#its just laziness and also the front doors are giant and intimidating and sometimes im small pathethic trash
hopeheartfilia · 2 years
i believe libraries are important and good. i do not emotionally care for them
Ive been having trouble thinking today, or rather expressing sentiments in accordance with an essay structure
At some point i gave up and watched a sj the x video. that helped imensly s in i can now make logical atatements again. however i am not really thinking and making connections im just sitting here like hello yes i have thoughts
And like i can see how i could write an essay on themes of estetics and the subjective and objective merits of art in relation to my theme, Should we close public libraries, but it wont change the fact that my answer is no deeper then a simple "no, are you an idiot"
and i have reasons ans back up but its just a liat of articles i could point someone towards, like hello this is research i found on the positive impacts of libraries on communities. please think of how someone would apply to a job in the current landscape of online applications if they dont have acess to a home or the internet. the answer may be libraries.
also librarians exist and libraries have other communal funtions. like reading to children. supporting local charities in various ways. serving as a social environment.
I have all the building blogs of yes one could make an essay out of theese parts
but i do t have the connective tissue. im missing the fucks given to explain. it probably wouldve helped if ive ever argued with someone over this but frankly im having a hard time actually making genuine contraaruments about Yes we should close public libraries, without making a pseudo strawman, like hello if you genuenly think we should close public libraries you eirher have no clue what youre talking about or your intentions are like. evil. whcih isnt. its not accurate. it doesnt make for a good essay
Id rather write several essays about me trying to write this essay then the actual essay
the theme decided i dont wanna fuck with it and now im here. wishing i spent the last 5 hours doing a little gouache painting instead of trying to turn my beain on and off aga-
maybe sleep would help. didnt help the last 2 times i tried to fic this "i dont wanna start this essay" problem, but at this point ive done that and moved to I dont actually wanna write it
.. i should probably talk this out with someone. as in ask them what reasons do you think someone could have for closing a library?
Also look up essay structures again. i hate doing that i prefer just reading and listening to essays and seeing where what i consider a logical train of thought goes, but im very stuck and if you cant make something you like, make something very technical
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