#james and siruis friendship
regulus-cannot-swim · 6 months
Accidental Confessions- Wolfstar
“Moony? Are you okay?” James’ concerned voice jolted Remus out of his thoughts, and he turned to his friend.
“Hmm? Yes, I’m fine,” Remus replied, giving a slightly strained smile before turning back to what he was looking at.
Sirius and some boy (Remus forgot his name, it was irrelevant) were dancing very close to each other, and the boy was whispering suggestively in Sirius’ ear. Remus tried to control the urge to rip his body off of Sirius’.
When he’d agreed to go to the party, he hadn’t expected to see Sirius like this with someone else. Usually when Sirius was drunk he’d cling to Remus. And it was no one’s business but his own if that was the only reason he ever agreed to go to these retched parties anyway.
“you know he’s just doing this to make you jealous, right?” James said, following his gaze.
Remus shook his head with a slight scoff.
“he knows how I feel. He would have said something if he felt the same,” he spoke, not tearing his eyes away from Sirius, just in case.
“But he could be just as blind as you. Besides, he’s Sirius. You know how fucked up his home situation was. Do you think he would ever just put himself out there like that?” James asked.
Remus turned to look at James, giving him a look. “And what happened to not meddling?” He asked, choosing to ignore his previous words.
James held his hands up in defense. “Hey, a man can only stand so long seeing you two pining for each other.”
Remus rolled his eyes. “that’s ironic, coming from you.”
James furrowed his brows. “what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.
Remus just shook his head, decided to not get into how James and Regulus would look at each other.
“nothing. Nothing. Besides, even though I do like him, what makes you so sure he likes me? I’ve made it very obvious that I like Sirius, and he hasn’t said a word,” Remus ranted.
The other boy just shook his head. “have you ever just told him outright, just how much you like him?” he suggested.
Remus just shook his head. “And what would I say? ‘hey Padfoot, I have been desperately in love with you since I first met you on the train when we were elven and have pined after you for five years?’”
A gasp was heard behind the boys, and Remus whirled around to see Sirius staring at him with wide eyes. Remus felt his heart drop. It appeared that when Remus was too into his conversation with James that Sirius had snuck up behind them.
“I’m just going to leave,” James murmered. Neither boy turned to look at him.
Remus cleared his throat, looking away from Sirius.
“Um, can we just pretend that you didn’t hear that? It doesn’t have to change anything,” Remus said awkwardly.
Sirius shook his head, eyes still wide. “Is it- is it true? Do you love me?” he asked.
Remus just blushed. “I do,” he admitted, taking a glance to see Siruis’ expression.
A grin broke out across his face. “thank godric,” he murmered.
Remus blinked. This was not the reaction he expected. He was expected hatred, expected this to sever their friendship, but not this.
“Pardon?” he stammered out.
Sirius just leaned forward and met his lips in a fiery kiss. Remus didn’t kiss back for a moment in shock, but when Sirius started to pull back, Remus pulled him back in for a sounder kiss. They only broke apart when they needed air.
“what? What was that for?” Remus asked, out of breath.
Sirius grinned at him. “I love you too, Moons,” he confessed. “I love you too.”
Remus’s face slowly started to mirror Sirius’, and he pulled him back in for another kiss.
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discordandmalice · 2 years
Wolfstar mini story: Cigarettes
Slight-angst it's gone in the end though
Remus didn't pick up smoking till 3rd year, sure he'd smoked on and off then before that but that was the year when no one ever saw remus lupin with out a cigarette.
It was also the year that sirius stopped going near remus as much and even when he did he always looked agitated worried even.
Sirius never smoked which was odd to remus' as sirius smoking seemed like something that would have fitted him perfectly.
When remus started smoking regularly he noticed sirius's slow disconnect from him, like in the common room sure sirius always shared the sofa with James but he'd also always sit on the side closest to remus's armchair but now adays he would seem to sit as far away as he could with out making it obvious to anyone else. Remus was worried at first that it had something to do with him being a werewolf I mean sirius had only found out near the end of last year so it was understandable that he would be having second thoughts about there friendship. Or the worse option which was that siruis was the one who had opened remus's diary. Remus had found his diary on his bed opened about a week into 3rd year, it wouldn't have been much of a worry if it hadn't been open on one of the many pages about sirius. After a while of remus trying to figure sirius's distance out, he asked James.
"Hey James, do you know why sirius won't come near me anymore"
"Huh" said james he was reading a book for muggle studies in the common room.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that anytime I try to talk to him if he can he'll walk away as quick as he can and he won't sit near me anymore either"
"Ah, that.. look remus i really don't think it's my place to tell you, you really should talk to sirius about it"
Not his place to tell me, God sirius really had found the diary hadn't he and this was James way of saying he hates gay people and wants you dead but I don't wanna tell you that cause you're a nice guy.
"Alright" remus said
As remus left the common room, James added one final bit "And remus promise me you won't raise your voice when you ask him"
Raise his voice what was James on. "Sure"
It didn't take long for remus to find sirius he was in the astrology tower staring at the stars. He lit a cigarette as he entered the room holding it between his fingers delicately.
"Hey" remus said as he opened the door to the room.
Sirius looked up hopefully at first then his eyes darted down to the cigarette.
"Hi" he said, facing the window again.
Remus didn't really know how to ask sirius with out being blunt so after a few minutes of silence he just asked.
"Do you hate me"
Sirius turned round quick to that, his face flooded with horror. "What, no remus why... why would you think that"
Fuck remus lifted the cigarette to his mouth breathing it in before blowing the smoke into the room.
"Why the fuck wouldn't I sirius, you've been dodging me for weeks now you won't sit near me talk to me. I mean look even now your trying to figure out the quickest way to leave"
"It's not to do with you remus, it's not you, well it is but it's nothing to do with who you are"
Shit siruis was crying at this point, remus hadn't thought about James's comment he'd had gotten so mad on his way here he didn't think about. He dropped the cigarette to the floor snubbing it with his foot and went to hug his friend.
Sirius stepped back like a child full of fear. Cowering almost at remus coming over to him.
"Please just don't remus"
Remus stepped back, tears where forming in his eyes now too "alright"
after what felt like an hour of silence remus asked
Sirius looked up now still agitated.
"My mum" he said
Remus was confused sure he knew that sirius's mum was horrid but what did that have to do with him being near remus.
"She smokes too"
It hit remus like a ton of bricks of course sirius had mentioned it once how the whole house smelt of cigarettes.
"Shit, Sirius I'm so sorry"
"Don't be I didn't tell you about it, James is the only one who really knows ya know, it's just I can't be around them the smell it makes me feel like she's gonna come round the corner at any minute shouting and just looking at them"
"Hey, let's go back to the common rooms it's getting cold out here" remus said.
"Yeah, lets"
As they left the astronomy tower remus threw the last cigarettes he had into the bin, remus didn't smoke after that not even at parties as a one time thing. Even after sirius moved away from his mother and said the smell didn't scare him anymore. Remus never touched them.
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thegaymaruader · 2 years
An idea
Siruis black & james potter, minor james potter/regulus black.
Word count: 188
"Padfoot, I have an idea"
They were in a restruant having some quality time but when they were about to have desert james realized he didn't have enough money.
"What, prongs" siruis replied his eyes filling with mischief.
"So you know when I proposed to reg in this restaurant we got free desert"
"Oh yeah"
James removed the ring from his hand and stood up and went on one knee in front of siruis.
Siruis faked gasped and a lot of people started staring at them.
"Siruis black, will you marry me? " james said trying not to laugh.
"Yes, yes pron- james" siruis said, fake tears rolling out of his eyes.
People started clapping and james went and embraced siruis and kissed him on the temple because fathom kissing his best friend on the lips.
A waitress came up to them.
"Congratulations guys, would you like a cake or an ice cream to celebrate this it will be on us"
"Yes, that would be nice, thank you" james said.
"No problem" the waitress said walking away.
James and siruis grinned in victory and high Fives under the table.
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1dmurderedmewolves · 4 years
*lily and remus talking about james and siruis as they walk in*
james: what.
siruis: yeah what.
remus: nothing.
lily: we think you guys need space apart.
siruis: what?! no! you cant separate us!
james: stop trying to ruin our friendship!
remus: we didn’t mean it like that-
lily: you guys are sharing one shirt and hugging. while walking.
james: it’s comfy.
siruis: don’t be jealous.
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bitteropinions · 4 years
Let's talk timelines.
James and siruis have supposedly been bullying Severus since practically first year or a year or so from it.
James died young at 21 so roughly 4 years after graduating.
Severus was 20 during the prophecy and didn't loose Lillys friendship until 15 but roughly could be a death eater marked the year he graduates.
Severus I believe is practically almost 3 months older then James. So the prophecy was told some time before his death.
Severus lived long enough to grow old and still be an asshole (which is common among the teachers like seriously if you think its only him read a fucking book/excluding the harshness he showed Harry bc that was kinda fucked up).
James lived most of his life being an asshole and bullying defenseless (he cleary knows how to disarm and it's him and siruis so defenseless) kids. James being an asshole is not being used to squash sev becoming a deatheater. I'm not excluding his participation in a radical extremist group I hold him accountable for that shit. At the end of the day they are both horrible. (I do loves severus charcter tho)
But my point is James spent his whole life being a dick and that shouldn't be undermined by the fact that severus lived longer to gain more experience then him because we really don't know if James truly changed or was actually nice, considering Siruis's still bullying and higher then now(how he treats his enemies -defenseless- and kreacher) persona. Remus is also still the same "cowardly" man that does still gain happiness from the suffering of Severus.
He was still surrounding himself with these two by the time he died. This a fictional world yes but rarely do people who "change" stay connected to old friends, especially ones who enabled the behavior.
James hardly died an a good person he died a hero. Severus also hardly died a good person (despite redemption) he died a hero.
Their on different levels of "good" people and who did worse but still. Stop glorifying James as being a saint.
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Slytherin Sirius Black & Gryffindor James Potter through the years please!! There's not enough of this it's such an interesting dynamic. Can go enemies to friends to crushes or right from enemies to crushes or could be friends the whole way or friendly rivalry - whatever you think would have happened - just interested in seeing more fic that explores Hogwarts if Sirius went to Slytherin! The train scene still happened! And I think Sirius would still dislike Snape at least a bit if not a lot?
((A/N: A bit of internalized/period-typical homophobia, nothing explicit))
When Sirius met one James Potter, he'd thought lots of things. How big his smile was, how over-sized his glasses looked on his comparatively tiny head, how confident he was, how happy he seemed, hos excited he was to finally be going to Hogwarts so he could be in Gryffindor just like his parents. The only thought that stuck with him over the years was much simpler than that initial rush of emotions: James was going to change his entire life. 
Sirius had sat on the stool in front of the entire school as the Sorting Hat dropped over his eyes. 
'Hmm, Gryffindor could be good for you. Yes, you have courage aplenty, certainly enough loyalty to make friends there. You could do well in Gryffindor.' 
Sirius was on top of the world. He'd always hoped to get in Gryffindor, but almost hadn't dared believe it would actually happen. He was going to get what he'd always wanted, but it felt like an icy block crashing into him when the Sorting Hat continued. 
'But no. No, I think Slytherin is the place for you." 
'Wait!' Sirius thought in a panic. 
'You will not lose your friends in Slytherin, but you would have lost your brother in Gryffindor,' was all the Hat said about it before shouting, for everyone to hear, "Slytherin!" 
First and second years had been pretty good. James still talked shite about Slytherin, but Sirius did the same and it was his House. They were friends all the same, and Sirius considered marching up to the Sorting Hat and telling it that it'd been wrong and Sirius did belong in Gryffindor. 
For some reason, everything changed in third year. Siruis had figured that things could only get better the older they got, but James changed. All the shit he had said about Slytherin before was now specifically about him. Sirius didn't have any good comebacks to that, so he just started keeping Regulus company and ignored all the weird looks people gave him for hanging out with a first year. 
"Don't you have any friends?" Regulus asked, a touch desperately. He'd barely gotten to Hogwarts and he was already shunned by all of his peers. 
"nope." Just to bug him, Sirius threw an arm around his shoulders. "it's just you and me, Reg." 
"Don't call me Reg." 
"It makes me sound like a little kid." 
"Whatever you say Reggie." 
Regulus shoved at him ineffectually. After a minute, he capitulated, giving a heavy sigh as Sirius grinned victoriously. 
The day after that, James hexed his bag so that spiders came pouring out whenever he opened it. In return, Sirius shut off all the water in Gryffindor Tower. He got detention where James hadn't, but to be fair, it was a much better prank than some spiders. 
Not to be outdone, James flooded the Slytherin dormitories the week after-- doubtlessly the in between time was spent with James in the library, researching how to accomplish such a thing. He got detention that time, and for some reason the professors thought it'd be a good idea to have them in the same classroom. James said something about Sirius being a blood purist. Sirius said something about James's parents (an absolute lite, he adored Fleamont and Euphemia as much as they did him), and somehow they blew out on of the classroom's walls. After that, separate detentions. 
A month later-- a month filled with nightly detentions, a hidden broomstick, ruined inkwells, a bribed portrait, a charmed suit of armor, talking quills, and coloured rain in the Great Hall-- Professor Dumbledore called them into his office. He sat calmly behind his desk, hands resting on the desktop as the two boys sat sullenly in front of him. "Lemon drop?" he offered. Sirius took one; James didn't. Dumbledore took one, sucking on it in silence for a while as he thought. Or maybe he was daydreaming and wanted them to stew for a while, either way, nothing was said for a long time. "I appreciate the ingenuity both of you have shown, but I would like to have a school by the end of the year. If I recall correctly, the two of you were friends last year, were you not?" 
Sirius glanced at James, but it didn't look like he was going to say anything given that his jaw had a stubborn jut to it. "Last year, yeah." 
"It is, of course, no business of mine for what ended that friendship and led you to here, but it seems to me that this situation could be easily solved if the two of you talked." 
"We talk," James muttered. 
"I do not believe yelling insults at each other in the middle of your class could be considered 'talking', but perhaps times have changed since I was a young man. All I mean to say is that it would behoove all of us to be united instead of divided in these times." The usual twinkle in Dumbledore's blue eyes was gone as he said that, as serious as either of them had ever seen him before. "Off to class with you," he said with a smile. 
"Thank you Professor," they both said. Sirius noticed that James grabbed a lemon drop before he left. Once they made it down the stairs though, he still had it in his hand, rolling it around like it was a toy instead of a sweet. "Sorry," James said before Sirius could walk away. "Things... got sort of out of hand, yeah?" 
"Yeah." Not that Sirius hadn't been having fun, but he'd wanted to be doing those things with James, not against him. "What got into you? We were fine until you started hating me out of nowhere." 
"It wasn't out of nowhere," James said defensively. "You were acting like a stuck up prick the moment you saw me!" 
"I was not." 
"You were so." 
"Ugh we're getting nowhere," Sirius complained. 
"Figured that out myself, thanks," James said, then sighed. "Would it kill you to hang out with me once in a while? You spend all your time cooped up in the Slytherin common room, I never get to see you." 
"And where should we meet? The Gryffindor common room?" 
"We used to meet in the library." 
"Madame Pince kicked us out last time." 
"Because you set a book on fire." 
"That was an accident! And the book was fine, she completely overreacted." 
"Well I say we start going there again. She can't kick us out for life." 
"She can try," Sirius grumbled, remembering the positively murderous look on her face. 
"Cheer up mate, we'll be fine." James slung an arm around his shoulders and started leading him off. 
"That's easy for you to say, you've got detention with Flitwick tonight. You know who I have it with? Slughorn." 
"He's not that bad." 
"Yeah, but he's weird. He keeps trying to talk to me about my grandfather, as if I give a single fuck about that old geezer." 
Somewhere in fourth year, Sirius started sneaking into Gryffindor Tower, and in fifth year, he, James, and Peter got the brilliant idea to become animagi to keep Remus company on the full moon. 
It was the morning after one such full moon when Peter and James were off to the kitchens for some food, leaving Sirius and Remus alone in the Hospital Wing together. "Don't take this the wrong way," Remus said quietly, his throat probably scraped raw from the transformation, "but what are you still doing here?" 
"Well let's see, can't leave you alone so soon after a transformation, and normally the kitchen runs are done in pairs. Add that to the fact that I was already with you and didn't want to move, and tada! I'm still here." 
"Not that." Remus had to stop to cough weakly. "I meant... y'know, us, James. Gryffindors and blood traitors or whatever else it is." 
If Remus had punched him, Sirius would probably be less surprised. "What?" 
"You know what I mean. I mean-" he coughed again "-I know that you don't get on with most of your housemates, but things're getting worse." 
Unfortunately, Sirius did know what he meant by that. Nobody was willing to put a name to it yet-- not around him, at least-- but there was a threat out there. Someone was stirring up anti-muggle and anti-creature sentiments, getting together groups, and spreading their influence. Sirius was from an old family that believed in those bullshit conservative forms, and Remus was not only a half-blood, but a werewolf. He grit his teeth. "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean." 
"I know you're not- I just mean, maybe you'd be safer... if you stopped. Your parents-" 
"Fuck my parents, I'm not going to abandon you." 
"I'd still have James and Peter, I wouldn't be alone." 
"Yeah well tough shit, you'll have to deal with me too," Sirius said, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. 
Remus sighed but didn't try to argue further. One way or another, they'd find out how this ended. 
Regulus saw Sirius walk over to Mulciber, and he didn't really worry about it. Sirius was going to be his usual overprotective but ultimately harmless self. It wouldn't hurt anyone for him to throw a few threats around, and Regulus was even hopeful that maybe it would help him. He wasn't expecting for Sirius to haul off and punch him square in the face. 
Regulus watched the scene with wide eyes. He wanted to help, to stop Sirius from getting in trouble, but he was frozen in place. Most of their housemates were either too cowardly to intervene, figured that it wasn't their problem, or were like Regulus, too shocked to move. He expected for it to end after a couple punches, but then Mulciber was getting knocked down to the floor and Sirius wasn't stopping. 
In the end, a couple of the blokes on the Quidditch team pulled him off of Mulciber, blood staining his knuckles and resisting like he wanted to beat him to death with his bare hands. "If you ever touch him again, I'll kill you!" Sirius screamed. Regulus shrank in on himself, embarrassment creeping in. By Salazar, he never should've told Sirius what happened-- wouldn't have if he'd known that this was going to be Sirius's reaction. 
All he wanted to do was disappear, maybe leave the Common Room so he wouldn't have to deal with anyone else, but instead he walked over to Sirius-- now released because they were dragging Mulciber to the Hospital Wing, and it was obvious that Sirius was only interested in hitting one person that was no longer in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you," Regulus hissed, grabbing Sirius's arm and pulling him towards the stairs to the dormitory. 
"Nothing. Or at least nothing compared to what's going to be wrong with him," Sirius sneered. 
Regulus paled. "You can't be serious. If you do anything worse, you're going to be expelled! You might be anyways with what just happened." 
Sirius scoffed, pausing in walking to put his hands on Regulus's shoulders and look at him condescendingly. "Little brother, this is the perk of being from the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Do you really think Dumbledore would be allowed to expel me? Hogwarts would lose one of its biggest benefactors, and he could kiss that Chief Warlock title of his goodbye. I have the best scores in my entire year even if they have the occasional disciplinary issue with me. They're not going to throw all that away." He pat Regulus on the shoulder before turning to head down the hallway. 
Regulus swallowed. Dread was crawling up in his stomach. He was terrified of what Sirius was planning, but he couldn't make himself follow. That was the first time Sirius had truly scared him, looking too much like their parents for comfort. He tried to force his legs down to the seventh year dormitory room, but he turned into his own, shaking so badly he felt like he was going to fall apart. 
Nothing would happen. Sirius would cool off, Mulciber would keep his bloody distance, and Regulus would be able to write this all off as a bad memory. What Regulus didn't know was that Sirius was already leaving the Common Room, a Disillusionment charm keeping him out of sight. 
He lifted it once he was down the corridor, not wanting for a Professor to catch him and (correctly) assume that he was up to no good. And who should see him when he was close to the Hospital Wing, but James. Bugger. That ruined his plan of not being remembered at all, but he could roll with it. He plastered on an expression that looked not as anti-social. 
"Sirius," he said, sounding surprised, but not happy to see him. "I saw Mulciber in the Hospital Wing. What happened?" 
"Minor disagreement," Sirius said mildly. He knew he wasn't keeping the anger out of his eyes though. 
"A minor disagreement that broke his nose? He lost teeth, Sirius. I know the bloke's a total twat, but you're going to get in serious trouble for this. What were you thinking?" 
Sirius dropped the semi-pleasant demeanor. "I was thinking that he's done a hell of a lot worse, and if somebody stops him now, he won't have a chance to keep on like he has been." He's a fucking Death Eater, Sirius thought. He volunteered for a brand on his arm and he tried to force my brother to do the same when all Regulus has ever wanted is for our parents to be proud of him. Sirius was terrified that if he didn't head it off now, Mulciber-- or somebody else like him-- would succeed. Regulus was strong in his way, but how much longer would he be able to hold off when he knew it was something their parents approved of? 
James was looking at Sirius like he didn't recognise him. Anybody else would have thought Sirius was being dramatic, that he was making a bad joke; James knew him better than to believe that. "Give me your wand." 
"Your wand, now." 
"I don't know what world you seem to think you live in, but I'm not fucking doing that." 
"Give it to me before you do something you regret." 
"Giving it to you would be something I regret," Sirius snapped. 
James didn't look like he was going to budge. He wasn't aggressive about it, he simply was there, like a boulder that was going to block his path no matter how much Sirius tried to talk his way out of it. Unless he was willing to fight, Sirius wasn't going to make it past him. He was actually considering it when James took the wind out of his sails. It was easy. A single word, softly spoken. "Sirius." 
Sirius took his wand out of his pocket and shoved it, lengthwise, into James's chest. 
James brought up a hand to catch it, and with the other he grabbed Sirius's wrist. His grip was light, easily broken if Sirius didn't want it. "Thank you. I'll give it back in the morning, yeah?" 
"Fine," Sirius muttered, turning on his heel and skulking back to the dungeons. 
In the morning, Sirius felt like he was going to be sick. The spell he'd had in mind wouldn't out-and-out have killed Mulciber, but it probably would have ended up that way. And that's if Sirius was exacting in casting it in the first place. The room for error with a spell that dark wasn't very big. One mistake and Mulciber would have died before dawn. Zero mistakes, and he likely would have died within the next year or two. Sirius was going to go through with it. Would have done if James hadn't stopped him. Gods what James must think of him. He covered his face with his hands, wishing he would just die now and save everyone the trouble. But no time for that. The best way to make it was to fake it, right? He got out of bed and pretended like nothing had happened, not even him beating the shit out of Mulciber in front of the entire House. 
James found him shortly after he left the Common Room. He waited until he was at his side to hand him his wand back. "Here." 
"Thanks," Sirius mumbled. 
"Sorry for er-" 
"You were right to." 
James just looked at him, worried. "Still. Would you have really-" He cut himself off, shaking his head; he didn't want to know the answer to that question, and he didn't want to make Sirius think about it either. "Nevermind. You going to get your hands healed?" 
"Nah, I figure they'll keep me distracted while I'm in detention." 
You're punishing yourself, James thought. He almost said it, but Sirius would get defensive and probably snap at him. He wasn't willing to risk that with everything else going on. Being right wasn't important as all that. Instead, he shrugged. "I suppose. Personally I think you should just give me a call." 
"And distract you from your homework? That would make me quite the menace to society, I shan't risk it." 
"Yeah, you never risk anything," James said with a snort, slinging a casual arm around his shoulders and heading for the Great Hall. 
"Won't it ruin your golden reputation to be seen with me?" Sirius asked, as though they hadn't been friends their entire time here except for those couple months in third year. 
James rolled his eyes, unable to help feeling a little annoyed. "Mate, take a breath and fucking chill. If you want to be alone, just say so." Sirius stayed silent. "Then stop harassing me and tell me the latest Slytherin gossip." 
"I'm not telling you what happened." 
"Aw c'mon!" 
Sirius shook his head, trying to let James pick up his mood and not let it fall again. Being close to James these days was an exercise in self-loathing. Men weren't supposed to feel this way about their best mates, he knew that much. It would take more than that for James to hate him at least, but he wasn't going to risk it. The only way this could turn out good was if James was as sick and twisted as Sirius, and there was no chance of that happening. Last night had proved that James was everything good in the world, and Sirius was not. 
Sirius leaned into him, feeling himself relax a little more. He had no idea what he was doing. He really didn't. 
Mulciber kept a wide berth around both Black brothers, which was exactly how Sirius liked it. He thought-- naively perhaps-- that that would be the end of it for a while. He wasn't expecting to be in the library one day and see Regulus tucked between rarely used bookshelves with Severus fucking Snape. Some people thought Snape wasn't as bad as Mulciber in the whole blood purity shit since he was a half-blood, but Sirius thought that it made him worse. He felt like he had something to prove, and it wasn't something he'd grown up with his parents telling him, it was something he'd found on his own and decided to believe. 
And now his little brother and Snape were having clandestine meetings where they thought no one else would see them. 
"Debating which opening move is the best in chess?" Sirius interrupted, leaning leisurely against the bookshelf. 
They both jumped, Regulus guiltily, and Snape in surprise then loathing. 
"I'm no expert, but I've hear moving the middle pawns is a bad idea." 
"Black," Snape sneered. He wasn't half as frightening as he thought he was, which made Sirius want to knock in his teeth that much more. 
"Not a fan? Let me guess, that's your opening move every chess game."
"We were just talking, Sirius," Regulus said quietly. 
"I'm sure." He looked at Snape. "Go away." 
Snape glared at him, then looked at Regulus, expression softening. "You're not a dog, and he's not your master. You can make your own decisions." With that, he left, whisking past Sirius like he was afraid if he stuck around Sirius was going to attack him. He probably would have. 
Sirius walked closer and picked up Regulus's bag from where it had fallen to the floor. "What were you talking about?" he asked quietly. 
"You're not my keeper," he mumbled, snatching his bag back. 
"No, I'm your brother, and I care about you. It was about that bloody gang or whatever they're calling it, wasn't it?" 
"I can look after myself," Regulus said, avoiding his eyes. 
That was as good as a confession, but Sirius knew that he was on thin ice right now. "Reg... that used to scare you. Last year, you were freaking out, and now you're considering it? I'm worried about you." 
"I'm-" Regulus stopped, running an aggravated hand through his usually precise hairstyle. "I'm not actually considering it," he hissed, looking down the line of the shelves to make sure no one would overhear. "But at the end of this year you'll be gone, and I'll be all by myself. If they don't think I'm considering it, I'll never survive the next two years." 
Sirius wanted to scream, wanted to claw a way out of here so that Regulus could be safe, but he wasn't seeing it. It wasn't possible. "I hate this." 
"Yeah well, I do too. But I don't see another way out of this unless it all disappears overnight." 
"Just- just make sure you don't actually go, okay? I don't want to lose you." 
"Good, cause I don't plan on being lost. You're planning on getting your own flat when you graduate, right?" 
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" 
"Assuming I make it out of this bloody school with my skin intact, I'd like to have somewhere I can go." 
"Away from our parents," Sirius guessed. 
"Away from everyone." 
"Yeah, of course." Sirius knew that they weren't the touchy-feely- types, but he gave him a hug anyways. "I've always got a place for you." 
"You're getting a flat when you graduate?" James asked, clearly surprised. 
"Huh, I'd have thought you'd stay with your parents." 
"Why the hell would I do that? I've been counting down the days until I don't have to live with them anymore." 
"That's fair. I always thought I'd stay with mine when I graduated." 
Before Sirius really meant to say anything, he heard himself saying, "You can stay with me." James looked over at him, just as shocked as Sirius himself was. "If you want," he added quickly. "Your parents are great, but sometimes you want space, you know?" 
"Yeah I- are you serious? Because if you're not joking, I'm totally in. Too bloody scared to go off on my own, but if we're sharing, then I'm not by myself." 
"Exactly!" Sirius said, grinning. Then, thinking that he shouldn't be so excited, he tried to tone it down. "I mean, right, that's good. I didn't really want to be on my own either, but I preferred it to staying in that fucking house." 
"What's wrong with the house?" 
Sirius raised an eyebrow. "There's a reason I've never invited you over." 
"I thought that was because your parents hated me." 
"That too. Also because I like your parents." 
"They're good," James agreed, and Sirius couldn't help but laugh. They didn't have problems talking to each other, not really, but this had been awkward from the start. 
When he came home to find James sat on the couch crying, it wasn't hard to realise what had happened. Fleamont and Euphemia had caught Dragon Pox earlier in the year, and at their age, they all knew how it was going to end. Sirius pulled off his shoes and walked to the couch. The second he sat down, James threw his arms around him, crying into his shoulder. 
"I'm so sorry, Jamie," Sirius said quietly, hugging him back. "I'm so so sorry." 
He was quiet for a minute, and then he said, voice thick, "It's okay. We knew it was going to happen, and they were getting old anyways." 
"Still, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone got Dragon Pox anymore, it's so stupid that that's what killed them." 
"Yeah." James sniffled. 
Sirius knew he shouldn't have said 'killed'. Why the fuck did he say killed. The truth was that Sirius was getting desensitized to all the violence that was happening around them. People were getting attacked and murdered on a weekly basis by the Death Eaters. In comparison, Mr. and Mrs. Potter dying from a disease was quieter. He hated himself for even thinking it, and it certainly made him sad to know that he'd never see them again, but mostly he was thankful that they hadn't perished from something more violent. "Your parents were wonderful James. I'm sorry they're gone." 
James held him tighter. "Me too." One, two breaths, and then James was kissing him. 
Sirius jolted, but James was holding him in place so it didn't dislodge where their lips met. When James pulled back to breathe, Sirius asked, "What are you-" 
James was kissing him again, crawling into Sirius's lap before he could finish the sentence. He kissed him like he was desperate for it, held onto Sirius like he was the only person in the world he wanted. 
That wasn't right. James couldn't want him, not like that. "James, what-" 
It felt like James was determined not to let him get a word in edgewise, always kissing him again. His tongue slid into Sirius's mouth, hot and insistent and making Sirius drunk on him because he was getting what he'd wanted for years. James moved against him, rolling his hips and it was only then that Sirius realized he was hard-- both of them were. 
"James, we c-" can't. 
Unsurprisingly, James didn't let him finish the thought, rubbing against him with frenzied movements. It didn't occur to Sirius that he could push him off, and with that pressure on his prick-- from James of all people-- he wasn't thinking much of anything anymore. They both made fucking messes in their pants, and that was around the time that James realised what he'd done. He jerked back, eyes wide. His nose was still red from when he'd been crying, and rapidly filling his expression was horror. 
Sirius kinda felt like crying himself as James fell on his arse in his hurry to get away. "James-" he said, holding out a hand to help him up, only to stop when James flinched. 
"Sorry, I- er- sorry," James said in a rush, scrambling to his feet and away to his room. 
What should've been something great was just... shite. Sirius felt worse than he did before, which was saying something given how miserable he was these days. It could always get worse, and this just did. He covered his face with his hands, the come in his pants cooling uncomfortably. He wanted to never think about this again, but he knew that if he said nothing, James was likely to move out. Right after his parents died, that was the last thing he needed. Of course he also didn't need his best mate shagging him right after he got the news, but there was nothing Sirius could do about that now. A quick cleansing charm took care of his pants, and he got to his feet. He padded to the door and knocked gently. "James?" 
No response, he knocked again. 
"C'mon, talk to me." Sirius sighed, wondering if maybe he should drop it. He didn't want to though, he wanted James to fucking talk to him. He knocked again, not expecting to get a response. 
James opened the door, looking half-miserable and half-terrified, which wasn't something Sirius had known was possible until now. "I'm sorry," he said quickly, eyes trained on the floor. It was ridiculous that James was avoiding looking at him, but it meant that he hadn't seen the awkward half-fall Sirius did when James opened the door. 
"Yeah," Sirius said, feeling like his hear was somewhere around his knees. He was surprised that James had opened the door, but not that an apology was the first thing out of his mouth. "I get that." 
"I won't do it again, I swear." 
That too, was expected unfortunately. 
"Please don't kick me out."
Sirius blinked. "Why would I kick you out?" 
"For- you know." Great, he couldn't even bring himself to say it. 
"I'm not going to kick you out for that." 
"You're not?" 
"Fuck no. You were upset, mistakes happen, it's okay." 
James hadn't been moving much to begin with, but at that he absolutely froze. "Mistakes happen," he repeated. 
"Er, yeah. So, you know, you don't need to leave or freak out of anything. We're good." James leaned into the door frame, then chuckled sadly, knocking his head against it. "A mistake. I'll be the first one to admit that the way I did that was total shite, but I was kinda happy it wouldn't turn out like this." 
Sirius was utterly lost. "What are you talking about?" 
For the first time since running away to his room, James looked at him. "You're a good person Sirius. I don't know why you think you aren't, but you are. I've been in love with you since I was thirteen. And just- whenever I make a complete arse of myself, you don't throw me out or get disgusted, you tell that everything's okay." 
Sirius's mind didn't know what to say to that, but his mouth was taking care of it. "That's because everything is okay. You just lost your parents and you're talking nonsense Jamie. Get some sleep and we can talk in the morning." They were things Sirius had waited years to hear, but James couldn't mean it. He wasn't trying to be cruel-- James didn't have it in him to be cruel to him-- but there wasn't a chance he truly meant it. 
"Why don't you believe me?" James asked, sounding heartbroken. "I love you." 
Sirius cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Yeah Jamie, I love you too, but-" 
"Don't. Just... don't." James closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I should probably go. Someone's got to look after the mansion, the different properties and stuff. Might as well be me." 
"You're leaving?" 
He nodded, looking awfully small. 
"We're safer together. Did you hear about that attack on Dorcas's parents?" 
"Yeah Sirius, I heard. We were together, remember?" 
"Then why are you leaving? I thought we were fine, we were just saying that." 
"Actually what you said was that we're fine because you don't believe me. I said- well, doesn't matter, does it? And nowhere's safe, Sirius. If we're together, it just means we'll die together, not that we'll be safer." 
For some reason, James being so despondent about it convinced Sirius of his sincerity more than when James had confessed. It was stupid-- Merlin it was so stupid and Sirius did it anyways-- but he grabbed James by the front of his shirt and yanked him forward, pressing a hard and desperate kiss to his mouth. 
"I'm so bloody confused," James whispered in the air between them. He had one hand up, gripping Sirius's wrist where Sirius was holding onto him. 
"You'd be better without me," Sirius said back, just as quietly. He should've let James leave and continue on as friends who only saw each other once a week, but he was too selfish to let him go. 
James frowned at him, having to tilt his head up since Sirius had gotten taller than him somewhere around fifth year and stayed there. "Nothing's better without you. Sirius, you're... I mean, we're... you know?" 
It was another one of those moments where Sirius could easily misunderstand and push James away, but he was still gripping James's shirt and he didn't want to let go. He never wanted to let go. "Yeah, I know." 
James leaned up, slowly. Plenty of time for either of them to change their mind this time. Their kisses before had been hard and desperate, too much teeth and biting like they wanted to take a piece of the other person with them. This was a nuzzle, soft and comfortable as they held each other. Sirius's hand relaxed in the front, curving around to James's back so it was more of an embrace. 
"Don't leave," Sirius begged. "Stay with me." 
"Maybe-" James kissed him again, moaning softly when Sirius leaned into it. "I do need to look after the house. Would you come with me?" 
It was on the tip of Sirius's tongue to say yes, but loud, frantic knocking on the front door interrupted him. James let go of him and they both padded to the door, wands drawn. Sirius peered the peephole, then wrenched the door open. "Reg? Why aren't you at school?" 
Regulus threw himself forward, wrapping his arms around Sirius in a way that did nothing to hide how badly he was shaking. "I can't stay there. Don't make me go back, Sirius, please don't make me go back." 
"Hey, it's okay, you're fine, I've got you." Sirius's tone was calm, but the look he sent James was downright panicked. "You don't have to go back, it's fine, you can stay here." 
"Thank you," he said, practically sobbing. 
"I'll put the kettle on," James said, fleeing to the kitchen. He had the feeling that when Regulus realised he was there for that, he'd be embarrassed, and James didn't want to add that on top of whatever else he was dealing with. 
Sirius joined him a minute later when James was still trying to find honey and cream. "Hey," he said, voice low so it wouldn't carry, "I wanted to check with you; it is okay that he stays with us, right?" 
"'Course. Did something happen?" 
"He's not saying, but I'd guess that yeah, something happened. Or maybe it got to be too much being in Slytherin with things the way they are, I dunno. I wasn't planning on pushing it." 
James nodded. Perfectly understandable, he wouldn't want to talk about it either. 
"Erm, James we're- I mean, are we good?" 
"Yeah." James took his hand and squeezed it gently. "We're good mate." 
"Great. Is now a bad time to mention that I used the last of the earl grey and haven't picked up any more?" 
James snorted, giving his hand another squeeze before letting go. "I grabbed some on my way home from work yesterday, we're set." 
Sirius's shoulders relaxed, and he smiled at him. It had been a tiring night, and it was sure to get worse. There was still stress visible on his face, but James wasn't as worried as he would've been a week ago. James pulled him in for a hug, then turned his head so he could smell Sirius's neck. 
"I know it's a ways off," he muttered, "but I promise that the next time we have sex, it'll be better." 
An involuntary shudder went through Sirius, and he tilted his head to rest it on top of James's. "I'll hold you to that." The kettle started whistling, so Sirius pulled away, unable to keep from giving him a quick kiss. "Love you. I er, couldn't remember if I said it before." 
"You did," James said, but he was grinning like he could hear it every minute of the day and still be happy for more. 
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violet-knox · 5 years
A True Friend
Year 5 - Chapter 18
Summary: After an argument between you, Severus and Sirius, Severus can’t help but return to his old ways, thinking you would be better off without him. Sirius decides to torment you a little more, bringing you to your limit as you finally break down. You are surprised however by the way Severus handles the situation as he stands by your side. 
Word count: 2864
Warnings: Swearing, bullying, nudity 
Previous Chapter - Chapter 1
After what happened during your last practice, many of your team members treated you with a cold shoulder, shooting you dirty looks in the common room, pretending like you didn’t exist when they’d practice. Caroline had to call a team meeting one night just to clear the air which in all honesty, made you feel all the more guilty as they were now being forced to ‘play nice’ as your captain put it.   But worst of all, James had blabbed to all his friends about what happened, leading them to join him on his mission to enlighten the rest of the house of your ‘betrayal’.
Sirius treated you worst of all. Every time he saw you, he be sure to throw some sort of snarky comment about your friendship with Severus. You knew it was only a matter of time before you snapped, but you did your best to ignore them all. It didn’t matter what they said. You stood by your choice as any friendship you had, whether with a Slytherin or not, was way more important than some toxic competitive tendencies some of these student’s insisted on keeping as tradition.  
After class, you and Severus made your way towards the lake. Though it was getting a bit cold to spend hours at a time outside, It was the quietest place you could find where you had the smallest chance of being interrupted while you studied together. 
“Hey there (Y/N). Out for a stroll around the lake with your slimy boyfriend?” you had almost made it to your usual spot when Sirius had caught up to you.
You sighed as you turned around and took a step towards him. Must he press your buttons when you had three scrolls to write for Defense, two scrolls for Transfigurations and practice Reparo for your Charms exam in two days? “We are just friends Sirius, please just leave us alone.”
“Why would I do that (Y/N) when you clearly need reminding of what house you belong to. See these colors,” he said as he stepped forward, hooking his fingers under your tie just enough to lift it from under your sweater with one quick tug, “these colors represent Gryffindor, not Slytherin.”
Suddenly you felt an arm pull you back. “Leave her alone Black,” Severus had drawn his wand and pointed it straight at Sirius’ throat. 
“Severus don’t!” you said to him, not wanting to escalate the situation. But it was too late, Sirius had drawn out his wand as well, pointing it back at Severus.
“Listen to her Snivellus. Or better yet, just walk away and leave us to talk, you know, Gryffindor to Gryffindor,” Sirius smirked as he watched Severus with a sharp eye. 
“Stop it! Both of you! What is wrong with you both! Put your bloody wands down!” you had stepped between them, looking at them back and forth, trying to decide which one was more of a danger to the other. 
“Get out of the way (Y/N) unless you want to be hexed as well,” replied Sirius angrily. Had it really come down to such petty fights? Were you condemned to constantly step between Severus and the rest of Gryffindor?
“Sirius please just leave!” he didn’t move or even look at you as you spoke. “LEAVE!” you Shouted, finally catching his attention as you felt your last strip of patience slowly snap in two. 
He slowly lowered his wand as he saw the angry look on your face. His gaze moved from you to Severus who still had his wand pointed at Sirius. You took another step to the right, placing yourself directly in Severus’ line of fire, hoping it would be enough for him to lower his guard as Sirius had done.
“Fine. You want to choose that plonker over your own house?” he slowly started walking backwards as he put away his wand. “You’ll regret it (Y/N),” he said before turning around and sprinting towards the castle. 
You turned to look at Severus and saw that he still had his wand in his hand, his face flush white. “Severus, put your wand away.”
Your words snapped him back to reality and he shot you a dirty look. “Why do you still talk to me?” he said coldly. He’d been clashing with Potter and Black since that first train ride to Hogwarts, yet he could never remember them being so crude to Lily when they saw him together. Sure, their blunt attitudes were brought out with his other friends, but they were all Slytherins, unlike you. He knew they would never treat you this way if it wasn’t for him, so why were you still insisted on being around him when all it brought you was misery?
“We’ve talked about this Severus, I don’t care what they think”
But Severus wasn’t convinced. “You still haven’t learned have you? I would have thought what happened with your Quidditch team would have taught you a lesson, but clearly you are just as thick as the rest of them” he felt sick as he could feel his mind returning to that dark place of his, the one that wouldn’t dare let anyone, not even a friend come near him. His guard had gone up and his defensive, rude tone emulated all the pain his bullies had put him through. A tone you hadn’t heard directed your way since last year. 
He had turned to walk away from you, but you quickly ran in front of him. “I am so sick of you treating me this way!” he could see the anger fuming from your face. “When will you get it through your thick head that I don’t give a damn about the school houses! None of this will matter anyways when we graduate will it! But friendships can last forever if you want them to.” You paused to look him in the eye before you continued. He was looking right back at you, wide eyed, taken back by your outburst. You’d finally snapped, but it wasn’t at one of your aggressors like you’d imagined. You’d snapped at the only real friend you thought you had.
“Look Severus,” you continued in a calmer tone. “I’m only going say this one more time. I think you’re brilliant, and I enjoy spending time with you. I want to be your friend Severus, but if you’re so adamant on pushing me away, then fine. I won't bother you”
You looked at him waiting for him to say something, anything at all would do, anything to show you he agreed, that he wanted to remain friends. But that moment never came. You shook your head angrily before you turned to leave. But just as you were about to take a step forward, you felt a firm grip around your arm pull you back. 
“Don’t leave,” you heard him whisper. You both stood there looking at each other for a while, neither of you sure of what to say next, before you moved your gaze to the ground, the awkward tension becoming a little too much. As you remembered why you were out by the lake in the first place, you looked back up at him and gestured for Severus to follow you to your spot. You spent the next few hours together barely speaking a word to each other as you studied. At least he hadn’t pushed you away. It was a minor improvement, but progress nonetheless.
Besides, the quite finally allowed you to focus on your studies as you found yourself surprisingly able to cover a lot of material, helping you feel more at ease about taking your O.W.Ls at the end of the school year.
  You’d woken up the next morning unable to get your mind off of what happened the evening before. The more you replayed Siruis’ words, Severus’ actions, the angrier you became. It was hard to stop thinking about it, even as you sat here in the library next to Severus, the tension between you both, unlifted, you just couldn’t focus on the words in front of you as your mind kept brining you back to that moment you stood with two wands pointed at you.  
The squeak of your chair echoed down the long length of the library halls as you leaned back, the quiet you’d been sitting in the last half hour was eating you alive. As you did yesterday, you had barely spoken two words to Severus, you mouth clamping shut each time you thought of breaking the silence. Finally, after what felt like decades, Severus closed his book and began packing up. He wouldn’t look your way, nor did he speak, but you knew he’d meant for you to follow his lead so you could both head to the Great Hall for breakfast.
Alright that’s it, enough was enough. You couldn’t bare the awkwardness anymore, you had to try and restore what you once had.
“H-have you managed to prefect your mending charm yet?” Ironic how you’d asked him about a spell that fixed broken items when you were essentially trying to do the same with your friendship.
Severus nodded without speaking a word, his eyes following the trail of stone tiles leading to the Great Hall.
“Well, I can’t get it quite right. Every time I try and mend the jar we were given to practice on, a piece just cracks and falls off. Think you could help me with it after class?” you looked up at him, hoping your attempt at breaking the ice had managed to at least dent the tension.
“Sure,” he said as you both joined the herd of student’s entering the Hall. Smiling, you branched off from Severus and set yourself down at the Gryffindor Table, waiting for breakfast to begin.  
Once all the food had disappeared, you stood up and found Severus walking towards you. He may be silent, but at least he’d been making the effort to move forward. You both made your way to your first class of the day, a few words exchanged as you continued your frenzied mission of retrieving what you once had with him.
As you were in deep thought, concentrating on expanding the small talk you held with Severus into something a little more engaging, you’d neglected to notice the mysterious figures peering around the corner. As soon as you turned down the hall, towards the classroom, you felt a wet thick goo cover you head to toe. You stood there open mouthed in shock as you felt it leave a greasy trail as it dropped down your hair and on your back. The hood of your uniform caught some of the gooey substance and you only prayed your textbooks were untouched in your bag right now. Once you wiped your face of the greasy slime so your vision wasn’t completely blurred, you turned around to find the perpetrator only to see none other than Sirius accompanied by James walking towards you. 
“They say couples start to look alike. We thought we would give you a head start,” said Sirius. 
“All you need now as some Slytherin robes,” laughed James. 
You started to hear footsteps coming towards you and assumed the boys heard them too as they suddenly stopped laughing and paused before James spoke once again. “Come on, let’s go before someone catches us.” He pulled Sirius along with him as he walked away. 
“(Y/N), are you okay?” you heard Severus say as you struggled to remove the slime off you. 
You shock your head as you felt tears run down your cheek. Deciding to skip Arithmancy, Severus took your hand and led you to the nearest bathroom. Lucky enough, it turned out to be Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, who seemed to have been away at the moment, so it was completely empty. 
Severus started muttering the vanishing charm to get rid of the slime that had now begun to burn the skin that it touched. Even when he was done however, you were still covered in a thin layer of grease. 
“Perhaps you should head to the washroom near your dorm and take a bath” he said to you.
You felt no inclination to step outside those doors. You could barely even muster up the strength to open your eyes. You felt humiliated and unsafe. Why would your own housemates do this, treat you this way, all because they thought you shouldn’t be friends with a Slytherin? That wasn’t fair. Instead of making any sort of attempt to clean yourself off, you slowly sank to the floor and began sobbing. 
Severus looked at you a moment, hesitating, before heading over to the old bath, unused for what he could only assume a few decades and turning on the water and soap which created a nice thick foam that smelled of lavender. Once the water had reached an appropriate level, he turned it off and walked back towards you, grabbing your arm to help you up. 
“Come on (Y/N), you have to wash out that grease okay?” Severus didn’t want to force you into the water, but he just couldn’t bare seeing you this way. He had to get you clean one way or another. It was the only thing he could think of that would cheer you up.
You heard the concern in his voice and understood he was trying to help you, which, in all honesty, surprised you as he had never shown so much care for you before. You calmed down as finally stood and took a step towards the bath. You removed your outer robe and threw it on the floor, but before you continued, you glanced at Severus who then turned his back on you to give you some privacy.
You finished undressing and stepped into the water, the foam covering you neck down. When Severus heard the splash of the water, he asked if he could turn around. You managed to whisper a small yes as you brought your knees up to your chest, hugging your chest in comfort. Severus removed his outer robe and came to stand behind you. He rolled up his sleeves and scooped up some soap, beginning to lather your scalp. 
Silent tears were falling on your cheeks as you closed your eyes. It felt nice to have someone take care of you like this, but it didn’t make the reality of what happened any easier. You both sat there in silence, Severus now washing the length of your hair before he finally spoke. 
“(Y/N), I-”
“Don’t Severus. Don’t you dare make me repeat what I said to you yesterday.” Your voice was filled with sadness, yet Severus could have sworn he heard some anger mixed in as well. You knew what he was going to say, you knew he was going to tell you that you shouldn’t be friends and that you were better off without him in your life.
“It’s because of me they treat you this way (Y/N),” he whispered. “No one would be treating you like this if you never spoke to me in that train compartment last year.”
“I'm not having this discussion again, I told you yesterday I don’t care what they do, so drop it.”
“You were crying (Y/N), you sure seem to care when they poured that slime all over you.”
“Because it hurts Severus. To be treated this way, to see you treated this way. That doesn’t mean I care what they think.”
“You don’t deserve this.”
“Neither do you.”
Severus finished with your hair and instructed you to dunk your head so that your face could be washed as well. He then turned away, allowing you to get up. You rummaged through your clothing and saw that the only thing not covered in grease were your undergarments. So you put them on, then reached for the outer robes that Severus had taken off. You gathered the rest of your clothing and walked towards him. 
“Do you mind if I borrow this,” you said tugging on the robe over your shoulder, “just until I can get some fresh clothing from my dorm?” 
He nodded his head and left the bathroom with you. You managed to avoid anyone who would recognize you as you knew that if anyone caught you in Slytherin robes, you would never hear the end of it. You made your way into your dorm and quickly changed into some new robes, sending off your old ones to be washed. Once you emerged from the common room, you handed Severus back his robe and he put it back on. 
As he debated where you should both go now seeing how it was too late to go to class, he was suddenly taken aback when you flung your arms around him, clinging yourself to him and whispering thank you. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around you in return. This was the first time Severus had felt like a real friend to you, the first time he had gone out of his way for you and despite the events leading up to this moment, you were glad that you could finally call him a true friend. 
Next Chapter
@hoppingsnape @dusk-realm @a-slytherin-sin​
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Mutual Pinning
Why was it all so unexpected, why did Sirius feel the need to suddenly talk about the ambiguous, yet unmistakable thing that seemingly pushed and pulled during the span of their friendship. Why know? Maybe Sirius was finally accepting the mutual “more than just good friends” status they were stuck in, because even Sirius knew friends don't look at each other the way he and Remus look at each other.
He was at the Lupins. Hope and Lyall had been kind enough to let him stay while the Potters were away. He appreciated it, he really did, but what he doesn't appreciate is the extra glances, deep frowns, and untrusting scowles he receives from Lyall, but he side passes them. It was the morning after the full moon and Sirius had gotten up earlier the usual to make Remus some tea.
Sirius has memorized how Remus likes his tea by now. Two sugars and a dashes of cream, not to much cream, but not too little. He walked down the stairs from the edges his sides pressed up hard against the wall. Something he's learned from home, if you do this you don't make noise coming down the stairs sometimes it saves him from beatings. Sometimes.
As he made his way down the stairs he could hear whispering agitated voices, Lyall and Hope.
“No, Hope!” Lyall demanded,
“Don't you use that tone on me, Lyall. Sirius is staying here and that's final. I don't get why you don't trust that boy he's simply wonderful. And if not for him or me, do it for Remus. When was the last time you've seen him This happy?”
“You don't understand Hope, this boy is trouble. His family” Lyall trailed off “their not good people. And I refuse to have somebody so two sided to be near my son” he finishes strongly.
“Well what I say goes, Lyall. We all know what would happen if you did anything to Sirius, you'd be flushed down the bowl along with the fish!” she said briskly before shuffling Into the kitchen.
Sirius chest heaved as he worked to stop his racing mind. They don't want him here. He shouldn't be trusted. Nuisance. The words kept repeating themselves in his head, to the point were his pounding headache felt as if his head was being pulled By either side. “Sirius, Hun. Are you alright?” Hope called from the kitchen side door.
Sirius worked to stop his head from spinning. And cleared his throat, to stop the utter silence of the room. “oh, hello there Mrs.Lupin. I'm quite alright thanks for asking. I just came down for Remus’ tea.” His voice was uncertain and almost tentative. Dear God, he thought, wouldn't James have a field day with how polite he was being. James knew why, of course. It hurt his to see his best friend so petrified with PTSD that he could properly talk to adults.
The rules from his childhood were engraved in his 15 year old mind. Don't make eye contact they will take it as a challenge, and never challenge them, but also never ever look down, that's a sign if weakness, and never show weakness. His family was like a pack of wolves, vicious and untamable. And, his parents had always been more so business partners then spouses. They both use each other to make heirs that will carry on the dynamic game of chess. But as a stroke of bad luck, they got Sirius instead. The thought made Sirius smile lightly.
It took Hope a while to answer, as she was struggling. She took pride in Taking care of Remus after full moon, it was the only way she knew how to help, but it seemed her role was overtaken. And it slightly hurt that Sirius was doing a much better job at it. “Here it is, sweetheart.” She said as she handed the full glass to Sirius “careful not to spill it on the way up” she called. Before settling back into the living room with her husband.
“We've been replaced” she sighed. She was content with knowing that her baby was in good hands with Sirius and James. The way Sirius looked at Remus made her sure that they would do anything to protect Remus, even from himself. “He's in good hands” Lyall admitted. "I don't trust that Black but he makes Remus happy"
Sirius made it the stairs with only mild burns on one hand. Just kidding (not really). Remus' hair was askew on his head and had one or two knew pink scars that lined the outskirts if his neck. Sirius had patched his you fairly well.
When Remus heard Sirius enter the room his head rolled to the side to look at him. “What took you so long, I was waiting” he teased and yawned. His face was drowsy from the sleepless night and many painkillers. Remshs attempted to sit up but sirius held his palm to Remus’ solid chest. “Lay back down, Moons. Let me take care of you”
“You got here last week, and refuse to tell be about what happened. You know, before you showed up at just doorstep, half dead!” Remus accused.
“Oh, that doesn't mean anything!” Sirius side passed. “I severely hate you right now” Remus sighed, Sirius pressed a kiss against his forehead, “love you too, Wolfy”  Sirius's head went a mile a minute, has he gone to far. Was kissing to much? He just couldn't resist himself as he looked at his friends tenderness he just wanted to kiss all his scars to make him feel better.
Remus groaned “never call me that” Sirius face kite up, Remus didn't hate him.
Time skip--------
Sirius had managed to coax Remus out if his room while his parents were out. They sat on the couch, leaning into each other's Embrace. But sirius was watching Remus more then the movie.
"Sirius?" Remus' called, snapping his fingers Infront of Sirius dazed face.
"yeah, what, yeah?" Siruis stuttered over his words, he hadn't been paying much attention, he was thinking about what Lyall had said earlier. "I don't trust that boy" he had trailed off and hadn't completely finished his sentence.
When Lyall didn't trust him, the only thing he could think was, Maybe he didn't desert to be trusted. Remus had red the look on Sirius's face, the look was almost familiar, he recognized it.
"you okay?" He asked Sirius, but Sirius didn't answer. "Siruis?" Yet, again. He didn't get an answer. Suddenly, Sirius abruptly stood up. His legs locked and his gaze sat straight forward, not looking at Remus.
Remus, reached up and grabbed his shoulder. "Whats wrong?" He asked. Sirius just starred forward. "Nothing's wrong, Remus" he whispered. And started walking towards the door. Remus was beyond confused, what happened? Why, was Sirius doing this?
He grabbed Sirius' hand, and pulled him back towards the couch. "No your going to stay here, and tell me what wrong" Remus insisted stubbornly.
"your father hates me"
"he does not" Remus defended.
"yes, he fucking does Remus. You don't see it, you don't here it. But, I know. Because I grew you seeing that look. On my mother, my father, my aunt's, by own brother. Remus I know what it looks like. Don't tell me I don't" Sirius rambled.
Remus stood silent for a while "I still don't think he hates you, but even if he does what matter is you have me and James. You don't need him" Remus comforted.
Remus pulled Sirius to sit on his lap, and Remus' was beyond proud of himself. He knew that Sirius liked him, like he likes Sirius. But he was happy at how bold he was able to be with Sirius.
Siruis looked surprised for a second, and leaned against Remus' chest, and sighed happily. He looked back at Remus' pink cheeks and couldn't help Himself. He leaned forward and kissed him.
Maybe this was the start of something knew
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realmofthemind · 6 years
Severus or Sirius?
Pairing: Snape x Reader (x Siruis? (it's a love triangle but mainly between reader and Snape))
Word Count: 2,233
Requested by Anon
"Hi i like your writing. Can you write a love triangle between severus, reader and sirius. She’s bestfriend with sirius but he loves her. But she likes severus and he has feelings for her. Something like that :)"
Warnings: Sirius and Severus physically fighting  
A/N: I wrote this, rewrote and edited this too many times. I don't know why I had such a hard time writing this but I tried my best. I really hope it's to your liking and I'm sorry if it's not good. I'm also really bad at naming fics XD
 "Plleeeaaassssseeee. I'll buy you anything you want off the trolley; I'll do your Herbology homework for the whole year; I'll buy you your favorite sweet from Honeydukes every time we visit Hogsmeade. I'm begging you (Y/N). Please" You look down before you at a begging Sirius Black, on his knees, pleading you to be his potions partner for the year. You haven't even reached Hogwarts and your best friend Sirius was already asking you for something.
You loved Sirius, he is your best friend at Hogwarts, but you had a plan for this year and Sirius was not about to cock block you. You've formulated a simple plan that would result in you spending more time with friend and life long crush, Severus Snape. You were both very skilled at potions so you decided; this year you would gather up the courage to ask him to be your potions partner. You nervously glanced over into the cart next to yours. Severus was sitting there, reading alone. You looked back at Sirius "No, not this year. I already have a partner." You lied. Sirius groaned and stood up from the floor. "We literally just got back from summer break. How could you possible have a partner already?" You shrugged your shoulders. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at you. "Who is it?" He interrogated. You looked at him and shrugged your shoulders, holding in a smile. "Wow, (Y/N). Keeping secrets from your best friend now are we?" Sirius pressed on. His eyes glanced around and stopped when they landed on the raven haired boy in the cart over. Sirius drew conclusions and mentally crossed his fingers hoping he was wrong. "Is it Snivellus?" He asked. Without thinking, you nodded. Sirius pressed his lips together tightly as he felt his stomach burn with jealousy. "Ah, I see." He nodded and sat down next to you.
Sirius had a crush on you ever since he met you at Hogwarts. He felt differently about you than any other girl. When you two became close friends, he tried to repress his feelings for you by dating and hooking up with different girls, not wanting to ruin his friendship with you. None of them could make his heart beat the way you did.  Once he finally admitted to himself he was in love with you, he stopped sleeping around. He wanted to put an end to his reputation before it ruined any chance he had with you.  Even when he was dating, Sirius always put you above his girlfriend. He just couldn't help it. He also couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that took over him whenever he saw you talking to a guy. Especially Severus.
The silence between the two of you was broken when an older lady opened the door. "Something off the trolley, dearies?" the woman asked, gesturing toward a cart full of sweets asked. Sirius fished out two galleons from his pocket and handed them to the lady "Yea, two chocolate frogs please." Once Sirius had the chocolate frogs he handed one to you. You looked at him "You know I'm not going to be your potions partner this year. Right?" Sirius giggled "Can't a guy get his best friend a sweet with no motive? What kind of selfish person do you take me for?" He asked as he held his heart, pretending to be offended. You giggled as you both opened your frogs. They jumped out of the box and leaped across the cart. You both frantically ran around the cart after them. 
Severus looked up from his book, hearing commotion from the cart over. He watched you and Sirius giggle and smile as you chased two chocolate frogs around the cart. His mind spun with questions.' Why does she even hang out with him? Did something happen between the two of you over the summer break? Was he too late?' All summer, Severus busied himself making a plan to ask you out this year. He was in love with you ever since you were both first years. He loved everything about you, except how close you were with Sirius. This year was supposed to be his year. How could it be ruined before it even began?
 The next day, all of the students and teachers scrambled around to get settled. Once you were settled, you made your way to the top of the astronomy tower. Nobody ever went there but you and Severus and every year you both made sure it stayed that way. You and Severus both enjoyed solidarity at times. Whenever you were stressed out, needed a quiet place to study, or just a place to be alone you headed up to this little abandoned room that you and Severus discovered while exploring the tower one day. When you reached the abandoned room, you were immediately greeted by Severus. "Ready?" he asked, not being able to hold back the smile that threatened his lips every time you were around. You smiled back and nodded your head. You both turned toward the door and began enchanting the it so it would only open to the two of you.
Once you were both finished, you turned to Severus, ready to ask him the question you've rehearsed over and over again. Before you could open your mouth, Severus began "So I was looking over the schedule and couldn't help but notice we are in the same potions class. Would you want to be my potions partner?" You couldn't stop the wide smiling from growing on your face. "I would like that." Severus blushed every so slightly and looked at the floor, trying to hide it. "Fantastic." he whispered as he smiled to himself. You both walked back to your dormitories, counting down the hours until your first potions class.
When your first potions class came around, you arrived a few minutes early. You were doodling on parchment when you sensed someone sitting down next to you. You looked up to see Severus. He smiled at you. "Good morning, partner." You smiled back at him, "Good morning, Severus." The students started filling in. When Sirius entered the room, he frowned seeing you giggling at something Severus said. He made his way to sit next to his friend James. James followed Sirius' eyes to see he was glaring in your direction. James laughed "You got it bad for her, mate." Sirius directed his attention to James and sat down. "we have to do something about it." Siruis grumbled. "I get you like her and all but she's still your best friend. Also- I'm not getting involved" James replied. "Why? We pull pranks on Snivellus all the time!" Sirius exclaimed. James shook his head "Those are different. (Y/N) is to close to this one." Siruis groaned put his head down on the desk, trying to ignore your giggles. "Fine, I don't need your help anyway. I already have a plan." James looked down at Sirius and raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. Sirius looked up at him with a wicked smirk plastered across his face.
Potions class could have not gone any better. You and Severus had so much synergy. You worked together with such  diligence, only bumping into each other once as you both reached to stir the cauldron at the same time. You worked silently and peacefully, stealing glances at each other from time to time. You both finished the potion way before anyone else in the class did. Professor Slughorn checked your potion in disbelief. "Wow, this is phenomenal work you two. Looks like we have a potions power couple on our hands." You and Severus blushed a deep red at his words. "T-thanks professor" you both stuttered out. Sirius was in earshot of the professor's comment and his blood began to boil. 'Tomorrow' Sirius thought to himself.
The next day, Severus decided to check up on the room in the astronomy tower. Severus was soon interrupted by an out of breath Sirius. "Severus, (Y/N) is in trouble. No time to explain. She keeps calling your name. Come! Quick!" Severus immediately ran after Sirius. He was immensely worried about you and feared the worst. Sirius led Severus to the Whomping Willow. Severus looked around for you. "(Y/N)?" He called out. He didn't see or hear you. Sirius gave Severus a strong push forward and he fell right under the Willow. The branches wound up and went to slam down on Severus. Severus was quick on his feet and scrambled away from it. "What the hell, Sirius?!?" Severus shouted. He charged toward Sirius and the two started to fight. Rolling on the ground, fists flying all over the place. "(Y/N) isn't even here, is she?" Severus asked as he had Sirius pinned to the ground. Sirius struggled "No but I'd rather her be anywhere than with you." Sirius spat out.  "I don't know why she would even talk to a grease ball like you." Severus finally figured it out. "You're just jealous she'd rather be with me than with you." Severus laughed. Sirius took this moment to swing at Severus. "You don't know that. I've been her best friend for longer than you've known her. So I suggest you back away before things get worse for you." Severus tried not to swing back as he replied "That doesn't mean anything. You'll hookup with any female who has a pulse. (Y/N) deserves better than that." Sirius lost all control. At his point, James saw the fight and started running toward the two of you. A couple of other nearby students also formed a bit of a crowd. Seeing the crowd, Madame Hootch came running. She saw Severus laying on the ground and Sirius on top of him, fist cocked backward and aimed at Severus. "MR. BLACK. DETENTION." She shouted as she pulled both boys up. She let Severus go and told him to go to the hospital wing if he needed. She pulled Sirius by the arm all the way to the detention room.
Severus made his way inside. He knew his time was running out. If he didn't tell you about this feelings soon he might actually lose you to Sirius. He could not let the amazing glowing flower you are end up with some womanizer like Sirius who would never be able to see how perfect you are. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard hurried footsteps coming toward him. He looked up and saw you running toward him. You put your hands on his cheeks and began investigating the damage as you caught your breath. "Severus. Are you okay? Someone told me you and Sirius got into a fight and I tried to come as quick as I could. What even happened? Do you want me to take you to the hospital wing?" You asked without taking a breath. Severus smiled at the concern you expressed for him. It made his heart flutter. "I'm okay." Severus replied calmly. Severus couldn't take his eyes off of you. The concern in your face as you gently picked the grass out of his hair and carefully brushed the dirt off of his face with your thumb. After a bit, you noticed him staring at you. You stopped your actions and stared back. Severus felt a butterflies in  his stomach. This was the moment. "(Y/N)" he whispered as he removed one of your hands from his face, holding it with both of his hands. You felt a light blush grow on your cheeks. "Yes?" you asked. Severus took a deep breath, ready to give the speech he has been rehearsing all summer long. "(Y/N), I've had the honor of being your friend since our first year here and I've done nothing but cherish every second of it. I think you're the most stunning person both inside and out and I feel like I don't have to put on a front when I'm around you. You really can't blame me for falling in love." Severus paused and took a deep breath. "So, with that said." Severus dropped down on one knee, still holding your hand. "Will you go to Hogsmeade with me? I know the first trip to Hogsmeade isn't for a while but when it does come around, I'd really like to take you on a proper date." You giggled at his rambling. You felt his palms become sweaty and you could truly see how nervous he was. "I would love that." you replied as you pulled him to his feet and into a hug. Feeling bold, you kissed his cheek. He winced. You quickly released him and backed away, thinking you were being too forward.  Severus held the spot you kissed with one hand. When he took his hand away, you realized you kissed a cut on his cheek. "Let's get you to the hospital wing." You said as you took his hand and led him away.
Sirius rushed out of detention, sprinting down the hallways looking for you. Severus had too much time alone with you. He probably won your sympathy and attention. He ran with an exaggerated limp in case you saw him. When he did see you, he stopped in his tracks. He couldn't believe his eyes. You and Severus, walking hand in hand, smiling as you rested your head on his shoulder. Sirius' heart sank. He was too late… 
A/N: I hope you liked it!
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catratanddog · 6 years
The Bet
James had lost the bet. The Mauraders were in their dormitory. Each of them had a spoonful of flobberworm mucus in their mouth. James was unsure exactly how the bet had come to be. They’d been in Care of Magical Creatures class – which for obvious lunar reasons they each had a vested interest in – and it had been the oh-so-exciting flobberworm day.
Sirius had said something about how they were the grossest things he had ever seen. James had called him an uptight priss. Peter had pointed out that he had seen Sirius put far grosser things in his mouth as Snuffles, at which point Remus made a lewd joke about putting things in mouths and the rest had evolved from there.
James was the first to spit the slimy mucus out of his mouth. He gagged rather unattractively and ran for the bathroom, followed closely behind by Remus and Peter.
“You may have been right Sirius,” James said, returning to the dormitory after rinsing his mouth with an entire bottle of fresh-breath potion, “that truly was the most atrocious thing I’ve ever encountered.”
“And you may have been right Peter,” said Sirius, opening and closing his mouth, “that was… not that bad.”
The three boys looked at him incredulously.
“It’s possible that I have a higher tolerance for gross things due to certain canine attributes.”
“You think?” Remus replied.
“Let’s never do anything like that ever again,” said Peter.
“Agreed,” said James.
“We still have to agree on a punishment,” said Remus.
“Nah we don’t,” said James.
“Oh yes we do,” Sirius said, coming up behind James and slapping him on the back, “Who’s an uptight priss now?”
James sighed and sat back on his four-poster bed. “I guess I must admit defeat.”
“The usual?” said Peter, piping up from his bed.
“Don’t you think a punch in the nuts is a bit juvenile at this point?” asked Remus.
“No,” said three voices.
Remus sighed.
“I do have a better idea though,” said Sirius, his eyes shining.
“I think I’d rather stick to the punch in the nuts, thank you,” said James.
“But you haven’t even heard it!” Sirius protested.
“Yes but knowing you I’m not going to like it,” James said.
“Let’s hear it then,” Peter said.
“Are you sure you’re ready? Are you absolutely sure you’re ready to hear this most brilliant, astounding idea?”
“Get on with it,” Remus said.
“I think,” Sirius said slowly, “that James has to tell Evans how he feels about her.”
“No. No way,” James said immediately, shaking his head, “that’s not funny.”
“No, it isn’t mate -,” Sirius said.
“Don’t do it,” said Remus groaning.
“I’m 100%... solemn,” Sirius said and then grinned.
“Oh, thank Merlin,” Remus said.
“Well so am I,” said James, “I’m not going to mess up my friendship with Lily by telling her how I feel. Remember what happened last time I asked her out?”
Sirius snorted. “How could any of us forget that travesty?”
“Thanks mate.”
“I second the motion!” Peter chimed in.
“Peter?” James said incredulously, turning towards him, “Why?”
“You won’t stop talking about her! Everyday it’s Lily did this, Lily did that. Lily bought a new shade of lipstick and she looks divine, Lily aced her potions essay she’s so smart, Lily came to quidditch practice today and she was so beautiful I couldn’t focus. It has to end! it’s maddening.”
James ran a hand through his hair. “In my defense she did look very beautiful that day. The sun was hitting her hair just so and – “
“This is what I’m talking about,” said Peter, throwing a pillow at James, “Whatever will make you shut up about it, I’m on board with.”
“Peter brings up some very good points,” Sirius said grinning.
“Well,” James said “according to Maurader law, which I will remind you is the very foundation of our friendship and that which holds this group together – all three members must agree on the punishment for losing a bet and I know moony wouldn’t do this to me, right?”
They all turned to Remus, leaning against his bed in his signature look of concentration. He paused for several seconds as his three best friends waited for his verdict. They knew an answer from him could not be rushed, until he had thought it through. “I, agree,” he said slowly.
“See – “ James started to say.
“- with Peter,” Remus finished.
“Moony!” James shouted in indignation as Sirius and Peter stood up and started to do an obnoxious version of a jig.
“Enough of that,” James snapped at them, “Moony explain yourself.”
“It’s not just because you talk about Lily extensively – which is rather annoying you know – it’s just holding you back. This crush that you have on her, you’re not going on dates, you’re not doing as well in class, like you said earlier you’re distracted on the quidditch pitch. I’m worried about you.”
“It’s not just a crush,” James mumbled.
“I know, I know sorry,” Remus said, holding up his hands, “Poor word choice.”
“You guys don’t get it!” James said throwing up his hands, “She’s my best friend in the whole world.”
“Oy!” said Sirius.
“Except for you lot,” James amended, “and if I tell her that I’ve been in love with her for years it will destroy our friendship.”
“Maybe so,” said Remus, “but maybe it will morph into a relationship.”
“She doesn’t like me like that,” James mumbled.
“How do you know that if you’ve never told her how you feel?” Peter asked.
“I did! She shot me down.”
“That was fifth year! You were an arsehole. Things have changed.”
“Might I point out,” Sirius said “that according to sacred Maurader law, which may I remind you is the foundation of our friendship and that which holds it all together, that if a bet is decided on by all three members of the group, then the fourth must enact the punishment.”
“You’re all buggers,” James grumbled, “the lot of you.”
“Something has to change mate,” Remus said, “for better or for worse.”
In his heart, James knew they were right. He had wanted to tell Lily how he felt for awhile now, but it felt so daunting.
“Fine,” James said quietly, “I accept the terms.”
“Wahoo!” said Peter, “Finally!”
“You have one month,” said Sirius.
“A month?” James shouted, “That’s all?”
“That’s plenty of time,” said Remus calmly.
“One month to tell the love of my life that I’m in love with her and then be crushed forever and lose my best friend?”
“You’re so dramatic,” Siruis said, rolling his eyes.
“That’s rich coming from you,” James said.
“And what does that mean?”
“You have a full-on panic attack every time Marlene McKinnon breathes near you.”
“I do not!” Sirius protested, “I can get any girl I want.”
“Any girl except for Marlene.”
“Who says I want her?”
“Yeah right! You – “
“Can we not?” Remus asked, rubbing his temples at the escalating volume, “I have a headache.”
“Sorry Moony,” James said, settling down. It was only three days until the next full moon and Remus was prone to headaches.
“You have one month,” Remus said firmly.
“Really?” James said.
Peter nodded.
“Some friends you are,” James mumbled and returned to the bathroom to rinse out his mouth one more time.  
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ao3feed-jily · 4 years
The Real Reason Petunia Hates Magic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33y7Idj
by Marvelous_Red
Aunt Petunia hated anything that had to do with magic but, what if it was more than just being jealous of a younger sister?
In the summer of 1977 Lily Evans agrees to go out on a date with Marauder, James Potter only her parents require one thing: She has to double date with her older sister, Petunia. James desperate to go on the date he's been waiting to go on since he was eleven years old calls his best mate and bad boy, Siruis Black. The two not only meet the girls' parents but, Petunia falls in love with the self-assured Siruis Black, who is more than a little upset with the muggle he's be set up with. While James and Lily's date goes off without a hitch Petunia's is another story. This is the real reason Petunia hates magic.
Words: 2675, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Petunia Evans Dursley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Mr Evans (Harry Potter), Mrs Evans (Harry Potter), Marlene McKinnon
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Petunia Evans Dursley
Additional Tags: Comedy, Romance, Humor, Falling In Love, Sirius Black & James Potter Friendship, James Potter Being an Idiot, Sirius Black is a Little Shit, Double Date, Fluff and Humor
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33y7Idj
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pixiedane · 7 years
Sirius and James? :D
Year OneThe Marauders meet. James and Sirius are fast friends. They are a lot alike — wealthy, spoiled, entitled, arrogant, rebellious, and determined to make their mark. Remus and Peter are quieter and far less flashy. 
Year TwoJames, Sirius, and Peter discover Remus’s secret, and it only brings them closer. It’s James’s plan to become animagi and it solidifies him as the leader of the four. While Remus is most grateful and Peter is most impressed, Sirius realizes the lengths James is willing to go for his friends, realizes that James is more his family than his close knit, elitist, racist, abusive family ever could be.
Years Three to FiveIt takes three years to perfect the animagus spell. In this time the four become wildly popular and make a lot of mischief. James becomes fixated on Snape, whom he has no respect for and enjoys bullying, and Lily, the only girl who doesn’t swoon when he enters the room. I imagine both James and Sirius as serial casual daters. I imagine all four Marauders playing kissing games with each other, and whoever else is around. Peter, Remus, and Sirius are all wistful about it in their own ways; James is oblivious to it.
Once they are all animagi their bond steps up even more — they are breaking some serious rules and risking their lives for their friendship. This is also when Sirius’s situation at home becomes truly untenable. There are many late night discussions, just James and Sirius, mostly Sirius talking and James listening, but sometimes the other way around. Sirius is desperate to get away from his family and torn up about it at the same time. It’s not safe there, so how can he leave his kid brother, no matter how much they argue. I’m certain he’s depressed, possibly on drugs (wizard drugs?), definitely heavy into the punk scene. James and Sirius partying in London circa 1976 is like, my favorite thing. As for James, he wants more than this little life. He’s bored being the big man, bully on campus, the Quidditch star who can get any girl except the one he wants. He feels like no one knows the REAL James. Siruis tells him, I do. James doesn’t answer.
They have an emotional and physical relationship. Sirius calls it love, but not out loud.
Year SixSirius moves in with the Potters. He’s in a safe, loving home for the first time in ever. James’s parents are old and boring but they are kind. And trusting — there aren’t many house rules so now the London clubbing really takes off. Sirius is happy, really happy. And absolutely devoted to James. His best friend, his brother, his schoolboy lover.
Year SevenJames spent Year Six growing up. In Year Seven he’s Head Boy, a model student and a mentor. His caring and compassionate nature — which has been there all along for Peter, Remus, and Sirius — starts to come out in other interactions. He even wins over Lily, and unlike every other girl he’s dated, she matters. And everyone knows it.
Sirius hardcore resents Lily. She spent SIX years turning James down, playing with his affections, and Sirius is the one who had to hear about it, pick up the pieces of James heart, and pretend like he didn’t care when James was back to chasing Lily the next day. And now she decides he’s good enough for her? Now that he’s literally living in James’s home and they are inseparable and can live happily ever after, NOW? 
At this point there are a lot of late night discussions/hook ups with Remus, while James and Lily are out together, and Peter wants in, too, but Sirius barely wants Remus and it is all an unhealthy mess (that eventually ends in tragedy). 
Order of the PhoenixThey graduate and are fighting a war. James’s parents die and he inherits a fortune, enough to support them all and help their cause. James and Lily are married at 18, Sirius is the Best Man. He is incredibly proud, he is happy that his best friend, brother, schoolboy lover is happy. He likes Lily for Lily though he still resents her, still misses what might have been. But he loves James so he throws himself into making certain he’s happy. He gets super drunk at the reception, once his Best Man duties are done. Remus takes him home.
Lily gets pregnant and the Potters become a target. Sirius convinces James to change the plan and the result is terrible.
PrisonJames is dead and Sirius is in prison for life. Two things keep him alive — revenge and James’s memory.
HarryHarry is so many things to Sirius. He’s part James, the love of his life. He’s part Lily, the love of James’s life. He’s a child trapped in a home and family that abuse him, just like Sirius was. He’s the baby in need of protection from the Dark Lord, the one he failed to protect, but now has another chance. He’s the boy he was, and the boy James was, when they were young and alive and in love.
I think Sirius loves Remus, and can certainly find comfort with him. But his (very damaged) heart belongs to James and has from the beginning.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it and/or write a scenario /give you a series rundown of my headcanons
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remusluvpin · 7 years
Tumblr media
Hey, hey, hey! When you reading this, I would have 1K followers! I can’t believe I would have gotten this big number, so thanks so much! I want to get active, so I thought maybe I should do my very first tumblr awards! This is to celebrate everyone for following this shit blog, thanks for still staying here, baes. <3<3
Rules to Enter & Info: 
Follow this neville trash (he’s amazing ok)
Reblog this post (likes don’t count)
Follow this network (optional, but recommanded)
one winner and two runner-ups per catergory 
enter before June 11, 11:59 pm  - results would be out soon, probably the following week 
this must get 50 notes or I’m deleting this!
Tumblr awards Catergories:
Hermione Granger Award: best url
Neville Longbottom Award: best icon
Ron Weasley Award: best moblie theme
Harry Potter Award: best hp blog (overall)
Parvati Patil Award: best desktop theme
Draco Malfoy Award: best hp newcomer
must be under 550 followers - send me through message
Siruis Black Award: best aesthetically pleasing blog
Remus Lupin Award: personal favourites
James Potter Award: best fanfic (writing)
Lily Evans Award: best edits (creations)
tag this post with their creation tags and fantic tags
P r i z e s:
a follow, if not already
a spot in my updates tab for a month 
4 edits of your choice upon request
5 promos upon request for 2 months
my love and friendship ( ;) )
queue your creations
a follow, if not already
a edit of your choice upon request
2 promos upon request for 2 months
my love and friendship ( ;) )
quene your creations
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