#i promise I enjoyed cobb salad
handageddon · 10 months
Writers prompt: level extremely difficult describe eating a hardboiled egg in a way that sounds like you are eating it on purpose
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legionofpotatoes · 4 years
The other problem with the Mandalorian rn is it started off as something anyone could enjoy. Hardcore fans, casual fans, or complete newcomers. Now... if you don’t know xyz about every single show or obscure lore, you’re lost. Mandalorian started off strong bc we were seeing new and unexplored parts of the universe. And now it’s done a 180 on that set rule from season 1 and is expanding way too quickly. I feel like it’s lost sight of what it wants to be a show about.
I mean a little bit, yeah, and case in point. It’s like a nasty side-effect of sidelining dramatic arc construction for your heroes and instead leaning into episodic busywork with bit too much fervor and little follow-through. Would have disagreed with you maybe 1-2 episodes ago, but the 13th was a jarring example of exactly what you’re saying. I could draw a direct comparison between cobb vanth and ahsoka, both members of non-movie lore, both being integrated into the episodic/thematic storytelling of the show, both with diametrically opposite levels of success. We got introduced to steaming hot silver fox space olyphant as a sheriff of a town with needs, wants, and a context for mando to fit in; so he 100% worked as both an offshoot fan service plug and an expansion of the universe for us unknowing fans. And his role ended with clear story beats, textbook stuff. While with ahsoka, you got a healthy dose of assumed intent (again, those few opening seconds of her mercilessly slaughtering dudes in a forest were.. a choice), and her literal personal conflict end hinged on a namedrop that meant literal jackshit to me. Even bo-katan’s mcguffin chase had at least some context for show-watchers, while this was plain MCU-level silly. I get it’s supposed to be a cool promise, but do we need this now, for this story? And if not, then why was its articulation warranting a B-plot at all?
It’s honestly too much to get into now, but yeah. I don’t think that’s a different problem either, just a natural extension of what I have my own beef with. If they focus on dramatizing mando/grogu’s arc, any episodic salad dressing will work like gangbusters. They just have to find courage and shift that status quo, but with disney, who the f knows!
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dimitribelikov · 3 years
The Belikov Chronicles: The Tasha Conundrum Pt.3
✶ The conclusion of my Tasha Conundrum series ! This one features the lovely balcony moment they shared, all from Dimitri’s POV. ✶ notes : All dialogue is straight from Frostbite, chapter 17. The rest is mine, based on characters written by Richelle Mead. ✶ warnings : some language ✶ ships : romitri ✶ Part 1  |  Part 2  |  more Dimitri one shots
    After the strange discovery of Rose in Adrian’s room, and the conversation that followed with her, I couldn’t seem to get the young dhampir off my mind. Most of the day was spent with other guardians, working over logistics and plans for possibly pursing the Strigoi. Or at the very least, keeping the resort as well protected as possible. It quickly became obvious that the biggest threat to the Moroi under the Idaho’s ski resort’s roof was actually themselves. Their squabbles over the politics that surrounded the attacks, and how best to deal with them, turned into full blown arguments at every turn. Some even resorted to physical fights. It was a mess, and certainly enough to occupy my mind.
Except my thoughts continually returned to her.
The revelation that I was actually jealous of Adrian nearly knocked me off balance. Jealousy wasn’t something I felt often and it gnawed at me constantly, making my insides ache. Fortunately, guardian training came with emotional temperament and I was able to hide all such traces of emotions.
Though Tasha’s hopes of rescuing me away to play pool that afternoon were dashed, she was able to get me away for lunch. It was nice being with her, pretending that the rest of our problems didn’t exist. She could speak so passionately about her views on the world, which always captured my full attention. As she spoke over her half eaten cobb salad, I began to imagine a future with her. What would life be like if I accepted her offer? Surely it was a once in a life time opportunity. I may be young, but the idea of the freedom to be a father and even a husband was thrilling. Maybe because it was something that I had written off so long ago, knowing it would never be in the cards for me. Yet here that future was, presented on a silver platter. All I had to do was accept.
The problem was, when I envisioned myself happy at someone’s side, it wasn’t Tasha. I tried to convince myself that my imagination only inserted Rose because I had already grown accustomed to the idea of working with her in the future. Yeah, even I knew that was a load of bullshit, though. The memory of our heated kiss in the gym, only a few days before the trip, still burned on my lips.
“I should get back,” I said abruptly. From the surprised look on Tasha’s face, I had a feeling that I had interrupted something she was saying. Thankfully, my job and the current climate of affairs made my anxious demeanor make sense. We parted ways and it was back to work with me, doing everything in my power not to think of dark, wavy hair that felt like silk between my fingers . . .
Later in the evening, I was assigned duty at Priscilla Voda’s party. I blended into the background just as I was trained to do. It was dull and uneventful, save for the pompous touting of rich ass wipes that had no clue what they were talking about. Adrian was of course there, drinking and talking to a few royals. We made eye contact at one point, and though I kept any emotion from my face, I was sure he detected my icy warning glare. The jerk actually had the audacity to smirk back as though amused by it.
Then Rose and Lissa showed up. The dress Rose wore should have been illegal. I couldn’t be distracted while working, but the way it clung to her every curve was certainly putting my focus to the test. My fingers felt warm, recalling the feeling of pulling another dress off of her months before. We’d been under a compulsion spell, but I wasn’t naive enough to think that the desire I felt was any less real.
I tried to look anywhere else, look at nothing while seeing everything as the guardians do, but when I glanced back, she was talking to Adrian. Now my fingers burned with a whole different reason. They wanted to punch the jerk-off and his wandering eyes. But before I could dwell, Janine entered . . . And actually dragged Rose away. It was stealthily done, and I don’t think anyone aside from Adrian noticed. Except me, of course, because I could keep my eyes off of her. What a hypocrite! And there I was, chastising the Moroi’s wandering eyes.
Although part of me cheered for her breaking up Rose and Adrian, the rest of me knew better. My heart sunk. I knew that Rose’s relationship with her mother was rocky at best. Janine was as badass a guardian as they come, and though I assumed it would be a great honor to have her as a mother, I was beginning to understand Rose’s resentment.
Knowing that the princess was safe, I left after a couple of minutes later in search of Rose. Our earlier awkwardness ( and even coldness ) was in the past. If I knew her, she’d be alone, keeping her pain to herself, but deeply in need of a shoulder to lean on. I couldn’t explain why I needed to be that shoulder, but instinct drove me straight to her.
When I found her, I could have laughed at how correct my assumption was. Except there was nothing funny about the sight. Rose was still wearing only the tight dress, and it wasn’t nearly enough to shield her skin from the frigid air. She turned to me, and I could see the sadness in her dark eyes. The sunrise illuminated her face in a way that took my breath away. How could I have ever imagined a future with someone else when this goddess existed?
She turned away wordlessly and I figured since no sarcastic and scathing remark about Tasha came, that I was welcomed to join her. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders, hoping it would help, then took a seat beside her. “You must be freezing,” was my lame attempt to explain my actions.
“The sun’s out,” she replied, just as lamely. What an awkward pair we make, I thought.
Rather than point that out, I looked up at the sky, taking in the warm rays and the look of the light as it washed over the picturesque scenery. I loved the outdoors and the sunshine, and often lamented its loss while being on a vampiric schedule. Something about the outdoors always brought forth a rush of adrenaline in me. Maybe it was how it reminded me of the Siberian countrysides that I’d grown accustomed to as a kid. Rose could joke all she wanted about it being a frozen tundra, but in the spring and summer, it was like heaven. “It is,” I agreed. “But we’re still on a mountain in the middle of winter.”
She didn’t bother to correct me or defend herself with another sarcastic quip. In fact, the most wonderful thing followed. Nothing. We sat in silence, though there was nothing awkward about it. We were content in enjoying the sun together and simply being in each other’s presence. This was something that Tasha could never give me. For all her promises of a future that was out of reach for most guardians, there was never silence between us. Sure, I loved her impassioned speeches and the stories she told. We could laugh together for hours.
But what I had with Rose was something I’d never felt before. It was an understanding that ran so deep that we didn’t need words to understand one another. Maybe that’s when I knew that I couldn’t accept Tasha’s offer. Obviously life with Rose would always be complicated and far from easy, but it was better than a life without her. Even after the few, short months with her, that was something I simply couldn’t abide.
It was Rose that spoke up first, as though the words broke through of their own accord. “My life is a disaster.”
“It’s not a disaster,” I told her automatically. There was beauty in her life, and I wanted her to see that. I wanted her see how that beauty effected those around her, including me.
“Did you follow me from the party?”
Busted. “Yes.”
“I didn’t even know you were there,” Rose admitted. “So you saw the illustrious Janine cause a commotion by dragging me out.”
I could hear how embarrassed she was by the whole ordeal, and in a way, I could understand. I could guess Janine’s reasoning, but I personally didn’t agree with the action. “It wasn’t a commotion. Hardly anyone noticed,” I assured her, trying to make it sound like it wasn’t that big of a deal. But then my lips kept moving and traitorously said a bit too much. “I saw because I was watching you.” Did that sound creepy? I’m pretty sure that sounded creepy.
Mercifully, Rose ignored the comment. Although part of me had hoped for some sort of inkling as to how she felt about it. Maybe she really was too into Adrian to notice me now . . .
“That’s not what she said. I might as well have been working a corner as far as she was concerned.”
Janine was a very different sort of mother than mine was, but she was still someone I respected and looked up to. I honestly didn’t think that she had such a dark view of her own daughter, but that she had a hard time expressing her honest emotions in a normal way. Honestly, a lot of guardians struggle with that, especially the older ones that had more time to harden. “She’s just worried about you,” I tried to reason. I hated seeing Rose hurt like that, and though I felt completely out of my element, I wanted to help.
“She overreacted,” was the immediate response.
Well, I couldn’t really argue with that. Instead, I said, “Sometimes mother’s are overprotective.”
The look Rose gave me broke my heart. She was a brilliant, passionate, and amazing young woman who only wanted a shred of love, but continually got pushed aside. I felt spoiled suddenly, knowing that even though I hadn’t seen my family in years, that they would always welcome me with a warm hug and happy faces. “Yeah, but this is my mother. And she didn’t seem that protective, really. I think she was more worried I’d embarrass her or something. And all that becoming-a-mother-too-young stuff was stupid. I’m not going to do anything like that.”
Ah. So there’s the problem. “Maybe she wasn’t talking about you.” I must have dropped a hardcore truth bomb, because Rose looked stunned. At a loss for words. And Rose Hathaway was never at a loss for words.
Another silence passed and I knew she was re-evaluating things in her mind. I was happy to sit with her, giving her the time she needed and whatever support I could provide. When she spoke again, it was a statement that seemed out of left field, but couldn’t help but amuse me. “We aren’t fighting right now.”
I glanced at her, arching an eyebrow at the observation. “Do you want to fight?” I asked, enjoying the little playful mood that we had turned towards.
“No. I hate fighting with you.” That made two of us. “Verbally, I mean. I don’t mind in the gym.”
That actually did bring a small smile to my face. “I don’t like fighting with you either.” It seemed an obvious statement, but as the words left me, I knew how important it was that she know that. I hated when I had to be the “adult in charge”. Rose was my equal in so many ways and I reveled in the way we could be so at ease around one another.
We shared an honest, quiet, and warm moment as we locked eyes. That was why her next statement completely took me off guard.
“You should take it.”
At first, I had no idea what “it” was. “What?”
“Tasha’s offer. You should take her up on it. It’s a really great chance.”
Now it was my turn to be stunned. At first I was frustrated that she’d assume that’s what I even wanted, especially with the way I had currently been looking at her. But quickly, I realized what a huge step this was. She was growing up and able to put her own hang ups aside if it meant someone else’s happiness. That was the Rose I knew and the Rose that I was quickly falling in love with. Yet she still took me by surprise with it. “I never expected to hear you say anything like that. Especially after–”
“What a bitch I’ve been? Yeah,” Rose said, cutting me off. I wouldn’t have called her a “bitch” exactly, but things were definitely strained between us. “Well. Like I said, I don’t want to fight anymore. I don’t want us to hate each other. And . . . well . . .” She paused and I could tell this was hard for her say. I was patient, though, silently watching her. “No matter how I feel about us . . . I want you to be happy.”
I could see the pain in her eyes, but all I felt was an overwhelming warmth and admiration. Rose could be petty, sure, but deep down, she was the most amazing person I had met who put everyone else’s needs above her own. And apparently she still had feelings about “us”. I should be discouraging that since there was no way that we could be together, but with the morning sunlight around on us on that private balcony, it felt as though the rest of the world and its problems didn’t exist. It was only Rose, who I learned didn’t care about Adrian more than me. Rose, who had unwittingly found her way into my heart. I knew there was no going back now.
Unable to help myself, I put my arm around her. “Roza.” I didn’t know what else to say as I pulled her to me, getting to be her shoulder to lean on. And honestly, with her, I knew I didn’t have to say anything else. We sat like that for a while, breaking every rule and crossing every line I had set, but it didn’t matter. There was nothing sexual about the way I held her. This ran deeper than that.
It felt like far too soon when Rose was standing up and handing me my jacket. “Where are you going?” I asked, knowing full well that I should also return to my post. Leaving our little snow covered sanctuary was the last thing I wanted to do, though.
“To break someone’s heart,” Rose replied. I didn’t really understand what she meant ( although my gut told me that Mason was about to have a bad night ), but the resolute look on her face wasn’t something I was going to take away by asking for details. She left, leaving me alone in the freezing morning air with much to think about. How was it possible that in just a few days Rose had managed to evoke so many conflicting emotions within me? Pride, lust, aggravation, jealousy, and now adoration.
I turned back to the sunlit landscape, knowing one thing was certain. I had made my decision. I was going to have to break someone’s heart, too. Tasha would survive, but Rose? I knew I couldn’t live in a future without her.
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harley-sunday · 4 years
Final Approach [01]
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Summary: Something’s different at Sandspit Airport when you return after some much needed time off. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader (f)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 3352
AN: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while now and I think I’m finally ok with putting it out there. You can blame my endless love for NGC’s ‘Air Crash Investigation’ (no crash involved here though!) and having worked in aviation for this. That it involves Chris Evans is somehow a given for me because he just seems to ‘fit’ the story.   For the observant reader - yes I already posted this a week ago, but I didn’t like the direction it was taking and so I changed some things around. You might want to reread :) 
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You stifle a yawn just as Deb appears at your table with the Cobb salad you ordered a couple of minutes earlier, earning you a kind smile from the older woman before she says something that you don’t quite catch. Like pretty much always, Mike, the bartender, has turned the music up way too loud and so you point to your ear before you shake your head to let Deb know you didn't get any of what she said.
"You work too hard," she says, her voice raised just enough for it to reach you over the outro of Bruce Springsteen's 'Born to Run', the look on her face nothing short of judgmental, her arms now crossed in front of her chest for good measure. When your parents moved back to the mainland a little over ten years ago, Deb promised them to take good care of you and so you’re used to this by now.
There's a lull in the music then, in which you assure her you're fine even though you know she doesn't believe you. You sit upright to appear more awake but the scowl doesn’t disappear and you know there’s nothing you can do to convince her otherwise. She’s right, of course she is, but you can’t let her know that, now can you? “Must be because I just had a couple of weeks off,” you try in a last ditch effort, “too much sleep, I guess.”
The way she nods lets you know she doesn't really believe you but that she'll let it go for now. It's at that moment Mike turns up the volume even more for Chumbawamba's 'Tubthumping' to let everyone know happy hour is about to begin. A loud cheer erupts inside Don Cherry’s Bar and so all you can do is smile in a way that you hope tells her there’s nothing to worry about.
Deb just winks and mouths, "Enjoy your meal!" She never could stay angry for too long.
Like every Friday night the bar is slowly filling up, most if not all of the patrons Prince Rupert locals who have known each other, and thus by default you, since pretty much the day they were born. The high table you're sat at is closest to the door and so all throughout your meal a chorus of, "Hey, how are ya?" and, "Good, how about yourself?" echoes around you as more and more people make their way inside.
There’s chatter all around you but you eat in silence, eager to finish your meal and head home. No happy hour for you tonight, you still need to unpack and get some laundry done before you get back to work on Monday.  
As if on cue Deb brings your bill the moment you push the plate away from you, because that’s how well she knows you. You hand her your card and while you wait for her to return it you grab your jacket off the back of your chair and put it on, pulling the zipper all the way up because you know it’s going to be cold outside. They’ve predicted some snow over the weekend, which is unusual on the island, but there has been a chill in the air that tells you the forecast might be right.
Deb hands you your card and the receipt back with a smile and tells you to enjoy your weekend.
You’re about to tell her you will, but she’s already rushing off to another table and so instead you wave to Mike who winks at you from behind the bar. You greet a few other people on your way out and nod to the guy who’s holding the door open for you, who you recognize as someone you went to Kindergarten with.
It’s dark outside even though it’s still early, but that’s how it is this time of year. You hurry towards your car, hands deep in your pockets and shoulders up high, trying as much as possible to shield yourself from the cold. It’s not much better inside though and you’re quick to start the car so you can at least get the heater going. It takes you a few tries to get the engine running, but your car is old and always acts up when the temperatures drop below forty degrees and so you are not too worried.
That is until you’re almost halfway home and all of a sudden there’s a weird shudder that runs through your car before the ‘check engine’ light comes on. Before you even have a chance to react everything shuts off and you come to a complete standstill on the middle of the road. 
Sixth Avenue isn’t a particularly busy street, day or night, and there are street lights on either side, but you still turn on your hazard lights, relieved to see they at least still work. With a sigh you get out and kick the front tire for good measure before you realize you’re going to have to push your car off the road until it can get towed. Leaning back in you put it in neutral and grab a hold of the steering wheel before you try to push it to get it moving. 
It won’t budge.
Fine. It’s fine. You’ll just leave it here for now and call Burt to come pick it up. His tow trucking service’s only a few miles away so it shouldn’t take too long. You take your phone out of your back pocket and push the home button only to see the screen light up with a battery warning. Of course. Unlocking your phone proves to be too much and so that dies on you too then. 
It takes everything you have not to scream in frustration and so you aren’t really paying attention to what’s going on around you.
“You ok?” 
The voice comes out of nowhere and scares the shit out of you and so you can’t help but curse, “Jesus!”
“I’m sorry,” he takes a step back, hands up to show you he means no harm, “I’m sorry. I just wanted to see if you were alright and if you need any help.“
“Well, you scared the shit out of me,” you say even though, in all honesty, you’re glad there’s someone kind enough to come up to you. You take him in and realize you don’t know him, which is weird, because over here there really are no strangers. It’s hard to get a good look at his face though, because he’s wearing a baseball cap that’s pulled low over his eyes, the logo on it not one you recognize. It’s then you notice a dog sitting next to him, patiently waiting for whatever comes next. 
You’re about to ask him if he’s new here but then he interrupts your thoughts, “But you’re alright?”
“I’m fine,” you assure him. You motion towards your car then, “This thing though, not so much. And my phone’s dead, so you know, double the fun.”
He chuckles, “What’s wrong with it?”
“I think it’s the battery. I mean, you get an iPhone and you would think that by now they would have figured out how to make the battery last longer than one day, but no-“
“I was talking about the car,” he interrupts you and laughs, “but if you want to talk shit about Apple products for a little longer, please, be my guest.”
You smile and shrug, “It’s an old car, who knows what’s wrong with it? Maybe you could have a look?”
He puts his hands in his pockets and kicks the gravel at his feet, not looking at you now, “I’m not really that great with cars.”
You snort, “So much for helping a lady out.” 
“Hey,” he crosses his arms in a defensive manner, but smiles anyway, “at least I have a cell phone that’s fully charged, thank you very much.”
You throw him a wink, “That’s the one thing you have going for you at this moment.”
“Listen, why don’t I call someone for you and I’ll wait here until they arrive?”
“That’s really not necessary,” you hold up your hands when you see his eyebrows knit together in confusion, “I mean the call, yes, please, but really, you don’t have to wait here with me. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” He doesn’t sound convinced. “Let me at least call first to see how long it’ll take.” 
“Fine.” You give him Burt’s number and listen as he tells him where you’re at and what’s going on while you take a step closer to pet his dog, his tail wagging when you scratch him behind his ears. You can’t hear what’s being said on the other end, but he ends the call with a “Thank you,” shortly after.
‘He’ll be here in five,”
“See,” you nod, “I’ll be fine.” 
“Well, if you’re sure,”
“I am.” It’s not that you don’t want him to stay, it’s just that you don’t want to hold him here on a Friday night, you’re sure he’s got other things to do. You smile at him, “Thanks for your help though.”
He lets out a low whistle that has his dog jump to its feet, “No worries.”  
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You’re quietly singing along to the song that’s been stuck in your head since the moment you got up this morning when a flicker of light on your left draws your attention. A quick glance over your shoulder and out of the window has you smiling, the reflection of the sun in the water of Mathers Lake bouncing around beautifully, like a welcome back sign from Louise Island. All around the lake there are flecks of orange and yellow, surrounded by fir trees that stay a dark shade of lush green all-year round.
Seeing Mathers Lake lets you know you’re almost at your destination and so you hit the switch to transmit the call to let Joanne know you’re on your way, “Sandspit Tower, this is PASCO seven five, fifteen miles out south, requesting inbound.”
“PASCO seven five, report over channel three for runway one left.”
You’re about to respond, almost absentmindedly, like you’ve done a hundred times before, but then you realize something’s off. It takes you a moment to realize what it is. Because unless Joanne’s voice suddenly dropped a few octaves, there’s someone else in the tower. Panic hits you almost instantly, knowing Joanne would never give up her seat out of free will. Hell, she tends to joke she’ll be at Sandspit until the days she- Oh shit.
“PASCO seven five?” The unfamiliar voice returns. “Report over channel three for runway one left.”
“Who the hell are you and what did you do to Joanne?” It comes out more like an accusation and less like the question you intended it to be, but you’re freaking out just a little bit because why isn’t Jo answering your call? Jesus, you were only gone four weeks.
“PASCO seven five, please confirm.”
There’s a lot more authority in his voice and it sets you on edge almost immediately. This can’t be a good sign. Right? You let out a frustrated sigh with the mic still open before you respond, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, reporting over channel three for runway one left.” Then, as an afterthought, “You still owe me an explanation though.”
“PASCO seven five,” there’s a hint of irritation seeping through now, “do I need to remind you of protocol?”
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see you, but also because you know he’s right. You’ve broken just about every aviation protocol there is, but things like that never really mattered at Sandspit Airport, not until now anyway. Apparently whoever took over from Joanne is a stickler for the rules. Cursing quietly, you switch to channel three even though he’ll still be the one taking your call because Sandspit Airport isn’t big enough for Tower and Ground to be separate departments. And because you’re still a little upset and want to stick it to him, you put on the voice you only ever use at Bella Coola airport, where the woman working at ATC is an absolute bitch, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, requesting inbound on runway one left, if it so pleases you.” Then in a sing-song voice, “Thank you.”
The reply comes almost immediately and is as unfazed as it was before, “PASCO seven five, enter right for runway.”
Shaking your head ever so slightly you try to regain your focus - you have an airplane to land, after all. You’ll figure out what happened to Jo once you’re on the ground, you decide, before you sit up in your seat and relay the latest information, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, entering right for runway. Seven miles out.”
You’ve just started the checklist needed before you can start your descent when his voice returns, a little kinder now, “Joanne retired two weeks ago, by the way.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” Any concern for protocol has disappeared, knowing full well things aren’t as strict once you’re on Ground frequency. At least that doesn’t seem to have changed.
“She didn’t tell you?”
“No,” you shake your head even though no one can see you, “no, she did not.”
“I’m sorry.”
Realizing how defeated you must have sounded, you clear your throat before you continue, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, four miles out, please stand by.” You end the call and try to clear your head, knowing you need to focus on the task at hand. No matter how small the plane, taking off and landing are where most fatal errors happen and so there’s no room for distraction. But the checklist isn’t long and everything is as it should be and so you call back not much later, “Sandspit Ground, ready for final approach, please advise.”
“PASCO seven five, confirmed on runway one left.”
Even though Joanne won’t be there to greet you, you can’t help but smile when you see the Sandspit Air Traffic Control Tower in front of you, the two runways of the small airport looking as pristine as ever, no doubt thanks to Joe’s commitment to the place and his new sweeper. “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, ready for touchdown on runway one left.”
“PASCO seven five, landing confirmed. Please taxi via Delta over to parking nineteen, one-niner.”
You scoff, pretty sure you heard the hint of a snicker coming through over the radio, “All the way in the back? Really?”
“Protocol, PASCO seven five," he replies almost instantly, but he doesn't sound all that serious.
“Fine,” you mutter before repeating, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, parking one-niner, taxi via Delta confirmed.” You lean forward in your seat a little as you fly past the tower, trying to catch a glimpse of this mysterious new air traffic controller. No such luck of course, because the mirrored windows only show the reflection of your plane. 
Almost there, you think to yourself then, as you take a deep breath that you hold in until you feel your wheels hit the tarmac and you get to add another successful flight to your record. Superstitious? Maybe. But you’d rather be safe than sorry.
“Nice landing, PASCO seven five,” he compliments once you’ve touched down. “Dave will be your valet for today. Please standby.”
“At least Dave’s still here,” you joke quietly. “PASCO seven five, standing by.”
Your smile only grows wider when you see Dave guiding you onto your parking spot, because like Jo he’s been at Sandspit for as long as you can remember. Once you’re in the right place you kill your engine and wait for the propeller to slow down somewhat before you open your door and jump down onto the tarmac, “Hi Dave!”
“Hey kid, how have you been?” He gently slaps your shoulder, always considering you one of the guys albeit being a little less rough with you. Which you appreciate. “How was your holiday?”
“Good, good,” you reply while you take off your sunglasses and put them in the pocket of your jacket.
“Yeah, it was nice to be away for a while,” you admit easily.
Dave nods understandingly, “Sort of like a fresh start, eh?”
‘I guess it was,” you agree, although you don’t really want to talk about it. Not now. And so you change the subject rather abruptly, “But what’s this I hear about Jo retiring?”
“Well, you know she was long overdue anyway,” Dave explains as he opens your cargo door, “and then Roger had some troubles with his heart a couple of weeks back, right after you left, and I guess she decided enough was enough, ya know?”
“Hmm,” you respond absentmindedly, trying to figure out if you have time to go see Joanne and Roger soon, a little disappointed when you realize it won’t be for at least another couple of weeks. “Roger’s ok now, though?”
“Sure is,” he says with a wink, “they’re tough, those two.”
“Just like you,” you offer kindly, even though you absolutely mean it. Dave is one of the most dedicated ground crew out there and always ready to give you a hand even though you’ve told him many times already you’re more than capable to handle your own. Something Dave somehow never seems to remember.
“Oh stop it,” he grins, as he reaches into the cargo hold and grabs the first bag of mail, “you’re making me blush.”
“So…” you draw out, “who’s the guy replacing Jo?” You take the bag from him and place it on the back of his truck, “Sucker for protocol or what?”
“He’s not that bad,” Dave offers, “came in right after Jo left, from somewhere on the east coast I think. We still busy teaching him how things work around here.” He laughs then, “Don’t worry, kid, Joe and I will have him whipped into shape for you in no time.”
“Ah, thanks Dave,” you reply as you take another bag from him, “I knew I could count on you.”
“You know I got your back, kid.” He turns to you then and nods to his truck, “Let’s get some coffee before we load you up for your trip back, eh?”
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Enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee you listen to Dave as he brings you up to date to the latest news and gossip at Sandspit Airport. Turns out none of the crew particularly liked the guy they sent in to replace you while you were on holiday, and once you learn it’s Chad Dave’s talking about you can’t help but agree. The guy’s a dick.  
“Alright, kid,” Dave grunts as he gets up out of his chair after putting his now empty cup down on the table, “let’s get you loaded.”
There’s just one mail bag to take with you this time and some empty crates you know have to go back to Vancouver Airport eventually, and so loading only takes a couple of minutes. Before you know it you’re back in your seat, calling the tower once you’ve filled out the departure forms, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, at parking nineteen, one-niner, ready for departure.”
There’s no immediate reply but you decide to give him a couple of minutes, after all you’re not really in a rush. Plus, you figure, he might be occupied with some of the sightseeing planes that always circle the island in the afternoon and so you busy yourself with the weather forecast instead.
He comes on not much later, sounding a little out of breath as though he has been running, “PASCO seven five, hold short for runway two right via Charlie.”
You decide to ignore the probability of having caught him on a bathroom break and instead confirm, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, holding short for runway two right via Charlie.” As you line up at the runway you glance at the tower again, but of course there’s nothing to see from the ground and so you shrug and call him instead, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, ready for takeoff.”
“PASCO seven five, fly straight out until advised, runway two right, cleared for takeoff.”
“Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, taking off, flying straight out.” You open the throttle and build up speed as you move along the runway until finally there’s liftoff and you’re steadily climbing higher and higher. Some people ask if it never gets old, flying from one small airport to the other, the flights only three and a half hours at most, but you always assure them that even after seven years you still get as excited to get airborne as you did the first time.
“PASCO seven five,” he says, his breathing back to normal, “turn at your discretion.”
“Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, will turn at my discretion.” Then, because there’s no need to blame him for Jo’s departure and it’s always nice to be on good terms with ATC, “See you on Thursday.”
“Safe travels,” he responds and you swear you hear a hint of a smile.
“Sandspit Tower,” you scold, already starting to laugh at your own joke, “do I need to remind you of protocol?”
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Mycroft “Kidnapped”
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Summary - You get kidnapped by a secret group of people. Mycroft is absolutely ballistic in finding you, but will he? The longer he takes the more damage done to you. How fast will he act, and when he does will you be alive?
Warnings - violence
You walked with Mycroft on a quiet rainy London street, his arm wrapped around your waist and holding an umbrella that shielded the rain from the two of you. He made sure to focus it more on you. For the whole time he has met you, you were his priority over everything and anything. 
“We should take a vacation,” you casually told him. 
“If I didn’t have work so much, I would go anywhere you wanted,” he said, sighing. 
“Oh, please can we go somewhere in the summer!” You exclaimed. 
Mycroft laughed, he loved seeing your face when you got happy. “I can make some arrangements, but today is a long day for the both of us.” 
“I know, I don’t know what I’m going to do all day except for helping you around the office.” You were a smart person, Mycroft obviously picked that out from you the day you met, but you had no use at his office. You enjoyed each other’s presence, even if that meant you helping doing stupid paperwork, you loved it. 
You walked to the building and greeted the workers there that you saw. They enjoyed you as much as Mycroft. You were a package of sunshine that was wrapped in endless layers of intelligence and love. You walked to his office, took your coat off and sat on his seat. 
“I love it when you sit in my seat,” Mycroft said as he walked in. 
“You live off sarcasm, don’t you?” You told him as he innocently rolled his eyes. 
“Yes, get off before I crush you,” he told you. 
You knew one thing you never wanted in the world. To be crushed, especially by a human being. You squirmed just thinking about it and flew out of his chair causing him to throw you a confused look and release a chuckle. 
“Here are some papers you might find intriguing. I’ll get to work with a few phone calls,” he said, handing you a small stack of papers. 
You pursed your lips. You couldn’t decide anymore if you liked this. Suddenly you remembered something important. You promised Mycroft a few days ago you would bring him a surprise lunch of some food he really liked. It was nearly ten and if you were to get it now you would avoid the rush. He’s been working so hard lately, and you wanted to do something nice for him. 
“Mycroft, I have to run downtown for something,” you said. His eyes immediately darted up to you.
“Downtown? Now? Alone?” His voice was full of concern. He rarely let you out alone and you knew he wouldn’t unless you had someone else with you...someone close. 
“Uh- yes, I forgot something at my friend’s place. They just texted me where to meet. It’s rather important,” you said. You knew Mycroft had been way to busy to remember you hadn’t been to a friend’s house in a few months, you spent all your time with him. 
“I suppose you can. Just keep in contact with me if you need anything.” 
You smiled and began to head out the door. 
“Be careful!” He called out. 
You flew down the steps, exiting the building with ease. You had worn a pair of black high waisted palazzo pants, a tucked-in white blouse, and a small black blazer, but what made your outfit special where your black flats. You could finally be able to run comfortably across London without heels. 
You called for a taxi as you reached the curb and one pulled over in a few seconds. 
“Can you take me to 54th street?” 
The driver nodded, zooming away. You couldn’t contain your element of surprise. Thinking what Mycroft wanted? You knew what he wanted, but you could never get him just that. He loved sweets, smoothies, coffee, cigarettes, sandwiches. What didn’t he like? 
The taxi slowed down to a halt. You paid up and stepped outside. In front of you was a new cafe that specialized in gourmet “healthy” foods. You pulled the door open and were greeted by a whole variety of pastries covered by glass. To your right was a display of sandwiches and salads. You read the chalkboard on the wall above. It had smoothies and coffees and all sorts of drinks. You ended up deciding on a Cuban sandwich, a cobb salad, a mango smoothie, and a blueberry scone for Mycroft. You were delighted as you walked out of the store. It was drizzling rain and you could tell it was going to start pouring soon. You were about to call for a taxi, but you checked your wallet from instinct. 
“Oh no,” you said to yourself. You only had four dollars. You couldn’t get a taxi anywhere. Mycroft always offered you plenty of money in situations like this, but you forgot all the time to put it in your purse. 
You walked down the street and noticed an alley leading to a sight of the River Thames. You didn’t have a good sense of where you were in London so for all you knew you were lost. You walked down the alley and reached the sight of the river. You knew that Mycroft’s building wasn’t near the river. Or was it? His building was near the west of town. No, the east? 
You put your food bags down and tried to concentrate. You felt helpless because you had no idea where you were or his office. You didn’t want to call him because he would scold you for forgetting money and not even knowing and you wanted to surprise him with lunch. 
“Lost?” Someone called. You whipped your head around. A tall man with a seemingly expensive suit and an umbrella stood there with a concerned look on his face. 
“I-I, yeah, I’m lost.” 
“You know I just moved here to London for a job and I still can’t find my way around. Lucky I have a driver though.” 
A driver? If only you did. Now that you think of it, you really should have one. 
“That must come in handy,” you told him politely. 
“Do you need to get somewhere? Someone like you shouldn’t be alone here and in the rain,” he said smiling. You were charmed. He seemed nice enough to be a genuine and truthful person. 
“I do, actually Parliament.” 
“I’ll have my driver take you.” He motioned you to come. You did and walked next to him. You noticed a long black car on the curb. It looked like a limo, but not quite the size. The man opened the door for you and you stepped in. Inside the car were three other men, who were also dressed very well. You felt uneasy but shook it off. The man hopped into the car, closing the door. 
The car drove off, and you didn’t even tell them where to go. 
“So, to Parliament, right?” You said. The man who coaxed you inside was silent but then started laughing as did the other men. 
Your heart dropped. You suddenly knew what was going on. You tried to open your purse to get your cellphone, but the man whipped your body around, facing him. 
“You either comply, or we’ll make you.” Your breathing increased as did your heart rate. You didn’t listen to the man and continued rummaging through your purse, but stopped when the man slapped your face, hard. You winced in pain, you had never been slapped before. You started panicking. 
“Where are you taking me?” You cried out. 
“To your death place,” the man said.
When you heard this, you started screaming like a lunatic. You tried to get to the door, but you were too weak and outnumbered. You fought back relentlessly, but a hard blow to your face took you out. 
Mycroft’s office 
“What is taking her so long?” Mycroft said to himself. It was already two hours past ten when you left. He was worried sick about you and couldn’t concentrate on his work.
He picked up his phone and dialed your number. It rang, but no pickup. 
“I’m worried about you. It’s been two hours, a little more, and you’re not back. Call me,” he said to the voicemail. 
Mycroft put the phone down and rested his head in his hands. A little more time and he would then find out where you were. 
You blinked your eyes open slowly. You were on the ground against a pole. Your legs were tied together with rope and your arms and hands were too. It was tight and hurt. You felt your cheek throb in pain and suddenly you remembered being punched hard across the face with some type of ring. You managed to lean yourself straight against the pole and looked around the room. No windows, just a door. Bright lights. Relatively clean. Empty except you. You shivered in fear. 
“Hello?” You cried out. 
The door suddenly opened and there stood the man who killed you. There was something jammed in his pocket. A gun.
“What do you want from me? I don’t even know you!” You cried to him. 
He smiled and shook his head. “But you do know Mycroft Holmes, in fact you are very close to him.” 
Your heart dropped. “Why does that matter?” 
“Because he is our enemy. He caught us back years ago and we served our years, but that was wrong with him. He got in our business. He shouldn’t have. We want revenge for all those years....that money.....lost.” 
“I don’t know anything about that, I swear! Just please let me go,” you begged. 
The man walked closer and said to you, “Oh, we’ll get him here, but you’re the closest thing to him. You’re going to be part of our revenge.” 
You whimpered silently. It was hopeless. 
“Damien, bring her phone,” the man called. A muscular man walked in carrying your phone. He handed it to the man and stepped away, arms folded behind him. 
“I imagine you have his contact,” he said while scrolling through the phone, “oh, here we go.” His sadistic smile made you cringe. 
“What a cute couple. He looks like he really loves you,” he said while looking through a photograph. He stood up and snapped a picture of you. You didn’t even bother to look at the camera. 
“Sent,” he said. 
You had no emotion in you but pure fear and sadness. You tried not to cry just thinking about your death and Mycroft. The man walked up to you and pulled your chin up. 
“Not sad enough for me,” he said, pulling out a knife. 
“Please. No,” you managed to say. 
The man held the knife at your forearm, pressing it into your skin. You winced. Suddenly he slid the cold metal slowly across your skin. You felt a warm liquid pour out. It hurt. 
“That was a warmup, get ready for more,” he said, standing up and walking out of the door. 
Mycroft’s office
Mycroft’s phone made a noise. He stopped pacing around the room and looked at it. It was a message from you. He unlocked his phone and had to steady himself from passing out when he saw the picture of you. He placed his hand over his mouth and his stomach twisted and turned. His love, everything he loved was taken by someone and being hurt. A handful of tears escaped from his eyes, but the most powerful emotion of a man washed over his own body. 
He stormed out, calling his brother and explaining everything to him. He contacted the elite police, detectives, people working for him, everybody. In less than a minute, the whole London government’s priority was you. Mycroft ran and swung his coat on, storming outside. 
You tried to make the time pass by thinking about Mycroft and your good memories with him. He was the only thing you really loved. Every single moment of the day you were with him in some way. Every intimate moment, you cherished. You wondered if he was looking for you yet. What would you do without him?
The door opened again and you looked up to see the man again. He looked angrier and clenched his knife hard. 
“He’s looking for you, but he’ll never find you or you’ll be dead by then.”
The man bent down to your level and threw a hard punch at your face. His cold ring piercing through your skin, bruising your cheekbone. 
“What’d you say? You want more?” He asked and punched even harder in your stomach. You exhaled hard in pain. 
“Please, stop.” 
He punched you again in the stomach, causing you to bend over in extreme pain.
“Imagine if you died how sad he would be? Boy, I can’t wait.” He backed away to the door. “Damien, get in here and do the messy work, I can’t get my hands red.” 
You felt your heart pounding through your body, louder than ever. He walked in carrying a knife with no mercy. You shivered and leaned your body against the pole. 
“You’re gonna be so sorry,” he said. He picked the knife above his head and drove it down hard into your upper stomach. You screamed in agony. It was the worst pain you have ever felt before. Blood spilled out of the wound and onto the ground. You were now certain of death and hopeless of anything. Your body collapsed to the ground as your eyes shut semi-unconsciously.
Mycroft’s office
“Where did you track her phone?” Mycroft demanded at his best tech worker. Sherlock was peering right behind him. 
“This, here, this address,” he pointed at the screen. 
“I’m going. I need maximum backup and weapons. We make sure she is safe. 
Mycroft and his brother ran out of the room and into his car. 
You remained laying on the cold floor, feeling the blood continuing to pour out of you. You had cried as you were in this position. You didn’t want it to end this way. This wasn’t how you imagined it. 
Your body felt weak, you couldn’t prop yourself against the pole. Your heartbeat was slowing as was your breathing. You kept your eyes closed, as you were in between blacking out completely. You hoped at least to live a minute longer, a second longer. 
A few ordinary minutes passed as soon as you heard a door bolted down and people screaming. Police? You heard gunshots being fired and bodies dropping. You were so out of it, you thought you might be dreaming. The door to your room swung open and there stood Mycroft. He called your name and rushed over to you, pressing on your wound as Sherlock cut your ropes. You heard him, but were too weak to open your eyes or respond. 
“My,” you managed to say with all your energy. 
“i’m right here. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you.” 
Mycroft felt your pulse and started to cry. It was barely there. 
“Mycroft, hospital. Now.” Sherlock said. Mycroft wrapped his arms around you and picked you up, running to the ambulance. There he watched in tears, anger, and sadness as blood covered your stomach and poured out. He could only feel complete agony. The doctors treated you as soon as you got in the hospital. Mycroft threw a fit and began raging about not seeing you and the men who did this to you. Lucky for him, they were dead. He spent hours sitting in the waiting room, relentless. When the door opened, he turned his head eager that someone knew something about you. 
You heard these strange noises and suddenly knew you were in a hospital. Someone was holding your hand. You smelled the room. Old cologne. It was Mycroft. His hand assured it. You opened your eyes. He was sleeping, his head on your bed, one hand resting on your legs and the other holding your hand. You squeezed his hand. Immediately he woke up.
“You’re awake! Are you in pain?” 
You shook your head. “I’m fine. Thanks for saving me.” 
Mycroft put his head down. “I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve that. Never in a million years. I would have taken that any day instead of you. You are my life.” 
You smiled. “Mycroft, I love you. You’re mine too.” 
He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Rest now, dear,” he said as he stroked your hair. You closed your eyes, now engulfed by sleep, but now hope overcame you.
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strangermask · 4 years
HC storytime
Welcome to the first HC storytime. A mini-series where I write about my hcs for fandoms I know about. Won’t have a full-on schedule unless I feel as if people are really enjoying this, so enjoy!
Word Count: 1,613
Fandom: Lego Ninjago
The main character(s) in the writing: Kai
HC: Lactose Intolerance
Warnings: Mention and action of vomit/puking
When Kai was eleven, he would get sick. He would get bad stomach aches, burp a lot, and throw up. However, it only happened when he drank milk, ate cheese, or something that involved milk. Nya was getting worried about her big brother and went to grab the village doctor. “What is the problem again Nya?” Dr. Huntre asked, carrying his brown bag.
“Kai keeps getting sick after drinking milk and eating cheese,” Nya answered.
“What do you mean?”
“He gets tummy aches, he throws up, and he burps a lot.”
It took some time for the two to reach the Four Weapons. As the two enter the shop, they could hear someone throwing up. They ran to the bathroom to find Kai laying his head on the toilet.
“Kai, are you alright?” Dr. Huntre asked as he hurried over to the poor eleven-year-old boy.
“I’m fine.” Kai lied as he threw up again.
Dr. Huntre thought about the symptoms Nya explained to him, and when it happens.
“Kai, what have you recently eaten?”
“Ice cream.”
“How long has it been since you ate ice cream?”
“I ate it when Nya left.”
Kai threw up again. Dr. Huntre searched through his bag and found his notepad along with his breath test tool.
“Kai, can you breathe through this?”
Kai nodded and did so. Dr. Huntre looked at the tool and saw the number at 138 PPM. He looked in his notebook to look for Kai’s last recorded breath test.
Kai Ash Smith
Breath Test-97 PPM
(I don’t know the moderate amount for children. I did look it up, but it told me 97-99%)
Dr. Huntre realizes what’s going on, and sighed in relief.
“I think I know the problem,” Dr. Huntre said as he put his notebook away. “Kai, you seem to be lactose intolerant.”
“What does that mean?” Nya asked.
“Inside the body, there are these little workers called lactase that break down milk and other milk-related food. They do that so the body doesn’t have problems in the future. In Kai’s case, there aren’t enough lactase in his body, so he has more trouble digesting milk and other milk-related food.”
“Is there a cure?” Kai asked.
“I’m afraid not, but there are ways to help you so you don’t have to go through this every time.”
After Kai started to feel better, Dr. Huntre told Kai about the other food options he could eat so that he still got the calcium he needed. Kai gladly took the other food option, but he would still eat ice cream.
In the present time.
“Three years Kai,” Nya told Kai.
“Nya, please don’t do this again,” Kai asked.
“It’s been three years, and you still haven’t told them about your lactose intolerance.”
“They don’t need to know.”
“They do.”
“What if someone makes a giant dairy feast and you eat that? You’re going to end up being stuck in the bathroom for a long time.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Now that’s a joke.”
Kai rolled his eyes.
“I’m going to visit Mom and Dad for a while, and I am going to visit Dr. Huntre,” Nya said.
“Why are you going to Dr. Huntre?” Kai asked.
“To tell him about your recent behavior.”
Kai stuck his tongue at Nya, and she did it back. She left the monastery and Kai was now alone in his room.
I do want to tell them, but what if they make fun of me?
“Kai, lunch is ready!” Zane called out.
Kai left his room and went to the dining room. He turned into a ghost when he saw what was on the table.
Oh Nya, why did you jinx me? Kai thought to himself.
On the table, there were: cucumber leek soup, ham & cheese grits, oven-baked chicken with mozzarella cheese, and a Colby Cobb salad.
“Are you okay Kai?” Zane asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Kai responded, “Just surprised by the big feast.”
“Well we didn’t have many ingredients and most of them were going to expire soon.”
Kai’s stomach dropped. If the food they had were going to expire soon, you knew Zane was the one cooking. Kai smiled nervously. He sat down with the others and began to eat. There was no way he was going to hurt Zane’s feelings.
After lunch.
Kai regretted having seconds, and he knew he was going to get scolded by Nya. She wasn’t here right now, so at least there was that.
Besides, it won’t happen immediately, Kai told himself. It takes about thirty minutes anyway, that’s plenty of time to find a way to cover this.
Kai began to think of ways he could avoid telling everyone he’s lactose intolerant. He could probably just say he drank soda for the burping part. That was easy. But the hardest part was coming up with an excuse for the stomach aches and the vomiting. Food poisoning? Zane would blame himself. Got the stomach flu? Straight to the medical room, and a ticket to them finding out. Ate a snack that was expired?... That might work. He’ll just tell them that.
“Hey, Wu wants us outside for training,” Jay said.
“I’m coming.” Kai got up.
The two went outside to the training yard and began training.
Meanwhile, with Nya.
“How’s Kai?” Maya asked.
“He’s doing better after the incident,” Nya answered. “But he’s being super stubborn about his health.”
“What do you mean?”
“He won’t tell anyone about his lactose intolerance.”
“I guess it’s your mother and my fault for that.” Ray chuckled.
“What do you mean?” Nya asked her father.
“Well Kai has my stubbornness, and your mother is also lactose intolerant.”
“You were a very stubborn man when I first met you,” Maya smirked.
Ray chuckled a bit.
“Oh, Nya, you said you were here for something else?”
“Oh yeah, I’m going to visit Dr. Huntre afterward,” Nya said as she took another sip from her tea.
“What for?”
“I need to inform him about Kai’s behavior, plus there is something I need from him.”
“Shouldn’t you go then?”
“It can wait for a while. Right now, I’m spending time with my parents.”
Back at the monastery.
The training session was finally over, and everyone was tired. Kai went to his room to check what time it was.
12:54 PM
It can't be thirty minutes already! Kai bit his lip.
Time wasn’t lying. He clutched aching stomach, cursing to himself. He toughens up, and he went to look for the guys. 
Kai found them in the gaming room. Jay was the first to notice Kai.
"Hey Kai," Jay waved when noticed Kai's pale face. "Are you alright? You look pale."
Kai nodded. The pain in his stomach is getting worse.
Zane looked over at Kai, and he looked like he was going to throw up.
"Is something wrong?" Zane asked.
Kai was about to say something. Then he felt it. Vomit was starting to rise. He ran to the bathroom and went straight to the toilet. He then threw up.
Everyone heard the red ninja vomiting and went to check on him. He was found laying his on the toilet seat with vomit hanging from his mouth.
Cole came to Kai's side and rubbed his back.
"What happened?" Cole asked.
"Probably ate something bad," Kai answered before throwing up again. Cole was feeling suspicious.
"Okay, let's get you to bed for now."
Cole helped Kai up and carried him to his room. Zane grabbed the bathroom trashcan and followed the two.
The three got to Kai's room, and he was laid down in his bed. Zane put the trash can near Kai.
“Stay in here and rest, I’m going to try to find some medicine for you,” Zane told Kai.
He nodded, and Cole and Zane left the room.
After a few minutes of looking for medicine, Nya came home.
“Hey Zane,” Nya said. “Are you looking for something?”
“I’m looking for medicine for Kai,” Zane answered.
“Did something happen?”
“He’s been throwing up for a few minutes. He says he ate something bad, but I only recall him eating lunch.”
“What did you use for lunch?”
“Mostly food that would expire soon, which were mostly dairy products strangely.”
“How much did Kai eat?”
“He had two servings, is there a reason why you’re asking me these questions?”
“I’ll be right back.”
Nya ran to Kai’s room. There he was, lying down while suffering.
“Please don’t tell me you ate two servings of dairy,” Nya begged.
“You’re the one who jinxed me.” Kai glared.
“Why would you eat that much!”
“I didn’t want to hurt Zane’s feelings!”
Kai threw up.
“This was the reason why you should have told them you’re lactose intolerant!”
“Wait, Kai is lactose intolerant?” Lloyd asked.
The Smith siblings looked at the doorway. Lloyd, Cole, Jay, and Zane were there.
Before Kai could say anything, he let out a large belch. He hid under his blankets, turning red.
After explaining.
“So Kai has been lactose intolerant this whole time?” Jay asked.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Cole asked Kai.
“Because you guys would make fun of me and poke at me for it,” Kai answered turning his head away. “Just like everyone else.”
Everyone looked at each other.
“We promise we won’t poke at you or make fun of you for it,” Zane promised. “We’re going to go easy on our use of dairy for cooking from now on. For now, you need to rest.”
So Kai spent the last hour being in pain.
And everyone did go easy on the dairy. They also made sure to poke or joke about Kai’s lactose intolerance.
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Disney and Special Needs
So, we went to Disneyworld to celebrate my son graduating from community college.  I'd promised him a graduation trip and this was the one he wanted to take.
Now I have always loved Disneyworld...
Until I had to be on a special diet.
The food at Disneyworld is quite expensive.  A very cheap meal for three adults will run you about $45.  Restaurant meals, and I'm not talking the fancy style where you have appetizers, drinks and dessert.  I’m talking everyone just ordering an entree and a non-alcoholic drink. It is still going to run you somewhere between $100 and $150.
None of these meals are particularly keto-friendly.  There are almost no keto-friendly snacks.
You're not supposed to bring food into the parks, so I didn't.  I regret obeying The Rules, to be honest.  If I go again, I will NOT obey that rule.  I will smuggle food in and if they give me a hard time, I'll claim health issues (which will be the God’s honest truth) and make a big stink.
So, for the first two days, I kind of went hungry.  I had a full breakfast, but by early afternoon dinner (which is no longer cheaper than eating at night) I was ready for a substantial meal.  Few meals had much in the way of vegetables.  Or "vegetables" were things like corn, or salads you had to pay extra for.  I just ordered what seemed closest to what I could eat and ate around what I couldn't.
Anyway, after a couple of days of paying thousands of dollars to go hungry, and scheduling to get on a new Star Wars ride (DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THAT WHOLE RISE OF RESISTANCE BOARDING GROUP SHIT which really interfered with me enjoying something I had really been looking forward to and was a WELL-designed ride) that conflicted with a dinner reservation I could no longer cancel unless I wanted to pay a $30 fee to do so (at the ONLY restaurant I KNEW would have a full meal I could eat -- Cobb salad at the Brown Derby) and being lied to by a customer service rep for an upsell of over a hundred dollars to change that reservation, I was not having fun and was getting flustered.
I left my credit card at the Brown Derby, but didn't find that out until I tried to pay for breakfast the next morning.  That got me upset.  Then I spilled my coffee.  Then I sat down at the table.  Then my son, who was flustered at me being upset spilled HIS coffee all over my jacket sleeve and most of our breakfast...
I did something I do less than once every five years or so.
I broke into tears.
Then I went to the customer service desk. (Not “guest.”  That’s a load of crap. If I’m paying, I’m a damn customer)
We got the credit card back. Got it couriered over to our hotel.  So, that's a point for Disney customer service.   Got the fraudulent charge reversed.  Another point. Was told the cast (c’mon, give your staff the dignity of being professionals) is SUPPOSED to cater to special diets.
What they ask is if you have any allergies.  I don't.  Once you say no to that, THEY SHUT DOWN.  You can see it in their eyes.  I get it, I really do.  It can't be easy to work there.  Even so, it ain't no fun to pay for a magical experience you can't focus on because you're worried about whether or not you can EAT.
We decided to lead with, "I'm diabetic and have to eat a special diet."  I hadn't done that because A) I'm not and B) I don't eat the ADA recommended diet.  Still, it got me fed in sit down restaurants.  Didn't solve the snack or small meal problem very much.
Thing is, I can see their faces freeze into Customer Service smiles when I say I have a special diet.  I hate that.  I knew it was going to happen and was trying to get my needs served quietly without being That Customer.
I hate having to discuss the State of my Health the minute I try to do something outside the home.   My relationship with food is incredibly disordered and I know it.  
I mean, I've stuck to a ketogenic diet for TWO SOLID YEARS.  My blood sugar levels are well-controlled (ya!) and goodness knows I'm in adequate physical shape.  It's not that I am not getting results.  I totally am.  I'm glad I am.
But wow, do I sympathize with people who throw up their hands and say, "For quality of life, it ain't worth it.  I'll take the damn metformin."
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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It's been such a nice Christmas Eve. I finally felt like I was actually on vacation. For the most part. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything that I didn't want to do. We can just move slowly.
I slept well last night. I woke up a couple times but mostly just cuz I was thirsty. I got up at 9 and I felt okay. Got washed and dressed. And then I hung out my room until mom was ready at 10.
We went to Friendly's for breakfast. Turns out from this Monday through Thursday during breakfast is always 50% off. So our entire meal was $12. That was cool. It was nice just hanging out too. Talking and laughing. It was good.
We went over to Sally Beauty First. I picked up hair dye. I'm going for a more red purple look this time. I'm going to do that tomorrow night. We left there and try to wander over to Habitat for Humanity but they were closed on Mondays. Oh well. We got back in the car and we went over to the Goodwill. We had very good luck there.
I got a great new blanket. Because that's what I needed in my life. I also got another pair of clogs which have break in the heel but still very comfortable. I'm going to have to fuss with them a little bit but very cute. We looked through all the stuffed animals to try to find three similarly-sized bears to get to Steve's kids. We actually found three Build-A-Bears. But the one was kind of dingy so we switched out for a pink bear. I also found a stuffed animal for sleepy and had a fun time looking around. I got a couple small things. A new sweater and I'm going to work at the Christmas party on Friday. And I got a cast iron heart baking tray. I grabbed a couple things and put them back. But mostly I just had a good time looking around and taking pictures of things and laughing at stuff with Mom.
We went over to the other side of the parking lot to go to Target. I got some of the home good stuff I needed. I wanted to find a new cup to replace the one I had smashed the other day. And the one I got I really like. It's silver. And it has a weird neon green or yellow straw. That's probably my least favorite part but it's leak-proof and it's the same brand and if I drop it it will not explode. And worst case I can paint the neon parts. It's not the worst.
We were going to also get groceries while we were there but they were short on a couple things that I wanted so we left and we went to Redner's.
I was running out of steam but we got the groceries we needed. I got some laughs from some of the others customer it's because I kept throwing things in the cart from too far away. We paid and we headed home.
When we got back here we unpacked and then I spent the next hour and a half working on lesson plans. I could not for the life of me remember where the list of terms they need to learn our. So I was very annoyed with myself. But I did get the first 4 weeks kind of mapped out. The lesson plans aren't exactly done but they're on their way. I will for sure finish at least some more of that tomorrow. And then I'll start a couple more. I would like to get the six done before the end of the week.
Around 3 I went to my room and lay down for a bit. I didn't nap but I did watch some videos and play on my phone. At 4:30 everyone started getting dressed and we got out of here pretty quickly relatively speaking.
Dad made a reservation at Bonefish Grill. I have never been but the men you didn't really seem promising. At least vegetarian wise. But I kind of just wanted a salad. So it worked out for me. We went and it was really really nice.
We all eat too much bread. Dad spilled olive oil all over the table. I got a Cobb salad that has avocado and kale and it was very good. That also got an appetizer that I ate the lettuce for an appetizer that was good too. Food was really good and it was nice talking to my parents. My brother texted me while we were at dinner and we're going to see him tomorrow. But I did invite him and his girlfriend to come to Baltimore to see me and be a tourist. I hope he takes me up on it.
And we all got dessert which was way too much. He had already eaten too much food. And the chocolate thing I got was a little too much chocolate. But we were full and happy and tired. Where did over the live nativity so we can all have some animals. The goats and the Sheep were butting heads and it was very cute. We went in the church to take a picture with the Christmas tree. Pastor woman was very sweet but did not know how to take pictures. But that was fine. It was just nice being altogether.
We are back here and Mom put the clothes in the dryer so I could dry my clothes that I had washed earlier in the day. And then we all got together to open presents.
I got to go first. I got a dapping set for a jewelry making. Which is going to be great once me and James moved to a new place. I'm just going to work on collecting my jewelry making stuff and cleaning up the stuff I already have since I can't really make metal jewelry in the space I am now since my floor is tile and I will break it if I try to hammer anything on it. I also got some rose petal bath salts and a cool metal anchor. I also got 12 boxes of pasta salad. My favorite kind of pasta salad. So he's very excited about that.
They also gave me some money and that that went towards the jacket in the jeans I got yesterday. Plus I was able to buy a couple of the things on my Amazon shopping list like the tea diffuser and purse I have had my eye on. So overall a really good Christmas.
Mom and Dad open all their gifts next. They really liked the things I got them. And then they both opened the why I love Mom and why I love Dad books I had filled out. I made mom cry. That's an accomplishment. We try to do that every year. I'm glad that they really appreciated hearing from me. They are very important to me and they are very good parents.
After everyone opened their gifts I remember James had left one for me to open why he wasn't here. And it was the deer we had looked at on Amazon a few weeks back that reminded me of toy act when I was a kid. He also wrote a very cute note to go along with it. The deer does make me laugh though because it has a very uneven shoulders. He's very soft and we have named him Cupid. Because of love and stuff.
I hung out in the living room with them for a while. But now I'm in bed. Surrounded by about 12 blankets. Of varying softness. I'm going to go to sleep soon and tomorrow we're going to have a really chill Christmas. We're going to go visit my brother at lunch time. And then we're going to come home. And I'm going to work on lesson plans. And I'm going to lay around and do nothing. And then me and Mom are going to make dinner. I hope to watch a Muppets Christmas Carol and just enjoy a nice day. I hope you all do as well weather you celebrate or not. Good night everyone. Merry Christmas.
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orkmum · 6 years
“The Usual,” Chicken Cobb Salad, and Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing.
As promised in the prior post, I’m going to share some of the goodies I’ve been concocting in the kitchen. Now that I am feeling a thousand times better, you can expect more of these types of posts from me. My intentions for these posts are straightforward, if there is anyone struggling with meal planning (or because of dietary restrictions), or even needs a healthy boost to their system—then I hope I can help.
I’m also looking at you, artists of Tumblr, in having some conversations with a few of you—it sounds like a fair few are in need for some healthy alternatives. As someone fighting depression and anxiety, I can attest that having busy hands in the kitchen and something of quality to eat after certainly makes me feel better—I hope the same can be said for you later too.
Now for the grub!
“The Usual.”
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In my house, we call this breakfast: “The Usual.”
It consists of the following: half an avocado, two eggs, a homemade breakfast sausage patty, tomato slices, and half an orange. Since there is two of us, we split all of the produce together; so, if you are making one serving for yourself, invest in getting some plastic tupper-wear so that you can store the other halves (save for that avocado, once you cut that baby, you’re going to have to eat the whole thing.)
If you’re not one for tomatoes, fear not, you can substitute it for any other vegetable you enjoy. Broccoli, mushrooms, or even a leaf of lettuce, it all works just fine.
Here’s what you need for the Breakfast Sausage Patty: 
200g Ground pork,
200g Ground chicken, 
1/4 tsp Himalayan salt,
1/4 tsp Black pepper
1 tsp Garlic powder
1 tsp Onion powder
1/4 tsp Paprika
1/4 tsp Cumin and Cayenne Pepper (if you want some heat add extra of these! We do when we mix it together)
Mix everything together in a mixing bowl, and knead it together with your hands until it is all combined. 
Separate mixture into 12 (or more) rounded “meatballs,” and then form and smoosh each into patties. (We are generally able to make an entire weeks worth of breakfast patties with the mixture, you may have more if you are making them just for yourself.) 
Wrap them in plastic wrap and store in the freezer for later. Each night before bed, take one out so you’re ready to eat them in the morning!
Cook the patties 3-4 minutes on each side over medium-high heat, until they are cooked through. 
Place on your plate the cooked egg, avocado, tomato slices, and orange slices. Enjoy! 
Chicken Cobb Salad 
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Everything but the kitchen sink.... 
Here’s what you need for the Chicken Cobb Salad:
2  tbsp. coconut oil (if you want to cook the chicken in a pan, otherwise use the bacon grease!) 
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts. 
Romaine Lettuce, or spinach (or have both if you want!) 
1 Tomato 
4 Hard Boiled Eggs
6 slices of cooked bacon 
1 Avocado
(Carrots, Cucumber, Broccoli, artichokes, mushrooms, you can add any other veggie that you want into the mix. I personally love throwing a bit of everything in.) 
Start by precooking that bacon up. I personally like doing mine in the oven, as it avoids all of that splashing grease! You can cook your slices on a baking sheet with some tinfoil at 350F for about 15minutes or until they are crispy. If you save your bacon grease and keep the oven on, you can cook your chicken in the bacon fat. You can cook the chicken at the same 350F, but it will take about 30 minutes or until it is cooked through. Artists, this is a perfect time to go get a sketch in while you wait! 
Once the chicken is cooked, set it out to cool off before dicing and slicing. 
For those hard boiled eggs, for best results, boil some water and let them boil for around ten minutes. Once that ten minutes is up, remove from the heat and let the water cool. When it’s cooled, you can start removing them from the shell. In the picture above, I’ve turned mine into deviled eggs! 
Clean and slice all of your veggies, and once you’ve done all of that--throw it into a bowl and enjoy! 
Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing
This one got me hard, with my new dietary restrictions, I am not allowed to have anything that is overly processed. One of those things, sadly, is one of my favorite salad dressing. Good thing I learned how to make it on my own; and sorry folks, I forgot to take a picture of it! I’ll post it here when I make it again. 
Here’s what you need for the Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing: 
1 Egg yolk 
2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 garlic cloves 
1 tbsp anchovy paste 
2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp oregano
1/2 cup olive oil 
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup of shredded parmigiano cheese.  
In a blender ( I use our Magic Bullet) add all of the ingredients, and blend until it is all blended together. 
Optional: if you have a food processor, add a bit of the oil to start and slowly pour it into the processor as the other ingredients are blending.
Throw it on your salad, and enjoy! Best to keep it frozen and eat it all up as soon as you can. Really good as a dip for all the veggies you just cut up. 
Well, there you have it folks. The first few dishes that I’ve made up since I’ve had to change my diet up, I hope you enjoy them as much as I have--and I’ll see you tomorrow! 
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roxy-davenport · 7 years
Connor’s Diner
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Characters: Reader, people in a diner in a podunk town, Leviathan Dean and Leviathan Sam
Pairing: Dean x Reader (but Dean is not really in this fic. Confusing maybe, less confusing when you read. All will be revealed. ;) )
Beta: @raspberrymama
Word Count: 3,590
A/N:  This was written for @demondeanismybaby for the Which One Are You Challenge with Leviathan Dean with the prompt, “In his heart, he thinks they’re almost as good as sex.” A bit of a rewrite of a certain scene in “Slash Fiction.” Light smut, sexy, a bit creepy, violence, minor character death, reader in jeopardy and it ends on a cliffhanger. #notsorry. I don’t foresee a second part. If an idea comes to mind I’ll make a second part. No promises my darlings.
           Also on AO3
Leviathan Dean picked up the menu frowning at the food choices available. They all sounded unappetizing, at least to a Leviathan.
“How can they subsist on this food constantly?” he asked his second-in-command angrily.
Leviathan Sam simply shrugged. “They’re human. You can’t expect much from them. Idiots the lot of them. Of course, their food choices would be just as idiotic.
“Too bad the menu doesn’t feature humans with cheese sauce.”
“That sounds delicious. That would hit the spot.”
“Wouldn’t it just?” Dean offered. He winked at the waitress suppressing the need to vomit. “Dean is always so flirty. He thinks with his cock.”
“And his stomach,” Leviathan Sam added humorlessly. “Oh look his favorite, a burger.”
“In his heart, he thinks they’re almost as good as sex,” Leviathan Dean says with disdain.
“Better than sex? That’s quite a statement. Humans think quite highly of that activity.”
“Yes they do, don’t they? Sticking body parts in someone sounds deplorable, doesn't it? And seedy. Not to mention messy. However, humans taste good enough to eat.”
“So why not eat them?” Leviathan Sam offered.
Leviathan Dean smiled back at him. “As much as I’d love to shoot half of the insignificant humans and eat the rest, we’re here on orders. We have to do everything by the book. They have to die at the right time.”
“Yeah, lest Dick makes us eat ourselves.”
“Think about how wrong that sentence sounds.”
“You’re more like Dean with each passing second.”
“Good. That’s the point isn’t it, ‘baby brother?’”
“You’re a riot. You know that?”
“Our leader choose to be a Dick.”
Leviathan Sam gave him bitchface.
“You learned Sam well, very good use of... what’s the word he uses.. “bitchface.”
The waitress came over with a pad, biting her lip as she looked over at Dean. Her voice sounded like honey and her smile was genuine and flirty. She pushed up her breasts shamelessly; hoping for tips maybe or just for a good fuck, more likely. Dean smirked at her, looking her up and down. Maybe if he really wanted to pretend to be Dean, he should experience what it was like, the full experience.
“You know I’m having a hard time deciding. I had my eye on a burger but here I am, looking at you baby. And I think I wanna have you instead.”
Leviathan Sam choked on his water. It was clearly too good of a comment. So very unlike a Leviathan.
Leviathan Dean knew how to act. He had studied Dean for a long time and he was going to commit to his role flawlessly. He was hoping that when he was done, Dick would reward him for his service. All he wanted was a bigger slice of the pie. He wanted to be Dick’s right hand. So in the grand scheme of things, he could fuck a waitress to get there.
The waitress chuckled, lust present in her eyes. He gave her a panty-dropping smirk.
The waitress was happily shocked and excited. She was breathing hard, her tongue diving out of her mouth to lick her lip suggestively. Dean slowly stood up, towering over her. He spoke over his shoulder to his “brother,” all the while staring at the waitress. “Hey Sammy, what do you want?”
“I’ll have a Cobb salad.”
Dean smirked at Sam’s order. “My brother likes to eat healthy. Now, me, well I don’t have the same inclination. I like things that are bad for me.” He reached out and tangled his finger in one of the waitress’s locks. “I don’t play by the rules, sweetheart.”
The waitress gasped as Leviathan Dean stepped closer. “You have our orders. Go be a good girl and put them in. Then show me the utility closet and I’ll happily fuck you good and proper. That’s what you want; right, doll?”
The waitress nodded. Leviathan Dean moved closer to the waitress, stopping right before he kissed her. He leaned forward and put his nose in her neck and then in her hair. He took a good sniff and then disconnected. “You smell good enough to eat.”
The waitress thought nothing of that comment, nor did she look over at Sam. If she had, she would have seen the creepiest of smiles. The waitress smiled before rushing off to get the order in quickly but Leviathan Dean stopped her. He held onto her upper arm, tightly pushing her into his chest. He stared intently at her, making her knees go weak. “I play fast and rough. No buildup. No morning after. Still in?”
“Utility closet in five minutes, by the bathroom,” she said in a labored breath.
“Good girl,” he said with a deep chuckle.
He waited until the waitress was out of sight to take a quick seat opposite Leviathan Sam.
“You’re really going to -.”
“Sample the goods of the man I’m copying. Hell yes, Sammy. Gotta see what he loves about this. Excuse me. Hold down the fort will ya?”
“Yeah, sure,” Leviathan Sam offered in disgust.
The waitress ran back from the kitchen to the utility closet to find Dean already there. He grabbed her by her uniform and dragged her in.
“I’m Anne by the way.”
“Dean, but-”
“One-time, fast, rough, no names. Hey, not my first rodeo, cowboy. Show me what you got.”
Humans always so damn needy. She does smell fantastic. He started unzipping his pants. He didn’t miss the way her face lit up when she saw his cock. Humans, such deplorable little sex maniacs. Gaga for a piece of meat on a human body. Please.
She took off her underwear in one fluid movement. Dean didn’t miss a beat, thrusting into her in one go.
Well, that’s an interesting feeling. Warm, so warm and wet. Not a bad feeling having her walls wrapping around my cock. Hmm…. His eyes grew dark as he got into it. Each thrust was rough nearly knocking over everything on the shelves beside them.
That’s right human. Take all I have to give you. Fuck yes. He kept his hands on her hips pushing her into the wall with each brutal thrust of his hips. Yes. How pliant humans are. They just lie there. How desperate she is for my cock. This isn’t terrible. I can see why Dean likes it.
She was trying to be quiet while loving every second of it.
Humans and their ideas of impropriety. Scream if you want to doll. You like how rough I am. How I’m fucking you into this wall. I do too. Don’t tell my partner. No need for anyone to know I’m enjoying myself. You’ll be my dirty little secret. The sex toy of a powerful Leviathan. Does she want me to say these things aloud or concentrate on fucking her? So very confusing.
Dean was focusing on the thrust and the feel of his cock inside her wet pussy, on the slight drag in and out. It made a squelching sound that he didn’t like but the feeling he had to admit was a pleasurable one. There was a build up of pleasure happening of great intensity.
I could do without that nauseating squelching sound. Is that because she’s too wet? Human biology. So strange. I can feel something coming. Something powerfully good.
He looked over at his paramour and she seemed to be lost in pleasure. The faces they make when they’re about to come. Laughable at best.
“I’m about to come.”
Why the fuck is she telling me? Come then? I’m trying to come too. Isn’t that the point?
“Okay,” Leviathan Dean answered a bit confused.
She screamed. Huh that good that she couldn’t keep quiet. Ha. I’m not even human darling.
He groaned with pleasure nipping her neck trying not to eat her. She did smell good, better after having sex. Who would have guessed? Gotta say the sensation of coming is weird, just releasing inside her. Feels nice and complete, like I accomplished an important mission or I ate someone for Dick. And the high it lasts for only a short time. How curious. I can see why he keeps sleeping around.
The waitress got dressed fast as did Dean.
“Well that was fun,” Leviathan Dean said in an effort to quell the awkwardness. He was unsure what humans typically said after or rather what Dean usually said. Judging by the smile on the waitress's face, she took his statement well.
“It was fun. Call me,” she said with a wink.
Dean pocketed the number she handed him with a smirk. By the time he walked back to the booth, their food was already there. For a human, she sure moved fast.
“How was it?” Leviathan Sam asked with a smirk.
“It takes some getting to used. But it’s not terrible.” Leviathan Dean replied before taking a bite of the burger and grimacing at the horrible taste. “Can’t say the same for the burger. This is disgusting,” he stated, as he threw it back onto his plate.
Leviathan Sam scoffs and pushes his own plate away. “Dead plants with creamy goo, it’s like eating self-righteousness. I mean, you tell me which is worse.”
A part of Dean wanted to decompress about this new experience, sex as the humans call it, but his partner would never understand and even worse, he might even look at Leviathan Dean differently. It was easier to fall into the conversation Sam wanted, to complain about the job like they always did. So he liked sex, so what? It didn’t matter, he was a Leviathan and he had a job to do. He better focus on that now.
“I mean honestly, I just...you know what? I can’t stand this guy. Talk about a hero complex. And he doesn't have relationships. No, he has applications for sainthood. Oh, and he thinks he’s funny. He thinks he’s a damn comedian.”
“Who has two thumbs and full-blown bats in the belfry?”
Dean points to Sam with his thumb.
“I’m serious. It’s nothing but Satan-vision on the inside. I mean, how he’s walking around in a jacket with detachable arms is beyond me.You know I had a brother with this many issues once.”
“Yeah?” Dean asked.
“Know what I did?” Sam asked. After a beat, he added, “I ate him.”
“Of course you did,” Dean confirmed, acknowledging that was the only sensible thing to be done for their kind.
“How are these guys even a threat?”
“Boss says they gotta go, they gotta go,” Dean reiterated.
“Right. Idea.”
Dean quirks his eyebrows.
“You wanna trade?” Sam asked hopefully.
Dean frowned in confusion at the question.
“I mean, I’ll take chuckles over schizo.”
Dean looked down. “No, I like this one’s hair better. You can stay in the big one.”
Sam stated a bit dejectedly, “All right. In that case, let’s turn up the heat. The sooner I get out of this and into something more stable, the better.”
Just at that moment, you came stumbling into the diner speaking into your phone. “Are you kidding me? A werewolf in a college?” you whispered as you entered Connor’s Diner in the middle of nowhere. You didn't look around, you kept your head down, hat around your face as you stood waiting for a server to show you to a seat. “Everything’s crazy. We got Leviathans and now werewolves in colleges?”
“How far are you away?” Dean inquired.
“About a day’s drive. I’m just going to get some grub at a greasy diner. I’ll bring you back a slice of pie.”
Dean chuckled.
“How are you baby? I miss you.”
“Miss you too honey. Sam and I are good. Just a little worried about the Leviathans.”
“So am I. They’re quite the big bad and we don’t know how to kill them. I had to help my bestie with that hunt.
“I know. Not mad. I’m happy you helped her out. You’re an amazing hunter with such a big heart. But I miss you.
“I can’t wait to see you, baby,” you stated.
“Neither can I. Love you,” Dean confessed.
“Love you more.”
Dean chuckled. “ Be careful.”
“Always. You too.”
The second you ended the phone call, Anne ran over to you smiling, ready to show you to a seat. You walked behind her slowly peeling off your hat and fixing your hair. No sense in looking bad even if you had a boyfriend. You slowly pulled your eyes up from the ground just at the same second that Leviathan Sam turned around to tap “his brother.”
You met his gaze and you stopped walking, staring at him. You tried to reach into your bag for a weapon when Dean jumped off his seat and nearly shoved you into the booth.
Anne gave you all a very confused stare.
“Dean. Sam,” you said utterly confused.
“I just got off the phone with you -.”
“You know how I love to surprise you, baby.” Without another word Dean grabbed you and kissed you passionately. His hand worming around the back of your waist pulling him to you. He smelled the same, felt the same as your hand glided over his muscular abs but something was off. The kiss, while passionate, didn’t have a spark. It felt strangely cold. Like he was going through motions. A learned response. It felt like a show kiss. You disconnected, growing worried in the pit of your stomach. Your hunting instincts telling you to be careful.
You tuned out the whole rest of the diner, not noticing the awkward and dejected look on the waitress's face nor the person looking your way. You just kept staring at Dean. There was a smile on his face but it didn’t reach his eyes. You froze as you watched him inch forward to whisper into your ear, “I love you, baby. You’re the best girlfriend a guy could want.” His words quelled your suspicions until he spoke again a couple of seconds later. “You look good enough to eat.” That one sentence brought the whole house of cards down. The blank stare, the half-felt kiss, no spark, his sudden arrival here. This wasn’t Dean. You knew that with every fiber of your being. But if that were true, then you were beside an unkillable Leviathan in a crowded diner full of witnesses and all you had in your bag was an angel blade. You had a sword in your car but how would you get to your car was the question.
He seemed to sense the shift in atmosphere. He looked over to Sam briefly before his eyes met yours.
Your fear was replaced quickly with anger. “You’re not Dean,” you ground out.
Dean seemed a bit taken aback clearly thinking you were an idiot. He recovered quickly. “Clever girl.”
You glared at him. His hand grabbed your wrist to keep you in place. One finger ran down your wrists. You shivered at the implications while Dean simply smiled back at you. You pushed him out of the way, getting one hand around your purse when he grabbed it away. He shoved things aside looking intently into your purse.
“Well well, aren’t you the little hunter. An angel blade, a demon knife, and a gun. Aww. A+ for effort. You’re cute, you have your looks and you smell fantastic, and taste even better. But come on, kid, even you must know that none of these things could ever hurt me.”
“What do you want?” you inquired.
“Look at you not even missing a beat.”
“I’ve been to Hell. I’ve seen scarier.”
“Have you seen our true form?”
“Wanna know how many monsters I killed? What. Do. You. Want?”
“Well, we were going to kill everyone and keep looking for you while destroying your boyfriend and his brother’s reputations. But as fate would have it, we can do both at the same time. You dear, are a precious commodity that our boss asked to safeguard.”
“Meaning you plan on kidnapping me for leverage.”
“Clever again. You’re making a habit of it.”
“Glad I can amuse you.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can amuse me in other ways as well.”
“Shall we?” Sam asked, trying to get Dean back on track.
You see them both go for their weapons and start shoving Dean hard on the floor. You take a fork and impale Sam’s hand to the table. You start throwing everything at Dean and Sam as you yell at the patrons, hoping they’ll listen.
“Get out! He has a gun,” you yelled. The waitress and a young couple got out. Score one for the home team.
Dean reacted faster than Sam, as he reached for you but you kneed him in the crotch. Then you dove for Dean’s gun and hit Sam in the face and ran out making a beeline for your car. You knew you only had a limited amount of time so you hoped this would work. Your phone was in your purse so there was no way to call your Dean for help. You were on your own. Your car keys were also in your purse. One of those days. You’d have to break into your own car.
Not wanting to lose any more customers, Dean barricaded everyone in there. Dean rifled through your bag looking for your phone. When he found it, he tossed it at a young boy. Both Sam and Dean whipped out their guns to show everyone they meant business.
“Hey kid, why don’t you fire up the camera on that thing. Hold it up now!” he nearly screamed. The boy shakily held up your phone to record the scene. Dean jumped up on the counter while Sam walked up and down the diner.
You smashed your window and popped the hood, ignoring the loud, annoying car alarm. You heard screams coming from the diner. You wished you could help them all but the only way to really do that was to get a weapon.
Sam cocked his gun and yelled at the patrons, “All right, everybody be cool! This is a robbery!”
The customers screamed again. Dean goes up on the counter, gun raised, as he slowly pointed it around the room. “Nobody moves or I’ll execute every last one of you!” Everyone in the diner held their breath.
You struggled to grab the sword fast enough. It was behind your hunting gear and it was quite heavy. If you only knew you’d be facing Leviathans, you would have left it in the back; easy to get to instead of buried under stuff.
Dean opened fire and started shooting everyone. You gasped as you turned towards the diner, yanking even harder to get the sword loose.
“Hey, keep that up! I didn’t say you could put that down,” Sam yelled at one of the customers. “I want the whole world to know what Sam and Dean Winchester are capable of.” Sam then shot the person next to the young boy holding your phone.
“That all of ’em Dean asks?”
Sam looked into the camera phone. “All but one.”
“Bring him with us.”
“It’s your lucky day kid,” Sam added.
They crouched down, waved and smiled into the camera before walking away. Dean didn’t turn the camera off just yet. He instructed the teen to focus the camera on the ground to better capture the carnage. An audible crunching sound could be heard on the video.
You heard footsteps behind you on the pavement, footsteps coming closer to your car. Your hand wrapped around the hilt of the sword just as Sam’s strong arms grabbed you around the waist, careful not to hurt you. He used just enough force to lift you from the ground. You fought, your legs kicking in the air until they connected with your crappy car. You pushed off from the car and slammed down on the ground knocking the wind out of Sam. The fall made you drop your sword. You quickly picked it up and within a second held it at Sam’s neck, your legs around his waist. You heard clapping and whirled around to see Dean coming towards you both. His dark, rich laughter strangely echoed off the parking lot around you. When Dean spoke, he did so in a commanding tone.
“I wouldn't, precious. You kill my partner... I kill this...how old are you kid?”
“That’s young Y/N. A hunter having the death of a seventeen-year-old on your conscious, aye? What will they say?”
You hesitated. You should kill Sam so at least there’s one less Winchester imposter but could you really bring the death of an innocent? Would Dean kill the kid either way?
“The crippling choice of any hero. The innocent or the villain?”
You looked over at the kid mournfully. “Sorry kid. There’s no way you’re getting out of this alive. They’ll kill you anyway. Gotta end this.” Without any hesitation, you decapitated Leviathan Sam just as Dean killed the boy.
“His death is on your hands.”
“Tell Dick he can go fuck himself. And FYI you were going to kill the boy anyway. Can’t leave any witnesses, right?”
You threw your sword in the air, just as you dove into the car and quickly hot wired it. If you had taken two seconds longer, you would never have made it. You barely got out of there. You floored it driving away from a very angry Leviathan Dean hoping that you could find some way to warn Dean. What a day indeed.
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crazyblondelife · 3 years
Easy & Delicious Cobb Salad Platter
Yesterday, I was wasting time perusing Pinterest and went down a rabbit hole looking at beautiful salad platters! I was so inspired to make my own that I found myself at the grocery store buying all the ingredients for a Cobb Salad Platter. This salad isn’t completely traditional, obviously but I promise it was completely delicious. After we ate, I did decide that I should have added boiled eggs and possibly a little prosciutto, but I can definitely tweak it for next time. If you’re doing any kind of summer entertaining, this salad platter will make your life easy. It’s one platter and the elements can be prepared beforehand with the exception of the avocado. Make it your own, use what’s fresh and seasonal and your guests will love it! Scroll down to learn what I did.
Here’s What You’ll Need…
Butter Crunch, Bibb or Boston lettuce
Sliced Radishes and Cucumbers
Small Mozzarella Balls (drizzled with a little good quality olive oil, Maldon Sea Salt and a sprinkle of Italian Seasoning)
Sliced Red Onions
Cherry Tomatoes, halved
Crispy Bacon
Grilled Chicken Breasts
Sliced Avocado
Ranch Dressing
Optional - Halved Boiled Eggs, Prosciutto or sliced good quality ham, a sprinkle of aged white cheddar
I lined my platter with the lettuce, arranged the veggies as artfully as possible, added the sliced bacon, grilled chicken and mozzarella and lastly, added the sliced avocado. I used Ken’s Steak House Ranch Dressing, but use whatever brand you like or if you’re feeling especially industrious, you can make your own! I didn’t specify quantity because it depends on the number of people you’re feeding. Clearly, we had some leftovers last night, but because the salad wasn’t dressed, they’ll make a delicious lunch!
We really enjoyed this dinner and I know you will too!
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unwritrecipes · 5 years
At Home with Natalie's Spinach, Mushroom & Cheese Empanadas-Famous Fridays
Hiya! I’m back with another edition of Famous Fridays. Celebrity cookbooks seem to be all the rage now. There’s Chrissy Teigen’s which I’m loving and promise to share soon, Joanna Gaines’ which is fun and sweet but a lot of the recipes rely on too much butter, cream and processed foods so the verdict is still out on it for me and Reese Witherspoon’s which I haven’t even laid eyes on yet, to name a few. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m always a little bit skeptical of cookbooks written by folks who became famous for something other than their cooking. So what a lovely surprise to find that At Home with Natalie: Simple Recipes for Healthy Living From My Family’s Kitchen to Yours by Natalie Morales, (think Today Show and Access Hollywood) is a real cook’s cookbook and one I’ve been turning to again and again over the last couple of months. You’re gonna love it and these gorgeous Spinach, Mushroom & Cheese Empanadas. TGIF!!
I’ve been watching Natalie on TV for years, so it’s kind of fun to get a chance to see her life behind the camera a little bit and the fact that she’s just like the rest of us moms—trying to juggle keeping her family eating healthy with the demands of work, school, sports schedules etc. At Home is a terrific compilation of easy, nutritious, unfussy recipes that will make doing everything you do, a lot easier and more tasty. Natalie literally grew up all over the world and has parents with Puerto Rican and Brazilian roots and all of this travel and cultural exposure is definitely reflected in the book. There are recipes for standard American fare like Effortless Buckwheat Pancakes, Healthier Mac & Cheese and Chicken Cobb Salad with Avocado-Yogurt Vinaigrette as well as more traditional family recipes like Black Beans & Classic Brazilian Rice, Slow-Cooker Ropa Vieja ,Pollo al Ajillo (Garlic Chicken) and this more modern twist on the traditional empanada that I know you’re going to love!
It was tough figuring out what to feature from her book for this post because so far everything I’ve made has been spot on delish, but in the end the fact that I’ve always wanted to make empanadas and never have and that the Super Bowl is coming up and I was thinking that these would be fun to serve (it’s all about the food for me!) won out. Also, with the weekend coming up, these are a not-too-time-consuming project that would allow you to make them ahead and freeze. A win-win all around!
Now you could buy ready-made empanada dough but if you can possibly swing it, I would really advise you to make Natalie’s homemade version. It comes together really easily in one bowl and homemade dough is always better than store bough. After you’ve cut the butter into the flour mixture, you simply make a well and pour the egg mixture into it, mix with a fork and chill.
Meanwhile, you make the filling, which is nothing more than sautéed onions, mushrooms and spinach. Easy-peasy and good for you too!
Once the dough has rested, you roll it out, cut out circles (I made them about 3-inches, Natalie makes them double that size but I wanted to use them as something small and snacky) and place a little dollop of filling in the middle.
And add a sprinkle of cheese. Take my advice and resist the urge to overfill. You’ll see why later.
Then you use your finger to brush a little egg wash all around the outer edge of each circle to help seal the dough once you fold it in half.
The tines of a fork help to lock everything in tightly and give it that iconic empanada look.
Right before you’re ready to bake, you brush the tops of the empanadas with a little more egg wash which allows them to bake up shiny and golden brown.
In about 30 minutes, you’ll find yourself willing to suffer a burned tongue just to gobble down one or two (or three) of these delightful little homemade Hot Pockets.
Gotta love that light and flaky pastry! And wonderful savory, cheesy filling!
Now. remember a few paragraphs back when I warned you not to overfill? As you can see from some of the overflow, I didn’t heed it myself! If this happens to you too, no worries—I promise that people are going to be too busy gobbling them down to care!
So pick up At Home with Natalie—I really think it’s a cookbook you’ll put to good use. We’re home this weekend (no hockey to travel for) so I’m thinking about tackling a babka (it’s been on my to-do list forever) and this wonderful quinoa oatmeal we had last week when we were down in DC. Whatever is on your agenda, hope it’s yummy! Have a great weekend!!
At Home with Natalie’s Spinach, Mushroom & Cheese Empanadas-Famous Fridays
Makes about 2 dozen
Prep Time for dough: 10 minutes, plus at least 1 hour of chilling; Prep Time for Filling: 15-20 minutes; Assembly Time: 15 minutes; Bake Time: 30-40 minutes
For the Empanada dough
1/3 cup ice water
1 large egg
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
2 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour, plus additional for rolling out the dough
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cubed and chilled
For the filling
2 tablespoons olive oil
About 1 cup thinly sliced mushrooms (I used cremini)
1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion
5 ounce bag baby spinach
1/4 cup vegetable or chicken broth
Salt and black pepper to taste
About 1 cup shredded cheese ( i used a swiss/gruyere blend)
1 large egg lightly beaten with 1 teaspoon water for empanada assembly
The Recipe
1. To make the empanada dough: Add the egg and vinegar to the measuring cup with the ice water and beat with a fork. Set aside
2. Place the 2 cups of flour and salt into a large bowl and whisk together. Use a pastry cutter to cut the cold butter into the mixture until it resembles a coarse meal with little pea shaped pieces of butter. Make a well in the center of the mixture and pour the egg mixture into it. Use a fork to stir until almost all the flour is incorporated—it’s ok if some of it is not mixed in-you don’t want to over mix. Turn the dough out onto a floured board and knead until it’s smooth. Form into a ball and flatten into a disc. Wrap it in plastic wrap and chill for at least 1 hour and up to 24 hours.
3. Meanwhile make the filling: In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onion and mushrooms and cook for about 7-8 minutes, stirring often, until the onions start to soften and the mushrooms begin to brown a little. Add in the spinach and cook for a few minutes, tossing it often, until it is wilted but still bright green. Add the broth, season with salt and pepper and stir. Cook until all the liquid has evaporated. Set aside.
4. When you’re ready to assemble the empanadas, preheat oven to 350ºF. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Tear off another piece of parchment paper and lightly flour it. Now flour a large board and roll out the dough with a rolling pin to about 1/8-inch thickness. Use a 3-inch cookie cutter or an upside down mug or glass to cut out rounds.
5. Place the rounds on the floured paper. Place a small spoonful of the filling into the center of each round and sprinkle with a little cheese—try not to overfill or things will seep out as they cook—not that this affects the taste but they won’t look as neat. Use your finger to take a little bit of the egg that’s beaten with the water and brush it around the outer edge of a circle of dough. Fold the shell over and use the tines of a fork to help seal the edges so that you have a little half moon. Repeat with all the remaining dough circles.
6. Transfer the finished empanadas to the lined baking sheet. Brush the tops with the egg wash and bake for about 30 minutes, or until golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes or so and serve.
7. You can definitely make these ahead, bake and reheat and though I haven’t done it yet, I suspect they would freeze well too. Line the unbaked but filled empanadas on a baking sheet making sure they have a bit of space between them so they don’s stick together as they freeze. Don’t brush with the egg wash. Once they are frozen, remove from the freezer and store in an airtight bag. When ready to bake, simply line a tray with the frozen empanadas, brush with the egg wash and bake.
Note: Recipe adapted from At Home with Natalie by Ann Volkwein and Natalie Morales. I cut the dough out into 3-inch rounds instead of 6 to make mini-empanadas, tinkered with the proportions of veggies and subbed in a swiss/gruyere mix instead of using manchego.
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rubyiaamickens · 6 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2BfomMX - Ready Pac Foods Turkey and Bacon Cobb Bistro Bowl Salad, 7.25 oz Review -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 54 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZkzk4s27KWscra1_Dk9zA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Ready Pac Foods Turkey and Bacon Cobb Bistro Bowl Salad, 7.25 oz Review I absolutely love this product. Got this for my cousin and everyone is happy. ... Reviewer : Mia Wow. This product is fantastic and does exactly what I was looking for. No surprises. ... Reviewer : Sophia Click http://ift.tt/2BfomMX to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Fresh and ready to eat just open, mix and enjoy Bistro Bowl includes base, toppings, dressing and fork 13g of Protein 290 Calories Will purchase products from this company again. Really enjoyed this shopping experience. Good price and delivered as promised. ... Reviewer : William Click http://ift.tt/2BfomMX to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZkzk4s27KWscra1_Dk9zA Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZkzk4s27KWscra1_Dk9zA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Ready Pac Foods, Inc, us amazon fresh, RECTH, #Ready Pac Foods Turkey and Bacon Cobb Bistro Bowl Salad, 7.25 oz This is a review video for : B00WW7Z5PO Manufacture : Ready Pac Foods, Inc, us amazon fresh, RECTH Related Videos in Channel
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