#its on the same level in terms of shit happening. perchance even more
realnielsbohr · 2 years
every time I think abt the literal interconnectedness of dirk gently I have 2 lie down for a minute
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aftout · 1 year
I wanna know abt ACC Charlie 👀 whats she like? Does Maxwell still end up joining her?
GRAHHH TEEHEE HII I’m gonna try to keep this as comprehensible as I possibly can because when I write these character things I honestly kinda feel like the fucking. Mario Perchance essay ifykyk BUT ANYWAYS 🤯
Ever since her childhood Charlie has had this disease called “I need to partake in everything all the time” syndrome. She’s competitive, creative, adventurous, and was often enthusiastic about the most minuscule things. She loved helping her mother bake, she loved helping her father organise papers for his job, she loved assisting Winona with whatever projects she could despite not understanding machinery on the same level as her. Like, any sort of activity that she could get her hands on and do with someone was enticing to her.
She got into a particularly bad argument with Winona before she left home to start living on her own. Despite their eventual rekindling, the event sparked this flame of rebellion that played a big role in her life during her time in San Francisco. There was this lingering need to prove her sister wrong despite her absence, to show that she was more than capable of defending and taking care of herself, that she could choose her own path. Outside of her many part-time jobs she’d hang around clubs to socialise, she got into flapper culture, she still clung to that joy in meeting new people and assisting them with whatever imaginable; which ultimately led her to the Palace Hotel.
Clicking with William happened pretty much immediately. They were similar in many aspects, both far away from home and somewhat striving after the public’s attention. Besides, a magic act seemed fun. And William was good at it. Collaboration with one another came easy to them and eventually they had made quite a name for themselves; William even changed his completely.
They eventually got together as a couple but it seemed like more of a business title than anything else. Charlie– deep in the closet and not quite yet on terms with that part of herself– mistook her feelings of friendship as romantic (because, hey, that’s a guy!) and followed suit (Maxwell was in a very similar position but THIS ISN’T ABOUT HIM!!!).
BUT YOU WANT THE DRAMA. YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT WHEN THINGS FUCK THE FUCK UP. Shit hits the fan when she finds out that Maxwell is probably engaging in cult activities (thanks to his little spell book) after visiting his apartment to pick up a few show props. Or, well, she registers it as cult activity at first; still (somehow) not fully onboard with the idea that shadow magic is, like, an actual thing. And it’s creepy but she still cares about him, right? So obviously she’s all hey. You’ve been isolating yourself for a hot minute now but just know that I’m here for you if you need anything. And then during their next show The Bad Thing Happened.
The force from the blow basically severed Charlie, the overwhelming amount of nightmare fuel entering her system all at once fucking with her system and turning her into the Grue. All this eventually leads us to when ACC actually takes place. She’s the nightmare queen and she’s doing a lot of Cryptic Shit.
Heeerre’s the thing. When it comes to rulers of the constant, it really is Them. Whoever’s on the throne is merely a vessel for Them to channel Their power through. There’s the illusion of collaboration, sure, but once They’ve drained you of all you have to offer you’re as disposable as a dishcloth.
The best heirs to the throne are people with baggage. Shadow magic is a craft reliant on its practicer’s mental state, the more there for Them to dissect the more there is for Them to use. They’ll pull you apart mentally and stretch you out physically, They’ll take whatever you have on the table. And sure, Maxwell had a fair amount of petty grudges pent up that They could bend and manipulate, but Charlie? She’s ripe with wrath. She feels confused, she feels betrayed, she feels scared, she feels angry. She wants to watch that old man die a thousand deaths and then kill him herself a thousand times more. Her mind is oozing with all sorts of intense emotions for Them to get Their grimy little hands on, there’s a reason she’s so powerful.
They’re breaking her apart. She’s deteriorating.
RIGHT and whether Maxwell ends up joining her again or not? ACC Maxwell is in this position where two sides are offering him different things that he really wants. Wanda is giving him this final chance at making things right, a ticket home, whereas Charlie is (falsely) offering him the comfort of the past; an opportunity to revert things back to how they once were but better. Both of these things are tempting, and both of the people in question do mean something to him. I suppose it all relies on where his greed takes him.
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