manslaught · 9 days
“ nat, wait. ” although they've continued to talk in passing over the years, talking shit about others on the field, waving at each other in the hall, it's rare for mikayla to actually talk to @itchose like this anymore. it's not because she doesn't want to, but because they've drifted apart, partly because of her father forcing them to, partly because they're in entirely different friend groups, so maybe it was always inevitable anyway. but this feels necessary, not just because of the feelings she'll forever deny having for taissa, but because they're too close to nationals for the team to just fall apart due to what happened today. her dad might actually kill her if they lose, so she's doing this out of self-preservation, if anyone asks. “ can we talk about— whatever the fuck just happened? ”
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lingeringscars · 3 months
top 5 yj dynamics
fuck you <;3 @wilderchose also asked
shauna x tai x nat. this is the biggest cheating thing i could have ever done. their adult dynamic and scenes together are perfect and comedy genius. their scenes together in the teen timeline are petty and beautiful. and it has the added bonus of including: shauna x tai, shauna x nat, tai x nat. three of the best dynamics of the show. shaunatai i talk about in a post scheduled for tomorrow, shaunanat i also talk about there. but basically people who know each other and understand each other and love each other and also hate each other. then there is tainat which is also sooo fascinating. they stayed in (relative) contact because tai funding nat's rehab. tai throwing money at a problem and hoping it will go away but never turning her back on nat. getting her out of shit situations with travis, helping her on her feet, bailing her out every time except the last. nat calling tai not for the money but because tai is someone she knows she can go to. someone she trusts. and the one number she has still. they are the trio. and each duo is so important. they fit together and apart. they are number 1 to me.
shauna x travis. hi <3 shauna and travis not really interacting yet they live forever in my head. shauna being around and helping javi in a much more gentle approach than that by travis, only for this to switch in s2 where shauna ignores javi and travis is the one being gentle with him. shauna giving javi outlets, travis holding a piece of that. shuana losing jackie to the snow, travis losing javi to ice water. them finding and holding them in the same place. the most important person to them coming to the wilderness being lost to them because of their own actions (maybe you should leave; get lost). shauna hearing about travis' death and completley shutting down. travis starting the prayer circle. travis. starting. the. prayer. circle. travis. someone who is not as deeply connected to the wilderness as some of the others. starting. the circle. for shauna. crying. for shauna. doing this. for shauna. they are soooooooooooooooooooooo. they truly understand each other in a way no one else ever will, too.
shauna x jackie. they mess me up. there are so many misperceptions in their relationship, it's truly so juicy. shauna swallowing and never giving jackie a chance to explain or come back, just piling all this resentment. jackie loving shauna more than anyone else that she doesn't see how her comments are hurtful (making the quality you love about someone about herself; wear the boob dress, these are our dorm colors). jackie who couldn't conceive a world where her and shauna weren't together. shauna who make sure that she would never live in a world without jackie after she dies. also they have this giant, friendship ending fight, and in society they may have come back from that some day, but in the wilderness, jackie died for it, and how is that not the most fascinating thing to ever happen?
mari x akilah. this is probably number 2 but i needed to get my shuana thoughts out there while i was at it. her dynamics are, as you can see, something i rotate in my head all the time. i think they are so fascinating because they weren't close, barely knew each other, and just happened to sit next to each other on the plane, yet they became so vital to each other. they slept next to each other that first night and almost every night since. mari goes to akilah for comfort; they make decisions together because they are a team. mari wants to help akilah cheat, akilah stops clinging to return to help mari with the present. mari needs akilah's support, but she also loves her as a person. they went from never or barely speaking to being everything to each other like shut up??? some of this is developed but it's also so clear that they mean so much to each other sorry. they're always together, super close, mari goes to her all the time and looks to her when she isn't right beside her whenever something happens.
travis x javi. the fact that they were not supposed to be there, that they were not part of the team, and that they were only there because of their father who died at the very start is going to haunt travis forever and it GETS me. travis who can't show outward kindness to his brother, javi who tries to sit with travis on the plane, who is so fascinated and just wants to be let in by travis, and now he'll never be let in again (except in the very literal way). travis digging up his father for a gift for javi that he can't explain. travis pissing people off to try to care for javi the best that he knows how. javi disappearing, travis blaming himself, and travis searching every day for months, hoping, wishing, waiting, wanting. javi coming back, the relief in their hugs that they were safe only for that to be ripped away. losing his brother twice, losing his brother every day after. doomed from the start because they were never supposed to be there but also belong nowhere else. GOD!!!!
bonus for dynamics that really fascinate me but maybe are not actually top 5 and just intrigue me and i want to develop more in rp and also see more in show. also ones i do not rotate in my head as much but i do think about: van x nat. a lot of my connection to them is from the original script and i think there is so much there. mari x van. mari x laura lee. mari x tai. mari x travis. the quad of mari x akilah x van x laura lee for bg chars you see interacting and are important to me. akilah x laura lee. akilah x van. akilah x shauna. special mention to gen and melissa, a comedy duo. shauna x van. i considered really hard and ultimately decided not to place this one in there. so much that it is this far down because i had it there. i think ultimately it came off because it fell flat (to me) a little in s2. i think shauna trying to rescue van despite being in a haze and trying to go back when she realizes what happened and the conflict that sparked there with jackie is so fascinating. i also think that their hug in 1x07 is so important to me. adult van throwing shauna's keys away is a comedy. i just want More. tai x akilah. another one i was debating before putting the martinez brothers. i love their connection. i think they're so important, and i don't need to talk about how akilah influences tai because you do that for me. sadecki family almost made it because god how fascinating they are. also callie x jackie who will never meet but callie who is so influenced by who jackie was. lottie lee / lottie nat. the only 2 lottie ships i have. they are very important to me and i was actually v surprised (spoilers) that lottie/nat didn't make my top 5 ships because i was v sure it would (lottie/lee did. spoilers). nat/jackie another one that got taken off my ship lists. i think i'm just a little removed from them rn but they hooked up in my head. jackie seeing nat as someone unafraid to be herself while jackie is so petrified. they make me AHHHH. not me forgetting taivan i am a mess. they're also on my ship list. i think they have such a compelling dynamic and i DO think about them a lot but ultimately shuana dynamics win out here & i needed to include my tragic siblings help TRAV NAT WERE GONNA BE ON THIS LIST OOPS. i've written about them before and how entwined their stories are and how they need each other and also can't be around each other. javi in the center of them.
ultimately, the really beautiful thing about this show and rp in general is getting to build on connections that aren't really established that much, so there are so many dynamics that absolutely fascinate me, but i went with the ones that i rotate in my head a lot or consistently come back to. and despite this giant ass list i still feel like i am missing dynamics that live in my head.
ask me my top 5 anything // always accepting
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feminaferitas · 3 months
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@itchose {callie} and shauna are back home after the mess at the compound
The drive home had been tense and quiet. It was one thing to omit the truth when Callie didn't know about it. But now, Shauna's silence was active denial of everything that had just transpired. She had wanted to keep her daughter out of it, out of all of it, for as long as she could. And a part of her wanted to believe that Callie didn't have to be involved any further, but Lottie's words scratched at the back of her mind like a rat digging through a pantry -- she's powerful.
Lottie had always been fascinated with her children and their capacity for the dark urges she saw out in the darkness. Why couldn't Lottie leave her, leave them alone?
Shauna knew her daughter would have questions. Too many she couldn't or wouldn't answer if asked. Her heart was aching and her mind was racing and she couldn't even look to her old journals for a sense of place, to ground her. The others had all been willing to kill, or to act as though they would so much that the lines blurred between reality and fiction -- and to Lottie, maybe that was enough. Van and Taissa had called off the psych team. Natalie died in her place, but without the famine of winter, what purpose did her death serve? There was no meat to butcher, there was no hunger to feed. And Misty, who had spent so long out in those woods trying to heal their wounds, was the one who killed their hunter, their leader.
How could Callie ever understand this when Shauna was struggling to make sense of it all herself?
The silence had swelled as it followed them home. Every time she looked at her daughter, Shauna was reminded that this is what she had been afraid of all along. Callie's hands held a gun, and while they didn't take a life, they brought her closer to the awful truth of everything her mother refused to put into words.
"I never wanted you to see any of that," Shauna finally said the following afternoon. It was meant to come from a place of love, perhaps maternal devotion. But through her strangled thoughts, it could only emerge laced with disappointment and anger. "You shouldn't have been there."
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surviveds · 1 month
@itchose: i haven’t felt at home in this world. (travis + buck)
evan can't help but tense somewhat, the slightest shift in body language as travis speaks. it's not the first time they've hung out like this - watching the slow crawl of the sun as it sinks below the horizon, the sky awash in deep blues and rich purples and a fiery, mesmerizing red - but it's the first time travis has ever offered up anything beyond polite, hollow small talk. and evan is usually content with this dynamic: sitting quietly next to him, a gap he's too-aware of between them, a drink in hand as evan fills the silence, rambling about something inconsequential, typically reciting facts learned in whatever book he's been reading. he's favoring travel guides lately, as he wonders where he'll go next - though evan keeps delaying the decision. it's far from the longest he's stuck around a singular place, and ranching is fun, but he misses the ocean - so he's not sure why he lingers.
maybe it's something to do with him. evan doesn't look directly at travis, opting instead for what he hopes is a casual side-eye as he takes a swig of his beer, downing it in a careful swallow before replying in an even voice, "yeah?" he's trying so very hard not to push. but evan feels the questions burning, as they've done for weeks, and the desire to better understand travis is overpowering, so he can't really stop himself from continuing, though he manages to aim for something neutral, something that isn't too invasive. "shitty parents?" and there's sympathy heavy in the question, because evan gets it. "in my experience, they have a way of making you feel... out of place."
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silencedrage · 3 months
@itchose sent 💬 for a starter for Travis
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Shauna stood in front of Travis, unimpressed. She wasn't sure what exactly the older boy had said to his brother, but Javi was moping and it made something in her prickle. Maybe she could blame it on hormones, or some kind of weird maternal pregnancy instinct. Either way, she fixed the other teenager with a death glare. “Deal with the consequences of your actions, and then promise to do better." It was harsh, and more pressure than Travis probably deserved out here in hell but it felt illegal to pick on the youngest member of their group.
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werechampions · 2 months
He doesn't look up at her as he hears her voice. He's not interested in a lecture, especially one that sounds too similar to one his father had given him many times about how he needed to go easier on Javi, which in turn usually only made it worse for Travis, because listening to him never felt like a real option. Around the others here, he sticks to what he knows, hiding behind his shield because he's too afraid to be vulnerable around them, not when he's so far on the outside of all of them. ❝  What fucking consequences? ❞ He shoots back, glaring in her direction but still refusing to look at her. ❝  He's my brother. He's my responsibility. ❞ And that's both a burden and a gift, because he loves him, he's glad he's still alive despite the circumstances, but how can he be a parent to Javi when he's barely known how to be a brother? Still, he's not letting her know those insecurities. ❝  Let me deal with him the way I know how and mind your fucking business. ❞ He doesn't actually want to be harsh with her, it's just a defense mechanism; he hates to be told he's handling something wrong when he already knows, when he's already worried about it, so he refuses to let himself falter in front of her now. / @itchose (continued from xx)
He's not interested in a lecture and she's not interested in giving one. She's said enough and Javi can take care of the rest if he needs to since he's a kid that needs to grow up. But Travis never knows when to stop pushing back and Shauna knows, she knows she should just let it go. It's not her business, except it kind of is when Javi is coming to her for paper and rummaging through her things. She almost wants to throw that in Travis' face because maybe then it will wipe the sullen look from his face. The irony is that she's not soft, she's not maternal, and any attempt at gentleness is usually a fumbling mess. She's desperate for Travis to take it off her hands before Javi realizes how fucked up she is.
"If you want to act like that, fine, but then you actually have to step the fuck up," she hisses back at him. It's a tempered response, better than yelling at him from across the clearing even if that's exactly what Shauna wants to do. But Javi is better off with Travis and Natalie and Lottie, literally anyone would be better than her, so she sits back and scribbles in her journal so ferociously, it's a miracle the pen hasn't snapped by this point. "Deal with your shit so it doesn't become my business."
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sleep-nurse · 6 months
tbh if my youtube recap was just these 3 songs that would describe my year way better than all the 100 random songs it put
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itchose · 4 months
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#ITCHOSE  ━ an independent, mutuals only multimuse for characters from 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐒, exploring various timelines from wilderness through modern day. rescued by cj. RULES, ROSTER.
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doomdays · 2 months
mentally fried, emotionally fragile, physically falling apart but here’s my weekly check in. hi I’m still mostly on @ladyintree and @itchose right now
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manslaught · 27 days
she's been uncharacteristically silent for a while now, staring down at the counter, working on building up the courage to ask him something, mostly because she's just afraid of being judged. but she trusts @itchose, knows that travis understands why she can't easily let taissa go, so she finally speaks up, clearing her throat. “ i want to... make food for tai. or actually— she wants me to. ” she regrets correcting herself, because it sounds worse, like she's just doing whatever tai says, even though that's not the reason she wants to— she just wants to prove to herself that she can at least do something right. “ can you show me something new? she doesn't eat meat anymore, so— it has to be, like, vegetarian, i guess. ”
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lingeringscars · 2 months
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@itchose did you have fun
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ladyintree · 1 year
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#ladyintree —  an independent, mutuals only 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐀 from 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐒, exploring various timelines from teen through adult canon. rescued by cj, 25+, she/her. triggering themes present. read rules before following.
(౹)rules. (੨)about.  (੩)verses. (੫)prompts. yellowjackets multi: @itchose / general multi: @doomdays
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silencedrage · 3 months
@itchose sent 💬 for a starter for Melissa
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"Stop. What the hell are you talking about?" The words are curt and sharp, and a frown creases her face. It is directed towards herself mostly because she knows that it is not Melissa's fault that she is irritable, and the snap had been instinctual. But she does not have the energy to explain that to the blonde, and instead lets her draw her own conclusions. But she tries to soften her tone. "I don't hear anything."
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itchose · 1 year
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#ITCHOSE ━ an independent yellowjackets multimuse, exploring various timelines from wilderness through modern day. triggering themes present.
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rescued by cj (she/her, 25+). characters previously found on @doomdays, main blog: @ladyintree.
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doomdays · 4 months
okay hi i've been feeling stressed about how i'm primarily only writing my yj characters here (for the past like... year) so i'm finally just making a yj multi (may be temporary but for now it's what makes sense to me). threads + memes will be moved over there there, and taissa will still remain on her own blog.
follow @itchose if you want to interact with my yj characters! no hard feelings if you choose to unfollow this multi if you only came here for those characters 🫶
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manslaught · 1 month
“ don't answer the door. ” mikayla doesn't move from her seat on the couch, trying to ignore the knocks on the door, twisting her head around to look at travis. “ it's that blonde i brought home the other day. she's, like— fucking obsessed or something. ” either convinced she might be able to pull some stories out of mikayla or actually looking for a real relationship, mikayla's not sure, but she's not interested in either. “ lesson learned, i guess— i'll fuck them at their place, not mine. ” it's for the best, probably, because she's started to feel bad, bringing home a new girl practically every night, unsure if it was starting to annoy @itchose, because she never actually asked.
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