”
He brushed her hair back, playing with it a little. “You just stay right here, I can handle it.”
“But it’s my mess!”
“A mess you made because of me.”
She sighed, leaning back against the upper cabinets. “I’m fine, Lucas. It’s a tiny sinus infection. I can clean up my own mess.”
He kissed her forehead, her skin was a little sticky with sweat. “Your fever got worse,” he murmured. “You should rest.”
She glared at him. “I’m not resting. I promised you I would help. This isn’t something you want to do alone.”
He patted her leg, but she saw the affirmation in his eyes. He dug around the cabinet under the sink, pulling out a clean washcloth. He was silent as he ran the cloth under cold water and wrung it out. The smell of coffee made her relax.
He placed the damp cloth over her clammy skin, her eyes snapping open to meet his. Worry creased his brows again. 
“You can stay,” he offered, voice a bit gruff. “But if your fever gets worse…”
She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him. “I haven’t passed out, thank you very much.”
He winced, pulling two mugs down and using a ladle to pour coffee into them. He didn’t respond as he moved to get cream and sugar, holding them up in a silent question. She nodded, watching him finish up her mug and pass it over to her.
“Wait, you can have coffee right?” he asked as she held it below her nose. 
“Caffeine helps with headaches,” she said with a hum, enjoying the warmth of the drink. “Herbal teas help with fever. Along with water, of course.” 
“Do you want me to make you tea?” he asked softly, drying his hands on a nearby towel. 
“I’ll be okay for now,” she said with a smile. He pressed the back of his hand to her cheek, that worried (cute) look never leaving his face. “Lucas! I’m fine!” 
He brushed the skin of her cheeks with both thumbs, his face darting closer to hers. Her breathing hitched, heart skipping a beat. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to him being this close to her. She liked it, but was unused to the reaction he stirred in her. 
He smoothed her hair back, moving away when he saw what he wanted to. She almost whined at the loss. His expression shifted from worried to something more...vulnerable. “What do you do when the doctor is sick?” he murmured, hand trailing down her shoulder and arm, gently cradling her hand as he moved away. 
She laced their fingers together, tugging him back to her. “Well,” she started as he looked at her. She dragged him back to her, him shuffling nervously. She beamed up at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest. 
“Hugs are good.”
He chuckled, wrapping her up in his arms and tugging her close.
He kissed the top of her head, smoothing her hair down. She let out a happy hum, feeling much warmer now. 
He pulled away too soon, much to her disappointment. 
She pouted, making him laugh. “Oh don’t give me that look. Like you said, we have things to do today. You were going to do…” he tapped his chin, pretending to think. Her pout melted into a smile. Fuck she loved him. “Laundry was it?” He smiled, flicking the tip of her nose. “I simply must do something!” he said, making his voice reedier in an imitation of her, holding a hand to his forehead. 
She gasped. “I do not sound like that!”
He only laughed, moving away from her. 
“I don’t!”
“Sometimes you do.”
She made a face at him. “Yeah like you sound any better.”
Offense flooded his features and she smiled smugly. “Oh yeah look at me-” she lowered her voice, her throat making everything sound more gravely, but it worked. She sounded ridiculous. “-I’m Lucas and I get people bit by eels on the daily!”
She giggled, breaking the facade. 
He made a face at her, but it was cracking under his laughter. 
“I don’t sound like that,” he said, petting Jolie. 
“Yes you do.”
“No I don’t!”
She giggled, putting her now empty mug down. Her headache was starting to fade which was nice.
He moved closer, ignoring their argument. “Did it help?”
Her gaze darted to the sink. No more dishes! “M-Mmmhmm!” she hummed, her heart skipping beats all over the place. He made a face when he checked her temperature again, she made one back.
“Fever is still there.”
“...maybe a little tea would be good.”
He laughed, moving in to kiss her. She made a show of shaking her head and pursing her lips, making him pout. 
She kissed his cheek. “Contagious? Remember?”
“It takes more than that to get me sick.”
She quirked an eyebrow with a wry look. He wilted a little under her gaze. 
“Hmph. Fine. But I will get a kiss eventually.”
She laughed. “C’mon now, super strong immune system. Let’s get to work.”
The problem she found with laundry was the fact she had to do it outside. Washing was messy and not to mention hanging things up on clotheslines. She couldn’t go far in her condition, and Lucas was…
Against it. 
What if something happened to her and he wasn’t there to help? Kind of deal. 
It was not easy to convince him to let her be outside. His worry was sweet, but the dizziness that came with her headache was starting to fade. Coffee truly was a gift from the gods.
She knew he was checking up on her, looking out the window and coming down the stairs to say hello. Each time he walked down to talk to her, and give her something to eat, his hair got wilder and wilder. 
She stretched up onto her tiptoes, clipping the damp sheets onto the clothes line she had set up. The day was cooler, still hot, but cooler. The cloud cover was also nice. And the tiny breeze. Thank gods for the tiny breeze. The heat was almost sticky, making her want to lay on the floor and do nothing. 
But she made a promise. 
“You’ve been busy.”
Speak of the devil. 
Against her will, she felt herself brighten. She wondered how atrocious his hair would be this time. 
“I have,” she replied, not looking at him as she finished clipping the sheet to the line. The breeze knocked it back into her face, making him laugh. She made a face to no one in particular. “Granted it’s been fighting me the whole time!” She glared up at the sky, smiling at his laughter. He sounded a bit tense, she knew cleaning alone was taking a toll. 
“Aren’t you gonna look at me?” he joked. 
“Mmm I’m scared to see the rat’s nest.”
“Your hair, silly goose.”
“Ah, so I’m a goose now?”
“Hmm, a gander.” She finally turned around, smiling brightly. “I am the goose.”
He laughed, leaning against the doorframe. She was right about his hair, there was so much dust clinging to it she feared he’d turn the bathwater black. 
He saw the look on her face, his smile turning smug and amused. She wrinkled her nose at him, crossing her arms. 
She finally spotted the plate in his hands. 
“Oh! Is that a lemon?” she asked, curiosity outweighing her annoyance. She moved closer, almost singing out of happiness. Lemons helped with all sorts of things. Fever, sore throat, the like. 
And they were delicious. 
“You mentioned spice and lemons. So I brought the best thing I could.” He swatted her hand away, making her yelp. “Eat it like a hooligan in front of me again and you’re grounded,” he said, bending down slightly to be at eye level with her. She fought the urge to knock the dust out of his hair. “Got it?”
She pouted. “But-”
He tapped the tip of her nose, making her wrinkle it at the contact. “Absolutely not. I have seen a lot of weird food things in my time. That is the worst.” 
“You can’t ground me!”
His grumpy facade was cracking. She placed her hands on her hips, rising up onto her tiptoes to match him. Their noses pressed together, and this was a terrible awful no good very bad idea. 
“I can,” he said, a hint of laughter sneaking through. “And I will.”
Her eyes darted down to the lemon slices, calculating the risk. She had no doubt he would manhandle her back into the house if she did this.
But he would have to catch her to manhandle her. 
He realized what she was doing too late, the evil grin had crept onto her face and she snatched a lemon slice, dancing away from him. Her fever had gone down a tad, and with no dizziness? 
No problem. 
She stuffed the lemon into her mouth. He let out a curse, making her grin around the sour fruit. He set the plate down, she swallowed the lemon and ran into the thick of the hanging clothes. 
He chased after her, muttering about how vile that display was. 
She giggled, pressing her hand to her mouth to stifle the sound. She could see his shadow moving through the sheets and his clothes. She danced away from him, letting out little musical notes to taunt him. 
He moved a sheet aside for her shadow, making her laugh. 
“Don’t tear all my hard work down looking for me, Giant,” she teased. “And I thought with your height you would’ve found me already!”
“Well it appears hunting for trickster fairies is a bit harder than one might think,” he called back as she moved farther into the back, trying to keep her footsteps quiet. He wasn’t hard to avoid, the height and how loud he was.
She giggled. 
“First you made off with my shirt, and now you smuggled a lemon away.”
“Well you are very easy to trick,” she said. “Think about me at my full power! You’d never be rid of me!”
He laughed, she could see him move closer to the front door. Her face broke into a smile as she leaned against a blanket in the back. 
He went silent. Chewing on her lower lip, she moved to the clothes in front of her, looking past them. He wasn’t where he was before. 
Releasing her lip, she stood on her tiptoes to look again. 
Then she was picked up, his breath warm against her ear. Her breathing hitched, heart like a rabbit running amok in her chest. “Found you,” he whispered. “Little goose.”
“Honk honk.”
He snorted, her legs dangling as he carried her awkwardly to the door. “You finished here, right?”
“Then you’re grounded.”
“Wha- HEY!” She kicked her legs, trying to wiggle out of his grip. “You can’t ground me! I’ve done nothing wrong! I’m being framed!”
He was laughing. She liked to make him laugh, she decided. She wanted to make him laugh all the time just to see him light up in the way he did. Besides, she liked being silly with him. It wasn’t prim and proper all the time with him. 
“Framed? I watched you commit the crime!”
“You have no evidence!”
“I watched you!”
“But you’d miss me too much,” she said, pouting as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. 
His look was wry. “I won’t miss the crime of eating lemons raw.” 
She gasped. “It’s no crime!”
His look turned teasing as he kissed her forehead. “Says the person who doesn’t cook.”
Her gasp turned more offended as she swooned. “Oh you wound me. Using my own weakness against me! The audacity, the horror. How will I ever recover from this blow to my pride!”
“I’m sure you’ll get over it.”
“Get over it?! Get over it?! Nay sir! I shall never! I will be enacting my revenge plot with friends on you soon enough!”
He was laughing too hard to reply. The fact he was carrying her all dangly like a cat was another “blow” but she didn’t seem to mind.  
He kissed behind her ear as he set her down on his bed. She tugged her boots off, placing them by her side before laying back. 
She saw the pile of clothes on the chair and sat up, her hair falling around her shoulders. “Are those clean?”
He looked over and nodded. 
She brightened. “Well since I washed and hung everything up to dry, mind me folding?”
He blinked in surprise. “I um, no?”
She giggled, getting to her feet. “Mind extending my grounding to the couch?”
He tapped his chin in thought. “Well…after that display of terribleness I’d like to say no.”
She jutted her lower lip out a little, clasping her hands and pleading with him. “Please?”
He cracked so fast under her gaze. “…fine. It…it’ll be nice to have you to talk to.”
She cheered, jumping up and down. He flushed at her reaction as she gathered the clothes on the chair. Some shirts had holes in them and they were wrinkled beyond belief.
He chuckled, helping her out. “You really don’t have to do this,” he said as they walked to the couch. She could see the progress he made with cleaning. There were still things in little piles, stuff she knew he couldn’t find a place for but didn’t want to part with.
She dropped the clothes in her arms on the couch, looking up at him. He wasn’t meeting her eyes, a flush climbing up his neck and face.
“Oh please,” she said. “I want to help you. That's why I offered.”
He looked back at her. She helped him set the clothes down, holding his hands and running her thumbs along his knuckles. His shirt slipped down her shoulder, his eyes flicking over to the movement.
She smiled, letting go of one of his hands and tilting his chin. “Eyes are up here, gander.”
His cheeks reddened. “W-Who’s trying to seduce who now,” he murmured.
She giggled, pressing a hand to her chest. “Oh leannán, you’d know if I was trying to seduce you,” she whispered, softly kissing his jaw.
He grunted, and she smiled. “You play dirty, little goose,” he said, eyes meeting hers. That delicious blue. She wondered what paints she’d have to mix to find the shade. She reached out, brushing his brows. He grabbed her hand, kissing her palm. “I don’t even get a real kiss and you start talking like that.”
“I am proud of you,” she said softly, he jolted, dropping her hand. She only smiled, sitting on the couch. 
She hummed, starting to sort the clothes before her. Shirts. Pants. So on. 
“I don’t need a reason to be proud of you, I just am. But…I know it’s hard. Letting go, I mean.”
“Letting go?”
She peered at him through her lashes. “You’ve only touched your bed, that chair, parts of the bathroom and the kitchen. One room is closed. Your house feels like a ghost. You haven’t really touched anything since they died.”
He flinched. 
She kept her tone soft. “Grá rúnda, I’m not dumb. I can see these things.”
“That’s a new nickname,” he muttered.
“It is, but don’t change the subject. I was trained to be observant.” 
He sighed, fidgeting with the bandages around his arm. She wondered about the scars below the cloth. 
Remembering the old plague cross and the fires…she didn’t have to wonder long. 
“I know I was…blunt.” He snorted, she flushed red. “But I am right.”
His head snapped up. “But-”
Her look was soft but stern. “Giant, living in a house pleading the ghosts of the past is no way to move forward and change. You think I don’t know this? I watched my father almost be broken because of the death of my mother.” She held her hands up, barring her heart for him. Willingly this time. “I watched it almost destroy me and my family. Mamaí was the light in my daidí’s life. But it’s…not the same.”
She set a folded shirt by her side, staring at the holes in the next one. She wondered if he had embroidery hoops. 
“I know it’s not,” she whispered, her voice deathly quiet. “But moving on, happens. Want it or not, it will happen eventually.” She chuckled without humour. “You just had it yelled into you by me.”
She watched him stare at his feet. 
“I loved my mamí. Hell, I look just like her. I...know she isn’t coming back. But I can hold onto fond memories, can’t I? She wouldn’t want me…living my life the way I did. Goddess, she’d be furious with how we took her death. She once threatened to murder my father with a tree branch don’t you know.”
He chuckled and she smiled. There he was.
“You get your spitfire from her,” he murmured.
She pursed her lips to keep from laughing. He wasn’t wrong. 
“She wouldn’t want me to live that way. She wouldn’t want my dadí to live that way. So would your family want you to live like that?”
He flinched, going quiet. His face slowly drained of colour. She bit her lip, hoping she didn’t cross a line.
His voice was barely audible. “No.”
“It’s your life to live,” she said, conviction strong in her voice. “So start living.”
He wouldn’t look at her, but his shoulders were shaking. He wasn’t crying, not yet. She moved off the couch and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his back. 
He held her hands tightly, his shaking in hers. She kissed his back through his shirt as he traced her scars, sending tingles down her spine. 
“What are these from?” he asked softly, voice thick with emotion. 
“Mirrors,” she replied, her voice sounding breathy even to her own ears. She could feel his confused look at her hands and she let out a small giggle, stretching up onto her tiptoes to kiss the back of his neck. His skin grew hot under her lips. “Story for another time.”
He kissed her fingers again, then her palms and wrists. Her heart was so loud, an ‘I love you’ at the tip of her tongue. 
She paused, kissing one of the visible scars on his shoulder. Now wasn’t the time for that. 
He didn’t need those words just yet. 
She laced their fingers together, squeezing his hands once before pulling away. While she knew she wasn’t ready to say it; she was ready to show it. 
“Oh! Do you have embroidery hoops?” she asked, looking over her shoulder. When he met her eyes she could see how grateful he was about the subject change. She knew this was hard, and as much as they acted like an...old married couple (her cheeks flushing red at the thought) he was still hurting. 
“If you don't, that's okay!” she finished with a smile. “I was just-”
“I do.”
He smiled, it wasn’t forced, just a bit more emotional than usual. She hoped she didn’t cross a line. “I have a basket of...that stuff. My grandma used to embroider.”
“Oh. Oh! You...you’d let me use that?”
He nodded, moving inside the room she knew nothing about. A second bedroom? 
She wasn’t going to push it. 
He left the room with a basket, she could see hoops and embroidery floss. Her expression brightened.
“So, what are you gonna do with this?” he asked as she took the basket from his hands. 
Humming, she set a shirt on her lap, making a face at the amount of tiny tears in the hem of the fabric. She pulled out a larger hoop, doing her best to get all the tears in the hoop.
“What colour do you like best?” she asked, holding the floss up. 
He blinked at her ignoring his question. Then he looked down at the thread in her hands.
“Um…the dark blue? And the silver?”
She grinned, putting the rest of the colours back. “Why dark blue?” She looked back up at him. “Not the light blue?”
“I like the dark blue better,” he said with a little smile. He brushed her cheek with his knuckles, before moving away.
They worked together, with only her voice filling the quiet.
She talked about anything and everything. Her family, her adventures away from home. All of it. Stories from the clinic made him laugh the most.
Finally, he had plopped down on the couch next to her, watching her work.
She leaned into his side, his arm going around her shoulders as he kissed the top of her head.
She held up the shirt she was working on. She was almost done, with silver and dark blue dog paws climbing up the hem. 
“It’s lovely- wait, is that my shirt?”
“It is! I um…hope you don’t mind.”
His face was almost glowing when he looked at her. “Thank you, it’s cute.”
Her smile made her cheeks hurt. “I can show you the basics, if you’d like.”
“Basics? Of embroidery?”
She nodded, digging through the basket to pull out scrap fabric.
Moving slowly she slowed him how to put the cloth into the hoop, tightening and then handing it over to him.
“You thread the floss like this…then you knot it. Keep some space so it doesn’t fall apart.”
He nodded, nervously taking the needle. She dug around for a fabric pen and sketched out a simple design. A heart was how she started. It was fairly simple and you could do all sorts of stitches inside.
She kissed his cheek. “Try sewing along the lines I drew here. It’s like you’re actually sewing.” She showed him, poke the needle up, bring it down and so forth. “Be careful about pricking yourself.”
He nodded, tongue sticking out a little as he focused on the stitches. She snuggled into his side, finishing up the paws on his shirt.
“Like this?” he asked after a moment. She looked over at his work and smiled.
“Exactly! You’re doing great.”
His face flushed at the praise, staring at his hands. “Am I? I feel like my hands are a little…too big for this.”
She smiled, covering his hands with hers as she leaned against him. Her fever had gone down but she was still cold. 
She yawned a little. Of course now she was sleepy. And the headache was coming back.
“You’re…doing great,” she murmured with a sleepy smile. “Practice makes perfect! And your hands are fine. My dad knits don’t ya know. And he’s maybe a little shorter than you! He does just fine.”
He chuckled, kissing the top of her head. “You sound tired.”
“Mm not tired.” She yawned. “At all.”
He set his practice hoop down. She looked up at him, a question on her lips.
His smile was a little wolfish and a lot smug. 
Quickly, he kissed her. 
“Told you I’d get a kiss,” he murmured, kissing her cheek.
She blushed. “Idiot, you could get sick.”
He moved the folded clothes off the couch into a nice stack on the floor, the halfway done embroidery work she was doing on top. 
Yawning himself, he scooted down the couch (legs hanging off the end).
She was perched on his legs, grumbling to herself as he smiled.
“How about a power nap?” he asked, teasing in his voice. She made a face at him but shifted down and tucked her head under his chin. 
“Hmph,” she huffed, snuggling into his chest. 
She yawned again, closing her eyes. 
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“What? What for?”
She let out a happy hum. “For cleaning. I know…it’s hard.”
He sighed. “I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble.”
“Mmm I’m trouble too.”
He snorted softly, rubbing the back of her head and holding her close. “Well at least you’re cute, Trouble.”
She giggled softly, yawning again. 
“Sleep now, Thumbelina.”
“We have many nicknames.”
“Little goose?”
She giggled again. “Gander.”
He chuckled, letting out a soft sigh. “Get some sleep, Firefly.”
She knew she was falling. Falling down a deep pit with nothing to see or hear. She didn’t know how long she would fall, how far. How much it would hurt when she landed.
She just knew he’d be there to catch her when she finally found the bottom.
He murmured something to her hair as she fell asleep.
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Hug. ⅰ
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→Pairing: Liu Yangyang x Reader
→Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
→Warnings: Swearing, Bullying, Attempt Suicide and mentions of self degrading, insecurities, anxiety, negative thoughts, physical injuries.
→Looking from the perspective of Liu Yangyang, the boy who bullied a girl to the point she had a scar to burden both of their lives. He lived on with a heavy heart until he finally enters college and bumps into a girl with a familiar scar and the same tattoo on her wrist as his.
→ Chapters: ⅰ, ii
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12 years old.
Yangyang leaned against the table, joking around with his friends during recess. His gummy smile bright and wide as he laughed at his friend's jokes, his fists inside his hoodie pockets as he spoke.
"Did you know my sister found her soulmate on her first day of college?" a girl behind him exclaimed excitedly. "That's so cute! I wonder when I'll meet mine. I can't wait to see what my tattoo looks like!" her friend gushed, rubbing her left wrist with a dreamy sigh.
At age 16, a tattoo will start appearing on your left wrist. Creating a special bond between two people, binding them together for all of eternity. People strive to find their other half to feel completed, those who failed to do so would have to wander the earth til the heavens pick them up.
"Gross! Soulmates are disgusting! You're gonna get fricking cooties!" his friend gagged in disgust. "Shut up, you drama queen. You're gonna have one when you're 16, doofus." Yangyang snickered, lightly punching his friend's shoulder.
"True. But I'd like to enjoy my non-cootie life while I still can, Yangyang." his friend stuck his tongue out teasingly at him causing his other friends to chuckle. "You do know cooties aren't real right?" His other friend retorted, pushing his glasses up from falling from the bridge of his nose.
"They're not?!" his friend exclaimed in shock, but was quickly interrupted by their class teacher entering the room with a girl trailing right behind her shyly. "Alright, settle down, class!" she spoke with a clap of her hands once she put down her stationary on her table.
Yangyang quickly ran to his table, slouching in his chair lazily as he and his friends snickered and giggled. His hand went to grab his pen and started clicking on its ends as his teacher began speaking.
"I'm happy to announce that we have a new student joining our class from now on!" the teacher exclaimed, putting a hand on the young girl's back and gently pushed her forward.
Yangyang's half lidded gaze tore away from his friends to the girl standing shyly infront of the class. "Please, introduce yourself." the teacher coaxed gently at the girl who nodded and reached into her bag to pull out a small notebook and a pencil.
She began writing on it, this attracted the whole class's attention. 'What the heck is she doing?' Yangyang pondered, his brows furrowed with curiousity. Soon she smiled at her classmates who were staring curiously at her before flipping her notebook to reveal what she had written.
Written in big letters was
'Hello, I'm y/n l/n. I don't speak very properly. Please cooperate with me so we can be good friends throughout the school year! :)'
This soon caused whispers to erupt all around class, whispering how sympathetic they felt for the poor girl and how they would make her feel as comfortable here as possible. Yangyang, however, couldn't stop looking at the girl who was told to sit down at an empty desk near his.
'What's up with her? Why can't she speak?' Yangyang's young mind pondered as he stared at the girl adjusting to her surroundings as the girls nearby introduced themselves to the mute girl. Soon the class grew quiet once the teacher told them to open their books to Chapter Five.
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"What's with that new kid?" Yangyang asked his peers as he joined his group in a game of soccer in the school field. "Who? Y/n?" his friend asked with a tilt of his head and a raise of his brow.
"Yeah, she's pretty weird dontcha think?" Yangyang said as he kicked the ball towards the net. "Yeah, she kinda is. I mean, why can't she talk though?" his friend agreed with a nod, stepping back to catch the ball the keeper threw back.
"Well, she is mute, you knuckleheads. She can't speak, though, I think she can hear just fine." his friend spoke with a click of his tongue. "Alright, Professor. I didn't ask," Yangyang spat at his friend before a familiar girl caught his eye.
That new kid.
She was talking to Mei Liao, carrying that same exact notebook with her, writing down in it once every few minutes. He chuckled as an idea popped into his head like a light bulb being turned on.
He let out a small "psst" at his mates, attracting their attention as he grabbed the ball with the soles of his shoes from his friend. "Watch this," he smirked as he kicked the ball towards the girl, hitting her exactly on her back.
Y/n fell to the ground at the impact. Her notebook and pencil lying on the tiled floor, Mei yelling out her name in concern as the ball bounced to the wall and rolled right infront of them.
"Sorry! Can you pass it back, please!" Yangyang grinned as he jogged up to the girls with his hands in his pockets. Mei was on her knees helping y/n get up to her feet, which y/n then proceeded to grab the ball and handed it to him.
He saw her smile gently at him as she kindly passed the ball back. He didn't know why but that kind smile made his blood heat up, why was she being so nice after he just kicked a ball at her?
"Yangyang! You should've been careful with that!" Mei scolded, giving y/n her book and pencil back. Yangyang rolled his eyes, "it was an accident, sheesh. Plus look, y/n's fine. You're just overreacting, Mei." he scoffed.
Mei was about to retort at the young boy but was stopped when y/n layed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a look that says "it's okay". His eyes met her kind ones as she gave him a soft polite smile, showing how sincere she was.
Yangyang raised his brow at the girl before he let out a small scoff and started walking back to the field where his friends were giggling at his actions, ignoring the eyes of Mei that was boring into his skull.
"Dude, that was hilarious!" his friend laughed. "Poor girl didn't even see it coming!" he added, Yangyang's mood enlighten slightly when he saw that his friends were laughing at what he just did, but the kind smile on that girl's face made his blood boil.
"Duh," Yangyang snickered, "that's why I did it." he stated, looking at the corner of his eyes where he could see Y/N talking to an angered Mei with a bright smile on her face. Why did Yangyang feel so angry?
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As the weeks went by, Yangyang continued to mercilessly tease and bully y/n without any remorse.
He would bump his shoulder forcefully against hers purposely, ignoring her confused gaze as he didn't spare her a glance when doing so. He would stick out his foot so she would trip and fall to the floor, leaving their classmates laughing at her. He would make snarky comments bout her when she was around.
But yet, the girl still smiled. It was frustrating to say the least. Seeing that smile appear everytime their eyes meet.
One day, when Yangyang finished his soccer practice after school, he was just bout to head home with his friends when his friend, Marc, spoke. "Hey Yangyang, there's that y/n. I think she's walking over to us."
Yangyang and his friend turned to see the mute girl running up to them with her notebook in her hand. Yangyang rolled his eyes as his friends continued to speak. "What's she still doing in school? No one's usually here unless they join the sport clubs." Sang whispered.
Yangyang's brow raised as the girl came to a stop right infront of him with her notebook in her hand. She stretch out her hand, gesturing him to read what she had written on the lined paper. Yangyang raised his brow, "What the heck is this?" he asked.
' Yangyang. Are you mad at me?'
His eyes darted from the paper to her shy ones, that smile was there. "Yah, can't you speak for yourself? Your handwriting is barely readable." he mocked. The girl let out a pout before doing hand gestures, which made Yangyang clenched his teeth.
Right. The girl taught everyone in class some sign language to help communicate better when she doesn't bring her notebook.
"I can't understand you, you freak." he spat, tucking his hands in his pockets to look tough. Suddenly, y/n pointed at herself. Then at him. Before intertwining both her fingers together, this made his eyes widen.
His friends bawled out laughing hysterically behind him, "Yangyang! Oh my God!" they laughed as Yangyang's cheeks began to flush red at the sight of her hands intertwining. What is this girl thinking? Is she out of her mind?
"Yangyang are you really gonna-" before another word was spewed out of his friend's mouth, he angrily grabbed the girl's notebook and tossed it away to the bushes. "What the hell?!" he exclaimed at the girl who flinched at his loud tone.
"Are you out of your mind?!" he shouted, but y/n ignored him to fetch her notebook from the bushes, carefully leaning over and holding onto the wall for support. "Is this girl for real?" his friend laughed as he nudged Yangyang's shoulder.
Yangyang huffed angrily before walking off, "let's go, guys." he grumbled, grabbing his two friends by the bag and pulling them with him as they howled with laughter at the sight that had just been displayed infront of them.
That kid is going to get it.
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The day Yangyang finally got too far with his selfish acts is the day where his world started to crumble down right infront of his eyes. The next day after those incidents was the day Yangyang's bullying got worse.
He would speak badly bout the girl to her friends, causing everyone to leave her alone. The other girls talked bout her behind her back, and some even start joining in on pushing her during classes.
It went so far until her only loyal friend, Mei, was bullied as well. She was bullied as she was one of the overweight students of their class, and being friends with the bullied mute girl with the notebook wasn't helping. It got to the point she had requested on moving schools the next week, leaving the quiet, meek y/n all alone.
A few weeks after, Yangyang was being his usual self. He sat down on his chair, his back leaning lazily as he clicked the ends of his pen while listening to his friends' story. He spaced out, staring into the walls without a thought, his friends' words muffled in his ears.
Suddenly, he spot the oh-so-familiar girl behind chased by her female bullies who was pushing her mercilessly as she ran. Yangyang's eyes sparked with mischief and excitement as he watched her run around the class, laughter filling the room.
He clicked his tongue when he spotted her running towards his way. He smirked when he stuck his foot out right at the right moment, feeling her foot trip over his and waiting to hear the sound of her hands making contact with the tiled floor. His eyes widened at the sound of a loud crash, the piercing sound of table and chair moving forcefully made his eyes turned to see the sight before him.
Y/n was on her knees, her hands cupping half of her face. The tables and chairs behind him was moved away from the strong impact, he watched as the girl stood up in the silent classroom as everyone had stopped what they were doing and turned to look what was going on.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" a girl asked, leaning from the chair with her knee on it and her hands supporting herself with the tables beside her. Y/n nodded, her eyes was stinging with tears at the pain she was feeling but nonetheless she didn't feel that bad.
Her knees were scraped badly and when she removed her hands from her face, that's when everyone freaked out. Yangyang's eyes widened at the sight of the girl before him, his body tensed in his seat.
"Y/n! You're bleeding!" someone exclaimed, pointing at the blood dripping down the young girl's smiling lips. There was a huge scar on her lip, blood was oozing down rapidly, staining her chin. Shock overtook the girl's features as she looked down at her palm, fear filling her pupils as she froze on the spot, not knowing what to do with the dull ache in her mouth.
"Someone call the teacher!"
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maandags · 6 years
Headcanons for the paladins + Allura and Lotor with a theatre geek s/o
Request: Wow! Your first batch of headcanons so amazing, you have no idea! Would you be willing to write headcanons for the Paladins + Lotor having a theatre geek s/o? Extremely extroverted, affectionate, and eccentric! Thank you if you decide to, but I’d understand if not! I wish you luck! 💞 - A fellow Voltron Imagines Blog
Hello love! Thanks for requesting, sorry I only got to it now. Made them extra long to make up for it! Hope you enjoy!
(I also just noticed I added Allura. oops?)
~Mod Water
thinks you're awesome
will just look at you while you jump around reenacting your favourite play all by yourself with this fond smile on his face
will never get tired of your energy
cuddling is a Must
especially when he's had a rough day
you get him to loosen up a bit
will use the sappiest theatre pick up lines because he's a huge nerd (my only dream role is being with you)
he learned them from lance
but can and will always count on you to keep a lighthearted mood
loves to just curl up on the couch and watch your favourite plays and musicals that you guys found in the space mall for 2 bucks
when u guys first met, Keith was kind of intimidated  by u because wow introvert alert
like he just didn't understand how someone could be so energetic when there was a war going on so he just kinda avoided you
but then he got to know you
and WOW did you blow this mullet man off his feet
like the first time that you guys really started talking of course he asked u what u liked and of course you said theatre
and the smile that lit up your face made Keith die a little on the inside
he doesn't care that much for theatre/musicals himself but he does enjoy them when he watches them with you
helps you take some things a little more seriously and you help him find the fun side of some things
you are very big on PDA and you slowly warm Keith to the idea (from hand holding to hugging to cheek kisses to actual kisses)
but behind closed doors
Cuddle Fest
you guys are goals tbh
let's be real, if you are a theatre kid so is lance
when he finds out you are just as, if not more, into theatre as he is he's so pumped 
immediately organises a musical marathon where the two of you just spend 6 hours watching musicals and quoting like half of the lines
you two hit it off right away and literally nobody is surprised when y'all start dating. nobody.
lancey lance is an extrovert too so he thinks it's really cool that you can keep up with his thoughts and conversations
soon the majority of your conversations consist of 75% musical/play quotes. it drives everyone nuts
is also very affectionate and doesn't mind PDA
hugs from behind and resting your head in the crook of his neck make him melt please do that
it finished badly last time, hunk almost had a stroke
thinks you're so pure
you just brighten up a room by being there and quite frankly so does he so you two are perfect for each other
the childlike excitement that lights up your face every time you talk about the theatre just has him grinning like a lovestruck fool
Hunk is pretty extroverted as well but has to calm you down every once in a while because you would get a little annoying honestly 
is the only one who understands your weird rants and is the best listener
is your #1 hype man
gives the best hugs
also doesn't mind PDA
his favourite are cheek kisses
they're just so sweet
also will join you in the reenactment of your favourite plays. he actually loves it
you two have the purest relationship and are too goddamn cute
was kind of confused at first when she met you
you were a ball of energy that zipped from one end of the room to the other and never seemed to get tired
like the literal only thought in her head was what the shit 
and then she caught you dancing and singing to one of your favourite musical numbers
Matt used to be a theatre kid as well so she kind of picked it up and secretly loves it
so when she makes a musical reference, your jaw drops and you suddenly get heart eyes
you guys are joined at the hip from then on
will spend hours talking to you about the tech stuff that happens behind the scenes of every play
you're actually really interested (it makes her so happy that she's able to talk tech with you) and the two of you will talk for hours about it
honestly loves listening to you talk before going to sleep, she says it's relaxing but she just loves your voice
PDA is fine with her as long as it's not in serious situations
loves to sit/curl up on your lap
you guys are a weirdly good match
okay so Lotor has had a pretty tough childhood
chances are he doesn't even know what theatre is
you are SHOOK
you kind of take it upon yourself to teach him everything you know about theatre
you: okay so I found the book with all the completed Shakespeare plays, sit down bud we've got work to do
Lotor becomes weirdly passionate about it
at first is kind of exasperated by your immense amount of energy
but slowly finds that he really enjoys your company
you are just never boring
even though he doesn't understand half of the stuff that you're talking about
won't do much more than hold your hand or kiss you on the cheek in public
but once you two are alone he becomes the clingiest cuddler
loves you a lot ok
at first, doesn't quite know how to act around you
is just confused and a lil weirded out
but once you two start talking and you explain human theatre to her she gets so excited
will also teach you about the Altean equivalent of theatre
you love hearing about Altean theatre because you love learning about your girlfriend's culture!! 
when you learn that there isn't an Altean version of a musical you gasp in shock
you immediately organise a marathon
allura ends up absolutely loving them
quoting them the following days to see your face light up
hand holding!!!!
always holds your hand. always.
you two are the most adorable couple
bonus :
*after allura stopped you from charging a galra soldier with nothing but a sword that you don't know how to use*
You: I would have had him, 'lura! 
Allura: fencing in theatre is not the same as sword fighting in battle, y/n
You: *annoyed huff*
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Chris Bromham - Wikipedia
And you can't avoid this bag just wants to sit there and bother him what a nightmare so is that what the whole thing is I have John read my Lord in his shop every shop
Zues Hera this is terrible somebody get that a****** off the air
Just starting to see it it's very annoying now we know we're going to do something tonight Chuck is going out there to the matrix he's going to do something actually then get paid for it we have several things going on when is we have these electric bikes and our son wants to do a start with them to make them famous and literally have BG do a series of stunts and make a traveling show with several with a minute and trying to avoid any horrific accidents put in safety features and so we're going to and there is a ball of death and we can put those giant fans so you can skydiving if he falls and there is a two this is how it goes up the ball goes up in the tube and he drives up the tube to get to the ball once in the ball closes and the ball comes down in the tube and we know how to do that and he's amazed he's never heard of anything like it and then he wants to do our underwater idea of going underwater pretty far like 100 yards coming out the other side going through a whoop-dee-doo a loop de loop actually and spinning around on it almost sideways coming back and taking a jump into the water doing a stunt landing in the water and coming out the other side disappearing from the audience. Now this is Terry cheesman response to the stunt she said you tricked me and I'm going to get you so you said that we're going to kill you I said no you won't I said whatever you'll say stupid so we're going after her and we hit her him and he's dead comes back we hit him again and we keep hitting. Very simple assessment. And we are seeing them again we told them not to. Now Brian Gerard has volunteered to jump 40 double decker buses 40. And Nicholas Cage tries to jump the same thing and Dan tries and both of them fail miserably and die badly and tons of people try to copy it and they cannot and the motorcycle have special fairing and they say we can do without that and they can't and he will have a safety suit on and my son named it the flying squirrel but nobody wants to do that. He thinks it's cute and BG can go up in a squirrel costume and he's saying no we need you to shut up but Hera would love it and my kids we would we're heroes but we would love it because our kids would. And tons of people say no and his son say so oh well he says it's okay but we have ponds on either side so if he can't make it he can squirrel to the pond. And everybody says we don't need that either PG says next to the understands the little odd and of course we would resuscitate her whatever is necessary.
And then there'll be the natural freestyle which you guys have seen a lot of and our son came up with one called the Amarillo where he does like a tumble in a roll and comes out of it and people are fascinated they want to see it and nobody will be able to replicate it and we know why.
And BG will be wearing gear of course and it's lightweight and very strong. And he has his own he's iron Man but you won't be able to see it that well. He's agreed to do it and we're going to put up a show and a test we're going to invite people and all sorts of people he knows and Friends hopefully says yes and some enemies so he can keep them in check not a lot of them and he says okay and we're going to have a nice desserts and drinks and all sorts of things and we're going to film it and we're going to put on YouTube and he's going to make money and residuals and it said yes.
Thor Freya
So is this like a publicity stunt
I think it's an advertising gimmick
But it's publicity for the bike but you're right that would be for BG and he's going to be famous as a stuntman they're going to find out who he is and people going to like him after they'll figure out why
Hera Zues
I noticed it too people don't understand it now starting to work here and this place is disgusting and we have to get out of here
Sales are through the roof and we're selling out of what we had and it's not even 8:00 we are going to try and shut down at 10:00 and people don't want us to we're moving into the field now we've sold 300 million from the site for real and not even delivered and we sent down half that to the warehouse and it drove in and out without a problem I don't know how they're doing it it's too fast and our son says it they drive in with a bunch of people they pick them all up they drop them off at their gates to the airport and they drive out real fast and they go around to all sorts of cars and nothing stops and. And that's what's happening we looked and we watched the motorcycles go right through traffic and not massively fast they just skip all the traffic I go down the breakdown lane or in the middle it was huge for everybody watching I said wow that's 20 miles away and to get out there there's a little bit of a line of a car but they go buy them and those people come back almost immediately some of them abandoned their cars are kind of crappy and they run to the warehouse and go I need to buy one and they buy one and they drive it away and say what do we do with your car and you can have it they brought the title so give him some money and they take off. So now we have all these scrap cars coming in at like 500,000 cars now like 2 million. The trucking them out now across land not even on the road the sun's is a good crush and then truck them so might do that it's safer too takes less trips and scan it. Now this is fun these things are selling like hotcakes sell hover craft like it.
We're looking at the hovercraft and doing the same thing in LA they want it now like right now and the kids version and the adult version and the Star Trek version. I'm laughing is he there at the store you remember he's telling me I didn't we both know that I know and he's laughing shows up in my backyard some crappy house like jersey and a Star Trek hovercraft they can actually fly they go fast so if he comes over that door the back door says be me and Scotchty, so let him have it with both barrels get out of here get out of my yard so he started laughing like he is now and giggling and ran to the starship starship well so hovercraft and shot out of the yard. It looks really cool it looks like a starship but it's all shining Chrome like the ones from Star wars. You have to register it and have a files license like a small jet. So your turn it's got flowers and a nice jacket leather jacket and a nice car the front door is this high and he goes and I said what are you just here so it says so he says who's here someone was here and he immediately ran to the backyard dropped the flowers ran the other way I came back pick the flowers up and came up I said did you drop those on the ground he said no I don't think so I had amnesia like when I drove the car to westborough high School and said you remember it but that was in space we were saying that so he knows me I know him I'm still mad that he pulled into the backyard with the miniature starship.
So the guy building the red car said he might get away with it with some milk and some beer shows up the back door same house I guess we moved out and says I got the milk and I got the beer and she was you going to get those things out of here and you but mumbles it this is how many just leave this and she says okay but how about you take that out of here and you so she takes a beer in the milk and he slowly walks off and flies the ship off. So we can advertise it as like a U-Store self store but it's really a docking station for your personal craft that could go down the street so you could commute or a small ones for the yard if you had a big enough yard and there's a square foot requirement but most of them probably down the street you're parked your car you fly to work and you come back people are interested in they used to do with helicopters pads they have a helicopter pad with 12 helicopters and their privately owned like a little airport and 24/7 security but it's in closed these ships are inside a solid concrete 2 ft thick facility and the door opens and you fly it out and then take off just like an airport so they like it too... So in the commercial it shows the old guy and he goes out to his car and set red thing he's building drives to the parking lot and she pulls up next to him and says I want to go with you and so they go together to his job he knows what are you going to do while I'm there when they're flying this is I'll walk around buying stuff and go to stores and says okay and we're not in that side of the commercial I guess and they planned it
That was our son and daughter Hera and Zeus putting a skit together and these people were poopers and that's what they're like all the time to them
We're working on this new ideas with a hovercraft this will make it possible it's really a jet it's not that much money though they go for about 150,000 they're not used to them being that cheap you have to increase the price no we're not going to
Thor Freya
Possible 75,000 to make them but the rest of the hassle
We're here and we approve all that and we're going to war with these people shortly
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
So we go out and we're going out into trump series and we find Tommy f today after we supposedly said we're going to do it he's out there pulling things out the solution was very simple now putting a castle in there cuz he was Castle and also possibly could be him quite easily turn into them and just keep eating them with our demons and putting fortresses in several of their places big ones too some of them about a mile high I can't believe it and the wall is about a mile high sometimes too and we're pulling tons of them in they're going to this place and fighting and trying to get there and you're trying to fire on it huge huge cannon and sometimes it gets in and hits it and it doesn't do anything and they're blaring their microphone we can build that too and they try to nearby and they can't so keep on hitting them they take the equipment and they're using it to build more tons of them are running around Wyoming and complaining and now John remillard is driving around picking up stuff for the two can't stand that place and people are noticing he doesn't like it either finally admits it and the place is crap really almost 5:00 and they're going to set up for tomorrow I haven't really done much putting some light fixtures and some blinds and really that's about it I haven't Deacon haven't dated yet and it should if they don't seem to want to sit there and smelly s*** very rude people it's like their bums I just sun said.
We've got a few things going on right now huge things these people are an annoyance the constant annoyance so we're going to take them out at the knees John arena Lord doesn't have a license that does the idiot driving around I'm trying to cut the tile out and a fight with him and he said you do it that's how they go they never do the work cuz he's touching foxes putting fusses in their area is like dog s*** everything is still really badly I'll send us a pretty good job but really it's very difficult to work with people who like hell traditionally built what kind of funny but when it was done it looked okay and hunters are saying do it like this and it was ridiculous kept saying to people in the lake country shut up it's a different structure it's not even the same at all so laughing and seriously to build it all the way across is not a bad idea except our son said it still wouldn't hold the weight you'd have to run more steal a lot of money a really big being in the Ukraine that's when they have you put them in the wall would be nice having more room and their own but no more window and the roofline we just continued but it was too much money so say about 10 grand a lot of time a little slow it took like 3 months which is still not bad for what he did the whole thing did a lot of the work too you calculated you work physically in about 70% of the self-performed it's because the lazy bums put into drywall like one day himself his parents were very happy his popcorn ceiling looks like popcorn the rate of the stuff inside of the stuff and they done it forever if it's an assholes and they can say that give me the right stuff and they don't. It's probably got really mad it since I got three dollar roller and makes a stipple just like you said it was like maybe to all the stupid s*** so he says good cute everybody and he's tall enough it got pretty ugly but still had a lot of basement space and they used it too for shop and some of the things and it was nice I called your life was pretty good and they lived a decent life they never kicked out for these idiots and it was due to try to go for the max are trying to go for the balls and after it all out everybody got screwed they don't matter so get hello down there and everything went toxicity it got really mad what the hell are you talking about
Tommy f is rolling it's going 100 miles an hour because it's so big and it's going across like a hundred miles swath and he's asking me is this gog or Magog and I said no. Then I was bewildered and you said what if we could be in trouble if Russia comes down in the car caucuses so I started looking at that and they said they're talking about it so it's just a population issue let me know about it too but they didn't end up worrying with the max
The Army is moving and heading South, it's going along the coast in the Northwest Canada to 100 miles inland and it's being supplied from the ocean and it's probably 300 miles down from Alaska and they tore through it and they're throwing tons of trees into the ground to make it so they don't sink in and it works but it's a mess looks like a battlefield when things sticking up soldiers have to ride on a vehicle while they get killed and tossed up in the air my trees amazing and died millions died they jumped onto the vehicles... We are proceeding and prepping they're about 500 miles from the northernmost City and it's not the city of stopped at and we cleared the city and there's nobody there Philly soon it's going to be an issue and yeah next door is going to be an issue too this is don't know anything about what they're doing, they want free advice but they don't want to ask it and he doesn't want to do anything cuz he doesn't want to talk to him it's a pain they're a bunch of rude assholes truth we have to handle their own building maintenance it's very aggravating I think that's writing us to have us do stuff and other groups are going to attack them shortly
The forests have gone wild attacking the blockade and something is always saying you have to go down there and blast the s*** out of it to make a hole and they can do that I realize they'll be flanked but they'll have to fight him anyways I started doing it they're going to make a hole tons of my God Tommy fleet the ruining and devidtating it. So huge number of ships that have moved there gigantic number rebel ships and forg. ships
Ours too and we're rebels are foreign and we have concrete chips too we use their designs
And we're rolling too here this place is a damn nuisance it's extremely upsetting what they say the mean and morons the poor people too let's have a lot of money big assholes.
Soon the foreigners are going to engage Tommy f and Trump put a p in for terrorism so he's going to try for stuff while it's happening we're attacking him nowhere earlier because of this performance have a hole and moving ashore actually have equipment there large stuff first very large the movie did with arms it's going to be a challenge for Tommy even with that many troops and that much hardware it took it from the Russians and Russians want revenge they're moving in and they're moving in the past have a huge fleet it's descending on now and giant fleet above sitting there waiting to attack Tommy has moved in ships and his spaceships are moving in and they're starting now the firing has commenced
Thor Freya
We finally will have some peace maybe some quiet maybe some sleeping around here this is just a nuisance how do you people doing their stores idiocy shaving off the s*** with a plane a blade that's terrible it's going to take all year grinder terrible
We're going to cut it short I understand why the neighbors are upset it's going on shortly too I'm looking in saying f****** we told you not to it's a hire someone to do it you assholes are going to jail now
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