#its a given they’d b gay it’s good omens..
skeetlebeetle · 1 year
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good omens/bigtop burger crossover 4 @histrionicscribbler. srry 4 bad qual
also this is my 1st time rlly trying 2 draw in the btb style so i hope i did it justice!! maybe i’ll color it in l8r who knows..
(DONT MAKE ME TAP THE SIGN!!! if yr gonna use my art [don’t repost] u gotta credit me!!)
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 13 Part 2
Nearly made it to Alpha Centauri!
Warnings for this chapter: the terrifying vastness of space; vertigo; and more child endangerment than we’ve seen so far.
Link to next part at the end.
(From the beginning)
(last part)
Chapter 13, cont.
Of all the infinite spaces they’d found themselves in recently, this one truly made each of them feel small.
Nebulae crackled in the corner of their eyes. Comets sparked across the heavens like distant fireworks. There were stars, billions upon billions of stars, a riotous tumble of them. And planets, cold and grand, passing by like ships.
Aziraphale had never been here before. For the life of him, he had no idea why. No - perhaps he was afraid of the vastness. Of feeling engulfed.
He leaned, half-consciously, towards Crowley. Their fingers brushed. Slowly, as if moving underwater, Crowley gripped Aziraphale’s hand.
Aziraphale tore his eyes away from the magnitude of space and looked at Crowley. He was in profile, lips slightly parted. His eyes shone with starlight. Aziraphale wanted to kiss him and keep watching him forever. He remembered Crowley had probably seen this room before. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years in the past. Perhaps it hit him harder to come back than Aziraphale to see it for the first time.
“Did I ever mention I helped build some of these?” Crowley whispered.
“Yes, dear,” Aziraphale whispered back. His heart brimmed over.
He happened to know the only part of Her creation missing from this room was the Earth. That was because it was on the top floor. He saw it the last time he presented his weekly report to Gabriel, floating in the air like a large, sedate disco ball. They would all use it in three days' time to transport themselves to Earth for Armageddon. Every angel in Christendom, pouring out of the sky.
Aziraphale peered around. There didn’t seem to be much of a filing system in here. Maybe all he had to do was…
“Alpha Centauri?” he said.
It was like going for a gentle stroll and accidentally stepping off a skyscraper.
Space lurched. The detritus of the universe streaked towards him, and past him before he could think about screaming. Two blue dots came out of the darkness like all-knowing eyes that meant the end of all things. They expanded until they were the size of suns, filling his vision, pinning him under their gaze, until with a heart-stopping wrench -
It all stopped.
Space was still again. The binary star system of Alpha Centauri lay before them, winking blue.
Aziraphale shook off the feeling he’d just freefall dived from a million miles up. He glimpsed Crowley’s face, and got a sudden idea of what it must have felt like for him, before all this happened. The Fall. He squeezed Crowley’s hand. Crowley’s eyes were glazed. Slowly, he came back to himself and squeezed back.
Aziraphale remembered, a fraction later than he should have, to check on Adam.
The boy’s face was white with exhilaration. “Wicked,” he whispered to himself.
Spacedog yipped and scratched his flank with his cybernetic back leg. His ears jiggled inside his fishbowl helmet. He didn’t look impressed. Aziraphale supposed he was made for this environment. Then he went back to deliberately ignoring Spacedog, because while Spacedog’s existence was remarkable, Aziraphale found him far too ridiculous to dwell on.
“We want Proxima Centauri B,” he said.
This time they all braced themselves. There was a relatively short, painless lurch forward as the room zoomed in on the planet orbiting one sun, Proxima Centauri. The planet was pockmarked like porous stone. It turned ponderously in the light from its star.
“Oh!” Crowley leaned forward in wonder. He pointed down at the craggy little planet. “I remember this! This one was one of mine.”
Aziraphale watched him puff out his chest and smiled.
“Yup. I totally helped with this one. Well. I looked over the plans. Well. I graffitied a rude word in some space dust.” Crowley paused. “They probably took it out.”
“How lovely,” Aziraphale said, dryly.
This was it. Triumph rang through his head. He was about to become an outer space fugitive. He couldn’t believe they’d got this far. There was only one step left, and they were home free. Or… not home. Not yet. But definitely free.
“Crowley, do you trust me?”
Crowley’s head snapped round. “That’s a funny question at this stage,” he said, sounding perturbed.
“Sorry. I need to be sure, though, or this next part won’t work.”
Crowley’s golden eyes regarded him.
“I trust you, angel.”
Aziraphale turned to face him. Crowley did the same, mirroring him. Aziraphale caught his other hand, holding them both, bare and gloved.
“Fuse with me.”
Relief lifted Crowley’s face.
“Oh, thank Satan. I was worried for a moment.”
Aziraphale gave a chuckle. “Sorry for being dramatic. I wasn’t -”
He broke off. He hadn’t been sure. If Crowley had truly forgiven him, yet. It would be understandable if he needed more time.
Apparently not. Crowley was attempting to loosen up in the receptionist’s tailored trousers. He stretched his inhumanly bendy spine, wiggled his snaky hips. It would have been rather alluring if Crowley wasn’t, as Aziraphale well knew, an awful dancer. It still was quite alluring, actually.
“Remember how to do this?” Crowley grinned.
“Of course. Like riding a velocipede.”
Crowley groaned and laughed. He began… a kind of shimmy, Aziraphale supposed. It was very wriggly. It had a slight drunk-wedding-guest-cum-gay-bar aspect, not that he’d been to a wedding or a gay bar in over eighty years.
Now that push came to shove, he felt rather foolish doing this in front of an audience. He avoided looking anywhere near Adam and broke into a modified Gavotte.
They danced towards each other. They were taking it slower than the urgency of the situation asked for, if he was being honest. But it was thrilling, the build up without touching, the coy flashes of eye contact. Aziraphale felt Crowley’s body heat through his silk blouse. Crowley’s long, skinny chest wiggled inches away from him. His gem glowed softly, like it was warming up.
Aziraphale clasped his arm, and his own gem flared.
They melted together.
Zadkiel stumbled out, wide-eyed and flushed.
“Wow. I need to get a room.”
He noticed Adam.
“Ummmm. Hello there. We’ve sort-of met, sort-of haven’t. I’m Zadkiel.” He held out his hand.
Adam glared as he took it. Some weird grown-up stuff had just happened, and he was ready to zip away from it at the speed of light.
“They just… turned into you,” he said.
“They’re really bad dancers.”
“So am I!”
“Right. Why’d they do that, then?”
“Well… they’ve been apart for a while, and while they’re not human, as you know, er, I know for your species the whole dancing thing can be something of a mating ritual… has anyone ever given you the Talk?”
Adam looked deeply disgusted.
“Why’d they turn into you?” he asked, in slow, measured tones.
“Oh! So they can’t track us.” Zadkiel flashed a grin. “The people we’re running away from can tell whenever Aziraphale or Crowley use their powers - their alien powers, that is - but I don’t show up on their, errr, alien scanner things. So they can’t follow us to Proxima Centauri.”
This was going to require a lot of discipline, he realised. If they wanted to be good intergalactic space fugitives - and Zadkiel absolutely did - there would have to be no more performing of miracles unless fused from now on. One thoughtless snap of the fingers from either of them, and it would all be over. Zadkiel hoped the other two were up to it.
He squared up to the orbiting planet below.
“Enough explanation. It’s time to go. Are you ready?”
Adam nodded. The blue lights of Alpha Centauri shone in his eyes.
“Brilliant. Hold on to my arm and don’t let go no matter what.”
Adam scooped up Spacedog,[1] along with the Book, and looped his spare arm through Zadkiel’s. He may have shown up unexpectedly, but he was a reassuringly large presence.
Zadkiel performed the ritual on himself and Adam. Nobody needed to leave their gems behind accidentally at this stage. He guessed it would be messy in Adam’s case.
“Here we go -”
Zadkiel reached out.
His fingertips dissolved as they neared the planet. Then his whole body melted into a stream of atoms, and this really was a freefall, dimensions compressing around him, his body stretching back miles, stars streaking across his vision. He was made of mist and he was rushing through a cold tunnel faster than any living thing had ever moved
They popped out at the other end, mouths agape like fish.
The first thing was the silence.
It was crushing and absolute. It was the silence of a void. A sea of darkness full of pinpricks of light that only made the darkness more infinite. He remembered, from two different perspectives, rowing across a lake that had been like this.
Then, the planet.
It spread out below him. A hard, mountainous, canyon-pocked waste-scape. He could see where it curved, the crescent of light like the rind of an orange. He could see the shimmering corona of its atmosphere. He could see the granite and sandstone and marsh-coloured patches of its body, all merging like a paintbox left out in the rain.
He had never seen anything like it. A new world. Untouched. Alien.
He had to admit it was a cracking view.
Adam’s fingers dug into his arm. The green dog yipped at a hysterical pitch.
Zadkiel looked down at the boy and noticed the third thing.
Adam gasped for breath that wouldn’t come. He stared into Zadkiel’s eyes, terrified, as his lips turned blue.
[1] Neither of Zadkiel’s components knew what to make of the dog. They’d each secretly hoped that fusing would bring some wisdom on the subject. Zadkiel was happy to report: nope. The dog thing was really weird.
(Link to next part)
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bamby0304 · 6 years
With Wolves- Ch.2
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Series Masterlist Bamby’s Masterlist
Summary: Known as The Omen, your reputation puts fear in some of the most dangerous and deadly Alphas. So when you’re caught and sent to the worst maximum security facility unknown to man, no one expected an unclaimed Omega to walk through the gates in shackles and an orange jumpsuit. Word circulates, and before long there’s a price on your head. Who will claim the untamed Omega?
Series Taglist is Closed
Warnings: Explicit language. A/B/O dynamics.
You know you’re in deep shit when you’re thrown into a place that has no known address… or name… or existence. They were quite literally throwing away the key, now. After years of getting caught and getting out, they’d finally given up on sending you to the usual Omega prisons. Mind you, it shouldn’t have taken them so long to figure out you weren’t an ordinary Omega.
Though, at the same time, you should have known better than to get caught. The handful of times you’d been busted before had been on purpose- except for the first time, that was a fuck up on your behalf- you’d had work to do on the inside. But this time? Well, let’s just say you now knew you couldn’t trust anyone, didn’t matter what was between their legs or engraved in their biology.
Shuffling down the halls of your new home, your eyes scanned everything and everyone, taking in your surroundings. If they thought you were going to be stuck here for the rest of your life, then they were idiots. You gave it two months tops before you were sippin’ cocktails and killing douchebags all over again.
One of the guards shoved at you. You turned to glare at him over your shoulder, but he didn’t even give you a second glance.
“In there.” One of the others gestured to the door you now stood next to.
Without a word, or hesitation, you grabbed the handle, turned it, opened the door and stepped inside. You were in an office.
It was a mess. There was no organisation to it, at all. You were surprised someone could work in an environment this bad. You wouldn’t be surprised if whoever worked in the office also lived in it. God, the smell was disgusting. It smelt like someone had been sleeping on the corner couch for three weeks without showering.
“Miss Y/L/N!” a man exclaimed as he walked through a second door- which you could tell it was a bathroom due to the sound of a flushing toilet.
The man was pretty average, but that wasn’t surprising. One whiff and you could tell he was a Beta. You guessed that the majority of the workers would be Betas. They’d have to be, in order to keep the peace and also keep a regular work schedule without the interruptions of biology. You also suspected the majority- if not all- of the staff would be male.
You internally sighed. Great.
Back to the man in front of you. He was dressed in a suit that had never seen an iron in its life. He had what looked to be coffee stains on the once pale blue but now grey-blue dress shirt. His tie… well, he clearly didn’t know how to tie it, and didn’t care much either. His hair was raggedy and all over the place. You wondered how someone so messy could run an institution such as the one you now stood in.
“The name’s Chuck,” he introduced himself before reaching out to offer you his hand.
One glance at his hand and you grimaced. The guy clearly didn’t care for hygiene, and had just stepped out of the bathroom… you weren’t touching him with a ten-foot pole.
When you let his hand hang there, he chuckled nervously before dropping it. “Please, take a seat.” He gestured to one of the chairs opposite his own as he moved to sit himself. “So, Y/N… you mind if I call you Y/N?”
“You’re the boss, Chief.” You shrugged, really not caring what he called you. It’s not like you were going to be friends. You weren’t sticking around long enough to make any friends.
“Please, call me Chuck,” he insisted, a friendly but nervous smile on his lips. “Now, Y/N, normally this runs differently, but we haven’t had a case like yours before. There hasn’t been an Omega here in five years, and even then, the last had been a male, who had been… fixed.”
“De-sexed like a dog. Got ya.” You nodded sharply, leaning back in the chair carelessly, while your eyes continued to scan.
Male Omegas were rare, and most of them ended up getting the snip. If they’re rare, then female Alphas were rarer, and while some male Omegas might be gay, not all of them were lucky enough to find an Alpha to ease their heats. So, instead, they simply cut out the bits that made them male or female, and left themselves empty like a blow-up doll with body heat.
Chuck chuckled again, shifting nervously in his seat. Your lips curled in a knowing grin. He was scared of you. Good. You preferred it that way. Scared people make mistakes. Mistakes are what you needed in order to get out of this shit-stain of a place.
“Now, I know you might be a little concerned about your heat, considering you’re now stuck here with a bunch of Alphas-”
You turned to look at him then, lips set in a thin line as you showed no emotion whatsoever. “Do I look concerned, Chief?”
Shifting nervously once more, he cleared his throat. “Well, uh… no. No, you don’t, actually.”
“I can handle myself.” You smiled then. It would have looked like a sweet gesture, if your eyes didn’t have that spark of knowing amusement in them. You weren’t the one who needed to be concerned.
Running a hand through his hair, he moved on, “Right, well, still… your heats need to be controlled, for safety reasons.” You didn’t miss the fact he didn’t specify whose safety he was talking about. “You’ve been prescribed an experimental suppressant. The theory is that it’ll keep you from having heats for six to eight months.”
“So, let me get this straight, Chief.” You leaned forward in the seat to rest your elbows on your knees. “I’m getting thrown in with a bunch of pricks, and by pricks, I mean hot-headed, think-with-nothing-but-their-dick Alphas, and you want me to go on some experimental medication? Some magic pill that may or may not do what they’re supposed to? Have I got that right?”
“Uh… uh, yeah.” He nodded, suddenly unsure if he’d made the right move. “Yes, that’s right.”
You shrugged, leaning back in the chair again. “Okay, got ya. Please, continue.” You gestured for him to go on and keep talking.
He hesitated at first, clearly having no idea how to act around you. Were you pissed? Did you think the pills were a bad idea? If you did, were you going to do something about it? Did you even care? Why weren’t you reacting?
When you continued to scan the room, a carefree look on your face, he relaxed a little as he went on, “Besides the pills, we’re also offering you the chance to distance yourself. Usually we’d throw you in with another inmate, but with you we thought you’d prefer to be by yourself.”
“Alpha or Beta?” you asked without giving him a single glance.
“Excuse me?”
You turned to look at him then. “The person you’d bunk me with, they an Alpha or a Beta?”
“Oh, right.” He nodded, understanding what you were asking. “Uh, Beta. They’re a Beta.”
You shrugged. “Company wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
Truth be told, you couldn’t care less if you were alone or bunked with someone. Either way, you were getting the hell out of dodge, nothing and no one was getting in your way. No dick, prick, penis or testicle.
“Oh… okay… great!” Chuck clearly had been expecting you to want to be alone, but he tried to play off his surprise, offering yet another smile that didn’t fool you for one second. “Why don’t we go get you settled in then?”
You walked down a line of cells, which were mostly empty save for a few. The people inside them were lounging about at first, but the instant your scent hit them their interest was caught. You didn’t even glance at any of them, keeping your head held high as you shuffled down the hall, flanked by only two armed guards now, with Chuck taking the lead.
“Hey, Omega, baby.”
“Why don’t you come sit on my lap?”
“I got what you need right here, baby.”
“Got ya Alpha cock waitin’, sweetheart.”
Rolling your eyes, you ignored each and every one of the crass comments. It wasn’t the first and would definitely not be the last time you had to hear such crap. Being an Omega meant you’d been dealing with this bullshit since the day you presented. Your intolerance to it all was what had you shackled and locked away in some faraway place unknown to civilisation.
Coming to a stop by a cell, Chuck rubbed at the back of his neck as he gestured into the small room. “Here we go. Y/N, meet your cellmate, Kevin Tran.”
Looking into the cell, your eyes fell on a small guy, young enough to almost look like a kid. If you hadn’t been told he was Beta you would have guessed it in an instant. He was scrawny, tired and scared… you were amazed someone like him was in a place like this. You were also surprised he was still alive.
Stepping to the side, lifting your hands in front of you and one of the guards, going through the motions, you watched Kevin as the guards unlocked your cuffs and shackles. You didn’t tear your eyes away from your cellmate once, looking him over, analysing every detail. Like you said, you weren’t making any friends, but you weren’t opposed to a helping hand. Kevin looked like the kind of guy who would easily be manipulated, easily pushed… he could come in handy.
“Kevin,” Chuck turned to him, “it’s your job to make sure Y/N gets settled in. Show her around. Tell her how everything works. Make sure she understands the rules and such.” With a short nod, he turned back to you. “It’s really not that hard to live here. I am aware of what you all are, and why you’re all here, just… don’t kill anyone, okay?”
“I’ll try.” You gave a tight smile, glancing over your shoulder to listen to the continued onslaught of catcalls and comments. Turning back to Chuck, you shrugged. “Not making any promises, Chief.”
Once Chuck had left, along with the guards, Kevin had showed you around the small cell you both now shared. It was tiny, and that’s putting it nicely.
Two bunks, a small desk, a couple of shelves, and a toilet and connected sink. Everything that could be made of concrete was, to minimalize the risk of inmates finding something to use as a weapon or instrument to aid their escape. The chair for the desk was one piece of metal that was bolted to a pulley sort of system where it could only move backwards and forwards a few inches- there was no way to tear it off and pick it up.
The beds- which were concrete- had thin foam mattresses on them, with no seams or lines to hide anything. The sheets were all white, probably to make cleaning them easier. The toilet was metal, but with no pointed edges. In fact, there wasn’t a single pointed edge in the room. Everything was curved, and round…
It was overkill, but you didn’t doubt it was necessary.
After Kevin showed you the small room and offered you whatever bed you wanted- you took the bottom, by the way- the two of you headed out so he could show you around more.
The whole place was concrete, you realised. There was minimal metal, and absolutely no glass. Most things were unmoveable, bolted down or built into the walls and floors. You also noticed that the hallways were wide, to prevent sneaky oops-I-bumped-into-someone shiv attacks, you guessed. Above the hallways, and in every public room, you noticed the high ceilings… the very high ceilings… and the walkways up ahead.
Catwalks for the guards. Not a single guard was on ground level with the inmates. They were all above, constantly moving, all armed and watching. Security cameras were everywhere as well. So far you hadn’t spotted a single blind spot. Every nook and cranny was covered by a camera.
The place had a decent system going.
Kevin took you to the library, which you’d been surprised to see it was in fact a library. The shelves and tables were all concrete, the chairs plastic and- surprisingly- moveable. It looked like a weird dystopian apocalyptic world version of an ordinary library.
The cafeteria was next. Unlike normal prisons, inmates didn’t work in the kitchen. You guessed it was to keep the criminals away from any knives or other utensils that could be used as a weapon. The tables were like the ones in the library, only these ones had connecting benches. On one side of the room were windows that looked out into the yard- which had been filled with inmates. The other side had barred windows where the food was collected and served.
While walking around, you’d spotted a few inmates checking you out. You didn’t miss the whispers or the looks. You just chose to ignore it. Not a single soul had come up to either you or Kevin, and as long as that continued, you weren’t going to start something. If you wanted out of this place, you couldn’t afford any distractions.
One thing that hadn’t failed to distract you was Kevin.
Kevin was adorable… and absolutely terrified of you.
It was obvious. Every time you made a sudden movement, he jumped. His eyes darted around. His fingers fiddled. He shifted on the spot. He was sweating like a sinner in church. If he shat himself, you wouldn’t have been surprised. The guy was scared of you, and either had no idea or no control over the fact he was making it pretty clear.
“I need some fresh air,” you told him, hoping that going outside would offer him some ease.
Being around others wouldn’t make you feel great, but you didn’t want to have to live with someone who was petrified of you, so hopefully this olive branch would lessen the fear. Hopefully.
Continuing down the hall you were both in, he gave a quick nod. “Yeah. Sure. Of course. I’ll, uh… I can show you the yard? But, uh…”
When he kept hesitating, you sighed. “Seriously, I need you to breathe. If you keep freaking out, living in that cell together is gonna suck. You got a problem, say something so we can clear the air now. I won’t bite,” you assured him.
He didn’t look convinced. “You’re a killer…”
Your lips curled into a grin. “What do you know about me?” He made a few stuttering sounds that told you plenty. “Yes, I’m a killer. But I have never killed anyone who isn’t an Alpha. You are a Beta. You’re safe. I have no reason to kill you. I don’t even have a reason to hurt you. So, let’s keep it that way, and go outside, yeah?”
“Okay.” He nodded, turning to leave and led you towards the doors that would take you to the yard. He made it all of three steps before he stopped.
Groaning, you shook your head, looking up at the ceiling with exasperation. “Now what?”
Slowly, he turned to you again. “There are Alphas outside.”
“You worried I’m gonna kill them?”
“I’m more worried about what they’ll do to you, actually.”
Lowering your head, you looked him in the eyes, surprised. “You’re worried about me?”
It had been awhile since someone had worried about you…
He shrugged. “There are a lot of them out there. The guards don’t do much to break up fights. They only care when it looks like the fight might lead to someone getting killed. I doubt they’ll care much if you get cornered,” he noted. “And while I know you can handle yourself, I don’t think even you could fight back against tens of Alphas.”
Lips curling into that grin once more, you shrugged. “Why don’t we find out for ourselves?”
“Seriously?” His eyes were wide with fear. Fear for what might happen… and fear for your clear insanity. Only someone with no brains would wittingly and willingly put themselves in a potentially deadly situation, which is exactly what you were suggesting.
There was a chill in the air as you stepped outside. You tried to take in your surroundings first, ignoring all the eyes that turned your way. You noted the huge walls that covered any view of the outside world. You could barely see the tops of a few tall trees. There was nothing you could see that would suggest where you were.
Giving up on the outside world, you turned your attention to inside the walls. The yard was akin to other prisons you’d seen and been in, but there were a few differences.
For starters, the place was open, and big, and surrounded by the large walls. There were a few spots people could sit and huddle together in an attempt at finding privacy, but the majority of the space left everything on display for the watching gazes of the guards up above.
Walking the cat walks high above the ground, armed guards watch the inmates closely. Though, you noticed how a large number of them were now focused on you.
Scoffing, you turned your attention back to your surroundings. You noticed the two basketball courts, the field which was surprisingly covered in a thin layer of lovely green grass. There were benches and tables, some under cover but mostly not, all of them made from concrete. In one of the far corners you could see the minimal makings of an outdoor gym- which consisted of nothing that could be removed or used as a weapon, everything once again bolted down or made from concrete.
Considering who was locked up, and why, you were amazed at what was on offer. Then again, you remembered what this place was used for. The people here, the prisoners, they were here for life. They were too dangerous to be out in the real world.
If they’re dangerous, why aren’t they just killed? It depends.
Every person behind the tall and impossible walls had knowledge in their noggins. Some of that was useful, some of it was deadly. The people who funded and ran the prison wanted the prisoners alive. The hope was that they’d be able to fish information out of them.
But there were a few who legally weren’t allowed to be killed, no matter how dangerous they might be. By a few, you meant one. By one, you meant yourself.
It was an international law that no Omega could be killed. Your breed was rare, to the point of almost extinction. The only way to make more was for Omegas to breed with Alphas. So, it didn’t matter how many people you killed, you weren’t getting executed anytime soon.
That was a positive to your genes, everything else was pretty much a negative.
While you’d learnt to stick up for yourself- to dangerous and deadly levels- most Omegas were push overs. There were camps where Omegas were hunted like exotic animals, and then sold to the highest bidder. Some people bought them to add to a collection… the rest were Alphas looking for a cunt to knot.
Your hands curled into fists as your mind wandered to those dark thoughts. You despised Alphas. You hated them. They made your blood boil with a rage that sometimes literally burned you from within. You saw red at the thought of them touching one of your own. Forcing themselves on the unsuspecting, fragile and weak Omegas that couldn’t- and usually wouldn’t- fight back.
“Well, look what we have here.”
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