#its fine every day is hsy day
solcarow · 6 months
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michiiyann · 8 months
Joongdok Random AU Ideas
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Joongdok shenanigans
Imagine both kdj and yjh are red-green color blind and one day hsy tries to put bright red lipstick on kdj and he’s like
“BUT I DONT WANT BROWN LIPS” and everyone is just like
“wut?” And he gets really confused.
Then Ysa is like
“Dokja-ssi, the lipstick is red…” and kdj is like
“no it’s not” and jhw is like
“wait, are you colorblind?” And kdj is like “No?”
And then yjh walks in and is like
“what’s wrong?” Cause everyone is just silently pondering kdj’s color blindness. Then kdj says
“Yoo Junghyuk-ah, Han Sooyeong’s lipstick is brown right?” And yjh is like
“yeah?” And all of Kimcom (the name for kdj’s group) is internally like “OMFG THEY’RE BOTH COLORBLINDDDD”
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Squid and Sunfish
Once upon a time, there was a little squid. The squid had no purpose in life, so it just drifted along with the current.
Until one day, it came across a sunfish. Strange, thought the squid. Usually sunfish don’t come down this deep.
He asked the sunfish what it was doing in the deep ocean. To which the sunfish replied
“I’m looking for a companion.”
The squid was confused. The only one this deep for miles was him.
He looked the sunfish up and down. Surely this guy wasn’t looking for him?
“Well there’s nobody else here but me,” said the squid.
“That’s fine,” said the sunfish.
The squid blinked. Did this stupid sunfish really not get it? He was a loser with no life! Why would this guys want /him/ as a companion.
The sunfish noticed the squid’s distress.
“If you don’t want a companion, there’s nothing I can do,” He said flatly.
As the sunfish swan away, the squid felt an aching in its heart. He realized, he didn’t want the sunfish to leave!
“Wait,” said the squid. The sunfish stopped.
“If you really aren’t bothered, I’ll be your companion.”
The squid couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. Him someone’s companion? Really? The sunfish turned around and smirked.
That annoying way sunfish do. “Knew it.” He said. And from then on. They lived as companions.
The end.
Department story YJH
What if Joongdok AU where Yoo Junghyuk works at A department store and Kim Dokja comes in as a single dad who has to fix his door handle. Except he has no clue how and has no mechanical knowledge.
When Yjh saw a man walk in with a little girl holding his hand he thought--nothing of it. People bring their kids places all the time. But when the man seemingly walked through every isle in a lost manner for what felt like hours, Yjh thought it might be time to step in.
Usually he’d let one of his coworkers handle helping costumers since he-- hated when people went to department stores not knowing what they needed.
Alas, it was a busy day and all of the other employees were helping equally lost customers.
Yjh approached the man when he heard the little girl say
“daddy, why don’t you just ask for help?”--To which the man replied,
“don’t worry sweetie daddy knows what he’s doing…” and went back to looking at shelves that clearly didn’t house what he needed.
“Can I help you with anything?” Said Yjh almost startling the man.
He noticed the small girl staring at her father clearly--waiting to see his response.
“Ah, yes… well… could you point me in the direction of the doorknobs?” Said the man.
Yjh had to hold in his sigh. Only because he had seen the man pass the doorknobs twice in his search.
“Right this way.” He said in the most polite voice he could--muster. He lead the man a couple of isles down.
“Thank you.” Said the man gratefully.
Yjh simply nodded and went back to walking around.
20 minutes later he happened to walk by the isle again, and to his complete and utter shock, the man was still standing there. Yjh walked up--to the man and asked him what the problem was.
“Oh haha, it’s just that… I don’t seem to know what doorknob I need….” The man let out an embarrassed chuckle.
Yjh had just about had it with him. Really, the amount of stress this man was causing him was unnatural.
Yjh tried asking him which model he currently had or if he needed a knew one. The man said he just needed to fix his old one but beyond that he just pretended to ponder. Yjh asked if he had a picture of his old one to which the man said
“ohhhh that’s what I forgot!” At that--Yjh snapped.
He quickly offered to buy one of each kind of doorknob for the man and personally come to his house and instal the one he needed. The man simply seemed taken aback by the offer and the forwardness.
Of course, who wouldn’t with an offer like that. They exchanged--numbers and the man introduced himself as Kim Dokja. Once he finally left, Yjh’s shift was over.
Yjh realized this man had been in the store for a total of 2 hours. As well as that, he had only been looking for a doorknob. A DOORKNOB FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Yjh took an angry shower and went straight to bed.
The next morning he went into work and after his shift bought exactly what he said he would. When his coworker Hsy asked what he was doing he ranted about the situation to her.
“Wow, you’re down bad” she joked to which Yjh replied to by walking--to his car and driving away.
He texted Kdj and got his address. When he arrived he rang the doorbell. For a while nobody answered. He was getting annoyed because Kdj had told him he was home over text. Then he heard a door open from the back and the sound of rickety wood.
He-turned towards the sound to see Kdj with a tree beach in his hair.
“Hey, sorry about that. The front doorknob is the one that’s broken so we can’t get in and out of it,” he explained.
Yjh felt a pang of pity for this poor man. Kdj gave him permission to forcefully pull-the door open to fix the knob. He did so without much of a struggle. When he saw the state the doorknob was in he wondered how Kdj could’ve let it get this bad.
He wondered how many times he had jammed the door in and out before it got so bad he just couldn’t anymore.
He fixed the doorknob, and when he went to leave Kdj stopped him.
“You know, you could stay and have dinner. It’s the least we can do for all the help you’ve given us.” He paused. “Even if it was out of spite,” he added.
Yjh’s ears went red. Had his reaction really been so obviously out--of frustration?
“You don’t have to though,” said Kdj when he saw Yjh’s hesitation. “No, I accept,” said Yjh curtly.
When he sat down and tried the food, safe to say, he was thoroughly disappointed. Along with knowing nothing of mechanics, he also could barely cook? Yjh’s pea-sized brain saw this as an obvious cry for help and he offered to cook for Kdj every weekend. Kdj at first said know but Yjh was very adamant about it.
Finally Kdj agreed out of the guise that he wanted his daughter Byoo to have better food. In reality he was touched that Yjh-would want to help so bad.
Fast forward a couple months and Yjh asks Kdj to go out.
Somehow, unknown to even Yjh himself, he had fallen for the man who he had met lost in a department store. Kdj agreed and they became boyfriends.
Shoe on the other foot
Joongdok Idea that Kdj has really Small feet and Yjh has normal/large feet and as a scenario penalty they have to swap shoes.
So while they’re fighting Kdj has to deal with big boots that keep slipping off and he keeps tripping and falling.
And on the other hand Yjh can’t feel his toes but at the same time is in constant pain.
Not to mention Kdj wears dress shoes so Yjh is having even more fun.
By the end of it Yjh just gets tired of Kdj faking so he just Carries him.
What if Joongdok crack au where Kdj keeps buying decorative pillows and Yjh is losing his sitting spots
Yjh tries to sit on the couch but falls to the ground because there’s too many pillows on the couch.
Kdj: oh sorry let me move those^^
He throws them on an already humongous pile of other decorative pillows.
Yjh: why do you need so many??
Kdj: They make the house look nice
Yjh takes a look around the room and there’s piles and piles of pillows everywhere.
He gives Kdj a look of exasperation.
Kdj: well maybe we can put some in storage?
(I imagine this is on some kind of reality tv show and there’s a camera)
The camera cuts to Yjh gesturing violently to the tons of pillows in storage already.
Kdj: huh…
Then the scene switches to their bedroom and Yjh’s side of the bed is covered in pillows.
The camera cuts to one of those interview scenes
Yjh: I have 10% bed space left… I did the math
By the end of it they get Kdj help and he agrees to get rid of most of the pillows, begrudgingly. And Yjh can finally sit in his own house again.
The end scene is Yjh sitting in a couch and just smiling.
Pizza Hut vs Domnioes
Pizza Hut vs Domino’s but make it Joongdok
Also hsy is sys sister cause I need an adult
When lgy and sys decided to make the Domino’s and Pizza Hut in their local town call each other, they weren’t expecting it to blow up this much.
Or even in fact, kickstart a relationship It started as any other harmless little prank by kids would.
They grabbed two phones and had dialed the the two stores on them.
They snickered uncontrollably as the phones rang.
“Shhhhh- haha, shhhhhhhh” said lgy trying to contain his laughter.
“I know, I know,” sys was having an even harder time.
Brrrrr brrrrr brrrr.
“Hello? This is Pizza Hut what can I do for you?”
“Hello this is Dominos, what would you like”
Two men’s voices could be heard from the phones.
“What?” They both said in unison.
“This is dominos, you wanted to order a pizza?” Said the deeper gruffer voice.
“If I ordered something from you it definitely wouldn’t be pizza, heck, I’d be weary of a soda from you guys!” Said the other voice.
The other phone went silent. Then,
“Well that’s too bad cause that means you’re stuck with the stuff you people make… yeesh.”The other voice let out an obviously exaggerated gasp.
“How dare you? You know what, where’s your store??”
“123 west rd, and what’s /yours/“
Sys and lgy were dying laughing at this point, they had to go to the corner of the room.
“246 North st!” The other voice said harshly.
“You know what?” It continued, “meet me at 135 south blvd, I dare you!”
“We’ll get ready to be defeated!” Announced the other.
Then both calls hung up. Sys and lgy were silent for a momen before running into the other room.
“HSY!! CAN YOU DRIVE US TI 135 BLVD?? WE WANT TO SEE TWO GROWN MEN FIGHT!!” They said, in unison to the author who was trying to get her work done, now unsuccessfuly. Hsy looked at them seemingly to debate the pros and cons of granting their request.
However it wasn’t long before she gave in to her need to see grown men being idiots and she found herself driving. When they got there the pulled into a parking lot.
Nobody was there at first but then two men showed up.
One was a very plain looking man in a black button up and a Pizza Hut apron.
The other a very handsome man in a Dominos Apron.
“So you’re the apparently handsome man who thinks Domino’s sells pizza!” Shouted the plain looking one from about 20 ft away from the other.
“What do you mean, ‘sells pizza’ THATS WHAT WERE KNOWN FOR!” Bellowed the other from the same distance. “I wouldn’t call what you’re known for /pizza/!” The scrawny man taunted.
The handsomer man opened his mouth to reply but then paused.
“You- wait did you call me handsome earlier?” He asked befuddled.
The latter’s face went beet red. “W-well, yeah! Who wouldn’t,” he stuttered.”
The taller man seemed the think for a moment before stating,
“If you come to Domino’s we… /I/ could treat you a lot better than those guys at Pizza Hut.”
The other man seemed to short circuit for a moment. “B-but nobody out pizzas the Hut!” He said in a last ditch attempt to save his already fleeting dignity.
“Bet,” responded the other who then smirked devilishly.
Meanwhile lgy and sys were fighting over the left back window of the car for better view than the other. Hsy was simply enjoying the scene from the driver’s seat. They had their windows cracked slightly as to hear what was being said.
“10 bucks says they go out,” announced Hsy suddenly.
“I’ll take that bet! No way they’d go out!” Said Lgy. “Yeah! If you heard them on the phones you’d know!” Boasted Sys.
“We’ll just see,” mused Hsy.
Meanwhile in the parking lot, the men were at a standstill.
“What’s your name?” Said the skinnier man.
“Yjh, and yours?”
“Well Kdj, you wanna come to the better pizza store and earn a date with me?” Said Yjh confidently.
Kdj let out a small “sure” and walked away.
Unfortunately he was so far away Yjh didn’t hear him.
“Well?!” He shouted
“I SAID SURE!” Kdj shouted back.
And just like that Lgy and Sys had orchestrated one of the best and most entertaining events of their little town.
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hidoose · 5 years
PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week 2019: Ramping up the Style Quotient on the Final day....
New Post has been published on https://www.hidoose.com/pfdc-sunsilk-fashion-week-2019-ramping-up-the-style-quotient-on-the-final-day/
PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week 2019: Ramping up the Style Quotient on the Final day....
The Pakistan Fashion Design Council (PFDC) in collaboration with its title sponsor, Sunsilk hosted the third and final day of PFDC Sunsilk Fashion Week on Saturday, 13th April in Lahore.
The 20th consecutive fashion show in line with international standards ended glamorously after three fashion-packed days where 22 designers put forth their exquisite collections. This year PFDC also collaborated with the Trade Development Authority Pakistan (TDAP) to further the channel of communication with international buyers while promoting the business of fashion.
The guests walked down the blue carpet, sponsored by world-class water brand, Aquafina. With TEXPO happening across the venue, the show brought in international buyers allowing them to experience the whole process of hand to loom, to a high fashion set in the evening, making PSFW19 more exciting. Every season, PFDC creates shows that highlight the best of Pakistani fashion and this year was no less. With a wide array of talented and creative designers, the third-day collection showcases ramped up the style quotient. The day opened with afternoon shows where Khas, Sanoor, and Almirah displayed their creations. The evening shows included So Kamal, Zaha by Khadija Shah, Nomi Ansari x Tahura, Republic by Omar Farooq and a grand closing by HSY.
The Pakistan Fashion Design Council is extremely proud to host the 20th consecutive fashion week. Each year, they streamline the process of making the PSFW experience beneficial for stakeholders, benefactors, and fashion enthusiasts – both locally and internationally. Their purpose is to bring the best of fashion trends for each season, all under one roof, showcased by well-established, emerging and debut designers. PFDC works with industry professionals, designers, sponsors and partners that assist in curating a show that enhances their fashion week platforms while helping them maintain the standard of the shows.
Speaking on this occasion, Unilever Pakistan Limited’s Marketing Director for Beauty and Personal Care, Asima Haq explained, “Over the years, Sunsilk has established itself as a beauty brand that helps young Pakistani girls be confident. Since 2010, Sunsilk has been collaborating with PFDC and local designers to bring fashion trends to Pakistani millennials. This year the brand is moving one step forward and opening up more possibilities for young girls who aspire to be part of Pakistan’s fashion industry through our digital platform. We are always delighted to partner with PFDC and hope that our relationship continues to become even stronger over the years. The Council organizes back-to-back Spring and Fall fashion trade events as per the international fashion calendar. It leads the industry through creative influence and is strategically working towards improving the business of fashion while repositioning Pakistani fashion in the global fashion economy.
Khas Stores with Khas Philosophy of quality, innovation, designs and khas trend presented its Khas designer lawn collection. The pieces reflected apparel for comfort, luxury and Khas look. Keeping quality as a priority and innovation as their main goal; Khas proudly presented their wide range of refined products featuring a blend of comfort, luxury and visual appeal that left all awestruck.
Sanoor Introduced a unique eclectic blend of design philosophies, artistic tastes and styles from rich cultures of various civilizations around the world. Taking inspiration from all over the world, the collection unified them with the customary tastes and heritage of Pakistan. The spring summer collection was a combination of pastel colors, exotic flowers, paisleys and oriental ornamentation and much more with a touch of fine embroideries that gave a fresh summer feel.
Almirah represented class and sophistication and signified traditional ideals with modern execution. The creative designs were attuned to rich history and ran deeper than just latest trends. Simple and classically modern. The pieces were impeccably represented the brand’s core values of class, originality, and heritage. Truly, a trendy stitch in time. The collection had a blend of the palette of subtle colors and finest fabric. With a wide range and countless designs, the sherwanis, waistcoats, and formal suits sewn in threads of sophistication and embroidered with the glory of incomparable workmanship. Through the ensembles, audience relived a grandiose era of royalty. Wasim Akram was the showstopper for Almirah.
So Kamal presented a range from morning to evening where a girl can select anything from So Kamal wardrobe. In this millennial era, today’s generation is aware of what’s happening around, how to dress up accordingly to stand out strong. The collection presented a range which was youthful, fun-loving and free-spirited.
Having a palate of brighter tones – florescent accents and Deeper Hues, So Kamal created a wardrobe to cater a woman of every walk of life. They also introduced the Athleisure Line focusing on volume harem pants – cuff jackets and so kamal logo tees. The Evening line consisted of big emphasis on details of Sequence, cut pipes, gottas and beaded embellishments and floral colored embroideries. Ruffles and bows accentuated the mid-day look of the garments. Along with Ethnic-geo motives with luxe skirts, overs sized tunics – adorned capes draped gowns and textured crushed fabrication which enlightened the collection.
An eclectic collection rooted in the glamour and decadence of the eighties. A decade of bold style and even bolder women. The collection comprised of flamboyant yet easy to wear silhouettes featuring clashing animal prints in punchy primary colors. The ‘Wild Things’ glamorous display was a pleasure to watch and remarkably loved by all. Mawra Hocane was the showstopper.
Fashion powerhouse Nomi Ansari joined forces with Pakistan’s leading online sportswear brand, Tuhura Athletics, to debut a luxury active-wear collection. The limited-edition capsule, inspired by the designer’s active on-the-go lifestyle and retro style, featured a variety of silhouettes and colors. The collection ranged from head-to-toe animal prints, full monochromatic studio-to-street styles, fierce neon sets and must-have metallic windbreakers.  The display stood out as models strutted down the runway in athleisure wear while busting moves making the walk twice as exciting and fun. The 20 set collection, will be available exclusively from mid-April at www.tuhuraathletics.com. Hania Amir was the showstopper for Nomi Ansari.
A luxury street-wear capsule collection by Republic by Omar Farooq explored the evolution of symbolism from a form of basic communication to that of self-representation and anarchic expression. Much like the clothes that played on the balance between past construction and present deconstruction on a palette of subtle creams just positioned with fluorescent neon shades, challenged the contrasting idea of how the same symbol can be both favorable for one culture and baneful for another. Neon shirts, vests and stripes on single toned suits added a pop of color to sophisticated menswear sprucing up the runway looks. Sheheryar Munawar was the showstopper. The iconic fashion force, Hassan Sheheryar Yasin celebrated 2019 as his 25th year in fashion and one in which he comes full circle with the HSY brand. HSY’s journey has been one with his mother; his guiding light as a strong icon of an empowered and empowering woman. In an ode to their bond, the collection was titled ‘Rani’, his mother’s nickname and ‘queen’. The pieces were a clear depiction of powerful, independent, free-spirited and elegant women. The collection pieces were mostly all red and had patterns which were hand-made and the fabrics used were georgettes woven out of silk yarn, predominately based in a monochromatic color palette ‘red’ because the color has a special significance in HSY’s life as the first color he saw when he got his sight back, 25 years back.
Amongst the tastefully lit lighting and décor were famous faces with the likes of Nasreen Sheikh, Sehyr and Naseem Saigol, Amna Taseer, Wasim Akram, Frieha Altaf, Meera Jee, Mawra Hocane, Sheheryar Munawar, Alyzeh Gabol, Hania Amir and many more. The show was an exceptional preview of what’s in store for Pakistan’s fashion-lovers this Spring/Summer season.
PFDC is proud to continue their partnership with the global giant Unilever’s hair care brand, Sunsilk as their title sponsor and Aquafina as the Blue Carpet and beverage partner. The Media Partner is HUM TV, the Footwear Partner is Borjan, the Fragrance Partner is J. Fragrances, Transportation Partner is Careem, and the Radio Partner is FM 89. The Associate Sponsors are Lipton, Engine, and Almirah.
The teams that brought PSFW’19 together are Sadia Siddiqui of Mustang Productions as the show director, Talking Point as the PR management agency, Nabila as the hair and makeup stylist, Kamiar Rokni as the spokesperson for PFDC, Production 021 for backstage management, technical direction and event consultants, Red Communications for digital support, Rehan Babar as the red carpet host, Restart Branding Solutions for branding and logistics, Empact Activation Services for event architecture and safety, AI Solutions
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