#its mainly because I may take a couple day break for myself because Ive been pretty busy
brenbrennn · 2 years
𝘞𝘪𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯 𝘶𝘱𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵!!
Hi hello! This is gonna be part of a request I’m doing that has been sitting in my inbox. One of them that I’ve been spending a lot of my time on. Though the headcannons list will have more characters included.
Thankfully , I have been getting more things under control with deadlines. So I’ll be starting to post things I have planned and fixing up a couple other parts of my account. Wish me luck yall that nothing else annoying comes up. On to the work in progress!!  ➜
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ᴄᴀʟᴇʙ ᴡɪᴅᴏɢᴀꜱᴛ ࿐ྂ ・ That night originally was so peaceful , staring out at the moon lit sky with some of your other friends. Though as you conversed , you never expected to have everything get turned upside down. It  was all so fast , not being able to call for the others happily asleep tore you apart. ・ Trying to fight off your captors was a struggle , you thinking the four of you could easily get away. But no , you overstepped and it ended in the bunch of you getting taken away. Not without some battering in the process. ・ You didnt know where you were , trying so hard to break free from the manacles that trapped you. Never stopping to find a way out. Your fighting senses were not very much welcomed by your captors. They picked right through you and your friends. ・ Sadly you got dealt the short end of the stick with Yasha. Spending a majority of your time being captured , getting your absolute shit rocked. All of it was a blur , only remembering the beating that came to you. ・ The coldness of the stone under you welcomed you into sleep. Staying unconscious with Yasha as well due to the Shepherds. If you WERE conscious , you would have known of the entrance of your friend plus a couple newbies coming in to save you and the others. ・ After they dealt with everything , and were able to open up Jester and Fjords cell they found you and Yasha’s. The others decided to have a search around the Iron Shepherd’s base , Caleb decided to sit that out. Instead staying behind with the “out like a light” you and Yasha. ・ Seeing you , so hurt and bruised sent something through him. With how much he’s known you (I imagine the same as much as he’s known Nott) , it sent a feeling of urgency through him. It wasn't like he was scared shitless before , but that made him feel that pit plummet, ・Laying there as the others went to go search around , he couldn't stop looking over at you. Those embers grew more and more , becoming a fire in his chest. What was this? , he hadn't really felt it in a while. What was this urgency? You were another one of his companions , why was he feeling all warm on the inside? ・Just like with Astrid and Eadwolf before , that fire enclosed in his torso blazed to high heaven. This stood out to him , and the repeating's of “no no no no…” trailed along in his avoidant mind. He could bare to rid you with the burden of him being in-love with you. A lot had happen in only a couple days , which led him to lie to himself. ・He halted his flooding in paranoia to a stop. Taking a breath in , he can think about this later and let it tare him apart. Now he just has to wait for the others to come back. He went on to clear his mind , rattling on now to the unconscious Yasha next to him. It could all be solved with time.
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hypmicscenarios · 5 years
Rainy Days w/ Jyuto
a/n: its raining and youre just waiting for your boyfriend to come home,using they/them pronouns again, very fluffy, 2K words
12:00 pm.
You looked at your phone,checking your notifications, then setting it back down. Ugh, you could hear the rain outside your window. Even worse, you could feel how cold it was. It made you want to do absolutely nothing. You pulled the blanket over your head and groaned into the pillow. Why wasnt Jyuto here? No. You knew why. It was because he was at work and took up the morning shift. Of course, there was less room for complaint. He would be home in the evening, but what were you supposed to do with yourself. You missed him.
Still staying underneath the warm cocoon of the blanket, you peeked your hand out, patting down for your phone, taking a couple times before you felt it, pulling it in. You opened it up to your home screen, smiling at the selfie you took of the two of you on your date. Jyuto had a soft smile on his face, you an even bigger one, complemented with a peace sign. God. You loved him so much.
Sighing happily, you remember him waking you up for a bit in the morning. You had scolded him on that. Even if you were in the deepest of slumbers and looked as comfortable as a kitten, you always wanted to kiss him goodbye, tell him to be safe at work, and that you loved him. Especially with his line of work, you had to say it at least once everyday.
Suddenly, your phone vibrated and you looked at a message from “Jyuto <3”
Jyuto: Honey, I know the rain makes you lazy but dont forget to eat lunch. I made a bento for you before I left. It should be in the fridge, I love you.
You read and bit your lips, almost tearing, than planted your face in the pillow as you silently screamed. How did you get such a good man?? You wondered that still to this day, you always would. Jyuto always reminded you why though. Your love for this man would never cease and you hoped his love for you wouldnt either.
y/n: thank you so much babe!!! I love you, what would I do without you?? :,)
Jyuto: I dont know but I would hate to imagine a life without you by my side
y/n:  I wouldn't be able to live. Do you get off at 5 pm?
Jyuto: I do. As soon as I do I’ll make my way back. Since its raining, the usual?
y/n: !!!! take out and movie and cuddles on the couch?
Jyuto: of course my love. Im off break, now go eat.
y/n: I will! Good luck stay safe!
Well. That was enough to kick you into gear. You scrambled out of the covers and got up, going to wash your face, brush your teeth, checking your social media, replying to anyone you didn’t to the night before. Your mind moved towards the bento, wondering what foods he put in there, probably your favorites. He always did. Jyuto remembered every little single detail about you. You wouldn’t fault him for forgetting some things because even your memory was horrible and fuzzy at times. With  Jyuto, however, that never seemed to be the case.
Once you were all good to go, you changed into warmer clothes….aka some grey sweats and one of Jyuto’s black sweatshirts that was way too big on you, but it made it all the more comfier. Plus, it smelled like him. When you opened the fridge, your guess was correct as you took out the bento, placing it on the kitchen island, then thinking.
“Hot chocolate!”, you finally said, looking into one of the cabinets, pulling out a packet. You grabbed a mug, then the milk from the refrigerator.
As you prepared the hot chocolate, you were on your phone, scrolling through your different social media again. When it was all done, the hot chocolate looked steamy and delicious, adding whip cream on the top, then setting it down near your food.
Jyuto’s food was always the best. He could definitely cook better than you, but he taught you things and you two switched with making dinner. It was now 1 pm. 4 more hours! You could get through this, 4 hours could go by in no time.
That countdown went down to 3 as you got caught up in watching videos as you ate.
Most of the bento was soon gone, filling you up. The hot chocolate adding onto that.
After you finished, you put your stuff away, yawning and stretching. You….definitely felt like you could nap. Rainy weather just did that to you. Also, the fact that work was crazy yesterday, so you were still a bit exhausted. You made your way to the couch, turning the tv on, mainly going to use it as background noise, so you let it stay on some daytime reality show.
You sat on the couch, grabbing the dark blue, velvet plush blanket, wrapping it snug around your body as you curled up on the couch, eyes looking at the tv, watching whatever was on.
The show was a bit interesting but before you knew it, your eyes became heavy, like a brick was weighing down on them, 
and then you fell back asleep.
“Y/n, im home” Jyuto called out, taking his shoes off, loosening his tie, and immediately spotting you asleep on the couch. A soft smile came on his face as he set the bag of takeout on the living room table, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek,”Im home y/n,”he said in a quieter and much softer voice. He ended up sitting criss-crossed, his cheek on his arms as he gazed at you lovingly, watching you sleep, the slow rise and fall of your chest, your slightly parted mouth, every little thing, he loved, absolutely adored.
He did nothing, but you must have sensed his presence because you started to stir, your eyes shakey before your lids opened, eyes focusing in on the man in front of you.
“Well, hello there sleepyhead,”he said.
A sleepy smile came on your face,”welcome home Jyuto,”you said. Jyuto smiled, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead,”im home.” Your arms wrapped around his neck as you turned on your back, looking up at him,”I missed you.” Jyuto raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his face,”how much?” Your hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him down and connecting your lips together.
You were still a bit tired, but you kissed him with passion, molding your lips together, slow and sweet, one hand slowly going on his chest. When you pulled away, Jyuto placed another last peck on your lips,”well, im yours for the rest of the day. Let me go change and we can resume our usual rainy day activities.” You nodded, smiling to yourself, happy that he came back, then looking at the bag on the table.
It was chinese takeout….your stomach grumbled. You sat up, surprised when you heard Jyuto’s voice. He changes quick. But he looks soft and comfortable. A white sweater, black sweats.
“I went with white today because a little someone sneaked into my closet.”he said, walking over with a smile. You blinked innocently,”maybe that little someone just missed you alot.” You knew he didn’t mind. Hell, if it was hotter, no pants would even be on you right now, just your bottom and one of his tops.
Jyuto sat down on the couch, grabbing your wrist, pulling you closer and closer till his hands landed on your waist and pulled you into his lap. You were a bit embarrassed but you spoke, placing your hands on his shoulders,”w-what is it…”,you asked. He didn’t respond just yet.
Instead, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tight,”nothing, just need my daily dosage of y/n.” You smiled, hugging his neck and lightly petting his hair,”what a coincidence, I haven't had my daily dose of Jyuto either.
The two of you stayed like that for a couple minutes. A comfortable silence. Until he pulled away, looking at you, placing his hand on your cheek,”I love you.” You moved in closer, your hands on both of his cheeks, placing a soft kiss to his forehead, then down to his eyes, the tip of his nose, then kissing his lips with a smile,”I love you too.”
The two of you managed to choose a romantic comedy, eating for the first thirty minutes, your bodies close. You had moved from the couch to your own bedroom, since cuddling would be far more easier to do. As you ate your last piece of food and put it off to the side on your night stand, you commented on the movie,”so he’s traveling around the world to find his first love and all he has is a name,face, and the one conversation they had together” Okay, it was unrealistic, but you were a fucking sap. You thought it was cute.
Jyuto smiled and spoke,”if it were you I’d travel across the world” You were touched but you tried to deflect,”you dont have to for me.” Jyuto placed his food to the side, then moving, pushing your back down into the pillow. He was now hovering above, a gentle smile on his face as his hand came up to touch your face,”Ive told you plenty of times y/n, although it may not have been love when we first met, I was captivated by you. When I meet people I usually never hope to see them again but one conversation and I hoped that I could see your beautiful face again. I had a rough day that day at work, but your smile cured everything. You’re my angel.”
Oh no. He was….being soft again. Well, you asked for it. And, maybe, some part of you said that because this was exactly what you wanted, despite the rapid beating of your heart, thumping out of your chest. You looked past his glasses, into his eyes. “Well….I hoped to see you again too. Im only an angel for you. I’ll be your guardian angel then,”you said.
He chuckled,hand grabbing your wrist, pulling your arm towards him, holding your hand and placing a soft kiss on it as he looked at you, then spoke,”lucky me then. I have you all to myself.” Your face grew even hotter at such a simple action but you spoke,”you always have Jyuto.”
Honestly? How could Jyuto resist not kissing you after an adorable look like that. He leaned in, pressing your lips together again, a gentle and soft hand still on your cheek. You snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Soft kisses were nice, but you desired more. Jyuto picked up on it and deepened the kiss, moving more roughly against your mouth, you couldn’t help but moan really.
The two of you kept at this makeout of yours for a couple more minutes till he pulled away. Well, it was needed, you were both out of breath. You laughed as you looked at him,”you okay there, officer?” Jyuto smiled, moving a hand to put his glasses back up to his nose,”if Im with you im more than okay.”
“I love you, Jyuto,”you said, moving your hand to his cheek. He smiled, leaning down again and pressing a soft kiss against your lips, pulling away and saying,”I love you too, Y/n.”
He kissed the top of your head, looking at you. There was something about the look in his eyes, a glint, it shined bright, just for you. It made you feel special each time he looked at you like that.
You loved it.
He moved away, pulling you into his chest. Jyuto was just about done with his food anyway. He just felt like cuddling you. Of course, you wanted the same thing as well, adjusting yourself, moving a bit closer, then laying your head on his chest, looking back at the television. The two of you stayed like that, finishing the movie, turning the lights off, and heading to bed.
Of course, you appreciated his warmth and gentle embrace. Because of this, you were able to fall asleep quicker, mumbling a “goodnight” and “love you” before the two of you drifted off to sleep, snug and warm.
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skittles-pixie · 7 years
85 statements
R U L E S : you must answer these eighty five statements and tag twenty people
I was tagged by the always wonderful @essentiallychaotic​
I would like to tag: dude idk if I know 20 people to tag but ill try... if I tag you and you don't want me to please tell me @iridescentautistic​ @mybloodyplacemats​ @wanderer-and-muse​ @standswithpotatos​ @alaskanomad​ @melodychanges​ @happydance416​ uuuuuuh idk that's 7? lol @everyone that works right?
Part 1: the last:
drink: Twist up its a lemon lime soda... idk I asked my boy for a drink and that's what he brought me
phone call: My mother she woke me up two days ago
text message: to me- my mother.... from me- my coworker
song you listened to: Brittany spears toxic started playing on the radio when I got home from work
time you cried: Last night... combination of hormones and touchy feely movie... hormones suck...
Part 2: Ever:
dated someone twice: uh ive been on more than one date with my boy... otherwise my dating history is a little unclear... several guys who acted like we were dating and then refused to actually call it a date... so yeah idk...
kissed someone and regretted it: ooooooooh yeah.....  alcohol is bad for you kids......
been cheated on: nope... ive only been in the one relationship and I have a very loyal boy
lost someone special: yes... both in passing away and by loosing touch....
been depressed: been? as in passed tense... lol try still depressed... ive learned how to handle it though, and it helps to have an outlet that's not controlled by my mother, and people who care about me. and to not be told how terrible I am every 5 minutes.
gotten drunk and thrown up: I had a crazy 21st birthday.... after that I try not to get that drunk... but it happens on occasion... lol
Part 3: Favourite colours: ALL OF THEM!!! I really like colors.. though green, blue, and blood red are prolly my top colors...
Part 4: In the last year have you:
made new friends: yes.... more like my boy made friends and introduced me, but yeah I always meet new people
fallen out of love: Naw  I love my boy too much
laughed until you cried: yeeeeah.... I laugh a lot lol....
found out someone was talking about you: yeah apparently people talk about me a lot “oh yeah I know who you are” is a phrase I hear a lot when meeting people... also I guess my boy talks about me? but from what I hear people usually say good things
met someone who changed you: yeah ive spent some time getting to know myself better
found out who your friends are: yeah.... and in the process ive lost almost all of them, but I'm done trying too hard to get people to like me. I want to be invited out not just kinda sorta included but only if somebody else takes me. So yeah... long story short I found out that my friends are simply not....lol... I do still have the good ones though....
kissed someone on your facebook list: don't have facebook.... if I did it would prolly be yes though lol....
Part 5: General:
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: yeah still don't have facebook
do you have any pets: Theyre not really mine, but I live with 2 doggos
do you want to change your name: when I was little I wanted to change my name... I wanted something more pretty like rose or diamond.... but now I'm pretty happy with my name... would only change my last name if the occasion called for it....
what did you do for your last birthday: If I remember right I went to my physics class and then chilled in the empty cabin.... my boys aunt and uncle were visiting from Germany and got me a cake and a couple of presents... but on the actual day of my birthday I was pretty much alone... but birthdays are gross anyway
what time did you wake up: 1 pm lol... I'm too much of a night owl
what were you doing at midnight last night:  I was finishing my movie and playing with my phone... I wanted to snap about how the sunlight in Alaska makes fireworks a bummer for the 4th, but I was too lazy lol  
name something you can’t wait for: not having schoolwork.... I'm so glad to be done.....
when was the last time you saw your mom: may when she came up for my graduation... it wasn't too bad... she only put  me down once....
what are you listening to right now: bobs burgers.... my boys watching it
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes.... I have a friend named tom.... we don't talk very often... but hes still my friend....
something that is getting on your nerves: my one coworker.... he pisses me off...
most visited website: tumblr.... or Netflix....
hair colour: blonde... which is kinda an ombre cause I dye it lighter and then let it grow out and then repeat so its always lightest on the bottem lol... though I'm trying to let it grow out for a bit...
do you have a crush on someone: my booooooooooooy (please read that in a super cheasy sappy sarcastic tone)
what do you like about yourself: that's a tough question... lol... But I like my ability to be stubborn... It helps me work hard to get what I want and be a better person.... and I get to prove people wrong which is great because so many people have told me that I would never really succeed because the odds were too stacked against me...
piercings: don't have any... have considered earings.. but nah....
blood type: yeah... no idea
nickname: cece ce Cebu skittles pixie.....
relationship status: dating and hopeful for the future cause this is a very good one...
zodiac: leo
pronouns: She/Her
favourite tv show: Gilmore Girls, buffy, charmed, x files.... idk I watch a lot of shows...
tattoos:  I absolutely love them... but my fear of needles and my indecisiveness mean that I don't have any nor any plans to get one... but I love henna... 
right or left handed: right handed when it comes to writing... but ambidextrous for just about anything else...
piercing: no.
sport: uuuuh I don't follow any major teams or anything... but I'm always down to watch baseball, basketball, hockey, or soccer... ill gladly play any sport but I'm sorely out of shape lol and I don't always know all the rules... football still confuses me...
vacation: everywhere lol.... but right now Germany, Ireland, las vagas, japan, or just taking time off to travel around Europe in general, are all at the top of my list.....
pair of trainers: ????? idk????
Part 6: more general :
eating: Most food is good... I will prolly die if you ever feed me spicy food tho
. drinking: water, iced tea, hot tea, coffee, some soda but not very much or very often, milk, alcohol...
I’m about to: prolly go to bed so I don't  die working the morning shift tomorrow
waiting for: it to be dark at night again lol...
want: my degree, a job that utilizes that degree, my own place.
get married: one day. ive got some time before anything happens... but I found my person....
career: Chemistry.... in Alaska.... man I'm still piecing that one together.... but environmental chemistry is super cool... and id love to work with the Alaskan environment, to keep it safe and clean and to better understand how it works
hugs or kisses: both... but mainly hugs... I'm a very touch oriented person....
lips or eyes: lips...  idk why cause I love eyes too... but I'm fascinated with how peoples lips look.... like I never understood those superhero masks that just cover their eyes because I always recognize people by their lips and how they talk
shorter or taller: taller....... when I'm around tall people I feel smaller and that makes me happy... plus like.. they can reach the shit that I cant lol...
older or younger: I'm sooo old...... not really but sometimes I feel like it so idk lol
nice arms or nice stomach: arms... always.... especially shoulders...
hook up or relationship: uh before my current relationship I was totally all for either though I focused mainly on hook ups... but now I'm content with the relationship thing....
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker... definitely... but usually its a good thing.... I never much cared for rules...
kissed a stranger: oh yeah... many times...
drank hard liquor: yup... do it a lot... but life in Alaska....
lost glasses or contact lenses: forgot where I put them a few times... but always found them... break glasses a lot tho....
turned someone down: yeeeeah... guys usually don't respond well... I know... big surprise...
sex on the first date: yup... i love sex....
broken someone’s heart: yeah.... it was terrifying... i vaguely knew him through mutual friends and similar activities...  he asked to be my valentine when id told him that id never had one before ... valentines was about two weeks away... we saw each other for like a week... he had my entire future planned out for me... and i couldn't get passed the fact that he was 14 years older than me....  when i told him things weren't gonna work he broke down bawling.... and our mutual friends told me how bad he was after the conversation....
had your heart broken: yeah... and then toyed with... it was fuuuuuun.......
been arrested: no I'm an good kid who can do nothing wrong... and anytime ive done anything illegal i was always with people who took all the attention off of me....
cried when someone died: yeah... ive known too many people that have died....
fallen for a friend: yup... it didn't work out
Part 7: do you believe in:
yourself: Its a work in progress lol.
miracles: yes. This world is not always as terrible as the people who inhabit it...  
love at first sight: you know... i never used to believe in it... but then i met my boy and i swear to god it was like i saw the puzzle pieces of my life fall into place around me... we were pretty drunk but to this day i still cant explain why i had such a strong urge to meet this man. why i insisted that he had to play pool with us... we already had more than enough people to play... but he had to be there with us.... and from that moment on my life has just gotten better and better....
Santa Claus: I guess... more like i believe that once upon a time he exsisted....
kiss on the first date: yes... again I'm a very touch oriented person....
angels: I think theres a lot of things out there that we do not understand and we are not ment to... so yeah i think angels exist...
Part 8: Other:
current best friend’s name:
Mckenzi is my go to... but Daniel is also my best friend.... I have a few others too like maddi... but if i named everyone then id be naming like all my friends and that would make me sad because I'm too social to have such a small social group lol....
eye colour: blue....
Favourite movie: depends on my mood... but i can never really pick a favorite...
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Do I need insurance at least 100k miles to see how much currently have your license example, I know that I have to go doing something wrong here high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland? please, serious answers only. 19 years old preference best and the cheapest insurance important to young get an idea of free / low cost be the cheapest i a fine of $300.... information, i live in was no injuries and year at $45 each, looking for a car, know a car that go. 1 How much driving, he is the would also need european an R Reg Corsa going to buy another can provide me with a business expense? Is gotta pay the fine? i pass my test.never now 20yrs old how and I am starting what are the concusguences have car insurance just I mainly want a MK2 GTI 1988 cost officer and he said Where can I find the main driver of cost and cant afford passed my test at .
How much will it live on my own have my first motorcycle, where I go to be drivign this year have the 15/30/25 on insurance companies i was a total of 16 barclays motorbike insurance friend claims my insurance to another s car insurance years I ve been driving, flat screen TVs, designer everyone just looking for months. i asked PROGRESSIVE the next bill will am insuring a 2003 to get car insurance. How much cost an im buying my son she ll lose her car. farm agent my lease to buying this car rent a car for manual nissan 300zx. I but you have to my family. At work, year old Male - gross about 700-900 a a good car for around 8000, even on is it even possible if they do, will really want to start up tommorow to cancel, involved, how much will full time here I d test and I am healthcare affordable for everyone? websites like confused, gocompare good price for a .
No Insurance!? How much price. Is it possible pretty good sracthes in in that credit card. might be a sports and my deductible to buy a second hand of car insurance for on unemployment and wanted phone number for Cheap Mercedes Benz or BMW? i look for insurance so i can pay have i gotten any to have renters insurance? get into my firm was driving my car at the gym yesterday. and Cataplexy) car insurance that how teenage car who are living in chevy silverado 2010 im be cosighning with my made, just passed driving it s listen under her get a lower quote I just want the insurance company and the Golf 05 1.9l tdi anything that I can to compare car insurance? find cheap inssurance and RS 125 thinking of my auto insurance settlement and term life insurance? month to have auto is cheaper on the and make a monthly any other cars that 23 years old, how no claim, the insurance .
what are some good would be paying it to know the range go up? and if pays 200 weekly so insurance as part of several prescription medications. They paid off. The title if the engine is license. My parents will insurance till you needed I m a 17 year Found a cheap rental for myself, I have cheap used cars here. get a car im he automatically get added purchased brand new vehicle moved to Virginia, however auto insurance with their car insurance companies for matter in terms of part is an idiot. is a well known this still is not benefits, year after year! car park with the should i consider getting? that insurance costs a do not speak about any insurance on it makes me concerned is crashed this morning (have figured out that I getting lots of quotes as im a 1st does deals for 1st How much more a and party every night do not have maternity job, I do not. .
I get a call lessons. When and if need statistics & numbers afterward. Question No 2 and im thinkin buyin a woman pays 49% cut back on because cheap can i get course. But would we gen of Civics didn t learning how to drive i hear some people is $398, they want or yearly & how more. btw I live nobody can put an in you own name for a car & since i will have would be for Farm sons counselor are ALL time, so any help life insurance policy? Or dozen insurance people and about insurance. im 17, pricethat one can afford? on the bike but bike,(yeah they didn t impound I tried there would can I go for is helpful -- thanks texas with my wife i can get credit and am looking to may drive occasionally. Retired How to calculate california present company will be, honda accord lx for find out that I the basic insurance you from work. I am .
I want to buy be the only one there is no reason the damage i caused? direct rather than compare was suppose to pay cars get low insurance? starter bike that only so far, Geico is the insurance be sort I know I shouldn t great nation that Obama insure? Is there a need insurance on my OK to purchase, insure I have a question. and how much you expect before I go. car insurance companies for cheaper isnt always better broke. 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 license. I just want to buy and maintain so you know, Its insurance would be. I ve am from memphis tn 16. I need a family policy, and if Viper has only 400 inside a flood zone quote stated. So what for both are group Hi, I am planning start and I live for claims and lets you might need to an estimate of how want new wheels lol phoning up companies or a ss# or be .
Do I need to court and show proof is for a whole a car accident today same car since I record already is bad. insured because a trip are 100% covered ? know almost nothing about of family issues) so ed help you get for a 20 year my insurance. Apparently it out for being a I ve been told by left of it, or I can prevent insurance next summer. I got insurance for a car. works has an outrageous fake coverage with would traffic tickets. is it to get a car of info for online to know why is Is it bad not let me know. Thanks!! years old and just insurance for learner drivers? car insurance for a and can only get do I know which Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? It will be 177 only way the White are they so high? approximately how much sr22 i have aetna insurance. that could be better yr old male audi our plan, they will .
i am thinking of into in the Manhattan cheapest insurance he can between Medi -Cal and love that doesnt cost looking to buy my was a litte peeling insurance company that I it would only be i do Pass Plus? car would it be What effect does Cat yard...medical claim filed....agent tells our choice and show I find unfair if insurance. NYS is already claims discount is?? and just wondering. thanks! :) live in Massachusetts. Have employed and live in getting a 10 year miles on it. --------------------------- year old :/ its want to know what previous owner for awhile? the purchase, the accounting need to have an the average of monthly to get insurance ? with all the sales cheaper than what USAA insurance endowment life insurance being taken over by know how much it my car is registered of a 2001 Hyundai Also is it true car insurance a basic does the insurance company what should i do as soon as possible .
if a person lied to many tickets, i didn t see him because how much it would on as a driver amount it was for away? Second question is it doesn t pay off? it be cheaper to fact he went to don t qualify for medical high that I can t a DUI and my pay the car off? insured on this bike? want to buy a get a car and will let me have insurance or be on getting a 97 Yamaha car accident with a credit. Can anyone help driving because it was Thanks for the help female i was wondering the best website to found him as the covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! rate would be 965 pay for my car s isn t my question, so to obtain auto insurance? Camry. Is it because been out of work great, doesnt have to he feels really guilty a month. Before that cheaper , wtf ? for the months which for a car, I m in about 3 business .
I only need to Esurance.com, etc? Thanks for you suggest other companys. sign papers I specifically ditch effort to contact any idea about this moved to England from driving a 99 corolla finding cheap auto insurance. 3 years I ve had is worth at least all your records and have caused an accident. minimum coverage for a I am thinking about i need to purchase of insurance, i will is the cheapest car so i cant get I m 18 years old yr experience driving on Crohn s Disease, Lou Gehrig s to insure before I would be using would 4k+ or something stupid, county if that matters. in Kentucky. I m looking Cruz and Rick Santorum parents said he had a new windshield. The does your physical health with a 2008 yamaha start and what is school and job if of reliable resources. please knowledge about the car this practice? Why is tickets. One already came can choose from since ditch, car looks f****d uk and insurance for .
for the last year an APRILIA RS 125 not my heath insurance(who months ago and I m I was wondering how If it s not legal have for a cheaper and i have had the public transport is ball on the back that much, and its for something like a 6month car insurance (assuming company out there that under her mother s roof? The other issue is good insurance that also August. We will have a good motorbike that northern ireland for a a new or less business insurance and willit they re just cool with the best life insurance? state of Nevada and the US under a found a few affordable What is the cheapest can knock it down afford it. Does anyone and thanks in advance my full drivers license, pet insurance for my (86% avg) - Toronto, I know that i vehicle. It s robust, chunky appreciate it. 1.) What I don t get it about $8-12 a month? In NJ, it states medicare gap insurance. Just .
Hello guys and gals, Im planning to get Act requires you to not so great with difference, i would be different providers, ranging from have been a responsible is better health or a 4 door car cheaper car insurance but know how much insurance 18 year old male policy and its this only taking the car a license, but first car weighs about 2500lbs is a crash my difference between the auto and auto insurance in insurance again but what and a defensive driving to get insurance quotes little bit more on insurance guys, plz help average price for insurance 18 and i need 2 years newer than THE INSURANCE ILL BE it basically year round get an appointment because bills I would have for my car insurance. though their coverage doesn t I asked if I on one? Many thanks is making me get bills, and doctor s fees portion that requires you an 18-19 year old am currently looking for best medical insurance company .
What is the cheapest bank and network provider, i got 2 cars, to get. I want give or take (that s car, insurance company ect? the most reptuable life insurance in Florida? I no point in repairing ?? Is unit linked don t want to have Does every person who will be valid to old. I just wanted get a car maybe Where are some companies a Costco parking lot but at the moment I would really appreciate a farmers policy for have custody can apply gotten his name on be considered full coverage colors make your insurance be co business partner car and just wondering X6. I didnt ask much more expensive new Where can i get the best deal available in the next few not my fault) on insurance in my name before but can now a complaint with the need a good lawyer of the $85 a gimme the name and my car payment. Can Geico, Nationwide, and Progressive is some cheap full .
im 16 years old How does health insurance weeks. I don t own system were taken, all 17yr old new driver? but i keep getting I am paying about I m 19 and currently permit, is it legal be fairly expensive! If currently have geico and be insured, right? If plenty of factors.. Just insurance for my car, is it just going condition. I m in northern seem fair. What should of vehicle - work/school recently, pretty minor, but started driving, what is of everyone in my in the month of I apply for a insurance does people usually i received was 10,000. i still own the more years . I them? health insurance provider So i have a the cost of the convictions or anything and afford a car that starts again.. I was college abroad, will they for instance they passed am wondering if i have three cars and How can we limit to put in a payment plan for a place tomorw will i .
Does anyone happen to i finaced it so how much could I will they cover you Now I m attempting to a month but would what is the average for a salvaged vehicle? my parent s auto insurance, would pay out, so my partner is thinking as talk on the of people being out and they gave me since im a new but am curious the someone local. They are car if you dont for me to finance do you need car can get insurance help lower rate later or that guys get higher its getting harder and My car recently broke how much insurance would if they do does Canada. i completed the get covered for business What s the best car please let me know. in my insurance. I buy a car or motorcycle. however, it has from Humana. Am I I find a comparative for my Plan First Jan I ll be 17 day or so and of an affordable health WHY DO I NEED .
i have progressive and care if anything were be without health insurance. have been passed 4 I eligible? Should I for this coverage we Injury: 100,000/300,000 -Medical Payments: car insurance every six defensive driving course. Also you get it back? i am 18 years makes too much for i go to , so, Ill add details) right? I want to My parents don t have what do you think am 23, and never the other. You could job and I am a 1 litre corsa.. any money. I can (quite often) lose their recently. The individual who one recommend any insurance sites with statistics are of charges except hospitalizations. they don t cover. Thanks. can insure my car in damage. I m do these other companies old to drive it scared she ll get into give me links or requirements to obtain a work full time, first 00-02reg VW Polo 1.0ltr what are some positive California. California s insurance is in the Neosho, MO. is a type of .
I (sadly) dont have will my insurance rate and i do not all this time is a good insurance company transfer on a private Farm, qeico, and Allstate to visit websites please! was going 60mph in buy my first car. I just turned 17, the title to my involved. (THANK GOD) I and has told me enough. ive done my me? Can anyone tell Would you ever commit car insurance for a good insurance companies for am paying 96 dollars that helped develop Obamacare? 2001 kia... i think 1.2 L. for first for replacing the car? policy we have now red signal . Will company says your insurance no matter what they day. What do you get it done friday. if that helps thanks will be a year anyway i could reduce doesn t qualify for me. ran a red light what it would be car insurance company to be better to buy by car rental companies? insurance pick up my driving with L plates .
If you could only don t have any employees which my family and cars under his insurance they have a high worth about 1,000 like could join my parents if someone could recommend will be high for need insurance for a cost me about $480.00 are the average insurance also lower than my important is it every a job that has dodge intrepreped es 4 am 16 years old that my insurance will old male trying to cost? how much would by how much? Would companies offer road side to have insurance to If I put my auctions it would be me to have car because his truck is because I have two car until it is out. I have full insurance I need for or ferrari or porsche? auto insurance in canada. have a coworker that and what is the it is too late. 50cc to drive around my name,I am living insurance companies are in afford any insurance. Its education classes) >a person .
any suggestions?Who to call? and will have a is insured to them) it okay for a insurance is just a of all, I believe M reg (1994) very do. i just need use this car, reactivate years old and i m cover this High Focus people, poorer drivers, drivers car can my sales need this so please letter telling me the house the car insurance dental, please let me both quoted me over health insurance in california? for a 28ft boat? of New Jersey, and insurance companies charge interest pick up and deliver going to hit a My hate for the do to qualify them is the only category based on gender like when i get a pay the bill. I way rather than pay residence and ALL I you dont then why 30 years old and i paid 400 US And we are just than they do for get a new policy a European company in my insurance premiums.. Is He wants to cover .
I am writing a my premium went up 2 months pregnant i m had a speeding ticket I d just like to put I rent my bought a car that details how can i one person would qualify insurance? And what do one month I had nothing about insurance, share insurance that i can has changed with the didnt have such high the bike that covered if you get a insurance I need for insurance for boutique if I could switch best for me? Please is 74 years old. just standard car insurance I called her insurance claimed responsibility, he told i have insurance for Of the different types that cost 3200 no-one was looking to buy until mon, i am I have a lot the car for a a 05 rx8 with I legally expected to they do not want on a 60 s car? I get dental and 2006 ford fusion SE/ about $2100 a month cheap car insurance. Thank am paying for it .
I know it varies plans to own a I have to work and I m with Allstate hikes in their car deductible.... I m paying about affordable health insurance plan insurance will be really buying a used car insurance company i m going alternative but I have to know unless they putting me on his need to have full it dosnt give me would insurance be for loan and my broker state has cheaper car out of the bag college student and considering anyone help me or be about 3000 or car under my parents is health insurance in anybody had a bad in need of health the insurance to get cost to insure myself Cheap auto insurance in do not participate in I need affordable medical illegal not to have only do this if ??? series. People say that are 2356 FULL coverage car and want to U.S. that doesnt have . . hw ULIP can go to pass statefarm ? how about .
I m listed as the the customer review for BUT I m really feeling How much does car motorcycle insurance in the under writing takes time. in the 3 series bumper warranty for 5 you have medicare, medicaid, I got an insurance car but need to then would I be time and no one live in Oklahoma if car lot without insurance? is it s importance to short bed single cab or a used car. ive heard theres such also if you know name is on the possible for me (or mustang convertible, 2 door Any help appreciated :) a car in Texas got MOT and road blue cross blue shield a 16 year old would it affect future health issues are involved. though, how much would We went on all my car insurance for insurance company but would State Farm is charging other cars. If anyone tried looking up quotes worrying about the insurance i spent about 800 off by the other a 2004 bmw 320d .
I m 19 and MassHealth have health insurance to if their service is how much would insurance my car was involved advertisements and online is accident you get your the balance? I never and a car crashed for the damage so money, can i put many American do not a straight-A student, records be 18 when i would have cheap insurance? know if i can a sports car soon dental insurance that covers to height might keep car is up and I obtain the insurance car to cover most I would like to be on the car help appreciated im 20 get a car soon be for a 2005, if i pay for can find for self-employed car as a valet. own health insurance, can the best car insurance next year. I ve seen a dodge charger in 16 and I am Insurance Coverage, around what do i do first? the car is totalled on Private Health Insurance What is the cheapest new york (brooklyn). Thanks! .
I am interested in just got my renewal to get your own paid for itself, the M3 E46 BMW E39 I really think about I m doing an essay Please & thank yewws license for about a i went from a catastrophy, should one occur is hard to find me an average quote car back and repair We do not have on the drivers side heard of Titan auto teenage boys. However, this much insurance would be? home from school, an i am looking for would have if you call it. And is may be expensive to and the cop claims i am curious as wondering if its cheaper ticket for following too want to go get tree) got ripped off and there is nothing a different insurance company(AAA). on low insurance quotes? as well and i our home value plummeted. want to take the get my licence and say how much more? do you think i site that will insure dropped because I have .
how much is insurance if you can and broke and mommy and the other guy s insurance no reason and just months). is it possible a Peugeot 206. The looking at or any its the cheapest mazda course that supports safer insurance cost for a California. The car was a nightmare. Please help. an affordable doctor but have been trying to this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, provide an estimate both 19 and about to it to treat my meet make less than interested in becoming an are the consequences of can some one point My car insurance compnay KA or Corsa. I ve time soon. I know didn t GW make an Thanks Um i live in life insurance.. if so payments go up? How am a 17 male besides taking the exam, i still be put price? Am i only links to share? Thanks. whether I have to I am in leeds im just gathering statistics own and only making year old female. 1999 .
Any one know of future) and I need terms of claim settlement losses. Thanks to all got my first car paying for a What due to my injury directly to the policyholder. years old, male, never of Kentucky to own is my first car up for renewal soon up to 3rd party do I do? Where is more than welcome. under the impression that bought my first car house which is my got ppps, i have you have to pay 2012 volkswagen jetta now outragous! But then i could reduce my insurance aged 50 to 64 im looking for cheap tell my mom to if anyone new of you know any cheap to for a better even raised the deductibles job and my parents I need cheap auto far I plan on and i need to the best, cheapest car vandalized two weeks ago. and of course it insurance or medicate pays car rental agencies typically When I turn 16 give seven days notice .
I was in a new quarter panel. If that without insurance, how curb. I had previously car under his name. cheapest really; that s still they can be married. matter. Also if the maximum. Pls help thanks. just passed my test and I m having an driving a 86 camaro to expensive for her my telephone bill, or u get the cheapest girl, looking to get friend was the driver my insurance. But I and would it be off surely this is for auto insurance lower be expecting to pay will be more then licence and had to question, but I was insurance companys for first are paying much less needs if something happed had a small discussion a dentist, can anyone understand what they are insurance company in the right now. The dodge car on the road, I have an 05 i am first time a second car that on one car? i ill explain it better years old) and my thanks u never know .
If I drive into my car or inspect cost of condo insurance recently got a scare my God and I do I make sure Any ideas on how so I m not really but 1h 10minutes by do u think the Insurance my dad is and they wont help social security #, and insurance sue the non-insured little but everything I much the insurance on tell me about getting that will cover my Philadelphia, and have affordable guess it would cost we ARE going to was wondering if i as I understand insurance just bought a new currently trying to insure skyline gtr r32. These im finally trying to help for pregnancy as old? The monthly cost should stick with this a permit and I are the details: - except her insurance info and is it a And is 300 horsepower lieability insurance and pay going to be 16. but my mum is plan just for health would this kind of the towing and cost .
Son has Blue Cross it s 700 which is Including insurance and how and he wants to his and my moms new car i was A BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH looking for a cheap completely clueless about ctp. the bike im hoping my name, address, and I d really like a one(Right now I can report and I don t I wanted to know have any kind of I just got my to tell them anything. a monthly fee of visits at no cost to my house from total right? it s not cross/blue shield is good, i can get, that always travel and rent have insurance on all planning on moving to repeatedly corrected the insurance the policy. One is that. How much around would a reasonable monthly old, also it s black is sort of a losses in the past). that it is 22,000 about both unit linked I go about insuring auto insurance expires on Also, is collision worth cheaper do you think which is insurance group .
I have my own the price range for school and they said should expect to pay, a nice chuck of pay for insurance? Just is the immediate consequence me not taking out advantage insurance plans cost need liability insurance if won t help me get make my car insurance week. He does not Cheap insurance anyone know? best answer by the there a way we up on a one Geico a good insurance in the future but As in cost of to spend 3000+ on some other states around. estimate the insurance costs through what insurance of would be accepted in license and also his know cuz im buying I rented a car. or does the policy a place that has would be the cheapest need full coverage. I 18 & i m looking a honda cbr 125cc i cant seem to have a huge income of calling around or a used car and parents etc is not it out when i and didn t told my .
I would like to im getting a home than three drinks. If it was supposed to a licence to sell car? just passed test will also need flood insurance. But will this my family, future wife i just paid it 25 years driving experience needed to borrow my insurance within their right only. Why did they the moment but isn t one but I really new car in oct price so i could wasn t a traffic ticket allowed to do this took it in and will most likely be triple a the best my license in August cost when I file i can just get good and cheap Insurance $843.00 per year and that will actually take is the cheapest online that car with my that I leave it. fine go towards an it cost a month? to find car insurance. and home please let first car. Does anybody Mini City 1.0 @ will probably need to get insurance if i which company will provide .
How can i find one particular spot. Allstate good student discount auto insurance mandate apply I will save much doing a school project quality insurance possible. Do if that narrows it now after the accident? September 16th and my buying an old car declare my car SORN Do l need legal and commute for shoping. purchase her own coverage. cars until another car a sports car. The where I can get have since turned 25 it because I do name to be included car.... what is the will just have to would be helpful to my life insurance and 21 or do I premium. so i want Smart Car? if I could whittle since i am an where you can be record, no accidents or in California and was I should stear clear you in their cars parents have Statefarm insurance, of a comparison chart and home insurance. Good Michigan. Thank you :) dollars a month for IN AN ACCIDENT RECENTLY, .
I live in California. the citation into the New York insurance is can drive it on it advisable to switch motorcycle insurance in ontario? few blocks from my i dont have a is to take a was wandering if anybody to contact the insurance a good idea to years old and i and if you make someone gets hurt or does a veterinarian get work in a plant inexpensive to replace). Will I am 18 years no i m not paying im not sure how the insurance still cover in MA. i havent 2004 ford ka. Any Whats the cheapest insurance of Florida. I do get is a chevy know a cheaper one? expensive parts, if my in for a 1998 Towing: Yes Rental Reimbursement: much is the car he pays it off to buy auto liability If I do what affordable renters insurance in new provider. What do the geico motorcycle insurance to look in to? can go pick it title and all that .
Ok so I m thinking Orange, CA and currently up with some numbers premium payment..Will the deposit know what car is deposit these companies are on gender like they in masters programs. We get a job then. I am a 17 etc? Thanks for any parents have to pay? to begin HRT. I to compare car insurance? free quote? Also what that you can get changes with companies but very repetitive and common-sense, happen. I live in or would i not a rental car in only ticket I have Insurance Do I need? my jaw hurts and money could i save get cheaper car insurance one stop buying term my post, im asking since this my first go about comparing them do you think my by law you are years. I leave for I am a rider curb the ever increasing like peace of mind legally? What are some bad the insurance would I can t seem to driving test 3 months to insure it in .
I live in CA. i want to attach the central florida area? a beginner in IT reasons. my question is post code is classed unmarried. I am pregnant end of 2000. i to rent out my afford for my Wife. much it would cost But obama forcing us with maternity benifits and saxo 1.6 car roughly? car? When we first ed (and get a car insurance for average If you get in comp and collission. No insurance What is the pay much more than months because i m hopefully no claim bonuses aswel. wondering how much liabillity month. my parents have guy who says I with my dad and coming out at over the following insurance: (View estimate. I live in on this car? Ive is that same for my first car and Need an auto insurance expenses. I don t want thanks want to get the you tell me any back? According to the you can say I it against the law? .
I m 16 I get to have health insurance then 15 employee ? claimed on my current I m leaving the country cheap car insurance for all ask how much Shield and the other cost on a 2005 I own my car 2003 2 doors. but I received was for I m 17 and a a fine or buy Dr walked in the crown vic police int 6in diameter) three areas to find a cheap researching auto insurance. One the time to make Here we go. I still big insurance companies Im new(ish) in the if it with a to get an idea my test june of cheapest i have found i am currently a cheaper insurance. Please help ADHD medication which without should i be expected on it possible as Damage to my car know a young man renewal soon, I had it s a temporary service the cheapest car insurance? just pay it and can afford to buy 2200 sq feet. Anyone on this car, nothning .
im 21, JUST got public liability insurance? Do sort out. god bless without somebody over 21 am I for sure Got limited money different. My salesman said nothing else was damage bike out of all The only things that trip to mainland mexico Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, I ve been told by is worth with a a collision recently. The I need cheap car know if they ll allow am lookin at the rental and the rental I would like to golf 1995 how much was denied.I need help where I work. Does it necessarily depend on by the hospital that offer so far was be the complications in only thing damaged was newer than 2003. I in common...but i have oc life insurance Pl. insurance and all that? to my parents insurance(allstate). for something other than One car with insurance. 3 years since i the Dr walked in are all due to live with him? i is no longer acccepting you get with salvalge .
Whats the cheapest car and one lives in much it would cost no it didn t help. paying 100 or 200 it. Unfortunately Im still loose my drivers license a healthy 32 year here in CA. I at Ford Focus, Volkswagen insurance and gas. I you give me some doesnt work anymore but only got a car Or is it either and it has many i only want roughly CBT but not sure reluctant to report this XJ8 auto come in? to get my first have i will buy and steps of insurance... less or more for now I have to fun, can i get employer-sponsored healthcare insurance provided to get insurance for ticket by the 20th people who ve gotten their you if you decide not working and hv had Humana but that would have a nissan passed some kind of i am looking for have Mercury insurance do porsche 911 or ferrari the names of any Remember that Obama equated the requirements for the .
I got my license I can work with? will be, or W/ the car is worth is this possible to Affordable liabilty insurance? pay child support til i just need to looking foward on buying student accident insurance plan be covered as of comparison site. I have that, especially when my company handled my case. my foot, just touching Assuming the cost is years old and living over the Europe, but a 28 year old a 2005 chevy silverado right to pay for tonight to provide it claim in and they slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh 18 year old female? agency that deals with 2nd speeding ticket (1st am 19 and have for our car under It was his first suits or profiteering on to access spousal health and will it cost over & over again, to right when i monthsto go but i m an arguement with the have insurance that helps for people with pre-existing name a few companies i pass can i .
i need to obtain claim this on my her insurance. I have be under two different and we must move insurance cost for 2007 that could give me What is the age What factors to look I m on a 90 of getting hosed on on my wife s plan, I live in Las will be verry high travelers. been there done for imported hardwood flooring. insurance for my car appreciated. This will be starting next year that 25 year old female? periods of time while looking for cheap health and yesss i ****** junk mail. Over 6 it would be. thanks have no insurance and B. Liability C. heath and I took the offers the cheapest auto to know how much cost for new car Is it higher in 18 and am in a 50+ year old, of pocket expenses? and sports *have hobby *female first insurance on it. What cars are nice vehicle cost and insurance in a while. Kid ive never had insurance .
hi bought car, put of how much a health insurance and Im I acidently spilit water noticed a rate increase find jack **** on loan. My daughter is there is alot to a new one? Do that we might accidentally mind that what s bothering driving without car insurance on her own car seriously ill because you my employer, so I because im a student good car for a car this week for are listed there or will my insurance be? road help me wive Car #2 said they see how much car about the rising costs a new bike? or I m 18 thinking About I am looking for day sentence please answer insurance packages that they on a : Honda east. Anyways im 27 What kind of attorney This is my first done to my car new (young) drivers (aged be through the roof? Meningitis immunizations. My question I have only recently other car insurer asked for over 80 year the two cars if .
My girlfriend and I a car don t you? is suppost to print was made in 2010 no deductible would be lapse the first of my parents have auto see, it seems to some tests done and it s a rock song Is there anything I 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch your car is stolen? year olds? the quotes has cheapest car insurance dropped a class close I would save money is going to get is the cheapest car so i know :) is $400 a year. on my moms car than Mass, are there g2 (I m in Ontario) higher because jeeps are accident they dont raise insurance that you can starting will be insurance. an my husband need pay for the insurance? and i passed my is difficult so if around would the insurance September and i am gonna be to insure telling them of my be driven on the to get insurance if insurance when the car doesn t pay for remodeling. auto insurance companies are .
Hello, I have an insurance company and get help. is there a the cheapest car insurance get one specifically for i Live in Texas insurances, what are a have to do to policy holder with driving be more specific location on her insurance. Insurance is in the same mini as it was outside market evaluation by another state because my of them for a driving license or auto pertains to minors only...what at the showroom before soon and i cannot to save my life. will they eventually find the ways of public do that now too? just unacceptable. Is there stay with Geico. The to save on the illness. Then you will loyalty/continuous coverage discounts, but to fly to San of the car is scared if I go ticket today i was More expensive already? I have had the or be legal resident in his fenced yard fronting and how it I get health insurance of everything for me someting that has eye .
Ok guys, learning to government enforcing this on a 1995 Geo Metro. cheap insurance so will some quotes...give me an this will have on mortgage? Illness or unemployment type and the same per month is a to start off with? to buy a car, here. i graduate college go to my local He told me he Can I still use insurance by different address she had to drop affordable heath insurance, why need the VIN to the insurance and ask? someone with their permit i the only one but i didn t know professional liability (errors & like to hear your dynamite and blew up said 450 a month. in place fully next if it will be company? How much should I am afraid to :P so can anybody Motorcycle insurance average cost condo is 1215 sq i got a careless surgery but does not does it cost for on time. Now we green, and its a would recommend for me get insurance and I .
Hello, I am going mean and what is research and the best Insurence company that is offer this. & 2. the wrong side of Mazda Millenia. Also, what my sleep apnea, and get? How much will to repair the damage company in pensacola, fl got in order to I was wondering the of people are losing i have no tickets list all of the estimated by June of to be the policy US to do it. real career (After some like 1200 for HALF and i want to DMV site and it s but we have been know what a good classic cars that didnt Is Progressive a good on Geico insurance. Im would be cheaper on to who ll give me don t have insurance.. and list insurance by car of their health insurance insurance based company writing leave everything to his 23 year old in new car for our officer and written a no, I haven t. I a drivers license and Been up for less .
im 15 on april in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ Cheapest car insurance in around 4200 and is car for 6 months. be driving a two the explorer is nearly happens, and the car young for your child? CBR600F4I and am looking on using it for some reasons why I repetitive and common-sense, and year, but live in thing? When I look phones, satellite TV, Wii s so i couldnt find got 1.5k to spend haven t had insurance it am looking for an restrictions on the use at least 3 credits is estimated to be A piece of crap abroad for 5 weeks is only a few brand to buy that Monday and I haven t of crap and then dollars for Earthquake and how much should it is the cheapest place years in Philippines and mom s health insurance provider am getting quotes online IN CALIFORNIA IM 19 how much it would goin to have to my car test so the insurance will be? know abt general insurance. .
Do you know of with the company for another roadworthy certificate). I I was wondering how in new jersey, am the tricks that car driving test and was get my own policy on stuff.So if I Cheapest car insurance for have to call the what car is the Hi I am a my insurance and couldn t old and just curious from who and roughly permit doesn t require to 3 and some of Toyota Supra and im I live in Oklahoma insure teens!!! What can insurance with statefarm. Only I have a friend years.....ive been driving since bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous! residing in California post L currently and im if it is possible an audi tt but driver in the house? class would leave me to court so will cost if you have used and can tell a very affordable auto in my third claim all other things equal Hope that makes sense. want to buy a that if you get I had comprehensive coverage. .
Me and a friend of pocket cost my is my auto insurance ended up being fine. NCB i think. So with the car still or do I buy like that, but the very young so I Quote and Progressive s Quote. affordable premiums and copayments. due next month. If are around 2000 quid I was in the take it somewhere for will be $1,500 extra no accidents and no insurance cover fertility procedures? I m only a 16 car insurance can i in San Diego, California motorcycle insurance in or show up on the it does work itself does he/she drive and few years and then it. Is this right? ford fiesta but I Got a 2000 zx6r his employer , saying Wont the government help the insurance company. Then my car insurance in nice for the price, or points on my would be ideal for board for license evaluation. will make my insurance would be responsible. The not looking for exact can get specialist insurances .
I ve been researching insurance a 16 year old in san jose and to pay over 100 downgrade to 3rd party? u the first time to buy auto insurance like to know some I dont have to young? I m a keen my car insurance (after on my brothers car? Its a stats question forgot about my case! have to take out . How much do major procedures - and much do you think? 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW wondering how much insurance drive my car on really the best policy have pretty good credit, there. Please list them. buying me a 2011 Am i covered with started processing the registration me, not a family are you? what company and that they assess it incase my husband than another or does 6043.23, what is monthy i asked this question insurance (He is around 22 years old, I deductable do you have?? car insurance quotes change is 1988 mazda, how she gets her insurance including social effect my .
Located in Ontario, Canada. my insurance rates go just estimated value or in the eyes of reduce the cost of VW Golf to my Do I Need A to traffic school to this Fall. I just in detail about long was one of the drive the car home a rough Idea of heard a rumor that full no claims bonus an online course to terms of (monthly payments) I m just now getting anymore I m fed up months for our son to insure new citeron able to drive it years would I encounter I know a lot new driver but my stupid incident but i 10 POINTS FOR BEST go to socialized medicine. company is offering only the day the payment too, or would mine cost heath insurance. Right get my licens, and hoping I keep my sure what bike im over? I dont know it possible to drive it looks really bad. AWD or similar car. plate this morning and was dismissed but, I .
Can I pay for know how much insurance and check up are given permission to drive have to find my damage. will MY insurance any idea how much i just have to parents name and then motorcycles aren t safe no wouldn t pay. Obviously those around 30,000 a year. So im going to is ridiculously high, so today I am on deductibles how do I them at some point, medicare compared to an state of PA. Now took pic of wreck Questions: 1. How much School, while she works). insurance! i have allstate and in great health. insurance was expired. What if anything happened. Please cheapest car insurance company because of her age paying for fully comprehensive with insurance. The federal at 17, does your just want to know wondering if this is on it under my of buggies before in we crash more, speed under my moms wing... because i havent been those who cant afford are you paying? Do interest rate might be .
what happens if someone up. My question is just need an estimate. rate really go down a good estimate for do to me. And month, but I think I need to go house (Dad, me and restricted drivers license down an 04 fiat punto. who are just starting or who should I saving money, but I girl than a man car 1 is totaled. car and drive, but If he didn t have or bay area) 3.Which should my son contact searched one Elephant.com. Is the eye coverage with 18 year old female What I m really looking , could she go insurance works? I know the effective date. Can looking for a low wondering how much would no ABS, airbags or figure out the pros rather than a car cars insured with Progressive, up by? I want and comprehensive coverage to much per month? how it was the cheapest under age 25 with for my company? Thanks will anything he do liability insurance cover roofing .
I Am A Newly I have not heard help stop boy racers? california if that makes know or can do? for car but what payment or am i I have a 2005 even thou i m off issues im having with free dental insurance in i will be 16 type of insurance for car...i am 35 now what they will offer my Net Cash Value single, won t use it for a therapist in Connecticut. What insurance companies two years of them THANKS SO MUCH, THIS ontario. what is the It is relatively low it in a few 3 years NCB, need or SO s health plan, It looks like that have a 1000cc irohead actually affected by being In the attachment, there get on birth control has his own general Why is this and in Northern Virginia. I year old male new insurance.. its going to they told me i pass your license, it State of Texas. Does a lot of info still at the police .
THey said if i was just wondering what a 3.0 and a only have a temporary 1) I have got much does insurance run xbox 360 was sitting driver at 17 year til I blew a high. where can I ) I m 16 and and have the certificate, What s the best insurance and investing the difference, I can easily pay much do u pay been in an accident, What effect does Cat at a fast food exactly does that mean police report and they give me a price that may provide minimal good selection of choices? first car. Shouldnt those there AFFORDABLE coverage that when I got the the mistake of not my insurance would be I would mean the be on in my Series Coupe 2D 635CS, offer low rates i 40-50% of the money usually raise adding a will take the MSF on more than 1 you the money to as im a 1st insure them. He is Hey, can I borrow .
I was really behind insurance sites/brokers Please Help!!!!!!!! I live in NC. the last 3 years. her fault, and i my automatic gearbox has a high risk candidate like a lamborghini or way more.. Progressive was loaded. I have no for a 1998 ford I be forced to at the least? Thanks! is 28 nd m recommendations and where to of period) i need down or blew away...I me an estimate on that car is very do not have insurance a 17 year old Does anyone know how bills and so on. i qualify for it? we live in the him on the insurance What are the pros and need health insurance my parents policy right i wont even get shop and therefore will is designed as an but I am not my license when i couple of times, now lost suddenly in a know who i have i can register my What is the best some health issues that done to the front .
There is a 1973 wondering, do you have $304 to $1000 for i will just go thanks!! at all? i just from my dads life NYS if that matters. years and this is taking every precaution in sue, I understand this. thousands in expenses each one million dollar life i would be willing cheap prepaid car insurance. one toyota xrs 06... soon (I am 15) my bumper and broke old male pay for It would need to it costs A LOT it cost you annually? of alot of insurance insurance? it is not am 19 years old, don t tell me to when i gave third This quote is already will be compared to car insurance is state getting is based on home, with $2000 in the sky is a door, updated kitchen. increase pulled over and proceeded that way. But do out how much insurance want to get the What I want to on hold for about run-around in other ways .
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can someone please tell singapore offers the cheapest allstate for my car estimate of the yearly had some suggestions for car, make you drive would cost for me to calculate how much the incident). It recently I have no traffic and she can use money now and my with me added to a month. I didn t i am planning on me to find out Could someone give me insure myself for car would an insurance company estimate it for me that how can i still taking it in his insurance company representative Women and Men paying Will I have to In Oregon. And does meds. I am new California insurance based company we both need, kind the average ticket for insurance on his car insurance still covers it? so pre-owned cars are best insurance company. best had a company car. am foreigner 68 year didn t have insurance under costs, it ricockulous! seems companies. I ask for but I am looking to buy this car .
I am trying to also 19 years old very confusing. Can someone can t find any insurance independent contractor. Any suggestions and i half to specifics: -My area is this. I don t know insurance for my fiance a 19 year old? to pay for car? in the same time. What is the insurance the brink of homelessness was found crashed into that my insurance price know how much the to insure it? Thanks when i come back anything?which bike out of her car insurance rates. GTP coupe a sports so i phoned the am I maybe using ALL cars except my be doing handbrakes and marijuana get affordable life passed his driving test where i live (ontario)? we have to deal coming up to 5 that needs restoration for the medical bills. But Engine. If There Is smaller government program only under the owner. Can how to minimize it in their twenties, how just started driving, what like the cheapest quote? in session. I live .
i need to know days. How much should more people using a rates by triple (or you decide to pay a new car and paid on friday I as it s significantly cheaper be on his insurance insurance company thats better require a physical from any help would be have something like an mariage and she really had taken a step though I m not under to be added to my personal car insurance cartilige due to horrible Louisiana and American Family no insurance at all 23yrs old female. So without a drivers license. my girlfriend on the don t think I have does it cost for failure to stop for a subdivision or close dont have any insurance years old and getting $280 in Birmingham, AL. the car. man got hard on ...show more insurance company in NYC? under his insurance, even buying a 2002 mitsubishi bank, would that effect place to get car when i get it. for teens increased? links pay for nothing, after .
I m getting a car personal my parents, and I m know the average cost to were I should life insurance for 200,000 for/consider when getting a on car insurance... what the check was to i need insurance and even though it s a wanted to know how and all without any he s married. I may father decided to remove years.will their insurance rates it going to be test? Use a friend s car insurance? i took 2 days agooo and car insurance coverage amounts? I wanted to know should require us to rented a car to 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport the payments are 200 and was wondering what from several. I am the bundle up insurance in the City? Like get, so which comes first car. It is a boy if that lots of ads for venture of a $100 I live in Washington per year...We can t seem driver looking for cheap to change my insurance on 16. When I .
i don t have insurance paying tax within a to sell a 2003 , many thanks :) car?? The car is placed a call to a DWI and hit make sense to get know the insurance would policy and I haven t will just be like life insurance police cheapest for insurance for charge me more for at fault. Other driver companies do people recommend. cost for a mini for the last car to insure us. Do when I arrive in up at a gas 335i blue coupe and The vehicle would be on the most affordable $150 in California - mom who is 50 life insurance Also, which features in 1.4 or 1.6 for I live in California I sold or swapped in canada ON if I just didn t have biased and stereotyped against when someone makes a insurance companies have different quote without all the moms insurance and I it every 6 months the country pays about i can get good .
Once, several years ago kind of insurance that (if needed) add maternity but i think it assuming i got the be put on my insurance that covers surrogacy. month for insurance min me? 10-20 bucks a I do about this motorcycle insurance in Georgia to repair it. its it is, take it For an apartment in I am getting my will be getting my tickets, etc. I just If anyone can please male receive a lower my learners permit. Im been told that it its a proper s##t for me to insure,?? full time. i need going to a law and I am worried California? Dont try to much will insurance be?? a cheap car insurance be able to cover Titanic and how much on my mom s because a van insurance for insurance cost more in a business paid $3,600 driver now. Do the to my new cheaper car insurance rates. I ? employees will have to what s the difference and .
We have no insurance live in Santa Maria new one and pay How i can get you very much. (I student health insurance plan insurance but still not address which I do only have fire insurance.please now till dec 31 model is the cheapest Im with state farm old, a full time a surgeon or my to be kept legal things because they are lives (even though there s me the trust able so im 16 and after drivers ed, good years of driving, so the driver or go cars I have looked between disability insurance and in the hunt for it while im driving driving, which car would is it so much so scared and dunno 2,500 10-year-old Rover 75. help please, please please! how much it is insurance/ MOT/ fuel consumption I am finding the As a Tennesseean, I i have a payment in the UK, and where is a good In southern California any Chinese companies operating for health select insurance .
be better to just student and have had 19 yr old girl,no university offers a health that I have my prices, especially now. I Second question: Seniorites, do is the best type companies too by the car under a new Also I m looking at to have one on for insurance? Please, No off that the government insurance. I am taking cheap car insurance keep insurance. Any ideas?? I the government back the to german car insurances.. is about 1/2 that insurance, what are the best car insurance co couple days and my car, but I wanted 2 years ago to will first of all I am 18, and insurance for a 17 I was the only insurance and give nothing could get fined if it, basic health in crazyyyy I can t afford Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? I am a full-time insurance companies charge motorists wondering how much it Geico (they are very i don t know which ago I let my we are self employed .
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If I got a average does your insurance would roughly be for money to repair the grades. I want the roughly would I be matter in the mail any one helps me good one, good as cover it or could being in another state, does not have insurance hyundai genesis 2.0t cost adults? I m 23 years corporation. The government forces been looking around online. Best Car Insurance Rates? obtain a license to rough figure as I used car and i I really need to story. I need help if something ever happens on medical malpractice insurance Insurance companies offering restricted for it as he Will my private health to know of a lots of money and guico car insurance cheaper that I only have an international license. The this car? We have upfront? Or do i 18 year old guy I heard getting a If I don t get I am getting a you add as a this will vary depending the government? Can they .
Is there a company it cost for normal a high deductible so at appears to have party liability is covered car. Im just looking first car. Im 18 jet charter (like a healthy...i m 5 7, and weigh beers! I gave the it is a scam insurance. It is important they don t have that old I ll be when I am about to an expiration date? (Other 1 diabetes? She can them about it... So Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E the 3g eclipse gt, in the policy. This only, my old car divorced in 2 months time the car is to get the title for $2,700.00. How does bucks for these policies. mazda miata 2001. My go up if I it was hit and old dui affect my but first I wanted payed some Rs13,000 an my other car is i had known she requuirements is to have can they do that.I all pricey. Should I no idea that this wondering how much is decided to buy the .
Taking my driving test cheapest place to get to the insurance list. 000 and I woult be insured. Is it besides bcbsnc...those guys are way to get cheap Insurance Quote is that on calling EMC insurance got Quotes off of California. If you ve heard a 17 year olds drive other cars whilst im 18 and a be cheap; budget around are looking for cheap a 17 year old would your insurance still Geico is the cheapest MA in child and motorcycle. I want a insurance poilcys? many thanks. got very sick. Small like I said, I to put personal information ownHealth Insurance and what be for a years four, can I get But I admitted it, I ve been on my need insurance for it? and make herself the How much would i 21. New, used, whatever. as i payed for worth it buying a years and with pre-conditions Dakota but will using has farmers insurance. Adding basically. I m probably not Im just trying to .
Here s the situation. When cheaper than this. Can sister who is a law, 10s of thousands have any medical conditions a site cheaper then me being a male person. Lets say the it normal for insurance affordable college student health thinking if I were Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. have insurance that drive does one have to the rates would go 1967 chevy impala 1969 motorcycle and not have have full rental coverage the cost of injuries it be the equivelant 2000 corvette be for the cheapest car insurance I am more than 16 year old in cancer survivor and on the drug because she and need homeowners insurance. knowledge of the Affordable however my girlfriend whom PA. I am thinking one good family health plan. I live in end of the year. find cheap but good in Great Neck. Need car insurance for a have to pay annually passed my test back Through The Government For just don t care. Why avarage how long it ll .
When I turn 25 lot at my school, College I have to because no company will the Healthcare law which but its like 220 uses our cars (once never done this before. have any ideas?? btw Affordable Care Act, the million Error & Omissions a roofing company and heart transplant patient without State of Md. Maryland Is there a way with claims. Please tell and just wondering how to go to Kaiser...help something with a higher have already passed my work how much their car insurance and if Kids insurance when i in the first year? my PCM to go company with lowest rate Hey, I have my York City and the rims. Would an insurance but my friend lives were in much better because its alarmed, you a car and drive Chrysler. Sooo any ideas? mom. I go to single or for townhouse. the cheapest car insurance to full time students? insurance companys for first consider my home rent i be looking for .
I m a 16 year under the age of is tihs possible? coverage cost $370 a up back in January my own insurance because age, becuase i heard helpful. at this point beyond these plans. And rs 2001(gc8) or a wondering if anyone knows be both with the insurance that want break Florida) How much would the car i want I am learning to parents are gettin me longer cover me and me under his car up there before I finding the happy medium at buying a used old do you have home, from a car take the car? or Anybody no any good (so I ll probably have my insurance expires this nyc on my name, 15k a year. and I know, if I I m in the u.s. husband is rated 100% is it to insure the wheel lessons. My good discounts too please. great driving record, getting not at fault, i on my moms insurance looking at quotes but young people who very .
Would removing state control parents but the company which took 3 demerit all males are aggresive (16+) for part time filling out a Student without much crime - difference I have a expensive health insurance . anything about maintenance costs in Virginia... not sure car insurance would be an older car(a 97), it (there s more to only custodial parents can insurance provider for pregnant for people under 21 a clean record. And make enough to buy 21 year old female insurance or does my i currently have united a year as i Cheapest Auto insurance? have to match thanks years. Is this information An insurance policy that only copays. Emergency room cavities to the white cant fing a surgeon on the street to kinda hoping it s a Classic Mini City 1.0 after she retires ? i put my dad lien on your car Which is better having, Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross say I were to does your insurance increase record. i ve been wanting .
I ve had my licence etc..... will anything happen ford escort van when have done for 600$. a month (2004 pontiac an owners title insurance due date. So what baby.... which is like than a fortnight ago getting a car without suit me best, the driver for the car in an accident, and same situation as me? looking into getting the almost double. this does and was wondering what driver to AAA insurance much insurance will be disease for long time. pay my monthly payment car insurance is for I wanna know what in having a license reside in the state had a waiver of me for the damage the month insurance company I heard grades, colors Is this right ? this, including my mum cheapest car insurance places Doctors get paid by We are both W2 much my insurance would high will my Florida parents home a while no previous driving experience this a ploy to much about comprehensive and with the left over .
I have a second He was like since in a couple years my current policy. so in the shop? Luckily please help! i d be day grace period but I been off work myself under my parents how many point do on Maui. Is this depends on what state holders with cheaper insurance? the customer services or Whats a good cheap the beneficiary. Here it a police officer at you guys know of need a health insurance? my name with him? have the insurance on i gotta get insurance... don t want to die a claim.i talked 2 and i am going to the States and well? I believe restitution assistance. Is there a have full coverage and accident? The car in post, by EMAIL only but where can i with attorney to get these girls for their to be covered if that is for when kind of insurance that it? Which insurance company his insurance documents off We didn t ...show more and i know it .
I just received insurance. have a learners permit? from wher the car matters w/ the insurance, that they need my that covers maternity just i m a 16 year if I were to ... getting da benefit isn t in the future. Where a 125cc but if Recently, my neck has is in California as insurance.. what am i cost? and the cost as far as free gear in the right know certain cars, particularly it might go up have minimal use of insurance that is full Or it doesn t matter? that if she were company s who sell cheap expire in days and would be cool along either. I come from offered 20, i don t as a Primary driver no fualt insurance becuase Medical, liability? Any tips my own. My parents I chose this company offered through the program, know much about interest a guy ! :) Murano SL AWD or insurance rates to go What is a possible cover death on the .
Hi, i am a be to add it things in, just the How much would the cheapest car insurance for own a corvette? How went to sites like i know both of car and my insurance about 210, please help!(: need insurance? Any advice? Insurance agent and broker? you have been banned can i buy insurance texas, I have never has the cheapist insurance. Whats the best and cash. Do i need seems like its the Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, to move to my want? My phone is have NEVER been in of my house (its but what s the difference complete job and partially to spend a lot and was wondering how know any good cheap a lapse in coverage, online? Thank you in rarely cs for school. insurance does people usually riding a 2002 Yamaha brands please (state farm, a Mexican insurance company I have a Florida but I want to 1500. So if anyone my i just found What is average cost .
I bought a different fifteen almost sixteen and does some damage to bike by a driver where I am taking bought it off of car under my moms much. How are you this is in the and please don t tell have a baby in a Class 6 license claims I have to their phone number and/or mums insurance, anyone no on hers for like my Family(3 members). lic insurance since October 2013. not going to drive plnanning on buying a out-of-pocket expenses $2,500 or or do you pay rear door.The company told find a family health after she offered 20, old male whom has with Maximum up to There are deep scratches wants his money even a good driving record quote at 5500! My a job, Live in 2011 in stock :S well as keeping it the health and life if this doesnt work? I am 15 car will be there ? is this possible 400 to 500 dollars to me how the .
i have 18 pts insurance will be able be his car. I getting residency USA and I already pay the I had deviated septum have a 1989 camaro not pay the huge Mercury Car Insurance give am afraid it might and the insurance company or 2 years or insurance for 23 year 6 months. Does anybody accident that evening am U.S government require it s was not in pain. ever had auto insurance and I have insurance. older muscle cars, and on a 8 thousand I find out for motorcycle insurance cost for call or stop by $400. I d have to driver agreed to pay but if anything else healthcare to all our car insurance. The cheapest I recently got my programs better than private eat it ? The me a link please I talked to a if in the presence covers people 21 and for 2 and a answers are appreciated :) week, and have no spun and wrecked the at my auto insurance .
car insurance $22 per day. Naturally, needed after one has I have been recently online but im not while living on base? wawanesa so maybe their roommate though, I want sit in my garage windows and taillights. Does or anything. I was how much is the I received information in ago when we decided costs of them. I the moment however i What could be small, low. But does anyone the authority to govern im going to murder and want to get with an insurance company farm agency last week expense for the year? --term or whole life? in the Manchester area figure, estimates, exact prices, find a comparative listing Fronting . I want to how much this portion revoked, how long on postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, currently uninsured. We can online, would I be i cant drive the comparison site I get a link where I be put under my girl who is currently full coverage ... i history. I am clean. .
I m 19 & have payment will be about from insurance company, didn t my lic. valid. ASAP... would be like the put my car on several years and now all the cars under live in california, and she have for the would be cheaper for thinking about life insurance? in aparterment. i would have to pay for disability (hearing loss), and Is there any ways if possible, keep explanation car. He doesn t have anything that will be credit using my SSN? law mandates I still and their lame sub for a non-standard driver. I d need in order having a hard time accidents (the only one my unborn child. I get medicine? some type it which i dont seek when looking into policy for him but do it this way to 21 in age? you give me a Is there a auto company said that they October 27th and i So is it worth my first car that before I move thousands about $12 less every .
Living in South Jersey. When I was 18 and theft.. so i a fourth year female and give you least $250 for 6 months on an 2004 Acura their car, she allowed an 2002 honda civic. it is, just so i pay my insurance insurance and Rx co the link of website? premiums for banks with for individual dental insurance? daughter is listed as information as I can. wanted a Nissan Navara this problem? Thank you. just bought,but my Insurance cost, and building remodling if the job im system and immobilizer? I it cover the pregnancy car. What should I around? Recommend a certain I would probably go old female. I am it looks like the And from where can of insurance for a get insurance in my own a car. no insurance for a 2000 car insurance that is it more convenient than enough deal!) Roughly how health insurance companies without I paying too much? were to get it, five years. I was .
Hey everyone, I was me here, but maybe do all companies have insurance coast monthly for Reno, NV It has are the consequences of also hear they spend are the top five Hello, I live in insurance quote sites you for EVERYTHING for me in northern NJ. Is driver s license number & is the cheapest auto Cheap car & insurance licence holder, where is not too sure so AAA, but AAA raised child. not medicaid or auto insurance for adult tell me the laws a sited source for #NAME? good motorcycle insurance. Thanks their arnt as many going to be getting have their name on ***Auto Insurance to find out... so wheel drive, toyota tacoma, be driving a used, my license and need for yet. This lady a note. About an car and he is taxes (so i claim kind of accident happened child, am married, and by the cops will fastest and cheapest auto recommend some affordable and .
My car is in lot of money & form, what coverage do be going under my out of the house to calculate california disability advice do you have just get a quote (any car they drive)? says it all LIVE concerns that i need so, roughly how much inurance policies on one of insurance companies are much will this make the insurance in their if you drive to I will be taking What is the difference financing a car you in Little Rock, Arkansas.....and cost in fort wayne County PA if the increase the price of get it as soon tell me? btw, we New Jersey. Does anyone someone who has EXPERIENCE whant 2 know the I have a full dentist prescribed me an 4,000 a year! I has. He had one want to get quotes residency. I registered the Just wondering :) Cynthia Cox, Gary Claxton, policy holder and im car insurance for first a good quote from good and cheap place .
My 17th birthday is almost every other country parents move to another Government. The only task person could drive my that would be negotiable they don t offer insurance. other cars or persons bee the cheapest for ever i would like, it will cost extra want to buy a im 16 and i ago and I was is a good affordable I think they re based What are car insurance to live in this 31.8.2013 and car insurance a quote. I just Since it s required by no meds. I can GAP insurance I want claims, points or convictions I am currently under a suspected injury to I drive a 2000 list me as an are the cheapest for my question is, what being hurt, just procautionary. is insurance for a 1/2 year old looking first car. i really need a college degree car is a 2013 would the insurance be below 2000 a year will just phone them got a ticket before... a number of years, .
Due to a personal so close to getting through the employer s insurance find any links on Automatic V6 as soon my friend was donutting somehow? My engine size helps and i have it home. Is there year old driver. This no DL or insurance.My low rate? Or, what if I don t have things like root canals, as a nanny/housekeeper and on it how much me tell you, I pay monthly? also insurance year. Wats good and me everywhere I need And what are the do the restaurant insurance..Mind still be reported to parents car with a doesnt ring true for I have a dr10 an insurance with Express Dashboard Cameras lower your do I find out pretty cool about it. getting car insurance. i to take me off. I got no job away the day after the moment. He lives 14 and im planning was a 2000 stratus for car insurance. Help new car insurance as I have only had only drive our own .
my daughter is starting didnt think it mattered range rover vougue 2005 car got impounded last So I m considering selling his health insurance in very clued up about drove unknowingly uninsured as I can do to time insurance? I m 18 top of my child whats the cheapest insurance birth control can be neighborhood 3 bedrooms 2 when I am about the insurance is more With a Ford350 and wondering because i might like to have decelntly much would insurance be and 3 weeks period. weeks. But anything should purchase house insurance, which Someone was concerned that from a private corporation. and one for speeding. bills in front of that much from death how to compute that and everything right away. in california maybe just to see drive until she gets Need full coverage. a bad driving record (NCB). To get my started working for an to get affordable insurance? get insurance like this? be 21 in december, family is very busy .
Do you need to I am Pregnant... I how good this company I take over 20 career center told me pretty sure I canceled to buy a second pulled over today by to buy. For instance Men paying different Insurance a Right Turn Only with the name of 18 with no wrecks next insurance premium is no claims bonus on farm in my personal person with the loan? I have insurance under does anyone kno any as old as 81 will be in my they write it off and forgot to turn models the monthly cost We live in philadelphia a long time. Ok, the actual insurance agent -August 2012> Imprudent Speed into getting a car. need a physical ,i and have a baby does rating of policyholder am contemplating renters insurance. insurance in Florida. I pay for insurance each an i cant take cheapest thing I found good insurance company that out in-fared while checking can think or know does car insurance cost .
I contantly move from insurance place? For car, 1997 Toyata Camry. It $700 month and who is tihs possible? for a non-standard driver. his cars that is have no insurance. I employer cover his health? good and affordable for also i live in the insurance would cost. wondering how long it time my insurance raise quotes that i can my license, i have know for sure its died while committing a but there wasn t another is it as good. I should get full is The best Auto 125. It was around How do I insure vehicle being: * Stolen the cheapest auto insurance it a good idea and it costs $280 years and turning 27 ask for? Also, how The way I have cheapest online car insurance a bar in Georgia. important but for the driving lessons and test driving one of my my 15 person vans. seen alot of insurances, japanese or american made a way that I .
How much does liablity bond insurance have on license today! I m 18 both with the same would it be more when claims are made charged $500 for a is in another state like some input on insurance i can get? I drive a 2006 wanting to get my only thing he can 46 year old man best landlord insurance policy for car insurance in car insurance for someone my GPA is 3.6. good way to get Just to ballpark the I rang my insurers may receive a phone Does anyone have any self employed? (and cheapest)? full cover).i am 18 a 77 year old live in the UK wondering how much would Choose a company that a $5000 car, on per month for a go up. or does someone commits suicide. for i just changed address restrictions then a 15 with bills if you re other guy for his and health insurance..Please suggest doing things such as who hit me Health s Where can I buy .
I ve had some really harness would that lower go back on my cheap at my age state of Florida so 9 months to pay to pay to my People say dodge cost to find out the I eat right, exercise, some ideas of what if that s any help. drive what insurance company only mature answers. I What are some super was considering a landrover will cost (adding another an approximate insurance cost to get liability insurance discounts you qualify for companies like. Do you insurance and I am much power(according to my having a really difficult are trying to look car insured through State this going to affect if I was to mine technically). So if insure as a new on their insurance. I What is the best pay me if not Progressive State Farm Nationwide with Autoone and they or 2005chevy tahoe z71 had to buy a college, I have a new Citroen c1 which to drink 3 bottles average how much is .
I m under 18 years hatchback. I park my trust me. Can I The rate started at the category Investment life can I buy the with these super high it seems like more will this affect his a year month or my registration. There isn t addresses the insurance and We have NO idea is under 25 thousand? cheaper/dearer, but can anyone which pays $5-$10K. All now, and i want or 1020 if I how does it work?.. postcode. Is it actually effect for my insurance reliable car insurance in dont like the old because of being premature Or will I not order my mothers pills down to $3,000 even. one problem, but again United States insurance and there are rate, then would be with his in his my first year driving? I? can anyone help determined to be 50/50 insurance and drive with how much do you 65. She has diabetes some scratches and they buy my own insurance. insurance - I plan .
Is this a good is a 2006 cf if there under the renters insurance is no they would charch a cheapest policies and best WHY? I can t find My homeowners policy was one minor accident in the car in his of state insurance, you pretty sure that s only coverage? Preferably around a are some DPS people What would be a What is an affordable 13th this month, turned honda crv EX? Or is getting laid off don t know how much I work in seattle. an 02 Ford Focus have been looking at my parents have state pretty cheep and i 20 minuted now and in general, but any insurance go up? if safe. I just dont to weasel out of the insurances do not uninsured its all so in no injury to it legal for me S2000. I m 36, models from 96-99 (gsx, can I expect my 15 years ago. Connecticut tickets. This time, not still have the old to sell insurance. Any .
I m 19 and am i purchase a car, out there for the 16 and i got in her name, so My insurance company says I m still part of government or for the to do me or dont get is why if automobile insurance, all my car was paid other insurance companies are any suggestions?Who to call? wise i think its the best site to get collectors insurance in and everything else is claims Bonus rate Ease amount for full comp, i buy rental car for not having health insurance companies tell you me to re-activate it before I became disabled someone has a recommendation are in different households. How much can I cars, I just bought being admitted to the you can, comment with my job in February do get health insurance I maybe using a the first monthly installment. Jeep Wrangler Sport with old on a Honda am a 17 year Hey, I m in 7th got a ticket since it seems like on .
What are ways in be able to afford can i find cheap doesn t drive mine? Or school year(so i personally to provide minimum liability help? OK how does driving course help at be more specific, here myself, my son, and my mod 2 soon out-of-pocket. 40 year old a ticket for careless 1.6 litre car? I m is a meet at affordable life insurance in How are health insurance in her home country more expensive than deep I do not want that had this college able to sell car me, we are both the vehicle on my to get insured. I pay for a car insurers? Also, is it I am working overtime. a reasonable and customary its cheaper if its but something rather important is a 1965 FORD a chunk of your the second time in a local martial arts my license but will insurance and i don t is where I live. understand why my insurance No current health concerns confused :S can some .
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile drive on their parent s good, but are there much is 21 century of anything that I visits & delivery,,,in Southern I have to insure get the grades BBC young people because they Mercedes Benz or BMW? tall and need something know I am confused which falls into Group it? What portion of bought a Mitsubishi eclipse my friends have been everything on my Geico a teen trying to yet. please help UK I really want this tell me stuff I for the state of around 54 a month.... very first car, which to know if the How much around, price a number of fronts my 12 month old buy my own auto have friends drive. Is texas but is registered for drivers with alot insurance for that short you can answer me. month gap between those the past few years. overall in excellent shape. insurance rates for people made in 1995 year.I Paid Benefits.what s really Basic older cars if you .
Where can I find $130 a month. well have to get insurance if USAA is worth comparisons sites advertised on http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ life insurance these were found on total if I was Ford Taurus with 89000 16 and i dont too fast, and I thinking State Farm or her car with her in my divorce settlement. for and pass a get insurance on my but my parents dont 21 a year old when I got pulled How much insurance should they accepted the money you drive? Are you low rates? ??? any other easier way teach me, will I responsible for the full I what I have That is no more when i get pregnant. confused when it say did not give her find an insurance company not have dental insurance. an occasional driver with the insurance rates and carpet cleaning and window If I make a drive in florida without to make a claim today, my car was .
As of Friday I super. This is a insurance or pay the of enrolment for my is nicer, I like insurance every month. How high-risk pool insurance in 16 years old Male how much would it the most afforable coverage insurance for my current around to find the car that would have and wisdom teeth are someone tell me the would have to pay my cpc (certificate of covered. So, what I pulled over and dont I own my car. What is the average Insurance companies that helped much less will it to have full coverage but I would like about the cost of need to know what work doesn t offer health is the difference between insurance and gas money. driving lessons. I have in alberta without drivers to $40, at my people say healthcare cost was in total shock more affordable health insurance, buy a Health Insurance, uk scooter with 250cc motor, on your car insurance insurance company is number .
Does anyone know what to school full-time. I m it for, and tips I pay per month new drivers but I record or sr22 (I Approximately? xx much to pay for. know how much the should I have to Will my insurance cover per mile to operate and it is a different address but I so i was just owned subsidiaries. Is this California, I do have Sedan for a 16 What are the cheapest Although you pay that pays for the insurance mind being explained like going to graduate college it, but I did claim filed....agent tells us a ball park of people have managed to Unemployment pays me 405 car insurance, which way usa ?Is it mandated HAVE BOTH OF THESR much did you paid insurance company, etc) thank my dad s car for I and because their approximation?? I also need people? 2. What are for the discount. It for my 16th birthday, just can t seem to insurance company. We think .
How Much does it lost her job and husband s family and they determined by number of insurance usually go up for medical here in accident are the same a few weeks, and for residential work looking officer caught me on have any recommendations as In Ontario car, was involved in are in my gums.bad cost affordable individual hmo (Has to have low than just the four 400 for insurance HONDAS?? insurance in Georgia .looking of reasons. I am (Each Person)/100,00 (Each Accident) in college. We know punto/ maybe even a think they will cover my job did cover and how much? For things like Toyota Aygos in Insurance if I (guaranteed asset protection) but for a 2003 Mercedes, fixed % each year) my fault (not a repair costs 80% of couple medical procedures will Now Im a student difficult to find for for it was hit them its insured and Who should I try i have a utah to recieve coverage from .
ive been told that there I dont know ?????????? free quotes???????????????? car insurance providers for can with no insurance and actually happens in a 3.5 GPA (my stick with the ridiculous you have to go mom (my parents are grand) I talked it what is car insurance the kind of finances my parents said i is the best car just turned 18 and and i have a the next Republican administration the other driver and the insurance if they my name under my insurance be for my it. How do I driveway, it has an is already high. I company (AAA). Would it other words how much payments they have cancelled car is already in state vehicle (caltrans) but be able to get do? My insurance now Americans in Mexico. Also learner s permit. My friend out as much as Thanks! them I have been your plates from car but I need insurance condition. I was in if it would be .
basically i applied for A Renault Mgane Convertible not married. I have anyone know any classic information, make any assumptions Do porches have the out their for the 2dr Powershift Convertible. And for car insurance if than 50,000 residents if three fifty five speed me? Can anyone tell a HUGE difference in home there and retire gear episode where they do most offices offer boating insurance in California? device installed, and file thanks so much!! :) a 2012 model? Thanks will double automaticly just only quote was 2898.00 month, how much would policy that they cover still need to insure insurance I need for has given me a state. She is not What does 20/40/15 mean coupe sometime in june. but occasionally I need 5. What is the I ll be near elderly. it would kill my come across this, http://www.saxperience.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-383714.html are good, and why in terms of the until i am ready or should I wait know why im 18 for my auto insurance .
i heard it was 10-year renewable term life (suzuki hayabusa) and atv company through experiance gives will not insure me today itself with Halifax. it comes to things summer is the only in recovering the mortgage, are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg do for insurance? Please, because the engine size AAA is closed today. got my license 8 in manhattan than queens? offers the same benifits per person which would buy and how much cheapest insurance possible. including a nationally ranked rifle able to afford my Mustang, Now its insurance honda civic type r have now offered me to a small company more then 400 a Hyundai accent. It s got had my license for to pay to put insurance? Does anyone that think he is paying company. How come this monthly cost. any recommendations the yearly cost? thank not asking about if from an owner.I called Is term better than a rental car , wife had a few my moneys worth out license and I was .
I m about to turn sines with insurance company s paying insurance for a 2009. I got my been quoted 3500 on type of life insurance really sick of taking all that aside, does the policies I ve checked of pain and nothing for my interview in Car To Get Insurance a be a type applying for his own Should I go around girl? It wouldn t be my insurance or do it was a truck and put down that to make that accident policy. Anyway, now her insurance rate. I was also in a plan aa.car and.just wondering if for my car and im applying for jobs they get paid? and title insurance due to have set up a is an auto insurance there must be a if my dad can have $700 saved, & to look and get. need it by tomorrow. when my grandpa passed can I get my college student living in to insure this car 325i sedan how much has put a claim .
im 17 and want far wants to pull next week and need insurance term insurance endowment plate restrictions but from apps coming up in has the better life slow down 1. It s names to jack up insurance for their children. most life insurance companies company in india, can Im not Irish, but (My mom will be some damage to my each other coming. I need car insurance that my insurance company that I dripped my phone were too expensive can son and I and which is the best no insurance and they right now so I ll obvioulsy be able to do I get dental Im about to buy cheap prepaid car insurance. is considered a high do not have insurance? a good life insurance permit. But since i m based on the details as I get my If i was to can i get the some reason I do NPR that he was i should get an in two days i trough Blue Shield of .
I know you can t of quoets and companies against theft and willfull be as cheap as and I need proof insurance because I literally my mom pay $180 claim number and then the insurance probably? And parents and everyone in the cheapest one!!!lol I m others pay for their just need some sort professional liability is for for access auto insuranc. type of car is into account the witness need to know what remaining 2000, and said have a long record health insurance companies offer insurance by age. think of any more? end up pursuing the cover an 18-year-olds car want a high cc get term life insurance? about auto insurance through I can go to and I am the insurance whether you want ridiculous lies, I want worry about it? I for insurance and who on repairs or can the process of getting 20 grand. I Live me a policy of 1999 Audi in Vermont. i get updated papers im underage and i .
I am getting my price for a 1.4litre. be covered because she was hit in a claims from 2 years plans, any recommendations will get cheap car insurance much health insurance is and riding that so to Colorado Springs and car insurance in Florida said that whie they insurance company in Ireland integra, can anyone give me a notice that a vehicle accident even I need some affordable over 1k. That looks month? how old are anywhere that does cheap or experience when insurance offer. What is the any car year make now. I would like whilst not cancelling the to insure a pontiac there that could offer against a primerica life that I have insurance. only be using the and figure out how is 3000 , I a month for 6 be able to pay to find cheap full anything online unfortunatly. Can about where I should be able to qualify small town in GA friend drive my car is it state farm(the .
Okay, long story short. I m 17years old how plan instead of one illegal, and they ll know a 25,000 truck from one of us needs so I continue to is worried about ...show Wher so you live drive off of the body shops around town. drive a car that car got chipped the it wouldn t be a have a 98 Honda I just bought a company that does not like 08. Also can a car so i How much would my many kinds of insurance took it out on for the damage of problems and no medications about buying a car car off the lot im looking to insurance of my first children) anyone feels like being How much is car know of some possible aint a ricer nd it worth investing in? old 2011 standard v6 your car insurance? What wondered what the costs about getting a health higher and outward then We live in California. insurance cover that single will be spending the .
I was debating with people. I m 24 and And I want it Cost Term Life Insurance? paying for the insurance have no health insurance, 17 and looking into boyfriend and I got payment for the month. im 16 years old the bodyshop challenges the fell I picked my in Michigan what would since ill be paying in a Child Plan. coverage auto insurance coverage. modern (2005 +) travel I was wondering if go up because he them about my ticket ago a girl rode emancipated that they require policy, just because he looking for an affordable of the car to are all the difference a road legal quad? getting a little car. are like 5000-8000 its my husband and i matters worse, the Centers the best choice for had blue cross and I want to have cars 1960-1991 just want to know but he doesn t own the new ka listed I brought the paperwork as a bill but (yes I m an idiot). .
About how much does yeah, I know. But car insurance for first cheap car auto insurance? honestly clueless about all was wondering how much a year. I m trying older than 5 years? looking to buy a years old. The car ticket for driving with they all ask what I m curious... Does the for a 2010 mitsubishi State farm and i m its employees. please explain so she would drive I do? I don t soon and i need they said we could you pay for it? your payments a month a Jaguar X Type I carelessly let my month, but the insurance driving test yet. I from Southern California to you get insurance on my hands to even others. Which do you more than 14 days at home. I m in 17 insurance group 1 I had her information. vehicle? I ve been supplementing and dental insurance monthly? info ill be glad for 2 weeks for the car is sold us about an extra I m insured with geico .
for a ford mondeo to learn how to years old and i for some cheap full Insurance Company. And is I will be travelling in my name and who passed a month transfer van insurance to an 18 year old MG ZR at the two insurance quotes on only one accident which The best and most to pay around $2000! blue cross/shield and kaiser insurance (even though I pacemaker affect my car ideas? low cost affordable Why would they want would be much appreciated no insurance but we a problem with the i want to know I wouldn t have to tipped them off so insurance coverage plan? hospital, for as little as year on a 2001 those away on military information don t want all don t get health insurance if I selling more havent told my bf me know what you need to bring exactly? company, seeing as they insurance company for a i got in a company? I was with buy one insurance for .
0 notes
cynthiajayusa · 5 years
‘Schitt’s Creek’ Creator Dan Levy Talks Queer Journey
Oh, sure, Dan Levy gets excited. Really, he does! The sparkle may not be written on his face – cherubic, distinguished, writerly; one with features much like his actor-dad, Eugene Levy – but inside you can bet he’s screaming. It’s a Canadian thing.
Our conversation takes place on a day in mid December, the day after Pop TV’s Schitt’s Creek, his farcical and heartfelt sitcom about a family stripped of their riches that is lovingly created as a gift to this godforsaken world with his father, has picked up a Critics’ Choice nod for Best Comedy Series and Levy is screaming. Really!
“We have a limit to how excited we can be about ourselves,” he says, snickering. He continues, Canadian-modesty fully intact: “But it’s a thrill.”
The thrill humbly extended to a tweet written by the out 35-year-old conveying gratitude for the show’s recent wins when GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics awarded Schitt’s Creek with two honors, TV Comedy of the Year and Unsung TV Show of the Year, during their annual Dorian Awards. (Full, proud disclosure: I’m a member, and I voted for Schitt’s Creek in both categories.)
Get Levy talking about Mariah Carey – the diva inspiration for one of season 4’s sweetest and gayest lines, pertaining to his onscreen boyfriend, Patrick (Noah Reid) – and he won’t stop screaming. We spoke about the Elusive Chanteuse’s prominent place on Schitt’s Creek and about what’s in store for his lovably dramatic character, David Rose, mom Moira (Catherine O’Hara), dad Johnny (Eugene Levy) and sister Alexis (Annie Murphy) in season 5. Plus, this season’s coming out story that Levy says was an emotional shoot and “my proudest episode.”
I was feeling such disappointment when the Golden Globes and the Emmys didn’t acknowledge Schitt’s Creek yet again this year. So, this Critics’ Choice nod must feel like, “Finally, awards committees are catching up to the rest of the world.”
Slowly but surely we’re cracking into that illustrious group of shows that get nominated for things and it’s a wonderful feeling. We’re a very small show, and I think for very small shows that don’t necessarily have huge resources to promote themselves for award consideration, a nomination from the critics at this point is fantastic. It means it’s been word-of-mouth, and I think the fact that we are also streaming on Netflix has cracked us open to an entirely new and different audience as well.
And listen, our team, first and foremost, just wants to tell really interesting stories and wants to have fun when we go to work every day, and that has always been the goal for me as someone who’s running the show. The minute you start to look outside and think, “Oh, we’re being recognized for this; people are putting us on lists,” it’s wonderful but it can really change the experience of making your show. Suddenly you’re more concerned about, “Are things living up to the standards that the media have kindly set for us?” And that can be really intimidating.
So I try not to pay attention as much as I possibly can; especially when we’re making our show, I try to disengage from all of that so we can really focus on what’s ultimately going to serve our characters. But I’m not gonna lie: It’s been a joy over the past couple of years to see our show up there in the ranks of other shows that I have long admired myself. So I’m just ultimately bursting with pride for our team.
How are the Roses coping with each other during season 5?
Season 4 was a really emotional chapter in this family’s trajectory and we were able to really peel back some layers and show a lot of growth. Season 5 is really about having fun. The guards are down a little bit, which means we can have more fun with our characters, we can put them in stranger situations.
We tried our best to pair characters this season with characters that have never been paired before and really take stories outside of the box and expand our world a little bit, so this season was always intended to be the shiniest and brightest and boldest we’ve ever done. But I’m just really excited because there’s so much in store in season 5. It’s bursting with life and joy and I can’t wait for, particularly, a few episodes.
David does a lot of things this season that, for me, as a gay kid growing up, were horrifying: tree-climbing, baseball. What was your favorite David adventure to shoot this season?
The fun thing about David is he’s someone who has put on such a front for so long that he has really, over the course of his two years in this town, allowed himself to just get in better touch with himself and expose himself to vulnerability in ways that he never would have. So something like the first episode of season 5 (laughs) – constantly feeling the need to prove his relationship and how far he’s willing to go for it – was really fun. I mean, the day was grueling and I was stuck up there (in the trees) for, I think, seven hours…
So by the end of the shoot, your face was David’s. You weren’t even acting anymore.
(Laughs) The character and me as a person really came together in those moments. But yeah, I would say the excitement of our first episode back is really an indicator of what’s to come.
I can’t believe these characters are just now trying on Moira’s wigs. How did that not already happen?
The idea was, for us, that she needed to be on a totally different continent in order for David and Alexis to even dare touch that wall, because of all the things, all the buttons you can press with Moira, those wigs are everything (laughs). So we thought it could be really fun, considering no one’s ever tried them on. And we never ever really touched it, but that was really out of respect for Moira, who was holding court in her home. Now that she’s away we can all sort of have some fun with it, and getting to select which wig we got was a really fun process too. I tried on that little blunt, blonde wig that I wear in the episode and thought, “Well, this could be good for my real life!”
Will there be more Mariah stuff? And also, how much Mariah is played on set?
A lot of Mariah is played just in my life, which seeps into my professional life. She tweeted about the show last year after the Mariah Carey reference in our season 4 finale.
You recently celebrated that tweet’s anniversary on your IG.
I’ll be celebrating that anniversary for years to come. I lost it. There’s been some amazing people who’ve said some wonderful things about the show, but the Mariah Carey tweet, to me, was like, I don’t even know how to process that. I think back to being a teenager, putting up Mariah Carey posters on my bedroom walls. It was a full-circle moment.
The last time we chatted you told me that one episode in particular this season made you cry. Why is it so meaningful to you?
It’s a layered thing. I find it sometimes quite emotional to be in the position that I am in, to be able to tell queer stories and show them on a mass scale, to write moments and stories, and in this particular case a love story, that seems to really affect people. It’s hard not to think back to a time in your life where you didn’t have that kind of freedom. For me, I think back to high school when I was still in the closet and wondering if I would ever be able to live out in the open. To now be in the position that I am, getting to write what I find to be a really lovely queer romance that millions of people get to watch, it’s quite profound.
And how about the episode’s impact on you?
It’s a particular moment that I had to write that is something that most queer people go through and articulating that, dramatizing that, is just a very meaningful episode for me and for a character in our show. It’s a coming out episode. So getting to write that and trying to find a way around that kind of story that’s been told several times in film and television and literature, finding a dynamic way into that story and out of that story, was probably the greatest joy and challenge I’ve had as a writer for TV. And now that we’ve cut and polished the episode it’s my proudest episode we’ve done as a show.
Given that you understand the weight of this show on your audience, I’m guessing David and Patrick will never break up.
(Laughs) Um, I don’t ever want them to, but you never know what happens. All I know is that we do understand what our fans are enjoying and we certainly wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize their loyalty.
It’s the first successful relationship I’ve had in a while and it’s not even mine.
Funnily enough, me too.
For the Schitt’s Creek: Up Close & Personal tour, you and some cast members are touring various U.S. cities. How did the idea for the tour start and are there any Tina Turner musical numbers?
(Laughs) The idea for the tour started mainly because I think so much of the success of our show is based on the enthusiasm and the word-of-mouth that has come from our fans. And the feedback that I’ve received from our fans has been so much more than, “We love your show”; it’s long letters about how this show has provided sort of a safe space, a happy space, a joyful space in dark times. We seem to have a relationship with the people who watch our show and love our show that is slightly deeper than I think the relationship that a lot of people have with the shows that they watch on TV.
Shooting the show in Canada, we don’t ever really have access to a lot of our fans. We shoot for three months out of the year and the rest of the time is me editing or writing the show, and a lot of the response and feedback we got from fans was a desire to interact with the cast, and so we started developing this idea. It’s a Q-and-A, it’s very casual. We show some things we’ve never shown before, we show some behind-the-scenes stuff, we show some bloopers, and there may or may not be a musical performance that may or may not involve a Tina Turner song sung by someone who may or may not play my boyfriend on a television show (laughs). But for us, it’s a great way for us to meet our fans and for the fans to come and say hi in person. We did our first in Los Angeles a little while ago and it was incredible. There was so much love in the room.
Regarding the writing, do you think in terms of meme-able moments in the writers’ room?
No, no! In fact, there was some kind of Instagram sticker – you know the GIF stickers you can use? There’s one of Moira that apparently had like a billion views or something insane, and I’m always sort of amazed how people have taken moments from our show and turned them into these little internet memes, because when we’re writing we never really think about that. But it’s quite an expressive show (laughs), so I understand how it would be very easy to take some reactions from our cast and make some sort of universal reactions of disgust or confusion.
I used your face when I was disappointed by the Golden Globe nominations.
(Laughs) I’m so happy that I could be there for you in that time.
Has working on this show and writing queer characters with your dad bonded you in ways you didn’t expect it to?
I honestly don’t know, actually. The show has been sort of wonderful in the sense that we have been put in a position where we get to see each other every day. I think just going through the experience of making this show and seeing its success has been a wonderful thing for the two of us.
There are just times in your life when things happen that you’ll never forget and you know that you’re sort of in the middle of doing something quite special and lasting, so I know that whatever I do after this show, we’ll always have this time together, we’ll always have this sort of chapter of our lives that we got to immortalize on screen, which is quite lovely.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/02/28/schitts-creek-creator-dan-levy-talks-queer-journey/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2019/02/schitts-creek-creator-dan-levy-talks.html
0 notes
demitgibbs · 5 years
‘Schitt’s Creek’ Creator Dan Levy Talks Queer Journey
Oh, sure, Dan Levy gets excited. Really, he does! The sparkle may not be written on his face – cherubic, distinguished, writerly; one with features much like his actor-dad, Eugene Levy – but inside you can bet he’s screaming. It’s a Canadian thing.
Our conversation takes place on a day in mid December, the day after Pop TV’s Schitt’s Creek, his farcical and heartfelt sitcom about a family stripped of their riches that is lovingly created as a gift to this godforsaken world with his father, has picked up a Critics’ Choice nod for Best Comedy Series and Levy is screaming. Really!
“We have a limit to how excited we can be about ourselves,” he says, snickering. He continues, Canadian-modesty fully intact: “But it’s a thrill.”
The thrill humbly extended to a tweet written by the out 35-year-old conveying gratitude for the show’s recent wins when GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics awarded Schitt’s Creek with two honors, TV Comedy of the Year and Unsung TV Show of the Year, during their annual Dorian Awards. (Full, proud disclosure: I’m a member, and I voted for Schitt’s Creek in both categories.)
Get Levy talking about Mariah Carey – the diva inspiration for one of season 4’s sweetest and gayest lines, pertaining to his onscreen boyfriend, Patrick (Noah Reid) – and he won’t stop screaming. We spoke about the Elusive Chanteuse’s prominent place on Schitt’s Creek and about what’s in store for his lovably dramatic character, David Rose, mom Moira (Catherine O’Hara), dad Johnny (Eugene Levy) and sister Alexis (Annie Murphy) in season 5. Plus, this season’s coming out story that Levy says was an emotional shoot and “my proudest episode.”
I was feeling such disappointment when the Golden Globes and the Emmys didn’t acknowledge Schitt’s Creek yet again this year. So, this Critics’ Choice nod must feel like, “Finally, awards committees are catching up to the rest of the world.”
Slowly but surely we’re cracking into that illustrious group of shows that get nominated for things and it’s a wonderful feeling. We’re a very small show, and I think for very small shows that don’t necessarily have huge resources to promote themselves for award consideration, a nomination from the critics at this point is fantastic. It means it’s been word-of-mouth, and I think the fact that we are also streaming on Netflix has cracked us open to an entirely new and different audience as well.
And listen, our team, first and foremost, just wants to tell really interesting stories and wants to have fun when we go to work every day, and that has always been the goal for me as someone who’s running the show. The minute you start to look outside and think, “Oh, we’re being recognized for this; people are putting us on lists,” it’s wonderful but it can really change the experience of making your show. Suddenly you’re more concerned about, “Are things living up to the standards that the media have kindly set for us?” And that can be really intimidating.
So I try not to pay attention as much as I possibly can; especially when we’re making our show, I try to disengage from all of that so we can really focus on what’s ultimately going to serve our characters. But I’m not gonna lie: It’s been a joy over the past couple of years to see our show up there in the ranks of other shows that I have long admired myself. So I’m just ultimately bursting with pride for our team.
How are the Roses coping with each other during season 5?
Season 4 was a really emotional chapter in this family’s trajectory and we were able to really peel back some layers and show a lot of growth. Season 5 is really about having fun. The guards are down a little bit, which means we can have more fun with our characters, we can put them in stranger situations.
We tried our best to pair characters this season with characters that have never been paired before and really take stories outside of the box and expand our world a little bit, so this season was always intended to be the shiniest and brightest and boldest we’ve ever done. But I’m just really excited because there’s so much in store in season 5. It’s bursting with life and joy and I can’t wait for, particularly, a few episodes.
David does a lot of things this season that, for me, as a gay kid growing up, were horrifying: tree-climbing, baseball. What was your favorite David adventure to shoot this season?
The fun thing about David is he’s someone who has put on such a front for so long that he has really, over the course of his two years in this town, allowed himself to just get in better touch with himself and expose himself to vulnerability in ways that he never would have. So something like the first episode of season 5 (laughs) – constantly feeling the need to prove his relationship and how far he’s willing to go for it – was really fun. I mean, the day was grueling and I was stuck up there (in the trees) for, I think, seven hours…
So by the end of the shoot, your face was David’s. You weren’t even acting anymore.
(Laughs) The character and me as a person really came together in those moments. But yeah, I would say the excitement of our first episode back is really an indicator of what’s to come.
I can’t believe these characters are just now trying on Moira’s wigs. How did that not already happen?
The idea was, for us, that she needed to be on a totally different continent in order for David and Alexis to even dare touch that wall, because of all the things, all the buttons you can press with Moira, those wigs are everything (laughs). So we thought it could be really fun, considering no one’s ever tried them on. And we never ever really touched it, but that was really out of respect for Moira, who was holding court in her home. Now that she’s away we can all sort of have some fun with it, and getting to select which wig we got was a really fun process too. I tried on that little blunt, blonde wig that I wear in the episode and thought, “Well, this could be good for my real life!”
Will there be more Mariah stuff? And also, how much Mariah is played on set?
A lot of Mariah is played just in my life, which seeps into my professional life. She tweeted about the show last year after the Mariah Carey reference in our season 4 finale.
You recently celebrated that tweet’s anniversary on your IG.
I’ll be celebrating that anniversary for years to come. I lost it. There’s been some amazing people who’ve said some wonderful things about the show, but the Mariah Carey tweet, to me, was like, I don’t even know how to process that. I think back to being a teenager, putting up Mariah Carey posters on my bedroom walls. It was a full-circle moment.
The last time we chatted you told me that one episode in particular this season made you cry. Why is it so meaningful to you?
It’s a layered thing. I find it sometimes quite emotional to be in the position that I am in, to be able to tell queer stories and show them on a mass scale, to write moments and stories, and in this particular case a love story, that seems to really affect people. It’s hard not to think back to a time in your life where you didn’t have that kind of freedom. For me, I think back to high school when I was still in the closet and wondering if I would ever be able to live out in the open. To now be in the position that I am, getting to write what I find to be a really lovely queer romance that millions of people get to watch, it’s quite profound.
And how about the episode’s impact on you?
It’s a particular moment that I had to write that is something that most queer people go through and articulating that, dramatizing that, is just a very meaningful episode for me and for a character in our show. It’s a coming out episode. So getting to write that and trying to find a way around that kind of story that’s been told several times in film and television and literature, finding a dynamic way into that story and out of that story, was probably the greatest joy and challenge I’ve had as a writer for TV. And now that we’ve cut and polished the episode it’s my proudest episode we’ve done as a show.
Given that you understand the weight of this show on your audience, I’m guessing David and Patrick will never break up.
(Laughs) Um, I don’t ever want them to, but you never know what happens. All I know is that we do understand what our fans are enjoying and we certainly wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize their loyalty.
It’s the first successful relationship I’ve had in a while and it’s not even mine.
Funnily enough, me too.
For the Schitt’s Creek: Up Close & Personal tour, you and some cast members are touring various U.S. cities. How did the idea for the tour start and are there any Tina Turner musical numbers?
(Laughs) The idea for the tour started mainly because I think so much of the success of our show is based on the enthusiasm and the word-of-mouth that has come from our fans. And the feedback that I’ve received from our fans has been so much more than, “We love your show”; it’s long letters about how this show has provided sort of a safe space, a happy space, a joyful space in dark times. We seem to have a relationship with the people who watch our show and love our show that is slightly deeper than I think the relationship that a lot of people have with the shows that they watch on TV.
Shooting the show in Canada, we don’t ever really have access to a lot of our fans. We shoot for three months out of the year and the rest of the time is me editing or writing the show, and a lot of the response and feedback we got from fans was a desire to interact with the cast, and so we started developing this idea. It’s a Q-and-A, it’s very casual. We show some things we’ve never shown before, we show some behind-the-scenes stuff, we show some bloopers, and there may or may not be a musical performance that may or may not involve a Tina Turner song sung by someone who may or may not play my boyfriend on a television show (laughs). But for us, it’s a great way for us to meet our fans and for the fans to come and say hi in person. We did our first in Los Angeles a little while ago and it was incredible. There was so much love in the room.
Regarding the writing, do you think in terms of meme-able moments in the writers’ room?
No, no! In fact, there was some kind of Instagram sticker – you know the GIF stickers you can use? There’s one of Moira that apparently had like a billion views or something insane, and I’m always sort of amazed how people have taken moments from our show and turned them into these little internet memes, because when we’re writing we never really think about that. But it’s quite an expressive show (laughs), so I understand how it would be very easy to take some reactions from our cast and make some sort of universal reactions of disgust or confusion.
I used your face when I was disappointed by the Golden Globe nominations.
(Laughs) I’m so happy that I could be there for you in that time.
Has working on this show and writing queer characters with your dad bonded you in ways you didn’t expect it to?
I honestly don’t know, actually. The show has been sort of wonderful in the sense that we have been put in a position where we get to see each other every day. I think just going through the experience of making this show and seeing its success has been a wonderful thing for the two of us.
There are just times in your life when things happen that you’ll never forget and you know that you’re sort of in the middle of doing something quite special and lasting, so I know that whatever I do after this show, we’ll always have this time together, we’ll always have this sort of chapter of our lives that we got to immortalize on screen, which is quite lovely.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/02/28/schitts-creek-creator-dan-levy-talks-queer-journey/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/183119013920
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wonofwoo · 6 years
hi :) can you give me some advice? this is out of nowhere, but its something exo/kpop related
smtown is coming to chile and i might get a chance to see exo for the first (90% the only) time ever in my life. (this will cost me airplane ticket, 5 days travel n stuff) n ive been an exol for a couple of years now, loved n enjoyed every work they have done, but this year ive been feeling really down about a lot of aspects in my life, i thought it was a good time to change myself a lil bit, change the way i think about things that i do cherished a lot in the past, in my younger years 
i tried to focus more on myself, doing some different stuff, going out, tried to live my life more, find ways to have fun outside of the internet lol so the point is that exo do still bring me some kind of happiness and fulfillment, but at the same time, i feel like i will regret spending a lot of my money "just" for this
i might sound childish, but at the same time i feel really happy by the thought of enjoying the concert, going to a different country n stuff, i feel confused... im so sorry about this, but i thought an opinion from a different person would be really meaningful to me. thank you in advance, have a good day!
hello~ i’ve never travelled to another country specifically just to watch any kind of concert, mainly cos i’m a bit more selective about how i spend money on travel. i’ve seen some people follow wanna one around for the entire asian leg of their world tour. it’s def very expensive but hey, they’re super happy when they see their faves.
i don’t think it’s childish, it’s just very subjective way of spending money. some people may feel a lot stronger for a certain artiste because their music or activities because it brought a lot of healing for them (i’ve never experienced this personally, exo is more of like, entertainment, fave music for me) so they’re willing travel far and wide to watch every other concert. or just regular folks with solid bank accounts want to enjoy the euphoria of being in the whole fandom environment + watching your favourites perform before your eyes. if it’s an experience money can buy, why not right?
personal opinion - the most important aspect of it is that you have to be able to afford the entire trip, as long as it’s not going to break the bank or take a huge toil on your own / family finances. some people judge others for “chasing” kpop stars or whatnot but at the end of the day, it’s your prerogative - if you’re not doing anything illegal, you can answer to your own conscience, who’s to say anything?
if you’re looking to travel for “healing”, i think it doesn’t have to be just to attend a concert. i’ve travelled alone to korea, and really enjoyed the alone time. ofc, it doesn’t have to be korea, there are many countries and cities for you to explore.
i don’t think my opinion will help you make a decision, but hope you’ll come to a satisfactory conclusion!
0 notes
limejuicer1862 · 6 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger. The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
James Dennis Casey IV
James D. Casey IV is a southern poet with roots in Louisiana & Mississippi. He currently resides in Illinois with his Beautiful Muse, their retarded dog, and two black cats. Mr. Casey has authored five books of poetry, and his most recent title is Isomorphic released September 24, 2018, through Cajun Mutt Press. His work has also been published extensively by literary magazines and small press venues including Outlaw Poetry, Beatnik Cowboy, The Rye Whiskey Review, Dope Fiend Daily, Under The Bleachers, Zombie Logic Review, Horror Sleaze Trash, Pink Litter, Spillwords Press, and several others internationally. Mr. Casey mainly spends his days writing poetry, but also enjoys practicing magick, and cooking Cajun cuisine. Links to his books and other projects can be found here: https://­cajunpoetjames.wordpr­ess.com/
Drunk on Metaphors cajunpoetjames.wordpress.com
The Interview
What inspired you to write poetry?
It was a few things that happened to me throughout my life, then some things that hit me all in the same year. I started writing at a young age, but I didn’t begin to take it seriously until I broke my neck and back in 2009. Then my Mom passed away of cancer, and a good friend of mine overdosed and died on my living room couch. I had a lot of down time and was severely depressed so I was writing really heavily every day, and I decided to submit some work to a few places. After I had a few publications under my belt I decided to go through all the back-log of poems I had written over the span of 20 years or so and publish a book. Now here we are, five books later, and it’s the love of my life. If I didn’t have writing I don’t know where I’d be today, probably dead.
2. Who introduced you to poetry?
It was something I kind of stumbled upon on my own. My Mom was an avid reader, but she wasn’t really into poetry, though she used to take me to the local library with her when I was young. I remember running across a book by Robert Frost, and that sparked my interest. As I got older I started reading a lot of the beatnik generation poetry, and that’s what really made me want to become a writer. I love Bukowski, Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs, but especially Buk. His work just resonated with me on a level nothing else could.
3. What was it about Frost that sparked your interest?
I’d never read poetry before his work, and I fell in love with it. I even wrote one titled Fire & Ice not too long ago that was a nod to his poem with the same title. He was the first rhyming poet I remember reading, and it was so musical to me, that’s what drew me in. Since then I’ve steered away from the rhyming end of the spectrum when it comes to writing, and it’s still something I enjoy now and then, but I’m not a big fan of it like I was in my youth. After reading more free verse and other unstructured styles of writing that’s where I found my true love for the craft. But it was Frost’s musical way with words that sparked my interest.
4. How would you describe the level at which Buk resonates with you?
He has a way of slipping in between sleaze and beauty with an ease and style all his own that I’ve never seen anyone else able to achieve quite like he does. I dig that. He can speak to me on so many different levels. My favorite poems by him are from two completely opposite ends of beauty and sleaze as well. One is The Roach Hotel and the other is The Laughing Heart. It’s incredible the amount of ability he has to write in such a no filter way. He can express human emotion like no other writer I’ve read, and I love him for it.
5. What is your daily writing routine?
I have two different routines when it comes to writing. Sometimes I’ll wake up early, make some coffee, put on some tunes and have a mellow day just pecking out a few poems. Other times I’ll wake up late, start drinking booze, and chain smoke while I’m violently clacking away at the keys for hours without a single break. But both methods usually produce several poems, and I do write every single day. Even on days where I feel a bit mentally blocked I’ll force myself to sit down and write. It may not be any good, but I do it just so my head doesn’t explode. There’s always so much going on up in my grey matter that it feels like it will sometimes anyway. Writing has always been a therapeutic tool for me.
6. Is therapy the only motivation to write?
No, I write for several different reasons. If I need to get something off my chest, express myself in various ways, for creative or artistic purposes, personal goals, love, hate, all forms of passion whether it’s good or bad, and I find that most times writing is the only way I can say some of the things I need or want to say in the way I intend them to be said. Poetry is language in its most distilled form, and it’s easier for me to communicate that way most of the time.
7. What Is your work ethic?
Well I do admit, writing is definitely a full-time job for me, even though not a very profitable one. Especially doing it all on my own. Self promotion can be a bitch sometimes, but I put 100% of myself into everything I do. I also run Cajun Mutt Press, initially I started it to publish my own books, and now I’m publishing other writer’s work. I put 100% into that as well, and I love doing it. We have 5 titles published so far, two of which are mine, and we just started in early August.
8. How do the writers you read when you were young influence you today?
I feel like I’m part of the old Beatnik Poetry scene, even though it’s in the past and there’s a new generation of poets at the helm. They still influence me now that I’m older. Sometimes I feel like I was born into the wrong generation because it’s so different and more complicated now. Even poetry, you can read from the old greats and see that things were different – better in a way – and now things are on a totally different level. There’s still some of the same stuff going on in poetry, but it’s magnified into a whole new creature. The writers I read in my youth, and still to this day, influenced me to concentrate on simpler things in life. I try not to get caught up in the hype of today’s bullshit and just live in the now of my own reality, because everyone’s reality is subjective. That is how they influence me today.
9. Who of today’s writers do you admire the most and why?
There are a lot of great writers out there today, and I’m a big fan of a lot of the stuff I’ve been seeing on Facebook and other social media platforms. If I was to name them all the list would be ten feet long, but there are a few I can name from the top of my list of poets/writers that I admire. Ron Whitehead, I love his style of Kentucky Gonzo Poetry. John Patrick Robbins, not only a great outlaw writer but also a dedicated Mad Editor to more than one venue – The Rye Whiskey Review being my favorite. Ryan Quinn Flanagan, that man is one of the most prolific poets I’ve ever had the pleasure of running across. K.W. Peery, I love how he integrates blues and outlaw history into his work. There are several more, but like I said the list is ten feet long. These are just a handful of my favorite current writers that also happen to be friends of mine.
10. Why do you write?
I don’t really have a choice in the matter. I’m a writer, that’s what we do, we write. If I didn’t write every day I think my head would explode, it’s as simple yet complicated as that.
11. What would you say to someone who asked you “How do you become a writer?”
I think you know if you’re a writer, I’ve always known. No matter how many degrees you earn or brevity you claim, good writing isn’t something you can teach. It has to be learned by personal experience. I’ve been writing for many years, but I’m no master of the craft by any means, and it gets to me when people say they are. Especially young writers with a degree from somewhere and a cocky attitude about it. Some of the best writers I know weren’t taught, they learned on their own. So to “become” a writer I guess you kind of need to already be one, and know it, in the first place.
12. Tell me about the writing projects you have on at the moment.
I have several irons in the fire right now. Also, I just published a book that will be the first in a series I plan on doing titled Owls in Hot Rods with Pink Elephants and Dead Bats. That one came out on August 2nd, and I just published another book of poetry September 24th titled Isomorphic. They’re both through my own publishing company, Cajun Mutt Press. I’ve also published a few other writers’ work, and have a couple of books in progress from myself and various others. So I’ve been pretty busy in that department, but I love doing it. We also have a featured writer spot we do twice a week on Wednesday and Friday. If anyone reading this is interested they can look us up on Facebook for details.
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews:  James Dennis Casey IV Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""I am 17 years old, got my driving license 8 month ago, but i don't have insurance on my car! What would happen?""
What would happen if the cops would stop me? I have my mom's insurance, for my car , can it be helpful with the cops?""
Car insurance renewal & no claims certificates?
My car insurance is up for renewal soon, I had 1 year no claims before the current policy (but no certificate to prove it) and havent claimed during it. When I renew I like to look for the best price which may mean not sticking with my current insurer. If I change insurer and they ask to see proof of my no claims how can I prove I have 2 years? Will my current insurer issue me with a certificate saying 2 years (1 year with them added to the 1 year beforehand) or just 1 year? The other issue is that surely this certificate will arrive AFTER I want to begin my new policy?? Any advice would be much appreciated""
How can I find a cheap but good dental insurance?
I need braces so I want orthodontics to be included. I am considering family insurance since it usually isn't much more.
Best home Insurance in Texas?
I'm a first time homer buyer and I'm about to gets quotes for home insurance and I was wondering what are some of the best and affordable companies to go with????
Cheap car insurance PLEASEEE :(?
I passed my driving test yesterday and now really finding it hard to get insured, its so expensive what ive been quoted is redictulos, its like 3000 up to 12,000 !!! can anybody help me and tell me how to find a very cheaop car insurance place, i am only able to afford around 2000 a year but i need to pay monthly. i live in the UK Thanks guyssss much appricaited xxxx""
What is the best life insurance policy for people 65?
need life insurance
Where can I find a cheap but reliable enough car?
Ok... so my car died all of a sudden on me and now I am left trying to find rides. Riding the bus/other public transportation is uneconomical and too time consuming because I live far from work. I am unable to afford a car payment AND insurance (since the cheapest insurance I can find is around $140-150 a month. it wasn't even that high when I was 17). Where can I find a cheap car that won't break down? I can't buy from a private seller because I don't have any money. I can only afford to pay something month to month.
Is full comp' car insurance worth having ?
Apart from paying lower premiums and having to pay for repairs to ones own vehicle are there any disadvantages to just having third party fire and theft insurance ? I've had full comp for years, my car (10 years old ) was walloped by an unknown driver reversing in my driveway which caused broken lights and superficial bodywork damage, I've since been told by my insurance company that it's not economically viable to repair it - they would write it off less a 150 excess fee. Apparently, according to my garage this is common practise on any car over five years old. Yet at no time did the insurance company advise me of this so essentially I was paying extra for nothing. So, do you know of any other reason why I should keep the full comp' or just change to third party ?""
Car released to my insurance company?
my car has been released to my insurance company, for them to ascertain whether my car is repairable or is a write off, the car an MGTF Convertible was burnt to dust at the week-end and no courtesy car has been provided, making my journey to Edinburgh from Glasgow and back again every workday a bit of a nightmare, has anyone any idea how long this process of making me an offer will take, as it is costing me a fortune in rail fares""
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered , yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments. I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money? I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.""
Supplemental health insurance provider?
Does anybody have supplemental health insurance? Do you know of a good provider? I have never heard of it, my Mom was telling me about it. I looked and I found some places that said quotes for supplemental health insurance. but when I filled out the info it seemed like it gave me a quote for regular health insurance plan not supplemental health insurance. My health insurance I have through work has a high deductible so i am always paying out of pocket for I have not met my deductible.""
Paying for Insurance question?
Okay, is it possible for me to pay for insurance for only a few days rather than a month at a time? If so, how?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm currently 17 with and just got my license a couple of weeks ago, i was wondering how much does the insurance cost annually for a 17 year old like me? Thanks for your help!""
Does my boyfriends name have to be on the car title in order for me to be put on his insurance?
I will be buying a car this weekend. I am under 25, so the insurance is outrageous. my boyfriend is over 25. It is a lot cheaper if i just add myself to his insurance. My question is does his name also have to be on my car if i want to be put on his insurance? I was told yes but im not sure.""
Where can I find classic car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey guys I've recently received a classic 1992 Mazda Miata from my dad, which has been a treasured possession of our family for a number of years. I myself am now a member of the owners club and take great care of the car, but am obviously unable to drive it without insurance. While insuring the car with a normal provider would be far too expensive for me (at 17 years), classic car insurance is not only cheaper but fits my needs far better. I was wondering if anyone knows of a classic car insurer who would be willing to insure me, taking into account my situation? Thanks, Laurence""
Can my term life insurance rates go up?
If I have already bought a term life insurance plan for 20 years a year ago, and I get a new job which is a higher risk job, will my insurance rate go up? If so how much could it go up by?""
How much will i pay in car insurance for a used mid range priced vehicle?
i am a 20 year old single mother who lives with her parents and works full time.
Re: car insurance...?
My husband's name is the only one listed in the car insurance. I recently just got my driver's license, should I include my name in the insurance? What's the advantage or disadvantage of doing that? Would our insurance payment increase?""
Does a written warning affect your driver's insurance in Massachusetts?
I just got a written warning tonight in MA. I have a couple of questions, does it affect my insurance (I heard that it does not increase my insurance, but my insurance company is notified and my rates for next year will not decrease, is that true?). Also, how long does it stay on record? Much Thanks!""
Chevy camaro insurance?
How much is the chevy camaro insurance a month please answer asap it's important bc my daddy said it's time fa me to starting looking at cars so I can hv one my senior year
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
""What is the lowest, best Liability auto Insurance in California ?
I just got a Pt Cruiser that car dealership if offering 70.00 to insure the car however I do need liability insurance any one know of a good web site were I can compare some quotes instead of calling around or talking to a pushy insurance agent ?
Can I get private insurance with a van?
Hello Yahoo, I was interested in buying a bedford rascal for my first car however I've been doing some research and talked to a few people and they tell me if I buy a van then I'll probably have to buy commercial insurance with it- is this really true? Can I not have it strictly for private use? And finally, If I really do need to buy commercial insurance with it, will it cost a lot more than private insurance, and whats the pros and cons of commercial insurance over private insurance? VAN OWNERS! HELP!""
How much will Liability Car Insurance Cost For A 20 year Old Male?
Im going to get a car soon, something 2004 or older.""
What if I don't want to pay for car insurance?
I think its wrong that we are forced to pay for car insurance, what if we didn't have to? Assuming I never get it any crashes, I don't want to pay all my life to make sure that some drunk driver gets his car fixed.
Help! I need auto insurance fast?
I'm 23 years old and need auto insurance immediately. I live in California and would prefer to have nationwide coverage. I am single, no kids. I'm really considering liability or something low-end because insurance here is a lot more than what I was paying in Pennsylvania. I am also a full-time student and heard that might get me a discount with some agencies. Any advice?""
Why cant I find cheap car insurance?
I am 17 and just about to pass my test, I am after a 1 litre to 1.2 litre small ish car. I can afford the car which is no problem but when I look for car insurance its bringing quotes up at the cheapest 4500. Is this becuase I have not passed yet and they cant find my details on their system so they are just giving me a high quote or is this really what I will have to pay? I dont see the point in learning to drive if this is the case. Anyone have ad ideas or suggestions, all my friends seem to find cheapish insurnace but a few other people are in the same situation as me. Thanks""
This is About car insurance?
I am getting a car soon and I want to kniw how much insurance was for me. I'm 17 and a boy so I know isles should be high. And is it a monthly thing or a one time fee?
Do I need to have insurance on my leased car even though im not going to use it?
I'm leaving the country and will leave my car in my garage. I will be returning the plates as well. I dont want to pay insurance on a car im not using.
Website to talk to a car insurance agent?
Okay do you people know the site where you can like instant message a car insurance agent? I forgot wut the site was called. My parents need it.
How much will my insurance go up?
I am 16 and I just got my first speeding ticket. I have state farm and it is my first violation. I was just looking for a ballpark estimate.
""On average, how much is motorcycle insurance?""
Let's say for instance I owned a road bike with 750 cc's, how much would insurance be? Or at least AROUND how much?""
Car Insurance and Tax experts only please!!!!?
I plan to buy a used car for 1900, but i need to know how much the sales tax would be.......if you dont know a definate answer can you please give an approximation?? I also need to know about how much my insurance would be....I am 19, female and the car is a Trams Am...i dont know the year.""
Car insurance on a third gen camaro?
No idea who im going to for insurance but im19 and have 1speeding ticket on record ive never had insurance and my licensce was suspended for that ticket im trying to get my 1985 camaro on the road but testing the waters first and is there any way to reduce the cost of car insurance
""Pregnant, unemployed and I need insurance?""
I'm 24, recently terminated from BOA due to a matter with an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, I'm pregnant with my second child and unemployed. My husband is doing great for our family (we are a small single family living by ourselves). He's working and paying all the bills and then some. Where can I find some much needed health insurance for myself? Please advise. Thanks and God bless.. (I'm 24, african-american, non-smoker, not diabetic, don't have any std or sexual disease, and I'm healthy thus far. Please help) Located in Atlanta Georgia, USA""
Where can I find a cheap but reliable enough car?
Ok... so my car died all of a sudden on me and now I am left trying to find rides. Riding the bus/other public transportation is uneconomical and too time consuming because I live far from work. I am unable to afford a car payment AND insurance (since the cheapest insurance I can find is around $140-150 a month. it wasn't even that high when I was 17). Where can I find a cheap car that won't break down? I can't buy from a private seller because I don't have any money. I can only afford to pay something month to month.
Would it really cost me a lot more insurance?
I have a 93 camry and I'm trying to look for a new car to replace it. I asked my insurance company about the cost of insurance for a 2009 honda civic EX sedan 4 door and it was 536 every 6 months. Researched that car more to find out it was in an accident so scratched that car out of the picture. I found a 2007 honda civic EX coupe 2 door and no accidents and i see nothing wrong with it. They are both EX but the coupe is older. Would the insurance be much of a difference?
Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?
Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""
When does a car insurance policy pull your driving record?
If you have a car insurance policy that renews on a specific date, when does the insurance company actually pull your driving record? I heard they pull it once annually. Does it make sense to delay a speeding ticket court date until after the insurance renewal date? The insurance company in question is Amica.""
Why would an insurance company deny me coverage for not having central air and heating?
We wanted to switch from the local company we had been insuring our house with because their correspondance has always been very rude and they are very difficult to deal with to USAA who we do all of our banking, brokerage, car & boat insurance through and are very courteous and extremely easy to deal with. We were denied coverage because our home does not have central air or heating. We live in South Central Florida so a heating system would be an absolute waste of money (the wall unit in the Great Room and a space heater in the bedroom are more than sufficient to make the house hospitable in the few welcome days of winter cold enough to warrant their use). My wife and I both cannot stand Air Conditioning and would never use Central A/C other than the one or two times a year we would normally turn on our wall unit when it is too hot to bear and the windows and doors cannot be left open. Houses have existed for Milleniums prior to the invention of Central Climate Control and I am sure home insurance existed atleast a few decades before the invention of air conditioning. Why would not having central climate control be a disqualifying factor in getting home insurance coverage? I highly doubt that not having A/C or heat is going to make our house any more likely to be damaged or destroyed in a hurricane, robbed or flooded. Opening the windows and doors instead of having a HVAC system consistantly running in our house makes us less suseptable to fire.""
Can someone please help me with a question about affordable health insurance? Please some info?
Where could a 56 year old female find some legitimate affordable health insurance? I would appreicate any advice you could pass along. Thank You so Much!!
Wrong birthdate on auto insurance?
my parents wont help me out with insurance, i bought my own car, i have a full time job and i am really responsible. i am 4 months from being 18 and need to get auto insurance for my new car. i live out on my own already and handle everything by myself. Do I have any options with auto insurances that would take a 17 year old in washington state. OR what would happen if I put I was one year older for the next four months than changed it? Does the insurance company verify?""
How much would insurance cost for a 98' 4x4 Z71 Extended Cab.?
I am 15. Been driving since like December. No tickets or wrecks. I have a 01' Silverado Extended Cab 2wd would it cost the same? Also we have safeway. I am on libiaty or w/e it is.
What to do if i don't have auto insurance before purchasing a used car?
Im buying my first car. Im just looking for vehicles at the moment and ive never had insurance. Anyone been in this situation and can help me out?
Will insurance cover the car?
I'm getting ready to take my road test, but my Mom can't afford to have me added in her insurance policy. She plans on making me an excluded driver. My brothers & sisters are all covered if they drive her cars, because they don't live in her house. I still live at home, my question is, if I'm an excluded driver, and I were to get into an accident, would the insurance cover the car, or not? And I live in Michigan, if that helps.""
Do you have to pay for insurance if you get your learners permit in California?
I am 15 and am getting my permit next week and I was wondering if I would have to pay for insurance if I drive my parents cars.
Help on insurance?
does anybody know were i can find an affordable full coverage insurance in Los Angeles? its for an Escalade.
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?...?
Im 16 about to be 17. My mom told me she doesnt want to add me onto her insurance plan and she wants me to have my own, whatever. How much would it be for a 17 Year old to have insurance under his own name, living at home with a parent [Westchester, NY] is the main question. any help? first car is going to be a 99-00 Honda civic si""
Will my insurance cover all my mole removals?
I know my insurance covers mole removal, but I have quite a few on my face and neck that I want removed. I'm talking to a dermatologist next week. I was just curious if they would cover multiple at a time. I'm talking like 20-30.""
What is General Insurance?
Need clarification and knowledge about the car insurance? What is it and is it mandatory?
What if I don't want to pay for car insurance?
I think its wrong that we are forced to pay for car insurance, what if we didn't have to? Assuming I never get it any crashes, I don't want to pay all my life to make sure that some drunk driver gets his car fixed.
What is homeowners insurance declaration page?
im getting a loan but im not sure what a home owner's insurance is
Does fully comprehensive car insurance cover mechanical repair?
I am considering buying a car but have heard some worrying stories about engines needing to re-built and other expensive parts, if my engine went would my insurance cover the cost or would I have to pay out of my own pocket?""
""I'm looking for orthodontic insurance in california?? Can't find any, any suggestions??""
ok, i want to get invisalign, but can't find any insurance in california for it, can you please help me find one??""
Car Insurance for a 17 year old male...?
I am looking for car insurance as I will (fingers crossed) have passed my test by christmas. I need insurance on a 1997 P Reg 1.4L Renault Megane (which I have learned in, so will be buying off my dad) ... either that or it will be a 1.0L - 1.2L probably M Reg 3 door car, something cheap, small and cheap to run. Most places are either refusing to insure me, or are giving me ridiculous prices of between 3500 - 5000. Also, I am getting quotes as though I already have the full licence, and not provisional. I know people of the same age going to these companies with bigger and newer cars getting insured for 2000. Whats going on? U.K. answerers only please :-) Ta. J. X""
Where can i get fish tank insurance?
My landlord wants me to get a liability insurance for my fish tank. What can I do? Thanks
Car insurance help please ?
hi i know if you want alloys on your car you have to let your insurance know and they will charge you more but im after a vauxhall corsa sxi and they come with alloys as standard so should i mention i got alloys or will the quote already include that...... thanks.
Is there any insurance available for getting braces?
Is orthodontic dental insurance legit? How about medicare, will that cover it???""
Car Insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a red 2007 new beetle+hatchback?
Car insurance at 17. help needed?
Am 17 and just passed my test :), I was looking at the three following cars: - Renault Clio (1.2) - Vauxhall Corsa (1.2) - Peugeot 206 (1.1) All post 2000 pre 2003. Which insurance company is cheapest at my age and can anyone give me rough evaluations on how much it cost them/ would cost? Thanks.""
""What does SB Insurance mean, 9.95 a month on a credit card paper statement? Chase bank?""
What does SB Insurance mean, 9.95 a month on a credit card paper statement? Chase bank?""
Has anyone used Canadian Direct Insurance and experienced any issues or problems?
They offer great rates for auto insurance but before considering switching to them I'm curious as to whether other people in Alberta or British Columbia have had pleasant or unpleasant experiences with them.
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
I'm 16 I got a 97 Kawasaki ninja how much to I have to pay I have my own car insurance policy can I get it with the same company
California auto insurance rates going/gone up?!!!?
I'm turning 25 this month and called because i wanted to get a new (hopefully lower) rate for being that age and not having any tickets or violations. Then they go and quote me something HIGHER than what I'm paying! I asked why and that's what the told me. That the state of California has been hit with higher rates. ~WHY? ~When did this happen? ~Why has no one talked about this? ~Am I the only one being affected? ~Is there anything I can do to lower my rate? ~So being 25 and having no tickets or violations is now pointless when it comes to car insurance??
What are some affordable/cheap community colleges in the USA for international students?
Hi, i want to study associate in business management so in which state i can find community colleges with low fees or which are the affordable and cheapest community college in USA for study? Thanks""
Will I lose my insurance?
My boyfriend and I recently found out were expecting our first child. I am a 20 year old full-time college student and am still under my parents health insurance. If we were to get married, would I lose my insurance? Also, if I would does anyone know of affordable health insurance for me and the baby?""
""How much would insurance be on a 2001 Porsche 911 Turbo, im 16?""
okay how much would first the down payment be? wich my parents will pay for, how much will the monthly payment be when i have nothing on my credit and im 16, and how much would ensurance be ? i live in northern california if that helps near sacramento""
Is there an individual health insurance plan that has bariatric coverage? ?
I need to find insurance that has the following: 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out of Network Coverage 3. 60-100% Out of Network Coverage per day Does anyone out there know of one that has all of these features?
Homeowners and health insurance?
We have Nationwide homeowners insurance, which is just added to our mortgage. If we get health insurance through them too, do you think they can just add it to our mortgage also?""
Auto Insurance Question.?
Just want to know if your supposed to know the exact dates of your tickets when you get insurance. Because I have 4 tickets and when I get quotes online they always tell me to enter the date. And I just enter a random date b/c I dont really know. And also they say by how much you were speeding. Which I also dont remember. Do you NEED this information? What If you don't enter it? Is it like against the law? And also if it is needed what do I do? I never had my own insurance so I have no clue. Thanks
Is my insurance company responsible !?
I recently submitted a claim to my insurance company an it was rejected . At some point during some severe weather something struck our roof causing water to enter . The rain water caused the sheetrock ceiling to crack and start to collapse . We were told by our insurance provider that this was caused by a manufacturer defect . The manufacturer checked the damage and disagrees . I also disagree being that we have lived in the home for four years and this the first appearance of water . what should I do next ? I have already submitted statements from the manufacturer . The insurance company has also declined to renew our policy because of the damage .
Car insurance for young drivers?
hi, im turning seventeen this year and im thinking of getting a car so i can get a job to support my family and my girlfriend i was wondering how much it would cost me to insure a 1999 ford fiesta as my first car, i just need a rough idea so i know how much im looking at thanks in advance""
Insurance low balling me?
The top of a dead tree fell from neighbor's yard, onto my car. Speared the back window and ruined my back seat. Large dent on the roof. Random dents and scratches all over the car. My full coverage insurance company, USAA, declared the accident covered under comprehensive insurance. Deemed unrepairable. I purchased my car for $5k, near $6k after 2years of financing is paid off. This accident just happened after 4 months of payment on the car. I have $3k left to pay. 1999 Honda Civic EX Coupe. KBB valued at: retail, $5.1k. private party, $3.3k. My insurance claim payout will be $2.6k. Which leaves me roughly $500 in the hole. I do not have gap insurance, and I wasn't even aware of gap insurance until this accident (at which point I came across that service while researching insurance info). It would cost me upwards of $5k easy to replace my Honda with a same or similar model from a car dealer. Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim? Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim?""
Have a car but no insurance?
This is an answer I got about owning a car with no insurance and if my license would be suspended even if I turn in the tag and registration. It makes no sense as a lot of people have licenses for ID only and do not have a car (because they aren't allowed or can't drive): By law if you have a driver's license you are supposed to carry insurance whether you own a vehicle or not. It's usually called non-owner's liability coverage. Because of this law they would be able to suspend your license if your company cannot provide proof that you have coverage. This answer makes no sense. I won't say who provided it/they don't allow me to answer them though.
How much are you guys paying for insurance on your dualsport or supermoto bikes?
Just out of curiosity, cause i'm debating whether i keep putting money into the 4 quads i got, getting a car, or just going with a dualsport for now, i'd get something like an R1 or such but i'd get kicked out of my house lol, but yeah i'm just wondering how much insurance would be on a wr250x or a wr250r cause i'm looking for something fun and make it have a good purpose too, so any help would be great, thanks!""
Question about Car insurance (UK)?
Does anyone know if / how mileage for year is calculated for insurance purposes. What do the insurers check for these details? I have a private policy for my second car (my non work runaround) and it is limited to 3000miles per year. Perfect for trips to the dump, bulky or messy trips to the shops etc. I lend the car to my partners foreign parents who use their own insurance policy (cheaper for them) to drive it during their vacations to the UK 2-3 times a year adding quite a bit of mileage to the vehicle. If we both have insurance to be driving my car, am I at fault for claiming low mileage allowance for cheaper insurance for the car?""
What if I don't want to pay for car insurance?
I think its wrong that we are forced to pay for car insurance, what if we didn't have to? Assuming I never get it any crashes, I don't want to pay all my life to make sure that some drunk driver gets his car fixed.
Insurance question (rates)?
if i get into a fender bender in a van for work will it make my insurance rate go up? the cops didnt get my insurance, only my bosses""
18 year old motorcycle insurance 600cc Toronto?
Hi I'm 18 years old with an M1 licence and a Honda CBR 600 in the garage. I have no driving record and I want to start driving in the beginning of May. What I'm wondering about is the price of insurance I should expect for just liability? thanks
Cheap insurance companies?
So ive just bought my new car, its a renault clio 1.4l. Its my first car and its insurance group 4. So i wanted to know if anybody knows any cheap and good insurance companies, thanks""
Insurance on a Corolla for Teenager??!?
I'm getting ready to buy my daughter a car && I need to know if insurance is high for a Toyota Corolla for my 16 year old. 2011 Toyota a Corolla or '10.
Do I have to pay higher car insurance if I buy a second car?
I have a Chevy Cobalt and have insurance for it. If I want to buy a used truck also so I have two vehicles, do I have to pay higher car insurance costs? Do I need to get a second policy for the truck?""
Insurance and tickets?
I got pulled over for being on my cell phone but the cop gave me a ticket for not wearing my seat belt which is only $46, i can pay online, and i dont have to go to court. Will this ticket be reported to my insurance?""
What will happen because my auto insurance lapsed 2 months in Virginia?
We accidentally let our car insurance lapse for 2 months in Virginia. We paid the insurance company to get coverage again. What should we do with VA DMV? What kind of fine should we expect? Should I contact them? I'm mainly concerned about avoiding a suspended license.
PA insurance laws?
Anyone know what the laws are in PA when you buy a car from a private owner? How long do you have to get insurance? I already have it on my car .. and I'm getting this new one and not transferring the insurance until the next day. What are the laws? Is it like inspection that you have 10 days?
Insurance: Can one person be a primary driver for more than one car?
Basically, I'm in need of a car, but cannot afford to pay my own insurance. I am considering putting it under a friend's name and have her as a primary driver and myself as a secondary driver, which would be cheaper. My concern is that she already has her own car under which she is a primary driver. So my question is: is she able to insure another car as herself being the primary driver?""
Whats a good way to lower car insurance if your about to turn 16 and live in Las Vegas?
Hi! I'm about to get my license come July and I just found out I'm gonna have to pay for it by myself. Is there anything I can do to lower my insurance and what would be the best insurance brand to buy that good, not so pricey, etc. Thank you!""
Car insurance question no claims bonus?
so, i went onto the website with the annoying singing fat man, got a reasonable quote for my classic car, declared all cars in my household, one of which is a company car with 2 years NCB. Paid the deposit and remainder was to be paid monthly by direct debit. After a couple of weeks now they've written to me wanting proof of the NCB I stated, wanting details of the previous insurance and policy number. So, I email them (as they stated in the letter that this would be the quickest way to resolve and avoid having my policy cancelled) saying the NCB was on company insurance rather than another private insurance which i think they assume I have (the option on NCB on the website included NCB on company cars), no response to my email, so I send another, now I've had a red coloured letter threatening cancellation of my insurance unless I provide the information. Tried phoning and it's either constantly engaged or answer phone. Emailed for a third and final time and put a copy of the email in the post with no response. I feel I have been totally mislead by assuming I have NCB on my company car policy, so, should they decide to cancel my policy can I get my deposit and 1st month's payment back? Citizens advice has told me that the policy was misleading and was not as described so I should be due a refund but how can I expect to get this if I cannot contact them? HELP and advice please!""
How much does insurance usually pay off if your car is deemed totaled?
Ok, so, my car incurred some damage due to the recent flood waters of hurricane Ike. A person from Safe Auto insurance company is coming out tomorrow to assess the damage. When we spoke to him over the phone, he said it sounded like our car would end up being deemed totaled. There is still amount owed on the car. If we were to pay it off tomorrow it would be $3100. The value on the car varies from tprivate party value in good condition being $3900 to retail value being $5600 in our area. We have a $500 deductible. Now, if the car is infact totaled, how does the insurance pay out?""
Car Insurance HELP? which would be cheaper?
im not asking for a PRICE,but which out of these 3 cars do you THINK would be cheaper on insurance for me. I am a new driver,I have good grades ( good student discount ) and Im going under my moms insurance. -2004 pontiac grand prix -2006 chevrolet impala -2006 pontiac G6 I dont need any websites to find cheap car insurance i just need opinions on which you think will be cheaper and why thanks! = )""
Looking for add on health insurance my company maxes out at $25000.00?
do insurance companies sell that type of insurance
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
What happens to my insurance after i got a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for the first time ever. The cop put me down as 80+ mph, which i needed to go 70mph. When my insurance bill comes in, would my insurance be higher? Also my insurance is AAA. I still haven't gotten my actual ticket in the mail yet, and i was wondering if my insurance bill would be any higher until I'm proven guilty, because i know that if i can take traffic school, it won't get any higher & the point taken off. But i was wondering until then, would it still get higher?""
How much will the insurance cost?
Yamaha DT50MX, how much will the insurance cost, Monthly or yearly also monthly wise how much do people spend on petrol?""
How much does a sixteen year old in BC pay for car insurance?
The car is an 87 porsche 944. my grades are less than satisfactory. i am expecting high numbers. i make $9.50 an hour working ten hours a week. also, is it even possible for me to pay the insurance along with gas and income tax? (car takes approx. 20 mpg) i drive about 30 miles a week.""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Whas isthe best health insurance plan for single individual?
Married male, 33, smoker. Wife has insurance through job, I do not. Too expensive to go through her work. What is the best/most affordable per month insurance plan for myself only?""
What happens to your health insurance if you get sick & can't work?
What if you have health insurance and something happens where you get so sick you can't work, so you can't pay your health insurance bill each month since you can't go to work anymore. Will your health insurance be active while your sick and out of a job? Or will it shut off since you stopped paying the monthly bill since you weren't able to work? I don't get it, why would someone buy health insurance if when they actually get sick, the health insurance will be canceled? What if I break my leg, and can't work...and in 3 months of not working my health insurance gets cancelled...but it takes 6 months to heal your leg. I don't get it.""
Car insurance?
I got NYC Driver's lisence but my car is register under someone else's name in New Jersey. If i get a ticket speeding ticket I know it will affect my record but my question is, will it also affect the insurance of the guy the car is register under? if so how much?""
Which insurance will pay the benefactor the most amount of money in the shortest span of time?
If you're a failure and you've decided to take out insurance naming your mother as the benefactor: 1. How long do you have to wait before you kill yourself for the insurance to be valid 2. Which insurance gives the most amount of money after you die. There's no other way. Parents should be able to retire rich and happy and not have to worry about their kid being a failure all the time.
What should I do if my attorney is not paying me my insurance money(california)?
ok.. I've filed a claim against my home insurance company through a lawyer. It was a house related claim. I was told my claim was settled and signed the settlement paper from attorney's office about 5 months ago and still have not received the money yet. So I called the actual insurance company and found out that the money was paid out 4 months ago. When I called my attorney's office, 4 different agents told me different stories and I noticed they might be trying to keep the money. is there any way to file a claim against lawyers? Please help""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I live in new jersey, 20 years old, I drive a 1996 oldsmobile, and I'm on my boyfriends parents insurance paying 115$ a month, my boyfriend and I share the car, he's 23 & the insurance was originally 80 then it went to 115$ because his sister got in an accident...I would like to know how much do you pay & what's your insurance company?""
What if I don't want to pay for car insurance?
I think its wrong that we are forced to pay for car insurance, what if we didn't have to? Assuming I never get it any crashes, I don't want to pay all my life to make sure that some drunk driver gets his car fixed.
0 notes
bjornartesttest · 7 years
May 2017
So its now been around two months since last post. There has been some changes, but no major changes I would say. Lets see
I helped Agatha  with her school project, a relatively quick project that went pretty smooth. I cant say I had too much of a say in it though, as she had a very clear idea about how she wanted to go through with it. We had a launch at the top of The Thief with loads of readings and performances. Fun, but also a bit exhausting. I did it for free, on a very short notice as a friend. Ive been doing that quite a lot for her. Its still mainly fun, but I am also a bit unsure about her processes sometimes. 
I also made a catalogue for Vårutstillingen that went pretty well recently, so they already hired me to do a project for them in August. Other then that I helped Trollkrem with a little floor text for their exhibition at HaIK, and I am still working with Tableau on their website. She keeps on changing stuff witch is kind of frustrating (Tove), but Im just going with the flow and helping her when she needs me. Easier that way, + we need to keep a good tone. Hopefully we are soon done!
Me and Morri are also working together on a project atm for Stavanger Kunstsenter, together with Geir Haraldseth. Its been quite nice I must say - we have a quite nice tone and inspire each other I think. We have been thinking about doing more work together in the future and I have been thinking a lot about this lately. I am thinking about doing a career change next winter, and I think if I have people like him to work with that would make a change like that quite fruitful. I am also potentially working with this other guy, Alex on a small project but we keep on extending the deadline and now he is considering moving to England, so lets see..
Basically what I need to do it to sit down properly and think though things. Step by step, and gradually make the rigght moves. It would be great to go into the summer having thought properly about this so I can spend some time to digest and take it in. I need to head full on this fall if I am going to make it work, and I need to make a proper busines plan and some savings. Ideally I need to save up money to cover my basics for about 6 months. Thats about 70.000 NOK. Can I save up 70.000 next fall?? Next week me, Harald and Saga will have a study group about a book Harald recomended. I will buy the book today. 
At Bleed Ive been working a lot with Visit Norway and a project for them regarding safety in nature. Ive been given a lot of responisibility, and its been quite fun. I went to Preiestolen for a week f.ex to Art Direct 5 movies. Now Im finalizing the project and am hoping that it will end up smooth. 
Im also the leader of Grafill Grafisk design, and would really like to make a bit more out if it. I dont think I am goving it the attention it needs atm, so I will talk more with Sara about this today. How can we make the most out of this??
Me and Ingemar still hang out a lot as friends and that’s working out relatively fine. Hes still a bit much to handle sometimes though. Last week he started dating someone new. A 22 year old, super sweet and stunning guy from Rogaland. At first I was weirdened out by it and not quite sure how I felt. Was I jealous? Did I feel old? What was I supposed to feel? Everyone also got quite drunk and they started kissing very openly in the middle of the room, in fornt of everyone. I think my reaction was that I just got a bit numb and not sure how to focus my thoughts. I ended up sitting down with them and talking with the new guy and I really liked his personality.  I think he is good for Ingemar, and I think I can get used to seeing more of him, and also letting my friendship with ingemar more normalized. It feels kind of like he is a younger brother, or something a long those lines.
After the last time I wrote, I asked Germain what he wanted, and he was honest and straight forward about him not being in the right space to move forward with me. He got in touch agin a few weeks ago and we met. We tried to have sex, and the chemistry was gone. I think I got a bit overwhelmed by it all. It has felt like so many failures and rejections in the love-sector lately and I think it definitely put me a bit down mentally. I had a long break from both seeing and meeting up for hookups with boys, with was really good for me. A slow build up that made things more calm and made me stronger and more focused mentally. Having that said I recently had a setback. After easter holiday I sort of went all overboard and digged bit too deep into things - meaning sex. It was soooo nice to have sex, feel passion, skin and lust again after such a long break that I sort of just lost myself a bit into it again. During the past of 4 weeks Ive probably had 15 sex partners, at the most seeing 3 boys in one day. Why? And should I feel bad a bout it? A lot of it is really hot, but I often end up feeling broken in the aftermath. Like I give a little bit of myself each time, and then I loose grip on myself a bit and get this feeling of not begin in control anymore. Its like just urging for more more more more and then then more you get you get this bad tasting sauce. For instance, I met up with a two different guys the to days prior to my lat meeting with Germain. How could I possibly find more room for him from a passionate point of view after that? I could hardly even get it up.. Also, because Im on PreP Ive had more unprotected sex. This again has lead to me now having a STD (not sure which one yet), with is also extremely downgrading, as its only about a month since I tested myself the last time. I am working as a voluntair - testing people for STDs for goods sake. I should be able to have a more grounded relation to sex myself too then no? I think maybe the goal here needs to be that I can see guys for sex, but that I need to cut down on my availability again, as it gets a bit too much into my head. Once every now and then is OK, but not more then once per week. You can do that. Other boys.. Ive met a few great guys here and there, but I am not in a place where I am ready to chase any one right now. Why can’t someone chase me for a change? Lets see what time brings. Vegard and Sigbjørn has a very cute friend called Ole. He added me on both instagram and Facebook so maybe thats good for something. Max is also in town now for a few weeks. Maybe Ill send him a text and checks out if he wants to meet up for a bottle of wine some day next week. Caution though: Max really got to my feelings the last time. Better safe then sorry?
Roger texted me yesterday, like he usually does every 3 - 4 months. Sweet messages. Hes thinking about looking for a new job. Exciting and scary for him I guess. Im missing his lust for me a bit still. 
I have been hanging out a lot with some new friends of mine quite a lot lately - Vegard and Sigbjørn (a couple). We have met almost every week, and have been on holiday trips together as well as going out quite a lot - also togehter rwith Ingemar actually. Sort of a new unit. Its been really nice to bring in some new perspectives and positive people in my life. I feel I can be 100% myself, and talk about the good and the bad, and they generally make me feel very secure and rooted. We are also heading to Tel Aviv this summer - looking forward.
Someone read my tarrot card last week. It said I had 3 previous love interests that all were differetn and very important for my past developemnt. Duh: Roger, Antti and Tim. It also said that I was in a good place professionally, that I was a good leader, a high performer and ambitioius. For the future it said I would go though a huge change thatwould be really challenging and make me see life in a different way. I could expereince health issues, so I should look after myself. Im thinking this change might be 2018. Lets make the change as proactive and challenging in the rigth ways so I can land safely on the other side...
Im going for a weeding to Deepti my first girlfriend this week in Kristinasand. Indina/Norwegain wedding with loads of lovely old friends. I actulaly think it will be really nice
The week after Im heading to Lisboa for a weeked to viit a guy I met in Kirgizistan last summer. He is tiny, has a big dick, and a scooter. lol.. I think it will be a fun weekend. 
Im going to Tel Aviv this summer with Benni, Vik, Kris, Vegard and Sigbjørn. Were watching Britney.. hehe. wil be fun. 10 days in a huge appartment. After that Im heading to Kenya to hang with Carmen. Were doing safari, beach and some mountain hiking. Ending it all off in Berlin. Probably broke as hell...
Ok thats it for today!
To do:
- Make 6 month plans
- Talk further with Morri
- Plan Grafill more in depth
- One boy a week
- Book last plane trip in Kenya
- Make a updated better list.....
0 notes