#its a minor hang up but like. his armor was in the river erui
rohirric-hunter · 7 months
Okay so to keep it all in one convenient place:
Evidence FOR Azagath Sea-shadow being Castamir the Usurper:
The Five Sisters have beef with him. Which means he's been in Gondor before, because they don't really go anywhere else.
Nimrodel says they will "have their vengeance" upon him, and while, again, I haven't done all the relevant quests, I do know that much to-do was made of the kin-strife being fought in the waters of the Erui and the wounds that inflicted on the Lone Lady, and by extension the rest of the sisters. And whose fault was that.
All of this was also brought up again kind of out of nowhere way back at the beginning of this questline.
If Azagath was just another Black Numenorian sorcerer trying to get power for himself after the fall of Sauron, then unfortunately that would make him basically just Asachal but a dude. And she was the big bad of the last story arc. And if there's one thing LotRO doesn't do it's make their major villains repetitive. (Their minor villains... well that's a whole other wheelhouse.)
And what a FUN idea for a villain. Just based on how cool this idea is I hope it's true so so much.
Evidence AGAINST Azagath Sea-shadow being Castamir the Usurper:
The game has yet to explain to me how Castamir might have avoided getting the shit killed out of him as he so rightfully deserves
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