#itgo marching band au
Welcome back to the return of my marching band au brought to you by my first practice of my seinor season being yesterday (guys I'm an old officially like what-)
Be prepared to see more of this and the return of my band stories.
So to recap from last time (ive probably made baby changes but lets ignore that):
Ruben's in guard, Zach marches alto sax, Angel marches trumpet, Jon used to be in pit and played marimba but is now the drum major.
Angel is constantly trying to distract Zach in basics block. Somehow he always gets away with it without getting yelled at.
The boys all make great section leaders. Angel is silly goofy but firm when he needs to be and gets shit done (there's always some trumpet freshman running laps for being a dumbass and leaving their music/instrumet/water/ect. at home). Zach bribes his kids into behaving and having their shit with a sticker system. If they do good and have all their stuff they get to fill up their star chart and once it's full he'll bring them a treat. If they forget things or do dumb shit they get red stars (the shame enough of a red star deters it from happening too much. There's no set punishment for a full star chart). Somehow the color guard is magically not clicky and actually friends with Ruben in charge. (The magic is him forcing them to bond. "Guys I've been doing this shit too long at least pretend to like each other for my sake. For each bit of guard drama you're involved in you're doing 10 push-ups like I'm tired-" (Ruben has been in the high school guard since 7th grade and is t i r e d of the bullshit))
And now some new things I've made up:
Jon's dad is the school's principal and no one likes him.
Ruben's mom is the band booster president and the kind of mom who only shows up to shit for her kid, ignores everyone else, and only goes to "help" with props or pit equipment to get into shows for free (these moms are so annoying guys holy fuck).
Zach's mom is one of the bus chaperones (everyone loves her and rightfully so) she always stocks the snack bag and the drink cooler so there's always goodies for bus time.
Anyways thats what I got for rn. Feel free to spam me with questions about how what and why is marching band. I will return eventually
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Remeber that one time I made a marching band au? Yeah going back to that. With probably minor changes cause I only partially remember what I put in that post. So in basics* Zach and Angel always stand with one behind the other and make little comments to each other whenever they can. Here's an example of one of those exchanges that I totally didn't steal from my friend and I this past marching season.
Younger Staff Guy: Crank the dogs**
Older Staff Guy: yeah crank the- crank the dogs?
Angel to Zach: You don't wanna find out what happens when you don't crank those dogs baby girl.
(Definitions of band terms in tags)
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If I made an if this gets out marching band au would I be crazy? Cause as a band girlie the Saturday boys fit really really well. (This is me not caring if I'm crazy I'm doing it anyways because I'm in the murky depths of band camp and shitty tan lines)
Ruben: that's the fucking guard section leader/captain. He slays and fucks h a r d with rifle. He broke his fingers once because his strap was too loose. Veronica is still a bitch about everything because Jesus christ as a winter guard girlie guard mom's have the potential to be the most annoying band parents. He's been trying to get Zach to do winter guard for ages but he's still on the fence.
Zach: literally just gives me raw alto sax vibes. At least in our band there's a spectrum of alto players that I've experienced the 3 years I've been here. It goes from quiet to chaos gremlin at any given opportunity. Zach is obviously at the quiet end. Not very confident in himself because "well there's people that are just better" but really he's the best one and gets all the solos. Strong marcher but hates basics. Is constantly distracted watching the guard (mostly Ruben because duh) Is scared of winter guard because Ruben is constantly getting hurt (it's rubens own fault for being a dumbass)
Angel: fuckin snare in drumline. Angel and this kid in my band are the same person. The kid I know irl fortnite fridayed too hard and passed out last year. Peak Angel energy. Pure chaos but a surprisingly good leader and can reign it in when nessicary but is constantly having a good time. He did however leave his shako at the school before a competition once. Hard-core indoor percussion girlie. Eats that shit up with a spoon.
Jon: drum major ass mother fucker. Has the discipline and leadership qualities to be a good one without the childish need for control that makes bad ones. He's well respected by everyone and has been in the program since he was in middle school. Before becoming a drum major he was in pit percussion playing marimba and/or piano.
Thank you for coming to my brainrot Ted talk
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