#its a tradition that helps keeps their friendship alive
thermo-catz · 6 months
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This was originally just supposed to be left as a warm up sketch of my sdv farmer (Mousse) but I ended up coloring it
Crunchy vs smooth peanut butter ... .. cuz i couldn't decide
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adhdnojutsu · 7 months
"Stop making them gay"
The main reason a lot of male characters in Naruto didn't have a chance with each other despite being written like lovebirds, is because Shonen doesn't do "gay". Itachi was canonically more attached to Shisui than to Izumi and Naruto more to Sasuke than to Hinata, but Shonen insists to be traditionally masculine, and traditional masculinity rejects what it assumes of homosexuality minus its allowance for "manly tears" or flamboyant outfits. Instead, it exaggerates male friendships/brotherhood to a point that is far from credible and has to screech "no homo" as a constant disclaimer. The Naruto franchise may have started "low key shipping" SNS as a joke, but it's not a baseless one at all.
ShiIta are so similar to Romeo & Juliet, it's ridiculous. While they weren't from warring clans, they were loyal to warring entities and bound to be pitted against each other in the coup if it had gone down and Shisui been alive. The conflict between the Uchiha clan and Konoha was in the way of them being as close as they wanted to be, with Shisui being tasked to spy on Itachi and Itachi tasked to spy on the clan Shisui was loyal to, so they had to meet secretly. Ultimately, they were both sacrificed for peace and for what was left of their respective allegiances (Sasuke and Konoha).
Naruto stepped in repeatedly when Itachi was beating up Sasuke, but kept pushing Hinata to fight Neji against whom she clearly stood no chance and who was intending to kill her, because he is pathologically ready to disrespect Sasuke's wishes to save him, but projected his own, naive ideals onto Hinata with no regard for her life, just because it made HIM mad to watch. I mean, he was visibly shocked when Hinata confessed to him 16 years into their lives... She was never a priority in his life before The Last, and he probably would have equally lost it if Pain had beaten up Moegi that way, because he was already livid over Jiraiya, Kakashi, the village etc. and wasn't about to stand for one more friend getting killed by this terrorist. Hinata, at that time, meant little more to him than his other classmates, Sasuke did and always has. He literally asked her why she'd risk her life for him because he did not see or feel anything that would make that question redundant. Izumi wasn't mentioned once post-mortem except vaguely, by Obito, while Shisui's influence on Itachi, both ideological and emotional, is canon gospel. It's so great that I can't help but wonder if he used Kotoamatsukami on Itachi before giving him his remaining eye. "Friendship" and "brotherhood" are NOT "emotional co-dependency and self-destructive emulation". Neither is a healthy romantic relationship, but people in fiction more typically go insane over or sacrifice their authentic self for, (lost) romance than (lost) friendship or siblings.
There's also nothing platonic about stalking your "friend" to a point where he feels compelled to kill you while you're screaming that you're gonna break all of his bones if that's what it takes to keep him by your side. Nothing cute or sane either, mind you. Sasuke and Naruto are a lot like Sarah and Setsuna of Angel Sanctuary. Sure, they're meant to be siblings or sibling-like, but DAMN that's not a sibling-appropriate degree of obsession.
Shonen has a tendency to exaggerate the importance of bonds and convictions, but Kishimoto took it to a level that has licensing companies make jokes in the form of couple-coded merch or fan service scenes. Even if he didn't do it on purpose, he clearly did it on such a blatantly obvious level that you get shit like this:
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elemom · 9 months
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I saw these tags from @dont-eat-lint-rollers and i thought it warranted its own post.
I don’t think blaseball’s memory is gonna die any time soon. Sure, we were never a huge community, but for those that participated in the cultural event of blaseball, the impact was huge.
Perhaps it’s in the way we’ll always call low-chance raffle results a “wimdy.” Maybe it’s in when we see a NaN error, we can’t help but think of a friendly, traveling void. Or seeing a tarot card and remembering back when each team had one assigned. Or seeing a 504 error and remembering the infinite Los Angeli.
Maybe blaseball is hidden in times when we see the shorts emoji and get jumpscared. (Speaking of which, get tillman’d lol 🩳). Or when a heated discussion sparks over how many bones a group of characters have. Or when we see a solar eclipse and remember the players we lost to the hall.
Or maybe it’s within the lasting friendships we forged over a silly baseball simulator. I know I can speak for this— I wouldn’t be who I am today without the friends I found in blaseball.
You can take the man out of blaseball, but you can’t take blaseball out of the man. Our traditions will carry on, I think. I hope. I always try and keep the culture alive in any way possible. Blaseball’s future is in our hands now, not TGB’s. It’s up to us to savor that memory.
…Plus, SIBR’s archivists do NOT fuck around.
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cutekittenlady · 5 months
More BDKO Earthspark headcanons
Previous headcanon list is here.
This one is going to contain ideas and spoilers for my Summary Fic "Planes, Trains, and Autobots"
Due to spending the final days of the war helping Knock Out in the medical ward, Breakdown actually has a bit more advanced knowledge of first aid and diagnosis than your typical soldier. He wasn't working closely enough or long enough with Knock Out to be considered an out and out nurse, but he learned enough to keep his own body maintained and repaired to a higher standard than some of the other decepticons who were left on their own after the war. Basically, he might not know enough about medicine and surgery to fix you up, but he darn well knows enough to keep you alive until someone who does gets there.
Knock Out played a role in the Stunticons being dissolved. Sick of Motormasters frequent attempts to undermine his influence (both of them are some of the only vehicle modes in the decepticon high command and MM was pretty determined to be the "big truck" between them so to speak) Knock Out kept an extensive record of all the Decepticons who were injured and lost during Menasors rampages and presented them to Megatron as "proof" that Menasor damaged their own forces far more then he harmed the autobots. As powerful of an asset as Menasor was, Knock Out argued, Motormasters complete lack of control over the combined form and, notably, the ease with which it had been broken up by autobots in the past meant that it was a weapon that was far too easily turned back onto the Decepticons, and that they'd be better off combatting the Autobots combiners in different ways rather than waste their still scarce resources cleaning up Menasors "messes". In the midst of a losing streak, Megatron sided with Knock Out and the Stunticons were subsequently dissolved. All their members reassigned to other parts of the army with Knock Out taking Breakdown as a bodyguard and assistant as one final "Screw You" to Motormaster Motormaster has never forgiven him.
Knockout and Bumblebee only know each other via the war. As predicted this makes things between them very tense with Bumblebee only learning Breakdown and Knockout are even that close after the war has ended. This sadly makes Bumblebee predisposed to distrust the sincerity of Knockouts feelings for Breakdown at first which puts a strain on the twos friendship. The two never really develop the kind of over friendship that Breakdown and bumblebee have, but do learn to get along for Breakdowns sake if nothing else.
Knockout knows about Breakdowns history with Bumblebee because Breakdown shared it with him as part of their Conjunx Ritus.
Funnily enough (or not so funnily) a debate could be had as to whether or not Knockout and Breakdowns "Conjunxing" is fully official. Knockout insists he has never had a chance to complete "The Act of Devotion" that would make him and Breakdowns an officially bonded couple. Especially since Breakdown never specified what act of devotion he expected of him. Breakdown however thinks of this as a technicality. While he followed through on the ceremony for the sake of tradition, for him its enough that he asked knockout to be his conjunx and he said yes. Knockout seemingly agrees with Breakdown, but internally is still trying to find an "act of devotion" that he thinks actually encompasses just how strongly he feels about Breakdown. And this will surely cause no problems.
Jumping off the last headcanon, in human terms it was Breakdown who "proposed" to Knockout after knowing him for less than a year. This is an insanely short courtship period making their relationship something of a whirlwind romance. Knockout himself was surprised by the suddenness of it. However in Breakdowns rather direct mind it made sense. He knew how strongly he felt about Knock Out (after all intentionally or not he got him away from motormaster and helped him with his stress induced paranoia) and also knew that, as they were at war, either one of them could die at anytime. He'd rather propose to Knockout now and have his feelings known over dying without expressing his feelings or otherwise losing Knockout before he could tell him how he feels. Tho honestly this rather direct method likely suceeded in winning knockout over completely where other more subtle expressions of feeling would have failed since Knockout only hesitated because of Megatrons ban on his subject conjunxing and immediately said yes upon Breakdown saying he didnt care.
After the war Breakdown and Knockout were seperated/split up to avoid capture. Breakdown hasn't seen or heard from Knockout in that time. Officially meaning the two have spent more time apart they have together.
Since he was one of the Decepticons only doctors as well as their CMO (Chief Medical Officer) Knock Out was a high profile target for GHOST and spent most of his time post war dodging GHOST and trying to remain under the radar. This is why he split up with Breakdown as he feared being caught with him would make it more likely that he'd be targeted. Knowing Breakdown likely wouldn't willingly leave Knock Out if he knew he was in danger, Knock Out instead told Breakdown that he was having second thoughts about their relationship and thought they should seperate.
Yep. Thats right folks. Knock Out literally dumped Breakdown rather than risk letting him get captured along with him.
Breakdowns five minute experience with death at the end of season 1 is what drives him to try and seek Knock Out as hes realized he's still in love with him and wants to know why he broke off their relationship.
Knock Out did learn about Breakdown's capture and was actually trying to plan a way to break him out before the whole thing with Mandroid takes place and Knock Out, just like every other cybtertonian on Earth, went offline.
Additionally Knock Out learned a loose version of events regarding the circumstances of Breakdowns capture and that Bumblebee was involved. One can imagine how this colors his view of Bumblebee.
Breakdown doesnt tell Bumblebee hes looking for Knock Out because he wants a chance to find and speak to him privately about their relationship as well as the future in general without anyone else interfering. He makes an exception for Swindle and Hardtop only because he knows he may need additional hands to help find Knock Out and because Hardtop needing a new arm is a good cover story for the real reason he's looking for him. As Breakdown still fears what other decepticons might do if they realize the true nature of his and Knock Outs relationship. He also fears that, as an Autobot, Bumblebee might feel he needs to arrest/capture Knock Out just like he did the rest of the decepticons. While he was willing to get caught to help Bee escape, he won't tolerate even his best friend locking up or harming his (technically former) conjunx.
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meracydia-miqo · 18 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 - Day 6: Halcyon
ahki pre-arr; no spoilers
The stars above remained uncountable no matter how many times she tried, glimmering softly in the wide dark expanse, clearly visible from her perch in the tree. It was one of the tallest in the surrounding area, and Ahki still remembered the first time she came here, travelling through the area in search of good hunting early one spring when she was but a few summers old.
It had always stuck with her, she and her sisters trying to scramble up the tree when they were still young, while Mother warned from a distance not to go too high, or to be careful which trees they tried to climb. The trees were alive, as much as any of them, and they had to respect them.
She’d learnt that much was true the first time one spoke to her.
“Ahki?” Zhaya’s voice sounded from down below, and Ahki leaned over to watch as her friend climbed up the tree behind her. There was a rustle as a bird flew away from a nearby branch, startled from its roost. “I knew I would find you up here,” she said, holding close to the trunk of the tree.
Zhaya had never been as adept at climbing as Ahki. Her family usually stuck to areas further inland, where the trees were smaller, and more scarce, but she was always extra enthusiastic to learn after meeting Ahki, she recalled her mother saying once.
Ahki shifted her gaze to stare up at the familiar sky again. “I wanted to see the view again, before I leave.”
“Do you know where you’re going to go first?”
“I might try and locate my brother; it would be nice to see him again. After that? I suppose I’ll just see where it takes me. That’s part of the fun, I think.”
Even up high in the tree, it was hard to see what lay beyond the horizon. The mountains to the west stood tall, blanketed in darkness at such a time of night, beyond the canopy of trees. She wondered what it had looked like in the past. The dragons kept their shores these days, keeping them safe, but her family’s traditions went back far, and Ahki wondered the full story behind it all.
It was part of the reason she wanted to explore. Even with her family’s nomadic ways, she’d seen precious little of the full expanse of the continent, and primarily only heard little bits and pieces from stories her brother would bring back, on his rare visits.
“You’ll have to tell me all about what you find when you come back,” Zhaya said, and Ahki nodded.
“You’ll be the first to know!”
Zhaya’s smile was soft, eyes deep, glowing a pale green in the darkness. She always looked at her like that, like Ahki was the only thing in the world, and Ahki was happy to have a friend so dear.
Her lips pulled up into a grin, and she jumped down to a lower branch, tail outstretched behind her for balance as it dipped slightly under the sudden weight. “Come,” she said, offering up a hand to Zhaya.
Zhaya’s ears flicked upwards, snapping out of her trance. “Right, yes!” She accepted her hand, letting Ahki guide her down to join her on the same branch, only to hesitate a moment, letting out a yelp as it dipped upon landing, shaking the leaves at the end of it roughly.
Ahki giggled. “You really need stop getting so lost in the clouds, you don’t want to fall out of the sky.”
Zhaya’s cheeks darkened, and she looked away. “You were always the one made for heights, not me.”
They descended the rest of the way down without a word from either of them, Ahki offering a hand to help when needed, letting out a soft laughter at Zhaya’s struggles. But it was all in good faith—her friend would just look at her each time and smile, often joining in herself like it was infectious.
It was these sorts of moments Ahki would miss most while she was gone, but it was always the distance that made their friendship that much more meaningful. It wasn’t unusual for them to go a moon, or occasionally even a full season, without seeing each other, each living and moving with their own families as they did, but at each union, they would go straight back to how they were like nothing had changed.
Even if she were gone until next spring, Ahki saw no reason why it should be any different.
Upon making it back down to the base of the tree, Ahki dropped down to sit on a vast root, watching as Zhaya came down to join her, letting out a sigh of relief to be out of the branches again.
“Sorry for making you climb so high to find me,” Ahki smiled apologetically as her friend sat down beside her, tail touching hers.
“It’s nothing—you know I would do anything for you.”
Her voice seemed to quiet towards the end, and Ahki looked over at her, leaning gently against Zhaya’s side. “I know, and I appreciate it.”
Zhaya went silent again, as if deep in thought. Ahki knew that she wasn’t likely to take the news that she was going away lightly, for how close they always were, but she was her friend, and would want Ahki to go and pursue what made her happy. Around their age, hovering around their twentieth summers, it was far from unusual for girls to go off by themselves, start their own families, find their own grounds, with or without others alongside them.
Though to Ahki, her priorities weren’t quite the same. She simply wanted to explore. To see more of the land, and go beyond where she’d otherwise be able to.
And then she knew, that when she came back, her family, and Zhaya, would be waiting for her.
“…I’ll miss you,” Zhaya spoke up at last, voice uncharacteristically quiet.
“It won’t be forever! I’ll be back before you know it.” Ahki grabbed her hand, prompting Zhaya to look back over at her, before she closed her eyes, speaking quietly. “But…I’ll miss you too.”
Her words faded into silence, and there was no response, until Ahki soon felt a hand on her shoulder. A soft breath touched her cheek, followed by the press of lips, and Ahki’s eyes shot open. “Zhaya?”
Zhaya quickly retreated, hand leaving hers and shifting a short distance away. “Sorry, I got…ahead of myself there.” She leaned back, hands supporting her from behind, gaze fixed up on the sky, prompting Ahki to look back upwards too. The lone moon glowed above them, its lesser twin still missing. Ahki wondered if she’d ever find what happened to it. “Just know…that I’ll be here waiting for you on your return.”
Ahki smiled to herself, feeling the cool breeze on her face, and in her hair. “Thank you,” she said. “I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.”
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halos-top-alien-model · 11 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 2 Match 10
More info below:
Thel 'Vadam / The Arbiter:
Debuted in Halo 2
Born Dec. 10th, 2485, he- 
You do not need me to write a five page breakdown on one of Halo's top five characters.
Jega 'Rdomnai / The Spartan Killer:
Debuted in Halo Infinite (retroactively present during "Headhunters" from Halo: Evolutions)
Born Feb. 19th, 2490, he would become part of the Silent Shadow whilst serving in the Covnenat military. His life would take a turn, though, when a unit he was part of had an encounter with a pair of Spartan-IIIs. This pair would cause an explosion that he survived, only to lose his left arm and left mandibles. Against Covenant tradition at the time, Jega would receive robotic prostheses. He would also take his damaged bloodblade's hilt to artisan-armorers at Cherras Keep, where it was reforged as Ghostpierce and mounted onto his robotic arm. Now full of obsession towards hunting down any and all Spartans, Jega would drift towards the Banished at some unknown point. Once in the Banished, he would develop a close friendship with War Chief Escharum over a long period of working together. 
Because of this, he would be present on Installation 07 for the conflicts that took place there in 2560. He helped torture ONI operative Kate Stalling for information. In April 2560, he killed Spartan Bonita in the subterranean Forerunner structures under Outpost Tremonius. On May 14th, he took part in the Battle of the Beacon Tower; the next day, he ambushed Spartans Theodore Sorel and Vedrana Makovich when they infiltrated the Conservatory, killing the latter in a duel and wounding the former before he was killed by Tovarus and Hyperius a little later.
Two weeks later, he would be present to learn of the survival of the Master Chief and the destruction of the Ghost of Gbraakon, along with Escharum and Tremonius. Jega would restrained and threaten Tremonius upon his questioning of Escharum's leadership. Then, Escharum would order him to follow the Master Chief in order to gather intel. After the deaths of Hyperius and Toverus, Escharum would then order the Master Chief to be brought before him, with Jega worrying about his friend's worsening terminal illness. In order to bait the Master Chief, Jega would hijack Echo 216 and kidnap its pilot, Fernando Esparza. Returning to the House of Reckoning, he would witness Escharum's rage over the Harbinger and speak with him, revealing his plan to lure the Master Chief to them. The pilot would need to be kept alive, but Escharum told Jega he could have his fun with him beyond that. Later, when the Master Chief finally caught up, Jega would use the pilot's holorecorder to lure him into a trap. They would fight, with Jega being defeated. However, due to his body disappearing, his death could not be confirmed.
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pridewon · 2 years
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@cauterisen​ said: when atsumu miya left the party, the hustle and bustle of the festivities being held in honor of him and osamu, most would have assumed the black jackals setter needed to get some air. which was fine, really. whether it be overwhelming or just a change of pace, that was all fine.what was stranger, then, was kimiko following him on what was seemingly an even greater whim.there was no need for her, really, to leave and take the gift she'd wanted to give him around the company of others and brave the october night chill with nothing but a white jacket and her own blue dress to go up to the roof, but she does.maybe, just maybe, she wanted them to have a moment to themselves. maybe she doesn't know yet, what atsumu miya and their rivalrly forged in that one national spring tourney their final year of high school turned strange but somehow meaningful friendship meant to her, but she hoped they'd find some sense of it together in quiet.she finds him, eventually, looking out at the city lights in his gold jacket with some sort of drink in hand. 'hi.' her voice came out reedlike, unlike her own. 'just wanted to say happy birthday. and to thank you.' she glanced at him again, perhaps more searchingly. 'for being there for me this long.' zip zip zip, she'd been around and busy for the past few years, from tokyo to asia and to argentina the previous year to compete in judo and study art history abroad. throughout a good deal of it, atsumu had been something of a constant for her, a companion, and even his boisterous nature and teasing made her feel more at ease and more at home, whether it be with his jokes or even bragging or gripes here and there about his career and all the goings on between him and his teammates. it made her feel at home even when she wasn't home in tokyo or even in japan, and somehow along the way she began to appreciate that and him more than she ever thought she would have. surprising, yes, but not bad by a longshot.'so i wanted to give you this.' kimiko handed atsumu a wrapped long and thin package containing a traditional japanese woven good luck charm, which she'd bought, and a tiny acrylic fox tail charm, which she had made herself, all bound together on a single silver key chain. kimiko smiled, continuing on. 'it's just a little something, really, but i hope it helps you remember that someone out there, me, is rooting for you. i know you might say you don't need extra luck but,,, it'd make me happy knowing that you have something of me, me, that's fighting on that court with you.' even if her future wasn't all solid, even if it's still up in the air partway into her final year of college and university... she felt beholden to atsumu, somehow and in some way or another, and that she wanted him to know she cared and that he was in her thoughts wherever she went or wherever her road led. her small but strong hand made its way to atsumu's shoulder, patting and then rubbing it briefly before she released it... looking into atsumu's brown eyes with her own blue. 'keep up that good volleyball fight, buddy. i'm rooting for you. always.'(happy miya twins day and atsumu day!!! even if this got ridiculously away from me lmao)
Another year around the sun; another notch at his belt and in the count of the years he and his twin have been alive. For as long as he can remember, Atsumu has had that sense that his and Osamu’s birthday was a great opportunity to gather friends and family and celebrate all together - double the dose of fun and party because there are two boys to celebrate instead of one. It has been him and Osamu since the beginning, and he cannot remember a single year where they celebrated separately - not even after they went their separate ways, not even during that year when Atsumu played abroad (he flew all the way back to Osaka for the occasion). He doesn’t expect it’ll change. Hell, he doesn’t want it to change.
Atsumu makes his brother miserable, and Osamu does him the same favour, but this is one of those things for which anything other than together is unthinkable.
By the same logic, there isn’t really a need for anyone (or an expectation for anyone) to treat one twin differently than the other, even when affinities come into play... so it does come as a surprise, when Kimiko joins him on the rooftop, reiterates her birthday wishes, and hands him a small package. ��Huh?” Surprise flashes through brown eyes, under a raise of his brow; but fingers close on the small package, discard his half-finished drink to the side on the railing, and focus on unwrapping the paper.
Atsumu Miya isn’t exactly known to be... friendly. Or present in people’s lives. Or supportive in any way shape or form - unless you’re lucky enough to stand on the same side of the court as him, or your name is Osamu Miya (maybe Kita-san gets a pass too -- but Kita-san does more of the supporting than he needs it). So when Kimiko thanks him... of course it comes as a damn surprise. 
Atsumu Miya has been called many things before: a jackass, a selfish bastard, a jerk with the personality of sewage water... admittedly, Atsumu does very little to make himself more likeable. To make himself someone other people might actually want around, or to be around. He has made his peace with it since he was twelve years old, but... 
... but life is full of surprises, and maybe, just maybe -- he’s getting a little bit less shit at the whole friends thing with age. A little buzzed by the beer and sake he has already ingested, the Black Jackals’ setter contemplates the keychain assorted with charms resting in the palm of his hand.
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... Atsumu is not a very good friend, he thinks. But Kimiko begs to differ, and maybe, maybe (!!)... it’s nice to know someone is in your corner, every once in a while. Maybe it’s nice to know that for all their bickering and their little highschool rivalry back in the days? She has decided to grant him a respect he didn’t even know he deserved or should expect. He weighs the little charms in his hand, and turns his eyes to her with a lazy, foxy smile. “You better. We’re gonna win the Olympics next year, y’wouldn’t wanna miss out on that, wouldja?” He muses, acknowledging the pat on his shoulder by ruffling her raven hair (a good and sure way to annoy her - a good and sure way to defuse and diffuse the fact that maybe (!!) he’s getting a little emotional). “Thanks. For, y’know - this.” He pulls the key to his apartment from the pocket of his jacket, and hooks it to the keychain. Perfect. “ ‘course I don’t need extra luck on the court, but y’know, I might need it t’survive the airhead gang I got as a team, so. Keep rootin’ for me, an’ I’ll keep rootin’ for ya too, deal?” 
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lobanusclub · 12 days
Dancing Under the Stars: A Guide to Puerto Banus' Hottest Night Clubs
Puerto Bonus, the jewel of the Costa del Sol, is not just a playground for sun-seekers during the day. When night falls, this glamorous destination transforms into a vibrant nightlife hub that pulsates with energy and excitement. From luxury yachts bobbing in the marina to chic boutiques lining the streets, Puerto Bonus offers an unforgettable experience as soon as twilight sets in. As you stroll through its lively avenues, you'll discover some of Spain's hottest Night Club in Puerto Bonus - class DJs spin electrifying beats until dawn breaks over the Mediterranean Sea. Whether you're looking to dance your heart out or sip cocktails under starlit skies, there's something here for everyone. Let’s dive into what makes Puerto Bonus’ nightlife scene truly unique and share some insider tips to ensure your evening is nothing short of spectacular!
The Nightlife Scene in Puerto Bonus
The nightlife scene in Puerto Bonus is a dazzling mix of glamour and excitement. As the sun dips below the horizon, the town comes alive with music, laughter, and an electric atmosphere. You’ll find an array of night clubs catering to diverse tastes. From upscale venues featuring international DJs to more intimate spots with live bands, there’s no shortage of options. Many clubs boast stunning views of the marina, making them perfect for sipping cocktails while soaking up the ambiance. The stylish décor and vibrant crowds set the stage for unforgettable nights. Dress codes range from casual chic to high-end glam, so be sure to plan your outfit accordingly. With each club offering something unique, exploring multiple venues can lead to unexpected adventures filled with new friends and fantastic memories.
Insider Tips for Making the Most of Your Night Out
To truly embrace the vibrant nightlife of Puerto Bonus, timing is key. Arrive early to secure a good spot and enjoy happy hour specials before the crowd sets in. Dress to impress; upscale attire is often expected at the hottest night clubs. A stylish outfit not only helps you blend in but also boosts your confidence as you hit the dance floor. Don’t hesitate to mingle with locals or fellow travelers. Striking up conversations can lead to new friendships and insider recommendations that guide you toward hidden gems. Plan your transportation ahead of time, especially if you're hopping between venues. Taxis are plentiful, but booking an Umber or using local ride-sharing apps can save time during busy nights. Keep an eye on social media for special events or guest DJ appearances at night clubs in Puerto Bonus. These occasions can elevate your experience from ordinary to unforgettable!
Alternative Evening Activities in Puerto Bonus
When the nightlife in Puerto Bonus isn’t calling your name, there are plenty of alternative activities to keep your evening vibrant. Stroll along the marina and soak in the stunning views of luxury yachts illuminated under the night sky. The ambiance is magical; it’s perfect for a romantic walk or simply unwinding with friends. Dining is another fantastic option. Explore local restaurants that serve everything from traditional Spanish tapas to international cuisine. A delicious meal can set a wonderful tone for your evening, whether you opt for casual bites or an upscale dining experience. For those seeking relaxation, consider visiting one of Puerto Bonus’ chic lounges or beach bars. Enjoy refreshing cocktails while listening to live music as the sun sets over the horizon. It offers a more laid-back vibe compared to bustling nightclubs yet still captures that lively spirit unique to this seaside destination. Art enthusiasts can also find inspiration by exploring galleries hosting exhibitions featuring local artists. Engaging with art can be an immersive way to spend your evening, allowing you insight into Andalusia's rich culture and creativity. Puerto Bonus has various options beyond clubs if you're looking for something different but equally exciting. Whether it's dining or simply enjoying scenic views, there's no shortage of ways to make lasting memories in this glamorous locale.
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 months
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Has your muse ever felt torn between what their society / culture expects from them and their moral values? What did they decide to do about it?
Fragments || Accepting
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There's a certain intersection that exists namelessly in liminal space maybe as thin as a single atom and yet holds the life's breath of the universe; an amalgamation of chronic insomnia, vigilante justice {although some might consider it heroism}, and a level of friendship that means no one is setting off alarms when a window's cracked open in the dead of night, and no one is testing just how effective a brutal and gory skill-set is against a costumed neighbourhood spider is when dealing harm instead of healing those in need. Maybe what stays her hand is the soft call of even the modulated voice is familiar to her. The city lights ~New York has enough electrical pollution and saturation that it's never truly dark~ provide enough illumination for her to see the tall, lank frame crouched in her window-sill. The one she keeps unlocked and free of any debris for occasions such as this. He isn't the only occasional visitor she gets at odd hours. The fact that he can find her apartment is, in its own way, telling. The hem of her nightgown flutters at her ankles as she sits up and swings her feet over the side of the bed before she gets up. Wraps a thin robe around herself and beckons him to come down off the ledge. She disappears out the door and moments later the sound of the bean grinder can be heard from the open kitchen. The process of making coffee and fixing him a to-go snack ~Ku'u won't eat in front of her but he can take celery sticks and Nutella, a handful of wheat-thins, and a sliced apple for portable sustenance~ gives her time to consider both the question, and the reason behind it. When he comes into view and settles at one of the bar-stool, she nods. "All da time, really. My grandfaddah's people t'ink all 'dirtwalkers' are eiddah food or enemies, an' I don't blame dem completely. Wha' people do to sharks is terrible, what dey do to Sea an' Unsea is even worse. Livin' a haole life to suit the Admiral is a direct contrast to wha' I believe as a Hawai'ian. In a million ways, dere's contradiction between my Tradition, an' da Cat'olic Church. Pretty famous for it....considerin' da Inquisition an' hunters dat still exist in a sort of shadowy cold war even today." She shrugs, before sneaking two cups out of the still brewing coffee maker. "I t'ink my bes' advice is t' examine wha' you feel in your heart, an' ya head. Try an make peace where you can but ultimately you goddah live in a way dat makes you feel alive an' happy. I try an' do da best amount of good dat I can. Sometimes dat's dangerous, sometimes it's lonely, but I can look myself in da mirror an' respect myself. But I don' really feel like dis is about me, so if you have a minute, sit. Have coffee. Tell me what's weighin' on your t'oughts. Mebbe I can help you work out da disconnect ya might be feelin'." She catches her lower lip between her teeth. "Or, you know, we could talk about somet'ing else, if you don' wanna. But dis somet'ing bad happen tonight?"
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swingjunction · 9 months
Embracing the Rhythm of Life: The Thriving World of Adult Dance Classes
Step into a world where the joy of movement knows no age limits – the vibrant realm of adult dance classes. In these lively and inclusive spaces, individuals of all backgrounds and experiences come together to embrace the rhythm of life. Beyond the traditional notion of dance as a childhood pursuit, dance classes for adults offer a thriving community where participants discover the beauty of self-expression through movement.
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In this article, we will explore the journey of dance  through the enchanting world of adult dance, where every step is an invitation to celebrate life's rhythm & also learn about its physical and psychological benefits. 
The Rise of Adult Dance Classes
Adult Dance Classes have witnessed a surge in popularity over the last few years as people recognize their importance. More adults are realizing that dance has benefits beyond being just a hobby. Such a shift toward wellness has made taking dance classes for adults not only something recreational but also an informed decision toward living healthier lives. 
What Are The Health and Fitness Benefits Of Dance?
Dance classes for adults come with lots of health benefits. These classes are a great way to keep you fit through cardiovascular exercise which helps in controlling weight. Moreover, dancing promotes overall fitness by helping increase flexibility, strength, and balance which are considered to be the key components to one’s physical well-being. 
What Are The Variety of Dance Styles for Adults?
Adults enjoy a wide range of dance styles to choose from. Ballroom dancing is graceful while hip-hop is energetic; contemporary dance emphasizes being expressive. All these selections assure that anyone can explore and find what they like most about a particular style making their dancing journey very personal and fulfilling. 
Choosing the Right Adult Dance Class
To have a positive experience when attending dance class, one should choose an appropriate one; hence, it is crucial to know what kind of dance you intend to engage in. A proper class schedule, location and instructor qualifications are key points to take into consideration. 
How To Keep Your Dance Journey Alive?
Starting to dance is just the beginning of a long journey, yet maintaining momentum requires dedication and attainable goals. To achieve such objectives, one should incorporate dancing into daily life and create enjoyable times that do not necessarily have an end goal, these are some adult suggestions for making dance a habit for life. 
Rather than just being an activity done weekly, adult dance classes become lifelong choices filled with joy and vibrancy.
How To Nurture Community Connections?
Adult dance classes are dynamic in nature, as they polish participants’ dancing abilities and establish lasting relationships in a supportive community. This optimistic and satisfying experience comes from the same passion that motivates them to stand up for one another as it does with other dancers leading to friendships that extend out of the studio. 
Dance classes for adults can open up to you a world filled with joy, self-expression, and well-being where you can freely join without fear of restraint. Such lessons are more suitable for adults because they encompass elements of physical exercise, artistic expression and a good environment. Swing Junction provides regular or weekly dance classes. We can help you learn,  grow and reconnect with yourself and others through dance. Visit our official website to know more.
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brookpub · 1 year
Classic Pub Food Around the World | Best Pub Food in Cambridge
Classic Pub Food: A Culinary Tradition with Timeless Appeal:
The term "classic pub food" is used to describe the traditional fare served at bars and taverns. Dishes of this type tend to be warm, reassuring, and occasionally decadent, making them ideal for the relaxed setting of a bar. While regional variations in the dishes themselves are to be expected, classic pub fare is universally recognised for having certain defining features.
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Characteristics of Pub Food:
Warming and Satisfying: 
Traditional pub fare is satiating and filling, perfect for a night out on the town. These meals are typically hearty and calorie-dense, perfect for refuelling diners at parties or after a long day.
Comforting Flavours: 
The timeless flavours of traditional pub fare are a major draw for many diners. Meat, potatoes, cheese, and bread are common components, often cooked in ways that are comforting and reminiscent of simpler times.
It's common practise to enjoy many traditional pub dishes as a group. Pubs are great places to meet new people because of the community atmosphere that fosters conversation and friendship.
Good Companion for a Cocktail: 
Traditional pub fare is designed to go well with everything from beer and cider to whisky and wine. These foods are commonly served at bars since their flavours complement the alcohol offered there.
The Significance of Traditional Pub Fare:
Importance in Culture: 
Classic pub food is strongly connected with the culture and history of the regions in which it originates. These recipes have been passed down through the centuries, keeping local cuisine and culture alive.
Convivial Ambience: 
Pubs are more than just watering holes; they are lively meeting places for locals. Traditional pub fare is essential to establishing a comfortable setting ideal for socialising and making new friends.
Effect on the Economy: 
Taverns and bars have been vital to local economies for a long time.     sales are a major source of income for bars and restaurants, helping to maintain and create jobs in the service sector.
Attraction to Visitors: 
Traditional pub fare is becoming a major draw for visitors. Pubs play an important role in the tourism business because travellers often seek out regional fare at them.
Traditional fare from pubs has evolved tremendously throughout time. While it retains its traditional roots, it has also developed to meet the demands of modern diners' tastes and diets.
Certainly! These international pub dishes are popular:
United States
Pub Food: Buffalo Wings
Buffalo wings are the classic American pub snack. Deep-fried chicken wings are covered in a spicy buffalo sauce mixed with hot sauce, butter, and seasonings. They usually come with celery sticks and ranch or blue cheese dressing.
The UK
Pub Food: Fish and Chips
British pub food fish and chips dates back to the early 19th century. It's battered and deep-fried cod or haddock served with thick-cut fries. Beer batter gives the dish a crunchy texture and a harsh taste. Mushy peas and tartar sauce accompany fish and chips, creating a delicious contrast of flavours and textures. This pub favourite shows British enthusiasm for deep-fried comfort food.
Pub food: Currywurst
The currywurst is a typical German pub food. It's made with curry-flavored ketchup sauce and curry powder, and it's topped with sliced bratwurst sausages. French fries or rolls are common accompaniments.
Pub Food: Croque-Monsieur
A traditional French bar sandwich, the Croque-Monsieur is described here. Crusty bread is used to create this sandwich filled with gammon and gruyère cheese. When the cheese is melted and bubbling, toast the sandwich or bake it. Béchamel sauce is an option for serving on top.
Pub Food: Nachos
Nachos, a bar food with Mexican roots, are described here. Tortilla chips are the main ingredient, and they're typically served with melted cheese, jalapeo peppers, sour cream, guacamole, and salsa. Ground beef or chicken with seasonings is another common addition to these dishes.
Public Food : Yakitori
Yakitori, which originate from Japan, are grilled chicken skewers. The chicken pieces, often marinated in a savoury marinade, are skewered and roasted over charcoal or an open flame. The finished product is a juicy, savoury, and smokey chicken dish.
Pub Food: Patatas Bravas
Typical of Spanish bars, Patatas Bravas are a delicious potato dish. They are fried potato chunks that are served with an aioli and a spicy tomato sauce. The tangy sauces are a welcome counterpoint to the crispiness of the potatoes.
Pub food: Chicken Tikka
Chicken tikka is a popular dish in Indian restaurants and pubs; it consists of skewered chunks of chicken that have been marinated and grilled or roasted in a tandoor oven. The chicken is tasty and little spicy due to the marinade, which commonly consists of yoghurt and spices. Naan bread or rice are common accompaniments.
Pub food: meat pie
The Australian beef pie is a well-known dish in Australia. It's a baked good consisting of a pastry case stuffed with ground meat (often beef), gravy, and occasionally vegetables. Tomato sauce (ketchup) is a common condiment served alongside these portable pies.
Pub Food: Thai Spring Rolls
Thai spring rolls, also known as "por pia tod," are a common bar snack in Thailand. These spring rolls are served with a sweet chilli dipping sauce and normally contain a variety of veggies and sometimes prawns or minced pork.
Pub eats from all over the world are an essential component of the international drinking culture because they showcase the varied culinary traditions and flavours that characterise each country.
To sum up, traditional pub fare is more than simply a dish; it embodies the very best of what it means to gather with friends and family over good food and drink. Its ability to evoke feelings of warmth and familiarity is universal, making it a prized and significant part of the world's cuisine. Whether it's fish and chips in the United Kingdom, buffalo wings in the United States, or tapas in Spain, traditional pub fare has a way of bringing people together and inspiring a sense of nostalgia and community that keeps people coming back for more.
We at the Brook Pub near Mill Road, Cambridge, serve some of the best pub food, starting from starters, main courses and desserts. Our food is prepared fresh from local ingredients. Our relationship with our customers is amicable, and we always guide them to understand our menu and what drinks to pair with the food. 
Apart from food and drinks, we also host Live music nights, Open mic nights and Karaoke nights for entertainment. Open mic and Live music are famous around our community as more students live near Cambridge University. So, visit us if you want good food, drinks, music and friends.
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soul-artist · 2 years
My ex besties fam cut ties with my parents and I’m jealous that I can’t do the same. My ex best friends family got close with my family. Eventually, they meshed with our family friends too. Her parents were generous, kind, snarky and very very giving. If there’s one thing you can ever accuse them off, it’ll be vanity. On the other hand, my parents couldn’t be described. They are nightmare in a single package? My dad would brag about giving us “everything we’ve ever touched” so loud as if we didn’t stop “touching and picking” things for the taunts of “I have bought you this”, “that’s so expensive”, “I bought you this, so you better do this for me” that’d eventually come. Emotionally that’s are a solid (minus)-1000000. Couldn’t ever rely on them for anything, we’ve never been shown compassion in this household. They’d VIEW themselves so morally superior to everybody while doing below bare minimum everyday is fucking hilarious. The bestie’s mom would try to connect with her, lash out from lack of understanding like other brown parents, but her redeeming quality was she’d put an effort to understand her daughter AND bring her the help she(daughter) needed. Doing all that, she’d also spoil her daughter with things that her daughter would take interest in, from books to clothes and jewelries, baby her daughter, stand up for her in social settings and cut people off who’d disrespect them (my own sperm donor being one of them). My mom would 24/7 engage in backbiting and gossiping with other people and cry about what other people said about HER to us, like, woman as if you haven’t been doing the same thing about others regarding things that doesn’t even concern you. My sperm donor considers himself as very religiously wise, but partakes in worse habits than my mom. He has arrogance for days with zero actions to match with it- the ultimate hypocrite. Now both of these very damaged, very unwilling-to-heal individuals would have toxic fights all the time since before was born probably that my core childhood memory is just traumas. I still can’t imagine what complete “safe and serene” feels like and its been two decades since I have been here in the world. I would have anxiety from the disrespect and the level of lows one could go to that they have blatantly shown me over the years, I cannot form a single meaningful, friendship with anyone else without fearing that that hates me secretly. I can’t trust anyone’s love, can’t trust anyone’s genuinely good person at heart because I didn’t see it much without any hidden evil intention behind it before my own eyes. One of my friends dad has made her emotionally so strong, after his passing she’s managed to pick herself up AND support her brother who’s a decade older than her while also doing uni full time. One of my other friends mom would pray for her before every single one of her tests, be it be a major one or a minor, before she lefts the house. Many others have a Friday tradition of cooking special dishes. I know that have their downs too, but that have this specific, consistent act of a single good thing that they know they’ll get from their parents. They have that surety of good, that me and my siblings don’t have. Because despite how many times my parents says they are holo in his the world by owing the bills and managing the house, the other parents are doing those too. It’s the fact that what are you doing for our “happiness” rather than keeping us alive.
Hav I mentioned my sperm donor is allergic to happiness? Anytime we’d laugh a bit loud or be excited about something he’d put us down for it, mock it and generally invalidate us by stressing how unimportant, mundane and unnecessary the thing was. He never celebrated our wins( because it was never “good enough”), but made sure to always lament us for our losses. A real sunshine to be around tbh. He’s the foundation that you want to leave as soon as you can, than the one you’d build your home around.
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atinyidea · 4 years
Heartworm | Choi San
n. a relationship or friendship that you can’t get out of your head, which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished, like an abandoned campsite whose smouldering embers still have the power to start a forest fire.
⟶ college!au, best friend!san, brother!seonghwa, friends to lovers!au, kinda very spicy but there’s no actual smut, there’s mentions of underage drinking and sexual encounters, everything is consentual!
⟶ appellation series masterlist
⟶ 5.7k words
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600 special prompt for my lovely soul partner @san–shine, its like 50 years late and I know she no longer is active on this blog but I wanted to keep this.
42: “Exactly how drunk was I?”
49: “Good morning, sunshine.”
☞ When you were younger, you knew you were one-hundred per cent in love with your best friend, Choi San. However, because he was also, in fact, your brother’s best friend and you were a sixteen-year-old rebel adamant to never admit your feelings, you had to watch as he got his first girlfriend during a party Seonghwa had thrown for you. Now, years later and in the middle of college, you find yourself in a familiar setting: a party thrown for you by your brother and Choi San looking as breathtaking as he always does.
☞ moodboard
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Just to be clear, when you woke up, you hadn’t expected your brother to announce that there was going to be a party held at your house for your twenty-second birthday. Your brother, being the kind and loving brother he was, had yet again used your birthday as an excuse to throw a house party, even though it wasn’t even your birthday until tomorrow. Seonghwa liked to use your birthday, the date falling in the last week of the summer holidays, as a way to gather all your combined friends as some sort of final summer get-together before the school year began again. You weren’t particularly against them, the end of summer parties becoming a little tradition after the fourth year running, and the fact that they were held at your house meant you could just go to bed any time you wanted. [ thank you sound-proofed home as per your mothers request due to your fathers’ noise-making habits from his job as a musician. ] Though it wasn’t like you knew anyone who would be throwing a house party you couldn’t just walk home from.
You did not know how many drinks you had consumed, alcoholic or otherwise, but the setting you found yourself in was giving you very explicit pangs of nostalgia to the first time you and your brother had thrown one of these parties. Your current situation was not unlike the situations you had been in before. You weren’t ashamed to say that you liked to have fun with your relationships: romantic, platonic or the just-once ones. It wasn’t unusual for you to be found in someone’s lap around midnight; the last party happened to be a beautiful girl named Soojin, the party before that was a guy whose name you hadn’t bothered to remember. However, the person’s lap who you sat in usually was not your best friend, Choi San’s. Not the San you spent the better half of your life burying romantic feelings for because he was Seongwha’s friend first. Not the San, your eyes couldn’t help watch whenever he was near. You made a promise to yourself since that one time when you had just turned sixteen, the one time you found yourself on his lap. [ A promise you made to deny your feelings because the very next day, he had gotten a girlfriend who was definitely not you. ]
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At seventeen years old, San knew he was still a stupid and hormonal teenage boy. He practically got nose bleeds anytime he remotely saw a girl's lower back or tummy, their exposed thighs or neck: he knew he could be a perverted little shit. Still, having a girl for a best friend meant that he also knew what was respectful and what was just disgusting – thinking back on it, he was grateful for his friendship with you for teaching him from a young age how to treat girls with proper respect. [ Mainly because you would whack his head or punch him in the balls whenever he said something inappropriate or did something stupid. ] But, also at sixteen, San knew that he was also sorta-kinda-probably in love with his best friend’s sister. [ Who was also his best friend… was it possible to have more than one best friend? ]
During the summer of your sixteenth, Seonghwa’s eighteenth and his seventeenth birthdays, San and his family had gone overseas for an extended holiday. His father had received a promotion, and his mother struck lucky in her weekly lottery draw, so he hadn’t been there to witness the gradual changes to your body. It wasn’t like San wasn’t attracted to you before [ not that either of you knew what the fuck attraction was before ] but when you came to the airport to pick him up with your father, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to look at another girl ever again. [ Of course, that was an overdramatic thought since he proceeded to have girlfriends that weren’t you but the thought of you truly never left his mind. ]
The day of your sixteenth birthday party was something he would always remember clearly. He remembered the way you hugged him for a solid five minutes when he got to your house in the early morning, complaining about how your parents would still be away for another few days, and your brother refused to even hug you on your birthday. [ Seonghwa’s excuse was that it was your birthday tomorrow, and that was when you could claim the birthday hug. ] Secretly, he wished you would tell him you hugged him simply because you wanted to have him close. He remembered how Seonghwa had launched into a story from his last house party (one for the seniors that only he was invited to, but the stories were fun nevertheless) as he attempted to make pancakes at your request. You had bounced your way to your favourite countertop space and jumped up to sit there, right in front of the fridge, because it was the only place that was both cool and warm [ “exactly the right temperature” ] in the entire kitchen. He remembered the way his body slotted between your legs, his back to your chest as the two of you shared a vodka-and-coke at ten-in-the-morning. His mind was restlessly deciding if it was okay to lay his hands on your knees or calves, inevitably switching between the two places every five minutes. It hadn’t felt weird but natural as all three of you shared hearty laughs and then partially burnt pancakes.
[ He remembered when he had given you the small-and-terribly-wrapped box that held your present, egging you on to open it a day early. The way your face lit up as you lifted a thin silver chained sunflower charm bracelet into the air would forever be imprinted on his eyes – your eyes sparkling and lips twitching up into a wide grin as you thanked him seven times. The gentle tone of your voice as you asked him to help you put it on because for some reason, you couldn’t put clasped bracelets on for the life of you, was saved like a voice note in his brain. “You remembered,” you had whispered once he was settled back between your legs, “that sunflowers were my favourite, I mean.” The brush of your lips on his cheek lined the walls of his heart as it threatened to shatter through his ribs. ]
As a sixteen-year-old San knew that you probably shouldn’t’ve had as much alcohol as you had that night. However, as a seventeen-year-old San also didn’t care as long as you were having fun. It was not the first time you consumed alcohol, but it was the first time you’d had enough to get drunk from it. It was your sixteenth birthday party after all, and neither your brother nor your best friend had any objections when you grabbed the first vodka-and-coke at ten in the morning while you got ready. So now, at almost eleven at night, you had had more than ten of those drinks, and you could honestly say you weren’t sure if you’d remember anything from this night at all. The hours went by in a blur, and soon three drinks had turned into eight as you dragged San to your room to decide on an outfit for the night. He remembered the way his throat constricted as you strolled out from your bathroom in a neon green crop top and the pair of flare jeans you always wore. Ultimately San thought he would’ve preferred that outfit to the one you settled on – a black denim mini-skirt with a matching jacket on top of a simple t-shirt with a neon rainbow painted across the chest. The sliver of skin showing from the crop top was way less tempting than the muscle of your thighs, mainly since that was your exact plan for the outfit.
“You look good,” he had said, swallowing gulps of air and saliva when you asked, “you’d still look good in a potato sack,” he complimented you as you twirled on the spot and gifted him with a brilliant grin that simply took his breath away.
“We match!” You all but squealed when you took note of the black denim jacket San wore over his t-shirt with a neon rainbow across the chest.
He hadn’t even noticed.
His memory started to get hazy around drink number thirteen. He couldn’t remember how or what events had led to the current situation, [ or which room the two of you were actually in that was both not your bedroom and also not inhabited by literally anyone else ], but he certainly was not complaining. You were so close to him he could smell the faintest scent of your vanilla and cinnamon shampoo and conditioner you had used the day before, the slightest whiff of your jasmine scented perfume [ the one you always wore, the one he bought you your first bottle of ] and the sweetly bitter smell of cherry coke and vodka on your breath. His hands seemed glued to your lower back and hips, palms almost moulded to your skin like he were a sculptor, and you were his latest masterpiece. Your legs either side of his own, wrapping around him possessively, like he was yours and only yours, and he let you, using his hands to pull you closer to him like you were his and only his. Your faces were so close he could feel each hot exhale of breath hitting his lips, and when they stopped as you shivered and whined, he couldn’t help the way his lips tilted upwards into a smirk. The way you attempted to wire your mouth shut not to make a sound wasn’t effective, seeing as he heard all three of your whines, each one getting more prolonged and higher in pitch as the two of you continued your ministrations. His hips wanted to jut up into you. Still, he forced his movements to be as slow and smooth as possible, wanting to feel every way you would come undone above him, but when his gaze flickered across your face. He spotted the small trickle of blood falling from your lips; it was like everything that had just happened had disappeared.
From your recollection, you only remembered specific parts of that night. Your legs had been situated on either side of his thighs, your arms wrapped around his neck as his palms slowly pushed up the small of your back to pull your body closer to his. Your faces were so close you could physically see the connection between the two of you, yet neither of you pushed forward enough to make that connection real and tangible. [ You wanted to, God, you wanted to kiss him right then more than anything. Why didn’t you kiss him then? ] San’s hands felt hot against your skin, his fingertips slowly moving to draw a masterpiece on your back. You shivered slightly as a slight breeze floated around the sliver of exposed skin where your shirt had ridden up. Your eyes were drawn to San’s lips as they twitched up into a slight smirk; his own eyes flickered to watch you watch him. Neither of you had said a word to each other for almost half an hour, drunkenly pushing at the limits between your friendship with nothing but burning touches and delicate twists of hips.
You subconsciously sucked your bottom lip into the confines of your teeth, but you willingly bit down harshly to stop a sly whine from escaping your lips as San had the cocky idea to roll his pelvis into yours as he held you in place with his hands on your hips. Apparently, you had bitten down way too hard because the next thing you knew was that San’s playful smirk had evaporated into a concerned frown. He lifted a hand from your hip – the sudden rush of cold where his hand previously was leaving you feeling a sense of loss – to your lip, his thumb tugging your lip back out.
“You’re bleeding,” he mumbled, thumb coming away with a smear of blood moulding into his fingerprint. The taste of blood in your mouth was unexpected and had sent you reeling. You almost flew off of his lap and practically ran to your bedroom’s bathroom to inspect the damage. There was a tear in the side of your bottom lip. [ The side of your lip you always bit out of habit, so the skin was thinner there than the rest of your lip. ] Against your better judgment – the rational part of your brain was too drunk at that moment – you settled your tongue against the fresh cut. Finching away from yourself at the unexpected [ which really should’ve been expected ] pain, you decided that there was nothing you could do to help soothe it. After twenty minutes, that felt like two, of staring at yourself in the mirror, you finally shrugged and made your way back into the heart of the party.
As an almost sixteen-year-old, you knew you were just coming into figuring out your body and the emotions of more physical relationships as you grew into it. You knew you had grown up a little (a lot) over the summer, your chest filling out from a b-cup to a c-cup, your lanky figure could no longer be considered lanky as your limbs gained muscle, fat and tone, creating a new full and curvy figure. Your mother had been ecstatic when you came to her asking how to style clothes to fit your ‘new’ figure as it meant the two of you could go shopping [ one of her favourite activities ], and you could find your style that both suited your body and personality. You did have to admit that your style didn’t change much; you still loved a sturdy flannel shirt [ always oversized though, now you tended to wear it open with a form-fitting crop top or spaghetti-strap top underneath to show off your chest and waist ] and you still loved your favourite pair of flare jeans enough to wear them almost every other day, [ the one with the painted sunflower over the back pocket. ] You also loved pleated mini skirts and knee-high socks or a simple loose-form-fitting dress with lycra cycle shorts underneath. You didn’t like the emotional side of your summer changes, though and, while you were new to the whole attraction thing, the one person you definitely didn’t feel anything remotely romantic for was your best friend. [ Well, maybe you did, but he was Seonghwa’s friend first, and that was a no-go… and perhaps you wanted to reject the way your heart turned into butterflies when you saw him at the airport… and maybe you just weren’t ready to put those feelings into words, so you denied them instead. ]
Your best friend whose lap you were just sat on, grinding your hips into his with your noses touching. Your best friend who was now kissing another girl [a beautiful girl who was named Hyemi, she was in Seonghwa’s class and also happened to live across the road… she was always nice to you and you couldn’t find it in you to dislike her even as your stomach knotted and twisted into something green with envy ] in the middle of the kitchen. You wouldn’t remember how long you stood there, watching the two of them kiss like a complete and utter creep, and you wouldn’t remember the look San gave you as he noticed the sway of your hair as you retreated out of the kitchen with a frown on your brow.
You did not fancy your best friend, and you definitely did not care that he was kissing Hyemi in front of the fridge. [ The fridge he stood between your legs in front of literal hours ago. ] Lastly, you definitely did not feel like crying as your mind reminded you about two different memories of earlier that day – one of you sat on the counter opposite that exact fridge with San leaning back into you as he gave you the sunflower charm bracelet that wrapped around your wrist, watching Seonghwa attempt to make you birthday pancakes. The second the memory of his hands burning up your skin, the way his lips tilted into a smirk when you shivered under his hold and the way you inflicted pain to yourself in an attempt not to whine with pleasure at the way he moved his hips.
It was too raw, and now you just wanted to forget.
San’s brain refused to calculate time because one minute his hand was reaching for your bloodied lip and the next you were gone, and San was back in the kitchen getting you a glass of water [ and then he was kissing another girl in front of the fridge he rested between your legs literal hours ago. ] San wouldn’t remember what their conversation had been, only that this girl, Hyemi, was older than him and had just asked him out. He wouldn’t remember the exact way her grin turned a little too malicious to be sincere. He would, however, remember the way your hair flew over your shoulder as you spun away from the scene involving him; he would remember the way his eyes followed your figure all the way into the embrace of your brother as you shallowly smiled and stole his drink [ and he would remember the way his chest seemed to ache at that simple action. ]
Hyemi became his girlfriend at that same party; you didn’t even know they knew each other. He didn’t even know why he said yes.
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And here you were, on the penultimate night before your twenty-second birthday, in the lap of your best friend. His relationship with Hyemi had lasted six months, and he had gotten six more significant others in the seven-year gap from then til now but, right then, he was single, and you were in his lap. You had flopped down over the side of a two-seater couch; eyes screwed shut with laughter, so you didn’t realise who was sat on said couch – or that anyone was – until your head made contact with their thigh. [ Their thigh was very comfy to lay on, which was the first thing your brain commented on. ] When you looked up and met eyes with San, a small [ tiny really, in no way visible to the person who knew you best and where to look for a blush – finding it immediately ] blush was growing warmly over your cheeks.
“Hey there,” He grinned, setting down his plastic cup, [ more like throwing it over his shoulder, not caring that it hit someone since it was mostly empty anyway ] and poking your nose gently just to watch the way it would scrunch up. His fingers were moving from your nose to his ear to make sure the roll-up cigarette that was balanced there hadn’t fallen.
“Hi,” you giggled, your legs curling up to your chest, making you look like a contorted cat as your feet still dangled slightly over the arm of the chair. After a few seconds, your fingers started twitching and settled on playing with the fabric of his shirt. It was the same rainbow one he wore to your sixteenth party, matching the one you were wearing too. The both of you had grown out of them, San settling on cutting it into a crop top and you doing the same, [ since you were the one who had actually cut San’s shirt and decided to continue and do yours, so you matched again. ] His shirt gave little to cover, showing off his abdominals and tummy [ and the slight happy trail peeking out from the waistband of his jeans ] proudly and only just covering his pectorals. Your own shirt was cut higher, stopping just above the curve of your breasts. Still, your own torso was covered in a neon green fishnet bodysuit [ not that it left anything to the imagination, your torso was still on show ] that was tucked into your signature flare pants which now rode a little low on your hips and the sunflower on the back was more than a little faded.
“What are you doing?” He asked with an amused grin, [ complemented with the subtle raise of a singular eyebrow… Gods, why was he so attractive? ] one hands fingers starting to twist in the loose strands of your short hairstyle. It was nice. [ The touch of his hands against your hair was excellent, the slight tug of the strands against your skull felt really nice. ]
“Taking a break. Siyeon, Minji and Yunho broke out the karaoke machine, and they're playing the song shots game.” You replied as if it explained everything. [ It actually kind of did, San recalled you once telling him that the chaotic energy of that particular trio and the song shots game gave you awful headaches. And you hated having headaches when you were drinking because it made you nauseous. And when you were nauseous and drunk, you tended to go have a smoke, which you were trying extremely hard to stop doing for the sake of your father, who also used to smoke and now had lung problems. So, San understood your meaning. ] “What about you?”
San had to take a minute to think. Just what was he doing? Why was he so out of it today? In his heart, San knew the answer, but he hadn’t unlocked that treasure chest just yet. [ He was tired of watching you be semi-intimate with people that weren’t him… Which he refused to admit. Because both of you were pinning assholes in denial. ] Finally, even though it had only been a minute, he replied with a simple “I’m just… sitting.”
“Oh?” You asked, now it was your turn to raise the amused eyebrow, “just sitting?”
“Sitting... and thinking.”
“About what?”
“You.” The word was out faster than San’s brain had time to process what he’d said. However, now he had said it, he wasn’t going to deny it. Was it the small amount of alcohol in his system? [ It was the way your eyes widened a little as you looked up at him from your place in his lap, fingers twisting in his shirt and lips falling open ever so slightly. ]
“Me?” Your pitch ascended as the volume of your voice diminished.
“Yeah, you!” He grinned, tone equally as quiet but still showing enthusiasm, moving his free hand to boop your nose.
“What about me?”
San’s fingers in your hair froze at your question, his mind whirring with any kind of answer that wouldn’t cross the line into confession territory wherein he would lose your friendship indefinitely, but after one look at the serious longing look in your eye, he decided he would ‘man up’ [ the phrase making him cringe as soon as he thought it… the connotation of the word being so outdated and, for someone who grew up with a very stubborn girl in his life, San wondered why society hadn’t come up with a suitable alternative to the phrase ] and just tell you.
So he did.
“Do you remember what happened between us at your sixteenth party?” He asked, seemingly changing the conversation topic. Confused but going with it, a slight blush warming your cheeks, you nodded, and he took that as permission to continue, “I can’t stop thinking about it.” His voice was nothing louder than a whisper, you should’ve had to strain your ears to hear him, but at that moment, it was like all other sounds and distractions faded from the scene. Your breath hitched as you simply stared up into his eyes, his pupils dilated, almost taking over the beautiful swirling colour of his irises [ making his eyes look darker than usual, more intense than expected, and for a second, you swore your heart stopped ].
“What about it?” Your question was innocent enough, but the way you said it gave way to other ideas. Your voice was soft and breathy, like you weren’t getting enough oxygen, and like San, the words weren’t said above a whisper. Afterwards, you bit down softly on your bottom lip [ unintentional on your part, it was just a habit of yours, to be honest ], minutely sucking it in, and San’s focus shifted to watch your lips specifically.
“I’m thinking about how much I’d like to do it again.”
“You want to kiss me?”
“If you’d let me.”
“Please kiss me.” You whispered, more a statement rather than a question or demand. And so he did, leaning forward to reach you, head still in his lap, [ it felt like a slow-motion scene in a movie, but it couldn’t have been longer than two seconds before his lips were flush against yours ]. It was not the first time the two of you had kissed, but it was the first time you had kissed since becoming official adults — it felt different.
It felt good.
His lips were soft, and his kiss was gentle, at least it was at first. As the seconds ticked on, the kiss grew more intense, the soft brush of his lips pressed harder into you, his hands running over your body to pull you up to him. Your arms threaded around his neck, stretching out your torso [ if you were honest, it hurt a little… not that you were lucid enough to be aware of it ] and arching your back. He bit down on your bottom lip, tugging at it a little when your fingers twisted through the hair at his neck, pulling him to you with a new sense of desperation.
And then the two of you fell off the couch. You slid off his lap and landed on your back [ though it was more like you were on your side than your back ] while San rolled over on top of you. Both of you froze in your positions, eyes wide, [ pupils dilated but that was most likely due to the desire flowing through you ] lips parted as you just stared at one another for a second. San was the first to crack the silence, lips pulling into a grin and eyes crinkling with joy as his laugh sounded out around you. He flipped off from on top of you, landing next to you on the floor but his smile never dimmed and his laugh hadn’t faded. You rolled slightly so you were actually on your side as you continued to look at him. When he looked back at you your heart skipped a beat, his smile was so pretty and it made his dimple so deep but it wasn’t long before his laughter simmered and his expression faded as he looked back at you.
Biting your lip once again you made an executive decision [ the only decision you could think off, since all thoughts were now preoccupied with San at the moment ] to lift yourself to hover over him this time. You swallowed and let out a breath as your eyes met, searching for any sign that you should stop. Your shaking breath cut out into a soft gasp as San’s hands caressed over the small of your back to pull you down so that your chests touched. Your right hand lifted up to take hold of the cigarette tucked behind his ear, [ a small giggle leaving your lips at the thought that it was still there even after all that ] and twisted it between your fingers a little. Was it a nervous habit or just a neat trick, you couldn’t distinguish at the moment. San’s own hand came to hold yours, two sets of fingers now playing with the home-made roll-up gently. Soon enough San took it from your shallow grip and flicked it across the room, using the same hand to cup your jaw to cirect your gaze back to him.
Meeting his eyes made you want to shy away from his gaze but you let him keep you there. He looked at you with such a strong emotion you though you’d possibly be able to taste it from his lips. “I have to tell you something…” You whispered, close enough to not have to raise your voice.
“What is it?” He whispered back, the fingers on your back drawing small circles as the hand at you jaw left to curl a strand of hair around his fingers in the opposite direction. [ how he did that subconsciously and not mess it up would’ve made your head spin in wonder ].
“I love you.” You began, still whispering. “I have for a long time, though in the beginning I tried rather hard to deny it. Mainly because you had a significant other and I didn’t want to ruin that for you. And then, in a rather dick move, I got a significant other in the hopes of stopping it but that didn’t work so I stopped getting into romantic relationships altogether and now-”
He cut you off, pulling you into him to kiss the words from your lips [ which you appreciated because your inner thoughts were beginning to panic because your mouth wouldn’t stop talking ]. When you separated his smile was back, albeit not as wide as before. His eyes were as soft as his smile as he kissed you once more, resting your foreheads together. “I love you too,” he said against your lips. At his words you surged forward, pressing into him with fierce emotion as your kissed him.
You had wanted to hear those words from his lips for so long. You had wanted him for so long. And here he was, right in your reach, his hands on your body and yours tugging gently at his hair. Before all the breath in your lungs had finished and you lost your conscious nerve to a blur of desire those word had repeated at least thrice as you made your way to the comfort of your bed and the warmth of his body.
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The next day when you woke up, you woke up earlier than usual and feeling unusually chipper as you took a hot shower. The subtly sweet scent of pancakes met you as you made your way through the house and into the kitchen.
“Good morning, Sunshine, you’re up early,” your brother grinned over his shoulder, both hands currently busy holding a pan and spatula. “I made pancakes.”
“Yes, I can see that.” You returned his grin with one of your own, a teasing smile lifting to your lips as you took a seat. Your head was clear of any headaches or lingering pain from a hangover since you were better with your alcohol intake as a twenty-two-year-old, and your reckless youth had lined your stomach with a fair amount of tolerance.
“Exactly how drunk was I last night? I don’t remember anyone leaving.”
“Oh boy,” Seonghwa sniggered, a sly grin taking over his features, “the party was two days ago, you slept all day yesterday. Really freaked San out.”
“What?!” You exclaimed, a piece of pancake falling from your fingers back onto your plate, bouncing off and onto the side sadly. [ It went ignored as you stared down your brother. ]
“Yeah. And he’s been ramble-muttering about you for a solid ten hours now. He’s really not subtle at all.” Seonghwa grinned. “So now that you two have slept together, are you two actually together?”
If you had liquid in your mouth, you would have spat it out. “He told you?!” You exclaimed, heart racing at the thought of your best friend and your brother discussing your sex-life.
“No.” Seonghwa denied immediately, face scrunching up in disgust at the mere thought, “I definitely don’t need to know details about that. It’s just San isn’t subtle at all when he’s mutter-rambling. He was oblivious to the fact he was thinking out loud about how to move forward after your… time together… while I literally sat next to him.” Seonghwa then grinned at you, again, the stretch of his lips becoming a little too mischievous for your liking. “Pretty sure he passed out on the couch half an hour ago.” He hinted, motioning over to the living room with his head as his eyebrows wiggled up and down suggestively.
A puff of air exhaled through your nose as a small smile climbed over your lips. You opened your mouth to talk, but he cut you off with a gentle pat on the head, “I’m happy for you two,” was all he said but it was enough. [ Your heart soared at the approval of your brother. It was not that you nor San needed Seonghwa’s approval, but it was nice to know he wouldn’t oppose it. ] Then you made your way to the couch San was asleep on.
You sat next to him, in the space unoccupied by his body. His brow was furrowed, which you frowned at. You lifted a hand and gently pressed on the juncture between his eyebrows, smoothing them out. His face instantly relaxed under your touch [ a part of your mind daydreamed that it was because he knew it was you ] and a small smith lifted upon your lips. Your hand moved down to cup his cheek and then his jaw before you raised it to gently wipe away the hair that had fallen in his face. You bit down on your lip, confused on whether to wake him up or not but life had chosen for you as one by one San’s eyes opened and slowly focused on you.
His eyes widened, and in a flurry of limbs suddenly he was laying on his back on the floor while you had balanced yourself with your knees over his waist. After a second of shocked silence [ as the two of you came to terms with what the fuck just happened ] a grin spread across his lips, eyes crinkling in delight, as his hands came to grip your hips gently.
A silent confirmation washed over the two of you as your lips spread to mirror his grin. The two of you would be alright as the next part of your relationship bloomed, the embers of your crushes were now burning bright.
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Sangheili Bracket Round 1 Match 20
More info below:
Jega 'Rdomnai / The Spartan Killer:
Debuted in Halo Infinite (retroactively present during "Headhunters" from Halo: Evolutions)
Born Feb. 19th, 2490, he would become part of the Silent Shadow whilst serving in the Covnenat military. His life would take a turn, though, when a unit he was part of had an encounter with a pair of Spartan-IIIs. This pair would cause an explosion that he survived, only to lose his left arm and left mandibles. Against Covenant tradition at the time, Jega would receive robotic prostheses. He would also take his damaged bloodblade's hilt to artisan-armorers at Cherras Keep, where it was reforged as Ghostpierce and mounted onto his robotic arm. Now full of obsession towards hunting down any and all Spartans, Jega would drift towards the Banished at some unknown point. Once in the Banished, he would develop a close friendship with War Chief Escharum over a long period of working together. 
Because of this, he would be present on Installation 07 for the conflicts that took place there in 2560. He helped torture ONI operative Kate Stalling for information. In April 2560, he killed Spartan Bonita in the subterranean Forerunner structures under Outpost Tremonius. On May 14th, he took part in the Battle of the Beacon Tower; the next day, he ambushed Spartans Theodore Sorel and Vedrana Makovich when they infiltrated the Conservatory, killing the latter in a duel and wounding the former before he was killed by Tovarus and Hyperius a little later.
Two weeks later, he would be present to learn of the survival of the Master Chief and the destruction of the Ghost of Gbraakon, along with Escharum and Tremonius. Jega would restrained and threaten Tremonius upon his questioning of Escharum's leadership. Then, Escharum would order him to follow the Master Chief in order to gather intel. After the deaths of Hyperius and Toverus, Escharum would then order the Master Chief to be brought before him, with Jega worrying about his friend's worsening terminal illness. In order to bait the Master Chief, Jega would hijack Echo 216 and kidnap its pilot, Fernando Esparza. Returning to the House of Reckoning, he would witness Escharum's rage over the Harbinger and speak with him, revealing his plan to lure the Master Chief to them. The pilot would need to be kept alive, but Escharum told Jega he could have his fun with him beyond that. Later, when the Master Chief finally caught up, Jega would use the pilot's holorecorder to lure him into a trap. They would fight, with Jega being defeated. However, due to his body disappearing, his death could not be confirmed.
Bero 'Kusavai:
Debuted in Halo Graphic Novel ("The Last Voyage of the Infinite Succor")
A renowned swordsman and part of SpecOps, he was the second in command of SpecOps Commander Rtas 'Vadum within the Fleet of Particular Justice. On September 21st, 2552 (coincidentally Rtas' birthday), during the Battle of Installation 04, he would be part of the unit tasked with investigating the agricultural support ship Infinite Succor. During this investigation, they would come face to face with the Flood that had infiltrated and taken over the ship. Unfortunately, Bero would be amongst those infected by the parasite as the unit attempted to escape the ship. His flood infected form would duel with Rtas one final time, being killed for good but taking Rtas' left mandibles in the process.
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wolfsrainrules · 4 years
Heres another fun grandparent thingie, The Acrobaleno as Izuku's. Or even better as "Hisashi".
...........I am so weak for BNHA and KHR and giving them children damn it.  ALL
--Who needs a quirk if you have Flames?? Izuku is quirkless, but Flames blend so well as a ‘quirk’ the Vindice are more....’dont talk about mafia shit’ and less ‘dont get caught with flames’ so long as the flames can blend in your specific family as a quirk. 
(considering Flames are somewhat hereditary in having them, if not in the type you have, it’s easier in some then others.)
Izuku is particularly lucky, cause his father has a ‘flame’ related quirk, plus his grandfather and thus gets away with this much easier.
--f u c k screwing up a good childhood friendship when I love good friend Katsuki Bakugou, so say hello to Izuku’s Storm, fight me.
--Inko is 2000% a bad ass Sun and will fuck you up.
---Izuku?? That boy is a Sunny Sky.
FON --The absolute beatdown this kid could give people by the time he was five is whooooooo. 
--Fon terrifies the HPSC and is very much proud of that fact. He teaches Izuku to be wary of their games, but also to be enough of a Bad Ass they can’t corner him verbally of physically. 
-- Fon is both very proud his grandson is a Sky and very protective. Because Izuku is a Sky related to an Arcobaleno, and the world is very much interested in that. 
Fon won’t have it. 
His boy’s Elements will be genuinely found and Bonded and he will Fuck Up anyone that tries to prevent that.
--Izuku has the Hibari temper in s p a d e s. He was a tiny ball of rage and FIGHT ME as a toddler, and Fon was the one to teach him to reign it in, Inko remembering her father’s childhood temper stories. It’s why he gets along with Katsuki so well, and why he’s so FERAL even if no one believes it until it’s too late. TSUNA (for giggles, cause I’m weak)
---Izuku grows up surrounded by adoration and love, and a wild variety of personalities. He’s....a little odd himself as a result. 
---He’s definitely a force to reckon with, being a Sunny Sky, with the Vongola Hyper Intuition? Ooooh, he’s gonna abuse the hell out of it in hero work. And in Friendship but nicely. Shhh. 
---Izuku never doubts he is loved, and he relishes in the strange Vongola traditions and UA is....comparatively a breeze to Uncle Reborn. He actually likes Aizawa On Sight, beyond his Hyper Intuition because he reminds him of his Uncle.
---Izuku enjoys Cosplay. Reborn thought it was funny to fuck with Tsuna that way, Inko thought it was hilarious and cute, and Tsuna....also thought it was cute despite the internal sdfgsgfdsd. Reborn is thrilled. 
---Izuku fights best with his hands and body, but he sure as hell knows how to ROCK a gun, because Uncle Reborn and Uncle Xanxus would have no other options on that, and his genius little mind ROCKS the math for trick shots. His Uncles are so proud.
---Reborn has been the family man at heart, for a very long time, for all that he never said so openly. He was there for all of Izuku’s milestones, and adores the little Sunny Sky beyond words.
---Absolutely was teaching Toddler Izuku gun maintenance way before he should have done, but Inko was taught the same and sees no issues. with this, so Izuku knows the names of gun parts and how to put them together and take them apart and safety rules....long, long before anyone else would have. 
---Inko is a sharpshooting, trick shot capable bad ass and no one is ready. Least of all her S/O. (He’s w e a k)
---there are....so many cosplay baby photos. There’s an album or 5. Reborn 1000% has copies on hand at all times and will pull a “LOOK AT MY ADORABLE GRANDSON” if you let him. (The other Arcobaleno will sit down and look at them, becuase Izuku has them all wrapped around his tiny fingers and hes cute as hell okay)
VERDE --He is SO pleased with Izuku’s level of brains. He hones that from the start
--The Analysis skills he has?? ABSOLUTELY not wasting those. 
--He is totally Izuku’s Support Gear provider and he will FIGHT for that right, shut up
--He’s very devoted to keeping Izuku alive and well be the end of his career so he can retire and he will see it done. 
--Inko has those smarts too btw. People are...very shocked by the Sherlock like anility to pull them apart both Midoriyas share and it can...make people uncomfortable.
--Nedzu is t h r i l l e d
--The rest of the school is low key terrified. 
LAL/COLONNELLO ---Army Kid Izuku okay. Because Inko kept some habits, and they both showed up often and Izuku is a powerful little shit even young as hell 
--Very good with guns, take 2 XD
--Mafia Island is a playground for Izuku, and he relishes in the challenges of the training grounds his grandparents come up with. Better training after all!
(Katsuki ALSO thinks its great) VIPER --Izuku is so good at getting money. So so good at it. Viper taught him so many tricks, and he uses them like whoo. Beter source of money he has, the better his job gets done, and he wants enough to take care of his people soooo.....
--Despite money hoarding, he’s also likely to use it for things, more than Viper. It’s not about him having the money, so much as it is having enough to help with what he wants to help with.
--Also grew up around Varia. Izuku is very much a deadly little shit. 
--Very likely to go Underground in this one in my head??? Like just. WRECK IT. He’s a little shit, but a vey powerful magnetic one. 
--Establishes the first real, very deadly, Underground Heroics Team, and they are....very effective.
--Ahhh, yes. Izuku is very much taught to act. To display what needs displaying. 
--Grew up around Circus Folk, and he knows....a hell of a lot of their tricks.
--Super flexible and powerful and works hard for it
-- Very much a super popular ‘small time’ hero in daylight, but a very driven, very deadly, very well known Underground Hero who can and will fuck you up
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montrealmadison · 3 years
drink deeply
or, as they say at samwell, “penitus potes.” shitty gives the toast at jack and bitty’s wedding. for @zimbitsweddingofficial and day two of zimbits wedding week: the wedding itself!
just for fun, a draft version of the beginning of this fic with lardo, ransom, and holster’s “helpful” edits can be found via google doc here. hope y’all enjoy! <3
Good evening, everyone! On behalf of Jack and Eric, thank you all so much for being here tonight, and welcome to what could very well be the most highly anticipated wedding reception of 2019. I mean, this party was planned by the likes of Suzanne Bittle and Alicia Zimmermann. We are in for a treat, folks.
Before we get to all that, I’d also like to extend a particular welcome to those in attendance who are part of the playing, coaching, and/or office staff of the Providence Falconers. Glad you could all make it this evening; I know this past week was a little bit busy for you guys.
[Insert appropriate pause and gesture to the punch bowl, which on closer inspection is actually—oh yeah—the Stanley Cup the Falcs won three days ago. Hold for inevitable applause, general hysteria, and/or hooting/hollering from Tater.]
For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been trying to decide whether I should introduce myself by my first name, which will inevitably get me mocked by my friends until the end of time, or by my nickname, which will definitely scandalize anyone who has not spent a significant amount of time around twenty-year-old guys who play hockey. However, as I look around the room, I’m realizing that most of you probably either raised, spent significant time around, or were once a twenty-year-old guy who played hockey. To the rest of you, I am profoundly sorry.
So, hi! I’m Shitty, and I’m Jack’s best man.
read more below or on ao3
Being someone’s best man, as I’ve realized over the last few months, should really come with a playbook or an instruction manual or something, because it’s a task unlike any other you’ll ever take on. In addition to being a friend, you have to be a confidant, an expert at bachelor-party debauchery (I think my college resume definitely prepared me for this part) and someone who’s not afraid to step in to make last-minute decisions so the grooms don’t have to. You also have to do all of these things without getting fired from your job or stepping on anyone’s toes, up to and including: the couple getting married, the other people in the wedding party, the grooms’ parents, the wedding planner, and most importantly, Moomaw, whose word is law around here. 
(Seriously. She made the pie tonight, people. Bow down to her.)
But as much as the role can feel a little bit like you’re being thrown in at the deep end, it also definitely comes with its perks. Tonight, I have both the honor and the challenge of somehow summarizing how much I love Jack and Eric in a speech that is heartfelt and witty yet also brief so that we can get to the aforementioned pie as quickly as possible. If you’re still following me here, that is a tall order—but here goes nothing!
I met Jack Zimmermann on our first day of freshman year at Samwell, during the bright, hot summer of 2011. I was participating in the time-honored tradition of moving into a dorm on the third floor of a building with no elevator and no air conditioning in the middle of August. It builds character, or so the good folks in Samwell administration probably tell themselves. Anyway, athletes got to move in early for preseason, so I was expecting to be one of the only guys on the floor for at least a couple days. I was just carrying the last box into my room when the door next to mine opened and—well, you can probably guess who walked out.
Now, I grew up in Boston, which means I also grew up around hockey culture. I’d heard the news that Jack was coming to Samwell, so I knew who he was when he stepped into the hall in that same vague way that you kind of-sort of recognize celebrities hustling down the street or through the airport with their sunglasses on. And he gave me that same vibe—“I know you know who I am, and I’d very much like not to be bothered about it.”
Here is something that will not shock you if you know us: Jack was the first friend I made in college. Here is something that might shock you if you know us: That definitely doesn’t mean we were friends at first. By his own admission, Jack wasn’t at Samwell to make friends at all. He told me, much later, that he was only planning to go to play hockey, get his life back on track, and keep his head down as much as possible.
So in retrospect, maybe it was an unlucky thing for Jack that he ran into the one person who wasn’t going to let him do that.
Because no matter who you are or where you’re from, freshman year of college breeds a unique kind of terror I’ve never felt anywhere else. There’s a lot of pressure to completely remake yourself, to become the person you maybe never could have been in your hometown. By coming to Samwell, I wanted to be a different kind of kid than the one that Andover had raised. Jack wanted to be a different kind of kid than the one he’d spent twenty years telling himself he had to be. As much as neither of us wanted to admit it, we both wanted similar things out of our college experience, and we needed a support system to do that. And so, however begrudging the two of us were about it at first, we started to bond more and more.
It wasn’t always easy. For one thing, my idea of a good time was a lot louder than Jack’s—who enjoyed such scintillating pursuits as “watching golf” and “going to bed at a reasonable hour”, neither of which were quite in my vocabulary at the ripe old age of eighteen. Also, if it’s before six in the morning, he has a hard time remembering to speak English, which used to make for a lot of stilted conversations between the two of us as we walked to early morning practice. (On a completely unrelated note, the first and probably only thing I ever learned in Québécois is how to swear.)
I don’t remember the exact tipping point at which Jack and I really became friends; I think it was more of a quiet acknowledgment that we liked having each other around, that we balanced each other out in ways that neither of us initially knew we needed. What I do know is that, slowly but surely, I started to get glimpses of the Jack that exists off the ice. And so began one of the most extraordinary journeys of my life, because the only thing crazier than knowing Jack Zimmermann is actually knowing Jack.
Here are some things that I’ve learned in the process: He’s on his third pair of neon yellow running shoes, which he buys specifically because the color makes him happy. Before either of us tried Eric’s pies, the only thing that could make him cheat on a meal plan was a sleeve of Double Stuf Oreos. (Don’t ask him how to eat them correctly unless you’re interested in a twenty-minute speech on exactly how they have to be pulled apart.) And he loves Captain America, although it is the opinion of this best man that America’s ass has nothing on his hockey butt. Have you seen that thing? It has Internet fans in at least two different countries. 
But I digress.
In our sophomore year we lived next to each other again, by choice instead of by chance, in what I can only describe as the pinnacle of American college living: the Samwell Men’s Hockey Haus. We used to pull the comforter off of one of our beds and climb out onto the roof and clear off the snow so we could share the blanket, look up at the stars, and listen to the bass thumping through the wall of the house next door. On nights when other things felt confusing, this one part of my life was clear. There’s something about sitting out under the open sky that just makes it easier to talk to a guy, you know? 
Some nights the conversations we had were funny. Some nights they were serious. Some nights we said nothing at all, just sat secure in the knowledge that someone cared enough to exist alongside us for a little while. There was always an unspoken agreement between us on nights like these: I got your back. For me, Jack’s friendship became a rock, a refuge. It’s something that I came to depend on that year and still do to this day.
As for the content of those late-night conversations—well, some things do have to stay between friends. I’m sure Jack will agree, especially because he has so graciously allowed me to get up here and lovingly roast him just a little bit.
So let’s skip ahead again, to yet another August, the start of our junior year, and the arrival on the scene of one Eric Bittle. This kid burst into our ranks like a ray of Southern sunshine and turned pretty much everything upside down in the process. In the first five minutes of being in the Haus, he somehow made us a pie? Folks, I'm not kidding, it was the best thing I’ve ever eaten. We were a bunch of guys who didn’t know what we were missing until we had it, and let me tell you, it was one hell of a semester after that. In pretty short order we had curtains on the windows and baked goods on the counters, and Samwell Men’s Hockey started to become not only a team but a family.
That was off the ice, at least. On it, things were a little more complicated. As our dear friend and former goalie John Johnson said to me, Jack and Eric hadn’t gone through their character development yet—whatever that means. 
Take our third or fourth practice with the full team that year, for example. It had gone… uh. Poorly, would be a word. Later that night I heard some rustling on the roof outside, and God knows I was willing to do just about anything but my homework—so I stuck my head out the window and there was Jack, watching the stars. I asked him if he wanted a buddy, and he said alright, so I slid out and sat down next to him.
That was pretty usual for us at this point. What wasn’t usual was the topic of conversation. The first thing Jack said to me was, “Bittle’s gonna get eaten alive when our schedule starts.” (Remember, people, they’re married now!) The second was, “I want to help.”
Here’s another thing about Jack: Underneath the veneer is a guy who just cares so intensely it’d shock you if you knew nothing else about him. It shocked me a little that day. I think it even shocked him to admit it, to the point where I had to say, “Jack, it’s not a criminal offense to care about other people. Even if it feels like you’re doing it for yourself.”
So he helped. He offered an olive branch, and Bits took him up on it. I’d hear the two of them get up in the morning, hours before the rest of us had to be at Faber, for checking practice. None of the rest of us ever knew exactly what went down, but one thing was for sure—Eric put in a ton of work to overcome some of the fears that had followed him to college. He got better, and Jack relaxed. The two of them really started working as a team, and things started looking up from there.
The day that they told us they were dating was pretty amazing. Eric is so full of light no matter how bleak a situation may look, but that day he was literally almost glowing. And I’ve seen Jack in moments after victory and loss, at his best and at his worst. But I’ve never seen a Jack who was so happy, possessed of such confidence in a decision he’d made, as I saw him that day at brunch. And that’s when I knew this relationship was really special. 
From there, many of you know the story. You watched it play out on ESPN and social media and the front pages of every single gossip magazine on the supermarket shelves. But if you’re sitting here with us tonight, you also watched it play out between Jack and Eric themselves. You’ve watched them handle expectations as a united front. You’ve watched their unfailing dedication to each other while they navigate the pressure of being some pretty big firsts. You know that, behind the scenes, these are two incredibly genuine people who  bring out the best in each other and are dedicated to doing that every single day.
In the last four years, I’ve watched Eric become self-possessed and confident because he was given the space to do so. In the last six years, I’ve watched Jack grow from a kid with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove to a guy who finally believes that he deserves all the good things the world has given him and then some. If you take nothing else away from this speech, I want you to know this: I’m incredibly proud to call myself a friend to both of them.
Jack, Bits, you’re always gonna be my brothers, my best friends, and two of the finest damn men I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. I wish you both a long and happy marriage. Take care of each other, be good to each other, and never forget where you started—as a team.
So please join me in raising your glasses, everyone, and as they say at Samwell—penitus potes to Jack and Eric!
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