#its ok we love grey ppl in this blog
osachiyo · 6 months
I'm mixed but like I just look white
Not even white I'm fucking grey???
help 😭
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callmepippin · 4 years
ok so i was tagged by the lovely @lexiklecksi for the 11/11/11 tag, the rules are: answer the 11 questions she asked me, make up my own 11 questions and then tag 11 ppl to answer those (so if you want you can skip to the questions at the bottom lmao). however as a fair warning: this got Way too long probably bc im rambly today. i tried to limit the stream of consciousness but….
1. current musical obsession: Frank Ocean and related sort of neo-r&b stuff - while writing this im also discovering Childish Gambino’s “Awaken, My Love!” (and also the song Golden Brown, but not bc im listening to it but bc im learning it on both guitar and piano)
2. 3 things i always take with me:
- wallet (or at least my id)
- phone (&earphones)
- cigarettes&lighter
3. what (or who) i miss most in lockdown: i dont rly remember? im so used to the situation by now that i kind of forget to miss what i did when things were “normal”... but i guess going to bars w/ friends, and just being able to go shopping when i need smth
4. pick: either only read 1 book or only read books picked by someone else: i wouldn’t be able to only read one book for the rest of my life! so definitely the second option (esp if i can pick the person who picks the books)
5. why i found your blog/followed you and if i intend to stay: uhh you followed me and when i checked your blog i liked the vibe i guess? also you were v nice in the tags of my music stuff! also ya i like it here, so im staying for a while
6. when and why did i last cry: i genuinely dont know for sure.. the last time i specifically remember crying was my granddad’s funeral, which is three yrs ago this month, but i do know ive cried once or twice since then, i just dont remember for sure when and why.
wait i do remember, i think the last time was when i saw Richard Says Goodbye (live music and movies or books are basically the only reason i rly cry, im not an emotional crier, dont know why).
7. who holds the key to my heart: my partner of five (and a bit) years, whom i love Very Much! (although ofc my heart is not locked, i have so much love to give, just romantically i am very much taken)
8, pick one: star wars/star trek, dobby/gollum, white/black magic, flying/teleportation, time travel: past/future?
- Star Wars
- Gollum (even though i have read hp but still havent read lotr, ive read the hobbit like 4 times tho)
- i think the hard dichotomy btwn white/black magic or like light/dark and good/bad in most fiction is often v flawed bc thats not how the world works, everything is grey areas (e.g. the Jedi are not better than the Sith, both have deeply flawed philosophies). the Force (or any magic for that matter) is not inherently good or evil, it just is. nature isnt abt good or evil, isnt abt opposites but abt balance.
and especially if you work with the occult and magical, i think thats all abt walking the edge between light and dark, life and death, night and day, good and bad etc…
so to answer the question: grey magic lmao, its all abt balance
- teleportation i think, bc while flying is very cool, i think teleportation has more practical uses (although also has danger involved, such as what happens if you teleport into a space that is already occupied by a person or an object? but for the sake of argument, prolly teleportation)
- do not even get me started on time travel.. the implications of time travel to the past are…… complicated to say the least (it only works if you believe in hard determinism, which i wholly do not). so in a practical sense, def to the future (although that is also Problematic within the constraints of our four-dimensional universe/experience).
in a philosophical sense though, ignoring all the paradoxes and laws of time and space, id still pick the future (or maybe no time travel at all), bc i think the past is the past for a reason. we remember it, we learn from it, but ultimately we must leave it behind.
my philosophical problem with traveling to the future is more that you cant just. skip life. so if you travel to the future, it has to be way beyond your own life and direct influence, or youll interfere with yourself and your own future, and thats scientifically, psychologically /and/ philosophically a v bad idea all round, i think.
9. which thoughts keep me awake at night: almost never specific thoughts, but quite often anxiety abt the near future. but theres no like, lingering issues that keep me awake.
10. what id do with you if we were locked up together for 24hrs: i think i’d really like to write with you! make poetry, song lyrics, make art! bc we could rly learn from each other i think and also we could just rly pick each others brain abt mundane, important and transcendental stuff ya know?
11. ask anything: do you have concrete, long term plans for the future, maybe even backup plans? a clear vision of how the rest of your life is going to go? or are you more the type to do what makes you happy now and figure it out as you go along?
my own questions (large variation in vibes and weight, i know):
describe your favourite colour using other senses (like what sound, smell, feeling or w/e do you associate with it)
what’s the best thing that happened to you in the last week, last month and last year?
what’s the one thing/what are the things that help(s) you get up in the moring and keep putting one foot in front of the other?
are you a leftie? (warning: there is a correct answer)
do you play/have you ever played a musical instrument? (and for the sake of completeness, yes i am counting singing as well)
do you have one thing (e.g. a song, movie, book or smth else) that never fails to bring you joy?
do you have one (or more) person(s) you feel you could still hit up after ten yrs of radio silence and you’d still vibe?
what’s your favourite song lyric/line from a poem/quote? and why?
who was your first celebrity crush? (if you’ve ever had one obvsly)
what’s smth you’re looking forward to? could be specific, could be a general thing like a driver’s licence or your own apartment or w/e
this one is specifically to feed my curiosity, indulge me: why did you follow me?
congrats, you’ve managed to reach the end! again, very sorry for the rambles, thanks for sticking around. im tagging @alt-heidi, @terdiscussie, @a-soul-to-cling-to, @ontvreemd, @sarahhnghae and i guess whoever fuckin feels like it? i literally can’t think of 11 ppl on this hell site, so if i forgot you its not personal. if we’re mutuals you’re especially tagged.
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mikkock · 5 years
LBLMVBGK THANK U OMG love it when ppl like my kids, im a proud dad rn
ALSO wrow congrats on ur on point analysis, cause, that’s the Essence Of His Being (fun fact since i got two characters who go by the name of kai -cause fuck that basic writing tip that says ‘dont have two characters named the same thing- i usually refer to him as The Bad Kai cuz he a bad bitch)
so lets unwrap that dude shall we uwu 
SO this dude was created when i realised my story didnt have antagonists so i made a bunch of Bad People and then they all became good people after i started giving them more personnality somehow eXCEPt him for some reason, the only survivor of the “everyone will be baby” plague, the only rude bitch in this house, the only guy who’s still on the dark grey side of morally grey...but tbh im in love with him cause he’s an asshole and im an idiot so like.
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His base concept was basically something along the lines of “fuckboy but make it Couture”, like douchebag indeed But Gotta Be Fancy at being one, gotta add a pinch of Sneaky Bitch in the pot. His aesthetic is Chillin, gettin in ur pants, then moving on for some more chillin and more pants. So if you’re into some funky sexy time with no pressure and no ties, ya gon get along, your goals meet, time to have fun.
All that is supported by his charisma, cause unless ya got some nasty history, he’ll just look like that charming bad-boy “oho hot dude with a dangerous but not agressive” vibed person, and he’s quite a sweet-talker. He’s probs not only the ‘your daughter calls me daddy’ kind but also ‘and so will YOU, i’m scoring with the whole family and you wont stop me (and you wont WANT to stop me)’ 
He got that handsome ppl priviledge ya feel
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but also, he wouldnt be a rude guy if he was just the ‘i enjoy chill frick-fracking and im just so sexy that no one can say no to that booty’ guy
Dude got quiiite some spite-fueled ego and Does Not Take losing well, and will not, in fact, let himself lose on any objective he has, and when that objective is A Person, he gets ugly. Being good at sweet talking also means being good at small stuff like “not saying exactly the truth always when it would be more beneficial not to”, “deliberately using euphemistic, ambiguous or obscure language so to mask wrong doings and technically saying the truth but in such a way that it becomes completely masked by a thick fog of bullshit”, and “use words and behaviour in general to influence others unscrupulously so to get something in return”. Even a little “playing with their perception in order to make them doubt in their thoughts and selves”. In short dude got no qualms about using all the tools of manipulation available if it means that he comes on top (or on bottom if the goal was getting an assful eeeeeey we’re masters of comedy here) It tends to be all for short term results tho, so not much your ‘boyfriend who convinces you you’re nothing without him” and more of a “you thought you were dating but only you were thinking that as he always kept it just vague enough to have you not official yet convinced of his and now you’re blaming yourself for believing you were together”
master of getting ass, also master of Ugly Ass Breakups, and master of suddenly dissapearing from your life so hard that you wonder if it was just your imagination all along (he got ugly past with a bunch of other ocs especially he’s ex boyfriend with two that are now together cause i dig that sort of drama the sAME dUDe gave u the trust issues that held u from going full lovey dovey ? i fucking lIVE off that kinda shit wait until he pops back like ‘oho hello fancy seeing YOU TWO here my two fave exes together incredible what a small world”)
Though I have to rework on all that cause that backstory is oLD AS SHIT (like prolly i built it in what, 2016? ew ugly) I had that stem from some sort of neglect-fueled inferiority complex. I had given him a kinda cold family with a bunch of siblings who got Way More Nurtured due to their respective talents and achievements, having him left behind and feeling like he got nothing. SO that’s basically the explanation as of today but i dont like iiiiit anymooooore so I’ll have to work on it to make it something i dig, cause idk, bitch feels flat so far.
BUT i do intend on keeping the whole concept of ~Loneliness~, and of him working alone and quite hard for anything he gets. And the general need of proving himself that had come from the WIP backstory. I don’t exactly see him as an overachiever at all, but definitly as an obstinate and persevering hardworking guy, because “Look YALL I WAS aBLE TO DO THIS YALL THOUGHT I COULDNT HUH YALL LOOK DOWN ON ME well fuck u cause idc im better than u now also ur mum’s into bondage i kno from experience bye”. So tbh pair up with him for group projects, you’ll be sure his share of the work will be done (but also if you dont do yours then he’s probably going to be a bITCh about it, no remorse in leaving blank slides in the middle of the powerpoint and then loudly proclaiming ‘OH RIGHT This was supposed to be Kevin’s part but I suppose he never sent it to me, despite the numerous reminders i sent him, no big deal, no hard feelings, its ok sweetie we all sometimes feel too lazy i forgive u :)” )
Also he’d be Chill to hang out with for like, parties, nights out at the bar, that kinda shit. He definetly has some beans to spill about quite some people, he gathers the goss as he gathers lovers (i was gonna end that in “as he spreads legs” but it sounded too PG-18 for this good Well Behaved family friendly blog) and Will Not stay tight lipped, and Will be a bitch when trashtalking people, and It Will Be Entertaining as it always is when you’re hearing about crazy exes and you’ve had some beers. 
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Now trivia that idk where else to write cause idk i stupid or more like disorganised :
- he digs red ale beer like if ya wanna win him over with the appropriate alcohol offer there u go
- he’s a fake blonde (cause my hobby is painting regrowth roots on hair)
- his design is a mixture of those 3dgy denim boys u see on pinterest and the specific brand of fuckboys that are french-L-section-chic-grunge-hipster-fuckboys (L section is like a branch of highschool)(that word combo is a so specific kinda guy)(its kinda like a softboi but more arrogant but in a lowkey way)(also they rich)(but he’s not rich so guess that should make him Less Arrogant)
-im constantly dead afraid of giving him more characteristics and story or whatveer cause he’s the only meanie i got left and i do Not want him to stop being an asshole but everytime i develop a character they end up nice or redeemed or whatever and i wanna keep him a bitch so i neglect him (just like his parents in his 2016 version wow)
he smokes (prolly started quite early to Be Kool and now relies on it for stress relief)
he’s outspoken and extraverted and prolly the guy who had a lot to say when you were doing debates in class (there’s always that person who has a Lot to argument about)(its him) but outside of a Set and Defined debate structure he probably doesnt give his mind voraciously 
he’s a law student and despite saying he’s the one bad guy left he probably wont be a corrupt lawyer or judge or whatever like come on he will do his job properly he worked hARD FOR THIS justice may be served
he’s not the kind to openly hate or even dislike anyone cause what’s the point of wasting your energy on that? its much funnier to him to be obnoxiously Neutral with someone and basically ignore them but still strike them with some Spikes of passive-agressive comments, let them be Mad at your calmness
he’s 177cm tall (that’s like 5.8 according to google)
honestly if you’re bros with him he’s fun to be with the being a jerk is completly coincidental 
he probably ranks high in the list of “those criminals who steal big lighters from their friends” 
i think at a point his design had tattoos but i forgot the designs of those so now he doesnt anymore
a dog person
i think ive run out of facts (or my brain dead) so im leavin with a shirtless pic cause my hobby is drawing tits
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in short, charming asshole who can get ugly, secretly feels lonely and small, works hard for himself, better have him as a friend than as a foe though probably not the most frontally agressive enemy, and also, your booty, hand it over.
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19possums-blog · 5 years
On tianshan relationship and their fandom, i guess ?
hello there @nightfayre !! Im the 5asks anon lol (the one abt the last chapter of tianshan). I wanted to thank you for your answer and continue to rant in your askbox but i figured it was so long that mb it would crash ur box lmao, so I... kind of created a blog..... hm. well theres no bad reasons to create an account is there lol ?? (also is there no way to send a long ask ?? why is it so limited :(( )
So once again thank you for anwser, and what an answer ! You raised many points i didnt think about and that was very interesting. I knew i would be glad to hear your thoughts ! the rest under a read more coz i think its going to be looong lol
(( To do a sort of disclaimer : I despise fandom discourse and im more of the mentality “let ppl enjoy what they want as long as it dont hurt real life ppl”, and “dont like dont interact”. So everything im going to say is not an attack against anyone, but just a way of prolonging a manhwa that i like. Most of all, i want to emphasize that at the end of the day, its just a manhwa : it doesnt justify being mean or aggressive towards other real life ppl. If you find yourself raging while reading fandom wank, just stop reading, block, and go outside a little. My way of enjoying the manhwa is to be analytical, to criticize (positively and negatively) and to look at the material source as well as the fandom in itself ; if its (understandably lol) not your definition of fun, this post may not be for you !))
Ur totally right in saying that the hardest thing is separate morality, reality and fiction. I hope my asks didn't come across as a 'u shouldnt like tianshan bc its not morally good'. There is a lot of puritan push back on tumblr lately, and im totally against it. Everyone is free to like/ship what they want ; reading only ‘morally good’ literature wont prevent you to become a nasty person - i would argue itd be the exact opposite, as your spirit wont be trained to think critically or to evaluate a situation (and every situations is always grey) by your own means. Also, its important to separate fantasies/what you like to read and who you are/what you do. To be embarrassingly honest, and like many people, one of my sexual fantasy is rape ; but in my real life, im in a queer anarchist collective that actively fights against rape culture and defends rape victims. That is why i dont have a problem with SheLI/Mo shippers (or even HeCheng/SheLi shippers) even if its not my cup of tea, but i would have a problem if in real life (irl) ppl would say to irl Mo that irl SL is good for him (or if they wouldnt find it wrong that a irl 30yo Cheng is involved wt an irl 15yo Li). I digress.
But then again this confusion about fiction/reality/morality is at the core of the tianshan fandom -and many fandoms. I dont know about you, but i grossly see 3 types of ‘trends’ depending on how ppl interact with the source material  :
1.The ones who think you cant like something while being critical of it. I love 19 days but I think there are flaws in it, beyond tianshan dynamic (like how OX handles the transition between funny and dramatic moments –I think its badly done). It doesn’t mean I personally hate OX and wish harm to their family oc. Worse than this, the ones who, because they dont like certain things in 19 days, feel free to harass OX on their social media.  Here its a confusion between fiction and reality and a lack of critical thinking.
2. the ones that loves Tianshan because they think it fits the trope “Dark, handsome, tortured violent boy who is violent towards fragile, sweet, pure cute boy because he loves him” and the typically associated trope “the pure boy will change the violent boy by the pureness of his heart”. Aka the most common yaoi trope. Again, if it pleases people to see Tianshan like this, good for them and i hope they have a nice time reading 19 days. Lets face it, I love really bad yaoi and books. Its just not how i see tianshan at all, but to each their own. I just have a problem when these ppl insist that its an ok behavior to have in real life and say things like “possessiveness is a proof of love” uncritically (hint : it isnt). For me, its the difference between enjoying fast food (thats okay), and wanting to force everyone to eat fast food and to find it pleasurable (not okay).
3. the ones that think what you like in literature defines who you are, and so in order to be a “good person” you have to only like “morally good litterature” -there are the ones I personally find the more interesting bc they can ask good questions. But alas, in most cases its just puritanism badly disguised and currently they are in all fandoms. Lets not delve into the issue of this statement : what is ‘morally good’ ? who are in the authority to proclaim what is good ? how can you recognize what is ‘morally good’ if you dont see what is ‘morally not good’ ? is it literature’s responsibility to educate its audience ? do literature have to point out “watch out audience what just happened is not okay” as if we were brainless children ? whats more important : what you like reading or what you do irl ? .... Okay i totally delve into this lmao. Here its a confusion between fiction and morality and a rejection of critical thinking : we could say its like when the Catholics prohibited women from reading bc it would pervert them and think of the children).
Returning to the specifics of what we've been talking about  : so in this last case, you (generic ‘you’) think that you are a good person ; so you have to read morally good literature. So in this case, fandom isnt just a harmless hobby, but a proof of how you are morally good, imagine the stakes ! But alas, you happen to like 19 days and most specifically tianshan. You said (@nightfayre​ ) that you judge Tianshan unhealthy as they are now, and i wholeheartedly agree with you, so im not going to discuss why since you already explained it so well. So, what happens when you like a morally not good ship, but you think liking morally dubious things makes you a bad person ? You bent over backwards to explain that, in fact, this ship is morally good, to protect your integrity. And thats why, in 19days fandom since the last chapter (and its the same thing with every chapter where flaws of HT are revealed!), there are many posts going around “hm, in fact, what He Tian did is good ! i know it can seems like hes a violent asshole who dont respect MGS because he punches him, threatens him, and dont listen to him, but hm.... in fact its because he’s nice...” and then they do mental gymnastics to justify what is, obviously, not morally justifiable. And i find its a pity because, my guy, my buddy, nobody is going to throw you tomatoes if you like a morally dubious character, and also bc nothin is morally good ! everybody does what they think is the best in ‘problematic situations’ ! and thats what make life interesting ! and so, 19 days interesting ! The flaws of HT (and MGS) are what drawn ppl to his character, bc it makes him real, its makes him contradictory, we can project ourselves in him, and we can see a complicated character with awesome latent potential. And yes, treating someone like a territory bc you care about them is a flaw lol. (on this subject : i saw ppl saying that its protectiveness and not possession : if you protect someone like you would protect a territory, then its not a healthy protection. you deal with a human whose agency you must respect, contrary to a territory).
MGS and HT are the product of what happen to them in their early childhood and then their adolescence. Like you said, they grow up in a violent, twisted world, where being emotionally distant is the norm. I would even say that they are expected to conform to the standards of (toxic) masculinity : channel all your emotions into anger, caring is being weak and feminine, prove your worth by your physical strength, be in control in all ur relationship, etc. I would say thats why Mo is so hostile towards HT : HT challenges his masculinity, by seducing him (everyone know that the biggest fear of macho men like HT and Mo is being considered gay -_-) and being stronger than him. Lets face it, Mo has kind of a homophobic issue, like all the boys. Between JY who tells HT its disgusting being told hes handsome by a man (at the beginning of the manhwa, i hope by now he had grown out of it), or Mo who tells HT he isnt happy that a guy is on his bed or who desperately wants to prove his heterosexuality by saying he likes all cute girls to his baldy friend... HT is more nuanced, but at the end, when he ‘seduces’ Mo, its always predatory. He doesnt let himself being vulnerable and he aggressively touches Mo even without his consent. For me, its a way of proving his domination, not his interest (and when i say that, i dont mean that HT is not genuinely interested in Mo -just that his actions dont translate this). ZZX is the only one who seems to have a healthy relationship with his masculinity lol, but then hes the healthy one in all aspects (thats why i dont like his character and am not invested in zhanyi, even if irl i would love to be his friend).
With all that being said, oc HT wont know how to adequately express genuine concern and interest in Mo ! This sort of social interactions is not something you just know, its smth you learn. And in HT and Mo’s cases, nobody was there to teach them -we could even say that ppl in their life made them unlearn caring behaviors. So HT does what he does best : he fights and forces, and is surprised when Mo thinks (obviously) HT is evil. And also, like you said, Mo will never be (at least how he is now) a driving force in their relationships bc he will always run away from bonding with ppl. So here we are, HT being the only driving force in their relationship, the same HT who only knows violence. No wonder that their relationship is like this...
As it is, i feel like tianshan is kind of in an impasse right now. One or the other is going to have to evolve if we want to see their relationships changing. Either HT learns how to care without being violent (seems complicated if Mo doesnt challenges him, bc HT isnt going to realize this without feedback since its how he has always functioned), or, more likely, Mo is going to be honest with him and tell him that his behavior is hurting him. Though more probable, I dont see it happening anytime soon : for one, Mo isnt capable of seeing when he is hurting emotionally and what is hurting him ; and also, bc Mo doesnt know any other language than violence, not unlike HT. I think its smth most of the fandom ignore, how violence is smth that HT and MGS both have in common, and how if HT wasnt violent, MGS certainly wouldnt consider him at all.
Anw im excited to see where OX is going with all this ! Like you said, the forced kiss was pivotal to their relationship, so im kind of hoping it would be the same here ! I just hope they wont... do like usual and just put a funny chapter and ignore this latest development.....
OMG i wrote soo much and there is so much i still want to say.... i think im going to do a second post... sorry about the spam lmao
( @nightfayre : i dont know how this site works yet, is @ you alright ? will it show you my post in your notif or should i send an ask ?  bc i want you to see my answer, but i dont want you to feel pressurized to respond or interact or anything !! above all dont feel pressurized, i was sad last night when you wrote ‘im sorry to not answer more quicly’ bc you should answer at your own rhythm or not answer ! your blog is a hobby, not an obligation, so dont feel bad to not do more when yo already do much !! )
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homosociallyyours · 6 years
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 30 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @holmezyan -- thanks, you freeman-loving wonder! sorry it took me so long to get to this!!
Nickname(s): Bean, Meggles, Dottie, Beene, Milton
Gender: Genderqueer femme
Zodiac: Taurus sun & moon, Gemini rising
Height: 5′5″ (roughly)
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Lately I’ve been drinking Yorkshire Gold or Irish Breakfast instead of coffee (trying to have a little less caffeine), but I know I’ll return to coffee again sometime. I started drinking it when I was maybe 6 or so. Nice one, parents. 
Fav band(s): The Indigo Girls, One Direction, Bikini Kill, Magnetic Fields, Le Tigre, The Butchies, Team Dresch (why are all but 2 of my bands not together and making music? what have i done to deserve this fate?)
Fav solo artist(s): Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Kaia Wilson, Joan Armatrading, Dar Williams, Dolly Parton, Mirah, Jens Lekman, Sia, Gillian Welch
Song stuck in my head: Bebe’s new song, Ferrari. 
Last movie I saw: I watched Despicable Me 3 the other night on netflix. It was...everything I expected. The last movie I saw in the theater was Love, Simon
Last show I saw:  Theater? I think it was Hamilton last year! TV? I’m currently watching the finale of Glam Masters. It’s...ok.
When did I create my blog: 2012? YIKES
What do I post: A mishmash of everything I find interesting. Currently: 1D, Johnlock, queer shit, femme shit, Martin Freeman, US politics, Janelle Monae, other women making music that makes me feel gayer, meme/meme culture posts, and definitely too many “ask me questions about myself” posts bc i spent too many years on livejournal. 
Last thing I googled: Last night I was sitting with bander and wanted her to hear a song from my friends’ band, so I think the last thing I googled was “gaymous ross dress for less” which only kinda got me the result I wanted. Which was this amazing song. (Please listen, you won’t regret it!!)
Do I have any other blogs: Several! On here I have a cheese tumblr @heycheeselady (it’s mostly dead, i haven’t reblogged to it in ages) and a benedict cumberbatch meme tumblr that i used to co-run @darlingdomesticbatch that is now long abandoned (rip, it was actually really cute and fun while it lasted). I have a dreamwidth that used to be my livejournal where i really let my depression, anxiety, and emotional self-harm cut loose to like 2 or 3 other ppl (it’s a yikes-ass nightmare). ALSO i still have a diaryland diary (!!!) that is my private corner of the internet where i post inelegant poetic prose about my actual private emotions in ways that would feel dangerous to do in front of anyone but strangers. if i ever give you the info, you aren’t allowed to talk to me about it. i probably won’t give you the info. but i’ve had it since...2000? 2001? I definitely wrote about losing my virginity over there. embarrassing!! 
Do I get asks: Sometimes when I ask for them nicely. I rarely get anons, but after my 1 day brush with fame (which i think of as 1950gate) I realized that’s a good thing bc it’s fucking exhausting to have multiple ppl asking you the same question that you already answered/never wanted to answer anyway. also ppl can be mean! 
Why did I choose my url: I knew I was going to be blogging about sherlock and queer stuff, and I thought about what really connected those things. For me, it’s the homosocial-- social spaces and interactions that are focused on same gender relationships --that fuels the homosexual/makes me gayer. The description for my blog is “i am a homosocialsexual” because that’s really what i am. The yours part...I just liked the idea of signing off on everything. I remain homosocially yours,   
Following: 720 (and that’s after i unfollowed all the dead blogs. what can i say, I like having a voluminous and varied dash)
Followed by: 920 (this number is...shockingly high, ngl)
Favorite color(s): Bright dark pink and emerald green. Deep royal purple. Cornflower blue. The color of sun through leaves in the woods. 
Average hours of sleep: 6-12, there’s rarely an inbetween. 
Lucky number: 13
Instruments: I play ukulele and I’m a good enough singer to consider my voice an instrument in its own way.
What I’m wearing: Buffalo check thermal pj leggings and my fave grey pizza t-shirt
Dream job: Basically my current job? Though I should amend that because my reality needs to shift...I’m probably never going to be able to do my job full time again. So. Dream Job would be teaching cheese tasting classes to groups of 10-20 people at a time, giving info about the cheeses and how to taste them, how to prep them for a cheese plate, what to pair them with (and how). Ideally I would do all of this with a team of 2-4 other people, making decisions cooperatively and collectively. 
Dream trip: One month trip thru France visiting various cheesemakers and ending with a week in the south with my friend who has family down there. 
Fav food: Cheese. Ha :) 
Nationality: I’m Southern (from the US). My regional identity feels very important to me.
Fav song: Ummm I definitely can’t pick. Nope. 
Last book I read: Y’all I haven’t read a paper book in a hot minute. I just haven’t been able to do it. I even have books to read. My brain says NO NO NO. But the last book length fic I read was Own the Scars, and damn was it good!
Last fanfic I read: We’ll Be Seamless, which was a really great slowburn that ended so sweetly (with lots of hot moments along the way)
Random fact: I met my best friend in preschool when we were 3 years old. I’m even in her baby book. We had a few years of not being quite as close, but now at 37 we’re somehow still BFFs. We’re also both queer and big geeks, which is a nice thing. 
I’m tagging some random folks! Probably not 30 though, so if you see this and wanna do it, PLEASE DO IT & tag me in! (and really, I mean it, I don’t care if we’re mutuals or not!)
@yellinradios @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aprillikesthings @ann-fortunately
@miafi @always-aqua @valeria2067 @a-brighter-yellow @jaerie @yorkiepug
@yearofsolouis @suddenclarityharry @cumberbitchsandwich
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le-voidsyvoid · 7 years
// rules: always post the rules. answer 11 random questions posted for you. create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. let the person who tagged you know that you answered! //
  I was tagged by @artsaeda !!! Thank and sorry it took a while to do
1) do you believe in superstitions/the supernatural? if so, what beliefs do you have? I’m generally kinda inbetween on most stuff but at the same time I’m also the person that wants to go look for cryptids to befriend so I’m a bit more enthusiastic at the idea of cryptid stuff kinda at least?
2) favorite song lyrics? I’m not really decisive but the lyrics from Can’t Make the Grade (Josh Conte) just has really nice lyrics in general to me but that might just be how they sound but the song This Is Home(Cavetown) that goes along with Cut My Hair probably has my favorite lyrics that I can think of at the moment?
The songs are here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YgmMJJ34k4&index=16&list=RDMMIDd43aRmHdE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDd43aRmHdE )
3) would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to play every instrument? I’d rather be able to speak every language since that seems really helpful!!
4) who’s your favorite character?  Uhhh I don’t have one favorite but my favorites  Hero and Assok from the property of hate, Bill Potts and the 12th Doctor from Doctor Who, Darrel from Ok Ko, Cecil from Welcome To Night Vale, and I generally tend to like a lot of skeleton characters
5) do you have any ocs? if so, describe them and/or show what they look like!! (I love hearing abt ppls ocs okay) Yee, I forget how few I post but I know I’ve posted Quel and Axi and rambled about them on main ( https://le-voidartist.tumblr.com/post/167997517558/i-still-havent-posted-all-ofinktober-but-i ) and Leale and Jacky/Jay forever ago (https://le-voidartist.tumblr.com/post/164400204398/i-havent-named-them-yet-but-i-made-some ) I feel bad for making this too long and I ramble really easily but just to simplify things a lot of my ocs don’t have names right now so it’s a bit harder to describe and this kinda reminded me I should actually try to post them now soon since I tend to have character doodles sit around for months so///eh. If I could try to quickly summarize a few I like to show or doodle a lot there’s my basically weaboo moon Sakura (who I’ve posted for a sign on Instagram at least), her roommate who’s just aesthetic nerdy blogger, skeleton/ghost twin kids (one has memory issues and is kinda blissfully happy and the other one is just. sad dead boy basically asdfghjkl), short gambling demon that’s secretly basically a dad friend, forever upset™️ and her half sister that’s just. fire bean,, bitter revenge filled rose, and I have a lot I’m using for dnd as npcs so since my players follow me no spoiler for them oof
6) dream job when you were younger? has it changed? I really wanted to be a writer for a bit when I was younger or an artist since a young ageand since my mom really wanted me to I’ve done more art stuff so it’s not changed.
7) biggest pet peeve? Having to explain really basic things to people for them to just deny it repetitively (like once I had to try to explain to a popular guy in my science class that bugs have instincts and I just. boi this is a 10th grade class,, why,) 
8) thoughts on space? the ocean? what would you rather explore? SPACE is amazing and so interestingly infinite and neat to think about!! It has infinite possibilities and it’s so pretty?? I love it. But the ocean  scares me since while it’s also mysterious we know that everything has been evolving for forever now and they have organisms with so many amazingly possible things that it’s just kinda scary to me? Like we know but we don’t. Like I’d love to research animals from the ocean and it’s really beautiful but just so scary to me to actually see the deep parts of. And I’m highkey afraid of sharks to be honest
9)  what trait do you value the most in people? I don’t know if it’s really a trait but I just like people who are understanding or listen? Like people who actually listen to you even if it’s something dumb and try and understand how to help you
10) how would you describe your aesthetic? I honestly have no idea as I’m a forever going identity crisis with no aesthetic but I guess crystals for sure at least? I have two aesthetic blogs at this point for the aesthetics I kinda have so I’d have to say sometimes it’s more monochromatic like a lot of greys with purples and greens I think but sometimes its more vibrant blue/yellow/black. 
11) what’re you looking forward to right now? I’m looking forward to my friends birthdays at least!! (You know who you two are and s o o n ) 
s c r em I’m bad at these things but um 
1) Do you have a favorite myth/folklore story?
2) Amphibians/reptiles or birds?
4) What song have you been listening to the most lately?
5)What time of the year do you think is the best?
6)What’s your favorite field of study? (Like neurology, Ornithology, Geology and that kind of thing)
7) Whats your favorite cliche?
8)What’s best the stars, a planet, or the moon? (If a planet which one)
9) What’s your favorite ship and favorite crack ship?
10)What’s your favorite show at the moment?
Anyone can do it if you want to so feel free to but and if I tag you you don’t really have to but hey @agentunicrest , @stardustjester , @basilstorm @pinetreeparadoxx @fantabulousdonkalope @unknown-person-lol @doctaaaaaaaar @fridaatzin95 @flameofswords @madz-the-3rd
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donghun-s · 7 years
the very large sp3arb tag
so @sp3arb has tagged me in a total four tags recently and i’m finally getting around to all of them!! tysm for all the tags, meri (btw i love your name?? i think its super cute!) and i hope you learn a bunch of unnecessary stuff abt me lmao (under the cut bc this is a long ass post)
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
im not tagging anyone bc im bad at things and most ppl i wanna know about, meri has already tagged so
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority  - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie  - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages [i don’t speak two, i speak one and sign in another] - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by Roxanne ( is it ok if I call you Roxy? I like Roxy) Actually @lxx-fxlix  And for some reason it did not give me the notification you did, I was casually stalking your blog when I saw:
A: age? 16 (01 liner)
B: birthplace? North Carolina
C: current time? 7:53 pm
D: drink you had last? Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade)
E: easiest person to talk to? for me, it’s my irl best friend gwen and my best friend on here, krys
F: favorite song? oof i’m super indecisive so i’m just gonna commit to mayday by got7 (it always changes but mayday has stayed on my constantly rotating playlist for nearly six months now; most are on for six weeks, max)
G: grossest memory? uh probably when one of my swim lesson kids tried to eat a bug (they were like four) and i had to make them spit it out into my hands 
H: hogwarts house? proud slytherin!!
I: in love? i love a lot of people, but i’m not IN love
J: jealous of people? not anymore, my self-esteem has gotten so much better in past years
K: killed someone? uhm a couple of times in fics (*cough* jinjin in not like this *cough*)
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? not love but pls walk by again bc i’m probably enjoying your aesthetics
M: middle name? christine
N: number of siblings? one, an older sister
O: one wish? to adopt a kid with no family or an unhealthy one (obvs when  older and financially stable)
P: person you called last? my sister called me yesterday morning, and before that i had called my friend to tell him abt a near death experience when i was driving
R: reasons to smile? something good will happen to you, you’ll meet someone wonderful, and there’s always new experiences to happen
S: song you sang last? poet by bastille (an underrated fave)
T: time you woke up? about 8 am
U: underwear color? light heathered grey
V: vacation destination? i’d love to go to greece someday! santorini would be my first choice, and then my great-grandparents old village near thessaloniki
W: worst habit? probs my dermatillia (picking at acne on my face until it bleeds, then picking at the scabs, leaving a bunch of scars that will never go away)
X: x-rays? i got one on my tailbone one time, two years after i sprained it bc my mom didn’t believe me
Y: your favorite food? uhhh most anything tbh; i quite like the honey butter chicken sandwich from pdq
Z: zodiac sign? libra
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!  
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
orange!! and after that, any kinds of pastel or muted darks
2) Favourite song at the moment:
lotto by exo has been on replay in my head, my car, and my earbuds
3) Last book you read:
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
4) Last TV show you watched:
i tried to watch part-time idol bc hyunbin from jbj was in it, but within the first 15 minutes they set up an unnecessary relationship so i had to nope out of there real hard; i then reverted back to rewatching white collar for the fifth time
5) Last movie you watched:
does john mulaney’s nerflix comedy special comeback kid count?? if not, probably nightmare before christmas way back around christmastime
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
four dogs: pheonix, kino, midge, and bess; three horses: little man, gem, and andy (ironically i’m allergic to dogs and horses, and my dad keeps buying more)
7) If you have siblings how many?:
one, my older sister
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
i love doing my swim lessons and seeing all my kids!! i haven’t been able to lately bc of the weather, 
9) Best tumblr friends:
i only talk to @cheesyramynry on a daily basis, but i have a lot of blogs that i consider friendly acquaintances or casual friends as well!!
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
i value my compassion and empathy above all else; i am very much the mom friend and love to be it
11) Favourite memory:
ah i have so many; i think rn i’m gonna go with this past christmas, bc it was my last one with my grandfather
12) 3 weird habits:
swallowing gum, taking all my pills in descending size order, i tend to mimic how a singer sounds when i sing along to the song (ex: if they have a british accent, i’ll subconsciously sing in a british accent; if they stress certain syllables in certain ways, i’ll do it too)
13) What would you call your style?:
comfortable (stretchy jeans, t-shirts, hoodies) and with a few signature Gay Things (jean jacket, flannels, oversized mens’ button ups, a couple gay/bi pride shirts)
14) Odd talent:
if i have lyrics in front of me to a song i’ve never heard before, i can predict the pattern of the tunes and rhythm and sing along the first time
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
literally all of aroha and all of the sk fandom (y’all are the loveliest fandoms i’ve ever been a part of)
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions!  Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
i saw a thread of information abt the suspected nine members before they were officially announced and was like ‘yes i must stan them and love them with all of my heart.’ so uh,,,,, back in august or september??
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? uhm, i’m gonna expose myself rn and let y’all know that i’ve never actually seen a full episode of the show; as soon as i heard it was gonna be a survival show, i knew that i couldn’t watch it bc my heart was too weak and i was emotionally incapable of becoming too invested while watching it; but from clips, i quite like the episode with the 3:3:3 mission, and also the last episode when all nine were reunited and told they were going to debut together
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
my initial one was chan, and they i got rlly confused, and then slowly came to realize that it was jeongin (anything else after that is a fucking mess)
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
literally kill me all of them bias wreck me so hard bUT hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and chan have been wrecking me so hard in particular lately
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? uHHH not dance line bc swimmers have 0 coordination on land; i quite like singing even tho i’m not good at, so probably that, but i can also hit all of chan’s english rap parts in 3racha songs, and keep up with lafayette’s raps in hamilton, and a lot of the english rappers i like too so uh,,, sign me up for rap line too
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids? hellevator
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? i think it was either hoodie season or runner’s high
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
young wings or school life or yayaya (or grr or 4419 or glow or hellevator)
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
i love their current optimistic and slightly rebellious teenager concept rn bc its an Eternal Mood; but i always love myself a soft boyfriend concept 
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
how proud of them i am, and how proud of themselves they should be; i would tell them about how they’re saying things that resonate deeply for their fans and i love that they’re talking abt real world problems; i would also make sure to tell them (chan and 3racha especially) to make sure to rest more, and eat well, and take care of themselves emotionally as well as physically; and finally i’d like to tell jeongin how wonderful he is and that he’s doing so much at such a young age (lmao he’s actually eight months older than me but that’s no the point) and to never lose his cute little smile
finally done!! meri, if you actually read all of this, uh thank you????? i hope you now know everything you wanted to know abt me, and probably more than you wanted to know
i’m bad at tagging people, so if you also made it this far and haven’t done some of these tags, choose one, or a couple, or all of them and do them yourself!! just say that i tagged you!!
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krokonoko · 7 years
Tumblr media
It’s been a while since I completed this meme for all the other regions, and I felt it finally was time to add Alola!
Again, these are just my opinions, and if you find some of your favs among my least favs, remember than I would probably find some of my favs among your least favs too and that’s ok ^^
As you can see, a lot of Alola forms made it on this list, both on the positive and the negative side.
This gen had heaps of Pokemon I liked or even loved, but Alolan!Ninetales and ESPECIALLY Alolan!Vulpix kinda have a special place in my heart. When I was a kid, Vulpix and Ninetales used to be my fav Pokemon for a while, but my weird penchant for rarely liking Pokemon that are red or orange in color kinda made my love for them wane a bit over time. Most of my favourite Pokemon are either blue, green, or grey, sometimes yellow and even more rarely brown. What a coincidence that GF would release the EXACT same Pokemon with a blue color swap, as if made specifically for me! With their elegance, cuteness and A!Ninetales’ unique typing, these two quickly made it to my list of absolute favorite Pokemon of all time.
Decidueye is a complicated case. I'm a grass starter kinda guy, and not only was Rowlet adorable, but Decidueye was EXACTLY my kind of Pokemon for several personal reasons. Everything from its huge wings to its fluffy, long legs to the facial design and hood are perfect! My only problem with it is its Ghost typing. It feels like EVERY Pokemon knows some Dark attack move and so many Alolan forms are Dark types. Decidueye is also incredibly slow. All that made it very unreliable, when I think your starter Pokemon should always be your most reliable ally.
Salazzle is another complicated case. I loved Salandit from the moment I first saw it and heard its evil little cackling cry. Finally, we got a cool Fire type Pokemon!! And while I absolutely ADORE Salazzle's design, the way it is framed by the game, the way its model is posed and everything just really rubs me the wrong way. BUT I refuse to let this weird... sexualization-of-a-Pokemon thing... ruin my love for the first cool fully evolved Fire type we got in YEARS!
Still a bit on the fence about Alolan!Raichu, but ultimately, who can resist this adorable critter. Its design in Pokemon Ami are the cutest thing ever, the way its surfing on its own tail is SUCH an amazing idea, and the Psychic type is SUPER interesting. I'm just generally a fan of unique typings, and I was super happy that Raichu got a bit more attention this gen!
Who. Could not. Love Jangmo-o. Even when I'd only seen its silhouette, I already loved it to bits and pieces. The cute little grumpy face, that quadrupedal body-form that I actually miss a lot about many Pokemon nowadays... It's just the most cuddly dragon ever! ...Unfortunately, things happened. More on that later.
I really like elegant, feminine-lookin Pokemon. Lopunny, Gardevoir, Salazzle, they're all awesome. Frickin hate what the internet is doing to them, but as I said before, I'm not gonna let that ruin my love for these cool Pokemon. Tsareena is another one of those cases. It looks so cool and pretty, with the long leaf-like hair and Idk, what are those, boots?? It kicks people to death with those! How much more badass can you get? Can't wait to have one on my team.
Mudsdale, the obligatory awesome Ground type. It's a 2,5m tall horse, what's not to love???
LOVE the spikes on Alolan!Sandslash! They look all translucent and icy, it's great!
Alolan!Marowak is almost too cool to be true. A Ghost type as a nod to the Marowak mom of Lavender Town? But its also a Fire type and its bone can be used as a fire-staff?? I wish GF just followed through with these kinda trains of thought more often.
honorable mentions go to Primarina, cuz it’s super pretty, and Minior, cuz I love the idea and the different colored versions!
Now on to the negatives.
I’m sure I don’t have to explain the “every single UB and legendary” part anymore. Always hated them, always will hate them. Some less than others (Celesteela is kinda cool and UB Adhesive looks cute), and the sheer amount of UB hasn't really helped my attitude towards legendary Pokemon (cuz lbr, UBs are just that.)
Ah. Yes. Incineroar. From the moment the Dark typing and the whole “wrestler” deal was confirmed, it somehow became forbidden to criticize it. Cuz that's apparently such a cool, new and unique idea. Not like Emboar and especially Pignite are already based on wrestlers. Not like wrestlers are effectively the same thing as fighters. Not like Incineroar's Z-move literally conjures up a fighting rink. Not like Incineroar learns p much the same amount of Dark and Fighting moves. ...All in all: Not like this Pokemon is a Fighting type in all but name, right? If you like it, cool. But you gotta agree that the ppl disappointed by it were lead to believe Litten would evolve into a quadrupedal tiger that would be something ELSE than a frickin Fighting type for once. I know I'm constantly bemoaning the state of the Fire type and how they just don't make 'em like they used to, but honestly. Imho, this is a HUGE missed chance, and one we aren’t gonna get again any time soon.
Gumshoos... I don't understand why we needed a Trump Pokemon.
I've heard Araquanid has a LOT of fans, actually? And I'm not trying to criticize its design, I'm sure many people like it! It's just that personally, I'm a bit freaked out by it ^^°°
Okay these three Alola forms really baffle me?? Because I mean. Five out of my ten fav Pokemon are Alolan forms, which shows they CAN be cool. Why did GF have to troll so much with them? That kinda includes A!Persian and A!Exeggutor, tho I don't really dislike these two. I just wish GF hadn't wasted so much time with dumb jokes and given us more badass and interesting Alolan Pokemon like Marowak instead.
Last but not least, Kommo-o. Oh Kommo-o, I was so disappointed with you. It's not like it's a bad Pokemon design, it's just that again, I expected something completely different. Which is kinda my own fault I admit, but still. I really wanted Jangmo-o to stay all stout and. Well. QUADRUPEDAL. But considering GF's vendetta against fully evolved quadrupedal Pokemon, Kommo-o really shouldn't have come as a surprise. The other thing tho is that it really disappointed me on my team. For a semi-legendary Dragon/Fighting Pokemon, it kinda kept letting me down again and again. Alas, this was just not meant to be...
And that’s it! All in all, I was pretty satisfied with the Alolan roster, though it's the first gen in a long time that also made me think: This could've gone a lot better. And again, if you find your fav among my least favs, remember that I’m just some dumb person on the internet posting their opinions on their unimportant blog for their own personal entertainment, nothing more ;D
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santafe1899-blog · 7 years
ykno what nvm answer all of them dickhead
fuck u 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
i see every1 i love p frequently tbh
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i reckon so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
yeah i trust em to (if they aint all drunk themselves)
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
like 80% of the population
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
i reckon i got p good odds tbh
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
uhh helena cuz she just gave me a hug bless her
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
yes. deeply.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘love u mom’
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
choose any from this
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
f u c k   y e s
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
ehhhh idk not rly
15. What good thing happened this summer?
so much?? bfs?? top surgery??? its been a good summer
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
give me
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
al wouldnt be cuddling me rn if i didnt
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
i dont even remember his name
19. Do you like bubble baths?
i dont have them often but theyre cool
20. Do you like your neighbors?
yeah theyre chill
21. What are you bad habits?
o god so many. drinkin paint waters prolly the worst one
22. Where would you like to travel?
santa fe
23. Do you have trust issues?
uhh nah
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
talkin 2 the ppl i love
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
well itll b GONE in 5 days SOO
26. What do you do when you wake up?
go back 2 sleep
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
the bfs
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
uhh nah
30. Do you ever want to get married?
howd that even work
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
we just tested n Yes
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
there r so many options wtf…the richest 2
33. Spell your name with your chin.
mjnac mjk
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
soccer 4 lyfe (im a forward)
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
y would u ask me this
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
im shit at that tbh i always end up spillin. prolly my elementary school crush cuz i got over it in a week
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i usually awkward laugh
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
uhhh… im tryina think a the similarities btwn the bfs…uhh…nice smile
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
somewhere w food
40. What do you want to do after high school?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
m concentratin
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
food. promise a seein the bfs
46. What are you paranoid about?
uhhh losin people
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
dont think so
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
navy blu
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
i mean… appearance wise its already changin. but i reckon i cld prolly be less brash
53. Favourite makeup brand?
uhhhh idek know more than 2 makeup brands
54. Favourite store?
55. Favourite blog?
mine. uh jk like…the bfs? idk i only rly follow my friends n art blogs
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
mac n cheese
58. Last thing you ate?
a bagel
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i won like 10 art competitions in elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
bein a little shit once
62. Been arrested? For what?
vandalism rip
63. Ever been in love?
yeah i am rn
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
wed been datin for a month. we kissed then we both laughed
65. Are you hungry right now?
when aint i
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
theyre the same
67. Facebook or Twitter?
uhh twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
medda, crutchie, albo, spot, davey, kath
71. Craving something? What?
when isnt it mac n cheese
72. What colour are your towels?
like… a few diff ones
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
uhh like…1? i didnt get 2 bring my childhood ones n i aint the kinda person 2 collect em
75. Favourite animal?
dogs tbh
76. What colour is your underwear?
black rn
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookies n cream
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
hot fuzz
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls??? obv??? mean girls 2 was shit we all know that
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
nemo for sure
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
yeah a lot
92. In a fight with someone?
not actively
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
too many (never too many)
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
prolly like..3
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
m e d d a
97. Favourite actor?
idk a hot one
98. Do you tan a lot?
i tend 2 burn more
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
im ok
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
fuck yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
uhh … yeah
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
payin attention 2 al
109. Is something irritating you right now?
yeah im hangin out w this rlly annoyin guy rn :/
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
not rly
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
uhh theo
113. What was your childhood nickname?
id rly rather Not
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
i mean sometimes but we dont got one
116. Are you listening to music right now?
yeah we have a playlist on
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
as much as like, ny1 is
121. Are you mean?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
absolutely not
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
nah, just lust
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
theo, paintin, the bfs, medda
128. Would you change your name?
been there done that
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
yeah sure
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
“we did this already”
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
tbh ‘cause I’m never going down, im never giving up, im never gonna leave, so put your hands up, if you like me, then say you like me.’ mean a lot rn
134. Can you count to one million?
i mean…probably?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
“im straight”
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i got str8 hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
brunette by majority rules
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
july. 4 no reason…..
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
ughh tea if i have 2. just give me a red bull
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yeah sure
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“Well – I don’ like sayin’ the name if I can help it. No one does.”
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vampirefucker2 · 7 years
all the queastions btw i love you
I WUV U!!!!!!!!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?uhhhhhhh my irl friend i think2. Are you outgoing or shy?UH!!?????!!!?!?!?!?! both3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?my wonderful boyfriend sorey!!!!!4. Are you easy to get along with?uhh my friendz said ya soo5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?i wouldnt b drunk but ????? idk???6. What kind of people are you attracted to?sorey7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?ya!8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?no one9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?uhhuhhuhuh idk10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?uh sorey probably11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“im gonna take a quick nap wake me when the dryers done”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?not in any order butlo-fi children by wild partypay no mind by madeonno culture by mother motherback to front by early hourseverybody come outside by the pomegranates
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?ya!14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?uhh sometimes??????15. What good thing happened this summer?i got a wonderful beautiful boyfriend who i love very much!!!16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?theres no one to kiss!17. Do you think there is life on other planets?ofc!!!!!!!!!!!!!18. Do you still talk to your first crush?sdfds no i only crushed on him cause other ppl in my class were getting crushes and i wanted to be a Cool Kid19. Do you like bubble baths?ya!20. Do you like your neighbors?uhh never met them but i like their dogs21. What are you bad habits?i pull on my hair and pick at my nails a lot22. Where would you like to travel?netherlands23. Do you have trust issues?ooo ya24. Favorite part of your daily routine?this sounds gay but msgsing sorey25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?uhhh m chest26. What do you do when you wake up?msg my palz n pm sorey27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?idk its fine as it is i think28. Who are you most comfortable around?sorey29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?i think bt it ws complicated30. Do you ever want to get married?well me n sorey r p much already there31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?nope!32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?hhh idk i dnt kno much abt any celebs33. Spell your name with your chin.l,ersttg34. Do you play sports? What sports?i h8 sports!!!!!35. Would you rather live without TV or music?tv36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?ya37. What do you say during awkward silences?\nothing i leave it38. Describe your dream girl/guy?sorey!39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?thrift shop also like any decor store i luv homesense40. What do you want to do after high school?uhh well im there now and im jst working on portfolio41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?nope42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?i jst dont have uch to say bt i also might b depressed u never kno im a suprise!43. Do you smile at strangers?i try to bt only if we accidentally make eye contact44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?SPACE the deep sea is scary45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?sorey46. What are you paranoid about?everything!47. Have you ever been high?no!48. Have you ever been drunk?no!49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?uhhh i dont think so???50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?grey n black i think51. Ever wished you were someone else?uhhh i dnt understand th question 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?2 many things to name one53. Favourite makeup brand?uhsduhfui idk54. Favourite store?homesense55. Favourite blog?ilovemikleo1 hes a cool guy56. Favourite colour?pink! but i also rlly like blue and purple!n red an aaa i cnt pick57. Favourite food? sweets58. Last thing you ate?all dressed chips59. First thing you ate this morning?cherry gummies60. Ever won a competition? For what?i once one a ssb competition @ a friends bday party and normally i suck at smash but the prize was two (2) cosmic brownies and i Wanted them61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?nope!62. Been arrested? For what?i hav not63. Ever been in love? eheh yes64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?didnt happen!65. Are you hungry right now?not rlly66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyahhhhhhhhhh67. Facebook or Twitter?i dnt use either bt twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr?twitter tumblr is the devil69. Are you watching tv right now?nope!70. Names of your bestfriends? sorey bt also uhhhhhhhhhhhhhall my friends!!!!!71. Craving something? What?i jst want more chips72. What colour are your towels?they vary cause i have many bt rn yellow72. How many pillows do you sleep with?1.573. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?ya!74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?100000075. Favourite animal?crows n also ravens dont ask me 2 choose76. What colour is your underwear?skipping ths77. Chocolate or Vanilla?vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?strawberry!79. What colour shirt are you wearing?mahogany80. What colour pants?black81. Favourite tv show?uh!!?!?!?!?!?!?!82. Favourite movie?the secret of kells83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?never seen mean girls 284. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?never seen 21 jump street85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?dont have one86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?dont have one87. First person you talked to today?sorey!88. Last person you talked to today?m in a call bt sorey ws th last person to say smthn89. Name a person you hate?uhhhh i do h8 someone but i cnt say who they r90. Name a person you love?SOREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY BF SO MUCH!!!! and m friends91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?see #8992. In a fight with someone?not atm93. How many sweatpants do you have?like 294. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?2 many95. Last movie you watched?i dont rememberr96. Favourite actress?dont have one97. Favourite actor?dont have one98. Do you tan a lot?no i just burn99. Have any pets?i have a dog!100. How are you feeling?uh?101. Do you type fast?kinda102. Do you regret anything from your past?living103. Can you spell well?no but i thought this said \can you cast a spell well’ and i got excited104. Do you miss anyone from your past?ya .105. Ever been to a bonfire party?nope!106. Ever broken someone’s heart?mayb107. Have you ever been on a horse?ya108. What should you be doing?art109. Is something irritating you right now?not rlly110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?ya111. Do you have trust issues?ya112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?sheep!113. What was your childhood nickname?didnt have one114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?ya!115. Do you play the Wii?yup!116. Are you listening to music right now?nope!117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?ya!!!118. Do you like Chinese food?depends what it is119. Favourite book?haunting violet by alyxandra harvey120. Are you afraid of the dark?sometimes121. Are you mean?i think i am bt ppl say no so uh122. Is cheating ever okay???!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?idk123. Can you keep white shoes clean?sometimes124. Do you believe in love at first sight?mayb125. Do you believe in true love?ya!126. Are you currently bored?a lil bt not rlly127. What makes you happy?sorey!!!! and my friends!!!!!! and vampires……128. Would you change your name?im tryin 2 do it129. What your zodiac sign?cencer130. Do you like subway?its ok131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?ths wouldnt happen bt if it did id ignore it132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?sorey133. Favourite lyrics right now?“im like a bull in a chinda shop knocking off an knock off” frm no culture by mother mother134. Can you count to one million?no i dnt have the patience for that135. Dumbest lie you ever told?uhh idk136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?closedd137. How tall are you?5′5″138. Curly or Straight hair?curly139. Brunette or Blonde?i hav brownish hair bt i like both140. Summer or Winter?summer141. Night or Day?night142. Favourite month?julyy143. Are you a vegetarian?nope!144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?all!145. Tea or Coffee?coffe146. Was today a good day?idk it ws jst ok147. Mars or Snickers?mars148. What’s your favourite quote?uhfdsfuishfui idk149. Do you believe in ghosts?ofc!150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “he was dressed impeccably and properly, no matter the hour”
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edenalieth · 8 years
Kpop tag game
Well @duckhoney tagged me in a biiiiiiig post lol so here my answers
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop ? Coldrain / One Ok Rock / Coldplay / U2 / Three Days Grace / Wolfie / Eminem / Claude Debussy / London Grammar / Michael Jackson (many other but lets say its my actual fav hehe)
10 favorite non-kpop songs ? *currently*
Sunday Bloody Sunday (U2) / Thinking of You (Mabel) / Love never felt so good (Michael Jackson) / In Bloom ( Nirvana) / Rêverie (C.Debussy) / Glory Box (Portishead) / Starless Night (Trapnest) / Yuki ni saku hana (Hanazawa Kana) / Edge of the Earth (30 seconds to Mars) / Me and Mrs.Jones (Michael Bublé)
10 favorite movies ?
The Devil wears Prada / Lilo & Stitch / Inception / Matrix / The Lord of the Rings / Sala Samobójców (Suicide Room) / Requiem for a dream / 13 going on 30 / American Nightmare / My best friend's wedding
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons
American Horror Story / Desperate Housewives / Skins / Ink Master / The Simpsons / Shinsekai Yori / Hell's kitchen / Game Of Thrones / Next (this show was so funny lmao) ( i didnt put so much anime bc the list is too big ;;)
10 favorite manga/comics
Tokyo Ghoul / Ao Haru Ride / Orange / Death Note / Deadman Wonderland / Nana (the author is better now TvT) / Sukitte ii na yo / Kujira no kora wa sajô ni utau / Pandora Hearts / Kasane
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won't fit in the lists above ?
dancing / writing / drawing / swimming / hanging out with friends / reading / taking pictures / surfing on the web / playing with dogs / singing
Another Tag Game
 ( @joonwings also tagged me for this so hehe)
Nickname: Cam, Cami, CamCam, neko-chi, chaton (=kitten)
Starsign: virgo
Height: 163cm
Time right now: 8:29pm
Last thing googled: Hwarang ep8 eng sub lol
Favorite music artists: BTS + above
Song stuck in your head: (kpop one) Limitless by NCT 127 (not kpop) 24K magic by Bruno Mars and Starboy by The Weeknd too
Last movie watched: Nocturnal Animals
Last TV show watched: N'oubliez pas les paroles (its a french one haha)
What are you wearing right now: black pikachu pj and a super soft white sweater and my piggy socks
When did you create your blog: 3years ago! It was its 3rd birthday on the 30th of December :') (on tae's birthday i wasnt even into kpop lol) but i started using it 1/2 years ago
What kind of stuff do you post: 95% BTS, 3% other kpop bands, 2% drawings/photo of landscape, ppl or puppies
Do you have any other blogs: yes but im not using them
Do you get asks regularly: ...;;;
Why did you choose your URL: I like to write and before I was more into fantastic thing so its the name I imagined for my main character haha
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (I was gryffindor before!)
Pokemon team: Fire (on pokemon go im team blue haha)
Favourite colour: black, grey, burgundy
Average hours of sleep: 6-8 hours
Lucky number: 11
Favorite character(s): ok its just SOME of them lol, Nana, Kou Mabuchi, Ken Kaneki, Jace Herondale
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1-2
Dream job: author, book editor BTS noona
Following: ppl who are following me or ppl I follow ?
BTS Would You Rather
Would you rather:
Build a snowman with V OR have a snowball fight with jhope
Get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with jhope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v (even if im sure it'd adorable to babysit with JM)
meet jhope's family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with jhope OR film a sketch with V
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook (whyyyy ;;; i want both)
go to paris with jin OR go to London with suga
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple tshirt at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore the city with jhope
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
 make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR v sing you to sleep (i want to hear tae's lullaby....)
have a dance party with jhope OR sing karaoke with suga (i take sope)
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin OR bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with  jungkook, suga, v and jhope OR Christmas rap monster, jimin and jhope (but i want halloween too ;; itd be so funny)
~NSFW Time~ *SOS*
Would you rather:
dom jhope OR sub jin (cody do you remember)
wear lingerie for rap monster OR put lingerie on jimin
tie up jungkook OR get tied up by v (it was really hard to choose)
pull suga's hair OR get your hair pulled by rap monster
have shower sex with jimin OR have sex pool with v
perform oral on jungkook OR have jhope go down on you (DONT ASK ME TO CHOOSE!)
have a romantic sex with jin OR rough sex with jimin
have angry sex with v OR make up sex with suga
suck hickeys onto jungkook's neck OR get hickeys from v
put a blindfold on jimin OR get blindfolded by rap monster
have phone sex with rap monster OR Skype sex with jhope
ride jimin's thigh OR ride jungkook's thigh (their thighs are perfect)
have jin call you "kitten" OR rap monster call you "babygirl"
wear a collar for jin OR put a collar on jimin
beg for suga OR make jungkook beg for you (hehehehehe)
have sex backstage with jhope OR in the kitchen with jin
get teased under the table at a dinner by rap monster OR tease jimin
play never have i ever with rap monster, suga and jungkook OR strip poker with jhope, jimin, v and jin
do body shots with rap monster, suga and jin OR get lap dances from jhope, jimin, jungkook and v (show me your magic mike!)
Pick A Member | BTS
Rules: Pick ONE of the members listed for each question and explain why! Be honest ad don't just pick your favourite for every answer. Do not choose a memeber who is not listed and try to answer every question.
1. Amusement park date ? Jin/Taehyung/Jimin
• I think we like the same type of attractions and I want him to wear Mickey mouse ears hehe
2. Spend a lazy afternoon with ? Jin/Jungkook/Yoongi
• I would like to watch anime and play video games with him and just take a nap on each other arms
3.Play 1v1 sports with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• It'd be so funny with this idiot, like making crazy victory poses or useless moves lol
4.Make out session with ? Yoongi/Jungkook/Jimin
• I had to search what "make out" means lol but obviously I choose him :)
5.Cheek kisses ? Jin/Hoseok/Jimin
• I want to see him blushing (but also Hobi I think his reaction would be fun)
6.Do a YouTube boyfriend does your make up tag with ? Hoseok/Taehyung/Namjoon
• IT HAS TO BE HIM! bwahahaha I can't even imagine it! he'd choose a gothic style
7.Introduce to your parents ? Jimin/Jungkook/Taehyung
• Dad: so it's you, our daughter kept talking about you, she even called you a god / *me wanting to burry myself right now*
8.Go to a haunted house with ? Yoongi/Namjoon/Hoseok
• I need someone rational to comfort/distract me lol (I was hesitating with Namjoon but he's too clumsy he'd make too much nooises and I will jump every time)
9.Drunk nights with ? Hoseok/Jimin/Jin
• I think we would be the type to cry of laughter just by looking at each other faces XD (I laughed for nothing when Im drunk..)
10.Who would you want to see do aegyo for a whole day as a punishment ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I was hesitating with Namjoon but I think he'd be cringy lol so the bear!
11.Who would help you pick out outfits ? Taehyung/Namjoon/Yoongi
• I like his style and love shirts so I guess Tae would be perfect for this
12.School dance date ? Jin/Namjoon/Hoseok
• I want to dance all night long and shine next to my sun
13.Sing a duet with ? Taehyung/Jimin/Jungkook
• I think our voices are matching :') I'd do the harmony haha
14.Would make you breakfast in bed ? Yoongi/Jin/Jungkook
• He's the kitchen's king ;)
15.Go on a late night adventure with ? Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon
• Us looking for a bowling at 3am lol
16. First time ? Taehyung/Jimin/Yoongi
• (*///*)... my moon and stars
17. Whose clothes you'd steal and wear ? Jin/Taehyung/Hoseok
•  First I like his clothes (especially his sweat pants/hoodies), 2nd I just wanna smell his scent on it lol
18.Late deep night conversations with ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• He's the first my mind picked, I think we could "help" each other
19. Who'd you have a play water fight with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• I can't choose between them.. I can imagine me and Tae making a team against Hobi or them doing this with me ;v;
20.Who would you say you're most compatible with ? (Choose any of the 7 members but remember, favoristism and compatibility are two different things).
• Most of my friends say Hoseok but I think I'm more compatible with Jungkook or Namjoon :') sorry JiHope
Bias Tag
Rules: pick 10 biases and answer the questions. No specific order.
(I put them really randomly)
5. Sungjae
1. Between 3&6, whose most recent concept do you like more?
• I prefer the BS&T concept sorry :(
2. Between 2&10, who would you rather be stranded on an island with ?
• Jackson! XD he went on "Law of the Jungle" so he already has some skills, jungle is him ;)
3.Between 4&8, who would you trust to take care of you when you were drunk ?
• Aish... I don't really know lol maybe more Chanyeol ?
4.Between 1&2, who would you go in jail for ?
• Jimin
5.Between 5&9, who is a better visual to you ?
• Sungjae, his face is so unique idk
6.Between 7&8, who would you rather save from a sinking ship ?
•... ;---;... my babies... I put them both on something! Ill be their Jack!
7.Between 6&10, who would you rather have a movie marathon with ?
• Hoseok ~
8.Between 1&10, who do you think makes a better impression ?
• Maybe Jimin ?
9.Between 3&7, who would you prefer to kiss in the rain ?
• BamBam <3 *internal screaming*
10.Between 5&6, who would you rather have a summer fling with ?
• Hoseok. Of course.
11.Between 5&7, who would you rather do drugs with ?
• Idk at all XD
12.Between 3&8, who would you rather take home to your parents ?
• aaaah boy from the same band x')... Minhyuk ?
13.Between 9&10, whose wardrobe do you want more ?
• Jackson like I don't really know Johnny's style yet hehe
14.Between 4&10, who would you be more surprised to see cry ?
• Jackson
15.Between 1&4, who would you rather have kiss you on the forehead ?
• Jimin but it's only bc he's my everything bc I would be extremely happy to have one from Chanchan too ;v;
16.Between 2&3, who would you rather have hug from behind ?
• Hyungwon-ssi <3 (happy late birthday my baby)
17.Between 5&2, whose group do you stan more ?
• I stan them equally honestly :/
18.Between 4&9, who is higher up on your bias list ?
• Chanyeol, I know him more <3
19.Between 1&7, who would you open your door up to during the purge ?
• ;-; both ? No I guess Jimin, I prefer to die by his hand haha
20. Between 6&9, who would you rather go to a haunted house with ?
• Hoseok! Two crybabies together XD
 I tag: @space--lover @gwangjuhope  @angelblushe @ofpandaspilliws @min-nevermind @jungjeonkimin @lovablehoseok (do whatever you want or just ignore it haha and if you have some time and courage do everything ;v; im just very curious about you hehe)
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sebuntease · 8 years
Question tag
We were tagged by: @koneko14
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Admin Kenvy
Nickname: Jun. THE ADMINS CALL ME THAT ESP ADMIN CIARA (hiiii btch) Starsign: WHAT IS A STARSIGN?! OH IT’S THE ZODIAC LOL STUPID. I’m an Aquarius yeah man~ Height: i SRSLY dunno
Time right now: 9:56 pm Last thing googled: “WHAT IS A STARSIGN?” Favorite music artists: SEVENTEEN, YG ARTISTS, SPECIFICALLY 2NE1 AND WINNER. UP DHARMA DOWN, I CAN’T REMEMBER EVRY1 KALOKA Song stuck in your head: Smile Flower/Laughter - SEVENTEEN Last movie watched: UZUMAKI Last TV show watched: Weekly Idol Bigbang’s ep What are you wearing right now: An oversized grey t-shirt and a red pajama shorts lol When did you create your blog: I’M NOT REALLY SURE IF IT’S AUGUST OR JULY BUT I’M PRETTY SURE IT’S ON THE 11TH OR 12TH oh wait lol JUST BETWEEN THE TWO I FORGOOOT t_T What kind of stuff do you post: SEVENTEEN SCENARIOSSS, seventeen related stuffs~ Do you have any other blogs: Is my personal acc counted?? Do you get asks regularly: I think not regularly, but when we’re active Why did you choose your URL: bcs the blog is sebuntease. HAHAHAHA Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (I ASKED THEM ABT THIS AND THEY SAID THIS LOL) Pokemon team: idk sht abt this im sorrrry Favourite colour: BLACK WHITE BLUE & RED (ppalgae~~) Average hours of sleep: 5-6??
Lucky number: 10 (YASSS) Favorite character(s): Wang So (Lee Joon Gi)  How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. IT’S SO HOT IN HERE IN THE PHIL GUYS. Dream job: Singer/Anything related to Psychology Following: i follow 275 peeeople
Admin Kate
Nickname: (i don’t really have one lol cuz my name is literally just kate and then my surname ;_;) Starsign: capricorn. Height: smol.
Time right now: 11:20am Last thing googled: mingyu smut (yes i search for smut everywhere.) Favorite music artists: SO MANY OH MY GOD UHM OKAY, SEVENTEEN, BTS, THE 1975, ATL TPR, HYUNA, DEAN, JUST SO MANY MORE LIKE ITS CRAZY. Song stuck in your head: Mama by BTS (hoseok’s solo asfhasg) Last movie watched: The smurfs. Last TV show watched: hwarang.
What are you wearing right now: a grey shirt that admin erika gave me on christmas (my fav) and denim shorts. When did you create your blog: August 11 or 12 IDFK IM SORRY IM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON. What kind of stuff do you post: we are a seventeen blog dedicated to write works of fiction about the boys. Do you have any other blogs: other than my personal, nah. Do you get asks regularly: YES?? AND IM WE’RE SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING SKJDFLJFSDG Why did you choose your URL: idk?? Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Slytherin. *smirks* Pokemon team: iDKKK Favourite colour: my favorite color is mint green, and just saying but my favorite shade is black. Average hours of sleep: REALLY RANDOM IT DEPENDS AND I DONT REALLY COUNT IT M SORRY KJSDFJLDG
Lucky number: I REMEMBER IT WAS 7 OR 8, i was always told it was either one of these two idk why.  Favorite character(s): ANIME? DRAMAS? CARTOONS? WHICH ONE? THERE ARE SO MANY THAT FUCK I MIGHT JUST FILL THIS WHOLE THING UP. How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. I SWEAT LIKE A PIG. Dream job: Anything doing performing arts, but i’d love to just dance. or sing, i just love it so much kasjdhjdfa but honestly, a really stable job is what i need aagh  Following: 1,082 people wow, thats alot. 
Admin Erika
Nickname: I HAVE THREE NAMES (incl erika) AND MY NICKNAME IS BASICALLY THE ACRONYM OF MY NAMES + SURNAME Starsign: Aries Height: THAT,, IS A REALLY PERSONAL QUESTION AND A REALLY DELICATE SUBJECT I REFUSE TO ANSWER i don’t even know the exact measurement but i guess u could say im smol smolest in fact compared to the other admins jkaSdhjkhfe (but if u see admin ciara she looks smoler (our height’s just have a teeny tiny lil difference) and really fluffy and adorable but u didn’t hear that from me shh)
Time right now: 2:07 am
Last thing googled: hair color trends (admin kate and i were looking for hair colors that might suit her)
Favorite music artists: THERE’S A LOT okay, SEVENTEEN, DEAN, SF9, HEIZE, FT ISLAND, ONE OK ROCK, SCANDAL (it’s an all-girl jrock band, not what you think it is lol), ROOKIEZ IS PUNK’D, LING TOSITE SIGURE, ALL TIME LOW, SLEEPING WITH SIRENS, PARAMORE, THE NEIGHBORHOOD, THE 1975 i think there’s more but these artists are whom i really like Song stuck in your head: Pour up (DEAN x ZICO YEAH MAN) Last movie watched: Psycho Pass: The Movie ( I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING IT AND THE ANIME SERIES. BOY, MY MIND WAS FUCKED EVERY FUCKING EPISODE THE PLOT TWISTS, THE CHARACTERS, THE DIALOGUE, THE STORYLINE, EVERYTHING OH AND ALSO THE DEEPNESS IT JUST MAKES U THINK ABOUT LIFE like i donteven think about it enough ugh IM CRAZY FOR THIS ANIME Last TV show watched: can’t remember if it was Psycho Pass (WATCH IT FIRST BEFORE THE MOVIE) or Gravity Falls (binge-watched it and spent hours watching and reading conspiracy theories lol) What are you wearing right now: An Ottawa Senators sweatshirt ( Candian ice hockey team) and shorts When did you create your blog: i.. don’t remember SORRY HAHAH What kind of stuff do you post: i like writing imagines, angst, fluff anything just not smut i can’t really write that sht lol Do you have any other blogs: just my personal one Do you get asks regularly: in this blog, yeah,, i guess?? I LOVE Y’ALL SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING REGULARLY I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY AND I GET ALL SHY SKDAKJD Why did you choose your URL: Admin Kenvy thought of it so idrk? haha Gender: Female Hogwarts house: not really fan of the series IM SORRY i had like two book cover versions, both completed given to me (they all got lost idk where they went sorry hp fans y’all prolly wanted to kill me) and for some reason i couldnt really get into it IDK BUT IT’S NOT LIKE I DON’T LIKE READING I LIKE BOOKS YES I LOVE READING Pokemon team: didn’t play pokemon go (the idea of opening the gps on my phone gives me the creeps it just really bothers me so much) but IM A BIG FAN OF THE OLDER VERSIONS I STILL PLAY IT WHEN I HAVE TIME USING AN EMULATOR ON MY PHONE Favourite colour: black, gray, blue, Average hours of sleep: 3-6 hrs i have a messed up sleep sched there are times i sleep 15+ hrs and there are times i don't sleep at all lol
Lucky number: idk heh Favorite character(s): THERE’S A LOT IT’S HARD TO NAME THEM ALL I WATCH ANIME KDRAMAS MOVIES READ BOOKS MANGAS ASHGDD How many blankets do you sleep with: just one,, are there even ppl who sleep with more than one?? don’t you just choose a thICKER one if it’s really cold????? Dream job: i have nothing in particular, but just a stable one that i like doing and one that i can use my skills (if i even have those) on to help other ppl ESPECIALLY IF IT PAYS WELL LOL I NEED TO FEED MYSELF AND MY FAMILY AND BEING A FANGIRL IS EXPENSIVE ESP IF YOU’RE IN A MULTI-FANDOM Following: in my personal blog, i just follow Tumblr staff and what17says for translations of what seventeens says lol (im sorry i don’t really use tumblr often i mostly use fb and twt hehehhe)
Admin Ciara
Nickname: Pat, Pat-pat (just call me Ciara) Starsign: what da ef is with that starsign? Just simply put Zodiac. anyways it’s Sagguittarius Height: It’s 5″1 i know it is not much but for me it is good enough. And people don’t believe me that my height is 5″1( MOSTLY MY FRIENDS THEY SAY THAT I’M JUST 4′11). IT’S 5″1 BISHES (IF U EVER READ THIS) I may be smol but i will fite you if you hurt my friends and fam
Time right now: 2:26 pm Last thing googled: Default. (LOL we, admins were together when we searched for that freakin default) The default in Basketball Favorite music artist: IN KPOP; SEVENTEEN, BLOCK B, EXO, GOT7, ASTRO, CNBLUE, IOI, RED VELVET, SF9, KNK, KARD NCT U,127,AND DREAM AND SO MUCH MORE. I could name artists from a-z, 1-9(names with 1 to 9 like; high4, sf9) OUTSIDE OF KPOP: Troye Sivan, Sam Smith, Krissy, The Weekend, Alessia Cara, Daya and more Song stuck in your head: Oh nana by KARD. That song is to die for lol. Whenever i play that song, people always ask for the artist’s name and the title Last movie watched: Uzumaki Live Action. I JUST WATCHED THIS WITH THE OTHER ADMINS AND IT WAS DISAPPOINTING AF. THE MANGA VERSION IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER. the movie was gore but not gore enough. I don’t recommend it to any of you. 
Last TV show watched: It’s Showtime. It’s a TV show here in the Philippines. What are you wearing right now: A black sleeveless shirt with three white stripes LOL. For the bottom, i’m wearing leggings with  that ripped effect but it is not .( People always get trolled whenever i wear this leggings, they’ll check it out- whether it’s ripped or not)
When did you create your blog: I think it was around September or October.  What kind of stuff do you post: I don’t post anything on my personal blog lol, But I re-blog with that acc. But with this blog, I post our replies to your fan mails. I might post a smut anytime now LOL Do you have any other blogs: Yup, aside from my personal blog, I have 2 more but I forgot the e-mil and the password LOL Do you get asks regularly: With this blog yes (just keep it coming hoes) Why did you choose your URL: It wasn’t me who chose that Gender: Female Hogwarts house: A potterhead right here. Whenever I play a quiz to know which hogwarts house I am, i always get Slythrerin. I even tried the one in facebook for the profile pic framing, i got Slytherin. Slytherin it is Pokemon team: I don’t play pokemon go. MY answer is same with Erika’s so just read her’s Favourite colour: Black, Purple, Violet, Lavender, White, Burgundy And some shades of blue Average hours of sleep: 10 (nap and sleep at night, combined) I can sleep for 20 hours non-stop. (for the Filipinos out there: Kahit tulog ako ng tulog hindi ako tumatangkad. Kaiyak bes)
Lucky number: idk Favorite character(s): Where? K-DRAMAS? MANGA? MOVIE? STORY? ANIME? There are lots and I don’t remember most of their names How many blankets do you sleep with: one, This should’ve been; How many pillows do you sleep with?; How many stuff toys do you sleep with? If those were the questions, my answers would be: 5 pillows and 10 stuff toys(no one’s too old for stuff toys) If you think otherwise, FITE ME. (i agree with Erika on this one.) Dream job: I’d like to have many jobs.But for now, I want to be a GEOLOGIST. You’d be able to go to diff places and i think it’s exciting. It’s also one of the most needed jobs in the country and the salary’s not too bad. Following: Most of the follower of this blog( about 300 of the followers, that’s not even half of the followers, i didn’t know we’d reach 1k) but lately I’ve been lazy so yeah.
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