#its said among gwangjeom palace that the emperor rules supreme over hae... and insu rules over the emperor
eyesofshan-if · 2 years
This is a HC but I love the idea of the MC and Insu being the youngest of the cast so they’re practically like the maknae line (maknae means babey or the youngest). And the dynamic can be so cute 😭
Like can you imagine an MC just taunting Insu because they’re older than him by JUST a few months. Or an MC just begging Insu to do something they don’t want to because he’s older than them and as the older brother/senior he needs to help them 😭
But can you imagine Insu and baby!MC just forming an alliance whenever the emperor wants to do something stupid and just pull out the “me babey” card so he doesn’t do anything stupid 😭. Like I’m talking full on embarrassing cute shit like aegyo or things like that. I can see Hansol just loving it but the rest???? Oh boi their reputation I’m crying 💀
I dunno why but MCs being full on Tom and Jerry with one another could be so cute like they’re either antagonizing each other because there’s no room for two babies in the group or I’m the older one of the two so shut up and listen to ye elder. Or maybe they’re unironically so entertaining together and are a good comedic duo but they don’t realize it at all.
my dear anon... you have to understand that the emperor is terrified of insu. the emperor can wild all he wants, but the second insu threatens to quit and leave him to deal with all the paperwork alone, yongsun is the one grovelling at his feet and begging him not to abandon him.
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