#its all platonic i repeat its all p l a t o n i c
thegaymaruader · 2 years
An idea
Siruis black & james potter, minor james potter/regulus black.
Word count: 188
"Padfoot, I have an idea"
They were in a restruant having some quality time but when they were about to have desert james realized he didn't have enough money.
"What, prongs" siruis replied his eyes filling with mischief.
"So you know when I proposed to reg in this restaurant we got free desert"
"Oh yeah"
James removed the ring from his hand and stood up and went on one knee in front of siruis.
Siruis faked gasped and a lot of people started staring at them.
"Siruis black, will you marry me? " james said trying not to laugh.
"Yes, yes pron- james" siruis said, fake tears rolling out of his eyes.
People started clapping and james went and embraced siruis and kissed him on the temple because fathom kissing his best friend on the lips.
A waitress came up to them.
"Congratulations guys, would you like a cake or an ice cream to celebrate this it will be on us"
"Yes, that would be nice, thank you" james said.
"No problem" the waitress said walking away.
James and siruis grinned in victory and high Fives under the table.
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bbubbleddae-blog · 7 years
get to know me better tag !
i was tagged by @kisookai ily thank you eonnieee 💕
answer the questions and tag 10 other blogs you’d like to get to know better.
A | AGE: 17!!
B | BIRTHPLACE: new york, usa
C | CURRENT TIME: 12:03pm
D | DRINK YOU HAD LAST: i’m eating lunch as i speak, so milk haha
E | EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: basically all my internet fam, they’re my second loves and family and i love them dearly. and my girlfriend, bc it’s wrong if i don’t include her c:
F | FAVORITE SONG: uuhh currently i have a ton of favorites but i’ve had sea by bts and frzzn by ozzie and teflon sega on repeat for the past couple weeks aahh
G | GROSSEST MEMORY: if i have one i forgot it on purpose lmao
H | HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff fam
I | IN LOVE: hard to say, about romantic love like i love my gf so much yes, it’s just hard for me to really grasp being “in love”? i can be totally platonically be in love with someone, like my best friend and a couple of internet friends i have and shre too tbh(my gf). i can’t quite understand it fully yet, so i’m trying lmao
J | JEALOUS OF PEOPLE: *coughs* anyone that can hug and see my girlfriend on a daily basis *coughs*
K | KILLED SOMEONE: in my head….and my stories
L | LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BY AGAIN: don’t believe in love at first sight tbh.
M | MIDDLE NAME: alicia
N | NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2 sisters, 1 brother, all younger than me haha
O | ONE WISH: can i get uuuuuhhhhh enough money to see shreya please
P | PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: my amazing chanbaek daddies fam™ i love them
Q | QUESTION YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED: oh are you ready for this
“you’re 17??? i thought you were like 20.”
“don’t you listen to other songs that aren’t korean?” yes i do kid let me live my life
when i mention my girlfriend and i are ldr: “so is she like actually real? do you plan to meet her?” if i didn’t think she was real and didn’t plan to meet her would i be dating her ?? no.
R | REASON TO SMILE: friends, girlfriend, kAiSoo, eXo shIPs, kim jongdae, kim jongin, actually exo in general, writing, reading
S | SONG YOU SANG LAST: lol i don’t remember
T | TIME YOU WOKE UP: 5:50 am boi
U | UNDERWEAR COLOR: white haha
V | VACATION DESTINATION: okay i didn’t know how to take this question as so ill list where i’ve been and where i want to go
been to toronto, florida, and virginia. want to go to every country in europe (besides russia ngl), australia, mexico, argentina, south korea, japan, and india
W | WORST HABIT: picking the skin at my arms and lips, biting my lips and tongue, not talking about my mental state when it’s at its worst
X | X-RAYS: uh on my feet bc of surgery ye
Y | YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: i like pretty much everything accept most condiments like mustard and dill pickles and ketchup. i really like spicy food and sweet food tho.
Z | ZODIAC SIGN: ya gIrL is a taurus !! my moon is leo, my rising is scorpio, aaannnddd my chinese zodiac is the dragon :P
as for tags imma tag no one haha
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