#its like eating undercooked overcooked poultry
handageddon · 1 year
Writers prompt: level extremely difficult describe eating a hardboiled egg in a way that sounds like you are eating it on purpose
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Cooking 101: Everything You Need To Know
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Are you getting tired of having to constantly cook for your own family? Do not get frustrated with cooking! This article contains a number of tips and advice for improving your skills in the kitchen. Once you follow the tips from this article, you will wish you had read it sooner.
Bake pie and tart crusts a little longer than you would think is really necessary. They should be a golden brown instead of pale blonde.The darker color indicates that the sugar in the pie crust has caramelized and will give a sweet and crisper flavor.
Are you going to prepare food with fresh basil to cook with? Take a bunch of this fresh herb and place it in a glass. Make sure the stems are completely covered with water. You can put it on your counter and keep it for weeks. The basil will grow roots if you occasionally change the water changed occasionally. Trim the basil regularly to encourage growth and you will be able to enjoy fresh basil!
Look at your recipes and decide which steps you can be completed beforehand. You can simplify the day prior to actually cooking. This takes a lot of the stress out of even the most complicated recipes fun and dishes.
If burgers get stuck to the grill, it may be hard to take them off without breaking them. Try brushing vegetable oil on the grill or pan to keep food does not stick.
Plan on preparing a big pot of stock so that the excess can be frozen and store it. Good homemade chicken stock is a wonderful base in soups, casseroles, casseroles and more.
This will help to prevent them from burning while you are cooking. Use two parallel skewers instead of one skewer to keep food intact.
When you will be cooking a pumpkin, set the pumpkin so the top is facing up and slice it in half down the middle. Place both halves on baking sheets.
Don't use any wine in your meals that you wouldn't drink regularly. You can find wines that are made for cooking purposes.
Storing these items in a warm locations will lead them to lose their flavor quicker.
Never trash the leftovers after cooking a turkey. Cut it up and freeze it in airtight container. The turkey meat will keep its freshness and can stay fresh for weeks this way.
You should consider replacing your spices biannually and buy new ones. The flavors of spices diminishes if they sit around for too long.If you buy a certain spice and you know that you are not going to use it all before it goes bad, give it to someone you love!
Impress family and friends when you make a simple sandwich just by spreading the mayonnaise evenly on the bread. An even spread will ensure that every single bite to bite.
There is a sulfurous gasses in onions. This sulfurous gas can end up ruining your batch of salsa. You can remove the gas once you rinse them and dry them with a paper towel.
A meat thermometer is a great way to show you are cooking meats have been properly cooked.All kinds of meat have a certain internal temperature in order for it to be safe to eat. Bacteria can easily survive in meat, and unless the meat is properly and thoroughly cooked, this bacteria can stay in the meat and make you ill.
Trussing is when you tie your turkey with string for baking. Trussing will cook your bird more evenly when you tie the legs and wings to the body so that cooking is done evenly. If you don't tie down the limbs, the outer extremities of the legs and wings will become overcooked while the remainder of the turkey is still undercooked.
Spices can quickly lose their flavors when exposed to heat, light or humidity. This will only expose your spices to elements that will not be as good to use.
Fresh herbs and other kinds of natural seasonings can help spice up even the traditional dish. Dried herbs can work beautifully in complex or layered dishes. Fresh herbs have a better flavor.
Brine is a great when cooking. You can soak your poultry by soaking the meat in brine for an hour before you cook it.
You can also simply add bouillon cubes in the water that you are using. This is a good way to moisten your food you are cooking the necessary amount of moisture while also adding more flavor.
Use spices after you cook. Pepper, garlic powder, cayenne seasoning, and garlic are yummy additional seasonings you can add. Many people have different things in terms of spices. This allows each individual to enjoy the meal their way.
Regular meal preparation can seem like a major chore at times. You can implement several simple strategies to streamline your cooking process. Being in the kitchen should not be a stressful feeling, you should be able to go to your kitchen and feel relaxed.
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foodieweekly · 4 years
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Foodie Weekly 010:
Celebrity Cuisine
That Cantonese Restaurant We've Been to
Do you remember the Cantonese restaurant we've been to together with Victoria, Jaddison and Jaddison's friend? It turns out to be a Michelin Star restaurant in Hong Kong (but this one in Taiwan has no star so far)
I like the dishes there but the service really can be improved.
The cover photo is the "lute tofu" which got its name from that musical instrument. It's actually really soft tofu stuffed with minced meat and then coated in this fluffy tempura coating before getting deep fried.
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↑ braised wagyu beef. The taste is nice but I think it's a bit overpriced.
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↑ Wagyu pan fried bun. It's like "nikuman" in Japan but pan fried. The balance between the filling and the dough is a bit off because the skin is just too thick.
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↑ green onion meat pastry. Puff pastry filled with juicy pork and green onion filling. Very tasty.
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↑ Asparagus. Simple as it seems, it's cooked in the broth that takes hours to make. It's a subtle yet luxurious dish actually.
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↑ Rice noodle roll. The filling it's fried bread. Even though it's carbs rolled in carbs, the contrast of the soft and crunchy texture makes it one of my favorite in Cantonese restaurant.
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↑ the rib eye. It's well cooked and the variety of the dipping sauce and garnish is also a plus. But the the wooden board underneath is damaged and it's not supposed to happen in a restaurant like this.
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↑ deep fried taro ball. It's also one of my favorite here! The taro is silky and perfectly wrapping up the gooey, rich mushrooms filling. The fragrance of the taro is a perfect match for the filling and the crunchy crust outside elevates everything. Can't have enough of it.
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↑ the fried rice is quite ordinary, though. Too much green onion to me.
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↑ the deep fried poulard. It's also a must have here. The crunchy and paper-thin skin is impressive, but what impresses me more is how tender the meat is. It's because the chef fried it just until the meat are fully cooked. Therefore, the heat didn't get to the center of the bones otherwise the meat would be overcooked. It's probably a bit undercooked for some people but to me this is the spirit of the dish since it takes a lot of experience to tell the perfect cooking time of each poulard. Also because they choose the best quilty poultry, there's no weird, smelly taste but the natural umami and sweet flavor in the meat. This is another thing I could eat every day.
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sherristockman · 6 years
Weekly Health Quiz: Concussions, Hydration and Diabetes Dr. Mercola 1 Which of the following has been shown to increase digestive-resistant starch in foods like bread, rice, pasta and potatoes? Overcooking and/or deep browning Undercooking Cooking, refrigerating overnight, then reheating High net-carb foods such as potatoes, rice, bread and pasta become more digestive-resistant when cooked, cooled and reheated. Learn more. None of the above, you can't make resistant starch from carbs and anyone who states otherwise is promoting a dangerous concept 2 Which farm animal is best suited to serving as the foundation for a new agroecological and agroforestry model, capable of reforesting and restoring large amounts of conventionally farmed and degenerated landscapes? Chickens Poultry production offers the shortest economic cycle and lowest up-front investment cost, and is easily scalable. Chickens can also serve as the foundation for a massive new agroecological and agroforestry model, capable of reforesting and restoring large amounts of conventionally farmed and degenerated landscapes. Learn more. Cattle Bison Goats 3 Which of the following conveniences now poses one of the most severe threats to environmental and human health? Automobiles Nitrogen fertilizers Plastics Discarded plastic — both large and microscopic — circles the globe, choking our oceans and harming wildlife, ultimately finding its way onto your plate and into your body. A number of studies have now revealed we are both eating and drinking microplastic particles on a regular basis. Learn more. Cement 4 Low-grade accumulation of concussions over time accelerates the process of Alzheimer's. Recent research also shows even a single concussion increases your risk of which disease? Meningitis Parkinson's According to recent research, even a single concussion could increase your risk for Parkinson's by 56 to 83 percent, depending on the severity of the injury. Learn more. Brain cancer Seizures 5 Which of the following is a major underlying cause of heart attacks? High cholesterol levels Insufficient glucose Chronically low parasympathetic nervous system activity While conventional medicine still focuses on cholesterol and the plaque buildup in your arteries, compelling evidence suggests three major underlying causes of heart attacks are mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired microcirculation to your heart and chronically suppressed parasympathetic nervous system activity. Learn more. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) 6 Which of the following supplements has very similar effects as the drug metformin, and is a safer, and perhaps even more effective, alternative for those using metformin for Type 2 diabetes treatment and/or antiaging purposes? Berberine Diabetics taking metformin tend to live longer than those taking other diabetes drugs. Some nondiabetic people take metformin just for its potential antiaging benefits. While it's among the least hazardous drugs out there, the supplement berberine has many of the same effects, and is likely a safer and likely better alternative. Learn more. Quercetin Astaxanthin Rhodiola 7 To ensure proper hydration, you need to: Drink eight glasses of water per day and more if you are in a hot environment and/or exercising Avoid tea and coffee Improve electrical charges across your cellular membranes to get water inside your cells Proper hydration is not simply infusing your body with water. More specifically, it's about getting the water inside your cells. To do that, you need to improve the electrical charges across your cellular membranes. Learn more. Take Epsom salt baths
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Worldbuilding with Taste: Isekai Izakaya's Deliciously Smart Setting
  WARNING: Please do not read this feature while hungry!
If we offered you fresh edamame, a hot plate of kara-age, or oden with steaming potatoes, it probably wouldn't take much to get you to accept. Traditional Japanese food is already delicious without any gimmicks, especially when paired with a drink.
  But what if you were a poor soldier who'd never encountered concepts like pickling, double-frying, or even serving draft beer cold? The wonders of Japanese pub cuisine go from naturally delicious to straight through the roof. And for the soldiers and citizens of Isekai Izakaya, simple comfort food is a miracle of modern cuisine.
  The first thing the denizens of Aitheria fall in love with at Izakaya Nobu is the house specialty, "Whatsontap." Which is, as the viewers know, chilled draft beer. But why does a typical after-work drink blow the minds of Aitheria's soldiers?
  One word: Reinheitsgebot.
  We don't know a lot about Aitheria, but we can assume from their use of the word kartoffel for "potato" and the names of their guards that this is a German-inspired world. And beer in Germany in the 1500s was very carefully overseen with regards to ingredients, thanks to the German Beer Purity Law (or "Reinheitsgebot"). Only water, barley, and hops could be used in beer. Wheat was not permitted, and while modern versions of the law make allowances for yeast, the original one didn't -- because yeast in beer wasn't a thing back then. It's not a stretch to assume Aitheria's beers are made with similar standards.
  The pale Japanese beer the guards received is not only likely made with wheat or yeast -- it's also served cold. Some beer is better chilled in general, but the cold drink also goes down easier since your tastebuds are slightly numbed... hence the refreshing nature. It's no wonder Izakaya Nobu's "Whatsontap" is a magical experience for the soldiers!
  But alcohol is alcohol, so even if Nobu didn't have chilled beer, the soliders would probably happily drink it. But the chicken, on the other hand... Nobu's fried chicken benefits from several things: the process of karaage style frying, double-frying, and the fact that it's made (as Nobu points out) with young chicken. But does that really make a difference? Actually, yes -- and it's something relevant even now in cuisine.
  Aitheria's lower classes seem to be a bit hard up for good chicken -- as stated in the second episode, they only eat hens that are too old to provide eggs. Our world's Middle Ages weren't quite that stingy with our poultry, with chickens serving as food, a source of eggs, and occasionally currency. What this says about Aitheria's social classes... well, we'll find out in later episodes, surely.
  A hen passes its prime when it's around 10 months to a year old. And that's around when the people of Aitheria would be eating them. But in our world, we have a name for that kind of chicken: a stewing hen. Those are the ones you buy specifically for soups and stews, because their tougher meat will have time to break down in the boiling water. They're also more flavorful... but that doesn't much matter when they're too tough to eat.
  Not only that, but our real-world fryers and roasters are raised specifically for their meat -- a concept foreign to Aetheria, it seems. So not only is Nobu's fried chicken made with young hens, it's made with hens who were raised to be delicious. No wonder the commander's mind was blown!
   But the magic doesn't stop there! We've still got the potatoes to go! Potatoes were first used for human consumption in Europe in the 1500s, originally for the ill. Initially, people distrusted them because they grew underground and because they grew in the same sorts of fields as poisonous plants. But eventually, they became a staple crop and were grown widely for food. So our soldier friends growing tired of them makes perfect sense, since (if Aitheria is like medieval Europe) they would have been abundant.
  That's not the only problem with potatoes. As delicious as they are in all their forms, it's pretty easy to get them wrong. Undercook them and they're tough; overcook them and they're mushy. Nobu had the right idea: cooking up a potato in oden, which is based on a soy/dashi broth, will make sure it's cooked all the way through and add a new flavor for someone who's had nothing but potatoes all their lives. And while potatoes with mustard may seem one of the most German things ever, an oden-cooked potato with a smear of karashi would definitely be foreign (and spicy!) to Aitherians.
  The food of Isekai Izakaya is already gorgeous -- especially with each episode ending in a live-action exploration of that week's disk! But when you take into account that the patrons of Izakaya Nobu have likely been living on a lower-class medieval German diet, their reactions to the Japanese comfort food seem right on target.
  You may not be a Aitherian peasant, but you still might find yourself a little hungry after all that! Which of Izakaya Nobu's signature dishes would you like to try? Let us know down in the comments!
  Watch Isekai Izakaya: Japanese Food from Another World on Crunchyroll!
 Kara Dennison is responsible for multiple webcomics, and is half the creative team behind the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. She blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos. Her work can currently be read in Stranger Tales of the City from Obverse Books.
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