#its actually pretty sad that i'm just now finding all of this lol
astermath · 6 months
hiya! i’m a really big fan of your stranger things work and I was wondering, if youre comfortable of course, a steve x reader period imagine where reader tried to hide their period from Steve, but he finds out and is super fluffy and sweet about it? thank you!
HAHAH wow i have let this ask stew in my inbox since last year thats CRAZY im so sorry my dear,, i was going through old asks and i rlly like this prompt actually so here u go, i hope u enjoy!!!!
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
tags: established relationship, obv mentions of periods / menstruation, reader is referred to as female, steve being dense at first lol, regular sized font below!
wc: 1.4K
notes: while the reader in this fic is female, i am well aware not everyone who has a period is a girl, and not everyone who's a girl has a period!
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Steve is one attentive boyfriend.
It’s the early stages of your relationship, the golden era, the honeymoon phase. And while you’re a still a bit nervous about it all, you couldn’t be happier, because he does it all right.
He knows your favourite snacks, what music you like, what makes you laugh, what makes you cry. He’s starting to figure out your ins and outs, and it’s almost crazy how quickly he’s catching on. You have no reason to feel judged by him at any point, he truly is comfort poured into the shape of a person.
So then why are you staring at your phone right now, struggling to dial his number and just tell him why you can’t make it to your date?
It’s not usually this bad, at least it hadn’t been for a while, so why now, of all moments, must you be forsaken to be terrorised by your period?
You bite your lip, laying flat onto your bed, hand over your lower stomach. It's right where the pain is just gnawing at you, just like the guilt is. But you know you’d feel even guiltier if you just stood him up, he doesn’t deserve that. You sit up, a tad slowly to save yourself from another cramp, and swallow your nerves for now.
“I’ll just… Tell him I’m sick. Yeah… Yeah I can do that.” You think to yourself.
The combination of his number had started to feel natural to your fingers now, unlike how anxiously you pressed the buttons the first time, triple checking before finally pressing call. You're triple checking again now, more so because you're not sure you can handle hearing the defeat in his voice when you tell him you can't make it.
The phone barely gets a moment to ring before he picks it up, and his all too familiar sweet voice comes through the device.
"Hey babe, everything okay over there?"
You pause a moment before replying. "How did you know it was me calling?"
"Lover's intuition." He chuckles, and it makes your heart flutter. It's not fair how easy it is for him to do that to you, but you enjoy it nonetheless. "So, what's going on?"
"I, uh..." God, getting the words out is like pulling teeth. But you'd rather die than let him think you just got cold feet about your movie date. "I'm really not feeling too well right now, Steve... I'm-- I'm so sorry, I'm gonna have to cancel for tonight." Your eyes are welling up with tears before he even gets a chance to reply, just imagining his pretty face losing its bright expression when hearing your unfortunate news.
"Oh," damnit, he does sound sad, "that's okay, uhm... Is there anything I can do? What kinda sick is it?"
Shit, he's gonna make you say it, isn't he? You know Steve is a mature guy, he knows about periods, knows how they work, but you've been told to suck it up and get on with it before... A part of you is still disappointed that you just can't.
"U-Uhm... It's more like, a stomach thing, I guess?" It's the best way you can put it for now, hoping it'll put his worries to rest.
"Okay, I see..." You can nearly hear him thinking, the subtle noise of bags being moved and a fridge being opened coming through the phone. "Uh, how aboouuut... I come over to yours, and we just watch a movie at home? I still got a couple of tapes we haven't gotten to, and I can bring some light snacks that won't upset your stomach too much."
The thought of Steve caring for you while you're sick sends a warm feeling through your entire body. God, how does he just keep getting better? But you can't lie to him, right? It's not like you're really sick, unless you count the curse of menstruation as a symptom.
Before you get a chance to explain, he's talking again, and by the ruckus in the background you can only guess he's rushing to grab all his stuff. "I'll be heading out in a bit, I'll stop by the corner store too, stay put for me alright? See ya in a bit!"
You're sure he didn't realize he wasn't letting you talk, but frankly, you probably couldn't even come up with a response on time anyways. Right now, you just have to worry about looking somewhat presentable, and maybe figure out a way to tell him you're not actually sick.
By the time you've brushed your hair and brushed some mascara onto your lashes, you're already hearing the doorbell. You just manage to pull a fresh shirt over your head, before stumbling down the stairs and stopping in front of the door. With a deep, loaded, sigh you open it, to reveal your boyfriend.
Hair messed up, plastic bag in hand, jacket haphazardly thrown on. He clearly rushed to be here, still panting a little, but in your eyes, he's the image of your guardian angel, your saviour in need.
Before either of you know it, you're crying again, your freshly applied mascara now leaving thin black streaks over your cheeks. Your hands go up to cover your face, embarrassed, not even sure why you're sobbing all of a sudden. The feelings just hit you like a freight train, rocking you before you even have a time to rationalize.
Steve's expression falters, the bag he had in hand dropping to the floor in an instant, stepping in closer so he can carefully wrap his arms around you and pull you to his chest. Not too tight, he doesn't want to startle you. He's a bit distraught; he's really only seen you cry at a sad movie scene before, so he's a bit unsure as to what's caught you to be so upset right now.
"I-I'm sorry..." you manage to mutter through your incoherent sobs and sniffs, effectively ruining the front of his shirt in the process.
"Hey, hey..." His big hands go up to your face, gently cupping your wettened cheeks as he looks into your teary eyes. Hell, the image of you is almost enough to make him break too. "What're you sorry for? You can't help it that you're sick, right?"
The reminder of your lie makes you want to break eye contact in shame, but it's hard to force yourself to lose sight of that soft, caring gaze of his.
"I," sniff, "I lied, I'm so sorry Steve, I-- I'm not sick, I just... I have..."
He watches you expectedly, not upset, just curious. You'd surely have your reasons if whatever caused you to cancel is making you this upset.
"I'm... I'm just on my period and it-- it hurts really bad, it's not even usually this bad, and I felt like I was overreacting and I feel so bad and--" Your ramble gets cut short by his chuckle, the same one that nearly caused you to melt over the phone earlier.
"W-Wha... Why are you laughing?" You're not sure if you should be happy or worried, you're already experiencing so much at once, it's hard to pick one emotion to feel.
"Nothing, it's just, well," he picks up the bag he dropped, opening it slightly to show the bars of chocolate, candy and your favorite chips inside. "I had a feeling."
The sight of it makes you snap out of your state of distress, and you can’t help but crack a smile through your tears. “Seriously? How?”
He shrugs, a sheepish smile adorning his face. “I told you, lover’s intuition.” He pulls you back to him and kisses your head. “There’s another bag in the car with chicken soup in case I was wrong.”
You both laugh, just hugging on your doorstep for a moment. You have to let it sink in, that maybe Steve just is that sweet and considerate of a guy.
“D’you wanna go inside, or does standing outside help with cramps?” He pulls back a little, and you fight the urge to poke him in the ribs for his sarcasm. You love it either way.
“Yeah, let’s go inside. We can watch When Harry Met Sally and I can cry my eyes out again. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
Hii!! 🧚‍♀️It's Wee Emo anon 🍾
Really liked your last work, so here i am again
Can i request brothers reaction on MC who cry over small things?
Like they see little kitten on the street and - WHOOP! - they're bubbling sobbing mess
I'm kinda can't cry (sounds dramatic lol) and wanna MC to feel it instead of me 😬
Love your works, keep going bestie💐🏃‍♂️
HI WEE EMO <3 please ignore the fact you sent me this on april 27th and its now june i had gcses to prepare for 😔✊
anyway, who let you into my house 😧🤨
no seriously i've cried at multiple south park episodes. south park. sometimes i wanna cry when i see my dog i cannot be trusted i tear up so easily especially when im writing🙁
for not being able to cry that is not very good for you fr:
i used to not be able to cry + still only really tear up, some tears drip down and let out like 2 sobbing sounds before im good again, i dont even have to try and stop crying, two sobs and im done, but my biggest tip is, get tired like really sleepy to the point where your eyes water bc of tiredness then watch something really sad.
i ha to literally train myself to be able to cry again bro dw, i wish i could have a big long cry but like 3 mins of crying is better than none, trust me wee emo you'll feel better
this was very hard to imagine their reactions to idk why, but i tried so 😔✊
grma wee emo for requesting <3 and grma everyone else for reading <3
Obey Me Brothers With a Sensitive MC <3
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It was safe to say you were sensitive, back when Melanie Martinez's music was a lot better, you really could say that the song 'Crybaby' pretty much encapsulated your entire being, it still did, but you liked to think you were more mature in your music taste now. (You weren't)
Being suddenly catapulted into the Devildom did a number on your emotions, and you found yourself quite numb. But as you adjusted, and bonded with the others, you found that you were back to your usual self, which was a crybaby.
So then how do the brothers react?
Great. Two Mammons.
At least Mammon No.2 (you) isnt a tsundere about it.
Lucifer does not like seeing you cry. Even if its because something is cute, (although he does find it quite adorable, not that he'd admit it)
This demon is of the opinion that tears should never disgrace your beautiful eyes.
He will invite you to listen to his records with him and purposely put on sad ones or really sweet ones so you grip onto him while you tear up,
He is a demon, after all. ;)
Finally. Someone who cries more than him!
It actually makes him feel safer around you, like you wont bully him for being more sensitive than his brothers.
Actually ends up dropping a lot of his tsundere act around you.
You watch movies together, but always have to check the Devildom version of 'doesthedogdie.com'
Idk, I feel like Mammon would give you a bit of bother for it at first but then slowly start to like, open up more, because he really does see himself in you like that.
He blanks.
One day you start crying because of how cute the anime you both were watching was, Levi thought you were geniunely upset, so he tried to cheer you up.
You end up thinking that its really sweet and start crying harder.
Leviathan PANICKS.
Even now, he still gets really nervous when you start crying, and has popped into his demon form more times than he can count when you grab onto him and sniffle.
Please he's already so awkward he can't handle how cute you are.
You might make him start crying as well :(
Satan 100% gets so angry he starts crying so he can kind of understand it.
He's just glad you cry over positive things :)
His favourite moment was definetly when you teared up over a small kitten. (He took several photos and also took the kitten home)
Like Lucifer he 100% invites you to read with him and picks the fluffiest most adorable romance he can find, or the saddest most heartbreaking romance he can find.
He likes when you cling onto him and look up at him with those big teary eyes.
He's a demon. What did you expect, ;)
He thinks you're adorable.
Any emotion on your face is adorable to him actually. <3
If you wear makeup he makes sure to get you waterproof mascara and other eye makeup so your beautiful tears dont ruin your beautiful makeup <3
If any of you remember that crying girl makeup trend? Yeah he deffo starts that up in the Devildom (a) to make you feel less embarrassed about it and (b) because he thinks youre so beautiful when you express yourself.
He doesn't cry a lot, it's not exactly something that comes naturally to him at all.
Its not that he CANT cry or that he holds his tears back, its just that he doesn't normally process or reaction to things with tears.
Only in serious serious situations will he cry.
So when he sees you crying over one of those little onigiri things that are literally adorable, he thinks that you've somehow hurt yourself. (i nabbed this off of pinterest)
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Beel panics, and mentally goes over the ingredients in his head, did he order something with an ingredient that was dangerous to humans?
He calms down when he realises that you're crying because it looks cute.
He feels you with that.
Makes an effort to take you to more places with food items displayed in cute ways.
Though you do have to look away while Beel cuts them up for you, otherwise you wouldnt be able to eat it.
He laughs at you.
Point blank.
Originally when he's in the attic he uses your sensitivity as a way to manipulate you.
But post lesson 16, he really starts to appreciate it more.
This bastard will use his powers as the youngest sibling against you, he'll dress up in cute onesies and give you puppy eyes, all to coax you into taking naps with him.
Which you do.
I have no idea how half of these fuckheads would react tbh
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joels-shitty-puns · 11 months
The Key To Your Heart - Track 7
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Fat shaming, name calling, kissing, angst. Mentions of food, weight loss, weight gain, dieting, weighing, potential eating disorder, food guilt. Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 6.6K!!!
Series List: Here!
Miss last chapter? Here!
Hi guys! I'm so sorry this took a little extra longer than usual. I've had a lot of ideas for this chapter for a long time and I struggled with putting it all on paper. I'm also on vacation 🤪 but I really wanted to get this one out there, especially before Halloween. Also I'm sorry if the spacing and stuff is crap, I did this from my phone/iPad while falling asleep at 3:30 AM. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!
You awoke with a start, your alarms blaring through the bedroom. Giving the snooze button a smack, you reach across your mattress, touching the sheets to find the other side of your bed empty.
It was still warm, but missing the actual body that you fell asleep cuddled next to. Blinking your eyes a few times, you called out into the bedroom. "Baby?"
You climbed out of bed, making your way down the hall to the living room, where you finally saw him on the couch. Sound asleep, eyes gently closed, a soft snore passed from his mouth. At the sound of your footsteps, he opened his eyes, giving a big stretch and wagging his tail.
"Good morning Skippy, my little sunshine! I missed your cuddles this morning. Why'd you move to the couch?"
He looked at you and yawned, his eyes closing once again. You giggled and headed for the shower to get ready for another day. Some of us have to actually work and get stuff done in this house!
The day at work was busy, leaving little time to chat with Pedro. You couldn't help but smirk to yourself as your coworkers buzzed about your new album freshly released the day before. They still hadn't figured it out, but you decided you would continue to let it be your little secret a bit longer. They didn't need to know. Just you and Pedro could share this for now.
On your lunch break, you finally opened your phone to find a few text messages from him. "Good morning! I had fun video chatting with you last night. I'm so glad we listened to your album together, and it was nice to finally get to see you." His message made your heart skip.
Second text from Pedro: "Hey, I hope work is going well for you. I was thinking, maybe if you'd like, we could chat again later? If you don't want to video chat anymore, no pressure, but I enjoyed it and thought maybe if you wanted to, we could."
You replied. "Hey P! It's been a crazy day :) but a good one. Especially waking up happy after enjoying a lovely evening. I would really love to video chat with you again too."
Pedro breathed a sigh of relief at your answer. He couldn't help but feel nervous to ask you, despite having just video chatted last night, and he also didn't want to make you feel pressured; especially with someone as private as you are. But with your response, he smiled as he felt his stomach fill with butterflies at the thought of seeing you again.
Later on, after work, the two of you were texting and deciding on the time to video chat again. However, before you called, Pedro texted you again. "Hey, I had a question for you, but I didn't want to ask it over the phone or video call and make you feel pressured. But, there's this Hollywood Halloween party coming up in a few days. I know you still want to keep your identity, but I thought if you'd like to, each guest is allowed to bring a date, and I thought you could mingle a little with some other musicians and actors. I can just tell people you're one of my friends from a set if you don't want to give your real name. You don't need to tell them anything you don't want out to the public. Plus I would love to spend some time together in person too, if you want to. I know it's a lot, so if you would rather not go, I understand. But I'd love to meet you."
The idea of going to a party filled with other celebrities, AND Pedro, had you filled with mixed emotions. Nervous. Excited. Terrified. Love-sick. Hesitant.
After a bit of thinking,you decided, and the answer seemed obvious from the start. The party sounded terrifying, and was completely unknown territory. But you also knew that if you didn't go, you'd surely kick yourself and regret this chance forever.
Finally you replied. "Okay! I'll go. I'd love to spend time with you, too, Pedro. Thank you for inviting me."
He replied again: "Really?! So, will boo be my date? 👻"
You: "That was a little too.. (candy) corny. I may have to ghost you. 🎃"
Pedro didn't miss a beat. "Okay, you're driving me batty. 🦇 Want to call and talk about our costumes?"
Oh shit, I forgot about costumes.
The two of you chatted, easily falling into the comfortable conversations you always do. Fitting together like two peas in a pod. Even though neither of you were dressed up fancy anymore, it didn't feel like you had to be someone else, or dress up. Things were comfortable. Easy.
Pedro suggested a matching costume, which made you want to scream and pace through your living room. Unfortunately, due to your camera situation, pacing and screaming would surely cause some alarm. After dancing around things like pirates, ketchup/mustard, and movie characters, you finally had an idea and suggested Cinderella and her prince.
"It just feels kinda fitting you know? Nobody knows who I am, but I go out for once, I meet this prince, and he lets me have this fun night. But then at the end of the night, everything goes back to normal, and I'm unknown again."
Until he eventually can't stay away and they both fall in love and live happily ever after… but that's neither here nor there. Totally not my intention.. pffft…
"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Should I send a carriage?" He joked with a wink, but you could tell he was a little bit serious. You couldn't help but feel like he would have reserved a carriage ride in a heartbeat had you said yes.
"Absolutely not. Way too big of a scene," you laughed. "In fact, I actually have work that day. Would it be possible for me to just meet you there after I get off work? I can just take an Uber across town. My work isn't too far from the party and I'm sure parking will be a mess."
Pedro agreed, although he felt bad you'd be taking a ride-share service alone and continued to offer a ride if you needed. He also felt a bit disappointed he wouldn't get to have any time alone with you beforehand, but he wasn't about to tell you that detail.
Either way, the two of you agreed on your plans, and as the days led up to the party, you grew more and more eager. You also felt more and more dread in the pit of your stomach.
But this will be good. It has to be. Right?
The night of the party came quickly.
You got off work, took a quick shower, changed into your costume, did your hair, and added a little bit of makeup. The costume felt silly, but you kept telling yourself it was Halloween and everyone would be in costumes. Plus, you have a handsome prince waiting for you inside. As your mind and heart raced, the Uber driver pulled up to the curb, dropped you off, and you were met with a line to the entrance.
The line to the party was lengthy, filled mostly with eager fans, paparazzi, and journalists hoping to gain entry. Occasionally you'd see a celebrity pass by, but they were quickly ushered in once they were recognized.
You, however, were unknown by all. So you stood in line, surrounded by others who hoped desperately to meet their favorite celebrity. Not unlike yourself.
Having finally made it, you sent a quick text to Pedro. "Hey! I'm here :) sorry I'm late."
Your stomach twisted in knots. Sure, you were excited to meet Pedro. Especially with as much as the two of you have been talking over the past couple months now-
Geez, has it really been months?
But despite your connection, you still had that nagging self-conscious worry that he might not like you. Maybe he's just been talking with you to be nice, and the second you're together in person he won't give you the time of day. Maybe he will find you boring in real life. Maybe he will think you're ugly. Or weird. Or fat. Or -
"Next!" The bouncer at the door yelled after sending yet another hopeful fan away. Your stomach dropped and your mouth was dry.
"Hi, I-"
"NAME?" He barked, clearly done with this whole event.
"Well, actu-"
"Speak up princess, I can't hear ya when ya mumblin," the man said with a thick New York accent.
You cleared your throat. "Actually my name isn't on the list, I'm a guest of Pedro Pascal."
The man, towering over you, let out a bellowing laugh. "YEAH, I'm sure ya are, toots. You and every other woman in this joint."
"But I-"
"And trust me, I've turned away much prettier broads than the likes a' you at this doorway," he said while looking you up and down with an amused look as if he had just told the punchline at a comedy club.
Your heart sank. You always said things like that to yourself on the inside, but it wasn't often that people were that blunt to your face.
The man sneered while smacking his gum and arrogantly moving it to the other side of his mouth with his tongue. That gum. You wanted to punch him if you had to hear him smack it one more time.
"Back a' the line, kid. Y'ain't gettin' in here tonight, but I appreciate the self-confidence," he said, laughing at his own joke.
Disheartened, you didn't even care about meeting Pedro anymore. Your mood was dampened, your ego was hurt, and all you wanted to do was go home, get out of this stupid costume, and cry on your couch. With a short nod, you bit your lip to choke down the tears, turned, and headed towards the exit.
"Hey!!! There you are- wait where are you going?"
You'd recognize that voice anywhere. Pedro.
You turned around, swallowing down your emotions and putting on a fake smile, despite the wave of hurt and anxiety pooling in your stomach and chest. "Hey, Pedro! You found me."
Pedro smiled at the guard and snuck past, telling him "hey, she's with me." Fans in line squealed, which he greeted with a kind wave and charming smile. At last, he reached you and gestured for the two of you to head inside to the party. You gave a nod and a small, half-hearted smile.
You didn't want him to know how upset you were. Not only did you feel pathetic and slightly agree with the bouncer, but you also didn't want to ruin Pedro's night.
As the two of you entered the crowded party, you looked around at the decorations. Filled with purple and green lighting, the Halloween music blared and monsters danced the night away. A bowl of green punch sat on a table to the side, surrounded by bowls of candy and platters of snacks. An open bar was on the back wall, providing both normal booze, and Halloween themed drinks topped with gummy worms or syrup made to look like blood. To the right of the bar was a door to the large rooftop balcony which held tall, dark-green potted hedges, perfectly trimmed and shaped underneath rows of charming fairy lights. Beyond the shrubbery, the deck had several nice patio tables and chairs, a few people catching their breath outside or chatting, and a gorgeous view of the city below with the sparkling sky above.
Back inside and off to the right of the patio door, away from the dance floor, was a door which you assumed was the restroom, based on the long line of women.
"I'd like you to meet some people, if you feel up to it," Pedro yelled to be heard over the booming music from the dj.
"Okay!" You yelled back.
He led you over to a couple of people off to the side of the dance floor, one you recognized as his friend Sarah Paulson, who was dressed in a shimmery witch costume.
Pedro introduced the two of you. Sarah was very sweet, and while you talked music and acting, Pedro touched your shoulder and spoke into your ear to avoid yelling. "I'm going to grab a drink, can I get you anything?"
"I'll just take a soda, thanks!" Although some alcohol might help your nerves, you wanted to maintain a clear head and maybe not do or say something to Pedro that you might regret.
"You got it," he replied, turning on his heel towards the bar.
Once he had left, Sarah gave you a look.
"What?" you laughed.
"You know, he talks about you all the time. I know you already love some other guy based on that hit song of yours, but I gotta say I think he might be smitten with you."
"Oh please, no he isn't. We're just friends!" You smiled at the idea, but inside, you kept hearing the bouncer's words on repeat. There's no way Pedro could have feelings for you. Even if you wanted him to have those feelings more than anything, it couldn't be.
"Whatever you say," she said with a smirk.
A pause before she added "just… don't hurt him. I know you love someone else, but he's a good guy," she pleaded, letting her protective side show.
On his way back from the bar, Pedro ran into Oscar, whom he tagged up with and headed back to your small group. "This is my friend Oscar," said Pedro, introducing you to Oscar as his friend.
Friend. Remember that. Friend. That's all. All you'll ever be.
"Nice to meet you Oscar!" You gave him a cherry smile.
"Nice to finally meet the woman of the hour! Pedro here just won't shut up about you," he said with a smirk, looking at Pedro mischievously. Pedro blushed and looked into his drink cup, taking a sip while trying to hide himself.
"Yep! It's always 'she said this, she said that, can you believe she can do that? She's so smart, funny, sweet…' yada yada yada," he said, smirking again and taking a side glance at Pedro, who choked on his soda. "Shut. Up. Oscar." He quietly threatened through clenched teeth. But despite his quiet tone and a loud party, you heard him.
I mean, I say kind things about my friends that way sometimes. It's nice he's so appreciative of his friends. Because that's what I am. A friend.
Sarah chimes in. "That's what I was telling her! But she claims they're just friends," she air-quotes around the words 'just friends.'
Pedro's heart sank. He knew deep down that's all you were to him, but hearing it second-hand from you still hurt. Just friends… he thought.
"Yeah right," Oscar rolled his eyes, talking to Sarah as if the two of you weren't standing literally right next to them.
"Believe what you want Oscar, but it's true," Pedro answered with a shrug.
Now it was your turn to feel heartbroken. Just friends… you thought.
You cleared your throat, "anyway, I'm going to go get another soda. Can I get anyone anything?" They all answered no, and you headed for the bar.
Deep in your thoughts, you walked over to the bar when a woman slammed into you. She spilled her red, bloody Halloween cocktail drink all down the front of your costume. "Watch where you're going, fat bitch," said the woman, appropriately dressed in a devil costume, her skin-tight red dress barely covering her ass and breasts.
You sighed. At this point you decided to skip the refill and head toward the bathroom to clean up your now wet front. You looked back to see the devil herself headed right towards Pedro's direction. Typical, you thought with an eye roll. She wants him and is mad I was talking to him.
You turned away from that scene and reached the line to the bathroom. It was lengthy, but luckily it was moving fast. Once inside, you finally could let your emotions out a little bit. You wanted to put on a brave face for Pedro and not ruin his evening, but ever since the bouncer made his comments, you couldn't get them out of your head. And now with that woman spilling her drink on you, you had another reason to be upset. You felt undeserving to be here to begin with, and their comments really solidified the imposter syndrome.
Despite wanting so desperately to see Pedro in the flesh, you hadn't even been able to really make eye contact all evening. Your nerves about meeting him were still there, but now you were just upset about the whole night. Even though you wanted to look at him, really see him, you felt like you didn't deserve it; and your nerves warned you not to look or else he'd figure you out.
If he realizes I like him, it's game over. It'll be like that guy I liked before. He'll eventually say it's weird. Weird for me to have a crush on him, weird for me to touch him, weird for the two of us to talk about relationships or sex. It's 'weird' with you.
You really started to hate that word; weird.
Perhaps you were destined to be a single hermit forever. Or maybe just become a nun.
Cleaned up and having let enough tears out for a couple more hours, at least until you could go home and really cry, you walked out of the bathroom. Heading back toward Pedro, you saw a tall, thin, beautiful woman wearing a tight black dress with a slit down the thigh and skeleton makeup on her face.
The woman was standing close to Pedro when you saw her touch his bicep. Slowly running her hand down his forearm, she batted her eyelashes and twirled her hair with her other hand. She said something to him you couldn't hear, but the two of them began to smile, Pedro's eyes growing wide with his grin. He said something to her and they both laughed, him throwing his upper half forward in a classic Pedro laugh.
That's it. I can't do it. I can't be here and see this.
Turning on your heel, you made for the patio door. The crisp air hit your face, urging the tears to fall immediately.
Pedro laughed as the woman, Tricia, held up both hands in defense. "I SWEAR, Pedro. That's what she did. She touched my arm like that, twirled her hair, batted her eyelashes, and said "hey baby. Come here often?"
Pedro laughed, "oh man, that's so cheesy."
"I know!" Tricia laughed, holding her stomach.
Pedro raised an eyebrow. "Okay, you agree it's cheesy, yet I feel like every time I've seen you two together tonight, you're the one that can't keep your hands off of her," he stated with a sassy smirk.
"Alright, you caught me," Tricia replied with a laugh, right as her girlfriend Sam walked up in a matching skeleton costume. Sam handed Tricia a cup of purple liquid and asked what they were laughing about.
"I asked how you two got together," Pedro replied with a chuckle.
"Oh, gosh, I can only imagine how she's spun the story this time!" Sam replied with an eye roll and a quick kiss to Tricia's lips. Seeing the two love-birds kiss made Pedro long to experience that with you.
Where did she go? There's no way she's still getting a drink.
He excused himself and headed towards the bar, but you weren't there. Then he walked towards the bathroom to check the line. Nope.
Finally he looked to the left and saw you, leaning against the balcony which overlooked the city.
He pulled the sliding door open, slipping outside into the cool October night. The patio was mostly empty, apart from a few stragglers on the far side of the rooftop, sitting at the patio furniture underneath a heat lamp. Most of the guests had gone inside when the temperature began to dip. He walked towards you, saying your name to gain your attention, but you didn't turn. Too deep in your thoughts.
"Are you okay? What are you doing out here all alone?" He touched your shoulder gently.
Startled, you tried to quietly sniffle and wipe your wet eyes without him noticing, careful to avoid smudging your mascara.
You turned to face him, planting another fake smile on your face. "Yeah I'm fine, just needed some air, that's all. You?"
"I can tell you're not okay. What's wrong?" He frowned, stepping closer to you and eyeing the red stain on your dress. Confusion laced across his face.
You stepped back a half-step away from his touch. "It's nothing, it just seems it isn't my night I guess… but you look like you're having fun. Get back in there and dance with Sarah and Oscar," you said with a gentle smile. "I think I might head out. Skipper is probably wondering where I am, anyway."
"I'm sorry you're not having a good time. Let me at least give you a ride home," he pleaded with his brown eyes. This was the first time all night you had actually made eye contact with him, finally seeing just how handsome he really was in person.
Yeah. There's no way he'd go for me. That's for sure.
"No, no please, you stay, I'll just get an Uber. It's fine! Thank you for inviting me tonight though, Pedro. That was really sweet of you."
"I'm not letting you take an Uber home when I'm right here."
"No, dont. I don't want you to miss the party…" you added.
"I've partied enough tonight. Come on, I'm taking you home. No arguments," he pressed, puppy dog eyes unwavering in his demand.
Seriously this man could get away with murder the way he looks with those eyes.
"Okay. Fine, if you really don't mind," you finally agreed, not that it was even an option.
He gave a quick explanation to his friends with a brief wave before the two of you headed out the front door. You scowled at the guard as you walked past.
Thanks for ruining my night, asshole.
After receiving his car from the valet, Pedro pulled open the passenger door for you, gesturing for you to climb inside.
Nobody has ever opened the car door for me before, other than my dad.
What a gentleman...
Just because you were upset didn't mean you weren't zapped with a feeling of adrenaline and love at his chivalrous action. Whoever ends up with him is a lucky person.
You climbed in the passenger seat and he went around the car, entering the driver's side.
Not only did you feel like you ruined the party, but you worry you may have ruined your shot altogether. Why would Pedro want you after you didn't even talk to him your first night out together?
*Pedro's POV*
As he climbed into his seat, buckling up and starting the ignition, he couldn't help but wonder where the night went wrong.
Did I say something to offend her?
He began to replay all the conversations you'd had tonight, trying to figure out when your sadness began and what could have caused it.
The party conversations? The texts? The phone calls?
Nothing came to mind, which worried him even more that he could be so ignorant to have said something hurtful without realizing.
Pedro looked over at you in his passenger seat. You were curled toward the side, arms scrunched toward your body and looking out the window. Silent. Just the occasional sound of a sniffle, or a road direction for him to take toward your house.
He wanted so badly to reach over and touch you. Hold your hand and rub his thumb over your fingers to comfort you in any way possible while driving. Then, he'd pull you into his arms the second you two got out of the car.
But he knew he couldn't. You weren't his to hold.
Was her crush at the party too? Could he have hurt her somehow?
He felt anger flare into his system at whatever could have made you cry. You deserved the world and he wished he could spend every day trying to prove it to you.
*Back to your perspective*
About 20 minutes later, you quietly said "this is me."
Pedro put the car in park, and told you to wait. Confused, you sat, but he ran around the car and opened the door for you.
What. The. Hell. Is he real?
You stood from the car, fluffing down your ruined princess dress. "Thank you Pedro. You really didn't have to give me a ride, I feel bad you went out of your way. I'm sorry if I ruined your night."
"Hey, whoa, don't apologize. There's no way you ruined my night, and don't worry about the ride. I feel better knowing you made it home safely from me than some taxi service," Pedro placed his hand on his heart.
"Well, thank you either way. It was nice getting to finally meet you in person…"
"It was nice meeting you too," he shifted his weight, awkwardly wondering how to proceed.
"You should go. Get back to your party before you miss anything else! I'm sure Oscar and Sarah miss you," you prompted.
"Oh, I'm not going back. I'll just call it a night and head home. It's not as fun without my date, anyway." He smirked, and you couldn't help but wonder if he was flirting with you. Probably just being nice.
"You aren't going back??"
"Nah, I'm good. But…" he rubbed the back of his neck with his palm.
"What?" You felt nervous.
"Can I ask why you're so upset? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. It's just… if I did something or said something to upset you… I'm so sorry," he said, and you could actually feel the genuine sadness in his voice.
"Oh, Pedro. No. You did nothing wrong. It's just," you sighed. "Do you want to come in?"
You worried about asking and seeming too forward, but now that it's out there it can't be taken back.
Friends go over to other friend's houses. It's totally fine and normal.
"I, uh, sure," Pedro stumbled over his words. "I'd love to. If you don't mind." He seemed nervous and a little surprised at your invitation.
You unlocked your door and the two of you entered. Instantly, you were greeted by your boy, who was all too happy to have a new friend. His tail wagged, smacking against nearby surfaces.
Pedro's face lit up instantly, and he crouched down to Skip's level. Letting Skipper get a good sniff, you heard Pedro gently coo to your dog. "Hi buddy!! I'm Pedro. I've heard so much about you." He scratched behind his ears.
Your heart swelled. Here they were, two of your favorite boys, bonding like old friends.
Pedro stood up again, giving a final scratch to Skipper's head before turning to you. "So, do you want to talk about it? What happened tonight?"
You ushered him to the kitchen table, asking him if he would like a drink. "Sure, thanks. Just water, please."
You poured two glasses of water and sat at the table near him, finally delving into the events of the evening. You told him about the bouncer and the woman with her drink. "I also saw that one girl talking to you and being really touchy and flirty and I felt like I was intruding."
I was also really fucking jealous…
"Wait, what girl?"
He repeated the evening's events through his mind. He wasn't flirting or being touchy? Who were you - Oh. Tricia, when she was describing Sam. Were you jealous of her? He allowed his mind to wonder, slightly hopeful that you might want more.
"I guess I just… I don't really feel like I fit in here. I don't look like I fit in here. I don't act like I fit in here. I honestly don't even know why you're as nice to me as you are. I wonder why you want to be my friend. Not that I'm not happy about it, because I am, but-"
He cut off your ramblings. "Whoa, whoa, hey. Sweetheart. You belong here. People just don't know you yet. That bouncer was totally out of line and a complete asshole. That woman, who spilled her drink on you, was rude, offensive, and nasty; and I don't tolerate that kind of behavior. Especially towards those I care about. The second she came over, I could tell she was a snake. I didn't give her the time of day. And lastly, the girl you saw being touchy was my friend Tricia. She was describing how her girlfriend picked her up in a bar," he laughed.
"Oh," you listened to his words, still not making eye contact, looking at your hands on the table.
"And as for you," he prompted, "I'm nice to you because you deserve it. You're sweet and funny, and I'm so thankful to have met you. I talk to you because I like talking to you. I enjoy spending time with you, whether it's on the phone, or, even better, when I get to see your face. Although I have to say I hate to see it crying." He brushed away a tear from your cheek, and you gave a small laugh, wiping the rest of your face.
"Thanks Pedro. I'm sorry if I brought down your night. I just really wanted tonight to be special, and it felt like my carriage turned back into a pumpkin before I even started." You gave another defeated laugh.
"You didn't ruin my night. If anything I'm just disappointed you didn't say anything, so I could help cheer you up or we could go do something else." He paused, brushing your hair from your eyes. "By the way, I never did get to tell you how beautiful you look in that dress, princesa."
Your cheeks heated under his gaze. "T-thanks Pedro. You look pretty handsome there, yourself," you answered nervously. It was the first time you had truly looked at him all night, and he was more beautiful than you ever could have imagined. Even pictures didn't do him justice. Dressed in a white suit with golden epaulets and golden buttons on the jacket, he was the most charming prince you'd ever seen.
Pedro rubbed his neck. "Thank you." He smiled. "But, hey, just because the night didn't go your way doesn't mean we can't turn it around."
You smirked. "That's true. Do you wanna watch a movie or something? Because if so, I think I might change out of this costume real quick," you began to stand.
"Whoa, not so fast princesa," he grabbed your arm.
You turned and gave him a confused look.
"Not before I share a dance with you in that dress. I've been waiting all night," he held out his hand.
"Really?" The grin on your face lit up, and you pulled him towards your music room where you stored your records.
"Wow. This is amazing. You have so many records and instruments in here! Is this where you write your music, too?"
"Yep! Here's where the magic happens," you answered with a laugh, pulling out an old record filled with slow love songs of the 50's and 60's. You placed the needle on the record, hearing a soft crackle as it began to play.
Pedro pulled you into his chest, grabbing your right hand with his left and gently placing his right hand on your waist. You slid your left hand up to his shoulder and smiled up at him as the two of you gently swayed to the music.
One song turned into two. Then three, and finally four; the two of you holding each other, silent except for the soft music turning from your record player on the desk. At some point you took the risk and decided to rest your face on his chest while the two of you swayed. His head rested on top of yours, both of you breathing softly, eyes closed, with you listening to the rhythmic drumming of his heart in his chest.
The record crackled with the end of the first side and the two of you looked at each other. You didn't miss the quick glance he stole from your eyes down to your lips, and you began to slowly lean closer.
Is this it?! Am I finally going to have my first kiss?!
You continued leaning closer, both his and your eyes gently closing. You could feel his breath fanning across your nose when-
Clunk clunk clunk. Pant pant. Whine.
You and Pedro opened your eyes, confusion painting your expressions as you turned your faces away from each other towards the sound. Still held in each other's arms, you peeled your eyes away from each other to see Skipper looking at you both with a big doggy grin on his face. His tail smacked the table with a thump thump, and he let out soft little whines and coos for attention.
The two of you laughed, the moment over, as you both kneeled down to give pets while Skip wedged between the two of you. Although you were disappointed the kiss was interrupted, you can't be mad at such a cute face. Still scratching your dog, you looked across to Pedro on the other side of Skipper. The two of you shared a soft look and smile, filled with so many unsaid words and feelings.
"So, uh.. how about that movie?" Pedro asked, still smiling.
You changed out of your princess costume into a comfier movie watching outfit and he changed out of his prince costume. He had some clothes in his car, which he changed into, looking handsome as ever. He wore a navy blue sweater with jeans, both fitting him perfectly. The two of you settled on your couch and turned on a movie. Although you sat next to each other, you kept a friendly distance, neither of you wanting to push the other too far.
As the movie rolled on, you had a hard time focusing on the plot with him so close. He looked so cozy and soft, you just wanted to climb in his lap. You wanted him to hold your hand. You wanted to finish that kiss. He smelled nice, he looked nice, and you wanted him more than anything else in this world.
Without realizing it, you gravitated closer. Your body inched toward him, and without him realizing it, he inched closer as well. It wasn't long until your leg was brushed against his. Just the slight touch of his leg on yours was enough to send an electric feeling pulsing through your body. The tension was as tight as an electrical cable, slowly fraying until it eventually snaps into sparks.
Pedro's fingers twitched at his side, his jaw clenching and unclenching. Your eyes kept sneakily darting over to him, his doing the same at opposite times. Your hearts were racing, breathing quick and shallow. The movie finally ended, neither of you able to tell someone the storyline if asked.
You nervously turned towards Pedro, rubbing the back of your neck. "So that was some movie…"
"Yeah, that ending… it was-" his eyes darted to your lips. "Something." He looked into your eyes, hand settling on your thigh as the two of you once again began to lean in closer. You had just shut your eyes, noses brushing together, when he pulled away.
What the heeeeeeeellllll??? Whyyyy!?
You couldn't help but let out a whimper as you opened your eyes after the second failed kiss of the evening.
Pedro sat with his elbows on his lap, holding his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry…"
"What? Pedro? Why are you sorry? What's wrong? Did I - did I do something wrong?"
Do I smell bad? Does he not like me? Was this some sick joke?
"I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sorry. I let my feelings get in the way, and I shouldn't have done that. You're in love with someone else. I can't steal your first kiss. You deserve to have it with the man you really love."
"Pedro-" you tried to pry his hand from his face.
"No. I'm sorry if I ruined things. I should probably leave-" he began to stand up, but you grabbed his forearm and pulled him back down.
"Stop. Pedro," you begged.
He sat back down, looking into your eyes guiltily.
You continued. "Please don't apologize. I wanted you to kiss me…"
"But that guy in your song. You deserve to be with him. I've been letting my feelings take over and stealing all your time away on the phone and text, video chat, and now in person. I almost stole your first kiss from you twice tonight and-" he rambled on, once again throwing his hands over his face before you interrupted him again.
"Pedro.." you pulled his hand away from his face, leaving yours to hold his cheek instead, but he still avoided your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you figured it was time to take the plunge.
"It's you, Pedro."
His eyes glanced up to yours. "What?"
"It's you. It's always been you. You're the one I like."
"Wait, so you mean-"
"Yes. The songs, the interviews, our chats… I've been talking about you this whole time. I really, really, like you."
Pedro gave a gentle smile, leaning his face into your hand. "I like you too, baby," he whispered.
His hand moved from his cheek to yours and the two of you leaned in. Closing your eyes, you brushed your noses together before you whispered "please kiss me.
You could feel a soft smile as he pressed his lips to yours, first gentle and soft, then stronger and more desperate. Although the kiss was still very tame, you could both feel all the emotions you've been harboring for each other for so long.
Breathless, the two of you pulled back, falling into a gentle laughter. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for that kiss," you spoke softly, wanting to keep the words as quiet as possible, heard only within the tiny bubble you currently shared.
"Me too," he smiled, pressing another kiss to your lips.
"I think you were worth the wait," you pecked his lips.
"I think you were too," he rested his head on your forehead with his hand on your neck, lightly stroking over your hair.
"I like you." You giggled.
"I like you too." He grinned. "But, you know, if I remember correctly, 'like' wasn't the word you used in your song…" he teased.
Your stomach flipped. "I don't want to scare you off too soon, P."
"You won't, sweetheart. You couldn't if you tried. I feel the same way." He kissed your forehead.
You looked at him, and feeling slightly nervous, yet calmed by his deep brown eyes, you told him those important words that have been spilling from your chest in silence.
"I love you Pedro."
"I love you too," he grabbed your face, once again pressing a kiss to your lips, this one much deeper than the others, before pulling you into his arms. The two of you were finally together. Finally you had love. All the things you wanted were coming true.
Turns out you got your happily ever after tonight after all.
To be continued...
That's all for now! I hope you liked this chapter. I've received a lot of kind messages and DMs saying how much you guys relate to the reader and I just want to say thank you. It really means a lot to me that people are finding something to relate to. I'm essentially just using this fic as my diary, because she is pretty much just me. So to see others feeling the same way, it makes my heart so full! I send hugs to all of you.
Next Chapter! Here!
Taglist: (Want in? Let me know!) If I forget to add anyone, I'm sorry!
@pedrotonin @starcrossed02 @lightupsketchersperson @cartoon-garbage04 @tyferbebe @maryfanson @gwendibley84 @faithfullyyours2000 @brilliantopposite187 @hc-geralt-23 @jenniferpendragon @winchestergypsy90 @red-red-rogue @theendwhereibegin @lottieellz101 @oliversaurus @kyga01 @milly-louise @titabel @taz-97 @stefanibear003 @marantha @fandomoniumflurry @ilovemybrown-eyedbabygirl
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neobaobei · 1 year
Pairing: Husband!Jeon Wonwoo x Wife!Female Reader
Genre: pure fluff, kinda arranges marriage au, spouses-to-lovers au lol
Warnings: few profanities, wonwoo wears glasses(yes, this is an important warning)
Word count: 1.7k
Summary: A little sneak peek in your new married life with Wonwoo as you both celebrate your one month anniversary.
A/N: Lovelies I'm back from being unalive :^) been really really busy with studies and shit. Will try to update a little frequent TT
Song Rec: Flowers by Seventeen.
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"Thank you", you mumble with a smile on your face, bowing in the process. You look at the pretty water lilies, the light pink shade pleasing your eyes, as you ponder why these are so underrated.
You stride to your car and place the bouquet of the newly purchased flowers gently, not forgetting to savour the fragrance yet once again. You get into the car, tucking yourself under the seat belt, before smiling again.
If anyone could see you, they would probably think that you're possessed by some smiling demon. But no one knows that you are actually smiling because of your husband!!!
You sit there, leaning your head back on the seat, pushing your glasses up, thinking about how you are going to give him these flowers. In all honesty, you don't even know if he likes these and you would be lying if you say that you did not ask your friends about the birth flowers and the theory behind it.
You would also be lying if you say that you did not spend the whole two hours last night, browsing through his facebook page, looking for his birthday, just because you were too ashamed to ask him directly!
You just hope that he likes these flowers…
You start the engine and drove back to your house, with a smile still adorning your face.
It all feels so fast. You feel like you just were in the first grade with your dad wiping you tears that would not stop coming; but now suddenly you are married and not to mention, today's your one month anniversary!
You still remember the exact moment wonwoo came into your life. You always wanted to marry a person who you knew by heart and loved dearly, but when your dad said that he wants you to get married to wonwoo, you couldn't obligue to it. Not because you knew your father knows what's good for you, but also you knew wonwoo.
Yes, you knew wonwoo. I mean he's your dad's friend's son. Your classmate, who barely had two friends, had his face always deep inside a book, occasionally pushing his glasses back to its place.
You've never seen someone that attractive with glasses. As someone who wears glasses, let's just say that you knew not all look good in glasses.
You wanted to marry him not just because your dad wanted you to, but also because you knew how much of a gentleman he was. He used to send you goodmorning and goodnight messages everyday from the age 19 till now, because you jokingly once said that you feel sad when no one wishes you those as you lived alone. The little white heart near texts still flutters your heart.
You look back into the day, when you both had your lunch together, to discuss about the invitations and designs. You remember taking your first picture together with him (it's still in your wallet!).
You were so in love with him, but never once you would admit it to yourself.
You had a smile on your face as you pulled the car in front of a cafe. You entered the cafe, the bell chiming indicating that someone has entered the shop. Your best friend and the cafe owner, Mingyu, looks over his shoulder at you and smiles. His shirt sleeves rolled up, some flour sticking on to his purple sweater that you both bought together.
"Gosh, it's blinding to see you smiling so much!" He exclaims rolling his eyes playfully, but genuinely feeling happy, when he finds you looking at the little cake that you told him to make for your one month anniversary.
It was a cute cake, blue coloured lettering(as you found out his favourite colour was blue, after some… let's say investigation..) that said "Wonwoo & Y/N; Since 8th July" and some heart shaped milk chocolates here and there. You couldn't stop smiling at it.
Gosh, you feel like a teenage girl who got accepted by her crush!!!
A playful scowl taking over your giddy smile as you turned to him. "Shut up and just tell me how much it is." You said as you rummage your handbag, looking for your wallet.
"Get out of here if you're gonna pay." Mingyu says, crossing his arms in front of his chest, before he walks towards, packing the cake that was freshly baked an hour ago, in a blue coloured box as you asked for.
You know that he's never going to accept the money you give him, so you walk towards him, trapping him in a hug. But little does he know that you slipped a fifty dollar bill in his apron.
You thank him with the hug (and the money that he doesn't know you sneaked in until the shift got over. He knows it's definitely you and reminds himself to give you a handful of nagging next day) and leave the bakery with a smile and drive back straight to your home.
You parked your car into your garage, not forgetting to check your hair and apply only lip balm, knowing that he doesn't prefer makeup. You hang your bag on your right shoulder, carrying the cake in one hand and the pretty, pink flowers in another.
You somehow manage to carry all those and open the door, already knowing that he would be home by now as it was already 7:47 pm. For a fact that you knew that wonwoo would always be chilling on the couch with his novel (also waiting for you, so you both could eat the dinner together even if it's going to be in absolute silence), so where was he today?
You place the cake and the bouquet on the dining table, before setting off to your bedroom in search of him. You open the bedroom door, softly calling out his name, only to find him doing something you never expected him to.
He was arranging red carnations and a Lego set and what it said absolutely shocks you!
'I <3 U to my pieces'
Hearing your voice, he quickly tries to hide the Lego set and the flowers he prepared for you under the bed, failing miserably as you've already seen everything.
You were supposed to reach home only at 8:05, why are you early by eighteen minutes today!? He's even still wearing his glasses for God sake!!!
Wonwoo stood up from the floor hurriedly, his face and neck painted red, as he tried to make something out as he saw you standing at the doorway, shocked.
You walked towards him, wanting to ask what this all was before he started blabbering: "Y/N, I really want to surprise you with the Lego set as it's our one month anniversary but you were not supposed to come this early today. Heck, I'm not even ready yet. I really wanted to tell you that I've been in love with you for the past one and a half year but before that happy one month anniversary; I love you and it's fine if you don't like me back-"
You cut his rambling with a hug. You hug him tight, your glasses hitting his chest as you turn left, your head barely reaching his shoulders. You could hear how hard his heart his hammering against his chest as he turned redder than he already was. He stands there with his mouth gaped, not knowing if it's right for him to hug you back.
You're his wife for god's sake!
You stand there in his embrace after he finally decides to hug you back, after a whole two minutes of debating whether to hug you or not. A smile forms on his face, as he feels you smiling against his chest too.
Tears pool your eyes but a smile still present on your face. You never expected this!
You look him in the eyes, breaking the hug making him feel the lack of warmth even if it's not even thirty seconds yet. The moment he looked at your teary eyes, his smile dropped so quickly, thinking that he spoke something really absurd as he starts apologizing profusely.
"Oh god! I'm-I'm so s-sorry, did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry-"
You cut him off once again, but this time it's with a kiss. You locked your lips with him, his eyes double the size that usual. Your glasses collide against his as he finally moves his lips against yours, a never ending smile playing on both of your lips, as he grabs you by the neck deepening the kiss. One hand on his neck and another on his waist, you pull him closer than you already, not minding your glasses that keep dashing uncomfortably against each other.
You both pull away, gasping for air, red tint adorning your cheeks, feeling like a goddamn teenager. You pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck, making him hold onto your waist.
He gently rests his forehead against yours, holding onto you as if you're going to disappear if he loosens his grip on you.
"Wonu, I love you too." You whisper softly, your fingers playing with his black locks in the back of his head.
"W-wait wha-t? Are you for real?!" He exclaims with genuine surprise on his face, as he tries to pull a bit from you.
You smiled before shyly nodding your head, making him beam in a way you never thought he could, making you smile too. Though he had his glasses on, you could still see his eyes getting teary as he pulls you into a hug, a poor attempt to hide his tears.
You both stayed comfortably in each others arms, before he shyly, too quietly whispers: "I fucking love you so much, Jeon Y/N", making you chuckle softly before replying: "I love you too, Jeon Wonwoo".
Time passed as you both exchanged the flowers with each other, smiles never leaving your faces as you even ate the cake, taking tons of pictures together.
You want to hang your portraits with him in your living room, just like mingyu and his wife, too!!
You both passed out on the couch, watching the movie that was long forgotten as you both were busy kissing each other every two minutes once.
husband wonwoo for the win.
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warmilksz · 1 year
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Intuitive ✨ Reading
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry 😭, life got ahead of me and had no time I hope your all doing well! (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
**just a disclaimer: take what resonates and leave what doesn't for others. Go with the flowwwww It's a general intuition reading (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~**
In any case, I hope you have a bit of fun reading ! 🥰
Center yourself if needed and go with what resonates to you.
For this pile I'm getting this person enjoys spending time with you. I think you both could be good friends or at least familiar/acquaintances with eachother. In general they are pretty calm and chill when they are spending time with you and appreciate how relaxed you make them feel. Like Netflix and chill but you guys actually get to watch the show and chill lol. Hmm... But It seems like they may be hiding some thoughts and/or feelings. You might find them kind of dry at times, like u ask a deep question but they hit you with a "yeah/ok" (uh...Do you find them boring 💀?)but it's not because they don't like your company. It feels like they have something they want to tell you but they are afraid it might hurt your feelings and they don't want to do that to you. For some, you and this person have had some conflicts in the past, and now are on good terms but they are still feeling unsure how to face them with you... On the other hand this person could be developing feelings for you and it's shaking them up. Either way they don't want you to see them shook so they are doing their best to keep the vibe easy and relaxing for you, even if they have to suppress their feelings a bit. Don't worry though, they are working on their feelings and how to express this! And keep in mind your feelings matter as well 💞!
For this pile, your person is really happy when they spend time with you. You may know this person or have spent time with them recently. Deep down inside, they were so happy to see you last time. (i feel like I got a pep in my step rn! ☺️ ) It's funny but I get the image of a fluffy puppy in ur lap, wagging its tail rapidly and you just petting them casually as they snuggle into you 🐶. You light up their darkness, all the bad energy and stress in their lives evaporates when they are with you. It's like you are their angel, and they know how lucky they are to feel this...(Are you or this person religious?) For some, this person has pure romantic feelings or at the very least, loves/cares about you alot. This is a person that enjoys their time with you and is so grateful for it. Even if some of you don't feel as excited as they do, it won't phase them. You guys could plan to spend time together, nothing could go according to plan and they would leave smiling just because they got to be alone with your presence lol. They feel blessed and thankful to be with you.. your body and heart...with you it's pure bliss. this is a extra message but they want more of you.. Im getting the song "One Kiss" from Dua lipa and Calvin Harris. It's ok if u don't know the song. Just know that if they could get "one kiss" from you, they will be satisfied for life lol (this person could go on and on but let me stop 😭 🫣 )
This person doesn't want to say how they feel for some reason but regardless they are strong willed. This person feels strong when they are with you, and they are willing to fight for this feeling between the both of you(yeah! 💪 Lol). I think this person when they are not around you can feel a bit sad, or their thoughts get to them, making it hard for them to deal with alone. You could be the kind of person that cares and gives great advice to people when they are going through things. And this person recognizes this about you. Kinda like a Gardner 🧤 and a flower 🌹. Your personality gives them the water to grow and feel...refreshed! On that note, you could be something of a cheerleader to this person. (Idk what you saying to this person but you are hyping them up 💪😭) yeah you really make this person feel like Hercules 😭. Wow pile 3 . They could be a couch potato, get a pep talk from you then slay a dragon or fly to the moon🤩. Perhaps your words have this effect because they care alot about you and love you. For some, this love is what they were hesitant about admitting. They don't want to appear vulnerable, could be one of the things they struggle with. In any case, they will definitely get better with you around ! Make sure u gas yourself up first pile 3! Y'know what they say- Can't pour from an empty 🫗 cup.❤️
Alright, this person likes your whole asthethic, the way you could talk, walk and dress. In other words, they think your really cute (😋aww ur a fashionista?). For some, they even daydream about you wearing something cute and them getting the chance to see you in it and be in your presence. You are really admirable to this person, they could watch you be yourself all day and they wouldn't say anything(a bit similar to pile 2 so check that out if u feel drawn.) You doing basic tasks like doing laundry seems like great entertainment for them lol. You think you're just being yourself but they see someone breathtaking. Though, a part of this person can't believe they are feeling this way about you. Don't worry, it's not them thinking you aren't mesmerizing. They are just shocked. They never expected to find someone that could captivate them so much in the way you have. Especially since you do things and dress in ways that is normal and routine for you. This person feels like they are being swept up by their feelings for you and you don't even realize it. This sounds confusing but they don't want want to look at you but then they want to watch? (Do you know u got them wanting like this ?😭🫣) it's driving them kinda crazy lol They just cant help but have this kind of wonder and respect for you. For some you recently met this person and others will meet them soon. 🌹
Thank you for reading 🙏😊
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zandlikething · 7 months
I have so many thoughts on Bad's last stream the fact like OMG my heart QSMP needs to pay for all of our therapy
I'll probably do another post because holy crap there is a lot that happened today
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I thought it was sweet Dapper and Pomme went to qPhil first because Dapper said they know he has concretions to some kind of goddess of death obviously referring to Kristin but I still am not sure if she is actually canons but it was a cute reference and it's nice to know that Phil has lots of tickets if they need cookies this week.
But also like Damn Phil cannot get a break first Tubbo now Bad I swear soon all the eggs will be ophans /j
Also apparently Taulluah is seeing the ghost of the eggs that died and one more. Idk if it's also an egg or something/someone else but if it's an egg I think it's either: 1. A-1 the egg that evil quackity was testing and died or Hope.
For those who don't remember Hope was an egg in a different orphanage than the original eggs that Cellbit found a while ago. The egg left a diary of their time in the orphanage. No one came for the egg and died but told that whoever is reading their book should not be sad for them. That's all I remember I'd have to go back and look to see what else I can find.
ANYWAYS Yeah so Taulluah sees ghosts now that are sad for some reason and she doesn't know why and Bad is missing and also presumably dead or a ghost? Because as we were following Dapper and Pomme on Bad's stream the thing would have reactions a lot of like what Bad would have. Like nodding and shaking his head or rolling his head for rolling his eyes. It all just felt very Bad like.
Also he was very against using any spells of stuff to block spirits so I think it might be Bad somehow looking out for them but not able to talk or interact with them for some reason.
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I know these are a lot of signs at once but I find it very sweet that Dapper despite everything is trying to keep a positive view of everything and trying to cheer Pomme up.
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I love how this is the plan they come up with to get Bad back lol 😆 I'm sure they'll come up with a real plan but who knows this could maybe work
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Dapper and Pomme did this a lot and I love it. Them just leaning their heads together silently telling the other it's ok we are together aggghhh it is so sweet. And the fact that they did it multiple times I imagine just reassuring the other and themselves that they are there.
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This was so pretty and nice just Dapper and Pomme watching the sunset (07 Bobby) together going over memories
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Talking about their dead siblings and Max saying they should build a new place for them to remember them and wish them a Happy birthday every month
I didn't get screenshots of it but Dapper telling Pomme that all of their past siblings would have loved her with how sweet Tiln was and how good it was to be around Flippa, how Trump would have loved picking flowers with her and how Bobby would have loved doing pvp with Pomme :,) like bro I am literally tearing up
I am going to make a part two because tumbler is at its limit of how many screenshots I can show because guess what there is more heartwarming and heartbreaking stuff I need to talk and show
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naughtygirl286 · 4 months
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So yeah this week we went to see the new Planet of the Apes movie Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, Now there might be some spoilers below to you have been warned.
First off I was kind of surprised that there wasn't any cups or buckets or anything for this I thought there would be but I was wrong.
anyway as for the movie itself I was excited to go see this being I have seen all the "Apes" movies and we recently gotten the original 1974 TV series and animated series so I'm looking forward to watching them being I never seen them before, but like I said I enjoy the movies especially the recent Prequel Trilogy that started with Rise of the Planet of the Apes I thought those movies were excellent but anyway about this one like I said I was excited to go see it although it wasn't what I thought it was going to be about.
This one starts with some opening text that kinda quickly describes the previous movies and sets this one up and it opens pretty much where War for the Planet of the Apes ended and you witness the funeral for Cesar but after that scene you get a time jump where it says something like "Many generations later" and I did have to look up kinda the time frame of this movie and on many sites it ways close to Three hundred years have past from the death of Cesar! I original thought this movie was going to be about Cesar's Son but its not it is actually about a young ape name Noa and his group who are falconers and they call themselves the "Eagle Clan" and the journey that he goes on to rescue his people from an megalomaniac Ape named Proximus Caesar and how finds out the world and its history is much bigger and more then he would every imagine
Now there is nothing wrong with that new characters means all new stories and we are introduced to plenty of new characters like Raka (played by Peter Macon) who is like this disciple of Caesar who is spreading the gospel/word of Caesar. Thats right Caesar has become like this almost mythic religious figure that right he is "Monkey Jesus!" lol but seriously though he one who knows alot about the "time of Caesar" and the one who first starts teaching Noa of the world beyond his village and I really liked the character of Raka I thought he was a little weird, interesting and funny and I was kinda sad when he dies because he felt like an important character and important to the story but I also feel that his death wasn't in vain because it motivates Noa.
Another interesting new character is Nova aka Mae (played by Freya Allan) who is the main Human character and she is special being she is highly intelligent and can talk!! unlike the other humans in the series I was surprised just as much as Noa and Raka where in the movie but I believe this is because she is completely immune to the Simian Flu which is interesting on its own and she has a very important mission throughout the movie in which Noa helps her with and in turn she helps free his people. I did find her an interesting character also while watching this I was watching her and I was thinking maybe she could play the new Live Action Lara Croft? That is what was running through my mind maybe it was partly because of how the character was dressed? What she wears in the movie makes her look very similar to the 2013 Lara and I was thinking that when she was up on the screen.
also you are introduced to a megalomaniac Ape named Proximus Caesar who is the villain of this movie and who I thought was a very flamboyant character who has taken the teachings of Caesar and twisted them to his own selfish needs and wants to take all the human knowledge and use it to make himself the king of the world. like I said I feel that he was a very flamboyant and bombastic character and you kinda can't help but like him even though he is the villain of the movie
other then that all the other characters and performances were awesome and I thought everyone did a amazing job.
Now much like the previous movies this one is built on an impressive visual scale the visuals do what to wow you especially with the scenery of the abandoned cities and "human world" which I did think was impressive in its scope and production design. Visually the actual Planet of the Apes is really well done and shows how time as passed in the surrounding as well as the technology that is used to create the Apes through the motion capture it is amazing the animations is perfectly done especially for a wild character like Proximus Caesar. I personally would think this would be nominated for best visual effects next year and maybe even some of those other technical awards you don't see on the Oscars.
but yeah in the end it is an awesomely amazing movie and if you loved the previous one you'll probably love this one too. and if you didn't see any of the previous ones this is a whole new story and can be a jumping off point for anyone who wants to try it it has plenty of action and excitement and I would totally recommend it.
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dreamerwitches · 6 months
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I have mixed feelings on the witches, I'm gonna go through them all.
Renata and Ren: It just doesn't feel like the minor bits match up. There's too many bits that are just slightly too different. Like the screen shape and the bone colour and style. Am I being nitpicky? It just doesn't feel like the witch and doppel are linked. Or that they wanted to make this design for the witch and didn't really care that it didn't look like her doppel. I suppose I like how the witch is more organised than the doppel cause my gripe with it is that it feels a little like the parts don't mesh well. Like, what is going on with that pink bit it does not work. On its own, the witch is good. Fine, pretty, but a little bland and simple. As a design taking from the doppel, I think it kinda fails. Too much was changed.
Cyan and Hinano: Ehhhhhhhhhh I think they just made her worse?? Like, there's so little changed cause the doppel is so witch-like anyway but the changes they did do make her look worse XT the bright tubes are ugly and I dont understand the moth-ear-thing additions. Also the skirt is worse too lol. I miss the gas mask though I understand if that was added for Hinano but you can keep it on the witch c'mon! It's just like they removed all the best parts...
Don Rocinante and Sasara: Ehhhhhhhh here we go again. It looks stupid. C'mon she looks so stupid. Not in an uncanny, scary way, she looks so dumb. I included the doppel attack where she does get legs and that was silly but not as much as this one. Otherwise so little is changed mehhhhh. I liked the doppel so you kinda ruined her for me, thanksssss
Shalimar and Emiri: This is one I'm on the fence on. Design on its own, I really like. She's spooky and weird and the colours are great. I have to main issues. 1) does a 13 year old need such a sexual feeling witch and 2) does she link to her doppel well. The thing with curvaceous or sexualised witches is ones like Roberta I know are okay cause she was in her 30s when she became a witch. You could say some like Candeloro are sexualised cause she's got the booba and stick thin waist, it's kinda hard to deal with... I'm also finding it hard to judge cause I don't know if it suits Emiri, I don't know her character very well. So we'll just move on. If I drew it I would make her less adult-looking My other thought when looking at her beside her doppel was 'if this doppel came from this witch I would hate the fact it uses so little of the witch'. So switching it around, im a little mad they used so little of the doppel. It's like they had the idea for the body and wanted to use it and were like 'oh yeah! the doppel!' so stuck it on as a tail... Also the flower things on the doppel arent in the witch at all ughh. If she was just a new witch on her own id love her...
Vayu and Shizuku: Wow! One I actually finally like now! I think she looks super beautiful, the additions work! But she's not perfect... Just like Emiri and Shalimar, I don't see the doppel working if the witch came first. Why is her handbag now the head? It feels like the teapot(?) head on the witch came out of nowhere. But it's nowhere near as bad as Shalimar. She might be my favourite. I've always been 50/50 on Vayu and she improves that score.
Aodamo and Natsuki: This one's a bit boring... it just feels like they stuck on some additions and called it a day. I think if she was stood up straight I'd like her more... Love the teeth on the horn thing. Skirt is fine. Legs look awkward. Sad they removed her puffy sleeves, doesn't make sense as why the doppel would add that aspect.
Overall, it is a little annoying how clearly some of these are just super easy asset copies of the doppels with no effort put in... I think that's fine for say, Vayu as I think the doppel incorporation makes sense. She's a four legged beast so Shizuku is now riding her. But ones like Don Rocinante, Cyan and Aodamo seem like 5 minute attempts. I'm disappointed. Happy to see witches though, I'm only critical because I care about witches being good
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mollyolikeme · 5 months
Thoughts as I read TSC: A Stream of Conciousness Part Two!
Filthy Spoils!
classic kevin.
LOL keep saying i see how much you bench as if thats an indicator of someones ability to kickass
HA! i always forget about the sixteen hour days shit, i cannot, i find it too fucking funny it's fucking impossible. mfs would be DECEASED. like DEAD.
they are so hardcore this fantastical has me CACKLING every time
like a ken doll!
ill advised thoughts....
uh oh jean, your crazy is showing.
goddamn. to hate but need. complicated and absolutely screwed up relationship dynamics are fascinating.
okay, i like to rag on our beloved kevin (because its fun and easy) but like props where props are due. i know we didn't get to see his transition from raven to fox but i honestly think the boy would have handled it a lot better than jean jean morose over here. boy isssssss messed up.
foreshadowwwwww SWIM SHORTS!
dangerously low? dangerous for who jean?
do not be slut shaming, lucas. thats fucking gross of you and i'm not even gonna mention the nonconsensual factor...........
oh. my. word. its not funny but i feel the morbid sense to laugh at the ravens dropping like flies.
bad therapist. you cant force it. where is Dobson?
OMG LOL i summoned her!
dont you worry about kevin babe, the foxes got him
thats two hands on chin! thats two!
he's got a big dick! lololololololol boys not tryna be gayyyy
oh the heat! the HEAT! yes jeremyyyyyyyy
fear of water.
what happens when he losses his grip......i want to see you lose control......... hi familiar phrasing and trauma, i ADORE you.
in my head, jean has a very french tsk of his tongue reaction to almost everything people do around him.
yesssss the foxes ARE synchronized.
you tell him jeremy! none of his raven intentionally injuring people bullshit
omg were gonna get a little kevin trip to cali! reunion of the abused buds! (again gotta take the morbid hilarity into account for my health)
LOL wheel throwing! Patrick Swayze where are you?!
not the self flagellating notebooks he kept.....
oooooo intense. it all comes to the surface. the truth will always come out.
this is clever, gives just enough info about the ravens without explaining the crime side of things. go nora.
okay damn lucas.... issues buddy. dont be comin after jean jean. you'll regret it.
chin grab number 3! this time by jeremy 🤩
omg cuuuuuuuute little motorcycle ride and seashell gifty
again. uh oh jean. your crazy is showing to the coaches now. this truth is really spilling out the cracks
pause.......... guys my sanity........ my INsanity upon reading this........... im losin it! ......... okay resume.
morbid laughing morbid laughing morbid laughing fuck fuck fuck
yo. to somehow make me feel like neilio's story is a positive tale................
wow lucas. doubling down are we. his character does have a very difficult truth to come to terms with. its fuckin rough and a hella interesting arc.
you should call dobsonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
OH SHIT! neil's here! Thats not good news for you jean!
fy faen neil. you're kind of a gangster babe!
oh. dead sister. so sad. (typing it out like that looks sarcastic. It's not.)
yaaaaasssss thats the smart mouth we know and love! telling an agent he parked illegally!!! ahhhhh lolololololoolol
OMG Neil!!!! sweetheart! you care so much! awwwwwwwww wow nora seriously, what. a. treat! he cares about his buddy jean.
jeremy...... you got it so bad hun. always with the 'what do you need?' like just promise yourself to him forever and ever.
woah Jer.
i like that jean actually doesn't like exy. such a good contrast to neils pov obsession.
im curious where this whole 'its not freedom its a pretty cage' thing is gonna go. like, yea i dont think you'll ever be 'free' free jean. but honestly this is pretty damn close. professional athletes lives are very straight forward. and if youre that good, fuckin easy.
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
hello bunny! I (ego, probably) find stay 'knowing myself' throughout the day as I tell myself I will observe the Ego's life with no attachment but in 2 minutes get swept up in my thoughts and identifying with them.
How do I separate my Self from ego and stop identifying with ego? and How do I believe that I am Self, 'I' need some proof, what do I do to get that? I'm so sorry if this has already been answered or repetitive.
hiiii, anon! c: no need to apologize at all, i completely understand the question and the struggle! this is a long answer, sorry it's late here and i have no idea how to be concise ever lol.
the biggest piece of advice i would give to you is to not beat yourself up for getting swept up in the thoughts. when we get swept away we can get frustrated with ourselves because we're like, "ughh i'm not doing this right, i have to start over, c'mon ego just do it correctly already!!" but the thing is, that is just how the ego is. it is acting the exact way it was intended to; the ego has endless thoughts, the ego worries, and the ego wants to beat you up for not getting it "right." but Self knows that that is the way the ego is and doesn't try to fight it! It accepts the ego as it is and simply lets it be. Self thinks that the ego is perfect simply because it "is;" it's perfect when its happy, it's perfect when it's sad, it's perfect when it has a thousand thoughts, it's perfect when it feels angry at itself. the ego/character you're playing right now, your Self created, and it is perfectly neutral and loving towards it ALL.
i used to be so confused when people would say, "just observe," because when i had thoughts i didn't like i would feel negatively and try to push the negative thought away or try to stop feeling the negative feeling. but what i learned was that instead of trying to change the thoughts, i can notice that i'm trying to change the thoughts. i can notice that i felt uncomfortable, then i can notice that the thought is sticking around, then i can notice that the feeling gets harder, then i can notice where the feeling is in my body, then i can notice that my awareness of where it is in my body has made me forget that i had a negative thought that i didn't like in the first place! it all falls away, because simply noticing helps you shift your awareness.
as ego, you will never run out of things to notice. that's why there are so many opportunities to practice not identifying with the ego! something you could try practicing for it to become more normal is taking time throughout your day to sit with yourself and truly pay attention, neutrally, to every single thought, feeling, and sensation that comes up. when i say neutrally, i don't mean NOT feeling negatively about things you're frustrated with or pushing down the feelings. the ego is going to feel frustrated, because that's how the ego feels. what i mean is, even if you get frustrated with yourself, NOTICE THAT TOO. "oh, i'm noticing that i'm feeling frustrated. that's okay!" it's all okay - have compassion and love towards EVERY feeling and thought that comes up, because they are all a creation of Self/God. i'll give you an example of the first time that i "got" it that will hopefully explain what i'm saying a little more. this was something close to my internal monologue:
alright. here we go. gonna notice some stuff as Self. i'm noticing my breathing. cool!
i'm noticing that i'm noticing my breathing now hehe. that's okay!
i'm noticing a feeling come up; ego wants to laugh because this feels funny to notice. that's okay!
i'm noticing that the feeling feels really warm in my body, it's pleasant. that's okay!
i'm noticing that i'm pretty hungry right now, actually... that's okay!
*drifts for a little while bcuz i was so hungry*
oh. i noticed that i just started drifting thinking about lunch. that's okay... wait, is that okay?
shit. i fucked up and drifted, ugh. that's not okay, why do i always drift so easily? *gets frustrated with myself*
wait, i didn't fuck up. i'm noticing that i was just frustrated with myself. okay. frustration, you are noticed. it's okay for the ego to be frustrated! that's okay!
i'm noticing now the peace that comes with simply allowing my ego to be the way it is. that's okay!
i'm noticing that i'm thinking about lunch again. that's okay!
maybe i should eat. what should i eat? (*drifting*)
ugh! i keep messing this up! (*frustrated*)
oh! i am noticing that the frustration is coming again, and i'm also noticing that i'm hungry. that's a sensation the ego is having. i am noticing it. that's okay!
does this make sense? everything that the ego does is perfect, it's acting as the way it always is - we as Self are simply here to observe it! it doesn't have to change its ways for you to become self-actualized; in fact, the ego cannot "become enlightened," the feeling of "enlightenment" only happens when the ego is left to just vibe and do its thing, without changing it. the ego is perfect to Self because no matter what, it is playing its role exactly as it was meant to. the ego wants to fight itself, but it doesn't need to fight itself, because it's doing exactly what it was designed to do. Self knows this! Self is able to take a step back and allow the yuckiness that the ego feels to just happen, because it knows that that yuckiness is a creation of Self. this is why people always say that Self is an expression of / feeling of pure love, because everything that the ego does is simply okay, it's allowed, it's perfect, it's loved by Self. it's pure acceptance, and what is more loving than that? i think it's also why people who are Christian say that "God's creations are perfect" because they were created by "Him" and "He makes no mistakes." it's the same thing with our true Selves and ego - the ego is a perfect creation of the Self, it doesn't need to beat itself up or get frustrated because it's not doing things properly. but if it does beat itself up or get frustrated, all you as Self have to do is say, "it's okay. i'm noticing you're frustrated. i'm observing this frustration. that's allowed, you're okay, you're perfect!"
you don't have to say "that's okay" every time you have a thought or sensation, either. i told myself the phrase "nothing i am conscious of is me" when i was trying this out. sometimes i tell myself, "that's allowed." sometimes i just notice and shift awareness without thinking anything and just witness. do whatever feels natural to you, that's what this whole process is about!
it might take time for you to get to this space where it feels constant. but that is okay! the biggest thing to remember with all of this is that it is all okay. you as the ego aren't doing anything wrong, you just need to observe when you do feel that you're doing something wrong and return to that lovely observing Self who knows everything is accepted.
another thing to keep in mind is that this might take practice, but it doesn't have to be an arduous journey. you know how starting a new habit can take a little bit of time before it becomes natural, and then all of a sudden you're remembering to take your meds at the same time every day or your posture is improved because you've reminded yourself enough times throughout the day? it's the same thing for detachment (or at least has been in my case). practice makes better, and holy fuck, we've gone our whole lives attached and identified with ego, so cut yourself some slack! <3 just take some time to return to your Self throughout the day, whether that's taking five minutes to practice the above "noticing" or even just noticing whenever you remember you're Self. whenever i suddenly realize i'm getting caught up in ego identification (which is quite often), i try not to beat myself up - have compassion for the sweet character you've known and identified with! they don't know any better. sometimes i greet my ego like an old friend, like "oh! hi ego! i'm noticing you now."
hopefully this makes sense - compassion and witnessing is the key, and truly with practice you'll come to find it's the simplest thing you've ever known to do. you've got this! <3
also, here is advice from this lovely anon, too!
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks @oceangirl24 for the tag! I love you, bestie!
Now, on to the questions!
❣️How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 86 fics! I write all kinds of things! Case fics, angst, fluff, smut, and all that jazz. I like to think that I have a diverse range of stuff on AO3, which I find I'm really proud of :3
❣️What is your total AO3 word count?
613,383....Yes, I write too much.
❣️What fandoms do you write for?
Most of my fics are Ace Attorney, but I have other fandoms like Stardew Valley! I also write in fandoms that are gifts for friends.
❣️What are your top five fics by kudos?
Say My Name (233 kudoes)
Operation Helios (178 kudoes)
Apollo is a Crazy Cat Attorney™ (166 kudoes)
Ace Attorney: Maya Fey (166 kudoes)
Turnabout Birch Meadows (151 kudoes)
Nice! Most of them are Klapollo XD
❣️Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments! I get to ramble, and I want each and every commenter to know that I appreciate them <3. Sometimes I take a long time, so sorry about that!!!! But I'll get to the comment eventualy!!
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Things Left Unsaid, that fic is SUPER angsty with a really sad ending. It's non canon Major Character Death, so of course it's angsty lol.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm...not sure? A lot of my fics end in happy endings. But if I had to pick the happy ending that made me the most emotional, I'd have to choose Blossoming in the Rain.
❣️Do you get hate on your fic?
Surprisingly, no. I've only gotten support for my fics. Which I am VERY much thankful for. To all of my followers, readers, and supporters...thank you SO much for making my fandom experience so lovely <3
❣️Do you write smut?
Definitely lol. I used to be terrified of writing smut...and then I met a certain someone *cough cough* @mikaharuka *cough cough* and now I've written a lot of smut. This is all YOUR FAULT BESTIE.
❣️Do you write crossovers?
Nope lol. I like to keep my fandoms separate.
❣️Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I...don't think so? But if someone has stolen my fics, please be sure to tell me! I'm not exactly keen on the idea of my fics being plagiarized or stolen.
❣️Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, I have no idea. I don't think it has since nobody has approached me before, so to my knowledge it's a no.
❣️Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes!!! I've co written SO many things with my bestiest of besties @tsunderesalty and I love every fic I've co written with him. He's just the greatest and he's an amazing writer. Check him out!
❣️What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm! For Ace Attorney, it's a tough choice between Klapollo and Franmaya. For Stardew, my top ship is my farmer and Sebastian (Sebakonnie)
❣️What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My flufftober series. I started it in 2022...and it's currently 2024. I just kinda lost steam for that fic. I am very proud of all the fics I've written for it, though. Maybe I should revisit it...
❣️What are your writing strengths?
Ahem, knowing how my dearest besties would respond to that...I guess my flexibility with writing styles? I talked about this with my friends before, but I have multiple writing styles, five to be specific. I can switch between them pretty easily, and I like to think they're all distinct from each other but still being undeniably me. God, I really don't wanna sound like I'm bragging XD.
❣️What are your writing weaknesses?
NOT KNOWING WHEN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP. I literally cannot shut up for the life of me. It is a curse. My fics would be SO much shorter if I just shut up lol.
❣️Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh!!! Actually, so about this! For reference, I'm Filipino, born and raised in the Philippines. I can speak Filipino and Tagalog pretty well, and I can understand Bisaya (Cebuano is its official name, but everyone in the Philippines calls it Bisaya) well, but I can speak it only a little bit. Anyway, I've always wanted to incorporate Filipino and Bisaya into my fics but didn't know how...and then I thought of Filipino Phoenix! Happy to say that I'm planning on writing that soon :3
So yeah, happy to include languages other than English! Especially my native language. Otherwise, for languages I don't know. I use Deepl, it's a very useful tool!
I'm all for using different languages in my fics, and when I get something wrong, I'm quick to correct it!
❣️First fandom you wrote for?
Ace Attorney. I have had Ace Attorney brainrot for SO long.
❣️Favorite fic you've ever written?
Would it be cheating to choose a series? XD
But yeah! My Defense Attorney Maya Fey series contains my favorite fics of all! The top ones of my list being Ace Attorney: Maya Fey and Yours Truly, Franziska von Karma. I just...love these fics so much...I especially love Ace Attorney: Maya Fey. That bitch has been my baby since like...2021?
Now! Who to tag...that would be my besties @mikaharuka, @aislinnstanaka, @udaberriwrites, @kayedium-writes, @justanotherpersonwhowrites, @mikaharuka @fattybattysblog
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innerchorus · 8 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 126 (Part 2)
And unlike Kmanga you don't even have to pay twice for the privilege of having it split into two. SPOILERS for this chapter, I can't stress enough that the ending is a huge fucking cliffhanger so if you don't want to get spoiled please don't look.
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That's a piece of the (Un)Holy Master's cloak...
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Nicely dealt with by Andragoras!
Anyway, this is proper confirmation that Team Zahhak's clothing has magical properties / a life of its own and can potentially be dangerous even when separated from the wearer.
Given how fast the Master can dodge (or more correctly this is a teleportation style of evasion that I mentioned before where he reappears behind them) it's impressive that Andragoras actually landed a blow, though it's not even close to being a fatal one. Still, he looks like he's aiming to finish the job until the Master tries to regain control of the situation by attempting to blackmail Andragoras with the location of his child!
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These panels of a shocked Hilmes in the background just watching all this drama unfold, lol
Anyway, it turns out Andragoras cannot be blackmailed and he'd rather renounce his child than be manipulated like this, which is... very on brand for Andragoras, regardless of what the truth about the child turns out to be in Arakawa's manga.
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The Master: tch! Hilmes: Yikes
(Is anyone of the Parsian royal line a good father? Doesn't seem that way in recent generations. Hilmes, please reverse this trend with Irina by your side, I'd love to see you both happy with a family!)
Anyway GUESS WHO'S KNOCKING AT THE DOOR IN THAT LAST PANEL? THAT'S RIGHT, IT'S ZANDEH, PUPPY BOY TO THE RESCUE! And he's still got that little guy who was one of Kharlan's soldiers with him, and that warms my heart for some reason, I hope he gets to live.
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Hilmes... 😭
I wonder what Zandeh thinks? It's clearly not 'nothing at all'.
Anyway this makes me really sad because where we saw Arslan open up to his followers and receive their support, Hilmes... can't bring himself to do that. Personally, I feel that at this point, Zandeh would support him regardless (as would Sam, who unbeknownst to Hilmes already knows the truth) but Hilmes can't bring himself to admit it, to admit the fact that he's based his whole life around a lie. Without his claim to the throne, who is he?
It's sad that he can't see that the right to rule and the qualities that might inspire loyalty and love are based on so much more. I'm not saying that he's a worthy ruler right now, unlike Arslan he hasn't even thought about how he'll govern the country for the better, but I do find it sad that his mindset leaves him so isolated here when it doesn't need to be that way.
(I'm going to need an Irina mention soon. At least show that Hilmes is thinking of her, even if he feels he can't speak with her.)
That's it for Team Hilmes content this chapter, anyway.
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Who should Team Arslan bump into on the way to Mount Demavant but the Zot with a leashed Don Ricardo, still clinging on to Rukhnabad! So while Arslan did deliberately set out to get the sword, in the end it looks like it's going to happen via a chance encounter (well, if anyone can ever persuade Don Ricardo to let go of it).
Gieve recognising Rukhnabad is a great moment! Even he is so shocked that it seems like he's struggling to form the words as he processes what he's seeing.
I feel pretty sorry for Don Ricardo, he hasn't really recovered mentally from his encounter with Zahhak, he doesn't look to be in a great state, and while the Zot are merely intending to hand him over to Arslan, they can't communicate with him so presumably all he knows is that he's their prisoner, he has no idea what his fate will be and nobody to reassure him. Likewise, they don't know what he's been through.
Team Arslan try to figure it out thanks to Estelle, but Don Ricardo is too distressed, so they decide to find a village to stay the night. It's at this point that alarm bells started going off in my mind.
Narsus says "It's too quiet." (I start thinking of the village he stayed in with Alfarid where Arzhang had killed all the villagers.)
The horses start freaking out (we know they react this way to Team Zahhak)
Team Arslan find bodies of villagers with only their brain eaten (and who do we know of who has an appetite for brains?)
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A weird mist begins to seep into the scene; Zahhak in the novels was described as exuding a miasma of sorts, I think it provoked fear in those who were close to it?
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Gods, I hope everyone survives this encounter. I don't know how it's going to go down but it strikes me that this could be it, this could be the actual deciding fight as far as Zahhak is concerned, because we have Rukhnabad on the scene right here, it could really be happening in Arakawa's manga right now, and I'm not sure I'm ready?
My head is ringing with questions. What does Zahhak's full form look like (we see the snakes clearly but not what they're attached to)? Is he fully resurrected or are the shoulder snakes just operating on the instinct of hunger? What happened to Kaykhusraw's body? Are any members of Team Zahhak here with the Snake King? If Team Arslan do fight Zahhak here, how do they go about it? One on one? As the strongest warrior, will Daryun take him on? Will Arslan (with Estelle's help) manage to persuade Don Ricardo to hand over Rukhnabad, and will he opt to take on the Snake King himself with the sword's powers?
Man I wish Kubard were here... I've always said he'd set everyone straight about the notion of taking on a being like the Snake King in single combat... Just kill it, any way you can.
Part of me feels like Zahhak won't be defeated yet and this encounter will serve its purpose mainly in showing Team Arslan that he truly has been unsealed, so now they'll know what the sorcerers were working towards and they'll know what they're up against. But will they come through this unscathed? I'm not ready for character deaths!
My working theory as of this post: Zahhak is not fully conscious and is mainly being driven by the snakes' hunger; he is heading for Ecbatana for some sort of ritual involving the head jars where he will truly return in full. The final confrontation will take place after matters in the capital with Andragoras and Hilmes have been resolved, and may involve entering Team Zahhak's lair beneath Ecbatana (ArAkAwA sHoW mE tHe DaRk TeMpLe).
Guys... I am utterly exhausted, this chapter has wrecked me. I'll keep an eye out for raws / somewhere to read the simulpub for free and post a link if I see it.
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cherryo · 2 years
Is it alright to ask for future leo x Shy female reader? Smut
Kinks? Dirty talk, rough s3x, dom Leonardo (ya can say it happens after war? Or if future Leonardo happened to be in the present time)
Hi sweetheart!! i am so so sorry for how late this is!!! i wanted to make sure this was perfect!! i have a hard time writing leo, so future leo is a little harder and it took me a couple of drafts to get what you're reading now. i went with future leo coming to the present and i just wasn't sure how to go about future leo and present leo being in the same timeline? i think i figured it out though!! i digress, I'm just happy that you requested,,, I do hope you enjoy this! Pairing: Future!Leo x Shy! fem! reader, slight Present!leo mentioned genre: smut with plot? no angst really but no fluff unless you count the beginning with present! leo Pronouns: she/her with fem genitalia (princess used as a petname) word count: 3.6k warnings: explicit themes, cursing, no protection (wrap it before you tap it sweethearts), movie spoilers !!! rough sex, no lube, dirty talk, whore is used but leo doesn't directly call reader a whore the reader is just loud as a whore lol, I think that's all? possibly cheating but present leo and reader arent together? idk is it really cheating if its future you?
Casey jr reached out to Leon, not expecting to actually grab hold of him. Successfully bringing Leon through the portal, they landed ungracefully in the middle of times square. Realizing they made it to the past safely, they hugged each other, finally feeling safe enough to share a moment between son and father.
“How are we going to get the key?” Leon looked up from the picture he kept, Casey jr was distracted by the bright lights and the tall buildings. “Casey?” waving his arm to get Casey's attention, snapping back to focusing on Leon, Casey let out a tiny ‘hm?’
“We have to find my brothers.”
Here you were, face to face with what you presumed to be an older Leo, and a boy who looked like that foot clan soldier that hung out with yall sometimes. All you wanted was water in the middle of the night, only to find the two in your apartment, at 2 am. The three of you had paused, making eye contact with older Leo, he just looked you up and down with that Signature Leo flirty smirk. “So, this is how you dress when no ones around, huh?” you must’ve looked confused, he motioned towards your legs. Now realizing you were in a tank top and underwear, you muttered a quick apology and booked it back to your room to change.  
While you were putting on some sleep pants you could hear low murmurs of the two talking, hearing the words ‘brothers’ and ‘the krang.’ walking out to your small kitchen to finally talk to the future version of your best friend and the other kid. They didn't notice you had come back out, you made a small cough to alert them.
They both turned to face you, Leo’s smirk coming back to his face, while the shorter boy whose name you didn't know, just was looking at you softly. “So, I'm going to assume you’re the future version of my Leo? I'm sorry but I have no clue who you are” the second part directed at the shorter boy, he went to speak while Leo just nodded and had a small smile on his face.
“I’m sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I'm Casey Jones. You must be the pretty lady Leo always talked about, I never got to meet you in the future.” Casey ended up with a sad look on his face when talking about the fact he never got to meet you, he would've liked to have met the woman his Master was always reminiscing on.
You genuinely had no idea which part to think about, was he Cassandra jones's son? What do you mean you two never met? Leo talked about you in a way that was obviously more than just friends. “Okay, first of all, is your mother Cassandra jones? And second, what do you mean we never met?” you purposely left out the last thought, it wasn't a good time to talk about this.
“Ah! You knew my mother? And uhm,,” he looked nervously towards his Master, who looked incredibly sad and angry, but softened up when he realized Casey was looking towards him. “You did meet her, you were just incredibly young. You helped watch over Casey jr for Cassandra,” the last part directed towards you “but I died young, and so early in Casey Jr's life that he doesn't even remember me?” Leo didn't make eye contact.
“Well, we can talk about that later, I'm assuming you found me to help you guys find the boys right?” both of them nodding, you looked at the time on your stove. It read 2:30 am. Donnie would definitely be up still, sighing you turned around and pulled out your phone, quickly dialing your best friend.
“You’ve reached the line for Donatello, may I ask why you are still up when you have a very early morning shift?” as always, Donnie was quite the hypocrite. “I could ask you the same thing Donnie, but no i doubt I’ll be going to work tomorrow. Look, I just need you and the boys to come to my apartment, bring April and Splints if you can.” you could hear him sigh at the thought of having to wake Leo up and hear him bitchin’ about his ‘beauty sleep.’
“Alright, whatever you need, we’ll be there in, 15 minutes, give or take. I'll text you if Leo gives me any trouble” you laughed, Leo was such a pain in the ass to wake up “just tell ill give him a kiss if he gets up” You giggled at Donnie's gag, he was so funny to mess with. At this point you had turned to face the future boys again, seeing the older Leo raise an eyebrow at your comment. Red-faced, you invited them into your living room to keep them comfortable and get some rest.
It was less than ten minutes before your blue-clad hero was portaling straight in front of you, the rest following after him. He scooped you into his arms, rubbing his face against yours, mumbling about how tired he was and how ‘mean’ and ‘cruel’ Donnie was for waking him. You just giggled, allowing him to nuzzle against you basically, Donnie's cough broke the both of you apart. You two weren't together but acted like you had been married for decades, Leon just smiled softly at the two of you, thinking back on how much he missed that feeling.
“So these two appeared in my apartment when I was going to grab water,” you motioned toward the men on the couch, making the rest of the team turn to face them. Leo still clinging onto you, but instead of it being in a sleepy way it was more protective. Leon meant no harm but he knew how he was pretty protective of you in his timeline. 
Leon couldn't help but keep thinking back on when he first saw you, nothing on but a tank top and the cutest white panties. He knows he should be more focused on getting the key and protecting the world from the Krang, but goddamn, you had looked so fucking hot. He seriously doubts younger him would be away from you in order for him to get close to you, no matter what version, Leonardo hamato was protective of his girl. 
Even at this moment Leo was eyeing Leon, whose eyes happened to be drifting a little too close to the cut of your tanktop. Leo wasnt the only person to catch onto this little ‘subtle’ action, Leon was snapped out of his little drool session by none other than Casey jr. he had this awful scowl on his face that told Leon to cut the creepy drooling.
Thankfully you hadnt picked up on the eyeing, or so Leon had thought, you definitely felt his eyes on you. Truthfully it was kinda nice to be looked at like that by a Leo version, your Leo was so respectful to the point it hurt. You dropped hints left and right about wanting to be at the very least fwb, you wanted a full relationship with him but didnt know how he felt. The most your Leo did was painful flirting and pickup lines that you wanted to go further but didnt.
So, to have a leo eye you up and down spiked your confidence and made you a little hot and flustered. No, this was not what you needed to focus on right now. You needed to focus on why they're here and what sort of danger you guys were in, but all you could think about now was Leo’s arm wrapped around your waist. You knew he was protective of you but damn, from himself? Thats hot.
Raph could sense the tension between Leo and Leon, he shouldnt be surprised that the two Leos would be sizing each other up. It was silly to him to think that leo was sizing his older self up just because he looked at you, but it was Leo so. Coughing to break the tension and get the attention on himself worked, “okay, what’re ya doin here and how’d ya get here?”
“We’re here to stop the Krang from getting to our dimesion and causing a war, and we’re here because Mikey made a time portal. He figured this was the time before it got stolen,” everyone groaned and looked towards Leo, who looked guilty, sweating and all.
“Yeah,,, so what happens if the key was already,,uhm stolen,,?” doing his signature ‘im too cute for you to be mad at me’ smile, Leon look pissed. There was definitely no coming back from that, sure Leo looked scary when angry but Leon? He was terrifying. Maybe it was because he’s already lived through the apocalypse and would rather not do it again, but damn was it also hot as hell.  
“What do you mean it was already stolen?” Leon stood up, making everyone back up. He was a bit taller than Raph, meaning he towered over everyone else. “Are you responsible for losing the key?” at this point he was leaning over Leo, quite a bit. Leo gulped, indicating it was infact his fault for losing the key, and it seemed Leon was not going to get over it.
“Okay wise guy, if it’s your fault for losing it, it’s your sole purpose to find it and get back. Do you understand me, Leo?” Leo nodded vigouresly, trying to seem like he wasnt intimidated, but even Donnie was slightly scared. 
“Okay, here’s the plan, we’re going to go back there and getting the key. We’re going to put an end to this whole thing.”
Getting there was easier said than done, and thanks to leo for ruining the surprise attack, it was even harder to get the key back. There wasnt enough of the donnie pods for everyone there, meaning some people got stuck there. You saw the whole thing happen, Leo escaping his pod and grabbing the key only for raph to use his pod on Leo. Leon had stayed back, letting casey jr get the donnie pod instead, meaning it was you two and raph who got left behind. 
It happened so fast, raph getting taken and Leon picking you up to get the hell out of there before the Krang kidnapped you both as well. He held a hand against your mouth so your cries and wails for Raph were muffled, you tried your best to get out of his grip to get to raph but it was futile. Leon had a good grip on your waist, throwing you over your shoulder, pulling you back down into bridal style once he realized you watched raph being taken.
“Hey, hey, shhhh its okay, we’ll get raph back. It’s going to be okay,” his attempt at comforting you made you wail even more, making him wince at the sound. As he was running away he was trying to find a room to bar up to stay safe from the krang and their zombie army. Spotting an office not too far from the train tracks, he opened the door, sat you down and went to work on baracading the door and windows. At this point shock had set in and you had stopped loudly crying but, tears kept falling making your neck and pants wet.
Sighing, Leon sat down next to you, trying to think of ways to help. He thought maybe pick up lines would work, “yknow, i could totally help distract you from your thoughts” he had leaned down to whisper those words in your ear. You looked at him, taken aback, only to see he was red faced and still clearly shaken as well. Realizing this was just his attempt at helping you calm down, you let him continue, squinting your eyes and nodding at him.
“You’re just as beautiful as the last time i saw you, you know?” that caught you off guard, in true leo fashion you were expecting a flirty look after a dirty joke. You were not expecting for Leon to call you beautiful, “what?” you breathed out, his face softening. He’d have to have a conversation with his younger half with how to woo the ladies.
He reached out to caress your face, you leaned into his touch, of course the softest moments with a leo wouldve been with his older, future counterpart. He was leaning closer and closer in to your face, til he just slowly kissed you. You were shocked at first but slowly melted into it, it was the softest kiss you’ve ever recieved in your life. You could tell he was pouring everything he’s ever wanted to say to you, or your future counterpart, but couldnt get it into words.
His kiss slowly grew into something hungrier than just love, it was obvious he was wanting something else but was restraining himself. His hands had moved to wrap around you, pulling your body closer and under him more. One hand was gripping your hip, hard, while the other was wrapped around your waist.
Soon you found yourself completely under him, your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands holding himself were by your face, basically caging you in. still making out, your arms had reached up and found themselves resting on his shoulders, squeezing every now and again, making him let out cute gasps and moans.
Moving one of his hands to grip your waist and bring you up closer, leaving his other arm to hold his weight. “Can we go further?” he had pulled back to fully face you, trying to catch his breath, chuckling a little when you chased his lips. You paused, it was clear you were really thinking this through and he appreciated that. 
“I would love to,,, just- wh- ugh, what about my leo? I dont want him to think id just go for anyone and i really like him, i dont want to basically cheat,” you were frustrated and as much as you wanted Leon to rock your world, you cared too much about your leo. “Hm, i do see where you’re coming from but is it technically cheating if it’s the same person? Besides, you can find out early what you’re getting into,,at least down there wise. Between us, Leo is done growing down there” your eyes widening at what he was trying to get at, but was it really considered cheating if it was leo, just older him?
Fuck it. It’s not like you didnt care about leo, you just wanted him so bad and here he was wanting you, well a version of him wanting you. You gave your answer in the form of kissing Leon hard, pulling him down to you. During the kiss he somehow managed to get your pants off and thrown somewhere in the office,he pulled away from the kiss and looked down he saw it was the same pair of panties he saw earlier. He didnt think he’d see them again, tuggin on them to ask you if he could take them off.
“Please fuck me leon, i need you”
Didnt need to tell him twice, he practically ripped your panties off of you. Leaving the rest of you clothes on, he reached down to feel that you were soaked. Your panties were a dark gray in the crotch area, showing just how aroused you had been. Looking away embaressed at just how wet you were, Leon just simply chuckled thinking it was hot that you were aroused enough to not need lube or spit down there.
He was teasing you by rubbing your clit and just gently sticking the tip of his finger in your hole, missing where you needed him the most. It was clear that he was going to tease you mercilessly, simply trying to pull the noises out of you, which he successfully did. Finally after your incessant begging, he stuck a thick finger in you, pumping it in and out trying to get you prepped.
“Please just fuck me already” you breathed into his mouth, just barely kissing him “sorry princess, i gotta get you stretched and prepped for my cock” just that sentence made you moan into his mouth. He closed the distance and swept you right back up into making out, the soft kisses were far gone, instead being replaced by hard and hot kisses. While he was kissing you tried to stick another finger in you, making you whine and pull away. You were obviously very hot and bothered and he wasnt helping at all, teasing you and making you moan.
Fianlly though, he decided that you were ready, he took both his fingers out. He showed you the wetness on his fingers, he slowly licked his fingers to clean them, not stopping the eye contact he held with you. He leaned up and off of you, pulling his pants down to his ankles. His cock was out and free now, your eyes widened at the sight of it, how did you not notice it in his pants? And if he was right, your leo was also carrying that. He leaned back down to you, resting it right between your legs.
“Impressive right?” he had looked up at you and waggled his eyebrows, classic leo. 
“Yes, it’s very impressive” giggling, you reached up to just hold his face, rubbing you thumbs on his face. Leaning in to your touch, it made your heart melt.  “I dont know how much i can hold back, princess,” he looked a bit worried, but you honestly couldnt care if he went hard.  “Thats okay, Leon” smiling softly, you knew he was most likely nervous and so were you.
Taking a deep sigh, he readjusted to where his cock was resting right at your cunt. He pushed it in gently, not wanting to hurt you. The stretch was enough to make you cry, it had been a long time since you’ve done anything and especially with someone this huge. Leon stopped noticing that it was obviously painful, resting for a moment so you could adjust.  After a minute of adjusting, you nodded to tell him to continue.
“Youre takin me so well, princess” he had finally bottomed out, he leaned down to kiss both of your cheeks before kissing your lips. While trying to distract you by kissing, he slowly slid his cock in and out, finally getting a nice pace going. He not so slowly started to let go and started going at a harder pace. 
“You’re so pretty when you’re under me” he pulled your hips up more to hit a certain spot, making you moan louder than you have yet to. He quickly put his hand over your mouth, while he wanted to hear how pretty you sounded while you got fucked, now was not the time to be a loud whore.
“God, you feel s- so fucking good, princess” his hips were now slamming against yours, he was clearly just to fucking kill you with pleasure. There was no stopping him at this point, he wasnt lying when he said he wasnt going to hold back. Moaning behind his hand and slightly drooling wasn’t his only indication that you were into this, you were soaking wet and meeting his hips at every thrust. You were close, you had no clue if he was, it seemed he was at times and other times he restarted on the orgasm meter.
It was only when he started whining and his hips were faltering in pace, he started moaning and trying to go even harder. “ ‘m about to cum, where,,’m fuck you feel so good, where do you want me to cum?” you were so fucked out of your mind that you didnt understand what he was saying to you, so of course he went with the common ‘pull out and cum on the stomach’ move.
He was close, he just needed to make you cum before he could, he was a gentleman of course. He started rubbing your clit in figure eights, the pleasure becoming too much, making you cry and shake your head ‘no.’ finally, you came and he could tell by the loud moaning of his name and the insane grip your cunt had on his dick. You coming pushed him over the edge, quickly pulling out and resting his cock between your thighs, he came right onto your stomach and a little bit landing on your shirt. 
He leaned down onto you, the both of you panting and trying to catch your breath. You quietly slipped into a peaceful slumber, Leon was a bit concerned but it was quickly dissolved when he heard snoring. He gently put your panties back on, kissing right at the band, then putting your pants back on with an urgency. He had forgotten where they were during the moment, he pulled his pants back up.
Picking you up and carrying you out of the office, after a bit of searching he found the gang. Immediatly Leo rushed to Leon upon seeing you in his arms, he gently took you out of Leons arms. He didnt like the way Leon and you both looked disheveled but put it away as you two had a rough time getting back to the group. 
“Leo, i would suggest admitting your feelings to her, soon” winking at leo, “you never know who could come and sweep her off her feet before you can.” Leo didnt like the way Leon looked so smug, so he just nodded seriously. Turning around with you still in his arms, he told Leon the baisc gist of the plan. They immediatly put it into action, Leo wondered why your shirt was stained with something sticky at the bottom.
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stgosupremacy · 1 year
so yeah i said i would do one so here i am. honestly dont know how long this will be so let's get stuck in lmao <33
I'm starting after the 'im glad i met you part', bc i kind of already did a post on that anyway lol (and just wanted to add, in the dub they changed it to 'I'm sure glad i met you,' and Ash says it so soft omg i literally died on the spot watching it ;-;
(headsup ignore the fact some of the images are off a youtube channel i couldn't find the scenes💀)
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so i hope this is all in order, but this bit is so so SO sweet when Goh tells him 'thanks for reaching out for me' like no surprise i was literally crying at that point like sgdxkjnfsgf it's so sweet to me that without Ash none of his journey would have really happened, but tbf you could say the same for all of his companion tbh. either way, i am very glad goh met satoshi too omg <3 🥺
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theennnnnn this part is Ash just offering some sweet words of advice and comfort, talking ab their dreams ect, like, nothing too bittersweet to see here, but i guess you can say the way he said 'WE' and meant both of them is sweet lmao
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OK so on the palm of our hands thing i have a few things to say
first of all i love how Ash knew that he knew what to continue with bc they are just so in sync with each other ofc <3 and OFC they had to put that scene in for the last episode, like when it was in the Mewto episode for the first time, i was honestly screaming of how cute it was LIKE THE FACT ASH MADE THE LITTLE ADD ON OF 'OUR HANDS' IN THE FIRST TIME THEY DID IT JUST MAKES IT EVEN MORE CUTER EJHSKF
but anyways as much as i love this scene because of how 'the future is in the palm of our hands', can be interpreted in some otherways, 👀 I also couldnt help but thing about something else.
after/before the Project mew stuff actually started/finished (pretty sure it was after,) we see a scene of Goh, Gary and Horace using the 'palm of our hands' phrase together, and yeah its rlly cute lmao, but i was kind of hoping it was something unique for Ash and Goh, not trying to be a fusspot, but i think the scene now feels slightly less special to me now Goh used it with some other people?
I mean sure, ash and goh were still the first people who did it, and it IS their kind of thing lmao, like they created it. Even tho it was just an initial thought, it is still really sweet that goh used it with others don't get me wrong <3
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when i was watching this i was like no way this is it lol like are you not gonna confess
jokes but thankfully they made a bittttt more to it (and good bc if they left it there I would be sitting there like what)
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so they start to walk away from each other and you see Goh is still quite sad while Ash is still holding up, my heart was dying </3
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OFC ASH HAS TO CALL OUT TO HIM AND THE WAY GOH'S EYES HAVE THE LITTLE SPARKLE WHEN HE HEARS HIS VOICE 💖 The fact Ash actually thought while he was walking away 'oh shit need to check up on the bf' lol and climbed up the little hill to wave him off again is the cutest thing; CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE this made their whole goodbye for me tbh 💕💕💕
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ofc they want each other to achieve their dreams aww
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ok but THIS
the bit where they nod at each other is so comforting to me like it's weird, but it gave me a little more satisfaction i'll say, lmao. also gives you a hint that they are wrapping up the goodbyes fully so it gave me some very brief preparation time 😢
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and with that, Goh runs off into the distance.
</3 (my boy has grown up sm) 🥺
OK i do love that when he runs off, he's more confident, and when it switches back to Ash, it has him watching over Goh until he can't see him anymore, which is rlly cute <333 ahhh they're so pure man
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Ash runs off to his new journey too, and he begins to talk about Pallet Town to Pikachu...
Thats it
uhmmm so first things first. Did i like the goodbye for them? Well, yeah, it was quite cute, especially the end part where Ash gives him that last bit of encouragement and called out his name, because SHEESH if they left that part out and gave them that first goodbye without Ash calling out to him, and they just left each other....yeah, i wouldn't be happy.
see, i just kind of thought they deserved a bit better. It was v cute and all, but like they've been through so much together 😭 😭 😭 😭 like I'm saying this as a shipper but still 😂 tbf if they hugged I probably would have cried but let's be honest I could cry at anything at this point
but hey what we got was pretty cute, I just would have tweaked some things because honesty this duo are literally the closest I've ever seen in the anime, and I would have hoped for a little bit more, BUT IT'S FINE IT HAPPENED *mentally counts*
9 MONTHS AGO (??? where has the time gone)
but thank you for coming to my TED talk <33
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stormoflina · 6 months
hello! I'm sure your anons have been flooded with a lot lol but I wanted to change the subject a little. I'm a little sad that Trent is out until the Atalanta game (don't know if its the first leg or second leg) feel like he's been gone for the whole season. miss watching him play with the team and the last interaction we saw with Dom was with haaland being annoying lol.
Also idk if it's just me but I don't know if Dom is very appreciated by fans on how much he does on the field. I get he's had some off games but he's such an important piece to the midfield especially when it comes to his pace. During the Brighton game the right side was getting torched until he started spending some time there to help on defense and even the man u game when he was subbed off we were winning and then we lost control of the midfield. It was a glaring difference and I'm not bashing on any other player NOT at all or saying they don't bring anything to the team, it's just he's a part of the success to the team and it's not spoken about as much.
anyway have a good day!
Hi lovely! I want to thank you for this wonderful ask, it's always both a pleasure and an honour to read your thoughts, especially when it's so well put together! 🫶🏼
I know I miss Trent so much:( I looked back at the pre-match interview he did this weekend as much as I could find, and as lovely as it was to see him, I just wish he was back on the pitch, doing his magnificent passes as he does. :( I understand that with so many reinjuries, they are being extra careful with him, but I feel like the dates just keep getting pushed back and pushed back and it's stressing me out lol.
With Domi, yeah, the narrative around him has shifted recently. In a sense, I think he, too, became the so called stepchild of the team, same thing that I have called Cody back in the past, of course just under very different circumstances. I do think that now that we are in April and have already seen how the season progressed, out of all the starting midfielders he has had the least luck lol. Meaning that he basically carried that midfield on his back for the first three months, then yes, he both got fatigued and fell off a bit, but also Macca grew more comfortable in his position and role, Endo caught up to the Prem and Curtis had entered into a really good form too. Obviously the attention then shifted to them, which is only natural, they were putting in some fantastic performances. His injury also came at a very wrong time, then I think those weird social media posts that were made about him also didn't help ( I actually have a lot to say about that lol), then when he did came back from months long injury and wasn't dropping 10/10 he was quickly made into (one of the) scapegoat(s). Sadly, it's only natural, and what's even sadder that those 'fans' will only move on from him if they find another player to overly criticize. Agendas work like crazy. Right now, if Endo or Alexis loses the ball, likely no one will say anything, if he does, he gets ripped a new one. At the start of the season, it was the other way around. It's insanely annoying, but that's online fans for you. Also doesn't really help his case, that he is in a very limited role, which is good for the team (nobody has his levels of athleticism and pressing intensity), but it also highlights his weaknesses. I have talked about this before, but going from always being the protected player to the one who has to protect everyone else can't be easy and it's pretty easy to see that it doesn't come natural to him. However, it's a role that every team needs, and I think overall, he does a good job at it.
Haha, anyways, I spend waaay too much time wondering about the psychology behind how these things work, I could talk the pants off of anyone with this lol.
Have a lovely day! <3
Edit: With all that yapping I forgot to tell you that I agree with you regarding Domi. We definitely lost momentum when him, Andy and Mo were subbed off. The midfield especially got run over. Klopp nearly always gets his man management right, it just wasn't his day that day - or anyone's really, I mean we let Antony score. 😅😅
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
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ทำไมถึงเต็มคิดอะไรลึกซึ้งไม่เป็น = Why are you utterly unable to think profoundly?
me @ myself, trying to order my thoughts about this episode
Disclaimer: I'm still learning Thai so feel free to correct me on anything 🙏
I'll probably make a separate post about the poem since that's pretty far outside of my current Thai abilities lol but I found it was so central to the episode that I wanna take a closer look at it anyway! The book is called ขอบฟ้าขลิบทอง (khawp faa klip tawng) 'gold-trimmed horizon' and this specific poem seems to be named after its first line มิ่งมิตร (ming mit) 'cherished friend(s)'. The author's name is อุชเชนี ประคิณ ชุมสาย ณ อยุธยา (romanizations as shown in the end credits of the episode even though it's not helpful in finding info on her anyway lol). To me, this poem carries the same tone as the entire show, as I think the script/writing emphasizes kindness, empathy, and hope for the future. And มิ่งมิตร (ming mit) also speaks about equality/liberty:
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...which brings me all the way to the end of the episode, actually:
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This was what stuck with me the most. It's not just that Kawi has no living relatives left, it's that his longterm partner is not legally considered family and thus has no rights concerning Kawi. The implications of not having marriage equality already hit me hard when it came up in Moonlight Chicken but it's truly sad now after the disappointment of the 2023 general elections in Thailand (very briefly: progressive democratic Move Forward party winning the most seats but continuously being blocked from forming a government, their leader Pita Limjaroenrat losing the bid for Prime Minister and even being suspended from being a member of parliament).
I'm not sure what Pisaeng is supposed to have learned or needs to do differently, from what we've been shown. That Pisaeng and Kawi need to join Max in fighting for their rights? That Kawi, like his dad, should see a doctor sooner rather than later? That Kawi can't be giving up everything to be with Pisaeng, considering we never saw him leave the condo for work, friends, hobbies, anything?
We've also got Schrödinger's ace!Kawi, considering Kawi's feelings in that regard didn't get resolved this week plus there being no indication either which way if their relationship in this future had a sexual component or not. Actually, that reminds me- @rocketturtle4 basically predicted this episode in broad strokes last week! I basically spent the entirety of parts 2-4 in a state of slight confusion, waiting for the other shoe to drop or for the clearly-left-out conversation about intimacy we all expected last episode to be shown. Something felt, intentionally, off.
A few last notes:
What were Phong and Daow (aka Pear's dad and Pisaeng's mom) referring to with "messy issue"? The word used was วุ่นวาย (woon waai) which could mean anything from chaotic, to troublesome, to confusing, ... you see my confusion? I'm not sure if we're supposed to take this as the parents knowing about the whole love triangle weirdness or if I simply forgot about an earlier tidbit from Pear and Pisaeng's past as childhood friends. This was a lovely scene btw, the meaning of parenthood and child-parent relationships are portrayed so nicely in this show.
If you've read my post from last week about Pisaeng and Kawi switching to different pronouns and are curious about any changes this week- From the moment we hear the boys talk with each other on Pisaeng's bed after moving in together, they continuously use ผม (pom) / คุณ (khun). Meanwhile the after credit scene (that I'm not sure when to place in this time travel chaos) contained no pronouns at all! In the preview, I heard both of them use them again.
Maybe it's my love for Thai but I felt like "I'm glad you're happy." was a bit of a curt translation for what Pear said to her mom so here's me trying to preserve the sentiment: "แต่ถึงยังไง หนูก็ดีใจนะค่ะ ที่แม่มีความสุข" = But still, I'm happy. Because you're happy./...that you've found happiness. She's my baby angel and I won't hear a single word of criticism about her!!
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