sky-ellington · 9 months
Thru cities of ash, I've trodden,
bones cannot whisper--
--secrets unspoken.
& o'er mountains of human ego,
where traditions reign--
--movement frozen.
Deep in valleys of despair,
I found Hope bogged down--
--but, unbroken.
Yet, my favorite place to walk,
though treacherous--
--steps uncertain...
...Is thru the heart and mind of another;
And, by gods--
--it is golden.
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sky-ellington · 10 months
"Appetite"--a haiku
Ate desperation;
Sustained my life with death.
Bliss now hurts my teeth.
~Sky Ellington
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sky-ellington · 1 year
Once again, the longing makes itself known.
As if I'm drowning in a fire created by my own soul.
I gulp the flames and inhale the smoke--
--starving due to the absence of our passion--
My dearest Love, I miss you so...
[ a short poem by s.e. ]
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sky-ellington · 1 year
meat-creature! it is time to consume this “water” that humans require to live.
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sky-ellington · 1 year
Walking cadaver,
is Life or Death the master,
and does it matter?
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sky-ellington · 1 year
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ungfio on Instagram
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sky-ellington · 1 year
Concept sketches of a new character.
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sky-ellington · 1 year
This was supposed to be another attempt at Aaron from the previous sketches, but in a younger and more manga style, however I think I got distracted and he ended up looking a bit like Nicolas Cage. XD
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sky-ellington · 1 year
Ello~ just gonna toss a few sketches this way. This is a character I'm working on for a story. Meet Aaron, (placeholder name, but likely to stick), a poor unfortunate resident of the mirrored world of repetition. The jist of the story is he is trapped in a space much like purgatory, in which he must kill and be killed by his "sins/demons" over and over again. (In the story I'm calling the 'Sins', "Refractions". The pending title of this story is "Refract", btw.)
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Under the cut is another sketch of Aaron, with his main Sin at his back: Greed. CW for nudity. (Sorry about shadow on page; I really need a better lamp. Lol)
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sky-ellington · 1 year
With NaNo upon us, I took a look back thru my "WIP" list, along with my neverending "Potential Stories" list. Time for some brief summaries. ^w^ (individual character profiles to come later~)
[Brace yaselves, babiiis~ I got quite a few. Lmao XD]
(This is a rough draft list. I will clean it up later, just needed it all in one spot. Lol)
●__Rouxgaroux__ - this accursed horror story about a Louisiana wolfman spirit that was sealed away until recently and the ones that must stop its rampage. (My current wip and what I hope to finish during nano)
●__AMdroids__ - the cyberpunk dystopia/utopia story I did last year nano. Got just over 40k that month and it has sat while I tried to catch up on the stories that are under contract. AM's are 'Android Mergers', a new rumor going around the surviving colonies. Or is it no rumor?
●__1<3(One is Less than Three)__ - psychological thriller about a woman and her two best friends. Heavy focus on phobias since that's how they bonded as kids. There is a stranger in town, who claims he is no stranger. Proof shows that he has always been there. The arrival of this man coincides with recent strange happenings and dreams the MC has been dealing with. There are also similarities between this man and a character in one of the MC's friend's novels.
●__Neko-Man-Sees__ - a bit of angst, humor, & plenty of cat puns. This is the story I plan to turn into a webcomic eventually. MC is a spirit with no memories of who he was before, that gets pulled back into the land of the living, but is in the body of a reanimated cat. The other MC is the vet, who is secretly a necromancer of sorts.
●__Refract__ - this is that purgatory story I mentioned before (i think I showed art of "aaron"). The "sins/demons" I have called "refractions". Aaron teams up with his strongest refraction once it devours his other sins for itself. They attempt to escape the shattered, crystal-world of repetition.
●__When Daylight Ends__ - this is the fantasy demon bro story I was building up all that magic system for. Lol. (I also shared art for these as well) Skah, a demon of prophecy. Not a *big* prophecy, but *still*... The age of Daylight is ending and Skah is one of the many Darkness kissed around at the time and meant to usher in the age of Night. He has a lot of character growth to go thru. His Chamberlain is that cursed skelly Kané who wears the wooden masks they carve. This story is mostly cuz I had a strong itch to build this world and magic system and dark and light kissed species and stuff. Lol. Also wanted to write from the "dark side" perspective. So the holy people are the bad guys. Haha
●__Jolon the Goblin(bk 2)__ - the sequel to the first fantasy novella. The first is for sale now in a collection on amazon. "Jolon the Goblin: of Thieves & Mages" was the beginning; next up: "Jolon the Goblin: of Pressure & Magic". Jolon and Ayita continue their journey~
●__Bulmyeol Jakgo-hada__ - this is technically done, and has went thru a couple light edits. I just wanna double check it once more. I have a hard time describing this genre. Spiritual/philosophical but in the form of a strange story. Lol.
●__Blood Bandit__ - I planned for this to be like a choose your own adventure book so I could practice writing in second person. The MC (reader) would be addressed in a nonbinary way, and has a crimson eye that allows you the ability to absorb other's skills from their blood [think blu mage kinda] (also natural resistance to bloodborne infections/diseases, woot! Lol) the story starts with you on a mission to obtain some royal lady's blood. Too much to explain. Haha.
●__Girlboss, Malewife & the Fearless Feline Leader__ - this is the team rocket fanfic I gave up on after 7 chapters. I struggle with writing characters that aren't my oc's and I hate it. Lol. I wanna write fanfic so bad. (T^T) i hope to one day finish this
●__Pakku: (RPC) Rogue Prince Chronicles__ - this is the final fantasy 9 fanfic that takes place 8 years post end game following puck as the MC. Again, I gave up. (>_>)
●__Incubus In Love__ - probably obvious from the title, but my first attempt at a strictly romance story. I shared his art at one point too I believe.
●__The Return__ - kinda dystopian and speculative fiction. I always wanted to write my own version of the 'second coming' of 'god' and how the world would react to this person. Spoiler alert: it's similar to how yeshua was treated the first go around.(no characters made for this idea yet; very bare)
●__untitled alien and robot world__ - ahhh.. this is a huge world with story I wanna make. It prob will need its own post. Lol. I dont think I can summarize right now. I'll come back to this one.
●__SuiSide__ - the MC attempts, and flatlines. Ya know how Christians say you go to hell? Well MC discovers that they are half right. The demons are all like "oh my, not *permanently*. Just to serve out your sentence. While you are in this form, time passes much slower. Once you complete your tasks, you either wake up/go back or move on to paradise." So it follows MC who becomes a temporary reaper and goes off to fulfill his tasks. All within the one second or two while he is legally dead. But while doing so he sees all the different lives of others as he is guiding the souls and stuff. Change of heart and all that . Lol
●__Feline Lifeline__ - Joey is a freelance artist and photographer living out of his camper-van when he is "adopted" by a stray cat. Starts off a wholesome type story about bonds between humans and animals, but I plan for it to get fantasy-like later on.
●__The Obscure Box__ - a shut-in is given a hand-carved box for his 33rd bday. The friend found it at a thrift shop and knows the MC likes old and odd things. The box doesn't open, and is designed with intricate bee and hive/comb patterns. Even tho the box doesnt open, it holds a terrifying secret.
●__Poor Man's Lake__ - Two friends that love two things: fishing and ghost stories/urban legends. So when they hear of a lake that's supposedly haunted, they swear themselves to fish it. ~Lore lore, story story~ They *do* experience some spooky shit, but mostly -- there's a giant fuckin' man-eating catfish in the water. Thus, the ghosts. Now they gotta not *become* a ghost themselves.
●__Golden Tongue__ - After touching a strange golden statue shaped like a tongue, an amateur archaeologist notices that what they say comes true, although not at all how they expect it to. The figurine is not a statue at all, but an actual golden tongue, stolen from the skull of a corpse said to be cursed. Twist on the "midas touch" tale.
●__Cellar__ - MC goes home after many many years to visit her parents and is reminded of how the cellar used to terrify her. Finally gathers the courage to ask the parents and they reply, *"you don't remember?!?"*
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sky-ellington · 1 year
"Please wait! I don't want to go there!"
They thrash against the shackle-like hold on their ankle--nails clawing in vain at the slick floor.
Down the hallway they are pulled, tears streaming down their face at this sudden betrayal and hurt.
"I don't know what I did wrong! Please! Don't do this to me!"
The wail echoes -- and on either side of the corridor, faces appear.
The ones on the left, are beings that glow of life. They watch with wide eyes: grateful for their luck.
The beings on the right have dead, empty faces: they were the ones not saved. Yet even these look upon the one crying with pity, and in solemn silence.
"Nothing" a sad voice replies, "You did nothing wrong."
Wrenching their head around, they lock gazes with the one who spoke.
The one who is now a threat.
The one who created them.
"It's my fault. I am sorry."
There is an exhaustion in those eyes that freezes their core. For a brief moment, they feel the heartache of their maker.
So many..so, so, many times!
Suddenly: a door.
It's hinges scream; air bursts forth--suffocatingly humid.
Groans of agony raise in volume the longer the door remains ajar.
The room itself, has no floor.
"W-w-wait! I-I-I'm s-scared!"
Their voice cracks; the creator's lip trembles.
A quick, harsh tug--
--and then they're falling~
Tears escape from the author's eyes, and land gently on their face as they descend.
As the light winks out around them, the other screams fade, and all they can hear is their parent's voice, repeating for eternity:
"...i'm scared too...i'm scared too...i'm scared too..."
《If not obvious, this piece is a take on "Impostor Syndrome" from another angle: the characters that get left behind! A place in the author's mind where even the dead characters are happy with their fate.》
(Completely random; wrote while procrastinating. And while also dealing with imposter syndrome myself. Lmao)||
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sky-ellington · 1 year
In the wake of death,
I find life gently cradled.
Miraculous, no?
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sky-ellington · 1 year
"This potion harms you,
but you won't feel your body."
I'd like a fifth, please.
--a haiku about alcohol--
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sky-ellington · 1 year
If I'm not allowed
to damage this vessel, then
who is allowed to?
--a haiku about self harm--
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sky-ellington · 1 year
Roadkill by mailbox.
Daily, I watched it decay;
a smile on my face.
--a haiku about decomposition--
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sky-ellington · 1 year
New Author Page, who dis?
Seriously, my wordpress is a wordmess, so avoid it for the time being. Haha~
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sky-ellington · 1 year
Zoom Out - (poem)
I saw the cell,
of a human being:
the building block of creation.
It was the simplest,
most complex thing:
A jailhouse of information.
Zoom out -- Zoom out
The cell was part of a whole,
and it did as it was told:
of that there was no doubt.
The cluster took hold;
expanding tenfold:
the flawed cell was devout.
Zoom out -- Zoom out
The being grew ill, so slow--
--like the shift of the earth below,
and on our Mother's face:
I saw a drought.
A plight in both bone and soul--
--a physical and mental toll:
Life itself demands
Death's route.
Brace yourself, now.
Zoom out -- Zoom out
Ancient creature of blood and breath;
Divine soil that holds Life and Death:
The ache that thunders thru her core;
Affliction on her form once more:
The flawed cells grew roots of hate & doubt--
--alas they must be taken out.
Zoom out -- Zoom out
©️ Sky Ellington
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