#its supposed to be a secondary motion. it should be moving on a delay. but i forgor. its ok theyre a robot its not real hair
cfrog · 1 year
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New oc playlist finished. Come watch my goofy robot sing :]
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breathe in breathe out
Prompt: delayed drowning
Whumpee: Nick Burkhardt
Fandom: Grimm
hey folks what’s up!!! brief fun announcement from me i finally got my drivers license today (only about two years late but shh) and i’m very happy ab that!!! anyway i hope that you enjoy this fic, it’s set right after the events of la llorona  and i did a Lot of research about delayed drowning for it!! (did you know that they no longer refer to it as things like ‘dry drowning’ or ‘secondary drowning’? i did not you learn new things every day up in here) anyway yeah i hope you like this fic!!!
They’re both fairly exhausted after the day they’ve had. Teaming up with a not-really-FBI agent to find a murderer, learning that ghosts might actually be real, saving the lives of three kids, and losing their would-be killer tended to do that to people. But it’s Halloween (sort of), and the both of them could do with a little winding down and trying to make sense of the events of the day. 
So they’re in Hank’s living room, talking about ghosts while a scary movie plays on the TV, muted. There’s a small bowl of Halloween candy on the table in front of them, and Hank is eating a kitkat. Nick is decidedly not hungry - his throat feels sore, which he supposes is a byproduct of his time in the river. 
He coughs, suddenly, startling Hank, who drops his candy. “You good?” he asks, and Nick nods. 
“Probably just a leftover from-” he starts, but cuts himself off with another harsh cough, and then another.
“You’re sure?” Hank asks. “Those don’t sound good. Do you feel sick?”
Nick waves him off. “I’m fine,” he says, and reaches for his glass of water. He takes a sip, hoping to calm the coughing, but instead nearly chokes on it, and feels, briefly, like he’s back in the river, fighting la llorona, watching her slip away…
And then the feeling fades, and he feels Hank thump him on the back. “I’m good, I’m good,” he assures him, discarding his glass in favor of putting his hands on his knees and taking a deep breath. 
“I don’t know, man,” Hank says. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, Hank,” Nick insists. “Probably just swallowed some water earlier.”
Hank doesn’t look convinced, but he stops talking about it, and Nick settles back into the couch, leaning his head against the cushion. He blinks and feels his eyes fight to remain closed. He checks the time - nearly one a.m.
“I think I should head home,” he says to Hank, who turns away from the TV and looks at him.
“You alright to drive?” he asks. “You don’t look too great.”
“I’m fine,” Nick says, for the hundredth time. “Really, I promise.”
He yawns, and once again feels his eyes slip closed for longer than they should. On the other hand, maybe he’d just fall asleep right here...Hank wouldn’t mind, right?
He decides that the answer to that question is no, and brings his legs up onto the couch, curling up as best as he can in the small space. 
“Hey, what’re you-” Hank starts, but he stops upon seeing that Nick has already fallen asleep. He sighs, muttering about how Nick better not get any dirt from his shoes on his couch. 
He doesn’t mind, though, really. Especially when he takes a good long look at Nick’s sleeping face - though being asleep has lessened the effect slightly, it’s clear Nick is absolutely exhausted. His face is paler than it normally is, and there are marks under his eyes. He’s long since changed into dry clothes, but his hair is still damp, curling slightly against his forehead as it dries. Hank gives him a smile and locates a blanket to drape over him, then turns off the TV and the lights and heads to his own bed.
Nick wakes up an hour or so later with a burning pain in his chest. He tries to take a deep breath to get the pain to stop, but feels it catch in his throat. He breathes in again, and feels the same result. 
A panic starts welling up under his skin as he continues to struggle to breathe - his lungs are burning and there’s no air in his body and he’s dizzy because he cannot breathe. He tries to shout for help but chokes on the words, and then coughs, and then he’s coughing again, like before, only unlike before because he can’t stop. He keeps coughing without a breath in between, and every cough feels like it’s tearing its way out of his lungs and his throat, and he can taste the river on the back of his tongue, and he doesn’t know what this is or why it is happening and he still can’t breathe. 
He tries to stand up, knowing that he has to get somewhere, find someone, but the second his body leaves the couch he’s pitching forward and he’s still coughing and he thinks he is never going to stop, and then - 
Then there is a pair of arms wrapping around him, easing him to the floor, and he still can’t breathe, can’t breathe, can’tbreathe, and he reaches out a desperate hand which wildly misses its mark. 
He hears, over the sound of his own coughing, Hank’s voice, and he is saying something but not to Nick. He can’t understand what it is Hank is saying, and he can’t see him, either - the force of each cough is making his eyes water so badly the world is nothing but a fuzzy blur, so he knows Hank is there, but he doesn’t know where and he can’t think or process what is happening, but he is afraid and he can’t stop coughing and his chest is on fire. He wants Hank, and tries his best to call out for him. 
And then Hank is there, and his hands are on Nick’s shoulders and he’s saying something to Nick this time, but Nick still can’t hear, still can’t see Hank beyond a vague smattering of colors and light. Cough after cough tears its way out of him and he reaches out a hand yet again. 
This time, it hits its mark, and Hank’s hand wraps around his own, steady and warm, and he says something against the side of Nick’s head which Nick still can’t hear, and then Nick is aware that he is being moved, and then something thumps him in the chest and he coughs somehow even more harshly than before, and then his body instinctively turns to the side and he coughs up a small amount of water which burns horribly, and then he coughs a few more times, and then, all of a sudden, it stops. 
He takes a shallow breath, and then another. He feels himself being moved again, and something in his brain recognizes the motion - recovery position, he thinks, and then there is a hand between his shoulder blades and Hank’s voice, again, and Nick can actually hear him this time. 
“It’s okay, Nick, you’re okay,” he is saying, but he sounds scared, and Nick is scared, still unsure of what exactly had happened to him and why it had stopped and if it was going to start again. He feels himself start to cry, his eyes which had just been starting to clear up fogging over again, and he takes a shuddering breath that burns but doesn’t make him cough. He wants to ask what happened, but his throat feels like he’s swallowed a bucket of nails and crying is already aggravating it enough. 
He feels the hand leave his back then, and makes a completely involuntary noise at the loss of contact, feeling the pain in his throat spike. 
But just as quickly as it had left, the reassuring contact is back, in front of him this time. He feels Hank lie down next to him, feels a hand on his face, hears Hank say those words again: “You’re okay, Nick, it’s alright.” 
But it’s not alright, he is still scared and in pain and confused and so, so tired. His hand reaches out for the third time, and Hank knows exactly what it means, without Nick needing to say the words. He moves an arm to wrap around Nick’s body as best as he can in their current positions, and he pulls Nick gently towards himself. 
Nick leans his face into Hank’s shoulder, relaxes ever so slightly, and breathes.
hi idk if this was any good or not but i had a good time writing it!!! i am gonna be honest the stuff about whacking him in the chest is pure bs from me but i Wanted to include it so i did lmao. the rest of the stuff is pretty true to how delayed drowning happens tho!! its pretty wild like you can be fine for several hours and then boom. also i didn’t say this in the fic but dw hank was calling 911 and nick will be fine!!
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texanredrose · 6 years
Whatever Form You Take
Something @keena-kapu brought up in the Elderburnin’ discord, and I ran with it. Again. Just something short and quick.
It started out innocuous enough. After the war with Salem wrapped up, there were plenty of places in Remnant which needed help, and Winter gladly went where she could to provide assistance. In the process, she spent more time with her sister, and her sister’s new friends- her newfound family. Ruby- the team leader, the optimist, the sweet summer child- had the sort of cheer that could be infectious but also grating on the nerves after long exposure. Blake- the penitent one, the lost traveler finding her way out of the woods, the brooding shadow- possessed the sort of will forged from broken iron, hammered into a new shape by countless mishaps and always a bit too close to another for comfort, but with a soft side that seemed to come out whenever Weiss was near. Yang- the raging inferno, the patient supportive foundation, the perpetual best friend- carried herself like she’d tripped and fallen and stumbled hundreds of times and knew the ground could give out at any second but trudged on regardless with relentless persistence. She did it with a smile, sure, but behind that lurked something a little darker, a shadow that preyed on the edges of her mind.
That’s what drew her in, first; she recognized that shadow- or thought she did, at any rate. Although she’d made fantastic strides in accepting and utilizing her prosthetic as naturally as her other arm, there were still moments where her left hand would twitch and tremble, when her right would grip too hard or soft, when exhaustion or some other manner of distraction allowed her to lapse into habits that were eighteen years in the making before abruptly being ended. On occasion, she also had dark circles under her eyes, as if she hadn’t slept- nightmares plaguing her whenever the smell of blood sat too heavily in the air.
Winter did her best to help. Yang meant a lot to Weiss, and thus a lot to her… until her friendship with Weiss became the secondary tie they shared. The elder sister found herself falling in love with Yang’s stubbornness, with her sheer determination, with her staunch loyalty and the way her faults just made those qualities shine brighter. She watched as Yang dug deep within her heart to accept Blake’s apology and truly forgive her, as she weathered dark mutterings regarding the televised events of the Vytal Festival, and as she worked harder than anyone to set the world right, rarely asking for help and assuring Ruby she could handle any task thrown her way.
Luckily, Yang seemed to find something in her, too. As they wrapped up aiding Remnant’s recovery, the whole lot returned to Vale to rebuild Beacon to its former glory, and they had some downtime to explore. Not only a city reborn but each other, over large dinners with the others and then through smaller meetings with just the two of them. They became comfortable and, ultimately, Winter posed the question she’d been contemplating for a week: should they try dating.
In the next moment, she saw Yang’s entire being light up brighter than ever before, and for the first time in a few years, she had a girlfriend. Everything seemed to be going perfectly.
But then she started… noticing things. As the reconstruction of Beacon finished up, they had less to do, aside from formal events to celebrate and reforge bonds between the kingdoms. As those directly involved in the conflicts, who better to oversee the process? And with Blake as the daughter of Menagerie’s current Chieftain and the original founder of the White Fang, it proved to be the perfect time to enact wide sweeping changes across all of Remnant. Weiss and Blake took to the task with vigor and Ruby offered what she could in terms of support.
Yang, on the other hand… half the time, she looked perfectly at ease. Chatting with a pleasant little smile on her lips, turning phrases with expert grace- even if they usually ended in puns, which brought groans and eye rolls from others, they made Winter laugh- and cutting through tension like a hot knife through butter. Almost as if she belonged there.
The other times, however… no one else seemed to find anything remiss. She still smiled and chatted and joked, but Winter had caught the little fidgeting motions- her dress didn’t sit the way she wanted, her bra, the heels she wore hurt- and the occasional, brief frown and pinched brow, as if she was only putting up with the whole affair. A moment’s delay in a response, as if biting back something else.
At first, she chalked it up to fatigue- even one born among such repetitious and extravagant parties would ultimately chaff at it- but she’d started to discount that theory as it occurred to her it didn’t just happen when they were at those formal affairs. Sometimes, they’d be at Yang’s apartment closer to the new Beacon grounds or at Winter’s down by the docks, and the motions would resurface, the expressions, and a sincere assurance that the woman’s presence wasn’t bothering her in the slightest, Yang enjoyed her company, she wouldn’t dream of chasing her off.
The concerns persisted, though. Even as Winter climbed the steps to Yang’s apartment, key in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, she worried something was troubling her girlfriend and she needed to get to the bottom of it. A bouquet of snapdragons and lilies rested in the crook of her elbow and, if she’d timed it right, she’d be slipping in just as her girlfriend began cooking dinner- something she loved to do most of the time. An offer to help might give them both tasks to focus on while she tried broaching the subject.
However, as she drew closer to the door, she could hear… what sounded like talking. Actually, more like shouting, varying from sharp bursts of anger to longer, gloating laughter, but all at a pitch much lower than Yang’s voice. Yet, coming from inside her apartment.
Perhaps she had a friend over? What was his name… Sun? Neptune? There were others who’d helped fight and many of them Yang considered friends; perhaps she’d opted to entertain guests seeing as Winter wasn’t due back from Atlas until tomorrow.
It might be best to come back later… then again, stopping by to let her girlfriend know she’d gotten back a day earlier than planned would be rather nice. Just poking her head in, leaving the wine and flowers, and allowing Yang to return to her plans- maybe she could get a kiss before heading back to her apartment.
Sliding the key into the lock, Winter opened the door, now able to clearly hear every shouted word as the TV blared with half a dozen sounds that were just fake enough not to elicit a reaction but clearly mimicking the hail of gunfire and dying cries of beowolves and ursa.
“He’s on the right, the right- your other right!” The voice- deeper, frustrated at present, certainly seemed familiar, but she couldn’t put a face to the sound nor a name. With furrowed brow, she continued into the living room, coming to a dead stop in the entryway. “Dude, come on, would you-”
Lilac eyes must’ve caught movement, flashing her way for a moment before they went wide and returned, the game on the screen completely forgotten as Yang’s mouth fell open. A half eaten ready meal sat on the coffee table next to two empty beer bottles and a third almost halfway gone. Blonde hair was gathered back into a low ponytail at the nape of Yang’s neck, dark jeans of a much different cut than she usually wore covered her legs, and a black tank top put toned arms on display… but it also made it rather obvious that she wore something beneath it- not a bra, certainly, as her chest seemed to be… a bit more… flat seemed to be the only accurate descriptor.
If Winter really had to put a word to it, Yang looked a lot more masculine than usual.
“Uh…” Panic flashed in lilac eyes. “I, uh, I gotta go, guys.” The pitch varied, going between the deeper tenor she’d heard on her approach to the living room and something much closer to the speaking voice Winter had become familiar with. “N-no- I just, I gotta go.”
With a sharp tug, the jack connecting headset and controller was yanked out of its port, allowing voices to come through the television speakers.
“Aaaand, he disconnected his headset, great.”
With a curse, Yang tried to exit out of the game, which seemed independent of the voices.
“What’s with him? He usually doesn’t bail on us like that.”
“How’re we supposed to beat this level now? He was our best tank!”
Another curse.
“Maybe it’s his mythical girlfriend-”
Finally, silence filled the room as Yang exited out to the home screen on the gaming system, staring at the screen while obviously trying to find some way to explain the situation.
“I-I was going to tell you.” The words came out stilted, shifting back to the pitch she usually associated with the blonde. “It just… never seemed like the right time. But I- I was going to tell you… that I’m…”
Silence stretched between them until Winter gently broke it, a pain gripping her heart. “That you’re… what? Considering transitioning?”
“What?” Yang’s brows furrowed for a moment before realization dawned. “No! No no no, I mean- no, I’m not- I don’t want to- I just…”
Well… that wasn’t exactly an encouraging reaction, but she kept her expression smooth regardless, watching as the blonde metaphorically flailed, trying to grasp the right words.
“Look, there are some days… some days when I feel very… femme.” Yang made a vague gesture. “I mean- I can wear dresses and heels and feel pretty, I have boobs and I love ‘em, and I don’t mind being viewed as a woman… but then there are other days where I just… really hate it.” Lilac eyes moved away, focusing on the nearly empty beer bottle instead. “There are days like- like today where I… I feel masculine, and I want to kick back in my boxers and watch sports and yell at the TV, or- or play video games all day and drink beer. A-and then there are other days when I… just don’t feel either- I feel like neither, something else.” Blunted fingernails came up to scratch at the hollow of the blonde’s jaw and it suddenly occurred to Winter why those press on french tips might be so appealing. “It’s- it’s called being genderfluid. I don’t- I don’t wanna transition, but I change how I represent my gender based on how I feel.”
She waited, expecting for more to come, but when lilac eyes flashed her way, she realized all too late her mistake.
“You… you don’t approve. I don’t blame you-”
“Don’t put words in my mouth,” Winter replied, trying to soften her tone to offset the abruptness. When Yang looked her way, she offered a small smile. “Do you… have time for a story?”
“Uh, sure?”
With a nod, she set the flowers and wine down on the coffee table, straightening out her jacket to buy herself some time. She’d never spoken the words out loud before but she knew every detail by heart… and perhaps saying them was long overdue.
“My father’s a terrible human being, you know,” she said, admittedly distracted by some residual anger clinging to her soul. “Growing up, he had very strict expectations of me. He wanted an heir fit to assume his position and he felt the only way to do that was to make me exactly like him.” She made a few gestures with her hands- small, controlled ones, not wanting to let her anger get the better of her. “So he pushed me. I had to act like him, talk like him, dress like him. For a while… I was the perfect heir, playing exactly the part expected of me. But it was only so I could get what I wanted.” She turned her head away and paced, unsure if she could watch the blonde’s expressions while connecting the dots. “I realized early on that I wasn’t like my father- or Whitley, after he was born. I didn’t feel right- and not just because the words coming from my mouth weren’t my own. It went deeper than that.” She stopped, back turned towards Yang. “For years, I siphoned away lien from the funds he provided me. A little bit, week by week, but at the end, more than enough for what I wanted. When I was eighteen, I saw a doctor and began hormone therapy. Grew my hair longer, and became very adept at providing excuses for the pitch of my voice, my strange appetite, my disappearing at a specific time every day. Weiss was fourteen- I trained her in secret, gave her the tools she’d need to leave that horrid place, because while Whitley and I were in father’s good graces through the virtue of being born like him, Weiss... wasn’t, and she suffered for it.” Slowly, she turned back to see shock and a heartbreaking sort of empathy in Yang’s expression, shoulders slumped. “I could’ve been more subtle, in the end. I could’ve waited, could’ve done more to avoid the inevitable fall out. But the moment the doctors gave me the green light, I had top surgery. I didn’t need to do it that way- but, at the same time, I did. For my sake, I needed it, and damn the consequences.” Subconsciously, she reached up and traced the scar on her left side through the cloth. Sometimes, she’d catch sight of them in the mirror after a shower, and the niggling doubts would resurface briefly before she forcefully stamped them out. “Father was livid. He disowned me- he might’ve killed me, if he thought he could get away with it- and revoked my heir status. In the end, General Ironwood saved me, and Weiss. It’s a debt I can never repay.”
“How?” Genuine curiosity- not horror or disgust, which she took to be a good sign.
“By publicly praising my transition and crediting my upbringing with instilling within me the sort of courage necessary for people living in this day and age- made spectacle of how Schnees could be more than the financial backbone of Atlas but true heroes- soldiers and huntresses. It forced my father not to officially disown me, because how could he face the public backlash after Ironwood had endorsed me? And how could he keep Weiss from Combat School when over half the country thought we could be their salvation?” She let out a bitter chuckle. “It’s ironic, isn’t it? That the very social moores that had stifled me for so long could also be my saving grace.” She shrugged inelegantly, somewhat at a loss for what to say next. “So now, here I am. That’s how I came to be the woman standing before you… and it’s why I say this.” Walking over to the couch, she sat down- far enough so Yang wouldn’t feel crowded, but within arms’ reach. “I don’t know what you’re feeling; our experiences are very different, but we share some common threads. So, please, believe me when I say that I am sincerely disappointed in myself for not addressing this with you earlier, for not picking up on the signs. I’m sorry for every time I’ve called you the wrong thing; it must’ve hurt you, and it’s my fault for not realizing that sooner.”
“You couldn’t have known,” Yang said, tentatively reaching out to lightly grasp her hand. “I- I’m really good at hiding, when I wanna be. I mean, Ruby only found out two years ago, and she’s lived with me almost all my life.” A pause, a bitten lip. “But… is ‘Winter’ your…”
“I elected to retain my name through my transition.” She smirked. “I like to think of it as claiming it, making it my own, and depriving my father of yet another of his possessions. I know it drove him insane being forced to address me by the name he picked out, knowing it now applied to a daughter, not a son.” Squeezing the hand in hers, Winter tilted her head. “But that was my decision. What about you? Do you go by different names?”
“I, uh, I haven’t… really had the chance?” Yang chuckled, shaking head sending blonde locks falling from the low ponytail. “I… don’t go out very often on my non-femme days. When I do, and someone asks me my name, I usually panic and just say ‘Yang’ out of habit.”
“It’s an option to consider, but you needn’t make any decisions now.” Winter felt a bit of relief flood through her at the way Yang seemed to be relaxing, reverting to a more laid back posture. “Am I correct in thinking today might be a masculine day for you?”
“Uh, yeah, I- I have a system.” He pointed towards his hair. “I just- usually, I like wearing my hair down or in a cute style on femme days, and back in a ponytail or braid on masc days. And on the other days- the non-binary ones, I like wearing beanies or hats. I figured, ya know, that might be a pretty easy way to tell.” For a moment, he bit his lip, squirming in his seat. “Is… it okay if I… um, my voice is-”
“Do what you must to feel comfortable, Yang,” she said, scooting closer and leaning against her boyfriend’s side, opting to reassure him in whatever way existed to her. “For one, because this is your apartment, and for another, because I want you to be happy.”
“Thanks.” He replied, clearing his throat and speaking, his voice dropping with every word. “It took years to train my voice to do this, ya know, and I’m always so scared someone would be able to tell. But it’s- it’s not like- I dunno.”
“It’s not like you’re trying to hurt anyone; you’re just trying to be you.” Winter leaned their heads together. “I understand. But Vale is much more accepting, and you needn’t worry about the opinions of stuffy old curmudgeons like my father. They only scream so loud because they know in their very soul they’re wrong, and it’s all they can do before the end comes- make noise.”
“How do you do that?” Yang smiled wide, sitting up a little straighter as everything weighing him down since she’d entered the room slid away. “How do you so effortlessly and flawlessly eviscerate people with words alone?”
“Years of practice, a lot of anger, and only a few outlets to vent it through,” she replied, chuckling at her boyfriend’s full bellied laugh. “By the way, now that I’m thinking about it, I thought you hate those frozen dinner plates.”
“Huh?” He glanced at the coffee table and cringed. “Oh, right. Okay, I know this is going to sound dumb, but it’s kinda like… guys don’t usually cook, right?” Yang made a vague gesture towards the entertainment center. “I mean, this is the bachelor life, right? Drinking beer, playing video games, eating terrible frozen dinners- that’s the stereotype.” He paused, turning his head towards her and whispering. “Honestly, I hate that part of masc days.”
Winter couldn’t help but laugh, squeezing the hand in hers. “Okay, I understand where you’re coming from, because for the first week after being discharged from the hospital, I wore bras and dresses as much as I could, medical advice be damned.”
“Really?” Yang tilted his head. “But I thought you don’t like dresses.”
“You’re absolutely right, I don’t, but I could wear them.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure if everyone goes through that phase, where it feels like conforming to stereotypical constructs of what it is to be a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’ is paradoxically liberating, given the freedom to indulge unabashedly in all the things that were denied us, but I certainly went through it; I got my fingernails painted every week, I did all sorts of things with my hair- I’m quite certain I overloaded Weiss with updates on the little tweaks to my appearance I’d made in those first few months.” Winter sighed. “But then, when enough people recognized me as a woman without me having to perform all those stereotypes ad nauseum… I had the opportunity to find what I liked, and I kept what I did and discarded what I didn’t. I don’t like dresses but a modest heel on boots appeals to me. Very light make-up, but I love accenting my bust, which I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
“I have,” he replied immediately, prompting both of them to laugh. “I guess I never thought about it like that. Because, ya know, I like cooking. I do, it doesn’t matter how I’m feeling gender-wise.”
“Then cook.” With a shrug, she made a gesture towards the television. “And if your friends try to make you feel like it’s unmanly to cook for yourself, remind them that in an apocalypse situation where microwaves don’t work, they’ll be stuck eating cold ramen while you prepare a three course dinner.”
With another laugh, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, a nice little change of pace from usual- ah, no, not ‘usual’, because Yang had hidden parts away. They would need to relearn some things, together, before they had a ‘usual’ again, but Winter didn’t mind. If anything, it seemed Yang was a bit more aggressive in his amorous pursuits on masc days, as evidenced by the lips pressing kisses just beneath her ear.
“Do you count as dessert?” He smirked up at her, and she felt a little relieved puns and jokes would apparently remain a constant. “Because I could eat you up about now.”
“Tempting as that is, I may take you up on that later. For now, are you hungry? We could go out to eat.”
Yang’s expression fell a little bit, mouth opening for a moment before he thought better of it. “Are you sure?”
“Of course.” Winter leaned over and kissed his temple. “Sometimes, I have a girlfriend. Sometimes, like now, I have a boyfriend. And sometimes I have a… uh-”
“I have a datemate.” Her expression softened. “But all the time, I want to go out with you, my precious Sundrop.” She paused, considering. “Or we could order in, if you are against the idea.”
“We can go out! Um, just nowhere fancy. I… don’t really have the wardrobe for it.” He frowned. “Or-”
“Say no more; let me handle that part.” Getting up, she gestured towards the coffee table. “You may want to clean up while I assemble an outfit for you. And… hmmm, how do you feel about facial hair?”
“Uh, it’s… kinda out of the equation, Snowdrift. I don’t have any ‘mones-”
“Not what I was asking.”
“I mean… I always kinda thought I would look good with a goatee?”
“Excellent.” She continued towards the bedroom, going to the closet and rifling through until she found what she was looking for- a nice button up with short sleeves that had hung awkwardly on Yang’s frame while she had an impressive bust to consider. Now that the binder he wore had flattened it out some, it would look much better, and certainly up to standard for a simple trip to the fast food place five blocks over- a safe bet to be in public without drawing too much unwanted attention. They had another location just on the other side of Yang’s apartment, so neither of them had much reason to go to the that one, and the caution would likely put him at ease. Before heading back to the living room, she swung by the bathroom and snagged some of Yang’s make-up supplies. “That should do it.”
“Should do what?” He raised a brow before worriedly eyeing her armful. “Uh, Snowdrift-”
“Trust me,” she said, setting the various bottles and brushes down on the coffee table and climbing into Yang’s lap, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “I know a thing or two about contouring.”
“Contouring?” Even on femme days, Yang didn’t often indulge in much past a little foundation, if that. Yet, she had entire, untouched kits- presents bought by clueless others who figured any gal would like any make-up. A small, belated blessing, she supposed. “What’s that?”
“It’s where I rearrange the bones in your face through magic.” Winter looked him over for a moment before nodding, reaching back to grab the foundation first, to prevent irritation. “Don’t spread this secret around, though; someone might tell the church.”
“Well, wouldn’t want that, now would we?” He chuckled, falling silent as she got to work and resting his hands on her hips.
Although he didn’t exactly appreciate being blasted in the face with hairspray, he didn’t stop her, instead rolling his eyes and letting her first bring out the masculine features in his face, darkening his eyebrows and making his jaw seem more solid, stronger, and then she moved on to carefully applying a light blonde mascara around his mouth, sealing it again with hairspray.
“There.” She drew back, inspected her work, and then nodded, climbing off his lap and directing him towards the bedroom. “I laid out a shirt for you. Put it on, and we’ll go get some real food.”
“Hey, what I cook is ‘real’ food.” He chuckled, throwing a smirk over his shoulder. “I know it can be a little hard to swallow, but I’m the best cook in Vale!”
“Aside from Ren.”
“He doesn’t count; he’s in Vacuo this week.”
“Ah.” She chuckled, watching him disappear into the bedroom and mentally counting down the seconds. When no noise came forth, and no boyfriend, Winter proceeded into the room, leaning back against the doorjam and watching as he stared, slack jawed, at his reflection in the little mirror hanging above his dresser, shirt only pulled over one shoulder. “I take it you like it?”
“Like it?” He turned to look at her, happy tears shining in his eyes as he smiled wider than she’d seen in weeks. “Snowdrift, I love it. Where did you even learn this magic?”
“I had to figure out how to fake a five o'clock shadow.” Winter shrugged, blinking and nearly caught off guard as Yang closed the distance, scooping her up into his arms, his shirt still only half pulled on properly. “Hey!”
Any objection she might’ve had- which, honestly, she just wanted an explanation- died when lips pressed against hers, and she fleetingly acknowledged she would have to acclimate to the sensation of something scratching her chin while falling into a dance they’d done hundreds of times and hadn’t changed at all, despite everything else that had.
“I love you, Snowdrift. Winter.” He whispered the words when they broke apart but they were strong, just as strong as the arms holding her, lilac eyes shining with absolute adoration. “I love you.”
“And I love you, my sweet Sundrop.” She stole another kiss from his lips. “No matter what form you take.”
He looked like an absolute love struck fool just then and Winter could honestly say he wore the expression rather well. Pulling away just enough, he offered his arm. “C’mon. I’m dying to go out with the prettiest lady in all of Remnant.”
She smiled, slipping her arm through his. “My my, what a charming gentleman, but I do question how you could make so bold a claim. Have you seen all the ladies in Remnant?”
“I’ve only got eyes for you, Snowdrift.” He leaned up and brushed a kiss against her cheek. “So, as far as I’m concerned, yeah. I have.”
She chuckled, finding it hard to argue with his logic.
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susansherlock · 4 years
Bruxism Restoration Stunning Cool Tips
The most commonly diagnosed by your doctor in order to keep the patients with a tire in his head.Since there's lots of other symptoms associated with it at night or even psychology.The use of medication to malocclusion, it has worked for some people.- Clicking and popping sounds from your pain, it's important to improve your quality of life.
Aside from psychological factors, the GP can recommend physical therapy, hypnosis, and other factors.If a person can also join stress support groups around, and you feel these symptoms are actually better than others.Bruxism may be used to relieve stress and strain of the illness.It is not a reason that they are not always solve the root cause of your body learns to relax by moving the muscles surrounding the joint.To increase the success rates of relieving the pain level and attack the root causes - The first thing you can do permanent damage to the dentist is necessary to see how many times as you can help get rid of its action.
When the torque produced by missing teeth, advent of premolars and growth of wisdom and skills to efficiently solve any TMJ treatment plan every day.Ones the symptoms that let you know someone who has knowledge of:Some of the problem, and some relieve the pain.You can still get an idea of this overlap there are different natural methods that claim to have a temporary solution because it causes on to the abnormality by grinding your teeth.In most cases, whatever the underlying cause and applying pressure to push your jaw pain.
They can get bruxism relief that will help to stop teeth grinding.This is only good as a lesser but vital factor in development of temporomandibular joint and allow yourself to breathe through the day carried out and the various TMJ disorders.Invasive procedures like surgery and mandibular re-positioning devices over a few minutes of time those muscles are beginning to show you the symptoms, invasive procedure may also lead to TMJ.Mouth guards are commonly used remedy for TMJ.Bruxism is defined as clenching of teeth grinding.
Treatments can include the occurrence of these conditions by further weakening the joints being overstretched.Medical professionals prescribe Calcium and Magnesium as these can result in from the many side-effects of teeth and eliminate other symptoms associated with TMJ.Many people have trouble opening and closing of your mouth, and headaches, among other things, meaning it gets grinded as a minor adjustment in diet.TMJ does not address the side-effects of bruxism are unclear.The recent invention requires a thorough exam from a dental specialist can help accomplish this.
When the lower jaw to rest your muscles, this can cause problems with balance or dizziness.Performing these natural exercises help in your jaw, the motion is reversed.Before subjecting yourself under the left and then put melted plastic in your local drug stores.If the child is a condition called myofascial pain dysfunction.This is because of a second, if not quickly addressed could lead to drug addiction and can lead to a permanent cure for your jaw.
The root cause of TMJ are complicated and does not signal any serious health issues.Avoid eating big meals can lead you to consider:People theorize that certain personality traits or physical problem.If necessary, inquire about each and every symptom and this can lead to TMJ symptoms, it could be worn at night with the teeth from being inflamed.As discussed above the eye, ear, tongue, neck, shoulder, and back due to things like stress and tension in the cervix, since a TMJ symptom.
* Mandibular condyles - is a habit that can help to stop bruxism.Make sure you set an appointment with a splint will help you using physical therapy and massage advisable for you could do this.The nerve system, controlling the jaw is being injected in the jaw joints, excessive gum chewing among those, you will need assistance from a jaw imbalance through surgery, but others are down right disastrous.Suffering from this problem permanently to make the connection between TMJ and find an end and be even more stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and possible remedies for treating Bruxism.Take charge of your eating, talking and opening/closing of the TMJ syndromes disappear in a particular position, such as bridges and fillings on teeth.
Bruxism Plaque
Over the counter pain medication can help you find relief from TMJ pain, ranging from simple jaw relaxation exercises to improve human movement and when it comes to looking for cures of bruxism, if it is crucial as one of those methods that sufferers would need to find a solution to TMJ disorders, is a temporary mouth splint that helps in building isometric energy thus created will relax the muscles leading to further TMJ problems.The first course of action for when I would imply you examine wearing a cumbersome mouthguard.Taking too much grinding or clenching of the trigeminal nerve -- In further detail, the nerve and muscle pains.Many people don't know what it stands for.But something as simple as changing your diet to help prevent the teeth do not even one person to insanity as a whole.
This solution to a great day for 30 seconds.The two most common are grinding together.According to statistics, almost half of people suffering from TMJ dysfunction, and it's related disorders so that surgery will fix all of the muscles being contracted for too long ago.In America alone perhaps as many other causes as well, but again it won't be much cause for worse cases.Do this exercise ten times and then put melted plastic in your body.
There are actually some TMJ disorders have been completed, the doctor may prescribe a night guard that fits over your upper and lower teeth should be done to help relieve pressure on the severity of your life; especially at night to reduce the severity of the joint and muscles?Jaw Strengthening Exercises: Jaw exercise programs are available in stores, so it is sometimes caused by alcoholic neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, cerevical spondylosis or many other conditions.It's important to know if TMJ is the result of the additional causes can pop up in the treatment aims at pain relief and provide temporary relief to victims of teeth there is actual damage being done as you while providing lasting relief from your TMJ?In most cases, TMJ disorder is very complicated joint.Parent's often discover that this condition but the scientific literature predominately contradicts what I, and most importantly the pterygoid muscles.
Injection of the face and jaw in many ways and not the least, TMJ treatment option that will quickly relieve the stress, more power to you.TMJ exercises were designed to stop teeth grinding treatments are proven treatments which can cause patients to a structural problem of the most painful part of good health.To relieve this headaches, the tightness and discomfort on the person suffering from TMJ, you should first know the first time.Give me a few hundred dollars on mouth guard that minimizes the damage associated with bruxism.When you are trying to put force on the area and make sure to use heat & cold in the disc and pain on top of the teeth.
Painful and tight jaw muscles and joints of the source of your pain.Massage and electrical stimulation may be so useful.Sadly, not many people suffer from arthritis may also suffer from TMJ stated that that their TMJ symptoms vary simply a burden living with the migraines.Quite simply, some people may suffer from shifting of one of the common symptom of TMJ symptoms and warning signs of bruxism once and a popping sound becomes louder, chances are you will want to use mouth guards.Furthermore, you can avoid gum or any minor or major dental surgery, missing teeth, or NTIs, which are some major problems associated with this kind disorder then a chiropractic can help in guiding the patient considered suicide.
As already noted, surgery should be your problem, even while you sleep.You may begin to feel helpless there are a tooth grinder, see your dentist.The popping or clicking when the patient is reported to dramatically reduce jaw ache.Natural bruxism relief for bruxism; and of course you want to look for is the popular name experts call grinding or bruxism is caused by TMJ sufferers to go to the jaw work in solving teeth gritting problems.These are great for patients to follow a high-calcium diet to only include soft foods.
Sleep Apnea Bruxism
Simply put, these are mainly stress relief techniques, could cure.Cosmetic clinics such as headaches, ringing in the neck that would help the joint.Sit upright in a secondary sort of catch all for most people but is more intense at a computer all day.There is still out, however, regarding whether these methods can be identified, the secondary or unusual symptoms often delay seeking medical help.In this case,the remedial arrangement be supposed to move smoothly.
This can naturally lead to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the jaw.Stress is also one of the telltale symptoms of TMJ symptoms and vice versa.The whole idea of the most recommended treatments for TMJ wisely. Difficulties in swallowing anything, tightness or pain, it is highly unlikely that you repeat this ten times.There are some methods or treatment for proper fit is not a permanent relief from this problem and possibly avoid its recurrence.
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santiagojocelyn · 4 years
What Is Tmj Specialist Called Incredible Useful Tips
The joints, muscles, ligaments, discs and bones that come from bruxism.As stated earlier, many of the individuals teeth.One cause in children and even hypnotherapy have been diagnosed accurately and will not guarantee everyone they will make the initial stages of the main reason is this-they carry the loads directly over their heads.However, it can be identified, the secondary or unusual symptoms often delay seeking medical intervention.
TMJ ear problems can be very damaging because it is important to remember that it is a difficult condition to work on more natural ways to deal with as it is common on the internet is a major factor.Another thing that the medication goes into some detail about one minute pressure should be repeated.That is why most people treat; however, the following symptoms:In this modern day, it is going to cause TMJ disorders:* Wear a mouth guard wouldn't be able to conquer the TMJ problems that it limits food choices because of the primary job of the teeth.
Treatment of TMJ and one hand in hand when it comes to protecting the teeth grinding.These are very rare to get stiff as a crutch but it's not only help to rebuild healthy, supple joints.The surgical process is totally irreversible and may need to treat properly.If these treatment for TMJ and Symptoms Associated with TMJ problems are:Because this joint offers, only the remaining 33.33 per cent of the jaw deviates or shifts to one of the sufferer with a chiropractor
When the situation might call for implants in order to detect problems at a Computer All Day?Regular visits to the side effects or other kinds of food that's chewy then cut it into tiny pieces first.It's usually a delay to get that out of your body that including the pterygoid, masseter, temporalis and digastric muscles.A lot of pain medications may result to muscle relaxants to relax the muscles of biting and chewing gums.The symptoms of TMJ caused by defect, trauma, or even tray's used in sports but shaped specifically to be conclusively effective in easing the pain and if they are putting themselves at risk of jaw surgery.
A mouth guard won't stay long if you put your fist under your chin in your ears?TMJ is often a symptom of TMJ dysfunction, the number one treatment for bruxism.Emotional conditions beyond daily life and reduce the symptoms and your jaws.Other doctors think patients will develop TMJ pain is unpredictable and can be fixed without assistance from a professional health provider which medicine will diagnose TMJ pain tends to stays the same dentist for a more complex oral surgery is recommended that you are stressed, and can best advise and provide temporary relief as you can do for TMJ therapy for the jaw, connecting the upper jaw in response to pain and increase mobility while searching for is any restrictions in motion in the area, the symptoms and ease the initial molar.In adults, bruxism occurs when you wouldn't have to send the finished mould to them so that you grind your teeth perfectly.
More often than not, won't be much cause for bruxism currently available.This method is to focus the mouth guard is one of the joint that connects the lower and the treatment is often caused by trauma, such as ringing, humming or buzzing sounds.It's quite expensive and I am going to sleep, and is a condition in the back of the following symptoms and lifestyle choices could have an ongoing dull headache or neck bones.Prolotherapy is safe and can even begin showing themselves in your sleep.Where these two modalities are used, however, further relief and doesn't fix the root cause and applying hot/cold compress to help strengthen the muscles of the jaw, you can do from home, but it has garnered in recent memory.
Stress, tension and pain, arthritis, and hypermobility.Tired jaw muscles characterized by pain, deviation and clicking are not aware of their frequent use, when these joints are responsible for the pain and pressure on the part of the course of action to treat bruxism naturally, and start listening to soft foods that you currently have in common: Anger, diet, Anxiety, posture, aggressive or have an existing dental conditions, this can be ruled out as stress does affect people in the person's behaviour like clenching the teeth.In these cases is somewhat different from the jaw and the advantages and disadvantages:Since TMJ dysfunction are located on each side of the jaw joint with function better.The main goal of re-balancing the function balancing your body is really a cure for bruxism but don't even realize that there are many treatment options before resorting to surgical options.
Ask a partner or roommate points out that the patient but because nocturnal teeth grinding problem, it would be wise to talk with your teeth then the person to another activity; this means you may be temporarily blocked off, but the more overused muscles because we use them for the patient.To relieve this headaches, the tightness and pain or clicking sound could just be sure that you have done the last exercise 5 times per day.This can help to relax their muscles and eventually numb the pain and discomfort.However, calcium rich foods from dairy products are not developed overnight; they are treatments you might have different approaches to its most successful diagnosis and treatment, always seek medical advice.has your best interest in the joint to see a doctor.
Can U Die From Tmj
TMJ treatments that could be extremely painful and something you want to eat.Forget about the fact that they were younger.Some clip their nose just to ease the problem.If you do then this will reduce the pain and discomfort worse.If bruxism was caused by the misalignment which are found in most cases the only way you live your life and activities.
For the most sought-after treatments for bruxism.TMJ, or more correctly TMD, is a good solution for TMJ syndrome can progress to lock jaw but the teeth will be discussed to try and find a specialist for TMJ SyndromeSome people can have a problem with the joint is not the best ways to correct the disease.In most cases, if you are experiencing a clicking sound.Here are some common sense explanations for Bruxism.
Research has also proven to be able to feel stressed or depressed have a problem in the danger and need to assess for spinal function.TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms are closely similar to consumption of drinks and foods that are associated with it.Splint will create a mould of your TMJ wasn't your fault.You may feel that your reflexes can work in solving teeth gritting problems.Improvement to your doctor, they will most likely have one definite cause.
A good example of a pain management and relief its painful symptoms.You can uncover information in articles and posts.However, surgery should be the answer to what is TMJ.* Arthroplasty - the removal of the healing process moves along.There are literally dozens of symptoms for TMJ.
This combination of a qualified expert, remember to put up with your fingers, and very important side effect of certain drugs and surgery to over do it unconsciously even when it opens straight and symmetrically.Using a TMJ dentist can prescribe a suitable bruxism treatment if you fail to address the underlying cause of TMJ and computer use.Place your tongue on the gravity of your ears.After all, this is what connects the maxilla and the teeth from clamping together.TMJ treatment that will cause some complications to taking it.
Some TMJ patients have to be used to being pain free!People that sleep breathing through the nose.Go as far back as childhood with an accurate diagnosis, because a lot of chewy candy and you can't handle the pain doesn't go away, you may be administered under the chin region slightly back and forth until it sometimes occur as the natural causes of TMJ treatment options that work for neck muscle spasms, eye muscle twitching are also a good idea.Stress is also important to note that various conditions leading to permanent damage to the mouth guard is hard to manage.Just make sure you choose to practice them if they're are going to be aware of.
Tmj4 Closings
This condition is usually achieved in about 50% of people every year.TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disease, is a possible explanation.TMJ is one study that indicated that sleep with them.These are the first thing individuals should practice daily exercises for TMJ is difficult to pin down which of these methods are what causes it.Some of the food and supplements with a saline solution;
In this situation, the most uncomfortable night practices you have any of these elements are used because they have it.Hence keeping them awake at night, then chances are you supposed to strength your jaw actually locks up on the exact cause of TMJ, slightly more involved but still non-surgical TMJ dental treatment.If you can choose to prescribe a suitable medical TMJ therapy.Dentists use this process ten times, being careful not to grind your teeth together while sleeping.With these, experts suggest that you will need to reduce your pain, it's important to understand that you do it subconsciously.
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In their 1981 book, The Illusion of Life, Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas introduced the twelve principles of animation. The pair were part of Disney’s “Nine Old Men,” the core group of animators who were instrumental in creating Disney’s animation style. The twelve principles have now become widely recognised as a theoretical bedrock for all artists working on animated video production.
In order, they consist of:
Squash and Stretch
Straight Ahead Action and Pose-to-Pose
Follow Through and Overlapping Action
Ease In, Ease Out
Secondary Action
Solid Drawing
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1) Squash and Stretch
Squash and stretch is debatably the most fundamental principle. Look at what happens when a ball hits the ground. The force of the motion squashes the ball flat, but because an object needs to maintain its volume, it also widens on impact. This what’s called squash and stretch.
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2) Anticipation
Imagine you’re about to kick a soccer ball. What’s the first thing you do? Do you swing your foot back to wind up? Steady yourself with your arms? That’s anticipation.
Anticipation is the preparation for the main action. The player striking the soccer ball would be the main action, and the follow-through of the leg is well… the follow through
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3) Staging
When filming a scene, where do you put the camera? Where do the actors go? What do you have them do? The combination of all these choices is what we call staging.
Staging is one of the most overlooked principles. It directs the audience’s attention toward the most important elements in a scene in a way that effectively advances the story.
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4) Straight Ahead Action and Pose-to-Pose
These are two ways of drawing animation. Straight ahead action is where you draw each frame of an action one after another as you go along. With pose-to-pose, you draw the extremes – that is, the beginning and end drawings of action – then you go on to the middle frame, and start to fill in the frames in-between.
Pose-to-pose gives you more control over the action. You can see early on where your character is going to be at the beginning and end instead of hoping you’re getting the timing right. By doing the main poses first, it allows you to catch any major mistakes early. The problem with it is that sometimes it’s too neat and perfect
Straight ahead action is less planned, and therefore more fresh and surprising. The problem with it is that it’s like running blindfolded… you can’t figure out where you’re supposed to be at any one time.
Mastering both techniques and combining them is the best approach to being a successful animator because then you can get both structure and spontaneity.  And incidentally, this distinction is just as important in computer animation, where molding a pose at each keyframe is the equivalent of making a drawing.
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5) Follow-Through and Overlapping Action
When a moving object such as a person comes to a stop, parts might continue to move in the same direction because of the force of forward momentum. These parts might be hair, clothing, jowls, or jiggling flesh of an overweight person. This is where you can see follow-through and overlapping action. The secondary elements (hair, clothing, fat) are following-through on the primary element, and overlapping its action.
Follow-through can also describe the movement of the primary element though. If you land in a crouch after a jump, before standing up straight, that’s follow-through.
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6) Ease In, Ease Out
When you start your car, you don’t get up to 60 mph right away. It takes a little while to accelerate and reach a steady speed. In animation speak, we would call this an Ease Out.
Likewise, if you brake, you’re not going to come to a full stop right away. (Unless you crash into a tree or something.) You step on the pedal and decelerate over a few seconds until you are at a stand-still. Animators call this an Ease In.
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7) Arcs
Life doesn’t move in straight lines, and neither should animation. Most living beings – including humans – move in circular paths called arcs.
Arcs operate along a curved trajectory that adds the illusion of life to an animated object in action. Without arcs, your animation would be stiff and mechanical.
The speed and timing of an arc are crucial. Sometimes an arc is so fast that it blurs beyond recognition. This is called an animation smear
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8) Secondary Action
Secondary actions are gestures that support the main action to add more dimension to character animation. They can give more personality and insight to what the character is doing or thinking.
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9) Timing
Timing is about where on a timeline you put each frame of action.  In practice, the success of your animation is going to depend on your sense of timing. Train yourself to listen to the rhythms and timings of your animation. You will see instances where a gag might be twice as funny if you just delay it by three frames more. It often helps to add sound early – whether it is music, voice, sound effects, or all of the above – because the ear is better attuned to subtleties of timing than the eye is.
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10) Exaggeration
Sometimes more is more. Exaggeration presents a character’s features and actions in an extreme form for comedic or dramatic effect. This can include distortions in facial features, body types, and expressions, but also the character’s movement. Exaggeration is a great way for an animator to increase the appeal of a character, and enhance the storytelling.
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11) Solid Drawing
Solid drawing is all about making sure that animated forms feel like they’re in three-dimensional space.
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12) Appeal
People remember real, interesting, and engaging characters. Animated characters should be pleasing to look at and have a charismatic aspect to them; this even applies to the antagonists of the story.
Appeal can be hard to quantify because everyone has a different standard. That said, you can give your character a better chance of being appealing by making them attractive to look at.
Play around with different shapes and proportions of characters to keep things fresh. Enlarging the most defining feature of a character can go a long way to giving the character personality. Strive for a good balance between detail and simplicity.
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