#its WILD that they discovered such a huge species its truly awesome
hyenabrainedpup · 7 months
Big ass snake holy shit
Fuck yeah!!!
Its so fucking exciting right like!!! Its such a cute cool species im so glad they found it!! And the gap between them and southern green anacondas is fucking wild. They have something around 5% genetic difference!! For reference humans hand chimpanzees have around a 2% difference its fucking awesome
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lindoig4 · 5 years
Iceland - all in one long post
(It is now Saturday 24 August and we are in St Johns, Newfoundland, and before I wade into Iceland, I thought I would summarise the birds we have identified so far.  Some we have seen in more than one place, so the number of discrete species we have seen is still less than 100 – 99 in fact. But by country, my  count currently stands at 138, made up of 36 in the US; 4 when we were in Montreal and a further 11 here, making it 15 for Canada; 9 in Oslo and 21 more in Svalbard making 30 for Norway, 20 in Greenland and 10 in the Denmark Strait – so possibly 30 for Denmark, depending on how we define it and 27 for Iceland.  I don’t intend canvassing international relations or interpreting the Law of the Sea so it is up to you to define Greenland, the Denmark Strait and international waters however you choose – I decline to enter into any dispute on the issue.)
Now back to wonderful Iceland.
We arrived early in the morning after a pretty wild day and night at sea and we were probably happy enough to be on land again.  Not because of the rocking and rolling, but because we were a bit overloaded with all we had experienced on the expeditions and felt that anything else would likely be more of the same.  The only thing we hadn’t seen that would have been nice was more whales, specifically belugas and narwhals, but we can’t have everything – or at least, we have been told so.
On the other hand, our expectations of Iceland left us a little cold (so to speak) but we were wonderfully wrong!  We disembarked at 9am and were bussed to a stop just down the hill from our hotel. Not sure why they couldn’t drop us off as we went past, but it was only a couple of hundred metres back up the hill lugging our luggage.  (There is a reason it is called Luggage.)
We spent most of the day in our room but went out to the supermarket and had a drink on the way back. I spent some time dashing in and out of the hotel into the garden at the back chasing a bird that kept calling every now and then, but I never found it.  I eventually discovered that an identical sound came from a squeaky lift the was right next to where I thought the mythical bird was calling!
In the late afternoon, we went to the hotel bar for a 2 for 1 drink Happy Hour and fell into conversation with two local women almost our age and we had a really wonderful hour or so with them.  They were both lovely intelligent women and it was a complete pleasure to share our respective thoughts with a wonderful couple of locals.
We then went to a Vietnamese restaurant we had sussed out whilst shopping and it was a big disappointment.  Very ordinary food in pretty scungy surroundings for about $90 Oz with no drinks!
We went on two tours whilst in Reykjavik.  I clearly recall being taught in high school that there is no green in Greenland and no ice in Iceland.  But like many of the gems imparted to naive teenagers at school, both are entirely wrong.
We saw a lot of green in Greenland - no towering forests or endless savannahs but plenty of green ground-cover in lots of places.  Similarly, in Iceland, there is not a lot of summer snow, but they play few winter sports because everything is blanketed in snow, inhibiting outdoor sports, even if competitors and spectators were able to attend snowbound venues (which they aren’t!)
But Iceland is certainly spectacular in summer.  As I said, we went on two wonderful tours (thank you Nice Tours), but a few observations first.
Iceland has fewer than 350,000 residents (and 3,000,000 summer tourists each year), over two-thirds of them living in Reykjavik.  Most of the others are farmers and their small beautiful farms are a picture of neatness, looking like they sweep the hills and comb the grass before the tourists arrive each morning.  They desperately want more residents (their unemployment rate is effectively zero) and despite some resentment about the changes brought about to accommodate us, they are heavily dependent on tourism as their biggest contributor to GDP.
They have virtually unlimited geothermal energy and squander it outrageously.  Similarly, water is abundant and profligacy is considered absurd.  The geothermal water powers some of their electricity needs and is then returned to the earth or used to heat every building in the country.  The rest of their energy comes from hydro plants.  Even some small collectives of farmers agree to install a small power plant to provide for their own needs and feed the surplus into the already overloaded grid.  The only other fuel source appears to be imported petroleum at a little over $A2 a litre.
The hot water contains a bit of a cocktail of harmless minerals but smells a bit, so is used for showers and heating and the cold meltwater for most other things.
In the winter, some parts of the country are virtually inaccessible and the roads in those areas are atrocious but nearer Reykjavík, they are quite good - and the city itself is very modern-looking.  No high-rises because they have plenty of room, but there are a few 5 or 6 level buildings.
There are NO trees away from the city, although a few farmers have attempted to grow some without a lot of success.  But around Reykjavík, there are plenty of trees due to a concerted effort to provide some windbreaks for a few clicks around.  I went for a walk this morning and found it very hard going, but apparently, the wind has been known to blow many people over, even to blow cell phones out of their hands (Shock, horror!).  People stay indoors during the worst of the wind.
It is a very expensive place to live.  We paid over $A85 for a very crummy meal at a Greasy Joe Chinese restaurant a couple of nights ago (our second expensive meal out) and even the supermarket gives rise to a few nasty shocks.  One interesting point is that it costs more to build a house here than its sale price so a lot of people build their own rather than buy something that costs more than they could sell it for.
Having said all of that, Iceland is a wonderfully beautiful place with heaps of great things to see and do.  It is very progressive.  They had a National Pride Parade on the day we arrived and the whole city was decked out with rainbow flags and paraphernalia. The whole city seemed involved in celebrating the march and its participants.  They are a very inclusive society and I found some of their more progressive ideas a little surprising - in a very good way.
Our tours were brilliant. Although we didn’t have any great expectations of the country before we arrived, I now wish we could just squeeze another month or so into our visit.
Golden Circle Tour
This is one of the more popular one-day tours and the scenery is amazing.  (Most tours are multi-day and many are about 11 days and circumnavigate the island on their version of our Highway 1, although it is a little more rustic than ours in the north.).  Rugged mountains, massive volcanic lava-fields, giant glaciers, thousands of waterfalls, wonderful wildlife (mainly birds) and miniature flora – simply superb.  There are far more Icelandic horses than Icelanders - a unique breed that will remain pure because no other horses are allowed in, including any local horses that leave the country to compete in events - they are not allowed back in under any conditions!  The sheep run free and have right of way on the road and all look very healthy: fat and woolly.  There are cattle here, but they are mainly kept indoors - as are all the sheep in the colder months.
We visited the world’s second largest geyser (after Yellowstone) and watched it shoot almost 40 metres skywards every 5 to 8 minutes.  It is the Geysir Strokkur and is source of word ‘geyser’ worldwide.  We were careful to stay upwind, but some people got very wet trying to get the perfect selfie.  There are numerous hot springs around and we saw plenty of thermal activity as we ate our packed lunch and walked to and from our bus. (I am tired of typing ‘spectacular’ so please just insert it once or twice in each paragraph. If any needs me to, I will provide a few hundred copies of spectacular, beautiful, amazing, astounding, wonderful, awesome, mindboggling, fantastic, fabulous – even fantabulous if you must - and any other superlatives you wish and you can just copy and paste them into each sentence or clause as you prefer – because they are all highly appropriate!)
We went to an awesome volcanic crater, obviously inactive, but huge, very steep-sided with a beautiful lake inside.  We walked right around the ridge and photographed it from many angles.  It was very windy and getting close to the rim was quite scary at times.
And what a spectacular waterfall Gulifoss was!  It is fuelled by meltwater but totally awesome - mind-bogglingly so but still not Iceland’s biggest!  The volume of water cascading down was truly (insert several superlatives here) but this was after a veritable drought - the driest period they have had for years.  The water is funnelled into a huge canyon, way below anything we could see, but in a normal year, the volume is so huge, it fills the canyon!  When I finally get some pics posted, you might imagine why it defies description.
We called in at a working farm for an icecream.  Icelanders are the world’s most voracious consumers of icecream and we stopped at a couple of other places later in the day to avoid our guide suffering withdrawal symptoms.
Another stop was at the site of the world’s oldest parliament, dating to the 9th century.  The tribes in the area decided that they needed more order in their community so elected a leader each 3 years and presented him with all their disputes and issues requiring resolution.  He was given one day to think about them all and then stood on this particular rocky outcrop and addressed the assembled throng with his binding decisions the following day.  It is now a UN World Heritage site and our guide was able to fill out a bit of history about it.  Perhaps more significantly though is that the rock is on the very edge of the North American tectonic plate.  We walked through an amazingly impressive fissure to get to the rock and it was a sobering thought that we were on such prehistorically significant ground.  There is 6 kilometres between this and the nearby Eurasian plate at this point, with this distance growing by about 2.5 cm a year.  At some point in the future a cataclysmic rupture is bound to happen right where we stood.
Then it was on the Eurasian tectonic plate, but with no fanfare or obvious geological features to mark it - but then, after the grandeur of the other side, it would be hard to match anyway.  We spent much of the rest of the day in Eurasia - no passport required!
A truly fantastic tour and overloaded with historical, geological and simply grandeural(??) overload, we ate bread rolls and supped on Aquavit in our room at night.
Monday was a rest day, soaking in some of the previous day’s experience, washing, blogging, Happy Houring and finally eating at an extraordinarily sub-ordinary Chinese café at great expense at night.
 Snaefellsnes Peninsula Tour
But next day was the Snaefellsnes Peninsula Tour: perhaps even more spectacular than the Golden Circle Tour.  The giant glacier atop the mountain was distant, but omnipresent even at 200km distance.  We saw dozens/scores of waterfalls (fosses in Icelandic), cascading down the mountains from the interior snowmelt and creating hundreds of crystal-clear creeks and rivers.  At one time, some locals sent a sample of the river water to an international laboratory to see what minerals it contained.  Receiving no response, they contacted the lab to enquire as to progress with the testing - only to be ridiculed by the analysers for wasting their time sending obviously distilled water for testing!  Did I say crystal clear!?
We explored one wonderfully picturesque foss and associated lake close up - pics will eventually be posted.  Just across the road from this great waterfall is a mountain that was historically assumed to be rather nondescript until a photo of it was unexpectedly voted one of the world’s ten most iconic mountains and a tourism cavalcade ensued.  The mountain has featured in quite a lot of films, but alas, I don’t recall which.  Maybe my photos will prompt some memories.
We had a superb fish lunch at a restaurant where our guide knew the chef.  He seemed to know a lot of people, but had worked in a small local hotel with this chef - recently returned to Iceland as chef at a 3 Michelin hat restaurant in Europe.  The food was excellent and because at least 10 of us agreed to purchase the fish special, we got it at half price: much closer to what we would pay for a similar meal in Oz.
We walked along the cliff from a charming tiny enclosed fishing harbour, past some awe-inspiring sink-holes too scary to get close enough to see the bottom, past a delightful bird-encrusted lake, past more cliffs filled mainly with nesting gulls, lava caves and blowholes, a fantastic rocky arch to a lookout with more caves, more nesting kittiwakes and a mass of hexagonal basaltic columns formed by the lava cooling more slowly.  To add spectacle to amazing wonder, the columns were not straight, but twisted and bent in line with the strata being formed at the time.  A geology lesson in itself!
Then on the way back to our little bus, we passed a man-made stone structure representing a monument to a local troll.  Icelanders are very superstitious and many still believe in good and bad trolls and other forces that seem quite alien to us.  Most of the island’s roads were built about 100 years ago when superstition was even more rife and many roads take unexpected detours to avoid crossing evil troll-infested sites (or to proceed through beneficent troll areas), much like our sacred sites in Australia only more so.  And many people still ascribe or predict events to the beneficial or vengeful actions of trolls - and act accordingly, doing good things or avoiding bad omens just to be on the safe side.
We visited a beach made of black pebbles and vicious looking lava outcrops.  It was surrounded by a lava field, mostly covered with wonderful soft silvery-green moss and lichens.  After the lave cools, dust is blown in and microscopic lichen, fungus and algae start to grow, followed a few millennia later by the mosses that continue to break down the lava into what eventually becomes arable land - if it is not then covered by more lava or a glacier.
It was a long tour, almost 12 hours of utter wonder.  We had walked several delightful kilometres and climbed quite a few steps and were quite tired by the time we reached our hotel so just ate what was in the fridge and went to bed, weary but still buzzing with the excitement of all we had seen. For me, a little bonus was the improved variety and number of birds we saw along the way, many of which we had been able to view with surprising clarity.
Our last day in Iceland was almost an anticlimax.  I went for a long walk around Reykjavik in the morning.  Heather’s ankle that she broke a couple of years ago was too sore to accompany me and we just reviewed photos, wrote stuff, repacked and had a Happy Hour in preparation for the long trip to St Johns on the morrow.
But given the chance, we would be back in Iceland with a campervan for a month or more perhaps risking the shoulder period to see the best of the whole island in all sorts of weather.  It is definitely a place that should be on everyone’s Bucket List and even after being here, it is still on ours!
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7hug-life-blog · 7 years
Tips on how to Develop and Care to get a Bonsai Tree
Bon sai is definitely an artwork which has been practiced in Asia for a lot of centuries. Bonsai trees are grown from your exact same seeds as trees that develop to total dimension. They may be grown in compact containers and trimmed and educated in order that they stay smaller and classy. Find out how to increase a bonsai tree, train it in 1 within the regular bonsai variations, and care for it to ensure it stays nutritious for a lot of many years to come.
Pick a tree species. The sort of tree you expand really should be reliant within the atmosphere in which you will be holding it. Your region's climate along with your property atmosphere must each be taken under consideration when you happen to be choosing which species of tree to increase. For being within the protected side, pick a species that is certainly indigenous for your a part of the entire world. •    Deciduous species this kind of as Chinese or Japanese elms, magnolias, oaks, and crabapple trees are very good choices if you'd want to expand your bonsai outdoors. Just be certain to select out a species that could develop to total dimension within your area.[1] •    If you choose coniferous trees, junipers, pines, spruces, or cedars all make exceptional alternatives. •    If you must increase a tree indoors (or for those who dwell in the scorching climate), take into consideration a tropical species. Jade, snowrose, and olive trees could possibly be grown as bonsais.
Choose regardless if to plant the tree from seed. Planting a bonsai tree from seed is often a slow but rewarding system. If you happen to plant a tree, you will have to permit it time for you to get root and develop solid before you decide to can start off trimming and coaching. Dependent to the species of tree you develop, this might get as much as 5 many years.[2] A number of obtain the additional wait and energy for being really worth it, considering seeds are so low-cost and also the grower is in a position to manage the tree at each and every stage of development. To expand a bonsai from seed, get the next measures: •    Buy a package deal of bonsai tree seeds. Soak them overnight just before planting them in soil with excellent drainage along with the best nutrient composition for the tree species. Plant the tree inside a teaching container (instead of a ceramic show container, that is only utilized after the tree has become skilled and reached maturity). •    Give the planted tree the right level of sun, water, in addition to a steady temperature, once again dictated from the distinct species of tree. •    Allow the tree to come to be sturdy and sturdy prior to deciding to start to train it.
Give consideration to foraging to get a bonsai tree. This approach to obtaining a bonsai tree is extremely valued, given that caring for any bonsai tree you discover while in the wild needs loads of talent and know-how. If collecting a tree which has had its commence in nature appeals for you, think about the next variables: •    Select a tree by using a sturdy trunk, but 1 that's nonetheless pretty youthful. Older trees will not adapt effectively to remaining positioned within a container. •    Choose a tree with roots that spread evenly in every single course, other than expanding laterally or entangled together with the roots of other trees. •    Dig throughout the tree and extract a big quantity of soil in conjunction with the roots. This may avert the tree from dying of shock when it truly is moved to a container.[3] •    Plant the tree inside a huge instruction container. Care for it in line with the requirements with the certain species. Wait about a 12 months for your roots to acquire put to use for the container before you decide to commence teaching it.
Select from between trees which have by now been partially qualified. This is actually the simplest approach to commence the artwork of bonsai, however it can be quite possibly the most pricey. Bonsai trees which have been grown from seed and partially qualified have currently obtained a great deal of time and care, so they're in most cases very expensive. Search on-line and in nearby nurseries and plant retailers to get a bonsai tree to carry dwelling with you. •    If you purchase a partially-trained bonsai from a store, speak using the particular person who skilled it about its precise requires. •    When you deliver the bonsai household, give it a number of weeks to modify towards the new setting prior to deciding to get started doing work with it.
The bonsai is actually a delightful and entertaining plant to get throughout the dwelling or workplace. Although it does need to have appropriate care and interest, do not allow that intimidate you. ProFlowers Merchandising Product or service Designer Nikki Kinowski says, “Our juniper bonsai (outside solution) and our golden gate ficus (indoor solution) will be the most forgiving possibilities for novices.” ProFlowers also gives a kit only for newbies, which incorporates an outside juniper bonsai, a humidity tray and pebbles, an instruction booklet in addition to a pair of bonsai clippers.   Right here are some tips about tips on how to care for the bonsai: Water your bonsai! Chances are you'll imagine it is a no-brainer, however the bonsai has really precise watering necessities. Roughly as soon as every week or so (once the topsoil feels fully dry) immerse the complete bonsai plant in the bucket or basin of water. When the air bubbles have risen to your prime, the bonsai has absorbed sufficient water. Humidity can also be a vital consideration for your health and fitness from the bonsai. All ProFlowers bonsais feature humidity trays and bag of pebbles. The humidity tray is unwrapped from the recipient, covered using the presented pebbles, after which the pebbles are covered which has a small water. This can boost the humidity degree to the tree, together with guarding the desk or table surface on which it truly is positioned.   In which to place the bonsai The bonsai brings a all-natural and peaceful come to feel to any residing room. Given that it is not technically a plant, but a tree, it tends to make a different and enchanting addition to a area or outside area. Just ensure that it will get a lot of direct sunlight, so area it both outdoors or indoors close to a window. Because the bonsai is regarded for its tranquility, we such as the notion of putting it in an workplace area. Dad or even a coworker would adore a bonsai to spruce up their workplace. In accordance with ProFlowers Director of Merchandise, Megan Matanzo, “The jade bonsai is often a relatively very easy indoor bonsai selection, and does properly in an workplace natural environment.”   Prune your bonsai Primary, get a deep breath. One particular on the biggest points of interest of the bonsai is definitely the calming impact of only trimming this miniature tree. The target with pruning will be to keep its form because it grows. Plus, cleansing up the major development assures development elsewhere over the plant. Use bonsai clippers (not scissors!) to clear away any dead branches. Then determine which branches to trim so as to sustain the sought after style. Bonsai pruning is regarded as an artwork type, that's why this tiny tree helps make this kind of an awesome present for artistic pals. Matanzo says, “The much more you understand concerning the artwork, the a lot more intriguing the bonsai can be-many get the artwork of bonsai incredibly meditative and good for stress-reduction.”   The perfect bonsai soil Not only any soil will do for the bonsai. The objective should be to locate a soil that drains rapidly, but nonetheless manages to retain its water. Additionally, it has to have tiny particles to make certain correct aeration, making it possible for oxygen to achieve the roots. Thankfully, we’ve carried out some investigate to suit your needs! One can find specialty soils within the market place created only for bonsais (the straightforward route), otherwise you can combine your personal(if you are feeling ambitious). It truly is also crucial to include fertilizer for your soil in the course of development season (often early spring to mid fall).   Connect with other bonsai fans Uncover other plant and bonsai lovers in the local community to find out even more tricks and strategies. Head to your regional botanical backyard or nursery and signal up to get a class. This can be a exciting way for you to meet new individuals and in addition maybe select up a brand new and interesting pastime.   Searching for a terrific present for Dad this Father’s Day? Or probably you wish to deal with a superb pal to a one of a kind and comforting present. The bonsai is exclusive, gorgeous and a thing for being cherished for any very long time with right care-our smallest bonsai is probably 5 many years outdated along with the greater ones can simply be ten to twenty many years previous! Test out even more care ideas and begin looking for just the correct bonsai tree for somebody exceptional, or for your self!
como cuidar de bonsai de jabuticaba
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pagedesignhub-blog · 7 years
Low price India tours: Nice low finances journey offers by using Kesari excursions
New Post has been published on https://pagedesignhub.com/low-price-india-tours-nice-low-finances-journey-offers-by-using-kesari-excursions/
Low price India tours: Nice low finances journey offers by using Kesari excursions
Price range travel may be very rewarding. Whilst you go to some of your dream locations, have the finest studies of your lifestyles, make recollections worth cherishing forever and comprehend that your bank stability has no longer taken a terrible blow at the stop of it all, the feeling is unheard of. In fact, trendy journey tendencies for 2017 advice that people are now giving up pointless luxurious and spending much less on materialistic matters to focus on stories. price range travel is in! It is, therefore, natural that excursion operators are now arising with a few excellent tour packages for finances journeys. One such operator in India is Kesari excursions which offers programs for all varieties of travelers. From nearby excursions to global ones, Kesari has a huge kind of alternatives for any kind of excursion you have in thoughts. Here are 5 fantastic low charges India excursions by Kesari you should consider in your subsequent holiday.
Kottayam – Kerala’s Hidden Jewel for Nature-Lovers Approximately 154-km in the Northwest of Thiruvananthapuram and Approximately 65-km southeast of Kochi, amid fascinating mangrove forests and beguiling lush green paddy fields, there locates a small town known as ‘Kottayam’. As soon as you approach the town, it starts courting you with its unparallel natural beauty and amazing geographical features. Long stretches of coconut trees dotted with spellbinding waterways, lovely plantations of tea, rubber and pepper, wide open grass fields and unrelenting degrees of large mountains; no surprise Kottayam attracts heaps of nature-Fans from a long way and huge. Additionally, rare species of plants & flowers and scores of birds & wild animals make this area a haven for eco-tourists.
There are many places of vacationer interest in Kottayam. The spiritual harmony in/round can leave every body spellbound. The location has 50 temples, 70 churches and numerous mosques which give grand non secular fervor and historicity to savour. Cultural occasions and galas which Kottayam celebrates are extraordinary and pleasure attractions of a Kerala excursion. a few popular places of religious & cultural importance in Kottayam encompass well-known Mahadeva temple, Shri Krishna Swami Temple, Bhagawati Temple, St. Mary’s Church and Panchalimedu.
There is beautiful Kesari Falls positioned among Kuttikanam and Murinjapuzha on Kottayam-Kumili street. The Vembanad Lake, Approximately 16-km from Kottayam, is any other feather in crown of Kottayam tourism and Kerala tourism. A repository of galore rivers, canals, and drills, this area is gaining massive recognition among nature-loving vacationers. In conjunction with breathtaking surroundings, this lake presents splendid opportunities for fishing, houseboat cruise, and birding. At the bank of Vembanad, the well-known Kumarakom Chook sanctuary is every other trip for vacationers. Come Right here to discover some of the species of birds such as Siberian Stork, egret, heron and Darter and so forth.
An area of opulent records & cultures, abundance of herbal bounties and high appealing way of life, Kottayam is a surprise in itself. It’s been thronged by using site visitors during a yr, but the Satisfactory time to plot a Kottayam excursion is among September and March whilst weather is relatively cool and dry. Kottayam is properly connected to the relaxation of the country through extraordinary street-rail-air-waterways. Nedumbassery, Approximately 90-km North, is the closest airport, even as Kottayam itself has a railway station which has connectivity to nearly whole Kerala kingdom. Ferry services are to be had to approach the town through waterways.
For accommodation, Kottayam has an array of choices to cater every need and finances. travelers may choose from luxurious inns & resort to budget accommodations and accommodations. some famous resorts in Kottayam consist of the Pearl Regency luxury Commercial enterprise Hotel, Kumarakom Lake inn and Windsor Citadel. You may opt for a home remains if you want an accommodation at reasonably-priced costs. whilst making plans for Kottayam excursion, a number Kerala excursion programs are available in the market. Looking online, You can find a holiday package deal that fits your vacation fashion and budget. India excursions: Enjoy the fantastic Tranquility
India is one of the oldest and finest civilizations in the international. The cultural origins of this outstanding land can be traced lower back to the Harappa length, the remains of which might be a fantastic source of records to many historians and these precious remains are loved by human beings internationally. India, being one of the oldest nations and the most important democracy inside the international has a lot to provide to the discerning tourists. The splendor of this u. S . A . is such that though There is awesome variety in traditions, religions, languages, manners, habits, customs and tastes, for those who tour to India, India presents itself as beautiful united states of America. It’s miles definitely one of the maximum lovely countries where in one hand You may discover spiritualism and mysticism and alternatively, You could sooth your senses with super pleasures. In this land of outstanding variety, There are plethora of options that you can choose from at some point of their excursion to India.
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