#its like how we saw team rushing to take care of pharm after the grocery store w dean
theworldinclines · 2 years
i say this with my whole heart, i love us broccoli nation, but anyone thinking that win is out of character based off episode 1 has inherently misunderstood his character. we saw nothing of him in uwma, nothing, and i say that bc he was nowhere near being a Main Character with crumbs every other episode. and that's ok, bc the story wasn't about him, so everything we see is surface level. he jokes, he flirts, he's not very serious - but that doesn't mean he is never serious, we just never had reason to get into that detail bc it was dean and pharm's story, not win's. we are finally seeing what win is up to while dean and pharm are in their little world, and it isn't just him being a fun loving goofy side character. it's who's he's always been, when we're shown his perspective, when we focus on his being. win isn't going to view himself as the person pharm (who has no context, just like us!) sees draping himself all over team at lunch, knowing so little that he has to ask dean if player win is a good guy for team to associate with. win is a middle child who has had to basically act as parent and mediator to his brothers, hes fiercely loyal, and is someone used to adapting to the needs of whoever he's with. that's who he's always been. he can be funny and joke with team after they've know each other a while, as we saw in uwma, but we are quite literally at the beginning here. speaking as someone who has loved and analysed win's character for years, to say they've rewritten win to be a hard-ass is just untrue. he can be more than one thing, he has layers, he has depth. he's a well written character. i know we might not be super used to that with a lot of these series lol but we won this time. so be open to getting to know him!! boun for years has put his entire heart into crafting win into a realistic, lovely person and it shows and im so happy to see win portrayed so wonderfully :))
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