#it's winter break let me be DELUSIONAL OK?
ok guys let me be delusional as fuck
Charles on a third place or Charles on a place of Checo Perez?
what are you hitting on, admin?
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molloytheboy · 2 years
I never do this but I haven't written anything in weeks and today after work I was able to start this Daniel fic and I need to share SOMETHING with y'all or I will implode. First 500ish words after the cut, no content warnings, enjoy. Feel free to theorize about where this is going in the comments/tags
The Drifters were crooning out of the old transistor radio when I came into the garage. He had it up on the roof of the Cadillac convertible he was working on. Lemon yellow with red leather interior. 1952. Older than me by a few years. His baby.
“Hey, dad,” I said as I came up to the other side of the open hood. “You got a minute?”
He didn’t come up for air. Still all grease-stained elbows and bald patch.
“Dad!” said it a little louder, that time.
“What?” He lifted one arm, craned his neck to peek under it without letting go of whatever he was fiddling with. “Oh, Daniel. Thought you were taking Vicky to a movie today.”
“It’s not until one.” I shoved my hands deeper into my coat pockets. It was January, just after winter break. “It’s freezing out here, dad. Why don’t you turn on that space heater mom got you for Christmas?”
“Nah, don’t need it. I told her she might as well return the thing. I could work up a sweat in the middle-”
“-middle of a blizzard, I know,” I finished with him. “Look, couldn’t you at least try it out? She really thought you were gonna love it.”
He lost his grip on something and it clinked and clattered on its way to the concrete. He muttered an indistinct curse and fished his penlight out of his shirt pocket.
“Now’s not the best time, Dan. Let’s take a rain check, ok?”
“Is that it over there?” I walked over to the corner where he’d put it next to the trash can. “C’mon, dad, you didn’t even take it out of the box.” I pulled out my pocket knife and set to it myself.
Must’ve been a couple minutes or so of companionable silence. He found the wrench he’d dropped and withdrew fully out from under the hood for the first time. Stood up straight and popped his back with a groan.
“Never get old, Dan. It’s not half what it’s cracked up to be.” He watched me lift the heater out of the box, remove the styrofoam padding, unwind the power cord. “You’re a good kid, you know that?”
I felt the tension start to build up in my neck and shoulders. He really had a knack for saying that right before I fucked things up again.
“Not the best, though, right?” I said without looking up.
He moved in my peripheral vision and I was so familiar with the gesture I might as well have been staring right at him; a brusque wave of his hand, a shake of his head, eyes closed in a reflexive grimace.
“Anybody says their kid’s perfect is either lying or delusional.”
He turned back to work on his first born and it took me a second to work up the nerve to keep going.
“We gotta talk about it, dad.”
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
All I Want For Christmas is: The Maple Goddess [Youngjae]
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Love is in the air at the Christmas Market when you finally get to spend some quality time with the cute guy from the ice skating rink.
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Protagonists: Choi Youngjae & You
Word Count: 4.7k
Genre: SFW - Holiday Season - Romance - First Date - shy!jae || [One Shot]
[All I Want For Christmas: is a GOT7 collab]
GOT7 | M.list
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You’re glorious today, as usual. Your red winter coat brings out the colours of your cheeks, even from the other side of the alley, you're glowing. Youngjae rolls his thick sleeve to peek at his watch, almost an hour to go before his first break… Sniffing, he observes from his fortune hideout as you explain something to rare morning onlookers, waving your hands around energetically. When he's sitting down behind his booth, he's mostly concealed by the counter, hardly able to see you. In the end, they buy something from the stand, how could they not? No one can resist a smile like yours, and you grin every time you make a sale. A series of aggressive knocks on his wooden counter forces him out of his daydream. He stands up from his chair in a hurry, taken by surprise. 
“Size twelve.” A boy narrows his eyes haughtily and his four friends snicker behind him. He's a teenager – he was probably in diapers when Youngjae finished high school – but still, he has nothing but contempt for the older guy. The Ice Skating Rink promised to be a romantic mystical workplace with its Christmas lights and view on the giant decorated tree, but it turned out to be a damn babysitting job.
Don't push your friends... No headsets! I told you, this is your last warning...
“Then it's size eleven,” Youngjae blinks, quickly catching on, “and 10 bucks.”
“The raffle guy said you'd make us a discount!” They immediately start to whine in protest, and Youngjae bites the interior of his cheek to remain polite. Grabbing the frame of his booth, he bends through the opening to glare at his ‘friend’. Bambam shrugs unapologetically, not looking exactly contrite enough to his liking. He's been sending his victims to the rink for discounts far too often this past month.
“How much do you have left?”
Sighing, Youngjae bargains with the group, ending up renting all of them skates at half the value. How are other businesses supposed to make a living if Bambam keeps scamming kids out of their allowance? He cusses lowly, picking up 5 pairs of ice skates from the tablets behind him and handing them. It's his first year working at The White Miracle Market and definitely his last. He thought it would be a great opportunity to earn some extra cash for his Christmas gifts, but that's not how it went. Instead, he ended up spending his days freezing to death, quarrelling with kids, and spending all of his money on the job.
Work with us, they said…
Youngjae shouldn't have let himself get convinced by the guys. He's the only one that ended up in a stall with a defective heater and… Ok, fine, admittedly he has the greatest view of all time… Raising his head to your booth facing his, he forgets for a brief second he's still standing up and hits the large metal radiator hanging above. Yelping, he reaches for his head with both gloves, for once thankful the thing isn't working at full capacity. Through his tears, he glares at the heater with rancour. 
It will be fun, they said…
Carefully sitting back, Youngjae loses the next half-hour reluctantly monitoring the skating little monsters through his left side window. He doesn't even find it in himself to scold them when they start throwing ice at each other. One could lose an eye or two for all he cares.
Today is a bit of a slow start. It could come as a surprise considering there are only a few days left before Christmas, but it's often like that during the day. People come to the Market for enchantment and a chaotic array of wooden stalls doesn't quite reach its full magical effect before sunset. Even with the current beautiful snow falling in slow motion from the gray sky. Of course, your booth isn't like the other boring ones, you don't rely on fir ornaments, red velvet bows or fairy lights to sell. Undeniably, the Maplesque!’ strongest asset is the alluring smell of maple syrup always cooking in the large pan.
“Ouch,” Emma giggles, making you raise your head from the wood bucket of clean snow you're preparing, “that outta hurt!”
“What?” Whipping around to see what she means, you wince. Cute guy from the ice skating booth is holding the top of his head with both hands. Above him, his stall's radiator is wobbling. You hope he didn't burn himself. “Don't stare,” mortified by the secondhand embarrassment, you click your tongue, forcing your sister's eyes down.
“Why not?” She smirks, leaning above the counter and making the display of leaf-shaped lollipops tilt dangerously. “He stares at us all day.”
“Does. Not.” You lie, pushing the rack back to safety and Emma rolls her eyes. “Stop being delusional and go check the pan's temperature.”
“In case you didn't notice…” She stretches both arms open towards the empty snowy alley like she's the messiah. “No one buys your taffy before supper, Ô dear Maple Goddess.”
“If you're unhappy, you can go home.” Grumbling, you round the booth, done with your taffy-on-ice tempting display. Walking by the pan, you check it yourself, pleased to find the temperature of the syrup is climbing slowly.
“There's no ridiculously hot guys at home.” Emma sing-songs and you look at her, dumbfounded. “The White Miracle might be cold but I swear, there's no better place to be in town…”
“What?” Crouching, you plug the hot chocolate machine. Is this why she comes to the Market even though she never lends a hand?
Your little sister has been obsessing a lot about boys lately, maybe she's at that age. In previous years, she never cared to visit. Your parents were the ones running this booth while you helped out as much as you could. It's the first year you fully took over so they could stay on the farm, handling most of the crafting and shipping. This Christmas Market is a tradition, sort of a mandatory one when it’s the whole family business. Holidays are always very busy, right before the maple season starts.
“Are you dumb?” Emma snorts in disbelief, “Blind? Every guy here is sexier than the other. It's like they are fighting every day to win me over. There's the toymakers pair, very kissable under potential mistletoe; the steamy ticket seller, I personally find his constant frowning highly attractive; there's Santa, help me Lord-”
“I guess I’m too busy to notice,” you interrupt unimpressed and check the display one last time to see if everything is in order, “someone has to work our booth.”
“Well, hot rental-guy notices, rental-guy isn't blind. Everyone at TWM knows he's desperately pining over you!” You turn to her – acting lost – and she rolls her eyes once more in desperation. Without another word, Emma raises her glove the rink’s way, unsubtly pointing to the man in his ice skating booth. Gasping, you jump forward to pull down her arm, feeling your whole face flush in shame. You're acutely aware of how much he looks your way, there's no need to make it more obvious. Really, how bold can a fifteen years old get? 
“Jesus, Emma,” heaving you hold her arm down tightly, “we don't point at people!”
She tugs at it, but you don't let go. “Oh look, he's staring again!” She waves hello his way and you let her go in horror. Urgently spinning around only to discover that rental-guy isn't looking your way. Not at all, in fact, he seems rather absorbed by the contemplation of the kids skating on the rink. “You should see your face right now!” Emma cracks up, sinking back into her chair with a book and you kick her leg, fuming. You swear sometimes she still acts like a 10 years old. "Admit it, you like him back, he's cute...”
You don't dignify this with an answer, dropping your chin into your open palms, bent in two, elbows resting on the counter. Cute? Ice skating guy is cute alright. You aren't as blind as you'd want her to believe. You've been looking forward to his breaks for an entire month.
You asked you noted; Choi Youngjae, your age, first year working at the White Miracle, single… Very unsubtly crushing on you and talking about it to a lot of people.
He's off in around 50 minutes; which means he’ll come by to pick two maple hot chocolates just to see you. You hate to admit, but he is at his cutest when he's a blushing mess for you. 
In a parallel universe, one where the Holiday season truly is magical… You'd both do a lot more than stare. 
He'd actually ask you out, maybe he'd spill his drink on his coat while doing so, but you wouldn't mind. You wouldn't mind because you'd be busy being nervous yourself, smoothly agreeing to anything. You like him too, a lot. How could you not fall for the guy who gave you the most flattering nickname to ever be? 
Not Farm-Girl like back when you were in high school. 
Maple. Goddess.
You're an OG of this Christmas Market, so of course, everyone told you about him. The White Miracle’ staff is like a second family, you were made aware of his infatuation within a week of him starting here. Even the guy at the Mulled Wine stall knew about Youngjae and you and he's a loner that keeps to himself.
You bite the interior of your cheek, sneaking another glance at the rental booth.
Maybe you should just ask him out yourself. It's not like waiting on him is doing any good and Holiday season is almost over...
To be honest, Youngjae doesn't feel particularly excited at Jackson showing up for his break. It's suspiciously that he considers his friend when his face pops over the counter to gaze down at him. By this point, Youngjae was dozing off, ice rink empty and his will to live in the negative – matching the mercury-in-glass quite nicely. 
“OY!” The exuberant chocolate-lover greets, face sliced in two by his largest grin. The last time they spoke was two days prior, Jackson was so taken by some dumb competition with another booth that he snapped and told Youngjae off. He got mad and claimed he was done, that he couldn't stand hearing about y/n again.
“Hi,” wary, Youngjae sits straight, “I thought you didn't want to be around me anymore.”
Jackson's face twists, “What? I never said that. I’m pretty sure my exact words were ‘man-up and ask her out for baby-Jesus’s sake!’... But I’m here to apologize, I'm sorry I yelled, Jinyoung says I need to make amends…” Picture of innocence, the childish man smiles and tilts his head. This look on him is never a good omen. Whenever Jackson wiggles his brows like that, he's always about to cause a holy mess. “Sooooooooo,” he goes on mischievously, “I thought about it and decided I should be the one that buys you hot chocolate today.” The last words are utter so theatrically they’re barely words at all: “At last, I shall meet your maple dame!”
Sheer panic courses through Youngjae's body when he understands. He knew he had reasons to be apprehensive. Of course Jackson is gonna get involved with his crush! The man can't ever stay out of anyone's business! Your formal rejection is the last thing he needs before Christmas. He'd much prefer remaining anonymous.
Unfortunately, Jackson has already crossed the snowy alley in your direction before he is even out, running after him. Mid-way there, Youngjae stops altogether hesitating; he could face this like a man and apologize, or run away and never come back to this cursed Market…  Sadly, then he'd never see you again.
There's no doubt he's tomato red when he finally joins his former friend in front of the Maplesque! stall. You're already smiling, greeting them, as kind and breathtaking as ever.
“HI, HELLO!” Jackson blurts out too loudly, making you twitch back in surprise. “You're the Maple Goddess!” Dumbfounded, your eyes fall on Youngjae, standing a step back and wincing nervously.
“It's just Y-Y/n,” you stutter cutely on your own name, making his knees weak, “you're the chocol-”
“Jackson Wang!” Your little sister seemingly jumps from under the counter, eyes glimmering in awe. She's there every day with you, always on her phone or reading a book. “Excuse my sis, she's no good around hot guys!” Bending in two through the stall opening, the younger girl reaches to offer her hand in a hurry. To Youngjae's despair, she's obviously very taken by Jackson.
Getting rejected might not be the worst possible outcome to this encounter after all, you could fall for the chocolatier's charm. Like everyone else always does...
"Well, aren't you a treat!” Instead of shaking her hand – like a normal human being – the bold man straight up kisses her glove. Youngjae cringes so hard, he wishes the ground would swallow him whole. “And you are...”
“Emma!” She blurts out in pure glee:
“Please Y/n, don't mind Jackson!” Finally stepping up, Youngjae slaps a 10$ bill on the counter, startling you. Gulping, he falters under your wide gaze, “He's always been odd.”
“I’m afraid his reputation precedes him.” You divert your eyes to the bill, biting your lower lip. “Two maple hot chocos coming.” Turning around in haste, you elbow the lollipop display and your sister catches it with a dramatic eye roll before it crashes. Youngjae can only smile like a fool, observing as you work. You're irresistible.
"So – Maple Goddess – are you free?” You're pouring the beverages when Jackson asks the question and you visibly spasm, nearly scalding yourself. Youngjae turns to his friend in horror. He might want to help, but he's as subtle as a bull in a China shop.
Emma snorts; “Yes, but Y/n's all work and no fun.” The young girl plops herself down on the counter, dropping her chin in her palm to gaze at the older men. “I'm all fun.”
"You’re jailbait.” You deadpan ruthlessly, bringing the men's attention back on you and making your sister whine. Still, you frown in concentration, pouring syrup in the two hot chocolates. “I’m just busy building a maple empire, Jackson, I’m sure you can relate.”
The chocolatier seems severely undermined and he grimaces; “That's unfortunate, Youngjae was hoping you'd join us for a break at the rink.” Wait, what!? Jackson just said what?
“Me, skate? On ice.” You seem confused, as though that's the strangest idea ever. Oh God, you hate them both already. You're gonna reject him.
“Yes…” Narrowing his eyes at his friend meanly, Youngjae clenches his fists, mustering his courage. For weeks, he had been considering the best way to asking you out and that wasn't it at all. “I was wondering if you would like to take a break from the stall and skate with me… and Jackson.” He's completely winded at the prospect but his friend smiles brightly, offering two thumbs up, very proud of himself. What is the point of this? With Jackson there, that's not even a date. It doesn't help him at all, it's a shitty plan.
“Oh, the thing is–” You start to protest but get interrupted.
“I’ll keep the booth!” Emma blurts out, beaming and you turn to her with a scowl. “I can manage here for a while, you go… Have fun… With guys...”
“You don't have to!” Youngjae eagerly offers an out, earning himself an elbow to the ribs. Still, his heart is pounding in expectation, waiting for your answer. Part of him wants to murder Jackson for forcing him out of his comfort zone, but what's done is done. The two maple hot mugs are now abandoned on the counter, steaming. 
“I...” You seem to be unsure what to say, put on the spot. It takes a moment for you to finally make a choice. “Y-Yes, I would like that a lot.”
You're buzzing in a mix of excitement and dread stepping out of the booth. Even after agreeing, you aren't sure how it happened, don't know how you even let yourself get convinced. Sure, you've been daydreaming about spending time with rental-guy for a month – Youngjae – but still… like that? You must have momentarily lost your mind. And it's not like he invited you to join them on his own, his friend did. You follow awkwardly when both men walk back to the rental booth, Emma delighted coos echoing from the Maplesque!. Really, you're gonna have to kick her ass when you get back home tonight.
You should say something – call this whole ice skating thing off – but instead, you give Youngjae your shoe size, waiting as the guys silently bicker with one another. Clearly, you aren't the only one that hasn't thought stuff through.
You're still trying to find a way to get out of this without hurting anyone's feeling when Jackson suddenly slaps his forehead. It's like he just remembered he forgot to close the tap back home. "Oh SHOO!” The man pouts dramatically and his friend turns to him, oblong eyes round of evident apprehension. Jackson is already stepping backwards in a hurry, fleeing away from you both. He fakes looking down at his phone. “I forgot Mark had something to tell me! I need to go right now!” He's almost running up the alley now. “May your date be maple and bright!” 
Did the chocolatier just set you up with his friend? 
You knew you intimidated rental-guy – so did the whole world ��� but you didn't think it would come to this. When you face Youngjae however, you realize this wasn't his plan either. He's staring blankly at the pair of skates he picked up for you on the counter, cheekbones afire. Clearly, he's in shock. His friend just forced this unto him and he doesn't know what to do.
Wow. Can it be considered a real date if you're coerced into it? Even if you both want to meet, dates are supposed to be planned, actual outings, not just random breaks taken from work.
Besides, you don't know how to ice skate.
Well, it's not like you can get out of it now. If you try to stop this from happening it will be worse. Youngjae is so adorable, you don't want him to think you aren't interested. 
Surely, ice skating can't be that complicated. You see kids on that rink every day... 
“I knew about it,” you hush, trying to find something to initiate conversation.
Startled, he looks up. “Uh?”
“The whole Maple Goddess thing.”
“Oh,” Youngjae forces a chuckle, clenching his teeth, “Jackson comes up with weird stuff all the time… Sorry...” Never has a lie been more obvious. You meant his crush too, but he doesn't seem to want to hear that. To hide your growing smile, you bring your hands to your mouth, blowing air to warm them up. Unfortunately, you let your gloves at the booth.
“You don't have to do this, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to trick you into hanging out with me. I didn't even know what Jac–”
“It's fine,” you interrupt, “I was actually about to give up and ask you out myself.”
“You... What?” His mouth is open in astonishment. 
Ok. This is the perfect set up for a confession. There's snow falling, you're all alone… You should probably just get it out in the open.
“I hear about you and… I like you too.”
“You like me,” Youngjae repeats doubtfully. 
“Yes.” Butterflies. Butterflies everywhere. Grabbing the dreaded skates, you turn to face the rink, grinning. “So, are we gonna do this or what?" 
Amused beyond logic, you laugh, leaving him hanging to go sit on a nearby bench. You try to control your nerves, slipping out of your Uggs to tightly lace the rental skates. Ice can't be much different from concrete, you've rollerbladed before. Dead silent, Youngjae comes to sit next to you, putting on ice skates himself. His are black and red, evidently personal ones, way fancier. You've never seen him on the rink before, but one probably needs to know how to ice skate to be hired at that booth. It makes sense. Done, you wait for him to finish. 
Well, that's painfully awkward. You should be talking. People talk on dates. Is this a date?
Suddenly, Youngjae stands up, sliding on the ice with no effort whatsoever. He's gracious, grinning at you from ear to ear. He seemed to have processed your little confession now, at least. His feet form a V shape, making him swirl in a large circle before he stops back in front of the bench. In a messed up way, you kind of wished him to be as clumsy at this as everything else. 
Evidently, he's waiting for you to get up and do some twirls of your own, a grandiose arabesque perhaps, impressive, breathtaking. Oh God, the longer he's anticipating this the worse is. Come on, here goes nothing. You can do this. Ice skating can't be that complicated. Finally standing up, you pray for some sort of miracle. You take a weird step forward on the ice. Unfortunately, your stance is so wobbly you very nearly fall on your ass, arms flying in rotation to regain balance. At the last second, Youngjae catches your forearms, saving your ass (literally). His hands wrap around your elbow holding you up steady on the slippery ice. It's the first time he has touched you and even though it's through layers of clothing, butterflies soar once more.
You look so stupid. Breaking your neck won't charm cute rental-guy. You’ll just humiliate yourself. 
“You can't skate.” Youngjae states this simple fact and your entire face burns of shame. You try to pull away, to step back on the much safer and stable snow, but he holds on. Probably because he fears you're falling again. 
“I can skate,” you lie, vexed, “I just haven't done this… In a while.” More like ever.
“Have fun?” Youngjae's smile widens inhumanly at his joke, lips curling upwards to expose the entirety of his dentition.  
"If you call breaking a leg fun, you're a weird guy.”
You don't even notice when you start to glide, too busy smiling back. "That's okay, I got you.” Youngjae is easily skating backwards pulling you with him. “But just to be clear… You agreed to this even though you couldn't skate?”
“I couldn't refuse, you never invited me to do anything before… And I can skate,” you repeat. Just not on ice.
“So you accepted Jackson's invitation… To be with me?”
You aren't sure what he finds so hard to grasp. “Yes,” you breathe out, embarrassed, “but now I might die for it.” Your eyes dart down when Youngjae expertly crosses his blades, he's got some very impressive moves. “Showoff.”
He laughs and instantly you feel a whole lot better. “I won't let you die on my watch!” Well, the relief was short. You yelp when he releases your arms, disappearing in your back. 
“H-Hey!” Precarious, you straighten and lose your balance but this time Youngjae grabs your waist, holding you up.
Wow. If you didn't risk severe head injury otherwise, you might believe he has game. But that's impossible, rental-guy spent a whole month openly pinning over you without even making a move. Plus the only reason you're in this mess is because Jackson and Emma ganged-up on you.
“I got you now, I won't let you fall. I'll teach you.” Youngjae's voice rings above your shoulder.
Though he sounds serious about the task ahead, you can't help your chills at his breath on your ear. Unfortunately for him, his close proximity is highly distracting. He's pressed against your back and you mentally curse the thickness your damn winter coat. You wish you could actually feel him, but that may be too much for a first non-date.
“Bend your knees,” he whispers in concentration, “more, more, there. Lean forward.” Biting your lower lip, you try to push aside the other images his commands summon. What is wrong with you? The man seems oblivious to his effect, intended on helping you learn. When Youngjae is fully satisfied, you're in a weird semi-sitting position. “There, you need to keep your center of gravity low to avoid falling.”
You must look absolutely ridiculous but this is strangely romantic. Something tells you Emma is filming the whole scene from the stall, although you forget everything about that when he presses closer.
“Now you just… Glide...” As you obey once more, Youngjae's hands slide down on your hips. “Again, push to the side, like me. You want the blade to bite the ice...”
Screw that. It may come as a total surprise, but the man has game. Enjoying every second of this – probably a bit too much – you begin to gain momentum with his help. He's still holding you tightly when you complete your second full circle around the rink. Even though you're vacillating and your steps lack finesse, you'd say you are doing a pretty good job. You're skating, on ice, alone with cute rental-guy.  Smiling in joy, you bend a bit lower to accelerate. After a while, Youngjae's hands desert you altogether, and you would protest but he quickly reappears in front of you. Skating backwards, he barely needs to look over his shoulder to know where he is going. It's like its a second nature to him, something you find strangely attractive. As if aware of this, he maintains eye contact for far too long, you feel the tip of your ears burn and not from the cold. His brown hair is flying around his face, strands whipping the wind. For some reason the sight makes you light, you're flying around above the Christmas Market with the cotton-like snow.
Fine, maybe not all dates need to be official to be meaningful.
“I told you I could skate,” your bold claim makes him snort in disbelief. 
“You might need to practice more often.”
“How about…” You pause, holding a breath, “We make this a daily thing?”
“Sure,” Youngjae offers a hand and you take it, electrified by the touch, “I’ll trade you lessons for free maple choco.”
Your heart race at the thought of doing something like this with him every day. Humming, you fake to consider his offer for a second; “Deal!”
“It's a date then!” Laughing, you keep skating, staring at each other like you're alone in the world.
Unfortunately, you forget you truly aren't and he does too. Youngjae is totally spooked when someone hollers at him aggressively, a young teen is standing in front of the rental booth for service waving both arms. Apparently, break is over.
Twisting his skates without warning, Youngjae comes to an abrupt stop in front of you, forgetting one major detail.
You hit him at full speed, albeit not very fast, but it still manages to sweep him off his feet. With a loud huff, air exhales his lungs when he hits the ice and you land on top of him. Mouth ajar, you gape, meeting his soft chestnut irides. You're too flustered to say anything and he's not doing much better than you. That's not exactly how you envisioned ever climbing him up.
Your faces are so close you can see every single one of his eyelashes, his cute pinkened nose, his beauty mark. Your eyes keep exploring his features, dipping low to his dark pout, full and inviting. You want to kiss him. Snow keeps falling, swirling in the chilly air around. You haven't chosen between pulling away or going for it when Youngjae's hand finds your nape. Slowly, he closes the gap between you, lips brushing yours delicately. Adding pressure, you kiss him back.
You knew it. The man has game. 
There's no mistletoe, no fairy lights flickering, but your first kiss is fireworks. The moment is enchanting, infinite, as you both lay on the ice like one. Maybe that's the famous magic of The White Miracle Market you've heard so much about. You forget about the outside world, space, time. There's nothing but you two and the snow.
When you pull back to breathe, Youngjae is smiling softly. “Tomorrow,” he whispers, so low you can barely hear, “I'm teaching you the snowplow stop.”
“Yes,” you breathe out, winded, “that might be useful.”
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GOT7 | M.list
[All I Want For Christmas: is a GOT7 collab]
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crmsfanfiction · 4 years
Second Chances-Chapter 4
Author Note: Ok this is a heavy chapter. It has trigger warnings, domestic violence and blood. There is a scene of DV towards the end of the chapter. Please don’t read if this will cause issues.
As always Feedback is appreciated and Constructive criticism is encouraged. Flames will keep the plot bunnies warm this winter.
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Two days later Willa was back in her hometown of Columbus, Ohio. She’d gotten in the night before late and crashed at Becca and David’s house. This morning she had an appointment with the realtor at 9 and was meeting Tony for lunch at 12. She was ready for this all to be over with. Becca and David were heading to the house when Willa met with Tony for lunch. They were going to pack up as much of her stuff as they could and take it to their house. She’d be crashing there for a few days until she got a new place.
Getting ready for the day, Willa put on a pair of black skinny dress pants, a blue silk blouse and a black leather jacket. She wanted to exude confidence and power. Adding in a silver necklace and black booties she left her hair down and kept her make-up muted with natural colors. She didn’t want to overpower anyone, but she had to let Tony know he wasn’t in charge anymore. The past couple of days she had realized she was allowing him to much power over her. She was tired of crying and feeling horrible. Yes, she was still heartbroken, it had been 5 years together. However she was no longer feeling numb. Now she was feeling absolutely angry and ready to end this shit for good.
Willa’s phone rang and when she looked at it she didn’t recognize the number. Confused she answered it, “Hello?”
“Stay away from him. He doesn’t want you. He is with me now.” a female voice said with malice dripping from her tone.
“I don’t know who you are or how you got this number, but you can have him. Once a cheater always a cheater. Remember that. Also never call me again.” Willa said as she hung up and tossed her phone to the side. She shook her head and resolved to get a new phone and number. She also was going to give Tony a piece of her mind about giving her number to the women he is sleeping with. Of course he’d never have her number again after today. Checking the time Willa headed downstairs and grabbed a cup of coffee as her phone went off again with a series of text messages, all from an unknown number. They all basically said the same thing. Leave him alone. He wasn’t in love with her. He was with her now. He’d never loved her. She treated him better than Willa ever did.
Laughing at the stupid texts she showed them to Becca and David as she sipped her coffee and put a bagel in the toaster. “Who does this stupid bint think she is? I seriously don’t want his nasty cheating ass anymore. If she seriously thinks she can keep him from cheating, she is deluded.”
Grabbing her bagel, Willa slathered it with butter and cream cheese as she pushed all thoughts of Tony’s side piece getting all up in arms over her. She had more important things to think about. Like how she was going to break the news to Becca and David that she wasn’t staying in Ohio after this week. She’d talked to Uncle Bob and he told her to take off some time and come visit for awhile and then move to a different state to start over. He was hoping California, but Willa was leaning more towards New York. She had lived there a decade ago and she’d loved it, but after the incident she’d never gone again.
She missed New York. The great deli three blocks from his apartment. The cafe they would always stop and get coffee from on their way back from a run. Spending the weekend at his mom and step dads place. Willa shook her head. She had to stop thinking of him. It wasn’t doing her any favors right now. It isn’t as if she’d ever get back together with him. That ship sailed years ago, when he walked away with the worst excused she’d ever heard before. He told her he didn’t love her, but Willa knew that wasn’t true. He’d loved her then. Something or more likely someone made him walk away.
“Alright I’m off. See you guys in a few hours. I’ll be a free woman again. Be careful getting stuff out of the house. I don’t want much other than my laptop, clothes, make-up and jewelry. If you can grab the box of stuff in the garage. Becca, you know which one I’m talking about right? Black box, red roses on the lid. Everything else can be left.” Willa said as she pulled herself out of her thoughts and headed to the door and her car. She had 30 minutes to get to the realtors office. Luckily traffic was light today and she arrived with ten minutes to spare.
After a couple hours, Willa was tired and ready to be done. She had explained why she wanted to sell the house to her realtor and they had promised to get the paperwork sorted in the next week or so and give her a call as to when the inspector and appraisers would be by to see the house. Willa smiled, stood and shook their hand as she gathered her purse and headed to her car. She had just enough time to head for the phone store to get her number changed. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long. She had been getting a constant barrage of text messages and a few voicemails from Tony’s side piece. Willa had ignored them all. Hadn’t even open them. She didn’t want to hear or read the vitriol spewing from this delusional chick’s mouth. She was ready to cut ties and start to move on with her life. It wasn’t going to a quick process, she knew that. It was 5 years that she was moving on from, but damn if she wasn’t going to do it.
45 minutes later Willa walked out with a new phone and a new phone number. She had her old phone in her purse, but turned off. She would transfer all the pics and music over another day. Right now she had to hurry to get to lunch. Getting into her car, she merged smoothly into traffic and headed for the restaurant. Pulling into the parking lot Willa noticed tony standing next to his car waiting for her. He had a confident smile on his face.
Groaning Willa got out of her car, straightened her jacket and walked over to Tony. She didn’t stop next to him, but kept walking towards the door causing Tony to curse lightly and jog to catch up. He wasn’t about to let Willa go willingly. He was confident he could sweet talk his way out of her anger and back into her good graces. He help open the door for Willa as she reached the door.
“Reservation for two under the name Malstrom.” Tony said as he smiled at the hostess. The hostess giggled lightly as she showed them back to their table. Willa just rolled her eyes at the display. She was so over it all. Tony pulled her chair out and pushed it back in as she was sitting down before sitting down himself.
“Hey baby. Thanks for having lunch with me.” Tony started, trying to lay it on so Willa would forgive him. He needed her connections in Hollywood to help get his book published.
“I wanted to do this in public to avoid a huge scene. This is over Tony. Our life together is over. I can’t forget seeing you in bed with another woman.”
“Baby that wasn’t what it looked like.” Tony was starting to feel a little nervous. He couldn’t afford to lose her and her connections. They were the only reason he’d stuck with her for so long.
“Oh? Then what was it like?” Willa asked genuinely curious as to how he was going to spin this.
“Alright, yes I was in bed with her, but she seduced me. It didn’t mean anything. I love you baby. I don’t want to argue. I refuse to allow you to break us up. We are perfect together. Everyone says so. We will get past this. After all we are getting married in two months. Now that this is settled, what do you want for lunch?” Tony said with finality. He wasn’t letting her get away from him.
Willa laughed out loud as she stood up pulling off her engagement ring and setting it on the table between them. “You’re not allowing me? I have news for you, I am breaking this off. We aren’t getting married in two months. The wedding is canceled. You are nothing more than a liar and a manipulator. I can’t believe I was blind to it all these years, but you have always done no wrong. It has always been someone else’s fault. No more. Time for you to man up and accept that you aren’t the victim in this.”
“Stop being so dramatic and sit back down. I’m not letting you go. Not like this. It was one mistake and you want to throw away 5 good years over it. Now put your ring back on and sit down. We are going to have a nice lunch and then we are going home, where I can prove I love you.” Tony said as he narrowed his eyes at Willa and purposefully stared at the chair across from him. This was getting ridiculous. She needed to relearn her place. He was definitely going to teach her once they got home.
“No. I won’t sit back down and have lunch. I am done. Done with you. Done with this situation. Done with all of it. We are done.” Willa said as she started to walk away, but tony grabbed her arm tightly and hissed, “Sit down now and have lunch. We are going to have a talk about this when we get back home and you will listen to me if you know what’s good for you.” Willa looked down at Tony and gulped. She nodded and sat down again. The look in his eyes told her that she would regret not doing as he said right now. She would follow through with lunch and then leave in her own car afterwards. Maybe by playing nice right now, she could deescalate the situation.
After an extremely tense lunch, Willa and Tony were headed for their cars. Tony had his hand wrapped around Willa’s forearm in an extremely tight grip. Willa was sure she’d have bruises by morning. Exiting the restaurant found Willa being pulled in the direction of Tony’s car and away from her own. “Tony, my car is over there. Let me go. I stayed for lunch. Time to go our separate ways.” Willa said as she tried unsuccessfully to extract her arm from his grip.
“No. You’re riding with me. I told you, I wasn’t letting you go. We are going home to talk. Once we sort everything out we can come back and get your car.” Tony said as he drug her to his car and opened door. He practically shoved her in and slammed the door shut. Willa thought about opening the door and making a run for it, but it was a fleeting thought. She knew he’d catch her and it could be worse. Sitting back Willa tried to think about how she could calm Tony down and she could walk away safely.
Tony drove them back home and once there pulled Willa out of the car and forced her into the house. Closing the door behind him, Tony threw off his jacket and started to roll up his sleeves. Willa stared at him waiting for him to speak. She was going to listen to him and then leave as soon as she could. She’d call Becca and David to come pick her up and drive her to get her car.
“Tony, look I know this is a shock and you’re upset, but acting like this isn’t the way. I am not going to stay with a cheater. You don’t get to play the victim. You don’t get to lie you way out of this. I am 1000% done with you and us.” Willa said as she crossed her arms and leveled a glare at Tony. He just turned away from her and curled his hands into fists.
______________________Trigger Warning_____________________
Willa wasn’t paying attention to him and had just closed her eyes, when the first hit landed on her left cheek. The second hit landed on her ribs knocking the wind out of her and doubling her over. The third and fourth hits were both to her face and after the fourth hit, blood started flowing from her nose. The fifth hit was to her ribs again, knocking her to the ground, where he kicked her hard twice. She was gasping for breath as Tony leaned over and grabbed her hair and dragged her to the living room. He sat on the couch and threw Willa on the floor in front of him.
“Now look what you made me do. You have always been so obedient and I’ve never had to punish you like this before, but you had to go and say horrible things about me. I won’t tolerate that kind of behavior from you again. Is that understood?” Tony said as he took in the bruises blooming around her eyes and nose. He knew if he’d lift her shirt there would be bruises to her ribs as well.
Willa nodded quickly and turned her face away from him. She was in survival mode now. She’d never thought he’d be capable of doing something like this. Never had he given any indication that he would ever physically abuse a woman. She was hoping and praying that he’d just leave her alone now and she could leave. Tony smiled and reach out to caress her hair and face as he gripped her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “Now why don’t I go run a bath for you and then we can spend the rest of the day in bed.”
____________________End Trigger Warning____________________
“Y-Y-Yes. Th-That sounds lovely.” Willa stuttered out as she stared into those cold, brown eyes. All she could see in them was rage and hatred. She smiled through her tears and the pain trying to convey to him her submission. Nodding, Tony stood up and left the room. Willa listen as he walked up the stairs and into the bedroom closing the door behind him. He was confident that she wouldn’t leave now.
Willa struggled to her feet and softly walked to the door. She grabbed her purse from the floor and opened the door. She ran outside and down the street. Lucky for her, she was three blocks from a bus stop. Running there she was just in time to catch it. She paid and sat down. Pulling her phone out she scrolled through her phone looking for a number she had never thought to call again. She wasn’t even sure if it still was his number, but it was worth a shot. She pressed the call button and held the phone to her ear. It rang several times before his voice came through, “Hello?”
“Baz.” Willa said as she broke down sobbing on the bus.
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
Abort Mission (8)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and your boyfriend have powers, now he is dead and you are  expecting a baby. Hydra is interested in the child so they send the  Winter Soldier. What happens if Bucky unexpectedly falls for you…
This Part: Accidental confession are made and both you and Bucky get closer and closer until you finally give birth...
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, language, angst, fluff, birth
A/N: yeah I just wanted to get over the birth lol thats why it’s so short but anyway I hope I don’t offend anyone with this cause I have no Idea about how birth is and everything included to this but I tried my best. Tell me if I did something wrong or let me know about your experience?? :D
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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<< Previous Part
Today is the day. You got into early labor a few hours ago. In the beginning it wasn’t that bad, more uncomfortable but that changed rather quickly. Also you water didn’t break yet and the time in between the contraction wasn’t short enough, so you didn’t wanted to go to any doctor or hospital for now. You didn’t wanted to tell Bucky this soon but he also woke up the second you did with your first contractions and it took a long time convincing him not to drag you to a hospital. Anyone would probably send you away again anyways.
Since New Year’s and your sweet little moment you shared it was almost as always and yet different, like a relationship but unofficially or an unspoken one. Could be also possible that you got delusional through you lack of sleep and imagined it all. Who knows.
Besides all of that you got mostly every month a package or letters from Abi and George, filled with self made baby clothes or other things. Sadly they told you right at the beginning of the New Year that Hunter died. Your sweet little beagle you learned to love so much but time goes on and you learned to live with it. Right in the early mornings you awoke once again from the pain in your lower abdomen. Nothing really helped besides waiting for the end.
“Again? We should go now come one” Bucky lifted his sleepy head from his bed and started to dress himself but you stopped him by his wrist.
“No we had that conversation already Buck. Just lay down again. I’ll be fine in a minute or so” you said through gritted teeth assuring him. Bucky got into something like a protective-dad mode which you of course liked but you weren’t sure if he wanted to be a father figure or if you pushed that onto him. Both of you never talked about anything what happens after you gave birth to your son. All that was said was to get out of the country until then.
“Can we talk about something?” you asked, the pain slowly letting go again.
“Something specific?” he said cross legged next to you, holding your hand assuring.
“About what happens if it goes downhill” you said looking up to him but he simply stood up walked to the bathroom with you following because that needed to be said.
“We gotta talk about it. Maybe I am being paranoid and crazy but I want to at least talk about it.” you kept you glance on him as he sternly started brushing his teeth.
“I don’t” Bucky said in between.
“That doesn’t matter. If you don’t wanna fine but just listen: If I don’t make it you take care of this child, if we both don’t make it than I want you to go and find Steve. I know he’s important to you and if you don’t have that bagage anymore then please do me a favor and find your best friend..otherwise I’ll haunt your ass down as a ghost” you chuckled trying to keep this as simple as possible. There was just that small chance of something happening so you don’t want to say that this is your last goodbye to Bucky or something.
“Alright” he smiled, and you hold your finger out to him. “-promise?”you asked smirking but he hesitated a bit to long.
“Oh my god Bucky..I didn’t say it will happen. I just want to you to promise me that you will take care of him and yourself. Alright?” Gladly he linked your fingers together but held onto it after you wanted to let go again. “Now you promise me something” he suggested firmly, you only nodded in response.
“If and only if something goes wrong you won’t just give up. You will fight against it and give your very very best” he said, his voice getting quieter with the last words. “Of course” you replied and got up as he wanted to go in for a hug. That isn’t a stupid rom-com where you made your last promise or something. So you won’t cry or even hug him or be sentimal
“That isn’t emotional Bucky” you said and could almost hear his eyes roll and the sigh he did.
“Can’t even get a hug anymore.” you heard him mumble. “Oh please..” you chuckled, sitting down onto the couch you laid your head onto the back. Your hands on your belly hoping to just stop it, you weren’t ready for being in labor like at all, your anxiety increased with like every second. Only a minute or so passed as you heard the sound of a camera going off. Lifting your head you looked confused to Bucky who had a instant camera in his hands, shaking the picture that just came out.
“What are you doing?” you raised your eyebrows at him.
“Don’t you want some picture for afterwards?” he replied and looked at the picture showing it in your direction. It was immense to see you from that point of view, with the huge pump you got, a messy bun and clearly the signs of the lack of sleep. “Where and when did you even brought this?” you exclaimed, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“from the market. This old guy sold it me for a few bucks” Bucky smirked and took another picture from you. “Would you stop?” you chuckled and hid your face from him.
“No you will regret this if I’ll stop. Look they are really good” He got up and showed you the pictures he had in his journal. Just totally random picture from you or outside or things in your apartment. As he looked at the pictures you took quickly the camera also taking pictures of him. “Oh yes they are” you laughed taking a few more before he snatched it out of your hand. Another contraction struck through you, it lasted a bit longer now but not long  enough and the time in between was also still way to long.
“(Y/N)?” you heard Bucky ask worried. “I’m fine, just a harder one I guess” you assured.
“We should really go see someone now” he said. But you didn’t wanna. You are not ready for this. What if you are a terrible mom or you do something out of accident.
“You don’t have much of a choice” he chuckled. “Yes I have. We wait til my water breaks ok?” you tried to argue which was totally not the best time to do. The contraction stopped now anyways.  
“I don’t think that’s a good idea”
“Calm down ok. They are still not near enough to go to a hospital” you said drinking another glass of water. You knew it’s time now, with every contraction the pain also increased.
“How many did you have til now?” Bucky asked while scribbling something down.
“I don’t know?five maybe more” you thought and looked to Bucky who closed it again.
“Are you writing them down?Why are you already a better mol than I am?” you shook your head laughing.
“Yes I am writing them down but I won’t be a better mom, you can believe me that”
he looked up to you now.
“We didn’t exactly talked about it or us but I thought if you want to of course-” you stopped thinking about it. You would feel guilty if you did it, like you are betraying Luke or something. You are certain that he’s dead and that you wanted a father figure for your son but you couldn’t bring yourself to it to even ask Bucky that because would he even want that?
“Yeeeah?” Bucky looked confused to you, bringing you out of your little daydream.
“Uhh if you wanted to stay in the room with me.” you cleared your thought and quickly changed your original idea.
“Like I would leave you alone” he said coming up to your side, right in the moment as you laid your glass into the sink you felt another one rushing in much earlier then the last ones and much stronger too. Groaning you leaned onto the sink, gripping the sides tightly, seems like you also didn’t have much control right now as the sink froze were still water was. You felt Bucky caressing your back and giving your courage. Suddenly you felt this wet warm fluid that run down your legs. It’s time now and you are still not ready for it.
“Bucky...My water just broke” you brought out with shaky voice. His hand stopped going in circles for a second.
“Ok then let’s go or no you sit down I’ll go get your bag” he stuttered and helped you away from the sink and down onto a chair. As he run around the room looking for the bag you already packed a week ago because you were so impatient.
“No we wait. There’s still time..I- I wanna wait” you sobbed quietly out from the pain increasing through the contractions.
“til the baby comes? I didn’t get to the chapter yet” he exclaimed with sarcastic undertone and as you looked up you saw the smile on his lips just as you thought he would be. Tears struck in your eyes already burning.
“You wanna meet your son? then we go to the hospital now. It will be over in no time. I know that you can do it and I won’t leave your side” he took your hand and his and squeezed it a couple of times to assure and comfort you. It helped a lot but pain like this is stronger.
“Ok” you said with a following sob and let go of him to change into a new pair of sweatpants and put on your shoes and Jacket. The elevator was thankfully empty, the ride to the hospital was not so nice, the driver didn’t really like someone almost giving birth in his car.
Coming to the hospital you leaned onto the front desk while Bucky talked to her.
“How can I help you sir?” she looked to Bucky not even noticing you.
“My Girlfriend is in labor!?” he pointed to you and also keeping a hand on your back. The nurse whistled someone over, a lady helped you into a wheelchair and rolled you away, in a different direction. Looking back towards Bucky you saw him going after you but the madam kept him on the spot. Your nurse also kept you up with questions it made you anxious to be alone with strangers, her english wasn’t the best but didn’t matter anyway now. There was a baby that wanted to come out!
“What are the names?” the front desk lady asked Bucky as he kept his stare into the hallway where you disappeared.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I am..Bucky Barnes” he told her with hesitation but he couldn’t concentrate now.
“Are you the father sir?”
“...sir?” she raised her voice again.
“uh..yes” he said and not because he really wanted to be something like that because he was scared that he weren’t allowed into the room or..in case something would happen from the things you talked about. On the way to your room she asked a bit more but left him alone as they stood before the room.
“Heeeeeeey buckyyy” you said with silly voice. Exactly the opposite from what he thought would happen.
“How are you?” he smirked at you, who sat sideways in a hospital gown there and giggled through her contractions.
“Weird. They already gave me some painkillers and the epidural and now I can’t feel my legs” you told him, your eyes fluttering every few seconds. Two nurses always kept you company checking some things and just getting ready. Contraction after contraction and you still had to wait which was unbearable to do.
“I am hungry” you muttered in between huffing and panting while holding onto Bucky’s hand tightly, you saw his knuckles already turning white.
“You can have whatever you want afterwards” He said. The nurse helping you through the next one telling you that you have to push after the next one and that she would get the doctor now.
“I liked that you called me your girlfriend” you said again with closed eyes, your forehead sweaty but he wouldn’t have it another way according to the other ways that could have happened. He brought his hand up to your face to swipe away a few hair strands that sticked to your face.
“Really?” his smiled disappeared taking that rather serious even tho he is certain that you will forget about this with whatever is in your blood right now. You hummed in response as the doctors and nurses helped you through your pushes, you didn’t much of the pain. More like somehow what really is going on. It was really weird. The nurse counted them down to help you through it. Another one hour or so of pushes you finally welcomed your son into the world. You did it you kept hearing them say as they laid him on your chest for a minute. His soft cries echoed through the room as you cried too. The pain and worries disappearing with just one look at him.
As they were done with the tests and all the stuff you laid in bed with Bucky sitting beside you, your little still unnamed son in your arms.
“You know if you have no problem with it I would uhm- I want you to have a voice in this too. In his life and everything. But if you don’t want to it’s fine too” you couldn’t even bring your eyes away from his. He has the bright green ones like his dad which was almost scary to see after all these months, like you forgot him. Bucky wanted to say no if he was being honest but Hydra is gone at least as it seemed to be and his nightmares are away too if he was with you. Your life isn’t perfect that was as clear as a day and it’s gonna be hard from now on but he couldn’t help himself as he leaned to you letting your eyes meet his before he cradled you cheek softly and kissed you.  
You took that as a yes. For now everything was perfect. Sadly nothing was forever...
Next Part>>
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xoxo Sophie <3
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ecfandom · 7 years
Ok this happened to me recently but... Prompt? It's winter. First snow might fall tonight. Lexa's stayed late at work. Everyone has gone home but she just wants to finish. She goes outside for a quick smoke break to destress but forgot her badge wasn't working. Clarke stayed late too. Needs a snack. Finds Lexa stuck outside on the patio.
Most thought her insane for picking up the closing shift tonight of all nights. The words Christmas Eve and potential first snowfall had been lobbed at Lexa like the end all be all to plans for the evening. She'd started with, "Really, I don't mind," as the first of them began to apologetically trickle out into the possibility of snow. Somehow that'd eventually evolved into, "It's fine, I'm Jewish," by the time the rest of the crew began their not so subtle race to get out the door and home to their...people. It was a relief when the last of them had finally gone, their scarfs trailing behind them, and wishes for happy holidays drowned out by the sound of the bell on the door. Worn by the burden of exchanging pleasantries, Lexa's face falls as soon as she's alone in the little cafe on the corner. Not that there is anyone there to see it, Lexa rolls her eyes for good measure and lets the broom she'd been gripping like a shield fall to the floor with an unceremonious clatter. "Yeah, I feel you," she says, stepping over it while pulling out her smokes (that she would absolutely deny having brandished in the likes of the organic quinoa, kale smoothie serving establishment, if ever asked) and heading out onto the patio.Her leather jacket is admittedly not enough against the frigid night air that feels as fed up with it all as Lexa does, but there's a certain kind of brooding aesthetic that she felt the need to uphold among all of the sickeningly sweet Holiday decorations. Her sister would tell her to shut the hell up, despite Lexa's usual and signature silence, and metaphorically kick her ass until Lexa was forced to bucker up and roll with life's punches, namely, Thanksgiving's right hook and Christmas' uppercut. She laughs to herself at the thought of Anya's short, but to-the-point text. 'Happy Shitmas Eve to you too' she'd replied while sneaking a smoke in the employee bathroom. She can hardly feel her fingers by the time the butt of her smoke flickers to an anti-climactic end and lops off onto patio to join the twenty or so other discarded butts that turn out to be little piles of snowflakes on second glance. "Cute," she mutters before flicking what was left of her cigarette into one of the Christmas light infested bushes lining the patio. It's only when she's about three-fingers away from becoming a frost-bite victim that she discovers the star topper to her Christmas tree of a shit day. Her hands numbly and frantically search her jacket pockets, run themselves over her tragically non-existent breasts, her stomach, her ass pockets, and embarrassing enough, the crouch of her pants in search of the key card that unlocks the back door after hours. "No, no, no, fuck," puffs out into the snow-filled air as she goes through her search again, refusing to believe that she could be so moronically stupid on a day that was supposed to take the cheese for moronically, stupid things. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," she groans and presses her frozen hands to the frosted panes of the back doors. She knocks once or twice for good measure, despite remembering clear as day the mental happy dance she'd done when the cafe had finally cleared out. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" She glares at the Santa statue quickly accumulating snow in the corner of the patio. "That's a stupid hat, you know. Like really stupid." It stares back at her with an unchanged smile and perfectly rosy cheeks. "Well deck the halls with fal la la la fuck you too," she grumbles before kicking it over, and immediately regretting it. She's hopping on one foot while simultaneously trying to peer over the ridiculously high fence for a way out when she hears the confused, and definitely amused, clearing of a throat. Dropping her foot and collecting herself, Lexa tells herself to be nice to the only person within miles capable of getting her off this god-forsaken patio. When she turns, and plasters on a fake smile, she's not expecting to be confronted by someone quite so...beautiful. "I got locked out," she finds herself explaining with no introduction The stranger's lips quirk in what Lexa is sure is a smirk. "Really? I thought maybe you were doing a snow dance." "I..." Lexa shakes her head, a little lost in the blue of the girl's eyes and the snowflakes in her lashes. "I don't know what that means." "Like a rain dance? You know. To bring the...rain snow." "Rain snow?" It's Lexa's turn to grin, and she does until she remembers how frozen and chapped her lips are. Tucking them in on each other she hugs herself tighter and rolls up onto her toes, trying to feel them. "I'm Clarke." Lexa sticks out her hand. "Lexa. What are you doing here?""Really?" Clarke quirks a perfectly shaped brow and Lexa finds herself amazed by such a simple perfection. "That's what you're going with to the person who likely rescued you from an imminent death by hypothermia?" "I just meant...I haven't seen you before. Do you work here?" "Upstairs. At the gallery.""But you have a key to the cafe?" Clarke laughs, and it's a nice sound. So nice that Lexa wonders if she wasn't already dying from hypothermia and crossing into the delusional stage where everything is nice and warm and cozy. Maybe Clarke was just an illusion -- a beautiful, splendid, death-bed delusion. A final request. A last meal. "Griffin. I'm Clarke Griffin." Lexa blinks. "Sorry?" "Um, Clarke Griffin? As in Griffin's Griddle? This is kinda my shop." Clarke points to the illuminated sign above the back door and smiles.Lexa hates that she's charmed by it. She smiles back, despite her shivering that has by now turned into a full blown shake. "Kinda?""Well, no. Not kinda. It's...mine. Yeah, it's mine. Which means you're one of mine." "I'm sorry?" Clarke's eyes go comically wide and Lexa can't help the frozen bark of laughter that comes out of her. "My employee! I just meant...that must make you one of my employees. I....yeah." Clarke hides her face in her hands and it's so cute it's almost gross. "Well, color me flattered, Boss." "I'm not--you don't have to--it's just Clarke.""Okay, just Clarke." "No, not--you're pulling my leg." "I am, I'm pulling your leg." Lexa grins as Clarke groans and buries her face in her hands once again, this time creating a little window through her fingers from which to peak at the mostly frozen employee standing on her patio. "Should we...start over?""Could we maybe take it inside? Technically, I haven't finished closing yet, and I'd hate for the boss to find out. I've heard she's a little...you know." Clarke laughs and opens the door, standing aside to let Lexa back into the warm cafe that's almost too warm on their frost-stung faces. //"So, I left and came here. You had a help wanted sign in the window and that was that." "More?" Lexa looks down to her drained fourth cup of hot chocolate and grins, sheepishly. "I'm never going to sleep again if this is real cocoa, but I haven't had hot chocolate like this in a while." "You've worked here for a year and you haven't tried the signature drink?" "No, I meant--" But Clarke looks so happy and open, too much so to be told that this is the first time in a long time that Lexa has had someone to sit down to hot chocolate with. So instead, Lexa just shakes her head and shrugs. "Anyways." "So you up and moved, got a job as a barista despite the phD in astronomy--""Astrophysics." "Ah, yes. Astrophysics." Clarke chuckles at the absurd intelligence and complexity of the seemingly simple, brooding thing across from her. She actively squashes down the blip of panic she feels when she looks too long into those green eyes, and slides another cup of hot chocolate across the counter. "So what about your family? Don't they miss you?""Is this an interview? Because I already got the job. I don't know if you knew..." "Oh come on, you can't sit in here looking like that and sounding like that and not expect me to be curious.""Looking like what and sounding like what?""Looking like that," Clarke laughs, waving her hands over Lexa's body. "The eyeliner and the leather and the cigarettes. And I'm pretty sure that's your bike out there.""It might be." "And yet you're a twenty-seven year old with a phD in Astrophysics." "Well..." "What?"Lexa takes a sip of her hot chocolate and holds up two fingers. "Shut up, you're not serious." The astrophysicist shrugs and drinks until her cup is empty. "You've got two phDs." "I do.""You're lying.""I might be." Clarke stares at her skeptically. "Tell me the truth." "I did." "You have two phDs.""I have two phDs." "And you work in my cafe." "And I work in your cafe.""Goodness." "Does that do it for you?" Clarke laughs. "It might. Is that workplace sexual harassment?" "It might be." Clarke grins and leans forward onto her elbows, very much attracted to her incredibly over qualified barista. "Why are you here at 2AM on a Christmas Eve? You've got to be like, easily, the favorite relative. I'm sure your family loves to parade you around." "I could ask you the same thing. Twenty-five and the owner of your own business. And an amazing artist." "You don't know that I'm amazing." "I've got a feeling." "You sure that's not just your toes coming back to life?"Lexa laughs and runs a hand through her hair, a nervous tick despite feeling overwhelmingly, terrifyingly comfortable across from the girl who had snowflakes in her lashes and looked like a dream. "How have we never met?" "I tend not to fraternize with my employees." "Ah. An elitist, I see." "Says the Harvard, Stanford grad." "And MIT." "What?""I did my undergrad at MIT. Then Stanford, then Harvard.""Because of course you did." Lexa hums and pulls a wink out of her dusty, almost forgotten box of charms. "Which still begs the question." "Mm?""Why are you here instead of with family?" "You don't want the answer to that, I promise." "My dad died five months ago and my whole family is together in Michigan for our first Christmas without him, and I couldn't drum up the balls to go. How's that for a bleeding heart? Try to top it." Lexa pushes her cup forward for more and only grins when the temporary barista rolls her eyes and refills the cup. "So?""It'll put a damper on the night and we're having such a great time." "Are we?" Lexa laughs over the rim of her cup and falls a little bit for the sparkle in Clarke's eyes. "I am.""You're really not going to give me something for my dead dad? We've been here for four hours together. I've told you my whole life story. All I know about you is that you have a disgustingly high capacity for hot chocolate and are the smartest person I have and will ever meet.Lexa sighs and leans back on her stool. "It's a can of worms that you want to open, I promise you that." "You don't like your family, is that it? They're overbearing, aren't they. Maybe stage parents but for nerds like you. What would that be? Spelling bee parents? Or maybe they're too proud? Parading you around when all you want to do is read your books and study your stars. Am I close?"Lexa smiles. "No. You're cute, though." "Oh, you think so?" "I do.""Well, if you're not going to tell me anything more about your life, do you wanna maybe get out of here? Get to know each other in other ways?" Lexa settles and feels suddenly both exhausted and liberated as the weight of fielding land mines finally lifted. "Two questions first. What do I owe you for these drinks, and if I say yes, will it come back to bite me in the ass when I show up for my first shift of the new year?" "The drinks are on the house, and no, no ass biting...unless you're into that sort of thing." Lexa snorts and rolls her eyes. "I'm walkable. Should we go to mine?" //Clarke is surprisingly lovely. She's a good kisser, and she's warm and soft and somehow fits against Lexa in the most perfect and unperfect of ways. Her hair ends up in Lexa's mouth and she definitely has drooled a little on Lexa's neck since falling asleep, but the weight of her on Lexa's chest is comforting, and her hand gripping onto Lexa's bare hip is both soft and firm, a protective yet needy grip that makes it easy for Lexa to fall asleep for the first time in years. They wake up in the middle of the night and do things all over again, and it's even better the second time. Lexa falls in love with Clarke's assuredness and confidence, but also the way she gets soft and breathy and maybe even a little timid when she comes, as if it all catches her a little by surprise each time. It's best the next morning--slow, and gentle and familiar. Clarke whispers Merry Christmas in Lexa's ear while they're both trying to catch their breath, and it brings secret tears to Lexa's eyes that are quickly lost in the pillow and top of Clarke's head. "Those are nice," Clarke murmurs, her head turned on Lexa's chest towards the frosted over window littered with geometric snowflake designs. "My sister and I used to put paper up on the window and try to trace them."Clarke hums and kisses the top of Lexa's left breast, just beneath her heart. "That's something new." Lexa nods and they fall into a silence made easy through shared kisses and orgasms and whispered sweet things not meant for one night stands. It's the comforting, familiarity of the silence that pulls it out of her."They're dead." Clarke shifts and props herself up on Lexa's chest. "What?"Lexa licks her lips, trapped between wanting to go back and needing to move forward. "My family. I had a December graduation. They all drove up together...my parents, my brother, two aunts, an uncle and three cousins. They rented one of those big cargo vans. I was the first in the family to get a college degree, so it was an ordeal. Driving through West Virginia, a semi lost control going over an icey bridge. It swung around. My family was in the other lane. They went over the rail into the river. I was told it was probably quick. Impact likely made it instant, before the van even started sinking. My sister was already in Boston with me. We thought it was some sick joke at first. Who loses their entire family in one instant? It just doesn't happen." She doesn't realize that she's crying until Clarke runs her thumbs across her cheeks, wiping away her tears. When Lexa looks up at her, she finds those tears mirrored in Clarke's big, beautiful eyes, and she hates that she couldn't just keep her mouth shut. "I'm sorry," she murmurs, but almost instantly, Clarke is kissing her, and it feels likes she's trying to take away her pain. Lexa wraps her arms around Clarke and holds her close, afraid of how much she already cares, but a little too far gone for it to matter anymore. They spend the day in bed, tangled together, eating fruit out of each other's hands and flitting back and forth between loving the Christmas movies on Netflix, and cursing their very existence. When the sun sets, they order pizza from the one parlor open on Christmas and bemoan the stale crust while stuffing themselves on it anyways. It was supposed to be nothing more than a favor. A key back into the cafe, out of the cold. A conversation and some hot chocolate. A few kisses here and there and a night to remember, but nothing more.It was an accident, really. A mere happen chance, and nothing more. But Lexa fell hard, and Clarke fell with her, and a year later, the Santa statue was there in all its glory, when Lexa proposed in the snow on the patio.
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sxpiosexualx · 7 years
Who would make a better Queen?
A lot of people come for Sansa stans but especially Jonsa shippers for wanting to see Sansa rule, even if it means only ruling the North. So let’s take a crack at who would make a better Queen, shall we?
Cried a lot that one time because she kept hearing news of her family’s demise while being held captive when also physically and mentally tormented, manipulated and abused all when she was only 11.
Has no knowledge of war - but that’s what military generals are for(also why Jonsa shippers support the dynamic of our ship).
Is a Northerner, trusted by the Northern Lords and has an actual claim to Winterfell that we are reminded of; “Winterfell belongs to [Sansa],” “the blood of Winterfell,” “key to the North.”
Has spent a fair amount of her life in the South, getting accustomed to their courtesy and mannerism.
 Was trained by Septa Mordane to one day be Queen.
Learnt from some of the best political players; (i) Petyr Baelish, (ii) Margaery Tyrell, (iii) Cersei Lannister - the actual Queen, etc.
Is kind hearted and adored; (i) saves Ser Dontos’ life, (ii) calmed the maidens during the Battle of Blackwater, (iii) “If I ever become Queen... I’ll make them love me,”
Thinks long-term; (i) preparing to feed any refugees that come to Winterfell in winter, (ii) ensuring the blacksmiths/knights make changes to their armour so that it’s better suited for winter, etc.
Is currently ruling effectively given the situation.
Listens to the complaints of her people, as a good ruler should, without severing any ties or threatening to burn them.
Has knowledge of the people she would potentially be ruling.
What’s that you say? We’ve only seen her do a couple of things as acting ruler and Lady of Winterfell given how little the show featured her? Alright, let’s examine Daenerys since her entire arc has been about her quest for the Iron Throne and therefore should by now display the qualities of a good leader.
Claims she has a birthright to the throne but her father was usurped by right of conquest so, actually, not relevant.
Wants to rule a continent she has never lived in.
Constantly favours alternative facts especially when recalling historical events.                     
Temperamental; (i) allowed for the torture of a couple of young girls before their father’s eyes, (ii) had to be spoken out of burning the entire red sept, (iii) crucified 163 men, some of which were innocent, (iv) burned and fed a potentially innocent man to her dragons as a deterrent, etc.
Wants to inherit her family’s power but not acknowledge their crimes.
Restoring her family’s dynasty would be restoring a dynasty that ruled with fear.
Colonially subjugates with no interest of ruling effectively; has no interest in learning their culture - i.e. her entire Mereen arc.
Is guilty of war crimes; incinerating Randyll and Dickon Tarly for e.g.
Gives ultimatums to her war prisoners; “Bend the knee or die.”
Her lineage has a history of going mad due to generations of inbreeding.
Is the epitome of white privilege; full offence.
The only reason she’s still alive is due to her dragon ex Machina.
Dragons are symbolic of weapons of mass destruction.
Constantly abuses her power via her dragons.
Thinks short term; refuses to discuss an heir.
Has no knowledge of war either but let’s pray she listens to her generals; she wont.
Favourite words? “I will take what is mine with fire and blood.”
Growing paranoia; threatens her own counsel of advisors.
Does not care about people unless it benefits her; (i) Will only help the north if she rules it thus, withholding their independence  (ii) Will only join the fight if Cersei joins too (iii) Expects total loyalty from Varys who serves the people, promising him she will burn him alive if betrayed, etc.
Kept a man hostage on her island for refusing to give up his kingdom
Hypocritical and constantly contradicts herself: list too long but, wants to break the wheel but not until she sits on top first, for one.
The North - i.e. one of the more larger kingdoms is wary of outsiders but especially Targaryen rulers.
Burned the food that would have otherwise kept the people she so badly wants to rule from starving in winter out of impulse.
Does not want to learn, or rather, is only interested in selective learning; shutting off Barristan Selmy trying to tell her about Ned Stark.
Has done nothing to come to her ally’s aid; the whole Greyjoy situation
**bonus since you could easily say, “well that’s why she has advisors!!! She will learn!!!”: Does not listen to her advisors, favouring the opinion of her love interest, as well as others(Olenna Tyrell over Tyrion for e.g.)
has a “good heart” but also irrelevant if it means compromising her ambition to be queen
?? i honestly don’t know maybe cue pro-dany stans to make up excuses like “lol GRRM planned this for 2 decades she is fire and jon is ice and they will rule and have a magic incest baby and incest is ok here cause targaryens practice it!!!! never mind the fact that there was an actual uprising from the faith militant because of targ!incest !!1!! they love each other cant u see lol ure delusional”
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rigginsstreet · 7 years
how would season 2 of riverdale look like if you were writing it? (also please don't hold back on the word count for this ask)
everyones gay. the end.
no ok i will try and go for a realistic version of what i think season 2 could have been. i mean personally i think its realistic to have all the parents be gay but whatever. (*edit from future briana. lol i aint make this shit realistic everybody G A Y) also this is probably gonna be all over the place cuz i have a lot of problems with a lot of characters story arcs so just...we’ll see what happens. also also this is obviously focusing on the parents im sure the kids will get mentioned at some point in regards to certain storylines but for the most part i dont watch them so i dont know what the fuck theyre doing unless it pertains to an adult. ok here we go (i hope you know what you asked for by saying dont hold back on word count...)
like from season 1 i had this vision of how i wanted s2 to play out
fp was gonna find out fred was shot, alice was gonna go visit him in jail about it or theyd meet up when he got out and they were gonna team up to avenge fred. thats what shouldve happened ok fight me. THE ONLY APPROPRIATE F*LICE INTERACTION
and then fp was gonna take care of fred. they were gonna work on their relationship. shit was gonna get dramatic but it was gonna be beautiful because ultimately they would realize theyre both the best friends each other ever had and they were better together than apart. 
and thats how the whole black hood thing would be dealt with and we never had to hear about it again
and then with the introduction of hiram and everything going down with the lodges buying freds company + fps dealings with hiram and hermione in the past and the bad blood there that was just...completely dropped... fred and fp were gonna come up with this master plan to screw over hiram and get the company back and then theyd go back to working construction together and happy days would be on the horizon. 
with that being said.... hiram and hermiones storyline this season is honestly the only interesting worthwhile thing. im not mad at it
im a little mad at archie joining the mafia like for one, anyone who knows anything about mob culture, you dont let outsiders in. and if you do, its not that fucking easy. its like “run some errands for me let me put you through some tests. ok youre family” no. i mean i get we’re on the cw but this was really the ...not even pg13 this was some g rated mob shit on archies part but whatever
lets hop on over to the coopers
i called from the beginning that chic was gonna be up to some bullshit and the narrative thats going right now with hal being painted as the bad guy and running off to penelope and alice running into fps arms is absolute utter Garbage™
what SHOULDVE happened (and granted the story is still playing out but lochlyns got a new show and thats very sus to me so... im expecting the worst) is chic comes in all innocent at first and maybe hals still put off, reasonably so, but this clearly means a lot to alice so he sticks it out. and as chic lets his freak out and the family has to deal with this, they grow closer and become more bonded and alice and hal become stronger as a couple and when all is said and done they eventually decide to go to couples counseling or family counseling and everybody works out their bullshit and they all start their journey to becoming a stable fucking family unit
ok now penelope. she’s another one that im actually for the most part enjoying her story but this whole hal business?? unrealistic
what they needed to do was just let her have her ho business and live her life
and also tell cheryl to stop running her mouth
like i really dont need them to have a great relationship personally like fine if they did whatever but cheryl kinda annoys me so penelope telling her whats up is no skin off my back
oh and this whole homophobic business? NOT IN MY SEASON 2
or if they really wanted to keep this contrived ass heather story to give cheryl some depth or whatever, then the least that could happen is it be revealed that penelope is gay herself and was scorned by an ex lover (alice) and was taking it out on her daughter
and then that could come to light and they talk about it and penelope eventually accepts she’s gay and she can be open about it now and she goes on to get herself a beautiful rich powerful girlfriend and my girl pen is set bitch !!! (i will also only accept alice and hal breaking up if alice too comes out and ends up with penelope)
somebody was coming out of my version of s2 gay i mean listen i could also write you a thing about how fp and fred could still get together ...
fps been spending all this time around fred nursing him back to health after the shooting
and theyve been able to work out all their unresolved bullshit
plus them teaming up to take hiram down
theyve been spending many a cold winter night together
old flames are rekindling 
they both notice they each keep finding little reasons to touch one another
theyre stealing glances when they think the other one isnt paying attention
they start to notice how fucking happy theyve been together theyve both become so playful and intimate with one another
theyre at pops one night having milkshakes
fred has whipped cream on his face
fps trying to tell him where but fred keeps missing it
theyre both laughing
fp reaches over and swipes his thumb softly over the corner of freds mouth
their laughter starts to die down as they both realize theres still this spark of electricity between them
its been sitting there under the surface this whole time waiting to blow up
next thing they know fps leaning over the table to kiss fred 
its soft and sweet and gentle but filled with such passion and urning its been so long since anyones touched them like this and god all the memories of their secret high school hookups come flooding back its like no time at all has passed they just fit together so well
ANYWAY now that fps with fred and this whole north v south thing is going on its creating a whole bunch of tension and like imagine all the drama that would come from the leader of the serpents dating riverdale mayor fred andrews oh my god ??? sign me the absolute fuck up where is THAT iconic storyline
speaking of fred
where the fuck is that pill addiction huh??? we gotta throw that in for drama ok i NEED. IT.
and then mary gets called into town and fp mary and archie are coming together to get fred through this. holding a fucking INTERVENTION ??? 
alice can show up too why not
bring hal
hermione maybe? like i know in her heart she probably cares but maybe dont have your ex gf who is also a mob boss show up at your intervention....
although that would make for a good fp x hermione showdown
hermiones invited
what else do we need....
i need alice and hermione
i dont know in what capacity i just know i need it
we definitely need a moms night out episode which would be hilarious because it just ends with alice and penelope making out and hermione and mary making out and sierra is facetiming tom like “please come pick me up”
speaking of sierra i dont mind this storyline with tom i just wish we could..actually see it...
god i just want fp and fred having date night down at the whyte wyrm and tonis pestering them about sharing stories from high school and how they fell in love and she wants to hear all the hot gossip and jugheads like “no gross i dont want to hear this”but joaquin an fangs and sweet pea are ENTHRALLED like they wanna hear everything too they wanna know about all the stupid shit fred and fp used to do to land in detention
i told yall this shit was gonna be all over the place
hell maybe even gladys played by neve campbell would show up at one point so fp can see his fucking daughter thatd be neat
and gladys and fp decide to end things for good and go through with the divorce but its amicable and theyre friends. she could move back to riverdale but then im thinking of jellybean having to be taken out of school... so maybe they stay in toledo but gladys and fp come up with a plan for holidays and summer vacation and its all just very pleasant ok. 
if we want to go with the tragic heterosexual version of riverdale, i fully support gladys and fp getting back together btw its what god wants
but so long as we’re living in my lala fantasy land.... fp ends up with fred and gladys and fp call truce
alice and fp would be F R I E N D S
no ones hiding no dead bodies
no ones making weird inappropriate comments about leaving spouses
alice is not going serpent!alice on everyone
get out of my face
theyre friends and they banter a lot but theres still a deep PLATONIC love there for each other
ok i think i covered everything i wanted.....
am i delusional?
but is my version more fun?
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