sawsily · 4 months
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fit idea
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childoftheriver · 1 year
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A few of the boys. In the pic at the table, Greg will be 22 (!!) in a month!
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onryou-onryou · 7 months
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geminiagentgreen · 2 years
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21st century schizoid man
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abookisafriend · 1 year
in the court of the crimson king, by king crimson: five out of five fire witches
this is the second landmark progressive rock album (after the moody blues' "days of future passed"). king crimson practically invented progressive rock, the experimental movement that would mix jazz, classical, and rock in various combinations, with this album. every track on this album is at the level of a classic in the king crimson catalog, except for the ten-minute "moonchild," which is a piece of shit.
the album opens with "21st century schizoid man," which is a blazing and disturbing wall of riffs about the horrors of war and modern society. after that explosion, we quiet down with "i talk to the wind," a melodic and gentle composition. the third track is "epitaph," a tear-calling track lamenting what seems to be on the horizon of our future. then, side two begins with "moonchild".
it's really a stupid song. it has about two minutes of melody and lyrics, then turns into a failed experiment in avant-garde music. there is a bit of faffing about with percussion, but it lacks imagination or direction. it's really as if they composed the world's perfect album, realised it was missing ten minutes, and then said "fuck it let's just make noise". that is probably what happened. king crimson is known for their extended instrumentals, both contemplative and driven, which explore the potential of rhythm and angular or melodic harmonies, making lasting musical statements that still have power today, and this is absolutely not one of them.
then you get "in the court of the crimson king."
"court" is a perfect song. it's about ten minutes long and wastes not a single note. the drama; the majesty; it delivers pomp without losing its dignity and power. you truly feel that you are in the presence of some glorious spirit embodied by the music itself. the lyrics are cryptic but, like "21st century schizoid man" and "epitaph," seem to be about power and corruption, at least at some figurative level. this is an absolute landmark. it is a song that everyone should hear at least once.
overall, the album is almost impossible to entirely describe. the combination of overwhelming grandeur and quiet, melodic contemplation create a balance that contributes to the effect of the music by not overwhelming the listener, giving them a chance to recover between the impacts of the heavier songs. it's a work of incredible skill and imagination, all the more impressive because nothing like it had really been done before. if you want to find out what the progressive rock movement was about, start here. i don't think you get radiohead's "kid a" without "in the court of the crimson king"; no genesis, no kansas, maybe no moody blues; at least, not in the forms that we know them. rock would be less artistic. go forth and crim.
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hiii omg ok ok so I just caught up on "in the court of the copper king" and I am enjoying it sooo much. I was a bit nervous about the dead dove don't eat warning, but I actually was fine with it and honestly there's sooo much I appreciate immensely about the fic. I am a pix lover and I adore the way you've characterized him in the story, even when he's harsh and cruel he's such a good character. I also am obsessed with your conlang content, I desperately wish I was good with languages so I could actually learn a bit of pixandrian from this fic, though even still I'm starting to recognize a few words that keep coming up which is super duper fun. anyway all this is to say I absolutely want the poem content you mentioned in the notes and I'm sure it will be fantastic. so yeah just wanted to say I'm loving the fic and I can't wait to see what else you and your coauthor create!!
I'm glad you like it! the conlang would be pretty hard to pick up just from what i put in the fic bc there's a lot of grammar that i can't find good opportunities to showcase, but i'm glad so many people are enjoying it! i went into this project like "yeah i have this idea for a fic that literally no one but me would ever want to read" and then my coauthor was like "i want that enough to help you make it" and that worked out great bc they can do a really good scott but also like people like the weird nerd stuff too!
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noisemachinedotcom · 4 months
ngl and this might get me killed but out of the three fripp-forward albums ive heard so far Exposure and God Save the Queen are running circles around In the Court of the Crimson King
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junecast-moonfast · 5 months
Someone at work today checked out Discipline by King Crimson, Songs for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone Age, two Radiohead CDs, and half of Tom Waits’ discography. I desperately need to meet this person, it’s like we were made for each other.
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ascendandt · 9 days
red is NOT better than itcotck you are lying to yourself
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childoftheriver · 2 years
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Crimson boys - happy birthday ITCOTCK!
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/listening to ITCOTCK for the very first time, do not disturb/
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album-cover-battle · 1 year
Album cover battle 1.19
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By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers VS In The Court Of The Crimson King - King Crimson
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robertfripp · 4 months
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"In 1959, at 16, [Peter Sinfield] left school and drifted through a variety of jobs and travelled around Europe before eventually going to work for Lyon's Electric Office on the Bayswater Road as a programmer in the mid-sixties. The cultural explosion galvanised Sinfield back into writing."
"By 1968 Sinfield was setting poems to music and had formed a band with friends Dik Fraser on bass and Mike Nichols on drums and, with Ian McDonald briefly in tow, they bravely grappled with material which was, by Sinfield's own admission, not quite up to the mark.
"In their set at the time was the original version of In The Court Of The Crimson King, before McDonald came up with a completely different melody. Sinfield suggests that this was the real genesis of Crimson... "In my opinion, King Crimson was born in 1968 a few seconds after Ian, having played the original version of ITCOTCK with my band Creation, turned to me with the immortal aside, 'Look Peter, someone has to tell you. Your band is absolutely hopeless ... still, erm, you write some interesting words. Why don't we write a couple of songs together?'""
From In the Court of King Crimson by Sid Smith
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blunderbussin · 11 months
1, 11, and 13 please for the progvember asks!
hi! thanks for the ask!!
What band got you into prog? How did you find them?
definitely King Crimson. I started seeing the ITCOTCK face EVERYWHERE and i finally decided to see what it was about when i saw someone painting a mural of it on the school wall lol. so i searched up 'red screamy face album', found them on spotify, and listened to 21st century schizoid man. it was a little weird at first, but it kept growing on me, and now here i am
Are there any bands you think are underrated?
oooh! i really like Wishbone Ash, and i don't see too much of that around here! for non-prog, i am a big fan of john fahey - the songs are so pretty and now i love open tunings :)
Which musician(s) inspires you the most?
hmmm.. at the moment, i think i'm gonna say john wetton. I really love his bass playing + singing, and have been listening to a lot of the albums he's played on. and i'm slightly obsessed It's kinda starting to convince me i need to buy a bass, which might happen soon
these were great questions, and i really liked thinking about/ answering them, so tysm!
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mtndewbajablast · 1 year
seeing itcotck vinyl on my high school dungeon master’s desk sent me down a dark and annoying path
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