#its my mental illness and i say the blorbos go in the tag
kindaorangey · 1 month
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my favourite thing about the ark has got to be the way NONE of them display any obsessive-compulsive behaviours!
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anyway - head over heels for that old man <3
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The top two characters will be eligible for entry into the bracket!
Propaganda under the cut.
Vriska Serket:
People love her! People hate her! People want to fuck her! People want her dead! It’s Vriska fucking Serket bby! No introduction needed.
she did nothing wrong but i guess you could bring up that time she mind controlled one of her friends to jump off a cliff permanently paralysing him and then later stabbed him through the chest with his own lance or that time she killed one of her other friends by mind controlling one of her friends or that time she blinded her best friend because said best friend blew up her magic artifact causing her to lose an arm and an eye. said best friend would later kill her and then thousands of pages later rework the timeline to not kill her. and then they kissed. shes also a mentally ill neurodivergent gay teenager living on murder death planet who was forced to murder lest her spider mom eat her for breakfast, basing her entire personality off her singular role model who was a fucked up pirate who lived a longass time ago. she has a redemption arc after dying and genuinely begins to heal from her traumas and work towards being a healthier and better person and then an alternate version of her gets created by aforementioned timeline reworking and shouts at her and steals her girlfriend. she did nothing wrong. she created so much discourse. i love her immensely. shes even vriska (vriska)
It's vriska. Need i say more?
It’s Vriska.
She had her own discourse tag (Vriscourse) due to all the crimes she did. These include murder (of enemies, friends, and strangers), a revenge sprial that led to her paralyzing one friend and blinding another, and literal mind control. She was one of the protagonists. Also one of the biggest problems that needed solving. A deeply hurt and desperate teenager, she tricked a lot of her team and a lot of the fanbase into thinking she was a shallow violent "spider8itch." She earned every last bit of vitriol she got. She was a scared lonely teenage girl. Her best friend (the one she blinded) murdered her. It was declared both a just and heroic death. It had to be undone with time travel because it was impossible to suceed without her. She had so much love to give. She delivered needless pain instead. She was a result of her society and unbringing. Her friends were not nearly as brutal as her. She's like if Azula ATLA had a sense of humor and was allowed to say fuck.
vriska serket ... she is still so controversial - hence the moral ambiguity yes she does do terrible things but consider: she has an evil spidermom that needs to be fed children and she lives on the imperialist militaristic kill planet ... is it any wonder she is so morally dubious ?
Damara Megido:
Damara lives in a caste based society where blood colour is tied to lifespan. She is of the lowest colour and thus she’s already on the bottom of society. She speaks a language not widely understood by her acquaintances, except for her eventual boyfriend, Rufioh. Her boyfriend cheated on her, so she paralyzed him and he was turned into a head on a robot horse body by Horuss, the guy he was cheating on Damara with. He then feels awkward around Horuss. She was also bullied relentlessly throughout her youth by literal royalty. She killed her tormenting bully, Meenah, the lowest caste kills the highest caste. She becomes so estranged from her “friends” that it’s suggested she has entered into the service of the literal destroyer of the universe. At the same time, when interacting with “friends” she portrays herself in a very sexual, horny otaku fashion, and pretends not to understand people when they talk to her. Tragic girlboss to herself.
Rose Lalonde:
this is my... twelth or thirteenth submission? i think. and not going to lie its all blurring together for me but rose is my ultimate blorbo of all time. shes a lesbian nerd with a degree in wikipedia psychoanalysis she uses to call her friends gay. she ends up involved in the end of the world and makes a plan to destroy the main villain which involves her own death. she consorts with eldritch beings and succumbs to their grimdark influence. she is shtity to her friends and is very self important. she cares deeply for them. she is a flighty broad and she has a lot of snarky horseshit. said grimdark episode is after her mom dies. she gets stuck on a meteor for three years and ends up becoming a teenage alcoholic. she goes on her first date unsure its a date and totally wasted. she flies around blowing up the structures of innocent turtles and consorting with dark cosmic entities. she gets stabbed through the chest. she dies three times over the course of the comic. she even gets gay married. shes such a girlboss and look its homestuck of course shes problematic. ultimate blorbo ever. vote rose
Terezi Pyrope was submitted without propaganda, but I am familiar enough with Homestuck to attempt to write some myself. Here we go:
She dreams of becoming her alien society's equivalent to a prosecutor, whose job is basically just to murder criminals with little to no evidence. She gets involved in a huge revenge spiral between all her friends. She fucks over one of the main human characters and ends up creating one of the worst timelines because of it. Despite all that, she ends up working for good in the end, and helps that same main human character rewrite the entire history of three universes to create a more favorable result.
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trickstarbrave · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
i got tagged by @throughtrialbyfire !!! idk who wants to be tagged though so if you see it. you can do it too :]
ill also answer under a read more
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
572,669. i have a disease that makes me incapable of shutting up
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i write for TES right now tbh but i've also written for yugioh and fire emblem three houses
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Consequences (fe3h) 1,483 Our Den (fe3h) 1,244 The Secrets We Share to Those We Love (MHA) 946 The World Eater's Eyrie (skyrim) 666 (LMAOOOOO nice) Alduin's Bane (skyrim) 569 (also nice)
5. Do you respond to comments?
god i try to. i love getting comments i just sometimes dont know what to say. i try to stay on top of reading them and responding if i can. if i havent replied to ur comment. i am stupid.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
most of my fics dont have endings tbh. i have either never finished them or they are just nice little one shots. however Siblings (fe3h) with twin byleths where one kills the other was pretty angsty ngl
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhh this is a problem yet again where most of mine are just happy little one shots or are unfinished. but i think To Walk the World with You Again (morrowind) is very happy. it hurts a lot in the beginning but ends with a happy loving reunion :>
8. Do you get hate on fics?
the closest i got was someone saying on Consequences (fe3h) that it shouldnt be tagged as M/M and instead M/F bc byleth was trans but other ppl ripped into them. i havent gotten rly terrible hate since fanfiction.net
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
all the time. i think i am primarily a smut author if im being honest. i just wanna watch my blorbos bone. as for what kind uhhhhh theres multiple kinds????
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i dont think i have. i am just boring tbh
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again not that i know of but if anyone wants to i wouldnt be against it
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
YES the cannibal au for 5ds with my lil bro. i still think abt that au all the time tbh. it was angsty. it was dramatic. it was complicated. it was filled with hard moral dilemmas and gods with non-human morality and a lot of mythology shit. sad we never finished it tbh but life was getting hectic.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
i dont know. rn i think its nerevoryn but trickstarshipping (where i got my url namesake from) still holds a special place in my heart <3)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ghosts of the Past (svsss). i really do like the story and had a bunch of it planned out mentally. qinghua's father was going to disown him when qinghua was going to tell him he was dating mobei and refused to hear qinghua out, there was gonna be drama with qinghua's family too where his dad says he firmly believes qinghua is actually the son of his identical twin brother who had an affair with qinghua's mother (his father was already cheating on his mom and she was wrong to do that, but no he is in fact the child of his bio-dad even being disowned). they then spend a summer vacation living together getting an apartment, go visit his uncle, and qinghua learns to enjoy his creative passions while finishing his degree with mobei and shen yuan's help, etc etc
the ending was going to be at a christmas party where qinghua's father catches a glimpse of qinghua at a company party. his wife (qinghua's former step-mother and the revealed mother of qinghua's half siblings rather than step siblings like qinghua grew up believing) thinks hes here to crash the party only for them to see he's there as mobei's boyfriend. his dad then tries to get in good with mobei who just brushes him off with "ah right, i know you. you're qinghua's uncle (since he refused to believe he is actually qinghua's father and it must be his twin brother he resented for being artistic and sensitive). i didnt think you were that close, why are you bothering me?"
qinghua goes on to be an accountant at the company, pretty high up too, and his father ends up quitting out of embarrassment and mobei being especially hard on him once he takes over for the company. he also continues to write his trashy novel while he and mobei plan to get married.
but tbh. i have morrowind brainworms. idk if i will ever finish it. sucks that one of the few stories i had all planned out with cdrama levels of bullshit i was really looking forward to going ham on i lost my motivation for when my hyperfixation changed.
i also wanna finish alduin's bane. i have a lot planned for that i could also spend an insane amount of time explaining. im hoping that the motivation for that one comes back though rather than me simply saying i probably wont finish it
16. What are your writing strengths?
i dont know 🧍‍♂️ if anyone wants to tell me i would appreciate it. i think it is like. i am primarily a romance author so i like working on dialogue, character interaction, stuff like that. ive also gotten compliments on my world building but idk if thats just my ideas or how i write them into the world.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i feel like i struggle with pacing and motivation. as well as stuff like war tactics and full on battles. again i write mostly romance i dont know why i torture myself with stories about war
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
its very hard. ive seen ppl do it well but i find it difficult to read bc i am stupid. even with notes and flicking back and forth i feel like its a struggle to understand even if the goal was to obfuscate the meaning from the audience as well. usually i just do another language in bold font and make it clear the characters are speaking another language. but honestly do whatever you want forever
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i think it was in fact yugioh. i had ocs and daydreamed up storylines but i dont think i really sat down to write a fic until i was 12-13 and was writing a tendershipping fic in one of my notebooks at school lol
20. Favorite fic you've written?
tie between Alduin's Bane and Moon and Star. i love my long ass TES fics where i just go ham and play around with the world building and mythology. its a lot of fun and i feel like ive gotten to be very creative in the setting and make something unique and fun with the storylines given in both skyrim and morrowind
thanks for the tag <3 this was a lot of fun and thank u for reading if you did
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