#its 4:32am give me a break
pyrriax · 10 months
one day i will stop being afraid of getting hounded for writing something that is less pretty and more just. raw.
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diamondsnpolaroids · 5 years
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Kingston's birth story♡
On Thursday February 13th I had my last midwives appointment to which I asked for a membrane sweep. My midwife happily agreed and did it. For the rest of the day I felt regular contractions but unfortunately nothing came of it.
Friday February 14th, my due date. Still getting contractions but spread apart more and not as strong. I spent all day crying, begging my baby boy to hurry up. I felt as if my body was failing him. It wasnt trying hard enough, I wasnt doing enough, he was ready but I just couldnt. I couldnt sleep, everytime I tried I'd get up and start walking in hopes my body would finally start labouring properly.
Saturday February 15th, 12:15am I finally settled down enough to doze off after being awake since 6am. 12:32am I wake up to hear and feel a huge popping sound. I immediately sit up thinking something is terribly wrong. I actually get to my feet and that's when I felt it. Water gushing out of me. I had zero control. I waddle run to my bathroom, trying to avoid soaking my pants any more than they already were. I see nothing but clear fluid with tinges of red. That's when I realized it was indeed my water breaking. I couldnt get up for 2 minutes, my amniotic fluid was pouring out of me like you wouldnt believe. Finally I'm able to clean myself up, get on new pants and wake my mother to let her know. I told her to stay asleep since most women dont contract right away, thinking I still had time. By 12:50am I felt my first hard contraction. 12:53, another. 12:56, another. I call my sister to let her know to be ready to pick me up. I message King's father and grandmother, then attempt to wake my mother again. I call my midwife and was told to wait till my contractions were either unbearable or lasting 1 minute, 1 minute between contractions, for 1 hour. 1:34 I call my sister again and tell her to come over to help me labour since it was getting intense. Around the same time King's father comes over since I knew this was going to be a fast process. Contractions were getting closer and closer together, getting more unbearable with each passing one. I call my midwife again, my sister doing the talking for me, telling her we are on our way to the hospital.
2:20am we leave my place and head there. 2:36 we're parked and I'm inside trying to sign in. Having to stop and contract infront of a room full of strangers. I get my bracelet and sent upstairs. 3 more contractions ensue in the meantime. We get up to the birthing floor and head for triage. That's when things begin to get intense and blurry. I'm sat in a bed, in extreme pain, trying to answer questions and get blood taken. I'm noticing this is all happening really fast and we need to hurry. I'm checked and told I'm 4/5cm dilated. We get told to move to a birthing room. Finally arriving in the place my child would be born, I lay down and my body takes over. I get no more than 30 seconds between contractions for my body to calm down. I get checked again, I'm told I'm 7/8 cm dilated and everyone is shocked. Its happening and its happening soon. Theres no chance for me to receive any drugs or IVs. No contraction belt to track them or heart monitor belt to check on King. Within 2 minutes my contractions get so out of control I can feel my body pushing against my wishes. I tell the room this, apologize and scream all at once. I'm being told to try and stop but I physically couldnt. After another 5 minutes of this I'm checked one last time, but this time im told to push. Everyone is shocked. In 7 minutes I've dilated 3cm and ready to bring my baby into the world.
I'm told to move into position, breaking both the fathers hand and my sisters while I sit there pushing. My sister is instructed to hold my leg and push it against me, my mother is told to grab my hand and the midwife had my other leg up and ready. I'm screaming bloody murder and trying my hardest to push. I will never be able to compare this pain to anything else.
4:09am, I give a push and my little mans head is out. I'm told to give one last push, my sister looks at Kings head and by the time she moved her head to look at me, he was out and on my chest. My baby boy is finally born and screaming almost as loud as me. Kingston came out at 7lbs 0oz, 19 inches long.
Within a few minutes he was calm and looking all around. I finally come to and realize what just happened. Instant shock, not knowing what to think or say, I'm hugging my baby so tight against my chest with tears going down my face. I did it. I finally did it. 9 long hard months of growing this tiny human and I finally bring him into this world for everyone to see and love.
I spent 13 hours after his birth in the hospital till we were sent home. Multiple family members and friends stopping by to say hello and meet my little ham. Everyone is shocked and amazed I managed to have a baby within 3 1/2 hours of my water breaking, zero drugs, all natural. His skin colour being perfect from the moment he was put on my chest, next to no wrinkles, just all around perfect. He took to breastfeeding so easily, barely cried unless he was cold. My perfect little man.
It's been 13 days since he entered this world, dropping to 6lb 6oz after 3 days, up to 6lb 9oz by day 5, then 7lb 4oz by day 10. Kingston has been nothing but a dream. I am so incredibly blessed every single day with his presence. He makes me feel every emotion under the sun, but mainly proud and love. I dont remember what life was like before him and I couldnt imagine my future without him. Everything our mothers, aunts, grandparents and friends told us is true, you never know love until you see your baby for the first time. I never had expectations on how life would be with him finally here but even if I did, hed surpass them all. I have such an angel baby who has me feeling more blessed than ever before. He is my entire world and I'd go through all the pain and suffering again if I had to for him. The absolute love of my life. ♡
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wizardswithin · 5 years
FULL MOON in Pisces, September 13/14, 2019- Does the inner knowing bring rebirth or conflict?
Hello Dear Ones. 
Cosmic Leaping welcomes you. Everyone is upset as I read and watch and just be. I hear those say they worry about this about that about every little thing that is life. I am confused. And you say why am I confused? My inner self says to me that those of you who worry and get upset about everything are disconnected within. Yes, you heard me, disconnected to your truth. You are following whoever shouts out those powerful distracting words. I know many of you who read this will say not so. This is who you are. Then I missed something along the way. And since this is more an astrology post than anything else I will say something that has been staring at me for years. The Kassandra asteroid is within reach of my Mercury and Sun and it is about sharing ideas and thoughts and feelings except its influence brings out a piece of I do not believe it which comes from others. Now perhaps it is just in the mainstream stuff that is untrue or a part of your own self which has not caught sight of it. Most of you who follow astrological influences do realize that the energy is in motion. Maybe the reason I do this is to get you to look within and see your own true self or at least ponder the information and let it come to you in a flowing fashion instead of hitting you like a tire iron and then you react and yell and scream about what you do not like. And maybe it is just you that you do not like. This Full Moon in Pisces is about paying attention to your inner wisdom. Of course, you may go the other way and be totally confused and do nothing.
It is getting a bit over the top out there in fantasyland. Join the Facebook dating app so they can monitor you in bigger ways and dig deeper into your privacy. Are you kidding me? If the big tech is so interested in me and what I think and do then hey, give me a shout out and ask. I will gladly tell you what makes my heart sing. And the continued crap (pardon me) about bringing the 5G to make your day better!!!!!  Wake up already. This is doom and early bye to all of you and me. Fake-News networks are definitely suffering if you haven’t noticed.  From the past – Read an article from a few years after 9/11 which had a photo of a woman standing on the 94th floor of the North Tower holding onto a window frame and another one on the floor next to her. Says something else!!! It was a most horrible thing to happen that changed the face of America. Yes, more untruths are being slashed. The co-founder of LinkedIn is hooked to Epstein. And the indoctrination of the children continues. Those who have not recognized this will soon be in for a rude awakening. And your favorite Walmart seems to know just what you need in your life. I feel deeply for those who were affected in a catastrophic way in the path of the storm, Dorian. So, here comes the Full Moon in Pisces to add to the dance of those who have the hidden agendas.
The Full Moon in Pisces comes in Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 12:32am EDT; 4:32am GMT; and (September 13, 2019) 9:32pm PDT in 21 degrees 5’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Virgo. With the Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune now says to trust your inner knowing. Yet, at the same time there is that opposition to Sun/Mars in Virgo which can bring about some uncertainty in your decision process. The subtle energies of the inner voice may not be noticed if you are scrambling around in the outside world at high speed. How do you know if the information/direction is right for you if you are not hearing the quiet voice? At this time your body may give you the right answer if you have not paid attention. Since Mars is involved trying to stir the pot it may give you a stab of pain saying maybe stop right there and think about something. Or there may be a better feeling that comes over you and you know you are on track. If there are any relationship challenges which are affecting you then this is a good time to resolve the issues. There will be some angry outbursts which may be confusing due to the Moon conjunct Neptune opposite the Sun/Mars in Virgo and square to Jupiter in Sagittarius. Then Pluto in Capricorn arises up and says hey wait a minute you can transform a myriad of things so a rebirth can happen since it is in good aspect to both the Sun/Moon. Which do you choose?
Best laid plans of mice and men may dissolve in the ongoing waves of Pisces dreaminess. Stay present no matter what is going on since who knows where it may take you. This may be a time that you feel that you do not know where you are heading yet on the other hand you may feel inspired to get going on your next step to some new goals which may be hiding in the depths of you heart. This way if you look deep to discover beyond the daily minutiae that surrounds you constantly you may find a new opening and make a decision as to what is next on your goal list. Stop fighting with yourself and take a breath. You may wish to stop thinking…yes, you heard me, stop thinking and let the truth wend its way out. Or you can just sit there and get caught up in the everyday junk.
Both Mercury and Venus enter the sign of Libra on the day of the Full Moon.  This is a time of balance and harmony in your interactions. Do watch in this search for balance that a kind of manipulation or evasion undermines the connection. And in this desire for a solution to any conflicts make no assumptions regarding how the other individual feels or thinks. This is a good time to balance your interests with those of others. What else can you do …pay attention to your dreamland. You may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to a lover or someone you would love to know. Pisces Full Moon may remind you to just relax, refresh and get more sleep as long as you do not get agitated over something another says- it may be better than you thought.
Aries-Since Mars is in the mix take advantage of the electric energy that you may feel. Recent goings on regarding work and health and maybe a pet come into focus.
Taurus- Are you looking to be rewarded for the work you have been doing? It does come to you. Lots of energy on the creativeness that is yours plus a bit of romance!!
Gemini- Think about what you want from life, and make your plans accordingly. Career//home interests are pulling at each other. Restore the peace with family.
Cancer- Don’t dismiss dreams of a different future. Decisions you make right now could really open up and give you a sense of meaning and purpose. You may choose to travel.
Leo- The secret is to let go of whatever needs to be let go of, and allow yourself to be changed. Do not let fiscal issues get out of control since something may confuse you.
Virgo-.Find a balance between what you need and what others would like. There may be partnership tests at this time or you may meet someone who is truly special.
Libra- Focus on the reality of moment.  Find what needs to be healed within and around. Stay calm and protect your health since you may be vulnerable
Scorpio- You might discover something that really gives you joy. You may be quite creative at this time. A love connection may take you to a new feeling.
Sagittarius- Finding time for home and family matters may take some doing and may bring some agitation to the forefront. Be careful as upsets may occur.
Capricorn- Some accolades that you were not expecting may show up. If you are working on a project then it is important that your ideals are in tune with practicality.
Aquarius- Put your own well-being first and break some bad habits that hang on. Watch that your security is not overturned by unusual behavior.
Pisces-See the uniqueness within and look for self-discovery. Your connection to others is intensified. Where do you allow it to go? Watch for misunderstandings.
Thank you for reading and sharing. It is a pleasure to know that what I may write may trigger an “aha” moment for some of you. I love to laugh and no matter what anyone else says, I laugh when something stirs my inner joker. Try it more as the days of summer start to wind down. Tune into Wizards Within with my co-host Sprinkles as we talk about a variety of interesting things upcoming on September 19, 2019 at 9pm EDT. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan
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yoon-kooks · 7 years
Lie- Part 10
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Summary: There was a time when you loved him and he hated you. Now you hate him, but does he love you?
Parts: 0 // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // FINAL
“Oooh! Can we go in there?” You pulled at Jimin’s sleeve and pointed at a small shop with a bunch of adorable plushies. He turned his head to where you were pointing and sighed.
“Do we have to go into every single shop with plushies in them?” Jimin protested but still allowed you to pull him into the store.
“Yes, we do!” you giggled at him. “Because I’m looking for something!”
“What is it?”
“Uh, actually I’m not sure, hehe~” You looked around curiously, trying to find something small to buy so that you’d always remember your first “date” with Jimin. “But it has to be something cute!”
“You’ve been dragging me around for two hours and you don’t even know what you’re looking for?” Jimin chuckled in disbelief as he browsed the shelf with tiny kitty plushies. You saw him smile at a grey one with a little scarf before he picked it up to show to you. “What about this one? It’s cute, right?”
You blushed, taking it from his hand. It was a pretty cute kitty, but you loved it even more because Jimin had picked it out for you. “Yeah, this is the one!” You were glowing so much and didn’t catch him staring.
Just as you were about to walk it up to the cash register to pay, it was taken from your grasp. Jimin placed the kitty on the counter and took out his wallet.
You shook your head with a flustered look. “Jimin, it’s okay… I already wasted your time coming here and-”
Jimin ignored you and proceeded to pay the cashier. Once you were out of the store, he handed you the kitty.
“You didn’t have to pay for me, you know…” you pouted. But you were also overjoyed with the fact that the boy you loved got you something special. You stared at the kitty again and smiled.
“Just be happy you got what you came for, okay?” Jimin watched you fiddling around with the plushie. You hugged it tightly and squealed. “You really love it that much?” he laughed.
“Yeah! Thanks Jimin~!” you smiled up at him. “I’ll get you something next time, I promise!”
“Next time?” He raised a brow at you. “I thought this was a one time thing.”
“But you had fun, right?” You poked him. “I wanna do it again… Maybe next time could be an actual date?”
“I already told you we’re not dating…”
“Not yet, but maybe in the future~?” you said, blushing softly.
“Y/N.” Jimin walked a little further from you and bit his lip. “I don’t think we could ever date.”
“Yoora, I’ll tell you!” You dropped your chemistry textbook next to your friend’s notebook and took a seat.
“Tell me what??” Yoora went from falling asleep to wide awake. “Is this about your secret lover?” she smirked.
“He’s not a lover!!” You sent a soft punch to her shoulder. “But it is a secret, so promise you won’t tell anyone or get mad about it, okay?”
“Promise~!” Yoora clasped her hands together. “Tell me all about him!”
“Okay, okay!” You tried to calm both her and yourself down. Even in that moment, you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to tell her that you knew her favorite idols. But you trusted her. “Actually, it’s about two guys… and you know them…”
“Two guys??” Yoora’s jaw dropped. “OMG, Y/N!! When?? How?? WHO?”
“At the fansign. Uhh, I don’t really know how it happened…” You leaned closer to whisper. “But it’s Jungkook and Jimin.”
“WHAT? NO WAY!!” Yoora’s shrieks gained you some stares from people passing by. “PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!!”
“It’s a long story… but basically, Jungkook and I-”
“You’re dating HIM???”
“No!” You shushed your friend. “But we may or may not have hung out…” Yoora’s eyes widened.
“Really?!! You’re so lucky!!! OMG. WOW.” She muffled her loud voice with her hands. “Wait, what about Jimin??”
“Ohh… Jimin…” You took a moment to ensure you wouldn’t say too much. “I told him you’re his biggest fan and he said you can meet them next time.”
You were expecting to hear the loudest scream of all, but Yoora was too shook to make a sound. She stared at you with the largest eyes.
“I’m meeting with Jungkook after this, so I’ll be sure to ask him about you, me, him, and Jimin all meeting together some time.”
“L-like a double d-date?”
You nodded, even though you were pretty sure Jimin didn’t intend on it being a “date”. But after you had made it clear that you weren’t giving him anymore chances, maybe someone else could give him a chance instead.
“OMG yay! Thanks, Y/N~!” Yoora’s eyes sparkled like you’d never seen before.
By the time evening came around, you met up with Jungkook for a walk around the streets of Seoul. You were still in disbelief that the boy had actually asked you out on a second date. But you found it very refreshing whenever you spent time with him.
“Jimin told me you came back to the dorms smiling like an idiot after our bowling date.” You nudged Jungkook. “Is that true?”
“I was smiling, but not like an idiot!” he laughed. “Jimin really says too much sometimes…”
“Yeah, he does, huh…” Your expression dropped a little because you understood that too well.
“By the way, what’s your relationship with him?”
“Jimin told me you guys were childhood friends?”
“Uh… yeah… I mean, I guess that’s all we were.” You looked down at the sidewalk, not really wanting to talk about your past with Jimin. “From the time he left Busan until that fansign, we didn’t talk at all.”
“Oh… It’s probably just because he’s been working so hard with Bangtan stuff during these past few years,” Jungkook tried to reassure you.
“Probably,” you said, even though you knew it wasn’t the whole truth. You just wanted to change the topic somehow. “Speaking of Jimin, do you think he’d be down for a double-date type thing?”
“A double-date?” Jungkook’s eyes widened. “You mean like you, me, him, and…?”
“My friend,” you finished his sentence. “Jimin said I could bring her along some time.”
“Ah! I see,” he nodded. “Jimin doesn’t really seem like the ‘date’ type though… Like, all my other hyungs have gone out every once in a while, but I’ve never seen Jimin with anyone else.”
“Really…?” That couldn’t have been true. You were certain Jimin had gone on dates with other people. You even remembered Yoora telling you how popular he was among female idols. But at the same time, you knew Jungkook was being honest.
“Yeah, that’s why I was surprised when he met with you the other day!” he said. “I kinda thought you guys were dating…” You stayed quiet for a moment.
“Me and Jimin? I don’t think we’re the kind of friends that could ever date…” You hated how those words sounded coming from you. And it left a bad taste in your mouth.
Jungkook took notice and suddenly wrapped his hand around yours. His warmth comforted you and the faint pink on his cheeks made you smile and blush a little yourself. The bad taste was suddenly gone.
“What about us, though?” He did a cute head tilt. “Are we the type of friends that could date?”
You just stared back at him with huge eyes, unable to speak. Jeon Jungkook was really asking to be your boyfriend. You had to admit, he was the only other boy you’d felt something for besides Jimin. He was always so sweet to you, and you really did enjoy spending time with him. You had zero reason to say no, but at the same time, it wasn’t so simple to just say yes.
“Ah, I didn’t mean to surprise you or anything, haha.” The boy ruffled the back of his hair. “Take as much time as you need to-”
“Yes,” the word slipped out on its own. The only way you could justify it was by telling yourself you’d be an idiot to let Jungkook pass you by. You leaned your head on his shoulder. “I think we could and should date.”
“I think so too,” he smiled. “I just hope Jimin doesn’t mind me dating his friend.”
“He won’t.” You shook your head, but truthfully, you wondered exactly how he would react. As much as you hoped he wouldn’t mind, you couldn’t help but worry that he would. But the more you thought about it, the more you remembered you couldn’t be that special to Jimin. Because if he truly cared about you, he would’ve never given you a reason to hate him in the first place.
“Hm, maybe you know him better than I do,” Jungkook nodded. “You guys were best friends after all.”
“Yeah…” You wanted to believe you knew enough about Jimin, but there were so many things he had refused to share with you. Things you had to find out the hard way.
“Anyway, I’ll be sure to ask him about the double date thing!” Jungkook swung your hand playfully. “That guy can use a nice date. He’s been looking a little lonely these days.” Lonely?
As soon as you got back, you noticed Jungkook had sent you a sweet goodnight text, so you replied back with a few kiss emojis. You smiled at your phone screen until you saw your text conversation with Jimin right underneath, and you were reminded of him being lonely. It couldn’t have been because of you, right? As an idol, he had plenty of other things to worry about before some childhood friendship.
But you still wanted to check up on him—just in case.
12:03AM Y/N “hey”
12:04AM Jimin “🙋🙋🙋”
12:04AM Jimin “go to sleep. its late😒”
12:05AM Y/N “ill go to sleep if you go to sleep too😡”
12:07AM Jimin “im not tired”
12:08AM Y/N “neither am i”
12:11AM Jimin “so… whyd you text me?”
12:12AM Y/N “did jungkook tell you…?” You felt your heartbeat go at a quicker pace. Maybe it’d be a little better if Jimin heard about the dating thing from Jungkook rather than from you.
12:13AM Jimin “yeah”
12:20AM Y/N “and youre okay with it?”
12:22AM Jimin “youll get mad if i say no lol”
12:23AM Y/N “i wont get mad! just be honest…”
12:28AM Jimin “okay okay”
12:30AM Jimin “i dont think ill have the time for it”
12:31AM Y/N “wait… what are you talking about??”
12:32AM Jimin “the double date thing?”
12:32AM Jimin “whatd you think i meant?” So Jungkook didn’t tell him you were dating yet. And you weren’t ready to break the news to him either. It couldn’t hurt to wait just a little longer.
12:33AM Y/N “lol idk what i was thinking😅”
12:34AM Y/N “but anyway”
12:35AM Y/N “whens a good time for you? i want this to work out”
12:35AM Jimin “really? you do?”
12:36AM Y/N “yeah! i told yoora about you and shes been screaming every since”
12:38AM Jimin “yoora?”
12:39AM Y/N “remember my friend i was telling you about? the one that loves you like crazy?”
12:40AM Jimin “oh her”
12:41AM Jimin “i still dont think ill have time… i gotta put more hours in at the dance studio”
12:42AM Y/N “aww okay… i guess if its for bangtan, it cant be helped…” You couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Not only because you had gotten Yoora super excited about it. But also because if Jimin really was feeling lonely, you wanted to be there for him. Like he had been for you.
12:44AM Y/N “maybe next time then?”
12:45AM Y/N “bc i really wanna see you jimin” You weren’t sure if you sounded too needy--especially since you had just gotten yourself a boyfriend--but you meant what you said. You just wanted to make sure he wasn’t feeling alone.
12:59AM Jimin “okay ill be there 👍”
1:00AM Y/N “!!!”
1:01AM Y/N “okay!! (^-^)//”
1:01AM Y/N “see ya then~”
1:02AM Jimin “💃💃👯”
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sylveon-official · 8 years
Rating: T
Yuri sighs dramatically before flopping onto his back, finally meeting Otabek’s eyes for the first time since he’d arrived.
“I’m supposed to be the world’s best figure skater, not the world’s most pregnant one…” Yuri whines forlornly, eyes glossy and rimmed with red, but fixed into a faux-glare up at Otabek.
Otabek chances a small smile at Yuri’s perfectly timed cynicism. Except the next second, Yuri’s nose is scrunching up so hard it forces his eyes shut and a pitiful cry escapes from the back of his throat, the dam breaking in a glorious flood of snot and tears.
under the cut or ao3
4:54am: come here
5:03am: Beka. please. i’m serious.
5:05am: what do you mean? to saint petersburg?? are you ok?
5:06am: yes to saint petersburg. please beka.
5:10am: i tried to call you. please call back. what’s going on yura? are you ill? is your grandfather ok?
5:20am: kotik you’re scaring me. please call me back. or at least text.
5:28am: why aren’t you picking up? if you don’t answer i’m calling victor to check on you
5:29am: NO
5:32am: i’m not dying, grandpa’s ok, i just really really need you here. it’s kind of an emergency but i promise i’m not dying or anything just please please don’t make me talk about it on the phone. i promise i wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. please beka.
5:40am: ???
5:45am: sorry was buying my plane ticket. i should get to your apartment around 5. i love you.
5:46am: thank you. love you too.
And with that ends the cryptic series of text messages that led Otabek to Yuri’s door at 5:06pm on a Monday night. His coach wasn’t too happy with him for unexpectedly skipping out on practice when they’ve been fine-tuning his choreography for the upcoming season, but he figures he’ll clock-in double the rink-time once he’s back. For now, finding the reason behind Yuri’s concerning messages is his first priority.
He tries knocking just as a common courtesy and expects the silence he’s met with, even after the fourth and fifth tries. Instead, he fishes out the spare key to Yuri’s apartment he’d shoved in his jacket pocket in case of this very scenario.
“Yura?” Otabek calls out softly as he drops off his belongings at the entranceway, toeing off his shoes and gently shutting the door behind him.
“I’m here.” He tries again as he wanders a bit deeper into the flat, this time picking up a pathetic-sounding sniffling that’s just audible enough to point him in the direction of the bedroom.
Otabek knocks softly on the slightly ajar door before nudging it open and announcing his arrival again just for good measure.
“Coming in.” Otabek says softly to the human-shaped lump buried under the duvet and making his way to the bed to perch himself on the edge.
Yuri doesn’t respond aside from the shift of blankets that happens when he curls in on himself.
“Yura…” Otabek sighs softly, reaching out to the top of the duvet and sliding it down enough to reveal an uncharacteristically untidy mop of hair covering half of Yuri’s face. Yuri doesn’t protest, but he does release a gravelly sigh of his own.
“Hey… talk to me, kotik?”
After several moments of silence, Otabek starts to try and thumb through the tangles on Yuri’s forehead. A knot catches and he reaches backward towards the nightstand beside Yuri’s bed, grabbing for the brush he knows is always there.
“Want me to brush your hair?” he asks once he’s located it.
Yuri stiffens for a second before deflating with a small nod. He sits up, back to Otabek and head hung low so that Otabek still can’t see his face, shoulders drawn up tight and guarded towards his neck. Otabek lets him take his time to process whatever it is he needs to share, gently working at the tangles in Yuri’s hair. It’s grown halfway down his back at this point and Yuri takes immaculate care of it. There must be something seriously wrong for him to neglect something as simple as brushing it.
By the time he’s finished, Yuri seems to have relaxed considerably and Otabek puts the brush down to finger comb through the silky strands, scratching at his scalp each time he goes up, just the way he knows Yuri likes it. He earns a soft sigh for his efforts.
Otabek starts work on a simple fishtail down the center of his back; having a younger sister has its advantages, especially when your boyfriend has a not-so-secret thing for scalp massages and getting his hair braided, Otabek muses as he finds himself getting lost in the pattern of the braid.
“I’m pregnant.”
Otabek’s hold on the braid goes slack, half of his work getting lost as it falls against Yuri’s back.
He’s sure he’s heard right, but with Yuri’s posture getting increasingly tenser as the silence stretches on, he rasps out the only response that can find the tip of his tongue.
“I-I’m sorry?”
Yuri heaves out a frustrated huff of air as he dives face first into the bed, burying his face into the cat pillow Otabek had gotten him for his 18th birthday this year.
“You heard me,” comes the muffled reply and he’s absolutely right, but Otabek still can’t find the right words.
After another short stretch of stunned silence, Otabek forces himself to reply.
“Yura… how? I don’t—”
Yuri cuts him off by grumbling into the pillow before shifting slightly to the left so that Otabek still can’t see his face, but he’s not talking into the pillow.
“At Worlds. Duh. Remember how after the banquet, you fucked me so hard I went into heat?” Yuri deadpans like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and Otabek gets it because it’s the practical assumption, but still—
“But… your birth control?”
Yuri is silent for a moment before trilling his lips into a response. “I’d forgotten to take a couple a few days before. I doubled up on the days after, so I thought it’d be fine, but…”
He trails off, but Otabek can definitely infer the end of that statement.
“So that makes you… almost three months along now?”
“Yeah. I couldn’t stop throwing up for like the past two weeks so I went to the doctor the other day and… yeah. Surprise?”
Yuri’s tone is almost completely devoid of emotion, but his shoulders are tensed up to his ears in that way he gets when he’s trying really hard to suppress feelings he thinks are embarrassing.
“Don’t you have anything else to say?” Yuri mumbles after another moment of silence as Otabek tries to figure out exactly what he’s supposed to be saying right now.
“It’s… okay, Yura.” Otabek treads carefully, placing a steadying hand on Yuri’s shoulder. “It’s just a lot to process. For both of us.”
Yuri nods against the pillow and Otabek squeezes his arm in what he hopes is a reassuring gesture, but not too invasive. 
Otabek licks his lips, mulling over if the question on his lips is worth what could potentially be an outburst on Yuri’s part, but Otabek is pretty sure there ought to be one coming on soon anyways, so—
“You’re… off the ice for now, right? Just while you decide what—"
Yuri lets out a telltale snort that gives Otabek all the answer he really needs.
“Obviously. As much as I don’t want to be….”
Yuri sighs dramatically before flopping onto his back, finally meeting Otabek’s eyes for the first time since he’d arrived.
“I’m supposed to be the world’s best figure skater, not the world’s most pregnant one…” Yuri whines forlornly, eyes glossy and rimmed with red, but fixed into a faux-glare up at Otabek.
Otabek chances a small smile at Yuri’s perfectly timed cynicism. Except the next second, Yuri’s nose is scrunching up so hard it forces his eyes shut and a pitiful cry escapes from the back of his throat, the dam breaking in a glorious flood of snot and tears.
“I’m sorry…” Yuri clamps a hand over his mouth, tears flowing freely and sobs wracking through his body.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, kotik.” Otabek tries to sooth, reaching a hand down to gently thumb the tears away from his cheeks.
Yuri glances up, eyes fogged with tears and brows screwed up so tightly, Otabek is tempted to smooth the wrinkles out with his thumb. He gives in and does so and Yuri gasps as if he wants to reply, until another wave of uncontrollable sobs forces its way out instead.
“It’s okay. Let it all out.”
Otabek slides down onto the bed so that they’re lying face-to-face, stroking of Yuri’s cheek with one hand and resting a steadying grip on Yuri’s arm with the other.
“Beka…” Yuri sniffles once he’s cried himself into exhaustion. “What do I do?” His voice cracks in the middle and Otabek sincerely doesn’t think he’s seen Yuri so vulnerable since he broke down after his free skate at his senior Grand Prix Final debut.
“Well, first of all…” Otabek starts slowly, gently tucking a piece of hair over Yuri’s eyes behind his ear. “I think you mean what do we do? You know I’m going to support you through this. No matter what.”
Yuri bites his lower lip and scrunches up his brow again, this time in thought, but Otabek reaches up to smooth the skin out again.
“Then what do you want to do?” Yuri breathes quietly, meeting Otabek’s eyes with a hesitant quality that Otabek quickly decides is very un-Yuri-like and very disconcerting.
“I want to do what you want to do.” Otabek says simply, because it’s the truth. Yuri snorts in a way that is much more true to his character as Otabek seeks out Yuri’s hand that’s anxiously grasping at the duvet to twine theirs together.
“That’s a cop-out and you know it.” Yuri’s eyes go into slits again, but his fingers still wind comfortably into Otabek’s own.
Otabek takes a second to sigh out a thoughtful breath, despite the fact that to him, this whole situation really doesn’t need much thought. He’s loyal to Yuri and all he’s ever wanted is for Yuri to enjoy their courtship together.
“Yuri Plisetsky, I would be honored to start a family with you.” Otabek states honestly and almost wants to take it back the moment he sees Yuri’s eyes widen in shock, good or bad, Otabek can’t tell yet. “But…” he continues, “If this isn’t something you feel ready for, that’s okay, too. We have all the time in the world for that later. I just want you to be happy.”
Yuri responds with a soft smile and watery eyes that have Otabek’s eyes misting over, too.
“I love you,” he adds, nudging Yuri’s nose with his own and joining their lips together in a feather-light kiss.
“Love you too.” Yuri replies, lips moving against Otabek’s own. “But what do you mean later? Were you planning to knock me up all this time? That’s fucked up, Beka. I didn’t realize you were that desperate for GPF gold.” Yuri teases, leaning back some to raise a mocking eyebrow at Otabek.
“Damn. You’ve discovered my master plan. Three years in the making, it’s finally come to fruition.” Otabek smirks back and earns a light punch in the chest by their entwined hands.
They lapse into a comfortable silence for a bit, and Otabek leans up to press a lingering kiss to Yuri’s forehead. Yuri sighs against their hands and kisses Otabek’s knuckles in response.
“Can you stay the week?” Yuri’s lips brush against Otabek’s knuckles as he speaks. Before he can respond, Yuri continues, hurriedly, “I know it’s a lot to ask with the season starting soon. But I’m sure you can use the rink.”
Otabek noses Yuri’s forehead and presses another soft kiss to it. “Of course, kotik. Don’t worry about it. I don’t need to practice this week. I just want to be here with you.”  
Yuri stills for a split second and then really punches Otabek in the chest with their entangled hands, enough for the wind to get knocked out of him.
“What was that f-?”
“Of course you need to practice this week!” Yuri sits up halfway, eyes ablaze and voice fuming. Ah. There’s the Yuri Otabek knows and loves – usually he doesn’t slip out of these tender moments so angrily, but Otabek figures he’ll have to chalk it up to hormones. That potentially being the case, he simply lifts an eyebrow and waits for Yuri to continue his tirade.
“One of us will need the prize money and sponsorships this season if we’re going to bring a fucking human baby into this world! Obviously I’m not gonna be able to do it! What kind of alpha are you? If you really want to support me and your unborn spawn, you’d better make this the best goddamn season of your entire life!”
Yuri has to take a moment to catch his breath after all the shouting, but once he does his face goes very, very red just as Otabek’s eyes go very, very wide.
Otabek opens his mouth, but his voice seems to be stuck in his throat. Yuri is clutching the duvet again, lips sucked into his mouth and beet-red creeping down his neck.
Coughing seems to be the trick to get his voice back, but once he speaks, it cracks enough to resemble a second puberty.
“S-so… you mean… we’re keeping…?” Otabek ventures, unsure, head ducking slightly downward to meet Yuri’s downcast gaze.
“I… I mean…” Yuri sucks in a thin breath before releasing it in a gravelly sigh while collapsing so that he’s half on top of Otabek.
“Yura…?” Otabek ventures, placing an unsure hand to the back of Yuri’s ribcage.
“Yes…” Otabek feels Yuri mumble into his collarbone and his hand goes stiff on Yuri’s back. The tension has a panicked-looking Yuri whipping up his head to meet his eyes.
“I mean, if that’s what you want—” Otabek cuts off Yuri’s worried rambling by grabbing the sides of his face and crushing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Yuri takes a minute to relax into it, but once he does, they’re making out so intensely and enthusiastically that Otabek is left squirming in suddenly too-tight jeans.
They have to separate for air eventually and when they do, it’s punctuated by an obscene string of saliva between connecting their lips and Yuri’s hips grinding down on Otabek’s hard enough to make him groan.
Yuri rests his forehead against Otabek’s, panting hot breaths across his cheeks. 
“So… I take it that’s a yes?” Yuri ventures, hands threading tenderly through Otabek’s recently mussed hair.
“Yes. Yes.” Otabek breathes, searching Yuri’s eyes for any signs of doubt. Yuri looks like he’s doing the same thing, intense green darting hurriedly between Otabek’s own brown. Otabek’s eyes melt down with a soft smile and soon after, Yuri’s do the same.
They meet in another kiss, this one less heated to start, but quickly picking up again, leading Yuri’s hips to rocking against Otabek’s at a steady pace.
“Fuck. I… can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” Yuri breaks away with a soft gasp against Otabek’s lips, hands kneading against the hot skin of Otabek’s neck and hips working in staccato circles.
Otabek chuckles breathlessly, his own hands ghosting down Yuri’s sides until they’re at his lower hips, thumbs instinctively going to massage where Yuri’s belly meets his pelvis.
“Me neither. If only I knew the thought of me putting a baby in you got you so hot, kotik.” Otabek whispers hotly against Yuri’s throat before sucking at the sensitive spot near his earlobe.
Yuri shivers for a second before the words catch up with him and he freezes. Otabek thinks he might pull away, but then he’s pushing Otabek firmly down into the mattress with both of his hands.
“I hear month five is the horny one… if you think this is bad, you’d better start working on your stamina, old man.” Yuri smirks down at him and as much as Otabek would love to follow up with another sexy comeback, all he finds himself doing is bursting into a grin so wide his cheeks hurt, cheerful laughter hitting him in one big, unexpected, wave.
Yuri pulls back with an undignified huff, slapping Otabek’s shoulder for good measure.
“What the fuck, Beka? It’s not like what I said was any cheesier that what you just—”
“Yura…” Otabek laughs, exasperated, and pulls him into one more, lingering kiss.
Yuri draws away in a cat-like motion, complete with a dubious glare that makes him look very befitting of Otabek’s petname for him.
“I’m just happy, Yuri. I’m happy that you’re you.” Otabek finally explains, the hands on Yuri’s sides traveling down to firmly rest on his lower belly. He’s not quite showing yet, but Otabek’s heart skips, swearing he can feel a hard, small, swell at the base of Yuri’s pelvis. “I know it won’t be easy, but… I’m happy that we get do this. Together.”
Yuri rolls his eyes, but there’s not much bite behind the action, especially as he tries to tamp down the steadily forming smile on his lips by sucking in his cheeks.
“I am, too. Thanks, Beka. For… being you, too.” Yuri finally gives in, mumbling a begrudging agreement as he lightly rests his hands over Otabek’s.
“Let’s… try not to fuck this kid up too much.”  
“Yuri… you should really start watching your language now that you’re expecting.” Otabek sighs, half-joking, but also half worrying for their unborn child’s first words.
“Shut the fuck up. We’ve got almost seven whole months until she’s actually here.”
“She?” Otabek questions.
“I have a feeling. We can put a wager on it later.” Otabek snorts, but Yuri quickly covers it up with his lips.
“But for now….” Yuri starts, hips dipping back down, quickly reminding Otabek of the tightness of his pants. “Can we please have sex before we have to deal with all this baby stuff? Besides, I’m not sure how dead we’ll be once we get to telling Dedushka and Yakov… and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to face Victor and the Katsudon.” Yuri visibly shudders and Otabek does, too.
“Alright. Sex now. Baby stuff later.” Otabek agrees, suddenly loving the sound of that word in their mouths: baby. They’re going to have a baby.
Otabek’s sure it’s going to take awhile to process this new reality and the responsibilities it will entail. But as Yuri captures his lips in a searing hot kiss that’s honestly the exact opposite of how Otabek imagines most couples might celebrate the miracle of conception – he’s absolutely positive that there is no one else in the entire world he’d rather share this adventure with.  
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bollywoodpapa · 5 years
Sushmita Sen reveals her daughter Renee’s reaction on learning about her adoption
New Post has been published on https://www.bollywoodpapa.com/sushmita-sen-reveals-her-daughter-renees-reaction/
Sushmita Sen reveals her daughter Renee’s reaction on learning about her adoption
Sushmita Sen is one of the finest looking actress in Bollywood. The actress never fails to impress anyone. She enjoys a great fan following on social media all thanks to her timely updates regarding her personal and professional life.
Recently, the actress appeared on Rajeev Masand’s chat show Women We Love, where she made quite a few revelations, about her relationship status, adoption and acting career.
The actress spilled the beans on how her elder daughter Renee reacted when she learnt that she was adopted.
Sushmita Sen reveals her daughter Renee’s reaction
 Sushmita Sen told Masand, “We played opposites, tall short, and all that. I then said adopted and biological. So Renee said ‘I’m adopted?’ I said yes, biological is boring. You are special, you’re born from the heart. And then she would tell everyone else, ‘You’re biological? You’re boring’. I’m so glad that it worked both times like magic.”
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  Today I feel proud knowing Renée initiated her journey of being a responsible citizen, one who participates in due process of Democracy, celebrating the love of her country & investing in its future!!!👍😍🇮🇳❤️I am blessed to see the excitement of my little Alisah, who can’t wait to have her turn!!!🤗😁👏Way to go girls!!!👊❤️ #wevoted #anewmilestone #proudindian #jaihind ❤️🇮🇳💃🏻I love you guys!!!! #duggadugga
A post shared by Sushmita Sen (@sushmitasen47) on Apr 29, 2019 at 6:32am PDT
Sen also revealed that she told her daughters to find out about their real parents once they turn 18. She then added, “I told her that I don’t know if they have names of biological parents in there, but that information is rightfully hers. I didn’t want to give her the wrong information and break her heart. She asked me, ‘Why do you want me to go and find out?’ I said, ‘I’m not saying go find out, I’m saying you have a right to know. She gave it a moment’s pause and said, ‘No, I don’t want to find out.'”
Talking about Renee she also said, “I thought that I have to keep making money, keep paying the bills. My approach to motherhood with Renee was more like a father – the provider. I didn’t have the time to be the provider and the nurturer because there was just so much work to do. I literally had her in a sack, with Chi Chi (Govinda) and David Dhawan holding her on the sets, and I’m giving my shot! I worked like that because I wanted to stay close to her, the best I could.”
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  #milestone ❤️Alisah’s last day in #grade4 😊😍❤️her Renee didi & I couldn’t be prouder!!🤗 She’s not only done VERY well in her academics but also earned the love & respect of her teachers & peers for being committed, strong willed & compassionate❤️👍😍#sharing #love #pride #accomplishments #happiness #gratitude 🤗💃🏻On to Grade 5 Alisah!! My #duggadugga 🌈I love you guys!!!!💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
A post shared by Sushmita Sen (@sushmitasen47) on May 31, 2019 at 4:35am PDT
 Sushmita Sen is mother to two beautiful girls- Renee and Alisha. She adopted Renee in 2000 and then Alisah in 2010.
Read also:
Sushmita Sen announces brother Rajeev Sen’s wedding with TV actress Charu Asopa, see pics
 The actress is also in the news for dating Rohman Shawl. The duo have been dating each other from quite some time and have been spotted at various events and parties.
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