#its crazy bc it felt like my expressions and feelings were the same as miles throughout the movie
toofifi · 1 year
I was literally blown away by spiderman atsv. Not one boring second, not one cringe dialogue and the humour was actually funny and silly. There's no part that was unnecessary or that I would change. I never choose favourites but it is my most favourite movie ever. It has everything I love, amazing original plot that isnt predictable but you figure it out with miles, beautiful and creative artstyles, great acting, good soundtrack, moving and emotional scenes, scenes that make your jaw drop bc its so fucking cool
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hella1975 · 4 years
Hella I feel the need to ask you this as a fellow brit teenager, did you do dofe? It’s not like it would help you any more than google maps did, but literally everyone I’ve met who’s done it had some amazing horror story and ended it with ‘yeah I’d absolutely do it again.’
oh my fucking god anon you just walked into my head and cracked open my memories with a sledgehammer DUKE OF FUCKING EDINBURGH YES I DID you guys are in the presence of a bronze medal DofE award holder crazy i know. this was the wildest experience ever and the entire time we were all like ‘i’m miserable and would pay actual money to go home’ but you’re so right there’s Just Something About It that makes you want to do it all over again afterwards. 
to anyone who doesn’t know what DofE is (or the Duke of Edinburgh award if you can be arsed), it’s a thing you can partake in here in britain where you spend a few days and nights (no one fact check me bc it was three years ago and felt like a fever dream) out in the wild or whatever, and it’s about teamwork and camping and navigation etc. basically a big scheme to get kids outdoors. a lot of people do the bronze award, and then some go on to do silver and gold but i am not fit enough for that bollocks no sir. so yeah. basic premise is you’re put in a group of say 5/6 or whatever people, and you most likely do not know them well at all, and then you’re ditched in the middle of fuckarse nowhere completely unsupervised and told to walk a good 15-20 miles total carrying a 14kg bag full of all your things. it’s... interesting.
here are some of the first memories that came to mind but i cannot express enough how chaotic it was. literally every five minutes something that would usually warrant its own storytime would happen and we’d all just be like ‘safe.....anyways’
- so to start with, i didn’t really know anyone who was doing DofE. i was gonna do it with my group of mates but they all pussied out last minute, but i really wanted to go so i just went ‘fuck it i’ll do this shit alone’ (to spite them) and low and behold i was put in a group of 6 other girls. now these girls were already friends because they were from the same half of my year group, so i was kinda stood there like 🙂✌️. the reason i’m putting this here is because there was this one girl who up until that moment i had thought was a right cunt, but after DofE we started hanging out more and she wound up being one of my closest friends for a very long time.
- there’s a whole planning period before they dump us in the middle of nowhere for, you know, safety reasons, so we all came to school on the weekend to learn Survival Tings. one of these was a competition between the three groups surrounding making a meal using camping tools. so the thing that wound up being great about my group is that the two (?) other groups were REALLY trying hard. like they wanted to win all the competitions and they wanted to do the hike the quickest and all that jazz, and they were all also mixed boys and girls groups, whereas by chance, mine was all girls. so we have about a dozen proper camper types and then just us in the corner, a group of solely teenage girls who kept bullying the instructors (more on that later) and generally wreaking havoc. yeah, we were probably very annoying, but fuck if we weren’t fun. so back to the food competition, me and this other girl - who i will nickname Paris - decided to try cheat just to piss the other groups off. in order to cheat, we tried to heat the spaghetti up quicker which sounds so fucking stupid in hindsight but anyway, and my mate from another group saw us doing this and he got so fuming SO HE TRIED TO STEAL OUR FOOD. i managed to grab it and it turned into a full out chase around the car park and yeah. he grabbed me and i spilled spaghetti everywhere like literally all over him. I was banned from cooking after that which was fine by me
- now if you’re wondering why i pointed out the gender ratios above, it’s because DofE usually winds up being very male dominated. there was about thirty of us doing it, and only 10 were girls (7 were my group). So it was very very obvious that it was turning into a boys vs girls, except very unfairly. this is when my earlier comment about the instructors comes in, because my group went through all of them. There were four total, and none of them lasted longer than a day with my group. the first one was very blatantly sexist and kept mansplaining all the tools and even tried to say we wouldn’t be able to finish first because we were girls. like he didn’t even gloss around it. The other two just had a real chip on their shoulder. and the funniest part of it is that for the life of me i cannot remember what we did to get rid of them so quickly, we were just that fucking annoying that none of them could ever do longer than a day. we got a rep and everything. local teenage girls crush the patriarchy one tent-wielding wanker at a time.
- OKAY so at this point, the actual hike which is the whole point of all this hasn’t even happened yet and it’s already chaos, so off we go and we start our hike. off the bat, i want to punch Paris in the face. turns out, she was the whingiest bitch i’d ever met. see the thing about DofE, is that the actual hike is not enjoyable at all. you are carrying incredibly heavy bags, you’re walking miles and miles and miles of random welsh hills, there was a HEATWAVE for ours, and all the while that you’re tired and fed up and usually lost, you’re with people that you’re not necessarily close with. arguments are going to happen. and happen they did. because by god i actually reached the point where i threatened to push Paris off a cliff. we were all miserable but she was insistent that it was 10 times worse for her. i made it very clear that i could make it worse for her if she really wanted it so bad. anyway, we all sorted everything out sooner or later, because there’s a really strange comradery in it?? i can’t explain it
- i’m gonna jump straight to the campsite cause this got stupid long and i have hundreds of stories from the hike so i need to pace myself lmfaooo. so yeah we’re all finally back at the campsite and after a full day of walking, we were absolutely knackered. so naturally, the instructors thought we’d all conk out and be done for the night, but then we all just got really energetic??? and suddenly about 30 kids who don’t really know each other and wouldn’t usually hang out at school decided to play a Massive Fuck Off Game Of Tag In The Dark. one girl accidentally set her pyjamas on fire
- powdered milk
- hella shut up challenge. anyway to summarise, my group finished first and it absolutely annihilated the sexist instructor. i still talk to those girls to this day about DofE. it was one of the best experiences of my life and simultaneously i was the only person in my whole group who didn’t cry at anytime during it. and yeah, all i can really say is that if you’re british and considering it you should 2000% go for it
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