#its been 9 or 10 months since i first got a mobility aid
99probalos · 1 year
walking around with my cane like Wow this is just like Mr. Plinkett
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.12
a/n: it begins >:)
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings @simpformiya @sayakaaaaaa @colorseeingchick @demursv1ogs​ @chrisrue15 @beanst0ck @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 13
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Time flew by so fast in this dimension. Now that you were well adjusted and loving the new life here, it had not dawned on you that 7 months had already passed. Things were moving smoothly and pleasantly.
“Here you go.” Akaashi handed you a snack bar. The two of you (well maybe three if Bokuto is included) were practically inseparable. The team had finally managed to pin the both of you down and confirm that you two were indeed dating. “Did you sleep well?”
Walking to school was still a thing both of you did. Except this time, fingers were intertwined and barely any distance between the both of you. The only time you two let go was when the school gates were near. Still, walking down the hallways, Akaashi made sure to always brush his fingers with yours.
“I did!” You pulled him in to kiss his cheek. The small smile he gave you still made your stomach butterflies flutter. “I did have a weird dream last night. You and Bokuto-san switched personalities. Seeing you do his ‘HEY HEY HEY’ was just so wrong on all levels.”
“Is there a quirk that can do that?”
At this point in time, you barely relied on your quirk. The feeling of accomplishing things without it’s aid was much more satisfying. Of course, Akaashi still reaped its healing benefits and took note of how his stamina had improved.
“High chances. If we can have a washing machine as a pro-hero, then there’s bound to be a quirk swapping quirk.”
“A washing machine?” He brushed his thumb on the corner of your lip to wipe off a crumb. “Even now, your world still surprises me.”
“It’s great if you hear it.” Leaning on his shoulder, you tightened your hold on his hand. “Living in it is a completely different story. It’s been, what, 7 months since I arrived here and I am more than content with not having to rely on my quirk.”
“What about your combat skills? Shouldn’t you still be sharpening them?”
“I wish I could.” That was true, though. “I’m pretty much useless at 30%. Even if I wanted to lift boulders or shit, I have to maintain at least 40%. The difference is small but the output is huge. I don’t get my quirk’s logic.”
“Well, it’s still early.” The gates were now in sight but he refused to let go of your hand. “I’m pretty sure you can work on your quirk. The others won’t arrive within 30 minutes.”
“It’s been 5 months and you’re still curious to see how I fight?” You giggled.
“Yes.” He nodded. “If my girlfriend trained to be a hero, I’d love to see how you move.”
“Well, you made that sound sexy~” You nudged his elbow. “Think we can have a little action before we head to the gym?”
“It’s 6:30am, (y/n). It’s too early for that.” He teased. Yet his steps were a little faster than before. “But, I guess I can’t oppose the idea.”
The next thing you knew, your back hit the wall as Akaashi hungrily kissed you. With your legs wrapped around his waist, your fingers found themselves coming through his hair. Pinning you even more, Akaashi’s hand undid your ribbon and unbuttoned the first two. Letting go of your lips, he trailed kisses from your cheek down to the crook of your neck.
As he was softly sucking on your skin, you loosened his tie and undid the two buttons as well. Tugging his hair, you were face to face with him again. Lust filled eyes staring back into yours. Leaning in, you gently kissed his lips before returning the favor. Activating your quirk, Akaashi felt his feet leave the ground. Knowing what you were about to do, he could feel you turning the both of you around.
Skillfully placing the both of you on the floor, Akaashi leaned on the wall as his hands began to roam higher and higher up your skirt. Having you straddle him this early in the morning was rather pleasant in all aspects. Tilting his head a bit, he gave you much easier access and felt you sucking on his skin a little harsher this time.
“Make sure it’s hidden under the collar.” He managed to whisper. Hickeys were a common thing to have both your bodies. He smirked at how your only response was a nod.
Caressing your cheek, he admired the way your face glowed even more. Pulling you in softly for another kiss, he felt his stomach fluttering when you smiled.
“We should probably head to the lockers now.”
“We can continue this in my room later.” He whispered before kissing you deeply.
“Counting the hours~”
Moments later, you were now pumping air into some volleyballs. Morning practice for today would only take an hour so there was plenty of time to freshen up before the homeroom. Now that the gym was packed with your boys, you rolled out the volleyball cart and positioned it beside the net.
Everyone was now used to having you as a ball girl. In fact, some of them even tried to challenge you by purposely hitting the ball too hard or too low. With your hero training, it was nothing but a walk in the park. You did notice, however, that your body began to sweat a bit more. The after effects of not using your quirk for a long time was showing.
Nothing bad happens, though. Just panting and sweating.
“Aghkaashe!” Bokuto yelled. “Can you and (y/n)-chan help with my math later?”
“I don’t mind. What about you, (y/n)?”
“Sure thing~” You approached your two favorite boys. “Bokuto-senpai, how well did you do on your previous quiz?”
The captain’s golden eyes sparkled.
“HAHAHA! Thanks to you both, I managed to get a 32/50! Whatdya think?!” He punched the air and grinned widely. When the both of you applauded he began to jump up and down while shouting his trademark.
“Calm down, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi tried to stop him from jumping up and down. His friend obeyed and gave a cheeky thumbs up.
“God, I love you both so much~” You giggled at their exchange.
“But you love Ahkaashi more, don’t you (y/n)-chan?” Bokuto added as he shouldered Akaashi. This time, his deadpan face was holding a soft smile.
“Of course!”
When Konoha’s alarm sounded, each of you began to clean up and prepare for the rest of the day. With how often you did it, it had now become second nature to you. Yukie and Kaori even admitted that you adapted much faster than they had anticipated. Once all of you were now freshened up, the gym was locked once more and each player looked forward for the after school practice.
“Exams are approaching.” Akaashi said as he let you step into the classroom first. “Have you prepared your notes?”
“I did. But, you do remember that the subjects you have here are way too easy for me, right?” Placing your bag on your desk, you took a seat and faced Akaashi. “Shall we study in your room or mine?”
“we can take turns.” Now that he was seated, he fished out one of his notebooks and placed it on his desk. Not that it was needed, it merely became one of his habits. Watching as you dragged your chair closer to him, he offered you a pen and flipped the notebook open.
“So, what do you want me to draw?” This had become one of your recent traditions. Before the start of homeroom, Akaashi noticed how you liked to doodle on his notebooks. Deciding that a special one was needed, he took the liberty of buying a blank journal for you to fill with whatever it is you saw fit.
“Hmm, I recall you saying that you designed your own hero costume.” He saw how your eyes lit up. “May i see what it looked like?”
Starting the sketch, you began to draw a figure and dressed it with your costume.
“So, my costume isn’t flashy unlike the others.” You explained. “A quirk like mine doesn’t really need a lot of support items so I went with mobility and comfort. I decided that simplicity was key. Just the normal jacket, shirt, pants, and boots. The only support item I had were my gloves.”
Sketching your gloves, Akaashi couldn’t help but adore just how focused you were. Tucking in a loose strand of hair, he felt the butterflies in his stomach churning once again as the corners of your mouth formed a smile and your cheeks turning a faint hue of pink.
“What do your gloves do?” They looked like standard fingerless gloves.
“The material was specifically designed to aid in manipulating my quirk. It concentrates the energy I release and wraps around my hand. Sorta like a human torch~” It was a bit difficult to explain how it worked knowing you didn’t listen to the man who gave you the item. As long as it aided you, it was fine.
“What were Todoroki-kun’s support items?”
“Shoto’s support items were mostly temperature regulators. Wristbands and a big one he wears like a backpack to help even him out.” You drew his support items rather well.
“Can you try to sketch Todorki-kun’s face?” Letting you draw your friends was something he wasn’t so comfortable with. Not for that reason of course. He merely assumed that it would be a sensitive topic knowing the circumstances of how you arrived in his world. When you giggled, he tilted his head.
“About time you asked~” Beginning to draw your childhood friend, you continued. “I honestly wouldn’t mind drawing my friends for you, ya know? There’s no way I can introduce you to them so sketching them would be the best alternative.”
“I’m sorry.” He held on to your free hand. “I just didn’t want to make you uncomfy.”
“You never make me uncomfy. Keiji~”
It was a quick sketch of half and half but a good one. He squinted his eye when he took note of the scar. He had heard of Tokoyami and Mina, but this one merely showed a boy about his age with a nasty burn on his face.
“Shoto’s got one helluva back story.” Your thumb began to brush Akaashi’s knuckles. “That scar was given to him by his mum when he was around 5 or 6 years old. It’s sad but he grew to accept it and is now healing.”
“You were engaged before, right?”
“For a while, yeah.” You handed him back the pen and closed the sketchpad. The bell had now rung and right on time, the teacher entered the room. Just as she was relaying a message, you were rummaging in your bag for a notebook.
“Please introduce yourselves~” The teacher said.
“Bakugo Katsuki”
“Midoriya Izuku.”
- - - - -
a/n: sooo... what yall gonna do now? :’)
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solomon-kyla · 4 years
The Eruption of Mount Pinatubo
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Mount Pinatubo, a volcano, located in western Luzon, Philippines, erupted in 1991 (for the first time in 600 years) and caused widespread devastation. Mount Pinatubo is located about 55 miles (90 km) northwest of Manila and rose to a height of about 4,800 feet (1,460 m) before its eruption.
After two months of emissions and small explosions, a series of major explosions began on June 12. These explosions reached a peak on June 14-16, producing a column of ash and smoke more than 19 miles (30 km) high, with rock debris falling the same distance from the volcano. The resulting heavy ashfalls left about 100,000 people homeless, forced thousands more to flee the area, and caused 300 deaths.
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Effects on agriculture:
Many reforestation projects were destroyed in the eruption, with a total area of 150 km2 (58 sq. mi; 37,000 acres) valued at 125 million pesos destroyed. Agriculture was heavily disrupted, with 800 km2 (310 sq. mi; 200,000 acres) of rice-growing farmland destroyed, and almost 800,000 head of livestock and poultry killed, destroying the livelihoods of thousands of farmers. The cost to the agriculture of eruption effects was estimated to be 1.5 billion pesos.
Many farmers near Pinatubo began growing crops such as peanuts, cassava, and sweet potatoes, which are quick-ripening and could be harvested before the threat of lahar floods during the late summer rainy season.
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Local economic and social effects:
In total, 364 communities and 2.1 million people were affected by the eruption, with livelihoods and houses being damaged and destroyed. More than 8,000 houses were destroyed, and a further 73,000 were damaged. In addition to the severe damage sustained by these communities, roads and communications were damaged or destroyed by pyroclastic surges and lahar floods throughout the areas surrounding the volcano. Total losses in 1991 and 1992 alone were estimated at 10.6 and 1.2 billion pesos respectively, including damage to public infrastructure estimated at 3.8 billion pesos (c. US$92 million, or $173 million today, adjusted for inflation). School classes for thousands of children were temporarily suspended by the destruction of schools in the eruption.
The eruption of Pinatubo severely hampered the economic development of the surrounding areas. The gross regional domestic product of the Pinatubo area accounted for about 10% of the total Philippine gross domestic product. The GRDP had been growing at 5% annually before the eruption but fell by more than 3% from 1990 to 1991. In 1991, damage to crops and property was estimated at $374 million (or $702 million today), to which continuing lahar floods added a further $69 million (or $126 million today) in 1992. In total, 42 percent of the cropland around the volcano was affected by more lahar floods, dealing a severe blow to the agricultural economy in the region.
What To Do Before, During, And After Volcanic Eruption:
Evacuate immediately if you live or are staying within the radius of affected areas. Long before the explosion, affected areas would have been given a warning to evacuate the premises by local government units.
Stay tuned to national news and your local community’s channels to be on top of the situation and stay informed with local safety plans and evacuation areas. Whether it’s through local radio, TV news, or official social channels of news outlets, make sure that you’re getting reliable information from trusted sources and not potentially dangerous misinformation from hoax accounts.
Charge your electronics. Keep your mobile devices and power banks charged in case of power interruptions.
Prepare a go-bag in case of evacuation. This should include:
A mask per person (N95 or makeshift)
Copies of personal documents
Phone and powerbank
Flashlights and batteries or candles and matches
3 gallons of potable water per person
3 days worth of non-perishable food
Hygiene and sanitation items
First aid kit and maintenance medication
Extra cash
     5. Know disaster hotlines and other emergency hotlines
National Emergency Hotline: 911
Philippine National Police: 117
PHIVOLCs – (02) 8426-1468 to 79
Philippine Red Cross – 143 or (02) 8790-2300
Bureau of Fire Protection – (02) 8426-0246
National Disaster Risk Reduction And Management Council (NDRRMC) – (02) 8911-5061 to 65 local 100
Use an N95 dust mask to protect yourself from pulmo-respiratory injuries and diseases. If these are unavailable, use a damp handkerchief or makeshift one from an old t-shirt.
Protect your skin and eyes with proper clothing and glasses or goggles. Ashfall is sharp and abrasive, so don't rub if any comes into contact with your skin or eyes.
Secure your pets inside your home. Fine, volcanic ash is harmful for them too.
If you are outside, seek cover immediately in case of rock or ash falls.
If you are inside, stay tuned to the news to keep informed of recent developments. Close all doors and windows. Dampen curtains to keep fine particles from coming through.
If you are driving a vehicle, pull over and stop if there is a heavy ashfall.
Cover food and water containers to avoid contamination with ash.
Wash all utensils thoroughly before eating. Fine ash particles may have settled on them.
Stay away from rivers or streams to avoid lahar flow.
Do not leave your home or indoor shelters until notified by the local government that it is safe to do so. Evacuate to safer grounds only when notified.
Keep a watchful eye on your kids or loved ones who may be tempted to go out to see what's going on outside.
Wear protection. Use masks, glasses/goggles, long sleeves, pants, and shoes when clearing out ash to protect your lungs, skin and eyes.
Clean your gutters and roof with water after clearing out the ash to prevent corrosion.
Wait for further announcements from LGUs or national news related to the volcanic eruption.
Stay safe everyone!
People’s Memories During the Eruption:
It was the birthday of my wife when Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991. We were busy preparing for the scheduled dinner party. We had just begun preparations when darkness came, making us think it was already 6 pm, causing us great worry. I turned on the TV to check out the PBA game. Only then did we find that it was only around 11 am. The party started on time. The men were at the open terrace with wine and pulutan, kilawin, roasted pig, and chicken, among others. By almost 9 pm, we were wondering why all the parked cars were now painted white? We found out that all the cars were covered with ashfall. When we went back to our table, all the pulutan was also covered with ashfall. We had to finish the party early. Twenty years have passed and I still have my ashfall collection, taken from the rooftop of my car. - Joe Nacilla
I would say that the Mt. Pinatubo eruption was the closest Manila ever was to having snowfall, but instead of snow, we experienced volcanic ash. I remember coming that night from my date with my ex-girlfriend, now my wife, when I felt something in my hair. It had ash, as in large amounts of ash, turning my hair literally gray. The next day, I picked her up at UST after her nursing board exam, and commuted around Manila (which looked like a desert covered with volcanic ash) to what we call our “Ash Day Date”. We celebrate that day every year, up to now, as it happens to be our engagement day. To many, the eruption might have been tragic, but for me and my wife, it was the start of a relationship now sealed in marriage for 20 long years. -  Bong Nebrija
As long as I see remnants of our house in Bacolor, Pampanga with only the second floor and the attic showing, the bad memories of Pinatubo will forever be etched in my mind. What once was a very beautiful house with a wide garden full of ornamental plants, and an orchard is now old and neglected. It is where I spent my childhood days. Nowadays, the people of Bacolor live elsewhere in different parts, many in resettlement areas, others in nearby provinces, and some abroad, but on some occasions, many still try to visit their roots. The Pinatubo eruption erased our town from the map. -  Rose Leobrera
It has been 20 years since Mount Pinatubo erupted. Time sure flies. Everyone woke up one morning surprised to see everything covered by fine white sand, which was difficult to wash off. For a time, there was panic-buying in the supermarkets. Then, news of the devastation trickled in through the media. The eruption was so extensive that the dust from Pinatubo caused the world temperature to drop. Thousands perished, and the government continues to waste billions on dikes and dredging, despite recommendations from experts to just move the affected residents to another place. -  Robert Young Jr.
It was a Saturday and I was at the office till 3 in the afternoon. When I got out of the building, it was almost dark. People on the street were covering their heads with handkerchieves. When I got to the street, I felt wet sand hitting me. The following days, we watched over television the devastating effect of lahar, burying some Zambales and Pampanga towns, with many people with their livestock and homes being carried away by lahar flood. Soon, many natives (Aetas) were lining up city streets, begging for food and shelter. -  Germi Sison
What I’ve learned:
The thing that I've learned from this eruption is we should always be aware and prepared at all times. We don't have an idea of what will happen in the future. At least if we are aware and prepare, we can get through to all calamities.
Resources and References:
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the-uptake · 5 years
Concrete Boxes Made of Ticky-Tacky
The Uptake, With Symbiotic Self-Indulgence. Book III, Chapter 9. Go to previous. Go to next. TW: Disaster area navigation. That’s not suspicious at all.
A month after Central Day, Tri-City announced acceptance of the initial wave of returning citizens, public transportation filled to capacity which was dedicated to just the task of easing the displaced out of Manhattan Premier. On the triple-decker bus headed to Level 10, ‘Choly’s wheelchair wedged up close to Cecil’s seat. Albeit grateful to be rid of the impermanence of the Hillock Plaza and its Overflow, none of the bus’s passengers felt any reprieve from the dread of uncertainty ahead.
“There’ll always be another page of billing,” Cecil finally sighed. He glared at the screen in the front of their floor’s cabin, as it looped instructional clips how to proceed upon returning home. He shifted in his seat at ‘Choly’s slowly elongating face. “We’re increasingly tethered, through lack of choices otherwise, to federal aid programs. Billing is the least of my worries. How the rolling sector housing provisional care will pan out is a definite concern. But what we’ve been allotted is all we’ve got at the moment. We don’t even have a ‘who’ or a ‘why’ yet. So we’ve got to make do.”
“It’s a long time before we have to worry about moving,” ‘Choly offered unhelpfully. “Silver linings, that we were federal employees, I suppose. Surely five years’ provisions will be long enough for them to get Central repaired, or even replaced.”
“It’s less that we don’t have to move, and more that we can’t. That’s probably the one thing I’ve signed off on in the past month that I straight up can’t stand the thought of.” Cecil squirmed in place to straighten in his fiberglass seat. “Look. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s all we’ve been discussing for days, between getting packed up and speaking with the FEMA attorneys. I’m going to turn off my ears until we’re at the complex, okay? Try out your new reader’s headset, get used to it. Chill a bit. We both need a chance to unplug from this shit for a moment.”
Cecil put a hand to ‘Choly’s knee, then used his other hand to gesture along the surface of the thetic halo to free the handshake. The faint glowing of the circuitry within the translucent organometallic structure encircling his head went dark, and he slouched back with a slow grunting exhale to stare out the window.
With a pouting nasal snort, ‘Choly pulled the bone conduction headset from his diamond bag, unfolded it, and slipped it on. He had many ways in which he envied Cecil’s survivorship. Here and now, he most envied the feature of his boyfriend’s accommodations which enabled him the ability to unplug from unpleasant discussions. He did wonder if Cecil had any theories as to motive and perpetrator, but despite all the time they’d already had to discuss the Central bombing, Cecil always conveniently found the means to sideline the subject in favor of just about anything else. But this felt nothing like how Cecil had withheld from ‘Choly that the Fulton Mass and the Supermarket Geek had been one in the same, despite vocal interest in both Web sensations. He could chalk up Cecil’s behavior to the traumatic nature of such an experience: Cecil had, after all, survived an explosion which destroyed a majority of the building which housed the city’s largest concentration of servers, networks, and energy sources.
Maybe ‘Choly was being insensitive, forcing Cecil to talk about it any more than he had. It was one thing, to disclose secondhand information about a tragic event, but another entirely to have been directly involved and impacted to the extent as his other half.
So he focused on fidgeting with the new reader. The model nearly felt like a totally different type of technology compared to the reader ‘Choly had had for eight years leading up to Central Day. His last reader had been rooted and customized to his specifications, and he’d had all the settings just as he liked them and hadn’t had to adapt to a new model or interface every four months like the Levelers. This reader had nothing in common with his last one, barring the fact they were both readers. Last time he’d tried to set it up, to his chagrin he’d figured out how to handshake the cube tray wrist loop to the reader storage. It had no mounted cube tray, and he hated it, but he’d just have to deal. He still couldn’t figure out how to pull up the screen’s keyboard, and the Web settings were greyed out where he couldn’t edit them. The notifications reminded him on the regular that the reader’s operating system awaited pending updates. He couldn’t turn off these reminders, either. His jaw tightened.
A hybrid slasher sounded like an easy distraction at first, since he knew they had a long transit ahead of them, but he knew he couldn’t focus on a film in his mental state. As he set his music cubes to shuffle and adjusted the volume of his headset, he realized that the reason he couldn’t access Web settings was because Web in Tri-City had ceased to exist. Can’t pull up specs on a dead network. He swallowed and Cecil let him hold his hand, joining him in watching the cityscape flicker by around them.
He had to look at the time on his reader to be certain of the time of day, because the trichotomy of the rolling blackout made it impossible to tell just by the qualities of the neobrutalist building surfaces. Tesla Incorporated had divided the city into sectors five levels high and roughly one mile square. Primary sectors aligned with the first shift of midnight to eight in the morning, secondary sectors with the second shift of eight to four in the afternoon, and tertiary sectors four to midnight. The city already reflected the effects of the roll. Projected adverts and running lifts animated the active secondary sectors. Charged Wolfram concrete alone illuminated the stretches of yawning primary sectors. And tertiary sectors lay dark and silent, as they had not yet received any returning inhabitants. They’d have to get used to the Tesla employees, vehicles, and equipment now a present and constant sight in Tri-City for the indefinite future. Only emergency vehicles, public transportation, and ShipShop drones shuttled about the thoroughfares.
The denizens of the bus had all come from HP and HP Overflow. ‘Choly got stuck surveying the survivors. He didn’t often feel much camaraderie with strangers, and it dulled him to find himself reflected in the angles of others’ segmented thetic limb prostheses and cosmetic reconstructions, and the haggard fabric of their faces. He wondered if they, too, experienced the sense of this othering unity, like they all belonged to a new class of citizen altogether, when they regarded his wheelchair, and his leg brace. He shook his head of it and assumed no one else would entertain this brand of nonsense.
His eyes lolled in dismissal of his mentality, silently cursing out those living higher than Level 19. How dare they have access to solar energy? He had never really given the upper crust much thought or attention, but in that moment, his sentiment throttled him to tremendous jealousy. The disaster had all but not affected them. Besides the loss of Tri-City specific Web broadcasts, ‘Choly couldn’t think of a single way the Twentisomes didn’t simply go on as they always had.
He sneered. Except those in the Newark Bay area, of course. But somehow, ‘Choly was jealous of those evacuees most of all. They’d been affected by the bombing more than any survivor. Only the block directly adjacent to Central, Levels 5 to 19, had been evacuated until the reactor explosion. FEMA thought they had the nuclear facility under control, only for twenty thousand civilians to get irradiated by four of the nine reactors melting bottom-out. One of the four exploded outright, sending two reactors into the bay with it. The entire Newark Bay would be in a permanent state of phosphorescent excitation until federal employees could seal up the waste fuel and any irradiated debris. Newark Bay survivors would remain under the care of Overflow facilities throughout New Jersey and New York for indefinite supervision and medical care. ‘Choly had been glued to documentation of this nascent exclusion zone, and he endeared it as though some transcendental slurry of ghosts trapped in place for centuries to come.
The bus let out at its next Level 10 stop, this time in Journal Square. Everyone unloading here retrieved their luggage from the under-bus cargo, and besides those who lived on Level 10, they filed out to the public lifts appropriate to their final destination. Tesla operated the lifts with on-site generators dedicated just to this mode of public transportation, already acutely aware of not just the heightened necessity for vertical mobility, but also the varying injuries the returning population had sustained. Almost too graciously, the power company, cooperating with federal emergency agencies, had taken injury and disability accommodations into consideration, and extended all the help they could within the apartment complexes for those who could not simply take the stairs once they were on the right level.
‘Choly removed his headset, and Cecil turned his halo back on. Cecil pulled a piece rolling luggage behind them and put the smaller piece in ‘Choly’s lap, and pushed ‘Choly along inside the public lift. Once the lift was to its five hundred occupant capacity, the Tesla worker ordered the pocket doors shut and they were on their way to Level 15. Fortunately for the pair, they would exit on Level 12 about fifteen minutes later.
The facade of their apartment complex crawled with advertisements for ShipShop’s new drone program. They filed in with about a hundred of their technical neighbors, and waited in line for the Tesla-operated elevators. Many of those who had the option grew impatient and dragged themselves up the stairwells rather than wait ten at a time. When ‘Choly and Cecil rode, only eight could fit from the wheelchair, and the Tesla employee cited space and weight limits. At the last minute, a heavyset tall blond man in a white bodysuit and a thetic with insectoid quadrupedal limbs squeezed their way into the elevator, its ninth and tenth occupants.
Everyone in line yelled and groaned at him. The pocket doors shut, and the Tesla employee slapped him in the chest. The thetic’s heavily stylized mannequin-like holographic features swiveled around to apologize to the group in the elevator without turning its cylindrical head.
“Did you not just hear me, ShipShop?” the operator snapped. “You of all people should know better than to push capacity.”
“We just got off shift.” He rolled his eyes and slicked back his short sweaty hair. “Gimme a break.”
“Please forgive him, if you could,” the thetic insisted with hesitant posture. It telescoped itself tight up into the back corner of the elevator to occupy the least amount of space possible. “We’ve had a particularly dicey day of it.”
The Tesla employee ignored the pair and addressed the other eight people.
“Floors, everyone?” She instructed the elevator as indicated.
“–Wait.” ‘Choly couldn’t decide whether to stare at the ShipShop employee or the thetic, whose upper half very clearly had once belonged to some manner of public transit autopilot system. “You already got back home? You sure you’re in the right building?”
The blond shoved his gloved hands in his pockets with a matter of fact slouch.
“Never left. ShipShop associates weren’t allowed to evacuate. Ninth floor, by the way.”
The Tesla worker jammed the button a second time for emphasis. ‘Choly and Cecil both flinched that he lived on the same floor.
“That’s sure an interesting customization,” Cecil commented of the thetic, not making eye contact with either. “ShipShop approve that?”
“If you let me help you carry your luggage,” he sleazed, “I’ll tell you all about it.”
‘Choly flipped his sunglasses down and shrank in his chair. Despite obvious body language that ‘Choly disapproved, Cecil nodded and shrugged with a bored frown.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure. Not sure why you’re offering to lug anything after what you said was a particularly awful shift, but I imagine not too many of the neighbors we knew before all this are coming back. Might as well get familiar with our floor mates.”
The ShipShop employee tried to take the handles of the wheelchair to shuttle ‘Choly along, but Cecil shouldered the man away and gave him the luggage. Cecil pushed ‘Choly, and the blond let out a hesitant chuckle as he let the thetic carry both the rolling luggage and the carry-on from ‘Choly’s lap, trawling along on its four long spindly legs.
“A natural redhead, then, I’m presuming,” he grinned as he trailed along behind them.
“You were saying?” Cecil quipped, not looking back.
“Oh! Angel here?” It let out a digital chirp when mentioned, but said nothing. “It was the navigation system of the ShipShop delivery truck I was working on April Fools, but it crashed on the Lincoln Skybridge. ShipShop wanted to scrap it ‘cause they faulted its navigation matrix for the six-car wreck. Funny how I haven’t met a single person who had a good night on the First, right? Anyway, I smuggled it into the taxi that picked me up before crash collection could haul it off. Been working on it all month. It’s given me something to busy myself with, mostly alone here. The legs are a work in progress, but it’s pretty great, right?”
“Gives me the creeps,” ‘Choly blurted out with a sharp saucer-eyed sniff. “Fff. Franken-thetic.”
“Giving him the creeps is a good thing,” Cecil translated wryly. “I’d be lying if I said I weren’t a little impressed.”
“What are those legs even from?” ‘Choly continued, fidgeting.
“That’s my secret.” The blond grinned. “Name’s Jacob, by the way.”
“Cecil. And this is Melancholy.”
“Jus’ ‘Choly’s fine.” They got to Cecil’s door and ‘Choly glanced to Angel. “Hazarding a guess. Those legs are somethin’ salvaged from a yard on Level 2.”
Jacob straightened in place, not blinking for a moment while he processed the theory.
“Now that’s an interesting thing to suppose.” He whet his lips and pressed them together. “I guess I could say you answered one of many questions, by asking one of your own.”
“He’s on the level.” Cecil gestured for Angel to relinquish their luggage. “Though I wonder if you are.”
“What coy dialogue. I was right to help you along to satisfy my curiosity. Is it just the two of you here?”
“Yes– Wish I could say one way or another if it’s been a pleasure.” Cecil shrugged gratefully at the thetic. “Thank you, Angel.”
“Oh, don’t thank me. I was just acting on Jacob’s behalf.”
“I don’t like sayin’ stuff besides what’s meant,” ‘Choly started with a frown. He glanced both ways down the hall. “Why did you follow us? You didn’t just want our impression of your robot.”
“910-B. We’re down at 925-B.” Jacob eyed the apartment door. “You said it yourself, Cecil. What’s the matter with helping a couple of my floor mates get settled back in? We were going the same way.”
“Do let us know if you need a thing, will you?” Angel swiveled behind Jacob to the other side, trying to nudge him along, its features flickering anxiously. “Jacob keeps odd hours, but if we’re present, we’re more than happy to be at your beck.”
“Right. Y’all need help inside?”
“We appreciate the help, but I hope you’ll understand that we’re not inviting you in at the moment.”
“I’ll come borrow a cuppa glow later then.” Jacob kind of hopped in place and gave them a jerking salute with his left hand, his head askew. “I’m gonna go crash.”
“Goodnight,” ‘Choly called out after them jokingly as they walked off without further circumstance. He double-checked the time on his reader. Not quite three in the afternoon yet.
Jacob thoughtfully mumbled Melancholy under his breath, just loud enough to be heard.
Cecil already had the door open before ‘Choly noticed, and shoved him inside to use the wheelchair to prop the door open. He dragged the luggage inside. A good number of lights and appliances were still on. ‘Choly wheeled himself down the hall track to the kitchen, and spaced out in disgust at the thought of what the void of electricity might have wrought of the living space. He realized he was staring at the coffee carafe in particular. Cecil abandoned the luggage in front of his reading chair and joined ‘Choly in the back half of the apartment.
“I don’t like him,” Cecil remarked.
“I do. He’s just weird enough to get stuff. The. The coffee maker.” ‘Choly sniffed, and pushed his sunglasses lenses back up. “That half carafe’s been brewing for a month.”
“I’m not looking forward to investigating the fridge. We’ll deal with that later. Promise me if Jacob or that thetic come to the door, you won’t answer it. –Think it’s stuffy in here, or is it just me?”
“I promise,” ‘Choly echoed dully, registering the remark to the air quality. “Guess the HVAC hasn’t got working full swing quite yet.”
“Hopefully it’ll get circulating soon. It’s hot and… not dusty. Stale? in here.”
Cecil tried the faucet in the kitchen, eliciting a deep groan in the wall and little else. Then he tried the bathroom sink, and finally the bathtub faucet. A successful splatter of stale-smelling water spilled out into the tub, and he let it keep running, hoping to jog the plumbing a bit. He stared at the water for some time before leaving to fish through the kitchen cabinets, and returned to fill the one large resealable container they had on hand. He also filled a drinking glass and smelled of it before sipping it. When it passed his inspection, he filled the next two largest containers as well. All the while, ‘Choly had retrieved his cane from beside him and righted himself, leaving the chair in the kitchen to flop on the daybed. He pushed everything off the bed that he’d strewn about trying to quickly get ready to meet Augen for lunch a month ago, and readily dozed off. Cecil let him rest while he unpacked to distract himself.
“I’m thinking ordering dinner from ShipShop,” Cecil half-asked, half-announced from across the apartment. “Chinese?”
“Mm? Yeah. Sure.” ‘Choly took off his glasses and rubbed at his face. “Guessing that’s our main option until they get the lift situation hashed–”
The walls of the building hummed in decline, and everything fell dark. Only one of the two long walls of the apartment had exposed Wolfram concrete, and ‘Choly and Cecil just sat in place trying to accept this phase of the rolling blackout.
“Guess I’m done unpacking for now.” Cecil sighed. “We should buy some more Wolfram installments. One wall isn’t gonna cut it long-term.”
‘Choly got up and made the executive decision to open the blackout curtains over the window which took up the entire outer wall of the apartment. He stared out from where he stood with a difficult brow.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing the city only lit by the concrete,” he murmured.
“We’re inside. It’s fine. Come on, tell me what you want for dinner. The Web reception tanked with the power. I’ll go up to the rooftop kiosk and order in person. For once I’m glad we’re on the ninth floor of a twelve story building.”
“Let’s split something with shrimp.” ‘Choly started to walk toward Cecil, but stopped short. “I just put a finger on why that guy followed us. He recognized me.”
“From where?”
“The wreck on the Skybridge. He saw me and Augen walk away. Fuck–” He tugged at his sweatshirt in the twilight. “I’m even wearing the same shirt I was wearing–”
‘Choly could hear Cecil’s agitation mounting.
“…How were you two involved in that wreck?”
Go to Next »»»
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zeencox-blog · 6 years
10 Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2019
Never before was a generation so virtually active than the one thriving at present. According to Statistics report, the estimated headcount of social media users around the globe is expected to rise up to 2.77 billion this very year. What does this fact show you? That the future is all about increased interactivity and co-creation.
The world of social media is constantly evolving. It may have started off on a small footing, but it has grown to become a gargantuan entity. So much so, that people now prefer consuming content by scrolling through their newsfeeds and engaging with their friends over social media channels—rather than spending their time watching TV or playing video games, as figured by Stoubos. Just observe the general lifestyle and you will find truth in this assertion.
 Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and other forums have become household names. This shows the power and influence that social media continues to have over the consumer circles. If the businesses and brands of today wish to expand their outreach and bring in more profits, then they need to plan their marketing strategies around this rising sun of social media. In other words, if you, as a digital marketer, wish to divert more traffic to your online domain, then you must dive deep within the pool of social media and catch your audience there.
However, with each passing year, social media incorporates new and exciting trends into its makeup, with the purpose of increasing the user involvement and refining the user experience. If you want to stay ahead of your social media game in 2019, then I suggest that you take note of these expert-predicted changes, and mold your marketing strategies accordingly. Some of them are quite subtle, while others can be termed as downright uproarious. In this post, I will be listing the top social media marketing trends which you need to watch out for in this dawning year. Check them out below.
1.  Live Video Content
You cannot exist in two places at one time, can you? No. However, with Facebook Live, you can. Yes, this ground-breaking video-push feature allows you to enjoy a rock concert while attending a business meeting simultaneously. All you have to do is gain access to a “going live” feed and you will be able to experience an ongoing performance in all its rawness, and be a part of ‘the moment’. According to Social Media Today, around 3.5 billion live videos have been broadcasted on Facebook up till now, and the trend is not about to stop in this present year. You will be seeing many brand awareness campaigns meted out through this “going live” feature, primarily due to its authentic and personalized appeal for the audiences. So, do include this marketing technique in your 2019 plan.
2.  AI-Driven Service
Artificial Intelligence or AI is the beacon of a technologically-rich future. It has already made quite an impact in the form of facial-recognition, voice-control or some such wonders across different spheres of society. Nevertheless, 2019 promises to show an even brighter picture of this advanced tech, especially in the domain of social media. Yes, this year, you can be sure to find an enhanced customer personalization, creative ad optimization and an efficient AI chatbot utilization meted out by businesses and brands on social media channels. This integration of AI into Facebook, Instagram, and alike platforms is expected to refine the way marketers meet their consumers’ expectations. Some of the most famous experts have predicted that by 2020, more than 80% of customer service queries and other commercial interactions will be sustained via powerful AI bots.
3.  Mega-Influencers
As per Jordan French, 2019 will be the year in which we will get to see an exponential rise in the presence of mega-influencers. You might have already heard of the term ‘micro-influencers’ in your digital marketing circles. These are the individuals with 5000+ user following on a social media channel, who manage to obtain a relative authority over a particular niche. In other words, their say molds the say of the general audience as regards a certain topic. Now, however, you will find people, who’ve been deemed too important for social media marketing, making headway as major or mega-influencers, like the Obama-Netflix collab in 2018. Digital marketers can get a hold of these high-profile celebrities and get a word out about their brand through them.
4.  User-Generated Content
The buying process has changed significantly since the days of brick and mortar. Nowadays, people do not simply pick up a product and purchase it right away. No, they carry out elaborate research before reaching a buying decision. This research primarily includes looking up secret discounts, comparing product prices across brands, and reading up testimonials that other customers have left after trial-and-error. These user-generated reviews and referrals really contribute to the creation of a brand’s image in the eyes of the general audience. You will experience advancement in this testimonial trend in 2019, especially over the social media channels. From a digital marketing perspective, I’d suggest you to use this UG content to promote your brand, via sharing contests and hashtag shout-outs.
5.  LinkedIn Business Profiles
Having 590 million active users as of last year, LinkedIn is considered as an ideal digital platform for entrepreneurs. Why? Because it offers easy access to serious professional circles across various domains. However, it is not as popular as those colorful, trendy and entertainment-filled channels like Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook etc. 2019 seeks to change that. Yes, if you have a proper LinkedIn business profile this year, you can be sure to see a new dimension of traffic headed your way. According to Stoubos, these profiles will emulate some of the top features of Facebook landing pages, like prominent payment getaways and links to mini sites etc. and improve them too. So, if you don’t have a LinkedIn business page, it’s the perfect time to make one over your amazing Charter Spectrum internet connection.
6.  Smtv and Vertical Video
According to comScore, an average internet user spends about 69% of his/her total media time on his/her smartphone. In addition, this parentage is only expected to elevate in the coming years with the introduction of social media television. Digital marketers need to cater to this smtv trend, which brings ‘vertical video’ to the horizon of 2019. You might have already come across IGTV (Instagram TV)—user-friendly, mobile-first and wildly popular among the current generations. Keeping this in mind, I would recommend you to allocate some budget for making promotional video content flexible enough to fit different formats across multiple platforms.
7.  Ephemeral/In the Moment Content
Although the ‘stories’ culture became popular with Snapchat, it has since then left the primary channel to spread across other social media forums, like Instagram and more recently, Facebook. Now, users, especially late Millennial and Generation Z-ers, are more interested in engaging with short-lived, in-the-moment and mobile-captured content that is relatable and easily-shareable. According to Entrepreneur, around 200 million Instagrammers use Stories each month. Digital marketers should definitely take this ‘stories’ trend into account in 2019, and create personalized promotional narratives which reel the audience in.
8.  Real-Time Response
Every business entrepreneur knows that customer satisfaction is the key to monetary success. If your clientele is not pleased with you, you cannot possibly hope to retain a place in the competitive market of the future. One of the ways you can reach the core of customer concerns is by establishing a link with them on the social media platform of your choice. 2019 is expected to bring ‘real value’ to producer-consumer relationship via a more ready inculcation of real-time response (RTR) in social media. In short, you will see brand managers giving instantaneous replies to people’s queries or grievances, left in the form of comments or private messages on Facebook and Twitter etc. This trend is hoped to aid in better brand perception, increase customer service, and promote the personalization.
9.  Transparency of Social Data
Some of the most sinister data breaches came to the surface only last year. These security compromises have significantly shaken the trust of people in social media. According to Edelman’s Barometer, more than 60% of its respondents were found to lose faith in social media enterprises in 2018. In addition, as per Ponemon’s research, Facebook got the hardest-hit out of all. However, 2019 comes with a data transparency promise unlike you’ve ever seen before. In other words, this year you will be able to experience quality engagement on social media platforms which is based on increased consumer involvement and co-creation. People will finally see how their private and confidential data is being handled by these social enterprises. This trend will do away with much of mistrust that built up last year.
10.   Music-Curation
If anything is more viral these days on social media platforms, it is those Tik-Tok videos. The well-received app hosts a whole library of curated music, which the users enact in their mobile-shot videos. This content is then shared like wildfire on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, promoting the integration of social media and the world of music. You, as a digital marketer, can use this trend to your advantage, especially if you mean to target the younger demographic. Use this music app-social media collaboration to raise brand awareness.
In conclusion, if you want to supersede and outlast the tough commercial competition in the market, then do pay heed to the aforementioned social media marketing trends that are expected to surface in 2019.
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mo-torious-mo-blog · 6 years
[CHANGING MY NAME TO: Mo (first name) Torious (last name)] i asked my parents if I could come up to westchester to have dinner with them, or to briefly stay while I looked for an apartment. They said no. It’s funny, Dr Tabar at Belkvue Hospital (Dr Mounir, intake), told me that I should cut off my relationship with my mother. The only reason my father asked me to attend her 80th birthday party, was to keep up appearances. Before the night was over, and after my speech (unmmmzm....I got you a car), he told me in no uncertain terms that I am no longer welcome in his house. I dove get it. His brother Ladipo Fayemi is a caseworker at HRA HASA, who never once intervened for me, and who nobody in that agency thought to refer my case to. Mr. McCoy, used to make fun of the name. No matter, I no longer want to be called that. I told them that since my father still continues to lie about not having received a copy of the doctored IRS Filings which Lucy Ostrofsky (acting in house counsel) had filed, directly ignoring my instructions, before I was forced out of the company and off the corporate bank account (it takes 3 members of management: myself, Richard McGinnis (Kurt Salmon Associates), President of Motorious Retail Stores (m&m/Mars Family: sponsor of Kyle Bush’s Toyota at NASXAR), patent holder, casino slot machine algorithms) and Philip Munger (who once, unbeknownst to me, withdrew $5,000 in cash from his personal Citibank account, and deposited it into my (the corporate) account, triggering FBI Money Laundering Red Flag: I have never even seen $5,000.00 in cash in one place in my entire life. I spent $500 to $10,000/month on my AMEX PLATINUM: and repaid it within 30 days. Beginning in 1992. Until I didn’t and went bankrupt for $60,000. Bottom line: I don’t trust the man, and he and I no longer have a relationship. All he and my mother have done is agree with the psychiatrists who keep diagnosing me with paranoid delusions that I run a company. All this, I believe, because the only company he ever ran, ended up in trouble with the IRS. I’m beginning to be really suspect about his book selling and his AIDS Charity for orphans in Africa. Before he kicked me out of the house, he asked me if I wanted to help him with his Foundation, and I said « no » I want German citizenship. A look at my brief work history shows I never stay in 1 place very long. What’s wrong with having wanted a change and to seek opportunities abroad? Science Advisers, led by Norman Heyman, Jean Robert Le Shufy, and Kevin DeVito (New Capital Horizons, the US arm of New Capital AG in Switzerland: COPE Holdings (XTERA DAX | NASDAQ) Zuggero, CEO | lent ICV, llc (Integrated Concepts Vehicles, llc, Flipboard.com/@ICV_llc, the first $137,000 after I had lent the corporation $60,000. MOTORIOUS MONEY GRID: says $100,000.00 loan am was made by Phil Munger on November 1, 1999. If that had been the case, why were none of the vendors at the show paid, and why did I receive a phone message on December 31, 1999 from Philip Munger: [email protected], the DAY AFTER I received a message from Wayne Irving of Spin Records that he had secured $25 Million from ING Barings? My only Full Time Employee: John Goodwin, who I met at Pump No 8 at the Mobil Gas Station in Rancho Palos Verdea, took a salary of $80,000.00 + benefits + expense reimbursement, where on July 2, 1999 he secured an LOI with the Make A Wish charity for a proposed October 31, 2000 Charity Rade at Texas Motor Speedway. He had 9 months to secure a deal with Ford to provide NASCAR vehicles for the event, which was supposed to commemorate 100 Years of Motorsports in America, and also commemorate both Ford and Harley Davidson’s 100th Anniversary. Moose returned saying that the sponsors (especially the protected sponsor, Coke, will not let the drivers out of their contests to drive the event) Autoweek Magazine, the same issue it quoted several drivers as wanting to participate, reported that My Apple Laptop « had ears ». Motor Trend Magazine wrote an article entitled « The Automotive Analyst », a « fictitious story about a Wall Street analyst having problems with his wife, while talking to his shrink. The concluding sentence: « Build The Car » My only contribution to Ford would have been when I called the $3 million monstrosity (Focus) built by John Colletti and Motor Trend: Ian Cartabiano has penned a sick Mis-Engined Ford Focus Rally Car, which was to have shared a platform with the Renault R5 (Nissan: where Doi had previously worked after NCIS). That, and the referral from Mark Stehrenberger to Scott Sharpe Racing, to [Ford Tuner: I ferget] , who wrote a proposal for tuning the 4.0 liter Jaguar V8 for the Motorious Show Stand, as a potential BMW M5 competitor. Of the $137,000.00 loan, $50,000 went to Mark Stehrenberger Design, who was to generate 3 proposals for the Deusenberg PHAETON: Mercedes Benz Ocean 4 door convertible concept...to. E build at the DRESDEN Factory in Germany), the other $50,000 went to Robert Marianich in Huntington Beach, who was to have converted his studio, and built a « clay resurfaced » proposal of the RIVOLUZIONW: 1999 LA Auto Show, next to Shelby Series One (I met Carroll at Jay Leno’s, where he asked me to contact his assistant, Pearlita Shelby, about helping him with production of the OLDSMOBILE AURORA Engined SERIES ONE: autopsia.wordpress.com, slated to return to INDYCAR, to replace the Honda unit, now that they created Touring Car. I wanted to get the rights to MG ROVER (BBC: BMW’s English Patient), known as Rover Sterling 825 in America (Acura Legend): ARCONA | After the misérable failure of Phoenix Holdings, which paid Queen Elizabeth the nominal sum of £10, and then before becoming the four most overpaid executives in the UK Auto Industry. I even went so far as to ask Lakshmi Mittal (Arcelor Mittal and Harris’s) if he would help me to purchase Land Rover from TATA. CAR AND DRIVER MAGAZINE (Hearst Publications: Vladimir Putin) April Fool’s | Toyota buys Oldsmobile Trademark for $5,000. FIAT acquire the right to the Oldsmobile Aurora Engine through my partnership with Carroll Shelby, Gets the Oldsmobile Dealerships (10 year warrante on the engine), Change the nage to Alfa Romeo, and modify the engine for use in US Alfa’s, like the GT-V8, Spider Véloce (Duetto V8: BMWfilms.com Béat the Devil). Unfortunately, John Goodwin went bankrupt, my ex-wife had a hidden camera in our bedroom vent (Waiting to Exhale, Bernadine’s Rage: 6624 Oceancrest Drive, RPV, CA, 90275). And all of our personal and my corporate accounts were closed on August 14, 2001, due to malfeasance on her part: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6vwNcNOTVzY [The Private Bank: Union Bank of California (Mitsubishi Sumitomo: KIRETSU): Peggy Fahnestock, Gloria Marquez: who refinanced my BMW Financial Loan from JP Morgan Chase, because it was higher interest rate than a similarly situated white nan, all other things being equal. The VENDETTA (redesigned Rivoluzione: 200 LA Auto Show, was in an accident THE FIRST DAY I DROVE IT. I didn’t even make it to the highway. There was at least $100,000? In customization (hand hammered and rolled Aluminum body parts riveted and bonded to the steel: Robin Officer, Captain Metal, Magic Mountain, CA (A Kiwi). who I believe, was interviewed on the Jay Leno show dresses in drag. By keeping all the receipts to every modification, the insurance company: GEICO, had to first restore the vehicle to its original condition, THEN, cover all the replacement customization which they did, before canceling my policy the sane day the lease on my 328i was repossed, with $5,000.00 worth of renderings and sketches by Ian Cartabiano, which actually appeared in Bimmer Magazine in 1998. My mother refuses to give me my birth certificate. Whats wrong with this picture? mo torious On Oct 14, 30 Heisei, at 2:25 AM, mo torious wrote: David Ebersman, Will you be the part time CFO on my private placement? except for the fact that Angel List is formerly Google, and I found it impossible to do due diligence on who people claimed to be. since I came from Wall Street, and have helped raise over $500 Million for companies during my career, even though it is many years later, I still know many of the same people. The first person who made a referral for me, was Paul Howard of HQH: Hambrecht & Quist Healthcare, in NYC, when he introduced me to his MIT Sloan School Claasmate, Douglas A Doi (founder of Doi Golf). I see his name on many research publication footnotes, such as the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE ARTICLE: The Beginning is the End of AIDS. The second referral came from Barney Hallibgby, who introduced me to Doug Casey at Gates Capital at 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY, who floats Government Bonds and Municipal Bonds for manufacturing, such as at the March Global Port, which was a former military base turned into a commercial port. As part of the 3Q/2001 earnings report, as quoted in the Wall Street Journal, William Clay Ford, III made two announcements: 1. We are no longer pursuing our aftermarket strategy. (usurped and mismanaged by Jacques Naaser) 2 We can no longer afford to spend 11.1% of sales, on Marketing/Advertising. Bad news for Ogilvy/Mather. Possible 11.1% increase in margins. William Clay Ford: Uber is losing hundreds of millions to billions every year. If All the risks are borne by the driver, why can’t they turn a profit? The following article on the same page of the WSJ, was that The Blackstone Group « was looking for its next big deal ». Instinct tells me to defer from inviting them, or Goldman Sachs or any of its clients (like Facebook and Twitter) to participate in this private placement. http://fortune.com/2012/02/01/meet-the-man-behind-the-facebook-ipo/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B5gQoZEZn04 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O8PM_EybRdo https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/07/01/facebook-not-feeling-friendly-with-nasdaq/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericsavitz/2012/09/04/facebook-sets-another-new-low-nyt-rips-cfo-ebersman/ mo torious On Oct 13, 30 Heisei, at 10:56 PM, mo torious wrote: M_DriversLicense (@onyx_project) 2/6/28 H, 12:51 PM i-am-motorious.tumblr.com/post/129742049… ⁦‪@AngelList‬⁩ ⁦‪@UBSf1‬⁩ ⁦‪@UBS‬⁩ frontinalispartners.com ⁦‪@Ford‬⁩ @LapoElkann_LE ⁦‪@Zurich‬⁩ ⁦‪@CreditSuisse‬⁩ pic.twitter.com/2pZqP9LAin
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phgq · 4 years
Fight vs. Covid-19 takes center stage in Duterte's 4th year
#PHnews: Fight vs. Covid-19 takes center stage in Duterte's 4th year
MANILA – Just like other governments in the world grappling with the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, the Duterte administration’s fight against the deadly virus got off to a rough start but started showing improvements after recalibrating its strategy by balancing the effective control of the disease, as well as the socioeconomic costs.
Malacañang has released at least 33 coronavirus-related issuances, including Proclamation 922, which President Rodrigo Duterte signed on March 8 to declare a State of Public Health Emergency to mobilize government and non-government agencies to respond to the impending health crisis.
"The declaration of a State of Public Health Emergency would capacitate government agencies and (local government units) to immediately act to prevent loss of life, utilize appropriate resources to implement urgent and critical measures to contain or prevent the spread of Covid-19, mitigate its effects and impact to the community, and prevent serious disruption of the functioning of the government and the community," the proclamation read.
On March 16, Duterte placed the entire Luzon under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) until April 12.
On the same day, he signed Proclamation 929 declaring a state of calamity throughout the country after health authorities confirmed that community-based transmission of Covid-19 has already occurred.
"Such declaration will, among others, afford the national government, as well as LGUs ample latitude to utilize appropriate funds, including the Quick Response Fund, in their disaster preparedness and response efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19 and to continue to provide basic services to the affected population,” it read.
Duterte’s efforts in leading the fight against Covid-19 earned him a 91 percent performance and trust rating in a survey conducted by Pulse Asia from September 14 to 20.
Only 5 percent disapproved of Duterte’s performance while 5 percent were undecided.
As for trust, 6 percent were undecided while 3 percent had small or no trust.
In another Pulse Asia survey conducted on the same dates, 84 percent of Filipinos were said to have a "positive opinion" on the efforts of Duterte and his government to control the spread of Covid-19 and provide assistance to those who lost their livelihood due to the pandemic.
Only 6 percent registered disapproval of the government’s response, while 10 percent expressed ambivalence.
Meanwhile, only 7 percent expressed disapproval in providing assistance, while 9 percent registered ambivalence.
Bayanihan laws
To mitigate the impact of the pandemic, Duterte signed Republic Act (RA) 11469, also known as the Bayanihan to Heal As One Act of 2020 (Bayanihan 1), a day after Congress passed the bill on March 24.
Under the law, Duterte, for a limited time, was given special powers, including reallocation of government funds to address the prevailing health crisis.
With the law in effect, the government was given the authority to expedite and streamline the accreditation of testing kits to facilitate prompt testing and immediate isolation and treatment of patients.
Health care workers, considered as among the front-liners in the fight against Covid-19, had to be provided with Covid-19 special risk allowances in addition to their hazard pay.
Their Covid-19-related medical expenses were also shouldered by the government.
The government was also given the authority to provide compensation of PHP100,000 to health care workers who contracted severe Covid-19 infection while in the line of duty while PHP1 million may be provided to health care workers who die while fighting the pandemic.
Banks and other financial institutions were ordered to implement grace periods for the payment of loans without incurring interests, penalties, fees, or other charges.
In September, he signed RA 11494 or the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Bayanihan 2), which extended Duterte’s special powers for handling the pandemic and provide a PHP165.5-billion fund to address the health crisis.
The largest chunk of the budget was allotted to loans for sectors hit by the pandemic, such as micro, small, and medium-scale enterprises, transport, tourism, and agriculture.
It also provided for the government's Covid-19 health-related response.
Results of a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey, conducted from September 17 to 20, found that the majority considered government actions to be adequate on three out of four areas of concern: ensuring the public has enough information on how to fight Covid-19 (71 percent), ensuring there would be extensive contact tracing (67 percent), and ensuring affordable Covid-19 testing nationwide (54 percent).
However, only 44 percent believed government actions were adequate on ensuring the provision of adequate help for people who lost their jobs/livelihood.
Cash aid
Among the most salient features of the Bayanihan 1 law was the allocation of PHP200 billion worth of emergency subsidies to fund the government’s Social Amelioration Program (SAP), which granted a PHP5,000 to PHP8,000 monthly cash aid to about 18 million low-income Filipino families affected by the pandemic.
Distribution of emergency subsidies under the Social Amelioration Program (File photo)
The cash aid program was said to be the “largest financial aid package ever granted to Filipino households.”
However, the SAP encountered delays in the release and distribution of funds.
Despite hiccups, 71 percent of Filipino families said they received cash aid from the government since the start of the pandemic, according to another SWS survey conducted from September 17 to 20.
Besides the SAP, the government also had other cash aid programs for the most vulnerable sectors affected by the lockdown, such as the Abot Kamay ang Pagtulong (AKAP), Tulong Panghanap-buhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers (TUPAD), and the Covid-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP).
Duterte threatened to detain politicians who would engage in corruption amid the prevailing health crisis, saying that the public should never be deceived, especially in these trying times.
On November 10, he offered a cash prize worth PHP50,000 to PHP100,000 to anyone who could report dishonest government officials and their corruption activities. 
Test, Trace, Treat
In April, the government started its mass testing initiatives following the accreditation of several hospitals for Covid-19 testing.
The government had also started purchasing more rapid antibody test kits, aiming to test 1.5 percent to 2 percent of the country’s 110 million population to get a clear picture of Covid-19 infections in the Philippines.
On May 6, Duterte inked Executive Order (EO) 114 institutionalizing the “Balik Probinsya, Bagong Pag-Asa” program designed to help low-income families in Metro Manila resettle in their home provinces by assisting their transition with support and incentives on transportation, subsistence, and education, among others.
“Balik Probinsya” was temporarily suspended to prioritize the short-term “Hatid Probinsya” or the provision of transportation assistance to locally stranded individuals and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) stranded in Manila due to travel restrictions imposed under community quarantine.
To ensure the health and safety of students, the President on July 17 signed RA 11480, which reschedules the start of the school year in case of a state of emergency or state of calamity.
The opening of classes for School Year 2020-2021 kicked off on October 5.
He also stood by his decision not to allow face-to-face (F2F) classes until a vaccine for Covid-19 is available in the country.
Although he initially approved pilot F2F classes in areas with low risk of Covid-19 on December 14, he withdrew this plan a week after a new strain of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, emerged in the UK.
In his fifth and penultimate State of the Nation Address on July 27, Duterte admitted that there were “lessons to be learned” from the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The gains we achieved in the first three-and-a-half years were put to a test when the pandemic suddenly struck the global community. While I am aware that the road towards a comfortable life for all would be far easy if pandemic had not occurred and along the rest of the world we suffered,” he said.
However, Duterte said the country was able to withstand the challenges brought about by the health crisis.
He also vowed to facilitate the country’s economic recovery.
“The global scale and socio-economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been unprecedented. Yet in the throes of this global health emergency, we have been able to withstand the headwinds generated by this coronavirus,” Duterte added.
In August, the One Hospital Command system was launched to improve the referral system and interoperability of public and private health care facilities treating patients with Covid-19.
In the same month, Duterte said he would volunteer to be among the first to be inoculated with the Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Russia, Sputnik V, to show “great trust”.
Malacañang, however, said the President would first have to receive approval from the Presidential Security Group (PSG) before he is permitted to push through.
Also in August, he formed a task force headed by the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corruption in the state-run Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) amid the pandemic.
He also ordered the implementation of a reshuffle within the state insurance firm following the appointment of new PhilHealth chief Dante Gierran.
Equal access to vaccines
On September 23, Duterte, for the first time, participated in the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, where he stressed the importance of ensuring universal access to anti-Covid-19 technologies and products, including a safe and effective vaccine.
“When the world finds that vaccine, access to it must not be denied nor withheld. It should be made available to all, rich and poor nations alike, as a matter of policy. The Philippines joins our partners in the Asean and the Non-Aligned Movement in raising our collective voice: the Covid-19 vaccine must be considered a global public good. Let us be clear on this,” he said.
Duterte talks to the people to give updates on the government’s response to Covid-19. (Presidential photo)
Duterte reiterated his call for equal access to vaccines in his speech during the 37th Asean Summit on November 12, adding that the immediate priority right now should be “health security.”
“We must work together to ensure that all nations – rich or poor – will have access to safe vaccines. No one is safe until all of us are safe,” he said.
On October 27, Duterte said he favored a government-to-government transaction in the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines, saying it would prevent the risk of corruption.
In November, Duterte signed EO 118 placing a price cap on reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing and test kits for Covid-19.
In signing the EO, the President recognized the priority of the state to ensure that the general public, especially those from low- and middle-income households, have “equitable access” to quality and affordable health care services, such as Covid-19 tests.
Although initially against the payment of reservation fees, Duterte on November 19 approved the recommendation to make advance payments to suppliers of potential Covid-19 vaccines.
He agreed to enter into advance market commitments (AMCs) to avoid being among the last countries to acquire a vaccine.
He approved the recommendation a day after he noted that the government must get the "best bargain" for the country's supply of Covid-19 vaccines once available.
On December 1, Duterte, through EO 121, granted authority to the Food and Drug Administration to issue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Covid-19 drugs and vaccines subject to several conditions.
The EUA is expected to speed up the processing time for approval of potential vaccines from six months to 21 to 28 days.
Currently, the government is negotiating with several pharmaceutical companies for the procurement of Covid-19 vaccines – Pfizer Inc., Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax Inc, Sinovac, and Sputnik V.
Every Monday night, Duterte presides over a meeting with the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) core members before his talk to the people to give the public updates on the government’s fight against the pandemic.
In several speeches, he assured the public that the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines for Filipinos would be free from corruption.
The poorest of the poor, the elderly, uniformed personnel, health care workers, and those with comorbidities will be prioritized in the government’s immunization drive.
As Covid-19 vaccines remain unavailable, Duterte has repeatedly reminded the public to strictly observe health and safety protocols, particularly the wearing of face masks and face shields, washing of hands, and physical distancing.
He cut short his Christmas vacation to meet with government officials on the new strain of SARS-COV-2 found in the UK on December 26.
During the meeting, he suggested the creation of a new task force that would focus on the new strain.
Duterte later approved a recommendation to temporarily ban “all foreign travelers” from the UK and 19 other countries from entering the Philippines until Jan. 15, 2021.
On December 28, he signed the PHP4.5 trillion national budget for 2021 that includes funds allotted to boost government efforts to respond to the pandemic and provide critical measures to aid the economic and social sectors.
As of December 29, local health authorities reported a total of 439,016 recoveries and 23,348 active Covid-19 cases.
The virus has so far claimed 9,162 lives in the country. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Fight vs. Covid-19 takes center stage in Duterte's 4th year." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1125952 (accessed December 30, 2020 at 11:41PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Fight vs. Covid-19 takes center stage in Duterte's 4th year." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1125952 (archived).
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zestnzinglife · 4 years
Noteworthy progress of blockchain games in March: Enjin, Decentraland, The Sandbox, etc.
Enjin Ecological several games released public beta, Somium Space VR and The Sandbox held a property auction. Original title: "First Class Regular Report: Summary of Main Games Progress in March"
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The field of blockchain games continues to build up. Although the amount of gaming blockchain games nevertheless ranks first, the general tendency has exceeded. The overall game industry provides brand-new pursuits and styles. Projects and gamers increasingly worth the playability and Sustainable development of the blockchain industry. The auction of property and real estate in virtual reality games is definitely a spot in blockchain games, and your competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In March, several virtual reality games began the Nth circular of property auctions to share the remaining cakes. For information, please start to see the breakdown below. Project progress is normally sorted in order of rank, and the rank is based on information from the Coinmarketcap web site as of March 31, 2020. Enjin Coin (ENJ), #733 Monthly progress Enjin multiverse solitary player science fiction adventure game "Age of Corrosion" will undoubtedly be released in beta this month; "Hunters of Rio" has started public beta; "9 Lifestyles Arena" upgrade 0.4 Version and integrated Enjin wallet; "Dissolution Sport" has been released on Steam, but only supports single participant mode. Enjin Platform users used 300,000 ENJs to forge an NFT on March 9th. The NFT may be used to buy tickets to Mars on SpaceX.
Views In February, Enjin Platform went go on the mainnet, and folks can build NFTs or projects. Since forged NFTs could be reduced to ENJ tokens, lots of people start to use ENJ tokens to forge NFTs for enjoyment purposes. Before, someone forged an NFT called "Being a King is an excellent Issue", costing 1,155,777.1 ENJs. With the start of Enjin Platform, the development of NFTs is becoming more diverse. Both games "Age of Rust" and "Dissolution Game" provide various scenarios to enrich an individual experience and fulfill the tastes of various players. They're both popular games in the Enjin ecosystem. The popularity of "9 Lifestyles Arena" is also rated in the forefront of blockchain games. The integration of Enjin wallet makes it easier for users to enter the game. If these games can bring in a lot of new users, as the game property in the Enjin multiverse have got cross-game attributes, some other games in the ecosystem may also benefit from this network effect and get fresh blood. In April, it is prepared that the Enjin team will continue its development work. The main contents consist of upgrading the Enjin wallet and updating the Godot SDK and Java SDK. "Dissolution Game" continues to be quite a distance from the conceived MMO setting. The game group will continue to develop the game, fix bugs, and improve the user experience. Other games in the multiverse ecosystem will still be developed. Decentraland (MANA), #1013 Progress in month Since Decentraland has been opened on February 20th, many reviewers said that the project was tough and there have been many bugs, that was definately not the vision. As often, the official continues to be doing development function within an orderly manner, adding a search function in the market. The community is also actively building, which includes DCL Plazas hosting an art festival, Decentral Games creating a chess picture, and hosting competitions. The areas in the digital world are steadily opening up. The ecological surrounding project Chain Breakers has undergone major changes, that is one of the largest game projects in the Decentraland ecosystem. The overall game faced financing issues and development bottlenecks at the same time, and finally made a decision to auction the game copyright on March 30.
I think the group spent considerable time refactoring the SDK in the first three years of development. Although there are delivery tasks, several basic functions aren't yet perfect. Currently, it can only end up being browsed through the net, and the loading period is lengthy. The state roadmap jobs are too detailed and there is no clear delivery period. It is expected that it will require quite a long time to full the basic functions. Based on the DCL blogger, Decentraland is currently creating a standalone desktop computer client. For games like Decentraland that are less aggressive and tend to be casual, mobile is even more needed. Because the mobile terminal allows gamers to utilize fragmented time, boost online length, broaden the viewers, and attract lighting users. Team development content must be more in line with market needs. In addition, several users stopped accessing the game following the event day, and the number of every day active users fell to about 10% of the open event. This implies that DCL isn't enough to depend on the community to build an interior ecosystem. The stagnant development of the game Chain Breakers furthermore demands DCL to get new ways to enrich the ecology. Based on the program code submission plan within April, the team's recent function targets improving Decentraland Explorer. Based on the roadmap, the functions that require to be delivered in the near future consist of: redesigning the official website; using various colors to tag the brands of others; including street names; improving the map to a navigational map; using the map for location move; the builder can team and operate components. Somium Space VR (CUBE), #Zero ranking in March. Improvement in March Somium Space released Somium 2.0 on February 20th, and began the second property auction on March 19th, making use of Dutch auctions, auctioning 25 weekly Lots, the auction lasts 10 weeks, a total of 250 a lot. The common price of property auctioned in the first week was 4.4 ETH. Somium Space's scalability solution originally used Loom's side chain technology, however now it has switched to Matic technology. First Class Encyclopedia: Dutch auction, also called "reduced price auction", is really a special kind of auction. The bidding price of the auction focus on decreases from high to low before first bidder responds. If the first person hasn't completed bidding all the objects, the remaining objects will still be auctioned at a lower life expectancy price until all the objects are sold. Ultimately, all the targets are sold at the cheapest price.
Watch Somium Space's general progress is slow. The overall game calls for the realization of a 3D digital globe as its vision, and uses "cultural platforms" and VR as its primary selling points. Nevertheless, a lot of people currently don't have VR devices, and the game experience cannot be when compared to same kind of centralized games. Therefore, both of these selling points are hard to attract a lot of new users and investors. Aside from the property auction planned in April, the group hasn't announced other programs yet. The Sandbox (SAND, not yet released) March progress. The Sandbox completed the next round of property auctions in February, and made a decision to start the 3rd round of property auctions on March 31, selling 12,384 plots at a 20% low cost. Including 2,538 plots of 1x1 plots, 750 plots of 3x3 plots, 50 plots of 6x6 plots, 5 plots of 12x12 plots, and 1 plot of 24x24 plots. The image below exhibits the partners presently known to participate in the 3rd round of property auctions:
The state VoxEdit Beta version of the editor premiered in February, and a VoxEdit creation contest was held in March. The development content could be changed into ERC-1155 NFT for trading.
In terms of development, five brand-new features this month include: adding coordinates to the land; modifying the logo and title of the real estate; recommending brand-new users through personal links to get certain benefits; adding a profile information column; including a Search engines 3D NFT viewer. In terms of operations, The Sandbox has established a cooperative relationship with the role-playing online game Crypto Sword & Magic and the card online game Neon District, and announced the cooperation with the Ethereum layer-2 expansion solution Matic Network (MATIC) to improve the user's trading experience. The Sandbox furthermore cooperates with the South Korean multi-channel online enjoyment company Sandbox Network, which has the right to create content linked to The Sandbox game. In terms of style, The Sandbox is most like the centralized online game "Minecraft". Since February, it provides cooperated with an increase of than 10 blockchain games. The majority of the integrated games are aggressive, with high confrontation, competitors and high operability, allowing gamers to enter a higher level of flow expertise, which is even more conducive to The Sandbox overcoming common sandbox games that are highly dependent on user creation Pain points of power. In April, the planning team will auction the land as prepared, and much more organizations are expected to join. In the roadmap, the target for the first quarter is: Visual scripting tool Game Maker releases a Beta version to aid editing property. The target for the next quarter would be to release the official version. The visual scripting tool Sport Maker is currently in the Alpha preliminary version, and the group will continue to develop it. Cryptovoxels (zero token) March progress. This month, Cryptovoxels submitted the program code for iOS 1.0 to the App Store. If approved, it is possible to download the iOS version through TestFlight. Apple mobile phone users can access through the mobile terminal. The overall game furthermore released a fresh HTML editing interface, users can more easily build scenes. In addition, developers are trying to integrate PICO-8 games. Recently, the project party auctioned a batch of property. A total of 2,795 plots have been opened.
The opinion is that Cryptovoxels, that is also a virtual reality game, has now implemented basic functions such as for example location transmission and voice chat. In terms of loading speed, the first level of virtual actuality games, Cryptovoxels will take less time and energy to load scenes than Decentraland, and you can enter the digital globe in a few seconds. In recent months, Cryptovoxels land prices have got doubled, and property transactions in recent weeks have also surpassed Decentraland, but there's still a huge gap between the total number of users and active users of the previous and the latter. Generally, the leading position of DCL in digital reality cannot be surpassed in a short time. It is worthy of mentioning that the auction price of Cryptovoxels property is appropriately increased according to the user increment, and Dutch auction is adopted. The benefit of this is that possible users will not be deterred by the high land price, and the first stage is even more friendly to users who desire to become landlords. It is planned in April that project will undoubtedly be mainly produced by the founder by yourself. Based on the news released, the primary tasks in the near future include: if there are more than 100 online users at the same time, even more servers will undoubtedly be began; solving the issue of proxy WebSocket connection interruption. Summary Whether centralized or decentralized, the basic attractiveness of the game is normally: fun. For digital reality games, it isn't more than enough to attract investors to buy property. Improving the game's playability and attracting genuine gamers is the long-phrase survival. In addition, in the field of blockchain games, the top effect nevertheless applies. Even though amount of virtual actuality games is massive, how big is the cake is bound. The first few items attract most users and sources, and only the very best products will undoubtedly be still left. Next, may enter the stage of fierce competitors between virtual actuality games.
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Funnelify Review And Large Bonus
Funnelify Review
Hi, today I am going to share with you new software called Funnelify, which Andrew Darius et al have been servicing for the past 16 months.
Funnelify is a brand-new, first of its kind, groundbreaking app, which ultimately lets you deliver independently auto-generated mobile web pages with unheard before lighting rate. Plus it escalates your desktop web pages speed also.
Funnelify allows you develop associate funnels, sales funnels & website by just swiping done-for-you templates, and also breaking them right into area.
It also lets you get free website traffic to your web pages in several means.
The Complete Overview to a Mobile Friendly Web Site (Component 4)
8. Remove pop-ups
Do away with pop-ups on your mobile website. Essentially, people don't such as pop-ups as Funnelify is. They are aggravating and impede the customer experience.
The issue with pop-ups on smart phones is they come to be much more of a problem since they are so difficult to shut.
Remember that individuals utilize their thumbs to touch on small screens. The tiny "X" switch to shut a pop-up will be so little on a mobile phone that users won't be able to shut the window.
They may even unintentionally click on the ad while trying to shut it. They'll obtain brought to a brand-new touchdown page, which will destroy their experience.
Often customers will certainly try to zoom in on the close switch to make it less complicated to touch, but after that the measurements of the screen obtain screwed up also.
It's ideal to remove these pop-ups completely. Develop various other means to advertise whatever your pop-up is advertising and marketing.
If you do choose to maintain a popup on your mobile site after that make sure to do a lot of screening.
I've definitely try out making use of pop-ups to gather email addresses on my sites, as well as you should attempt them on yours also.
Nevertheless, you need to be extremely careful.
Lots of inexpensive pop-up tools and also plugins look penalty on desktop displays but totally mess up the individual experience on smart phones.
They're often difficult to shut, as well as in some cases you can not also shut them.
Not remarkably, they trigger site visitors to immediately shut the window.
Apart from simply eliminating the popup on mobile (which is what I still recommend) there are 2 various other solutions to a pop-up problem on mobile devices:
Service # 1-- Simplify them: One service is to make your types as straightforward as feasible to fill out (reduce the number of fields) as well as make them simple to shut.
This is most likely the most awful solution, but it's still better than sticking with whatever default pop-up you're currently serving.
Service # 2-- Only use pop-ups when a site visitor clicks: This is an additional wonderful choice.
If you have actually read about web content upgrades, you might have already seen Funnelify in action.
The idea right here is that you don't make use of pop-ups that come up after a visitor invests a certain quantity of time on your web pages.
Instead, you offer them some sort of lead magnet and tell them to click a link to get it. After that, the pop-up will turn up and also ask for their information.
People are much more receptive to pop-ups in this circumstance since they're the ones that asked for it.
9. Avoid huge blocks of text
Reduce the quantity of text on the screen of your mobile web site. Undoubtedly, you'll require to use some words to interact with your site visitors, but maintain sentences and also paragraphs as short as feasible.
Huge blocks of message are frustrating and difficult to read. Keep in mind, if a paragraph is two lines long on your desktop computer website, it may be 6 lines long on a mobile phone.
Have a look at how typography affects conversions:
Keep these three elements in mind whenever you're including text to your mobile site.
Can the site visitor understand your message? Where is their point of emphasis? What is the visual pecking order?
Getting rid of large blocks of text makes this feasible.
10. Select the best font
Allow's proceed speaking about the message on your mobile site. Choosing the appropriate typeface is an important layout concept too.
Fonts require to be clear and also simple to read. Yet you can additionally make use of typefaces to set 2 lines of text apart.
You don't desire the message of one line to face the text of an additional.
For example, you might utilize all capital letters and also strong font for the heading of an area. Then utilize normal capitalization policies and also non-bold typeface for the line underneath to show a clear splitting up.
You have actually obtained a tiny area to collaborate with, so you can not count on a page break or picture every single time you wish to divide message.
11. Focus on speed
Regardless of what modifications you implement on Funnelify, you require to keep its rate in mind.
Research reveals that 53% of people will desert a mobile site that takes greater than 3 seconds to tons. Have a look at how these bounce rates increase with increasing web page filling times:
The very best means to keep your web page packing time as reduced as feasible is by simplifying your design.
Luckily, if you follow all the various other principles I have actually detailed so far, this should not be an issue.
Remove unneeded hefty photos and also flashing lights. Easy sites pack faster and also have greater conversion prices.
Follow these leading mobile layout concepts to make best use of web traffic and conversions on your mobile website.
Funnelify Evaluation & Introduction
Creator: Andrew Darius et alia
Product: Funnelify
Date Of Introduce: 2020-Feb-03
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EST
FE Cost: $37-$67
Sales Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/funnelify-review/
Niche: Software application
Funnelify Evaluation - Quality & Advantages
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Funnelify instantly produces different mobile web pages with lowered size of photos to attain exceptionally quick packing rate for viewers on phones.
It allows even total novices create expert associate funnels, sales funnels & websites in no time.
When the funnel is established the proper way it can drive web traffic, leads, commissions & sales hands cost-free and on total autopilot.
What makes Funnelify even better is that it allows you use numerous resources of traffic at the same time.
You get 220 DFY Made Mini-Template Blocks As Well As 50 Full Page Themes which let you make all kinds of web pages by just swipe & snap.
Makes Pages That Can Be Cached Totally
Funnelify empowers you to do all that task automatically with a solitary click.
Funnelify modifications all that by producing web pages the means they can be cached entirely.
This change lowers the packing rate significantly, and also it happens in addition to ultra optimized mobile pages with smaller sized dimension of images.
Makes Mobile Pages Dimension Even 9 Times Smaller Sized
Funnelify cutting side proprietary MPO technology not just automatically duplicates, enhances & offers the special mobile-only web pages, yet in addition to all that it instantly reduces the dimension of all images which can make mobile web page size even 9 times smaller sized.
Supplies Your Pages Near Viewers in 90 countries
Funnelify combined with CloudFlare makes your web pages much faster & more trustworthy than ever, plus it allows you react with self-confidence to website traffic spikes and makes your clients thanks with their budgets.
With Funnelify you can make web pages and also entire funnels by just swiping DFY mini-templates blocks, activity elements, as well as snapping them right into location.
Multiply Your Leads, Compensations And Sales With Proprietary MPO Technology
Funnelify is developed to aid you increase your leads, commissions & sales with exclusive MPO innovation, as well as DFY touchdown pages, affiliate web pages, sales funnels, and also extra.
With Funnelify you can finally bid farewell to Wordpress and all its safety and security issues, complicated styles, slow & clunky plugins, which so typically conflict with one another.
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Not just are you getting access to Funnelify for the best price ever before supplied, however likewise You're investing entirely without threat. Funnelify consists of a 30-day Refund Warranty Policy. When you select Funnelify, your complete satisfaction is assured. If you are not totally satisfied with it for any type of factor within the very first thirty day, you're entitled to a full refund-- no doubt asked. You have actually got nothing to shed! What Are You Waiting on? Try It today and obtain The Following Incentive Currently!
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josephlrushing · 4 years
Xiaomi Impresses with Their Latest Launch
Xiaomi may not be the first brand that people in the US think of for smartphones, but they are ranked at #4 worldwide behind Samsung, Huawei, and Apple. Their smartphones have garnered praise from stateside reviewers for having excellent cameras, best-in-class features, and, most importantly, affordability. But Xiaomi makes more than just smartphones; they also sell home, health, and lifestyle products that include routers, fitness bands, LED desk lamps, air purifiers, and electric scooters, to name just a few.
This morning, Xiaomi hosted a virtual Ecosystem Product Launch event. The event kicked off with Shou Zi Chew, President of International at Xiaomi, on stage with a nod to the upheaval and uncertainty in these trying times. “We’re in this with you” was on the screen behind him. He said that since February, Xiaomi had sent aid to over 37 countries, and they have donated around 2.5 million masks, gloves, ventilators, and other emergency medical supplies. He implored us all to “do our part to look out for one another.” It was one of the most concise yet compassionate mentions I’ve yet seen in a product launch since the pandemic hit, and yet I was still bracing myself to hear prices that wouldn’t reflect his attitude. I must have forgotten for a moment that this was a Xiaomi event; they are a company known for their fair prices. But I digress! Let’s take a moment to look at the new products Xiaomi is launching, in this, their tenth anniversary year.
Mi Smart Band 5
The Mi Smart Band 5 has is revamped with a large, 1.1″ high-resolution AMOLED display
If you are one of the (many) people who feel like a workout doesn’t count if you haven’t tracked it, you’ll appreciate the Mi Smart Band 5 for its sleek styling and bright (450 nits) display that makes it visible even in direct sunlight. Available in black, orange, navy blue, yellow, teal, and mint green, the Mi Smart Band 5 can be personalized with over 65 different theme options through the Mi Fit app available on iOS and Android. Handling even more activities than its predecessor, the Smart Band 5 supports tracking your progress for 11 exercise types, including walking, running, yoga, jump rope, elliptical, and more. The Smart Band 5 also features easy to understand metrics from its Personal Activity Intelligence module. The Smart Band 5 offers 24/7 heart rate monitoring as well as upgraded sleep tracking; it also has an all-new stress detection with a breathing exercise function. Women can even use it to track their menstrual cycles. The Mi Smart Band 5 is rated for 5 ATMs so that it can be worn during swimming, snorkeling, and of course, showering. It comes with an easy to use magnetic charger, and it can get up to 14 days of battery life from a single charge. The Mi Smart Band 5 will start at €39.99; they will also have an early bird price starting from €44.99. The early bird offer is limited by time and quantity and will vary by region.
Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic
The Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic offer crystal clear calls with dual-mic environmental noise cancellation. A 1.5-hour charge results in 5 hours of battery life from the earphones, but you can quadruple their time to up to 20 hours by recharging them in their case. Each earphone can auto-pair and auto-connect with a compatible Mi phone separately for single-ear listening, and their double-tap feature enables play, pause, phone call pick-up, and voice control access. The earphones have in-ear detection, so if you remove one, your audio will automatically pause. The Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic support Bluetooth 5.0 and SBC/AAC codecs, and they’ll be great on the go or while in a Zoom call on your computer. The Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 Basic feature reliable quality, advanced technology, and leading battery life. Most importantly, they are easy to use, and they charge via USB Type-C, so there’s no need to carry a lone microUSB cable. They will sell for a starting price of €39.99, with an early bird starting price of €29.99. The early bird offer is limited by time and quantity and will vary by region.
Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2
If I lived in the city, I doubt I would own a car — but I would want an electric scooter. Not only are they fun to ride, but they can also be quite affordable and inexpensive to maintain and charge. Xiaomi is the number one scooter brand in the world, and  Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 has a maximum speed of 15.5 mph, and a range of up to 28 miles — perfect for zipping around the city for quick appointments or light errands on its pneumatic tires. The Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 has a 300W brushless motor that can handle 20% incline hills, and its dual braking system includes a mechanical disc brake and an eABS regenerative anti-lock brake. Front, rear, and side reflectors help others see you; there is a brake light on the back, and there is an upgraded 2W headlamp that can illuminate your way forward up to 33′ ahead for nighttime riding, and there is a built-in display for ride information on the go. The foldable scooter weighs a smidge over 31 pounds, so it is easily portable when you reach your destination — or have to deal with a random set of stairs. Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 starts at €499.
If you want an even less expensive scooter that is great for commuting, with a maximum speed of 15.5mph, a range of up to 18.6 miles, and that can handle 14% incline hills, there will be a Mi Electric Scooter 1S. It will have a 250W electric motor and the safety features mentioned for the Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2. It will start at €399.
And there was ‘one more thing’! Xiaomi has partnered with AMG Petronas Formula One Team to create the MI Electric Scooter Pro 2 Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team Edition. All we got to see was this teaser photo, but hopefully, we’ll have more info on its release soon.
Mi TV Stick
Not everyone has a Smart TV, but the Mi TV Stick can transform just about any screen (or older TV with a USB port) into just that. The Mi TV Stick comes with a Bluetooth remote with dedicated buttons for swift access to Google Assistant, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video. You can also download other popular channels and apps through Google Play. The Mi TV Stick has the latest version of Chromecast embedded, so you can also cast any content from your mobile directly to the TV wirelessly. You’ll get the benefit of Dolby Audio and DTS at 1080p for streamed content, and the Mi TV Stick gas 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage to keep your show playing without interruptions when your internet hiccups. The Mi TV Stick will start at €39.99.
34″ Mi Curved Gaming Monitor 
If your 20″ display is no longer cutting it, you might want to check out the 34″ Mi Curved Gaming Monitor. Sure, the high-resolution WQHD (3440×1440 pixel) screen is perfect for gaming with its 144Hz refresh rate, vivid 121% sRGB wide color gamut, and 1500R curvature for maximum immersion. But it will also handily display your photos, videos, open windows, and spreadsheets. You’ll be able to tackle work and play with ease! The 34″ Mi Curved Gaming Monitor will start at €399.
But that wasn’t all. Xiaomi’s ‘one last thing’ was the introduction of three entry-level phones with “more.”
The Redmi 9 will feature a 6.53″ FDH+ display, Corning Gorilla Glass, Android 10, dark mode, Reading Mode 2.0, a non-slip ripple texture, and a splash-proof design. It will have a 5020mAh battery, a MediaTek Helio G80 processor, up to 4GB of LPDDRX4 RAM, 18W USBType-C fast-charging, and a Dual SIM +microSD slot for up to 512GB storage. As for cameras, the Redmi 9 will have four rear cameras, including an 8-megapixel 118º ultra-wide-angle camera, a 13-megapixel primary camera, a 2-megapixel depth sensor, and a 5-megapixel macro camera. It will also feature a 3.5mm headphone jack, a 1217 ultra-linear speaker, Bluetooth 5.0, a wireless FM radio, an IR blaster, and NFC. Xiaomi says that Redmi 9 is “definitely the entry-level’s fastest and most powerful smartphone.” The 3GB RAM with 32 GB user memory version will sell for €149, and the 4GB RAM with 64GB user memory version will sell for €169.
The Redmi 9C has a 6.53″ dot drop display, a 5,000mAh battery that has been enhanced for a longer lifespan, a gaming-ready Helios G35 processor, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and an AI triple camera array with a 13-megapixel primary camera, a 2-megapixel depth sensor, and a 2-megapixel macro camera. The Redmi 9C will start at €119 for the 2GB RAM with 32GB user memory version, and it will be €139 for the 3GB RAM with 64GB user memory version. It will be available late this month.
The Redmi 9A Is described as a “highly reliable device that won’t let you down.” It will feature a 6.53″ dot drop display, a 5,000mAh battery that has been enhanced for a longer lifespan, a Helios G25 processor, a 3.5mm headphone jack, expandable storage up to 512GB, and a 13-megapixel AI camera. The Redmi 9A will start at €99 for the 2GB RAM with 32GB user memory.
You can watch the entire Xiaomi Ecosystem Product Launch event here; when you’re done, you can learn more about Xiaomi and all of their products by clicking here.
In case you didn’t catch it, this was the statement at the end of the video — complete with sweeping music and soaring vocals:
Smart technology doesn’t have to cost a fortune. At Xiaomi, we make amazing products at honest prices, and we’re the 4th largest smartphone brand in the world. Affordable prices certainly doesn’t mean low-quality. We only use world-class components from the industry’s best, and we’ve won countless design and innovation awards. We believe in efficiency, honesty, and transparency. We have pledged to keep pit hardware net profit under 5% because our vision is to provide innovation for everyone. Since our founding in 2010, we have won the trust of more than 200 million users in 80m markets around the world. Our customers are the heart of everything we do. With your help, we’ll grow even better. You tell us how to improve our products, and we listen so we can create even more amazing products at even more accessible prices. Xiaomi is looking to the future, where all our products talk to each other, so your life is seamlessly connected to make life a little bit smarter and simpler.
from Joseph Rushing https://geardiary.com/2020/07/15/xiaomi-impresses-with-their-latest-launch/
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Siacoin Wallet (SIA-UI)
Sia is a decentralized software of storage, attached by the blockchain engineering. The particular Sia Storage Software (SSP) harnesses underutilized total capacity close to the world to generate a info storage space place that is certainly more reliable and lower charge in comparison with traditional cloud hard drive suppliers. Sia distributes together with codes your files all over the decentralized network exactly where you command your individual encryption secrets and can certainly own your data. Zero third party can access or perhaps control your files, not like traditional cloud storage suppliers. On average, Sia's decentralized cloud storage charges 90% a lot less than incumbent fog up storage vendors. Sia retailers and sells repetitive report segments with nodes throughout the globe, getting rid of just about any single point of failing and ensuring uptime that will rivals traditional cloud storage area providers. Sia is one of the best 45 cryptocurrencies by market increased. Sia is a project which offers the individual, decentralized and secure cloud-based storage platform published within the blockchain for a small fraction of the associated with some other favorite storage systems many of these as Dropbox, Amazon S3, and Google Drive Tanto, as a concept, was first dreamt up from HackMIT, a student-run hackathon, back in 2013 in addition to was officially unveiled around June of 2015; the idea is now backed by Boston-based firm Nebulous Inc., whose self-proclaimed mantra can be: �Re-decentralizing the Internet�. The standard idea is that instead of reserving storage via a central loan provider involving servers, as is typical with traditional cloud-based systems, peers on the Sia podium rent space by each and every some other via the �distributed cloud storage platform�. Tanto employs erasure code (distributing encrypted fragments regarding data redundantly across often the network) and persistent blockchain with tokens identified as �Siacoins� to support the network. Not like most new gold coins, Sia�s launch wasn�t forwent simply by an ICO or even pre-mining; instead, Sia begun life when its genesis block was mined. Due to prominent investors such since Procyon Ventures, Raptor Party, Fenbushi Capital, along along with angel shareholders like Xiaolai Li, often the Sia team managed to boost around $1. 25 million in funding without an ICO. Who�s Behind It? Material [Show] Sia is backed with the Nebulous advancement crew which has a new main team of five industry persons all decided to see Sia succeed. Nebulous� focus is usually trustworthy, decentralized infrastructure to aid bring forward the future plus Sia is the key project of the Nebulous team. TwitterFacebookGoogle+BufferLinkedIn Sia can be a project which offers some sort of private, decentralized and risk-free cloud-based storage platform hosted on the blockchain intended for a good fraction of the particular price of other popular storage platforms such since Dropbox, Amazon S3, plus Search engines Drive. Siacoin Wallet (SIA-UI) , because a new concept, was first dreamed way up at HackMIT, an total student-run hackathon, back in 2013 in addition to was officially launched throughout Summer of 2015; the idea is now backed by simply Boston-based agency Nebulous Inc., whose self-proclaimed mantra can be: �Re-decentralizing this Internet�. Often the basic idea is the fact as an alternative of renting hard drive through a central bank associated with servers, as is typically the norm together with traditional cloud-based platforms, peers on this Sia platform book place from each other by using its �distributed cloud storage platform�. Sia employs erasure coding (distributing encrypted pieces of data redundantly throughout often the network) and the indie blockchain with tokens referred to as �Siacoins� to help the community. Unlike best new money, Sia�s launch wasn�t forwent by the ICO or pre-mining; as an alternative, Sia started life as soon as its genesis block seemed to be mined. Due to popular investors such as Procyon Endeavors, Raptor Group, Fenbushi Money, along with angel investors like Xiaolai Li, often the Sia team managed to raise over $1. 25 mil in funding without a good ICO. Who�s Behind This? Contents [Show] Tanto is has the Nebulous development group which is made up of some sort of central team of five industry individuals almost all determined to see Sia do well. Nebulous� focus will be trustworthy, decentralized infrastructure to assist bring forward the prospect in addition to Sia is the primary project of the particular Nebulous team. 3Commas John Vorick is cofounder and CEO at Nebulous. Siacoin Wallet (SIA-UI) �s a talented programmer together with a degree in computer system science who spent a while as a program builder just before taking the reins at Nebulous where this individual is an instrumental element in the supervision of the Sia project. Todd Miltenberger, originator of Nebulous, is an National venture capitalist, entrepreneur and investment decision banker for rising expansion companies. Todd at this time assists as Associate for the particular Individual Markets Group on Stifel Nicolaus, 1 day his / her the perfect time to the group�s expenditure bank and Vectis 2 fund supervision activities. Todd founded Nebulous in last year as a new niche asking business. Lomaz Champine will be co-founder at Nebulous in which he specialises on paper software program to re-decentralize the internet. They studied Computer plus Techniques Engineering for a few many years, before him together with a friend were, in his words and phrases �bitten by the startup company bug� and gone onto cofound Nebulous. He�s formerly worked at Akamai and even Kronos, correspondingly. Other affiliates incorporate Jae Heller, who else takes care of company enhancement, and Drew Volpe, Nebulous� panel observer. Heller is a forward-thinking businessperson and marketing strategist together with a appetite to be able to disturb, develop and transform merchandise and experiences which alter companies, engage consumers, and make it possible for positive change. Siacoin Wallet (SIA-UI) is an investor, businessperson, plus technologist with a good strong background in lookup, machine learning, sensors, and even mobile technologies. Why Can this be Huge? Sia has the potential to be able to break up a multibillion buck market, namely the storage space in the world�s files inside a way that much more private, more secure, and even more charge efficient when compared to how ever before. With no need with regard to some sort of fundamental bank associated with severs on which to store information, Sia could completely revolutionise the cloud hard drive industry by utilizing blockchain engineering allowing for peer-to-peer file storage area. Just how it works is definitely hosts together with renters activate in file agreements which in turn is essentially an agreement in between the storage service provider as well as the consumer; this can take place before any storage space is provided. The purchaser pays often the Siacoins upfront to the blockchain, which acts as an escrow service, with the previous deal serving as the rules to get arbitration. If the contract is definitely attained and the storage provider submits a proof connected with safe-keeping, the storage company is definitely compensated and, in case not, often the coins are usually returned to the renter. Sia�s site expresses: �as connected with January 2016, safe-keeping is usually about $2. 25/TB/month together with 6x redundancy�, nevertheless actual prices differ a bit. Siapulse. com claims to track market rates and price conversions. The SiaExplorer from your official Sia domain likewise caters for blockchain exploration, wherever some basic metadata regarding contracts and orders can be viewed. When, in practice, Sia handles to obtain even close to help $2. 25/TB and the Nebulous team have the ability to successfully market their remedy, it could spell big problems for the likes involving Google, Amazon and Dropbox. Siacoin Funds Although Sia failed to hold an ICO, many people have crowd finance with all the sale of �Siafunds� which are a secondary cryptocurrency and pay out 3 or more. 9% of all effective storage contract payouts to the slots of this Siafunds. 10, 000 Siafunds were issued altogether, together with about 1, 000 had been sold in the crowd-sale along with the rest held by means of the progress team. That is no longer achievable to purchase Siafunds except if you receive one straight from a good support, they are sometimes offered available for sale on their subreddit or Slack trading channel. Generally there is at present no n�got budget accessible for storing the Sia Coins so a person have to download the particular Sia UI client that will synchronize the blockchain in your local machine. This took me quite a few hours to download when I first fixed that way up so turn out to be warned, maybe you have to depart your computer upon most day to get this full blockchain. You could create your budget from the app, you will get given some sort of seed which will is the directory of words and phrases � store this kind of somewhere safe as this will be just how your wallet is usually secured, you will require it if you need to reconstruct your wallet. Once you have your own personal wallet synced, you can certainly begin giving and acquiring Siacoins as well as grow to be a new host or sponsor your own files on this network. Conclusion Siacoin looks like it can be an intriguing project. Peer-to-peer storage could very well very well be this future of file safe-keeping as our respective cyber foot prints grow larger using each passing year, steadily filling up the web servers on Amazon, Google plus the like. From an spending point of view, Tanto did very well more than the last six a few months and it has proven itself for you to be a new resilient and even often high advantage. The quick glance at typically the relevant chart regarding this coin�s trajectory, plus you will get an thought of this incredible journey Sia features already been on the past a pair of years or so considering its launch. Acquiring mentioned that, one factor which often is causing the Nebulous progress team concern can be, if you can believe it, the speed from which the humble Siacoin has surged in value. The reason intended for this really is that the very concept of Tanto relies on Siacoins being used being a repayment for services given, not really, as many seem to feel, since some sort of investment decision auto. Only time may explain to whether the crew are able to efficiently stabilize this currency, so rendering that fit to get purpose which in turn could stop potential investors in this coin. Another region intended for concern is the opponents which are now entering this market, for instance Storj which just held a successful ICO where these people raised $30mm in bridal party and have joined with the extremely popular FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL program Filezilla to include his or her product instantly directly into it may be interface. This is definitely believed that the fog up storage industry could turn out to be worth $74billion simply by 2021, if Sia could go some way to capturing a part of this specific market from the set up companies such as Dropbox, Microsoft and Google subsequently it may demonstrate for you to be a very beneficial investment. Sia-UI is one particular of the greatest Siacoin wallets online to maintain your own Siacoin. It's also the sole official app made by Nebulous, the developers connected with the Sia Storage Program. This is obtainable for Macintosh Linux and Windows COMPUTER ITSELF and is one of the safe Siacoin wallets, shareholders may use. It is compatible with iOS devices plus is considered the very best Siacoin wallet IOS. You must double check the Siacoin wallet handle thoroughly in advance of sending. As of now, no additional wallets are supporting Siacoin, but as its turning into well-known, more wallets may also start out supporting that.
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Tropico 5 Wiki Every thing You Need To Learn about The Game.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire has actually been actually an outstanding excellence tale for Nintendo. PlayStation 4 users can preorder the electronic variation through exploring the item web page on the PlayStation outlet, and also you'll get a corresponding copy from The Strolling Dead: Time 2 and The Walking Dead: Michonne to trend you over till the brand new time launches! I had actually some left over and also used in instead of the chunky marinara sauce for your 'lifestyle certifying warm and comfortable nacho dip' coming from guide and this was actually an outstanding substitution! The FA Mug still provides salvation for Wenger, that won seven prizes in his first FIVE HUNDRED activities as well as none in his second half-century. Games Publisher Brett Phipps acquired the opportunity to play that just recently as well as explained that as the best-looking auto racing game he is actually ever played. If you are actually looking for the activity to exhibit Virtual Reality to your distant loved ones at a household tournament, do not excluded The Climb coming from your factors to consider. Historians examining video games as a feature of social background will not alter just how the common Call from Task player delights in the video game, and also neither must they. I consistently decide to be actually a hunter in games that offer me the possibility and this is actually every little thing I could possibly wish coming from a seeker. Concerning Blog post - Focuses on the manufacture from premium quality cotton fabrics created exclusively for making quilts, crafting as well as home stitching. And also some laid-back viewers go further, assuming that tragic institution capturings show a link between such games and also real-world hostility. When you have actually finished functioning your means via each of Lester's missions, as well as nabbed all of that beautiful lolly, you ought to have a fortune to either spend back into the stock exchange, or even use to grab every organisation and also building accessible in the video game world. Concerning Weblog - ICAP's objective is to aid artistic crafts specialists craft business excellence from their innovative passion. A lot of the video games listed here will or have actually shown up on various other platforms, but the information that Nintendo will definitely be opening its own components as much as smaller designers more than that has done in the past is actually a sturdy one. But the writers feel that computer game are actually particularly unsafe since they are actually active as well as promote role-playing. Certification Degrees 1 to 4: Acquiring these certifications takes anywhere coming from 6 months to a year. We know that game containers (GameCards) - and certainly not disks - will certainly be the form of physical media the Change will certainly use, acting like the mobile 3DS instead of high ability discs like the Wii U. This was actually meant in 2016 with a hallmark for The Legend from Zelda: Intimation of bush that featured cartridge-based video games, therefore doesn't happened as a big unpleasant surprise. If you would like to play the games as they were actually back in the day, acquire a used initial console and begin a compilation - NES, SNES, Expert Unit as well as Huge Drive must be actually accessible for around the exact same loan as these traits. I have actually been following your blog site from practically the beginning and when I got your cookbook in the email the other day I squealed! Commonly this could be 6-12 weeks due to the fact that I final conformed between when our experts send the game off when this shows up dormant (or willing for download). I could possibly read this five opportunities or a hundred opportunities or the number of additional times after that and I are going to never have the ability to bring myself to weary of this manual. In a recent campaign, as an example, SocialVibe distributed currency for Zynga's various games if users visited The Major Video game Event, which matched personalities off FarmVille, YoVille, FrontierVille as well as others in a football game sponsored by Kia. Somewhere else, the internal moment from the Switch over is actually merely 32GB which, if you are actually intending to purchase games electronically, will definitely certainly not obtain you much whatsoever. Should you liked this short article as well as you wish to obtain more info concerning try these out i implore you to go to the site. I have read your blog post for concerning 3 months right now ... unhappy certainly not to have commented. I love love affection your blog site and also I have actually been actually observing it for a long times (especially throughout your maternity with Adriana, as I was simply a couple of full weeks behind you), yet I have actually never when created everything. Below is an attribute from Ryan Esler, a freelance author which has belonged of the UK dealing with game community since the launch from Road Competitor 4 in 2009. Besides free of cost activities, EA/Origin Access members can play some video games (however certainly not all) ahead of launch; the majority of the time, clients obtain a five-day headstart. The first 7 degrees from the AQF are actually located in undergraduate research studies, level 8 is a step between postgrad as well as undergraduate research studies, and amounts 9 as well as 10 go to the postgraduate level.
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mo-torious-mo-blog · 6 years
[CHANGING MY NAME TO: Mo (first name) Torious (last name)]
i asked my parents if I could come up to westchester to have dinner with them, or to briefly stay while I looked for an apartment.
They said no. It’s funny, Dr Tabar at Belkvue Hospital (Dr Mounir, intake), told me that I should cut off my relationship with my mother. The only reason my father asked me to attend her 80th birthday party, was to keep up appearances. Before the night was over, and after my speech (unmmmzm....I got you a car), he told me in no uncertain terms that I am no longer welcome in his house. I dove get it. His brother Ladipo Fayemi is a caseworker at HRA HASA, who never once intervened for me, and who nobody in that agency thought to refer my case to. Mr. McCoy, used to make fun of the name. No matter, I no longer want to be called that.
I told them that since my father still continues to lie about not having received a copy of the doctored IRS Filings which Lucy Ostrofsky (acting in house counsel) had filed, directly ignoring my instructions, before I was forced out of the company and off the corporate bank account (it takes 3 members of management: myself, Richard McGinnis (Kurt Salmon Associates), President of Motorious Retail Stores (m&m/Mars Family: sponsor of Kyle Bush’s Toyota at NASXAR), patent holder, casino slot machine algorithms) and Philip Munger (who once, unbeknownst to me, withdrew $5,000 in cash from his personal Citibank account, and deposited it into my (the corporate) account, triggering FBI Money Laundering Red Flag: I have never even seen $5,000.00 in cash in one place in my entire life. I spent $500 to $10,000/month on my AMEX PLATINUM: and repaid it within 30 days. Beginning in 1992. Until I didn’t and went bankrupt for $60,000.
Bottom line: I don’t trust the man, and he and I no longer have a relationship. All he and my mother have done is agree with the psychiatrists who keep diagnosing me with paranoid delusions that I run a company. All this, I believe, because the only company he ever ran, ended up in trouble with the IRS. I’m beginning to be really suspect about his book selling and his AIDS Charity for orphans in Africa. Before he kicked me out of the house, he asked me if I wanted to help him with his Foundation, and I said « no » I want German citizenship.
A look at my brief work history shows I never stay in 1 place very long. What’s wrong with having wanted a change and to seek opportunities abroad?
Science Advisers, led by Norman Heyman, Jean Robert Le Shufy, and Kevin DeVito (New Capital Horizons, the US arm of New Capital AG in Switzerland: COPE Holdings (XTERA DAX | NASDAQ) Zuggero, CEO | lent ICV, llc (Integrated Concepts Vehicles, llc, Flipboard.com/@ICV_llc, the first $137,000 after I had lent the corporation $60,000.
MOTORIOUS MONEY GRID: says $100,000.00 loan am was made by Phil Munger on November 1, 1999. If that had been the case, why were none of the vendors at the show paid, and why did I receive a phone message on December 31, 1999 from Philip Munger: [email protected], the DAY AFTER I received a message from Wayne Irving of Spin Records that he had secured $25 Million from ING Barings?
My only Full Time Employee: John Goodwin, who I met at Pump No 8 at the Mobil Gas Station in Rancho Palos Verdea, took a salary of $80,000.00 + benefits + expense reimbursement, where on July 2, 1999 he secured an LOI with the Make A Wish charity for a proposed October 31, 2000 Charity Rade at Texas Motor Speedway.
He had 9 months to secure a deal with Ford to provide NASCAR vehicles for the event, which was supposed to commemorate 100 Years of Motorsports in America, and also commemorate both Ford and Harley Davidson’s 100th Anniversary. Moose returned saying that the sponsors (especially the protected sponsor, Coke, will not let the drivers out of their contests to drive the event)
Autoweek Magazine, the same issue it quoted several drivers as wanting to participate, reported that My Apple Laptop « had ears ». Motor Trend Magazine wrote an article entitled « The Automotive Analyst », a « fictitious story about a Wall Street analyst having problems with his wife, while talking to his shrink. The concluding sentence: « Build The Car »
My only contribution to Ford would have been when I called the $3 million monstrosity (Focus) built by John Colletti and Motor Trend: Ian Cartabiano has penned a sick Mis-Engined Ford Focus Rally Car, which was to have shared a platform with the Renault R5 (Nissan: where Doi had previously worked after NCIS).
That, and the referral from Mark Stehrenberger to Scott Sharpe Racing, to [Ford Tuner: I ferget] , who wrote a proposal for tuning the 4.0 liter Jaguar V8 for the Motorious Show Stand, as a potential BMW M5 competitor.
Of the $137,000.00 loan, $50,000 went to Mark Stehrenberger Design, who was to generate 3 proposals for the Deusenberg PHAETON: Mercedes Benz Ocean 4 door convertible concept...to. E build at the DRESDEN Factory in Germany), the other $50,000 went to Robert Marianich in Huntington Beach, who was to have converted his studio, and built a « clay resurfaced » proposal of the RIVOLUZIONW: 1999 LA Auto Show, next to Shelby Series One (I met Carroll at Jay Leno’s, where he asked me to contact his assistant, Pearlita Shelby, about helping him with production of the OLDSMOBILE AURORA Engined SERIES ONE: autopsia.wordpress.com, slated to return to INDYCAR, to replace the Honda unit, now that they created Touring Car.  
I wanted to get the rights to MG ROVER (BBC: BMW’s English Patient), known as Rover Sterling 825 in America (Acura Legend): ARCONA | After the misérable failure of Phoenix Holdings, which paid Queen Elizabeth the nominal sum of £10, and then before becoming the four most overpaid executives in the UK Auto Industry. I even went so far as to ask Lakshmi Mittal (Arcelor Mittal and Harris’s) if he would help me to purchase Land Rover from TATA.
CAR AND DRIVER MAGAZINE (Hearst Publications: Vladimir Putin) April Fool’s | Toyota buys Oldsmobile Trademark for $5,000.  
FIAT acquire the right to the Oldsmobile Aurora Engine through my partnership with Carroll Shelby, Gets the Oldsmobile Dealerships (10 year warrante on the engine), Change the nage to Alfa Romeo, and modify the engine for use in US Alfa’s, like the GT-V8, Spider Véloce (Duetto V8: BMWfilms.com Béat the Devil).
Unfortunately, John Goodwin went bankrupt, my ex-wife had a hidden camera in our bedroom vent (Waiting to Exhale, Bernadine’s Rage: 6624 Oceancrest Drive, RPV, CA, 90275). And all of our personal and my corporate accounts were closed on August 14, 2001, due to malfeasance on her part:
[The Private Bank: Union Bank of California (Mitsubishi Sumitomo: KIRETSU): Peggy Fahnestock, Gloria Marquez: who refinanced my BMW Financial Loan from JP Morgan Chase, because it was higher interest rate than a similarly situated white nan, all other things being equal.
The VENDETTA (redesigned Rivoluzione: 200 LA Auto Show, was in an accident THE FIRST DAY I DROVE IT. I didn’t even make it to the highway. There was at least $100,000? In customization (hand hammered and rolled Aluminum body parts riveted and bonded to the steel: Robin Officer, Captain Metal, Magic Mountain, CA (A Kiwi). who I believe, was interviewed on the Jay Leno show dresses in drag. By keeping all the receipts to every modification, the insurance company: GEICO, had to first restore the vehicle to its original condition, THEN, cover all the replacement customization which they did, before canceling my policy the sane day the lease on my 328i was repossed, with $5,000.00 worth of renderings and sketches by Ian Cartabiano, which actually appeared in Bimmer Magazine in 1998.
My mother refuses to give me my birth certificate. Whats wrong with this picture?
mo torious
On Oct 14, 30 Heisei, at 2:25 AM, mo torious <[email protected]> wrote:
On Oct 13, 30 Heisei, at 10:56 PM, mo torious <[email protected]> wrote:
M_DriversLicense (@onyx_project) 2/6/28 H, 12:51 PMi-am-motorious.tumblr.com/post/129742049… ⁦‪@AngelList‬⁩ ⁦‪@UBSf1‬⁩ ⁦‪@UBS‬⁩ frontinalispartners.com ⁦‪@Ford‬⁩ @LapoElkann_LE ⁦‪@Zurich‬⁩ ⁦‪@CreditSuisse‬⁩ pic.twitter.com/2pZqP9LAin Download the Twitter app mo torious
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hentaihunblog-blog · 7 years
Top 10 Anime From Old School That You Must Watch In 2018 – OtakuKart
New Post has been published on https://hentaihun.com/blog/2018/01/11/top-10-anime-from-old-school-that-you-must-watch-in-2018-otakukart/
Top 10 Anime From Old School That You Must Watch In 2018 – OtakuKart
New and small anime come and go, but legendary old anime is always worth watching. There were way too many Old School awesome anime to watch, those anime totally beats any of new anime.How about re-watching all the epic anime from your childhood? or the one you that are still yet to be watched? So today I got you a list of Top 10 Anime From Old School That You Must Watch In 2018.
10.Trigun – 1998
Vash the Stampede is the most infamous outlaw on the planet Gunsmoke and with a 60 billion double dollar price on his head the most sought after!Trigun revolves around a man known as “Vash the Stampede” and two Bernardelli Insurance Society employees, Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, who follow him around in order to minimize the damages inevitably caused by his appearance. Most of the damage attributed to Vash is actually caused by bounty hunters in pursuit of the sixty billion double dollar bounty on Vash’s head for the destruction of the city of July. However, he cannot remember the incident due to retrograde amnesia, being able to recall only fragments of the destroyed city and memories of his childhood. Throughout his travels, Vash tries to save lives using non-lethal force. He is occasionally joined by a priest, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, who, like Vash, is a superb gunfighter with a mysterious past.
9.Rurouni Kenshin – 1996
In the early Meiji era, after participating in the Bakumatsu war as the assassin “Hitokiri Battōsai”, Himura Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed.
8.Yu Yu Hakusho – 1992
Yu Yu Hakusho follows Yusuke Urameshi, a street-brawling delinquent who, in an uncharacteristic act of altruism, is hit by a car and killed in an attempt to save a young boy by pushing him out of the way. And so the epic story begins.
7.Berserk – 1997
Though the manga storyline remains largely intact, many changes were made, with the modification or elimination of characters, some of the series’ most violent and brutal scenes, and material that would have extended the story-line beyond the planned run of the anime series.
6.Outlaw Star – 1998
Outlaw Star is a space opera | Space Western set in the fictional “Towards Stars Era” universe.
5.Fist of The North Star – 1984
Fist of the North Star teaches you the art of manliness.Fist of the North Star is a Japanese manga series written by Buronson and illustrated by Tetsuo Hara. Serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1983 to 1988, the 245 chapters were initially collected in 27 tankobon volumes by Shueisha. Set in a post-apocalyptic world that has been destroyed by a nuclear war, the story centers on a warrior named Kenshiro, the successor of a deadly martial art style known as Hokuto Shinken, which gives him the ability to kill most adversaries from within through the use of the human body’s secret vital points, often resulting in an exceptionally violent and gory death.
4.Robotech – 1985
An alien spaceship crash lands on Earth and the technology and secrets she bears lead Earth into three destructive interplanetary wars.
3.Mobile Suit Gundam – 1980
In the war between the Earth Federation and Zeon, a young and inexperienced crew find themselves on a new spaceship. Their best hope of making it through the conflict is the Gundam, a giant humanoid robot, and its gifted teenage pilot.
2.Urusei Yatsura – 1981
The series begins when aliens from the planet Oniboshi invade Earth. They agree to leave only if Earth’s champion can defeat the Oni champion in a game of tag within a ten-day time limit.
1.Slam Dunk – 1993
About Sakuragi Hanamichi, a freshman of Shohoku High School who joining the basketball team because of the girl he has a crush on, Haruko.Although he is a newbie in this sport. He is no ordinary basketball player.Hanamichi Sakuragi is a delinquent and the leader of a gang. Sakuragi is very unpopular with girls, having been rejected an astonishing fifty times. In his first year at Shohoku High School, he meets Haruko Akagi, the girl of his dreams, and is overjoyed when she is not repulsed or scared of him like all the other girls he has asked out.Haruko, recognizing Sakuragi’s athleticism, introduces him to the Shohoku basketball team. Sakuragi is reluctant to join the team at first, as he has no prior experience in sports and thinks that basketball is a game for losers because his fiftieth rejection was in favor of a basketball player. Sakuragi, despite his extreme immaturity and fiery temper, proves to be a natural athlete and joins the team, mainly in the hopes of impressing and getting closer to Haruko. Later on, Sakuragi realizes that he has come to actually love the sport, despite having previously played primarily because of his crush on Haruko.
Which one is your favorite? Lemme hear you guys out in the comment section below or if you wanna get in touch with me you can connect with me on social media like Snapchat-Vibsz16 and Instagram.
13 New Adult Anime To Watch In 2018
List of the 13 New Adult Anime To Watch In 2018. It is often that we get such amazing request of anime.Without any further delay, let’s start our list.
**Numbers doesn’t show the rank of particular anime.**
10.Hatena Illusion- 
Ever since watching a magic show held by him and his wife Maeve, Makoto Shiranui has always admired Mamoru Hoshisato—a world-class magician, as well as a friend of his parents—and came to Tokyo to become his apprentice. Kana, nicknamed Hatena, is the couple’s daughter and his childhood friend. As the hustle and bustle activities in Tokyo catches Makoto off guard such as burglaries by a beautiful thief, he depends on Hatena’s comforting side. When he came to Hoshisato’s now-haunted mansion to reunite with his childhood friend, he is greeted by the family’s butler and maid, Jeeves and Emma along with Hatena, only to discover that they are not as compatible anymore.
9.Boku No Kanojo Ga Majimesugiru Sho-Bitch na Ken 
After Shinozaki Haruka confesses to the Class Rep, Kousaka Akiho, he comes to find that the perfect class representative might be a little bit harder to handle than he previously thought!
8.Imouto Sae Ireba Ii(A sister is all you need)
This is the story about the daily life of a young siscon novelist, Itsuki Hashima with his perfect little sister Chihiro, the genius illustrator Nayuta Kani, his best friend Miyako Shirakawa and some insane partners from his publishers.
7.Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita
Want some real “ADULT” you start watching it right now.It’s an anime which is more like Hen**a.Shizuka Kominami is a shy college student who, despite her bashful demeanor, attends a college mixer. There, she meets Ryou Kirishima, a beautiful, confident woman whom she quickly befriends. After leaving the mixer together, the two spend the night talking and drinking. But when an inebriated Shizuka ends up at Ryou’s apartment, one thing leads to another, and she finds herself being seduced by her new friend. And what’s more, Ryou is actually a crossdressing man!After a passion-filled night, Shizuka awakens to a note left by Ryou, promising more erotic moments between them later. How will Shizuka’s newfound relationship with Ryou unfold?
6. Shirobako-
The story follows a group of five best friends, Aoi Miyamori, Ema Yasuhara, Shizuka Sakaki, Misa Tōdō, and Midori Imai, who all go into the anime industry after their experiences in the animation club of their high school, with the dream of working on an actual anime together one day.
5. Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte Kara-
Chisato Mizusawa is a reserved but excellent and pretty assistant manager in her company. She has a secret that only her husband Sora knows, which is that she likes drinking alcohol, and she can become very cute when she is drunk! Even tonight, she gets relaxed (with the phrase “Shifuku~”) and drunk with the cocktail Sora makes♥. It’s a “Yoidere (Drunken Dere)” cocktail comedy of Japan’s closest husband and wife.
4.Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Flat
Tomoya Aki, a male high school teenager who works part-time to fund his otaku lifestyle (anime, dating sims, and related merchandise) encounters a beautiful girl one day during spring vacation. A month later, he finds out that the girl is his classmate, Megumi, who is hardly noticeable to her classmates. Hoping to create a visual novel computer game, he turns to school beauties Eriri Spencer Sawamura for designing the art, and Utaha Kasumigaoka for writing the game scenario. Tomoya then recruits Megumi to star as the “heroine” (the main character’s love interest) of his game, thus forming the development team “Blessing Software”, in which the three most renowned students in the school (Tomoya, Eriri, and Utaha) work on one of the least noticeable (Megumi). The series follows their adventures in developing the game and their plans to sell it at the Comiket convention, as well as the emotional entanglements among the team.
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tragicsaturn-blog · 7 years
Most Current Smart-phones
Cell phones -- particularly smartphones -- are inherently bad for privacy.  It will come as no real surprise that the Galaxy S-8 and S-8 Plus feature excellent cameras specifications along with an allnew design that futuristic.  I've chosen you waterproof Samsung Android mobiles that were EIGHT best.  The 7 utilizes AES 256-bit file-based encryption, which is like it gets together with telephones.  Adding Android 6.0.1 along with also a 5" display, the Rebel two includes a couple fine upgrades on the initial version, the LG Rebel , but in addition misses the mark in a couple of essential locations.  Each of these phones are competent devices, but have certain parts in which they really are a bit worse or better, so take that in to consideration when choosing that to buy. Some of the best Blackfriday deals are available on the web, and we've got the best set of cellular phones and Tracfone related products on sale.  Give you a obvious list of those phones and we wished to develop a useful resource for users have been looking at obtaining an Android mobile.  Starting using all the brands in India, let us talk about exactly where their go shopping has been set up by them for earning mobiles.  It claims the first Nokia Android smart-phone will take entrance in 20 17 as well as the launching will take place in MWC per the rumored tow versions of Nokia phone will be launched, Nokia D1C along with other never revealed nonetheless, as per recent news first variant will around Rs10K approximately (K$150) for 2GB RAM and Rs 20K approximately ($200) to get 3GB Ram model. should you are interested in having a tad milder phone and not as bulky compared to samsung-galaxy S 5 busy, you may buy a routine Samsung Galaxy S 5.  This mobile is quite similar to the LG Ultimate 2, that will be just a superb apparatus, however, also the Power comes with a few upgrades over the final.  You are able to discover Android mobiles together with stated display sizes in 4.6 up-to 6-plus inches.  No LG phones again!!  All these Nexus devices are almost always ones to get any mobile upgrade.  The EMUI, perhaps one of one of the Android overlays of Huawei, is far better touse than with smartphones, also offers the longer you use it.  The price is more competitive in499.   LG has finally built a good-looking, superior smartphone free out of gimmicks.  The very first smart-phone made available from Tracfone using 4G LTE on GSM networks, the Sun Set is just a well rounded apparatus featuring a 4.5" monitor and also Android 5.0.  You might find that it also shares a lot of the exact same features as the LG strength, since they appear to function as the very same phone except with the Power.  Discover the latest Android phones and enjoy most of  these capabilities.  In 2007, reports surfaced that Google had been planning the release of its own mobile phone, potentially a rival to Apple's job, named Android, proven not to be always a phone but a working system for cellular devices, that Google acquired and then published within an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license.Google stipulates an applications development kit for developers so applications might be intended to be run around Android-based mobiles.   Apple lets you restrict programs' capabilities to view and make use of that identifier, while Google merely permits one to re set the ID and select from watching personalized ads on Android devices.  Huawei Y6 Pro is still another battery targeted device on our record, Huawei left many emphasis about the phone's battery throughout the launch of the phone, however, it's just  4,ooo mAh that's 1050 mAh bashful of this Tecno l 8 but nonetheless adequate to force you via a whole day on significant usage.  Therefore there you've, a list of the Android phones that are in the market as of October 2016 and September.  https://festivalsdatetime.com/ It is unashamedly premium, from the create to the price tag, but in regards with each other in a bundle offering a smart phone experience that's maybe not matched everywhere.  Our analysis narrowed down the list to 3 amazing phonesdiscuss how well your privacy is protected by every one one of the unit.  We rounded up some of the best prices for Android, I phones, and cans, however, Google only dropped a significant announcement.  It's the largest collection of groups such as Footwear, Beauty goods, Garments, Cellular Phones, Tablets, Electronics, Cameras, Air-conditioners, Health goods , Media, Books, Video Games, Kitchen & Home Appliances, Household Décoratives and more.   Google rolled out a fresh Google cellphone Gallery today, a handy way to find that the amazingly huge quantity of Google-backed Android phones out there there.  A few Samsung mobiles in the upper five?!  First, therefore that ruled out a variety of apparatus, every cell phone had to become rootable.  We discussing the details and a lot more within this informative article are likely to pay the issues.  It looks like Samsung has moved heaven and ground making these smart phones.  Tecno Camon c 7 happens like a mini version of this Camon C9 , 1 feature the Camon c 7 gained from its predecessor is now the 13 megapixels rear and rear cameras, so both the C 9 and C7 each possess a stunning resemblance in terms of design however, also the Camon c 7 looks smaller compared to respect to its more compact screen dimensions of 5.0 inches.   we now possess the best offers of mobile phones out there in UAE.  HMD International Oy may be the licensee of this Nokia brand for tablets & phones.  Oppo's A79 is an midsize smartphone which has a 6" 2180x1080 (18:9) AMOLED exhibit, a Mediatek Helio P23 chip set, 4GB of RAM, 64GB of storage, Micro-SD slot plus a 16 MP digicam.  LG has its foot at the doorway with its second-line flagship phone V 10.  V 10 is just a apparatus arrives using 4GB RAM but with a 2K screen, Fingerprint reader two and a robust Snapdragon 808 CPU.   no matter if this be screen-size, higher level attributes such as improved  camera, even larger battery, or just the flexibility and choices to inspecting your home display and widescreen storage choices.  About July 6, just a few weeks later Android 1 hardware created its debut at Myanmar , Google's OS-for-the-world launched in Pakistan It's the ninth largest country by which Android One mobiles are formally available, also unites India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Turkey.  Even the LG V-30 Is Just a Rocksolid alternative to Samsung's Galaxy S8 Plus and also also the Google Pixel 2 XL.  In case it fits your photographic needs as well as your hands, you'll not be unhappy.   Jio is just one Indian cellphone company which has revolutionized how even the feature cellphone and fundamental mobile consumers are able to use 4G-LTE connectivity.  The Pixel put in habit firmware or does have a flag, should you unlock your boot loader meaning, there's a bit of info put aside this could let Google know you've changed your own software.  The Google Pixel XL has been one of the phones of 20-16 and it still features a lot going for this, specially because the purchase price was slashed that of a number of the phones with this specific list though it's old.   Step a side, funding smart-phones, you've only been made obsolete from the new Moto G4 20-16.  The mobile has a score because of its digital camera features from your image examining DxOMark, which is right up there with Galaxy and the 8 Plus Notice 8.  Tracfone has begun making it possible for unique phones to be added into their service.  But perhaps not everybody knows that they manufacture mobiles in India.  The samsung-galaxy S-8 that is magnificent is your optimal/optimally phone you'll be able to get.   Nokia 8 One more smart-phone to launch at August 20 17, with highly effective specification is going to be referred as Nokia 8.  According to the leaked Nokia 8 smartphone will probably have 5.3 in. QHD (1440 x 2560) Display, 515 PPI along with Screen Pro Tect with Gorilla Glass.  However, the Galaxy a-3 (2017) is an increasingly intriguing smart-phone that fulfills the requirement for "tiny" screens.  When it comes to localization a smart-phone brand name has really achieved a amazing endeavor to bring production.  The reverse side to skinning is that any main update by Google takes good few months to roll out to these Android phones as the OEMs can start focusing on them once Google releases these codes.   however today finding a telephone or tablet with wired aid for both external displays has become rather tough with most manufacturers currently  depending upon Miracast display screen mirroring around wireless rather than HDMI.  Nokia 2 is an entry phone not too long ago introduced with the Finnish maker in India.  You could funnel all sorts of visitors.  The Association Française du Sans Contact cellular (French Association of NFC products and services), or AFSCM, has declared, in the conclusion of 2012, the range of most Cityzi NFC-enabled mobile mobiles in France has passed the 2.5 million mark.   Here is how to come across the most suitable Google-powered alternative, along side this top-rated Android phones.  There is a whole lot of phone for the own money Android Oreo's latest version's working plus it's a digicam.  At August 2017, only 12.3 percent of Android apparatus are running Android Nougat 7.0 and 1.2 per cent are now running Nougat 7.1 which is a fairly dismal adoption rate.  You've arrived at the proper place if you should be on the lookout for the most useful smartphones.  Hi.  I said that my smart-phone doesn't encourage NFC and have just down load the intelligent diagnosis for LG laundry.   They possess the speediest chips, perfectly magnificent exhibits, lots of funky tiny features that are impressive to show for close friends, and increasingly have potent cameras which function effectively in all conditions.  Into the day, it will ship using Snapdragon 820 SoC, the SoC like 6GB RAM mobiles.  They offered more than 60 million cellular devices in 2014.  With all these selections close to, it isn't hard to overlook in an Android mobile and that is why, we at Pricebaba have gone through the tiresome procedure of picking up  every single  every single Android mobile present so that you can curate and create the pick that best suits your own usage and budget.  
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spookyblood-blog1 · 7 years
Google Pixel two XL
Essential lately found their Android Oreo Beta plan, offered to most proprietors in their PH-1 flagship.     As Google is the primary maintainer of the entire Android operating platform, the Pixel has software service, because it has security updates on a month-to-month basis.   The digicam to your Google Pixel two XL is one among the absolute most - if perhaps not the very - impressive snappers we have utilized over the phone.  I really am starting this list in your phone I have and utilize on a daily basis, which is, samsung-galaxy S-7.  This is one among many best Android phones I have ever needed.  Networks have never been left out either, and also will offer airtime bundles designed for Android One phones.  Finally, that the Pixel doesn't automatically wipe info once too many failed logins, which renders the device susceptible to a password or PIN assault.  Nokia 8 One far more smartphone to launching in August 2017, with powerful specification will undoubtedly be referred as Nokia 8.   Nevertheless, that the Galaxy a-3 (2017) is a interesting smartphone that satisfies the requirement for "tiny" displays.   The flip side to skinning is the fact that any main update by Google subsequently takes a couple weeks to rollout to those Android phones whilst the OEMs can simply begin working to these once Google finally releases the codes. We will include just about every Android device out of Tracfone in this list, with information on every single phone that you may assess to some others to pick the best one to fit your wants.  PriceBaba makes it possible to find the best prices of Android Mobile Phones now available on various e commerce site.   Even the Android phones available from Chinavasion offer precisely the exact features while the brands however without you having to pay manufacturer prices.  With a list of just a couple that that you do not and functions you will would like, there is no budget phone compared to Motorola's Moto G5 additionally.   The Infinix very hot 3 stones a enormous 5.5-inch display, in contrast to this  5-inch unit entirely  over the Infinix very hot two, the resolution of this full-laminate display remains at H D (720 x 1280 pixels), which signifies this device may offer slightly less crisp images in comparison to its predecessor.   If you are still looking to get a flagship with a battery the LG g-4 is your own phone.   As our main objective is to simply help you find suitable and efficient mobile phones, in the best prices in Dubai, we now here, around our website, will help keep you updated to the latest releases of mobile phones, together with a list in their own features.  LG's software is smooth and capable, if still a bit more straightforward and uncoordinated in afew regions -- however this  will still be said about many phones nowadays.   It improves on nearly all facets from your original too, with a far larger digicam in low-light, a nice performance bulge and also a design that more than befits its asking price.  Their next smartphone, the more Blackphone two, is powered with an security-focused branch of Android termed Silent OS , which comprises privacy enhancements including as for instance for instance a security centre which enables one to regulate exactly what data programs can get (much more about this later on).  This time with their first actually Android smartphone.   The device comes with a 256GB dedicated memory slot which is available in 3 2 and 64GB memory variants.   Android gets got the greatest marketshare in the smartphone world, however while Apple's talk is divided in between only two or three iPhones with obvious differences in between these, you can find dozens and dozens of Android phones available to purchase.  Similarly, I hope Google-friendly phones really should let straightforward swapping to additional providers (nevertheless by some means, I guess that is perhaps not necessarily the instance).  We've got a huge collection of mobile phones available in the marketplace with tremendous manufacturers like Apple , Samsung , Google LG and more.  The Nokia 8 functions Android 7.0 OS.  It's a SIM Smartphone.  https://festivalsdatetime.com For example a Android device, the Blackphone 2 gets got the ability to maintain different user areas.  The majority of the Samsung phones are also available during your favorite wireless service provider for month-to-month installments.  Infinix very hot two has been the very first Android One smartphone to arrive Nigeria, the device operated tremendously hot because of its reduced price tag and broke sales documents in Nigeria.  Founded by Zeeshan Pervaiz Akhtar in ending of 2009, QMobile has come to be the most significant Pakistani Smartphone brand name in only 36 months time.  It's the flagship phone of Samsung and the very widely used and also also the best watertight Android phone.   And in the price, despite not being as sexy since the samsung-galaxy S-8, it's really  worth a glance.  It is really a more refined smartphone than the G4 and G5, and may appeal to a wider audience - even if its functions are not the exact exact same worldwide.  Everything that's generated Samsung phones amazing throughout the past couple of years continues to be packaged into this 5.8-inch device - which is nearly bezeless too - also comes equipped with top of this scope hardware along with some simple to utilize Android software.  There is just another reasons that it's in your best interest to go to get Android: all of the top smartphone suppliers in the world utilize Android because of their default operating platform.   7.  Processors that fit your speed- to get the ultimate in speed and easy multitasking, LG offers dual core, user friendly, hexa-core along with Octa Core devices that give you accessibility to a favourite applications and apps, as well as a lot of capabilities.  Were you aware about some devices which needs to be with this list?  The company possessed by Google Lenovo, has gone from strength to strength within the last few decades, pumping out hardware in the shape of phones and wearables.  But It is sold with most of the current stunning capabilities which will make a phone an device.   In MWC celebration longer Nokia 2017-18 smartphones have been found.  It's been tricky whittling this list right down to just a tiny selection, however, the Android Hand-sets listed listed here are allalso in our opinionthat the best Android phones money can purchase in 2015.  While this calendar year's big autumn releases are through, we have a fantastic idea of which second generation phones will produce the list so on.  Talking concerning the significance of mobile phones; life appears to be incomplete without cellular phones.  Certainly probably the absolute most stand out feature in the g 6 is its 5.7-inch Quad H D LCD display, with its interesting facet ratio of 18:9 and curved corners It also will come with a Snapdragon 821 chip, 4 GB of RAM, loads of on-board storage, an IP68 rating for dust and dirt resistance along with double 13 MP rear cameras.  The Alcatel Onetouch ICON Pop gets got the Greatest display, the LG Optimus Gasoline, Moto E, LG Ultimate two and also Alcatel Onetouch ICON Pop will possess the latest version of Android (4.4), and also the LG Optimus Dynamic is your cheapest expensive.  Industry for phones with a physical computer keyboard may possibly perhaps not be too huge as it once had been, however, BlackBerry Mobile's KEYone has reinvigorated industry.  Speaking of headphones, the V 30 additionally hangs onto a classic headphone jack at the top of the device, which other devices have decided to ditch just lately, to much controversy along with person aggravation. undefined At the moment, there is not any one that may choose those devices as soon as it arrives to the attributes.  OLED technologies is utilized in most phones today (largely high end smartphones), also this particular page lists all of phones with AMOLED displays (plus many older modules using PMOLED displays, too).  The samsung-galaxy a-5 is a impressive device to get a sub-#four hundred smartphone.  Google claims you will control the battery to get 15 minutes and receive yourself a whole 7 hrs of fee, which will soon be clutch once you are trying to juice up your phone onto your own Uber ride.  It includes a solid design and build, in conjunction with a display and performance that works nicely over and above its price point.   Subscribe to 50,000 music and perform them in the devices with Google perform Music.  It is the tiniest smartphone in Tracfone as of this time, however contains a 3.2 MP digital camera also has been released in 2013.  As soon as installation is finished, this mobile phone tracking application might be uninstalled permanently by the prospective device.    undefined
TracfoneReviewer is here now to aid with this list of Android devices which includes a quick comparison of every single phone, also links to your whole reviews.  We will guide you via the mobile phones of this season to help save you time for those who move to the community phone store.  The very best bit is why these rising Chinese manufacturers produce inexpensive phones at cost prices in order to gain additional marketshare and become recognized.  Equipped with capabilities like 5 inch displays which can be fantastic for watching videos or playing games, high-performance 1GB and 2GB RAMs, double SIM service along with high res cameras to its avid photographer, Samsung smartphones are designed to function significantly more than simply  your normal mobile phone.   The Korean producer latest flagship was fulfilled with near-universal acclaim by reviewers, also as the latest iteration in a series that's seen a few of their best-selling Android phones, the LG g 6 includes a solid cult following out of followers who possessed previous LG devices and were entirely satisfied.  Click on every one one of the top 10 smartphones to browse their detailed reviews, and also get information about the best smartphones in India.  Find out what're the Best Android Phones with our guide and learn very well what is the best and top rated Android Smartphones that you are able to purchase today.  
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