fhjdbvhj · 3 months
Skinien arvo ja markkinat:
myyminen Suomessa
Johdanto: CS
(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) on yksi maailman suosituimmista moninpeleistä, jossa pelaajat voivat hankkia ja vaihtaa pelin sisäisiä esineitä, kuten skinejä. Skinit ovat ulkonäkömuutoksia pelin aseisiin, ja ne voivat olla erittäin arvokkaita. Tämä artikkeli käsittelee, miten voit myydä CS
ä Suomessa ja mitä sinun tulee ottaa huomioon.
sell csgo skins
1. Skinien arvo ja markkinat: Skineillä voi olla suuri arvo, joka määräytyy harvinaisuuden, ulkonäön ja kysynnän perusteella. Joitakin skinejä voidaan myydä vain muutamalla eurolla, kun taas toiset voivat maksaa tuhansia euroja. Skinien markkinat ovat vilkkaat, ja voit löytää ostajia ja myyjiä eri alustoilta.
2. Myyntialustat: CS
ä voi myydä useilla eri alustoilla:
Steam Market: Tämä on virallinen markkinapaikka, jossa voit myydä skinejä suoraan muille Steam-käyttäjille. Steam Market ottaa pienen provision jokaisesta myynnistä.
Kolmannen osapuolen sivustot: Sivustoja, kuten SkinBaron, BitSkins ja OPSkins, käytetään myös yleisesti. Näillä sivustoilla on omat sääntönsä ja maksunsa.
Suora kaupankäynti: Voit myös myydä skinejä suoraan toisille pelaajille eri foorumeilla ja sosiaalisen median ryhmissä.
3. Turvallisuus ja huijaukset: Skinikauppa voi olla riskialtista, ja on tärkeää varmistaa kaupan turvallisuus:
Luotettavat sivustot: Käytä vain tunnettuja ja luotettavia sivustoja.
Vältä suoria vaihtoja tuntemattomien kanssa: Suorat vaihdot voivat olla riskialttiita, sillä voit joutua huijauksen uhriksi.
Käytä suojattuja maksutapoja: Valitse maksutavat, jotka tarjoavat suojaa ostajille ja myyjille.
4. Lainsäädäntö Suomessa: Skinien myynti ei ole erikseen säännelty Suomessa, mutta sinun tulee noudattaa yleisiä kuluttajansuojalakeja ja verotusvaatimuksia. Jos ansaitset merkittäviä summia, sinun tulee ilmoittaa tulot verottajalle.
5. Vinkkejä menestykseen:
Tutki markkinoita: Ennen kuin myyt, tutki markkinoita ja selvitä skinien oikea arvo.
Ole kärsivällinen: Älä kiirehdi myyntiä, vaan odota oikeaa hetkeä saadaksesi parhaan hinnan.
Seuraa trendejä: CS
voivat olla arvaamattomia, joten pysy ajan tasalla uusista trendeistä ja päivityksistä.
Yhteenveto: CS
ä kaupankäynti voi olla tuottoisaa, mutta se vaatii huolellisuutta ja markkinoiden tuntemusta. Käytä luotettavia alustoja, vältä huijauksia ja noudata Suomen lakeja ja verotusvaatimuksia. Näin voit nauttia turvallisesta ja kannattavasta kaupankäynnistä.
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sorteiodebingoonline · 5 months
Quais são os melhores sites de coinplay para apostar e ganhar dinheiro?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são os melhores sites de coinplay para apostar e ganhar dinheiro?
Melhores sites de coinplay
Claro! Aqui está o artigo:
À medida que os jogos eletrônicos continuam a evoluir, muitos entusiastas procuram maneiras de expandir sua experiência de jogo. Uma maneira emocionante e cada vez mais popular é por meio do coinplay, onde os jogadores podem comprar, vender e trocar itens virtuais dentro dos jogos. Se você está interessado em explorar o mundo do coinplay, aqui estão alguns dos melhores sites disponíveis para isso.
Steam Market: Como uma das maiores plataformas de distribuição digital de jogos, a Steam também oferece um mercado robusto onde os jogadores podem comprar e vender itens de diversos jogos, desde skins de armas até itens de personalização de personagens.
Opskins: Especializado em skins de CS:GO e outros itens de jogos populares, o Opskins é uma escolha popular entre os jogadores que procuram uma ampla seleção de itens e uma plataforma segura para transações.
BitSkins: Semelhante ao Opskins, o BitSkins oferece uma variedade de skins para jogos como CS:GO, Dota 2 e PUBG. Além disso, também permite aos usuários comprar skins usando Bitcoin, proporcionando uma opção adicional de pagamento.
SkinBaron: Focado principalmente em skins de CS:GO, o SkinBaron se destaca por sua interface limpa e transparente, facilitando a navegação e a compra de itens.
G2A Marketplace: Embora seja mais conhecido por sua venda de jogos, o G2A também possui um mercado de itens de jogos, onde os usuários podem encontrar uma variedade de itens de diferentes jogos.
Ao usar qualquer um desses sites, é importante estar ciente das políticas de segurança e autenticação para garantir transações seguras e evitar fraudes. Além disso, lembre-se sempre de verificar a reputação do vendedor antes de fazer uma compra. Com os melhores sites de coinplay ao seu alcance, você pode mergulhar ainda mais fundo no mundo dos jogos eletrônicos e personalizar sua experiência de jogo de maneira única.
Apostas online rentáveis
As apostas online têm se tornado uma forma popular de entretenimento e até mesmo de lucro para muitas pessoas. Com a conveniência de poder apostar de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento, os sites de apostas online oferecem uma variedade de opções para os jogadores, desde apostas esportivas até jogos de cassino.
Para tornar as apostas online rentáveis, é importante seguir algumas estratégias simples. Em primeiro lugar, é essencial escolher um site de apostas confiável e seguro, que ofereça boas odds e uma variedade de mercados. Ao comparar diferentes sites, os jogadores podem encontrar as melhores oportunidades para maximizar seus ganhos.
Além disso, é fundamental gerenciar adequadamente o dinheiro ao apostar online. Isso significa definir um orçamento claro e nunca arriscar mais do que se pode perder. Ao apostar com responsabilidade, os jogadores podem evitar perdas significativas e manter seus ganhos consistentes a longo prazo.
Outra dica importante para aumentar a rentabilidade das apostas online é aproveitar os bônus e promoções oferecidos pelos sites de apostas. Muitos sites oferecem bônus de boas-vindas, apostas grátis e outras ofertas especiais que podem aumentar os ganhos dos jogadores sem a necessidade de arriscar seu próprio dinheiro.
Além disso, é essencial ter conhecimento sobre o esporte ou jogo em que se está apostando. Fazer pesquisas, analisar estatísticas e seguir as tendências pode ajudar os jogadores a tomar decisões mais informadas e aumentar suas chances de sucesso.
Em resumo, as apostas online podem ser rentáveis quando feitas com cuidado e estratégia. Ao escolher os sites certos, gerenciar o dinheiro de forma responsável, aproveitar os bônus disponíveis e ter conhecimento sobre o jogo, os jogadores podem desfrutar de uma experiência emocionante e lucrativa nas apostas online.
Plataformas confiáveis para ganhar dinheiro
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
"Ganhar dinheiro online é uma realidade para muitas pessoas nos dias de hoje, e a busca por plataformas confiáveis para alcançar esse objetivo é constante. Com o avanço da tecnologia, surgiram diversas oportunidades para gerar renda extra ou até mesmo trabalhar em tempo integral sem sair de casa. No entanto, é fundamental escolher plataformas confiáveis que ofereçam segurança e garantam o pagamento justo pelo trabalho realizado.
Uma das opções mais populares para ganhar dinheiro na internet é através de freelancing. Plataformas como o Upwork, Freelancer e Workana conectam profissionais freelancers a clientes de todo o mundo, oferecendo uma ampla variedade de projetos em áreas como redação, design, programação, entre outras. Essas plataformas são conhecidas por sua segurança e sistema de pagamento confiável, proporcionando uma experiência tranquila para ambos os lados.
Para aqueles que têm habilidades em produção de conteúdo, o marketing de afiliados pode ser uma excelente maneira de ganhar dinheiro online. Plataformas como Hotmart, Monetizze e Eduzz oferecem produtos digitais que podem ser promovidos por afiliados em troca de comissões. Essas plataformas são confiáveis e oferecem uma ampla variedade de produtos em diferentes nichos de mercado.
Além disso, o ensino online tem se tornado uma fonte de renda cada vez mais popular. Plataformas como Udemy e Teachable permitem que instrutores criem e vendam cursos online sobre uma variedade de temas, desde desenvolvimento de software até culinária. Essas plataformas oferecem suporte técnico e recursos para ajudar os instrutores a criar cursos de alta qualidade e alcançar um amplo público.
Em suma, existem diversas plataformas confiáveis para ganhar dinheiro online, seja através de freelancing, marketing de afiliados ou ensino online. O importante é escolher aquela que melhor se adapta às suas habilidades e objetivos financeiros, sempre priorizando a segurança e transparência nas transações."
Opções de coinplay seguras
Claro, aqui está o artigo:
Opções de coinplay seguras
Coinplay, ou troca de moedas virtuais, tornou-se uma prática comum no mundo digital. Com o aumento da popularidade das criptomoedas, muitas pessoas estão buscando maneiras de adquirir e trocar diferentes tipos de moedas digitais. No entanto, é crucial garantir que suas transações de coinplay sejam seguras e protegidas contra fraudes e golpes.
Ao considerar opções de coinplay seguras, é essencial escolher plataformas confiáveis e respeitáveis. Procure por exchanges de criptomoedas bem estabelecidas e com boa reputação no mercado. Pesquise sobre a história da plataforma, suas medidas de segurança e feedback dos usuários.
Além disso, verifique se a plataforma de coinplay oferece recursos de segurança robustos, como autenticação de dois fatores, criptografia de dados e proteção contra atividades fraudulentas. Essas medidas adicionais podem ajudar a proteger suas transações e informações pessoais contra hackers e ataques cibernéticos.
Outro aspecto importante a considerar é a política de privacidade da plataforma. Certifique-se de que a plataforma respeita e protege suas informações pessoais e financeiras, e que não compartilha seus dados com terceiros sem o seu consentimento.
Antes de realizar qualquer transação de coinplay, faça uma pesquisa detalhada sobre as moedas que deseja adquirir ou trocar. Esteja ciente dos riscos envolvidos e esteja preparado para monitorar de perto suas transações e investimentos.
Em resumo, ao procurar opções de coinplay seguras, priorize plataformas confiáveis, verifique seus recursos de segurança e esteja atento aos riscos envolvidos. Com precaução e diligência, é possível realizar transações de coinplay de forma segura e protegida.
Sites de apostas com retorno garantido
Os sites de apostas com retorno garantido têm ganhado popularidade entre os entusiastas do jogo online, oferecendo uma abordagem única para os jogadores. Esses sites prometem retornos garantidos em certas condições, o que atrai muitos apostadores em busca de segurança e lucro.
A ideia por trás dos sites de apostas com retorno garantido é simples: os jogadores fazem uma aposta e, independentemente do resultado, recebem um retorno garantido. Isso pode ser na forma de dinheiro de volta, bônus de apostas ou outras formas de compensação. Essa garantia de retorno oferece uma sensação de segurança aos jogadores, que sabem que não perderão todo o seu investimento, mesmo se a aposta não for bem-sucedida.
Esses sites geralmente oferecem uma variedade de opções de apostas, desde esportes até eventos políticos e culturais. Os jogadores podem escolher entre diferentes tipos de apostas, como apostas simples, acumuladores ou apostas ao vivo, dependendo de suas preferências e estratégias de jogo.
No entanto, é importante notar que nem todos os sites de apostas com retorno garantido são iguais. Alguns podem ter termos e condições rigorosos que limitam o acesso ao retorno garantido, enquanto outros podem ter limites de aposta ou restrições de saque. Por isso, é essencial ler os termos e condições cuidadosamente antes de fazer uma aposta.
Apesar das garantias oferecidas pelos sites de apostas com retorno garantido, os jogadores ainda precisam praticar o jogo responsável e estar cientes dos riscos envolvidos. Embora esses sites possam oferecer uma maneira mais segura de apostar, o jogo nunca é uma garantia de lucro e pode levar a perdas financeiras se não for feito com responsabilidade.
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mitzikernan · 1 year
What is Wax Blockchain?
If you're curious about the revolutionary impact of blockchain technology on digital asset ownership and trading, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of Wax Blockchain, a decentralized platform that is transforming the way we create, buy, sell, and trade virtual goods. Whether you're an artist looking to monetize your creations, a gamer seeking new opportunities in the gaming market, or simply intrigued by the potential of digital assets, Wax Blockchain has something incredible to offer. At its core, Wax Blockchain is designed to address the limitations of traditional centralized marketplaces. It empowers users with a peer-to-peer model, eliminating intermediaries and reducing fees. The transparency of the Wax Blockchain ensures that all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, fostering a fair and efficient trading environment. But that's not all—Wax Blockchain takes security and authenticity to the next level. Through the use of smart contracts, the terms of each transaction are automatically enforced, minimizing the risk of fraud or counterfeit items. Each digital asset is tokenized, providing verifiable authenticity and scarcity. So, whether you're an artist looking to tokenize your creations, a gamer eager to trade in-game items, or someone interested in the future of digital asset ownership, Wax Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize your experience. Join us as we dive deep into the world of Wax Blockchain, explore its key features, and discover the limitless possibilities it offers. Get ready to embark on a journey where creativity meets technology, and where the digital economy thrives like never before. Are you ready to witness the power of Wax Blockchain? Let's dive in! What is Wax Blockchain? Wax, short for Worldwide Asset eXchange, is a purpose-built blockchain and protocol that enables users to create, buy, sell, and trade virtual goods and assets with ease. It was developed by the team behind OPSkins, the world's leading marketplace for in-game virtual items. The Wax Blockchain is specifically designed to address the limitations and challenges faced by traditional centralized marketplaces, such as high fees, lack of transparency, and security concerns. Some key information about the Wax Blockchain: - Token Name: Wax Tokens (WAX) - Blockchain Type: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) - Consensus Mechanism: Proof of Stake (PoS) - Primary Use: Digital asset ownership and trading - Key Features: Decentralized peer-to-peer trading, smart contracts, tokenization of assets, transparency, security, cost-effective transactions - Notable Partnerships: Alien Worlds, Topps, Capcom (Street Fighter) - Use Cases: Gaming, virtual items, digital art, collectibles, virtual real estate - Governance: Token holders can stake their Wax Tokens and participate in decision-making processes - Wallet: Wax Cloud Wallet for managing digital assets - Community: Active and collaborative community driving innovation and development The Power of Digital Assets Before diving into the specifics of the Wax Blockchain, let's take a moment to appreciate the growing significance of digital assets in today's world. Digital assets refer to any form of electronically stored value, whether it be virtual currencies, in-game items, collectibles, or even digital art. With the rise of blockchain technology, these digital assets can now be tokenized and securely traded, giving them tangible value and the ability to be owned, transferred, and monetized like never before. The Need for Wax Blockchain Centralized marketplaces have long dominated the digital asset trading landscape, but they come with a set of inherent drawbacks. High fees imposed on transactions, lack of transparency in pricing, and the risk of fraud or asset duplication are just a few of the issues that users face. Wax Blockchain aims to address these concerns by leveraging the power of decentralization and blockchain technology. Decentralization and Transparency At the heart of the Wax Blockchain lies its decentralized nature. Unlike traditional marketplaces that rely on intermediaries to facilitate transactions, Wax operates on a peer-to-peer model, allowing users to interact directly with each other. This peer-to-peer structure eliminates the need for intermediaries and reduces associated fees, making transactions more cost-effective for users. Furthermore, the Wax Blockchain provides complete transparency by recording all transactions on the blockchain, which is accessible to anyone. This transparent nature ensures that buyers and sellers have a clear understanding of market dynamics, pricing, and transaction history, fostering a fair and efficient trading environment. Smart Contracts and Trustless Trading Smart contracts are an integral part of the Wax Blockchain ecosystem. These self-executing contracts are coded with predefined rules and conditions, ensuring that transactions occur only when all parties involved fulfill their obligations. By leveraging smart contracts, Wax eliminates the need for trust between buyers and sellers, as the terms of the transaction are automatically enforced by the blockchain itself. The use of smart contracts also significantly reduces the risk of fraud and counterfeit items. Each digital asset on the Wax Blockchain is represented by a unique token, which is verifiable and cannot be duplicated. This feature ensures the authenticity and scarcity of digital assets, making them more valuable and desirable for collectors and enthusiasts. Tokenization of Digital Assets Tokenization is a key concept in the Wax Blockchain ecosystem. It refers to the process of representing real-world or digital assets as unique tokens on the blockchain. By tokenizing assets, they become easily divisible, transferable, and tradable. This opens up a world of possibilities for asset ownership and monetization. For example, in the gaming industry, players can acquire and trade in-game items such as weapons, armor, or rare collectibles as tokens on the Wax Blockchain. These tokens hold real value and can be bought, sold, or exchanged with other players. This introduces a new level of liquidity to the gaming market, allowing players to monetize their virtual achievements and assets. User Interactions and Marketplaces The Wax Blockchain provides users with a variety of avenues to engage with digital assets and participate in the ecosystem. Let's explore some of the key user interactions and marketplaces within the Wax ecosystem: - Creation of Digital Assets: Users can create their own digital assets and tokenize them on the Wax Blockchain. This feature opens up opportunities for artists, game developers, and content creators to monetize their creations directly, without the need for intermediaries. - Buying and Selling on Wax Marketplaces: Wax operates multiple decentralized and NFT marketplaces where users can buy and sell digital assets. These marketplaces provide a wide range of offerings, including virtual items, virtual real estate, digital art, and more. Users can explore these marketplaces, browse listings, and make transactions using Wax Tokens (WAX), the native cryptocurrency of the Wax Blockchain. - Auctions and Bidding: Wax facilitates auction-style trading, allowing users to participate in bidding wars for rare or valuable digital assets. Auctions create an exciting environment where users can compete for unique items and potentially acquire them at a desirable price. - Fractional Ownership: Wax introduces the concept of fractional ownership, enabling users to own a fraction of a valuable asset. This feature makes it possible for users with limited resources to invest in high-value assets and benefit from their potential appreciation. - Gaming Integration: The gaming industry has embraced the Wax Blockchain, integrating it into various popular games. This integration allows players to acquire, trade, and sell in-game items on the Wax Blockchain, providing a seamless and secure trading experience within the gaming ecosystem. Partnerships and Collaborations To further enhance the usability and reach of the Wax Blockchain, the team behind Wax has established strategic partnerships and collaborations with key industry players. These partnerships contribute to the growth of the ecosystem and create new opportunities for users. Here are a few notable collaborations: - Alien Worlds: Wax collaborated with Alien Worlds, a popular blockchain-based gaming metaverse, to enable seamless trading of in-game items and resources. This partnership enhances the gaming experience for players and expands the utility of digital assets within the Wax ecosystem. - Topps: Wax partnered with Topps, a renowned trading card company, to launch digital collectibles on the Wax Blockchain. Through this collaboration, collectors can own and trade digital versions of their favorite sports cards and memorabilia, bringing the traditional collectibles market into the digital realm. - Street Fighter: Wax joined forces with Capcom, the creators of the legendary Street Fighter video game franchise, to release limited edition Street Fighter digital collectibles on the Wax Blockchain. This partnership showcases the potential of Wax in bridging the gap between gaming and digital asset ownership. Wax Governance and Staking The Wax Blockchain incorporates a governance model that allows token holders to actively participate in decision-making processes. Token holders can stake their Wax Tokens and vote on proposals related to the development and improvement of the ecosystem. This governance structure ensures that the community has a voice in shaping the future direction of Wax. Staking Wax Tokens also provides token holders with the opportunity to earn rewards. By staking their tokens, users contribute to the security and stability of the Wax Blockchain while receiving incentives in the form of additional tokens. Wax Labs: Innovation and Development Wax Labs serves as the research and development arm of the Wax Blockchain. It focuses on fostering innovation and driving the growth of the ecosystem by supporting developers, entrepreneurs, and creators. Wax Labs provides grants, technical resources, and mentorship to individuals and teams working on projects that leverage the Wax Blockchain. Through Wax Labs, the community is encouraged to propose and develop new features, tools, and applications that can expand the functionality and adoption of the Wax ecosystem. This open and collaborative approach ensures that the Wax Blockchain remains dynamic and responsive to the evolving needs of its users and the digital asset market. Security and Scalability Ensuring the security and scalability of the Wax Blockchain is of utmost importance. The team behind Wax has implemented robust measures to protect user assets and ensure the smooth operation of the platform: - Proof of Stake (PoS): The Wax Blockchain utilizes a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism. In PoS, validators are selected to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the number of tokens they hold and have staked. This mechanism provides security to the network while also incentivizing token holders to participate in block validation. - Atomic Swaps: Wax supports atomic swaps, which enable trustless and secure peer-to-peer trading between different blockchain networks. With atomic swaps, users can trade digital assets between Wax and other compatible blockchains without the need for intermediaries or centralized exchanges, reducing the risk of hacks and ensuring the privacy of transactions. - Scalability Solutions: To address the challenge of scalability, Wax has implemented various solutions. One such solution is called Guilds, which allows users to form groups and process transactions off-chain while still utilizing the security of the Wax Blockchain. This approach helps to reduce network congestion and improve overall scalability. Wax Cloud Wallet The Wax Cloud Wallet is a user-friendly and secure wallet solution that enables users to manage their digital assets on the Wax Blockchain. It serves as a bridge between users and the Wax ecosystem, providing a seamless and intuitive experience for storing, transferring, and trading digital assets. The Wax Cloud Wallet supports a wide range of digital assets and allows users to easily connect and interact with various decentralized applications (DApps) built on the Wax Blockchain. With its robust security features and user-friendly interface, the Wax Cloud Wallet simplifies the process of engaging with the Wax ecosystem for both new and experienced users. Community and Adoption The success of any blockchain project relies heavily on community engagement and adoption. The Wax community is vibrant and active, with a dedicated user base and a strong focus on fostering collaboration and innovation. The community actively participates in discussions, provides feedback, and contributes to the development of the ecosystem. Wax has also gained significant traction and adoption across various industries. The gaming sector, in particular, has embraced the Wax Blockchain as a means to revolutionize in-game economies and enhance the trading experience for players. By integrating Wax into popular games, developers can tap into a thriving marketplace and provide their players with new avenues for asset ownership and trading. Moreover, the Wax Blockchain's potential extends beyond gaming. The ability to tokenize and trade digital assets has captured the attention of artists, content creators, and collectibles enthusiasts. The partnership with Topps and collaborations with other prominent brands demonstrate the growing interest in digital collectibles and the potential for Wax to disrupt traditional markets. Conclusion The Wax Blockchain is at the forefront of revolutionizing digital asset ownership and trading. By leveraging decentralization, transparency, and the power of blockchain technology, Wax provides a secure and efficient platform for users to create, buy, sell, and trade digital assets. With its user-friendly interfaces, strategic partnerships, and active community, Wax is poised to shape the future of the digital economy, unlocking new possibilities for artists, gamers, collectors, and enthusiasts worldwide. So, dive into the world of Wax and explore the limitless potential of digital asset ownership and trading on the Wax Blockchain! FAQs What is Wax Blockchain? Wax Blockchain is a decentralized platform and protocol that revolutionizes digital asset ownership and trading. It allows users to create, buy, sell, and trade virtual goods and assets with ease. By leveraging blockchain technology, Wax eliminates the limitations of traditional centralized marketplaces, such as high fees, lack of transparency, and security concerns. With its peer-to-peer model, smart contracts, and tokenization of assets, Wax Blockchain provides a transparent, secure, and efficient ecosystem for users to engage in the digital economy. How does Wax Blockchain ensure transparency? Wax Blockchain ensures transparency by recording all transactions on the blockchain, which is accessible to anyone. This means that buyers and sellers have a clear understanding of market dynamics, pricing, and transaction history. Unlike centralized marketplaces where pricing can be opaque, Wax Blockchain's transparent nature empowers users to make informed decisions based on real-time data. This transparency fosters a fair and efficient trading environment, enhancing trust and confidence among users. What are the key benefits of Wax Blockchain? Wax Blockchain offers several key benefits to users. Firstly, it provides a decentralized peer-to-peer model, eliminating intermediaries and reducing transaction fees. This makes transactions more cost-effective and efficient. Secondly, the use of smart contracts ensures that the terms of each transaction are automatically enforced, minimizing the risk of fraud and counterfeit items. Thirdly, Wax Blockchain's tokenization of assets brings liquidity to the digital asset market, allowing users to easily buy, sell, and trade virtual goods. Lastly, the transparent nature of Wax Blockchain provides users with a clear view of market dynamics and transaction history, fostering a fair and trusted trading environment. Read More: - What is NFT? - What is Ethereum (ETH)? - What is ERC721 Token? - What is Decentralized Exchange (DEX)? - Best Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) Read the full article
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cripta-today · 2 years
Что такое блокчейн WAX? $WAXP и $WAXE
New Post has been published on https://cripta.today/blokchejn-i-tehnologii/chto-takoe-blokchejn-wax-waxp-i-waxe/
Что такое блокчейн WAX? $WAXP и $WAXE
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От децентрализованных приложений или децентрализованных приложений до игр и невзаимозаменяемых токенов (NFT) — если бренд хочет запустить успешную биржу цифрового рынка, он обращается к WAX. Worldwide Asset eXchange — это специально созданная платформа электронной коммерции Blockchain для уникальных виртуальных предметов коллекционирования, которые создатели могут запускать для г��обальной аудитории.
WAX разработала распределенную платформу для торговли виртуальными товарами, на которой представлены товары для видеоигр, такие как скины и валюта. Это внутриигровые деньги, аксессуары и эквиваленты одежды, и все это не зависит от антимонопольного законодательства или устаревших международных платежных решений. Родным токеном платформы является WAXP, который, несмотря на рыночные потрясения, прогнозирует устойчивый рост цен на 2023 год.
Бренды, запущенные на WAX, включают Atari, Capcom, Topps, Lionsgate и Funko. На бирже также представлены NFT для фильмов и артистов, в том числе «Пила», «Принцесса невеста», «Deadmau5», «Weezer» и «Уильям Шатнер».
Краткая история WAX
Если вам нужно развернуть звездные децентрализованные приложения, платформа WAX имеет все необходимые условия, независимо от того, связаны ли они с NFT или криптовалютой. Блокчейн был запущен в 2017 году и содержит инструменты, которые сделают ваше путешествие успешным, чтобы сделать транзакции для электронной коммерции более безопасными, простыми и быстрыми.
WAX был разработан как ресурс для цифровой торговли и стимулирования электронной коммерции с помощью Blockchain, поощряя голосование за децентрализацию. Уильям Куигли и Джонатан Янтис вместе с командой, разработавшей OPSkins, работали над созданием ICO WAX.
На основе сети набор инструментов на основе блокчейна облегчает создание децентрализованных NFT и торговых площадок, а также игр и приложений P2E. Для его потребителей не взимается плата за газ или транзакции, которые используют блокчейн 500 за миллисекундное время блока.
WAX считается самым удобным, быстрым и безопасным способом создания, продажи или покупки виртуальных и физических цифровых предметов коллекционирования. У создателей была предыстория за создание ресурсов для торговли артефактами, особенно для World of WarCraft, во времена их OPSkins.
Соучредители этой платформы были пионерами рынков виртуальных продуктов с 1997 года, и хотя Уильям Куигли является генеральным директором WAX, Джонатан Янтис выступает в качестве главного операционного директора. В 2004 году они разработали одноранговую торговую точку для товаров World of WarCraft за наличные, а в 2015 году создали OPSkins для торговли игровыми акти��ами.
Как работает WAX?
Любой Web 2.0 или 3.0, работающий в сегменте разработки игр и NFT, будь то студия, издательство или журнал, имеет ресурсы в экосистеме WAX. Платформа предназначена для развертывания блокчейна и децентрализованных сервисов, чтобы предлагать цифровые продукты, связанные с операциями их клиентов.
Несмотря на то, что он остается незамеченным, WAX заработал репутацию надежного предприятия в условиях жесткой конкуренции на рынке NFT со стороны таких платформ, как Solana, Tezos и Ethereum. Он приобрел известность как сеть для виртуальных предметов и цифровых предметов коллекционирования, высокоэффективный и широко используемый выбор для энтузиастов.
WAX воплощает глобальную миссию доступности и, базируясь на Каймановых островах, предоставляет пользователям тысячи приложений dApp на самых разных рынках. Среди других P2E-игр здесь есть мощные блокчейн-игры, в том числе Prospectors, Alien Worlds и Farmer’s World.
Помимо коллекционирования и PFP, игры P2E являются доминирующей особенностью WAX с крупнейшими проектами в сети. Способность блокчейна облегчать миллионы транзакций, делает его самой транзакционной и широко используемой экосистемой в мире, хотя она доступна для различных активов.
WAX использует протокол консенсуса Delegated Proof of Stake, DPoS, рекламируемый как экологически чистый, и помогает пользователям зарабатывать криптовалюту для проверки блоков. Он энергоэффективен и создает энергоэффективные NFT для компенсации выбросов углерода в рамках своей миссии по устойчивому развитию.
Как вы совершаете транзакции с криптовалютой, NFT и другими цифровыми продуктами на WAX?
Команда WAX Blockchain имеет опыт работы в определенной отрасли, на которую они нацелены, что делает торговлю виртуальными предметами отличительным фактором в экосистеме. Его дизайн безопасен, экологичен и эффективен, он сочетает в себе микросервисы протоколов и уровни блокчейна для удовлетворения потребностей разработчиков.
WAX — это модель блокчейна токеномики, которая позволяет членам сообщества делать ставки или голосовать и получать вознаграждения. Некоторые критически важные микросервисы и инструменты на основе блокчейна для сопровождения интеграции WAX включают в себя;
Делегированный механизм консенсуса Proof of Stake
Блокчейн WAX использует механизм консенсуса DPoS, сочетающий Proof of Work или POW и PoS. В этой среде ваши делегированные монеты позволяют валидаторам иметь право утверждать транзакции.
Сила голосования по этому протоколу взвешивается пропорционально количеству токенов, которыми вы владеете, поэтому нет необходимости в вычислении доминирования. Кроме того, несмотря на то, что голосование происходит в режиме реального времени, а гильдии WAX управляют производством блоков, потребление энергии на консенсусе WAX DPoS остается стабильным.
Облачный кошелек WAX
Вы можете легко получить доступ к приложениям WAX Blockchain с помощью сетевого облачного кошелька, который не требует управления закрытым ключом. Эта функция доступна на настольных и мобильных устройствах и действует как хранилище для предметов коллекционирования, помимо обычных функций отправки или получения криптовалюты.
Подключение облачного кошелька WAX к dApps помогает с элементами управления на панели управления для голосования в гильдии, когда вы ставите свои активы. Регистрация с использованием учетной записи в социальной сети или электронной почты также проста для простого в использовании, но надежного приложения. Здесь вы сможете обменивать токены ERC-20 $WAX, просматривать NFT и голосовать за предложения.
WAX — это сертифицированный углеродно-нейтральный блокчейн, который почти в 66 000 раз эффективнее, чем Ethereum или Биткойн. В численном выражении основная сеть этой экосистемы выбрасывает 211 тонн CO2 в год в обмен на 473,04 МВт/ч, что составляет лишь часть того, что выбрасывается традиционными блокчейнами.
Полученные углеродные кредиты от операций WAX Blockchain идут на поддержку «зеленых» проектов по всему миру. NFT в этой экосистеме помогли компенсировать около 4 миллионов тонн выбросов углерода по сравнению с энергозатратными операциями по добыче POW биткойнов или эфира.
WAX Labs
Провидцы и пионеры WAX воплощают инновации в жизнь в WAX Labs, источнике финансирования, где будущие разработчики могут предлагать идеи и подавать предложения на рассмотрение. Голоса оценивают бизнес-планы после подачи заявок, оценивая осуществимость инновационных проектов.
В лабораториях WAX пользователи и держатели токенов могут голосовать за проект после подачи предложения, и чем больше монет у пользователя, тем весомее его право голоса. Проект получает одобрение на финансирование, когда проголосовало 10% зарегистрированных избирателей, и половина из них согласилась с его инновационным потенциалом.
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Углеродно-нейтральные NFT vIRL являются первыми в WAX и, как и традиционные токены, связаны с физическими объектами. При выкупе одного такого NFT, сажается один саженец дерева стоимостью $1, Национальным лесным фондом в качестве инициативы по сокращению углеродного следа WAX.
Достигнув углеродной нейтральности, эта работа будет продолжаться до тех пор, пока блокчейн WAX не станет углеродно-отрицательным. NFT продаются на различных первичных и вторичных рынках, и вы можете использовать собственные токены $WAX для их покупки.
WAX Block Explorer
Представленный в 2018 году и обрабатывающий больше транзакций, чем любой другой блокчейн, Block Explorer предоставляет записи отдельных транзакций в блокчейне WAX. Это удобная функция, позволяющая просматривать транзакции в визуальном формате в интерактивном 3D.
С Block Explorer WAX вы не будете беспокоиться о технических условиях транзакций, так как вы сможете понимать данные об активах. Вы также увидите 3D-рендеринг любых NFT, которыми вы владеете, и соответствующие сведения о владении и транзакциях.
Децентрализованные приложения и управление
Как специально созданная энергосберегающая среда, блокчейн WAX высокоэффективен при создании и развертывании dApps. Улей разработчика в экосистеме содержит краткие руководства, подробные руководства и справочные API для разработки продуктов.
Блокчейн общается со смарт-контрактами в EOSIO, используя основную сеть WAX, которая предлагает более дешевую плату за газ и бесплатные учетные записи. Используйте варианты токена WAX, будь то WAXP, служебная монета протоколов, WAXG и WAXE, вариант Ethereum ERC-20.
WAXG — это токен управления платформой, и вы можете заработать его, разместив WAXE в пуле ликвидности. Вы также можете использовать эту монету для голосования или получить ETH после их сжигания.
Дорожная карта токеномики и блокчейна WAX
Будущая дорожная карта для блокчейна WAX исходит от Консультативного совета WAX, в состав которого входят руководители Marvel, Unity и Atari. Среди других видных заинтересованных сторон отрасли члены совета вносят свой вклад в ��ели развития платформы, опубликованные на их официальном веб-сайте.
Некоторые разработки из недавней дорожной карты WAX включают разработку моста альткойнов Ethereum и партнерство с Capcom. Помимо поддержки обновлений вариантов токенов ERC, команда активно работает над завершением проектов DeFi и улучшением облачного кошелька WAX.
Модель токеномики для блокчейна WAX представляет собой гибрид с блокчейнами Ethereum для интеграции лучших функций обеих экосистем. Это означает, что держатель WAXP получает выгоду от успехов эфира в пространстве DeFi и на рынке NFT.
WAX Blockchain — это процветающая среда, которая уже достигла многочисленных вех по сравнению с более известными аналогами. Экосистеме уже пять лет, и она заручилась поддержкой авторитетных брендов с десятками тысяч энтузиастов NFT.
Практическая основа для будущих проектов требует прочного фундамента, сильных основ, выполнимой дорожной карты, полезности и отличной команды. Блокчейн WAX имеет все это, а также достижение углеродной нейтральности в качестве первого в отрасли рынка NFT.
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fuckyeahphysica · 4 years
[The your government behind the overall game exchange surfaced] DAGE: Keep your thighs, and make money fast
Life is a circle. Some people have not walked from the circle drawn by fate for life. Actually, every point on the circle includes a soaring tangent.
--Zhang Fang " Decentralized anonymous game exchange DAGE is the world's 1st diversified ecological task of exchange + game/gaming platform + OTC mining + game development along with consensus mechanism. The essence is a brand-new economic model that combines video game landing scenes with blockchain technology and token economy. It gets the characteristics of strong deflationary effects. In the underlying framework, liquidity and economic benefits are shared through the circulation system of DAGE tokens (DID benefits, game stable currency DGT, platform currency DGC). Its transparent, safe, stable, and quick gaming and deal encounter has been widely recognized by the, and has caused numerous institutional funds injections. Currently, the DAGE global ecosystem has been launched and placed into use. "
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The blockchain game market is principally developed around the underlying advancement, item trading, player community and game publishing, which has derived the existing underlying public chain of the blockchain game industry, game asset trading platforms, decentralized game publishing platforms and communities, etc. Industry chain. Among them, the most essential link-game asset trading, has problems such as inability to guarantee security, inability to cross-platform transactions, and high handling fees. Therefore, quite a few blockchain-based game asset trading systems possess emerged, and traditional third-party game asset trading systems have also begun to try blockchain. Asset trading systems such as Enjin, UG chain Dmarket, Wax, Gameflip, etc. desire to create corresponding enhancements in game asset trading and distribution marketing.
They try to map game assets into homogenous or heterogeneous tokens on the blockchain. In a nutshell, this is a custodial assistance. Under this assistance, players can change the possession of game possessions, and smart contracts can help the overall game. Asset delivery and payment are guaranteed. However, like "custodial" game exchanges usually have complications such as single function, scarce visitors, and weak profitability. They can not create a relatively complete business closed loop, and much more so-known as "ecology" and crack the monopoly of giants. It is also true there are no real head game exchange players available. However the blockchain industry always includes a good drama of "tale reversal". When the market continued to be in a downturn, the decentralized anonymous game exchange DAGE ended up being a one-prevent integrated game exchange, DApp application market, anonymous community (DID), equipment & global sim communication (dark web anonymous social), OTC mining Nine major game landing scenes including mining, Proof of Game (PoG), DID Reward, stable currency DGT, and token economy DGC. At this time, a complete blockchain game ecosystem has surfaced.
At the start of the entire year, under the opportunity of the epidemic situation, DAGE broke out in the mobile game market against the trend, and the transaction level of users and game assets rose rapidly. The amount of registered users exceeded 70,000 within 3 months, and the platform had more than 2,100 crucial nodes. And its POG game mining/OTC mining has detonated the market: making money by doing offers, while obtaining several profits such as advertising revenue sharing, game distribution sharing, product sales commissions, and internal game revenue, supplying all gamers with tangible prosperity income . Correspondingly, the platform Token DGC has also turn into a "highly popular" platform currency that everyone is vying for. Corresponding to the boost and the rapid increase in transaction volume are the considerable benefits for earlier DGC holders. Undoubtedly, the market data reflects the fantastic appeal of DAGE's "brand-new gameplay".
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So, after concentrating on interest and visitors, with the blessing of nine major business sectors and disruptive abilities, as a fresh power for the top gamers of the overall game exchange, how can DAGE commute a whole new overall market?
Technology drives the massive upgrade of the overall game industry With the rapid development of global telecommunications technology and 5G technology, the traditional game/gaming industry has shifted from offline to online, breaking geographical constraints, expanding the scope of communication, and developing faster. At the same time, the design is continually being novel, helping to make the game's attraction not merely limited by cash benefits, but amusement interest has also become a essential factor. These elements have made the overall game industry incredibly developed. According to incomplete statistics, the market value of the worldwide gaming industry reached 536 billion U.S. dollars in 2017, which the web gaming market is about 40 billion U.S. dollars, in fact it is likely to increase to 82.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. Corresponding to such a huge market dimension, each chain of top of the, center and lower gets to of the overall game sector involves many individuals or attention links, including but not limited by: gamers, professional game teams, developers, white hat hackers, bilateral systems, sponsorships Sellers, brokers, media marketing teams, etc. Predicated on this, the entire industry urgently requires a "crab-eater" in order to standardize "professional rules", promote the process of compliance, split constraints and monopolies, create large-scale and gain pie, and then benefit all links of the entire industry. DAGE is ready to be the first individual to consume crabs. Utilizing the role associated with "icebreaker" to mix the global game industry design in direction of transparency, fairness, anonymity, antitrust, and anti-bias, iterate deeply, while providing huge profits for several participants in the overall game industry, in addition, it opens up "nuggets" for regular people The gate allows more people to take pleasure from the dividends associated with the blockchain + game wave, and truly creates the particular myth of nationwide wealth in the particular era of brand new infrastructure.
Actually, as a respected player in the overall game exchange industry, DAGE includes a profound insight in to the integration of the entire industry chain and the new financial model from the top-level design. First of all. The overall game industry itself has its economic climate, especially the assets in game products may also be settled according to the existing algorithm system. Therefore, the huge amount of funds flow needs is founded on the self-financing and integration of the token economic climate itself. Paying attribution, the exploration on the combination of people will start the incremental market and prosper the entire game industry. Secondly. The acceptance and influence of the overall game are not obtainable in other industries. It is important is that the majority of the problems that traditional games are facing at this stage could be solved by blockchain technologies. In the DAGE setting, through access to the underlying blockchain, smart contracts, and the payment function of the overall game token DGT itself, it could provide game products with ways to take away the centralization drawbacks, and make sure the security and fast payment of funds And the fairness of the overall game process encourages the upgrade of the entire industry. At last. Once we all know, the overall game industry is one of the most profitable industries on earth. Reid Hoffman once said a good product can simply cater to the 7 deadly sins of human being sex: goodness, violence, greed, laziness, anger, jealousy, and arrogance. It is the nature of the kind to end up being thinking about games. The annals of human being evolution is truly a procedure for rewarding and adventurous. Since adrenaline is secreted when taking risks, when winning, the brain is continually rewarded, secreting more peptides and dopamine, which makes individuals excited and even addictive. This is why the consensus is that the overall game industry is the largest traffic volume, and at exactly the same time, the profit is the highest, the operating mechanism is the most mature, and the most important thing is the fastest reaction to the digital currency token economy, which makes the opportunity fleeting. In the currency circle, DAGE's benefits are particularly obvious. The nationwide dividend "potential energy for wealth creation" is not any accident The market is bullish on the short-term and long-term advancement of the DAGE exchange, along with the expectations for the platform currency DGC and OTC mining, lie in its strong popularity without fear of a bear market, the innovation of the double currency economic model, and the overweight game traffic that empowers various business sectors profit. Key point one Not scared of the strong popularity of the bear market For OTC mining in the DAGE ecosystem, users not merely do not need to pay a handling fee, but they will receive a commission as high as 1%. Predicated on this, by March 20, DAGE had over 70,000 real-name registered users, over 100,000 energetic OTC mining/mobile game mining users, and maintained day-to-day trading volume on around 600,000. Among them, what is the idea of a daily average UV of 100,000? In fact, when compared to amount of users, the average day-to-day UV can a lot more accurately understand how many visitors actually come to the platform per unit time, and this is a number that game exchanges can only expect.
In addition, when it comes to reward mechanism. DID is the DAGE anonymous identity of the co-creator of the DAGE local community, that is permanently valid, anonymous and unique. Users who've obtained DID anonymous identities can receive referral benefits by inviting users. The benefits obtained may be used to apply for brand-new DID anonymous identities or start OTC mining quotas, conduct OTC mining, and receive income and principal within a day. The biggest benefit of developing the city around improving the reward mechanism is that it could quickly accumulate real and high-quality users. Quite simply, what DAGE can "grab" isn't just the prevailing users of the currency circle, but additionally the incremental users from all aspects of the worldwide game industry. Jointly, the two form the platform user scale impact. Key point two Development of dual currency economic model Currency has 3 functions: exchange section, accounting unit and value store. To a certain degree, digital possessions are made to enhance the above features and open the period of "programmable currency" and smart contracts. But as yet, no digital asset can truly enhance the above 3 functions through a sufficiently first-class method. The primary reason is the volatility of electronic assets. The subject issue of traditional games/gaming platforms is fiat currency. The exchange rate of fiat currency is usually relatively stable. The brand new profit point created by DAGE is based on the appreciation of currency prices. As a value unit, the platform currency DGC also offers the issue of excessive fluctuations in the value of digital assets. In order to much better carry the value voucher function of the huge funds circulation of the game/gaming platform, and protect users in exchanges, game products along with other hyperlinks DAGE has developed a double currency model, specifically the platform currency DGC and the stable currency DGT.
DGT is DAGE's stable currency, 1DGT=1USD, which can be circulated among all products in the DAGE ecosystem, and can also end up being exchanged with DID anonymous users, apply for new DID anonymous identities, and take part in mining. Quite simply, DGT makes it possible for all gamers to benefit from blockchain technology and lawful currency stability at the same time, allowing their (asset) withdrawal to be reliable and safe, denominated in USD, and withdrawn anytime through the DAGE exchange. DGC is the value-added currency of DAGE, which has the dual features of game exchange platform currency and ecological token. DGC is a tangible program token that may completely penetrate all hyperlinks of the DAGE ecosystem. For instance: used as a deduction for online dealing with charges of game/gaming products. Quite simply, an individual volume, daily average UV, and capital flow of most games/gaming products in the entire ecosystem will be transformed in to the liquidity and depth of DGC. When more and more game products are linked, the landing scene of DGC will become more and more. Abundant, the ecological scale gets bigger and bigger, the requirement and usage of DGC will also be bigger and bigger, that may promote the raise of the real value of DGC, so as to make currency holders trading revenue. At the same time, area of the income and transaction charges of the DAGE ecosystem will be used to repurchase DGC and burn it in a certain proportion to keep up the circulation of DGC in a deflationary condition. All in all, DGC can be an incremental market that can be created. As long as the DAGE ecosystem continues to grow, the market value of the platform currency will become larger and larger, and all currency holders can truly, sustainably, and increase benefits. Key point three Overweight game visitors empowers profitability in a variety of business sectors The industry consensus is that the game/gaming industry is the largest traffic entry, and at exactly the same time, it gets the highest profit and the most mature operation mechanism. The prospective of DAGE is the most profitable market on earth. On the main one hand, it could bring huge liquidity to the platform currency DGC; however, facing the huge amount of funds flow demand, based on the anonymity and economic And payment features, the profitability of most business segments of DAGE cannot be underestimated.
With regards to the primary business DApp application market, it'll launch all game products in the DAGE ecosystem, such as: e-sports, games, online flash games, mobile games, etc. When the product is released, its application token will also be listed in the DAGE decentralized anonymous game exchange at the same time. In this manner, all platform individuals can simply participate in the overall game and exchange it through the exchange anytime and anyplace if the overall game is earned. Legal currency, along with the geometric multiplication of income through currency transactions, while taking pleasure in the enthusiasm and enjoyable of the overall game, the huge benefits are significant, transparent and assured. Furthermore, anonymous communities (DID) and devices & worldwide sim communications (darkish web anonymous interpersonal) are undoubtedly just-needed businesses. Based on both of these major businesses, all participants in the DAGE ecosystem can safely and conveniently conduct games, connections and fund transfers upon a global scale. Global DID can access DAGE dark web and DAGE ecology without trace, and remain anonymous to the exterior world. At the same time, the DAGE device may also become an identity verifier and a VPN portal, protecting every transaction created by DID and keeping all DID information. Brother Fang has something to state Veteran and rookies, 1 crop after another, among these, DAGE is undoubtedly very lucky. Since its start, it has earned the influence that most game exchanges don't have. As a uncommon player with good funds, it has attracted more More interest and traffic. It now appears that predicated on heavy insights in to the game sector and blockchain technologies, the new ecosystem of decentralized anonymous game transactions that DAGE is focused on can be regarded as a market opportunity. As a changer who started the next 1 / 2 of the blockchain game industry in 2020, DAGE may also start 1,000 different blockchain games one after another, sponsoring various kinds of offline Texas, e-sports, and football fits, so that all associates can Take part in the entire DAGE ecosystem online and offline. It is among the most game battle platform with the most types of games and the biggest amount of users on earth. The wind has blown. Can DAGE shoot the front wave in the seaside with a strong ambition, new thinking and model? It is worth looking forward to. DAGE Decentralized Anonymous Game Exchange Official Website
This short article focuses on Industry trend evaluation, deconstruction of quality projects Does not constitute investment advice Be mindful when entering! cautious! cautious! Welcome to become listed on Zhang Fang's understanding planet Zhang Fang: Mars Financing, Huo ? Information Contracting Columnist; Golden Financing, Link Xiang Financing, Nine Billion Financing, and Zhilian platform certified columnist. The old man who has been immersed in the blockchain for several years only discusses dried out goods and doesn't talk an excessive amount of. Late-night time welfare, you understand (don't believe about it, Fang Ge is a serious person).
Past content (decided on) ◇ Organizing notes (5) ? EOS, the increasing celebrity of Li Xiaolai platform ◇ Organizing notes (7) ? Those that have no idea Token, what do they want to know? ◇ Sorting notes (9)? Soaring 90 occasions per year, Wright's first battle became famous ◇ Compiling notes (11)?Adverse market surges 20 occasions, ONT will go above the sky? ◇ Sorting notes (14)? OKB soared 50% in April, what is behind it? ◇ Sorting notes (21) ? NEO skyrocketed thousands of times, can Antman become Antman ◇ Sorting notes (23)? The HSR primary chain is "once again" on the internet, and the chef participates in the super node election and said that the braised pork will skyrocket! ◇ Sorting notes (26)?Record of university students' loan speculation: the passing away knell will ring permanently, there is no one before, and there are various comers! -G O O D L U C K-
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lootbear · 5 years
Bit Skins shutting down - HUGE update to LootBear - 0% transaction fee!
As shocking as it may seem, Bit Skins (Currently the number one most actively used in-game skin marketplace) is ramping down its operations and coming to a stop within the next few weeks.
This sudden news has undoubtedly ignited fear within the community of active traders, buyers and sellers of virtual items as this is the second time they have had to scramble to find a new marketplace to call home (The first time being the fall of OPSkins following its scandal with Valve and its 7 day trade ban). But how did this happen in the first place? 
The CEO of Bit Skins announced the news via a reddit thread less than a week ago where he  outlined the reason for the ‘abrupt’ decision. The process of shutting down the marketplace giant comes as a result of fraudulent purchases taking place on the Steam marketplace, with the users turning to Bit Skins as a way to cash out on their scam.
Some of Bit Skins’ bots were temporarily disabled before being reinstated with the warning from Valve that this could not happen again. Since they have no way to ensure the legitimacy of where skins come from, the team behind the platform have decided to pull the plug - Facing the legal wrath of Valve is enough to make anyone rethink their operation.
So what happens now?
Users have been given a 14 day window to withdraw their items and must either keep them or find another means of selling them on. But with the major player in the skin industry falling once again, where should they go?
Enter - LootBear
We here at LootBear created our platform due to our passion to deliver incredible value to gamers that love in-game items and skins. This is the entire philosophy behind our rental model - We want everyone to be able to play with whatever skin they love without it breaking the bank. 
Upon conception of Lootbear, we quickly became aware of the most important factor that would decide the stability, trustability and longevity of our platform - Security. Users want to know that their skins will be returned safely and that they will be rented to legitimate players. We wanted to be certain that both the skins and the money entering and leaving our platform were safe and came from legitimate authorized sources.
Because of this reason, our security and user onboarding system is incredibly sophisticated. We do everything in our power to ensure the legitimacy of every single user that joins our platform. Checking national ID’s and credit card records against a verified picture of every user that joins allows us to limit our risk substantially. This technology is unrivaled amongst our peers operating within the same industry. 
The rental model is our primary service but we do also operate as a buy and sell marketplace. Our fee for sales made on our platform has always been a competitive 5% and we have experienced a significant amount of traffic and satisfied users using this side of our platform.
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In lieu of the news of Bit Skins and the huge demand for a trustworthy and established alternative for the millions of gamers left in the lurk; the decision has been made to lower our transaction fee to zero. That’s right, selling your skins on LootBear is now absolutely free - And that’s a great price (a reference for the 9 year old bros out there).
Just to confirm - Going forward there will be absolutely no fees incurred to any users buying or selling skins on our platform. Our skin rental service and subscription model LootBear Prime will continue to operate as usual alongside this as it always has done. 
The community needs to have a safe place to buy and sell their skins. And they deserve that platform to have invested HEAVILY in their security. They deserve that platform to be known and to have proven themselves through thousands of transactions. They deserve that platform to not have popped up out of nowhere to profit on the new found demand. LootBear ticks all these boxes.
We will be doing everything within our power to facilitate the incoming demand to ensure that everything moves forward as smoothly as possible. 
We look forward to providing the new and old users of our platform with an ever improving service.
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teknolefttr · 4 years
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Son Derece Nadir Bir CS:GO Silah Kaplaması 150 Bin Dolara Satıldı https://teknoleft.com.tr/son-derece-nadir-bir-csgo-silah-kaplamasi-150-bin-dolara-satildi/
0 notes
aaleadsummeres2015 · 4 years
The central bank will steadily market the introduction of legal digital currency in 2020
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Review: The Central Bank will continue to steadily advance the study and growth of legal digital currency in 2020; the Anti-illegal Fund of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission mentioned that it'll launch anti-illegal fund-raising propaganda through the Spring Celebration and pay attention to key areas such as blockchain; Zhan Ketuan refutes the rumors "Bitmain starts employees optimisation" and is set. Oppose the business's layoffs; the Ethereum mainnet has triggered the Muir Glacier upgrade, reducing the average daily block period by nearly 25%. According to stats from PANews, there were 4 task financings within the blockchain field announced last week, with a total amount exceeding 5.785 million US dollars (excluding tasks for which the precise investment and financing amount has not been disclosed), including exchanges, crowdfunding platforms, content along with other fields .
o1 Central Financial institution: Continue steadily to steadily advance the study and growth of legal digital currency in 2020 On January 5th, the 2020 People's Financial institution of China Work Conference happened in Beijing. The conference emphasized which the development of lawful digital currency will continue to be steadily promoted in 2020. Additional expand the application form field of the global legal individual identification program code (LEI) in my own country. o2 Central Financial institution: Introduces a series of financial technologies regulatory rules such as personal financial information protection and blockchain On December 30, the Central Bank Financial Technologies Committee meeting happened in Beijing. The conference summarized the monetary technology function in 2019 and analyzed and deployed crucial tasks for 2020. Enthusiast Yifei, member of the Celebration Committee of the People's Financial institution of China and vice chief executive, presided on the meeting and delivered a conversation. The conference emphasized that in 2020, we must abide by the "two fingers" of growth and supervision, and continue to promote the stability and long-term growth of financial technologies. The third content is: increase monetary technology supervision and introduce private financial information protection, blockchain along with other financial technologies regulatory rules , To try out the role of standard guidelines, testing and qualification, and build the "four lines of defense" for monetary technology innovation administration covering industry supervision, social supervision, organization self-discipline, and institutional autonomy.
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o3 Mutual Financial Association: Research on application situations of legal digital currency in crucial tasks in 2020
On December 30, the Mobile Finance Professional Committee of the Mutual Finance Association held a gathering. The key tasks for 2020 include: analysis on the application form scenarios of lawful digital currencies under the framework of mobile finance; evaluation of the maturity of blockchain technologies applications within the financial industry; cross-border mobile obligations in RMB Research etc. o4 State Administration of FOREX: Promoting the design of cross-border monetary blockchain service platform On January 5, based on the State Administration of FOREX, the National FOREX Administration Work Meeting happened in Beijing. The conference laid out crucial tasks for forex administration in 2020, and described the need to deepen reform and checking in the forex field also to open up brand new services in a thorough manner. Support brand new forms of trade and market the construction of a cross-border monetary blockchain service platform. Deepen the reform of decentralization, decentralization and service, and assistance the pilot totally free trade zone, the Hainan Free Trade Port, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Region and other forex management reforms. o5 China Financial and Insurance Regulatory Commission Anti-illegal Matters Bureau: Through the Spring Festival, it'll perform anti-illegal fund-raising propaganda, focusing on key areas such as blockchain On January 3, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission's Bureau for Combating Illegal Financial Routines revealed which the Joint Office of any office of the noncommunications Department released the "Notice on Doing a Good Work in Preventing Illegal Fund-raising Promotion and Education through the Spring Celebration in 2020", and can conduct a nationwide campaign to avoid unlawful fund-raising Educational activities. The notice remarked that it's important to grasp crucial areas, and quickly disclose methods and prompt dangers for unlawful fund-raising activities completed in the title of investment and financial administration, pension and health care, private equity crowdfunding, and blockchain. o6 National Cryptography Administration: From January 1, 2020, apps for commercial cryptographic product types and models won't be accepted On December 30, based on the official announcement, the State Cryptography Administration released the Announcement (No. 39) of the State Cryptography Administration and the State Administration for Marketplace Regulation on adjusting the management methods of commercial cryptographic products. 1. Beginning with January 1, 2020, the State Cryptography Administration won't accept apps for commercial cryptographic product types and models, and prevent issuing "Commercial Cryptographic Product Model Certificates." From July 1, 2020, the released "Commercial Cryptographic Product Model Certificate" will instantly become invalid. 2. THE OVERALL Administration of Marketplace Supervision, together with the State Cryptography Administration, will individually formulate and release the product catalog, certification guidelines and relevant execution requirements for the nationally promoted commercial encryption certification. Beginning with the implementation day of the qualification rules, commercial cryptography practitioners can voluntarily send certification apps to qualified commercial cryptographic certification organizations.
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o7 The drafting group of "Anti-Money Laundering Specifications for Blockchain Market Application" was officially established On January 2, the Blockchain Branch of the China Software Market Association announced the establishment of a drafting group for the ¡§Anti-Money Laundering Specifications for the Application of Blockchain Industry¡¨, which will jointly participate in the ¡§Blockchain Industry¡¨ by uniting the main units or person specialists and scholars with certain influence on the market. Application of Anti-Money Laundering Specifications. This drafting group is principally to clarify regular financial behaviors and abnormal monetary behaviors in blockchain-related areas, and to avoid illegal elements from using blockchain application platforms and technologies in order to avoid the review of law enforcement officials and other investigators to conduct unlawful money laundering. The discover was copied towards the Ministry of Market and Information Technology, the Internet Financial Standards Research Institute of China Internet Finance Association, the Technologies and Standards Department of China Payment and Clearing Association, and China Software Industry Association. o8 No. 1 Document of Nanjing Municipal Celebration Committee: Promote the coordinated growth of industries, fortify the chain, and encourage the use of blockchain industry On January 2, the 2020 Nanjing Innovative City Construction Promotion Meeting was held on the Jiangsu Grand Movie theater. At the conference, the 2020 Municipal Celebration Committee Document No. 1 was released "Several Policy Steps on Additional Deepening the Structure of Innovative City and Accelerating the Improvement of Industrial Simple Ability and Industrial String Level" . The record described: Promote the coordinated growth of the to fortify the chain, encourage the use of blockchain on the market, support leading businesses to build alliance stores, and promote the to climb towards the high-end of the worthiness chain. o9 Shenzhen's digital currency pilot will get into service scenarios such as transportation, education and learning, and medical care According to news from Shenzhen Industrial Daily on January 3, according to authoritative sources, the central bank led with the People's Financial institution of China, the four state-owned commercial banks of Market, Agriculture, China, and China Structure, and the three main telecom providers of China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom. The lawful digital currency pilot project is usually expected to land in Shenzhen, Suzhou along with other places. It is reported that the related standards of lawful digital currency and the testing of payment system access may also be advancing simultaneously. Furthermore, compared with the previous pilot, the central bank's legal digital currency pilot will come out of the central bank's program and enter true service scenarios such as transportation, education and learning, and medical care.
o1 Huobi Li Lin methods down because the legal individual and movie director of Juchain Band of the NEEQ In accordance with Tianyan Check information, on December 27, 2019, Huobi Li Lin stepped down as the lawful representative and chairman of the NEEQ Beijing Julian Occasions Technology Group Co., Ltd., Zhu Guoguo got over because the legal individual, and Zhang Zijin got over because the chairman. At the same time as Li Lin, directors Tan Chenhui, Hu Donghai, Ju Jianhua and Gao Yaohua, as well as members of the panel of supervisors Xu Mingsheng, Chen Jing and Ning Hao. A complete of 8 directors, managers and supervisors had been added. And just your day before, Jingju String Times Technology Group Co., Ltd. released a clarification announcement proclaiming that ¡§the lawful representative of the business is usually Li Lin. Li Lin is usually mixed up in virtual currency exchange Huobi, and Huobi is usually involved in certain negative news.¡¨ The company plans to complete the change of legal representative and residence soon. The legal representative will be changed from Li Lin to the business's general supervisor Zhu Guoguo. Li Lin ceased to function as movie director and chairman of the board since December 8, 2017. "The announcement mentioned that Li Lin has not held any placement in the business since December 2017, and has not participated in the business's operations; since Might 2019, he no more holds shares in the business. Li Lin is still the company because the company has not changed its lawful representative. Aside from the legal representative of the business, Li Lin presently has no connection with the business." It is reported that in Feb 2016, Li Lin acquired the New 3rd Board firm Pangu Technologies and afterwards renamed it Beijing Cai Mao Occasions System Co., Ltd. That 30 days, the company's amazing shareholders meeting handed a resolution to improve the company title from "Beijing Caimao Occasions System Co., Ltd." to "Beijing Julian Occasions Technology Group Co., Ltd.". In fact, along with Beijing Julian Occasions Technology, many businesses in which Li Lin is really a legal individual or executive have operating abnormalities. Among them are usually Beijing Pengle Expense Management Co., Ltd., where Li Lin can be an executive, and Beijing Huobi Tianxia System Technologies Co., Ltd., the operating entity of Huobi.com. o2 Zhan Ke group refutes the rumors of "Bitmain launches employees optimisation" and firmly opposes the business's layoff On January 2, self-media Wu Said Blockchain released an article proclaiming that several individuals familiar with the problem confirmed that Bitmain acquired launched a employees optimization plan at the end of 2019. Insiders of Bitmain uncovered that the business is currently operating normally, with healthful cash flow, and optimization is a "slimming plan" to deal with the halving, and it is also a rectification of the original chairman's business expansion at will. Final weekend break, Wu Jihan held a related conference and requested all department managers to send an optimized list.
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The optimization plan is likely to be completed prior to the Bitmain annual conference, that's, before January 17. It really is reported that the reason for the optimisation of personnel is that the mining industry is usually facing the pressure of Bitcoin halving, and the business needs to streamline the organization to "overwinter", while focusing on the main business and maintaining the technological direct. Weighed against the hundred people of its rival Shenma mining machine, Bitmain has several thousand individuals, and the amount of personnel is fairly redundant. Market insiders mentioned that the current Bitcoin trend is not clear. The Bitcoin halving in-may is a massive doubt for mining machine businesses. Bitmain should indeed optimize its employees. A suspected Bitmain worker broke the news headlines, saying that the AI ??business had already found a joint venture partner, but had been rejected by the original chairman, which was among the reasons for the optimisation. Another Bitmain insider mentioned that the optimisation can be a rectification of the original chairman's business expansion and the totally free use of funds. It is reported that AI business can be the focus of optimization because of its inability to generate profit. The mining machine business happens to be in full swing and will be relatively safe to be able to maintain the leading edge of technology on the market. In response to this, on January 6, Zhan Ketuan released an open notice "A Letter to Workers: I Resolutely Oppose layoffs" on Weibo. The article stated which the above-mentioned news does not conform to business good sense and logic. It should be a rumor. On the main one hand, compared with competitors' teams of just one 1,000 individuals, Bitmain's AI business line has significantly less than 800 individuals, and the business's capital and resource reserves can afford this part of the business line expenditure. Furthermore, Zhan Ketuan thinks that S17 is really a competitive product in the current market. Furthermore, Bitmain's S19 series of mining machines will be launched soon, which is predicted to bring considerable profits to Bitmain. "Redundancies in response to the Bitcoin halving" are usually absurd. Zhan Ketuan firmly opposes layoffs, he mentioned, "I firmly oppose such layoffs! We won't need to layoffs! We cannot play suicide!" o3BiUP's shareholders withdraw funds from on-chain technologies and cut off the business scope of "agent bookkeeping" According to the information from Tianyan Examine, Beijing Chainshang Technologies Co., Ltd. taken out its investment in Beijing Shangbi System Technologies Co., Ltd. (BiUP) on January 5, withdrew from BiUP shareholders, keeping 8% of the shares before exiting, and recently added shareholders Li Qiuling, keeping 1.08%. Two days ago, the chain technologies withdrew from Shangbi System as a lawful person and had been bought out by Beijing Qiannuo System Technologies Co., Ltd., and added Li Qiuling, a natural person shareholder. It is reported that Beijing BiUP Technologies System Co., Ltd. (BiUP) is really a convergent digital currency exchange that conducts smart trading of a large number of currency pairs. It was jointly set up by Beijing Qiannuo Epoch System Technologies Co., Ltd. and Beijing String Technologies Co., Ltd. It is worth mentioning that, also on January 3, Shangbi System taken out the ¡§engaged in Internet cultural activities; Internet information services; company bookkeeping. Technology advertising providers¡¨ in its business scope. The scope of business is usually defined by the previous ¡§internet cultural activities; Internet information providers; bookkeeping agency. Technologies promotion services; enterprises independently select business projects and perform business activities in accordance with the law; take part in Internet cultural activities, Internet information providers, bookkeeping realtors, and legally needed Approved tasks." Changed to "technology growth, technical services; sales of electronic products, handicrafts, stationery, every day essentials, knitting textiles, clothing; corporate planning; corporate management consulting; economic and trade consulting; organizing cultural and artistic swap activities (excluding performances) ); meeting and exhibition providers; computer graphical design and creation." In addition, the business's shareholder Beijing Qiannuojiyuan System Technologies Co., Ltd. taken out the "investment administration; asset management; investment consulting" business from its business scope as early as December 25, 2019, and changed the company's home at the same time. o4 Chengdu Lian'an: A lot more than 9 typical safety incidents occurred in December On January 2nd, according to data through the Beosin-Eagle Vision (Beosin-Eagle Vision) platform, in the past month (December), 9 regular security incidents occurred. included in this: With regards to DApp: On December 6, Tron Lounge DApp had been attacked by way of a rollback deal, with a total loss of 54653TRX. On the general public chain: On December 14, VeChain officially announced that it had been hacked, 1.1 billion Veterinarian had been taken, and US$6.4 million acquired disappeared; on December 20, the state account of the NULS public chain was taken by 2 million NULS tokens. On December 30, the consensus of the main network of the general public chain IOTA had been split and may not be up-to-date. TPS was as soon as near 0; on December 1, Vertcoin (VTC) had been attacked by 51%, and the attacker successfully utilized its 553 zones. The prevent replaces 603 VTC primary chain blocks. Wallet: The Ethereum wallet Shitcoin Wallet is usually suspected to be malicious JavaScript program code, attempting to grab data through the browser window and send out it towards the remote control server erc20wallet.tk. Other factors: Poloniex cryptocurrency swap sent emails to inform customers that there could be information leakage; hackers had been found to utilize JPEG pictures of famous singer Taylor Swift to hide malicious encrypted mining software program MyKingz; 58COIN standard announcement mentioned that unidentified individuals recently got the initiative Use 58COIN to achieve the purpose of fishing. o5Poloniex: There is no information leakage, and the customer is required to reset the password only to assure account security On January 3, Poloniex officially updated the latest developments concerning the "data leak" incident, saying that the previous request for users to improve their passwords had been for security factors, not due to Poloniex information or information leakage.
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Poloniex stated: "This 7 days, we sent a contact to around 1% of our own total customers requesting them to reset their passwords in response to a tweet claiming to contain'Email deal with and password leaked by Poloniex.' At this point to clarify, Poloniex didn't have any information or data leakages. The email was launched only to quickly respond to external danger indicators. Our first concern is to assure the safety of customers' accounts. Therefore, we have reset the passwords of potentially affected customers. The official mentioned that for the current situation The list and content information are not from Poloniex.¡¨ Furthermore, Poloniex also mentioned that significantly less than 5% of the email addresses in the info set of the tweet are usually related to Poloniex accounts. It is reported which the "data leak" originated on December 30, when a user posted a screenshot of a contact on Twitter and claimed to possess received a contact from Poloniex. This content of the email informs which the leaked email and password list enable you to log in to the Poloniex account and reset the password on any email with the swap account. Another person posted a summary of email addresses and passwords on Twitter, saying they could be used to log in to Poloniex's account. o6 The Guangdong Province SME financing platform is released, predicated on blockchain technologies to simplify the application for the loan procedure by 60% On January 2, the Guangdong Province SME financing platform premiered and released the country's initial unsecured blockchain mortgage. The platform can make full use of Guangdong's "digital government" data assets and financial technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to solve the issue of information asymmetry, supply multi-dimensional business credit portraits for enterprises, and provide tailor-made supply chain financing , Trade financing, intellectual property financing along with other financing solutions, and help financial institutions strengthen risk administration capabilities and enhance financial service performance. After the platform went live, the initial online unsecured financing credit line predicated on blockchain technology had been accepted within 3 minutes and handed the quota evaluation. At present, the SME financing platform of Guangdong Province has accessed 213 forms of government information from 26 government agencies; it has successfully docked with 129 financial institutions within the province, such as Industrial and Industrial Bank, Construction Financial institution, and Ping An Financial institution, and released 319 financial loans for your province. The extensive collection of information from more than 11 million enterprises and the evaluation and profiling of enterprise risks are the first platform in the country to conduct commercial credit evaluation and evaluation of little and medium-sized enterprises within the province. According to the 21st Century Business Herald, the platform continues to be docked with Ant Financial and Baixing CREDIT SCORING. In the foreseeable future, it will build a financial service ecosystem for little and medium-sized enterprises. Priority will be directed at 45,000 state-level high-tech enterprises, as well as small upgraded enterprises, specialized and brand new Enterprises solve financing problems on the platform. As the initial platform in the country to conduct commercial credit evaluation and evaluation of little and medium-sized enterprises in the complete region, the platform has established information sharing, privacy protection and mutual rely on mechanisms through the use of blockchain technologies, which not only makes corporate information correct and unchangeable, but also enables financial institutions The capability to query corporate information in accordance with regulations can are likely involved in solving the financing discomfort factors of three forms of little and medium-sized enterprises in manufacturing, international trade and technology and technology. Because the platform integrates a large number of intellectual property mortgage products, it can simplify the application form procedure for 60% of corporate loans for technology and technology businesses. o7 Razer's monetary branch requested a digital banking permit in Singapore, and its share price rose by more than 10% On January 2, Sina Financial News, Razer announced that its monetary branch has requested a digital banking permit in Singapore. The share cost soared in earlier trading. As of press period, the quoted cost had been 1.41 Hong Kong dollars, a rise of 11.024%. Razer mentioned that its monetary technologies branch (Razer Fintech) has submitted an application for a digital banking license released with the Monetary Power of Singapore to determine a "Razer Youth Bank". According to the guidelines issued with the Monetary Power of Singapore, it is expected which the Monetary Power of Singapore will inform Razer Fintech of its application bring about mid-2020. It is reported that with the business's advantage like a lifestyle brand that's inseparable from younger generation and millennials, Razer Fintech is usually planning to create the world's initial Global Youth Financial institution (Razer Youth Financial institution, headquartered in Singapore). The monetary technology sector has expanded to include digital banking providers. At present, Razer Fintech has gathered a consortium of strategic partners who plan to subscribe for equity in Razer Youth Bank. These strategic partners include Sheng Siong Holdings; FWD; Linksure Global; Insignia Ventures Partners; and Carro. Furthermore, Razer Fintech has gathered a number of the world's leading providers, product and technologies platform partners to provide providers to Razer Youth Bank, which includes Justco, Quantifeed, Saxo Marketplaces, Real Eyesight, SkyScanner, SoCash, Turnkey Loan provider, V-Key and Visa. Razer is really a computer game technologies firm. On November 13, 2017, Razer officially landed on the main board of the Hong Kong STOCK MARKET and became the initial e-sports concept share in Hong Kong. It really is as well-known as ZhongAn Online, Yixin Group, China Reading Group, and Ping An Great Doctor, and is known as a Hong Kong share. Five Musketeers of the brand new Economy". At the beginning of its listing, it was oversubscribed by 289 situations. It has received investment from well-known investment organizations Temasek, Hong Kong's richest guy Li Ka-shing, and Internet giant Intel. o8 Bloomberg: Ant Financial has requested a Singapore digital bank license and can get into the Southeast Asian digital bank queue On January 2nd, according to Bloomberg News, Ant Financial acquired requested a Singapore digital bank license. Just more than two months ago, Bloomberg reported that Ant Financial might think about trying to get a virtual bank permit in Singapore, getting into the Southeast Asian digital bank queue, and having a head-on battle with traditional banking institutions such as DBS Financial institution and OCBC Financial institution. In those days, Guan Ant Financial didn't disclose whether it was trying to get a retail banking license or perhaps a wholesale banking permit. It is understood that MAS needs to concern 5 digital bank licenses in the initial batch, which includes 2 full digital bank licenses and 3 low cost digital bank licenses. The previous provides various monetary services such as debris for retail and non-retail banking customers; the latter provides providers for SMEs along with other non-retail banking customers. Furthermore, on December 20, Reuters reported that, with individuals familiar with the problem, Ant Financial acquired quietly acquired eMonkey, an e-wallet firm in Vietnam. Ant Financial has its own workplace in Vietnam and invested in eMonkey because the company has acquired all operating licenses from the State Financial institution of Vietnam (SBV). In July 2019, Ant Financial Vice Leader Liang Shidong mentioned that Ant Financial has set up an independent team to study the relevant needs of financial keeping companies and actively participate in soliciting opinions. IN-MAY of the same year, Ant Financial acquired a virtual banking permit in Hong Kong. Public reports show that in July 2019, following a announcement and issuance of virtual banking licenses in Hong Kong, the Monetary Power of Singapore (MAS) announced the launch of the same license, allowing businesses without a banking background to perform banking business. Singapore is planned to declare the winners of 5 digital banking licenses in mid-2020. It really is expected that the brand new digital bank permit will begin functions in phases from middle of the-2021. o9 The Ethereum mainnet has triggered the Muir Glacier upgrade, reducing the average daily block period by nearly 25% On January 2, the Ethereum mainnet triggered the Muir Glacier tough fork upgrade in a block height of 9.2 million at 16:31 on January 2, 2020, Beijing period, to be able to delay the steady emergence of the Ethereum mainnet Trouble bomb, so this upgrade only consists of a noticable difference proposal EIP-2384. The EIP postponed the issue bomb again by 4 million prevents, or about 600 days. All popular Ethereum clients have supported this upgrade. For node providers or miners, the latest version of the Ethereum client must be used.
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According to information reported with the Ethereum prevent explorer Etherscan, from January 1 to January 4, the every day average block period on the blockchain decreased from 17.16 secs to 12.96. This means that the time continues to be shortened by 24.48%. Certainly, the reduction in block time results in a rise in the amount of blocks each day, and the expansion rate of ETH is usually higher. In accordance with Etherscan's Ethereum prevent count and reward chart, on January 1st, miners created 4980 new prevents and 10237ETH. On January 4, the miners of the network created 6,570 brand new prevents and 13,437 brand new ETH. The number of blocks has improved by nearly 32%, and the block reward has increased by more than 31%. The last upgrade of the Ethereum mainnet had been on December 8th this past year. The Istanbul upgrade was triggered at block height 9069000, which contained 6 enhancement proposals. In the roadmap of Ethereum 1.X, the next upgrade is usually codenamed "Berlin" and is scheduled to become completed in June this year. 10The market worth of Chizi City's detailed transaction reaches HK$3 billion, with Huobi Funds as its cornerstone investor On December 31, Chizicheng Technologies officially landed on the main board of the Hong Kong STOCK MARKET with a share program code of 09911 and Huobi Funds as its cornerstone buyer. It is reported that the issue cost of Chizi City is usually 1.68 Hong Kong dollars, and the net raised funds are usually 176 million Hong Kong dollars. The opening marketplace worth of Chizi City was up to HK$3 billion. As of press period, the quoted cost had been HKD 3.21, a rise of 91.071% from the issue price. Prior to this, through the global launch from December 17 to 20, Chizicheng Technologies recorded a total of 1441.83 situations of public membership. This listing has attracted investment from many financial institutions, including Fortune Financial's participation in its Pre-IPO, and open public offering funds such as China Asset Management and China Re Group to participate in its anchor investment. It is worth noting that Huobi Funds, a subsidiary of Blockchain Technologies Huobi, is usually its cornerstone buyer. Huobi mentioned that Chizicheng Technologies has built a 6-year Internet ecosystem and accumulated 800 million worldwide users, which has become a key element in attracting its participation. It is reported that Chizi City began its abroad deployment as early as 2013, developing an APP item matrix for worldwide users and also a programmatic advertising platform serving global Internet manufacturers. At present, Chizicheng Technology has successfully released more than 70 products and accumulated nearly 800 million worldwide users, covering more than 200 countries and regions all over the world. In the initial 1 / 2 of 2019, the average daily activity of Chizicheng technologies products attained 35 million and the monthly activity attained 164 million. 11NGC Ventures launches NGC Ventures Fund II with an expected range of USD 25 million On January 3, according to Crypto Briefing, NGC Ventures, a blockchain investment institution, launched the next fund NGC Ventures Fund II of the "cryptocurrency all-weather investment strategy". The fund focuses on capturing marketplace betas and making sure stable investment comes back during marketplace booms or downturns. It is reported that the brand new fund is likely to have an top limit of US$25 million, and 80% of the funds have been subscribed. Currently, investment tools used to implement all-weather strategies include tokens, equity and structured products in the principal and secondary markets, fixed revenue and quantitative transactions, arbitrage, mergers and acquisitions, mortgage loans, and mining. Although the current investment tools are very varied, NGC now only focuses on two goals: One is by using various tools which includes big data, synthetic intelligence and guide data evaluation to aggregate and evaluate different data sources to understand and predict Macro marketplace cycles and resource allocation. The second is to generate Alpha through direct investment projects by means of tokens or equity to help exit profitability after development. It is reported that NGC has more than 50 blockchain assets. Its first fund was set up in November 2017 and had been identified by PitchBook as one of the top ten blockchain capital raising funds rated by quantity and scale. The second phase of the fund is now launched to ensure that investment returns can be obtained at any stage of the market cycle. 12Ali Dharma Academy announced the very best ten technological developments in 2020, and large-scale production-level blockchain apps will enter the general public On January 2, Ali Dharma Academy announced the very best ten technological developments in 2020, which includes: artificial intelligence growing from perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence; computing and storage integration to break the AI ??computing energy bottleneck; hyper-convergence of the industrial Internet; large-scale cooperation between devices It becomes feasible; modularity decreases the threshold of chip design; large-scale production-level blockchain apps will get into the people; quantum computing gets into a critical period; new materials market the innovation of semiconductor devices; AI technology to protect data personal privacy will speed up its execution; cloud gets to be IT technology The center of innovation. Among them, large-scale production-level blockchain apps will get into the masses. Pattern evaluation of Alibaba Dharma Academy: Blockchain BaaS providers will further reduced the threshold for enterprises to use blockchain technologies, and hardware chips designed for blockchains such as terminal, cloud, and chain solidification core algorithms will also emerge. , To understand the anchoring of property in the bodily world and property on the chain, further broaden the boundary of the web of Value, and understand the interconnection of all chains. In the foreseeable future, a large number of innovative blockchain application situations and cross-industry and cross-ecological multi-dimensional cooperation will emerge, and large-scale production-level blockchain apps with day to day activities of more than tens of millions will enter the general public. 13 Ethereum analysis scientist Virgil Griffith will be released on bail and has now been dismissed On December 31, according to Inner City Press, Determine Vernon Broderick of the Southern District of NY produced a verdict on Ethereum analysis scientist Virgil Griffith on December 30. Virgil Griffith continues to be granted bail at his mothers and fathers' home in Alabama. The bail is usually $1 million, however the exact period of bail is not yet clear. According to earlier reports from PANews, last week the united states Attorney's Office rejected Virgil Griffith's bail request based on the text message sent by Virgil Griffith to his mothers and fathers that he acquired renounced his American citizenship and opened a money laundering firm in North Korea. However, within the appeal on the 30th, Brian Klein, the lawyer representing Virgil Griffith, defended that Virgil Griffith didn't actually give up his citizenship which his allegation had been a violation of sanctions instead of money laundering. Brian Klein also mentioned that Virgil Griffith has now been taken off the Ethereum Foundation. Furthermore, the court also discussed Griffith's abroad flight risk and controllable funds issues. In the end, the judge accepted Virgil Griffith on parole from his mothers and fathers' home in Alabama with a bail of $1 million. Earlier, Virgil Griffith had been detained on suspicion of violating the Worldwide Emergency Economic Capabilities Act (IEEPA) by visiting North Korea to participate in a cryptocurrency meeting organized by the federal government in Pyongyang. Virgil Griffith served as the head of special tasks of the Ethereum Foundation. PANews discovered after inquiry that Virgil Griffith has not up-to-date his LinkedIn function. 14 The Shanghai Futures Exchange and Qingdao Traditions plan to launch a blockchain-based futures regulatory information platform On December 30, according to financial reports, the Shanghai Futures Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Futures Exchange) and Qingdao Traditions signed a strategic cooperation agreement. With the signing of the agreement, the Shanghai Futures Exchange and Qingdao Traditions have achieved strategic cooperation to coordinate the introduction of the bonded shipping business of organic rubber and crude oil futures along with other futures products, and promote the forming of pilot experience within the design of Shandong Free Trade Zone. In the next step, under the framework of the strategic cooperation agreement, the Shanghai Futures Exchange will collaborate with Qingdao Traditions to market the growth and procedure of a natural rubber and crude oil futures regulatory information platform predicated on blockchain technology, improve education, coaching and information swap, and develop crude oil, organic rubber, and pulp Wait for futures commodity inspection assistance and exchanges, create and enhance a even and convenient communication mechanism, and improve practical assistance at a higher level. 15 The design of the insurance policy risk manage blockchain platform had been officially released, and 14 insurance companies have announced their participation On December 30th, based on the Securities Daily, the construction of the insurance risk manage blockchain platform had been officially launched on the "Initiation of the Establishment of Technologies Standards for the Insurance Market Blockchain Application and the Release Ceremony of the "Blockchain Insurance Application White Paper" held recently. , 14 insurance companies announced to become listed on the alliance chain platform. At the same time, the construction of the "Technical Specifications for the Application of Blockchain within the Insurance Market" was also launched on the same day time, with 109 industry organizations participating, responding and actively supporting the formulation of this standard. This means that the use of blockchain technology within the insurance industry will speed up, with richer application scenarios, and the is also getting excited about more landing application results. Currently, you can find PICC P&C, CPIC P&C, Ping An P&C, Dadi P&C, China United P&C, Anda P&C, Sumitomo Mitsui, Shidai P&C, AXA, Sunshine P&C, Huatai P&C, A complete of 14 insurance companies including Evergreen Home & Casualty Insurance, Dubang Home & Casualty Insurance and Huaan Home & Casualty Insurance officially announced their participation within the insurance risk manage blockchain platform. The "White Paper" remarked that the insurance industry is very more likely to become among the first large-scale apps of blockchain. Blockchain has huge application situations with the insurance policy industry in at the very least 11 aspects, which includes reinsurance, annuity administration, insurance risk manage, health care, factors, digital insurance policies, agricultural insurance policy traceability, insurance option asset administration, over-the-counter deal digitization, cross-country Worldwide trade insurance policy and mutual insurance policy. According to relevant McKinsey research reports, the insurance industry accounts for 22% of blockchain application scenarios in various industries, ranking initial. The Boston Consulting Group's analysis shows that the in-depth use of blockchain will certainly reduce the operating costs of global home insurance companies by 5%-13%. 16 Guangzhou Metro released the initial blockchain electronic invoice Guangzhou Metro released the initial blockchain electronic invoice on January 1, 2020, marking the use of blockchain electronic invoice in the general public transportation industry in Guangzhou. It really is expected to end up being fully released on the state Guangzhou Metro APP before mid-January. use. The integrated application of blockchain technologies plays a significant role in brand new technological innovation and industrial transformation. The execution and advertising of blockchain invoices will further facilitate everyone to concern invoices when having the subway. Guangzhou Metro mentioned which the invoice function is still being debugged, and it will speed up the system's function debugging, enhance the invoicing function, and make an effort to enable travellers to concern blockchain electronic invoices through the state APP of Guangzhou Metro before mid-January. A more efficient, better high quality and smarter travel experience.
According to stats from PANews, there were 4 task financings within the blockchain field announced last week, with a total amount exceeding 5.785 million US dollars (excluding tasks for which the precise investment and financing amount has not been disclosed), including exchanges, crowdfunding platforms, content along with other fields .
o1 Youbi Group obtains well-known angel investment On January 4, according to official news, Youbi.com, a subsidiary of Youbi.com Group, recently received millions of strategic assets from well-known traders to build and keep maintaining the ecosystem of Youbi.com's bodily assets on the chain. Youbi Group is currently launching a cooperation plan for overseas listed businesses. YooEx is really a global digital resource exchange and a significant section of YooEco. o2 Snow monitor documentary received a strategic investment of US$5 million and set up a foundation in Singapore On December 31, according to official news, Snowfall Track Documentary received a US$5 million strategic investment from Cayman Offshore Fund. The investor is the Four Dimensions Global Strategy Fund (Registration No. 1542752). Snow Road officials stated that this round of financing is to build a pan-entertainment social documentary platform for the digital asset contract market, which is used to fortify the mining features of the data mechanism and enhance the product experience after the real offer is usually online. At the same time, to be able to ensure the even operation of the global strategic deployment of snow trails, the XueDao Foundation was set up on December 31. The primary task of the foundation is to run the ecological network of snow trails on the principles of openness, fairness and transparency, as well as the The development group provides support. Snowfall Road Copy is really a pan-entertainment social investing platform within the digital currency field, which aggregates the three parties of encrypted funds, traders, and traders to provide users with real-time marketplace information, news information, real data, ranking rankings, trading strategies, and copy investing And quantitative fund investment and financing services. o3Baanx has raised nearly 600,000 lbs (approximately US$785,000) on the equity crowdfunding platform Seedrs On December 31, the payment and cryptocurrency investing platform Baanx's financing progress on the equity crowdfunding platform Seedrs has approached 600,000 lbs. It is reported that Baanx programs to sell a 7.1% stake in the business in a pre-tax valuation of ¢G7.85 million. To date, Baanx has raised ¢G567,825 from 276 person investors. The company had previously executed a round of seed financing. o4 The decentralized live broadcast platform DLive was acquired by TRON and became a member of the BitTorrent ecosystem. It was once invested by Zhen Fund On December 31, the decentralized live broadcast platform DLive announced that it would sign up for the BitTorrent ecosystem and started to migrate towards the TRON blockchain. According to the official announcement, DLive and the blockchain development group will cooperate using the BitTorrent team to market its products on BitTorrent, and use the storage providers on BitTorrent to help expand understand the "decentralization" of content. Furthermore, BitTorrent's streaming media platform BLive will merge with DLive right into a team.
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zestnzinglife · 4 years
Noteworthy progress of blockchain games in March: Enjin, Decentraland, The Sandbox, etc.
Enjin Ecological several games released public beta, Somium Space VR and The Sandbox held a property auction. Original title: "First Class Regular Report: Summary of Main Games Progress in March"
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The field of blockchain games continues to build up. Although the amount of gaming blockchain games nevertheless ranks first, the general tendency has exceeded. The overall game industry provides brand-new pursuits and styles. Projects and gamers increasingly worth the playability and Sustainable development of the blockchain industry. The auction of property and real estate in virtual reality games is definitely a spot in blockchain games, and your competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In March, several virtual reality games began the Nth circular of property auctions to share the remaining cakes. For information, please start to see the breakdown below. Project progress is normally sorted in order of rank, and the rank is based on information from the Coinmarketcap web site as of March 31, 2020. Enjin Coin (ENJ), #733 Monthly progress Enjin multiverse solitary player science fiction adventure game "Age of Corrosion" will undoubtedly be released in beta this month; "Hunters of Rio" has started public beta; "9 Lifestyles Arena" upgrade 0.4 Version and integrated Enjin wallet; "Dissolution Sport" has been released on Steam, but only supports single participant mode. Enjin Platform users used 300,000 ENJs to forge an NFT on March 9th. The NFT may be used to buy tickets to Mars on SpaceX.
Views In February, Enjin Platform went go on the mainnet, and folks can build NFTs or projects. Since forged NFTs could be reduced to ENJ tokens, lots of people start to use ENJ tokens to forge NFTs for enjoyment purposes. Before, someone forged an NFT called "Being a King is an excellent Issue", costing 1,155,777.1 ENJs. With the start of Enjin Platform, the development of NFTs is becoming more diverse. Both games "Age of Rust" and "Dissolution Game" provide various scenarios to enrich an individual experience and fulfill the tastes of various players. They're both popular games in the Enjin ecosystem. The popularity of "9 Lifestyles Arena" is also rated in the forefront of blockchain games. The integration of Enjin wallet makes it easier for users to enter the game. If these games can bring in a lot of new users, as the game property in the Enjin multiverse have got cross-game attributes, some other games in the ecosystem may also benefit from this network effect and get fresh blood. In April, it is prepared that the Enjin team will continue its development work. The main contents consist of upgrading the Enjin wallet and updating the Godot SDK and Java SDK. "Dissolution Game" continues to be quite a distance from the conceived MMO setting. The game group will continue to develop the game, fix bugs, and improve the user experience. Other games in the multiverse ecosystem will still be developed. Decentraland (MANA), #1013 Progress in month Since Decentraland has been opened on February 20th, many reviewers said that the project was tough and there have been many bugs, that was definately not the vision. As often, the official continues to be doing development function within an orderly manner, adding a search function in the market. The community is also actively building, which includes DCL Plazas hosting an art festival, Decentral Games creating a chess picture, and hosting competitions. The areas in the digital world are steadily opening up. The ecological surrounding project Chain Breakers has undergone major changes, that is one of the largest game projects in the Decentraland ecosystem. The overall game faced financing issues and development bottlenecks at the same time, and finally made a decision to auction the game copyright on March 30.
I think the group spent considerable time refactoring the SDK in the first three years of development. Although there are delivery tasks, several basic functions aren't yet perfect. Currently, it can only end up being browsed through the net, and the loading period is lengthy. The state roadmap jobs are too detailed and there is no clear delivery period. It is expected that it will require quite a long time to full the basic functions. Based on the DCL blogger, Decentraland is currently creating a standalone desktop computer client. For games like Decentraland that are less aggressive and tend to be casual, mobile is even more needed. Because the mobile terminal allows gamers to utilize fragmented time, boost online length, broaden the viewers, and attract lighting users. Team development content must be more in line with market needs. In addition, several users stopped accessing the game following the event day, and the number of every day active users fell to about 10% of the open event. This implies that DCL isn't enough to depend on the community to build an interior ecosystem. The stagnant development of the game Chain Breakers furthermore demands DCL to get new ways to enrich the ecology. Based on the program code submission plan within April, the team's recent function targets improving Decentraland Explorer. Based on the roadmap, the functions that require to be delivered in the near future consist of: redesigning the official website; using various colors to tag the brands of others; including street names; improving the map to a navigational map; using the map for location move; the builder can team and operate components. Somium Space VR (CUBE), #Zero ranking in March. Improvement in March Somium Space released Somium 2.0 on February 20th, and began the second property auction on March 19th, making use of Dutch auctions, auctioning 25 weekly Lots, the auction lasts 10 weeks, a total of 250 a lot. The common price of property auctioned in the first week was 4.4 ETH. Somium Space's scalability solution originally used Loom's side chain technology, however now it has switched to Matic technology. First Class Encyclopedia: Dutch auction, also called "reduced price auction", is really a special kind of auction. The bidding price of the auction focus on decreases from high to low before first bidder responds. If the first person hasn't completed bidding all the objects, the remaining objects will still be auctioned at a lower life expectancy price until all the objects are sold. Ultimately, all the targets are sold at the cheapest price.
Watch Somium Space's general progress is slow. The overall game calls for the realization of a 3D digital globe as its vision, and uses "cultural platforms" and VR as its primary selling points. Nevertheless, a lot of people currently don't have VR devices, and the game experience cannot be when compared to same kind of centralized games. Therefore, both of these selling points are hard to attract a lot of new users and investors. Aside from the property auction planned in April, the group hasn't announced other programs yet. The Sandbox (SAND, not yet released) March progress. The Sandbox completed the next round of property auctions in February, and made a decision to start the 3rd round of property auctions on March 31, selling 12,384 plots at a 20% low cost. Including 2,538 plots of 1x1 plots, 750 plots of 3x3 plots, 50 plots of 6x6 plots, 5 plots of 12x12 plots, and 1 plot of 24x24 plots. The image below exhibits the partners presently known to participate in the 3rd round of property auctions:
The state VoxEdit Beta version of the editor premiered in February, and a VoxEdit creation contest was held in March. The development content could be changed into ERC-1155 NFT for trading.
In terms of development, five brand-new features this month include: adding coordinates to the land; modifying the logo and title of the real estate; recommending brand-new users through personal links to get certain benefits; adding a profile information column; including a Search engines 3D NFT viewer. In terms of operations, The Sandbox has established a cooperative relationship with the role-playing online game Crypto Sword & Magic and the card online game Neon District, and announced the cooperation with the Ethereum layer-2 expansion solution Matic Network (MATIC) to improve the user's trading experience. The Sandbox furthermore cooperates with the South Korean multi-channel online enjoyment company Sandbox Network, which has the right to create content linked to The Sandbox game. In terms of style, The Sandbox is most like the centralized online game "Minecraft". Since February, it provides cooperated with an increase of than 10 blockchain games. The majority of the integrated games are aggressive, with high confrontation, competitors and high operability, allowing gamers to enter a higher level of flow expertise, which is even more conducive to The Sandbox overcoming common sandbox games that are highly dependent on user creation Pain points of power. In April, the planning team will auction the land as prepared, and much more organizations are expected to join. In the roadmap, the target for the first quarter is: Visual scripting tool Game Maker releases a Beta version to aid editing property. The target for the next quarter would be to release the official version. The visual scripting tool Sport Maker is currently in the Alpha preliminary version, and the group will continue to develop it. Cryptovoxels (zero token) March progress. This month, Cryptovoxels submitted the program code for iOS 1.0 to the App Store. If approved, it is possible to download the iOS version through TestFlight. Apple mobile phone users can access through the mobile terminal. The overall game furthermore released a fresh HTML editing interface, users can more easily build scenes. In addition, developers are trying to integrate PICO-8 games. Recently, the project party auctioned a batch of property. A total of 2,795 plots have been opened.
The opinion is that Cryptovoxels, that is also a virtual reality game, has now implemented basic functions such as for example location transmission and voice chat. In terms of loading speed, the first level of virtual actuality games, Cryptovoxels will take less time and energy to load scenes than Decentraland, and you can enter the digital globe in a few seconds. In recent months, Cryptovoxels land prices have got doubled, and property transactions in recent weeks have also surpassed Decentraland, but there's still a huge gap between the total number of users and active users of the previous and the latter. Generally, the leading position of DCL in digital reality cannot be surpassed in a short time. It is worthy of mentioning that the auction price of Cryptovoxels property is appropriately increased according to the user increment, and Dutch auction is adopted. The benefit of this is that possible users will not be deterred by the high land price, and the first stage is even more friendly to users who desire to become landlords. It is planned in April that project will undoubtedly be mainly produced by the founder by yourself. Based on the news released, the primary tasks in the near future include: if there are more than 100 online users at the same time, even more servers will undoubtedly be began; solving the issue of proxy WebSocket connection interruption. Summary Whether centralized or decentralized, the basic attractiveness of the game is normally: fun. For digital reality games, it isn't more than enough to attract investors to buy property. Improving the game's playability and attracting genuine gamers is the long-phrase survival. In addition, in the field of blockchain games, the top effect nevertheless applies. Even though amount of virtual actuality games is massive, how big is the cake is bound. The first few items attract most users and sources, and only the very best products will undoubtedly be still left. Next, may enter the stage of fierce competitors between virtual actuality games.
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cryptobitnews · 5 years
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OPSkins Group and WAX Summoned to California Court Over 2017 ICO The United States District Court for the Central District of California has issued a summons to video game virtual goods company OPSkins Group and Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAX) in response to a complaint filed by Crypto Asset Fund.
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DeFi star project Balancer was attacked again, a quick analysis of compound financial model vulnerabilities
Unlike the 29th attack that simply exploited contract vulnerabilities, this time the hacker cleverly used the Compund financial model and created a lot of COMP tokens out of nothing. Original title: "Is there a future for DeFi? The Balancer is attacked again" Published by: CertiK
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After CertiK captured the Balancer attack at 2 am on June 29, "Empty Glove Ether: Balancer Attack Analysis", at 8 pm and 11: 23 pm Beijing time on June 29, CertiK Skynet system (Skynet) checked again Two Balancer DeFi contracts with similar axioms were abnormal. The 2 abnormalities occurred in block number 10360609 and block number 10361515. Distinctive from the attack on the 29th that simply exploited contract vulnerabilities, this time the hacker cleverly used the Compund financial model, and created a lot of COMP tokens out of nothing. The star DeFi project was attacked 3 times in one day, making supporters concern yourself with the ongoing future of the entire DeFi market.
Event Overview On June 29, following the attacker borrowed tokens from the dYdX flash loan and minted them, obtained cWBTC and cBAT tokens through uniswap flash loan, and then traded the borrowed tokens in a large amount in the Balancer token pool. Trigger the airdrop mechanism of the Compound protocol to get the airdropped COMP tokens, and then make use of the susceptible gulp() function of Balancer to update how many token pools, then remove all tokens and return the flash loan. The attacker is the same as exploiting the compound protocol's financial model, lightning loan and Balancer code vulnerabilities, and it has COMP out of nothing, and the full total profit is all about 11. 5ETH. CertiK analysis: psychological profile of the attacker The 2 attacks at 8 pm and 11 pm on June 29th used the same technique and used the same payment address, that was confirmed as a team. Even though those two attacks and the 2AM attack on the 29th both used the gulp() of the Balancer contract, the attack practices were different. The latter two attacks used the vulnerabilities of Compound's financial model as opposed to pure code vulnerabilities. In addition , the gains of the last two attacks are much smaller than the profits of the very first attack, and the hacker who carried out the very first attack doesn't have reasonable motivation. CertiK judged that the last two attacks were imitation attacks using similar axioms 14 hours following the first attack. New DeFi Security Challenge This attack used mainly vulnerabilities in the design of the financial model, in place of vulnerabilities at the code level. This new attack mode bred by the DeFi market makes the only real "code audit" service of most blockchain security companies useless. Old-fashioned security technologies that only give attention to the code level and cannot analyze the abstract model cannot cope with the new challenges brought by DeFi at all. And DeFi without model-level protection can just only be paid down to an ATM that is acquainted with DeFi financial model hackers. Does DeFi security warning do more harm than good? This imitation attack has caused many individuals to question the blockchain security company: Will the analysis articles of the security company teach more folks how exactly to attack? Why have various safety warnings perhaps not improved the safety environment? Do we absolutely need security warnings? CertiK's point of view is that not merely safety warnings are needed, but in addition faster and deeper! Unlike old-fashioned software systems, all transactions and all contract calls on the blockchain are open and transparent. After the attack, the transaction records on the blockchain are the most straightforward textbook for hackers. Blockchain security companies must issue early warnings before imitation attacks to protect related companies. Nevertheless , the recent frequent attacks prove once again that security early warning is not even close to enough, and cannot basically change the existing security status of DeFi as well as the entire blockchain. Can there be still a window of opportunity for DeFi security? To be able to basically change the security status quo of DeFi, we should introduce new security mechanisms for new smart contracts (such as DeFi, IoT). This security mechanism must be able to perform model-level analysis, and must be able to conform to the development of new forms of contracts, and make an effort to intercept it all through an attack, in place of warning after an attack. The CertiK team has been morning and night to produce a new secure DeFi mechanism predicated on CertiK Chain-CeDeFi (Certified DeFi)-that could be trusted DeFi, which can completely change the existing passive security status quo as time goes on. Simply take the attack on Balancer at 11 PM for instance: Step one: Borrow three tokens of WETH, DAI and USDC through lightning loan from dYdX, the amounts are 103067. 20640667767, 5410318. 972365872 and 5737595. 813492 respectively. 2: Make use of the tokens obtained in Step one to mint the three tokens (cETH, cDAI and cUSDC). 3: Use uniswap to borrow (borrow) and mint (mint) cWBTC and cBAT tokens through flash loans. Step 4: Bring the obtained cWBTC and cBAT to the token pool. At the moment, how many cWBTC and cBAT owned by the attacker are 4955. 85562685 and 55144155. 96523628, respectively. Step 5: Use cWBTC and cBAT to conduct a lot of transactions in the token pool respectively, thereby triggering the Airdrop operation to distribute the unattributed COMP to the token pool. Step six: Call the gulp() function to synchronize the existing number of COMP to the Balancer smart contract, and take out cWBTC, cBAT, and the excess COMP put into the token pool. When exiting the token pool, how many cWBTC and cBAT owned by the attacker can also be 4955. 85562685 and 55144155. 96523628. Nevertheless , as a result of additional COMP generated by a many transactions in the token pool, the attacker obtained additional COMP tokens. Here, the attacker also can decide to directly enter other token pools, reuse the attack practices from step 1 to step six, and acquire additional COMP tokens. Step 7: Repay the flash loans of uniswap and dYdX and leave the market. Step 8: The attacker can still make use of the same method (step 1 to step 7) to launch attacks on other token pools. The attack mechanism is comparable, nevertheless the forms of tokens borrowed through flash loans and used to attack are slightly different.
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"Rhythm Area" National VR E-sports Problem officially starts today
In 2020, when the commercialization of 5G becomes reality, NetEase Cinematic and China Telecom Tianyi Cloud VR will promote the “Internet celebrity sport” and “Rhythm Area” to the e-sports stage where VR games haven't set foot. On July 25, the first national e-sports problem of "Rhythm Area" was formally launched, which opened up the curtain of the "V Era" entertainment event that integrates VR expertise, e-sports activities confrontation, and social scenes, as well as famous virtual idols --As the initiator of the challenge, China Kizunai delivered his birthday melody "Born on June 30" to shout and kick the hall, waiting for you to combat!
Rhythm Area National E-sports Problem launched Brother Ai brings birthday song "Born on June 30" to contact you to play
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As a Chinese artificial intelligence with a brand-new Chinese image, born with the desire of the world's very first virtual anchor KizunaAI to "connect to everyone in China", KizunaAI is affectionately called "Brother Ai" by fans. In this "Rhythm Area" National E-sports activities Challenge, Brother Ai's birthday melody "Born on June 30" became one of the three major repertoires in the preliminary contest, and Brother Ai as a singer launched the challenge as a problem People, demand nearly all participants to problem, compete for the championship of this event, and talk about the total prize pool of 100,000 yuan!
Brother Ai calls you to kick the club "Rhythm Area" National Program Edition Login Movie Core Develop a national carnival ** ** In addition to the joining of Brother Ai, there is another point worth noting in this competition, that is, NetEase Shadowcore's breakthrough in sport localization. Not the same as the previous impressions that VR games are too niche and uneven in articles, with NetEase Shadowcore, a corporation co-established by NetEase and United states virtual reality sport studio Survios, it aims to "provide the world's top VR games to Chinese consumers." The involvement of China's top VR game companies with the mission of "articles", enjoying high-quality virtual reality games is no more time the patent of some individuals. Following the national service version of "Rhythm Area" officially logged in to the official channel of NetEase Shadowcore VR game, it launched a fresh version that is more friendly to ordinary players, lower threshold, and much more grounded. This version could have a comprehensive Oriental and customized nationwide service Songs, simple MOD plug-ins, and exclusive competition rankings get this to VR sector grand ceremony that is included with 5G commercialization gradually equipped to create a national carnival.
NetEase Shadowcore launches the national version of "Rhythm Area" The prize of 100,000 yuan, looking for the most rhythmic you in the united kingdom ** ** To celebrate the state discharge of the national server version of "Rhythm Area", the overall game officially launched the "Rhythm Space" very first national e-sports problem, with a total prize pool as high as 100,000 yuan-for players from from coast to coast, looking for you who will bring the most rhythm! As a world-selling "Internet celebrity-level" VR audio game, "Rhythm Area" is highly praised by the because of its ingenious mix of virtual reality and gameplay. In 2019, the overall game had been awarded the very best VR/AR sport of the year in The Game Awards, that is known as the Oscar of the overall game industry. It is regarded as the very best work that can combine VR features with gameplay. And this summertime, NetEase Shadowcore and China Telecom Tianyi Cloud VR have brought this sincere work with moving beats, shocking visual results, refreshing slashing gameplay and winning several VR sport awards to a broader stage for your people.
Everyone can participate in the challenge Whether you are a complex hipster, an urban white-collar worker, or a "noob" who hasn't been exposed to VR technology, you can join the "Rhythm Area" National E-sports Problem, immerse yourself in the world of lighting and shadow, holding a lightsaber, and pedaling. Musical notes, enjoy slashing the speeding rhythm package! In the overall game, the gamer must avoid obstacles while hitting the target. This is a check of hand rate, judgment and control of the rhythm. The carefully crafted songs chart can make the very best beat time of the rhythm square and the rhythm of the songs perfectly blend. Delicate and practical blow feedback, awesome lighting and shadow exclusive effects, and even scene switching create a super immersive feeling, making the overall game experience really wonderful! Gleam rich songs library for you to select from, a total prize pool of 100,000 yuan, generous prizes, and a throne to win! In addition to the competition awards, contestants or stores just need to have a short video to record the handsome posture during the sport, add the # rhythm空???大?# to upload the vibrato, and they will have an opportunity to win the creative video clip award and win 500 yuan!
Create an immersive video gaming experience inside multiple dimensions Showcase the battle, expertise fierce competition ** ** The "Rhythm Area" National E-sports Challenge is jointly organized by Netease Entertainment and China Telecom Tianyi Cloud VR. It is divided into three stages: preliminary, theater and finals. It'll be staged from July 25th to early October. Offline cooperative VR stores across the country will start concurrently, and you just need to go to a nearby suit point store to participate. Furthermore, the offline company hall of National Telecom will also become the location for contestants to show off their dazzling posture! For information, please go to the local China Telecom business office. More offline VR store merchants just need to go to the official internet site of NetEase Shadowcore (), register as an official suit point, and download "Rhythm Space" to participate in this problem event! Enjoy free of charge official support when it comes to resource integration, publicity coverage, articles provision, etc., and be the latest VR "check-in point" this summer!
Merchant match point application method In the preliminary contest, contestants need to challenge the three tracks "Born in the Pure Land", "Send to the Bright Moon" and "Born on June 30", and compete keenly against national players by scoring in your competition game. In order to make certain the fairness of the event, Netease Shadowcore LinePinterest launched the "Rhythm Space" nationwide e-sports challenge exclusive mini system, which integrates an adult game program, a complete listing design, and ladder rankings. The official small program of the event will record the players' total scores and rankings instantly. The top players will not only become the rhythm celebrities, but additionally win beneficial qualifications to enter the theater sport and also the finals, compete for the championship and 50,000 yuan in money. Grand prize!
Complete tournament package Players just need to follow the "NetEase Shadowcore" Pinterest, choose the "E-sports competitors" menu to complete the registration form, you can get a list of nearby suit factors, participate immediately, and sign up for the "Rhythm Area" official event swap group to learn more about the event and move on to know More likes!
Set of player entry methods 100,000 prizes, looking for the most "rhythmic" person in the united kingdom! The channel to the planet of rhythm and lightsaber offers been opened. Can you become the expert of the notes, present a unique rhythm and win the best prize? Where will this "Gen V" entertainment event which has sparked the upsurge of VR expertise for all people result in? let us wait and see! Find out about XR information for the very first time Follow the state internet site of VR Gyro (vrtuoluo.cn)
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mitzikernan · 1 year
Wax Blockchain vs Ethereum
Today, we embark on an exciting journey to explore the differences between two prominent blockchain platforms: Ethereum and WAX Blockchain. If you've ever wondered about the distinctions that set these platforms apart in terms of consensus mechanisms, scalability, smart contracts, NFT standards, and more, you've come to the right place! So, fasten your seatbelts and let's dive into the fascinating world of Ethereum and WAX. In our exploration, we will uncover the nuances that make Ethereum a pioneer in the realm of smart contracts. Ethereum's groundbreaking introduction of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) revolutionized the concept of programmable blockchain technology. We'll delve into Ethereum's Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism and its ongoing transition to Ethereum 2.0, which promises enhanced scalability and reduced energy consumption. On the other hand, we have WAX Blockchain, a platform that shines a spotlight on digital goods and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). WAX was born from the gaming industry, with a strong focus on peer-to-peer trading of virtual assets. We'll explore how WAX Blockchain employs the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism and its unique WAX Service Layer (WAXSL) that tackles scalability challenges. Additionally, we'll uncover WAX's optimized NFT standard and its vibrant community of gamers, collectors, and virtual asset enthusiasts. Are you ready to deep-dive into the differences between Ethereum and WAX Blockchain? Join us on this exciting adventure as we unravel the intricacies of these two blockchain platforms and gain a deeper understanding of their distinct features and use cases. By the end of this blog, you'll have a comprehensive grasp of how Ethereum and WAX differ, empowering you to make informed decisions and leverage the potential of these remarkable technologies. So, let's embark on this enlightening journey together and explore the unique characteristics of Ethereum and WAX Blockchain! Differences between the Ethereum and Wax blockchain Here's a quick chart summarizing the key differences between WAX Blockchain and Ethereum: EthereumWAX BlockchainConsensus MechanismProof of Work (PoW)Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)Scalability ApproachTransitioning to Ethereum 2.0 for improved scalabilityWAX Service Layer (WAXSL) for enhanced transaction speedSmart Contract LanguageSolidity (high-level, statically-typed)EOSIO (C++)NFT StandardERC-721WAX NFTUse CasesDiverse range of applications beyond gamingGaming and virtual asset tradingCommunity FocusBroad adoption and robust communityGaming and virtual asset enthusiasts This chart provides a concise overview of the primary differences between Ethereum and WAX Blockchain in terms of their consensus mechanisms, scalability approaches, smart contract languages, NFT standards, use cases, and community focus. Delving deeper into each aspect will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the distinctions between these two blockchain platforms. Overview of Ethereum and WAX Blockchain Ethereum: The Pioneer of Smart Contracts Ethereum, often referred to as the king of blockchain platforms, is renowned for pioneering smart contracts and revolutionizing the concept of programmable blockchain technology. It was created by the prodigious Vitalik Buterin in 2013 and officially launched in 2015. Ethereum introduced the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine capable of executing smart contracts autonomously. WAX Blockchain: Focus on Digital Goods and NFTs WAX, short for Worldwide Asset eXchange, is a blockchain platform that places a strong emphasis on digital goods and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It was developed by OPSkins, one of the largest virtual item marketplaces in the gaming industry, to facilitate peer-to-peer trading of virtual assets. Launched in 2017, WAX aims to provide a user-friendly environment for trading and creating digital goods across various gaming and entertainment platforms. Consensus Mechanisms: PoW vs. DPoS Ethereum: Proof of Work (PoW) Ethereum currently operates on a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, similar to Bitcoin. PoW requires miners to solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and add blocks to the blockchain. While PoW has proven to be secure, it also consumes a significant amount of energy and leads to scalability challenges. WAX Blockchain: Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) WAX Blockchain employs a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, which differs from PoW in several ways. DPoS introduces the concept of block producers who are elected by token holders to validate transactions and secure the network. This mechanism enhances scalability, as block producers are selected to confirm transactions instead of miners competing to solve puzzles. Scalability: Ethereum 2.0 and WAX Service Layer (WAXSL) Ethereum 2.0: Transitioning to a More Scalable Network Recognizing the need for scalability improvements, Ethereum has been diligently working on Ethereum 2.0, also known as Eth2 or Serenity. This ambitious upgrade aims to transition Ethereum from a PoW to a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, while implementing shard chains to enhance network throughput. Ethereum 2.0 holds great promise in terms of scalability and reduced energy consumption. WAX Service Layer (WAXSL): Tackling Scalability Challenges To address scalability concerns, WAX has introduced the WAX Service Layer (WAXSL), a framework designed to improve transaction speed and reduce fees. WAXSL enables horizontal scaling, allowing the network to handle an increasing number of transactions per second (TPS) as demand grows. This scalability solution positions WAX as a viable option for applications requiring high throughput, particularly in the gaming industry. Smart Contracts: Solidity vs. EOSIO Solidity: The Language of Ethereum Smart Contracts Ethereum smart contracts are primarily written in Solidity, a high-level, statically-typed programming language. Solidity is specifically designed to compile into bytecode that can be executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Its syntax bears similarities to JavaScript, making it relatively easy for developers to learn and write smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. Solidity offers a wide range of functionalities and libraries, empowering developers to create complex decentralized applications with ease. EOSIO: The Language of WAX Smart Contracts Contrasting Ethereum, WAX utilizes the EOSIO software for smart contract development. EOSIO employs the C++ programming language and provides a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for building decentralized applications on the WAX platform. EOSIO's design prioritizes scalability and speed, making it an ideal choice for applications that require high-performance smart contracts. NFT Standards: ERC-721 vs. WAX NFT ERC-721: Non-Fungible Tokens on Ethereum Ethereum introduced the ERC-721 token standard, which revolutionized the world of non-fungible tokens. ERC-721 allows for the creation and management of unique digital assets, enabling the tokenization of various digital collectibles, artwork, and virtual assets. The standard provides a blueprint for developers to implement NFT functionality within their smart contracts on the Ethereum network. WAX NFT: Optimized for Gaming and Entertainment WAX has developed its own optimized NFT standard, tailor-made for gaming and entertainment purposes. The WAX NFT standard simplifies the creation and trading of virtual assets within gaming ecosystems. With a focus on user-friendly experiences and seamless interoperability, WAX NFTs have gained popularity among gamers and collectors. Community and Ecosystem Ethereum: Broad Adoption and Robust Community Ethereum boasts a vast and vibrant ecosystem, with a wide array of decentralized applications, projects, and communities built around the platform. It has become the go-to choice for developers and entrepreneurs seeking to leverage blockchain technology for various use cases. The Ethereum community is known for its active engagement, continuous innovation, and commitment to the advancement of the decentralized ecosystem. WAX: Gaming and Virtual Asset Enthusiasts WAX has cultivated a strong community primarily focused on gaming and virtual assets. With partnerships and collaborations with prominent gaming companies, WAX has positioned itself as a blockchain platform that caters to the needs of gamers, collectors, and virtual asset traders. The WAX community is passionate about the intersection of blockchain technology and the gaming industry, driving the adoption of NFTs and digital goods. Use Cases and Applications Ethereum: Diverse Range of Applications Ethereum's versatility has enabled a wide range of applications beyond gaming and virtual assets. It has facilitated the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, tokenized real estate platforms, supply chain management solutions, and more. The flexibility of Ethereum's smart contracts has attracted developers from various industries, resulting in a diverse ecosystem of decentralized applications. WAX: Gaming and Virtual Asset Trading WAX Blockchain's primary focus is on gaming and virtual asset trading. Its user-friendly environment, optimized NFT standard, and partnerships with gaming companies have made it a preferred platform for virtual asset marketplaces, in-game item trading, and blockchain-based gaming experiences. WAX enables gamers and collectors to securely buy, sell, and trade digital goods, creating new opportunities within the gaming industry. Conclusion: Diverse Paths, Shared Innovations In conclusion, Ethereum and WAX Blockchain offer unique features and cater to different use cases within the blockchain ecosystem. Ethereum's pioneering role in smart contracts and broad range of applications have solidified its position as the leading blockchain platform. On the other hand, WAX's focus on gaming, digital goods, and optimized NFT standards has gained traction within the gaming community. While Ethereum continues to work on Ethereum 2.0 to address scalability challenges, WAX has implemented the WAX Service Layer (WAXSL) to enhance transaction speed and scalability. These efforts by both platforms demonstrate their commitment to improving the user experience and expanding the possibilities of blockchain technology. It's important to note that Ethereum and WAX Blockchain are not mutually exclusive, and they can complement each other in various ways. For instance, WAX has explored interoperability with Ethereum through cross-chain bridges, allowing for the seamless movement of assets between the two platforms. This interoperability opens up new avenues for collaboration and expands the possibilities for developers and users in both ecosystems. In conclusion, Ethereum and WAX Blockchain are two prominent blockchain platforms with distinct characteristics and focuses. Ethereum's pioneering role in smart contracts and broad range of applications have established it as a leader in the blockchain space, while WAX's emphasis on gaming, digital goods, and user-friendly experiences has attracted a passionate community within the gaming industry. Both platforms continue to innovate and address scalability challenges, showcasing their commitment to advancing the possibilities of blockchain technology. Whether you're interested in developing complex decentralized applications or exploring the world of gaming and NFTs, Ethereum and WAX offer exciting opportunities to explore and engage with the decentralized future. FAQs What is the main difference between Ethereum and WAX Blockchain? The main difference lies in their focus and use cases. Ethereum is known for pioneering smart contracts and offers a versatile platform for various applications beyond gaming, such as decentralized finance and supply chain management. On the other hand, WAX Blockchain places a strong emphasis on gaming and virtual asset trading, providing a user-friendly environment and optimized NFT standards specifically tailored for the gaming industry. How do the consensus mechanisms differ between Ethereum and WAX Blockchain? Ethereum currently operates on a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, similar to Bitcoin, where miners compete to solve complex puzzles to validate transactions. In contrast, WAX Blockchain utilizes a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. DPoS involves the election of block producers who are responsible for validating transactions, improving scalability and energy efficiency compared to PoW. What are the scalability approaches employed by Ethereum and WAX Blockchain? Ethereum is in the process of transitioning to Ethereum 2.0, which aims to address scalability challenges through the implementation of a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism and shard chains. This upgrade is expected to significantly increase the network's throughput. Meanwhile, WAX Blockchain has introduced the WAX Service Layer (WAXSL), a framework designed to enhance transaction speed and scalability, allowing the network to handle an increasing number of transactions per second. What are the primary smart contract languages used by Ethereum and WAX Blockchain? Ethereum smart contracts are primarily written in Solidity, a high-level, statically-typed programming language designed to compile into bytecode that can be executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In contrast, WAX Blockchain utilizes EOSIO software for smart contract development, which employs the C++ programming language and offers a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for building high-performance decentralized applications. Are there any differences in the NFT standards between Ethereum and WAX Blockchain? Yes, there are differences in the NFT standards. Ethereum introduced the ERC-721 token standard, which revolutionized the concept of non-fungible tokens and enabled the creation and management of unique digital assets. Meanwhile, WAX Blockchain has developed its own optimized NFT standard, specifically tailored for gaming and virtual asset trading. The WAX NFT standard simplifies the creation and trading of virtual assets within gaming ecosystems, offering seamless interoperability and user-friendly experiences. How do the communities surrounding Ethereum and WAX Blockchain differ? The communities surrounding Ethereum and WAX Blockchain have different focuses and interests. Ethereum has a broad adoption and robust community consisting of developers, researchers, and enthusiasts from various industries. They actively contribute to the platform's development and drive innovation across diverse use cases. On the other hand, WAX Blockchain has cultivated a passionate community primarily focused on gaming, virtual asset trading, and NFT enthusiasts. The WAX community actively engages in the trading of digital goods and collaborates on projects within the gaming industry. Read More: - Ethereum vs Bitcoin - Best NFTs Marketplaces - Hyperledger vs Ethereum - Cardano vs Ethereum - Solana vs Ethereum Read the full article
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bdcost · 4 years
The DeFi market is developing rapidly, will it be a bubble like ICO?
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DeFi liquidity mining tripped a wave, but what goes on following the wave? Original title: "Viewpoint丨 Has liquidity mining turn into a new trend in DeFi? 》 Published by: Citadel. One Compiler: Liam Decentralized finance (DeFi) has changed into a hot topic before couple weeks, and you will find speculations that people will see a growth similar to the 2017 ICO. The consumer and transaction level of the DeFi market keeps growing rapidly, particularly in the lending sector. There is a new trend-"liquid mining (yiedl farming)"-lending tokens on the DeFi protocol, or being a part of the market-making pool to earn higher returns, which are generally a lot more than ordinary commercial bank savings The interest rate on the account is many times higher. This trend has attracted the eye of many people. You can find already some instructions on how to "rent" different assets on different platforms, such as Maker, Compound, Curve, Ren Protocol, Curve, Synthetix, Balancer, and so on DeFi liquidity mining uses the leverage of multiple protocols to have rewards through the borrowing of the platform's native tokens, thereby performing compound interest. With the rapid growth of tokens for several projects, interest rates in the DeFi field seem very attractive. In some cases, users can participate in multiple DeFi platforms to help expand increase their APY (annual interest rate). Needless to say, the interest rates we see now are the result of the immaturity of the market. With the growth of market size and volume, interest rates will fall over time. The rapid growth of the DeFi market we're seeing could be related to the following facets:
* Since mid-March, the DeFi market has seen steady growth. * Coinbase announced that it will support many DeFi projects later on. * Compound (COMP) token issuance. Market growth Previously several years, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has become an essential and highly valued direction in the blockchain community. In line with the DeFi pulse, the total locked-in value (TVL) of DeFi projects in February exceeded US$1 billion for the first time, but after Bitcoin's plunge, the worth fell right back the following month. Nevertheless , before month, DeFi TVL broke the previous record and today reaches $1. 67 billion. Although this can be a relatively bit by the standards of the traditional financial industry and the crypto market, it obviously shows that the market sees the potential of the DeFi industry.
Ethereum continues to take over the DeFi field. Most major DeFi protocols are made on Ethereum, and new projects are always being launched. In addition , complex transactions related to DeFi have increased five times before 2 yrs. Ethereum analytics company Covalent predicts a "flippening" event, that's, DeFi transactions exceed ordinary ETH transfers. Market performance source: coinmarketcap. com As is seen from the above dining table, DeFi projects such as Kyber Network, 0x, Synthetix, Aave, Loopring, Bancor, and so on performed significantly a lot better than Ethereum and Bitcoin in the weekly, monthly, and 3-month periods. DeFi has always been a rapidly developing field in the crypto world. Although the market share of the DeFi ecosystem is far less than that of the overall crypto market, new borrowing and profit methods have attracted attention. People's interest is reflected in the explosive growth of a few new and old projects in this field. Coinbase Announcement On June 10, Coinbase revealed that they're exploring the chance of adding 18 new cryptocurrencies. Aave (LEND), Bancor (BNT), Compound (COMP), Numeraire (NMR), Keep Network (KEEP), Ren (REN) and Synthetix (SNX), they're all part of the decentralized financial sector. Although the exchange's announcement stated that they were only evaluating whether to list those tokens, following the announcement, the above-mentioned assets all experienced an increase. On the afternoon of the announcement alone, some tokens rose by 10%, and transaction volume grew rapidly. These tokens enjoy the well-known "Coinbase effect"-currencies mentioned or listed on exchanges, temporarily rising (because listing on Coinbase frequently contributes to an increase in trading volume), which also reflects investors in the market Emotions". Although the trading level of Coinbase listed or mentioned currencies is going to be consistent with other currencies on the market following the hype ceases, and there will be a callback, this really is still among the market's stimulating facets. Several days following the Compound (COMP) token was issued, after Coinbase provided a small boost to DeFi, Ethereum-based Compound and Balancer publicly released their native tokens. The launch event generated a great deal of transactions and further publicity surrounding the DeFi project. Investors earnestly got on the claimed "train" and started initially to participate in the agreement, hoping to get as much profit as you can using this booming market.
Compound is just about the hottest DeFi lending agreement and surpassed MakerDAO in total lock-up value, with an overall total lock-up value of more than 100 million US dollars (July 3, 20, Compound's TVL was 624. five million US dollars, Maker was 510. 4 million US dollars ). By the launch of the protocol's governance and reward token COMP on June 16, Compound's TVL has risen sharply. On June 23, the price tag on the token exploded rapidly from $90 to a lot more than $400 on Coinbase Pro, however it has came ultimately back to about $180. Compound's circulating supply is the reason about 25% of its total supply, as well as therefore it's enough to surpass MakerDAO in market value ($464 million and $450 million, respectively). The huge difference with 2017 Now a lot of industry insiders are worried that the hype of DeFi this time is the same as the “ICO bubble” in 2017. We think that it's important to outline some obvious differences.
* Most DeFi projects are decentralized benchmarking projects of conventional enterprises. Industry they focus on has existed for a long time, and their proportion to the encryption field is huge. We have reason to think that DeFi projects can seize a percentage with this existing market since they provide similar services (but they work differently). However, many ICOs are trying to create new markets, and their use cases are not that easy. * Real assets take part in the DeFi agreement. Although they've been digital assets, they've been still locked in a smart contract, which represents the collateral for loans, exactly like locked assets provide liquidity. They do not rely purely on speculative incentives to build revenue, however they are essential "gears" for project operations. * DeFi products will not attract unqualified investors, because most of them have utility tokens and are generally perhaps not thought to be speculative asset types. Exactly what do we study on the existing situation in Ethereum? The more DeFi projects launched on Ethereum, the more we recognize that PoW can become an obstacle to such projects. Previously month, we've seen a sharp increase in transaction costs, which is the original condition of the blockchain industry. As users and their transaction volume grow, so do transaction costs, which might significantly decrease adoption. Low-value transactions have become too expensive. As is seen from the figure below, June 10 and 11 are incredibly expensive days.
And again, Ethereum's ~13 second block time frame causes it to be impossible for blockchain developers to build DApps that need high tps. This is a potential bottleneck for DApps. Ethereum 2. 0 should be able to solve these issues, make financial-oriented DApps more capable, and eliminate the limitations of block time and high Gas Price.
Starting in 2020, the gas level of the complete network has steadily increased, and in June there's been an amazing increase.
Although the majority of the DeFi hype involves ETH projects, the transaction volume can be increasing steadily, however it still has really not reached 1, 349, 890 ATH. The substantial increase in transaction volume in June was due mainly to the increase in how many DeFi users. There are some unusual use cases in the crypto magic market: one asset can be utilized as collateral, yet another asset could be borrowed, and the asset could be borrowed again following the exchange. The actual rate of get back is negative, but at precisely the same time it's obtained as a result of rapid growth of COMP Positive yield price. It is a very strange situation. Users can make complex solutions with certain risks to create money, because the worldwide mentality of "high risk and high return" is permanently linked to the crypto industry. This may perhaps not work in any conventional banking context. It only works because COMP is too speculative. Financial attractiveness If the trend of encryption technology application continues and the gateway from currency to encryption technology will build up further, then DeFi projects is going to be extremely attractive weighed against conventional financial markets. Lending platforms like Compound provide the same services while at precisely the same time, their interest rates are much higher than most first-tier banks (or better still to some degree, due to the fact the borrower is over-collateralized). Balancer Vulnerability According to Coindesk, DeFi liquidity provider Balancer Pool admitted in early morning of June 29 that it had turn into a victim of a bad hacker attack. The hacker used a vulnerability to deceive the release of tokens worth $500, 000. In a post, Balancer CTO Mike McDonald stated that the attacker borrowed $23 million worth of WETH tokens from dYdX, which is an Ethereum-backed token ideal for DeFi transactions. Then, they trade with Statera (STA), an investment token that uses a toll model, and each transaction consumes 1% of its value. The attacker made 24 transactions between WETH and STA, exhausting the STA's liquidity pool before balance was very nearly zero. Because Balancer believes that it has the same amount of STAs, it releases WETH comparable to the original balance, allowing the attacker to acquire a larger deposit each time a transaction is completed. As well as WETH, the attackers also used WBTC, LINK, and SNX to conduct the same attack, all targeting Statera tokens. The identity of the hacker remains a mystery, but analysts at 1inch exchange, a decentralized exchange aggregator, said that the hackers have covered their tracks well. The Ether used to cover transaction fees and deploy smart contracts is laundered through Tornado Cash, an Ethereum-based mixer service. 1inch stated in its post about the breach, “The man behind this attack is really a very experienced smart contract engineer who has extensive knowledge and understanding of leading DeFi protocols. ” What's next? The way the DeFi hype will build up and how much the DeFi market will pull right back following the end of the hype cycle is going to be a fascinating question. It is difficult to express what impact this period will have on the worldwide crypto market. Might it be just like the "ICO bubble" that leads developers to create DeFi projects? Will we see some negative consequences brought by DeFi "liquid mining"? The systemic threat of hackers is greater than ever, and we possibly may view a situation similar to the destructive consequences of DAO. If the smart contract of a lending platform is attacked or exploited by way of a major hacker, it might trigger a chain reaction, causing a number of position liquidation of different DeFi agreements, leading to a top degree of hatred and cautious market sentiment towards DeFi. Another interesting topic is how a DeFi department will contend with the Stake department. Because part of DeFi is dedicated to passive yield, it mainly involves the Ethereum 2. 0 plan, because most projects are based on ETH. All this is determined by the incentives given by the project, because most investors will follow an increased APY, which makes me doubt whether DeFi's "liquidity mining" will affect the economic model of ETH 2. 0. In addition , it is also curious whether there will be major DeFi projects built on networks other than Ethereum.
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aminacov-blog · 6 years
Hello everyone!
Just wanted to share with you guys my experience being interviewed by NVIDIA GeForce Experience at E3 2018 in Los Angeles.
Let me know in comments what you think of this interview and if you have any questions regarding the game and its future.
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silverhatworld · 6 years
OPSkins Confirms Steam Account Closure Won’t Disrupt its Business
OPSkins Confirms Steam Account Closure Won’t Disrupt its Business
#Currency #MarketCap, #Ethereum, #BitcoinCash, #Litecoin, #Dash, #EthereumClassic,
Fans of the OPSkins platform were recently subjected to a bit of a rude awakening. With Steam threatening to remove this service from the platform and shutting down the associated Valve accounts, a very harsh tone was set. The OPSkins team has issued an official explanation as to what is going on and where things…
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